Buku Referensi Anas 4 - Matrix Stiffness Method
Buku Referensi Anas 4 - Matrix Stiffness Method
Buku Referensi Anas 4 - Matrix Stiffness Method
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Rev. 1
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Background
The matrix stiffness method is the basis of almost all commercial structural analysis
programs. It is a specific case of the more general finite element method, and was in
part responsible for the development of the finite element method. An understanding
of the underlying theory, limitations and means of application of the method is
therefore essential so that the user of analysis software is not just operating a ‘black
box’. Such users must be able to understand any errors in the modelling of structures
which usually come as obtuse warnings such as ‘zero pivot’ or ‘determinant zero:
structure unstable: aborting’. Understanding the basics presented herein should
hopefully lead to more fruitful use of the available software.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
The more general name for a connection between adjacent members is termed a node.
For trusses and frames the terms joint and node are interchangeable. For more
complex structures (e.g. plates), they are not.
For trusses and frames element means the same as member. For more complex
structures this is not the case.
Degree of Freedom
The number of possible directions that displacements or forces at a node can exist in
is termed a degree of freedom (dof). Some examples are:
• Plane truss: has 2 degrees of freedom at each node: translation/forces in the x and y
• Beams: have 2 degrees of freedom per node: vertical displacement/forces and
• Plane Frame: has 3 degrees of freedom at each node: the translations/forces similar
to a plane truss and in addition, the rotation or moment at the joint.
• Space Truss: a truss in three dimensions has 3 degrees of freedom: translation or
forces along each axis in space.
• Space Frame: has 6 degrees of freedom at each node: translation/forces along each
axis, and rotation/moments about each axis.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Thus a plane truss with 10 joints has 20 degrees of freedom. A plane frame with two
members will have three joints (one common to both members) and thus 9 degrees of
freedom in total.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
To support the ideas developed here we will introduce some Matlab scripts at each
point to demonstrate how the theory described can be implemented for computer
calculation. This collection of scripts will build into a program that can analyse pin-
jointed trusses. The scripts will only demonstrate the calculations process, and do not
have any graphical user interface facilities. This keeps the calculation process
unencumbered by extra code. (In fact probably 90+% of code in commercial
programs is for the graphical user interface and not for the actual calculations
process.) Of course, this is not to say that graphical displays of results are
unimportant; gross mistakes in data entry can sometimes only be found with careful
examination of the graphical display of the input data.
The scripts that are developed in these notes are written to explain the underlying
concepts, and not to illustrate best programming practice. The code could actually be
a lot more efficient computationally, but this would be at cost to the clarity of
calculation. In fact, a full finite element analysis program can be implemented in
under 50 lines (Alberty et al, 1999)!
The program will be able to analyse plane pin-jointed-trusses subject to nodal loads
only. It will not deal with member prestress, support stiffness or lack of fits: it is quite
rudimentary on purpose.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
To use the program, download it from the course website (www.colincaprani.com).
Extract the files to a folder and change the current Matlab directory to that folder.
After preparing the data (as will be explained later), execute the following statement
at the command line:
>> [D F R] = AnalyzeTruss(nData,eData)
This assumes that the nodal data is stored in the matrix nData, and the element data
matrix is stored in eData – these names are arbitrary. Entering the required data into
Matlab will also be explained later.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
To provide a bridge between the obvious workings of the Matlab program and the
more ‘black box’ nature of commercial programs, TrussMaster has been developed.
This program can analyse plane trusses of any size. It has a front end that illustrates a
fairly rudimentary commercial program interface, coupled with a back end (and some
dialogs) that expose the calculations the program carries out. In this manner it is easy
to link the hand calculations of the examples with the computer output, strengthening
the link between theory and practice of the method.
TrussMaster is available on the college computers. The help file can be downloaded
from the course website (www.colincaprani.com). It will be used in some labs.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
LinPro is very useful as a study aid for this topic: for example, right click on a
member and select “Stiffness Matrix” to see the stiffness matrix for any member. The
latest version (2.7.3) has a very useful “Study Mode”, which exposes the structure
and member stiffness matrices to the user. A user familiar with the underlying theory
can then use the program for more advanced purposes, such as spring supports, for
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Notice that we have drawn the force and displacement vector arrows in the positive x-
direction. Matrix analysis requires us to be very strict in our sign conventions.
Using the basic relationship that force is equal to stiffness times displacement, we can
determine the force at node 1 as:
F1 = k ( net displacement at 1)
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
k ( u2 − u1 ) =
F2 = −ku1 + ku2 (4.2.2)
We can write equations (4.2.1) and (4.2.2) in matrix form to get the element stiffness
matrix for a 1-DOF axial element:
F1 k −k u1
k u2
F2 − k
{F } = [k ]{u }
e e
• {F } is the element force vector;
It should be clear that the element stiffness matrix is of crucial importance – it links
nodal forces to nodal displacements; it encapsulates how the element behaves under
The derivation of the element stiffness matrix for different types of elements is
probably the most awkward part of the matrix stiffness method. However, this does
not pose as a major disadvantage since we only have a few types of elements to
derive, and once derived they are readily available for use in any problem.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Note that the individual elements have different stiffnesses, k1 and k2 . Thus we can
write the force displacement relationships for both elements as:
F1 k1 −k1 u1
k1 u2
F2 − k1
F2 k2 −k2 u2
k2 u3
F3 − k2
We can expand these equations so that they encompass all the nodes in the structure:
F1 k1 −k1 0 u1
F2 = k1 0 u2 (4.2.7)
F 0 0 u3
3 0
F1 0 0 0 u1
0 k
F2 −k2 u2 (4.2.8)
F k2 u3
3 0 −k2
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
We can add equations (4.2.7) and (4.2.8) to determine the total of both the forces and
displacements at each node in the structure:
F1 k1 −k1 0 u1
F2 =−k k1 + k2 −k2 u2 (4.2.9)
F 0 −k2 k2 u3
As can be seen from this equation, by adding, we have the total stiffness at each node,
with contributions as appropriate by each member. In particular node 2, where the
members meet, has total stiffness k1 + k2 . We can re-write this equation as:
In which:
• {F} is the force vector for the structure;
• [ K ] is the global stiffness matrix for the structure;
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
4.2.3 Example 1
The following axially-loaded structure has loads applied as shown:
Find the displacements of the connections and the forces in each member.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Our first step is to model the structure with elements and nodes, as shown:
EA 70 ⋅ 400
k1 = = 100 × 103 kN/m (4.2.11)
L 1 0.28
EA 100 ⋅ 200
k2 = = 200 × 103 kN/m (4.2.12)
L 2 0.1
EA 200 ⋅ 70
k3 = = 140 × 103 kN/m (4.2.13)
L 3 0.1
F1 3
100 −100 u1
= 10 (4.2.14)
F2 −100 100 u2
F2 3
200 −200 u2
= 10 (4.2.15)
F3 −200 200 u3
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
F3 3
140 −140 u3
= 10 (4.2.16)
F4 −140 140 u4
F1 100 −100 0 0 u1
−100 0 u2
F2 3 (100 + 200 ) −200
= 10 (4.2.17)
F3 0 −200 ( 200 + 140 ) −140 u3
0 0 −140 140 u4
Node 1 0 0
Node 2 0
Node 3 0
Node 4 0 0
Notice also that where the member stiffness matrices overlap in the global stiffness
matrix that the components (or entries) are added. Also notice that zeros are entered
where there is no connection between nodes, e.g. node 1 to node 3.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
We cannot yet solve equation (4.2.17) as we have not introduced the restraints of the
structure: the supports at nodes 1 and 4. We must modify equation (4.2.17) in such a
way that we will obtain the known results for the displacements at nodes 1 and 4.
