JX 083113
JX 083113
JX 083113
Vol. XVII, No. 3 Founded 1997 Issue No. 154 (Aug. 31, 2013)
Gavin Rumney
Sect is based
on his recent
doctoral thesis
Churches of God which are off-
shoots of the Worldwide Church of CGI to expand Internet, cancel broadcast TV
at the London God. It is, after all, their story . . .
The church will “maintain our ministry and church greater exposure
School of Economics.
Author Barrett is a former teacher,
intelligence officer and journalist. He
has been a freelance writer specializ-
“I hope that all readers will find
this account of a group of heterodox,
millenarian, Sabbatarian, British-
Israelite Churches, which splintered
T YLER, Texas—The Church of
God International announced television presence internationally,
plans to drop its long-running along with Internet television syndi-
Armor of God TV program from cation,” Mr. Groce said in a letter to
broadcast television in September the church’s ministers.
to millions of more homes” through
Web sites, Facebook, YouTube and
Google Ad Words.
The Armor of God program will
ing in new religious movements for in hundreds of directions after their
20 years. He gained his Ph.D. in soci- founder died, even a fraction as ab- 2013 in favor of expanding its still exist and include presenter Bill
ology of religion from the London sorbing as I have for all these years I Internet-based print and video Watson of Hinckley, Ohio, and will
School of Economics in 2009. have been observing them.” efforts. be supported on the technical end by
CGI chief executive Charles media producer Mr. Reed.
Please read Let there be light Groce said, “Because of our The Church of God International,
From the author’s note that ap- So the tone is set for what might limited exposure to major chan- founded in 1978, resides on the Web
pears on page ix: be the most significant studies ever nels, we were left out of many at cgi.org.
“This . . . is an academic book published on the movement founded thousands of homes.” It has congregations in the United
which I hope will contribute to by Herbert W. Armstrong. So the church’s board of di- Charles Groce Jeff Reed Bill Watson States, Australia, Canada, Jamaica
social science and religious scholar- Up till now there has been a great rectors evaluated the church’s and the Philippines.
ship. I also hope it will be read by deal of heat, but not much light shed, public-media effectiveness and “de- He said a new employee at the Write the CGI at 3900 Timms St.,
members of the religious groups of See LITTLE HAS BEEN SAID, page 26
cided to take our evangelism in a dif- church’s headquarters here, Jeff Tyler, Texas 75701, U.S.A., or info@
ferent direction.” Reed, has the “knowhow to give our cgi.org. Or phone (903) 939-2929.
2 THE JOURNAL Issue No. 154 (Aug. 31, 2013)
nati, and I worked with Dean Black- UBURN, Wash.—A few days How would you evaluate them, look- commandment. Jesus didn’t dither. He it’s all for the college and represents
well administering the Chicago region after this year’s One God ing back over the past 11 years to the came right out with it. The first and God and must be top drawer and first
and did baptizing tours up into Minne- Seminars in Seattle, Ken West- first one, in 2002? greatest commandment is the Shema: class. We’d kind of rationalize some
sota, the Minneapolis area, Wisconsin by sat for an interview in which he Ken Westby: I was counseled by a Hear, O Israel, the Lord is one. of that.
and throughout the Midwest. talked about church history and theo- lot of people back in the ’90s not “But you had to realize it’s also a
logical and doctrinal matters pertain- even to bring up this whole one-God Dr. Dorothy lot of personal acquisitions and a lot of
“Then I went back to college for
my final year, 1963-64, during which ing of the nature of Jesus and the vir- business. Then, in the early ’90s, Dr. Charles money leaning against walls.
JoAn and I got engaged and then mar- gin birth. Most pastors over the years have Dorothy, my brother-in-law, was in “Yet here we were trying to figure
ried.” Mr. Westby’s current thinking on heard the question “Is Jesus God?” our local fellowship here. I gave the out how we could get some local
Jesus’ birth differs from anything and the Jehovah’s Witnesses thing sermon every week. He gave the church buildings built and where the
Detroit and Toledo members of the Churches of God about Michael involving the angel Bible studies. kids in the congregations could have a
His first assignment as a formally have ever heard. His thoughts on the and so on, and then the Trinity. Charles was a scholar’s scholar, place to do some basketball and other
employed minister was to assist Art subject are reported exclusively later We [in the Churches of God] were fluent in a dozen languages. He was activities and we could have social out-
Mokarow with the churches in De- in this article in THE JOURNAL. against the Trinity, but we had the doing some verse-by-verse work reach even to our local community.”
troit, Mich., and Toledo, Ohio. Binity. through the Old Testament.
Several one-God speakers These questions pointed to some Then, when he later got into the Buying can be cheaper than rent
Mr. Westby started a church in
Midland, Mich., in 1965, then moved Mr. Westby and several other scriptural problems, particularly when
book of Mark, he was making obser- Mr. Westby said he presented sev-
to Kansas to pastor churches in Wi- speakers made their arguments for you have 10,000 mentions in the Old vations about the names Jesus liked eral plans to the Pasadena “hierar-
chita and Liberal. He conducted a the existence of only one God in his Testament of God as singular. to use to refer to himself, Son of Man chy” about how to build reasonably
Bible study regularly in Kearney, Neb. 12th annual One God Seminars June One question is how do you exist and so on. priced buildings for congregations,
8-9, 2013. (See a news article about before you come into existence. The He talked about how Jesus never which he said would have cost the
New D.C. area the seminars on page 28 and related formulations that were put together called himself God, how the disciples church less than paying for rent for
Then he and Mrs. Westby moved photos on pages 1, 8 and 28.) in the 4th and 5th centuries about would have totally fallen out of the the various Sabbath-service facilities
down to Salina, Kan., and shortly after Most seminar presentations each Jesus being 100 percent man sound tree, would have left him immediate- around the world.
that Herbert Armstrong ordained him year promote the concept that, al- good, but they don’t work out. ly, had he called himself God because “But they wanted all the money
to the rank of pastor and appointed though Jesus is the Son of God, was that would have been about as blas- funneled through headquarters to basi-
him superintendent over a new area crucified, died and rose from the The creed of Christendom phemous as you could imagine. cally keep the people sending the
called the Washington (D.C.) District. dead, Jesus is not God. The formulations were for politi- It finally dawned on me that God money out there. The hierarchies, the
Beginning in 1968 he pastored This is different from the teaching cal reasons to pacify the elements is just one and that Jesus was 100 elite, had to control everything and
congregations in D.C. and Baltimore, of most churches. percent man and, had to make all the decisions.
Md., and oversaw churches “down Mainstream just like Luke “We had this two-tier attitude
through the Carolinas and into Penn- Christ i a n i t y a n d
j u s t about every-
Mr. Westby’s current thinking on Jesus’ and Matthew
say, was born of
where the ministry was royalty and
knew better and the common people
sylvania,” he said.
Later the WCG enlarged the Wash- one who calls him- birth differs from anything members of a woman. I be- out there were, you know, we just
ington District and began calling it the self a follower of gan to take that were sort of the sheep. It was a little
Washington Region, which serviced Christ believes Je- the Churches of God have ever heard. at face value. disrespectful, frankly.”
“the entire East Coast from the Ca- sus, along with the I soon men-
Father and the Holy tioned to Dr. Do- To doctor or not to doctor
nadian border all the way down to
Georgia,” Mr. Westby remembered. “It Spirit, is God. that were fighting each other over rothy that I’d come to believe that A third area of concern for Mr.
included many churches and pastors.” The Churches of God derived this business. This was hundreds of there is one God and that Jesus is not Westby and some of his fellow elders
That was the setup for Mr. Westby from the Radio/Worldwide Church years after the days of the apostles. God. was healing.
and the church as it was organized of God founded by Herbert W. Arm- THE JOURNAL: You were a Bini- “What do you think of that?” I “There was the idea that the healing
in the mid-1970s when all hell broke strong in the 1920s and ’30s also tarian, like Mr. Armstrong and many asked Charles. idea, the sacrifice of Christ, was dual
loose. believe Jesus is God but that the Holy others. What changed your mind? He said, “Ken, you didn’t get that [spiritual and physical], which I don’t
Spirit is not. Mr. Westby: I’d been dealing with from me, did you?” think it was.
