20 Sim Manual

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20-sim 4.

6 Reference Manual
© 2017, Controllab Products B.V.
Authors: Ir. C. Kleijn, Ir. M. A. Groothuis, H.G. Differ MSc


This manual describes the modeling and simulation package 20-sim.

C ontrollab Products B.V. makes every effort to insure this information is accurate and
reliable. C ontrollab Products B.V. will not accept any responsibility for damage that may
arise from using this manual or information, either correct or incorrect, contained in this

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this

document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of C ontrollab
Products B.V.

Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft C orporation, USA.

MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc., USA.

Portions of this software are copyright © 2017 The FreeType Project (www.freetype.org).
All rights reserved.


Kleijn, C ., Groothuis, M.A., Differ H.G.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual

Enschede, C ontrollab Products B.V., 2017
ISBN 978-90-79499-19-9


C ontrollab Products B.V.

Address: Hengelosestraat 500
7521 AN Enschede
the Netherlands
Phone: +31-85-7731872
Internet: www.20sim.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Table of Contents

1 Welcome to 20-sim 1

2 What is new in 20-sim? 2

3 Requirements 5

4 Installation 6
4.1 Versions of 20-sim 6
4.2 Installing 20-sim 7
4.3 Uninstalling 9
4.4 Deactivation 9
4.5 Unattended Installation 10
4.6 Unattended Uninstall 10
4.7 Matlab 10

5 Editor 13
5.1 Introduction 13
5.2 Using Models 21
5.3 Compiling 46
5.4 Icon Editor 56
5.5 Global Relations Editor 58
5.6 Interface Editor 64
5.7 Domains, Quantities and Units 68

6 Simulator 75
6.1 Introduction 75
6.2 Running a Simulation 78
6.3 Run Properties 101

7 Language Reference 111

7.1 Introduction 111
7.2 Keywords 120
7.3 Types 129

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual i

7.4 Functions 132
7.5 Operators 201
7.6 Statements 221
7.7 Matrices and Vectors 236
7.8 Advanced Topics 239

8 Toolboxes 246
8.1 3D Mechanics Toolbox 246
8.2 Animation Toolbox 282
8.3 Control Toolbox 318
8.4 Frequency Domain Toolbox 362
8.5 Mechatronics Toolbox 395
8.6 Real-Time Toolbox 464
8.7 Time Domain Toolbox 475
8.8 Scripting Toolbox 516

9 Library 534
9.1 Bond Graph 534
9.2 Iconic Diagrams 584
9.3 Signal 921

10 Modeling Tutorial 1132

10.1 Friction 1132
10.2 Bond Graphs 1142
10.3 Iconic Diagrams 1173

Index 1188

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual ii

1. Welcome to 20-sim

1 Welcome to 20-sim

This manual describes 20-sim 4.6 in full detail. It is not a getting started manual but
intended as a detailed reference to the software. If you are a first time user you are
advised to read the Getting Started manual first:

If you are an experienced 20-sim user, you can read the change notes first and then
search the topic of your interest.

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2. What is new in 20-sim?

2 What is new in 20-sim?

20-sim 4.6 has been updated to support Microsoft Windows 10. While older versions of
20-sim will (mostly) work under Windows 10, 20-sim 4.6 has been specially developed
and tested for this latest version of the Microsoft Windows family.

The following new major features have been added to 20-sim 4.6:
GUI look-and-feel now adapts to the Windows version dependent look-and-feel.
FMI support: The Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) is a tool-independent standard to
support model exchange. 20-sim now supports exporting models as FMUs (Functional
Mockup Units).
Python Scripting: 20-sim supports now scripting from a Python script. This means
that you can now use Python to automate and control 20-sim next to the existing
Octave/Matlab scripting support.
20-sim can be used to develop training simulators.

1. Gradient Fill of submodels is standard on. You can turn this off in the General
Properties (click Tools - Options).

2. Version numbers can be defined for each 20-sim model. The version numbers can
be shown in the model background image. Version numbers are also available as
tokens during the C -code generation.

3. Use C trl + Mouse Wheel to zoom in and out.

4. 20-sim now also supports the 64-bit version of Matlab for the exchange of data
between 20-sim and Matlab. This applies to the domatlab, tomatlab, frommatlab
functions and the Matlab buttons in the 20-sim GUI (e.g. the Linear System Editor)

5. Drawing closed curves has been improved.


1. Using the C -code generation command, you can now export models using the FMI
standard. Both version 1.0 and 2.0 of the FMI standard are supported.

2. The Variables C hooser allows you to show or hide knots.

3. Faster plot curve drawing on multi-core systems.

1. A new function realtime is added. It can be used to check if the simulation runs
slower or faster than the wall-clock time.

2. The bitshift operator now also supports right shift.

1. Bond graph II-element added.

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2. What is new in 20-sim?

2. Double clicking a library model opens it in the editor.

3D Animation Toolbox

1. You can show plots and 3D animations in full screen.

2. Multiple 3D animations are drawn more efficiently resulting in higher frame rates.

3. You can show or hide individual objects by clicking the Solo or Hide option.

4. You can show the frame rate in a 3D Animation and set the frame rate to a

5. You can connect the transparency to a variable.

3D Mechanics Toolbox

1. Support of global parameters for inertia's and global parameters for joints with

2. Support of flexibility in joints by overriding constraint settings.

3. C trl + Mouse Wheel to zoom in and out.


1. Scripting from Python is now supported with similar functions as in Octave/Matlab.

2. MIMO linearization support added to xxsimLinearizeModel in Octave/Matlab.

3. New Octave/Matlab scripting functions:

o xxsimC lose
o xxsimSavePlotAsBitmap
o xxsimStartSimulation
o xxsimStopSimulation
o xxsimIsSimulating
o xxsimC opyStatesToInitials
o xxsimOpenSimulator
o xxsimSetTimeout
o xxsimGetImplementations
o xxsimGetMemoryUsage
o xxsimGetPlotIDFromName
o xxsimGetPlotsFromWindow
o xxsimGetPlotWindowIDFromName
o xxsimGetPlotWindows

4. Support of Octave 4.0 (with GUI).

5. Scripting API documentation is now also accessible from the Help menu.

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2. What is new in 20-sim?

Bugfixes and Improvements


1. All open 20-sim windows will be closed when the Editor is closed.


1. When changing the colors of models directly in the Graph Editor these changes are
stored after saving the model.

2. Models cannot be placed any more outside the border and get out of view.

3. Line drawing can be stopped with the escape key and stops with right mouse button.

4. When removing a submodel implementation, it is first asked which implementation

to remove.

5. Drag-drop of a submodel with one implementation does not ask anymore which
implementation you want to select.

6. The Global Relations Editor is now also accessible from the Tools menu.


1. Endless simulation does not call finalequations anymore.

2. Warning given by incorrect input of eye function.

3. The last selected code-generation path will now be remembered and stored in the

Code generation templates

1. Add support for XXRealtime() (ANSI-C version of the realtime function).

2. Slightly faster RungeKutta4 integration routine.

3. Added VS2015 solutions.

4. starttime and finishtime are not generated as hardcoded values anymore.


1. Updated the icons of various sensor blocks to show a proper +/- pair after a rotation
with 90 degrees.

2. Updated all library blocks with integral symbols to use the Unicode compatible Lucida
Sans font now instead of SymbolProp. This allows proper HTML export for 20-sim

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 4

3. Requirements

3 Requirements
20-sim is supported on on computers that meet the following requirements:
Operating System: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
Processor requirements: 20-sim requires a C PU with SSE2 support. Supported: Intel
Pentium 4 and above, AMD Athlon x64 and above.
Available Disk Space: 450 MB.

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4. Installation

4 Installation
4.1 Versions of 20-sim
20-sim is available in two versions: Viewer and Professional.

Viewer/Demonstration version: This is a freeware version that allows you to load

and run models and evaluate the package. Saving of models is not possible in this
Professional: This is the full version of 20-sim with all toolboxes.

The table below shows in detail the options that are available in the three versions:

Viewer Professional
Library Models v* v
3D Mechanics Toolbox v* v

Animation Toolbox v* v

C ontrol Toolbox v* v

Frequency Domain Toolbox v* v

Mechatronics Toolbox v* v

Real Time Toolbox v* v

Time Domain Toolbox v* v

Scripting Toolbox x v

v = included
v* = included but no saving possible
x = not available

20-sim is installed, using an Installation Manager that will lock 20-sim to your computer.
There are three types of licenses available:

Free : The demonstration version comes with a license that is not locked to your
computer. No actions have to be taken after installation of the program.
Single License: A single license locks 20-sim to a specific computer. After
installation you have to register to get a valid license.
Floating License: A floating license allows multiple users to work with 20-sim at the
same time. After installation you have to register to get a valid license.

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4. Installation

4.2 Installing 20-sim

20-sim can be downloaded from the website www.20sim.com. This is an installation file
that will install 20-sim on your computer. The first 4 steps are equal for all users.
Depending on the type of license (single, floating) you have to follow different steps to
activate 20-sim.

1. Download and Install 20-sim on your computer.

2. During Installation you will be asked to install the (optional) Python 3.4 package.
We advise to keep the default setting: Yes.

3. Start 20-sim (from the Windows Start Menu choose 20-sim 4.6).

If a valid license of 20-sim 4.6 was activated before, the program will start
automatically. If you have not installed 20-sim before, the License Activation dialog will

20-sim License Activation Dialog.

4. If you have a valid license key or license file, press the Activation button to enter
your license key or browse for the license file.

If you do not yet have a valid license, press the Trial License button request an trial
license or press the Buy button to purchase a license. If you want to continue in Viewer
mode (no save functionality), just close the dialog without activating 20-sim.

5. Select which kind of license you have and who should use the license.

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4. Installation

License installation dialog.

Single License
If you are using a single license, you have to enter a license key or license file.

6. On the next dialog, select I received a license key by e-mail and enter the key
in the next dialog. When you received a license file, you have to enter the
location of the license file.

Single License dialog.

You will be asked for confirmation (click Activate Now) and activation will be carried
out. After a successful activation process the License Information dialog will show the
new license.

Web Activation dialog.

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4. Installation

Floating License

Installing a floating license (Administrator)

If you are using a license that is shared by more users (floating license, also known as
concurrent license or server license), you have enter the received license key and a
location on the server (a normal Windows shared folder) first. This location on the server
should be accessible to all users and have read/write permission. The floating license will
be stored at the selected location.

6. On the next dialog, select First Installation and then enter the license key and
the location on the server (Windows share).

On the location that you have given, a license file 20sim.lic will be installed. Remember
the location of this file because every new user of 20-sim will need to enter it. You will
be asked for confirmation (click Activate Now) and activation will be carried out. After
a successful activation process the License Information dialog will show the new license.

Using a floating license (Other users, Administrator)

If you are using a floating license that was already installed you have to enter the
location of the license file.

7. On the next dialog, select Administrator already installed server license and
then enter the license location (the location of the file 20sim.lic).

After a successful entry of the location of the license location, the License Information
dialog will show the new license.

4.3 Uninstalling
You can uninstall 20-sim by clicking the Uninstall command from the 20-sim start menu.

Warning: Uninstallation of 20-sim will not deactivate your license. If you want to move
20-sim to another computer, you have to deactivate your license first before

4.4 Deactivation
If you want to move 20-sim to another computer, you have to deactivate your license
before uninstalling the program. On the new computer you can then install the program
and activate the license. To deactivate your license:

1. From the Windows Start menu open 20-sim.

2. From the Help menu choose License Activation.

3. Press the Activation button.

4. C hoose Deactivate Current License.

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4. Installation

You will be asked for confirmation and deactivation will start. After a successful
deactivation, your version of 20-sim has turned into the demonstration version. You can
now uninstall the software and reinstall it.

4.5 Unattended Installation

An unattended installation is an installation that is performed without user interaction
during its progress or with no user present at all.
To perform an unattended installation the default 'program files' installation directory run
the following command on the 20-sim installer:

20sim.exe /S

It is possible to set an alternative installation directory by specifying the /D argument. It

must be the last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any quotes,
even if the path contains spaces. Only absolute paths are supported.

20sim.exe /S /D=D:\My Installation Files\20-sim 4.6

4.6 Unattended Uninstall

An unattended uninstall is an uninstall that is performed without user interaction during
its progress or with no user present at all.
To perform an unattended uninstall from the default 'program files' installation directory
run the following command on the 20-sim uninstaller:

C:\Program Files (x86)\20-sim 4.6\Uninstall.exe /S

4.7 Matlab
In 20-sim you can exchange data with Matlab / Simulink in various ways:
Export models as m-files
Export models as dll-files
Export a variable to Matlab
Export a parameter to Matlab
Pass a variable value to Matlab every simulation step
Load a variable value from Matlab every simulation step
Pass a command line string to Matlab every simulation step
Export linear systems to Matlab
Import Linear Systems from Matlab
If this fails check if the following three points have been fulfilled.

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4. Installation

1. Have the correct version of 20-sim and Matlab

To make a connection with Matlab, make sure you have 20-sim or higher
installed and a recent version of Matlab (2007 or above).
64-bit versions of Matlab are supported starting with 20-sim 4.6.

2. Check if it works
To make the connection to Matlab, Matlab needs to be registered as a C OM-component.
Not all Matlab versions register the C OM-component automatically.

1. In 20-sim, open the Simulator (C trl+R)

2. Open the Tools menu

3. C lick the Matlab button

If Matlab starts (be patient this could take some time), the Matlab C OM automation
server is registered properly and you are finished. In case the error message "Could not
start Matlab. Make sure that Matlab is installed and that the Matlab COM automation
server is enabled.", proceed with step 3 and 4.

3. Enable the Matlab COM automation server

To make the connection to Matlab, Matlab needs to be registered as a C OM-component.
This can be done in the following manner from the command line (run: cmd):

matlab /regserver

The C OM-registration only, is not enough for 20-sim to find the DLL's of Matlab. The next
step (setting the PATH variable) must be performed also

4. Matlab registration in PATH

The standard registration of Matlab in the PATH is the following (assuming Matlab is
installed in Program Files and the used version of Matlab is R2015b):

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\bin

The following path should be added too in case of a 32-bit version of Matlab:

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\bin\win32

In this additional path some important DLL's are present that are necessary to make the
connection. for example: libeng.dll. Please check if this DLL is present at this path. If not
try to find this DLL in your Matlab installation and add the found path to the PATH

C hanging the PATH environment variable can be done in the following manner:

1. From "My C omputer", right mouse button: Properties:

2. On Windows: choose Advanced Properties and go further as Admin

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4. Installation

3. C hoose the tab: Advanced

4. C hoose: Environment Variables.

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5. Editor

5 Editor
5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Editor
20-sim consists of two main windows and many tools. The first window is the Editor and
the second is the Simulator. The Editor is used to enter and edit models. The Editor
opens automatically when you start 20-sim:

The 20-sim Editor.

The Editor consists of four parts:

Model tab / Library tab: The Model tab shows the model hierarchy, i.e. the
composition of all the elements of the model. The Library tab shows the 20-sim
Graphical Editor / Equation Editor: At the lowest level of the hierarchy this editor
will show the model equations. In the higher levels this editor will show the graphical
parts of your model.
Output tab / Process tab / Find tab: The Output tab shows the files that are
opened and stored. The Process tab shows the compiler messages. The Find tab
shows the search results.
Interface tab / Icon tab / Globals tab: The Interface tab shows the interface
(inputs, outputs, ports) of a selected model. Double clicking it will open the Interface
Editor. The Icon tab shows the icon of a selected model. Double clicking it will open
the Icon Editor. The Globals tab will show the global parameters and variables of
your model. Double clicking it will open the Global Relations Editor.

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5. Editor

Using the Editor

The best way to find your way around the Editor is to read the Getting Started manual. It
contains a number of topics that will explain the basics of entering equation models,
graphical models and run a simulation.

5.1.2 Equation Editor

Equations models are the models at the lowest level in the model hierarchy. A model
without an interface (inputs, output, ports), will have no hierarchy and is thus
automatically an equation model. If you have opened an equation model, the right part
of the Editor shows the Equation Editor. In the Equation Editor you can enter and edit
equation models.

Equation model with the Equation Editor (right part).

Put your mouse in the Equation Editor and start typing. If you click on the buttons of the
taskbar, sample code is inserted. Read the language reference section to find out more.
Color Syntax Highlighting
Functions, Variables etc. are given special colors to distiguish them from the other text.
Auto Indent
If a line is indented (using the tab), the next line will start at the same indentation. You
can remove indentation by clicking the Backspace button.
Multi-Line Tabbing
You can give multiple lines of code a new indentation by clicking the tab button. Select
all the lines and click Shift-tab to remove.

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5. Editor

5.1.3 Equation Editor Taskbar

When you select an equation model, the corresponding equations are show in the
Equation Editor. A special button bar, called the taskbar, is part of the Equation Editor.
The taskbar helps you to enter functions, statements, templates etc.

The taskbar of the Equation Editor.

Statements: click on this button to insert if-then-else expressions and more.

Functions: click on this button to insert functions.

Specials: click on this button to insert special functions.

Operators: click on this button to insert operators.

Units: click on this button to insert quantities and units.

Declarations: click on this button to insert declarations of parameters, variables

and more.
Constants: click on this button to insert predefined constants.

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5. Editor

5.1.4 Graphical Editor

If you have opened a graphical model, the right part of the Editor shows the Graphical
Editor. In the Graphical Editor you can enter and edit block diagram models, iconic
diagram models and bond graphs.

Graphical model with the Graphical Editor (right part).

Select models from the Model Library and drag them to the Graphical Editor.
You can use the buttons of the taskbar, to connect the models and change their
Drag and drop image files (bitmaps, svg images,..) to enhance the appearance of
your model.
Use the buttons of the taskbar, to create your own drawings.

5.1.5 Graphical Editor Taskbar

When you view or enter a graphical model in 20-sim it is shown in the Graphical Editor.
A special button bar, called the taskbar, is part of the Graphical Editor. The taskbar helps
you to select models, connect them and manipulate them. You can also use the taskbar
to enter drawing objects. The taskbar is also part of the Icon Editor.

The taskbar of the Graphical Editor.

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5. Editor

Selection Mode: C lick this button to select models and objects

Insert Terminals: (Icon Editor only) C lick this button to insert terminals.

Connection Mode: (Graphical Editor only) C lick this button create connections
between models.
Line: C lick this button to draw lines.

Spline: click this button to draw splines.

Rectangle: click this button to draw rectangles.

Ellipse: click this button to draw ellipses.

Text: click this button insert text.

Bitmap: click this button insert bitmaps and images in svg format.

Line Color: click this button to set the line color of a selected object.

Fill Color: click this button to set the fill color of a selected object.

Rotate and Mirror: click this button to rotate or mirror a selected object.

Arrange and Group: click this button to group objects, put them to the front etc.

Line Styles: click this button to select the line style of selected objects.

Zoom: click this button to select the zoom factor. You can also click C trl + mouse
wheel to zoom in and out.

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5. Editor

5.1.6 Search
If you make the Editor wide enough, you will see at the top right a Search box. You can
enter terms here and search them throughout the model. The results are displayed in
the Find tab at the bottom of the Editor.

Using the Find Box to quickly search the model.

Scope: The search scope depends on which level of the model you are in. Only the
current submodel and all submodels below are searched. Select the top element in
the Model Browser (Model tab at the left of the Editor) to search the whole model.
Library: The 20-sim Library is always searched. The library results are shown below
the model search.
Jump: The Find tab shows the found items with an orange hyperlink. C lick on the
hyperlink to quickly jump to the corresponding model.
Find again (F3): C lick the F3 button to quickly jump through the found items in the
Find tab.
Menu: You can also start a search from the menu: from the Edit menu select Find.

5.1.7 Library
In 20-sim, creating models only takes you just a few mouse clicks. By dragging an
element from the library and dropping it in the graphical editor, your model is actually
built the same way as you would draw an engineering scheme. 20-sim supports various
model representations, such as block diagrams and iconic diagrams. These
representations may be combined in one model.

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5. Editor

You can find the library at the left of the Editor.

The library contains a various sections:

Bond Graph: bond graph elements
Iconic Diagrams: Physical components
Signal: Block diagram elements
Tutorial: example models that show you how to perform various tasks in 20-sim
Getting Started: al the models that you need in the lessons of the Getting Started
Custom libraries
You can create your own model libraries in 20-sim:

1. From the Tools menu click Options - Folders - Library Folders.

2. Add your folder.

3. Give it a useful name by clicking Edit Label.

4. C lick OK to close the dialog.

Then you can add your own library models to the library:

1. Select the submodel that you want to store in your library.

2. From the File menu select Save Submodel.

3. Store the submodel in your library folder.

The next time you start up 20-sim, the library will show the new submodel.

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5. Editor

5.1.8 Options
The general properties of 20-sim models are shown in the Options dialog.
From the Settings menu choose the Options command.
From the Tools menu choose the Options command.


Fonts: Enter the default fonts used in graphical models (Editor) and equation models
(Equation Editor).
Syntax Highlighting Threshold: Select the number of characters that should be
submitted for color syntax highlighting. If this number is too large, the editor may
become very slow.
Submodel Colors: Check this option to turn Gradient Fill on. This option will
apply a slight vertical gradient to all blocks with a background color.

You can choose the default settings for a simulation plot in this tab.
Default Line Thickness : Enter the default plot line thickness.

You can choose the location of libraries and files in the Folders tab.
Library Folders: Enter the library paths and corresponding library names here. The
libraries are shown in the Library tab.
C-code Folders: C -code can be generated for various targets. For each target a file
targets.ini defines how the C -code should be generated. You can enter the locations
of ini-files here.
Matlab-Code folders: 20-sim models can be exported to Matlab. Similar to C -code
generation, a file targets.ini defines how the code should be generated. You can enter
the locations of ini-files here.
Model Template Folders: You can enter the location of model templates.
Scripting Interface
20-sim uses the XMLRPC protocol to communicate with external software and run
scripts. By default, 20-sim will only accept scripting connections from your local
computer (Localhost only option is enabled by default). The defaults setting are shown

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5. Editor

The Scripting Interface.

C ommunication can be done by:

HTTP: XMLRPC protocol.
TC P: Optimized for performance binary communication protocol.
Serial: Serial communication using the RS232 port of your computer.

In most cases the default settings should be fine. However, for each of these protocols,
settings may be changed. Ask your system administrator for details.

5.2 Using Models

5.2.1 Hierarchical Models

Any main model (or system) in 20-sim may be described as a composition of lower
level submodels. These submodels themselves may again be described as a composition
of lower level submodels etc. The lowest level consists of elementary submodels, which
do not consist of submodels themselves.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 21

5. Editor

20-sim supports hierarchic model. The lowest model in the hierarchy is always an equation model.

You can inspect this in the Editor. If you click the Model tab at the left of the Editor, the
Model Browser shows complete model hierarchy: a tree like structure showing all the
submodels that are used in the model.

The Model Browser at the left of the Editor shows the complete model hierarchy.

To travel through the hierarchy, click any model in the tree. You can also select a model

in the Graphical Editor and click Go Up or Go Down from the Model menu.

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5. Editor

5.2.2 Open Models

Models in 20-sim are stored with the extension .emx. You can open an existing model in
several ways:

1. From the File menu, select Open.

2. C lick the Library tab and from the Library drag and drop your model to the
Graphical Editor.

3. Open a Windows Explorer. Drag and drop your model to the Graphical Editor.

You can open Packed Files with the Open dialog by selecting a file with the extension

5.2.3 Save Models

Models in 20-sim are stored with the extension .emx. You can save an existing model in
several ways.

1. From the File menu, select Save: This will save the complete model. If no
filename is known a Save dialog is opened.

2. From the File menu, select Save As: This is essentially the same as the Save
command but now the Save dialog is opened even if a filename is known.

3. From the File menu, select Save a copy As : This is similar to Save As but now a
copy of the file is saved instead. This allows the user to keep on working on the
model while saving intermediate experiments.

4. From the File menu, select Save Submodel: This will save the submodel that is
selected in your Graphical Editor.

5. From the File menu, select Save Encrypted: This will allow you to store a model
using encryption. If a submodel was selected, a menu is opened asking you to store
the submodel or the complete model.

Warning: Once a model is encrypted, you can not decrypt it anymore! So keep
cautious that you always store a non-encrypted original.

Encrypted models are useful if you want others to use your 20-sim model,
without seeing the underlying equations. If an encrypted model is loaded in 20-
sim, the Go Down command does not work on that model.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 23

5. Editor

5.2.4 Packed Files

To get a simulation running in 20-sim, the data stored in various files may be needed:
.emx: model files
.txt: data files (fileinput)
.bmp: bitmap files (for use in 3D Animation)
.dll: external dll-files (user defined external functions)

You can pack all these files into one zip-file, using the Pack command from the File
menu. With this command 20-sim will check all the files that are used and store them
into a single zip-file. This option is useful for archiving and sending models by e-mail.