0 1 0 0 0 u1
3 (100 + 200 ) −200 0 u2
= 10 (4.2.18)
F3 0 −200 ( 200 + 140 ) 0 u3
0 0 0 1 u4
What we have done here is to ‘restrict’ the matrix: we have introduced a 1 on the
diagonal of the node number, and set all other entries on the corresponding row and
column to zero. We have entered the known displacement as the corresponding entry
in force vector (zero). Thus when we now solve we will obtain u=
F2 3
300 −200 u2
= 10 (4.2.19)
F3 −200 340 u3
And so:
= mm
To find the forces in the bars, we can now use the member stiffness matrices, since
we know the end displacements:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Member 1
F1 3
100 −100 0 −4.8
= 10 = × 10 −3
F2 −100 100 0.048 4.8
Thus Member 1 has a tension of 4.8 kN, since the directions of the member forces are
interpreted by our sign convention:
Member 2
F2 3
200 −200 0.048 −54.8
= 10 = × 10
F3 −200 200 0.322 54.8
Member 3
F3 3
140 −140 0.322 45.08
= 10 = × 10 −3
F4 −140 140 0 −45.08
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Find the displacements of the connections and the forces in each member for the
following structure:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
The general steps in Matrix Stiffness Method are:
1. Calculate the member stiffness matrices
2. Assemble the global stiffness matrix
3. Restrict the global stiffness matrix and force vector
4. Solve for the unknown displacements
5. Determine member forces from the known displacements and member stiffness
6. Determine the reactions knowing member end forces.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
function [D F R] = AnalyzeTruss(nData,eData)
% This function analyzes the truss defined by nData and eData:
% nData = [x, y, xLoad, yLoad, xRestraint, yRestraint]
% eData = [iNode, jNode, E, A];
The input data required (nData and eData) will be explained later.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Node i Node j
Its entries must then contribute to the corresponding entries in the global stiffness
… Node i … Node j …
… … … … … …
… … … … … …
… … … … … …
If we now consider another member, jl, which links node j to node l. Its member
stiffness matrix will be:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Node j Node l
… … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … …
k22ij +
Node j … k21ij … … k12jl …
… … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … …
ndof × ndof
where ndof refers to the number of degrees of freedom that each node has.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Consider a truss member connecting nodes i and j. To add the 4×4 truss element
stiffness matrix into the truss global stiffness matrix, we see that each row adds into
the following matrix columns:
2i-1 2i 2j-1 2j
The rows in the global stiffness matrix corresponding to the rows of the element
stiffness matrix are:
1. Row 1: Adds to row 2i-1 of the global stiffness matrix;
2. Row 2: Adds to row 2i;
3. Row 3: adds to row 2j-1;
4. Row 4: adds to row 2j.
Note of course that the column and row entries occur in the same order.
These rules are implemented for our Truss Analysis Program as follows:
function kg = AddElement(iEle,eData,ke,kg)
% This function adds member iEle stiffness matrix ke to the global
% stiffness matrix kg.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Note that we have not yet covered the calculation of the truss element stiffness
matrix. However, the point here is to see that each element stiffness matrix is
calculated and then added to the global stiffness matrix.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
{F} = [K ]{u}
We now have the global stiffness matrix, we aim to calculate the deflections thus we
need to have a force vector representing the applied nodal loads. Again remember
that each node as two DOFs (x- and y-loads). The code for the force vector is thus:
function f = AssembleForceVector(nData)
% This function assembles the force vector
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
If we imagine that all nodes are fixed against displacement except for node 2, then we
have the following:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
F1 K12 −k1
2 K 22=
k1 + k2 (4.2.25)
F K −k
3 32 2
These forces are illustrated in the above diagram, along with a free-body diagram of
node 2.
Thus we see that each column in a stiffness matrix represents the forces required to
maintain equilibrium when the column’s DOF has been given a unit displacement.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
0 1 0 0 u1
F2 = 0 K 22 K 23 u2 (4.2.27)
F 0 K K 33 u3
3 32
Now when we solve for u1 we will get the answer we want: u1 = 0 . In fact, since we
now do not need this first equation, we could just consider the remaining equations:
F2 K 22 K 23 u2
K 33 u3
F3 K 32
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Thus to summarize:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Once we have this vector of restraints, we can go through each DOF and modify the
force vector and global stiffness matrix as described before. The implementation of
this is as follows:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
4.3.1 Introduction
Trusses are assemblies of members whose actions can be linked directly to that of the
simple spring studied already:
k= (4.3.1)
There is one main difference, however: truss members may be oriented at any angle
in the xy coordinate system (Cartesian) plane:
Thus we must account for the coordinate transformations from the local member axis
system to the global axis system.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
The node data is stored in a matrix nData. Each node of the truss is represented by a
row of data. In the row, we put the following information in consecutive order in
1. x-coordinate;
2. y-coordinate;
3. x-load: 0 or the value of load;
4. y-load: 0 or the value of load;
5. x-restraint: 0 if unrestrained, any other number if restrained;
6. y-restraint: 0 if unrestrained, any other number if restrained.
The element data is stored in a matrix called eData. Each element has a row of data
and for each element the information stored in the columns in order is:
1. i-Node number: the node number at the start of the element;
2. j-Node number: the other node the element connects to;
3. E: the Modulus of Elasticity of the element material;
4. A: the element area;
We will prepare input data matrices in the above formats for some of the examples
that follow so that the concepts are clear. In doing so we keep the units consistent:
• Dimensions are in m;
• Forces in kN
• Elastic modulus is in kN/mm2;
• Area is mm2.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
3. Double click on the new variable to open the Matlab Variable Editor;
4. Enter the necessary input data (can paste in from MS Excel, or type in);
5. Repeat for the nodal data.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
k −k 1 −1
=[k ] = k (4.3.2)
−k k −1 1
EA 1 −1
[k ] =
L −1 1
However, this equation was written for a 1-dimensional element. Expanding this to a
two-dimensional axis system is straightforward since there are no y-axis values:
1 0 −1 0 ← xi
0 ← yi
EA 0 0 0
[k ] = (4.3.4)
L −1 0 1 0 ← x j
0 0 0 0 ← y j
Next, using the general element stiffness transformation equation (See the Appendix):
[k ] = [T] [k ][T]
And noting the transformation matrix for a plane truss element from the Appendix:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
cos α sin α 0 0
T 0 − sin α cos α 0 0
T= P = (4.3.6)
0 TP 0 0 cos α sin α
0 0 − sin α cos α
We have:
cos α sin α 0 0 1 0 −1 0
0 0 0 0 0
EA − sin α cos α 0
[k ] ⋅
L 0 0 cos α sin α −1 0 1 0
0 0 − sin α cos α 0 0 0 0
cos α sin α 0 0
− sin α cos α 0 0
0 0 cos α sin α
0 0 − sin α cos α
c2 cs −c 2 −cs
EA cs s 2 −cs − s 2
[k ] = 2 (4.3.9)
L −c −cs c 2 cs
−cs − s
cs s2
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
k11 k12
[k ] = (4.3.10)
k21 k22
Then we see that the sub-matrices are of dimension 2 × 2 (No. DOF × No. DOF) and
EA c cs
k11 = (4.3.11)
L cs s 2
Therefore, we need only evaluate a single nodal sub-matrix ( k11 ) in order to find the
total element stiffness matrix in global coordinates.
