Ticona DesignBro AM 0512 TDM-1R2
Ticona DesignBro AM 0512 TDM-1R2
Ticona DesignBro AM 0512 TDM-1R2
Table of Contents
1.1 Classification 11
1.1.1 Thermoplastics 12
1.1.2 Thermosets 12
1.1.3 Crystalline, Amorphous, and Liquid 13
Crystalline Polymers 13
1.1.4 Copolymers 14
1.1.5 Alloys 14
1.1.6 Elastomers 14
1.1.7 Additives, Reinforcements, and Fillers 14
2.1 Density 15
2.2 Specific Gravity 15
2.3 Water Absorption 15
2.4 Mold Shrinkage 15
2.5 Opacity/Transparency 16
2.6 Elasticity 16
2.7 Plasticity 16
2.8 Ductility 16
2.9 Toughness 16
2.10 Brittleness 17
2.11 Notch Sensitivity 17
2.12 Lubricity 17
2.13 Homogeneity 17
2.14 Heterogeneity 17
2.15 Isotropy 17
2.16 Anistropy 17
2.17 Significance of Elasticity, Homogeneity, 18
and Isotropy
3. Mechanical Properties 19
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Plastics Materials –
3.1.6 Shear Stress 23 An Overview 1
3.1.7 Shear Modulus 23
3.2 Relating Material Constants 23
3.2.1 Direct Shear 23
3.2.2 True Stress 24 Physical Properties
3.3 Other Measures of Strength and Modulus 24 and Terminology 2
3.3.1 Compression Strength and Modulus 24
3.3.2 Bending Strength and Modulus 25
3.4 Rate Dependence of Mechanical Properties 25
3.5 Time-Related Mechanical Properties 26 Mechanical
3.5.1 Creep 26 Properties 3
3.5.2 Apparent or Creep Modulus 27
3.5.3 Creep Rupture 27
3.5.4 Stress Relaxation 28
3.5.5 Extrapolating Creep and Relaxation Data 28 Thermal
3.5.6 Impact Loading 28 Properties 4
3.5.7 Izod Impact 28
3.5.8 Charpy Impact 29
3.5.9 Tensile Impact 29
3.5.10 Falling Dart Impact Test 30
3.5.11 Fatigue Endurance 30 Electrical Properties 5
4. Thermal Properties 31
4.1 Melting Point 31
4.2 Glass Transition Temperature 31
Considerations 6
4.3 Vicat Softening Point 31
4.4 Deflection Temperature Under Load 32
4.5 Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 32
4.6 Thermal Conductivity 32
Analysis 7
4.7 Aging at Elevated Temperatures 33
4.8 Temperature Index (UL) 33
4.9 Flammability 33
4.10 Effect of Temperature on Mechanical 33
Design Considerations for
Properties Injection-Molded Parts 8
4.10.1 Strength, Modulus, and Elongation 33
4.10.2 Creep 35
4.10.3 Impact 35
4.10.4 Fatigue 35
Assembly 9
5. Electrical Properties 36
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6. Environmental Considerations 39
7. Structural Analysis 42
7.1 Introduction 42
7.2 Defining the Structure 42
7.2.1 Loads 42 Directly Applied Loads 42 Strain-Induced Loads 43
7.2.2 Support Conditions 43 Free (Unsupported) 43 Guided 43 Simply Supported 43 Held (Pinned) 43 Fixed (also Clamped or Built-In) 43
7.2.3 Simplifications and Assumptions 44
7.3 Safety Factors 44
7.3.1 Failure Criteria 44
7.3.2 Beam Bending Stress 47
7.3.3 Shear Stress, Torsion 47
7.3.4 Shear Stress, Direct Shear 48
7.4 Pressure Vessels 49
7.5 Press-Fits 49
7.6 Thread Strength 50
7.7 Pipe Threads 51
7.8 Impact Loads 52
7.9 Thermal Stress 53
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9. Assembly 66
9.1 General Types of Assembly Systems 66 Properties 3
9.1.1 Molded-In Assembly Systems 66 Snap-Fit Assembly 66 Molded-In Threads 69 Press-Fits 69 Thermal
9.1.2 Chemical Bonding Systems 70 Properties 4 Solvent Welding 70 Adhesive Bonding 70
9.1.3 Thermal Welding Methods 71 Ultrasonic Welding 71 Vibration Welding 73 Electrical Properties 5 Spin Welding 74 Radio Frequency (RF) Welding 74 Electromagnetic or Induction Welding 74
9.1.4 Assembly with Fasteners 75 Bolted Assembly 75
Considerations 6 Threaded Metal Inserts 77 Self-Tapping Screws 78 Riveted Assembly 78
Structural Sheet Metal Nuts 78
Analysis 7 Specialty Plastic Fasteners 79
List of Symbols 83
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List of Tables
Table 1.01 Typical crystalline and amorphous 13
Table 1.02 General relative polymer properties 14
Table 1.03 Common plastic fillers, reinforcing 14
fibers, and other additives
Table 3.01 Typical values of Poisson’s ratio 22
Table 4.01 Typical values for coefficient of linear 32
thermal expansion for thermoplastics
and other common materials
Table 5.01 Typical values of volume resistivity 36
for thermoplastics
Table 5.02 Typical values of dielectric constant and 38
dissipation factor for various
thermoplastics at room temperature
Table 6.01 Chemical resistance of various materials 41
by chemical classes
Table 7.01 Design strength for preliminary 44
part design
Table 8.01 Typical nominal thickness for various 58
classes of thermoplastics
Table 8.02 Dimension difference versus draft 59
Table 8.03 Summary of the effect of rib and cross- 61
section change in example, Figure 8.07
Table 10.01 Approximate drilling speed and feed 81
rate for 1/4–3/8 in. hole in various
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List of Figures
Plastics Materials –
Fig. 1.01 Example of increasing molecular weight 11 An Overview 1
Fig. 1.02 Plastic classification 11
Fig. 1.03 Thermoplastic molecular chains 12
Fig. 1.04 Thermoset cross-linked molecules 12
Fig. 1.05 Two dimensional representation of 13 Physical Properties
crystalline, amorphous, and liquid and Terminology 2
crystalline structure
Fig. 2.01 Density and specific gravity 15
Fig. 2.02 Mold shrinkage 15
Fig. 2.03 Material exhibiting elasticity / plasticity 16 Mechanical
Fig. 2.04 Toughness can be measured by the area 16 Properties 3
under the stress-strain curve
Fig. 2.05 Anistropy of wood 17
Fig. 2.06 Mold shrinkage of anisotropic plastics 18
Fig. 3.01 Internal forces, stresses in a body 19 Thermal
Fig. 3.02 Simple tension load 20 Properties 4
Fig. 3.03 Typical test setup and specimen 20
Fig. 3.04 Plot of results of tensile test (stress- 21
strain curve)
Fig. 3.05 Typical stress-strain curves 21
Fig. 3.06 Loaded tensile bar showing dimensional 22 Electrical Properties 5
change in length and width
Fig. 3.07 Shear stress 23
Fig. 3.08 Direct shear stress test used in plastics 23
Fig. 3.09 True stress 24
Considerations 6
Fig. 3.10 Tensile and compressive moduli 24
Fig. 3.11 Beam in bending 25
Fig. 3.12 A simple bending fixture 25
Fig. 3.13 Typical presentation of creep data 26
Analysis 7
Fig. 3.14 Creep modulus 27
Fig. 3.15 Creep rupture data – a curve showing 27
one cycle log time projection
Fig. 3.16 Examples of constant strain loads 28
Design Considerations for
Fig. 3.17 Izod and Charpy impact tests 29 Injection-Molded Parts 8
Fig. 3.18 Tensile impact 29
Fig. 3.19 A typical dart impact apparatus 30
Fig. 3.20 Typical S-N curve is shown along with 30
thermal effects which sometimes occur
when plastics are fatigue tested Assembly 9
Fig. 4.01 Vicat softening point apparatus 31
Fig. 4.02 Test apparatus for deflection temperature 32
under load
Fig. 4.03 Effect of temperature or strain rate 33 Machining, Finishing
on stress-strain curves And Decorating 10
Fig. 4.04 Modulus behavior of crystalline and 34
amorphous resin showing T g and melt
temperatures and the effect of
reinforcement on HDT
Fig. 4.05 Effect of temperature on tensile elongation 34
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Machining, Finishing
And Decorating 10
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This design manual was written to serve as a general Discussion of specific testing methods from the
purpose reference source for the experienced plastic numerous governmental, industrial, and standards
product designer as well as the design engineer new to organizations involved with testing is beyond the
plastics. It should also be of interest to nondesigners scope of this manual.
and management personnel who need a general
overview of the concepts and critical issues related to The second part, Chapters 7 through 10, deals with
the world of plastics. Although the manual is not a the actual design of parts. It starts with structural
guide to injection molding, many of the design con- analysis and injection molding considerations and
siderations are based upon molding criteria, so those concludes with assembly, finishing, and decorating
involved in the manufacturing and processing of plas- techniques. This part of the manual will serve as both
tic parts should also find it useful. a general reference and a “how-to” guide for those
new to plastic design.