1. When the Pack command is clicked, a Save As dialog appears asking you to
enter a name. Always save with the default extension .emxz because 20-sim
uses this extension to recognize packed files.

After the Save As dialog, a 20-sim Pack dialog appears, showing the collected files. In
this dialog you can select the files that should be packed.

2. Select the files that should be packed and click the OK button.

You can open Packed Files using the Unpack command from the File menu.

1. When the Unpack command is clicked, an Open dialog appears asking you
open a file. Open a file with the extension .emxz because 20-sim uses this
extension to recognize packed files.

After the Open dialog, a 20-sim Unpack dialog appears. In this dialog you can see the
file that you have selected to unpack and you can choose the method of unpacking.

2. If you want to unpack all files and put them in their original location, select the
option Unpack with full path.

3. If you want to unpack all files and to a specific directory, select the option Unpack to

4. Select Keep Relative Paths if you want to keep the original folder structure.

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5.2.5 Insert Models

You can insert submodels from a library using the built in Library tab:

1. C lick the Library tab to open the library.

2. Select the submodel that you want to insert and drag and drop it in the
Graphical Editor.

You can also use a file browser:

1. From the File menu, select Open Browser. The File Explorer appears.
2. Select the submodel of interest and drag and drop it in the Graphical Editor.

5.2.6 Connecting Models

In 20-sim, submodels can be connected using the mouse. When a connection is created
it will be displayed using straight lines. When a connection has been made you can
change it into a smooth line using the right mouse menu. You can change the color of a
connection using the colorbar at the bottom of the Editor. 20-sim supports two types of
mouse use. "Tapping Mode" and "Pressing Mode". In the Tapping Mode you click the
mouse button (do not keep it pressed but quickly "tap" the button) while making a
connection. In the Pressing Mode you keep the mouse button pressed while making a
Tapping Mode
To connect two submodels using straight lines, you have to:

1. In the toolbar, click to change to connection mode.

2. Put the mouse pointer on top of the first submodel and click the left mouse
button (do not keep it pressed but quickly "tap" the button).

3. Drag the mouse pointer towards the second submodel (you will see a connection
drawn from the first submodel towards the mouse pointer).

4. Put the mouse pointer on top of the second submodel and click the left mouse
button again (do not keep it pressed but quickly "tap" the button).

5. While dragging from the first submodel to the second, you can click the left
mouse button (do not keep it pressed but quickly "tap" the button) to
create intermediate points.

Pressing Mode
To connect two submodels using straight lines, you have to:

1. In the toolbar, click to change to connection mode.

2. Put the mouse pointer on top of the first submodel and press left mouse
button (keep it pressed).

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3. Drag the mouse pointer towards the second submodel (you will see a connection
drawn from the first submodel towards the mouse pointer).

4. Put the mouse pointer on top of the second submodel and release the left mouse

5. While dragging from the first submodel to the second, you can click the right
mouse button to create intermediate points.

Smooth Line
To connect two submodels using a smooth line, you have to:

1. Make a straight line connection with intermediate points.

2. In the toolbar, click to change to selection mode.

3. Select the connection that was created.

4. From the right mouse menu select "smooth line".


20-sim will automatically detect which connection has to be made: a signals, a bond
or an iconic diagram connection.
Depending on the physical domain, every connection will have a specific color. You
can change these colors in the Units Editor.

You can toggle between connection mode and selection mode by pressing the
space bar.

5.2.7 Implode / Explode

Using the Implode command of the Editor menu you can quickly create a new
submodel out of a set of select submodels.

1. In the toolbar, click to change to selection mode.

2. Select the the submodels.

3. From the Edit menu, click the Implode command.

Using the Explode command of the Editor menu you can quickly open the contents of a
selected submodel in the current model layer.

1. In the toolbar, click to change to selection mode.

2. Select a submodel.

3. From the Edit menu, click the Explode command.

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5.2.8 Simplify Models

Use the Simplify Model command to simplify graphical models according to the following
Block Diagrams

1. Comb ining splitters.

2. Combining of multiplications and/or divisions.

Bond Graphs

1. Eliminating junctions.

2. Melt equal junctions.

3. Eliminating double differences.

Iconic Diagrams

1. Eliminating nodes.

To simplify a (sub)model, you have to:

1. Select the complete model or submodel of which you want to simplify.

2. From the Model menu select the Simplify Model command.

5.2.9 Check Models

To check a complete model, you have to:

1. From the Model menu select the Check Complete Model command. Now the
complete model will be checked.

If any warnings or errors are found, they are displayed in Process tab of the Editor.

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In the Process tab the compiler messages are displayed.

2. Put you mouse on top of an error message and click.

20-sim will jump to the part where the error was caused. You can try to solve the error
and check again.

5.2.10 Model Properties

The properties of 20-sim models are shown in the Model Properties dialog. You can open
the Model Properties in various ways.
Select the proper model in the Model Browser and then click Properties from the
Right Mouse menu.
Select the model in the Graphical Editor and then click Properties from the Right
Mouse menu.
From the File menu choose the Properties command.
From the Settings menu choose the Model command.
From the Settings menu choose the Submodel command.
Depending if a submodel was selected or a main model, various tabs are visible:

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The model properties dialog.

In this tab you can enter the name of the submodel and enter various fields to
classify a model. The most important elements are:
Name: Enter a unique name for the model.
Help Page: Enter the location of a help page that should be displayed when
you click F1 or Help.
Version: The version number of the model. The version number can be
displayed in the background and is included if you generate C-code from the
In this tab you can find information on location of the model and some important
Version: The version of 20-sim that was used to create the model.
Library Path: If the model was stored in a known library, the path is shown.
Library File: The relative location of the submodel in the library or the absolute
location of the model submodel on your computer.
Created: The date of creation.
Main Model / Submodel: Shows if the model is a main model or submodel.
Allow model updates: Allow the C heck for Model Updates command to check if there
is an update available for this model.
Replace parameters when this model is used to update another model: If you drag
and drop a model from the library on top of an existing model, it will be replaced.
Select this option if you want the original parameters to be replaced as well.

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Background Image
In this tab you can specify a background image for the model. If the model is a
graphical model, in the background the image is shown.
None: default, no image shown.
Inherit From Parent: Use the background that was defined one model higher in the
model hierarchy.
Static Bitmap: Specify the bitmap file to be used.
Script File: You can specify a script file if you want to use a dynamic background.
Scaling: Scaling of the background image.
This tab is only available for main models. 20-sim can operate in two modes: Debug
Mode and Fast Mode. In this tab you can define settings for both modes.

Model contains algebraic variables: See the section on algebraic loops.
Model contains algebraic loops: See the section on algebraic loops.
Algebraic variables solved: See the section on algebraic loops.
Model contains constraint variables: See the section on constraints.
Constraint variables solved: See the section on constraints.
Model contains dependant states: The model contains differential equations which
could not be solved.
Dependent states are transformed: The model contains differential equations which
were solved.
Output is not used: Output signals that are not used for connections to other models.
Input is not used: Input signals that are not used for connections to other models (to
make such models simulate, a zero input value is applied to all not-connected inputs)
Port is not used: Ports that are not connected.
Parameter is not used: Parameters that are defined but not used.
Matrix is assigned a scalar: A matrix is assigned to a scalar.
Variable is not used: Variables that are defined but not used.
Variable Multiple set: Variables that are assigned a value more than once.
Variable is never given a value: Variables that are never assigned a value.
Variable is set but not used: The variable is assigned a value but never used.
Unit Conversion when SI disabled: Not relevant yet.
Unit Conversion when SI enabled: A unit conversion was found.
Unit missing for variable when SI disabled: Not relevant yet.
Quantities Mismatch: Variables with different quantities are compared.
Unit is unknown: A unit has been used that is not available in the Quantities and Units
Equations interpreted as code: Equations can only be valid when interpreted as
sequential code. For example when variables are assigned more then once.

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Possible loss of data at type conversion: A type conversion has been found that may
lead to loss of precision digits.
Type conversion found: A type conversion has been found.
Conversion of booleans found: A type conversions involving booleans has been

Model optimization
Transform Dependents States: Try to solve differential equations.
Solve algebraic variables: Try to analytically solve algebraic loops.
Remove Redundant Equations: Try to remove equations that do not influence model
Optimize Equation Structure: Try to separate equations into an input section, a
dynamic section and an output section.
Optimize Static Expressions: Move expressions with constant output throughout the
simulation to the static part of the model equations.
Optimize Duplicate Expressions: C alculate and expression only once and use the
result everywhere.
Optimize Divisions: Rewrite divisions as multiplications whenever possible.
This tab is only available for main models. You can set the simulator properties here.
Initialize variables at start of simulation: You can choose to set any variable that
was not given a proper value, to zero at the start of a simulation. You can also
choose to set the value to NaN to make detection more easy.
Calculate Hold Instruction During Initialization: C alculate an output for hold
functions during the initialization of the a simulation.

5.2.11 General Properties

The general properties of 20-sim models are shown in the Options dialog.
From the Settings menu choose the Options command.
From the Tools menu choose the Options command.


Fonts: Enter the default fonts used in graphical models (Editor) and equation models
(Equation Editor).
Syntax Highlighting Threshold: Select the number of characters that should be
submitted for color syntax highlighting. If this number is too large, the editor may
become very slow.
Submodel Colors: Check this option to turn Gradient Fill on. This option will
apply a slight vertical gradient to all blocks with a background color.

You can choose the default settings for a simulation plot in this tab.

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Default Line Thickness : Enter the default plot line thickness.

You can choose the location of libraries and files in the Folders tab.
Library Folders: Enter the library paths and corresponding library names here. The
libraries are shown in the Library tab.
C-code Folders: C -code can be generated for various targets. For each target a file
targets.ini defines how the C -code should be generated. You can enter the locations
of ini-files here.
Matlab-Code folders: 20-sim models can be exported to Matlab. Similar to C -code
generation, a file targets.ini defines how the code should be generated. You can enter
the locations of ini-files here.
Model Template Folders: You can enter the location of model templates.
Scripting Interface
20-sim uses the XMLRPC protocol to communicate with external software and run
scripts. By default, 20-sim will only accept scripting connections from your local
computer (Localhost only option is enabled by default). The defaults setting are shown

The Scripting Interface.

C ommunication can be done by:

HTTP: XMLRPC protocol.
TC P: Optimized for performance binary communication protocol.
Serial: Serial communication using the RS232 port of your computer.

In most cases the default settings should be fine. However, for each of these protocols,
settings may be changed. Ask your system administrator for details.

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5.2.12 Check Energetic Behavior

If you select the Check Energetic Behaviour command of the Model menu, 20-sim
will check the complete model and generate additional variables. The additional
variables will only be generated for submodels with powerports:
power for every power port.
the net power that flows into the submodel (total sum of all the powers).
the net energy of the submodel (integrated net power)

This command is the same as C heck C omplete Model command but will generate extra
Sumodelname\port.power: the net power flow of the port.
Sumodelname\summated_port_power: the net power flow into the model.
Sumodelname\summated_port_energy: the net energy of the model.

You can inspect these variables during simulation in the Variable C hooser.

5.2.13 Analyze Causality

C ausal analysis is the procedure to get the model equations correct form. For Bond
Graph models this means that the direction of the efforts and flows of the bonds have to
be determined. The result of the analysis is displayed by causal strokes (denoted by |).
For Iconic Diagrams this means that the direction of the across and through variables of
the connections have to be determined. The result of the analysis is displayed by causal
arrows (denoted by -> ).

To perform causal analysis you have to:

1. From the Model menu select the Analyze Causality command. Now causality
will be assigned in the complete model.

Bond Graphs

C ausal strokes are shown in Bond Graphs automatically.

Setting C ausality can also be done by hand. Just select a bond and choose Properties
from the right mouse menu. A menu pops up in which you can set causality by hand.
The corresponding causal stroke is displayed in green (denoted by |).

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User defined causality (denoted by |).

If 20-sim fails to perform a causal analysis of the model (a causal conflict), the
corresponding bond is displayed red.

A causal conflict (denoted by the red bond).

Some submodels have a preferred causality. If assignment of the preferred causality

is not possible (because of other constraints), the corresponding causal stroke is
displayed in orange (denoted by |).

Preferred causality not assigned (denoted by |).

To see the order in which automatic causality assignment has been performed,
choose Causality Info from the View menu.

Iconic Diagrams

C ausality in Iconic Diagrams is only shown when you select the Causality Info
command of the View Menu.

Causal Information shown by arrows.

If 20-sim fails to perform a causal analysis of the model (a causal conflict), the
corresponding connection is displayed red.

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5.2.14 Implementations
A model may have various implementations. It means that you can combine several
versions of a model and store them in one file. If you drag and drop a model with
implementations, 20-sim will ask which one to use.
A fine example of a model with various implementations is the model
MachineDynamics.emx from the Examples\1D mechanics library. This example model
has several submodels with implementations:


The selected implementation is shown between brackets in the Model Browser .

When you drag and drop a model with implementation into the Graphical Editor you will
be asked which implementation to use. In the Model Browser, the chosen
implementation is shown between brackets (Default and ZeroMean in the picture above).
If you hover the mouse above a submodel with an implementation, you also see the
chosen implementation between brackets. While modeling, you may decide to change
the implementation. This can easily be done by selecting the submodel and clicking the
right mouse menu. C hoose Implementation and select the implementation that you want
to use.

You can make submodels with implementations yourself:

1. Select a submodel.

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2. From the right mouse menu choose Edit Implementation and Add New.

3. Enter the name of the implementation and click OK.

4. Store the submodel using the Save Submodel command of the File menu.

You can change the implementation:

1. Select the submodel.

2. From the right mouse menu choose Edit Implementation and select the
implementation that you want to change.

3. Make the changes that you want in the submodel.

4. Store the submodel using the Save Submodel command of the File menu.

5.2.15 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Models

In 20-sim you can model continuous-time systems, discrete-time systems and
combinations of continuous-time systems and discrete-time systems (hybrid) systems.
By default, models in 20-sim are continuous-time, and simulated using continuous-time
integration methods. However, the program will automatically identify discrete-time
parts in a model and simulate them at a fixed rate.
C ontinuous-time models describe real-world processes. To simulate a continuous-time
model, the model will be calculated many steps per second to get a result that is a good
representation of the real-world process. If you model a car suspension system, about
100 steps per second might be sufficient to give a good representation of the behaviour
of the car. If you model an electronics circuit, 100.000 steps per second might be
required. The default integration method in 20-sim will automatically choose the required
steps per second.
Discrete-time models describe processes that run on computers at a fixed rate. To
simulated a discrete-time model, you only have to indicate the rate at which the model
should be calculated. This is called the sample rate or sample frequency. The sample
rate of a discrete-time part can be set in the Simulator.
Mixed Models
In 20-sim you can model in continuous-time and discrete-time. Mixed models containing
discrete-time parts and continuous time parts are supported as well. The example below
shows a continuous time model of a PI-controlled system at the top. At the bottom the
same system is shown with a discrete time controller and a continuous-time system. The
discrete-time part is indicated by green input and output lines.

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Discrete-time parts of a model are indicated by green inputs and outputs.

Identification of Discrete-Time Parts

In 20-sim every model is continuous-time by default. Discrete-time parts of a model are
identified by the occurrence of special functions:

Normally these functions are hidden in the equations that describe a submodel, but 20-
sim will automatically recognize that the input or output of such a function should be
discrete-time. If the output is discrete-time it is propagated to the next function, which
output is then also "tagged" as discrete-time, and so on until the whole discrete-time
part of a model is identified. A discrete time part of a model is indicated by green inputs
and outputs (see previous picture).
C ontinuous-time parts of a model can be connected to discrete-time parts, by using the
sample: The sample function has a discrete-time input and continuous-time output.
hold: The hold function has a continuous-time input and a discrete-time output.

You can find these functions for example in the following library models:
DA.emx (Discrete to Analog C onverter)

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AD.emx (Analog to Digital C onverter)

Encoder.emx (Optical Encode)

Forbidden Functions

In a discrete part of a model, certain functions are not allowed, because they
are specifically meant for the use in continuous-time models:

If you use a library model that contains such a function in a discrete-time part,
an error message will be given.

5.2.16 Working with Multi-Dimensional Models

Multi-Dimensional models are models that have connections which are of a size [n,m]
with either n or m larger than one. Here n is the numbers of rows and m is the numbers
of columns. More information on this matrix notation can be found in the topic on
matrices and vectors.

The advantage of multidimensional models is shown in the example below. On top two
submodels are connected by three (single) signals. The same submodels are also shown
below, connected by one multi-dimensional signal of size [3,1]. If these submodels have
to be used a lot, multi-dimensional signals or multi-signals, are easier to use. Multi-
dimensional signals, bonds and connections are shown in 20-sim by double lines.

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The Secret: Multi-Dimensional Ports

The secret of multi-dimensional models is hidden in the model interface. If you open the
Interface Editor to inspect an interface, you will notice that each port (signal, iconic
diagram or bond graph) has a default size (dimension) of 1 (1 Row, 1 C olumn). By
increasing the number of rows and/or columns this size can be increased.

Definition of Multi-ports: increase the number of rows or columns.

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The Trick: Automatic Connection

When two submodels are connected, 20-sim will automatically check for the port-sizes
and create a connection:

1. If the port-sizes are unequal, an error message will be generated.

2. If both ports have size one, a single signal, bond or connection will be drawn.

3. If both ports have a size larger then one, a multi-signal, multi-bond or multi-
connection will be drawn.

The Finishing Touch: Matrices and Vectors

Behind each multi-dimensional submodel, there are equations in the end. To combine
multi-dimensional ports with equations, you can use matrices and vectors. 20-sim has a
large connection of matrix and vector functions and operators, to help you define any
possible matrix equation. For example the gain model in the picture on top, could have
been described as shown below.

Use the matrix and vector notation to define the model equations.

5.2.17 Exporting Models

There are several methods to export 20-sim models.

Export to previous versions of 20-sim

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You can save a model file using the Save command or the Save As command from the
File menu. If you want to save part of you model, use the Save Submodel command
of the File menu. A Save dialog will be opened in which you can enter the model name
and location. At the bottom of the dialog, you can use the Save As Type box to select the
file type:

Model files (*.emx) Standard 20-sim 4.x format

Packed files (*.emz) Zipped file including all linked files (e.g. datafiles,
dll's, bitmaps etc.)
Sidops text files Save model as text file.

Export to zip file

You can save a model and all externally linked files into one zip-file, using the Pack
command of the File menu. With the Unpack command of the File menu, you can open
these zip-files.
Export to Clipboard
From the File menu click Export and To File to export a selected model as a drawing
to the clipboard (Windows Enhanced Metafile format).
Export to File
From the File menu click Export and To File to export a selected model as a drawing
to a file (Windows Enhanced Metafile format).
Export to HTML
From the File menu click Export and To HTML to export the model, simulations etc. to
an HTML file for the use in a word processor.
Export to Bitmap
From the File menu click Export and To Bitmap to export a selected model as a
drawing to a file (png format).
Export to Matlab (m-file)
To export 20-sim models to Matlab, from the Editor you have to select the File menu
and then click Export to Matlab/Simulink command. This will open a Matlab-Code
Generation dialog. You can choose to export a complete model or a submodel. In both
cases, three m-files are generated:
ModelName.m: A file containing the model equations and special 20-sim functions.
The model equations are directly translated from the equations that are shown with
the Show Equations command of the Model menu.
ModelName_run.m: An example file showing you how to run a simulation with the
exported model in 20-sim.
ModelName_print.m: This file contains a function that is used in the run file.

Export to Simulink (m-file)

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20-sim models are exported to Simulink S-functions. S-functions are block diagram
elements of which the internal description can be an m-file or a dll-file. 20-sim can
export both types. M-files can be opened from within Matlab and are therefore more
accessible. Dll-files are compiled out of C -code, which makes them inaccessible, but a lot
faster. Simulink does not support powerports. Therefore the powerports in a 20-sim
model are translated to input and output ports.

To export 20-sim models to Simulink with an m-file description, from the Editor select
the File menu and then click Export to Matlab/Simulink command. This will open a
Matlab-Code Generation dialog. You can choose to export a complete model or a
submodel. In both cases, two files are generated:
ModelName_.mdl: The exported 20-sim model based on a m-file that describes the
ModelName.m: An m-file that contains the model equations and special 20-sim
functions. The model equations are directly translated from the equations that are
shown with the Show Equations command of the Model menu.

Export to Simulink (dll-file)

To export 20-sim models to Simulink with an dll-file description, from the Simulator you
have to select the Tools menu and then click the C-code generation command. This
will open the C-code Generation dialog where you can choose to export to a Simulink S-

If you select the OK button, ANSI C -C ode will be generated and compiled into a dll-
function. Some files will be generated of which two are needed in Simulink:
ModelName_.mdl: The exported 20-sim model based on a dll-file that describes the
ModelName.dll: A dll-file that contains the model equations and special 20-sim
functions. The model equations are directly translated from the equations that are
shown with the Show Equations command of the Model menu.

5.2.18 Documentation Editor

The Documentation Editor can be open from the File menu in the 20-sim Editor by
clicking Document. The Document Editor can be used to generate an html document that
can be used for Word Processors and Presentation software.

The Document Editor will generate an html document that is fully hyperlinked. From a
table of contents you can click to go to the desired part of the document. You can also
click in pictures to go to the desired submodels.

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The 20-sim Documentation Editor.

General Items
File: Select the output file.
Source: Select the whole model or parts of it.
Submodel: If documentation of a part of the model should be documented,
select the desired submodel.
Table of Contents: Select this option to start the document with a table of contents.
Information: Information on the creation date, user, file location etc.
Structure: The model hierarchy (list of all submodels, their submodels etc.).
Information: Information on the creation date, user, file location etc.
Icon: The picture of the submodel icon.
Interface: The inputs, outputs and ports.
Implementation: The model implementation with equations at the lowest level.
Constants: List of the constants that are used in the model.
Parameters: List of the parameters that are used in the model.
Initial Values: List of the starting values of the states of the model.
Plots: Show pictures of the plots.
Plot Properties: Show the plot settings.
Frequency Response: Show the frequency responses.
Favorite Parameters: List of the favorite parameters that are used in the model.
Favorite Variables: List of the favorite variables.
Variables: List of the variables.

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Run: list of the run settings.

Multiple Run: List of the multiple run settings.

5.2.19 Check for Model Updates

Most 20-sim models will be built using predefined submodels from a library. You can use
the Check for Model Updates command of the Models menu to see if there are updates
of these submodels. A window will open, showing you all the predefined library


Library Paths: This part shows the libraries that are included in the search for
predefined submodels. You can select or deselect these libraries. You can add
your own libraries in the General Properties window.
Models: This part shows all the submodels of which a match has been found in
the libraries.
Model Name : The local name of the submodel.
Status: Shows if the match is older, equal or newer.
Original Filename : Original name of the submodel file.
Original Directory: Original location of the submodel file.
Model Time Stamp: Time when the used model was saved.
Library Time Stamp: Time when the library model was saved.
The Check for Model Updates command will only check the time stamp of a model. If
you have changed a submodel, without saving it, the time stamp is not altered.
To prevent models from being included in the updates check, switch off the Allow
model updates option of the Model properties.

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If you are not sure if a submodel should be changed, open the new library submodel
in a separate Editor first.

5.2.20 Backgrounds
Graphical models may be shown with a background picture. In the Editor from the
Settings menu choose the Model command to define the settings.
Static Backgrounds
Static backgrounds are just bitmaps files that you can define.
Dynamic Backgounds
Dynamic Background are .svg files in which you can enter 20-sim tokens (e.g. the model
name, date, creator etc.). The tokens are replaced by 20-sim and then the .svg file has
to be converted into a bitmap image. 20-sim uses the open source software Inkscape
(http://inkscape.org) to make this conversion.

To get a clear understanding of this mechanism, have a look at the example model
Examples\Tips and Tricks\Background images\BackgroundImage.emx. You can open it
from the model library. In this model backgrounds are explained.

In the same folder where the model is stored, a background image named
background.svg can be found. This an image file which contains 20-sim specific tokens
like %SUBMODELNAME% and %DESC RIPTION%. These tokens will be automatically
replaced by 20-sim. Have a look at the example model to see the list of available
In the same folder where the model is stored, an .xml file named
inkscape_background.xml can be found. This is a script file that replaces the tokens
and converts the .svg file into a png bitmap, using inkscape.

To create your own dynamic backgrounds:

1. C reate an .svg image with the tokens that you want to use. Store it in the folder
where your model is located.

2. C opy the .xml file inkscape_background.xml to your own .xml file and make it refer
to the new .svg file. Store it in the folder where your model is located.

3. In the 20-sim model open the Model Properties. In the Background Image tab,
select Script File and enter the name of your .xml file.

5.2.21 Keyboard shortcuts

This is a list of keyboard shortcuts in the graph editor.

