yij µ αi εij i 1 I j 1 Ji
As it stands not all the parameters are identifiable and some restriction is necessary:
µˆ ¯y αˆ i ¯yi ¯y
This last method is the most commonly recommended for manual calculation in older textbooks although
it is harder to represent within in the y Xβ ε framework. The first two are easier to implement for
computations. As usual, some preliminary graphical analysis is appropriate before fitting. A side-by-side
boxplot is often the most useful plot. Look for equality of variance, transformations, outliers (influence is
not relevant here since leverages won’t differ unless the design is very unbalanced).
H0 : αi 0 i
We use the same F-test as we have used for regression. The outcome of this test will be the same no
matter what coding/restriction we use. If the null is accepted then we are done (subject to an
investigation of transformation and outliers). If we reject the null, we must investigate which levels differ.
16.1.3 An example
The example dataset we will use is a set of 24 blood coagulation times. 24 animals were randomly
assigned to four different diets and the samples were taken in a random order. This data comes from Box,
Hunter, and Hunter (1978).
> data(coagulation)
> coagulation coag
1 62 A
2 60 A
23 63 D
24 59 D
See the first panel of Figure 16.1.3. We are hoping not to see
1. Outliers — these will be apparent as separated points on the boxplots. The default is to extend the
whiskers of the boxplot no more than one and half times the interquartiles range from the quartiles.
Any points further away than this are plotted separately.
2. Skewness — this will be apparent from an asymmetrical form for the boxes.
3. Unequal variance — this will be apparent from clearly unequal box sizes. Some care is required
because often there is very little data be used in the construction of the boxplots and so even when
the variances truly are equal in the groups, we can expect a great deal of variability
In this case, there are no obvious problems. For group C, there are only 4 distinct observations and one
is somewhat separated which accounts for the slightly odd looking plot.
A B C D −2 −1 0 1 2
4 4
R 2 R 2
es es
id id
0 0
ua ua
ls ls
−2 −2
−4 −4
61 63 65 67 62 64 66 68
Fitted Fitted
We conclude from the small p-value for the F-statistic that there is some difference between the
groups? Group A is the reference level and has a mean of 61, groups B, C and D are 5, 7 and 0 seconds
larger on average. Examine the design matrix to understand the coding:
> model.matrix(g)
We can directly read the level means but the tests are not useful since they involve comparisons with
zero. Note the miscalculation of R2.
It is important to ascertain whether the comparison made were decided on before or after examining
the data. After fitting a model, one might decide to test only those differences that look large. To make
such a decision, you also have to examine the small differences. Even if you do not actually test these
small differences, it does have an effect on the inference.
If the comparisons were decided on prior to examining the data, there are three cases:
1. Just one comparison — use the standard t-based confidence intervals that we have used before.
2. Few comparisons — use the Bonferroni adjustment for the t. If there are m comparisons, use α m
for the critical value.
It is difficult to be honest and be seen to be honest when using pre-data comparisons. Will people
really believe that you only planned to make certain comparisons? Although some might make a
distinction between pre and post-data comparisons, I think it is best to consider all comparisons as post-
If the comparisons were decided on after examining the data, you must adjust the CI to allow for the
possibility of all comparisons of the type to be made. There are two important cases:
αˆ i αˆ j tnα 2Iσˆ
A test for αi αj amounts to seeing whether zero lies in this interval or not. This is fine for just one test but
suppose we do all possible pairwise tests when α 5% and the null hypothesis is in fact true. In Table 16.1,
we see effects of multiple comparisons on the true error rates.
I 2 3 4 5 6
We see that the true type I error can get quite high. Using the t-based CI for multiple comparisons is
called least significant differences or LSD but this one is a bad trip. When comparisons are only made after
the overall F-test shows a difference, it’s called Fisher’s LSD — this one isn’t quite so bad but the type I
error will still be too big.
We can use a simulation to illustrate the issues involved in multiple comparisons. Because random
numbers are random, your results may differ but the message will be the same.
and suppose the response has no relationship to the factor (i.e. the null hypothesis holds):
> g$coef
(Intercept) xB xC xD xE xF
0.221638 0.331200 0.058631 -0.536102 0.295339 0.067889
σˆ 1 4 14 σˆ 2
> g$coef[2]*sqrt(2)/gs$sig xB
This would (in absolute value) need exceed this t-critical value for significance at the 5% level:
> qt(0.975,24-6)
[1] 2.1009
Out of all the possible pairwise comparisons, we may compute the maximum t-statistic as
> range(c(0,g$coef[-1]))
[1] -0.5361 0.3312
> rg <- range(c(0,g$coef[-1])) >
[1] 1.0967
which just fails to meet significance. Now let’s repeat the experiment 1000 times.