Most design manuals deal with a specific family of
plastic resins, and present properties, design criteria, For further information on design-related topics, the
assembly, and other information related to these reader is urged to consult the following individual
resins. The product line of Ticona includes crystalline, product brochures: Designing with Celcon @ acetal
amorphous, liquid crystalline, and elastomeric poly- copolymer (CE-10), Designing with Fortron @
mers. Due to this diversity, this manual deals with polyphenylene sulfide (FN-10) and Designing with
issues common to all injection-moldable thermoplastic Vectra@ liquid crystal polymers (VC-10). These
resins. Tables, figures, and other descriptive methods may be obtained by calling the Ticona Product
are used to help illustrate significant design differ- Information Services Department at (800) 833-4882.
ences. Additional design information on Celcon @ acetal
copolymer, Celanese@ nylon 6/6 and Celanex @ ther-
The first part, Chapters 1 through 6, introduces the moplastic polyester is also available.
nature of plastic materials, their properties and testing
methods. Key advantages, as well as limitations, of
certain thermoplastics are discussed. Where appropri-
ate, we compare the properties of various engineering
thermoplastics, often including the properties of met-
als or other structural materials. However, our goal is
to review fundamental concepts rather than list the
various testing methods.
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An Overview
H H 1
Plastics are synthetic materials called polymers, GAS
which are long-chain molecules made up of repeating H
units joined together. These units contain various
combinations of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon,
silicon, chlorine, fluorine, and sulfur. Although plas- PENTANE
tics are soft and moldable and approach a liquid con- C5H12
dition during manufacture, they are solid in their fin-
ished state. As more repeating units are added, the
plastic’s molecular weight increases. Addition of more POLYETHYLENE
repeating units to the chain makes the molecule heav- SOLID
ier. For example, Figure 1.01 shows the simple com-
pound, methane (CH4), a gas. As molecular weight
increases, typical materials are pentane
(a liquid), paraffin wax (a solid), and finally polyethyl-
ene (a widely used thermoplastic material). The
mechanical and physical properties of plastics
are directly related to the bonds between molecular
chains, as well as to the chain length and composition. Fig 1.02 · Plastic classification
Plastic properties can also be modified both by alloy-
ing and blending with various substances
and reinforcements.
1.1 Classification
The classification of plastics can be extensive and con-
fusing, as illustrated in Figure 1.02. However, two
major groups can be identified: thermoplastics, which
are the main focus of this manual, and thermosets,
which are discussed only in general terms here.
In addition to the broad categories of thermoplastics
and thermosets, polymers can be classified in terms
of their structure, i.e., crystalline, amorphous, and
liquid crystalline. Other classes of plastics commonly
referred to in the literature are copolymers, alloys,
and elastomers. Finally, additives, reinforcements,
and fillers play a major role in modifying properties.
Each of these is discussed briefly.
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1.1.2 Thermosets
Thermosets are plastics that undergo chemical change
during processing to become permanently insoluble
and infusible. Phenolic, amino, epoxy, and unsaturated
polyester resins are typical thermoset plastics. Natural
and synthetic rubbers such as latex, nitrile, millable
polyurethane, silicone, butyl, and neoprene, which
attain their properties through a process known as
vulcanization, are also thermoset polymers.
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1.1.3 Crystalline, Amorphous, and Liquid Many of the mechanical and physical property differ-
Crystalline Polymers ences between plastics can be attributed to their struc-
In some thermoplastics, the chemical structure allows ture. In general, the ordering of crystalline and liquid
the polymer chains to fold on themselves and pack crystalline thermoplastics makes them stiffer, 1
together in an organized manner (see Figure 1.05). stronger, and less resistant to impact than their amor-
The resulting organized regions show the behavior phous counterparts. Crystalline and liquid crystalline
characteristics of crystals. Plastics that have these materials are also more resistant to creep, heat, and
regions are called crystalline. Plastics without these chemicals. However, crystalline materials require
regions are called amorphous. All of the crystalline higher melt temperatures to process, and they tend to
plastics have amorphous regions between and con- shrink and warp more than amorphous polymers.
necting the crystalline regions. For this reason, crys-
talline plastics are often called semicrystalline
in the literature. Table 1.01 gives some common
examples of crystalline and amorphous thermoplas-
tics. Table 1.01 · Typical crystalline
and amorphous polymers
Liquid crystalline polymers are best thought of
Typical Crystalline Typical Amorphous
as being a separate and unique class of plastics. Thermoplastic Resins Thermoplastic Resins
The molecules are stiff, rodlike structures that are
organized in large parallel arrays or domains in Acetal Polystyrene
both the melt and solid states. These large, ordered Nylon ABS
Polyethylene SAN
domains provide liquid crystalline polymers with Polypropylene Polycarbonate
unique characteristics compared to those of crys- Polyester (PET, PBT) PVC
talline and amorphous polymers.
Fig 1.05 · Two dimensional representation of crystalline, amorphous, and liquid crystalline structure
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Amorphous polymers soften gradually and continu- The physical and mechanical property profile of plas-
ously as heat is applied, and in the molding process tics can also be modified by adding a wide variety of
they do not flow as easily as molten crystalline poly- fillers, fibers, and other chemical compounds. In gen-
mers. Liquid crystalline polymers have the high melt eral, mechanical properties are most significantly
temperature of crystalline plastics, but soften gradual- increased by adding reinforcing fibers. Particulate
ly and continuously like amorphous polymers. They fillers usually increase modulus, and plasticizers usu-
have the lowest viscosity, warpage, and shrinkage of ally decrease modulus and enhance flexibility. Flame
all thermoplastics. Table 1.02 generalizes the relative retardants, thermal and UV stabilizers, and oxidation
polymer properties. inhibitors are other common additives. Electrical
properties may be affected by many additives, espe-
1.1.4 Copolymers cially those that are conductive.
A copolymer is a polymer made with two or more When the mechanical properties are improved,
different kinds of repeating units. A terpolymer is a the resin is called a reinforced resin. An example is
copolymer with three different kinds of repeating glass-reinforced nylon. When the additive does not
units. When a polymer family includes copolymers, significantly improve the mechanical properties, but
as with acetal resins, the term homopolymer identities does affect the physical nature of the material, the
the polymer with a single type of repeating unit. resin is usually called a filled resin. An example is
Copolymers can have different properties from those mineral-filled polyester. Table 1.03 lists a variety
of the homopolymers making up either repeating unit. of common plastic fillers, reinforcements, and
other additives.
1.1.5 Alloys
Alloying is another way to create tailored variations
in plastics. The exact definition of a plastic alloy is
not clear, however it is generally accepted that alloys Table 1.02 · General relative polymer properties
are combinations of polymers that are mechanically Liquid
blended. They may depend on chemical bonds, but Property Crystalline Amorphous Crystalline
often have special compatibilizers to join different Specific Gravity Higher Lower Higher
constituent polymers together to improve perfor- Tensile Strength Higher Lower Highest
mance (e.g., impact strength and chemical resistance),
Tensile Modulus Higher Lower Highest
to lower cost, or to improve processability.
Ductility, Elongation Lower Higher Lowest
Generally, the properties of plastic alloys fall between Resistance to Creep Higher Lower High
those of the starting polymers. However, some alloys Max. Usage Temp. Higher Lower High
are able to achieve a synergistic combination that is Shrinkage and Warpage Higher Lower Lowest
better than the properties of either component alone.
Flow Higher Lower Highest
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2. Physical Properties
and Terminology
The following is a discussion of some physical prop- but also when considering substitute materials for a
erties and fundamental concepts that apply to plastics. specific application. In general, amorphous and liquid
Most are familiar to readers who have worked with crystalline thermoplastics
other engineering materials. A few, however, are spe- have lower mold shrinkage than do crystalline ther-
cific to plastics. moplastics. In addition, glass-reinforced or 2
filled materials have lower shrinkage than unfilled
2.1 Density or “neat” resins.
The density of any material is a measure of the mass
per unit volume, usually expressed as pounds per
cubic inch (lbs/in3) or grams per cubic centimeter
(g/cm3) (see Figure 2.01). The density of a particular Fig 2.01 · a. Density and b. specific gravity
plastic resin is necessary to calculate the relationship
between the weight and volume of material in a par-
ticular part.
2.2 Specific Gravity
The specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a given
volume of material compared to the mass of the same 1 1
volume of water, both measured at 23°C. In other a.)
words, specific gravity is the density of a material DENSITY = MASS / VOLUME
divided by the density of water. Since it is a dimen- lbs/in.3 or gm/cc
sionless quality, it is convenient for comparing differ- b.) DENSITY OF MATL. @ 23°C
ent materials. Like density, specific gravity is used Sp. Gr. =
extensively in determining part cost, weight, and
quality control.
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2.6 Elasticity a)
Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its
original size and shape after being deformed (Figure
2.03). Most plastic materials have limited elasticity.
Rubber and thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) have BEFORE LOAD LOAD
excellent elasticity. Throughout this manual, it is gen- LOADING APPLIED RELEASED
erally assumed that plastics respond elastically unless
otherwise indicated.
2.7 Plasticity
Plasticity is the inverse of elasticity. A material that
tends to stay in the shape or size to which it is
deformed has high plasticity. Plastic materials exhibit b)
plasticity when they are stressed beyond the yield
point. This accounts for the ability of some plastics to
be cold-formed. Of course, when thermoplastics are
heated to their softening point, they have almost per-
fect plasticity.
2.8 Ductility
Ductility is the ability of a material to be stretched,
Fig 2.04 · Toughness can be measured by
pulled, or rolled into shape without destroying the
the area under the stress-strain curve
integrity of the material.
