Unit Understanding Public Policy: Learning Outcome

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1.0 Learning Outcome
I. l Introduction
1.2 Significant Concepts: Public and Policy
1.3 Nat~~re
of Public Policy
1.3.1 Policy-Making and Decision-Making
1.3.2 Policies and Goals
1.3.3 Policy-Making and Planning
1.3.4 Policy Analysis and Policy Advocacy
1.3.5 Policy Analysis and Policy Management

1.4 Public Policy: Scope

1.5 Typologies of Policies
1.6 Policy Inputs, Policy Outputs, and Policy Outcomes
1.7 Significanceof Public Policy
1 .8 ' Conclusion
1.9 Key Concepts
1 .10 References and Further Reading
1.11 Activities

After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
o Understarid public policy, and its significance;
Describe the nature, ty~jes,and scope of public policy;
0 Discuss and distinguish between policy, decision, plan, goals, policy analysis, and policy
advocacy; and
e Explain the terms policy input, policy output, and policy outcome.

'Public Policy', as an academic pursuit emerged in the early 1950s and since then it has been
acquiring new dimensions, and is now attempting to acquire the status of a discipline. As a shldy
of products of government,policy forms a significantcomponent in several social science disciplines
like political science, public administration,economics, and management. So rapid is the academic
growth of public policy that many researchers, teachers, and public administrators now feel that it
is becoining increasingly complex.The disciplines associated with public policy cut right across the
old academic lines of demarcation. Indeed, it is this interdisciplinmy quality, which rnakes the field
of public policy interesting and thought-provoking.
16 Public Policy and Analysis

In this Unit, we will discuss the meaning, nature,scope, types and significance of public policy. In
~lddition,an attempt will bemade to explain the changing conceptualisationof 'public' and 'private'
clomains in the study of public policy.


P ~ ~ b lpolicy
ic is afrequently used term in our daily life and in academic literature, where we often
~nakereferences to national health policy, education policy, wage policy,agricultural policy,foreign
~x~licyand so on. It is an area, which had to do with those spheres that are labelled as public. The
concept of public policy presupposes that there is a domain of life that is not private or purely "
individual, but common.
In thc past, studies on public policy were dominated by researchers and students of political I
science.They broadly concentsatedon the institutional stmcture and philosophical justifications of i

the government. The focus was rarely on the policies themselves. Political science was to some
cxtent preoccupied with the activities of the various politjcal institutions and g r o ~ ~in
p srelation to
theil-success in the pursuit of political powec It hardly secognised the sole, which such orgallisations I

played towards the formation of policy as one of its main concerns. Yet, policy is an important
ele~nentof the political process.
Tlio~nasDye, a leading scholar of policy analysis, observes,"Traditional (political science) studies
clescribed tlie institutions in which public policy was forrnr~lated.Butunfortunately, the linkages
between important institutional arrangements and the content of public policy were largely
unexplored." He further notes that today the focus of political science is shifting to public policy,
that is, to tlie description and explanation of the causes and consequences of government activity.
While the concern of political science about the processes by which public policy is determined
has increased, most students of public administration would acknowledge that the public servants
the~nselvesare intimately involved in the shaping of thepolicies. The study of public administration
has hitherto tended to concentrate on the machinery for the implementation of given policies. It has
altended to the organisation of public a~~thorities, tlie bel~aviourof public servants and increasingly,
the methods of resource allocation, administration and review. With such an approach, it is difficult
to cletennine much about the way policy is formulated, although it is generally contended that the
experience of policy implementation feeds back into the furtherance of the policy-making
pl-ocess. It is an effort to apply political science to public affairs, but has concerns with processes
which are within the t?eldof public administration. Tn brief, past studies onp~tblicpolicyhave been
mainly doiiiinated by scholars of political science and public administration and have tended to
concentrate more on the content of policy and the process of its fo~~ilulation andimplementation.
The slctdy of public policy has evolved into what is virtually a new branch of the social science;
i t is called policy science. This concept of policy science was first formulated by Harold Lasswell
in 1951.
i) The Idea of Public 3

lt is first important to understand the concept of 'public' for a discussion of public policy. We often
use such terms as 'public interest', 'p~~blic sector', 'public opinion', 'p~lblichealth', and so on.
'The starting point is that 'public policy' has to do with those spheres, which are so labelled as
'pu biic' as opposed to spheres involving the 'private'. The public dimension is generally referred
to 'public ownership' or control for 'public purpose.' The public sector colnprises that domain of
Iluma~zactivity, which is regarded as requiring governmental intervention or comlnon action.
I-lowever, there has always been aconflict between what is public and what is private. W.B. Baber
Public Policy
Utzcl~l;stn~zding 17