Command Shortcut
Open File [C trl] + O
Print [C trl] + P
Save File [C trl] + S

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Current Page
Command Shortcut
Zoom in [F4]
Zoom out [F5]
Zoom reset [F6]
Zoom to fit [F7]
Command Shortcut
C opy [C trl] + C
C ut [C trl] + V
Delete [Del]
Duplicate [C trl] + D
Paste [C trl] + V
Redo [C trl] + Y
Select All [C trl] + A
Undo [C trl] + Z
Command Shortcut
Find [C trl] + F
Find Again [F3]

5.3 Compiling

5.3.1 Compiling Models

When you enter a model and open the Simulator or when you select the Check
Complete Model command of the Model menu, the model will be compiled. During
compilation, 20-sim will perform a number of tasks.
Error Checking
Type checking: 20-sim will search for illegal type conversion and possible loss of
Unit Checking: Many models in 20-sim use units and quantities. 20-sim will check for
a proper use of these units and quantities.

Optimizing Model Structure

Analyze causality: determine the causal order of equations.

Integral Form: Equations are changed to integral form as much as possible.
Solving differential equations: Differential equations are solved directly if possible.
Solving Algebraic Loops: Algebraic loops are solved to their analytical solution, where

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Optimizing Equation Structure: Some equations have to be calculated only once

during each simulation step, because they do not influence the model dynamics.
Depending on their relation to the model dynamics (needed for or a result of) these
equations are calculated before the model dynamics (input equations) or after the
model dynamics (output equations)
Remove redundant equations: A lot of model equations are just assignments like
var1 = var2, where one variable is already known. 20-sim reduces these equations
from the model and maps the unknown variables to known variables.

After these tasks a complete equation model is created, which can be inspected using
the Show Equations command of the Model menu. After the complete equation model
has been created the following tasks are applied:
Find the correct order of execution: All equations will split up into their most simple
form and rewritten into the correct order of execution.
Interpreter Code: C reate interpreter like code out of the equations. This is low level
code that can be understood by the simulation algorithms.
Machine Code: When you have the Built-In compiler option selected, the interpreter
code is compiled into platform specific 32-bit machine code. This code uses the full
power of native Pentium and 486 instructions. The result is a dramatic increase of
simulation speed: 100% to 400 %, depending on the kind of model used!

Simulation Code
The resulting code, either interpreter code or machine code, is used in the Simulator to
perform simulation runs with and therefore also know as simulation code. As we have
learned, the simulation code can be quite different from the original model equations. To
denote the function of each original model variable in the simulation code, 20-sim uses
the following names:
independent rate
independent state
dependent rate
dependent state
algebraic loop in
algebraic loop out
interesting variable
hidden variable

5.3.2 Causal Form

Equations within 20-sim may be entered in random form. During compilation, 20-sim will
automatically try to rewrite equations into a causal form and set them in a correct order.
I.e. a form where all output variables are written as function of input variables. C onsider
for example the following model:

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real u,z;
u = sin(time);
u = cos(z);

Here the (input) variable u is given by the equation u = sin(time). C onsequently the
(output) variable z should be written as a function of u. This is exactly what 20-sim will
try to do while compiling the model into simulation code. I.e. the function cos will be
inverted and the model will be rewritten to:

real u,z;
u = sin(time);
z = arccos(u);

Some functions cannot be inverted. C onsequently not all equations can be rewritten. 20-
sim will report this to the user, during model checking.
Indifferent Causality
For some models the causal form is not known beforehand. For example the iconic
diagram model that describes a damper can be written as:

real d;
p.F = d*p.v;

Here p.F denotes the force and p.v denotes the velocity of the powerport p. There is no
preferred input (force or velocity). This can be explicitly stated, by giving the powerport
p an indifferent causality. During compilation 20-sim will determine whether p.F or p.v is
the input variable and consequently rewrite the equations.
Preferred Causality
For some models there is a preferred causal form. For example the iconic diagram
model that describes a spring can be written as:

real k;
p.F = (1/k)*int(p.v);

Here p.F denotes the force and p.v denotes the velocity of the powerport p. The equation
is written in integral form which is preferred. C onsequently the preferred input is the
velocity. Should the force be the input, the equation must be rewritten to a differential
form, which is leads to less efficient simulation. This can be explicitly stated, by giving
the powerport p an preferred causality. During compilation 20-sim will try to keep the
model in this preferred form. If this is not possible the equations will be rewritten to the
less preferred form.

Preferred causality has a lower priority than fixed causality. During compilation 20-sim
will first assign all models with a fixed causality and then all models with preferred

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Likes Causality
For some models there is a causal form which is liked more than the other. For example
the iconic diagram model that describes a parasitic volume can be written as:

effortincausality(p) then
p.phi = 0;
volume_ratio = int(p.phi/V);
p.p = B * volume_ratio + p_initial;

Here p.phi denotes the volume flow and p.p denotes the pressure of the powerport p.
The equation is written in integral form which is liked. C onsequently the preferred output
is the pressure. Should the pressure be the input, the equation gives a zero flow as
output. During compilation 20-sim will first try to keep all models the liked form. If this is
not possible the equations will be rewritten to the other form.

Liked causality has a lower priority than preferred causality. During compilation 20-sim
will first assign all models with a preferred causality and then all models with likes
Fixed Causality
For some models there is only one causal form. For example a simple iconic diagram
model that describes coulomb friction can be written as:

real Rc;
p.F = Rc*abs(p.v);

Here p.F denotes the force and p.v denotes the velocity of the powerport p. The equation
cannot be rewritten to a form where p.F is the input. This can be explicitly stated, by
giving the powerport p a fixed causality. During compilation 20-sim will try to keep the
model in this fixed form. If this is not possible an error message will be generated.

Fixed causality has a lower priority than a likes causality. During compilation 20-sim will
first assign all models with a likes causality and then all models with fixed causality.
Setting Causality
For some models, the equations are too complex to analyze causality. To help 20-sim,
using the right causality, you can set causality for every port in the Interface Editor.

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5.3.3 Integral Form

C onsider the following first order linear model:

This model can be described by the dynamic equation:

output = int( input - K*output )

Now look at the following model:

This model can be described by the dynamic equation:

output = ( input - ddt(output) )/K

Note that we can rewrite this equation as:

ddt(output) = input - K*output


output = int( input - K*output )

This is the same equation as the previous model! Apparently, both models are the same!
Both models can therefore be described by the dynamic equations:

ddt(output) = input - K*output

output = int( input - K*output )

We call the first equation the differential form (no integrals). The second equation is
called the integral form (no derivatives). In 20-sim, models can be entered in integral
form as well as the differential form.
Solving Differential Equations
During compilation, 20-sim will automatically try to rewrite equations into the integral
form, since this leads to more efficient simulation. Sometimes an integral form cannot be
found. Then algorithms will be applied to solve the differential directly. For example an
equation like:

output = ddt(sin(a*time))

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will be replaced by the following equation (applying the chain rule and using the known
derivative for the sine function):

output = a*cos(a*time)

Sometimes a differential cannot be solved directly. Then only the Backward-

Differentiation Methods can be used for simulation.
Simulation Code
After compilation simulation code is generated. The equation in integral form:

output = int( input - K*output )

will be written as:

independent state = output

independent rate = input - K*output

and can be handled by all integration methods. The equation in differential form:

ddt(output) = input - K*output

will be written as:

dependent rate = input - K*output

dependent state = output

and can only be handled by the Backward-Differentiation Methods.

5.3.4 Algebraic Loops

An algebraic loop in a model is a loop consisting of elements without "memory like"
functions. To calculate the variables in this loop, the variable values themselves are
needed. C onsider the following example of an algebraic loop in an amplifier with
negative feedback:

Standard derivation of a simulation model would yield:

x = K*(u-x)

The variable x depends on its own value and must be solved by iteration. In 20-sim
every simulation algorithm is accompanied by an iteration routine. Fortunately 20-sim is
able to solve many algebraic loops at equation level. For this model this leads to the
analytic solution the system:

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x = K*u/(1+K)
Simulating algebraic loops
Although 20-sim contains a sophisticated algorithms to find analytic solutions, the
occurrence of unbreakable loops can not always be prevented. The occurrence of
algebraic loops may lead to an increase of simulation time, or even stop simulation when
iteration fails.

The best solution for these problems is to have a critical look at the model and change
the order of calculations in a model. Possible solutions are:
Algebraic Loops occur when the order of calculations is arbitrary. When an algebraic
loop occurs in an equation model or in a set of equation models, you may change the
order of calculation by rewriting the equations. The calculation order in bond graph
models can be changed by introducing hand-defined causality.
Introduce ‘parasitic’ energy storage elements (e.g. a small mass, a small capacitor
etc.) to break an algebraic loop. These elements introduce however, large poles in
the state equations, which might increase the simulation time considerably.
Delete elements in the algebraic loop which are not relevant for the model’s
simulation output (e.g. small dampers, very stiff springs etc.). C are should however
be taken, since correct deletions are not always possible and require considerable
modeling skill and intuition.
C ombine dual elements. Sometimes elements of the same type can be combined by
adding the parameter values (e.g. combining a mass m1 and a mass m2 to a mass
m1 + m2). This will in most cases decrease the amount of algebraic loops.

5.3.5 Order of Execution

Equations within 20-sim may be entered in random form. During compilation, 20-sim will
automatically try to rewrite equations into a correct order of execution. I.e. a form
where all output variables are written as function of input variables and output variables
of previous lines. C onsider for example the following equations:

real u,z;
z = sin(u);
u = cos(time);

Here the (input) variable z is given as a function of u. C onsequently u should be

calculated first. This is exactly what 20-sim will try to do while compiling the model into
simulation code. I.e. the equations will be executed as:

u = cos(time);
z = sin(u);
Code Blocks
Equations in a code block are not reordered. A code block is a set of equations inside a
statement. Suppose we have the following equations:

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if condition then
code block 1
code block 2

To prevent incorrect executions of the if-statement, the equations of the code blocks will
not be separated. Inside a code-block, equations can are not rewritten into an new order
of execution. E.g. the following equations:

if time > 10 then

z = sin(u);
a = z^2;
u = cos(time);

Will be not be reordered and therefore not correctly executed! To get correct code,
enter code blocks in a correct order, e.g.:

if time > 10 then

u = cos(time);
z = sin(u);
a = z^2;
Prevent Order Changes
To make all equations a code block you can use the code section. E.g.

real y = 8;
real x1, x2, x3;
x1 = time;
x2 = sin(time);
x3 = y*x1;
Integration Steps
Some integration algorithms do more calculations before generating the next output
value. These calculations are called minor steps, the output generation is called a major
step. During a minor step, all model equations are executed. In most cases you will not
notice this because only the results of the major step are shown in the simulator. There
are however, exceptions. The next topic will discuss this in more detail.

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5.3.6 Integration Steps

Some integration methods do more calculations before generating the next output value.
These calculations are called minor steps, the output generation is called a major

integration method minor steps

Euler 0

Backward Euler variable

Adams-Bashford 2 0

Runge Kutta 2 1

Runge-Kutta 4 3

Runge Kutta Dormand Prince 8 variable

Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg variable

Vode Adams variable

Backward Differentiation Formula (BDF) variable

Modified Backward Differentiation Formula variable


Execution of Equations
During a minor step, all model equations are executed. In most cases you will not notice
this because only the results of the major step are shown in the simulator. There is one
exception. If you use equations like

real y;
y = 0;
y = y + 1;

you will find that the value of y depends on the integration method that is used. The
reason is obvious once your realize that the equations are executed during minor steps.
If you use a Runge Kutta 2 integration method, there is one minor step during which y is
increased and one major step during which y is increased again!

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To prevent an equation from being calculated during minor steps, you can us the
predefined variable major. This variable will return the boolean false when calculations
are performed for a minor step and will return true when calculations are performed
during a major step. The major variable is used for example in the library model
Amplitude Sensor:

real initial = 0.0;
real prev, peak;
peak = initial;
prev = 0;
output = initial;
if major then
peak = max([abs(input), peak]);
if (input > 0 and prev < 0) or (input < 0 and prev > 0) then
output = peak;
peak = 0;
prev = input;

Note that the initial values are set in the initialequations section, because we do no want
the variables to be set to zero at every integration step. Instead of an equations section,
a code section is used to prevent 20-sim from rewriting the equations in a different

5.3.7 Show Equations

During processing a complete set of equations is generated of each model. To inspect
these equations or copy them for use in other programs, you have to:

1. From the Model menu select the Check Complete Model command.

2. From the Model menu select the Show Equations command.

Now a window is popped up showing all the model equations.

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The model equations after compiling.

5.4 Icon Editor

5.4.1 Icon Editor

The Icon Editor is a vector oriented drawing editor that can be used to create custom
made icons for any 20-sim model. You can also use the Icon Editor to change the
appearance of existing models.

The 20-sim Icon Editor can be used to create custom made model icons.

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1. In the Editor select the model that you want to give a new appearance.

2. From the Tools menu select Icon Editor,

3. or from the right mouse menu select Edit Icon,

4. or at the bottom left of the Editor click the Icon tab and in the Icon tab double


1. Use the taskbar buttons or the menu commands to insert objects and edit these

2. If you are satisfied with the icon, insert the terminals.

3. From the Icon Editor menu, select File and Update.

4. Close the Icon Editor.

5.4.2 Terminals
Most submodels will contain ports (i.e an input signal, an output signal or a power port).
If you are creating submodel icons, you want to indicate the connection points of these
ports. These connection points are called terminals. In the Icon Editor you can define the
position of the terminals.

1. In the taskbar click the Terminal button .

2. C lick with the mouse pointer on the position where you want to insert a terminal.

If you have multiple inputs, outputs or ports, a menu will open to ask you which input,
output or port should be selected.

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The inputs, outputs and ports are indicate by small rectangles.

The terminals are visible in the drawing as small rectangles.

3. You can select a terminal and from the right mouse menu click Properties.

This will open the Terminal Properties showing the name of the input, output or port and
the option to fixate the position. With a fixed position, the connections will start or end
exactly at the position of the terminal. Without a fixed position, the connections will point
to the center of the icon and start or end at the border of the icon.

You can give a terminal a fixed position.

5.5 Global Relations Editor

5.5.1 Introduction
If you want to share parameter values or variable values between submodels, you can
use signals from one submodel to the others. This is not always desired and it will
increase the effort that you have to make in connecting submodels.

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Using globals is an alternative for sharing values. By defining a parameter or variable

global, we can instruct 20-sim that a parameter or variable value is shared between
Using Globals
If you want to share parameters or variables between submodels, you have to:

1. Add the keyword global to definition of the parameter or variable.

2. Define the scope of the globals, i.e. which models share the same parameters and

5.5.2 Global Parameters and Variables

Global parameters and variables are defined using the keyword global. In equation
models, this keyword is added after the definition of the data type in the Equation Editor:

real global par1 = 100 {Hz};
real global par2 ;
real global var1;
real global var2;

Parameters can only be assigned a value once. The same goes for variables. Only one
submodel must defined their value using an equation. If parameters or variables are
assigned more than once, 20-sim will generate an error.
The best way to describe the use of global parameters and variables is by an example
model. You can find this model in the 20-sim demonstration library (Demo\Tips And
Tricks\Global Parameters and Variables.emx). The model exists of three submodels. In
the first submodel two global parameters (f and A) are assigned and one variable
(sinewave). The variable is assigned a value in the equations section and connected with
the output (out1).


real global f = 100 {Hz};
real global A = 1 {none};
real global sinewave;
sinewave = A*sin(f*2*pi*time);
out1 = sinewave;

In the second submodel, the two global parameters are use to connect them with two
outputs (out1 and out2).

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submodel 2

real global f {Hz};
real global A {none};
real global sinewave;
out1 = f;
out2 = A;

In the third submodel, the global variable is connected with an output (out1).

submodel 3

real global sinewave;
out1 = sinewave;

To prevent conflicts global parameters may be assigned a default value only once. The
same goes for global variables: they may be assigned a value in the equation section
only once.

5.5.3 Scope
Global parameters and variables are defined using the keyword global. In equation
models, this keyword is added after the definition of the data type in the Equation Editor.
In 20-sim we can define which submodels share the same parameter or variable. This is
called the scope of this parameter or variable.
Part of the Model
You can set the scope by using the Global Relations Editor. In this editor you can enter
parameters or variables. All global parameters or variables that are defined in
submodels lower in the hierarchy, share the same value.

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Setting the scope of global parameters with the Global Relations Editor.

The image above shows an example. In the model hierarchy we see the submodel
MassSpringDamper2 selected. The Globals Relations Editor, shows three parameters: f,
m and b. If these parameters exists in the submodels lower in the hierarchy (Mass,
SpringDamper, Damper, Spring), and use the keyword global, they share the same
value. Submodels higher in the hierarchy, can never share these parameter values.
Whole Model
If no parameter or variable is defined using the Global Relations Editor, the scope is the
whole model. I.e. global parameters and variables are shared across the whole model.

5.5.4 Global Relations Editor

The Global Relations Editor is used to restrict the scope of global parameters and
variables. You can find the Global Relations Editor at the lower left of the Editor by
selecting the Globals tab.

1. In the Editor, go to the Model Hierarchy at the left and select the submodel,
you want to add global parameters or variables for.

2. Select the Globals tab at the lower left of the Editor.

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Select the Globals tab, put your mouse pointer on top and click Edit Global Relations.

3. Put your mouse pointer in the middle of the tab. From the right mouse menu
select Edit Global Relations.

This will open the Global Relations Editor. You can use this editor to enter parameters,
variables and equations.

Use the Global Relations Editor to enter parameters, variables and

You can enter parameters, variables and equations here just like in the Equations Editor.
The parameters and variables will only be useful if they are used in submodels lower in
the hierarchy as globals.
The best way to describe the use of the Global Relations Editor is by an example model.
You can find this model in the 20-sim demonstration library (Demo\Tips And Tricks
\Global Parameters and Variables for submodels.emx). This model shows two mass-
spring-dampers with shared parameters and variables.

1. In the Editor, go to the Model Hierarchy at the left and select the submodel

2. Select the Globals tab at the lower left of the Editor.

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3. Put your mouse pointer in the middle of the tab. From the right mouse menu
select Edit Global Relations.

Now you will see the Global Relations Editor, as shown in the previous figure. Three
parameters are defined: f, m and b. The parameter m is use in the submodel Mass lower
in the hierarchy. The variable k is used in the submodel Spring lower in the hierarchy.
The parameter d is use in the submodel Damper lower in the hierarchy.

4. Now open the Parameters Editor.

Parameters that are shared can be set at the top model.

You will see that it contains the parameters f, m and b at the level of the model
MassSpringDamper1. This allows us to duplicate this model and use a second mass-
spring-damper model with different parameters.

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5.6 Interface Editor

5.6.1 Interface Editor

The Interface Editor can be used to define the interface, i.e. the input signals, output
signals and power ports of a submodel.

The 20-sim Interface Editor can be used to define the model interface.


1. In the Editor select the model of which you want to change the interface.
2. From the Tools menu select Interface Editor,

3. or from the right mouse menu select Edit Interface,

4. or at the bottom right of the Editor click the Interface tab and in the Interface
tab double click.


1. Use the Edit menu to add ports to the list.

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2. Select a port from the list and change its properties (make it an input signal,
output signals and power ports etc.)

3. From the Interface Editor menu, select File and Update .

4. Close the Interface Editor.

5.6.2 Port Properties

From the Edit menu select Add Port. A new port will now be added to the list. If you
select the port in the list you can change its properties
Name: Enter the name of the port.
Type: Select the port-type: Signal, Iconic Diagram or Bond Graph.


Size: If the signal is multi-dimensional, enter the number of rows and columns.
Orientation: C hoose input signal or output signal.
Quantity: If the signal represents a physical quantity, you can choose the quantity
from a predefined list.
Unit: If the signal represents a physical quantity, you can choose the corresponding
unit from a predefined list.
Type: The default type of a signal is a real number. C hoose out of real, integer or

Iconic Diagram

Size: If the port is multi-dimensional, enter the number of rows and columns.
Orientation: C hoose an input or output orientation for the port.
Domain: C hoose the physical domain of the port. The most general domain is power.
Depending on your choice you will see the two variables (Across and Through)
associated with the port.
Causality: Select the causality of the port.
Separate High/Low Terminals: You may choose this option for models with a velocity
difference, voltage difference etc.
Any Number of Terminals: You may choose this option for models with a variable
number of connections.

Bond Graph Port

Size: If the port is multi-dimensional, enter the number of rows and columns.
Orientation: C hoose an input or output orientation for the port.
Domain: C hoose the physical domain of the port. The most general domain is power.
Depending on your choice you will see the two variables (Effort and Flow) associated
with the port.
Causality: Select the causality of the port.

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5.6.3 Orientation
In the Interface Editor you can set the orientation of a ports. In the Editor this
orientation can be made visible by setting the Orientation Info command from the
View menu. Depending on the type of port the orientation has a different meaning.
Signals: For signals the orientation indicates the direction of the associated variable :
input or output.
Bond Graphs: The orientation of a bond graph port is the direction of the half arrow
at the end of a bond. It indicates the direction of the positive power flow.
Iconic Diagrams: The orientation of an iconic diagram port also indicates the direction
of the positive power flow.

If you select the top of the list in the Interface Editor, you can choose the Port Relations
tab to set multiple port relations:
Equal / Not equal: The equal and not equal restrictions can be used to specify that a
port p1 must have the same or opposite orientation as port p2.

5.6.4 Causality
A powerport is always characterized by two variables. One of these variables should be
an input and one of these variables should be an output. The choice of input and output
variable is called causality. In the Interface Editor you can set the causality of the ports
of a submodel. The following causal forms can be chosen:

1. Fixed out: One of the two variables is always an output variable.

2. Preferred out: One of the two variables is preferably an output variable.

3. Likes: Same as preferred out but with lower priority: one of the two variables is
preferably an output variable

4. Indifferent: A powerport with an indifferent causality restriction can have both

variables as output.

During processing, the assignment of the causal forms goes with the rank in the list. First
all elements with a fixed out assignment are set, then the elements with a preferred out
assignment, then with a likes assignment and finally with an indifferent assignment.

If you select the top of the list in the Interface Editor, you can choose the Port Relations
tab to set multiple port restrictions:
Equal / Not equal: The equal and not equal restrictions can be used to specify that a
powerport p1 must have the same or opposite causality as powerport p2. This is
denoted as p1 equal p2 and p1 notequal p2 respectively.
One_out: The restriction One_out should only be used for bond graph ports. It is
used to indicate that at a one or zero junction, only one bond may have an effort out
One_in: The constraint restriction One_in should only be used for bond graph ports.
It is used to indicate that at a one or zero junction, only one bond may have an effort
in causality.

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In the Editor this causality can be made visible by setting the Causality Info command
from the View menu.

5.6.5 Ports with more than one Terminal

By default, an iconic diagram port is a port where power can be exchanged between a
component and its environment in terms of an across variable and a through variable.
Such a port is represented by one terminal (connection point). However, there are two
special cases where it is desirable to define an iconic diagram port that has more than
one terminal.
Separate High / Low Terminals
C onsider, as an example, an mechanical spring. The power that flows into such a
component is uniquely determined by the velocity difference between the two terminals
of the component and the common force that acts upon both ends. Because of this one
could say that there is one port, whose power is determined by one across value (the
velocity difference) and one through value (the common force), but is represented by
two terminals. To support this, 20-sim allows you to define a special type of iconic
diagram port by indicating that is has Separate High / Low Terminals. The two terminals
of the connection are named high and low. If the port is named p, the formal equations

fixed in orientation:
p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F
p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

fixed out orientation:

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F
p.v = - p_high.v + p_low.v

In 20-sim these equations are automatically derived.

Any Number of Terminals
C onsider, as an example, a mass. A characteristic of this component is that you can
connect many springs and dampers to it. Implicitly, one expects that the net force (i.e.,
the summation of the forces applied by the connected components) will be applied to the
mass, and that it will have a single velocity. To support this, 20-sim allows you to define
a special type of iconic diagram port by indicating the kind to be Any Number of
Terminals. The terminals of the connection are named 1, 2, 3 etc.. If the port is named
p, the formal equations are:

fixed in orientation:
p.v = p1.v = p2.v = p3.v = .....
p.F = sign1*p1.F + sign1*p2.F + sign1*p3.F + ....

fixed out orientation:

p.v = p1.v = p2.v = p3.v = .....
p.F = -sign1*p1.F - sign1*p2.F - sign1*p3.F - ....


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5. Editor

sign = 1 when p1 has a fixed in orientation etc.

sign = -1 when p2 has a fixed out orientation etc.

In 20-sim these equations are automatically derived.

5.7 Domains, Quantities and Units

5.7.1 Domains, Quantities and Units Editor

At various modeling levels you can use information on physical domains, quantities and
units. This information is stored in the file QuantitiesAndUnits.ini in the 20-sim bin
directory. To edit this information you can use the Domains, Quantities and Units Editor.
When opened, the editor automatically reads the file QuantitiesAndUnits.ini. When closed
the editor asks you where to store the file. Note that any changes made become
effective after 20-sim has been restarted.