Just a shade under the 5% it should be. Now see how many times the maximum difference is significant at
the 5% level.
About 1/3 of the time. So in cases where there is no difference between levels of the factor, about 1/3 of
the time, an investigator will find a statistically significant difference between some levels of the factor.
Clearly there is a big danger that one might conclude there is a difference when none truly exists.
We need to make the critical value larger so that the null is rejected only 5% of the time. Using the
simulation results we estimate this value to be:
> quantile(res[,2],0.95)
It turns out that this value may be calculated using the ”Studentized Range distribution”:
> qtukey(0.95,6,18)/sqrt(2)
[1] 3.1780
We see the result in Figure 16.2. We see that the distribution of the maximum t-statistic has a much
heavier tail than the distribution for a prespecified difference. The true density for the prespecified
difference is a the upper half of a t-distribution — the maximum in the estimated distribution does not
occur at zero because boundary error effects in the density estimator.
Now we return to our real data. We’ve found that there is a significant difference among the diets but
which diets can be said to be different and which diets are not distinguishable. Let’s do the calculations for
the difference between diet B and diet C which is 2. First we do the LSD calculation:
> qt(1-.05/2,20)*2.366*sqrt(1/6+1/6)
[1] 2.8494
> c(2-2.85,2+2.85)
[1] -0.85 4.85
en 0.
sit 4
0 1 2 3 4 5
Test statistic.
Estimated densities of the maximum t-statistic (solid line) and t-statistic for a prespecified difference
(dashed line). The corresponding theoretical 95% quantiles are marked with vertical lines
An alternative way we can make the same calculation is to recode the factor with B as the reference level
and refit the model:
We can read the B vs. C difference directly from the output now as 2 and compute the width of the
confidence band using the corresponding standard error:
> qt(0.975,20)*1.366
[1] 2.8494
We can verify that the standard error of 1.366 can also be obtained directly as
> 2.366*sqrt(1/6+1/6)
[1] 1.366
As can be seen, the result is the same as before.
Suppose two comparisons were pre-planned, then critical value is now this, using the Bonferroni
> qt(1-.05/4,20)*2.37*sqrt(1/6+1/6)
[1] 3.3156
> c(2-3.32,2+3.32)
[1] -1.32 5.32
Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) is designed for all pairwise comparisons and depends on
the studentized range distribution. Let X1 Xn be i.i.d. N µ σ2 and let R maxi Xi mini Xi be the range. Then R σˆ
has the studentized range distribution qn ν where ν is the number of degrees of freedom used in
estimating σ.
αˆ i αˆ j qI n I
When the sample sizes Ji are very unequal, Tukey’s HSD may be too conservative but in general they are
narrower than those produced by Scheffe´’s theorem. There are several other methods for multiple
comparisons — the Tukey method tends to be more conservative than most because it takes the rather
pessimistic approach based on the maximum difference. Not all the differences will be as large as the
maximum and so some competing methods take advantage of this to get tighter intervals. For future
reference, a more general form for the Tukey intervals is
difference ql d f 2 se of difference
where l is the number of levels of the factor on which we are making multiple comparisons and d f is the
degrees of freedom for the error.
We compute the Turkey HSD bands for the diet data. First we need the critical value from the student
zed range distribution.
[1] 3.9583
> (3.96/sqrt(2))*2.37*sqrt(1/6+1/6)
[1] 3.8315
> c(2-3.83,2+3.83)
[1] -1.83 5.83
diff lwr upr
A-B -5.0000e+00 -9.2754 -0.72455
C-B 2.0000e+00 -1.8241 5.82407 D-B
-5.0000e+00 -8.5771 -1.42291 C-A
7.0000e+00 2.7246 11.27545 D-A -
1.4211e-14 -4.0560 4.05604
D-C -7.0000e+00 -10.5771 -3.42291
The Bonferroni based bands would have been just slightly wider:
> qt(1-.05/12,20)*2.37*sqrt(1/6+1/6)
[1] 4.0052
We divide by 12 here because there are 6 possible pairwise differences and we want a two-sided
confidence interval: 6 2 12. With a bit of work we find that only the A-D and B-C differences are not
The Tukey method assumes the worst by focusing on the largest difference. There are other
competitors like the Newman-Keuls, Duncan’s multiple range and the Waller-Duncan procedure. For a
detailed description of the many availabe alternatives see Hsu (1996). Some other pairwise comparison
tests may be found in the R package ctest.
16.1.6 Contrasts
A contrast among the effects α1 αI is a linear combination ∑i ciαi where the ci are known and ∑i ci 0.