Doctrines and policies Rather, according to the old WCG, these questions, but I’d always come He was afraid he might have led “But the main thing was the antipa-
“During that time [in the years just the Holy Spirit is the power of God, down on the side of the Binity, that me astray. He was always so polite thy toward doctors we had. A lot of
before 1974] we were accumulating not a person in a God family or God the Father is part of a Godhead and careful, not wanting to disturb people tried to demonstrate their faith-
information that we wanted to bring Godhead. with Jesus in it. anybody’s faith. fulness to God by ignoring pleas from
forth to the leadership [in Pasadena] So Mr. Westby is swimming up- In fact, I debated Anthony Buz- I said, “Well, no, not directly, al- family and everybody else to get some
and to doctrinal committees for re- stream when he preaches and teaches zard back in the ’80s in a public though I listen to your studies care- medical attention that could have eas-
view to correct—or at least look that Jesus is, in several significant forum, taking the side of the Binity, fully.” I said, “No, Charles, you’re ily solved many of the problems.
into—what we thought were doctrinal senses, one of us rather than worthy and he was taking the side of the one not to blame,” and he seemed to “The brethren saw the idea of con-
problems with the administration and of worship in the sense Christians God. I thought I bested him in the breathe a sigh of relief. sulting doctors as trusting Beelzebub,
policies that were being adminis- worship God the Father. argument. He said, “Well, Ken, to tell you the as they’d been taught, or the evil one
tered,” he said. In Mr. Westby’s residence in a But I got to thinking about things, truth I’ve been there for several years.” or whoever. Such ideas were pounded
The doctrine that weighed most Seattle suburb on June 13, 2013, the and the more I looked into it, and the It wasn’t more than a couple of into their heads over the years.
heavily on Mr. Westby’s mind and con- longtime Church of God minister more I researched, I began to come to months after that that I was holding “At the same time, it would trickle
science, he said, was “D&R.” The and writer talked about the one-God the conclusion that, you know, by his hand as he gave up his last breath. out that many of the ministers did use
divorce-and-remarriage teaching was concept and his conferences. definition there can be only one God. He died on Fathers’ Day in 1996 in doctors for this, that and the other.
such a focus of attention and concern __________ And then there was the great Southern California. “It became a confusing area, and
that it qualified for its own abbreviation. prayer, the Shema, Deuteronomy 6, THE JOURNAL: What did the peo- there were cases of little children and
Evaluating 12 conferences which is the very creed of Christen- ple who supported your ministry others who, frankly, died when they
Lots of D&R THE JOURNAL: What is the pur- dom, which Jesus reiterated when See LONGTIME ELDER, page 8 easily could have been helped and
“I had a lot of what we’d call D&R there would have been no offense to
cases coming to my desk all the time,” God at all. It was a silly teaching.”
he said. “They required my attention The big problem, he said, was “we that God was happy with. hood. I saw that transposition as ques-
didn’t have that doctrine right. We had Mr. Westby reported his decision to tionable at best.” Timing of Pentecost
to help decide whether or not a mar-
riage was, quote, bound, unquote.” it wrong. The fruits were certainly David Antion, vice president of min- Tithing is a “good principle,” Mr. The fourth of the seven topics
If a husband or wife was judged to bad. That was obvious. istry at church headquarters, and Mr. Westby continued. “But, like other Mr. Westby concerned himself with in
be “bound” to a previous spouse Antion reported the situation to Her- principles, it should be of a voluntary his efforts to reform the church was
Strange fruit bert Armstrong and his son, Garner nature. It shouldn’t be coerced. It the dating of Pentecost.
through an earlier matrimonial union,
then the married couple were advised “So we wanted the church to sit Ted Armstrong. should be of the heart. “We came to believe that Pentecost
that to gain membership in the church down and Mr. Armstrong and others in “David thought this would be the “I began to see the tithing operation should have been on a Sunday rather
they would have to legally dissolve the hierarchy to take a fresh look at the energy that might provide the impe- at the headquarters operation as a huge than on a Monday every year,” he
their marriage or at least separate and entire thing and see if our approach, tus for the Armstrongs to, you know, cash slush fund that enabled the reli- said.
no longer live as husband and wife. which was like the Catholic approach stop running around the world doing gious royalty with their little jet air “That research had been done by
“Unless candidates for baptism to D&R, was the right approach. their thing and actually attend to force and the big fat rolls of money to Dr. Ernest Martin. It had been out
agreed to leave their mates that the “We wanted to determine whether some of these doctrinal matters,” Mr. fly around the world living like jet-set- there for years, but Mr. Armstrong just
church and ministry determined they divorce could be forgiven like other Westby said. ters and spending very freely on what- put his feet on the ground on that. It
were not bound to, then we would not sins and people could then start afresh ever they wanted to do. was a matter of pride and revelation to
and try to make a marriage right the Tithing transposition “Meanwhile the poor people we him, apparently. He wasn’t going to
baptize them,” he said.
The situation was “complex,” he way it should be.” D&R was the No. 1 thing. But were out visiting with every week budge on it.
continued. “There was a lot of heart- Or was the mistake of a bad mar- there were other concerns Mr. Westby were trying to scrape up tennis-shoe “I’m sure God could wink at the
ache, lots of tears, a lot of people in- riage really something that had to be and many of his fellow elders had at money to get their kids in school for fact that you’re wrong on the day, but
volved. lived with in perpetuity? Those were the time. the fall. if you find out you’re wrong you
“So in some of our regional direc- the questions on Mr. Westby’s mind. Out of a list of seven concerns “It just didn’t seem right.” ought to do what’s right, okay?”
tors’ meetings—and we met frequent- that were heatedly discussed in the
Enough was enough church of the 1970s, No. 2 on Mr. Up against the wall Perceived problem
ly, with eight of us throughout the
country representing 90 percent of the At some point in his evolution, Mr. Westby’s list was tithing. Mr. Westby remembers visits with The fifth item on Mr. Westby’s
church—we went through the D&R Westby made the decision to refuse to “Yes, there was the tithing matter,” Mr. Armstrong at the pastor general’s 1974 list was church authority, which
question at length. “separate any more families.” Mr. Westby said. “I called it hyper- residence in Pasadena. is implicit or explicit in all seven of
“We [the WCG elders in the region] That was after he “became thor- tithing, which didn’t seem biblical. “I would go out to Pasadena and he the points.
read all the relevant books on it at the oughly convinced” through his think- There were the three tithes, and there would take me through his home, “It was one of the bigger things,” he
time and concluded, to our satisfac- ing and Bible study that the church, in was the transposition of those which he did on several occasions, said: “this hierarchical rule. If you per-
tion, that we had real problems.” its D&R approach, was not on a path Levitical tithes to a modern priest- and show me the paintings that he had See THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH, page 7
Issue No. 154 (Aug. 31, 2013) THE JOURNAL 7
A Virtual Church Free live audio and video streaming of the weekly
Virtual Church is available at:
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Need a Safe Home Please let The Journal know when you move
radio4living.com For information about the Cotswolds
Feast site in the west of England, contact
John Jewell at the addresses below.
Jesus of Nazareth warned his followers that those who would soon
come after him should be very careful about how they built the
Church of God.
T he Christian Church of
God plans to host a
small F.O.T. site in
Lantana, Florida (Palm Beach
County), Oct.
tabernacles for seven days
unto the LORD.”
The above dates (Oct. 21-28)
take into consideration the
rejoice . . . seven days.”
Other scriptures tell us to eat
and drink, etc., be thankful,
be joyful.
following: During certain years, many
He warned that the coming of false prophets would cause the 21–28, 2013. This
Ex. 23:16: “. . . And the feast farmers were observed to be
church to be built upon a foundation of sand, unless certain princi- date is believed
of ingathering, which is in the very concerned (worried)
ples were followed. to comply—be
end of the year, when thou while attending the Feast at
in harmony—
Did Jesus of Nazareth warn his followers to be cautious about build- hast gathered in thy labors Jekyll Island, Georgia. Why
with Scripture.
ing their house, the house of God, upon sand? out of the field” (after the was this? It was because their
Consider these harvest) crops were still in the fields
When we look at the modern church of the 20th and 21st century, do examples (from when they were directed to
Neville Gilbert Deut. 16:13: “Thou shalt
we see a house built upon sand, or one built upon the rock? the KJV). attend the Feast, which had
observe the feast of taberna-
Do we see a house that stands and grows strong, or do we see a Gen. 1:14: “. . . Let there be cles seven days, after that been scheduled and started in
house of God that splits and falls? lights in the firmament of the thou hast gathered in thy a summer month before the
heaven (sun and moon) . . . corn and thy wine” (after the harvest was completed—and,
This short but powerful Bible study will assist all Christians in their and let them be . . . for sea- in some cases, even started.
quest to construct and nourish a growing Church of God.
sons, and for days, and years.” This situation is almost cer-
Lev. 23:39: “Also in the
Please visit our website, and study our recent article: “A House Built Ex. 12:2: “. . . Beginning of fifteenth day of the seventh tain to occur this year, 2013.
upon Sand.” You might even consider using the article as a Bible months: it shall be the first month, when you have Is this what God intended?
study guide with your fellowship group. month of the year to you” (in gathered in (after) the fruit Note: Israel and Georgia are
the spring, not winter). (crops) of the land, you close to the same latitude,
“A House Built upon Sand” Lev. 23:34: “. . . The fifteenth shall keep a feast unto the which would mean the same
I think you will find to be an eye-opening study. day of this seventh month LORD . . .” harvesttime.
Please visit our website at
An Abib Resurrection?
here is a time coming when some of Once that had been achieved, and put into fornication.’ (See our article ‘What Is Babylon?’) If therefore you will not watch, I will
Click on the ‘Media’ tab for the Abib film about the Firstfruit harvest
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Issue No. 154 (Aug. 31, 2013) ★ ★ ★ THIS PAGE CONTAINS PAID ADVERTISING ★ ★ ★ 13
Priesthood/Ministerial Duties
or he shall be judged priesthood/ministries have very lit- that was supposed to be in charge are a part of said ministries. be inflicted. Murder? Die! No plea
“ without mercy, that
has shown no mercy.
tle knowledge of what the law
teaches as it pertains to human
of state affairs. The congregation
elected “representatives” to serve
It is of the duty of the priest-
hood/ministries to “teach the
bargaining, no appeals, no long-
term (not even short-term) con-
And mercy rejoices relationships—within the churches them in local and far-off govern- law.” This means teaching what finement. Murder? Die! “Thus
against judgment!” (James 2:13). and without the churches. mental capacities. the law actually says, not what saith the law.”