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
function [L c s] = TrussElementGeom(iEle,nData,eData);
% This function returns the element length
The E and A values for each element are directly found from the input data element
Thus, with all the relevant data assembled, we can calculate the truss element
stiffness matrix. In the following Matlab function, note that we make use of the fact
that each nodal sub-matrix can be determined from the nodal sub-matrix k11 :
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
function k = TrussElementK(E,A,L,c,s)
% This function returns the stiffness matrix for a truss element
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
{F } = [k ]{u }
e e
Fi k11 k12 δi
= δ (4.3.14)
j k21 k22 j
Thus we know:
From which we could determine the member’s axial force. However, for truss
members, we can determine a simple expression to use if we consider the change in
length in terms of the member end displacements:
∆Lx = δ jx − δ ix (4.3.16)
∆Ly = δ jy − δ iy (4.3.17)
Also we know that the member force is related to the member elongation by:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
F ⋅ ∆L (4.3.19)
Thus we have:
F ⋅ ∆Lx cos α + ∆Ly sin α (4.3.20)
EA δ jx − δ ix
F ⋅ [ cos α sin α ] (4.3.21)
L δ jy − δ iy
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Note also that the way the program is written assumes that tension is positive and
compression is negative. We also want to return all of the element forces, so we use
the function just described to calculate all the truss elements’ forces:
function F = ElementForces(nData,eData,d)
% This function returns a vector of the element forces
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Analyse the following truss using the stiffness matrix method.
Note that:
• E = 200 kN/mm 2 ;
• The reference area is A = 100mm 2 .
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
STEP 1: Determine the member stiffness matrices:
Member 12
The angle this member makes to the global axis system and the relevant values are:
1 1
c ≡ cos α= cos 45=
⇒ c 2=
2 2
1 1 1
s ≡ sin α= sin 45=
⇒ s=
⇒ cs=
2 2 2
0.5 0.5
k1112 = 103 (4.3.22)
0.5 0.5
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Member 23
The angle this member makes to the global axis system and the relevant values are:
1 1
c ≡ cos α = cos315 = ⇒ c2 =
2 2
1 1 1
s ≡ sin α =
sin 315 =
− ⇒ s2 = ⇒ cs =
2 2 2
0.5 −0.5
k1123 = 103 (4.3.23)
−0.5 0.5
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
For 3 nodes, the unrestricted global stiffness matrix will look as follows:
K 11 K 12 K 13 ← Node 1
=K K 21 K 22 K 23 ← Node 2 (4.3.24)
K 31 K 32 K 33 ← Node 3
The member stiffness nodal sub-matrices contribute to the global stiffness nodal sub-
matrices as follows:
K 11 K 12 K 13 k1112 k1212 0
=K = K 21 K 22 K 23 k21 k2212 + k1123 k1223 (4.3.26)
K 31 K 32 K 33 0 k2123 k2223
Expanding this out and filling in the relevant entries from equations (4.3.22) and
(4.3.23) whilst using equation (4.3.12) gives:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
• δ=
0 again, since node 3 is pinned.
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 δ1 x
0 0
1 0 0 0 0 δ 1 y
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 δ 2 x
= 10
−100 0 0 0 1 0 0 δ 2 y
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 δ 3 x
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 δ 3 y
Since both DOFs are restricted for nodes 1 and 3, we can thus write the remaining
equations for node 2:
0 3
1 0 δ 2 x
= 10 (4.3.31)
−100 0 1 δ 2 y
103 δ 2 y
−100 = (4.3.32)
δ2y =
−0.1 m =
100 mm ↓ (4.3.33)
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
• δ 2 x = 0 by solution;
EA δ jx − δ ix
F ⋅ [ cos α sin α ]
L δ jy − δ iy
1 1 0 −0 100
103 =
− =
−50 2 kN (4.3.34)
2 2 −0.1 − 0 2
1 1 0 −0 100
103 − =
− =
−50 2 kN (4.3.35)
2 2 0 − ( −0.1) 2
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Thus we have:
[ −0.5 −0.5] =
R1 x = +50kN (4.3.37)
[ −0.5 −0.5] =
R1 y = +50kN (4.3.38)
[ −0.5 0.5] =
R3 x = −50kN (4.3.39)
[0.5 −0.5] =
R3 y = +50kN (4.3.40)
Again note that the sign indicates the direction along the global coordinate system.
We can now plot the full solution:
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
x y Fx Fy Rx Ry Node i Node j E A
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 200 70.71
20 0 0 0 1 1
The importance of the graphical display of the results should also be noted: there
could have been clear mistakes made in the preparation of the input data that would
not reveal themselves unless the physical interpretation of the results is appreciate by
drawing the deflected shape, the member forces, and the directions of the reactions.
51 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Analyse the truss of Example 2 but with the following member 14 added:
With the addition of node 4 we now know that the nodal sub-matrices global stiffness
equation will be 4×4 with the fully expanded matrix being 16×16. Rather than
determine every entry in this, let’s restrict it now and only determine the values we
will actually use. Since nodes 1, 3 and 4 are pinned, all their DOFs are fully restricted
out. The restricted equation thus becomes:
{F } = [K22]{δ }
2 2
52 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Next determine k1124 : this member makes an angle of 270° to the global axis system
EA c cs 200 ⋅ 100 0 0 0 0
k1124= 2
= = 2 × 103
L 24 cs s 10 0 1 0 1
0 0
k1124 = 103 (4.3.43)
0 2
1 0 3
0 0 3
1 0
K22 = 103 + 10 0 2 = 10 0 3 (4.3.44)
0 1
0 3
1 0 δ 2 x
= 10 0 3 δ (4.3.45)
−100 2y
53 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
103 ( 3δ 2 y )
−100 = (4.3.46)
δ2y =
−0.033 m =
33.3 mm ↓ (4.3.47)
1 1 0 −0
F12 = 103 = −23.6kN (4.3.48)
2 2 −0.033 − 0
1 1 0−0
F23 =
103 − =−23.6kN (4.3.49)
2 2 0 − ( −0.033)
F24 = 103 [ 0 2] = −66.6kN (4.3.50)
−0.033 − 0
54 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
55 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
Analyse the truss of Example 3 taking advantage of any symmetry:
Looking at the structure it is clear that by splitting the structure down the middle
along member 24 that we will have two equal halves:
56 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
• The load is halved since it is now equally shared amongst two halves;
• Similarly the area of member 24 is halved.
We now analyse this new truss as usual. However, we can make use of some previous
results. For Member 12:
0.5 0.5
k1112 = 103 (4.3.51)
0.5 0.5
1 3 0 0 3
0 0
= =10
2 0 2 0 1
k1124 10 (4.3.52)
Since the area is halved from that of Example 3, its stiffnesses are halved.