The Domains, Quantities and Units Editor.

You can start the Domains, Quantities and Units Editor by selecting the Units Editor
command from the Tools menu. In the editor a tree-like structure is shown indicating
the available Domains, Quantities and Units.

1. You can select every items in the tree for editing.

2. Use the Add or Delete button to add new items or delete existing item.

3. Use the Find button to find items in the tree.

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5. Editor

5.7.2 Domains
In the Interface Editor every powertport (Iconic Diagram or Bond Graph) can be
assigned a physical domain. 20-sim will use this information to prevent that ports of
different physical domains may be connected. More popular: in this way you can never
connect a translation model to an electric component.

Use the Interface Editor to assign a physical domain to a port.

In the Interface Editor you can select the physical domain that you want to assign to a
port. The editor will show the corresponding port variables and the notation that should
be used in the model equations.

The tables below show the available domains and their respective port variables.

power domain across through

Power across through
Mechanical velocity force
Translation velocity force
Rotation angular velocity torque
Pneumatic pressure air flow

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5. Editor

Thermal temperature entropy flow

Electric voltage current
Hydraulic pressure volume flow
Magnetic magnetomotoric force magnetic flux

For the power domains the variables multiply to power. There are also some domains
defined where the variables do not multiply to power. These are called pseudo
domains. The following pseudo domains are defined.

pseudo domain across through

Pseudo Pneumatic pressure mass flow
PseudoThermal temperature heat flow
PseudoThermalH temperature enthalpy flow
PseudoHydraulic pressure mass flow

You can enter new (pseudo) domains in the Domains, Quantities and Units Editor. If the
port is defined as a bond graph port, effort and flow are used to indicate the domain
variables. The corresponding tables are shown below.

power domain effort flow

Power effort flow
Mechanical force velocity
Translation force velocity
Rotation torque am
Pneumatic pressure angular velocity
Thermal temperature air flow
Electric voltage entropy flow
Hydraulic pressure current
Magnetic magnetomotoric force volume flow
magnetic flux

pseudo domain effort flow

Pseudo Pneumatic pressure mass flow
PseudoThermal temperature heat flow
PseudoThermalH temperature enthalpy flow
PseudoHydraulic pressure mass flow

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5. Editor

5.7.3 Quantities and Units

In 20-sim, to every constant, parameter and variable a quantity may be assigned. Well
known quantities are for example position, velocity, time and energy. 20-sim will use
these quantities to check the validity of (basic) equations. The value of a quantity can be
expressed in a specific unit. The quantity time can for example be expressed in the unit
second or in the unit minute:

quantity unit multiplication to SI unit

Time second (SI unit) 1
minute 60
hour 3600
day 86400
year 31556926
Position meter (SI unit) 1
foot 0.3048
inch 0.0254
yard 0.9144

In 20-sim a quantity can be expressed in every desired unit. To prevent conversion

problems, internal calculations are always performed in standard SI-units. Therefore
non-SI units are stored with a multiplication factor. When a variable has a unit, the
unit can also have common engineering prefixes. For example, a parameter m {kg}
with a value of 0.1 can be selected in the Parameters / Initial Values Editor. If you click
on the unit, you can select other units to enter the mass.

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5. Editor

You can use the units in the Parameters / Initial Values Editor to select a desired unit.

You can enter new quantities and units in the Domains, Quantities and Units Editor.

5.7.4 Editing Domains

You can edit existing domains or add new domains in the Domains, Quantities and Units
Editor. In the Domains section you can add new domains or edit existing domains. Each
domain has several edit fields:
Domain name: If you click on a selected domain in the tree, you can edit the name.
Description: Enter a description of the domain.
Quantities: You can enter quantities of these variables in the quantities section.
Mechanical Domain: Select this button if your domain is part of the mechanical
Pseudo Domain: Select this button if your domain is a pseudo domain.
Color: Double-click the color box to change the color of a domain.

In some domains the integrated effort/flow variables and differentiated effort/flow

variables are of a specific quantity. You can enter these quantities in the according edit
fields. For some domains these values have no meaning and you can leave the edit
fields blank.

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5. Editor

5.7.5 Editing Quantities

You can edit existing quantities or add new quantities in the Domains, Quantities and
Units Editor. In the Quantities section you can add new quantities or edit existing
quantities. Each quantity has several edit fields:
Quantity name: If you click on a selected quantity in the tree, you can edit the name.
Description: Enter a description of the quantity.
Variable name: This name is used for display purposes. For example if one of the
variables of a port p has the quantity length it will be denoted as p.x.
SI Symbol: Enter the official SI-symbol here. Enter combinations as nominator/
denominator (e.g. Electric Resistance: kg.m2/A2.s3)
Units: Every quantity can be expressed in several unique units (i.e. a unit can be
assigned to one quantity only). You can enter new units here or edit existing units
that belong to the selected quantity.
Unit Symbol: For display purposes every unit has a specific symbol. It is shown here
in a read-only field.

A quantity can have an alias name. Enter this alias as a subentry of the main quantity.
This alias name refers to the main quantity and therefore to the same associated units.

5.7.6 Editing Units

You can edit existing units or add new units in the Domains, Quantities and Units Editor.
In the Units section you can add new units or edit existing units. Each unit has several
edit fields:
Unit name: If you click on a selected unit in the tree, you can edit the name.
Description: Enter a description of the unit.
Quantity: C hoose the quantity to which the unit should be associated. A unit can be
associated to one quantity only.
Symbol: For display purposes every unit has a specific symbol.
Multiplications: A quantity can be expressed in several units. To prevent conversion
problems, internal calculations are always performed in standard SI-units. Therefore
non-SI units are stored with a multiplication factor. You can enter the multiplication
factor here.
Allow Symbol Prefixes: Some units can be expressed with symbol prefixes. Select
the check box to allow the use of prefixes. 20-sim supports the following

prefix symbol value

femto f 10-15
pico p 10-12
nano n 10-9
micro u 10-6

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5. Editor

milli m 10-3
centi c 10-2
deci d 10-1
hecto h 102
kilo k 103
mega M 106
giga G 109
tera T 1012


real mylength = 1 {cm}; // equal to: 0.01 {m}

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6. Simulator

6 Simulator
6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 Simulator
20-sim consists of two main windows and many tools. The first window is the Editor and
the second is the Simulator. The Editor is used to enter and edit models. The Simulator is
used to simulate and analyze the models. The Simulator is opened in the Editor by
clicking the Start Simulator button from the Model menu.

The Simulator is used to carry out simulations, show the results and analyze them.
The Simulator consists of three parts:
Simulator Tree: This is the tree at the left. Here plots and plot windows can be added.
Simulation Plot: This is the graph in the middle. Here the simulation results are
Output tab: The Output tab shows warnings and messages.
A modeling and simulation session in 20-sim can be visualized by the diagram shown

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6. Simulator

Modeling and Simulation in 20-sim.

After the model has been successfully entered, it must be checked and compiled to
generate simulation code. This is done in 20-sim automatically when you open the
Simulator or when you check a model. In some cases the model contains errors which
have to be solved by adapting the model. Errors in 20-sim are presented in the Process
tab at the bottom of the Editor.
After a successful compilation of a model that is created in the Editor you can open the
Simulator. In the Simulator you have to enter specific settings:
Parameters / Initial Values.
Run Properties.
Plot Properties.
After the settings have been entered you can run the simulation.
Simulation results can be shown in 20-sim as:
Numerical Plots:
Time Domain (default)
Frequency Domain (FFT Analysis & Linearization)

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6. Simulator

Animation in a Graphical Model

3D Animation
If you experience problems during simulation you have to resolve them in a debugging
After a successful simulation you can analyze your model using various tools:
Parameter Sweeps
C urve Fitting
Sensitivity Analysis
Monte C arlo Analysis
Variation Analysis
FFT Analysis
Message Log
The bottom of the Simulator shows a tab named Output. This tab contains the Message
Log which shows all the messages, warnings and errors, that are generated during a

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6. Simulator

6.2 Running a Simulation

6.2.1 Parameters and Initial Values

The Parameters/Initial Values Editor is used to edit the constants, parameters and initial
values of a model. Parameters and initial values can be changed during simulation,
constants cannot be changed. To open the Parameters/Initial Values Editor, you have to:

1. From the Properties menu select the Parameters command.

The Parameters/Initial Values Editor.

The parameter items (Name, Value, Quantity, Unit, Description, Kind, Arithmetic Type,
Value) of the parameters and initial values are listed in right part of the window. The list
of parameters and initial values that is displayed depends on the selected submodel in
the left part of this window.
Model Hierarchy : The left part displays the complete model hierarchy. At each
level of the hierarchy, submodels can be selected. The right part of the
window then shows the parameters and initial values of that submodel. To
see all parameters and initial values, select the top level of the hierarchy, i.e.
the main model listed on top.
Parameters and Initial Values: The order of the parameters or initial values in
the list depends on the order in which the submodels were originally entered
in the Editor. Click on the name box to make the order to alphabetical. Drag
the name box to change the width of the parameters list.

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Value : You can change the default value of a parameter or initial value in the
value list. Select the parameter or initial value (mouse) and enter the desired
value. Use the Enter key to quickly run through a list of parameters.
Unit: If available, select the desired Unit from the drop down list.
From Matlab / To Matlab: Use the buttons to import or exports parameter
values from or to Matlab.
Import: Use this button to import the parameter values from another model.
All equations in 20-sim are calculated using standard SI-units. You can however
enter parameters, using whatever Unit you like. In the Parameters/Initial Values
Editor, you can change the unit using the little drop down list next to the Value
The description of a parameter can be specified in the parameters part of the
equation description of a model.
To see a global parameter, select the top level of the hierarchy, i.e. the main model
listed on top.
Hidden parameters are not visible in the Variables C hooser.

6.2.2 Run Properties

The Run Properties Editor can be used to choose the integration method used for
simulation. An integration method is the algorithm that calculates the model equations
during each simulation and generates the output values for the simulation plots. The
default integration method is the Backward Differentiation Formula (BDF). To open the
Run Properties Editor, you have to:

1. From the Properties menu select the Run command.

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6. Simulator

The Run Properties Editor.

Initially, the fields in the Run Properties Editor contain default values if no experiment
was loaded. Two or more tabs can be selected:
Simulator: This tab shows the general simulation settings.
Discrete Systems: This tab is only visible when discrete systems are part of your
model. It contains the settings for the sample frequency.
Algebraic Relations Solver: This tab is only visible when your model contains
algebraic loops that could not be solved during processing.
Integration Method: The last tab contains the specific settings for the selected
integration method.

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6. Simulator

6.2.3 Plot Properties

The Plot Properties Editor can be used to enter the plot specifications. To open the Plot
Properties Editor, you have to:

1. From the Properties menu select the Plot command.

The Plot Properties Editor.

The editor shows three tabs which can be used to set the properties of the plot and the x
and y variables.
Plot Properties Tab
The Plot Properties Tab shows the general settings that accompany a plot. A preview is
shown in the lower part of the tab.
Plot Title : Select this option to add a title to the plot. In the text box you can
type the desired title. Use the radio buttons to display the title to the left, in
the middle or to the right of the plot.
Colors: Click the Background, Plot and Grid buttons to select the background,
plot and grid colors.
Grid: Select this option to show the grid.
Windows Default: Select this option to get the default Windows background.
3D Look : Select this option to get a plot with 3D Look (sunken edges).

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6. Simulator

Select the options Logarithmic X and Logarithmic Y to show logarithmic plots.

Show X-Values: Use this option to show or hide the X-axis values.
Show Legend: Use this option to show to show a legend.
Fonts: Click the Title , Values and Labels buttons to select the font options for
the title, values and labels.
X-Axis Tab
The X-Axis Tab can be used to specify the variable plotted along the X-axis.

The X-Axis tab of the Plot Properties Editor.

Variable Name : Either time or one of the dynamic variables of the model can
be chosen as the X-axis variable. Click the button on the right (Choose) to
open the Variable Chooser and select the desired variable.
Label: Enter the label that should be printed below the X-axis.
Show Unit: Select this option to display the unit of the chosen variable.
Manual: Fix the scale of the X-axis by selecting a minimum and maximum
value in the From and To boxes.
Post: During the simulation run, the scale for the variable along the axis is
fixed. When the run is finished or has been interrupted by the user, the
minimal and maximal scale values are automatically updated and the plot
is redrawn to make sure all calculated points are displayed.

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Automatic: When a variable reaches the end of the scale, during

simulation, the the minimal and maximal scale values are automatically
updated and the plot is redrawn to make sure all calculated points are
Clip to Bounds: When a variable reaches the end of the scale, during
simulation, the the minimal and maximal scale values are automatically
updated and the plot is redrawn to make sure all calculated points are
displayed. When the run is finished or has been interrupted by the user,
the minimal and maximal scale values are automatically updated to show
the plot at maximum scope.
Show Values: Use this option to show or hide the X-axis values.
Y-Axis Tab
The Y-Axis Tab is used to specify the curves that should be shown in the plot. For each
selected curve, a tab is shown, displaying the settings of that curve.

The Y-Axis tab of the Plot Properties Editor.

Add Curve : Add a new tab to specify a new curve to be displayed in the plot.
Delete Curve : Delete the selected tab. As a result, the curve specified in the
tab will not be displayed in the plot, and the settings are lost.
Variable Name : Use this box to connect a variable to a curve. One of the
dynamic variables of the model can be selected. Click the button on the right
(Choose) to open the Variable Chooser and select the desired variable.

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6. Simulator

Label: Enter the name of the curve. This label is also printed next to the the Y-
Show Unit: Select this option to display the unit of the chosen variable.
Line Properties
Line Style : Select the desired line style of the curve.
Thickness: Select the desired line thickness of the curve.
Color: Select the desired line color of the curve.
Order: In the plot a line is drawn from plot point to plot point. You can
choose the line to be of two orders of interpolation:
Zero: the line consists only of horizontal and vertical parts.
First: the line consists of straight parts.
Tick Style Properties
Tick Style : Each calculated point of a curve, can be displayed by a special
marker. Select here the desired marker.
Min. Distance (pixels): To prevent markers from being drawn on top of each
other, you can set the minimum distance between markers. Points that
are to close to a previous marker are not drawn with a marker.
Color: Select the marker.
Scaling: Scaling can be selected for each curve individually or combined for all
Shared Y Axes: Select this option to use one Y-axis scale for all curves.
Strip Charted: Select this option to display each curve in a separate plot.
Manual: Fix the scale of the variable by selecting a minimum and maximum
value in the From and To boxes.
Post: During the simulation run, the scale for the variable along the axis is
fixed. When the run is finished or has been interrupted by the user, the
minimal and maximal scale values are automatically updated and the plot
is redrawn to make sure all calculated points are displayed.
Automatic: When a variable reaches the end of the scale, during
simulation, the the minimal and maximal scale values are automatically
updated and the plot is redrawn to make sure all calculated points are
Clip to Bounds: When a variable reaches the end of the scale, during
simulation, the the minimal and maximal scale values are automatically
updated and the plot is redrawn to make sure all calculated points are
displayed. When the run is finished or has been interrupted by the user,
the minimal and maximal scale values are automatically updated to show
the plot at maximum scope.
Show Values: Select or de-select this option to show or hide the name and
scale of a curve.

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6. Simulator

Separate X-Axis: If you want another x-axis than specified in the X-axis tab,
click the Choose button to select the desired variable.

6.2.4 Running a Simulation

After specification of the Parameters/Initial Values, the Run Properties and Plot
Properties you can start a simulation run by choosing the appropriate command from
the Simulation menu.
Run: Select the Run command to start or continue a simulation run. Once a
run is started, the Stop command becomes active. The run can be interrupted
by selecting this command.
Stop: Use the Stop command to interrupt a simulation. Once a simulation has
stopped it can be continued by selecting the Start Simulation command.
All Runs: Select the Clear All Runs command to clear all runs that were
performed, from the graphical screen and from the computer memory.
Last Run: Select the Clear Last Run command to clear the run that was
performed last, from the graphical screen and from memory.
Previous Runs: Select the Clear Previous Runs command to clear all runs,
but the last, from the graphical screen and from memory.
One Step: Use the One Step command to calculate one new simulation point.
Using this command repeatedly, allows you to run a simulation step by step.
Brute Force : Using the Brute Force command, curves are displayed after
complete calculation of a simulation run. This saves time (re)drawing curves
during calculations and therefore considerably speeds up simulation.
Multiple Run: Select the Multiple Run command to start multiple runs needed
for the Time Domain Toolbox . Runs can be interrupted by selecting the Stop
3D Animation: Any 3D Animation that was performed during a simulation
run, can be quickly replayed using this option.
Real Time 3D Animation: Any 3D animation that was performed during a
simulation run, can be replayed in real time (i.e. frames are skipped if
necessary) using this option.
Read Datafile : Use the Read Data File command to read previously stored
simulation runs from file.
Copy States: With the C opy States command the current independent state
variables can be imported as new initial values. C urrent state variables are the state
variables at the end of a simulation run or at the point where a simulation run was

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6. Simulator

6.2.5 Numerical Values

In every simulation plot you can inspect the numerical values by selecting the Numerical
Values command of the View menu. The Numerical Values window, can also be popped
up by double clicking the left mouse button, while pointing the mouse at a curve in the

The Numerical Values window will pop up and display the numerical values of all plotted
variables as a function of time. The last variable shown is always the X-axis variable
(usually time).

The Numerical Values window.

Run Number: The run number indicates the run of which the numerical values
are shown. The highest number indicates the last run simulated. Lower
numbers are used for previous runs. To select another run number, type in
the number of interest or point in the plot at the curve of interest. In the
simulation plot, previous runs are shown with fading colors.

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6. Simulator

List: The list shows all variables that are shown in the plot and their
corresponding X-values and Y-values. The variable that is currently selected
is pointed out by an arrow in the plot.
Scroll-bar: Use the scroll-bar to change the selected x-axis variable value
(usually time).
Find: With the Find button, the global maximum etc. of the selected variable
can be found. The following functions can be selected:
Global Maximum
Global Minimum
Next Local Maximum
Next Local Minimum
Previous Local Maximum
Previous Local Minimum
Mark : Click the Mark button to store he set of numerical values. If you drag the
scroll-bar to find a new set of values, the relative changes will be displayed as well as
a first order derivative.

6.2.6 Variable Chooser

The Variable C hooser can be used to select and inspect any dynamic variable of the
loaded model. The names, kinds, types, values, quantities, units and descriptions of the
variables of the loaded model are listed in right part of the window. The list of dynamic
variables displayed, depends on the selected (sub)model in the left part of this window.
The left part displays the complete model hierarchy.

The Variable Chooser shows all variables of a model.

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6. Simulator

Model Hierarchy : The model hierarchy shows several keys:
Model: At each level of the hierarchy, submodels can be selected and
inspected. The right part of the window then shows the variables that are
part of that submodel. To see all variables including time, select the top
level of the hierarchy, i.e. the main model listed on top. Click on one of the
variable items (Name, Value, Quantity, Unit, Description, Kind, Arithmetic
Type, Value) to order the variables alphabetically.
Input Probes/Output Probes: In the Frequency Response dialog pairs of input
variables and output variables can be selected for linearization. If input variables
have been selected they are shown under the input probes key. If output
variables have been selected they are shown under the output probes key.
Favorites: variables that are used a lot can be added to the favorites key
for easy use.
Variables: Select the desired variable from the list (use your mouse pointer),
select the desired Unit from the drop down list and click OK to close the

Minimum and Maximum values: If you run a simulation in Debug Mode , the
minimum and maximum value of every variable is show n.
Unit Selection: If a quantity was assigned to the selected variable with multiple units
(e.g. position -> m , mm , inch , etc.) you can switch units by the unit selection

at the bottom of the variable list.

Expand Vectors/Matrices: Select complete vectors and matrices or only their

To Matlab: Use the button to export a variable value to Matlab. You

will be asked to enter a Matlab variable. Data will be exchanged between this
Matlab variable and the variable that is selected in 20-sim.
Show Variables: Select the specific kind of variables (Variables, States/Rates,
Dependent/Algebraic, Knots) that should be displayed in the Variables list.
If you select a variable in the list and use the right mouse menu several actions can be
Add to Favorites: add the selected variable to the favorites list.
Add to Input Probes: Add the variable to the list of inputs for linearization. This list is
used in the Frequency Response dialog.
Add to Output Probes: Add the variable to the list of outputs for linearization. This list
is used in the Frequency Response dialog.
Copy: copy the variable value to clipboard.
Copy with Unit: copy the variable value and corresponding value to clipboard.
Copy Specified: Specify the items that should be copied and then copy to clipboard.

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6. Simulator


1. All equations in 20-sim are calculated using standard SI-units. You can however
display the results, using whatever Unit you like. In the Variable Chooser, you can
change the unit using the little drop down list just above the Show Variables section.

2. To see global variables, select the top level of the hierarchy, i.e. the main model
listed on top.

3. To quickly find some variables out of the list, add the keyword interesting in the
equation description. In the Variables list, de-select States, Rates, Algebraic Loops,
Dependent States and Dependent Rates. Then only the interesting variables are

4. When using large models, opening the Variable C hooser may take some time. Use
the General Properties window to set the maximum number of variables that should
be shown.

5. To hide variables from the list, add the keyword hidden in the equation description.
Hidden variables are not visible in the Variable Chooser.

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6. Simulator

6.2.7 Debugging
20-sim has various tool to help you to pinpoint and resolve problems that may occur
during a simulation.
Switch to Debug Mode: 20-sim is operating in Debug Mode when you see the

Debug Mode button . If your Simulator or Editor is in Fast Mode click on the
button to change to Debug Mode .
Recompile your model: In the editor select Check Complete Model from the Model
menu. This will recompile your model in Debug mode and show a maximum of
warnings. If any warning looks suspicious, solve this first.
Breakpoints: Set breakpoints to monitor time or conditions between variables.
Run to the breakpoint: Use the Run command from the Simulation menu to run
the simulation to a breakpoint. As soon as the breakpoint has been reached,
the simulation will halt. The Output tab at the bottom of the Simulator will display
which breakpoint was active.
Simulate Step-by-Step: Use the command One Step from the Simulation menu to
simulate do one simulation step for the complete model.
Inspect the Results: After each step, open the Variable C hooser to inspect the
various variables of the model. You can also switch to the Editor to inspect results
at model level:
Submodels: Select a specific submodel and choose parameters or variables to
inspect the parameters and variables of that submodel.
Equation submodels: Put the mouse pointer on top of an equation and point
to a variable or parameter of interest. A box will appear, showing the
numerical value associated with that variable or parameter.

Use the mouse pointer to inspect numerical values.

Graphical submodels: Put the mouse pointer on top of a signal, bond or

connection. A box will appear, showing the numerical value associated with that
signal, bond or connection.

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6. Simulator

Use the mouse pointer to inspect numerical values.

6.2.8 Breakpoints
20-sim allows you define stops in a simulation called breakpoints. You can set
breakpoints using the Breakpoint Editor. This editor can be opened by selecting the
Breakpoints command from the Properties menu in the Simulator.

Setting Breakpoints.

You can run a simulation from breakpoint to breakpoint, using the Continue command
from the Simulation menu.

Breakpoints are useful when problems occur during simulation. By defining an

appropriate breakpoint and using the Run command, you can run a simulation until the
point where the problem occurs. You can continue the simulation using single steps or
just running it again.

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6. Simulator

Add/Delete : Use the Add and Delete buttons to add or delete breakpoints.
When you add a breakpoint, an editor will be opened to enter the breakpoint
Breakpoints: The Breakpoints list shows the entered breakpoints.
Enter the ... skip before stopping: A breakpoint may occur more than once
before it should stop the simulation run. Enter here the number of times to
skip the breakpoint.
When: A breakpoint may occur more than once during a simulation run. With
this option you can select the breakpoint to be active only once or always.
Active : Use this option to make a breakpoint effective or not.
Edit Condition: When a breakpoint is selected in the breakpoints list, you can
edit it, using the Edit Condition button. This will open an editor which helps
you to enter the breakpoint condition.
Import: Import breakpoints from another model.
Breakpoints are only active when 20-sim is operating in Debug Mode!

6.2.9 New Simulation Plot

You can open additional plots by selecting the New Plot Window command from the View
menu of the simulator.

You can open additional plots in 20-sim.

Every plot will have a menu bar and buttons to allow you to enter the settings for the
plot and running a simulation.

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6. Simulator

6.2.10 New 3D Animation Plot

You can open additional 3D Animations by selecting the New 3D Animation Window
command from the View menu of the simulator.

You can open additional plots in 20-sim.

Every 3D Animation will have a menu bar and buttons to allow you to enter the settings
for the plot and running a simulation.