(as quoted in Massey,1993) argues that the public sector has ten key differences from the private
sector, that is:
e It faces more complex and ainbiguoustasks.
e It has more problems in implementing its decisions. .
e It einploys more people with a wider range of motivations.
It is more concerned with securing opportunities or improving capacities.
e It is more concerned with compensating for market failure.
e It engages in activities with greater symbolic significance.
e It is held to strict standards of commitment and legality.
e It has a greater opportunity to respond to issues of fairness.
e It must operate or appear to operate in the public interest.
e It lnust maintain minimal levels of public support.
Public administration emerged as an instrumentof the state for securing 'public' interest rather than
'pi-ivate' interests.Whereas for the political economists, only markets could balance private and
public interests, the new liberalism is based upon a belief that public administration is a more
rational ineans of promoting the public interest. For Max Weber, the growth of bureaucricy was
due to the process of rationalisation in industrial society. The civil servant is arational functionary
whose main task is to carry out the will of those elected by the people. Public bureaucracy is,
therefore, different to that which exists in the private sector because the former is motivated to
serve the public interest. he rational public interest argulnent started eroding after the Second
World War. To Herbert Simon, bureaucracies exhibit a large measure of 'bounded rationality'.
According to MuelIer, bureaucrats do not always function in the public'interest and display an
inclination to have distinct goals of their own. In this connection, in his work on a comparative
study of bureaucracy, Aberbach observes, "The last quarter of this century is witnessing the virtual
disappearance of the Weberian distinction between the roles of the politician and the bureaucrat,
producing what may be labelled a pure hyblid." The public and private sectors reveal themselves
as overlapping and interacting, rather than as well-defined categories.

ii) The Concept of Policy

Like the idea of 'public', the concept of 'policy' I s not aprecise term. Policy denotes, among
other elements, guidance for action. It may take the form of:
e a declaration of goals;
e a declaration of course of action;
e a declaration of general purpose; andlor
e an authoritative decision.
Hogwood and Gunn specify ten uses of the term 'policy', that is policy as a label foi afield of
activity; an expression of desired state of affairs; specific proposals; decisions of government;
fortnal authorisation; a programme; an output; an outcome; a theory or model; and a process.
Unfortunately,the policy itself is something, which takes different forms. There'is thzust to designate
policy as the 'outputs' of the political system,and in a lesser degree to define public policy as more
or less inter-dependent policies dealing with differknt activities. Studies of public policy, on the
contrary, have tended to focus on the evali~ationof policy decisions in terms of specified values -
a rational rather than apolitical analysis. 'he magnitude of this problem can be recognised from
the other definitions, which have been ad\ w e d by scholars in this field. Y Dror, apioneer among
18 Public Policy and A~zalysis

scholars of the policy sciences, defines policies as general directives on the main lines of action to
bc followed. Similarly, Peter Self opines policies as changing directives as to how tasks should be
interpreted and performed. To Sir Geoffrey Vickers, policies are "... decisions giving direction,
cohelence and continuity to the courses of action for which the decision making body is responsible".
Carl Friedrich regards policy as, ". . . aproposedcourse of action of aperson, group, or govelnment
wi lhin a given envirollmentproviding obstacles and opportunities which the policy was proposed
to 11ti I ise and overcome in an eKoli to reach a goal or realise an objective or-apurpose". James
Antlerson suggests that policy be regarded as "a purposive course of action followed by an actor
o~.sc:Lof actors i n dealing wjth aproblemor matter of concern". Taken as a whole, policy may be
dcfined as a purposive course of action taken or adopted by those in power in pursuit of certain
goals o r objectives. It should be added here that public policies are the policies adopted and
iirlplernented by govenilnent bodies and officials. David Easton (1 957) defines public policy as
"the authoritative allocntion of values for the whole society". Public policies are fosm~llatedby
what Easton calls the"authorities"in apolitical syste~fi,namely,"elders, paramo~~nt chiefs,executives,
Icgislators, judges, administrators, councillors, monarchs, and the like". According toEaston
( 1965), these are the persons who "engage in the daily affairs of apolitical system", are recognised
by no st members of the system as having responsibilityforthese matters and take actions that are
"accepted as binding most of the time by most of the members so long as they act within the limits
of their roles".
Thornas Dye'sdefinition states, "Public policy is whatever governments choose to do or not to
do". Similarly, Robest Linebeny says, "it is what governments do and fail to do for their citizens".
In these definitions there is divergence between what governments decide to do and what they
acluaIIy do.