In restricting we note that the only possible displacement is node 2 in the y-direction.
However, we will keep using the node 2 sub-matrices until the last moment:
0.5 0 3
0 0 3
0.5 0
= 103
K22 + 10 =
0 1 10 0 1.5 (4.3.53)
0 0.5
0 3
0.5 0 δ 2 x
= 10 0 1.5 δ (4.3.54)
−50 2y
57 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
10 [1.5]{δ }
{−50} = 3
10 [1.5]{δ }
{−50} = 3
δ2y =
−0.033 m =
33.3 mm ↓
This (of course) is the same result we obtained in Example 3. For the member forces
we have:
1 1 0 −0
F12 = 103 = −23.6kN (4.3.57)
2 2 −0.033 − 0
103 [ 0 −1]
F24 = =−33.3kN (4.3.58)
0 − ( −0.033 )
It might appear that Member 24 has an erroneous force result. It must be remembered
that this is the force in the half-member (brought about since we are using symmetry).
Therefore the force in the full member is 2 × 33.3 =
66.6 kN as per Example 3.
58 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 4 – Matrix Stiffness Method
A self-strained structure is one where strains are induced by sources other than
externally applied loads. The two main examples are temperature difference and lack
of fit of a member. For example consider the effect if member 13 in the following
structure was too long and had to be ‘squeezed’ into place:
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Once the member has been put in place, the source of the ‘squeezing’ is removed.
Since the member wants to spring back to its original length, it pushes on its joints:
In this way members 12 and 14 will now go into tension whilst member 13 will
remain in compression, but a smaller compression than when it was ‘squeezed’ into
place since joint 1 will deflect to the right some amount.
In a similar way to lack of fit, examined above, if member 13 had been subject to a
temperature increase it would try to elongate. However this elongation is restrained
by the other members inducing them into tension and member 13 into some
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Lack of Fit
We consider a member with original length of LO that is required to be of length
LReq'd . Thus a change in length of ∆L must be applied:
LReq'd= LO + ∆L (4.3.59)
• ∆L is positive: the member is too short and must be lengthened to get into place;
• ∆L is negative, it is too long and must be shortened to get into place.
Thus we must apply a force to the member that will cause a change in length of ∆L .
From basic mechanics:
∆L = O (4.3.60)
F EA ⋅ (4.3.61)
Lastly, remember to apply the member force in opposite direction to the member’s
61 Dr. C. Caprani
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Temperature Change
We consider a member that is subject to a differential (i.e. different to the rest of the
structure) temperature change of ∆T degrees Celsius. Also we must know the
coefficient of linear thermal expansion, α , for the material. This is the change in
length, per unit length, per unit change in temperature:
α ≡
C (4.3.62)
ε T= α ∆T (4.3.63)
∆L= α LO ∆T (4.3.64)
FT σ=
= T
A EAε T (4.3.65)
So finally, from equation (4.3.63), the force required to suppress the temperature
change is:
= (4.3.66)
Once again, apply this force in the opposite direction to the member’s nodes.
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Member 13 of the following truss is subject to a temperature change of +100 °C.
Calculate the deflections of node 1 and the final forces in the members.
Take: α = 2 × 10−5 C −1 ; EA= 2 × 104 kN ; the area of member 12 as 2A; the area of
member 13 as A; and, the area of member 14 as A√2.
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First we must recognize that there are two stages to the actions in the members:
• Stage I: all displacements are suppressed and only the temperature force in
member 13 is allowed for;
• Stage II: displacements are allowed and the actions of the temperature force in
member 13 upon the rest of the structure are analyzed for.
The final result is then the summation of these two stages:
( 2 104 )( 2 × 10−5 ) ( +100 )
=× (4.3.67)
= 40kN
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Stage I
All displacements are suppressed. Thus:
=F12I 0;=F13I F=
; F14I 0 (4.3.69)
Stage II
Displacements are allowed occur and thus we must analyse the truss. Using the
matrix stiffness method, and recognizing that only joint 1 can displace, we have:
{F } = [K11]{δ }
1 1
Also, since we cleverly chose the node numbers, the member contributions are just:
• Member 12:
1 1
c ≡ cos α =
cos120 =− ⇒ c2 =
2 4
3 3 3
s ≡ sin α =
sin120 = ⇒ s 2 = ⇒ cs =
2 4 4
1 3
EA c cs 2 × 10 ( 2 ) 4
2 4
=k1112 = 2
L 23 cs s 2.0 3 3
4 4
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• Member 13:
c ≡ cos α =
cos180 =−1 ⇒ c 2 =
s ≡ sin α= sin180= 0 ⇒ s 2= 0 ⇒ cs= 0
EA c cs 2 × 10 1 0
2 4
=k1113 = 2
L 23 cs s 1.0 0 0
• Member 14:
1 1
c ≡ cos α =
cos 225 =
− ⇒ c2 =
2 2
−1 1 1
s ≡ sin α= sin 225= ⇒ s 2= ⇒ cs=
2 2 2
EA c cs 2 × 10
k1114 =
2 4
2 0.5 0.5 ( )
L 23 cs s 1.0 2 0.5 0.5
2 × 104 7 2 − 3
K11 = (4.3.72)
4 2 − 3 5
From the diagram for Stage II, we can see that the force applied to joint 1 is acting to
the right and so is positive. Thus:
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δ1 x 4 1 5 3 − 2 40
δ1 y 2 × 10 7 ⋅ 5 − 2 − 3 3 − 2 )
4 2
7 0
= 10−3 m
Using equation (4.3.21) we can now find the member forces for Stage II:
2 × 104 ( 2 ) 1 3 0 − (1.15 ) −3
F = II
⋅ − 10 =+12.54 kN (4.3.75)
2 0 − ( −0.06 )
2.0 2
2 × 104 0 − (1.15 ) −3
F13II = ⋅ [ −1 0] 10 =+23.0 kN (4.3.76)
1.0 0 − ( −0.06 )
F =
2 × 104 2 1
⋅ −
( ) −
1 0 − (1.15 ) −3
10 =+15.4 kN
2 0 − ( −0.06 )
1.0 2 2
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The final member forces are the superposition of Stage I and Stage II forces:
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Analyse the same truss as Example 5, allowing for the following additional load
• 80 kN acting horizontally to the left at node 1;
• 100 kN acting vertically downwards at node 1;
• Member 14 is 5√2 mm too short upon arrival on site.
All as shown below:
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Again we will separate the actions into Stage I and Stage II scenarios.
