0207chongzos PDF
0207chongzos PDF
0207chongzos PDF
Raul F. Chong
DB2 UDB Consulting Services
IBM Toronto Laboratory
July 2002
©Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2002. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Terminology conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Why this document was written . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Comments Welcomed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Part I. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter I - Basic Mainframe Required Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.1 Mainframe Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.1 Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.2 Types of Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3 TSO and ISPF/PDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3.1 ISPF panels most commonly used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 JCL (Job Control Language) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 Submitting a job and reviewing the output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Chapter 2 - DB2 S/390 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1 What comes with the DB2 S/390 Software Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 DB2 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
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Chapter 12 - Locking and Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
12.1 Locking Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
12.2 Lock Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
12.3 Lock Durations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
12.4 Isolation Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
12.5 Avoiding Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
12.6 System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
12.7 Claims and Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
12.8 Escalation and Promotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
12.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
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This document is written for DB2 UNIX, Linux, and Windows® users who would like to
leverage their DB2 knowledge in these platforms to understand how DB2 on the mainframe
works. With analogies and simple examples using DB2 UDB UNIX, Linux, and Windows
terms, we explain the equivalent concepts for DB2 on the mainframe.
DB2 for OS/390 concepts are not covered in detail. We provide a short description of the
topics, followed by a 'DB2 UNIX, Linux, and Windows Analogy' section. After reading this
document, if you need to investigate a topic further, you will be able to scan through a DB2 for
OS/390 book and quickly understand the concepts in more detail. By no means is this document
intended to be a complete reference, but a starting point for new users of DB2 on the mainframe.
This paper is based on Version 7 of DB2.
Terminology conventions
The full name of DB2 on the mainframe is DB2 Universal Database™ for z/OS™ and OS/390.
Many people use the terms “DB2 UDB for OS/390,” “DB2 for OS/390,” “DB2 S/390®,” “DB2
for MVS™” or combinations of all of the above to refer to this same product. In this document
we use the term “DB2 S/390” to reference DB2 Universal Database for z/OS and OS/390
version 7.
With respect to DB2 on distributed platforms, DB2 Universal Database Version 7.2 for UNIX,
Linux, Windows and OS/2 is referenced in this document as DB2 ULWO (ULWO for “UNIX,
Linux, Windows, OS/2”).
The following terms will also be used:
- Tablespace, instead of table space
- Indexspace instead of index space
- Dataset, instead of data set
- Bufferpool, instead of buffer pool
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an environment in which DB2 S/390 plays a major role. As an added bonus, we hope that DB2
S/390 administrators can also gain skills on DB2 ULWO by reading this material.
Comments welcomed
It is difficult enough to write a document about a product for a particular platform; it is even
harder to write one that involves several platforms. This is the first version of this document,
and as such, there may be omissions, typos and errors. Please feel free to contact me to have this
document corrected for future versions. My email address is [email protected]
I would like to thank the following persons from the IBM Canada DB2 Application Enabling
Support Systems team for the feedback they provided about this document: Michael Dang, John
De Dominicis, Cheryl Raitakari, Steve Tiffney, and Alain Tremblay. Also, my especial thanks
to Danny Padilla and Amyris Rada from the IBM Toronto Lab Consulting Services Team.
The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries: AIX, CICS, DataJoiner, DB2, DB2 Connect, DB2
Extenders, DB2 Universal Database, DataPropagator DRDA, IBM, IMS, MVS/ESA, OS/390,
Parallel Sysplex, S/390, Sysplex Timer, zSeries, z/Architecture, z/OS.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
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Part I. Prerequisites
Chapter 1 - Basic Mainframe Required Concepts
This chapter describes briefly some of the concepts you need to operate in a mainframe
environment. You should get familiar with these skills to understand some of the concepts used
in subsequent sections of this document. Mainframe terminology will be compared where
possible with UNIX/Linux/Windows terminology. We encourage you to review books on Job
Control Language (JCL) and ISPF/PDF.
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F8 key: Scroll down
F7 key: Scroll up
F10 key: Scroll to the left
F11 key: Scroll to the right
1.2 Datasets
Creating files in a UNIX, Linux or Windows environments is a much simpler task than in the
mainframe environment. On the mainframe, disk datasets have to be allocated before they can
be used. Allocating a dataset means specifying a dataset name, a primary quantity size, a
secondary quantity size, the units of allocation (tracks or cylinders), the volume where the
dataset would be located, and several other variables.
When the contents of a disk dataset exceed the primary quantity size, the secondary quantity is
used, if one was specified during allocation. There can be up to 255 secondary extents
dynamically created before warning or error messages are reported. When this limit is reached,
you need to reallocate a disk dataset with a larger primary quantity. At this point the smaller disk
dataset can be uncataloged and deleted, and the program or job can be rerun to re-create it.
Alternatively, you can create a new larger disk dataset with a different name; copy the contents
of the smaller dataset to it (using standard utilities), delete the smaller dataset and then optionally
rename the larger dataset if needed.
Specifying a large primary quantity in the first place may cause space to be wasted as this space
is allocated on disk immediately. On the other hand, specifying a small primary quantity may
cause extents to be dynamically created, which is bad for performance. You should estimate the
size of your datasets based on their planned use.
Allocating a dataset can be performed through JCL, CLIST, REXX Execs, TSO, or by using the
various menus under ISPF/PDF. This will be explained in a later section. The naming
convention of a dataset is as follows:
<high level qualifier>.<qualifier>.<qualifier>...
Each qualifier can use up to eight characters. The total dataset name (including periods) cannot
exceed 44 characters. The highest-level qualifier of a dataset name normally corresponds to the
ICF catalog or an alias to the catalog name where the dataset is defined. There are different type
of catalogs in MVS, but ICF is the most common one. Catalogs in MVS record the location of
datasets so that there is no need to specify the volume serial number (vol-ser) of the volume that
contains the dataset.
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class and data class. By specifying the class, SMS will perform the required operations
automatically. In addition, an installation can set up automatic class selection (ACS) routines,
which will automatically pick the SMS classes based on the dataset name.
There are three types of VSAM dataset organizations which are very similar to non-VSAM ones:
y Entry-sequenced dataset (ESDS): Similar to a non-VSAM physical sequential dataset.
y Key-sequenced dataset (KSDS): Similar to a non-VSAM indexed sequential dataset.
This is the most commonly used organization in MVS.
y Relative-record dataset (RRDS): Similar to a non-VSAM direct dataset.
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The most useful types are physical sequential and partitioned datasets. The other two are
hardly used, as their functions are better handled by VSAM files.
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job is treated as a whole. The job begins with the execution of the first program and continues
until the last program has finished executing, unless an unforeseen error condition occurs.
It is rare to write a JCL job from scratch. Normally you only need to copy (in part or whole)
from existing JCL jobs and then modify that copy to perform the desired tasks. Three basic JCL
statements are:
The first statement of any job identifies the name of the job to MVS by supplying a job name. It
also provides for accounting information, the job submitter's name, and whom to notify in TSO
when the program finishes or abends.
Indicates the name of a program to be executed. Because each program to be executed in a job is
a job step, the EXEC statement helps you locate quickly the number of steps in your JCL.
When “PGM=” follows an EXEC statement, you will be executing a program. If this is not the
case, then you would be executing a JCL PROC (JCL procedure). A JCL procedure is similar to
a JCL job in that it may contain several steps and call different programs. A JCL procedure can
be called from several JCL jobs.
This statement is normally required for every input and output file that is processed by the
Here is an example of a JCL job:
// NOTIFY=TS56692
//* DATE : March 30th, 2002
// UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(32760,(1000,500)),DISP=(,CATLG),
// UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(800,(15,15)),DISP=(,CATLG),
Figure 1 below shows the exact same JCL previously provided, but each statement is explained
in more detail:
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Figure 1
1.6 Summary
This chapter covered some mainframe concepts. These concepts are essential for a better
understanding of DB2 S/390. We compared different terminology between the mainframe and
the UNIX, Linux and Windows environments. We covered datasets in more detail; and briefly
described TSO and ISPF. We also briefly covered The Job Control Language (JCL); however,
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the figure presented in the chapter should provide a good summary of the most important JCL
statements and their use.
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Chapter 2 - DB2 S/390 Installation
Installation of software in a mainframe environment requires coordination with your MVS
System Administrator or System Programmer. You will need to be granted different
authorizations. SMP/E (System Modification Program/Extended) is used to
install/update/remove software. Like the UNIX environment, SMP/E allows you to install the
software without committing it permanently. The normal SMP/E steps to follow, in order, are:
1. RECEIVE copies the software code to the distribution libraries.
2. APPLY copies this code to the Target libraries
3. ACCEPT commits the changes that were applied and makes them permanent.
An SMP/E REJECT can also be performed after an installation to discard any applied changes.
Installing DB2 S/390 can be summarized in the following steps:
1. SMP/E RECEIVE the DB2 software.
2. Execute the CLIST provided in received dataset DSN710.SDSNCLST using as input the
member DSNTIDXA of received dataset DSN710.SDSNSAMP.
3. The CLIST will display installation panels that you need to complete.
4. After all installation panels have been completed, the CLIST will create PDS dataset
<prefix>.NEW.SDSNSAMP containing tailored JCL installation jobs.
5. Edit each of the JCL installation jobs as required; some jobs may be optionally run. Note
that some of the tailored jobs execute a SMP/E APPLY and SMP/E ACCEPT.
6. Submit each installation job following the order provided in the Installation Guide.
7. The successful execution of all the installation jobs will determine the success of the DB2
software installation.
8. Run verification programs to confirm that DB2 has been correctly installed.
SMP/E ACCEPT jobs are not normally executed until the product is fully tested in your
environment, especially if fixes have been applied on top of the base code.
To simplify the DB2 S/390 installation process, the DB2 Installer GUI tool can be used from a
workstation connected to the mainframe. This tool comes with the DB2 Management Client
Package, which is described in more detail in a later section.
For detailed information about DB2 S/390 installation, refer to the DB2 UDB for OS/390 and
z/OS v7 Installation Guide.
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The DB2 Management Clients Package includes: DB2 Installer, Estimator, Visual Explain, DB2
Connect, and DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS Control Center Enablement. Most of the tools are
offered to you on a CD-ROM.
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Library Comment Analogy to DB2 ULWO
prefix.RUNLIB.LOAD DB2 sample application load N/A
module library. Two
commonly used sample
applications are DSNTIAUL
(To unload data), and
DSNTIAD (to run
dynamically SQL from a JCL
2.3 Summary
In this chapter, we briefly covered the steps required to install DB2 S/390. We also described
some of the libraries created at installation time and compared them to similar libraries in DB2
ULWO. It was important to mention them as they are frequently used in JCL jobs during normal
DB2 operations by users.
