Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Planning Structure*

Subject: Writing a Literary Gloss

Time/Duration: 50 minutes

Students will learn how to write a gloss effectively. This means: Students will be able to write a
literary gloss on their group text.

12.2.1.a Analyze how an author’s choice concerning how to structure specific parts of a text
contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.
12.2.1.e Evaluate how literary components impact meaning (such as tone, symbolism, irony,
extended metaphor, satire, hyperbole)

Anticipatory Set
I ask students if they can identify the themes within their texts, and what passages lead them to
their conclusions. (5 minutes)

Teaching: Input/Mini Lesson

I will teach them how to take a theme and the passage that they have decided upon and write a
concise, 1-2 page essay using only that passage as evidence. (10 minutes)

Teaching: Modeling
I will take a passage from a book that I have read, outside of class, and demonstrate how to
approach starting a gloss. First read the passage aloud and discuss possible themes. Next take
those themes and using only the selected passage as evidence to support your claim, write the
beginning to a very brief essay. (10 minutes)

Teaching: Checking for Understanding

I will ask students questions (see below) about writing a gloss, and have them point to my model
and answer these questions. (5 minutes)

Questioning strategies: How is this approach to writing effective in analyzing themes within a
text? Why is it essential to analyze the themes of a text? How can you see yourself using this in
the future? (5 minutes)

Guided Practice
Students take one of their selected passages from the night before and work on a gloss under
direct supervision. The teacher will walk the floor and observe student work and continually
check for understanding. (10 minutes)

Students will be able to ask questions at the end of class and work through points of confusion. I
will also briefly discuss with the students why writing a gloss is an important skill to learn, and
master as they approach graduation. (5 minutes)
Independent Practice
Students will take the other passage that they have chosen and write a gloss on their own.
- iPads / Laptop
- 2 Group Text passages from their homework
- Smart Board
- Computer

*Madeline Hunter-various Internet sources

Place your passages here. Include the Author, and the page number!
“Meg backed away, Shaking her head. The voices of Dodona were so chaotic I wasn’t sure she
had heard me. If she had, she either didn’t understand or didn’t trust me.
I had to tamp down my feelings of betrayal. Meg was Nero’s stepdaughter. She had been
sent to lure me here, and our whole friendship was a lie. She had no right to mistrust me.
But I could not stay bitter. If I blamed her for the way Nero had twister her emotions, I
was not better than the Beast. Also, just because she had lied about being my friend did not mean
I wasn’t hers. She was in danger. I was not going to leave her to the madness of the grove’s
Penguin jokes” (Rick Riordan 302).

In Class Example
Exploring YA Literature – Fantasy: Thematic Gloss
As we near the end of our first unit of study together, we shall analyze the texts that we
have read as a part of our Reading Groups. One of the best ways to explore your understanding
of a text is by writing a thematic essay.

Assignment Description:
In this assignment, however, you will be writing a gloss. A gloss contains a style of writing that
is concise, and deceptively challenging. Instead of writing for pages and pages on the ways a
theme can be identified in a text, you will only analyze one passage and dissect its relevance to
the theme in question. To help narrow down your field, you may analyze the themes below:

Magic Light Darkness Relationships

Hero as human Hero as Other Good v. Evil

If there is another theme that you wish to use in your Gloss, you must first contact me to discuss
your approach.

Together as a class we will work through 2 Gloss’ next time. In order for you to prepare yourself,
please use the available space below the assignment sheet to copy out two of your selected
passages from the text.

How you will be graded:

 You will be graded on conventions of English grammar
 How effectively you use your chosen passage
 Fluidity in your writing.
 Refer to the attached Rubric to further inform your understanding of the grading scale.
Place your passages here. Include the Author, and the page number!
Assignment Rubric
Rubric Exceeds Meets Emerging No Evidence
Categories Developing 1
4 3 2 0
Clearly related several
Related several concepts Concepts not well Concepts do not
concepts to display Concept displayed
Ideas understanding of theme
to display understanding
related to display display
of theme within passage. understanding understanding
within passage.

Varied & purposeful

Reads smoothly,
beginnings, Missing Repetitive, Flows, Awkward phrasing,
Sentence Transitions flow,Varied
transitions, constructed Some awkward disjointed, Tough to First Draft Quality
Fluency & purposeful
sentences and/or phrasing read-a-loud

Very Few Errors: Some Errors: Many Errors:

No Errors: spelling,
spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, Rough Draft
Conventions grammar, punctuation,
punctuation, caps & punctuation, caps & punctuation, caps & Quality
caps & paragraph
paragraph paragraph paragraph


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