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6. Simulator

6.2.11 Resample Curves

Select the Resample Curves command from the View menu to sample a simulation run
with a fixed sample time. This is useful if you want to use your simulation results in other
programs that need data with a fixed time step. An example is given below where a
curve (red dots) is shown that is simulated with a variable step integration method.
Resampling with a sample time of 0.1 s will result in a curve with only the blue dots.

Use the Resample Curves command to get equidistant timing in the plot.

Selection of the Resample Curves command of the View menu pops up the Resample
Curves dialog. You can enter the amount of data that you want to resample and the
sample time or frequency.

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6. Simulator

The Resample Curves dialog.

To get simulation data with a fixed time step, using a fixed step integration method is not
enough, because this data may contain additional steps generated by time or state
events. Only the Resample Curves command will guarantee fixed time step

6.2.12 Copy States

To get the same model behavior, compared to the end of the previous run, we have to
copy the states of a model to the initial values.

When you use the Copy States command of the Simulation menu, 20-sim overwrites
the initial values of the functions ddt, int, limint and resint with their current output
states. This can be done at the end of a simulation run or at any point where a
simulation run was interrupted.
For some models, behavior at some operating point or "steady state" is of interest. Use
the Copy States command to create simulation that directly starts at working level:

1. Run a simulation from t = 0 [s] until the operating point is reached. Use the
Copy States command to store the states as new initial values. Now save the
experiment using some special name.

2. Now each time you open this experiment, simulations directly start at
operating point.

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6. Simulator

C onsider the following first order linear model:

This model can be described by the dynamic equation:

output = int(0) + int( f(input,output) )


int(0) = the initial value of the integral

f(input,output) = input - K*output

In more general terms this equation can also be described as:

state = int(0) + int(rate)

rate = f(input, state)

When we start to simulate this model at t = 0 [s] the value of the integral is zero. The
state is therefore equal to the initial value int(0):

state(0) = int(0)

At the end of a simulation, the integral may be unequal to zero. The state is therefore
equal to:

state(end) = int(0) + int(rate(end)).

In other words, the value of the state is characteristic for the behavior of the model. To
start a new simulation with the same behavior, we have to change the initial value to:

int(0) = state(end)

This is valid for all dynamic models: The states of a model are characteristic for its
behavior. To get the same behavior, compared to the end of a previous run, we have to
copy the states to the initial values.

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6. Simulator

6.2.13 Exporting Simulations

There are several methods to export simulation results:

1. Export Plot to C lipboard or File.

2. Export Experiment To C lipboard.

3. Export Data to File.

Export to Clipboard or File
From the File menu, you can choose Export Plot to MetaFile or Export Plot to Clipboard to
export a drawing of the simulation plot.
Export High Resolution Plot to Clipboard or File
Simulation plots can be very dense. To limit the file size, by default not all details are
exported to clipboard or to file. If you need a detailed plot, from the File menu, you can
choose Export High Resolution Plot to Clipboard or Bitmap. Another option is to use the
right mouse menu, when the mouse on top of a plot and select High Resolution Export.
Export Experiment To Clipboard.
From the File menu, you can choose Export Experiment to Clipboard to export all plot
settings. A dialog will be opened asking you to specify the settings that should be copied.
You can select:
Initial Values
Plot Specifications
Run Specifications
Multiple Run Specifications
Export Data Specifications
Export Data to File
From the File menu, you can choose Save Data To File to export the plotted values to a
data file. A file dialog window will pop up asking you to enter a filename. You can choose
from the following file formats:
C omma Separated File (*.csv): This is the default format and can be used for
exporting data to spreadheet programs such as Microsoft Excel or Open Office C alc.
20-sim data file (*.n): This is the standard 20-sim format.
Data Files (*.dat): The standard ANSI format for data files.
You can use the Export Data To File command to store simulation results of time
consuming simulations. For later use you can use the Import From Data File command to
read the result from file.

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6. Simulator

6.2.14 Importing Simulations

There are several methods to import simulation results:

1. Import experiment.

2. Import simulation data.

Export Plot Settings
From the File menu, you can choose Import Experiment to import the simulation settings
from another model. The setting contain all the necessary information that you need to
define a simulation:
run porperties
plot properties
Import Data File
From the File menu, you can choose Import Data From File to import a previously saved
simulation plot. A window will pop up allowing you to specify the filename and variables
that should be plotted.

Import data from file.

If the file contains a header describing the variables inside, they will be shown in the
variables dialog.

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6. Simulator

Filename : You can select an existing filename using the browse button or type
one. Data can be read as text file or as binary format.
Read Header: Select this button if you want extra information (variable names
etc.) to be read from the data file.
Variables: The variables box shows the number of columns that were found in
the data file. Each column must be matched with a variable that is shown in
the plot. Click with the mouse on a column number to select it. Then click the
Match Variable button. This opens a Variable Chooser in which you can select
a variable. When a header was used when storing the data file, this
matching is done automatically.
Match Variable : Use this button to select a matching variable for each column
in the variables box.
Plot Variables: Use the Delete button to delete a selected variable
Plot Variables: Use this button to put the same variables as shown in the plot
into the columns of the variables box.
Up/Down: Use the Up and Down buttons to change the order of the variables
shown in the list.
You can use the Export Data To File command to store simulation results of time
consuming simulations. For later use you can use the Import From Data File command to
read the result from file.

6.2.15 Full Screen Mode

You can show simulation plots and 3D Animations in full screen mode.

1. Put your mouse on top of a plot or animation.

2. From the right mouse menu, select Toggle Full Screen.

To remove the full screen mode:

1. From the right mouse menu, select Toggle Full Screen or press the
Escape key.

6.2.16 Keyboard shortcuts

This is a list of keyboard shortcuts in simulator.

Command Shortcut
Save 20-sim project [C trl] + S
Current Page
Command Shortcut

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6. Simulator

Zoom in [F4]
Zoom normal [F5]
Zoom out [F6]
Zoom to fit [F7]
Command Shortcut
C lear simulation [C trl] + e
Next camera [C trl] + a
Process frequency response [C trl] + f
Replay simulation [C trl] + q
Run simulation [C trl] + r
Stop simulation [C trl] + t
Single step simulation [C trl] + w

6.2.17 Training Simulators

Training simulators are simulation model that run real-time and can be used to train
people. 20-sim has some features that allow you to turn 20-sim into a training simulator.
The example model KnuckleBoomC raneKeyboard will show you how it works:

1.Go to the Examples Library and look into the 3D Mechanics folder or in the search bar
enter KnuckleBoomCraneKeyboard. The Find tab will show the results. C lick on the link
to jump to the model.
2.Drag and drop the model to the editor. The keyboard inputs are shown in the model.
3.Run a simulation and use the keyboard inputs to move the crane.

Developing your own training simulator is not difficult. All you have to do is:

1. Develop a model, that will mimic your training system.

2. Allow manual inputs, by keyboard or joystick. The library of 20-sim contains special
blocks for keyboard input or joystick input which you can use.

3. Run the simulation in real-time.

4. Use 3D animations to show views of your system.

5. Run the 3D-Animations in full screen.

Use transparency to show or hide parts of your 3D animation.

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6. Simulator

6.3 Run Properties

6.3.1 Simulator Tab

The Simulator tab is the first tab of the Run Properties Editor. This tab shows the general
simulation settings:

The 20-sim Run Properties.

Timing (seconds):
Start: the start time of a simulation run (default: 0)
Finish: the finish time of a simulation run (default: 10)
Event delta : the accuracy for spotting state events. This option can only be
selected if a model contains state events.
Integration Methods: 8 numerical integration methods are available, each with
its own parameters. The parameters can be changed by clicking the Set
Properties button or selecting the tab on top of the editor.

Backward Euler

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6. Simulator

Adams-Bashford 2
Runge Kutta 2
Runge-Kutta 4
Runge Kutta Dormand Prince 8
Vode Adams
Backward Differentiation Formula (BDF)
Modified Backward Differentiation Formula (MBDF)
Output After Each: This is the plot interval. Use this option to generate output
only after each equidistant time interval has passed. For each interval, the
exact simulation point is used (if available) or the nearest point is used (if not
available, for example when using variable step algorithms).
Related Options
BreakPoints: Click this button to open the Breakpoints Editor.
General Properties: Click this button to open the General Properties Editor.
More : Click this button to set advanced options:
Endless: Select this option if you do not want the simulation to stop.
Attempting Real-Time simulation: Select this option if you want the
simulation to run as fast as the real time. You can choose the option
Catch up with lost time and set the Maximum allowed lost time .
Use Attempting Real-Time simulation when you have keyboard input or joystick input
in your model.

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6. Simulator

6.3.2 Discrete System Tab

The Run Properties Editor can be used to edit the sample frequency of a discrete-time
system in the model. 20-sim automatically detects the existence of discrete systems in a
model. For each discrete system, one extra tab (Discrete System) is shown in the Run
Properties Editor.

The Discrete Systems tab.

Identified with: Each discrete system in a model is assigned a unique identifier.
20-sim detects discrete systems by looking for discrete functions and

1. sample

2. hold

3. next

4. previous

5. sampletime

When a function has been found, the elements of the corresponding discrete
system are identified by propagation of the equations. In order of appearance in
the model, the discrete system is assigned a unique identifier:

1. sample -> the variable that is assigned to the output of the sample function.

2. hold -> the variable that is assigned to the output of the hold function.

3. previous -> the discrete state corresponding with the previous function.

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6. Simulator

4. next -> the discrete state corresponding with the next function.

5. sampletime -> the variable that is equal to the sampletime.

Timing (Standard): Each discrete system has a default sample frequency of 1

Hz. You can change this frequency to any desired value:
Discrete Time Interval (s): The sample interval (in s) of the discrete system
Frequency (Hz): The sample frequency (in Hz) of the discrete system.
Timing (Advanced): For discrete-time control loops that interact with physical
continuous-time systems through sensors (analog to digital) and actuators
(digital to analog) the specific timing is important. Click the Advanced button to
specify this timing.

6.3.3 Advanced Discrete System Settings

The Advanced Discrete System Settings dialog can be used to set the timing for discrete-
time control loops that interact with physical continuous-time systems through sensors
(analog to digital) and actuators (digital to analog). You can open the dialog by:

1. In the Simulator from the Properties menu, click Run to open the Run
Properties Editor.

2. Select the Discrete System tab and click the Advanced Settings button.
In the Advanced Discrete System Settings dialog you can specify the timing of control
loops with a fixed sampletime (click Global Time) and control loops with a variable
sampletime (click Previous Sample Event Time).
Fixed Sampletime
When you click the Global Time option the following window appears.

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6. Simulator

Advanced settings for discrete systems.

The window shows the timing diagram for a fixed sampletime control loop. The loops
starts with an clock interrupt from a timer. It will take some time before the interrupt is
handled and generally some calculations are performed before the sensor signals
(sample) are read. This delay is represented by the sample delay which is divided in a
fixed time and a variable time part. The control loop will proceed and perform the
necessary calculations to generate the actuator output (hold). These calculations will
take some time, which is represented by the fixed time hold delay. After this action the
control loops will come to a halt until the next clock interrupt is generated.

If the control loops is properly designed it will know the task it is performing when a
clock interrupt is getting in. E.g. if it is still calculating the actuator outputs when clock
interrupt is getting in, an error will be generated, specifying that the sampletime is too
small to perform all necessary calculations.

Sample Delay :
Fixed: Enter the fixed sample delay here.
Variable : Enter the variable delay here. You can chose from two
Uniform: The delay is uniformly distributed between the given minimum
and maximum.
Gaussian: The delay has a given mean and standard deviation.
Hold Delay : Enter the fixed hold delay here.
Action on Sample Missed: An error will be generated when the total delay is
larger than the sampletime or when the total delay is negative.

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6. Simulator

Variable Sampletime
When you click the Previous Sample Event Time option the following window

Variable sample time.

The window above shows the timing diagram for a variable sampletime control loop. It
performs the same tasks as a fixed sampletime control loop, but will start the next loop
as soon as the previous loop was finished. The variable sampletime control loop does
not use a clock interrupt!
Sample Delay:
Fixed: Enter the fixed sample delay here.
Variable: Enter the variable delay here. You can chose from two distributions:
Uniform: The delay is uniformly distributed between the given minimum and
Gaussian: The delay has a given mean and standard deviation.
Hold Delay: Enter the fixed hold delay here.
Action on Sample Missed: Only an error will be generated when the total delay is

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6. Simulator

6.3.4 Algebraic Relations Solver Tab

The Algebraic Relations Solver tab of the Run Properties Editor is visible when your
model contains algebraic loops that could not be solved during processing. In the tab,
you can specify the tolerance of the algebraic solver algorithm. For each model
evaluation, this solver tries to solve the algebraic loop relations, while standard
integration algorithms, such as Euler, can be use to evaluate the model equations.

The Algebraic Relations Solver tab.

6.3.5 Euler
This is the explicit Euler method. It is a single-step explicit method, which needs one
model calculation per time step. The size of the time step is fixed. This simulation
algorithm requires 1 parameter to be specified:
Step Size : the step time of the integration algorithm (default: 0.01).

6.3.6 Backward Euler

This is a combination of the implicit Backward Euler method and the explicit Forward
Euler method. It is a single-step implicit method, which needs one model calculation per
time step. With the parameter alpha the combination is defined:

alpha combination
-1 100% Forward Euler explicit
0 50% Forward Euler, 50 % Backward Euler explicit
1 100% Backward Euler implicit

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6. Simulator

Step Size : the step time of the integration algorithm (default: 0.01).
Relative Tolerance : Relative tolerance for the rootfinding in the Backward Euler
Alpha : Choose between Forward Euler (alpha = -1), Trapezoidal (alpha = 0)
and Backward Euler (alpha = 1).

6.3.7 Adams-Bashford
This is the trapezoidal rule. It is a single-step explicit method, which needs only two
model calculations per time step. The size of the time step is fixed. This simulation
algorithm requires 1 parameter to be specified:
Step Size : the step time of the integration algorithm (default: 0.1).

6.3.8 Runge Kutta 2

This is an explicit single-step second-order derivatives method which needs 2 model
calculations per time step. It is the simple form of the classical Runge-Kutta method. The
size of the time step is fixed. This simulation algorithm requires 1 parameter to be
Step Size : the step time of the integration algorithm (default: 0.01).

6.3.9 Runge-Kutta 4
This is an explicit single-step fourth-order derivatives method which needs 4 model
calculations per time step. It is the classical Runge-Kutta method. The size of the time
step is fixed. This simulation algorithm requires 1 parameter to be specified:
Step Size: the step time of the integration algorithm (default: 0.01).

6.3.10 Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg
This is an explicit variable-step 4/5-order derivatives method, primarily designed to
solve non-stiff and mildly stiff differential equations. Because the method has very low
overhead costs, it will usually result in the least expensive integration when solving
problems requiring a modest amount of accuracy and having equations that are not
costly to evaluate. This simulation algorithm has 4 parameters:
Integration Error (required)
Absolute : The absolute integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-6).
Relative : The relative integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-6).
Step Size (not required)
Initial: The step size for the first simulation step (default: 0.01).
Maximum: The maximum size of a simulation step (default: 1).

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6. Simulator

6.3.11 Runge Kutta Dormand Prince 8

This is an explicit variable-step 8-order derivatives method, primarily designed to solve
non-stiff and stiff differential equations. This simulation algorithm has 4 parameters:
Integration Error (required)
Absolute : The absolute integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-6).
Relative : The relative integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-6).
Step Size (not required)
Initial: The step size for the first simulation step (default: 0.01).
Maximum: The maximum size of a simulation step (default: 1).

6.3.12 Vode Adams

This is the explicit variable-step stiff integration algorithm of C ohen and Hindmarsh. This
method is specially suited for explicit models that combine high and low frequency
vibrations with little damping (so called "stiff" models). This simulation algorithm has 4
Integration Error (required)
Absolute : The absolute integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-6).
Relative : The relative integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-6).
Maximum Step Size (not required): The maximum size of a simulation step
(default: 1).
Multistep Method (required): The variable step integration method that is used.
A BDF method is default and best suited for stiff systems.
Iteration Type (required): The method used for iteration loops (algebraic
relations). The Newton method is default and best suited for stiff systems.

6.3.13 Backward Differentiation Formula (BDF)

This is an implicit multi-step variable-order first-order derivatives method. It is Gear's
backward differentiation formula, which is up to fifth order, so 1 to 5 model calculations
are needed per time step. The code of the Dassl library is used. It is suitable for models
having derivative causalities and/or algebraic loops. This simulation algorithm has 4
Integration Error (required)
Absolute : The absolute integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-5).
Relative : The relative integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-5).

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6. Simulator

Step Size (not required)

Initial: The step size for the first simulation step (default: 0.1).
Maximum: The maximum size of a simulation step (default: 1).
Undamped models are not simulated properly with this method.
The default values are suitable for problems with time constants of order of
magnitude of 0.1 to 1. Initial Step Size and Maximal Step Size influence the
behavior of the method and should be tuned with care.

6.3.14 Modified Backward Differentiation Formula

This is an implicit multi-step variable-order first-order derivatives method. It is Gear's
backward differentiation formula, which is up to fifth order, so 1 to 5 model calculations
are needed per time step. The code of the Dassl library is used. It is suitable for models
having derivative causalities and/or algebraic loops. The MBDF allows the use of
constraint variables when proper initial values are used.

This simulation algorithm has 4 parameters:

Integration Error (required)

Absolute : The absolute integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-5).
Relative : The relative integration error, valid for every state variable
(default: 1e-5).
Step Size (not required)
Initial: The step size for the first simulation step (default: 0.1).
Maximum: The maximum size of a simulation step (default: 1).


This is the only method that supports the use of the constraint function.
The MeBDFi method cannot handle contraints that do not influence the model.
Therefore 20-sim will check at the beginning of the simulation if contraints have been
properly defined. The contraints that do not influence the model are set to zero
automatically. If you do not want to use this check, deselect the Smart Contraint
Solving option.
Undamped models are not simulated properly with this method.
The default values are suitable for problems with time constants of order of
magnitude of 0.1 to 1. Initial Step Size and Maximal Step Size influence the
behavior of the method and should be tuned with care.

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7. Language Reference

7 Language Reference
7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 Language Reference

Every (sub)model has an implementation. This can be a composition of lower level
submodels, which themselves are composed of lower level submodels etc. At the bottom
of this hierarchy the submodels consist of a set of mathematical equations (equation
submodel). These submodels are therefore known as equation submodels.

All equations used in 20-sim are described in the language SIDOPS+. A simple equation
model written in SIDOPS+ is shown below:

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7. Language Reference

A simple equation model in 20-sim.

You will find out that in most cases the SIDOPS+ language is equal to standard
mathematical notation. Regardless of your modeling background, you can learn quickly
to build your own equation models. 20-sim comes with over 80 built-in functions that do
most of the work for you. To learn more about equation models, have a look at the
following sections:

1. Model Layout

2. Keywords ( C onstants, Parameters, Variables, Equations )

3. Data Types

4. Operators

5. Functions

6. Statements

7.1.2 Model Layout

The general layout of an equation model is:

// enter your constants here, for a description see constants
// enter your parameters here, for a description see parameters

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7. Language Reference

// enter your variables here, for a description see variables

// enter your initial equations here, for a description see initialequations
// enter your equations here, for a description see code
// enter your equations here, for a description see equations
// enter your final equations here, for a description see finalequations

Only the equations section is required. The other sections are optional.

7.1.3 Equations
The body of an equation model consists of the keywords initialequations, code, equations
and finalequations, each followed by one or more equations. Equations are relations
between variables indicated by an equal (=) sign:

y = x + 1;
z + y = sin(time*2*pi*f);
g = ddt(g + z, g_initial);

An equation can be combination of operators, functions, powerports variables, inputs,

outputs, constants, parameters and variables. Equations in 20-sim follow the standard
mathematical notation.
The following rules must be obeyed when specifying equations:

1. An equation may span more than one line but must always be finished by a
semicolon (;).

2. Parentheses may be used to indicate grouping as in ordinary mathematical notation,

u = sin(time*f*2*3.1415 + (a + b)/c );

4. Extensions like .e or .f are used to indicate the effort and the flow variables of
powerports. These extensions are not allowed for any other type of identifier (i.e.
inputs, outputs, constants, parameters or variables).

5. 20-sim has some predefined variables which have a special meaning.

6. Each variable must be assigned a value exactly once.

7. Errors are shown automatically after checking in the Process tab. Double clicking on
the error text will make 20-sim jump to the error, which is then colored red.


1. Equations within 20-sim may be entered in random form. During compilation, 20-sim
will automatically try to rewrite equations into a correct order of execution.

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7. Language Reference

2. Some integration algorithms do more calculations before generating the next output
value. These calculations are called minor steps, the output generation is called a
major step. During a minor step, all model equations are executed. In most cases
you will not notice this because only the results of the major step are shown in the
simulator, but in some cases this may cause unwanted results.

7.1.4 Equation Sections

In 20-sim equations can be divided in four sections: initialequations, equations, code and
The initialequations section should contain all equations that should calculated before the
simulation run. The equations are calculated once. The equations in this section form a
code block, i.e. the equations themselves and the order of the equations are not
rewritten during compilation and executed sequentially. The results of the initialequations
section are not shown in the simulator plots and can therefore not be inspected in the
Numerical Values window!

The initialequations section is used in the library model Spring Damper (stiffness):

real k = 10.0 {N/m};
real m = 1.0 {kg};
real b = 0.05 {};
real x {m};
real d {damping,N.s/m};
d = 2*b*sqrt(k*m);
x = int (p.v);
p.F = k * x + d*p.v;

As you can see in the initialequations section the damping d is calculated out of the
relative damping b, mass m and stiffness k.
The equations section contains all standard equations. They do not have to be entered in
a sequential form. They are rewritten during compilation to get the correct order of
execution. The resulting code is calculated every simulation step. You can see the use of
the equations section in the example above.
The code section contains a code block. A code block contains all equations that must be
calculated sequentially, i.e. the equations themselves and the order of the equations are
not rewritten during compilation. The resulting sequential code is calculated every
simulation step.
The code section is used in the library model Spring Damper (stiffness):

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7. Language Reference

real initial = 0.0;
real prev, peak;
peak = initial;
prev = 0;
output = initial;
if major then
peak = max([abs(input), peak]);
if (input > 0 and prev < 0) or (input < 0 and prev > 0) then
output = peak;
peak = 0;
prev = input;

The finalequations section should contain all equations that should be calculated after a
simulation run. The equations are calculated once. The equations in this section form a
code block, i.e. the equations themselves and the order of the equations are not
rewritten during compilation and executed sequentially. The results of the finalequations
section are not shown in the simulator plots and can therefore not be inspected in the
Numerical Values window!

The finalequations section is used in the library model DoMatlab-Final:

string command = '';
// send the command to the workspace
doMatlab (command);

As you see you can give the parameter command any value, which is then exported to
Matlab at the end of the simulation run.

7.1.5 Using Port Names

To use port variables in equations, you must use the port names that are defined in the
Interface Editor.
Signal Ports
For signal ports, you can directly use the port names. The example below, shows the
library model Differentiate-SVF.emx. In the Interface Editor, two ports are defined with
the names input and output. In the equations these names are used.

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7. Language Reference

The Interface tab shows the contents of the Interface Editor.

Power ports
Power ports describe the flow of power and are always characterized by two variables.
For bond graph ports the extensions .e and .f are used to indicate these variables. For
iconic diagram ports many aliases are known. You can use these variables in equations
by typing the port name followed by a dot and the extension.

You can always find the correct extensions by opening the Interface Editor and selecting
a port. The example below, shows the library model Friction.emx. In the Interface
Editor, one power port is defined with the name p. As shown, the correct description of
both variables is p.v and p.F.

Double clicking in the Interface tab will open the Interface Editor.

The equation description of this model (see below) shows the use of the variables p.v
and p.F.

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7. Language Reference

In the equations the port variables p.F and p.v are used.