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Part II. Introduction to DB2 S/390
Chapter 3 - DB2 S/390 Environment
3.1 MVS, OS/390 and z/OS
MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) has been known for years to be one of the most important
operating systems in the mainframe environment. OS/390 bundles MVS with other IBM
software products which are now tested jointly. An example is the Language Environment, or
LE . This software product provides a runtime environment for programs generated with C/C++
for MVS/ESA, Cobol, etc. Prior to OS/390 there were many concerns from customers about
compatibility of different versions of such products with MVS. Now that these products are
tested jointly and provided as a bundle with OS/390, the concerns have been diminished.
z/OS is the next generation of OS/390 and is based on the new 64-bit z/Architecture™. z/OS is
the foundation for the future of zSeries™ servers. The core of OS/390 and z/OS is still the MVS
operating system. For more information about OS/390 and z/OS with the features and
functions bundled, refer to this website:
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y Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM)
Controls DB2 locking
y Distributed Database Facility (DDF)
Provides support for remote requests
y DB2-established Stored Procedure Address Space (SPAS)
Provides an isolated execution environment for user-written SQL programs at a DB2
y WLM (Work Load Manager)- Established Stored Procedure Address Space
Zero to many address spaces for the execution of stored procedures and user-defined
functions. WLM-established address spaces are isolated from other stored procedures or
user-defined functions running in other address spaces.
y Allied Address Spaces
- CICS® (Customer Information Control System). Provides online transaction
management for applications.
- IMS™ (Information Management System). Provides a hierarchical database manager
as well as a transaction manager.
- TSO (Time Sharing Option) allows for interactive time sharing capabilities from remote
terminals. You can use two different command processors through TSO:
. DSN command processor
. DB2 Interactive (DB2I)
Attachment Facilities:
- RRSAF (Recoverable Resource Services Attachment Facility). Coordinates resource
commitment between DB2 and other resource managers.
- CAF (Call Attachment Facility). This is used as an alternative to the DSN command
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- Invoke the DB2 precompiler.
- Bind, rebind, or free plans or packages.
- Run SQL programs.
- Invoke utilities.
3.5 Summary
In this chapter we explained the differences between MVS, OS/390 and z/OS. We explained the
concepts of LPAR, virtual storage and address spaces, as well as a brief description of the DSN
processor, DB2I and the DB2 subsystem. Having a better understanding of these concepts will
help you learn the subsequent sections.
The table below shows equivalent command processors for DB2 S/390 and DB2 ULWO.
The DSN and DB2I command processors are native to DB2 S/390. The Control Center GUI
tool, Command Line Processor (CLP), Command Window, and the Command Center GUI tool
can be used from a DB2 ULWO client machine connected to a DB2 S/390 system to perform
operations from these tools. As we will see in a later chapter, the Control Center GUI tool can
be used to administer databases from DB2 S/390 and DB2 ULWO.
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Chapter 4 - Architecture
The sections below in this chapter describe the system and data structures of DB2 S/390. Many
of these concepts will be covered in more detail in other chapters of this document.
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For example, from the DB2 Commands panel in DB2I execute this command to activate
bufferpool BP32K0:
For each of the four page sizes currently supported (4KB, 8KB, 16KB and 32KB), there are the
following predefined bufferpools: BP0-BP49 (for 4KB pages) BP8K0-BP8K9 (for 8KB page
size), BP16K0-BP16K9 (for 16KB page size) and BP32K-BP32K9 (for 32KB page size).
In addition to bufferpools, DB2 S/390 also provides hiperpools. A hiperpool is an extension to a
bufferpool and must always be associated with a bufferpool. Bufferpools hold the most
frequently accessed data, while hiperpools serve as a cache for data that is accessed less
frequently. When a page in the bufferpool is no longer needed, it is moved to the hiperpool;
thus, it works as a second level of cache.
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Figure 2
Unix/Windows Machine
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S/390 V7 at maintenance level 0106, and DB2 S/390 V7 at maintenance level 0110 installed in
the same machine LPAR. DB2 subsystems running with the same version and at the same
maintenance level in a LPAR, are also allowed; in this case the DB2 code can be shared.
Figure 3
DB2 Connect
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DB2 ULWO does not externalize processes that handle locks other than db2dlock for deadlock
detection. DB2 S/390 uses IRLM to handle locks.
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- The LU Name
This is the name by which VTAM can recognize the local subsystem. The unique name
must be unique within the network of connected systems and can have from one to eight
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catalog; there is only one catalog for the entire DB2 subsystem. Therefore, when you want to
access a specific DB2 S/390 database, you actually have to connect to the entire DB2 subsystem.
The directory
DB2 ULWO has a database directory, node directory, and dcs directory whose contents can be
reviewed with the list db directory, list node directory, and list dcs directory, respectively. These
directories contain connectivity information to other systems, and perform a similar function to
DB2 S/390's Communication Database (CDB). Even though the term “directory” is used, this
should not be confused whatsoever with the term directory in DB2 S/390. The DB2 S/390
directory is an important piece containing vital information in internal format and not directly
useable to end users. There is no similar concept in DB2 ULWO.
DB2 ULWO uses bufferpools to improve the performance of a database. In DB2 ULWO, the
CREATE BUFFERPOOL command can be used to create a new bufferpool. In DB2 S/390,
there are predefined bufferpools, most of them starting with a size of zero. In order to ”create” a
bufferpool, you have to use the ALTER BUFFERPOOL command and set a size greater than
zero. In DB2 ULWO, the page size is entered as part of the CREATE TABLESPACE
statement. A bufferpool with the correct page size needs to be created before creating the
tablespace that uses this page size; in DB2 S/390, there is no parameter in the CREATE
TABLESPACE statement that indicates the page size to be used; however, by specifying the
bufferpool to be used, you will determine the page size.
DB2 ULWO uses Extended Storage to provide a second level of caching; DB2 S/390 can use
Configuration parameters
DB2 ULWO has parameters at the instance level (database manager configuration) as well as at
the database level (database configuration). Changes to instance-level parameters require that
DB2 ULWO is stopped and started. Changes to database-level parameters require that all
connections are terminated before the changes take place on the next connections. In DB2
S/390, these parameters are often called “zparms” (for the default name of the parameter module,
which is DSNZPARM). There is only one set of parameters that would affect the entire DB2
subsystem and its databases. The job DSNTIJUZ is used to specify the desired values for these
parameters. When run, this job will assemble and link-edit the DSNZPARM module as well as
the application program's default module DSNHDECP. The assembled zparm module can be
specified when starting DB2. If it is not specified, the module with name DSNZPARM will be
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used. Prior to Version 7, changes to zparms required DB2 S/390 to be recycled (stopped and
started) to load the new parameter module into memory. With V7, this is still the case for some
parameters but not for all. The new SET SYSPARM command allows you to load a new
parameter module without recycling DB2.
Temporary tablespaces
DB2 ULWO has two types of temporary tablespaces: system and user. You must always have a
system temporary tablespace available, because this is the work area for the database manager to
perform operations like join or sort. User temporary tablespaces, on the other hand, are used to
store declared global temporary tables. These tables are not persistent; they only “live” for a
given connection, or while the application that declared them is running. Similarly, DB2 S/390
provides two types of temporary space. The work file database (DSNDB07 in a non-data
sharing environment) corresponds to DB2 ULWO's system temporary tablespace. DB2 S/390's
TEMP database corresponds to DB2 ULWO's user temporary tablespace. The TEMP database
is used also for server-side scrollable cursors, so client applications using this type of cursors
may get an error if such database has not been created ahead of time. The concept of “global
temporary table” is the same in these platforms.
4.2.3 Tablespaces
Tablespaces consist of one or more VSAM LDS datasets. They are used to store tables. The
page size of a tablespace is determined by the associated bufferpool. There are four types of
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y Simple
Can contain more than one table. The rows of different tables are not kept separate (unlike
segmented tablespaces).
y Segmented
Divides the available space into groups of pages called segments. Each segment is the
same size. A segment contains rows from only one table.
y Partitioned
Can only contain one table. This type of tablespace divides the available space into
separate units of storage called partitions. Each partition resides on a separate physical
dataset. You assign the number of partitions (from one to 254) and you can assign
partitions independently to different storage groups.
y Large object (LOB)
Holds large object data such as graphics, video, or very large text strings. A LOB
tablespace is always associated with the tablespace that contains the logical LOB column
values. The tablespace that contains the table with the LOB columns is called, in this
context, the base tablespace.
4.2.4 Tables
All data in a DB2 database is presented in tables -- collections of rows all having the same
columns. A table that holds persistent user data is a base table. A table that stores data
temporarily is a global temporary table.
4.2.5 Indexes
An index is an ordered set of pointers to the data in a DB2 table. The index is stored separately
from the table.
A view is an alternate way of representing data that exists in one or more tables. A view can
include all or some of the columns from one or more base tables.
4.2.7 Aliases
This is a pointer to another table, which can be on the same DB2 subsystem or on another DB2
subsystem. Aliases are not dropped if the table they are pointing to is dropped.
4.2.8 Synonyms
Synonyms are similar to aliases, but they can only refer to a table in the same subsystem. If the
table is dropped, so is the synonym.
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Figure 4
PROD Instance
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In DB2 ULWO, objects from different databases cannot interact with each other; therefore, a
table in one database can have exactly the same full name as a table in another database. The
same would apply to other objects.
Based on the above descriptions, it could be said that a DB2 S/390 database is most similar to a
DB2 ULWO database without the “system” information.
Figure 5
Database MYDB1
Non-Partitioned Indexspace 1 Partitioned
Tablespace tbls1 Tablespace tbls2 Partitioned Indexspace
Index A1 on C1
Table A Table A
Table Table Index Index
Indexspace 2 C C C1 C1
Table B Index A2 on Part 1 Part 2 Part 1 Part 2
Table A
LOB tablespace
Indexspace 3
Index B1 on
LOBS for
Table B
Table A
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In DB2 S/390, a storage group serves a similar purpose as a container in that it is used to store
data. A DB2 storage group, however, consists of a collection of physical devices (DASD
volumes) managed by DB2. A DB2 storage group is associated to a tablespace. Note that a
DB2 storage group is not the same as a SMS storage group. The latter is not covered in this
Containers and DB2 storage groups are both physical and are associated with tablespaces. In
DB2 ULWO you can specify the containers associated to your tablespace “individually.” In
DB2 S/390, you associate a tablespace to a DB2 storage group containing several DASD
volumes; you cannot specify an individual volume (unless you create DB2 storage groups that
contain only one volume).
Based on the above descriptions, it could be said that a DB2 ULWO raw device container is
most similar to a DB2 storage group consisting of one DASD volume.
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tsname corresponds to the tablespace name or index name. Since the tablespace name is used as
a qualifier of the dataset name, and since MVS dataset names only allow a maximum of eight
characters per qualifier, then a tablespace name can only use eight characters.
Within each of these datasets is where the table or index information is stored, as opposed to
DB2 ULWO, where there was no physical representation of a tablespace, and internal table and
index files where stored inside the container.
