Ijet V3i6p84
Ijet V3i6p84
Ijet V3i6p84
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1(Department Of Mech, Asst.Professor, Vignan Institute Of Technology And Science
Hyderabad, [email protected])
2 (Department Of Mech, Asst. Professor, St Mary's Group Of Institutions, Hyderabad, [email protected])
3(Department Of Mech, Asst. Professor, St Mary's Group Of Institutions, Hyderabad, , [email protected])
A pressure vessel typically consists of large cylindrical and / or spherical containers with nozzles through which the
reactants flow in and out. . While plain cylindrical or spherical containers can be analyzed for internal pressure using thin/
thick cylinder formulae, the ones with nozzles are difficult to analyze. This is in view of complicated stress concentrations
that arise at the interface of the nozzle and pressure vessel junction. The calculations have become complicated because of
forces that arise at the free end of the nozzle. The forces include those of piping, wind forces, earth quake forces in addition
to the internal pressure. In spite of these, strict adherence to safety codes is to be followed. ASME, Section VIII specifies the
stress limits to be adhered to. One of the criterions is the stress intensity, which is not possible to compute by simple
analytical procedures. FEM can be used for computing the deformation and stress at the nozzle-vessel junction in the
structure and also at all other points on the pressure vessel But, precise estimation of stress intensity is not possible with
these elements for a structure with nozzles. A method is developed for a precise structured modeling and for estimating the
stress intensities at the junction of nozzles and pressure vessels the presence of a ring significantly increases both the
turbulence intensity and mean velocity at the exit, and requires a much higher inlet pressure to move the fluid through the
nozzle. On the other hand, cutting a groove near the exit or extending the nozzle has little effect on the exit flow
Keywords — Nozzel, FEM, ASME.