The above scripture is often There is one major principle Of course, it was not long until men may want it to say. Again and again it is the duty
misunderstood by most religious recorded within the Old Covenant these elected officials usurped the We are told what it is that the of the priests/ministers to shout
ministries—whether said min- law that all priests/ministers and authority of the congregations and Almighty wishes for the “priests/ out aloud what the law says, not
istries are of those that believe the their congregations need to under- made the electors their servants— ministers” to teach: “Cry aloud, to hide in fear as the churches are
Old Covenant law of Moses is still stand. That principle is that, as it was in the first century. spare not [or, ‘teach it as it is’], and doing today.
in effect, or of those that believe according to the law of Moses, no After the return from exile, we show [1] my people their [3] trans-
Moses’ law is ended. priest/minister was ever given find a completely different govern- gressions, and the [2] house of Drug manufacturers and distrib-
The evidence before us seems authority over the congregation. mental system from that which Jacob their [3] sins” (Isaiah 58:1). utors are murdering thousands
to show that neither of the two If you do not believe this state- the law calls for. The transgressions and sins and thousands every year. This
groups actually grasps the meanings ment to be true (and many do not Ezra, the priest, took charge, referred to are clearly spelled out warrants the death penalty. Again
of said scripture. Or the Truth of said even care), then do your duty and even though he had no lawful in the law. Sin, then, equals crime and again and again it is the duty
scripture. “Search, Study, Prove, Try.” Read authority to do so. If Ezra be today. But there seems to be a dif- of the “church” to teach the Truth
In this article I am not espe- of what the law teaches to the
cially speaking to those who think “state,” to which the responsibili-
Moses’ law is done away with. ty of judging and carrying out the
They are ignorant of the fact that The priesthood/ministries had two areas of penalties of the law has been
“Love your neighbor as yourself” given in the law.
is the epitome of Moses’ law. authority. One was the priestly duties within the Today’s Sabbath-observing
“If you fulfill the royal [Moses’] priests/ministers: If you are not
law according to the Scriptures, temples. The second was their duty to ‘teach the law.’ now preaching the Truth of the
you shall love your neighbor as law of Moses to the peoples of
yourself, you do well” (James 2:8). Israel, and any gentile who listens,
But I am writing to those then you are deliberately, though
churches that believe Moses’ law is every word of “the law” and you judged rightly, he brought the ference in the intent of the two deceived, putting the twig before
still in effect and are very openly will not find the priesthood/min- “gentile” system of government words. the nose of the God, who caused
opposing the command to “love istries to have been given the rule with him. Transgressions seem to point to Moses to write his laws, with ink,
your neighbors.” over anyone, except those within This “priesthood ruling over the a lack of doing, while sin points to in a book.
Most of those who today are of their own. congregation” continued to devel- an act of doing. Today’s ministers, take note!
the COG pod came out of the The priesthood/ministries, op until the first century, when we In other words, while murder is You have absolutely no law-given
Worldwide Church of God. If you according to the law, had two find its final chapter within the evil a “sin/crime,” it is a “transgres- right to “rule over” God’s called-
think said church was one of areas of authority given to them. of the Pharisees and their holding sion” for the priests/ministers not out ones. They have law-given
brotherly love, you are deceiving One was the priestly duties that onto the congregation through to “cry out” against murder. And authority over you, but you have
yourself. Deception is no excuse were to be performed within the fear tactics. it is a “transgression” not to none over them—except for what
for not accepting the Truth. Having temples. The second was their Want to hear the Truth? Well, if teach what ought to be the penal- the law says.
a “good attitude” is not an given duty to “teach the law.” Jesus Christ were on earth today ty for murder.
excuse. Truth is Truth. Good To teach it. Not to be judges of he would likely have called out to “My people” means they are “He shall be judged without
attitude means nothing if Truth is it. For it was the “state,” and not the WCG and said, “Pharisees! not themselves of the mind-set of mercy, who has shown no mercy.”
not involved. the “church,” that had the author- hypocrites!” If he were to come to murderers. But sin seems to show Murderers, illegal-drug manu-
In the first part of this article I ity to judge. The church taught the the ministries of today’s spin-offs that mankind far too often is of facturers and distributors show no
discuss what relationship the law, and it was the duty of the from the WCG, the words would said mind-set. Thus it is the duty mercy. They ought not to be
priesthood/ministries have with state to do the judging and vary little. of the priests/ministers, to cry out granted mercy. It is your duty to
the law, as it is recorded in the enforce the penalties. How can I say this? All one has to the state, to enforce the law, “cry this out.” Do your duty. Or
“book of the law”—which was When Israel first entered into to do is view the lack of “brother- with “righteous judgment.” be judged “fearful of what man
written with ink by Moses. Canaan, it was with the law. In ly love” that is shown between “Righteous judgment” simply can do to you.”
It is very evident that today’s the law, it was the congregation ministries and the believers who refers to the penalty that ought to I hope you listen and . . . ?
Where Is the...
True Church today? Jesus Christ said, “I will build My Church.” He did not say “Churches,”
denominations, “sects.” He said the gates of hell would not prevail
against that Church. Somewhere that original true Church exists today.
But WHERE? WHICH? . . .” (WHERE Is the True Church booklet, Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong).
Dear Brethren, 10 years Jesus Christ has used me in writ- but space prohibits it. Noah’s time, and later with Sodom and
istening to a taped sermon given by ing paid articles in every publication of this Writings in The Journal— By read- Gomorrah, many will awaken too late
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong recently newspaper. And in each one I have urged ing the ads and writings of the men and (Luke 17:26-30). Are you sleeping?
in our weekly Church service, he all who bother to read my writings to read women in the Journal of their beliefs and The Apostle Paul exhorts members: “. . .
mentioned how sometimes he would the Mystery of the Ages and see if they are teachings it can easily be seen they are off- Knowing the time, that now it is high
become very depressed knowing the peo- the same as the teachings of the churches track, never converted, or have walked time to AWAKE out of sleep; for our
ple in the Church were not getting the they attend. And if not, move away from away from their calling from God and Salvation is nearer than when we first
understanding of what Jesus Christ had them posthaste (Proverbs 14:7-8), and Jesus Christ, deceiving and being deceived believed. The Night is far spent, the
led him to teach and write. retain your virginity (Revelation 14:4). (II Timothy 3:13). This is why I am told Day is at hand. Therefore let us cast
He added that at least 50 percent did No Questions—The very sad and dis- many refuse to subscribe to the Journal. off the Works of Darkness, and let us
not; he then said, “I wonder if anyone tressing part is that hardly anyone ever Ministers and members alike pay no put on the Armor of Light” (Romans
really understands.” The passage of time bothers to question their leaders regard- heed to the writings in Scripture warning 13:11-12; Ephesians 6:10-18).
has proved him to be right with all but a ing their beliefs and teachings! Yet virtual- of the false teachers and urging all to “. . . The Future—There are those in soci-
very few as made known by Jesus Christ in ly all of them have either accepted some of earnestly contend for the faith ety who are very sobered and frightened
His letter to the Church of God of the the pagan doctrinal teachings or all of which was once for all delivered to by viewing the downward slide into the
Philadelphia Era (Revelation 3:7-13); them as taught by the apostate pastor gen- the saints . . .” (Jude 3-6). bottomless pit of evil in America and
members who have been led by God’s eral in the WCG (1986-1994). Test Ourselves—A very serious ques- Britain—and they are asking themselves:
Holy Spirit into all the TRUTH (John 16:13), During his tenure many ministers are tion needs to be asked of each of us for it “Will there be a future for us?” Should we
and clinging to it (Revelation 14:1, 4-5). known to have taught the “new teach- has to do with where our future may be be not ask the same question of ourselves?
Except for a small Congregation in ings,” as they were called, in their local beyond this life: Are you a true saint of The answer can be a resounding
Belgium associated with us, as far as is churches. In reality they are old and God and Jesus Christ? How do you know? “YES!”—there will be a glorious future for
known I am the only one of the ministry pagan! However, in the formation of their The Apostle Paul wrote: us if we are practicing living by every Word
who continues to uphold all of the doctri- new corporate churches after 1994, they “Examine yourselves as to wheth- of God (Matthew 4:4), while having a close
nal teachings, including the true govern- have put on a new face indicating they er you are in the FAITH. PROVE YOUR- and ongoing relationship with Him. In this
ment of God, that Jesus Christ used Mr. have put those pagan teachings behind SELF. Do YOU not know yourselves context the Apostle Paul wrote:
Armstrong to restore within His Church. them; hypocrites, as the Apostle Paul that Jesus Christ is in YOU?—Unless Philippians 2:12: “Therefore, my
Sermon Tape Played—We usually terms such leaders (I Timothy 4:1-2). indeed you are disqualified” (II beloved, as you have always obeyed,
play a taped sermon given by Mr. Herbert Free Admission Made—The contin- Corinthians 13:5). not as in my presence only, but now
W. Armstrong every third Sabbath in our ued acceptance of the pagan teachings was I Care—Brethren, I do not write for much more in my absence, work out
Church services. As to why: We know he was admitted to a number of us in a group fame and gain! I write because of having a your own salvation with FEAR and
the one Jesus Christ raised up in this end- meeting by the present leader of the UCG sincere godly caring love for you. Many of Trembling.”
time to preach the gospel, sound the Ezekiel in its beginning at the Feast of Trumpets you I have known over many years—some Church of God, Faithful Flock—
warning message, and begin the Church of in Sacramento, California, in 1995. He told since 1953. I believe what I read in the end- Jesus Christ is using this small flock to
the Philadelphia Era with its restored true us that some of the ministers with them time prophecies with all of my heart and support His Work via our websites with
doctrinal teachings (Revelation 3:7-13). had accepted Dr. know they are soon to come to pass. the Recorded Works of His late Apostle to
And because of this firm belief there is Hoeh’s version of Jesus Christ does not want you to send out A WAKE-UP Call to God’s true
the need for us to be continually reminded the trinity, “The experience the horrors of the Great people in light of the evil we now see grow-
of the offices in which Jesus Christ used Thinker!” These are Tribulation or the Lake of Fire; ing and prevailing about us: a soon-com-
Mr. Armstrong, as an apostle and the Eli- your teachers hiding and neither do I! ing time of terrible and horrible conditions
jah to come, while having our minds re- what they really be- Rising Together—What a won- that will affect every person on earth!
freshed with what we were taught by Jesus lieve or possibly derful blessing it would be for all of (Matthew 24:21-22).