Figure 6 shows the difference between DB2 ULWO tablespaces and DB2 S/390 tablespaces.
Figure 6
Tablespace tblsB
Table A 1
Table B
Inside Dataset
Indexspace ixA DSN710.DSNDBD.MYDB1.TBLSB.I0001.A001
Index ixA on
Storage Group G1 Table A data....Table B data...Table A data...
Table A
Tablespace classification
DB2 ULWO supports two types of tablespaces, SMS (system-managed) and DMS
(database-managed). SMS-managed tablespaces are managed by the operating system's file
system. They can only use directories as containers. Space is allocated dynamically by the file
system. DMS-managed tablespaces are handled by the database system. They can only use files
or raw devices as containers, and space is allocated 'manually' by the user.
As we can see, DB2 ULWO classifies tablespaces by the way they are managed (SMS, DMS),
and also based on their use (regular, temporary, long). DB2 S/390 classifies tablespaces by the
way the data is internally organized (simple, segmented, partitioned, LOBs). These types of
tablespaces have no equivalence in DB2 ULWO other than the LOB tablespace.
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The DB2 S/390 concept of a “partitioned tablespace” is not quite the same as a DB2 ULWO
Enterprise Extended Edition (EEE) tablespace. A partitioned tablespace can only store one
(large) table, and the partitions are created in the same machine. DB2 ULWO EEE uses several
“nodes” (machines) to store part of tables across the nodes.
DB2 ULWO DMS tablespaces using file containers may be most similar to a DB2 S/390
tablespace. In a DB2 ULWO DMS tablespace using file containers, space needs to be manually
specified to indicate how large the file container should be. In a DB2 S/390 tablespace, you
specify a primary quantity for your underlying datasets (PRIQTY) as well as a secondary
quantity (SECQTY).
Large objects
Both, DB2 ULWO and DB2 S/390 support large objects (LOBs); however, there are differences
in the way LOBs are created. For DB2 ULWO, the LOBs can reside in the same tablespace as
the table data or, if using DMS tablespaces, the LOBs can be stored in a separate LONG DMS
tablespace. LOB columns can be declared in the CREATE TABLE statement as NOT LOGGED
(LOBs modifications will not be logged). There is also a COMPACT option that can be
specified to avoid allocating extra disk space for possible future appends. In DB2 S/390,
depending on the value of special register CURRENT RULES, creating LOB columns may
involve more steps:
- A LOB tablespace must be created. The NO LOG option of the CREATE TABLESPACE
can be used as equivalent to DB2 ULWO NOT LOGGED option in its CREATE TABLE
- The table where the LOB(s) are defined must have a ROWID column defined.
- An auxiliary table must be created
- An index to the auxiliary table must be created.
Or, if a LONG DMS tablespace 'LOBTBLS1' was created, the CLOB could be put there with
this statement:
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In DB2 S/390, however, the following DDL is required:
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Alias and synonyms
In DB2 ULWO, aliases and synonyms are exactly the same. Thus, the CREATE ALIAS and the
CREATE SYNONYM statements are equivalent. In DB2 S/390 as seen previously, an alias has
some differences with a synonym.
4.4 Schema
A schema is a collection of named objects. The objects that a schema can contain include distinct
types, functions, stored procedures, and triggers. An object is assigned to a schema when it is
Schemas extend the concept of qualifiers for tables, views, indexes and aliases to enable the
qualifiers for distinct types, functions, stored procedures and triggers to be called schema names.
When a distinct type, function, stored procedure, or trigger is created, it is given a qualified
two-part name. The first part is the schema name (or the qualifier), which is either implicitly or
explicitly specified. The default schema is the authorization ID of the owner of the plan or
package. The second part is the name of the object.
You can create a schema with the schema processor by using the CREATE SCHEMA statement.
To process the CREATE SCHEMA statement, you must use the schema processor (DSNHSP),
by running a job based on the sample JCL provided in member DSNTEJ1S of the SDSNSAMP
library. The result of processing a schema definition is identical to the result of executing the
SQL statements without a schema definition.
Outside of the schema processor, the order of statements is important. They must be arranged so
that all referenced objects have been previously created. This restriction is relaxed when the
statements are processed by the schema processor if the object table is created within the same
CREATE SCHEMA. The requirement that all referenced objects have been previously created is
not checked until all of the statements have been processed. For example, within the context of
the schema processor, you can define a constraint that references a table that does not exist yet or
GRANT an authorization on a table that does not exist yet.
The schema processor sets the current SQLID to the value of the schema authorization ID before
executing any of the statements in the schema definition. Thus, in the following example:
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The concept of “schema” in DB2 ULWO corresponds to “qualifier” in DB2 S/390 for tables,
views, indexes and aliases; and to “schema” for distinct types, functions, stored procedures, and
triggers. When using the DB2 S/390 schema processor however, the authorization ID used in the
CREATE SCHEMA statement becomes the current SQL ID; therefore, it is also used as the
default qualifier for the mentioned objects above.
In DB2 ULWO we use:
<schema name>.<object name>
where <object name> can be tables, views, stored procedures, triggers, etc.
In DB2 S/390 we use:
- <schema name>.<object name>
where <object name> can only be distinct types, functions, stored procedures, and triggers.
- <qualifier>.<object name>
where <object name> can be tables, views, indexes, aliases.
As in DB2 ULWO, in DB2 S/390 you can create an object with an explicit schema
name/qualifier or you can create one implicitly. When created explicitly, the creator of the
object has to have the correct authority to use the schema name/qualifier; when created
implicitly, the schema name/qualifier to be used is the current SQL ID.
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Figure 7
Length Floating
Character Graphic Binary Point
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Figure 8
Signed Row
DateTime String
Numeric Identifier
Length Floating
Character Graphic Binary Point
Table 4. Mapping String Data Types from DB2 S/390 to DB2 ULWO
DB2 S/390 Data Type Notes DB2 ULWO Data Type Notes
CHAR(n) 1 <= n <= 255 CHAR(n) If n <= 254
VARCHAR(n) n <= 255 1 VARCHAR(n) n <= 32672
VARCHAR(n) n <= 4056 for 4k VARCHAR(n) n <= 32672
page 2
VARCHAR(n) n <= 8138 for 8k VARCHAR(n) n <= 32672
page 2
VARCHAR(n) n <= 16330 VARCHAR(n) n <= 32672
for 16k page 2
VARCHAR(n) n <= 32714 LONG VARCHAR(n) If 32672 < n <= 32700
for 32k page
CLOB(n) 1 <= n < 2GB 1 CLOB(n) n <= 2GB
GRAPHIC 1 <= n <= 127 GRAPHIC 1 <= n <= 127 DBCS
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DB2 S/390 Data Type Notes DB2 ULWO Data Type Notes
DBCS characters characters
VARGRAPHIC 1 <= n <= 32704 VARGRAPHIC 1 <= n <= 16336 DBCS
DBCS characters characters
VARGRAPHIC 1 <= n <= 32704 LONG VARGRAPHIC 16336 < n <= 16350
DBCS characters DBCS characters
DBCLOB If 32672 < n <= DBCLOB If 32672 < n <= 2GB
BLOB n <= 2GB BLOB(n) n <= 2GB
CHAR(n) FOR BIT DATA If n <= 255 CHAR(n) FOR BIT DATA If n <= 254
VARCHAR(n) FOR BIT If n <= 32672 VARCHAR(n) FOR BIT If n <= 32672
VARCHAR(n) FOR BIT If 32672 < n <= LONG VARCHAR(n) FOR If 32672 < n <= 32700
Any CLOB and varchar (n) where n > 255 is considered a long string column and it may have some SQL
statement restrictions.
Substract 10 bytes if using EDITPROC = YES
Table 5. Mapping Numeric Data Types from DB2 S/390 to DB2 ULWO
DB2 S/390 Data Type Notes DB2 ULWO Data Type Notes
SMALLINT -32768 to 32767 SMALLINT -32768 to 32767
INTEGER -2147483648 to INTEGER -2147483648 to
2147483647 2147483647
DECIMAL/NUMERIC (p,s) -1031 to 1031-1 (p+s DECIMAL(p,s) -1031 to 1031-1 (p+s <= 31)
<= 31)
REAL, FLOAT 1 <= p <= 21 REAL, FLOAT(p) 0<p<25 0, from -3.402E+38 to
from 1.175E-37 to
DOUBLE, FLOAT 22 <= p <= 53 DOUBLE, FLOAT(p) 0, from -1.79769E+308 to
24<p<54 -2.225E-307, from
2.225E-307 to
ROWID ROWID is not supported in
DB2 ULWO, however if
data from DB2 S/390 is
being loaded into DB2
ULWO, you can define a
column in DB2 ULWO as
varchar(40) for bit data to
hold this data
DECIMAL(19,0) BIGINT is not BIGINT -9223372036854775808 to
currently 9223372036854775807
supported in DB2
DECIMAL(19,0) is
the closest match
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Table 6. Mapping Datetime Data Types from DB2 S/390 to DB2 ULWO
DB2 S/390 Data Type Notes DB2 ULWO Data Type Notes
This representation can vary depending on DSNHDECP setting at installation time.
This representation can vary and is dependent on the country code.
VALUES INTO as part of a program does work in DB2 S/390. For example:
Refer to the DB2 S/390 manuals for more detail about these special registers.
DB2 ULWO has special registers of its own. The table below compares these for both DB2
ULWO and DB2 S/390.
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Table 7 - DB2 S/390 vs DB2 ULWO Special Registers
DB2 S/390 Special Register DB2 ULWO Analogy
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4.13 Comparing SQL statements
Most SQL statements supported in these platforms are the same; differences will be found for
statements that refer to a particular architecture difference. For example, DB2 S/390 supports
different types of tablespaces; thus the CREATE TABLESPACE syntax will be different in DB2
S/390 from that in DB2 ULWO .
For a handy, single source of SQL that is compatible across the DB2 Family, see SQL Reference
for Cross-Platform Development, available at
4.14 Summary
The table below summarizes and compares the system structure concepts described in this
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DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
DB2 S/390 subsystem DB2 ULWO instance
Catalog database (DSNDB06) SYSCATSPACE tablespace
Directory database (DSNDB01) N/A
Communications Database (CDB), part of the Database directory, node directory, DCS
catalog. directory
Active and archive Logs concept Similar concept as in DB2 S/390
Dual logging supported Dual logging supported
Bootstrap dataset (BSDS) SQLOGCTL.LFH
Predefined bufferpools are “created” with Bufferpools are created with CREATE
Hiperpools Extended Storage (ESTORE)
Resource Limit Facility (DSNRLST) - The DB2 Governor (db2gov)
- Query Patroller
Work file database (DSNDB07) TEMPSPACE1 tablespace (system temporary
TEMP database, for global temporary tables. User temporary tablespace, for global
temporary tables
Default database (DSNDB04) USERSPACE1 tablespace
Objects from different databases can interact Objects from different databases cannot
with each other; therefore, a table in one interact with each other. A table in one
database cannot have exactly the same full database can have exactly the same full name
name as a table in another database. The as a table in another database. The same
same would apply to other objects. would apply to other objects.
