UN SMA 2015 Bahasa Inggris
UN SMA 2015 Bahasa Inggris
UN SMA 2015 Bahasa Inggris
Persiapan UN SMA
Doc. Name: UNSMA2015ING999 Doc. Version : 2015-10 | halaman 1
01. Caller : Should I get the number for 05. New articles try to present only facts. The
A B editorial page is the section of the
Ratih sang school of modeling? newspaper who news writer are given the
Operator : We don't have listing under that opportunity to express their opinion about
name. events, policies, and community activities.
Look for a sentence that one of A , B , C D
and D ? Look for a sentence that one of A , B , C and
02. Bill Smith's garden is large than Joe's. Bill
A Questions 6 to 8 refer to the following text.
B Battelle Insurance Company
harder than Joe and grows more flowers Chicago, Illinois
C William P. Mervin Policy Number:
vegetables, but Joe's garden is more 23 Dribble Drive A987 8907 E08
interesting. He has made neat paths and has Hobart, IL 33456 Car Description:
D 1993 Ford Escort
built a wooden bridge over a pool.
Look for a sentence that one of A , B , C Enclosed is your latest dividend check. Since
and D ? Battelle's claim costs continue to be less than
anticipated, our Board of Directors has
03. A magazine whom I read in the doctor's authorized payment of this dividend on your
A auto insurance policy.
office had an article you ought to read. It's
B C If you have any questions about your auto
about the importance of good educations in policy, or about insurance for your home, life,
D or health, please call me.
our family. We are pleased to send you this dividend and
Look for a sentence that one of A , B , C to take this opportunity to thank you for
and D ? selecting Battelle as your insurer.
04. We are leasing company. As many as 65%
of our employees are posted in the Joe Mullee
A Battelle Insurance Agent
marketing division.
Most of them are smart, talented, 06. For what insurance is the coverage on the
good look, above policy?
B (A) Life
young man, who do not mind working ten (B) Home
C D (C) Health
hours a day, six days a week. (D) Automobile
Look for a sentence that one of A , B , C
and D ?
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Copyright © 2015 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2015 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan UN SMA
doc. name: UNSMA2015ING999 doc. version : 2015-10 | halaman 2
07. What has William Mervin received from his 11. What is the synonym of the word
insurance company? "converting" (in line 1)?
(A) A payment on a claim (A) Imitating.
(B) A rebate on his payment (B) Changing.
(C) A bill for insurance coverage (C) Adjusting.
(D) A notice of his policy cancelation (D) Purchasing.
08. ".... to take this opportunity to thank Questions 12 to 13 refer to the following
you ...." (last paragraph). text.
The underlined word refers to .... Rudyard Kipling, one of England's most
(A) profit famous writers, was born in Bombay, India, in
(B) chance 1865, where his English father was working for
(C) payment the British government. Kipling spent his early
(D) information childhood in India. At six he was taken to
England and educated in an English school.
Questions 9 to 11 refer to the following From 1882 until 1883 he was editor of his
text. school paper. He went back to India in 1883.
There he became interested in writing and
Think Globally with World View Software! working for a newspaper. When he was twenty
Keep time with the rest of the world by -one he published his first book, which was a
converting your computer screen into a small book of poetry. Before he was twenty-
world clock. Clocks located at the top of the four he had brought out a small collection of
screen display the current time for every short stories. These were well-liked and full of
time zone in the world in an attractive brilliant descriptions and accurate
graphical display. The display can be observations. Between 1887 and 1889 Kipling
customized to display the local time for travelled around the world. He visited China,
virtually any world cities you choose. World Japan, and he lived for a few years in America,
View Software adjusts automatically for where he married an American woman. During
Daylight Saving Time. It can also be set up this period he wrote several of his most
as a screen saver. popular works, the stories for children, which
Typically costs $45.00 or more at retail stores made him famous; The Jungle Books (1894),
and $40.00 when you order from the Kim (1901) and Just So Stories (1902). He also
software washer, but now available for published several books of peotry during this
Nationwide Airline passengers at the time. Kipling returned to England from
discount rate of only $34.35 when you order America and spent the rest of his life there
directly from Sky catalogue! until his death in 1936.