For example
1. α1 α2 is a contrast with c1 1 c2 1 and the other ci 0. All pairwise differences are contrasts.
estimable but something like αi is not because it will depend on the coding used. Now ψˆ aT y and var ψˆ
σ2aT a which can be estimated by σˆ2aT a. Suppose we let the dimension of the space of possible c be q and
the rank X r. (r p if we have complete identifiability.)
A 100 1 α % simultaneous confidence interval for all estimable ψ is
ψˆ qFqαn r varˆ ψˆ
We can illustrate this with corrosion data used in the lack of fit chapter. We compute the usual t-based
pointwise bands along with the simultaneous Scheffe´ bands:
> data(corrosion)
> gf <- lm(loss ˜ Fe, corrosion)
> grid <- seq(0,3,by=0.1)
> p <- predict(gf,data.frame(Fe=grid),se=T)
> fmult <- sqrt(2*qf(0.95,2,11))
> tmult <- qt(0.975,11)
> matplot(grid, cbind(p$fit,p$fit-fmult*p$se, p$fit+fmult*p$se,
p$ fit-
ylab="loss", xlab="Iron Content")
> points(corrosion $ Fe,c orrosion $ loss)
The plot is shown in Figure 16.3. The bands form a 95% simultaneous confidence region for the true
regression line. These bands are slightly wider than the t-based pointwise confidence bands described in
Chapter 3. This is because they hold over the whole real line and not just a single point.
lo 0
Iron Content
Figure 16.3: Scheffe´ 95% simultaneous confidence bands are shown as dotted lines surrounding the least
squares fit. The interior (dashed) lines represent the pointwise confidence intervals.
Example: One-way anova: Consider ψ ∑i ciαi, a contrast which is therefore estimable. We compute
σˆ2 ∑I c2i varˆ
i 1 Ji
∑ciαˆ i
Here we apply the Scheffe´ method for (B+C)/2 -(A+D)/2 so that c2 c3 1 2 and c1 c4 12
> sqrt(3*qf(0.95,3,20))*2.37*sqrt(1/4+1/6+1/6+1/8)/2
[1] 3.0406
> (5+7)/2-(0+0)/2
[1] 6
> c(6-3.04,6+3.04)
[1] 2.96 9.04
We see that this difference is significantly different from 0 and so we may conclude that there is
significant difference between the average of B and C and the average of A and D despite the fact that we
may have chosen to test this difference after seeing the data.
There are other tests but this one is quite insensitive to non-normality and is simple to execute. Most
tests and CI’s are relatively insensitive to non-constant variance so there is no need to take action unless
the Levene test is significant at the 1% level.
Since the p-value is large, we conclude that there is no evidence of a non-constant variance.
yijk µ αi βj αβ ij εijk
The interaction effect αβ ij is interpreted as that part of the mean response not attributable to the additive
effect of αi and βj. For example, you may enjoy strawberries and cream individually, but the combination is
superior. In contrast, you may like fish and ice cream but not together.
A balanced layout requires that nij n. Not all the parameters are identifiable but if the main effects α
and β are coded appropriately and the interaction effects coding is then derived from the product of these
codings, then every contrast of parameters can be estimated.
We can assume αβ ij 0 to free up degrees of freedom to make some tests and CI’s. This assumption can
be checked graphically using an interaction plot - plot the cell means on the vertical axis and the factor α
on the horizontal. Join points with same level of β. The role of α and β can be reversed. Parallel lines on
the plot are a sign of a lack of interaction. Tukey’s non-additivity test provides another way of investigating
an interaction - the model
yij µ αi βj φαiβj εijk
is fit to the data and then we test if φ 0. This is a nonlinear model and that it makes the assumption that
the interaction effect is multiplicative in a form which seems somewhat tenuous.
Barring any trouble with interaction, because of the balanced design, the factors are orthogonal and
their significance can be tested in the usual way.
With more than one observation per cell we are now free to fit and test the model:
yijk µ αi βj αβ ij εijk
yijk µ αi βj εijk
and computing the usual F-test. If the interaction effect is found to be significant, do not test the main
effects even if they appear not to be significant. The estimation of the main effects and their significance is
coding dependent when interactions are included in the model.
If the interaction effect is found to be insignificant, then test the main effects but use RSS d f from the
full model in the denominator of the F-tests — this has been shown to maintain the type I error better. So
the F-statistic used is
σˆ 2full
drug 3 5 2 1
drug 1 2 1 2
The response is a measure of performance. In the case on the left, we can say that drug 1 is better
than drug 2 although the interaction means that its superiority over drug 2 depends on the gender. In the
case on the right, which drug is best depends on the gender. We can also plot this as in Figure 16.4. We
see that neither case are the lines parallel indicating interaction but the superiority of drug 1 is clear in the
first plot and the ambiguous conclusion is clear in the second. I recommend making plots like this when
you want to understand an interaction effect.