Christ through him; for unless we are very even teaching some us to be graced with the loving, car- It is hoped all will wake up who are in
careful those precious jewels of truth can of these erroneous ing, protective arms of Jesus Christ churches with unconverted or apostate
get away from us as they have with thou- beliefs in their and have them encircled about us ministers, who have rejected Jesus
sands of former members. churches. and rise together to meet Him in the Christ by going OFF-TRACK from His true
An Imperfect Man—Though Mr. Some Know Bet- earth’s atmosphere when He returns doctrinal teachings in part or in whole,
Herbert W. Armstrong was an imperfect ter—A few of the to this earth. However, right or and will quickly get back on-track and
man, like Elijah (James 5:17-18), as well ministers know bet- wrong, we each escape the worst of these coming
as all of the other prophets and apostles, ter, but they largely have to make our horrors!! Remember: “God’s eyes are
and each of us, no one can honestly dis- remain where they Above: This is a new book recently completed and can own choices. No upon the TRUTH” (Jeremiah 5:2; John
pute the fact that Jesus Christ did use him are due to friend- be read or downloaded from our website (www.cog- one else can do it 17:17; Matthew 4:4).
in all the areas he was commissioned to do ships, recognition, ff.com). This book continues to support what Jesus
Christ used His Promised Elijah of the End-time to re- for us (Deuteron- Please know that, unless there is a
during his God-given mission (Malachi employment and store: the Ten Commandments, Statutes and Judgments, omy 30:11-20). change with godly repentance, Scripture
4:4-6; Matthew 17:10-11). No one else has salaries, Balaam’s and related areas, along with the original Doctrinal Worldly Con- makes known many thousands of mem-
come on the scene or will in the little time wages (II Peter 2:15). Teachings (Malachi 4:4-6; Matthew 17:10-11; Jude 3). ditions—Please bers will experience the horrors of the
left before calamity strikes! Others do not seem look around and Great Tribulation! (Revelation 6:9-11).
For those who continue to turn their to care one way or see the reality of WHY? because of continuing to CHOOSE
back and dispute the use of Mr. Armstrong another! what is taking place in this nation and the pagan teachings of Satan the devil
by Jesus Christ will have to try and explain In 1996, I disputed the placing of a pas- other nations of Israel! It is grievous to see through an apostate pastor general while
to Him why they moved away from the tor over our region. He had been known to the continued downward slide of evil that rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ
true recognition of His apostle, and prom- have accepted the pagan teaching of being knows no boundaries in both societies of through His apostle and end-time Elijah!
ised Elijah, who was used to restore His born again now. A regional conference America and Britain (which includes (II Corinthians 11:3, 13-14; Colossians 2:6-
true teachings in the soon coming judg- was called in our area with this minister Canada, Australia, and South Africa)! 8; Daniel 12:10; Isaiah 33:6). Are you get-
ment that all of us will be facing: present. However, it is more alarming is to see ting it! Sadly, at this point it does not look
John 12:48: “He who rejects Me, Declared Myself—Before all the as- the Corporate Churches sleeping their way very promising.
and does not receive My words, has sembled pastors, I made the statement I through these evil times along with the Your caring friend and servant in
that which judges him—the word would continue to believe and teach the churches of this world! (Matthew 25:1-13). Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior,
that I have spoken (and written word) teachings we had been taught by Mr. Sadly, just like the pre-flood world in —Don Billingsley
will JUDGE him in the last day” (II Armstrong. All sat with their heads down.
Corinthians 5:10). Not one said, “I am with you and will do The quotes and photos above are intended for educational purposes only. Entire contents © 2013 The Church of God.
Writings in The Journal—For over the same!” Not one! I could relate more All Rights Reserved. The copyright subsisting in material quoted in this publication and trademarks appearing in this
publication belong to the respective owners thereof, and no claim of ownership therein is made by The Church of God.
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Issue No. 154 (Aug. 31, 2013) ★ ★ ★ THIS PAGE CONTAINS PAID ADVERTISING ★ ★ ★ 15
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming
of the great and dreadful Day of the LORD” (Malachi 4:5).
By Alton B. (Don) Billingsley, Christ! The witness is there for those who have the eyes to see were—and continue to be—interested only in their own pur-
Church of God, Faithful Flock and the ears to hear with a severe warning: suits: fame and gain. Yet Jesus Christ has given them respite, a
Matthew 7:21-23L “Not everyone who says to Me, little time to see their errors just as He did the Thyatira Church
‘Lord, Lord,’ shall ENTER the Kingdom of Heaven, BUT Era (Revelation 2:21).
‘The Rejection of he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will
say to Me in that Day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we NOT prophe-
So far it has not happened, and time is quickly running out!
It does not come easy to write as I do of men who were in high
Jesus Christ’ sied (preached) in Your Name, cast out demons in Your offices, but I do because of my continued godly love for them
Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’ And and the membership. I plead: Do not resist the sound of God’s
ue to political correctness, so as not to offend then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart trumpet of warning:
other religions, the House of Joseph, America, from Me; you who PRACTICE lawlessness.’ ” God’s Indictment of the Obstinate—“. . . WHOEVER
Britain, and Judah, along with the other Tribes of This should be enough to put the FEAR of God within all of us hears the SOUND of the Trumpet and DOES NOT take
Israel, have rejected Jesus Christ, not only in real- not to deviate from any of those doctrinal teachings Jesus Christ Warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his
ity, but His very Name as well! It is spreading like used His late apostle to restore within His Church as promised BLOOD shall be on his own head. He HEARD the Sound of
a very fast-growing cancer all over America. by Him for the end-time (Malachi 4:4-6; Matthew 17:10-11). the Trumpet, but did NOT take WARNING; his blood shall
This can be witnessed in the news on television and else- Judgment—Remember, all of us will stand in Judgment be upon himself. But he who takes Warning will SAVE his
where. In virtually every area the NAME of God and Jesus before the ever-living Jesus Christ in the Day of His judgment life” (Ezekiel 33:3-5).
Christ is being banned from graduation ceremonies, and in and will have to answer for what we now believe and teach And because of faithfulness and loyalty to Jesus Christ, and
many schools, state and federal buildings, chaplains in the mil- (Romans 14:10; II Corinthians 5:10). His TRUE TEACHINGS, as taught by Christ through Mr. Herbert
itary, veterans’ funerals, etc. (Michael Snyder, July 25, 2013). Peo- A Needed Lesson from History—After Samuel had grown W. Armstrong, the Elect of His faithful and true Church will
ple want even the memory of God and Jesus Christ removed old, the leaders in Israel came to him and asked that he make a shortly be going to the place of Safety (Revelation 3:7-13)—leaving
from their lives. king for them like the kings of other nations. Samuel was dis- behind the Laodicean and Sardis members to endure the horrors
This makes it very evident that Israel has forgotten her iden- pleased and prayed to God about it: that are even now beginning to fall on the House of Joseph by
tity, history, and source of her blessings, and she does not want I Samuel 8:1, 5-8: “And the LORD said to Samuel, the fury of nature (Revelation 3:14-22; Ezekiel 7:12, 26).
to be reminded of any of it: ‘Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you, The Advancing Day of the LORD—Soon the DOOR will be
Hosea 13:4-6: “Yet I am the LORD for they have NOT REJECTED YOU, closed—and the signs of the approaching fullness of the Day of the
your God ever since the land of but they have REJECTED Me, that LORD will begin being seen much more dramatically, as were seen before
Egypt, and you shall know no God I should NOTreign over them.’ ” Jerusalem fell in 70 A.D.
but Me; for there is no savior besides After the death of God’s late apos- Question—Are YOU hearing the sounding of the Trum-
Me. I knew you in the wilderness, in tle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the pet warning—and responding to it? You can know IF you are
the land of great drought. When ministry and members were given a experiencing a right and close relationship with God and Jesus
they had pasture (prospered, Deuteron- leader who pleased them due to his Christ—and by coming to be a part of this Congregation of the
omy 8:1-20), they were filled and their dismantling the rulings and doctrinal Philadelphia Church Era that Jesus Christ is now using to com-
heart was exalted; therefore they teachings over his nine-year apostate plete His Work with the fullness of the true teachings—a Work
FORGOT Me.” leadership. that is presently going through the Door that is yet OPEN
From the early years of their histo- The Pied Piper—And like the (Revelation 3:7-8). Please know there is precious little time left!