2.9 Toughness
Toughness refers to a material’s ability to absorb
mechanical energy without fracturing. A tough mate-
rial can absorb mechanical energy with either elastic
or plastic deformation. In general, high-impact
unfilled resins have excellent toughness. However,
low- or moderate-impact resins can also display con-
siderable toughness if the material has sufficiently
high ultimate strength. This will become apparent
when the stress-strain curve is discussed in
Chapter 3. Toughness is often measured by the area
under the stress-strain curve of the resin, as shown in
Figure 2.04.
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2.15 Isotropy
The physical properties of an isotropic material at a
point are the same, independent of the direction in
which they are measured.
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While the above examples demonstrate primarily Fig 2.06 · Mold shrinkage of anisotropic plastics
mechanical properties, anisotropy is also involved
when a material shrinks in the mold (Figure 2.06).
Anisotropic mold shrinkage is an important consider- GATE
ation when crystalline and glass-fiber-reinforced
materials are being molded. These materials are usual-
ly listed with mold shrinkage values in the “flow BEING
direction” and “cross-flow direction.” Although these
values are mainly of concern to the toolmaker and
molder, the existence and severity of anisotropic MOLD CAVITY
shrinkage must be considered by the design engineer
in choosing a resin for a new part with tight toler-
ances on the drawing. (HIGHLY
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3. Mechanical Properties
Mechanical properties are crucial since virtually 3.1.1 Stress
all end-use applications involve some degree of Consider a three-dimensional body with a balanced
mechanical loading. Material selection for a variety system of forces acting on it, F1-F5 in Figure 3.01a,
of applications is often based on mechanical proper- such that the body is at rest. A body is subjected to
ties such as tensile strength, modulus, elongation, and external forces develops internal forces to transfer and
impact strength. These values are normally available distribute the external load. Imagine that the body in
in the product data sheets provided by material sup- Fig. 3.01a is cut at an arbitrary cross-section and one
pliers. More often than not, too much emphasis is part is removed. To keep the body at rest, a system
placed on comparing the published values of differ- of forces must be acting on the cut surface to balance
ent types and grades of materials and not enough the external forces. The same system of forces exists
on determining the true meaning of mechanical within the uncut body and is called stress. Stress must
properties and their relation to end-use require- be described with both a magnitude and a direction. 3
ments. Consider an arbitrary point P on the cut surface in
Figure 3.01b, where the stress, S, is as indicated. For
In practical applications, materials are seldom, if ever, analysis, it is more convenient to resolve the stress, S,
subjected to a single, steady deformation without the into two stress components. One acts perpendicular
presence of other adverse factors such as environment to the surface and is called a normal or direct stress,
and temperature. Since published values of mechani- σ. The second stress acts parallel to the surface and is
cal properties are generated from tests conducted in called a shear stress, τ.
laboratories under standard conditions, the danger of
selecting and specifying a material using only this
information is obvious. A thorough understanding of
mechanical properties and tests employed to deter- Fig 3.01 · Internal forces, stresses in a body
mine such properties, as well as
the effect of adverse (or beneficial) conditions on F2
mechanical properties over long periods of time,
is extremely important. F1 F3
F4 F5
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Stress = load/area
or σ = LENGTH)
change in length
strain =
original length
or Fig 3.03 · Typical test setup and specimen
ε= L
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Fig 3.04 · Plot of results of tensile test secant modulus (see below) as a better representation
(stress-strain curve) of the material’s behavior. The designer is cautioned
that the product data sheets do not always clarify
whether the supplier is providing Young’s modulus,
an initial modulus, or a secant modulus. Thus, the
designer is reminded of the warning at the beginning
of this chapter on placing too much emphasis on the
published data.
= constant
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shear load Q E
τ = = = 2 (1 + ν)
area resisting shear A G
The shear stress is always tangential to the area on This holds true for most metals and is generally applied
which it acts. The shearing strain is the angle of to injection-moldable thermoplastics. However, the
deformation, γ, and is measured in radians. designer is reminded of the inherently nonlinear,
anisotropic nature of most plastics, particularly
Fig 3.07 · Shear stress fiber-reinforced and liquid crystalline materials.
shear stress τ
= = constant = G
shear strain γ
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3.3 Other Measures of Strength and Modulus 3.3.1 Compression Strength and Modulus
For many engineering materials that are treated as lin- Because of the relative simplicity of testing in tension,
early elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic, the tensile the elastic modulus of a material is usually measured
and compression properties are considered identical. and reported as a tension value. A material can also
This eliminates the need to measure properties in be loaded in compression. However for design, the
compression. Further, if tension and compression stress-strain curve for compression loading is
properties are identical, there is no need to measure often required.
the properties in bending (under standard beam bend-
ing theory). However, in concession to the nonlinear, With most elastic materials at low stress levels, the
anisotropic nature of most plastics, these properties, tensile and compressive stress-strain curves are nearly
particularly flexural properties, are often reported on equivalent, as depicted by the curve in Figure 3.10.
product data sheets. However, at higher stress levels, the compressive
strain is less than the tensile strain. Unlike tensile
loading, which usually results in a clear failure, stress-
Fig 3.10 · Tensile and compressive moduli ing in compression produces a slow, indefinite yield-
ing, which seldom leads to a failure. Therefore, the
compressive strength is customarily expressed as the
stress in psi (Pa) required to deform a standard plastic
specimen to a certain strain.
Compression modulus is not always reported, since
defining a stress at a strain is equivalent to reporting a
secant modulus. However, if a compression modulus
EC =
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Bending Stress σ =
Bending or Flexural Modulus E =
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Figure 3.13.
Log time
Increasing Time
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E =
app εc
where 3
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This test can also be run with an unnotched specimen Fig 3.17 · Izod and Charpy impact tests
or with the notch reversed, in which case it is report-
ed as unnotched or a reversed notch lzod impact
strength, respectively.
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3.5.10 Falling Dart Impact Test Fig 3.19 · A typical dart impact apparatus
In this test, a weight is dropped onto a flat disk of the
material being tested. The leading edge of the dart
where it impacts the specimen has a specific diameter .
Figure 3.19 is one example of a falling dart apparatus.
This test is valuable for ranking materials since it
tends to better represent the impact on actual parts in W
certain applications. DART
1" DIA
3.5.11 Fatigue Endurance
Generally, a material is subjected to fatigue when it is
stressed repeatedly or in some defined cyclic manner.
Examples are a snap-action plastic latch that is con-
stantly opened and closed, a reciprocating mechanical
part on a machine, a gear tooth, a bearing, any struc-
tural component subjected to vibration, and any part
that is to be subjected to repeated impacts. Such
cyclic loading can cause mechanical deterioration and
progressive fracture of the material, leading to ulti-
mate failure. Fig 3.20 · Typical S-N curve is shown along
with thermal effects which sometimes occur
Typical fatigue tests are conducted on a machine when plastics are fatigue tested
which subjects a cantilever beam to reverse flexural
loading cycles at different maximum stress levels. The
number of cycles to failure is recorded for each stress
level. The data are generally presented in a plot of log
stress vs. log cycles, called an S-N curve. The cycle
rate loading profile and environmental temperature
should be reported with the curve. Figure 3.20 illus-
trates a typical S-N curve.
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4. Thermal Properties
To select materials that will maintain acceptable Fig 4.01 · Vicat softening point apparatus
mechanical properties and dimensional stability in
end-use applications, the design engineer must be
aware of the normal and extreme operating environ-
ment to which the final product is to be subjected. DIAL GAUGE
Following are some of the basic thermal properties
that characterize thermoplastic materials.
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4.4 Deflection Temperature under Load Fig 4.02 · Test apparatus for deflection temperature
The deflection temperature under load is the tempera- under load
ture at which a 1/2 in. deep test bar , loaded to a speci-
fied bending stress, deflects by 0.010 in. Figure 4.02
shows a schematic of a typical apparatus. This t est is
generally run at 66 psi and/or 264 psi. Sometimes LOAD
called the “heat distortion temperature” (HDT), this THERMOMETER
value is useful to the design engineer as a relative
measure of the ability of various materials to perform GAUGE
at elevated temperatures while supporting loads. Since
a stress and deflection for a certain depth test bar is
specified, this test may be viewed as establishing the
temperature at which the flexural modulus decreases
to particular values, i.e., 35,200 psi at 66 psi stress and
140,800 psi at 264 psi.
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1. UL 94 Flammability Class (V-0, V-1, V-2,5V, HB) Fig 4.03 · Effect of temperature or strain rate
In this test, specimens are subjected to a specified on stress-strain curves
flame exposure, and the relative ability to maintain
combustion after the flame is removed becomes the INCREASE STRAIN RATE
basis for classification. In general, the more favorable CONSTANT TEMPERATURE
selves rapidly and do not drip flaming particles. Each CONSTANT STRAIN RATE
rating is based on a specific material thickness.
2. Oxygen index
This test measures the percentage of oxygen
necessary to sustain combustion of the plastic materi- STRAIN
al. Obviously, the higher the value (more oxygen
needed), the lower the combustibility. Since air con-
tains about 21 % oxygen, any material with a rating
below 21 will probably support combustion
in a normal, open air environment.
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Figure 4.04 illustrates modulus behavior as tempera- Fig 4.06 · Apparent modulus curves at different
ture increases. In general, a gradual drop in modulus temperatures showing time-temperature shifting to esti-
occurs as the temperature increases to the glass transi- mate expended time values at lower temperatures
tion temperature. Above the glass transition tempera-
ture, amorphous materials experience a rapid loss of
modulus. However, crystalline materials maintain a
significant, usable modulus at temperatures approach-
ing the crystalline melting point. Glass fiber rein-
forcement can significantly improve the modulus of
crystalline materials above the glass transition temper-
ature. Amorphous materials, even when reinforced
with glass, still display a rapid drop in modulus above
the glass transition temperature. Strength vs. tempera-
ture curves are similar to modulus curves. In general,
the elongation of materials increases with increasing
temperature, as indicated in Figure 4.05.