09. What is the text about? 12. What is the first paragraph about?
(A) Computer clock. (A) Kipling's brief background.
(B) Computer screen. (B) Kipling's favorite writers.
(C) Time of the world. (C) Kipling's popular books.
(D) Daylight Savings Time. (D) Kipling's foreign family.
10. What does this product cost when we order 13. What made Kipling famous?
from the software washer? (A) He wrote some stories for children.
(A) $85.00 (B) He married an American woman.
(B) $45.00 (C) He was educated in England.
(C) $40.00 (D) He visited many countries
(D) $34.35
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Copyright © 2015 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2015 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan UN SMA
doc. name: UNSMA2015ING999 doc. version : 2015-10 | halaman 3
Kunci dan pembahasan soal ini bisa dilihat di www.zenius.net dengan memasukkan kode 4696 ke menu search.
Copyright © 2015 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2015 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan UN SMA
doc. name: UNSMA2015ING999 doc. version : 2015-10 | halaman 4
20. Ayu : Tell me, what do you do in your 24. Rani : Where are you going for your holiday,
spare time, Yudi? Sin?
Yudi : I always try new recipe from the Sinta : I haven't decided it yet, but I do
newest cooking book. really want to visit the Pisa tower.
(A) I care about Japanese tofu. (A) I must finish my term report.
(B) I love eating many kinds of food. (B) I should accompany my mom to the
(C) I enjoy collecting traditional utensils. dentist.
(D) I like preparing the table. (C) I might go to Italy with my family.
(D) I will just stay at home.
21. Bank Teller : May I help you?
Customer : .... 25. Sue : Why did you come late this morning?
Bank Teller : Certainly, Madam. Is that a Jane : I'm sorry, ... Because, I forgot to bring
savings or checking account? my notebook. It's really important for
Customer : Saving account, please. me.
Bank Teller : All right. Please (A) I had to go back home.
fill out this form then. (B) I had to call my brother.
(A) I'd like to cash a check. (C) I need to cancel the presentation.
(B) I want to do a transfer. (D) I'm going to report it to the office.
(C) I'd like to exchange currencies.
(D) I want to make an account.
26. Receptionist : I'm sorry. Ms. Bertha
22. Mona : Oh, I've left my calculator at isn't in the office boy today.
home Caller : ....
Mariah : Yes, please do, but return it to (A) Then I'll call her back another time.
me soon. (B) All right. Would you like to leave a
Mona : Okay, thanks. message?
(A) I'd like to give it to you. (C) What can I do for you?
(B) Would you like to borrow mine? (D) I think I've dialed the wrong number.
(C) May I use yours?
(D) Can I lend it to you? Questions 27 to 29, complete the
following text with the words provided!
23. Dena : Have you lived in Medan since Library Closure
you were born? Pankhurst Library will be (27) ...., from
Selly : No, We used to live in Jakarta, Monday December 2014 until further notice,
then we moved here only three due to staff (28) .... We (29) .... for any
years ago inconvenience. Please make use of other
Dena : Oh, I see. libraries in the area like Parkview,
(A) If our father had not got a job here, we Emmarentia, and Linden Library.
would have stayed in Jakarta.
(B) Unless there was an economic crisis, we 27. ....
would move to Medan. (A) built
(C) We will move to Medan if our father (B) open
works in Jakarta. (C) closed
(D) We would stay in Medan if our father (D) renovated
came from Jakarta.
28. ....
(A) shortage
(B) surpluses
(C) excess
(D) extras
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Copyright © 2015 Zenius Education
UN SMA 2015 Bahasa Inggris, Persiapan UN SMA
doc. name: UNSMA2015ING999 doc. version : 2015-10 | halaman 5
30. ....
33. ....
(A) employ
(B) employers (A) inform
(C) employees (B) introduce
(D) employment (C) invite
(D) congratulatie
31. ....
34. ....
(A) implemented
(B) developed (A) come
(C) done (B) include
(D) held (C) join
(D) enter
32. ....
35. ....
(A) surely
(B) certainly (A) text
(C) immediately (B) contact
(D) immeasurably (C) letter
(D) email
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Copyright © 2015 Zenius Education