Stage I
Displacements are suppressed and as a result the only sources of forces are self-
straining forces:
FT = 40kN as before,
∆L 5 2 × 10−3
F∆L =
EA 2 ( 2 × 104 )
= =
100 2 kN (4.3.81)
L 2
F12I =
0; F13I =
−40; F14I =
100 2 (4.3.83)
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Stage II
In this stage displacements are allowed and the forces in the self-strained members
are now applied to the joints, in addition to any external loads. Thus we have:
Clearly we need to resolve the forces at node 1 into net vertical and horizontal forces:
Since the members have not changed from Example 5, we can use the same stiffness
matrix. Therefore we have :
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Solve this:
δ1 x 4 1 5 3 − 2 −140
( )
δ1 y 2 × 10 7 ⋅ 5 − 2 − 3 3 − 2 7 −200
4 2
= 10−3 m
Using equation (4.3.21) we can find the member forces for Stage II:
2 × 104 ( 2 ) 1 3 0 − ( −3.7 ) −3
F =
⋅ − 10 =+98.1 kN (4.3.86)
2 0 − ( −7.8 )
2.0 2
2 × 104 0 − ( −3.7 ) −3
F =
⋅ [ −1 0] 10 =−74.0 kN (4.3.87)
1.0 0 − ( −7.8 )
F =
2 × 104 2 1
⋅ −
( ) −
1 0 − ( −3.7 ) −3
10 =−162.6 kN
2 0 − ( −7.8 )
1.0 2 2
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As before, the final member forces are the Stage I and Stage II forces:
F14 =+
F14I F14II =
100 2 − 162.6 =
−21.6 kN (4.3.91)
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4.3.10 Problems
Problem 1
Determine the displacements of joint 1 and the member forces for the following truss.
Take EA= 2 × 104 kN .
Problem 2
Determine the displacements of joint 1 and the member forces for the following truss.
Take EA= 2 × 104 kN , the area of both members is A√2.
Ans. δ1 x = +5 mm , δ1 y = 0
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Problem 3
Using any pertinent results from Problem 2, determine the area of member 14 such
that the horizontal displacement of node 1 is half what is was prior to the installation
of member 14. Determine also the force in member 14. Take EA= 2 × 104 kN ,
Problem 4
Determine the displacements of the joints and the member forces for the following
truss. Take EA= 2 × 104 kN , the area of all members is A√2, except for member 24
which has an area of A.
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Problem 5
Determine the displacements of the joints and the member forces for the following
truss. Take EA= 2 × 104 kN , the area of the members is as shown.
Problem 6
Determine the displacements of the joints and the member forces for the following
truss. Take EA= 2 × 104 kN , the area of all members is A, except for member 14
which has an area of A√2.
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4.4 Beams
Next we must adopt strict local element sign convention and node identification:
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Anti-clockwise moments and rotations (i.e. from the x-axis to the y-axis) are positive
and upwards forces are positive.
12 EI
Fiy 6 EI
i L2
= δ iy (4.4.1)
jy − 12 EI
M j L 3
6 EI
12 EI
− L3
Fiy 6 EI
M − 2
i L
= δ jy (4.4.2)
jy 12 EI
M j L3
6 EI
− 2
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6 EI
Fiy 4 EI
i L
= θ i (4.4.3)
jy 6 EI
M j L2
2 EI
6 EI
Fiy 2 EI
i L
= θ j (4.4.4)
jy 6 EI
M j L2
4 EI
Since all of these displacement could happen together, using superposition we thus
have the total force vector as:
12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI
L 3 L 2
L 3 L2
M 6 EI 4 EI − 6 EI 2 EI
i L2 L L2 L
= δ +
iy θ +
i δ jy + θ j (4.4.5)
Fjy − 12 EI − 6 EI 12 EI − 6 EI
M j L3 L2 L3 L2
6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 4 EI
L2 L L2 L
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12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI
L3 −
L2 L3 L2
Fiy 6 EI
2 EI δ iy
4 EI 6 EI
− 2
i L2 L L L θi
= (4.4.6)
Fjy − 12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI δ jy
− 2 − 2
M j L3 L L3 L θ j
6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 4 EI
− 2
L2 L L L
{F } = [k ]{u }
e e
12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI
L3 −
L2 L3 L2
6 EI 4 EI 6 EI
− 2
2 EI
L2 L
[k ] = L L (4.4.8)
12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI
− 3 − 2 − 2
L L L3 L
6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 4 EI
− 2
L2 L L L
Next we note a special case where the vertical displacements of the beam nodes are
prevented and only rotations of the beam ends is allowed. In this case, all terms
relating to the translation DOFs are removed giving us the reduced stiffness matrix
for a beam on rigid vertical supports:
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4 EI 2 EI
[k ] = L (4.4.9)
2 EI 4 EI
As we did for trusses, we will often write these equations in terms of nodal sub-
matrices as:
Fi k11 k12 δi
= (4.4.10)
Fj k21 k22 δ j
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Applied Loads
Beam loads are different to truss loads since they can be located anywhere along the
element, not only at the nodes – termed intermodal loading Beams can also have
loads applied to the nodes – nodal loading. We deal with these two kinds of loads as
If a member’s nodes are locked against rotation, the member end forces due to inter-
nodal loading will just be the fixed end moment and force reaction vector we are
familiar with {FF } . If a member also displaces, the total member end forces are:
} {F } + [k ]{δ}
{F=Tot F
Net Nodal Load Nodal Load − ∑ Fixed End Reactions (4.4.13)
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Lastly, we must note that inter-nodal loads on adjacent members will result in
multiple loads on a node. Thus we must take the algebraic sum of the forces/moments
on each node in our analysis, bearing in mind the sign convention.
As an example, the equivalent nodal loads for a UDL applied to a beam element are:
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For the following beam, find the rotations of joints 2 and 3 and the bending moment
diagram. Take EI = 6 × 103 kNm 2 .
First we write the general equation in terms of nodal sub-matrices:
F1 K 11 K 12 K 13 δ1
F2 = K 21 K 22 K 23 δ 2 (4.4.14)
F K K 33 δ3
3 31 K 32
Next we note that the only possible displacements are the rotations of joints 2 and 3.
Thus we can restrict the equation by eliminating joint 1 as follows:
F1 K 11 K 12 K 13 δ1
F2 = K 21 K 22 K 23 δ 2 (4.4.15)
F K K 33 δ3
3 31 K 32
To give:
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F2 K 22 K 23 δ 2
K 33 δ3
F3 K 32
Since this beam is on rigid vertical supports, we can use the beam stiffness matrix
given by equation (4.4.9). Thus we are left with two equations:
M 2 k22 k23 θ 2
k33 θ 3
M 3 k32
4 EI 2 EI 4( 6) 2 (6)
L 4 2
=[ ]12
k = 10 3
6 6
103 (4.4.18)
2 EI 4 EI 2 ( 6) 4 ( 6) 2 4
L L 6 6
4( 6) 2 (6)
4 2
=[k ]23 10=
6 6
103 (4.4.19)
2( 6) 4 (6) 2 4
6 6
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M 2 3
8 2 θ 2
= 10 (4.4.20)
M 3 2 4 θ 3
To find the moments to apply to the nodes, we determine the fixed-end moments
caused by the loads on each members. Only Member 23 has load, and its fixed end
moments are:
Our sign convention is anti-clockwise positive. Thus the moments to apply to the
joints become (refer to equation (4.4.13)):
30 3
8 2 θ 2
− =
10 2 4 θ (4.4.21)
−30 3
θ 2 1 1 4 −2 −30 −3
−90 14
= 10 rads (4.4.22)
θ 3 10 ( 8 ⋅ 4 − 2 ⋅ 2 ) −2 8 30
150 14
Since we know that anti-clockwise is positive, we can draw the displaced shape (in
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Using the member stiffness matrices we can recover the bending moments at the end
of each member, now that the rotations are known, from equation (4.4.11):
M 1 0 3
4 2 −3 0 −12.9
= + 10 2 4 10 −90 14 =
kNm (4.4.23)
M 0 −25.7
M 2 30 3
4 2 −3 −90 14 +25.7
= + 10 10 150 14 = kNm (4.4.24)
M 3 −30 2 4 0
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For the following beam, find the vertical deflection of joint 2 and the bending
moment diagram. Take EI= 12 × 103 kNm 2 .