ry until now, God has continued to pied piper playing his musical instru-
use His true prophets and apostles to ment while leading the children into The MYSTERY OF THE AGES
warn all those who would bother to the forest where they were massa- Jesus Christ led His apostle and the promised Elijah—His
listen to His warning message of the cred, so will it be for the unrepentant teacher—Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to write the last book of his
terrible times to soon befall them due who were led by the apostate pastor- life, THE MYSTERY OF THE AGES, to be A REMINDER of all of the
to their obstinate rejection of Him: general toward the soon-coming Great Tribulation! And they doctrinal teachings that Jesus Christ RESTORED within His Church
Hosea 8:12, 14: “I have written will suffer a similar fate—unless there is a dramatic change, and through him. And by the use of this original unedited book with
for him the great things of My law soon! the Holy Bible, God’s people should be enabled to recognize the
(law refers to rules of human conduct; hu- And, like those children, hardly anyone even bothers to strong deception that has come on His Church by Satan the
man societies break down without law— seriously think about themselves and where they are going!!! devil and keep apart from it.
chaos develops as is now seen, Habakkuk Self-Justification—And those who do bother to think
3:2; Hosea 5:9), but they were consid- remain where they are, justifying themselves by their human The Philadelphia Remnant Magazine
ered a strange thing . . . for Israel reasoning (Proverbs 14:12, 14-15). Please know it is a truism that To be kept informed from a Biblical perspective the meaning
has FORGOTTEN his Maker, and one comes to be known by the company he or she keeps. And of the continued record breaking disasters in the nations of
has built temples (religious and otherwise); Judah has also unless a change is made very soon it could come to be too late Israel, and other major problems that are now coming closer
multiplied fortified cities; but I will send FIRE upon his (Proverbs 13:20; 12:26). together we offer freely a subscription to our magazine. It can
cities (nuclear), and it shall DEVOUR his palaces (Ezekiel Members do not seem to grasp how so very close we are to also be read on our website (www.cog-ff.com).
6:6-7; 12:17-20). the terrible problems to befall the House of Joseph. Even of late,
Due to their obstinate refusal to listen and heed the warning, we have been seeing the forerunners of disasters in various The Three Elijahs
their DAY of reckoning will come on them like a rat caught in a forms as a warning sign of others to soon follow.
trap—as Jesus Christ said, totally unexpected (Ezekiel 7:14): God’s Watchman—It does not seem to matter to the gain- The book of The Three Elijahs can now be read on our
Luke 21:35: “. . . That DAY will come on you unexpect- sayers and disbelievers who do NOT want to accept the fact that website (www.cog-ff.com) or downloaded from it. This
edly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on Jesus Christ is still using Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, though book makes known how these Three Men were used by God to per-
the face of the earth.” dead, by use of his Recorded Works on our 14 websites to con- form basically the same responsibilities and for the same reasons.
The Rejection of Jesus Christ by the Corporate tinue to preach the Gospel and cry out the Ezekiel Warning God had ample reason for these three men to have the same
Churches—It is sad to say, but very true, that virtually all of the Message as he did during his life-time mission. name as Elijah. And though John the Baptizer and Mr. Arm-
corporate churches have also rejected the real Jesus Christ! Like Preposterous, totally unbelievable, you say? Nevertheless this is strong had their own names, they were “. . . to go forth before
the Protestant Churches, and the Sardis Church Era, they worship true, and both Scripture and time will fully make this known! Him (Jesus Christ) in the spirit and power of Elijah”
Him in Name, but they deny Him by refusing to believe and teach (Habakkuk 1:5; 3:2; 2:1-3; Isaiah 29:14). (Luke 1:16-17). Thºe identity of the end-time Elijah is estab-
the fullness of God’s true doctrinal teachings He used His late Church of God, Faithful Flock—Jesus Christ chose to lished with Biblical proof and by his fruits.
apostle to restore within His Church. God voices the WARNING: use such a tiny flock of people as we are to support His Work
Hosea 4:6: “My people are destroyed for LACK of because no other leader was willing to step into the gap after the The quotes and pictures above are intended for educational purposes only.
Knowledge. Because YOU have Rejected Knowledge, I death of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong with the fullness of doctri- Entire contents © 2013 The Church of God. All Rights Reserved. The copy-
will also REJECT YOU from being priest for Me; BECAUSE nal teachings, including the teaching and practicing of God’s right subsisting in material quoted in this publication and trademarks
you have forgotten the LAW of your God, I also will for- government with love, respect, and support of all those doctri- appearing in this publication belong to the respective owners thereof and
get your children.” nal teachings and rulings made by him. no claim of ownership therein is made by The Church of God.
There is no real difference between them in the sight of Jesus Sorrowfully, the leaders who refused to step into the gap
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16 ★ ★ ★ THIS PAGE CONTAINS PAID ADVERTISING ★ ★ ★ Issue No. 154 (Aug. 31, 2013)
How the OT Lord, LORD, God and GOD Relate to God’s Name and His NT Identity
This study examines the meaning and significance of the printed forms Lord, LORD, God and GOD and how these relate to the Tetragrammaton, JHVH, which is the remnant of God’s
name originally revealed to Moses and which is essential for understanding which God spoke to Moses from the Burning Bush.
(1) Introduction • God (Strong H430, Hebrew: Elohim) Hebrew subject, Elohim, too is singular. God’s promise to Moses of a NT Prophet
When the similitude (angel) of the LORD God means “God” in reference to the God of Section 6.7 of paper P2 gives a detailed (Deut 18:15-20—see below), let us put God’s
of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob spoke to Israel, overview of this and shows that God the Fa- Word ahead of Church of God tradition.
Moses from the Burning Bush (Exod 3:1-6), • LORD (Strong H3068, the Tetragrammaton, ther was the Creator and God of Eden who
He gave his name (verse 14) to Moses and JHVH) for which the Jews read “Adonai”, (10) Some key OT and NT Scriptures
spoke in Gen 1:26 and which is consistent
which name survives to this day as the so- • GOD (Strong H3069, the Tetragrammaton, Let us now review some key scriptures.
with the next section.
called Tetragrammaton which means the four JHVH) for which the Jews read “Elohim”. Jesus declares in John 5:37 that no one has
(Hebrew) letters. • Tetragrammaton: (Strong H3068 / (8) JHVH always refers to God the Father! seen or heard his Father and surely that must
This name literally means, The Eternal or H3069, Hebrew JHVH). The surviving We saw how the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, include Moses at the Burning Bush. But note
The Self-existent One or I AM that I AM. The four letters of God’s name announced at JHVH is rendered in English Bibles by the all- that at Jesus’ baptism God the Father’s voice
Tetragrammaton is usually written as YHWH the Burning Bush—often incorrectly de- capital forms, LORD and GOD and that we was heard, saying, “This is my beloved Son in
but as we will see this should be JHVH. In noted as YHWH. should not assign to those their apparent whom I am well pleased” (Matt 3:19). My
addition it has become increasingly fashion- meanings but instead we should rather think in paper P10 explains that Jesus meant that start-
able to claim God’s name is Yahweh or (5) The vowel and consonant “i” terms of “The Eternal” or similar. ing in Eden mankind has not obeyed or
Jehovah but it will be shown that neither of The letter “j” was not known to the translators The OT God of Abraham named Himself in believed his Father. For example, although
these should be used. First we should address of the 1611 KJV and they used the letter “i” the Burning Bush “The Eternal” because this God the Father instructed Moses to have all
our Heavenly Parent as Father (Mat 6:9) rather both as a consonant and a vowel. So in the 1611 marks that He has existed without a break males born in the desert circumcised (Lev
than by name and second the vowels of His edition we see names like Iacob, Iesus, Ioel and from all past eternity and will continue to exist 12:1-3), Joshua 5:2-7 reveals Moses had failed
name were lost and with those His name. Eliiah (sic) instead of their modern forms, without a break for all future eternity. to enforce this. Also not even Moses had truly
Jacob, Jesus, Joel and Elijah. During the 1630s Since the Tetragrammaton means “The seen God the Father but had seen only a simil-
(2) How man lost God’s name the letter “j” was introduced as a modified “i” itude (Num 12:8).
Eternal” it can apply only to God the Father
Moses was the first to receive God’s name to replace “i” when used as a consonant. Acts 4:24 with 27 plainly infers that God
and never to Jesus because with his death
(Exod 6:3) and he is also responsible for re- It is important to recognize that the letter “i” the Father and not Jesus was the Creator of all
Jesus’ eternity was interrupted by three days
cording this name in the Hebrew OT in Exo- (later “j”) serves as consonant in most lan- things in Heaven and Earth.
dus 3:14. In those days only the Hebrew con- and three nights.
guages and is pronounced as the “y” in “yes”. Therefore not Jesus but God the Father was Although the KJV states in Ephesians 3:9
sonants without vowels were recorded. Since Unfortunately English and French pronounce that Jesus was the Creator, it is now known
the text was regularly read aloud during reli- the eternally existing God who spoke to
this consonant as the “j” in “jam” but this is Moses from the Burning Bush and who named that the phrase “by Jesus Christ” was not part
gious services, the vowel sounds were pre-
not done in most other languages, including himself there “The Eternal”. of Paul’s autograph.
served. When the Jews were dispersed
NT Greek and OT Hebrew. Let us not modify Before the reader rejects this let him con- Section 4.1 of my paper P2 shows that John
amongst the nations, it was decided to add
the transliteration of God’s name to suit the sider Jesus’ testimony of Mark 12:26-27, 1:3 contains three gross mistranslations to
vowel points to the all-consonant OT Hebrew
vagaries of English pronunciation. where he refers with the pronoun “He” to the make it appear that Jesus was the Creator.
text to preserve this before it was lost.