7.1.6 Reserved Words

While entering equations, the 20-sim Editor will automatically detect reserved words. You
can recognize reserved words, because they will be shown with a different color:

element color
keywords black
data types black
functions blue
statements black
predefined variables blue

20-sim knows the following reserved words:

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7. Language Reference

- , * , .* , ./ , .^ , / , ^ , + , < , <= , <> , == , > , >= , abs , adjoint , Adjoint ,

algebraic , and , antisym , arccos , arccosh , arcsin , arcsinh , arctan , arctanh , atan2 ,
boolean , by , ceil , code , collect , columns , constants , constraint , cos , cosh , cross ,
data , ddt , delta , det , diag , direct , discrete , div , dll , dlldynamic , dly , do , doMatlab
, effortincausality , else , end , equal , equations , event , eventdown , eventup , exp ,
exp10 , exp2 , export , externals , eye , false , finalequations , first , floor ,
flowincausality , for , frequencyevent, from , fromMatlab , gauss , global , hidden , hold ,
homogeneous , if , import , initialequations , inner , int , integer , interesting , inverse ,
inverseH, limint , limit , log , log10 , log2 , major , max , min , mod , msum , mul , next
, nonlinear , norm , norminf , not , or , parameters , previous , ramp , ran , random ,
real , repeat , resint , resint , return , round , rows , sample , sampletime , sign , sin ,
sinh , skew , sqr , sqrt , step , stopsimulation , string , sum , sym , table , tan , tanh ,
tdelay , then , tilde , time , timeevent , to , toMatlab , trace , transpose , true , trunc ,
type , types , until, variables , warning , while , xor

7.1.7 White Space

Like C and other programming languages, 20-sim does not recognize white space
(spaces and tabs, carriage returns) except in a string. We recommend that you use
white space to make your model easier to follow. For example, the following model is
dense and difficult to read:

real y,u;
y = step(1);
u = -step(1);
if time > 5 then y = -ramp(1); u = ramp(1);
else y = ramp(1); u = -ramp(1); end;

Adding white space with indentation makes the same code much easier to read:

real y;
real u;
y = step(1);
u = -step(1);

if time > 5 then

y = -ramp(1);
u = ramp(1);
y = ramp(1);
u = -ramp(1);

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7. Language Reference

7.1.8 Writing Comments

20-sim gives you several options to create comments in a model. You can use each
option add explanatory text to your model or to exclude ("comment out") certain parts
of your model for testing and debugging purposes.
Block Quotes ("...")
You can enclose a block of text between quotes ("). This method makes it easy to write
a comment over multiple lines:

"This is a line of sample code that shows you how to

use the 20-sim comments"

Programming (/*...*/)
You can enclose a block of text between the constructs /* and */. This method is used
often in programming and also allows to write a comment over multiple lines:

/*This is a line of sample code that shows you how to

use the 20-sim comments*/

Single Line Comment (//...)

A option often used in programming is to insert // into a line. The compiler ignores
everything to the right of the double slashes on that line only.

// This is a line of sample code showing the

// 20-sim comments.

You can begin comments anywhere in a model. 20-sim will automatically recognize
comments and color it green.

7.1.9 State and Time Events

Normally an integration algorithm uses a fixed time step or a variable step, depending
only on the model dynamics. In some cases, the algorithm is forced to perform
calculations at a specific time.
Time Events
The most simple form of forced calculation is calculation at a specific time. This is called
a time event. The following functions cause time events.

function description
timeevent Forces the integration algorithm perform a calculation at a specific
frequencyevent Forces the integration algorithm perform a calculation at a specific
sample , hold, next, These functions introduce a discrete system in a model. A discrete
previous system forces the integration algorithm to perform calculations
every sampletime.

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7. Language Reference

State Events
Sometimes the integration algorithm must iterate to find the next calculation step. This is
called a state event. The following functions cause state events.

function description
event Forces the integration algorithm to find the exact point where the
input crosses zero.
eventup Forces the integration algorithm to find the exact point where the
input crosses zero from a negative to a positive value.
eventdown Forces the integration algorithm to find the exact point where the
input crosses zero from a positive to a negative value.
limint Forces the integration algorithm to find the exact point where the
output become larger or smaller than the minimum and maximum
resint Forces the integration algorithm to find the exact point where the
input becomes zero.

To find the exact point where simulation should be performed iteration is used. The
accuracy of the iteration can be set by the event delta parameter in the Run Properties

7.2 Keywords

7.2.1 Keywords
Before the actual equations, three sections can be entered denoted by the keywords
constants, parameters and variables. This is shown in the example below:

real basefrequency = 60;
real pi = 3.14159265;
real amplitude = 1;
real plot;
plot = amplitude * sin (basefrequency*2*pi * time);

The order of appearance of these sections must always be: (1) constants, (2)
parameters and (3) variables. The sections are optional. If you do not use constants
parameters or variables, these sections may be omitted.

7.2.2 Constants
C onstants are symbolic representations of numerical quantities that do not change
during or in between simulation runs. C onstants must be defined in 20-sim, using the
constants keyword. After the keyword, lines with constant declarations can be entered.
Every line must be finished by a semicolon (;). An example is given below:

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7. Language Reference

real V = 1 {volume, m3}; // the volume of barrel 1
real hidden D = 0.5 {length, m}; // the length of part 1

20-sim currently supports four types of constants: boolean, integer, real and string.
These types must be specified explicitly. The use of the type real is shown in the
example above.
To prevent users from inspecting constants, the keyword hidden can be applied. This
keyword should follow the data type.
Constant names
C onstant names can consist of characters and underscores. A constant name must
always start with a character. C onstant names are case-sensitive. No reserved words
may be used for constants. If a reserved word is used, an error message will pop-up
while checking the model. In the example above the names V and D are used.
Constant Values
It is advised to assign every constant a value. Otherwise 20-sim will assign a default
value (0, false or an empty string), which can easily lead to misinterpretations. Unlike
parameter values, constant values cannot be overridden in the Simulator.
Quantity and Unit
If a constant is known to represent a physical value, you can define the corresponding
quantity and unit. 20-sim will use this information to do a unit check on equations. The
use of quantities and units is optional. In the example above the quantities volume and
length are used with the units m3 and m.
real pi = 3.14159265359;
real two pi = 6.28318530718;
integer i = 10 {length,m}; // vehicle length
integer j = 1 {time,s};

string filename = 'data.txt';
integer i = 1;
real state = 0.0;
boolean t = true, f = false;

You can easily enter constants by using the Add button in the Equation Editor

You can easily select quantities and units by using the Units button of the
Equation Editor Taskbar.

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7. Language Reference

7.2.3 Predefined Constants

Some constants in 20-sim have a predefined value. These constants do not have to be
declared in the constants section of a model. You can add your own predefined constants
in the file Constants.ini in the 20-sim bin-directory.

pi 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
exp1 2.71828182845904523536028747135266
twopi 6.28318530717958647692528676655901
sqrt2 1.41421356237309504880168872420969
log2 0.6931471805599453094172321214581766

g_n 9.80665 {m/s2} Standard acceleration of gravity
G 66.7259e-12 {N.m2/kg2} Newtonian constant of gravitation
c_0 299.792458e6 {m/s} Speed of light (vacuum)
mu_0 1.256637061435917295385057 Permeability (vacuum)
3533118e-6 {H/m}
epsilon_0 8.854188e-12 {F/m} Permittivity (vacuum)
h 6.6260755e-34 {J.s} Planck constant
m_p 2.17671e-08 {kg} Planck mass
l_p 1.61605e-35 {m} Planck length
t_p 5.39056e-44 {s} Planck time
e 1.60217733e-19 {C } Elementary charge
R_H 25812.8056 {Ohm} Quantized Hall resistance
mu_B 9.2740154e-24 {J/T} Bohr magneton
mu_N 5.0507866e-27 {J/T} Nuclear magneton
Ry 10973731.534 {1/m} Rydberg constant
a_0 5.29177249e-11 {m} Bohr radius
N_A 6.0221367e+23 {1/mol} Avogadro constant
m_u 1.6605402e-27 {kg} Atomic mass constant
F 96485.309 {C /mol} Faraday constant
k 1.380658e-23 {J/K} Boltzmann constant
sigma 5.67051e-08 {W/m2.K4} Stefan-Boltzmann constant
b 0.002897756 {m.K} Wien constant
R 8.31451 {J/mol.K} Molar gas constant
V_m 0.0224141 {m3/mol} Molar volume (ideal gas)
n_0 2.686763e+25 {1/m3} Loschmidt constant

m_e 9.1093897e-31 {kg} Electron mass

m_p 1.6726231e-27 {kg} Proton mass
m_n 1.6749286e-27 {kg} Neutron mass

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7. Language Reference

eV 1.60217733e-19 {J}; Electron volt
u 1.6605402e-27 {kg} Atomic mass unit
atm 101325 {Pa} Standard atmosphere
deg 0.017453292519943295769236 Angular degree
9076848861 {rad}

7.2.4 Parameters
Parameters are symbolic representations of numerical quantities which can only be
changed after simulation has been stopped. They can therefore be changed in between
of simulation runs, or after the user has (temporarily) stopped the simulation.

Parameters must be defined in 20-sim, using the parameters keyword. After the
keyword, lines with parameter declarations can be entered. Every line must be finished
by a semicolon (;) and may be followed by comment with a description of the
parameter. An example is given below:

real V = 1 {volume, m3}; // the volume of barrel 1
real hidden D = 0.5 {length, m}; // the length of part 1

20-sim currently supports four types of parameters: boolean, integer, real and string.
These types must be specified explicitly. The use of the type real is shown in the
example above.
To prevent users from inspecting parameters or decreasing the list of parameters, the
keyword hidden can be applied. This keyword should follow the data type.
To use the same parameter in other submodels, the keyword global can be applied. This
keyword should follow the data type.
Parameter Names
Parameter names can consist of characters and underscores. A parameter name must
always start with a character. Parameter names are case-sensitive. No reserved words
may be used for parameters. If a reserved word is used, an error message will pop-up
while checking the model. In the example above the names V and D are used.
Parameter Values
Parameters can be assigned default values. These values can be overridden in the
Simulator using the Parameters command.

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7. Language Reference

Quantity and Unit

If a parameter is known to represent a physical value, you can define the corresponding
quantity and unit. 20-sim will use this information to do a unit check on equations. The
use of quantities and units is optional. In the example above the quantities volume and
length are used with the units m3 and m.
If comment is added at the end of the parameter declaration, it is shown in the Variable
C hooser to facilitate the selection between variables.
real p1 = 12, p2, state = 1.1;
integer i = 10 {length,m}; // vehicle length
integer j = 1 {time,s};

string filename = 'data.txt'; // This comment appears as a description in
the Parameters/Initial values editor.
integer i = 1; // Just a parameter
real state; // Initial velocity [m/s]
boolean t = true; // T = true

You can easily enter parameters by using the Add button in the Equation Editor

You can easily select quantities and units by using the Units button of the
Equation Editor Taskbar.

7.2.5 Variables
Variables are symbolic representations of numerical quantities that may change during
simulation runs. Variables must be defined in 20-sim, using the variables keyword. After
the keyword, lines with variable declarations can be entered. Every line must be finished
by a semicolon (;). An example is given below:

real interesting V {volume, m3}; // the volume of barrel 1
real hidden D {length, m}; // the length of part 1

20-sim currently supports four types of variables: boolean, integer, real and string.
These types must be specified explicitly. The use of the type real is shown in the
example above.

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7. Language Reference

By adding the keyword interesting after the variable type, a variable will be given
special focus in the Variable C hooser. The Variable C hooser shows the complete list of
variables of a model and is used to select variables for plotting. The keyword interesting
is shown in the variable list, making it easier to find variables of special interest.
To prevent users from inspecting variables or decreasing the list of variables, the
keyword hidden can be applied. This keyword should follow the data type.
To use the same variable in other submodels, the keyword global can be applied. This
keyword should follow the data type.
Variable Names
Variable names can consist of characters and underscores. A variable name must
always start with a character. Variable names are case-sensitive. No reserved words
may be used for variables. If a reserved word is used, an error message will pop-up
while checking the model.
Variable Values
Variables cannot be assigned default values.
Quantity and Unit
If a variable is known to represent a physical value, you can define the corresponding
quantity and unit. 20-sim will use this information to do a unit check on equations. The
use of quantities and units is optional. In the example above the quantities volume and
length are used with the units m3 and m.
If comment is added at the end of the variable declaration, it is shown in the Variable
Chooser to facilitate the selection between variables.
Predefined Variables
20-sim has some predefined variables which have a special meaning.
real interesting p1,p2,state;
integer i;
integer j;

string filename;
integer interesting i;
real interesting state;
boolean t,f;

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7. Language Reference

7.2.6 Predefined Variables

Some variables in 20-sim have a predefined value. These variables do not have to be
declared in the variables section of a model.
The variable time is equal to the simulated time. It can for example be used in functions
such as:

u = sin(time*f*2*3.1415);

The variable starttime is equal to the Start value of the Simulator Run Properties
(typically 0.0 {s}).
The variable finishtime is equal to the Finish value of the Simulator Run Properties (e.g.
10.0 {s}). It can be used for example to execute some actions just before finishing the

if (time >= finishtime - 1.0) then

// do some action

The variable realtime contains the elapsed wall-clock time (in seconds) from the start of
the simulation. It can be used to monitor if the simulation runs slower, equally fast or
faster than real time.

if (time >= realtime) then

// simulation is realtime or faster than realtime
// simulation is slower that real time

The variable sampletime is equal to the sampletime. It is only meaningful when it is used
in an equation model that is part of a discrete loop in your model. 20-sim will
automatically detect, which loop the model belongs to and assign the proper value to the
variable sampletime.

The variable stepsize contains the actual stepsize of the integration routine. It can be
used to monitor the variable step sizes of methods like BDF and Vode Adams.
The variable random will yield a random variable uniformly distributed in the interval [-
1,1]. E.g.:

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7. Language Reference

u = random;

The variable true will return the boolean value true.
The variable false will return the boolean value false.
Some integration algorithms, will perform model calculations at one or more
intermediate points before calculating the next output value. To prevent equations being
calculated, at these intermediate steps, you can use the variable major. This variable
will return the boolean false when calculations are performed for an intermediate step
and will return true when calculations are performed for the output values.

if major then
sim_steps = sim_steps + 1; // this equation is not evaluated at
intermediate points

7.2.7 Global Parameters and Variables

Global parameters and variables are defined using the keyword global. In equation
models, this keyword is added after the definition of the data type in the Equation Editor:

real global par1 = 100 {Hz};
real global par2 ;
real global var1;
real global var2;

Parameters can only be assigned a value once. The same goes for variables. Only one
submodel must defined their value using an equation. If parameters or variables are
assigned more than once, 20-sim will generate an error.
The best way to describe the use of global parameters and variables is by an example
model. You can find this model in the 20-sim demonstration library (Demo\Tips And
Tricks\Global Parameters and Variables.emx). The model exists of three submodels. In
the first submodel two global parameters (f and A) are assigned and one variable
(sinewave). The variable is assigned a value in the equations section and connected with
the output (out1).

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7. Language Reference


real global f = 100 {Hz};
real global A = 1 {none};
real global sinewave;
sinewave = A*sin(f*2*pi*time);
out1 = sinewave;

In the second submodel, the two global parameters are use to connect them with two
outputs (out1 and out2).

submodel 2

real global f {Hz};
real global A {none};
real global sinewave;
out1 = f;
out2 = A;

In the third submodel, the global variable is connected with an output (out1).

submodel 3

real global sinewave;
out1 = sinewave;

To prevent conflicts global parameters may be assigned a default value only once. The
same goes for global variables: they may be assigned a value in the equation section
only once.

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7. Language Reference

7.3 Types

7.3.1 Data Types

For all parameters, variables, initial conditions etc. 20-sim supports the following data

1. Boolean

2. Integer

3. Real

4. String

The declaration of data types can be done in the constants, parameters and variables
sections of the model. E.g.:

real a = 1;
integer B[2,2];
string c;
boolean yesno;

Declaration of data types in equations is not allowed. E.g.:

real v = sin(t*a + b); // This is not allowed!

To prevent users from inspecting variables, parameters or constants (e.g. for encrypted
models) or decreasing the list of parameters and variables, the keyword hidden can be
applied. This keyword should follow the data type. For example:

real hidden a = 1;
integer hidden B[2,2];
string hidden c;
boolean hidden yesno;
To allow for a quick selection of variables in the Variable C hooser, the keyword
interesting can be applied for variables. This keyword should follow the data type. For

real a = 1;
integer B[2,2];
string interesting c;
boolean interesting yesno;

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7. Language Reference

Interesting variables are shown, even when all options are deselected in the Variable
C hooser. This makes it possible to quickly select variables out of a large list.

7.3.2 Boolean
Either true (1) or false (0). Variables of this type should not be used to store any other
values. Like C ++, 20-sim evaluates non-zero values as true; only the value of zero is
evaluated as false. Normally, the value of one is used to indicate true.
boolean a;
boolean b = true;
boolean c = false;
boolean D[2,2] = [true,true;false;false];
a = b and c;

When used in standard functions, booleans are treated as reals with value 0 or 1. An
equation like:

boolean a = true;
real c;
c = sin(a);

would yield c equal to 0.8415. Try to avoid these constructions, since they lead to

7.3.3 Integer
Signed four-byte integer. It can hold any value between -2147483648 and
+2147483647. Integer is the recommended data type for the control of program loops
(e.g. in for-next loops) and element numbering.
integer i = 1,j = 2;
real B[2,2] = [1,2;3,4]
real b;
b = B[i,j];
for i := 1 to 10 do ....end;
When used in standard functions, integers are treated as reals. An equation like:

integer c;
c = 10*sin(time);

would yield c equal to 0.8415. Try to avoid these constructions, since they lead to
confusions. Us the round function instead:

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7. Language Reference

integer c;
c = round(10*sin(time));

7.3.4 Real
Signed 64 bit floating point number. The maximum representable number is
1.7976931348623158e+308. The minimum positive value unequal to zero is
2.2250738585072014e-308. If reals exceed this range during simulation, the numerical
values window will display the values 1.#INF (positive infinite) or -1.#INF (negative
real a = 0.0;
real b = 1.04e-31,c = -3198.023e-64;
real B[2,2] = [1.2,22.4;3.0e3,-4.023e-6];

In practice, during simulation, real should not exceed 1e-100 .. 1e100 to prevent
instability in the integration algorithms.

7.3.5 String
A string is an array of characters. There is no limit to the amount of characters a String
may contain. Simple string concatenation (e.g. concatenation that can be done during
processing) is allowed. Strings must always be entered between single quotes ('). A
single quote can be escaped with a second quote, so if a single quote should be part of
the string, it needs to be typed twice.
string c = 'C:\data.txt';
string b = 'This is a string with a '' single quote';
real d;
string name;
if time > 10 then stopsimulation (b); end;
d = table(c,1);
name = c + ' // file';
toMatlab (d, name)

Strings may only be used as input for some special functions (e.g. table).

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7. Language Reference

7.4 Functions

7.4.1 Functions
In 20-sim you can use all kind of functions to describe your equations. They are
classified according to the list below.

1. Arithmetic

2. Discrete

3. Event

4. Expansion

5. Extern

6. Matrix

7. Port

8. Source

9. Trigonometric

7.4.2 Arithmetic


Y = abs(X);
Returns the absolute value of X or the elements of X.

X abs(X)
1 1
2.1 2.1
-2.6 2.6
-1e-102 1e-102
[1.1,2.7;-3.6,-4] [1.1,2.7;3.6,4]
X and Y must have the same size.
For scalars, the abs function can also be written as: Y = |X|;

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7. Language Reference


y = algebraic(x);
y becomes equal to x. This function forces the integration algorithm to find a solution by
using the algebraic loop solver. Normally when algebraic loops occur in a model, 20-sim
will itself will break the algebraic loop using the algebraic loop solver internally. You can
use this function to break an algebraic loop at a user-defined position.
u = sin(time);
a = algebraic(y);
y = K*(u - a);

Be very careful with this function. In most cases the symbolic engine of 20-sim will find
and exact solution which will lead to much faster simulation!


Y = ceil(X);
Rounds X or the elements of X to the nearest integers greater than or equal to X.

X ceil(X)
1 1
2.1 3
-2.6 -2
3.4 4
[1.1,-2.7;3.5,-4.1] [2,-2;4,-4]

X and Y must have the same size.


y = constraint(x);

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7. Language Reference

This function iteratively assigns a value to y such that x approaches zero within a given
error margin. It only works in combination with the MBDF simulation method! The
function is very useful for entering constraints in physical systems and inverse
This example makes a velocity vm equal to a reference velocity vs:

vs = sin(time); // reference velocity

v = vm - vs; // If v = 0 then the mass follows the reference
F = constraint(v); // Make F have a value that yields a zero velocity v
vm = (1/m)*int(F); // mass


y = ddt(x,init);
Returns the derivative value of x with respect to the time. The initial value of y is equal
to the value of init.
20-sim will always try to rewrite equations in such a way that only integrals are used
(integral form). This is done automatically and means all integration methods can be
applied. Sometimes an integral form cannot be found. Then only the Backward-
Differentiation Method can be used for simulation.
equation integral form integration

ddt(x,0) = u - k*x; x = int(u - k*x); All methods

x = ddt(sin(time),0); not possible! Only BDF

When no integral form can be found, the use of the derivative function can introduce
noisy signals or may even cause signals to exceed the data range.


y = derivative(x,base);
Returns the derivative value of x with respect to base. E.g:

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7. Language Reference

real x, y, z;
x = sin (time);
y = derivative (x, time);
z = derivative (x^2, x);

20-sim will use its symbolic engine to solve the derivative and rewrite it to a closed
form. If no solution is found, and error message is generated.


y = dly(x,init);
y is equal to the value of x, one simulation-time step delayed. The initial value of y is
equal to init
x = sin(time*0.3);
y = dly(x, 1.0);
x,y and init must be scalars.


Y = exp(X);
Returns the exponential function of X or the elements of X.

y = e x;
X exp(x)
1 2.718282 (= e1)
2.1 8.166170 (= e2.1)
-2.6 0.074274 (= e-2.6)
[1,2.1;-2.6,1] [2.718282,8.166170;0.074274,2.7
( = [e1,e2.1;e-2.6,e1] )

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7. Language Reference

X and Y must have the same size.


Y = exp10(X);
Returns the exponential function (base 10) of X or the elements of X.

y = 10x;

X exp10(x)
1 10 (= 101)
2.1 125.89 (= 102.1)
-2.6 0.00251 (= 10-2.6)
[1,2.1;-2.6,1] [10,125.89;0.00251,10]
( = [101,102.1;10-2.6,101] )

X and Y must have the same size.


Y = exp2(X);
Returns the exponential function (base 2) of X or the elements of X.

y = 2x;

X exp2(x)
1 2 (= 21)
2.1 4.8709 (= 22.1)

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7. Language Reference

-2.6 0.16494 (= 2-2.6)

[1,2.1;-2.6,1] [2,4.8709;0.16494,2]

( = [21,22.1;2-2.6,21] )
X and Y must have the same size.


Y = floor(X);
Rounds X or the elements of X to the nearest integers less than or equal to X.
X floor(X)
1 1

2.1 2

-2.6 -3

3.4 3

[1.1,-2.7;3.5,-4.1] [1,-3;3,-5]
X and Y must have the same size.


Y = initialvalue(X);
Returns the initial value of X or the elements of X. Value should be assigned to X first.
X initialvalue(X)
1 1

sin(time) 0
[cos(time); sin(time)] [1;0]
X and Y must have the same size.

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7. Language Reference


y = int(x,init);
Returns the integral of x with respect to the time. The initial value of y is equal to the
value of init. This initial value is optional. If no value is entered, a default initial value of
0 is used.
y = int(x,0);
z = int( sin(time*w + p) - cos(time*x + z) , b);


y = limint(x,min,max,init);
Returns the integral of x with respect to the time. The initial value of y is equal to the
value of init. The output of this integral is limited between a maximum and minimum
bound given by the parameters min and max.

This function forces the integration algorithm to find the exact point where the gets
saturated. If the integral is in saturated condition and the input changes sign, the output
wanders away from the bounds immediately.

The limitedIntegrator block is used for the prevention of wind-up in PI and PID
controllers in control applications. It is also used in kinematics, electrical circuits, process
control, and fluid dynamics.
x = 10*sin(time*10);
y = limint(x,-1,1,0);


y = limit(x,a,b);
This function limits the signal x between a minimum of a and a maximum of b.

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7. Language Reference

x = 10*sin(time);
y = limit(x,-5,5);
a,b,x and y must be scalars. a must be smaller than b.


y = log(x);
Returns the natural logarithm of X or the elements of X.
X log(X)
1 0
2.1 0.6931
4 1.3863
[1,2.1;4,1] [0,0.6931;1.3863,0]
-2.6 not allowed!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 139

7. Language Reference

X and Y must have the same size. X or the elements of X must be larger than zero.


Y = log10(X);
Returns the base 10 logarithm of X or the elements of X.
X log10(X)
1 0
50 1.6990
100 2
[1,50;100,1] [0,1.6990;2,0]
-2.6 not allowed!

X and Y must have the same size. X or the elements of X must be larger than zero.


Y = log2(X);
Returns the base 2 logarithm of X or the elements of X.
X log2(X)
1 0
2.1 1.0704
4 2
[1,2.1;4,1] [0,1.0704;2,0]
-2.6 not allowed!
X and Y must have the same size. X or the elements of X must be larger than zero.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 140

7. Language Reference


y = resint(x,newoutp,reset,init);
Returns the integral of x with respect to the time. The initial value of y is equal to the
value of init. The output of this integral is reset to the value of newoutp when the
Boolean argument reset is TRUE.
x = 1;
reset = event(sin(time));
y = resint(x,0,reset,0);


x = 1;
reset = if y > 10 then true else false end;
y = resint(x,0,reset,0);


Y = round(X);
Rounds X or the elements of X to the nearest integer.
X round(X)
1 1

2.1 2

-2.6 -3

3.7 4

[1.1,-2.7;3.5,-4.1] [1,-3;4,-4]

X and Y must have the same size.