Can execute queries involving tables of Cannot execute queries involving tables of
different databases. different databases.
Client connects to a DB2 subsystem, not to a Client connects to a particular database.
particular database.
DSNZPARM (SET SYSPARM command DBM CFG (db2stop, db2start required for
allows DSNZPARM module to be loaded in new values to be in effect) and DB CFG (all
memory while DB2 is up, but for some connection need to be terminated for the new
parameters, a -stop db2, -start db2 is still values to be in effect on next connection).
The table below summarizes and compares the data structure concepts described in this chapter.
Table 9 - DB2 S/390 and DB2 ULWO Data Structure Comparison
DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
DB2 S/390 database A DB2 S/390 database is like a DB2 ULWO
database without system information (logs, db
cfg, catalog).
DB2 storage group A DB2 S/390 storage group is similar to
having a group of DB2 ULWO raw device
Tablespace A DB2 S/390 tablespace holds tables as a
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DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
DB2 ULWO tablespace. In both cases, a
tablespace is an interface between tables and
the physical container/storage group. DB2
S/390 tablespaces map to a physical dataset,
while DB2 ULWO tablespaces don't map to
anything, because they are “logical.” DB2
S/390 supports simple, segmented, partitioned
and LOB tablespaces. DB2 ULWO
tablespaces can be SMS or DMS.
DB2 S/390 tablespaces are classified by how
data is internally organized; DB2 ULWO
tablespaces are classified by how they are
A DB2 S/390 tablespace may be most similar
to a DB2 ULWO DMS tablespace with file
Partitioned tablespace The DB2 S/390 partitioned tablespace
concept is not the same as DB2 ULWO EEE.
A partitioned tablespace will divide one table
into several partitions within the same
machine. DB2 ULWO EEE partitions a table
across several machines (nodes).
Tables Same concept as in DB2 S/390
Indexes Same concept as in DB2 S/390; however,
DB2 S/390 only supports Type 2 indexes;
Type 1 indexes have been phased out. DB2
ULWO only supports Type 1 indexes, with
Type 2 indexes coming up in a future version.
Indexspace Tablespace for indexes
View Same concept as in DB2 S/390.
Alias Same concept as in DB2 S/390.
Synonym DB2 ULWO does not differentiate between
an alias and a synonym. Both are different
terms for the same concept, not as in DB2
S/390. Thus, there is no equivalence to a
DB2 S/390 synonym in DB2 ULWO.
Qualifier (for tables, views, indexes, aliases) Schema
Schema (for distinct types, functions, stored Schema
procedures, triggers)
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Chapter 5 - Controlling Data Access
Access to DB2 can be divided in two parts: Access to the DB2 subsystem and access within the
DB2 subsystem.
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5.3 Comparing DB2 ULWO vs DB2 S/390 authorizations and privileges
In DB2 ULWO, users do not exist within the database, but rather are managed by the operating
system. The operating system is also responsible for authentication. Within the database,
privileges on specific database objects are assigned to those users provided by the operating
system. It will be necessary to create in the operating system any users that your application
requires to connect to the database and then provide database access to those users from within
the database. DB2 ULWO authorization is defined by means of a system of authorities and
privileges. Authority levels provide a method of grouping privileges and control. In DB2
ULWO, there are system-specific and database-specific authorities. System authorities are
recorded by group membership and are stored in the database manager configuration file for a
given instance (dbm cfg). These authorities are SYSADM, SYSCTRL and SYSMAINT. Each
group name assigned to these authorities is managed by the operating system facility. Privileges
are assigned within DB2 by using GRANT and REVOKE statements.
In DB2 S/390, users do not exist within the database either, but are managed through
TSO/RACF (or other security software). As well, as indicated in the previous section, a similar
concept is used with respect to authentication. Access to the DB2 subsystem itself is left to the
operating system (or the Security software which is in some cases part of the operating system).
Access to objects within DB2 is handled by DB2. Like DB2 ULWO, DB2 S/390 also uses
authorities and privileges.
In DB2 ULWO, the System Administration authority (SYSADM) is the highest level of
authority within the database manager, and controls all database objects. The database manager
configuration parameter SYSADM_GROUP defines the group name with SYSADM authority
for the database. In UNIX, the initial value is null and defaults to the primary group of the
instance owner. In Windows, the value defaults to the Administrator Group. Following
installation, a different group name can be assigned to SYSADM_GROUP within DB2 ULWO.
Figure 9 shows the DB2 ULWO authorizations and privileges.
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Figure 9
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Figure 10 - DB2 S/390 Authorizations
In DB2 S/390, a secondary authorization ID can be used to map users to a shared ID (a group);
privileges or authorities can then be given to this secondary ID. RACF also classifies users into
groups, and DB2 can also grant or revoke authorizations and privileges to these groups. In DB2
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ULWO, the secondary authorization ID concept is not used. UNIX and Windows operating
systems also classify users into a group. Within DB2 ULWO, privileges and authorities can be
granted or revoked to this operating system group.
In DB2 ULWO, any user can execute the statement SET CURRENT SQLID <schema name>.
The schema name can be any string of up to 30 characters. The statement SET CURRENT
SCHEMA <schema name> is equivalent. In DB2 S/390 only the SET CURRENT SQLID <id>
statement can be used; SET CURRENT SCHEMA is not allowed . The ID can be either the
primary authorization ID, or any secondary authorization ID of the current process. Only a
SYSADM can specify any string of up to eight characters whether or not it is an authorization ID
or associated with the process that is running.
5.4 Summary
In this chapter, we compared security between DB2 ULWO and DB2 S/390. For these
platforms, access to DB2 is controlled by the operating system or the security software; and
access within DB2 is controlled by DB2 itself through the use of authorizations and privileges.
Though similar, these authorizations and privileges are not the same. The table below shows
some analogies between these platforms with respect to security.
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DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
with the GRANT and REVOKE statements authorizations cannot be granted or revoked.
respectively. All others can. All others can.
Kerberos security is supported for remote Kerberos security is supported only for clients
users. RACF is required. and servers running Windows 2000.
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Part III. DB2 S/390 Administration
Chapter 6 - DB2 S/390 Utilities and Maintaining Data
6.1 DB2 S/390 Utilities at a glance
The following two tables list the utilities available with DB2 S/390. Some of these utilities are
covered in more detail in subsequent sections of this document.
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6.2 Loading data
The SQL INSERT statement can be used to move or copy data from one subsystem to another,
or from one table to another within the same subsystem; however, for better performance in the
case of large amounts of data, the LOAD utility should be used.
The LOAD utility will load the data of one or more tables of a tablespace. The target table(s) to
be loaded must exist prior to executing this utility. LOAD will also build or extend any indexes
defined on them. All integrity checking is performed (referential integrity, check integrity).
In DB2 ULWO, a LOAD utility is also available. This utility is also used for performance
reasons when loading large amounts of data. DB2 ULWO's LOAD utility uses
UNIX/Linux/Windows files of format ASCII, delimited ASCII or IXF as input, and the target is
a table. The LOAD utility is used on a per table basis; however, the db2move utility with the
LOAD option can be used to invoke the LOAD utility against several tables of a database. The
LOAD utility in DB2 ULWO will rebuild or extend indexes defined on the table to be loaded,
and will check for primary key or unique key constraints; however, as opposed to DB2 S/390's
LOAD utility, it will not check for any other type of constraints including referential constraints
or check constraints.
As in DB2 S/390, the table to be loaded must exist before the LOAD is executed.
db2 connect to <DB2 S/390 subsystem> user <TSO id> using <TSO password>
db2 "export to d:\tempD\staff.ixf of ixf select * from staff390"
db2 connect to <DB2 ULWO database> user <UNIX/Win id> using <UNIX/Win
db2 "import from d:\tempD\staff.ixf of ixf insert into staff"
The above example will export (unload) data from the staff390 table in the DB2 S/390
subsystem to a UNIX/Linux/Windows file. The data will be later imported (loaded) from this file
into the staff table on DB2 ULWO.
With DB2 S/390 V7, the LOAD utility was extended to load the output of any SELECT
statement directly into a table on DB2 S/390. This new extension is known as the 'Cross
Loader'. The Cross Loader can only be used when loading a DB2 S/390 table, so it can only
work one way. If you would like to load a DB2 ULWO table with data from a DB2 S/390
database, you would still need to use the EXPORT and IMPORT utilities.
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Using LOAD REPLACE to delete ALL records of a table
To quickly delete all the records of a table in DB2 S/390, a method of using the LOAD utility
with the REPLACE option and an empty input file can be used. This same method can also be
used with DB2 ULWO.
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There is an offline REORG, and an online REORG. An offline REORG implies that limited or
no access is allowed during the execution of this utility. Using SHRLEVEL option set to NONE
or starting the tablespace in UT (utility mode) would correspond to an offline REORG. An
online REORG provides users with read-only or read-write access while the REORG is
executing. The SHRLEVEL option set to REFERENCE corresponds to a read-only REORG,
while the SHRLEVEL option set to CHANGE corresponds to a read-write REORG.
DB2 ULWO also has a REORG utility with a similar purpose. This REORG, however, is
performed at the table level rather than the tablespace level. All indexes will also be
reorganized. Currently online REORG for tables is not supported. Online REORG for indexes
is supported and performed automatically for you; the MINPCTUSED option must be set to a
value greater than zero when creating the index, however.
In addition, DB2 ULWO provides the REORGCHK utility to check the physical organization of
tables and report if a REORG is required. The REORGCHK will obtain its information from the
catalog; therefore, the catalog statistics have to be up to date.
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This utility checks a LOB tablespace for structural defects in the LOB tablespace and any
invalid LOB values.
The REPAIR utility with the SET TABLESPACE NOCHECKPEND option can also be used to
reset CHECK PENDING status.
In DB2 ULWO, the SET INTEGRITY statement (formerly known as SET CONSTRAINTS) is
used to check data consistency and to reset CHECK PENDING status. This statement is
performed at the table level, not at the tablespace level, as it is in DB2 S/390.
The REPAIR online utility repairs data. It also can be used to reset pending status. Users
of this utility should be extremely careful.
DB2 ULWO provides the db2dart utility, which verifies that the architectural integrity of a
database is correct. It mainly inspects the data, but does not repair it. Normally, customers
would contact DB2 Service support when db2dart reports problems.
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// NOTIFY=TS56692
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move data between databases or machines. The 'backup' command can also be used to
copy an entire database which could be restored in a different machine. With respect to
data and index page validity checking, DB2 ULWO uses the db2dart utility.
This utility formats the contents of the recovery log for display.
DB2 ULWO does not have something similar to this utility.