Unfortunately by then it was too late for God of Abraham who spoke to Moses from 1 Corinthians 10:4 states, “. . . and they
(6) The sacred names affectation
God’s name, the Tetragrammaton, because the (burning) bush. It is plain from this that drank of that spiritual Rock that followed
Let us consider the affectation of rendering
God’s name had not being read aloud, and so its Jesus knew his Father had been the LORD God them, and that Rock was Christ”. HWA misin-
God’s “divine” name as YHWH or Yahweh.
vowels were lost. Indeed the only vowels asso- of Exodus who spoke to Moses. terpreted this to mean that Jesus was the LORD
First there is no letter “y” in Hebrew and so
ciated with the Tetragrammaton were those of Likewise Peter declared in Acts 3:13 that God of Exodus. To see this is an error, first
we should not use this letter to transliterate
the words read in place of the Tetragrammaton, the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob note that as God of Exodus, Jesus would have
God’s name in English. The first consonant of
namely: “Adonai” (Strong H136, meaning: glorified His Son and so identified God the led rather than followed Israel! Second there is
the Tetragrammaton is the Hebrew letter “jod”
lord) and “Elohim” (Strong H430, meaning: Father as the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of no pronoun them in the Greek text and so the
and linguistically this corresponds to the letter
God). Although the Jews preserved the four Jacob, who according to Exod 3:6 spoke to verb “followed” refers to following in time
“i” when used as a consonant but this must be
consonants of God’s name, they lost its vowels Moses from the Burning Bush. rather than following Israel. Jesus was the
pronounced as the “y” in “yes”. English pro-
and with that they lost God’s name. Let the reader recognize these are biblical Rock for the NT church to drink from—see
nunciation must not override the etymology of
This lack of vowel knowledge is also re- facts which point to Satan having deceived not Section 3.4 of paper P2.
the Hebrew Tetragrammaton. As a result only
flected in Hebrew proper names incorporating only Christendom but also the Church of God When the LORD God said in Eden, “. . . and
the form IHVH or JHVH are true representa-
part of God’s name. For example, through pre- into believing that Jesus was the God of Exodus. thou shalt bruise his heel” (Gen 3:16), He
tions of the Tetragrammaton.
fixes Jeho- or Jo- and suffixes –iah or –jah as Now had Jesus been the God of Exodus, referred with the 3rd-person pronoun “his” to
A similar comment applies to Yahweh with
in Jehoshaphat, Joel, Isaiah and Elijah. This then He would have married Israel at Mt Sinai Jesus’ heel and therefore God the Father was
the additional point that its vowels “a” and
shows we can’t tell whether the first of the and God the Father would have remained a the LORD God who said this.
“e” are only wild guesses that are unlikely to
Tetragrammaton’s missing vowels is an “e”, single Father! Then God the Father would Paul writes (Rom 5:10), “For if, when we
be correct. My short paper, Q2, The Affecta-
“o” or “a”. So let no one try to tell you that have begotten His Son through His Son’s were enemies, we were reconciled to God by
tion of Using Hebrew Divine Names explains
God’s name is Yahweh, or Jehovah because Wife, Israel by Mary. That would have meant the death of his Son . . .”. How plain that we
this further.
there is even confusion over the first of its incest and adultery and surely that can not be were alienated in Eden from God the Father
Note that none of the NT writers used
vowels and total ignorance over the remainder God’s Way. My short papers Q6, Q7, A2 & and again we see that the Creator and LORD
Hebrew divine names for God the Father and
of the Tetragrammaton’s vowels. A3, and the study P2 explain this further. God of Eden was God the Father.
His Son Jesus in the NT Greek texts. Indeed
In Deuteronomy 18:15-20 the LORD God of
(3) How the translators handled this. their Greek texts even declined the proper (9) Satan’s deception of the Church of God. Exodus told Moses that He will send a Prophet
Hebrew OT proper names are transliterated name for Jesus as Iesous for the nominative, as Unfortunately Satan has been extraordinarily with his message. In Acts 3:20-23 Peter quotes
into English by replacing their Hebrew letters Iesou for the genitive and dative and as Iesoun successful in deceiving Christendom, includ- from there and reveals that Jesus was that
with their English equivalent. for the accusative case. The divine name advo- ing the Church of God on the nature of the Prophet. Also Jesus said His Father sent him.
Transliterations are not translations and cates conveniently overlook this. “Godhead”. Most of you were willing to look Again we see that God the Father was the God
therefore result in Hebrew names being adopt- Since we no longer know the vowels of the into the errors of Christendom when HWA of Exodus who spoke to Moses.
ed into English without conveying their Tetragrammaton it is unwise to pretend that declared God’s Truth but since then you have Section 4.6 of my paper P2 shows that
Hebrew meaning—e.g. Abraham and David. either Yahweh, Jahweh or Jehovah represents stopped looking into God’s Truth. Jesus did not name himself “I AM” in John
Having lost its true vowels, the Tetragram- God the Father’s Hebrew name. I show in paper P5, that Jesus was from all 8:58 but with “Before Abraham was, I am”
maton could not be transliterated. Although
(7) God and Elohim past eternity a Self-existent God but who sur- attested to his existence predating even Abra-
the Jews later added the vowels of Adonai and
Elohim to the Tetragrammaton, this only The OT basic from “God” (Strong H430, rendered this to become incarnate and die as our ham. Since the God in the Burning Bush did
marked which of these two Hebrew nouns Hebrew, Elohim) when used in reference to atoning Passover Lamb. Therefore I claim that name himself “I AM” in Exodus 3:14 but
they read instead of God’s name. the true God of Israel means “God” and is God the Father and His Son Jesus were origi- Jesus did not name himself “I am” in John
Instead of transliterating the Tetragramma- always a singular Hebrew noun. This is often nally two distinct self-existent God Persons. 8:58, we may not identify Jesus as the LORD
ton the KJV and other translators rendered this disputed but the fact is that throughout the The reader needs to understand since Jesus God in the Burning Bush.
by the all capital forms “LORD” and “GOD” Hebrew OT “Elohim” in reference to the God agreed to surrender his former self-existent
(11) Concluding Remarks
depending on the Tetragrammaton’s vowel of Israel, always governs only singular He- deity to become incarnate and die as our
Most will dismiss what I wrote because they
pointing being the vowels of Adonai or brew verbs and pronouns. Passover Lamb that there remains now only
can not bring themselves to admit that they
Elohim. Although LORD and GOD are proper Many point to the plural pronouns “us” and one truly self-existent God, who is God the
have not truly known God the Father. Also
English words, they are not a translation of the “our” making the noun “God” (Elohim) plural Father. This fundamental truth has been
they will not acknowledge as essayed in paper
Tetragrammaton as shown next. in Gen 1:26 but this is refuted by placing side missed by Unitarians, Trinitarians and the
P1, “Laodicea’s Lamp!”, that the WCG under
by side the following:- Church of God.
The Tetragrammaton’s consonants, J-H-V-H, HWA went badly off the rails in 1974. I have
• And God said, let us make man in our Many will reject the claims of this study cit-
are derived from the Hebrew verb “to be” and found not even one minister and only few
image ing a dozen or so NT scriptures which Section
therefore its true meaning is something like, church of God members are willing to honest-
• And Bob said, let us make dolls in our 4.0 of paper P2 shows were falsified in the
The Eternal or The Self-existent One or I AM ly inquire into these matters. We should not be
image Greek manuscripts, mistranslated or misinter-
Readers should think “The Eternal” rather surprised over this because mankind was
Since the plural pronouns “us” and “our” do preted through false doctrine. Yet sections 3.0
than Lord or God whenever they see in the OT always more interested in human (church) tra-
not turn Bob into two or more persons, so they and 5.0 of paper P2 show many scriptures that
the all-capital forms “LORD” or “GOD”. dition than in God’s Truth.
also do not turn God into two or more God support this study. So is the Bible self-contra-
(4) Summary of Titles and God’s name Persons in Gen 1:26. In both examples, God dictory and our faith in vain or should we Email comments etc to [email protected]. The
Next a summary of the key titles and name of and Bob denote a single speaker who address- renew our study of the Bible? Hebrews 1:1-2 papers mentioned above are available at my
the God of the OT:— es one or more near him. shows that God the Father was his own Word Home page www.rightly-dividing.net or may
• Lord (Strong H 136, Hebrew: adonai) lit- The Hebrew verb for “said” in “And God in OT times and Jesus became the Word of be requested from: Henk Jens, P.O. Box 121,
erally means “Lord”, said . . .” (Gen 1:26) is singular and so its God only in NT times. Since this agrees with Belmore, NSW, 2192, Australia.
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An Abib Resurrection?
