Development Record: Name: Membership Number

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Development record

NAME: James Markerera MEMBERSHIP 54354341

COVERING THE September TO: August

This record sheet is for your guidance only – you may present your development record in
any other format.

Key dates What did you do? Why? What did you learn from How have/will you use this?
this? Any further action?
September Attended the I’m studying the CIPD Discussed the HR is not ‘targeted’ as such within my
Diploma in HRM qualification to increase perception of Line organisation, but recently we have
course lecture on my knowledge of HR. Managers towards HR; introduced a Staff Attitude Survey. I
the relationship how this can be considered how the results from this
and perceptions improved through a survey could drive targets for HR, this
between the Line greater understanding would directly link the employees’
Manager and HR. of HR objectives; and actions with HR and they could see the
potential methods to outcomes. This would give them a
measure the value of better understanding of HR and increase
HR. their perception of the department. I
progressed this further by basing my
management report on one of the issues
arising from the Staff Attitude Survey.
November Went to a lecture I’m studying the CIPD This week the new We had recently employed an HR
on employment qualification to increase regulations for fixed Manager on a fixed term contract so
legislation. my knowledge of HR. term employees were wanted to confirm and understand this
discussed, specifically regulation in case any roles became
regarding the ‘need’ available. I reviewed it further under the
(obligation) to offer DTI, concluding that there is a right to
them any full time role offer any full time role and/or notify but
that is available. no automatic right to the role.
January Attended the I’m studying the CIPD In order to improve Discussed the success of my
Diploma in HRM qualification to increase contracts with external organisation’s attitude survey contract
course. This week my knowledge of HR. suppliers you should and how it could be applied to the HRIS
the lecture was on review successful contract with my Line Manager. The
contractors. external contracts and conclusion was that the attitude survey
apply to future contract is an easier project (only required
agreements. intense input initially) whereas HRIS was
ongoing and had run out of steam.
Solution was to encourage the new HR
Manager to get involved.
August Attended a lecture I’m studying the CIPD I learnt about the I will use this learning when rolling out
on performance qualification to increase importance for the performance management system
management. my knowledge of HR. management and where it will be emphasised that
employee appraisal management must explain the purpose
training. How this of appraisals to employees’ encouraging
provides a greater them to take responsibility of their
understanding of the learning and promoting a learning
process and climate. Also I incorporated an
encourages self- introduction to the appraisal process into
development and the induction pack.
employee ownership of
Development plan

NAME: James Markerera MEMBERSHIP 54354341

COVERING THE September TO: August

This record sheet is for your guidance only – you may present your development plan in any
other format.

Planned outcome

Where do I want to be by the end of this period? What do I want to be doing? (This may be
evolutionary or “more of the same”.)

What do I want/need to What will I do to achieve What resources or support will What will my success Target dates
learn? this? I need? criteria be? for review
Gain more knowledge of Observe and reflect on Co-operation from Resourcing To have completed a December
management management interviews. and Management management interview
recruitment. Development Manager who myself.
conducts the interviews.
Gain different company Find another job with a Time for: recruitment Getting a new job in a July
experiences different employer. agencies, practising interview different organisation.
Network with colleagues techniques, updating my CV. Maintaining relations with
from my course who are Contact with colleagues. former colleagues from
working for different the Diploma in HRM
organisations. course.
Practical experience of Negotiate the Time to review the recruitment Gaining a competitive March
negotiation techniques. recruitment rates with rates offered by different rate for agency
recruitment agencies we companies. recruitment.
Learn about rewarding Investigate flexible Internet pages – e-reward, To have put together a August
employees in a range of benefits and non- CIPD, ACAS, DTI. Contact proposal indicating the
different ways and how financial benefits. the CIPD Library. Use my advantages and
rewards can be used course notes and disadvantages of flexible
effectively. recommended books. Ask benefits within the
colleagues. workplace.

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