This utility is useful when you want to identify the contents of a tablespace or index. It
allows you to print:
- DB2 VSAM datasets that contain tablespaces or indexspaces (including dictionary
pages for compressed data)
- Image copy datasets
- Sequential datasets that contain DB2 tablespaces or indexspaces.
DB2 ULWO does not currently have something similar to this utility.
This utility, under the direction of an IBM Support Center specialist lets you:
- Force dumps when selected DB2 trace events occur.
- Write DB2 trace records to a user-defined MVS dataset.
DB2 ULWO does not currently have something similar to this utility.
6.11 Summary
The following table shows DB2 S/390 utilities and their corresponding DB2 ULWO ones.
Table 13 - Comparing DB2 S/390 and DB2 ULWO Utilities
DB2 S/390 Utility DB2 ULWO Analogy
LOAD (Can load one or more tables of a LOAD (Can only load one table at a time
tablespace). unless the db2move with the load option is
An extension of the LOAD utility called the There is no such capability in DB2 ULWO.
cross loader allows using SQL statements and Currently, EXPORT/IMPORT utilities are
DRDA to be used as input to the LOAD. used to transfer data from DB2 S/390 to DB2
This is helpful when loading data from a DB2 ULWO and vice versa.
ULWO server (or other DRDA server) to
DB2 S/390.
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DB2 S/390 Utility DB2 ULWO Analogy
DSNTIAUL (SAMPLE PROGRAM) EXPORT (Can only export one table at a time
unless the db2move with the export option is
REORG UNLOAD EXTERNAL EXPORT (Can only export one table at a time
unless the db2move with the export option is
REORG UNLOAD DISCARD EXPORT (Can only export one table at a time
unless the db2move with the export option is
UNLOAD (Can unload one or more tables of EXPORT (Can only export one table at a time
a tablespace) unless the db2move with the export option is
REPAIR (Inspects and can also fix) db2dart (Inspects only)
DSNJU004 db2pdlog (internal utility)
DSN1CHKR db2dart
DSN1COMP N/A, compression is not available in DB2
moving data. db2dart for checking page
DB2PLI8 (internal utility) db2look
DB2EXPL (internal utility, formats N/A
EXPLAIN table output in a way needed for
DB2 Service)
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Chapter 7 - Database Recovery
7.1 Database recovery concepts
There are different methods DB2 S/390 can use to recover data when there are failures. DB2
allows you to recover data to the current state or to the state at an earlier point in time. You can
recover the following:
- tablespaces
- indexes
- partitions of a tablespace
- individual datasets
- pages within an error range
- individual pages
DB2 will save only data and not the layout of your structures. Also, if you drop your structures,
then all recovery information is lost and recovery cannot be performed.
7.2 Logging
Changes made to the database are logged in active logs. The DML statements are recorded in
the log as follows:
INSERT: Entire after image of the record is logged called a redo record.
DELETE: The before image of the record is recorded and called an undo record.
UPDATE: Both. Tthe before and after images (undo and redo record) are recorded.
LRSNs and RBAs are unique identifiers of each log. RBA (relative byte address) is used in
non-data sharing environments. It is the offset of the record in the log from the beginning of the
log. LRSNs (log record sequence number) is equivalent to a RBA but for data sharing
environments. In this type of environment, all the members of the data sharing group have to
coordinate their own separate logs, so LRSNs help track the sequence of events occurring over
multiple members. LRSNs are based on timestamps.
Active logs are stored physically on log datasets. There can be up to 31 predefined log datasets
available for active logs; however, you can specify a number lower than this on installation panel
DSNTIPL. Active logs are written to the active log datasets as changes are made to the
database. When a dataset becomes full, it will be offloaded into an archive log dataset, and the
next active log dataset will be used to continue logging database activity. The offload process
may prompt an operator to mount a tape or prepare a disk unit. The operator may not reply right
away, but this will not affect DB2, as it will continue logging in the next active log dataset. This
process will continue in a round-robin fashion; thus, when the last allocated active log dataset
becomes full, DB2 will trigger the offload for this dataset, and will continue with the first active
log dataset.
If the operator never replies to the offload processing prompt, DB2 may run out of its active logs.
If all the active logs are full, DB2 will attempt an offload and will halt processing until the
offload is completed. If the offload processing fails, then DB2 cannot continue work that
requires writing to the log.
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Archive logs are created dynamically and can be stored on disk or tape, but recovery will be
faster if they are stored on disk. DB2 allows for many archive log datasets. Their retention
period depends on your image copy frequency and how far you want to go back in time during a
point-in-time recovery.
DB2 S/390 also provides dual logging capability to ensure that there are two copies of the active
log datasets; in the event that one is lost, the other can be used for recovery. During a recovery,
typically DB2 will start from an image copy (a backup) and then apply the logs. If the records
needed to recover are not in the active logs any longer, DB2 will call for the appropriate archive
The BSDS (bootstrap dataset), as explained in a previous section, is like a table of contents that
keeps track of log datasets and their contents. It also stores information about bufferpool
attributes. The DB2 system will record all of the current active and archive log datasets in the
BSDS. At DB2 installation time, by default DB2 will create two copies of the BSDS datasets.
These datasets will be used when DB2 is started and will be updated during normal DB2
operations whenever an archive log is created. The BSDS can record up to 1000 archive log
dataset records; when this number (or the one set at installation time) is reached, DB2 will
continue recording in the BSDS from the beginning of the dataset, thus overwriting older
records. Note that during the offloading process, when an archive log is created, a copy of the
BSDS is also stored with the archive log dataset. This will be useful whenever the BSDS
datasets are corrupted and you need to recover them.
SYSIBM.SYSLGRNX is a table in the DB2 directory that keeps track of update periods for
tablespaces and recoverable indexes. Thus, if you are attempting to recover these objects, there
will not be a need to go through all the log records. DB2 will review the SYSLGRNX table and
determine which log datasets (or parts of the log) it requires and will speed up the recovery
process because logs that contain no updates for the object being recovered are skipped.
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Full and incremental image copies
A full image copy copies all pages of a tablespace whether it has changed or not (this is the
default). An incremental image copy copies only the pages that have changed since the last
image copy. It is common to see administrators use incremental copies for its speed and then run
the MERGECOPY utility to merge the last full copy and the latest incremental copy into a new
full copy.
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7.5.2 Indexspace recovery
Indexes can also be recovered if they were enabled for image copies in their DDL definition.
Using image copies, an index is recovered rather than being rebuilt from the table using the
REBUILD utility. There are only full image copies on indexes, and no incremental copies. The
LogApply phase works the same way as for the tablespace recovery.
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-BSDS lists
7.9 Comparing DB2 ULWO with DB2 S/390 backup and recovery
In general, DB2 ULWO backup and recovery is simpler than DB2 S/390's. Many of the actions
required or allowed in DB2 S/390's are automated or hidden in DB2 ULWO. For example,
though the SQLOGCTL.LFH file is equivalent to DB2 S/390's BSDS, a DB2 ULWO user need
not be concerned with this file (other than making sure it is not deleted). Adding new active log
files doesn’t require manual updates of SQLOGCTL.LFH. In DB2 S/390, adding active logs
datasets require manual changes to the BSDS which can be performed by the DSNJU003 utility.
In addition, the BSDS also keeps a DDF communication record (location name, TCP port, etc).
You can use the DSNJU004 utility to view this information and DSNJU003 to make changes.
Alternatively, installation panel DSNTIPR can be used to specify this DDF information.
DB2 ULWO, like DB2 S/390, uses similar concepts with respect to active logs and archive logs,
but these are not quite the same. In DB2 ULWO there are two types of logging: circular logging
and archival logging. Circular logging (default) does not use archive logs, and as it name
implies, it will use the active logs in round-robin fashion, and will overwrite older logs. Because
of this, with circular logging you are limited to crash recovery only; this means that you cannot
restore the database to a given point in time. In DB2 S/390 there is no circular logging.
The second type of logging in DB2 ULWO is archival logging and this is similar to DB2 S/390's
logging. In DB2 ULWO, either or both of these two database configuration parameters must be
turned on in order to enable archival logging: LOGRETAIN and USEREXIT. In DB2 S/390,
archival logging is the default.
DB2 ULWO has a database configuration parameter called LOGPRIMARY, which is used to
specify how many primary log files are created when first connecting to the database (similar to
DB2 S/390 in the sense that it has a specific number of predefined active log datasets that cannot
exceed 31 in single logging mode). In addition, DB2 ULWO has another database configuration
parameter called LOGSECOND, which will specify how many active log files should be
dynamically created when there are not enough primary log files. Secondary active logs are not
available in DB2 S/390.
In DB2 ULWO, when an active log becomes full, the next available active log will be used to
continue logging. There is no offloading process that is initiated automatically when the log
becomes full, unless userexits have been enabled.
In DB2 ULWO, an active log will be considered active until the transactions in that log file are
no longer needed for crash recovery; that is, when the unit of work has committed or rolled back.
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Only when this happens will the active log become an online archive log first (meaning it
remains in the same directory or location as the active logs), and when these files are moved to
another location or media, they become offline archive logs. In DB2 S/390, active logs are the
ones that are stored in active log datasets, and when the offloading process takes place, the full
active log becomes an archive log. This archive log, however, may potentially have
uncommitted transactions.
In DB2 ULWO, when userexits are enabled, DB2 will trigger the userexit to copy an active log
into an archival location or media as soon as it becomes full. This is similar to the DB2 S/390
offloading process. The original copy of the active log will be overwritten once it becomes an
archive log. Based on the above descriptions, it could be said that DB2 ULWO archival logging
with userexits enabled is most similar to DB2 S/390 logging. Dual logging is supported in DB2
ULWO as in DB2 S/390.
If there is a very long running transaction that does not commit, there is a possibility that DB2
ULWO has run out of active primary and secondary logs. So if for example a long transaction X
is running and has used 95% of the active logs, if another transaction Y is started which uses the
5% left, then since this transaction was the first one to hit the 'active log full' condition, DB2
ULWO will rollback this transaction and report an error. In DB2 S/390, however, this situation
would only happen when all the active and archive logs allowed are used. Thus, you can have
transaction X filling up all the active logs, which are offloaded to an archive log and ready for
reuse on the next pass of this same transaction.
DB2 ULWO uses the terms ”backup” and ”restore” while DB2 S/390 uses the terms ”image
copy/backup” and “recover.” The BACKUP command in DB2 ULWO can back up an entire
database or just specific tablespaces; DB2 S/390 works at the tablespace level, so image copies
can only be performed at that level. For example, the DB2 ULWO command:
will back up the entire database DB2CERT into directory C:\DBBACKUP. In DB2 S/390, you
would have to image copy all the tablespaces of a database, and also the tablespaces of the
catalog and directory, though using wildcards could make this process easier.
In this example:
would back up the catalog tablespace, SYSCATSPACE, and a user tablespace, FILETS, and
would store the backup in C:\DBBACKUP.