Fig 4.04 · Modulus behavior of crystalline and Fig 4.07 · Creep rupture curves indicating
amorphous resin showing Tg and melt temperatures danger of linear projection to longer times at
and the effect of reinforcement on HDT lower temperatures
X = Tg
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5. Electrical Properties
Plastic materials have found widespread use in a mul- can affect the results. Materials with values above 10 8
titude of electrical and electronic applications ohm-cm are considered to be insulators, while those
throughout virtually all industries. The combination between 108 and 101 ohm-cm are considered to be
of mechanical and electrical properties provides an partial conductors. Table 5.01 shows the volume resis-
ideal choice for everything from tiny electronic com- tivity values for various plastics.
ponents to very large electrical equipment enclosures.
The most notable electrical property of plastic materi-
als is that they are good insulators, but as seen in this
chapter, plastics have many other important electrical Fig 5.01 · Free electrons in a metal lattice
properties that must be considered in the design of
plastic parts. FREE ELECTRONS
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5.3 Surface Resistivity Fig 5.02 · One type of text apparatus for volume
This test measures the ability of current to flow over and surface resistivity
the surface of a material. Unlike the volume resistivity
test, the test electrodes are both placed on the same
side of the test specimen, as illustrated in Figure 5.02.
While volume resistivity is a property of the material,
surface resistivity is essentially a measure of the sus-
ceptibility of the material to surface contamination,
particularly moisture. Data from this test are best
used when materials are being evaluated and selected ELECTRODES
for testing in applications in which surface leakage
may be a problem. The data are subject to large errors
and should be used with large safety factors in design THICKNESS
5.4 Dielectric Strength
When an insulator is subjected to increasingly high
voltage, it eventually breaks down and allows a cur-
rent to pass. The voltage reached just before it breaks
down divided by the sample thickness is known as
the dielectric strength of the material, measured in
volts/mil. It is generally measured by putting elec-
trodes on either side of a test specimen and increasing
the voltage at a controlled rate (see Figure 5.03). 5
Factors that affect the test results are temperature,
sample thickness, conditioning of sample, rate of
increase in voltage, and duration of test. Any contam-
ination of, or internal voids in, the sample may cause
premature failure in this test. Fig 5.03 · A typical test configuration for
dielectric strength
5.5 Dielectric Constant (Permittivity)
When an electrical field is imposed across an insula-
tor, the molecules become polarized. If the potential
is reversed, the polarization of the molecules also
reverses. The ease with which a material can be polar-
ized is measured by a material constant called permit-
tivity. The ratio of a material’s permittivity to the
(negligible) permittivity in a vacuum is called relative
dielectric constant or more commonly, dielectric con-
stant. This is a dimensionless constant that becomes
an important factor when plastics are used as dielec-
tric materials in high frequency applications. The
value of this constant can vary with changes in tem-
perature, moisture level, frequency, and part thick-
ness. Table 5.02 gives the dielectric constants for vari-
ous insulating materials.
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Table 5.02 · Typical values for dielectric Fig 5.04 · A typical test configuration for
constant and dissipation factor for various arc resistance
thermoplastics at room temperature
Material Dielectric Dissipation
Description Constant Factor
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6.2.4 Environmental Stress Cracking The design engineer should be prepared to pursue
An unstressed plastic may appear to be unaffected by creep rupture testing in the actual end-use environ-
exposure to a chemical. However, the same chemical ment on test bars or, preferably, prototype parts to
may cause catastrophic failure when the plastic is determine the suitability of a plastic in that environ-
stressed. This mechanism is called environmental ment. Thus, it is advantageous for the designer to
stress cracking. select several different plastics or components of the
same plastic for evaluation in the end-use environ-
Chemical compatibility data are generally obtained in ment.
a manner similar to “aging at elevated temperatures,”
discussed in Chapter 4. That is, standard test bars are 6.3 Weathering Resistance
placed in the chemical and stored at the desired tem- Many applications for plastics require that the materi-
perature for some time interval. The test bars are then al withstand exposure to “sunlight,” i.e., UV, when
removed from the exposure environment, cleaned, used in naturally lighted areas or outdoors. All plastic
and tested for whatever properties are of interest, typ- materials are affected by ultraviolet light exposure and
ically tensile strength, flexural modulus, dimensional suffer some degree of degradation. The degradation is
change, weight, and discoloration. Table 6.01 shows usually noticed by fading, chalking, and embrittle-
the chemical resistance of commonly used thermo- ment of the plastic material. Often, UV-resistant vari-
plastic materials. These are only general guidelines. ants of popular grades of plastic materials are avail-
The design engineer must consult marketing data able from suppliers.
sheets, test results, and the material supplier for accu-
rate information concerning a particular grade of UV test data are usually obtained through actual out-
resin. Even when the information indicates the mater- door exposure or in special test cabinets. Outdoor
ial is highly compatible, end-use testing must be per- exposure tests may be as simple as attaching test sam-
formed. ples to a surface at a suitable angle for the latitude
where the test is being conducted or as complicated
While this method is easy, it can be misleading since as having mirrors and sun tracking equipment to
the response of stressed samples to the chemical envi- accelerate the effective exposure. Test cabinets are
ronment can be very different; i.e., it cannot generally available to accelerate testing. Generally, they employ
detect agents causing environmental stress cracking. high-intensity xenon or carbon-arc lamps to generate
Some test procedures expose a test sample to a chemi- high levels of UV exposure in a relatively short time.
cal in the presence of either a fixed stress
or fixed strain distribution along the length of the
sample. The samples may then be examined for the
stress or strain location at which damage begins.
However, these tests are more difficult and expensive
to run. Therefore, such data for a resin in a particular
chemical are often unavailable.
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Polyester Elastomer
Carbon Steel
Nylon 6/6
Acids and Bases
Automotive Fuel A A A A A A A A C C A C C A A A A
Automotive, Lubricants A A A A A A A A C C A A A A A B A
Automotive, Hydraulic A A A A A – A A C C C A A A – – –
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons A A A A A A A A A A A B C A A A A Heptane, Hexane
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Halogenated A B B B B A A A C C C – – – B B B Ethylene Chloride, Chloroform
Alcohols A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A B Ethanol, Cyclohexanol
Aldehydes A A A A B B A A – C B – A – A B A Acetaldehyde, Formaldehyde
Amines A C – – – – C B – C C – A – A B B Aniline, Triethanolamine
Aromatic Hydrocarbons A B A A B B A A C C C C C C A A A Tolulene, Xylene, Naphtha
Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Halogenated B B – – – C – A C C C – – – A A A Chlorobenzene
Aromatic, Hydroxy A C C C – C A A – C C – A – B C A Phenol
Esters A B A B B B A A C C C – C – B B B Ethyl Acetate, Dioctyl Phthalate
Ethers A – A A – – – A – A B – C – A A A Butyl Ether, Diethyl Ether
Ketones A B A B B B A A C C C – B C A A A Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Acetone
Detergents A – A – B – – A A A – B A – A A B Laundry and Dishwashing
Detergents, Soaps
Inorganic Salts B B B – A – – A – A – – A A B B B Zinc Chloride, Cupric Sulfate
Oxidizing Agents, Strong A C C – C – B B – C – – A – C C C 30% Hydrogen Peroxide,
Bromine (Wet)
Oxidizing Agents, Weak C C C A – A A A – A – A A A B C A Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
Water, Ambient A A B A A A A A A A A A A – A C B
Water, Hot B C B C C B A A – C – A C – A C B
Water, Steam A C C C C C B A – C – – C – A C –
This information is presented for instructional purposes and is not intended for design. The data were extracted from numerous sources, making consistent
rating assignments difficult. Further, the response of any given material to specific chemicals in any one class can vary significantly. Indeed, during the
preparation of the table, the effect of various chemicals in the same category on one plastic ranged from essentially no effect to total dissolution.
Therefore, an “A” rating for a particular plastic exposed to a particular class of chemicals should not be interpreted as applying to all chemicals in that
class. The rating simply means that for the chemicals in that class found in the literature reviewed, the rating was generally an “A”. There may be other
chemicals in the same class for which the rating would be a “C.” Finally, the typical chemicals listed do not necessarily correspond to the ones on which
the individual ratings are based.
A – Minimal Effect B – Some Effect C – Generally Not Recommended
Room temperature except hot water, steam, and “*”
Generally, extended exposure (more than a week) data was used *200°F 41
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7.2.1 Loads
The first step in analyzing any part is to determine
the loads to which the part is to be subjected. These
loads generally fall into the following categories:
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This condition is similar to a free end except that the HELD
edge is prevented from rotating.
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7.2.3 Simplifications and Assumptions bly temperatures. The effects of variations in resin
For the purposes of the discussion and examples in lots and molding conditions must also
this chapter, the following simplifications and be considered.
assumptions are made:
Many failures in testing on preproduction parts
1 . The part under load can be broken down into one can often be corrected with selective use of increased
or more simple structures, beams, plates, pressure wall thickness, ribs, gussets, or elimination of stress con-
vessels, etc. for analysis. centrations. A material change to another grade
2. The material being analyzed may be considered of the same resin or to a different plastic with a suitable
to be linearly elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic. mechanical property profile may also solve the problem.