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7. Language Reference


Y = sign(X);
Returns the sign of X or the elements of X.

X = < 0 : Y = -1
X = 0: Y = 0
X > 0: Y = 1

X sign(X)
1 1

2.1 1

-2.6 -1

0 0

[1,2.1;-2.6,0] [1,1;-1,0]
X and Y must have the same size.


Y = sqr(X);
Returns the square of X or the elements of X.
X sqr(X)
1 1 (= 12 )
2.1 4.41 (= 2.12 )
-2.6 6.76 (= -2.62 )
0 0 (= 02 )
[1,2.1;-2.6,0] [1,4.41;6.76,0]
( = [12,2.12;-2.62,02] )

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7. Language Reference

x and y must be scalars.


X = sqrt(Y);
Returns the square root of X or the elements of X.
X sqrt(X)
1 1
2.1 1.44913
4 2
[1,2.1;4,1] [1,1.44913;2,1]
-1 not allowed!

X and Y must have the same size. X or the elements of X must be larger than or equal
to zero.


y = tdelay(x,delaytime);
Returns the (continuous) signal x delayed for an absolute time (given by delaytime). The
initial value of y for time = 0 to delaytime is equal to zero. This block is intended to
model a continuous delay in a continuous simulation. Use the Unit Delay block to model
a digital delay.
x = 10*sin(time*10);
y = tdelay(x,2);
x,y and delaytime must be scalars. delaytime must be a positive constant value.

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7. Language Reference


Y = trunc(X);
Rounds X or the elements of X towards zero (i.e. the function trunc removes the
X trunc(X)
1 1
2.1 2
-2.6 -2
3.4 3
[1.1,-2.7;3.5,-4.1] [1,-2;3,-4]

X and Y must have the same size.

7.4.3 Discrete


y = hold(x,init);
The hold function implements a zero order hold function operating at a specified
sampling rate. It provides a mechanism for creating a continuous output signal y out of a
discrete input signal x. The initial value of y is equal to the value of init.

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7. Language Reference

x = sin(time*0.3);
y = sample(x);
z = previous(y);
u = hold(z,-1);
x and y must be scalars. x be a discrete signal. y is a continuous signal. 20-sim will
automatically detect the existence of discrete signals. Each chain of discrete signals will
be assigned a specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to any desired value in
the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and Discrete System).


y = next(x,init);
The next function allows you to make constructs like:

x(k+1) = x(k) - 0.1 + u(k)

where k is the k th sample. Using the next function, this can be entered in 20-sim as:

next(x,0) = x - 0.1 + u;
x and y will become discrete signals. 20-sim will automatically detect the existence of
discrete signals. Each chain of discrete signals will be assigned a specific sample time.
You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator (choose Properties,
Simulation and Discrete System).

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7. Language Reference


y = previous(x,init);
The previous function delays the input signal x and holds it for one sample interval. It is
equivalent to the z-1 discrete time operator.
The init argument is the first value for y at t=0 {s}.

x = sin(time*0.3);
y = sample(x);
z = previous(y);
u = hold(z);
x and y will become discrete signals. 20-sim will automatically detect the existence of
discrete signals. Each chain of discrete signals will be assigned a specific sample time.
You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator (choose Properties,
Simulation and Discrete System).


y = sample(x,init);

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 146

7. Language Reference

The sample function implements a sample and hold function operating at a specified
sampling rate. It provides a mechanism for discretizing a continuous input signal. The
initial value of y is equal to the value of init. This initial value is optional. If no value is
entered, a default initial value of 0 is used.

x = sin(time*0.3);
y = sample(x);
z = previous(y);
u = hold(z);

x and y must be scalars. x represents a continuous signal and y represents a

discrete signal.

y will become a discrete signals. 20-sim will automatically detect the existence of
discrete signals. Each chain of discrete signals will be assigned a specific sample
time. You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator (choose
Properties, Simulation and Discrete System).

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7. Language Reference

7.4.4 Event


y = event(x);
y becomes true when x is zero. This function forces the integration algorithm to find the
exact point where the input crosses zero. This is called a state event.
x = sin(time*omega +phi);
y = event(x);
y must be a boolean, x must be an expression yielding a scalar.


y = eventdown(x);
y becomes true when x is zero. This function forces the integration algorithm to find the
exact point where the input crosses zero from a positive to a negative value. This is
called a state event.
x = sin(time*omega +phi);
y = eventdown(x);
y must be a boolean, x must be an expression yielding a scalar.


y = event(x);
y becomes true when x is zero. This function forces the integration algorithm to find the
exact point where the input crosses zero from a negative to a positive value. This is
called a state event.

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7. Language Reference

x = sin(time*omega +phi);
y = eventup(x);
y must be a boolean, x must be an expression yielding a scalar.


y = frequencyevent(p,o);
y becomes true every time when p [s] have passed. The function starts after an offset
of o [s]. The offset parameter is optional. This function is a time event function.
real period = 0.1 {s};
real offset = 0.005 {s};
boolean y,z;
y = frequencyevent(1); // y = true every second
z = frequencyevent(period,offset); // z = true at 0.005 s, 0.105 s, 0.205 s

y must be a boolean, p and o must be a parameter or a constant.


y = timeevent(x);
y becomes true when time is equal to x. This functions forces the integration algorithm
to do a calculation when time y becomes true. This is a time event function.
The example code below forces the integration algorithm, to do a calculation at the start
of the step:

x = step(start_time);
y = timeevent(start_time);

y must be a boolean, x must be an expression yielding a scalar.

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7. Language Reference

7.4.5 Expansion


equal([x1,x2, ...,xn]);
This function is used to make all elements of a matrix equal. It returns the equations x2
= x1, x3 = x1, .. , xn = x1. During processing the equations will be automatically
reshaped into a proper causal form. This function is created for use in library models
that use a matrix with unknown size which results from the collect function.
Suppose we have m bonds connected to a submodel, collected in a port p. We could
then use the function:


During processing this equation will be expanded as:


If we use the equal function:


this results in:


which will be expanded in:

p.e2 = p.e1;
p.e3 = p.e1;
p.en = p.e1

This function is designed for a special class of models and should be used by
experienced users only!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 150

7. Language Reference


y = mul([x1,x2, ...,xn]);
This function is used for multiplication of variables of which one may be unknown. It
returns the equation y = x1 * x2 * .. * xn. During processing this equation will be
automatically reshaped into a causal form.

This function is created for use in library models that have unknown inputs such as
MultiplyDivide model. Try to avoid the use of this function!
equations after reshaping (processing)
x1 = 1; x1 = 1;
x2 = 2; x2 = 2;
1 = mul([x1,x2,x3]); x3 = (1/x1)/x2;

y = sin(time); y = sin(time);
x2 = 2; x2 = 2;
y = mul([x1,x2]); x1 = y/x2;

This function is designed for a special class of models and should be used by
experienced users only! y, x1, x2, ..,xn must be scalars. n may be 1 or higher1


y = sum([x1,x2, ...,xn]);
This function is used for summation of variables of which one may be unknown. It
returns the equation y = x1 + x2 + .. xn. During processing this equation will be
automatically reshaped into a causal form.

This function is created for use in library models that have unknown inputs such as
PlusMinus model. Try to avoid the use of this function!
equations after reshaping (processing)
x1 = 1; x1 = 1;
x2 = 2; x2 = 2;
0 = sum(x1,x2,x3); x3 = x1 + x2;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 151

7. Language Reference

y = sin(time); y = sin(time);
x2 = 2; x2 = 2;
y = sum(x1,x2); x1 = y - x2;

This function is designed for a special class of models and should be used by
experienced users only! y, x1, x2, ..,xn must be scalars. n may be 1 or higher.
Use the function msum if you want to use a standard summation of multiple

7.4.6 External


y = data(filename,column);
This function generates an output by linear interpolation of data read from file. The data
on file is stored in columns. The first column contains the time values (t) and the second
column contains the corresponding output values (y).
The time data of the first column needs to be monotonically increasing.
Discontinuities are allowed, by providing the same time point twice in the table.
Values outside of the range, are computed by linear extrapolation of the last two

The first argument (filename) of this function must be a parameter of the type string and
is used as a reference to a filename. This reference can be specified using the complete
path or relative to the model directory. The second argument (column) of this function
must be a parameter of the type integer denoting a whole number. It is used to denote
the column number.

table (example):

0 -0.5
0.5 -1
2.5 -1
3.5 0
4.5 1
5.5 1.75
7 2.5

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 152

7. Language Reference

8 2.5

The input file must be an ASC II (text) file or a C omma Separated Values (.csv) file and
should consist at least two columns of data. The first column (number 0) should always
contain the time values. The other columns (number 1, 2, 3, etc.) should contain the
corresponding data values. The parameter column is used to specify which column is
used for as output data.

The various values must be separated by a space, a tab or a comma. Each new set of
time and data values must start on a new line. No comment or other text may be part of
the file. The filename of the input file can be specified using the complete path (e.g. c:
\data\data.tbl). When no path is given, the file is assumed to be in the same
directory as your model.

The first row may contain names for the columns. Names should be indicated by
quotation marks (").
string filename = 'data.txt';
integer col = 2;
real y;
y = data(filename,col);

Example data.txt file with header:

0.0, 1, 2
0.1, 5, 10
0.2, 6, 11

y must be a scalar. from_file must be string parameter. x must be an integer parameter.


Y = dll(filename,functionname,X);
Given a function (functionname) of a dll (filename), the dll function returns the output
values (X) for a given input (Y).

Users can write their own source code using a native compiler such as Visual C ++ or
Borland C ++. With these compilers it is possible to create DLL’s with user defined
functions that have an input- output relation which can be embedded in simulation code.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 153

7. Language Reference

string filename = 'example.dll';
string function = 'myFunction';
real x[2],y[2];
x = [ramp(1);ramp(2)];
y = dll(filename,function,x);
filename and functionname must be string parameters. Note that the size of Y and X
(scalars or matrices) must correspond with the size that is expected for the given dll-
Search Order
20-sim uses the following search order for the dll-file:

1. The bin directory of 20-sim (usually C :\Program Files\20-sim 4.6\bin).

2. The current directory.

3. The Windows system directory.

4. The Windows directory.

5. The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable.

The simplest place to put the dll-file is the bin directory, but it is always possible to give
a complete path for the dll filename.

Code generation notice

20-sim allows for code generation of the 20-sim model. In case of a DLL call, 20-sim
cannot generate the complete code for a DLL call since it only knows the DLL file name,
function name and arguments and not the internal DLL code.

Therefore, in the generated code, the dll(dll_name, function_name, in) will be generated

%dll_name%_%function_name%(double *inarr, int inputs, double *outarr, int outputs,

int major)

Where %dll_name% and %function_name% are replaced with the actual DLL and
function name. You have to add the C -code implementation of this function yourself to
the generated code before you can compile it.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 154

7. Language Reference

Writing Static DLL's

Almost every compiler that can build Windows applications, can also build dll-files
containing dll-functions. For two compilers an example will be given how to build the
static dll's (i.e. dll functions that do not contain internal model states) in combination
with 20-sim. The two compilers are: Visual C ++ and Borland C ++ .

When the simulator has to call the user defined dll for the first time the dll is linked and
the appropriate function is called. At the end of the simulation run the dll will be
disconnected from the simulator. In general the dll-function called by the simulator has
the following syntax in 20-sim:

Y = dll(filename,functionname,X);

For example (equation model):

string dll_name = 'example.dll';
string function_name = 'myFunction';
real in[2],out[2];
in = [ramp(1),ramp(2)];
out = dll(dll_name, function_name, in);

The name of the function is the actual name which was given to the corresponding string
parameter. The return value of the function determines whether the function was
successful or not. A return value of 0 means success, every other value error. When a
nonzero value is returned the simulation stops after finishing its current simulation step.
The parameters given to the function correspond directly to the 20-sim parameters:
double pointers for the inputs and outputs point to an array of doubles.
Function arguments
The user-function in the dll must have certain arguments. The function prototype is like

int myFunction(double *inarr, int inputs, double *outarr, int outputs,

int major)

inarr: pointer to an input array of doubles. The size of this array is given by
the second argument.
inputs: size of the input array of doubles.
outarr: pointer to an output array of doubles. The size of this array is given by
the fourth argument.
outputs: size of the output array of doubles.

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7. Language Reference

major: boolean which is 1 if the integration method is performing a major

integration step, and 0 in the other cases. For example Runge-Kutta 4
method only has one in four model evaluations a major step.

Initializing the DLL-file

When the dll is linked to the simulator it is often useful to perform some initializations.
There are several ways to perform these initializations.
Method 1
When the simulator has attached the dll-file it automatically searches for a function with
the name ‘int Initialize()’. If this function is found it is called. The return value is checked
for success, 1 means success, 0 means error. At the end of the simulation run just
before the dll-file is detached the simulator searches for a function called ‘int
Terminate()’. In this function the necessary termination action can be performed like
cleaning up allocated memory.

At the start of every run the simulator also searches a function with the name 'int
InitializeRun()'. If it is found it is called the same way the Initialize function was called.
At the end the same happens with the function 'int TerminateRun()'. This is very useful in
multiple run simulations, in this case the dll-file is linked only once with the simulator,
and only once the Initialize and Terminate functions are called. But for every subsequent
run the InitializeRun and TerminateRun functions are called so every run can be
initialized and terminated gracefully. In this case in the Terminate function collection of
multiple run data could be collected and saved for example.

So suppose you have a multiple run with 2 runs, the following functions (if they exist)
will be called in the dll-file in this order:


Method 2
Using the DLLEntryPoint function. This function is automatically called when the library is
linked or detached. Both in Visual C ++ and in Borland C ++ this function has the same
syntax. However when using visual C ++ as the compiler, our simulator which is build
with Visual C ++ does not seem to be able to call this function. So the framework as
given below only works with a Borland C ++ dll.

// Every dll has an entry point LibMain || DllEntryPoint

// and an exit point WEP (windows exit point).
BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDll, DWORD fdwRreason, LPVOID
if (fdwRreason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
return 1; // Indicate that the dll was linked successfully.
if (fdwRreason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 156

7. Language Reference

return 1; // Indicate that the dll was detached successfully.
return 0;

Method 3
When using an object oriented language it is possible to have a global variable which is
an instance of a class. When linking the dll-file to the simulator the constructor function
of this global variable will be called automatically. In this constructor the initialization can
be performed. When the dll-file is detached the destructor of the global variable is
called. Some care should be taken with this method of terminating. E.g. if the user is
asked for a filename using a FileDialog this sometimes causes the complete application
to crash. The reason for this is that some of the dll-files contents was already destructed
and that some functionality may not work anymore resulting in an application error. The
solution for this problem is tot use method 1 of initialization and destruction.

Frame work for a Visual C++ dll-file implementation.

#include <windows.h>
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
extern "C"
DllExport int myFunction(double *inarr, int inputs, double *outarr,
int outputs, int major)
... // function body
return 0; // return successful
DllExport int Initialize()
... // do some initializations here.
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.
DllExport int Terminate()
... // do some cleaning here
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was terminated successfully.

Frame work for a Borland C++ dll-file implementation.

#include <windows.h>
extern "C"
int _export myFunction(double *inarr, int inputs, double *outarr, int
outputs, int major)
... // function body
return 0; // return successful
int _export Initialize()

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 157

7. Language Reference

... // do some initializations here.
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.
int _export Terminate()
... // do some cleaning here
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was terminated successfully.

// Every dll has an entry point LibMain || DllEntryPoint

// and an exit point WEP.
BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDll, DWORD fdwRreason, LPVOID
if (fdwRreason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
... // do some initializations here.
return 1; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.
if (fdwRreason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
... // do some cleaning here
return 1; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.
return 0;

Make sure that Borland C ++ does not generate underscores in front of the exported
function names! This can probably be found in the compiler settings.
Working example
Here is a complete working example of how to use a dll-function from within the
simulator. This code will compile with Visual C ++ or gcc. See the Borland C ++
framework how to write this code in Borland C ++.

/* Example C++ DLL for 20-sim */

#include <windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>

#define DLLEXPORT __declspec( dllexport )

using namespace std;

ofstream outputStream;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 158

7. Language Reference

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define snprintf _snprintf

extern "C"
char g_lasterrormessage[255]; /* Used to store a DLL error message
for transfer to 20-sim */
const char* g_modelpath;

* This is an example of a function that can be called in your 20-sim
* model using the dll() Sidops call
* @param inarr This double array contains all inputs that will be
* send from 20-sim to the other side
* @param inputs 20-sim tells the dll how many elements inarr[]
* contains.
* @param outarr Result from this dll function that will be returned
* to 20-sim
* @param outputs 20-sim tells the dll how many elements it expects
* (and allocated) in outarr.
* @param major 1=major integration step, 0=minor step (e.g. an
* intermediate integration method step in Runge Kutta
* 4)
DLLEXPORT int myFunction(double *inarr, int inputs, double *outarr,
int outputs, int major)
// Check the sizes of our input and output arrays
if (inputs != outputs)
snprintf(g_lasterrormessage, 255, "%s: expects that the number of
inputs is equal to the number of outputs.", __FUNCTION__);
return 0; // Failure

for (int i = 0; i < inputs; i++)

outarr[i] = cos(inarr[i]);
outputStream << inarr[i] << " " << outarr[i] << " ";
outputStream << endl;
return 1; // Success

/****** Initialization and cleanup ******/

/* Note 1:
* The Initialize(), InitializeRun(), Terminate() and TerminateRun()

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 159

7. Language Reference

* functions are optional.

* Implement them when you need to initialize something before the
* actual experiment is started and to cleanup/reset your DLL
* functionality for a next run.
* Note 2:
* When these functions are implemented, the "continue run"
* functionality in 20-sim is disabled.

* Initialize() [optional]
* This function is called by the 20-sim simulator BEFORE starting the
* simulation experiment (and only once in a multiple run experiment)
* to initialize the dll properly.
DLLEXPORT int Initialize()
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.
* InitializeRun() [optional]
* This function is called by the 20-sim simulator BEFORE starting the
* simulation experiment (and only once in a multiple run experiment)
* to initialize the dll properly.
DLLEXPORT int InitializeRun()
/* Clear lasterrormessage before every run. */
snprintf(g_lasterrormessage, 255, "");

return 0; /* Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully. */


* TerminateRun() [optional]
* This function is called by 20-sim after each finished run
DLLEXPORT int TerminateRun()
/* Cleanup / reset your DLL here for the next run
* (e.g. in a multiple run experiment)
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was terminated successfully.


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 160

7. Language Reference

* Terminate() [optional]
* This function is called by 20-sim on a DLL unload
DLLEXPORT int Terminate()
return 0; // Indicate that the DLL was terminated successfully.

* LastErrorMessage() [optional]
* Used by 20-sim to fetch a string with the last error that occurred
* within the DLL
* @return A char pointer to a string indicating the error message
DLLEXPORT char* LastErrorMessage()
return g_lasterrormessage;

* RegisterModelPath() [optional]
* This function is called by 20-sim before Initialize() to learn the
* DLL where the model is located. It can be used e.g. to find data
* files stored in the same folder as the model.
* @param modelPath char pointer to the model directory
* @return 0 if parameter is set successfully, 1 if not successful.
DLLEXPORT int RegisterModelPath(const char * modelPath)
g_modelpath = modelPath;

Usage within 20-sim

Suppose the dll has been created as "example.dll". With the following code this model
can be tested:

string dll_name = 'example.dll';
string function_name = 'myFunction';
real in[2],out[2];
in = [ramp(1),ramp(2)];
out = dll(dll_name, function_name, in);

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 161

7. Language Reference

Note that the general function "dll" is used. The arguments of this function, dll_name and
function_name, are parameters which are used to denote the dll that should be used and
the function of that dll that should be called. You can load this model from the
Demonstration Models Library:
1. Open the Editor.
2. From the demo library open the model DllFunction.emx (choose File and
3. Start the simulator (Model menu and Start Simulator).
4. Start a simulation run (select Run from the Simulation menu).
Code generation notice
20-sim allows for code generation of the 20-sim model. In case of a DLL call 20-sim
cannot generate the complete code for a DLL call since it only knows the DLL file name,
function name and arguments and not the internal DLL code.

Therefore, in the generated code, the dll(dll_name, function_name, in) will be generated

%dll_name%_%function_name % (double *inarr, int inputs, double *outarr,

int outputs, int major)

Where %dll_name% and %function_name% are replaced with the actual DLL and
function name. You have to add the C -code implementation of this function yourself to
the generated code before you can compile it.


Y = dlldynamic(filename,functionname,X);
Given a function (functionname) of a dll (filename), the dll function returns the output
values (X) for a given input (Y).

Users can write their own source code using a native compiler such as Visual C ++ or
Borland C ++. With these compilers it is possible to create DLL’s with user defined
functions that have an input- output relation which can be embedded in simulation code.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 162

7. Language Reference

string dllName = 'demoDynamicDll.dll';
string functionName = 'SFunctionCalculate';
real x[2],y[2];
x = [ramp(1);ramp(2)];
y = dlldynamic(dllName,functionName,x);
The filename and functionname must be string parameters. Note that the size of Y and X
(scalars or matrices) must correspond with the size that is expected for the given dll-
Search Order
20-sim uses the following search order for the dll-file:

1. The bin directory of 20-sim (usually C :\Program Files\20-sim 4.6\bin).

2. The current directory.

3. The Windows system directory.

4. The Windows directory.

5. The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable.

The simplest place to put the dlldynamic-file is the bin directory, but it is always possible
to give a complete path for the dll filename.

Writing Dynamic DLL's

Almost every compiler that can build Windows applications, can also build dll-files
containing dll-functions. For the Visual C ++ compiler an example will be given how to
build the dynamic dll's (i.e. dll functions that may contain internal model states) in
combination with 20-sim.

The functions in the DLL are called in a specific sequence. For communication with the
functions and the Simulator Kernel information is passed in a structure. This structure
looks like this:

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7. Language Reference

struct SimulatorSFunctionStruct
double versionNumber;
int nrInputs;
int nrOutputs;
int nrIndepStates;
int nrDepStates;
int nrAlgLoops;
double simulationStartTime;
double simulationFinishTime;
double simulationCurrentTime;
BOOL major;
BOOL initialOutputCalculation;

1. Initialize
At the start of the simulation the function
int Initialize()
is called. When this function is not present it is not called. Any initializations of data
structures can be performed here.

2. SFunctionInit
During initialization of the Simulator Kernel the function
int SFunctionInit(SimulatorSFunctionStruct *s)
is called. Return value is 0 means error. every other value succes Argument is a pointer
to the simstructure. On initialization the following fields should be filed in:
The following fields already have valid values:

simulationStartTime giving the start time of the simulation

simulationFinishTime giving the finish time of the simulation
simulationCurrentTime giving the current time (actually the start time at
the moment of initialization)

3. Initial values for the states:

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7. Language Reference

int SFunctionGetInitialStates(double *initialIndepStates,

double *initialDepRates,
double *initialAlgloopIn,
SimulatorSFunctionStruct *simStruct);

Return value is 0 means error. every other value succes. The initial value for the
independent states, dependent rates and algebraic loop variables can be specified by the
DLL in this function. It is just called before the initial output calculation function in step 3.
If all the initial values are zero, nothing has to be specified.

4. Initial Output Calculation

It is possible that the DLL-function can give an initial output. A separate function is called
so that the DLL can calculate it's initial output values. The boolean
initialOutputC alculation in the simulatorSFunction structure is used. Just the sFunction is
called. as in point 5.

5. SFunction calling:
Here all the fields of the SimulatorSFunctionStruct are input for the function. The
inputArray, stateArray, outputArray and rateArray are always given as arguments of the
function. Dependent on the number of dependent states and algebraic loop variables
more arguments can be given as shown in the functions below (sFunctionName is the
name defined by the parameter name specified by the user):

Return value is 0 means error. every other value succes

case: no dependent states, no algebraic loop variables

int sFunctionName(double *inputArray,
double *stateArray,
double *outputArray,
double *rateArray,
SimulatorSFunctionStruct *simStruct);

case: dependent states, no algebraic loop variables

int sFunctionName(double *inputArray,
double *stateArray,
double *dependentRateArray,
double *outputArray,
double *rateArray,
double *dependentStateArray,
SimulatorSFunctionStruct *simStruct);

case: no dependent states, algebraic loop variables

int sFunctionName(double *inputArray,
double *stateArray,
double *algLoopInArray,
double *outputArray,

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7. Language Reference

double *rateArray,
double *algLoopOutrray,
SimulatorSFunctionStruct *simStruct);

case: dependent states, algebraic loop variables

int sFunctionName(double *inputArray,
double *stateArray,
double *dependentRateArray,
double *algLoopInArray,
double *outputArray,
double *rateArray,
double *dependentStateArray,
double *algLoopOutrray,
SimulatorSFunctionStruct *simStruct);

the boolean major in the SimulatorSFunctionStruct determines whether the evaluation of

the model is done at the time output is generated (major == TRUE ) or that the model is
evaluated because of determining model characteristics. For example Runge-Kutta4
integration method uses three minor steps before taking a major step where output is
generated. Higher order methods can have different number of minor steps before a
major step is taken.