First we write the general equation in terms of nodal sub-matrices:
F1 K 11 K 12 K 13 δ1
F2 = K 21 K 22 K 23 δ 2 (4.4.25)
F K K 33 δ3
3 31 K 32
Next we note that the only possible displacements are those of joint 2. Thus we can
restrict the equation to:
{F } = [K ]{δ }
2 22 2
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That is:
[K 22 ]
= [k22 ] + [k11 ]
12 23
12 EI 6 EI 12 ⋅ 12 6 ⋅ 12
L3 − 2 − 2
L 4 3
4 3
2.25 −4.5
=k2212 = 10 =
10 (4.4.28)
− 6 EI 4 EI − 6 ⋅ 12 4 ⋅ 12 −4.5 12
L2 L
4 2
12 EI 6 EI 12 ⋅ 24 6 ⋅ 24
L3 L2 103 = 43 42 103 4.5 9
=k1123 = 9 24 (4.4.29)
6 EI 4 EI 6 ⋅ 24 4 ⋅ 24
L2 L
4 2
Since the load is a directly applied nodal load we can now write equation (4.4.26),
using equations (4.4.27), (4.4.28), and (4.4.29), as:
F2 y −100 3
6.75 4.5 δ 2 y
= 10 4.5 36 θ (4.4.30)
M 2 0 2
δ 2 y 1 36 −4.5 −100 −3
10 =
( 6.75 ⋅ 36 − 4.5 ⋅ 4.5) −4.5 6.75 0
θ2 2.02
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Next we recover the element end forces. For member 12, from equation (4.4.6) we
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As can be seen, the load is split between the two members in a way that depends on
their relative stiffness.
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4.4.5 Problems
Problem 1
Determine the bending moment diagram and rotation of joint 2. Take
EI= 10 × 103 kNm 2 .
Problem 2
Determine the bending moment diagram and the rotations of joints 1 and 2. Take
EI= 20 × 103 kNm 2 .
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Problem 3
Determine the bending moment diagram and the displacements of joints 2 and 3.
Take EI= 20 × 103 kNm 2 .
Problem 4
Determine the bending moment diagram and the vertical displacement under the 100
kN point load. Take EI= 10 × 103 kNm 2 .
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Problem 5
Determine the bending moment diagram and the rotations of joints 2 and 3. Take
EI= 20 × 103 kNm 2 .
Problem 6
Determine the bending moment diagram and the rotations of all joints. Take
EI= 40 × 103 kNm 2 . You may use Excel or Matlab to perform some of the numerical
calculations. Check your member stiffness and global stiffness matrices with LinPro,
and your final results. Identify and explain discrepancies. Verify with LUSAS.
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Axial Forces
To include axial forces, we can simply expand the beam element stiffness matrix to
allow for the extra degree of freedom of x-displacement at each node in the member
local coordinates. Thus expanding equation (4.4.8) to allow for the extra DOFs gives:
X 11 0 0 X 14 0 0
12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI
0 0 − 3
L3 L2 L L2
6 EI 4 EI 6 EI 2 EI
0 0 − 2
[k ] = L L L (4.5.1)
X 41 0 0 X 44 0 0
0 12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI
− 3 − 2 0 − 2
L L L3 L
6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 4 EI
0 0 − 2
L2 L L L
However, these terms that account for axial force are simply those of a plane truss
element in its local coordinate system:
EA 1 −1
[k ] =
L −1 1
96 Dr. C. Caprani
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L 0 0 − 0 0
0 12 EI 6 EI
0 −
12 EI 6 EI
L3 L2 L3 L2
6 EI 4 EI 6 EI 2 EI
0 0 − 2
[k ] = L2 L L L
− 0 0 0 0
12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI
0 − 3 − 0 − 2
L L2 L3 L
0 6 EI 2 EI
6 EI
− 2
4 EI
L2 L L L
This is the stiffness matrix for a plane frame element in its local coordinate system
and can also be written in terms of nodal sub-matrices as:
k11 k12
[k ] = (4.5.4)
k21 k22
Note that if axial forces are neglected, we can just use the regular beam element
stiffness matrix instead, though coordinate transformation may be required.
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K e = [ T] [k ][ T]
Again from the Appendix, the transformation matrix for a plane frame element is:
cos α sin α 0 0 0 0
− sin α cos α 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
T= (4.5.6)
0 0 0 cos α sin α 0
0 0 0 − sin α cos α 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
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Inter-nodal Loads
In plane frames, loads can be applied in the global axis system, or the local axis
system. For example, if we consider a member representing a roof beam, we can have
the following laods:
• Case 1: Gravity loads representing the weight of the roof itself;
• Case 2: Horizontal loads representing a horizontal wind;
• Case 3: Net pressure loads caused by outside wind and inside pressures.
Most structural analysis software will allow you to choose the axis system of your
loads. However, in order to deal with these loads for simple hand analysis we must
know how it works and so we consider each case separately.
In the following the member local axis system has a prime (e.g. x’) and the global
axis system does not (e.g. x).
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Since the resulting nodal forces and moments are in the global axis system no further
work is required.
Again the resulting nodal loads are in the global axis system and do not require any
However, there is a complication here since the reactions are now not all in the global
axis system. Thus the forces (not moments) must be transformed from the local axis
to the global axis system. Thus there is a simple case:
If axial forces are neglected, only moments are relevant and so no transformations are
For generality though we can use the transformations given in the Appendix:
For the following frame, determine the rotation of the joints and the bending moment
diagram. Neglect axial deformations. Take EI = 1 × 103 kNm 2 .
The fact that we can neglect axial deformation makes this problem much simpler. As
a consequence, the only possible displacements are the rotations of joints 1 and 2.