While not necessarily true for plastic materials,
this assumption is fundamental to the equations Engineers unfamiliar with plastic product design
that follow. often ask for a design strength for use during the ini-
3. The equations assume that the load is a single tial design phase. A review of product data and dis-
concentrated or distributed static load, gradually cussions with experienced engineers suggest that the
applied for a short period and then removed. ranges in Table 7.01 are generally appropriate. These
However, creep, relaxation, or fatigue loads may ranges, applied to the strength on standard product
be analyzed by using the same equations, data sheets, are suitable for use with the equations
provided the appropriate modulus and/or rupture presented here only in the preliminary design phase,
(strength) conditions are applied. where general product dimensions are being evaluat-
4. The part being analyzed has no residual or ed. Any product designed by using these guidelines
molded-in stresses. must be thoroughly tested to ensure satisfactory per-
5. The equations apply to regions that are remote formance.
both from the point of application of the load
and from any shoulder, hole, or other sudden
Table 7.01 · Design strength* for
change in dimension of the structure.
preliminary part design
6. The equations may be used at shoulders, holes,
or other sudden dimensional changes as long as Failure Failure
appropriate stress concentration factors are used Noncritical Critical
Fig 7.04 · Section properties for some common cross-sections (na = neutral axis)
A = bd A = bd - h(b - t)
d d
c= c=
2 t
d na 2
d na h
bd3 bd3 - h3(b - t)
c I= I=
12 c
s 12
bd2 bd3 - h3(b - t)
b Z= Z=
6 b
4 A = bd - h(b - t)
s h b
d c=
2 2
na d d4 na 2sb3 + ht3
I= b t I=
64 c 12
d3 2sb3 + ht3
Z= Z=
32 d 6b
TUBE (do2 - d l 2) b
A= A = bd - h(b - t)
d c=
c= o 2
2 t
h d bd3 - h3(b - t)
na dl do na I=
(do4 - d l 4 ) 12 7
c 64 c bd3 - h3(b - t)
(do4 - d l 4 ) s Z=
Z= 6d
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Fig 7.05 · Maximum stress and deflection equations for selected beams
FL (at support) =
(at load) = Z
FL3 (at load) Y=
(at load) Y = 3EI
F (total load)
F (total load)
(at center) =
(at support) =
(at center) Y=
384EI FL3
(at free end) Y =
2 F (total load)
(at supports) = FL
8Z (at supports) =
(at load) Y= FL3
192EI (at center) Y=
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The maximum stress occurs at the surface of the beam T= applied torque, inch-pounds
farthest from the neutral surface and is given by c = distance from the center of the shaft to the
location on the outer surface of the shaft where
Mc M maximum stress occurs, inches (see Figure 7.07)
σ = =
I Z J = polar moment of inertia, inches 4 (see Figure 7.07)
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Fig 7.07 · Polar moments of inertia for Fig 7.08 · Direct shear examples
common cross-sections
d4 d
di (do4 – di4) do
32 2
h 32 2
b F
h4 h
h F
6 2
7.3.4 Shear Stress, Direct Shear
Many situations occur in which direct shear is applied
to a plastic part. Figure 7.08 illustrates assembly by
staking and by a spring clip in which a load may be
applied in direct shear. Other examples include spot
welds (Figure 9.11) and pinned structures such as
hinges and conveyor links. For direct shear (as in
Figure 7.08), the shear stress is simply the applied
load divided by the shear area:
τ =
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7.4 Pressure Vessels Fig 7.09 · Cylindrical pressure vessel, thin wall tube
The most common plastics pressure vessel application
is a tube with internal pressure. In the selection of the UNIFORM INTERNAL PRESSURE, P
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Fig 7.11 · Press-fit equations for two typical situations 7.6 Thread Strength
When threads are either molded or tapped into a plas-
tic part, the assembly torque must be controlled to
prevent excessive shear stress, which results in
stripped threads, and to limit hoop stress, which can
ds result in tensile failures. Although the mechanics of
stress analysis for screw threads are readily available,
dl the equations are complicated and few wish to take
them on. For this reason, the following simple,
do approximate equations are provided (see Figure 7.12).
T= μdF
ds 2
1+ (d ) o
ds 2
1– (d ) μ = dynamic coefficient of friction between the
sliding surfaces.
νp = POISSON'S RATIO OF PLASTIC The shear area of the threads, A, is approximately
σa = ALLOWABLE DESIGN STRESS FOR PLASTIC one-half the thread engagement cylinder or
A= πdL
Therefore, the thread-stripping shear stress is
i Γ
σ= E F 2F
ds p Γ + 1 τ= =
A πdL
σa Γ+1
ia = ds
Ep Γ Fig 7.12 · Illustration for torque-force
relationships for screw threads
σ= Ep
ds Γ + νp
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For standard 60° unified threads, the radial compo- Finally, the following observations should be clearly
nent of force is approximately 60% of F. This force is understood concerning screw threads:
spread over the thread engagement cylinder, produc-
ing an internal pressure in the boss. Therefore, the 1. The torque values are based on the coefficient of
internal pressure in the boss is approximately friction of the mating parts and can vary significantly.
The use of any compatible lubricant that reduces fric-
0.6F tion also increases the shear and hoop stresses if the
πdL torque remains the same. Therefore, the allowable
torque must be reduced when lubricants are present.
This pressure can then be used in the simple
thin-wall, hoop stress equation: 2. High assembly torque for the purpose of prevent-
ing vibrational loosening is frequently ineffective
P(d + 2t) since creep of the plastic material reduces the effective
2t assembly torque even if the fastener does not rotate.
Vibration-proof screws, lock washers, lock nuts, and
to obtain the hoop stress produced in the boss. thread-locking adhesives, all specifically designed for
thermoplastics, are usually a better alternative when
A major problem with the thread torque-force equa- loosening is considered a problem.
tions is that the coefficient of friction varies signifi-
cantly with material and surface finish. In addition, 3. Self-tapping screws require additional torque to
most published data for coefficient of friction are gen- cut or form the thread. This torque must usually be
erated from high speeds and low load conditions added to the allowable safe assembly torque only for
rather than the low speed and high loads involved in the first assembly. The appropriate hole design for
thread engagement. Thus, these approximate equa- self-tapping screws depends greatly on the material
tions are probably adequate. Furthermore, for initial and screw design. Consult the screw manufacturer
design purposes, it is probably worthwhile to pick a and Ticona for design recommendations.
median value for the coefficient of friction. A value of
0.15 is suggested. When this value is used, the previ- 7.7 Pipe Threads
ous equations can be further simplified as follows: Pipe threads are commonly used in plastic plumbing
and pneumatic devices. Properly designed plastic pipe
The torque-force relationship is threads usually require only hand-tight assembly to
effect a good seal, especially if a compatible sealant
5T tape or compound is used. Assembling a tapered male
T = 0.2dF or F = 7
d pipe thread into a mating female thread in a plastic
part is analogous to driving a cone into a round hole.
The thread-stripping shear stress equation is Many split bosses are a result of improper field instal-
lation. Figure 7.13 shows some alternatives.
2F 10T Sometimes the use of straight threads and an O-ring
τ= =
πdL πd2L
( 10T
d )
seal can avoid the need for pipe threads. When pipe
threads must be used, torque control is critical. The
The pressure generated on the inside of the boss is following general recommendations should be fol-
lowed whenever possible:
0.2F T
P = = 2
dL dL 1 . When metal is mated with plastic using pipe
threads, make the plastic-threaded member the male
The hoop stress generated in the boss is thread so that the plastic is in compression.
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3. When torque cannot be controlled, such as during Fig 7.13 · Designing with pipe threads
field assembly, consider the use of an external or
molded-in hoop ring.
4. Never design flats into plastic parts with threads
for assembly purposes. This only encourages over-
tightening. If necessary, add “wings” or a textured d
σ= t
Many high-impact materials can survive very large strain characteristics are very different under rapid
deflections or strains during impact without the per- loading conditions as compared to the slow, steady
manent deformations or failure one would expect loading conditions used in normal testing of plastic
from the stress-strain curve of the material measured resin specimens. This partially accounts for the ability
at standard loading rates. Therefore, the calculated of many plastic parts to successfully dissipate large
impact stress of successful parts often appears unrea- amounts of mechanical energy when subjected to
sonably high. For many of these materials, the stress- impact.
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Fig 7.14 · Estimating impact stress and deflection 7.9 Thermal Stresses
due to dropping a weight on the part When materials with different coefficients of thermal
expansion are bolted, riveted, bonded, crimped,
pressed, welded, or fastened by any method that pre-
vents relative movement between the parts, there is a
W potential for thermal stress. The typical case where
problems develop (see Figure 7.15) involves the join-
ing of nonreinforced thermoplastic parts with materi-
ys als such as metals, glass, or ceramics, which generally
have much lower coefficients of thermal expansion.
Figure 7.16 illustrates the equations for thermal
H expansion that apply in various situations. The basic
relationship for the thermal expansion of a part is
Calculate static stress and
deflection from placing
ΔL = change in length
weight on part.
α = coefficient of linear thermal expansion
(see Table 4.01)
Static Stress L = linear dimension under consideration
(including hole diameters)
ΔT = temperature change
Static Deflection
ys If the part is confined so that it cannot expand or
Impact Stress contract, the strain induced by the temperature
change is
( )
s= s 1+ 1+
ys εT = = αΔT
( )
yi = ys 1+ 1+
ys The stress can then be calculated by multiplying the
strain by the tensile modulus of the material at the
given temperature. However, a typical situation
occurs where a plastic part is mounted to a metal part.
