PRO Monitoring User's Manual Appendix Rev 1 - 2
PRO Monitoring User's Manual Appendix Rev 1 - 2
PRO Monitoring User's Manual Appendix Rev 1 - 2
PRO Monitoring
User’s Manual
Rev 1.2
Note: In the pdf version of this manual, clicking on an entry in the table of contents or on a reference to
another section of the manual will take you to the corresponding section of the manual. Also, clicking on the
Promess logo at the top of any page or the footer at the bottom of any page will return you to the Table of
Backing Up PRO Programs and Configurations................................................................................... 3
Programs ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Configurations .................................................................................................................................. 3
Restoring PRO Programs and Configurations ..................................................................................... 4
Configurations .................................................................................................................................. 4
Programs ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Ethernet Setup for a PRO Module ....................................................................................................... 6
Installing PRO Software....................................................................................................................... 7
Upgrading PRO Software .................................................................................................................... 8
Setting Up Multiple PRO’s on One PC ................................................................................................. 9
Replacing a PRO Module .................................................................................................................. 10
Changing a PRO Module IP Address ................................................................................................. 11
Setting Up PRO Monitoring Offline for Viewing Data.......................................................................... 12
3. Browse to the program backup folder you created and select OK. You will be asked if you want to
save the program database with the backup. Selecting Yes will store all gauging data and stored
graphs with the program backup(s). For creating a general backup, you can select No. If you are
creating the backup to help diagnose a problem where it is necessary to view the data, select Yes.
Once the software finishes, the program backup is complete. Repeat steps 1-3 for each instance of
PRO Application software (each separate PRO Module), then continue to the next section to create
Configuration backups.
1. In the PRO Application software select Firmware Management from the Setup pulldown menu. You
may need to change users to use this screen. For the admin password, please contact Promess.
1. Close the PRO Application software and open the PRO Utility.
2. Make sure the correct IP Address is in the “IpAddress” field, then select Restore Configuration.
When the message warning that the PRO should not be allowed to run any programs pops up, verify
that it is not, then select Yes to continue.
3. You will be prompted to select a location to restore the configuration from. Browse to the
Configuration backup folder and select OK, then select Start to begin the restoration.
4. Once the configuration is restored, you will need to reboot the PRO Module for the change to take
effect. This can be done by disconnecting the 24V terminal block on the top left corner of the PRO
Module face plate, waiting five seconds, then reconnecting it. Repeat steps 2-3 to restore
configurations for any other PRO Modules connected to the PC, using the correct IP Address for each
PRO Module. Once all PRO Module configurations have been restored, close the PRO Utility and
continue to the next section to restore programs.
1. Open the PRO Application software, then select Program Management from the File pulldown
2. Select Load From, then browse to the program backups.
3. To restore a program, you will need to highlight the individual folder for that program (i.e. each
program will need to be restored individually), then select OK. Repeat this step for all programs you
wish to restore. If you have any programs assigned to be called remotely by a PLC, continue to step
4. If not, the program restoration is complete.
4. If any programs you restored are assigned to be called remotely by a PLC, you will need to unassign
the old version, then reassign the new version in the Part Program Assignment menu. Select Part
Program Assignment from the Setup pulldown menu.
5. Highlight any programs that need to be unassigned and select Un-assign. This will need to be done
individually for each program. When you get a message warning that unassigning the program will
delete the program residing on the PRO, click OK. This will only delete the local copy of the program
stored on the PRO Module, not the copy of the program on the PC hard drive.
6. To assign the new program, highlight the number it should be assigned to, then select Assign. You
will be prompted to select the program from a list of available programs on the PC. Repeat this step
for all programs that should be assigned to be called remotely by the PLC. Once all programs are
assigned, the program restoration is complete.
3. Right-click on the “Local Area Connection” corresponding to the Ethernet card that will connect to
the PRO Module, then select Properties.