A policy may be general or specific, broad or narrow, simple or complex, public or private, writteh
or unwritten, explicit or implicit,discretionary or detailed and qualitative or,quantitative.Here the
emphasis is on public policy, that is, what a governmentchooses as guidaiice for gction. From the
viewpcjint of public policy, the activities of government can be put into three categories. First,
activities that are attached to specific policies; secoizd, activities that are general in nature; and
ljzir~l,activities that are based on vague an'd ambiguous policies. However, in practice, a government
rarely has a set of guiding principles for all its activities. The Supreme Court of Indiamay, through
its decisions, give new intel-pretations to some of the articles of the Constitution, which may amount
to a new policy.
A public policy may cover a major portion of its activities, which are consistent with the development
policy of the country. Socio-economicdevelopment, equality, or liberty or self-reliance or similar
broad principles of guidance for action may be adopted as a developmental policy or basic
framework of goals. A public policy may be narrow, covering a specific activity, such as prevention
of child Iabour or it may be broad, as women's empowerment. A public policy may be applied to
a limited section of people of a country or to all its people. .
Besides, each level of government - central, state and local -may have its specific or general
policies. Then there are '~negapolicies'. General guidelines to be followed by all specific policies
;u-eteimed as 'megapolicy'. According to Dror, 'megapolicies' fonn a kind of master policy, as
distilict from concrete discrete policies, and involve tHe establishmentof overall goals to serve as
guidelinesfor the larger sets of concrete and specificpolicies. ~ 1policies
1 generally contain definite
goals or objectives it1 more implicit or explicit terms. Policies have outcomes that may or not have
been anticipated.
Puhlic Policy
Il~irle~vtc.uzding 19

Public policies in modern political systems are purposive or goal- oriented statements. Again, a'
~>ublicpolicy may be either positive or negative in fom. In its positive form, it may involve some
f'onn of overt government action to deal with a particular problem. On the other hand, in its
negative fostn, it involves a decision by public servants not to take action on some matter on which
a governlnental order is sought. Public policy has a legally coercive qualily that citizens accept as
legitimate, for example, taxes must be paid unless one wants to mn the risk of severe penalties or
imprisonment, The legitilnacy of coercion behind public policies makes public organisatiollsdistinct
from the private organisations. The nature of policy as a purposive course of action can be better
L '
or more fully understood if it is compared with related concepts.

1.3.1 Policy-Making and Decision-Making

Pol icy-making is closely related to decision-making. However, it is not the same as decision-
~-nal~.ing.Policy-making does involve decision-making, but every decision does not necessarily
collstitute a policy. Decision-making often involves an identification of a problem, acasehl analysis
ol'possible alternatives and the selection of one alternative for action. Generally, decisions are
taken by the adlninislrators in their day-to-day work within the existing framewo k of policy. The
policy decisions eventually taken, thus, provide a sense of direction to the co~lrseof administrative
Anc!erson says, "Policy decisions are decisions made by public officials that authorise or give
ciirection and cbntent to public policy actions".These may include decisions to issue executive
orders, promulgate administrative rules, or make important judicial interpretationsof laws.