— This is only an estimate; actual testing is essential. While both expand due to a change in temperature,
— Calculated impact stress will often exceed ultimate the plastic usually applies insignificant load to the
stress listed in data sheets for high-imact materials. metal, while a considerable stress is generated in the
plastic. In this case, the approximate thermal stress,
σT, in the plastic is
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Note that as the temperature increases, most plastics Fig 7.16 · Equations of thermal expansions for
expand more than metals while their modulus drops. various conditions
This produces a compressive load in the plastic part,
which often results in buckling. Conversely, as the
temperature drops, the plastic part shrinks more than
the metal part and develops an increased tensile mod-
ulus. This can result in tensile rupture of the plastic L
In many assemblies, clearances around fasteners, fail- Δd = αdΔT
σT = (αp – αm)EpΔT
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1 . If the product consists of more than one part, can 3. Agency Approvals
they be combined into a single molded part, eliminat- Refer to the material product data sheets to
ing extra materials, molds, molding operations, and ensure that the resin being considered meets the
assembly procedures? requirements of the end product. These approvals
could include Underwriters Laboratories (UL),
2. Can hardware items or other components be elim- Canadian Standards Association (CSA), US Food
inated from the proposed part by integrating them and Drug Administration (FDA), National Sanitation
with the molded part? Foundation (NSF), United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA), a variety of Military
If the answer to either of the above questions is yes, Specifications, industry-specific requirements, and
more work is probably needed in planning the most many others. Many of these approvals for any specific
efficient and cost-effective product. Of course, in resin grade can depend on such factors as minimum
some cases, trying to design multiple features into a wall thickness, color additives, fillers, and the operat-
single part or putting too much complexity into a part ing temperature.
causes the tooling to be prohibitively expensive or the
part too difficult to mold. This is especially true when 4. Assembly
the mold must open in many directions to eject the Check to ensure that the proposed material lends
molded part. The product engineer must weigh itself to the expected assembly operations. For exam-
the increased cost for a more complex tool against ple, certain classes of materials are difficult to solvent
the cost savings per unit over the expected bond, while others may not work well with ultrasonic
production volume. methods. (Consult Chapter 9 of this manual.)
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8.5 Nominal Wall Thickness Table 8.01 · Typical Nominal Thickness for
Of all the issues in plastic design, selecting the proper Various Classes of Thermoplastics
nominal wall thickness is probably the most impor-
tant and all-encompassing topic. Just about every Thermoplastic Resin Family Typical Thickness
subject addressed in this manual somehow relates to, Ranges (inches)
affects, or is influenced by the wall thickness.
ABS, Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene 0.045 - 0.140
Choosing proper wall sections sometimes determines Acetal 0.030 - 0.120
the ultimate success or demise of a product. While an Acrylic 0.025 - 0.150
inadequate wall section can lead to poor performance Liquid Crystal Polymer 0.008 - 0.120
Long-Fiber Reinforced Plastics 0.075 - 1.000
or structural failure, a section that is too heavy, even Modified Polyphenylene Ether 0.045 - 0.140
in just certain regions, can make the product unattrac- Nylon 0.010 - 0.115
tive, overweight, or too expensive. Although some Polyarylate 0.045 - 0.150
problems can be corrected after the mold is built, Polycarbonate 0.040 - 0.150
Polyester 0.025 - 0.125
such solutions are often expensive. Polyester Elastomer 0.025 - 0.125
Polyethylene 0.030 - 0.200
The following discussion on determining wall section Polyphenylene Sulfide 0.020 - 0.180
thickness should help the design or production engi- Polypropylene 0.025 - 0.150
Polystyrene 0.035 - 0.150
neer eliminate potential problems on paper (or com- Polysulfone 0.050 - 0.150
puter screen) rather than in tool steel. In many parts, Polyurethane 0.080 - 0.750
only some of the guidelines can be followed due to PVC, Polyvinyl Chloride 0.040 - 0.150
geometric, structural, or functional requirements, but SAN, Styrene-Acrylonitrile 0.035 - 0.150
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The required amount of draft depends on the surface Fig 8.06 · Interaction of wall thickness, load,
finish on the mold. A highly polished mold requires stress, and deflection for a rectangular
less draft than an unpolished mold, and any surface cross-section in bending
texture increases the draft required by at least 1° per
side for every 0.001 in. depth of texture. When deep
thickness would be an uneconomical 0.239 in. thick. Table 8.03 · Summary of the Effect of Rib and
Besides being impractical to injection mold, the added Cross-Section change in example, Figure 8.07
thickness would triple the weight of the part. By con-
trast, the rib only adds 25% to the total section Cross-Section Max. Max.
weight. Table 8.03 shows a summary of the results of Geometry Area Stress Deflection
(square inches) (psi) (inches)
this example.
Although the use of ribs gives the design engineer 0.0600 6250 0.694
great latitude in efficiently tailoring the structural
response of a plastic part, the use of ribs can result in
warping and appearance problems. In general, experi-
enced design engineers do not use ribs if there is doubt
as to whether they are structurally necessary. Adding
0.0746 2273 0.026
ribs after the tool is built is usually simple and relatively
inexpensive since it involves removing steel.
L r
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8.7.2 Other Geometric Reinforcement necessary to create a pocket or opening in the part, or
Besides ribs, there are other acceptable methods of simply to reduce an overly heavy wall section (see
improving section properties. Many of these can Figure 8.11). For simplicity and economy in injection
often be worked into functional or appearance fea- molds, cores should be parallel to the line of draw of
tures of the part. Some typical examples are the mold. Cores placed in any other direction usually
shown in Figure 8.09. create the need for some type of
side action (either a cam or hydraulic cylinder) or
8.8 Bosses manually loaded and unloaded loose cores.
Bosses and other projections from the nominal wall
are commonly found in injection-molded plastic Blind holes in molded plastic parts are created by a
parts. These often serve as mounting or fastening core supported by only one side of the mold. The
points. Figure 8.10 shows some typical boss designs length of the core and depth of the hole are limited by
along with common problems. As with rib design, the ability of the core to withstand the bending forces
avoiding overly thick wall sections is important for produced by the flowing plastic without excessive
minimizing the chance of appearance or molding deflection. For this reason, the depth of a blind hole
problems. When bosses are designed to accommodate should not exceed three times its diameter or mini-
self-tapping screws, the inside diameter and wall mum cross-sectional dimension. For small blind holes
thickness must be controlled to avoid excessive with a minimum dimension below 1/2 in., the L/d
buildup of hoop stresses in the boss. Ribs are fre- ratio should be kept to 2. With through holes, the
quently used in conjunction with bosses when lateral cores can be longer since they are supported by the
forces are expected. Special care must be used with opposite side of the mold cavity. Sometimes the cores
tapered pipe threads, since they can create a wedging can be split between the two sides and interlocked
action on the boss. If there is a choice, the male rather when the mold is closed, allowing long through holes
than the female pipe thread should be the one molded to be created. With through holes, the overall length
into the plastic. of a given size core generally can be twice as long as
that of a blind hole. Sometimes even longer cores are
8.9 Coring necessary. The tool can be designed to balance the
The term coring in injection molding refers to the hydraulic pressure on the core pin, thus limiting
addition of steel to the mold for the purpose of elimi- the deflection.
nating plastic material in that area. Usually, coring is
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1/2 t
t t
0.005 MIN
1/2 t
1/2 t LOAD
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WARPAGE t t 1/2 t
t t
1/2 t
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partment covers for calculators and radios, Fig 9.01 · Snap-fit design for cantilever beam
are designed for easy release and reassembly over with rectangular cross section
hundreds or even thousands of cycles.
ed bending stress can far exceed the yield point stress 1.3
if the assembly occurs rapidly. In other words, the
flexing finger just momentarily passes through its
maximum deflection or strain, and the material does 1.1
not respond as if the yield stress has been greatly 1.0
exceeded. Thus, a common way to evaluate snap-fits 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
is by calculating strain rather
than stress. Compare this value with the allowable h L/ h o
dynamic strain limit (if available) for the particular
material. In designing the finger, it is extremely
important to avoid any sharp corners or structural
discontinuities, which can increase stress. A tapered
finger provides a uniform stress distribution and is
advisable where possible.
3Yho =
= 2 L 2K
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Since the snap-fit generally requires an undercut, Another type of snap-fit assembly system, which can
a mold with side action is frequently required, as sometimes be molded into the part, is known as snap-
shown in Figure 9.02A. Figure 9.02B shows an alter- on or snap-in. It is used most often on round parts.
native that works well when an opening at the base of Often larger portions of the part or even the entire
the flexing finger is acceptable. In certain cases, the part flexes, but the deflections are usually very small.
snap-finger can simply be popped off Figure 9.03 shows a typical example of a snap-on
the mold. assembly.