6. Set the IP Address with the first three fields the same as the IP Address of the PRO Module, and the
fourth field different than any PRO Module that will connect to it. A common IP Address to use is, as shown above.
7. The Subnet Mask will fill in automatically, but if it doesn’t, the mask shown above (
should be used. The Default gateway, Preferred DNS server, and Alternate DNS server can all be left
8. Click OK on each dialog box until all related windows are closed with the settings saved.
1. Run the PRO Software installation file to install the PRO Application software on the PC. This file is
usually located on a Promess CD. The setup program is self-explanatory and will automatically create
two icons on the PC desktop: one for the PRO application software and one for the PRO Utility.
2. Next, check to see if the PRO firmware matches the software that was installed on the computer by
opening the PRO software. If the versions do not match, a mismatch warning will appear. If no
warning appears, the versions match and the software installation is complete. If the PRO firmware
does not match the software that was installed on the computer, the firmware must be downloaded to
the PRO Module. To do this, make sure the PRO software is closed, then open the PRO Utility.
3. Make sure the address in the “IPAddress:” box matches the IP Address of the PRO Module you want
to download firmware to.
4. Once you have the correct IP Address, click the “Download Firmware” button in the PRO Utility.
You will then be prompted to enter the firmware location. The default location, which will be in the
box, is “C:\Program Files\Promess PRO 5.2\Firmware”. Once the firmware location is entered, click
5. After the firmware has been successfully downloaded, you must cycle power to the PRO Module.
This can be done by disconnecting, then reconnecting the 24V terminal block on the PRO faceplate.
Once the PRO Module reboots, you are ready to run the PRO software.
1. Close all instances of the PRO Application Software, then run the PRO Software installation file. This
file is usually located on a Promess CD. The Setup program is self-explanatory.
2. Once the software is installed on the computer, it must be downloaded to the PRO Module to ensure
that the software version on the PC matches the firmware version on the PRO Module. To do this,
open the PRO Utility.
3. Make sure the IP Address in the “IPAddress:” field matches the IP Address of the PRO Module you
are trying to download firmware to. If you do not know the IP Address of the PRO Module, it should
be located on a sticker just above the PRO faceplate.
4. Once you have the correct IP Address, click the “Download Firmware” button in the PRO Utility.
You will then be prompted to enter the firmware location. The default location, which will be in the
box, is “C:\Program Files\Promess PRO 5.2\Firmware”. Once the firmware location is entered, click
5. After the firmware has been successfully downloaded, you must cycle power to the PRO Module.
This can be done by disconnecting the 24V terminal block on the top left corner of the PRO Module
face plate, waiting five seconds, then reconnecting it. Once the PRO reboots, you are ready to run the
PRO software.
6. If there are multiple PRO Modules networked to the same computer, repeat Steps 3-5 for each one,
using the corresponding IP Address in Step 3 each time.
4. At the end of the “Target:” line, you will need to add “<space>-i” then the IP Address of the PRO
Module, followed by a “<space>-u” then a name you want to use to identify that PRO Module. For
example, if the IP Address of the PRO Module is and it is monitoring Station 1, the
“Target:” line should read: lower case
“C:\Program Files\Promess PRO 5.2\PROApp.exe” –i192.168.1.201 –uSTATION1
Make sure that the “i” and “u” are lower case, and that there are spaces between “.exe” and “-i” and
between the end of the IP Address and the “-u”. There should not be spaces between the letter i and the
IP Address or between the letter u and the name.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each PRO Module that will be connected to the PC.
4. Mount the new PRO Module by engaging the bottom lip on the bottom of the DIN rail, then rotating
the PRO Module up until the clamp engages the top of the DIN rail.
5. Connect the Ethernet cable, then the 24V terminal block to PRO Module faceplate. Do not connect
any other cables or terminal blocks yet. W ait for the RDY light on the bottom left corner of the PRO
faceplate to start flashing before continuing (this could take up to 30 seconds).