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Firstfruits, there are two kinds, Revelation 7:4, the woman were given two wings of a great rection remains a mystery to most of the Church
be only one tenth deal of an ephah offered here.) and 13-14: ‘And I heard the number of them eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, of God because most have been led to believe
“Until this year this offering has meant little to who were sealed: and there were sealed a into her place, where she is nourished for a that the resurrection occurs on a day which does
me. We have always understood that the 7 week hundred and forty and four thousand of all time, and times, and half a time, from the not reflect its true symbolic position in God’s
period from the Wave Sheaf until Pentecost pic- the tribes of the children of Israel . . . And face of the serpent.’ But Wave Sheaf day, seven Plan, the harvesting of God’s Firstfruit harvest.
tured the Firstfruit harvest of Christians—all one of the elders answered, saying unto me, weeks earlier, did not seem to fit in either. Instead, they believe it to occur on a day pictur-
those begotten by God’s Holy Spirit—and of Who are these who are arrayed in white Obviously, we are actually talking about a ing the blowing, by an angel (not God, as actually
course we understand that the Wave Sheaf itself robes? and from where did they come? And point six months before the Feast of Trumpets occurs at the resurrection, Zechariah 9:14) of the
pictures the very first of the Firstfruits, Jesus I said unto him, Sir, you know. And he said takes place on the first day of the seventh month. final trumpet, before Armageddon, a sign of dan-
Christ, the first resurrected from the dead, but to me, These are they who came out of The earliest time that Wave Sheaf day can occur ger and war. (See Vines’ ‘Trumpet.’)
what does this offering represent? the great tribulation, and have washed during the Feast of Unleavened Bread is But, through the keeping of the true calendar
“Numbers 18:12: ‘All the best of the oil, and their robes, and made them white in the when the Sabbath falls on the previous Saturday. of God, the knowledge which Daniel was told to
all the best of the wine, and of the wheat, blood of the Lamb.’ ” See Figure 1, below. expect to be revealed at the time of the end has
the first fruits of them which they shall offer I then went on to compare the 144,000 who When Passover falls on the Sabbath, the fol- been given to those faithful Christians whose
unto the Lord, them have I given you.’ are special even amongst the Firstfruits, who take lowing day, Sunday, is also Wave Sheaf day in minds are open to the words of God, and so we
“The whole of the Firstfruits are special to part in the first resurrection, and then become the order for it to occur during the Feast, Leviticus see the fulfilment of 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-4: ‘But
God, but the first of the Firstfruits are even more Bride of Christ [in Heaven, before the throne of 23:11, ‘And he shall wave the sheaf before the of the times and the seasons, brethren, you
special—Exodus 23:19: ‘The first of the first- God!]. Lord, to be accepted for you: the next day have no need that I write unto you. For you
fruits of your land you shall bring into the Revelation 14:1-4: ‘And I looked, and, lo, a
house of the LORD your God.’ Lamb stood on mount Zion, and with him a FIGURE 1
“This is an offering from amongst the First- hundred and forty-four thousand, having Sabbath Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
fruits, Leviticus 23:13-14. It is detailed in Leviticus his Father’s name written in their foreheads Passover 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2:14-15: ‘And if you offer a grain offering of . . . These are they who were not defiled 14th 15th 21st
your first fruits unto the Lord, you shall offer with women; for they are virgins. These are
for the grain offering of your first fruits they who follow the Lamb wherever he
green ears of grain dried by the fire, goes. These were redeemed from among after the sabbath the priest shall wave it.’ yourselves know perfectly that the day of
even grain beaten out of full ears. And men, being the first fruits unto God and to When this occurs, Wave Sheaf day falls on the the Lord so comes as a thief in the night [if
you shall put oil upon it, and lay frankin- the Lamb’—with the second group of 15th day of the first month, Leviticus 23:6: ‘And they are in darkness], For when they shall say,
cense thereon: it is a grain offering.’ 144,000 and the innumerable multitude on the fifteenth day of the same month is Peace and safety; then sudden destruction
“It is not to be confused with the Firstfruits of of Revelation chapter 7 verse 4 and 9, who come the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord: comes upon them, as travail upon a woman
Pentecost, Leviticus 23:17: ‘You shall bring out out of the Great Tribulation, verse 14. seven days you must eat unleavened bread.’ with child; and they shall not escape. But
of your dwellings two wave loaves of two- Continuing from the sermon: How does that help solve the problem? Well, you, brethren, are not in darkness, that
tenths of an ephah: they shall be of fine “The 144,000 of Revelation 14 do not follow in an intercalated year, which was, at the time of that day should overtake you as a thief.’
flour; they shall be baked with leaven; they the broad way, the comfortable journey, for as Christ and still is, decided by God’s control of the Here are contrasted two groups of Christians:
are the first fruits unto the LORD.’ Christ said, ‘strait is the gate and narrow is weather and the barley crop in Israel, one extra one group who will be caught up in the Great
“Only this year, after we participated in the the way that leads into life and few there be month is added before the next year starts, mak- Tribulation, and one group who will escape God’s
search for abib barley in Israel to determine the that find it,’ and their testimony to others about ing 13 months in that year. wrath because they are diligently and personally
start of God’s year, did I understand exactly what God’s word can bring persecution. Half of such an intercalated year will therefore examining the scriptures, verses 6 and 9:
abib barley is. [The firstfruits of] the Abib bar- “The road to life can be harsh and sometimes have 15 more days than normal, leading to the con- ‘Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but
ley, which must be used for this special offering, lonely, beset with tough spiritual challenges. One clusion that the resurrection year, here, has to be in let us watch and be sober . . . For God has
is barley that has matured enough to be parched has to be prepared to stand alone for Christ and an intercalated year in order for 31⁄2 years to sepa- not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain
(that is, dried by the fire) and still produce a solid His word, and that, my brethren, is why God val- rate the resurrection from Christ’s return with His salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.’
grain that can be ground into a flour. This is the ues the abib barley and demands it as an early Bride at the Feast of Trumpets, which is a scriptural Into which group will you fall? Will you follow
barley that determines the start of the year: the special offering from amongst the Firstfruits. The requirement according to the timing of Revelation the earlier traditions of the Church of God, or trust
first month is named after it—the Abib. Two to abib Christian has matured in a tough environ- 12:14: ‘And to the woman were given two the end-time revelation of truth which has been
three weeks later, most barley is now fully ma- ment and not been afraid to stand up and wit- wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into there all the time in God’s Word, plain end-
ture and ready to reap as a crop. ness, against the flow, strengthening his fellow the wilderness, into her place, where she is time instructions for those who have had their
“But this special offering is not the fully brethren in God’s Word.” nourished for a time, and times, and half a eyes open to God’s word and faith to follow it?
mature barley; it is the earliest abib barley that Here in this sermon, I had referred to an offer- time, from the face of the serpent.’ As it says in the same chapter, verses 20-21,
has to be parched by the fire to produce useful ing which I suggested pictures the early Firstfruit Then, if we count back from the Feast of ‘Despise not prophesying. Test all things;
grain. It is not as plump and rounded as fully harvest, which becomes the Bride of Christ on Trumpets, the first day of the seventh month, 6 hold fast that which is good.’
mature grain . . . the Sea of Glass in heaven, Revelation 19:7: ‘Let months would normally bring us to the first day –––––––––––––––
“Interesting, then, that God demands this spe- us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to of the first month. But, if we count back from 15 See also our FAQ tab, soon to include ques-
cial early offering of the first of the abib Firstfruits him: for the marriage of the Lamb has days beyond the first day of the seventh month, tions on this subject.
of the barley harvest. What does this mean? come, and his wife has made herself ready.’ because of an intercalated year, we reach 2000 years have passed since the New Testa-
“Jesus Christ is the Wave Sheaf offering, the That marriage, after the pattern of the first mar- Wave Sheaf day, when the 14th of Abib, ment Church believed Christ would return in their
very first [sheaf] 1 Corinthians 15:20: ‘But now riage of God to Israel at Sinai, will take place in
is Christ risen from the dead, and become Heaven, at Pentecost. FIGURE 2: One half of an intercalated year
the firstfruits of them that slept.’ Eleven years have passed since that sermon, 15th 15th
“At His coming they that are Christ’s arise, 1 and as a result of concerns from faithful brethren
Corinthians 15:23: ‘But every man in his own it became obvious that the suggestion that the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they resurrection of Christians pictured by the abib 1st month 7th month
that are Christ’s at his coming.’ barley offering on Wave Sheaf day was not
“These are they who have the Holy Spirit, enough. It needed more evidence from the scrip-
Romans 8:23: ‘And not only they, but our- Passover, is on a Saturday. This is no coincidence lifetime, but God’s true Church continues to grow
tures, and the point that 31⁄2 years cannot be fit-
selves also, who have the firstfruits of the if the scriptures are to be fulfilled. in grace and knowledge. It was my task to simply
ted into the period between the Feast of Trum-
Spirit, even we ourselves groan within our- pets and Wave Sheaf day, let alone Pentecost, Two things then, must occur, for the scriptures present these scriptures, and those on the web site,
selves, waiting for the adoption, that is, the needed to be answered. to be fulfilled: so that, when the angel of Revelation 14:6-7 flies,
redemption of our body.’ God expects us to put all the scriptures togeth- 1. Passover in the resurrection year must fall God’s witness will go forth from Jerusalem just as
“They are the Firstfruit harvest, James 1:18: er to solve such problems. The first conclusion on a Saturday-Sabbath. His word requires, because some of God’s faithful
‘Of his own will begat he us with the word must be that Pentecost is ruled out as the time of 2. In an intercalated year (which we will not people will be ready and prepared to act, in the
of truth, that we should be a kind of the resurrection. There is no way that half a year see until the end of the year). brief period then before the Israelite nations fall.
firstfruits of his creatures.’ can be fitted into the time between Pentecost and See Figure 2, above. Thank you for reading this series.