1.3.2 Policies and Goals

Policies are distinct from goals and can be distinguishedfroin the latter as means from ends. By
goals or objectives, one rneans the ends towards which actions are directed. It is reasonable to
expect apolicy to indicate the direction t o m % swhich action is sought. Policies involve adeliberate
choice of actions designed to attain those goals and objectives. The actions can take the form of
directives to do or refrain from certain actions. Public policy is about means and ends, which have
LO have a relationship to each other, To say that policy-making involves a choice of goals or
objectives is to argue that i t deals with values. The choice of policies as well as objectives are often
influenced by values. Decision-makers, including judges of the apex courts, often act on the basis
oftheir values, beliefs or perceptions of the public interest concerning what is aproper or inorally
cal-sect public policy. Thus, goals and objectives dependon the values of the policy-makers. This
could be explained in the following manner :

v~i Goals and

k(+-]-bI p r R , ' ~ ~I ~ e s

Many students of policy sciences would like to apply science orreason (making use of the rationality
inodel) for the deteimination of policy ohiectives and goals. They try to solve problems mainly by
using such objective methods as operat; 1s research or cost-benefit analysis. Such an approach,
based on a rationality model can, h. be ;(;)pliedonly to a limited number of problems.

1.3.3 Policy-Making ,,8. 3 -

Policy-making must be clii i.il~ning.Broadlj speaking, aplan is aprogramrne of 1
action for attaining definit- GS. In this sense, aplan is a policy statement.
Specific 1
20 Public Policy and Analysis

policies may stem from plan documents, especially in India. Often the goals or policies of a plan
may not beclearly stipulated in the plan docurnents. They may be stated only in very general or
vtlgue terms ,or may sometimes be internally inconsistent or contradicto~y.A national development
plan, broadly speaking, is a collection of targets or individual projects which, when put together,
Inny not constitute an integrated scheme. Allocation of resourcesfor investments and pinpointing
of targets in different sectors of the economy are considered lo be at the core of planning. However,
it has been aptly stated that a plan needs aproper policy framework. Targets cannot be achieved
.just because investments are provided for. They have to be drawn within the framework of
pol icjes. Successful policies make for successful plans, and their implementation.

1.3.4 Policy Analysis and Policy Advocacy

A distinction may be drawn between policy analysis and policy advocacy. Policy analysis is
nothing inore than finding out the impact of policy. It is a technique to measure organisational
effectiveness through an examination andevaluation of the effect of aprogramme. Chandler and
Plano opine that policy analysis is a systematic and data-based alternative to intuitive judgements
about the effects of policy and policy options. It is used for proble~nassessment and monitoring
before the decision; and for evaluation following implementation.Policy analysis is not the same as
prescribing what policies government ought to pursue. Policy advocacy is concerned with what
Soveroment ought to do, or bringing about changes in what they do through discussion', persuasion,
organisation,and activism. On the other b d , policy analysis is concerned with the examination of
the impact of policy using the tools of systematic inquiry. Thomas Dye labels "policy analysis" as
the "thinking man's response" to demands. Policy analysis has'three basic concerns. First,its
primary concern is with the "explanation"of policy rather than the "prescription"of policy. Secondly,
i t involves a rigorous search for the causes and consequences of public policies through the use of
the tools of systematic inquiiy. Thirdly,it involves an effort to develop and test general propositions
about the causes and consequences of public policies. Thus, policy analysis can be both scientific
as well as relevant to the problems of society. The role of policy analysis is not to replace but to
supplement political advocacy. As WiIdavsky has argued, "The purpose of policy analysis is not
to eliminate advocacy but to raise the level of argument among contending interests.... The end
result, hopefully, would be higher quality debate and perhaps eventually public choice among
better known alternatives."

1.3.5 Policy Analysis and Policy Management

The distinction between policy analysis and policy management needs to be highlighted, though in
practice these two related processes overlap to some extent. According to Dror, 'policy analysis'
deals with the substantiveexamination of policy issues and the identification of preferable alternatives,
in part with the help of systematic approaches and explicit methods. Policy management deals
with the management of policy making and policy preparation process, to assure that it produces
high quality policies. The interdependence of policy analysis and policy management can be seen
in the rlecessity of assuring, with the help of appropriate policy management, that adequate policy
analysis is undertaken as an integral part of management systems and, wherever necessary, by
reinforcing innovativeness. Policy analysis covers several methods and concepts, some of which
are quantitative in character, including methods like social experimentation,game simulation and
contingency planning. Despite such distinctions between policy analysis and
policy management, both are interrelated aspects of policy-making and cover amajor part of the
tasks of senior administrators. Therefore, it is essential that these two processes should be treated
/it I
I ( 1
Utzderstu~zdingPublic Policy 21