6. If the IP Address of the new PRO Module is the same as the old PRO Module, skip to step 7. If the IP
Addresses are different, open the PRO Utility and use the “Change IpAddress” button to give the new
PRO Module the same IP Address as the old PRO Module. Make sure the new PRO Module is the
only one connected to the PC, and that the address in the “IpAddress” entry field of the PRO Utility
matches the address in the “Current IPAddress” field. After the IP Address is updated, you will need
to reboot the PRO Module for the change to take effect. This can be done by disconnecting the 24V
terminal block, waiting five seconds, then reconnecting it. For assistance changing the IP Address,
please contact Promess.
7. In the PRO Utility, make sure the name in the “IPAddress:” entry field matches the IP Address of the
new PRO Module, then use the “Restore Configuration” button to load the configuration from the old
PRO Module to the new PRO Module. For assistance restoring the configuration, please see the
Restoring Programs and Configurations section of the PRO User Manual Appendix, or contact
Promess. Once the configuration is restored, you will need to reboot the PRO Module for the change
to take effect.
8. After the PRO Module has rebooted, open the PRO Application software. If the firmware version on
the PRO does not match the software version on the PC, a mismatch error will be displayed and the
firmware will need to be upgraded. Please see the Upgrading PRO Software section of the PRO
Monitoring User Manual Appendix for assistance upgrading the firmware. Once the firmware version
matches the software version and the PRO Module is ready (the RDY light is flashing), reconnect the
remaining terminal blocks and cables and resume normal operation.
1. Close the PRO Application software and open the PRO Utility.
2. Type the IP Address of the PRO Module into the IpAddress field, or select it from the pulldown menu.
3. Click the Change IpAddress button.
4. Type the new IP Address into the New IP Address field and click Apply. Processing the change may
take about 30 seconds, during which time the buttons will be grayed out and it may appear to be
5. When the buttons reappear, click Ok. You will be prompted to reboot the PRO Module for the change
to take effect.
6. If the Subnet Mask must also be changed, please contact Promess for assistance.
7. Once your Configuration File Location has been selected, click Continue, which will open the PRO
Monitoring software with all of the system settings that were stored in the configuration backup.
8. Once the software is open, data can be viewed in the same manner as in the live software by opening a
backed up program that was saved with data, then selecting Curve Recall or Gauging Data from the
View pulldown menu. Programs can be loaded in the offline software by selecting Load From on the
Program Management screen, which is accessed from the File pulldown menu. Once a program is
open offline, it can be viewed and/or edited as needed.
Notes About Using Offline Software
1. To load a program that was edited offline into a live machine, first back up the edited program offline
(follow the Backing Up PRO Programs and Configurations procedure) then restore the program to the
live machine (follow the Restoring PRO Programs and Configurations procedure). Note: If the edited
program was assigned to be called remotely by a PLC, it will need to be un-assigned then re-assigned
in the Part Program Assignment (under the Setup pulldown menu) after the edited program has been
loaded on the machine.
2. System configurations that are edited offline cannot be saved. Any changes that are needed for edited
programs (such as new global variables) should be added to the live machine prior to loading the edited
3. If you are setting up the offline software on the same PC that is used to connect to a PRO Module, you
can define the offline software to be for a specific PRO Module by adding the “u switch” for that PRO
Module to the Target: line of the shortcut tab of the offline shortcut. It could read, for example:
lower case
“C:\Program Files\Promess PRO 5.2\ProApp.exe“ –uPRO1 –offline
where PRO1 is the name used to identify that PRO Module. If that is the case, make sure to put a
space between the “.exe” and “-uPRO1” and between “-uMotionPRO1” and “-offline”. Using the “u
switch” in the offline shortcut will allow you to have all of the programs for the corresponding PRO
Module already loaded in to the offline software. The IP address is not necessary for the offline icon, but
can be left there to help identify multiple PRO Modules if desired.