DB2 ULWO also provides the ability to create incremental backups; this is a feature introduced
in Version 7. DB2 S/390 can use incremental image copies.
In a similar way, the RESTORE command in DB2 ULWO is used to restore the database or
tablespaces back to the way they were. The corresponding examples for the previous backup
examples would be:
When restoring the database or tablespace, you can apply the logs to the backup if desired.
Alternatively, you can use the option WITHOUT ROLLING FORWARD, which will prevent
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this from happening. The ROLLFORWARD command can be later used to apply the logs. A
timestamp can be specified with the ROLLFORWARD command, which would allow you to
apply the logs to a specific point in time. This would be equivalent to DB2 S/390's
"point-in-time recovery." While DB2 S/390 uses RBAs/LRSNs to recover to a point in time, in
DB2 ULWO, you explicitly specify a timestamp.
DB2 ULWO also uses the QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE command to create a point
of consistency that can be used for a subsequent roll-forward recovery. The recovery history file
can be used to find quiesce points and check whether they are past the minimum recovery time to
determine a desirable time to stop the rollforward. This history file contains information about
SYSIBM.SYSCOPY in DB2 S/390. DB2 ULWO 's PRUNE HISTORY command can be used
to clean up this history file in the same way that DB2 S/390's MODIFY RECOVERY command
is used to clean up SYSIBM.SYSCOPY.
DB2 ULWO uses also LSNs (Log Sequence Number) which should be the equivalent to RBAs
(Relative Byte Address)/LRSNs (Logical Sequence Number); however, LSNs are not
externalized to normal DB2 ULWO users, while RBAs/LRSNs are needed in DB2 S/390 for
point-in-time recovery.
With respect to database access, DB2 ULWO's BACKUPs can be performed for databases and
tablespaces in online mode (using the ONLINE keyword) or offline mode (default). RESTOREs
can be performed for databases in offline mode only, while they can be performed in offline and
online mode for tablespaces. ROLLFORWARDs for databases can be performed in offline
mode ONLY, while they can be performed in offline and online mode for tablespaces, except for
SYSCATSPACE (similar to RESTORE). In DB2 S/390, image copies and RECOVER can only
be performed at the tablespace level, and both allow online and offline modes.
7.10 Summary
The following table summarizes the similarities and differences between DB2 ULWO's backup
and restore and DB2 S/390's backup and recover concepts.
Table 14 - Comparing DB2 ULWO with DB2 S/390 Backup and Recovery
DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
Active logs Active logs
Archive logs Archive logs in DB2 S/390 may still contain
transactions not committed or rolled back that
may still be used for crash recovery. DB2
ULWO's archive logs contain only
transactions that have completed
(committed/rolled back).
Offloading process, which can be triggered Manual or userexit move of logs to another
when an active log is full. media or directory location.
N/A Circular logging (default)
Having logs on (default) Archival logging with userexits enabled.
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DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
Dual logging supported Dual logging supported
Image copy (COPY utility) at the tablespace Backup utility at the database or tablespace
or indexspace level. level.
Image copy can be taken online or offline. Backup utility can be taken online or offline.
Incremental Image copies Incremental backups
RECOVER utility at the tablespace level RESTORE utility at the database or
tablespace level.
RECOVER can be run online or offline RESTORE can be run online or offline for
tablespaces, offline only for databases
RECOVER Utility includes a LOGAPPLY RESTORE can include a LOGAPPLY phase,
phase or can use the ROLLFORWARD command.
There is no ROLLFORWARD command. ROLLFORWARD command can be run
online or offline for tablespaces, offline only
for databases.
TABLESPACE <tablespace name> <table name>
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Chapter 8 - Data Sharing
8.1 Description
Data sharing allows an application to run on one or more DB2 subsystems in a Parallel Sysplex®
environment. A parallel sysplex is a cluster of OS/390 systems that communicate and cooperate
with each other. It consists of a Coupling Facility (specialized hardware, specialized
high-speed links, adaptors, and so on), and a Sysplex Timer® (common time source across all
of the systems in the cluster).
In a data-sharing environment, an application can read and write to the same data concurrently.
In the past, this could only be done using DDF to access data on other subsystems. The
subsystems that can share data must belong to a data-sharing group. The subsystems in the
group are known as members. Shared DASD is required to share the MVS catalog, the DB2
catalog, DB2 directory, shared databases, etc. There is one catalog and one directory for the
entire data sharing group. The following graph shows what a data-sharing system looks like.
Figure 11 - An Example of a Data-Sharing Environment
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8.2 Data-sharing benefits
Data sharing provides many benefits, some of them are:
- Improves availability of data - if a member is down, other members are still available.
- Enables scalability - Processors can be added without disruption.
- Supports flexible configurations. You can have more than one DB2 data-sharing group on
the same OS/390 Parallel Sysplex. For example, you might want one group for testing and
another for production data.
- Leaves application interface unchanged. Your investment in people and skills is protected
because existing SQL interfaces and attachments remain intact when sharing data. You can
bind a package or plan on one DB2 subsystem and run that package or plan on any other
DB2 subsystem in a data-sharing group.
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Chapter 9 - Performance Monitoring and Tuning
The EXPLAIN tool allows you to analyze the access path chosen by the DB2 S/390 optimizer.
You first need to create the PLAN_TABLE, DSN_STATEMNT_TABLE and
DSN_FUNCTION_TABLE tables. The DDL for these tables can be found in the DB2 sample
library SDSNSAMP, under the member DSNTESC. The last two tables mentioned above are
optional, but if created, the optimizer may insert records in them too. The PLAN_TABLE can
also be used as input to the optimizer in order to provide 'optimization hints'.
In order to populate the PLAN_TABLE, the EXPLAIN tool should be invoked. This is done in
either one of two ways:
- Executing the EXPLAIN SQL statement in SPUFI or QMF.
- Binding with the option EXPLAIN(YES) and using the EXPLAIN SQL statement.
For example, assuming that no set of rows in the PLAN_TABLE has the value 23 for the
QUERYNO column, we can do:
To retrieve and analyze the information stored in the PLAN_TABLE, query it using the queryno
column as shown below:
DB2 ULWO also has an EXPLAIN facility, and several EXPLAIN tables; however, the DDL for
these tables are different from the ones for DB2 S/390. This means that each product has a
version of Visual Explain, a workstation-based tool for graphically displaying access paths.
Visual Explain for S/390 comes as part of the DB2 Management Clients Package which is
explained in more detail in a later section. In DB2 ULWO, optimization hints are not provided
through the EXPLAIN tables; however, the catalog views with schema SYSSTAT can be
modified to change the statistics and thus influence the optimizer that way.
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y Sysplex query parallelism. This type of parallelism is only possible in a data-sharing
environment. For processor-intensive queries, DB2 can split a large query across the
different DB2 members of the data-sharing group.
DB2 S/390 will determine what type of query parallelism is used and when it will be used.
However, in order to enable or disable it, the following actions should be performed:
Table 15 - Query Parallelism in DB2 S/390
To Enable DB2 S/390 Query Parallelism To Disable DB2 S/390 Query Parallelism
For static SQL, specify DEGREE(ANY) on For static SQL, specify DEGREE(1) on
The default value is obtained from zparm The default value is obtained from zparm
For dynamic SQL: For dynamic SQL:
- Set the CURRENT DEGREE special - Set the CURRENT DEGREE special
register to 'ANY'. E.g., register to '1'
- Make sure RLST does not disable or
parallelism for the package, plan, authid. - Use the RLST to disable parallelism for the
package, plan or authid.
Use CURRENTDATA(NO) for DB2 to Use CURRENTDATA(YES) to disable DB2
consider parallelism on ambiguous cursors. from considering parallelism on ambiguous
The virtual bufferpool parallel sequential Set VPPSEQT to 0.
threshold (VPPSEQT) value must be large
enough to provide adequate bufferpool space
for parallel processing.
Maximum degree of parallelism is Setting MAX DEGREE to 1 will NOT disable
determined by zparm parameter MAX parallelism. Follow any of the above methods
DEGREE. to disable parallelism.
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y Inter-partition parallelism. This type of parallelism will break up a query into
multiple parts across multiple partitions of a partitioned database on one machine or
multiple machines. This type of parallelism is best suited to take advantage of the
massively parallel processing (MPP) system; therefore, DB2 ULWO Enterprise
Extended Edition needs to be installed to support this type of parallelism. It is closest
in concept to DB2 S/390's Query Sysplex parallelism.
You can also use intra-partition parallelism and inter-partition parallelism at the same time. This
combination provides two dimensions of parallelism, increasing the speed of queries even
Though I/O parallelism was not mentioned in the above classification, in DB2 ULWO this type
of parallelism also happens, and it is determined mainly by the configuration of your hardware
(CPU and disks) and some configuration parameters.
In order to enable intra partition parallelism in DB2 ULWO , the database manager configuration
parameter INTRA_PARALLEL needs to be set to YES.
With respect to the DEGREE of the parallelism, there are several parameters that deal with it:
- MAX_QUERYDEGREE: Database manager configuration parameter that specifies the
maximum degree of parallelism a query can use. A value of -1 (or ANY) means that DB2
will determine this value. If set to 1, parallelism will not take place; however, this is not
the recommended approach to turn off parallelism as some memory will still be allocated
for it. This is equivalent to DB2 S/390's zparm MAX DEGREE.
- DFT_DEGREE: Database configuration parameter that specifies the default degree to use.
If set to 1 you will be disabling parallelism; however, this is not the recommended way to
disable parallelism, but using the INTRA_PARALLEL parameter. This is equivalent to
DB2 S/390's zparm CURRENT DEGREE.
- CURRENT DEGREE: Special register that sets the degree of parallelism for dynamic SQL
and defaults to DFT_DEGREE. The statement SET CURRENT DEGREE is used. This is
equivalent to DB2 S/390's CURRENT DEGREE register.
- DEGREE: Precompile or bind option that sets the degree of parallelism for static SQL.
This is equivalent to DB2 S/390's DEGREE() bind option.
- RUNTIME DEGREE (SET RUNTIME DEGREE statement): Sets the degree of
parallelism for running applications.
- DB2DEGREE (CLI configuration file): Sets the degree of parallelism for CLI applications.
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DB2 PM batch reports present the data you select in comprehensive reports or graphs containing
system-wide and application-related information for both single DB2 subsystems and DB2
members of a data-sharing group.
Batch reports can be used to examine performance problems and trends over a period of time.
Two batch reports typically used are the statistics report and the accounting report. The statistics
report provides an excellent source of information of DB2 memory usage at the subsystem level.
The Accounting report provides information about applications for specific time periods. There
are also some more specific reports like the Lock Detail Analysis report for monitoring locks.
DB2 PM also comes with an Online Monitor that gives you a current snapshot view of a running
DB2 subsystem. This monitor also comes with a GUI interface that has a similar look to the
DB2 Control Center.