A significant part of the study of ~ u b l i cpolicy consists of the development of scenarios and
extrapolations of contemporary trends in the public domain. The scope and shee! size of the
public sector has grown enormously,especially in developing countries in response to the growing
public needs and demands; and the increasing impact of other trends, such as, the complexity of
technology, social organisation, industrialisation and urbanisation. At present, functions of all,
governments in the developing countries have significantly increased. They are now concerned
with the more complex functions of nation-building and socio-economic progress. Today the
government is not merely the keeper of peace, the arbiter of disputes, and the provider of cormnon
goods and day-to-day services,.ithas, directly or indirectly, become the principal innovatos, the
major determinist of social and economic programmes and the main financier as well as the main
catalyst for economic enterprise and development.
In rnany developing countries, there is great pressure on governments to accelerate national
development, make use of up-to-date and relevant technological innovations, adopt and facilitate
X necessary institutional changes, increase national production, make full use of huinan and other
resources, and improve the standards of living. These trends and developments have therefore
enhanced both the size and scope of public policy. Public policies touch almost a11stages of the
citizen's life cycle. With the increasing recourse to privatisation and outsourcing by public agencies
e the situation is undergoing rapid changeseven in the developing conntries.Michael Teitz wrote this
nearly 40 years ago. The range of public policy is vast, that is frolnvital to trivial. Today, public
policies may deal with such substantive areas as defence, environment protection, medical care
and health, education, housing, taxation,inflation, science and technology, and so on.


Some social scientists and scholars have attempted to discuss the typologies of policy issues.
These facilitatecomnparison between issues and policies. Lowi,for example, suggests a classification
of policy issues in terms of being: i) distributive,ii) regulatoly iii) redistributive, and (iv) constituent
policy issues.
a Distributive Policy Issues
Poliq issues.co~~cerned with the distribution of new resources are distributive policies. Distributive
I policies are meant for specific segments of society. It can be in the area of grant of subsidies, loans
provision of education, welfare or health services or other public assistance schemes. Some more
examples of distributive policies are adult education programme, food security, social insurance,
scholarships to students from disadvantaged social backgrounds, assistance to aged, physically
challenged persons, etc.
+ Redistributive Policy Issues
Redistributive policy issues are concerned with changing the distribution of existing resources.
C Redistributive policies are concerned with the rearrangement of policies, which are concerned
with bringing about basic socio-economic changes. Certain public goods and welfare services are
disproportionately divided among certain segments of the society, these goods and services are
streamlined through redistributivepolicies. Income tax policiesusually cm-ryelements of redistribution
of incomes.
33 P~lblicPolicy qnd Analysis