Since node 3 is fully restricted out, we have the following partially-restricted set of
equations in terms of nodal sub-matrices:
If we expand this further, we will be able to restrict out all but the rotational DOFs:
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
∑ M 1 ⋅ ⋅ k33 ⋅ ⋅ k36 θ1
= (4.5.10)
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
∑ M 2 ⋅ ⋅ k63 ⋅ ⋅ k66 θ 2
• Member 12:
Looking at equation (4.5.3):
4 EI 4 ⋅ 103
Term 33= = = 4 × 103 (4.5.11)
L 12 1
2 EI 2 ⋅ 103
Term 36= = = 2 × 103 (4.5.12)
L 12 1
2 EI 2 ⋅ 103
Term 63= = = 2 × 103 (4.5.13)
L 12 1
4 EI 4 ⋅ 103
Term 66= = = 4 × 103 (4.5.14)
L 12 1
• Member 23:
Again, from equation (4.5.3):
4 EI 4 ⋅ 103
Term 33= = = 4 × 103 (4.5.15)
L 23 1
∑ M1 3
4 2 θ1
= 10 θ (4.5.16)
∑ M 2 2 8 2
Next we must find the net moments applied to each node. There are no directly
applied nodal moment loads, so the ‘force’ vector is, from equation (4.4.13):
{F} = −{F }F
• Member 12 Moments:
wL2 12 ⋅ 12
M =12
= = +1 kNm
12 12 (4.5.18)
wL2 12 ⋅ 12
M 212 =
− =
− =−1 kNm
12 12
• Member 23 Moments:
PL 16 ⋅ 1
M 223 = = = +2 kNm
8 8
PL 16 ⋅ 1
M 323 =
− =
− =
−2 kNm
8 8
∑ M +1 −1
{F} =
− {F } =
− 1
=− = kNm (4.5.20)
∑ M − + −1
2 1 2
−1 3
4 2 θ1
= 10 2 8 θ (4.5.21)
−1 2
θ1 1 1 8 −2 −1 − 3 14
= × 10 rads
θ 2 10 ( 4 ⋅ 8 − 2 ⋅ 2 ) −2 4 −1 −1 14
Lastly, we must find the member end forces. Since we only need to draw the bending
moment diagram so we need only consider the terms of the member stiffness matrix
relating to the moments/rotations (similar to equation (4.4.9)). Also, we must account
for the equivalent nodal loads as per equation (4.4.11):
• Member 12:
M 112 +1 3
4 2 − 3 14 −3 0
12 = + 10 10 = kNm (4.5.23)
M 2 −1 2 4 −1 14 −12 7
• Member 23:
M 223 +2 3
4 2 −1 14 −3 +12 7
23 = + 10 10 = kNm (4.5.24)
M 3 −2 2 4 0 −17 7
For the following frame, determine the rotation of the joints, the displacement under
the 8 kN point load and the bending moment diagram. Neglect axial deformations.
Take EI = 1 × 103 kNm 2 .
Again, the fact that we can neglect axial deformation makes this problem much
simpler. Since the structure is symmetrical and it is symmetrically loaded, it will not
sway. Further, because of this symmetry, we can adopt the following model for
And expanding this further, we restrict out all other restrained DOFs:
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
∑ M 2 ⋅ ⋅ k66 ⋅ k68 ⋅ θ 2
= (4.5.26)
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
∑ F3 y ⋅ ⋅ k86 ⋅ k88 ⋅ δ 3 y
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Transformation of the member stiffness matrices is not required. Member 12 only has
a rotational DOF and Member 23’s local member coordinate system is parallel to the
global axis coordinate system.
• Member 12:
From equation (4.5.3):
4 EI 4 ⋅ 103
Term 66= = = 4 × 103 (4.5.27)
L 12 1
• Member 23:
Again, from equation (4.5.3):
4 EI 4 ⋅ 103
Term 33= = = 4 × 103 (4.5.28)
L 23 1
6 EI 6 ⋅ 10 3
6 EI 6 ⋅ 10 3
12 EI 12 ⋅ 103
Term 55= 3 = = 12 × 103 (4.5.31)
L 23
∑ M 2 3
8 −6 θ 2
= 10 (4.5.32)
∑ F3 y −6 12 δ 3 y
The 4 kN point load is directly applied to node 3 so this causes no difficulty. The
equivalent nodal loads for the UDL are:
wL2 12 ⋅ 12
M =
= = +1 kNm
12 12 (4.5.33)
wL2 12 ⋅ 12
M 212 =
− =
− =−1 kNm
12 12
Notice that we do not need to find the vertical reaction forces as there is no sway of
the frame and we are neglecting axial deformation.
0 −1 +1
{∑ F} ={F} − {F } = − = (4.5.34)
−4 −4
+1 3
8 −6 θ 2
= 10 (4.5.35)
−4 −6 12 δ 3 y
The negative results indicate the rotation is clockwise and the displacement
downwards, as may be expected:
Lastly then we find the bending moments. For member 12 only the terms relating to
bending moments are relevant.
• Member 12:
M 112 +1 3
4 2 0 −3 +0.6
12 = + 10 10 =
kNm (4.5.37)
M 2 −1 2 4 −0.2 −1.8
However, for member 23, the downwards deflection also causes moments and so the
relevant DOFs are rotation of node i and vertical movement of node j (as calculated
earlier). It is easier to see this if we write the member equation in full:
• Member 23:
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
M 2
⋅ ⋅ 4 ⋅ −6 ⋅ −0.2
= 10
× 10
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ −0.43
M 3 ⋅ ⋅ 2 ⋅ −6 ⋅ ⋅
M 223 +1.8
23 = kNm (4.5.39)
M 3 +2.2
4.5.4 Problems
Problem 1
Determine the bending moment diagram and the rotation of joint 2. Take
EI= 10 × 103 kNm 2 and neglect axial deformations.
(Ans. θ 2 = 5 6 mrads )
Problem 2
Determine the bending moment diagram and the rotations of joints 1 and 2. Take
EI= 20 × 103 kNm 2 and neglect axial deformations.
Problem 3
Determine the bending moment diagram. Take EI= 20 × 103 kNm 2 and neglect axial
Problem 4
Determine the bending moment diagram, the rotation of joint 2, and the horizontal
displacements of joints 2 and 3. Take EI= 10 × 103 kNm 2 and neglect axial
(Ans. θ 2 =
−11.33 mrads; δ 2 x =
44.0mm )
Problem 5
Determine the bending moment diagram. Take EI= 20 × 103 kNm 2 and neglect axial
Problem 6
Determine the bending moment diagram and the vertical displacement of joint 3.
Take EI= 40 × 103 kNm 2 and neglect axial deformations.
Problem 7
Determine the bending moment diagram, the rotation of joint 2, and the vertical
displacement under the 80 kN point load. Take EI= 10 × 103 kNm 2 and neglect axial
(Ans. θ 2 =
−1.071 mrads; δ y =
−1.93mm )
Problem 8
For the frame of Problem 1, determine the bending moment diagram and the rotation
and vertical displacement of joint 2 if member 24 has EA= 10 × 103 kN . Neglect axial
deformation in the other members.
(Ans. θ 2 = 0.833 mrads; δ y = −0.01mm )
Problem 9
Determine the bending moment diagram for the prismatic portal frame. Take
EI= 20 × 103 kNm 2 and neglect axial deformations. You may use Excel or Matlab to
perform some of the numerical calculations. Check your member stiffness and global
stiffness matrices with LinPro, and your final results. Identify and explain
discrepancies. Verify with LUSAS.
4.6 Appendix
Compatibility Conditions
Firstly we indentify the conditions of compatibility of a truss element nodal
deflections and the member elongation. We use the following notation for the
deflections at each node of the truss:
Obviously the change in length of the truss will be related to the difference between
the nodal deflections. Hence, we define the changes in movements such that an
elongation gives positive changes:
∆δ x = δ jx − δ ix ∆δ y = δ jy − δ iy
Moving the deflected position of node i back to its original location gives:
e = ∆δ x cosθ + ∆δ y sin θ
= (δ jx − δ ix ) cosθ + (δ jy − δ iy ) sin θ
− cosθ δ ix
− sin θ
δ iy
=α = δ (4.6.3)
cos θ δ jx
sin θ δ jy
e = αtδ (4.6.4)
Thus we have related the end displacements to the elongation of the member which
therefore maintain compatibility of displacement.