R 4 R 8
es es 1.
po po 6
ns 3 ns 1.
e e 4
2 1.
Male Female Male Female
Sex Sex
Figure 16.4: Two 2x2 tables with the response plotted by the factors, sex on the horizontal axis and drug 1
as the solid line and drug 2 as the dotted line.
When the interaction is significant, the main effects cannot be defined in an obvious and universal
way. For example, we could the gender effect as the effect for females, the effect for males, the effect for
the average males and females or something else. If there was no interaction effect, the gender effect
could be defined unambiguously.
and then treat the data as a one-way anova with IJ levels. Obviously this makes for more complex
comparisons but this is unavoidable when interactions exist.
Here is a two-way anova design where there are 4 replicates. As part of an investigation of toxic
agents, 48 rats were allocated to 3 poisons (I,II,III) and 4 treatments (A,B,C,D). The response was survival
time in tens of hours.
The Data:
I 0.31 0.82 0.43 0.45
0.45 1.10 0.45 0.71
0.46 0.88 0.63 0.66
0.43 0.72 0.76 0.62
> data(rats)
> plot(time ˜ treat + poison, data=rats)
Some evidence of skewness can be seen, especially since it appears that variance is in some way
related to the mean response. We now check for an interaction using graphical methods:
> interaction.plot(rats$treat,rats$poison,rats$time)
> interaction.plot(rats$poison,rats$treat,rats$time)
Do these look parallel? The trouble with interaction plots is that we expect there to be some
random variation regardless so it is difficult to distinguish true interaction from just noise. Fortunately,
in this case, we have replication so we can directly test for an interaction effect.
Now fit the full model and see the significance of the factors:
Response: time
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
poison 2 1.033 0.517 23.22 3.3e-07 treat 3
0.921 0.307 13.81 3.8e-06 poison:treat 6 0.250
0.042 1.87 0.11 Residuals 36 0.801 0.022
We see that the interaction effect is not significant but the main effects are. We check the diagnostics:
> qqnorm(g$res)
> plot(g$fitted,g$res,xlab="Fitted",ylab="Residuals")
Clearly there’s a problem - perhaps transforming the data will help. Try logs first:
16.2.4 Replication
It’s important that the observations observed in each cell are genuine replications. If this is not true, then
the observations will be correlated and the analysis will need to be adjusted. It is a common scientific
to repeat measurements and take the average to reduce measurement errors. These repeat
measurements are not independent observations. Data where the replicates are correlated can be
handled with repeated measures models.
For example, imagine that the experiment above involved the reaction times of human subjects
under two factors. We need to distinguish between an experiment that uses 48 subjects and one that
uses 12 subjects where each subject repeats their assigned factor combination 4 times. In the latter
case, the responses will not be independent and a repeated measures style of analysis will be necessary.
When the experimental units are heterogenous in a known way and can be arranged into blocks
where the intrablock variation is ideally small but the interblock variation is large, a block design can be
more efficient than a CRD.
Suppose we want to test 3 crop varieties on 5 fields. Divide each field into 3 strips and randomly
assign the crop variety.
Note: We prefer to have block size equal to the number of treatments. If this is not done or possible,
an incomplete block design must be used.
Notice that under the randomized block design the randomization used in assigning the treatments
to the units is restricted relative to the full randomization used in the CRD. This has consequences for
the inference.
yij µ τi ρj εij
The analysis is then very similar to the two-way anova with one observation per cell. We can check
for interaction and check for a treatment effect. We can also check the block effect but this is only
useful for future reference. Blocking is a feature of the experimental units and restricts the randomized
assignment of
the treatments. This means that we cannot regain the degrees of freedom devoted to blocking even if
the blocking effect turns out not to be significant. The randomization test-based argument means that
we must judge the magnitude of the treatment effect within the context of the restricted randomization
that has been used.
We illustrate with an experiment to compare 4 processes, A,B,C,D for the production of penicillin.