Fig 9.02 · Tooling for snap-fit fingers Fig 9.03 · Snap-on / Snap-in fits
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Fig 9.04 · Molded plastic threads
In a press-fit assembly, parts or components of a INSIDE DIAMETER OF 9
material are assembled to a plastic part, using interfer- THE BOSS
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9.1.2 Chemical Bonding Systems The key disadvantages of adhesive bonding are that it
is generally slow, requires longer clamp times, often Solvent Welding requires more fixtures, and sometimes special ovens
This is a fast and economical method for joining like or curing conditions are necessary. Furthermore, sur-
or similar types of plastics. The principle involved is face preparation can be critical since any contamina-
to apply a substance, usually a liquid solvent, to dis- tion such as grease, oil, mold release, or even finger-
solve the surfaces of the joint areas sufficiently to prints can spoil a bond. With many hard to bond
allow the parts to be joined in a true weld after the materials, the surfaces must be mechanically rough-
solvent evaporates. The key advantages of this ened or chemically etched to allow the adhesive to
method are that it is inexpensive and requires little gain a firm grip.
or no part preparation or special equipment.
Figure 9.06 shows typical joint designs used for both
Of course, the use of solvent bonding is limited to solvent and adhesive bonding.
materials that are compatible and dissolve in the same
solvent or combination of solvents. The chemical
resistance of many plastic resins, particularly crys- Fig 9.06 · Typical joint designs for solvent
talline resins, limits the applicability of this method. and adhesive bonding
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9.1.3 Thermal Welding Methods Fig 9.07 · Typical ultrasonic welding equipment
The simple butt/energy director design that works
very well with amorphous materials is shown in
Figure 9.09 (also see Fig. 9. 10A). Before joining,
a V-shaped projection, known as an energy director,
concentrates the ultrasonic energy in a small area,
which quickly melts and creates a melt flow as the
Before Weld After Weld
parts are pressed together.
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Figure 9.10 shows some typical joint designs com- Fig 9.10A · Energy director
monly used with injection-molded thermoplastic
parts. Exact dimensions vary with the material used,
equipment available, and part requirements. Both
plastic resin suppliers and ultrasonic equipment man-
ufacturers offer literature and design assistance with
equipment, fixtures, horns, part configuration, joint
design settings, cycle times, and worker protection.
They should be consulted during the part design
0.005-0.012 in.
0.005-0.012 in.
0.005-0.012 in.
0.001-0.004 in.
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With hygroscopic materials, it is best to weld the Fig 9.10C · Scarf joints
parts as soon as possible after molding, since the
absorption of moisture can lead to weaker bonds. In
some cases, the parts may require drying just prior to
welding. Although ultrasonics provide a nearly ideal
welding method, following are some drawbacks. FLASH TRAP
30° - 60°
1 . Design and quality control of the parts along with
maintenance and settings of equipment are critical in
ensuring consistent high-strength welds.
It should be noted that the operating frequencies of
ultrasonic welding, 20-40 kHz, are above human FORMING DIE
hearing. However, sometimes a shrill sound is pro- ATTACHMENT
duced when a section of the part vibrates at a lower PLASTIC
frequency. This can result in a need for acoustic PART
enclosures or ear protection in the immediate area.
There is seldom any sound when welding is per- SWAGING
formed at 40 kHz.
Finally, ultrasonic equipment can also be used for ATTACHMENT
staking, swaging, and spot welding, as illustrated in PLASTIC
Figure 9.11. PART
General_TDM-1.qxp:Ticona TDM-1 for PDF 8/26/11 3:57 PM Page 74 Spin Welding A proper joint design is essential to the ultimate suc-
Spin welding is a rapid and economical method for cess of the weld. Figure 9.15 illustrates five basic joint
joining parts with circular joint interfaces. As with designs. Since the preform material located at the
vibration welding, frictional heat is generated, creat- joint interface becomes molten when activated, it
ing a melt and subsequent weld. While one part is flows under pressure into voids and irregular surfaces
held fixed, the rotating part contacts it with a speci- to produce a reliable weld. Ideally, the molten flow
fied pressure, generating frictional heating. After the should be contained and subjected to an internal pres-
melting occurs, rotation is halted, but pressure is sure against the abutting weld surface.
maintained to create a weld when the interface solidi-
fies. The entire process usually takes less than While the addition of the magnetic preform adds
3 seconds and can be easily automated. Compared to some cost to the piece price, this increase is often off-
ultrasonic and vibration welding, the equipment is set by lower reject rates and gains in weld reliability .
very simple, sometimes just a properly equipped drill Induction welding can produce structural, hermetic
press for low production runs. welds in most thermoplastic materials
and can generally be automated for large volume pro- Radio Frequency (RF) Welding duction applications with greater latitude in joint size,
This joining method, often called heat sealing, is widely configuration, tolerance requirements, and the ability
used with flexible thermoplastic films and sheets such to bond some dissimilar materials.
as vinyl (plasticized PVC) and polyurethane. However,
it can be used with injection-molded parts, most often However, a significant disadvantage of the method is
in joining them to flexible films. With this process, that no metal components should be present near the
welding occurs due to the heat created by the applica- weld line during welding. Therefore, for example, if
tion of a strong radio frequency field to the selected electromagnetic welding is used to seal the housing of
joint region. The field is usually applied by a specially a mechanism, either all internal components must be
formed metal die in the shape of the desired joint, nonmetallic or all metallic components must be in a
which also applies the clamping pressure needed to position so as not to be subjected to the RF field.
complete the weld. However, some plastics are trans-
parent to radio frequency energy and cannot be welded
by this method. Fig 9.13 · Preform in place for
electromagnetic welding Electromagnetic or Induction Welding
Electromagnetic or induction welding uses the princi-
ple of inductive heating to generate fusion tempera-
tures in thermoplastic materials. A radio frequency
(RF) magnetic field is used to excite fine, magnetically
sensitive particles, either metallic or ceramic, to weld-
ing temperatures. The particles can be incorporated
into a gasket, preform, filament, ribbon, adhesives,
coextruded film, or the molded part.
Fig 9.14 · The electromagnetic welding process Fig 9.15 · Five basic joint designs for induction welding
9.1.4 Assembly with Fasteners
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problem. Even when torque can be controlled, some- Figure 9.16 presents common examples of high
times a poorly designed bolted assembly has an assembly stress problems that often occur with bolt-
impractically low assembly torque. In this case design ed assembly, along with some practical solutions.
modifications are called for.
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Fig 9.17 · Common threaded metal inserts Threaded Metal Inserts
More common than bolted assemblies, threaded metal
inserts provide metallic machine threads permanently
ADVANTAGES — SPEED AND LOW EQUIPMENT COST installed in the plastic part. These inserts come in a
DISADVANTAGES — HIGH INDUCED STRESS AND ONLY wide variety of types and sizes and permit various
FAIR HOLDING POWER installation methods. Inserts are typically installed in
molded bosses whose internal diameter is specifically
designed for the particular insert to be used. Some
inserts are simply forced into the boss, while others
are installed by methods that create stronger and
lower stress installations. Figure 9.17 illustrates some
of these inserts and the relative advantages and disad-
vantages of each. They all provide a permanent metal-
lic machine thread, eliminating the need for a nut,
allowing assembly with access to only one side
of the product. In addition to female threads, inserts
PUSH-IN TYPE INSERTS can provide threaded male studs, locating pins, and
bushings. Follow insert supplier and resin manufac-
turer recommendations for suitability,
boss dimensions, and installation procedures.
General_TDM-1.qxp:Ticona TDM-1 for PDF 8/26/11 3:57 PM Page 78 Self-Tapping Screws Fig 9.19 · Typical screws used with plastics
Screws that create their own threads are widely used
with all thermoplastic parts. They are economical and
require no extra operations or special unscrewing
cores since the thread is cut or formed by the screw
during normal assembly operations. A cutting screw
actually removes material, like a thread-cutting tap,
and works with most materials. The forming screw, as
the name implies, actually displaces material and must
be used with caution, since very high hoop stresses
can be developed in attempting to form threads in
high-modulus, low-creep materials. Some screw
designs create the threads through a combination of
cutting and forming. Figure 9.19 illustrates some
of the many varieties of screws used with thermoplas- THREAD-FORMING SCREWS
tics. Two recent designs that are very popular due to
their excellent holding power and lower levels of
induced stress are screws that are not round but have
multiple lobes and screws with alternating thread
heights. These are also illustrated
in Figure 9.19. With all selftapping screws, certain HIGH THREAD
guidelines should be followed:
1. The diameter of the molded hole in the plastic ALTERNATE THREAD HEIGHT
part must be properly sized for the screw design and
grade of plastic material. An undersized hole can
lead to excessive hoop stresses in the boss and eventu-
al fracturing.
Fig 9.20 · A typical boss cap
2. The depth of the molded hole should be sufficient
to prevent bottoming of the leading edge of the screw .
A planned clearance is usually recommended, espe-
cially for thread-cutting screws.
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10. Machining, Finishing, easier and faster than others due to their physical and
mechanical properties. Generally, a high melting
and Decorating point, inherent lubricity, and good hardness and
rigidity are factors that improve machinability.
Ideally, injection-molded thermoplastic parts are fin- 10.1.1 Drilling and Reaming
ished as molded. For example, almost any type of tex- In addition to building prototype parts, drilling
ture or surface finish can be molded into the part, as and reaming are often required to enlarge, deepen, or
can almost any geometric shape, hole, or projection. remove the draft from a molded hole. In some cases,
In some situations it is not possible, practical, or eco- secondary drilling is a more economical solution than
nomical to have every feature or finish molded into side cores in a mold. Although specific requirements
the part. Typical examples where machining may be vary with material, the following guidelines apply to
required are certain undercuts, complicated side cor- almost all thermoplastic resins:
ing, or places where parting line irregularity is unac-
ceptable. Another common machining/finishing oper- 1 . Standard drill presses, as well as other drilling
ation with plastics is the removal of the remnant of equipment used for metals and wood, are appropriate
the sprue or gate if it is for drilling and reaming thermoplastics. Speeds and
in an appearance area or critical tolerance region of feeds must be controlled to avoid heat buildup.
the part.