δW = 0
δ WE = δ WI
And we have:
Set of forces in
Set of compatible
F= (4.6.6)
F t δ = eN (4.6.7)
F t δ = α t δN (4.6.8)
Ft = αt N
F = αN (4.6.9)
Fix − N cosθ
Fiy − N sin θ
= (4.6.10)
Fjx N cosθ
Fjy N sin θ
N ⋅e (4.6.11)
F=α e (4.6.12)
EA t
F=α αδ (4.6.13)
EA t
Hence the term α α relates force to displacement and is called the stiffness
matrix, k , which is evaluated by multiplying out terms:
EA t
k =αα
− cosθ
− sin θ (4.6.14)
= [ − cosθ − sin θ cosθ sin θ ]
L cosθ
sin θ
And for clarity, we write out the final equation in matrix form and in full:
F = kδ (4.6.16)
So for example, the stiffness that relates a horizontal force at node j to the horizontal
displacement at node j is:
Fjx = cos 2 θ δ jx
Point Transformation
We consider the transformation of a single point P from one coordinate axis system
xy to another x’y’:
OC = x ' coordinate of P
PC = y ' coordinate of P
OB = x coordinate of P
PB = y coordinate of P
= OA + AC
OC (4.6.20)
= PD − CD
PC (4.6.21)
= =
OA OA cos α x cos α (4.6.22)
= BD
AC = PB sin
= α y sin α (4.6.23)
Next we have:
= =
PD PB cos α y cos α (4.6.25)
= AB
CD α x sin α
= OB sin= (4.6.26)
− x sin α + y cos α
y' = (4.6.29)
Often we write:
c ≡ cos α
s ≡ sin α
To give:
x ' c s x
= (4.6.32)
y ' − s c y
Lastly, if we generically name the two coordinate systems as q and q’, we then have
in matrix form:
{q'} = [T ]{q}
cos α sin α
TN =
cos α
− sin α
Force/Displacement Transformation
Forces and moments can be oriented in the local member axis system or in the global
structure axis system. In general we will need to transform the forces and
displacements of both nodes, thus we write:
Fi ' TN 0 Fi
F j ' 0
TN 0
[ T] = 0 TN
A very useful property of the transformation matrix (not derived here) is that it is
orthogonal. This means that its transpose is equal to its inverse:
[ T] = [ T]
T −1
Thus when either a force or displacement is known for the local axis system, it can be
found in the global axis system as follows:
cos α sin α
TN =
cos α
− sin α
cos α sin α 0 0
− sin α cos α 0 0
[T] = (4.6.44)
0 0 cos α sin α
0 0 − sin α cos α
This is because a moment remains a moment in the plane. So for a single node, and
both nodes, we have, respectively:
{F '} = [T ]{F}N
Fi ' TN 0 Fi
F j ' 0
Thus, we can now write the final transformation matrix for a plane frame element as:
cos α sin α 0 0 0 0
− sin α cos α 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
T= (4.6.49)
0 0 0 cos α sin α 0
0 0 0 − sin α cos α 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
F e = K eδ e (4.6.50)
Regardless of member type or the number of dimensions, we will always have some
coordinate transform from local to global coordinates such that:
F e = TF (4.6.51)
δe = Tδ (4.6.52)
TF = K e Tδ (4.6.53)
F = T−1K eT δ (4.6.54)
The term in brackets can now be referred to as the element stiffness matrix in global
coordinates. Thus, using equation (4.6.39), we write:
K Ge = TT K eL T (4.6.55)
Summer 2001
Summer 2002
Summer 2004
Summer 2006
FIG. Q1(a)
(b) Members 15 and 16 are added to the truss of Fig. 1(a) to form the truss shown in Fig. Q1(b). However,
member 16 is found to be 15 mm too long and is forced into place. The same load of 100 kN is again to be
applied. Using the stiffness method, determine the displacement of the joints and the force in member 16.
(15 marks)
Take EA = 2×104 kN and the cross sectional areas of the members as:
FIG. Q1(b)
Semester 1 2006/7
1. Using the stiffness method, determine the displacement of the joints and the forces in the members of the pin-
jointed truss shown in Fig. Q1, allowing for:
(ii) A lack of fit of member 12, which was found to be 5 mm too short upon arrival at site, and
which was then forced into place.
Take EA = 2×104 kN and the cross sectional areas of the members as:
• Members 12: 3A;
• Members 13 and 14: 3√2A.
(25 marks)
(ii) A lack of fit of member 12, which was found to be 10√2 mm too short upon arrival at site, and
which was then forced into place.
Take EA = 2×104 kN and the cross sectional areas of all members as 3√2A.
(25 marks)
Semester 1 2007/8
Using the stiffness method, determine the displacement of the joints and the forces in the members of the pin-jointed
truss shown in Fig. Q1, allowing for:
(ii) A lack of fit of member 13, which was found to be 4 mm too short upon arrival at site, and which was then
forced into place;
= 125 × 103 kN and the coefficient of thermal expansion α =
Take EA 2 × 10-5 °C-1 .
(25 marks)
Semester 1 2008/9
Using the stiffness method, for the continuous beam shown in Fig. Q1, do the following:
Take EI= 10 × 103 kNm 2 .
(25 marks)
Semester 1 2009/10
Using the stiffness method, for the frame shown in Fig. Q1, do the following:
(i) determine the vertical displacement at the centre of the middle span;
Take EI= 10 × 103 kNm 2 .
(25 marks)
Ans. -11.88 mm
Semester 1 2010/11
Using the stiffness method, for the truss shown in Fig. Q1:
(a) Determine:
(b) Determine the lack of fit of member 23, which would result in no horizontal displacement of joint 2 under the
100 kN load shown.
(10 marks)
• Take E = 200 kN/mm 2 for all members.
• Area for member 12 is A = 400 10 mm 2 .
• Area for member 23 is A = 960 mm 2 .
• Area for member 13 is A = 640 2 mm 2 .
4.7 References
• Alberty, J., Carstensen, C. and Funken, S.A. (1999), ‘Remarks around 50 lines of
Matlab: short finite element implementation’, Numerical Algorithms, 20, pp. 117-
137, available at: web address.
• Brown, D.K. (1990), An Introduction to the Finite Element Method using Basic
Programs, 2nd Edn., Taylor and Francis, London.
• Carroll, W.F. (1999), A Primer for Finite Elements in Elastic Structures, John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
• Coates, R.C., Coutie, M.G. and Kong, F.K. (1987), Structural Analysis, Chapman
and Hall.
• Davies, G.A.O. (1982), Virtual Work in Structural Analysis, John Wiley & Sons.
• Desai, C.S. and Abel, J.F. (1972), Introduction to the Finite Element Method: A
Numerical Method for Engineering Analysis, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
• Ghali, A. and Neville, A.M. (1997), Structural Analysis – A unified classical and
matrix approach, 4th edn., E&FN Spon, London.
• McGuire, W., Gallagher, R.H. and Ziemian, R.D. (2000), Matrix Structural
Analysis, 2nd Edn., John Wiley & Sons.
• Meek, J.L. (1991), Computer Methods in Structural Analysis, 2nd Edn., E&FN
• Przemieniecki, J.S. (1968), Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill,
New York.
• Sack, R.L. (1989), Matrix Structural Analysis, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights,
Illinois, US.
• Thompson, F., and Haywood, G.G. (1986), Structural Analysis Using Virtual
Work, Chapman and Hall.
• Weaver, W. and Gere, J.M (1990), Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, 3rd
Edn., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.