Iiegulatory Policy Issues

Reg~ilatorypolicy issues are concerned with regulation and control of activities. They deal with
lrgillation of trade, business, safety measures, public utilities, etc. This type of regulation is done
Ry independent organisations that work on behalf of the government. In India, the Reserve Bank
of India, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, the Controller of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals,
(heRegistrar. General of India, the Bureau of Indian Standards, Securities andExchangeBoard of
lnclia (SEBI), the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), etc. are engaged in regulatory
activities. Organisationslike theuniversity Grants Commission, the All-IndiaCouncil of Technical
Education, and the Central Board of Secondary Education perform both promotional and regulatory
activities. The Indian Medical Council, the Bar Council of India, the National Council o$Teacher
Education, the Pharmacy Council of India, and the Nursing Council of India are examples of
wgulatory agencies intended to protect the standards of the respective professions. The policies
tilade by the government, pertaining to the relevant services, and organisations rendering these
xorvices are known as regulatory policies.
Constituent Policy Issues
Constit~lentpolicy issues are concerned with the setting-up or reorganisation of institutions. Each
o f these policy issues forms a different power arena. However, it may be mentionqd here that
Lowi's view of politics as afunction of policies ha been criticised as over-simplistic,methodologically
huspect, and of doubtful testability. Cobbe andEIder, for instance, observe that Lowi's typology
has basic limitations. It does not provide a framework for understanding change as the categories
suggested become less clear and more diffuse.
Conflict Policy Issues
Cobbe and Elder propose an alternative classification of policy issues in terms of conflict rather
than content. Their focus is on the way in which conflict is created and managed. To them, a
contli~tmay arise between two or more groups over issues relating to the distribution of positions
or I-eshurces.These may be created by such means and devices as presentation of an alternative
policy by a contending party which perceives unfairness or bias in the distribution of positions or
resources; manufacture an issue for personal or group gain; and the occurrence of unanticipated
human events, natural disasters, international conflict, war and technological changes. Such issues
then constitute Ihe agenda for policy or decision-making and are known as the conflict policy
Bargaining Policy Issues
Hogwood and Wilson use the criteria of costs and benefits from the point of view of the possibilities
oS different outcomes, forms of bargaining and conflict, and a range of alternatives. There are
redistribution issues, which involve bargaining over who gets what, who gets more, and who gets
leis. For Wilson, criteria of costs and benefits may be concentratedor dispersed. An issue, which
]nay have vesy concentrated benefits to a small section of society but whose costs are widely
dispersed, may not be appreciatedby one who is in favour of "the greatest happiness of the
greatest number". However, such typologies involving costs and benefits exclude important
climensions of complexity, and technical or expert knowledge. Gormley, for example, suggests
(. that the degree and kind of technical complexity will give rise to different forms of conflict.
Policy inputs are the demands made on the political systems by individualsand groups for action or
inaction about some perceived problems. such demands may include a general insistence that
Public Policy
UnrIer.~tr~/zcli~zg 23

(rovernmentshould do something about aproposal for specific action on thematter. For example,

prior to the passing of the Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act of 1987, some organisations
voiced a general desire for enactment of law on the 'sati-pratha issue.

In the political system model, outputs are regarded either as effects on the environment or as
' reedback' to the political supporters of the system. Easton(1957 ) says that outputs are said to
constit~ltea body or specific inducements for the inembers of a political system to support it, either '
by threats of sanctions, or rewards for support given, or by socialisation into the poIitica1 norms of
the society. In this sense, policy outputs are the @a1 decisions of the iinplementers. They are
what a government does, as distinguished from what it says it is going to do. Examples of policy
outputs relate to such matters as the education institutions built, coinpensation paid, orcurbs on
trade eliminated. Outco~nesare real results, whether intended or unintended.
Pol icy outputs are, however, different from policy outcomes. The concept of outcolnes lays stress
on what actually happens to the tasget groups intended to be affected by the policy. If the intended
changes on target groups do not occur, or if they produce unintended coasequences, something is
wsong. Labour welfare policies in Indiamay be used to illustrate this point. Although one can
measure welfare policy outputs, the number of persons helped, the amount of benefitspaid, the
safety net provided and the like - it is difficult to measure the consequences of the policies for
~ndustrialproductivity; the emergence of other power centres in the organisation, indiscipline,
weakening of organisational authority, etc. are the other unintended effects. Here our intenti011is
to evaluate the outcome of the policies or undertake an assessment as to whether the policies in
question actually achieve what they are intended to achieve.


The focus in public policy is on the public and its problems. It is concerned with l ~ o wissues and
problems come to be defined and constructed a n d , how they are placed on the political and
policy agenda. But it is also a study of how, why and to what effect the government pursue
particular courses of action or inaction, or, as Thomas Dye puts it, "what governments do, why
they do it, and what difference it makes."
It is clear from the above sections of the Unit that policy is a purposive course of action in dealing
with a problem or amatter of concern within aspecific timeframe. Before going into the question
of importance that is attached to policy fonnulation, implementation,and mo~~itoring, it would be
better to recapitulatethe components of public policy.
i) Policy is purposive and deliberately formulated. Policy must have a purpose or a goal. It
does not emerge at random or by chance. Once a goal is decided the policy is devised in
such a way that it determines the course of action needed to achieve that goal.
ii) A policy is well thought-out and is not aseries of discrete decisions.
iii) A policy is what is actually done and not whai is intended or desired; a statenlent of goals
does not constitute apolicy.
iv) Policy also delineates a time frame in which its goals have to be achieved.
v) Policy follows adefinedcourse of action in a sequential order viz., formulation, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation.
Actually the scope of public policy is deteimined by the kind of role that the state adopts for itself
in a society. In the nineteenth century, the state was assigned a limited role and it was expected that
it would merely act as a regulator of social and economic activity and not its promoter. However,
since the middle of the twentieth century, the state has come to be perceived as an active agent in
24 Pitblic Policy and Anul-ysis