2. Wood and metal drill bits can usually be used, but
Many plastic parts are decorated to make them multi- best results are obtained with commercially available
colored, to add distinctive logos, or to allow them to bits designed for plastics. These special drills usually
imitate wood, metal, and other materials. Some plastic have one or two highly polished or chrome-plated
parts are painted since their as-molded appearance is flutes, narrow lands, and large helix angles to quickly
not satisfactory, as may be the case with reinforced, expel chips and minimize frictional heating. For holes
filled, or foamed thermoplastics. Painting or coating is in thin sections, circle cutters, which are drills that
also used for part protection. This section discusses only cut the circumference and eject a round thin
some of the secondary operations frequently used plug of material, are often preferred for production.
with thermoplastic materials. Since plastics vary wide-
ly in their ability to be machined and to accept finish- 3. Table 10.01 gives the approximate drilling speed
es, this discussion is general in nature, with details left for thermoplastics. In practice, the drill speed and
to other literature dealing with specific resins. feed rate can be increased for maximum production
provided that there is no melting, burning, discol-
10.1 Machining oration, or poor surface finish For deep drilling, fre-
All thermoplastic materials can be shaped and fin- quent withdrawal of the drill may be necessary
ished with common equipment used for machining for chip ejection.
metals. In addition, many tools specifically used for
woodworking, such as routers, shapers, and sanders, 4. Drill bits and reamers must be kept sharp and
are well suited for thermoplastic materials. Since cool for good results. For high-volume production,
many materials are available in the form of sheets, carbide tools are sometimes preferred, especially with
blocks, slabs, rods, tubes, and other cast and extruded glass-reinforced materials. The first choice for cooling
shapes, initial prototypes are frequently made entirely is clean, compressed air, since no part contamination
by machining. occurs and chip removal is improved. If a liquid
coolant lubricant is required for deep drilling, water
The main problems encountered when machining or some aqueous solution can be used. Metal-cutting
thermoplastic materials are due to the heat built up by fluids and oils should be avoided since they may
friction. As the resin and cutting tools begin to heat degrade or attack the plastic and create a cleaning
up, the plastic can distort or melt. This can produce a problem.
poor surface finish, tearing, localized melting, welding
together of stacked parts, and jamming of cutters. It is 5. Plastic parts must be firmly held, fixed, or clamped
important to prevent the part and cutting tool from during drilling and reaming operations to prevent
heating up to the point where significant softening or dangerous grabbing and spinning of the work.
melting occurs. Some plastic materials machine much
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Table 10.01 · Approximate drilling speed and feed 10.1.3 Sawing, Milling, Turning, Grinding,
rate for 1/4 – 3/8 in. hole in various thermoplastics and Routing
These cutting operations are usually used only for
Drill Speed Feeding Speed machined prototypes or very low-volume production
Material (RPM) (Low, Med., Comments of simple shapes. High-speed routing is sometimes
High) used for slotting or gate removal on injection-molded
Polyethylene 1000 – 2000 H Easy to
parts. Standard end mills (two-flute), circular cutters,
machine tool bits, wood saw blades, router bits, files, rasps,
and sandpaper can usually be used. As with drilling,
Polyvinyl 1000 – 2000 M Tends to tools must be kept sharp and cool, and feeds and
Chloride become
gummy speeds may be increased until overheating, gumming,
or poor finish becomes a problem. All machining
Acrylic 500 – 1500 M–H Easy to operations should provide for dust control, adequate
drill with
ventilation, safety guards, and eye protection. Inquire
about machining information for each specific resin.
Polystyrene 500 – 1500 H Must have
coolant for 10.2 Finishing and Decorating
good hole
Since most injection-molded plastic parts are attrac-
ABS 500 – 1000 M–H tive as well as inherently resistant to corrosion and
Polytetra- rust, special paints, coatings, and other surface treat-
fluoroethylene 1000 L–M Easily drilled ments are used mainly to enhance eye appeal. Many
reinforced and filled resin parts, as well as structural
Nylon 6/6 1000 H Easy to drill
foam molded parts, emerge from the mold with an
Polycarbonate 500 – 1500 M–H Easy to drill, uneven appearance, and paint may be necessary in
some critical appearance applications. Common decorative
finishes applied to plastic parts are spray painting,
Acetal 1000 – 2000 H Easy to drill vacuum metallizing, hot stamping, silk screening,
metal plating, printing, and the application of self-
Polypropylene 1000 – 2000 H Easy to drill adhesive labels, decals, and border stripping. In some
Polyester 1000 – 1500 H Easy to drill
cases the finish gives the part added protection from
(PET, PBT) heat, ultraviolet radiation, chemicals, scratching, or
10.1.2 Thread Tapping Some conductive coatings are applied to the inside
Many plastic parts use self-tapping screws, threaded of the part for dissipation of static electricity and/or
metal inserts, molded-in threads, or other fastener electromagnetic shielding. Such coatings are common
systems. When a machine thread must be added after in computer and other electronic equipment housings.
molding, standard metal-cutting taps and dies may be With all coatings and finishes, a clean surface is essen-
used, provided the same precautions regarding heat, tial for a good bond. Care must be used to avoid con-
chip removal, tool maintenance, and lubrication dis- tamination. Common sources of contamination
cussed for drilling are observed. For production include oils, mold releases, the environment, and han-
of high volumes or with filled resins, carbide taps dling. In addition to cleaning with solvents and deter-
are recommended. Drilled or molded holes should gents, some plastics require primers, etching, sanding,
generally be larger than those specified for steel, or flame treatment to enhance adhesion. Following is
and threads finer than 28 threads per inch should a brief description of several widely
be avoided. used processes.
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Although rolling and dipping are sometimes used, 10.2.6 Sublimation Printing
power spray painting is the usual method of paint Sublimation (diffusion) printing is a textile process
application. Among the coatings used for plastics are in which color patterns in dry dye crystals are trans-
polyurethane-, epoxy-, acrylic-, alkyd-, and vinyl- ferred from a release film to the fabric under high
based paints. Since many paints are oven cured, mate- heat and pressure. The process has been adapted to
rials must have sufficient heat resistance to survive plastics. The equipment is very similar to that used
this treatment without distortion. for hot stamping. Under heat and pressure, the dye
crystals sublime (go directly to the vapor phase from
10.2.2 Vacuum Metallizing and Sputter Plating the solid phase without melting) and the vapor pene-
In these processes, a special base coat is applied to the trates the plastic part. As a result, the decoration is
surface of the plastic part to be metallized. The part very durable and resistant to wear. It is also cost com-
is then placed in a vacuum chamber in which a metal- petitive against other processes such as two-stage
lic vapor is created and deposited on the part. injection molding or silk screening. The process is
A protective clear top coat is then applied over the generally limited to polyester and polyester-based
thin metal layer for abrasion and environmental resis- alloys due to the availability of dye technology from
tance. The simplest vacuum metallizing processes use the textile industry. However, new dyes are under
resistance heating to melt and vaporize the metal. development and the process is being applied to
These processes are generally limited to pure metals, more plastics.
typically aluminum, but also silver, copper, and gold.
A newer vacuum metallizing process uses an electron 10.2.7 Printing
beam to vaporize the metal. The sputter plating Lettering and decoration can be applied to most
process uses a plasma to produce the metallic vapor . materials by using various printing methods. Offset
Both the electron beam and plasma heating methods printing, silk screening, and pad printing are among
can be used satisfactorily with alloys such as brass, the methods adapted to plastics.
and are economical metallizing processes that can
produce attractive high-gloss finish. However, the 10.2.8 Decals and Labels
adhesion is generally low. These are usually self-adhesive, precut, printed pat-
terns on a substrate that simply adhere to the surface
10.2.3 Electroplating of a part. Decals generally use a transparent plastic
Many chromed automotive exterior parts are electro- film, while labels normally use an opaque plastic,
plated injection-molded plastic parts. After special metallic, multilayer sandwich base. When sufficiently
pretreatments, specific grades of plastics can be put thick, labels are useful for hiding occasionally
through electroplating processes similar to those used unavoidable appearance problems, such as gate and
in plating metals. Electroplated plastic parts are very sprue removal areas, sink marks, blush, splay, and
durable and provide lightweight replacements for die knit lines.
castings and sheet metal in demanding applications
such as automotive grilles and wheel covers.
World-Class Engineering Polymers Contact Information
■ Celanex® thermoplastic polyester (PBT) Americas
Ticona Engineering Polymers
■ Hostaform® and Celcon® acetal copolymer (POM) Product Information Service
8040 Dixie Highway
■ Celstran,® Compel® and Factor® long fiber
Florence, KY 41042
reinforced thermoplastic (LFRT) USA
■ Celstran® continuous fiber reinforced
Tel.: +1-800-833-4882
Tel.: +1-859-372-3244
thermoplastic (CFR-TP)
Customer Service
The Fundamentals
■ Fortron® polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) Tel.: +1-800-526-4960
Tel.: +1-859-372-3214
■ GUR® ultra-high molecular
Fax: +1-859-372-3125
weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE)
email: [email protected]
■ Impet® thermoplastic polyester (PET)
■ Riteflex® thermoplastic polyester elastomer (TPC-ET) Ticona GmbH
■ Thermx® polycyclohexylene-dimethylene Information Service