In DB2 ULWO switches need to be turned on in order to capture information about the system.
This can be performed by turning on some database manager configuration parameters, or
alternatively, by using the UPDATE MONITOR SWITCHES command, which would only
affect its own session. Once the switches are on, the get snapshot command is used to
report the information accumulated. This is known as snapshot monitoring.
For other type of problems like deadlocks, DB2 ULWO provides event monitoring. While
snapshot monitoring takes a snapshot view of the current system, event monitoring will report
problems based on an event that triggers it.
DB2 S/390's DB2 PM tool is similar to these two tools. DB2 S/390 has other new tools that
provide further monitoring capabilities. These are mentioned in a later section of this document.
9.4 Summary
The table below compares and summarizes the topics covered in this chapter.
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DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
DEGREE bind/rebind option DEGREE precompile/bind option
CURRENT DEGREE special register CURRENT DEGREE special register
MAX DEGREE = 1 should not be used to MAX_QUERYDEGREE = 1 or
disable parallelism. DFT_DEGREE = 1 should not be used to
disable parallelism as memory is allocated.
Specify INTRA_PARALLEL = NO instead
DB2 PM Snapshot monitor
DB2 PM Event monitor
-start trace Turn on monitor switches
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Part IV. Application Considerations and Connectivity
Chapter 10 - DB2 S/390 Connectivity
10.1 DB2 S/390 supported protocols
DB2 S/390 supports two protocols:
This is the recommended protocol. The application connects to a server at another location
and executes packages that have been previously bound at that server. The application
uses a CONNECT statement, a three-part name, or an alias (if bound with DBPROTOCOL
(DRDA) to access the server.
y DB2 private protocol
This protocol is being phased out. The application must connect using an alias or
three-part name to direct the SQL statement to a given location. Private protocol works
only between application requesters and servers that are both DB2 S/390 subsystems; thus
this protocol cannot be used to connect to a DB2 ULWO server. A statement is executed
using DB2 private protocol access if it refers to objects that are not at the current server
and is implicitly or explicitly bound with DBPROTOCOL(PRIVATE). A three-part name
consists of a location, an authorization ID, and an object name. For example, for the
following SQL statement, NYSERVER is the location name, DB2USER is the
authorization ID, and TEST is the table name:
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The tables below show the steps to follow when connecting from a DB2 ULWO client to DB2
S/390 using DB2 ULWO's Command Line Processor (CLP). Only basic command options will
be used. TCPIP is the most common network protocol used today, so this is the only one
described in this section. The Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) GUI tool can also be used
to set up the connectivity to the mainframe.
Three cases are explained. The first case is mentioned for completeness, but it is not related to
DB2 S/390; it describes connectivity between a DB2 ULWO client and DB2 ULWO server:
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2) From DB2 UNIX/Linux/Windows machine to DB2 for OS/390 machine (DB2 Connect
MUST be installed on UNIX/Linux/Windows machine)
Machine 1 ('libra') Machine 2 ('bigblue') DB2 for OS/390
Commands to run on this machine: Information you need to obtain from this machine,
to perform the commands on machine 1:
db2 catalog tcpip node bigbnode For this example:
remote y158.228.20.3 = IP address of machine 2.
server 446 y446 = The port used for DB2.
Note: Port 446 is normally the default value. To find out the
'bigbnode' is an arbitrary name port used, contact your DB2 for OS/390 DBA who can
chosen for the node. check the MVS syslog for message DSNL004I.
"TCPPORT" in that message contains the port to use.
Also, the -DISPLAY DDF command provides this info.
db2 catalog db d42d1 y'd42d1' is the name you will use to connect to the DB2
at node bigbnode for OS/390 subsystem. This name is chosen arbitrarily.
authentication dcs
db2 catalog dcs db d42d1
as S/390loc yS/390loc = The LOCATION NAME of the DB2
subsystem you want to access on machine 2.
To find out the LOCATION NAME, contact your DB2
for OS/390 DBA who can check the MVS syslog for
message DSNL004I. "LOCATION" in that message
contains the LOCATION NAME to use. Also, the
-DISPLAY DDF command provides this info.
db2 terminate
db2 connect to d42d1
user <userid>
using <password>
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3) From DB2 UNIX/Linux/Windows machine (client, machine 0) to DB2
UNIX/Linux/Windows machine (With DB2 Connect as a gateway, machine 1) to DB2
for OS/390 machine (machine 2)
From machine one to machine two, follow the same instructions as in case #2 . There is no
need to catalog a database from the DB2 Connect gateway unless you want to connect from
that machine.
Machine 0 ('myClientPC') Machine 1 ('libra') UNIX/Windows
Commands to run on this machine: Information you need to obtain from this machine,
to perform the commands on machine 0:
db2 catalog tcpip node gatewayn For this example:
remote y9.82.24.10 = IP address of machine 1.
server 50000 y50000 = The port used for DB2.
To find out the port used, go to file /etc/services and grep
Note: 'gatewayn' is an arbitrary for your DB2 instance name (same as case #1).
name chosen for the node.
db2 catalog db d42d1 yd42d1 = Name of the database you want to access as
at node gatewayn specified in the "catalog dcs" command in this gateway
authentication dcs_encrypt machine (machine 1).
db2 terminate
db2 connect to d42d1
user <userid for DB2 OS/390>
using <password DB2 OS/390>
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Other related commands that you may want to use:
Command Command Description
db2 list db directory Lists the databases you have cataloged
db2 list node directory Lists the node directories you have cataloged
db2 list dcs directory Lists the dcs databases you have cataloged
Uncatalog database <dbname> Uncatalogs a database entry (in case you incorrectly
catalogued a database)
Uncatalog dcs database <dbname> Uncatalogs a dcs database entry
Uncatalog node <node name> Uncatalogs a node entry
db2licm -l Lists which DB2 product(s) you have installed and
db2 ? <command name> Displays the syntax to use for <command name>
Eg: db2 ? catalog ==> Will show the syntax of the
'catalog' command
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y Bind packages to the application server
Unlike DB2 ULWO , DB2 S/390 sample applications do not automatically bind their
packages to the Application Server, you have to manually bind them. The BIND
PACKAGE option in DB2I can help you perform this task. Make sure to input the correct
value for the LOCATION NAME of the server.
To connect to the DB2 ULWO Application Server, you can use the CONNECT TO statement.
CONNECT TO <location name/host variable> USER <host variable> USING <host
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Chapter 11 - Application Development Environment
DB2 ULWO users may be mostly interested in writing UNIX/Linux/Windows client applications
to access a DB2 S/390 subsystem through DB2 Connect. For this, all that needs to be set up is
the connectivity to the mainframe, as well as optionally configuring some keywords required for
ODBC/CLI programs. In this section, we will briefly describe some application issues when
coding in the mainframe environment as well as issues when coding applications on the client to
access DB2 on the mainframe.
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CLI Keyword Description
DisableKeysetCursor Disables keyset-driven scrollable cursors. This may be useful
when having problems with server-side scrollable cursors.
Patch1 This keyword set to specific values will indicate to the
CLI/ODBC program that a workaround should be used for
known CLI/ODBC application problems. An applicable value
when working with a client application accessing the mainframe
is: PATCH1=32768.
This value allows Microsoft Query to work with DB2 MVS
Patch2 Similar to PATCH1, this keyword is used to indicate a
workaround for a known CLI/ODBC application problem.
Applicable values are:
DB2 S/390 V4.1, allow parenthesis in the ON clause in an Outer
DB2 S/390 rewrite BETWEEN predicates with parameter
markers as both operands
Revert back to previous cursor state after the cursor was
downgraded (MVS specific)
JDBCTrace Turn on the DB2 JDBC trace facility.
JDBCTracePathName Subdirectory used to store individual DB2 JDBC trace files.
Trace Turn on the DB2 CLI/ODBC trace facility.
TraceFileName File used to store the DB2 CLI/ODBC trace information.
TracePathName Subdirectory used to store individual DB2 CLI/ODBC trace
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Figure 12 - DB2 S/390 Program Preparation
A DB2 S/390 database request module (DBRM) corresponds to a DB2 ULWO bind file. In DB2
ULWO one can use the precompile command without the bindfile option, which will create a
package directly in the database; alternatively, if the 'bindfile' option is used, a bind file will be
created, and the bind command will need to be run to create a package in the database. In DB2
S/390 you will always obtain a DBRM (that is, you cannot create a package directly), and the
bind of the program can be to a package or to an application plan. In addition, packages can be
bound into logical groups called collections, which can also be bound into a plan.
When binding a DBRM into a package, this DBRM should be for only a single SQL statement,
for a subset of the program, or for an entire program. The package created will contain
executable forms of optimized SQL.
A package name will have the format <location name>.<collection_id>.<dbrm or package_id>,
where the location name is optional. The collection_id is like a qualifier or 'schema'. A package
must be bound into a plan before it is usable. The following can be bound into a plan:
- Packages
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- Collections
Plan 'ABC'
Collection 'COLID1'
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SQL statements in the program have not changed. For example, you should rebind when
you change authorizations, create a new index that the package uses, or use RUNSTATS.
y Free
Lets you delete plans and packages from DB2
In DB2 ULWO the bind and rebind commands perform the same functions as the corresponding
commands in DB2 S/390. DB2 ULWO only binds to create packages (plans cannot be created).
The DB2 ULWO db2rbind command can be used to bind more than one package at a time. DB2
ULWO doesn't have a command similar to DB2 S/390's FREE command; instead, you would
use DROP PACKAGE <package name>.
11.4 Triggers
A trigger is a set of actions that will be executed when a defined event occurs. The triggering
events can be the following SQL statements: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Trigger usage
and activation (before trigger, after trigger) is exactly the same as in DB2 ULWO. Trigger
information in DB2 S/390 can be obtained from catalog tables SYSIBM.SYSTRIGGERS and
SYSIBM.SYSPACKAGE. In DB2 ULWO, trigger information can be obtained from catalog
Getting Started with DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 Version 7 for 86
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DB2 ULWO also supports UDFs in a similar way to DB2 S/390. UDFs can be run as fenced or
11.7 Summary
The following table summarizes and compares some of the topics covered in this chapter.
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Chapter 12 - Locking and Concurrency
12.1 Locking data
DB2 uses several mechanisms to lock different objects. IRLM is used to manage transaction
locks, latches (a kind of internal “fast” lock) are used to manage indexes, and drains and claims
are used to control utilities and commands.
The following objects, listed in hierarchical order starting with the largest, can be locked in DB2
- Tablespace
- Table (only if the table is in a segmented tablespace)
- Partition (for partitioned tablespaces)
- Page in a tablespace, row in a table, LOB lock
Locking at the tablespace level provides the least concurrency and the best use of resources,
while locking at the row level provides the most concurrency, but the most use of resources
(overhead in terms of processing time and storage). Row locks are not recommended in a data
sharing environment because of this extra overhead. Note that a row lock and a page lock are at
the same level, which means that a row lock will not escalate to a page lock and vice-versa, but
they would escalate to a table lock.
which object will be used as the lock size. Possible values for LOCKSIZE are ANY,
TABLESPACE, TABLE, PAGE, ROW, and LOB. ANY indicates that DB2 will be the one to
choose the appropriate lock size. Normally, DB2 chooses LOCKSIZE PAGE.