“But let us remember that even amongst the the Feast of Trumpets, Revelation 12:14: ‘And to So it is that we find the timing of the resur- —Ozwitness
‘For there shall be a day, that the watchmen upon the mount Ephraim shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion
unto the LORD our God. For thus saith the LORD; Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief
of the nations: publish ye, praise ye, and say, O LORD, save thy people, the remnant of Israel’ (Jeremiah 31:6-7).
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H God has set up in this life is a ‘shad- crete. And all it takes to build a wall is one little eventually built. It took a lot of time to build,
ow’ of what is to come, just as God insignificant bit at a time.
told us. He strongly pointed out how
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God’s Wife
By Art Mokarow
P.O. Box 1197 • Montgomery, TX 77356 • [email protected] • www.GodsPuzzleSolved.com
n the beginning God created The Heavens and, when it was created, God saw that “it was
and The Earth. Ten words compose the first good” (Genesis 1:3-4 and Revelation 21:23-24).
sentence of The Bible. This was before Jesus (The Word) became
The Fourth Day is when flesh (John 1:14).
The Father of All made This Glory, The Goodness of God, all began
the sun, the moon and all the from God Himself before His “Son” was born.
other stars in the solar sys- Since God is a Father, there must be a wife. God
tem—called planets. These would never sin as a fornicator.
planets reflected the sun. Jesus, Himself, said that “only God is good,”
which also meant Jesus excluded Himself
God’s First Light (Matthew 19:16-17).
In Hebrew, the word “God”
God’s Holy Wife
is a plural noun with many Art Mokarow
capabilities and talents. What are these gifts that Marriage in The Holiness of God is between a
God has only within Himself? You are to under- CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
With Jesus, you can all be Please also feel free to visit the following Art Mokarow websites:
www.GodsPuzzleSolved.com (Free books can be read and downloaded) • www.BibleStudyMadeEasy.net (Christian articles)
Sons of God.
Only God is “All and Send to: Art Mokarow
P.O. Box 1197
Within All” (I Corinthians Montgomery, TX 77356
Please place your Journal mailing label here
or include your address on the coupon below
15:28). Now, you have sub- [email protected]
stantiated why God is a plur-
al noun for only He is all that Your name and address: Questions:
is or can be. God, The Father Email: Criticisms (please list scriptures we may have missed):
in Heaven, was the only light Address: How did you hear about Art’s books?
on that First Day who com- City: State: Zip: What future subjects would you like Art to research?
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CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE of God is a “Spirit” like Him, “kind after kind,”
man and a woman—“What God has joined to- and must be “Holy” like The Father.
gether let no man put asunder.” They are to
be of one flesh as Eve came out of Adam’s Paul Defined God’s Wife
bone; that is, his DNA (Genesis 2:18-22). “Kind The Apostle Paul, taught by Christ, was in-
after kind.” structed who The Wife of God was. Paul wrote to
Both Adam and Eve were made in The Image Timothy that he transferred something to the
of God, the power from within God alone. They young Evangelist when he laid his hands on him
were both within God and His “DNA.” It is a (II Timothy 1:6). Here is what Paul offered to
matter of “kind after kind.” Timothy: “For God has not given us the spirit of
Adam and Eve were equals, just like God but fear; but of power [almighty] and of love [to our
in the flesh like Jesus. You still need a Mother death—faith] and of a sound mind [wisdom and
just like God. Both are equals coming from God knowledge—truth]” (verse 7).
since they are “kind after kind” (DNA) (Genesis The Wife of God, as Scripture proves, is The
1:27). Adam was a physical figure, a theophany Holy Spirit of God. A fetus in a mother’s womb
of Christ (Romans 5:14). is protected and nourished until a new baby is
born—“kind after kind” like the Father.
God’s Holy
An umbilical chord
The wife of God is a Spirit like is attached to the child’s
Jesus teaches you Him, kind after kind, and must navel. The fetus is
how to pray to God— be Holy like the Father. safely protected by
“Our Father, which the water, and if the
are in heaven, Hal- mother is careful it
lowed be thy name” (Matthew 6:9). In Greek the will never be harmed. Read Isaiah 66, where a
word “hallowed” has two significant parts. child’s birth is explained.
“Hallo” represents a royal crown that is “Holy”
and “wed,” which “is joined together as a mar- A New Birth
riage.” Both become one. How the earth and everything in it were born
can be read in the following scripture: “And the
God’s Wife
earth was without form [no structure] [just like a
The Holy One of God is to declare The Name fetus] and void [lacking a shape] and darkness
of God. Every individual who has that name [space—no light] was upon the face of the deep
must be “Holy,” completely without a blemish or [water]. And the spirit of God [Holy Spirit]
the smallest flaw. The Name of God is beyond moved upon the face [surface] of the water”
“perfect”; it is complete, fulfilled without mea- (Genesis 1:2).
sure. God is, therefore, Eternal. What was The Holy Spirit of God pondering
The Family of God, His “wife and children” over the water? The Holy Spirit of God was won-
represent only goodness (like God). But there dering what this new birth—this first new
is much more. Jesus, speaking to The Samaritan birth—would look like.
Woman, told her how to worship God, “God After much ruminating, God directed His
is a Spirit and they that worship [adore- “Wife” to be a helpmate (Genesis 2:18). This be-
love] him must worship him in spirit and truth” comes personal between a man (husband) and
(John 4:24). his wife.
Who is The Wife of God? You must have the God has The Holy Spirit as His “helpmate.”
complete biblical truth from The Bible. The Wife CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
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CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE equal like Adam and Eve. God, The Father of
Paul, as The Messiah instructed him, de- Everyone and Everything (Hebrews 3:4), is mar-
scribed the whole-armor protection of God. To ried to The Wife of God, who takes care of The
be Saved by God, one needs to know “the truth” Great House of God and keeps it clean without
(wisdom—knowledge), “the righteousness” (God’s) spot or blemish (II Timothy 2:18-21).
Gospel of Peace (The Rest of God). You need God provides everything His “family” needs
The Faith of God to withstand Satan. Then you and eternal safety. But His “wife,” The Holy
need The Helmet of Salvation (protect your Spirit of God, does all the work to keep the fam-
mind) and The Sword, which is The Word of ily estate as The Father wants it to be.
God (Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrew 4:12). As The Wife of God manages the entire House
It cannot be said any simpler. The Wife of God of God with her hired servants (the angels), they
is The Holy Spirit of God is the family coach and all need to do the job perfectly without the tiniest
example, teaching how flaw, and she is hon-
to live in The Way of ored as The Mistress
God. Zechariah, The The Holy Spirit of God is the family of The House of God.
Prophet, declared it as coach and example, teaching how The Father provides
more than just a pow- to live in The Way of God. an estate with many
er of The Might of God. mansions for the whole
Here is what The family forever. The wife
Word of God is as Paul taught. Here is what the manages the entire household and is very virtu-
angel told Zechariah: “This is the word of the ous in being a helpmate to God, her husband.
Lord unto Zerubbabel saying, Not by might, nor She, alone, does all the work in managing
by power but by my spirit [wife] said the Lord of everything God, The Father, provides. The wife
hosts [full army]” (Zechariah 4:6). came out of God and is equal and she is a beau-
The Holy Spirit, which consists of The Words tiful, perfect, flawless, virtuous woman (Pro-
and The Will of God, is more powerful than any verbs 31).
kind of sword. Here is what it does: “For the Elohim, as a noun (meaning God), made every-
word of God is quick [fast] and powerful and thing but His “wife.” The Holy Spirit of God over-
sharper than any two-edged [terrorist] sword, sees all of her husband’s wealth and riches. She
piercing even to the dividing [cutting up] asun- does the work and is a single being God created.
der [the flesh] of soul [physical life] and spirit As a plural noun, “Elohim” (God) and His
[minds] and of the joints and marrow [DNA] and “wife” are “Holy” like God, and she is responsi-
is a discerner of the thoughts [ideas] and intents ble for all God gave her.
[desires] of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). How Elohim in its verbal form always does “the
much scripture do you need? work” as a Creator. His “wife” takes care of the
creation her Husband, God, created.
Elohim the Verb
When the husband—God—and His “wife”
“Elohim” is plural as a noun—“one being,” have multiple children on their estate—New
including all that The Father was, is and can Jerusalem, everything will be new (Revelation
be—The I Am. Now you have clearly been 21:1-5). The Holy Spirit of God (The Wife of
shown that The Holy Spirit of God is The Wife God) will keep their Holy House—New Jeru-
of God. They, together, are “One Spirit” and salem—“Holy.”
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It won’t be long now: New hymnal on its way Friends to the end
YaHuwah and YaHushua,” at
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Texas 75115.
RROYO GRANDE, Calif.— Mr. Jutsum for use in WCG church able from Amazon.com for $8.99. “For over 10 years Jesus Christ
The Journal:
thoughts on the state of the argument is
Churches of God and what the nothing but
brethren need to do, see his Frank Nelte smoke and
article and open letter on pages mirrors to
14 and 15 of this issue of THE confuse and distract from the fact