promoting and shaping societies in its various dimensions. As a consequence, public policies
expanded their scope from merely one of regulation to that of promoter development and enterprise.
In Inany developing countries like India, the activist role of the state meant the assumption of
I-esponsibilityfor the formulation of long-term development plans and policies to set the direction,
which the country would follow. So, the first major goal of public policies in our count~yhas been
in the area of socio-economic development. Wide-ranging policies were fohulated in the area of
inclustrjal and agricultural development, regulation and control of the private sector. From time to
ti me, the spheres of the state and non-state sectors, and the type of goods to be produced have
been specified. As a concomitantto changing policies, controls have been introduced or liberalised. ,

With the onset of liberalisation,policies of deregulation were introduced. In India, the government
undertook a major responsibility in the social sphere too. The enactment of the Anti-Dowry Act,
Divorce Act, etc., are examples of this. A number of policies aimed at national integration,protection
to disadvantaged groups have come into force. Empowerment of women, and decentralisation
and devolution of authority to local bodies have been adopted as major constitutional policies.
lndian experience with public poiicy indicates that curren(po1icies need not reflect pre-existing
lotions or perspectives about the role of the state. ~ u tat, any given point of time, they represent
the means of governance.
These days,policy analysis is acquiring a lot of importance in the realm of the study of public ,
administration. This trend is observable all over the world. The degree of effectiveness in policy
fotormuIation, execution, and monitoring ultimately would depend to a large extent upon the rigour in
policy analysis. Policies may also go haywire, as Indian realised, in the aftermath of the foreign
exchange crisis of 1990-91. The 'highs' and the 'lows' in the role of the state provide learning
experiences to the policy analyst.
The policy analyst should also be open to new conceptualisations and frameworks for analysis.
For instance, theorists of public administration found it difficult to sustain the classical concept of
separation of politics and administration. This distinction categorised policy formulation and ,
irnple~nentationas two distinct activities. Policy formulation was regarded as apolitical activity,
and policy implementation as an administrative one. But this distinction got increasingly blurred
and it was not an easy task to determine where policy formulation ended, and where policy
iinplementation began. It came to be accepted that both were interactive processes and had to be
seen jil an integrated way. With this change in the conceptual and analytical arena, scholars of ,

public administration began to devote greater attention to the deficiencies in policy formulation as 2".

also to matters relevant to the influence of policy design pn implementation.


On the basis of discussion in this Unit, it can be slated that the field of public policy has assumed
considerable importgnce. It is not only concerned with the description and explanation of the
causes abd c.onsequdncesof gdvernment activity, but also with the development of scientific
kpowledge about the forces shaping public policy. ~ l t h b u the ~ hsubject is of recent origin, it has
incorporated many refinements in the conceptual and methodological apparatus, thereby enabling
it to meet the requirements of theoretical depth and analytical rigour.

Policy sciences : Policy sciencesis the discipline concerned with explaining the policy-
making and policy-executingprdcesses;and with locating data and
providingexplanationsthat are relevant to policy analysis.
Ut~derstanclirzgPublic Policy 25

Operation Research : It is used to describe the discipline of applying advanced analytical

techniques to help make better decisions to solve problems. The.
prevalence of operations research in the Nation's economy reflects
the growing complexity of managing large organisatjons, which require
the effective use of money, materials, equipment, and people.
Operations research analysts help to determine better ways ,to '

coordinate these elements by applying analytical methods from

mathematics, science, and engineering.


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26 Public Policy and Analysis

Self, Peter, 1972, Administrative Theories and Politics: An Inquiry into the Structure and
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B sown & Company, Boston.

I) Distinguish between policy inputs, policy outputs, and policy outcomes.Describe briefly with
2) "Public policy is the authoritative allocation of values" (Easton). Discuss.
3) On the basis of typologies of policies, explain any three categories of policy issues with
examples. '

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