These are the treatments. The raw material, corn steep liquor, is quite variable and can only be made in
blends sufficient for 4 runs. Thus a randomized complete block design is definitely suggested by the
nature of the experimental units. The data is:
Blend 1 89 88 97 94
Blend 2 84 77 92 79
Blend 3 81 87 87 85
Blend 4 87 92 89 84
Blend 5 79 81 80 88
In an incomplete block design, the treatments and blocks are not orthogonal. Some treatment
contrasts will not be identifiable from certain block contrasts - this is an example of confounding. This
means that those treatment contrasts effectively cannot be examined. In a balanced incomplete block
design, all the pairwise differences are identifiable and have the same standard error. Pairwise
differences are more likely to be interesting than other contrasts. Here is an example:
We have 4 treatments (t=4) A,B,C,D and the block size, k = 3 and there are b 4 blocks. Therefore,
each treatment appears r 3 times in the design. One possible BIB design is
1 A B C
2 A B D
3 A C D
4 B C D
Each pair of treatments appears in the same block λ 2 times — this feature enables simple pairwise
comparison. For a BIB design, we require
b t k
rt bk n
λt 1 rk 1
This last relation holds because the number of pairs in a block is k k 1 2 so the total number of pairs
must be bk k 1 2. On the other hand the number of treatment pairs is t t 1 2. The ratio of these two
quantities must be λ.
Since λ has to be integer, a BIB design is not always possible even when the first two conditions are
satisfied. For example, consider r 4 t 3 b 6 k 2 then λ 2 which is OK but if r 4 t 4 b
8k 2 then λ 4 3 so no BIB is possible. (Something called a partially balanced incomplete block design
can then be used). BIB’s are also useful for competitions where not all contestants can fit in the same
race. The model we fit is the same as for the RCBD:
yij µ τi ρj εij
A nutrition specialist studied the effects of six diets, a, b, c, d, e, and f on weight gain of domestic
rabbits. When rabbits reached 4 weeks of age they were assigned to a diet. It was decided to block on
litters of rabbits but from past experience about sizes of litters, it was felt that only 3 uniform rabbits
could be selected from each available litter. There were ten litters available forming blocks of size three.
Each pair of diets appear in the same block twice. Examine the data.
Factors α β γ
with levels lα lβ lγ
A full factorial experiment has at least one run for each combination of the levels. The number of
combinations is lαlβlγ which could easily be very large. The biggest model for a full factorial contains all
possible interaction terms which may be of quite high order. Advantages of factorial designs
1. If no interactions are significant, we get several one-way experiments for the price of one.
Compare this with doing a sequence of one-way experiments.
2. Factorial experiments are efficient — it is often better to use replication for investigating another
factor instead. For example, instead of doing a 2 factor experiment with replication, it is often
better to use that replication to investigate another factor.
Fractional factorials use only a fraction of the number of runs in a full factorial experiment. This is
done to save the cost of the full experiment or because the experimental material is limited and only a
few runs can be made. It is often possible to estimate the lower order effects with just a fraction.
Consider an experiment with 7 factors, each at 2 levels
If we are going to assume that higher order interactions are negligible then we don’t really need 27
128 runs to estimate the remaining parameters. We could run only a quarter of that, 32, and still be able
to estimate main and 2-way effects. (Although, in this particular example, it is not possible to estimate
all the two-way interactions uniquely. This is because, in the language of experimental design, there is
no available resolution V design, only a resolution IV design is possible.)
A Latin square where all predictors are considered as factors is another example of a fractional
factorial. In fractional factorial experiments, we try to estimate many parameters with as little data as
possible. This means there is often not many degrees of freedom left over. We require that σ2 be small,
otherwise there will be little chance of distinguishing significant effects. Fractional factorials are popular
in engineering applications where the experiment and materials can be tightly controlled. In the social
sciences and medicine, the experimental materials, often human or animal, are much less homgenous
and less controllable so σ2 tends to be larger. In such cases, fractional factorials are of no value.
Fractional factorials are popular in product design because they allow for the screening of a large
number of factors. Factors identified in a screening experiment can then be more closely investigated.
Speedometer cables can be noisy because of shrinkage in the plastic casing material, so an
experiment was conducted to find out what caused shrinkage. The engineers started with 15 different
factors: liner O.D., liner die, liner material, liner line speed, wire braid type, braiding tension, wire
diameter, liner tension, liner temperature, coating material, coating die type, melt temperature, screen
pack, cooling method and line speed, labelled a through o. Response is percentage shrinkage per
specimen. There were two levels of each factor. A full factorial would take 215 runs, which is highly
impractical so a design with only 16 runs was used where the particular runs have been chosen specially
so as to estimate the the mean and the 15 main effects. We assume that there is no interaction effect of
any kind. The purpose of such an experiment is to screen a large number of factors to identify which are
important. Examine the data. The + indicates the high level of a factor, the - the low level. The data
comes from Box, Bisgaard, and Fung (1988) Read in and check the data.