Locking is handled by DB2 based on the isolation level selected for your application; the only
explicit statement that a user can issue to lock a table or partition is the LOCK TABLE
statement. This statement can be invoked with the IN EXCLUSIVE MODE option or the IN
SHARE MODE option. This type of lock will normally be released at either COMMIT or
ROLLBACK, but is also dependant on the settings of the ACQUIRE/RELEASE parameters to
be covered in a later section.
With respect to LOB locks, these have different characteristics from regular locks. There is no
concept of page locking or row locking with a LOB.
In DB2 ULWO, lockable objects are:
- Tables
- Rows
The default is ROW level locking. In DB2 ULWO the locksize is specified at the TABLE level
rather than at the tablespace level as in DB2 S/390, and you can only use the ALTER TABLE
statement with the LOCKSIZE option; the CREATE TABLE statement cannot be used. In DB2
S/390 as mentioned earlier, the CREATE TABLESPACE or ALTER TABLESPACE with the
LOCKSIZE parameter could be used.
Tablespaces can be locked when utilities are performed against them. Locking at the database
level can be achieved when connecting in exclusive mode, for example:
Getting Started with DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 Version 7 for 88
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db2 connect to <dbname> in exclusive mode
In DB2 ULWO like DB2 S/390, the only statement that can be used explicitly to lock an object
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y CS Cursor Stability
y RS Read Stability
y RR Repeatable Read
DB2 ULWO supports the exact same isolation levels. It also sets the isolation level at bind time
or using the WITH <isolation level> clause as in DB2 S/390.
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This is the maximum number of page or row locks that a single application can hold
concurrently on all tablespaces. If you were to specify 0 then there will be no limit on the
number of locks, in which case there would be a chance of running out of storage if you do
not commit frequently (DB2 uses approximately 250 bytes for each lock). This parameter
is related to the LOCKMAX parameter which is set in the CREATE TABLESPACE or
ALTER TABLESPACE statement. LOCKMAX specifies the maximum number of page,
row, or LOB locks an application process can hold simultaneously for a given tablespace.
The value for LOCKMAX is related to LOCKSIZE. When LOCKMAX is not specified,
the following default values are used:
In DB2 ULWO, the MAXLOCKS database configuration parameter is the most similar
one. MAXLOCKS indicates a percentage of LOCKLIST per application, while DB2
S/390 NUMLKUS indicates an exact amount for the maximum number of locks. DB2
ULWO uses 72 bytes to hold a lock on an object that has no other locks held on it, and 36
bytes are required to record a lock on an object that has an existing lock held on it.
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objects defined with LOCKSIZE ANY, PAGE or ROW. The value of LOCKMAX is set on the
CREATE TABLESPACE statement. In DB2 ULWO, lock escalation happens when either the
database configuration parameter MAXLOCKS is reached, or when the database configuration
parameter LOCKLIST (lock storage) is exceeded.
Lock promotion happens when a lock changes from one mode to another. For example a lock
can change from IX (Intent exclusive) to X (exclusive). This is the same concept used in DB2
12.9 Summary
The table below summarizes and compares the topics covered in this chapter.
Table 19 - Locking and Concurrency in DB2 S/390 vs DB2 ULWO
DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
Lockable Objects in hierarchical order: Lockable objects in hierarchical order:
- Tablespace - Table
- Table (only if the table is in a segmented tbls) - Row
- Partition Other objects that can be locked are:
- Page, Row, LOB Database (connecting in exclusive mode)
Other 'internal' structures can also be locked like Tablespaces (when performing tablespace
DBDs, the SKCT, SKPT operations)
TABLESPACE with the LOCKSIZE option.
Possible values for LOCKSIZE: Table or row.
Possible values for this LOCKSIZE parameter
The default value is row.
ROW, LOB. ANY indicates that DB2 will be
the one to choose the appropriate lock size.
Normally, DB2 chooses LOCKSIZE PAGE.
TABLESPACE that specifies the maximum rows
per page.
TABLESPACE used for partitioned tables.
LOCK TABLE statement LOCK TABLE statement
Lock modes: IS, S, IX, U, SIX, X Lock modes:
For Table locks: IN, IS, S, IX, SIX, U, X, Z
For Row locks: NS, S, U, NX, NW, X, W
Lock duration based on BIND parameters Lock duration based on the isolation level.
ACQUIRE and RELEASE and on isolation
Isolation levels supported: UR, CS, RS, RR Isolation levels supported: UR, CS, RS, RR
The isolation level can be set for an individual The isolation level can be set for an individual
SQL with the clause WITH <isolation level> SQL with the clause WITH <isolation level>
Avoiding locks - Use of CURRENTDATA bind N/A
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DB2 S/390 Concept DB2 ULWO Analogy
RECURHL dsnzparm N/A
IRLMRWT dsnzparm, handles timeouts and - LOCKTIMEOUT
deadlocks. - DLCHKTIME
XLKUPDLT dsnzparm N/A
NUMLKTS dsnzparm - Maximum number of N/A
locks for an object
LOCKLIST (amount of memory used for
locks in 4 KB)
NUMLKUS dsnzparm -Maximum number of MAXLOCKS, as a percentage of LOCKLIST
page or row locks that a single application can
hold concurrently on all tablespaces.
TABLESPACE, similar to NUMLKUS but only
for one tablespace as opposed to all tablespaces.
Claims and drains N/A
Escalation can happen when either:
Escalation can happen when:
- MAXLOCKS is reached or
- LOCKMAX is reached
- LOCKLIST is exceeded.
Concept of lock promotion Same concept as in DB2 S/390
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DB2 Distributed Platform Users
Part V. DB2 S/390 Tools
Chapter 13 - Fee-based optional DB2 Tools
13.1 Comparing fee-based optional DB2 tools with DB2 ULWO tools
Fee-based DB2 tools do not come with the DB2 S/390 software, but can be ordered separately
for a fee. Refer to the Redbook DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 Data Management Tools Update
(SG24-6406-00), published in February 2002 for more details about these tools.
The following table briefly compares these tools with DB2 ULWO tools. Most of the tools in
the table are specific to the DB2 S/390 architecture, so the DB2 ULWO analogy provided may
be 'forced'.
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Chapter 14 - The DB2 Management Clients Package
The DB2 Management Clients Package, formerly called DB2 Management Tools Package, is a
no-charge feature of DB2 S/390. It delivers GUI tools that are run from a client machine. This
client package is free of charge, but must be ordered separately. Here is a brief description of
these client tools:
14.6 Summary
The following table summarizes the GUI Tool information described in this chapter.
Getting Started with DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 Version 7 for 95
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Table 21 - The DB2 Management Clients Package GUI Tools
GUI Tool Name DB2 ULWO Analogy
DB2 Control Center. This tool is the exact
same tool for DB2 S/390 as for DB2 ULWO,
DB2 Control Center
however depending on which system is
selected, menu options may vary.
N/A - DB2 ULWO installation is straight
DB2 Installer
DB2 ULWO Visual Explain. These two
tools have the same name, and perform the
DB2 S/390 Visual Explain same task; however, they are not the same
tool. One is for DB2 S/390, and the other for
DB2 Estimator N/A
DB2 Stored Procedure Builder - This is the
exact same tool for DB2 S/390 as for DB2
DB2 Stored Procedure Builder ULWO. Depending on which system you
are creating the stored procedure, different
options will show up.
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Appendix A - Comparison of DB2 ULWO vs DB2
S/390 commands
The following table shows some of the commands used in DB2 S/390 and the corresponding
ones in DB2 ULWO .
Table 22 - Comparison of some DB2 ULWO vs DB2 S/390 Commands
DB2 S/390 Command DB2 ULWO Analogy
-STOP DB2 db2stop
-STOP DB2 MODE(FORCE) db2stop force
-START DB2 db2start
-TERM UTILITY(utility id) db2 force application <appl handle>
-CANCEL THREAD (token id) db2 force application <appl handle>
db2 get snapshot for locks on
To check the tablespaces that are in
To check the status of tablespaces:
restricted status:
db2 list tablespaces show detail
-DISPLAY THREAD (*) TYPE(*) db2 list applications show detail
-DISPLAY UTILITY (*) db2 list applications show detail
db2 describe table
= '<creator name>';
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Appendix B - DB2 S/390 Versions and OS versions
Table 23 - DB2 S/390 Versions and Minimum OS versions required
DB2 MVS, OS/390 or z/OS Minimum level Notes
Version required
3.1 MVS/ESA SP 5.2.2 Out of support
4.1 MVS/ESA SP 5.2.2 Out of support
5.1 MVS/ESA SP 5.2.2 No longer marketed, but
still supported. End
Support date has not yet
been announced.
6.1 OS/390 Version 1, Release 3 End Support date has not
yet been announced.
7.1 - z/OS Release 1 End Support date has not
- OS/390 Version 2, Release 7 yet been announced.
Getting Started with DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 Version 7 for 98
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Title Website
1 DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 Data Management http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redboo
Tools Update, SG24-6406-00 ks/SG246406.html
Redbook, published February-27-2002
2 New Tools for DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redboo
Presentation Guide, SG24-6139-00 ks/SG246139.html
Redbook, published March-4-2001
3 DB2 UDB for OS/390 Version 6 Management http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redboo
Tools Package, SG24-5759-00 ks/SG245759.html
Redbook, published May-18-2000
4 Cross-Platform DB2 Stored Procedures: http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redboo
Building and Debugging, SG24-5485-01 ks/SG245485.html
Redbook, published May-7-2001
5 Converting from Oracle AIX to DB2 for http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redboo
OS/390, SG24-5478-00 ks/SG245478.html
Redbook, published December-22-1999
6 Migrating Siebel Database from DB2/Oracle http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redboo
for NT to DB2 for OS/390, SG24-6236-00 ks/SG246236.html
Redbook, published November-26-2001
7 DB2 Universal Database V7.1 for UNIX,
Linux, Windows, and OS/2 Database
Administration Certification Guide by
George Baklarz and Bill Wong. Prentice Hall
PTR, 2001
8 DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
Certification Guide Version 7.1 by Richard
Yevich and Susan Lawson. Prentice Hall PTR,
9 An Introduction to DB2 for OS/390 Version
7 by Susan Graziano Sloan and Ann Kilty
Hernandez. Prentice Hall PTR, 2001
10 DB2 ULWO Manuals http://www-3.ibm.com/cgi-bin/db2ww
11 DB2 S/390 Manuals http://www-3.ibm.com/software/data/d
12 z/OS and OS/390 Manuals http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/
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