6. Termination
At the end of the simulation the function:
int Terminate()
is called. When this function is not present it is not called. Any terminations of data
structures can be performed here.

Frame work for a Visual C ++ dll-file implementation.

#include <windows.h>
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
extern "C"
DllExport int dllfunction(double *inarr, int inputs, double *outarr, int outputs, int major)
... // function body
return 0; // return succesfull
DllExport int Initialize()
... // do some initializations here.
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.

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7. Language Reference

DllExport int Terminate()
... // do some cleaning here
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was terminated successfully.

Frame work for a Borland C ++ dll-file implementation.

#include <windows.h>
extern "C"
int _export dllfunction(double *inarr, int inputs, double *outarr, int outputs, int major)
... // function body
return 0; // return succesfull
int _export Initialize()
... // do some initializations here.
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.
int _export Terminate()
... // do some cleaning here
return 0; // Indicate that the dll was terminated successfully.

// Every dll has an entry point LibMain || DllEntryPoint
// and an exit point WEP.
if( fdwRreason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
... // do some initializations here.
return 1; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.
if( fdwRreason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH )
... // do some cleaning here
return 1; // Indicate that the dll was initialized successfully.

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7. Language Reference

return 0;

Working example
Here is a complete working example of how to use a dll-function from within the
simulator. This code will compile with Visual C ++. See the Borland C ++ framework how
to write this code in Borland C ++.

#include <windows.h>
#include "SimulatorSFunctionStruct.h"

* in this source file we are gonna describe a linear system which is defined by
* the following transfer function description:

Y = ---------------- * U
s^2 + 6s + 34

or A, B, C, D system:

A = [ 0, -3.4;
10, -6];
B = [ -3.4;
C = [0, -1];
which has two poles on (-3 + 5i) and (-3 -5i)

steady state = 1


#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )

extern "C"

// called at begin of the simulation run

DllExport int Initialize()

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7. Language Reference

// you can perform your own initialization here.

// success
return 0;

// called at end of the simulation run

DllExport int Terminate()
// do some cleaning here

// success
return 0;

DllExport int SFunctionInit (SimulatorSFunctionStruct *s)

// tell our caller what kind of dll we are
s->nrIndepStates = 2;
s->nrDepStates = 0;
s->nrAlgLoops = 0;

// dubious information, since 20-sim itself does not check and need this info
s->nrInputs = 1;
s->nrOutputs = 1;

// return 1, which means TRUE

return 1;

DllExport int SFunctionGetInitialStates (double *x0, double *xd0, double *xa0,

SimulatorSFunctionStruct *s)
// fill in the x0 array here. Since we specified no Dependent states, and No algebraic
loop variables
// the xd0 and xa0 may not be used.

// initial value is zero.

x0[0] = 0;
x0[1] = 0;

// return 1, which means TRUE

return 1;

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7. Language Reference

DllExport int SFunctionCalculate(double *u, double *x, double *y, double *dx,
SimulatorSFunctionStruct *s)
// we could check the SimulatorSFunctionStruct here if we are in an initialization state
and/or we are
// in a major integration step.
#if 0
if( s->initialialOutputCalculation )
; // do something

// possibly do some explicit action when we are in a major step.

if( s->major == TRUE )
; // do something
dx[0] = -3.4 * x[1] -3.4 * u[0];
dx[1] = 10 * x[0] -6 * x[1];

y[0] = -x[1];

// return 1, which means TRUE

return 1;

}// extern "C"

DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
return TRUE;

Use within 20-sim

Suppose the dll has been created as "demoDynamicDll.dll". With the following code this
model can be tested:

string dllName = 'demoDynamicDll.dll';
string functionName = 'SFunctionCalculate';
output = dlldynamic (dllName, functionName, input);

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7. Language Reference

Note that the general function "dlldynamic" is used. The arguments of this function,
dllName and functionName, are parameters which are used to denote the dll that should
be used and the function of that dll that should be called. You can load this model from
the Demonstration Models Library:
1. O pen the Editor.
2. From the demo library open the model DllFunction.emx (choose File and
3. Start the simulator (Model menu and Start Simulator).
4. Start a simulation run (select Run from the Simulation menu).


y = table(file_name,x);
This model uses a one-dimensional table with data points to calculate the output y = f(x)
as a function of the input x. The output y is calculated using linear interpolation between
the table data points.
The input data x of the first column needs to be monotonically increasing.
Discontinuities are allowed, by providing the same input point twice in the table.
Values outside of the table range, are computed by linear extrapolation of the last
two points.

The first argument (file_name) of this function must be a parameter of the type string
and is used as a reference to a filename. This reference can be specified using the
complete path or relative to the model directory. The second argument (x) should be a
real variable.

table (example):

-2.5 -0.5
-2 -1
0 -1
1 0
2 2
3 3.0
5 4
6 4.0

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A table must be stored as an ASC II (text) file or a C omma Separated Values (.csv) file
and should consist two columns of data. The first column consists of the x-values and the
second column of the corresponding y-values. Each line of the file may only contain one
x- and one corresponding y-value. The two values must be separated by a space or a
tab. Each new set of x- and y-values must start on a new line. No comment or other text
may be part of the table-file.
string filename = 'data.txt';
real y;
real x;
x = ramp(1);
y = table(filename,x);

Example data.txt format:

-2.5, -0.5
-2.0, -1.0
0.0, -1.0
1.0, 0.0
2.0, 2.0
3.0, 3.0
5.0, 4.0
6.0, 4.0

x and y must be scalars. from_file must be string parameter.

7.4.7 Matrix


Y = adjoint(T);
Y = adjoint(W,V);
Returns the adjoint matrix [6,6] of a twist or wrench vector T [6,1]:

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7. Language Reference

or returns the adjoint matrix [6,6] of an angular velocity vector W [3,1] and a velocity
vector V [3,1]:

The adjoint function is useful for dynamics described by twists and wrenches.
W = [w1 ; w2 ; w3];
V = [v1 ; v2 ; v3];
Y = adjoint(W,V);
Y must be of size [6,6], W must always be of size[3,1] , V must have the size [3,1] and
T must have size [6,1].

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7. Language Reference


A = Adjoint(H);
A = Adjoint(R,P);
Returns the adjoint matrix [6,6] of a homogeneous matrix [4,4]:

or returns the adjoint matrix [6,6] of a rotation matrix R [3,3] and position vector P [3]:

The Adjoint function is useful for dynamics described by twists and wrenches.
R = [cos(alpha),-sin(alpha),0 ; sin(alpha),cos(alpha),0 ; 0,0,0];
P = [p1 ; p2 ; p3];
A = Adjoint(R,P);
H must be of size [4,4], R must always be of size[3,3] , P must have the size [3,1] and A
must have size [6,6].

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7. Language Reference


y = antisym(A);
Returns an anti-symmetric matrix. This function is equal to:
y = (A - transpose(A))/2;
A = [1,2;3,4];
Y = antisym(A);
A must be a square matrix. Y and A must be of the same size.


y = columns(A);
Returns the number of columns of A.
A = [1,2;3,4;5,6];
y = columns(A);
y must be a scalar.


Y = cross(A,B);
This functions returns the vector cross product of the vectors A and B. That is Y = A × B

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7. Language Reference

Y[1] = A[2]*B[3] - A[3]*B[2]

Y[2] = A[3]*B[1] - A[1]*B[3]
Y[3] = A[1]*B[2] - A[2]*B[1]
real A[3] = [1;2;3];
real B[3] = [4;5;6];
real Y[3];
Y = Cross(A,B); // Y = [-3;6;-3]
Y, A and B must be column vectors of size 3.


y = det(A);
Y = |A|;
Returns the determinant of the square matrix A.
A = [1,2;3,ramp(1)];
y = det(A);
A must be a square matrix, y must be a scalar.


Y = diag(x);
Fills the diagonal elements of the matrix Y with the elements of the columvector x.
real x[3];
real Y[3,3];
x = [1;2;3];
Y = diag(x);
Y must be a matrix of size [n,n]. x must be a column vector of size n.

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7. Language Reference


Y = eye(n);
Returns the the n-by-n identity matrix.
Y = eye(3);
Y must be a matrix of size [n,n]. n must be an integer value.


H = homogeneous(R,P);
Returns the homogenous matrix [4,4] of a rotation matrix R[3,3] and position vector

The homogeneous matrix gives a full coordinate transformation from one reference
frame to another. It can be used for 3D dynamics.
R = [cos(alpha),-sin(alpha),0 ; sin(alpha),cos(alpha),0 ; ; 0,0,0];
P = [p1 ; p2 ; p3];
H = homogeneous(R,P);
R must always be of size[3,3] , P must have the size [3,1] and H must have size [4,4].


y = inner(A,B);

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7. Language Reference

Returns the scalar product of the column vectors A and B. A and B must be vectors of
the same length. Inner(A,B) is the same as transpose(A)*B.
A[3] = [1;2;3];
B[3,1] = [4;5;6];
y = inner(A,B);
A and B must be vectors of the same size [n,1] or [n]. y must be a scalar.


Y = inverse(A);
Returns the inverse of square non-singular matrix A.
A = [1,0;0,1+ramp(1)];
Y = inverse(A);
A must be a non-singular square matrix. Y must have the same size as A.


Y = inverseH(H);
Y = inverseH(R,P);
Returns the inverse of a homogeneous matrix H [4,4]. The homogeneous matrix can be
entered directly or by a rotation matrix R[3,3] and position vector P [3,1].
The size of the inverse Y is also [4,4].

This function uses the special nature of a homogeneous matrix. I.e the inverse can be
computed directly instead of the numerical approach of the standard inverse function.
H = [cos(alpha),-sin(alpha),0,p1 ; sin(alpha),cos(alpha),0,p2 ; 0,0,0,p3 ; 0,0,0,1];
Y = inverseH(H);
R = [cos(alpha),-sin(alpha),0 ; sin(alpha),cos(alpha),0 ; 0,0,0];
P = [p1 ; p2 ; p3];
Y = inverseH(R,P);
H must be a homogeneous matrix of size [4,4], R must always be of size[3,3] , P must
have the size [3,1] and Y must have size [4,4].

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7. Language Reference


x = linsolve(A,b [,method]);
This function solves the equation
A*x = b;
Where A is a square matrix of arbitrary size n and x and b are vectors of size n.
Returns the inverse of square non-singular matrix A.
The last argument is a string that specifies the desired method to use.

method description
lu LU decomposition (default method)
qr QR factorization
cholesky C holesky factorization
gmres Generalized Minimum Residual

The gmres method allows further steering of the method by specifying method

method parameter description

tol Set the desired tolerance to use
maxiter Set the maximum number of iterations to use
ortho Set the method of Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization:
1 modified Gramm-Schmidt
2 iterative Gramm-Schmidt
3 classical Gramm-Schmidt
4 iterative classical Gramm-Schmidt
The lu, qr and gmres methods allow a non-square matrix A to be entered yielding a
A = [1,2;0,1+ramp(1)];
b = [1;5];
x = linsolve(A,b);
x2 = linsolve (A, b, 'qr');
x3 = linsolve (A, b, 'gmres tol=1e-8 ortho=4');
A must be a non-singular square matrix.
The following equations
A*x = b;
x = inverse(A)*b;
x = (A^-1)*b;
all lead in the calculation of the inverse of A and will give the same result as

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7. Language Reference

x = linsolve(A,b);
For the inverse calculation, C ramers rule is used. This is a method which is fast for
small matrix sizes. The linsolve function with the gmres method is superior to C ramers
rule for larger matrix sizes.


y = max(A);
Returns the value of the largest matrix element of A.
A = [1,2;3,ramp(1)];
y = max(A);
y must be a scalar.


y = min(A);
Returns the value of the smallest matrix element of A.
A = [1,2;3,ramp(1)];
y = min(A);
y must be a scalar.


y = msum(A);
Returns the sum of the matrix elements of A.
A = [1,2;3,4;5,6];
y = msum(A);
y must be a scalar.

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7. Language Reference


C = multiplyH(A,B);
Returns the multiplication of two homogenous matrices [4,4] or multiplies one
homogenous matrix [4,4] with one homogeneous position vector [4,1] .
real D[4,4] = [1,0,0,1;
real E[4,4] = [1,0,0,2;
real F[4,1] = [1,1,1,1];
real G[4,4];
real H[4,1];
G = multiplyH(D,E);
H = multiplyH(D,F);
When A and B are homogeneous matrices [4,4] then C must be a homogenous matrix
[4,4]. When A is a homogenous matrix [4,4] and B is a homogenous position vector
[4,1] then C must also be a position vector [4,1].


y = norm(A);
Y = ||A||;
Returns the square root of the sum of the squared matrix elements of A:

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7. Language Reference

A = [1,2;3,ramp(1)];
y = norm(A);
y must be a scalar.


y = norminf(A);
Returns the largest row sum of the absolute values of the matrix A:

A = [1,2;3,ramp(1)];
y = norminf(A);
y must be a scalar.


y = rows(A);
Returns the number of rows of A.
A = [1,2;3,4;5,6];
y = rows(A);
y must be a scalar.

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7. Language Reference


Y = skew(X);
Returns the vector product:


X must be a vector of size n. Y must be a matrix of size [n,n].


y = sym(A);
Returns a symmetric matrix. This function is equal to:
y = (A + transpose(A))/2;
A = [1,2;3,4];
Y = sym(A);
A must be a square matrix. Y and A must be of the same size.


H = tilde(T);
H = tilde(W,V);
Returns the twist matrix [4,4] of a twist or wrench vector T [6,1]:

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7. Language Reference

Or returns the twist matrix [4,4] of an angular velocity vector W [3,1] and a velocity
vector V [3,1]:

The tilde function is useful for dynamics described by twists and wrenches.
W = [w1 ; w2 ; w3];
V = [v1 ; v2 ; v3];
H = tilde(W,V);
H must be of size [4,4], W must always be of size[3,1] , V must have the size [3,1] and
T must have size [6,1].


y = trace(A);
Returns the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix A.
A = [1,2,3;4,ramp(1),6];
y = trace(A);
y must be a scalar.

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7. Language Reference


Y = transpose(A);
Returns the transpose of the matrix A.
A = [1,2;3,ramp(1)];
Y = transpose(A);
With the A matrix of size[n,m] , Y must have the size [m,n].

7.4.8 Port


y = collect(p.e);
y = collect(p.f);
y = collect(m);

(with p.e and p.f powerportvariables and m a signal)

Some models in 20-sim can have an unknown amount of signals or bonds connected.
They are treated as an array with unknown length.

For example the PlusMinus model can have n signals that must be added and m signals
that must be subtracted. 20-sim treats them as an array plus and an array minus with:

plus = [plus1;plus2;..;plusn] and minus = [minus1;minus2;..;minusm]

To assign an array of unknown length, the collect function is used. It creates an array
with port variables or signals. This function is created for use in library models that have
an unknown amount of bonds or signals connected. Try to avoid the use of this
Suppose we have m bonds connected to a submodel, collected in a port p. We could
then use the equation:

Y = collect(p.e);

During processing, this equation will be rewritten as:

Y = [p.e1;p.e2;...;p.n];

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7. Language Reference

Suppose we have a submodel with n input signals connected. We could then write the

y = sum(collect(input));

During processing, this equation will be rewritten as:

y = sum([output1;output2;...;outputn]);

which is of course equal to:

y = output1 + output2 + .. + outputn;

This function is designed for a special class of models and should be used by
experienced users only! The function is only valid when used in a submodel.


y = direct(p.e);
y = direct(p.f);

(with p.e and p.f powerportvariables)

This function is equal to the collect function, but utilizes the direction of the bonds
connected to the submodel to sign the powerportvariables. This function is created
specially for the bond graph submodels OneJunction.emx and ZeroJunction.emx. Try to
avoid the use of this function!
Suppose we have 4 bonds connected to a 0-junction, collected in a port p. p1 and p4 are
pointing towards the junction and p2 and p3 are pointing from the 0-junction. We could
then use the equation:

Y = direct(p.f);

During processing, this equation will be rewritten as:

Y = [p.f1;-p.f2;-p.f3,p.f4];

Which can of course be used in combination with the sum function:

sum(Y) = 0;

To get the 0-junction equation:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 186

7. Language Reference

p.f1 - p.f2 - p.f3 + p.f4 = 0;

This function is designed for a special class of models and should be used by
experienced users only! The function is only valid when used in a submodel.


y = first(p.e);
y = first(p.f);
y = first(m);

(with p.e and p.f powerportvariables and m a signal)

Some models in 20-sim can have an unknown amount of signals or bonds connected.
They are treated as an array with unknown length. For example the PlusMinus model can
have n signals that must be added and m signals that must be subtracted. 20-sim treats
them as an array plus and an array minus with:

plus = [plus1;plus2;..;plusn] and minus = [minus1;minus2;..;minusm]

The function first returns the value of the first element of an array of unknown length.
This function is created for use in library models that have an unknown amount of bonds
or signals connected. Try to avoid the use of this function!
Suppose we have m bonds connected to a submodel, collected in a port p. We could
then use the equation:

y = first(p.e);

During processing, this equation will be rewritten as:

y = p.e1;

This function is designed for a special class of models and should be used by
experienced users only! The function is only valid when used in a submodel.

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7. Language Reference

7.4.9 Source


y = gauss(x,s);
Returns gaussian noise with a variance x and seed s. The seed parameter is
optional. When omitted, the default value (0) is used.
x = 20;
y = gauss(x);
z = gauss(x,450);
x and y must be scalars.The seed s must be a number in the region <0,65535>.


y = impulse(x,w);
Returns a pulse signal with start time x, width w and height 1/w:
time < x: y = 0
time >= x and < x+w: y = 1/w
time >= x+w: y = 0
Note: The integral (i.e the area) of an impulse is always 1. If w is chosen small, the
amplitude of the impulse will be high.
x = 20, w = 0.01;
y = impulse(x,w);
x and w must be scalars, w > 0.


y = ramp(x);
Returns a ramp signal with start time x:

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7. Language Reference

time < x: y = 0
time >= x: y is time - x
x = 20, amplitude = 10;
y = amplitude*ramp(x);
x and y must be scalars.


y = ran(x,s);
Returns uniformly distributed noise in the interval [-x,x] with seed s. The seed
parameter is optional. When omitted, the default value (0) is used.
x = 20;
y = ran(x);
z = ran(x,450);
x and y must be scalars. The seed s must be a number in the region <0,65000>.

Random Seed
20-sim generates a sequence of random numbers for each simulation differently
depending upon the value of the seed parameter. The random noise function and
gaussian noise function are affected by this. The default value of the seed is 0. The
maximum value is 65535.
default value (0)
When the seed value is 0 (default value), 20-sim generates a new sequence of random
numbers for each simulation and for each new random function. E.g. when two random
functions with default seed value (0) are used in one model, they will generate different
sequences of random numbers during a simulation.
other values (>0)
When the seed value is chosen larger than zero, 20-sim generates the same sequence
of random numbers for each simulation. Moreover 20-sim will generate the same
sequence of random numbers for each random function that uses the same seed
parameter (>0). E.g. when two random functions with seed value 50, are used in one
model, they will generate the same sequence of random numbers during a simulation.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 189

7. Language Reference


y = step(x);
Returns a step signal with start time x:
time < x: y = 0
time >= x: y = 1
x = 20, amplitude = 10;
y = amplitude*step(x);
x and y must be scalars.

7.4.10 Trigonometric


Y = arcsin(X);
Returns the arcsine of the elements of X.
b = cos(time);
a = arcsin(b);
X = [0.5*cos(time);0.75*cos(time)];
Y = arcsin(X);
Y and X must have the same size. The elements of X must be in the range [-1 ,1].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 190

7. Language Reference


Y = arccos(X);
Returns the arccosine of the elements of X.
b = sin(time);
a = arccos(b);
X = [0.5*sin(time);0.75*sin(time)];
Y = arccos(X);
Y and X must have the same size. The elements of X must be in the range [-1 ,1].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 191

7. Language Reference


Y = arccosh(X);
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of the elements of X.
y = arccosh(time + 1.0);

Y and X must have the same size. The elements of X must be 1 or bigger.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 192

7. Language Reference


Y = arcsinh(X);
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of the elements of X.
a = arcsinh(time);
X = [0.5*cos(time);0.75*cos(time)];
Y = arcsinh(X);
Y and X must have the same size.


Y = arctan(X);
Returns the arctangent of the elements of X.
a = arctan(time);
X = [ramp(1);-0.5*ramp(9)];
Y = arctan(X);
Y and X must have the same size.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 193

7. Language Reference


Y = arctanh(X);
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of the elements of X.
b = sin(time);
a = arctan(b);
X = [sin(time);-0.5*cos(time)];
Y = arctanh(X);
Y and X must have the same size. The elements of X must be in the range [-1 ,1].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 194

7. Language Reference


R = atan2(Y,X);
This is the four quadrant arctangent of the elements of Y and X. Unlike arctangent
function, atan2 does distinguish between diametrically opposite directions.

X, Y arctan(Y/X); atan2(Y, X);

1,1 π/4 π/4
-1,-1 π/4
0,1 - π/2
0,0 - set to 0 instead of

y = sin(time);
x = cos(time);
r = atan2(y,x);

X = [ramp(0);ramp(1)];
Y = [1;1];
R = atan2(Y,X);
r, x and y must have the same size. It produces results in the range π].
Atan2(0, 0) is defined as 0 instead of undefined.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 195

7. Language Reference


Y = cos(X);
Returns the cosine of the elements of X.
b = ramp(2.5);
a = cos(b);
X = [ramp(0);ramp(1)];
Y = cos(X);
Y and X must have the same size.


Y = cosh(X);
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of X.
b = ramp(2.5);
a = cosh(b);
X = [ramp(0);ramp(1)];
Y = cosh(X);
Y and X must have the same size.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 196

7. Language Reference


Y = sin(X);
Returns the sine of the elements of X.
b = ramp(2.5);
a = sin(b);
X = [ramp(0);ramp(1)];
Y = sin(X);
Y and X must have the same size.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 197

7. Language Reference


Y = sinh(X);
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the elements of X.
b = ramp(2.5);
a = sinh(b);
X = [ramp(0);ramp(1)];
Y = sinh(X);
Y and X must have the same size.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 198

7. Language Reference


Y = tanh(X);
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of X.
b = ramp(2.5);
a = tan(b);
X = [ramp(0);ramp(1)];
Y = tanh(X);
Y and X must have the same size.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 199

7. Language Reference


Y = tan(X);
Returns the tangent of the elements of X.
b = ramp(2.5);
a = tan(b);
X = [ramp(0);ramp(1)];
Y = tan(X);
Y and X must have the same size.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 200

7. Language Reference

7.5 Operators

7.5.1 Operators
In 20-sim you can use the following operators in equations:

Operator Description

* Multiplication
+ Addition
- Subtraction
.* ArrayMultiplication
./ ArrayDivision
.^ ArrayPower
/ Division
div Integer division
mod Modulus operator
^ Power
and Boolean and
or Boolean or
xor Boolean exclusive or
< Less than
<= Less than or equal
<> Not equal
== Equal
>= Larger than or equal
> Larger than
- Prefix Minus Sign
+ Prefix Plus Sign
not Prefix Boolean Not
| .. | Absolute / Determinant / Norm
bitand Bitwise AND
bitor Bitwise OR
bitxor Bitwise XOR
bitcmp Bitwise complement
bitset Bitwise set
bitget Bitwise get
swapbytes Swap bytes
bitshift Bitwise shift

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 201

7. Language Reference

bitclear Bitwise clear

7.5.2 Arithmetic


Absolute / Determinant / Norm ( |..| )

|A| or ||A||
The upright stroke (|) is not a real operator. Depending on what's between the strokes,
the following functions are applied:

| scalar | -> abs(scalar)

| matrix | -> det(matrix)
| vector | -> abs(vector)
|| matrix || -> norm(matrix)


A *B
A * B multiplies A with B. For nonscalar A and B, the number of columns of A must equal
the number of rows of B. If C = A*B then the elements of C can be calculated out of the
matrix elements of A and B as:

A scalar can be multiplied with a matrix of any size.


A B A *B
5 3 15
-4.5 5.4 -24.3
2 [1,2;3,4] [2,4;6,8]
[1,-2;-3,4] 4 [4,-8;-12,16]
[1,2,3;4,5,6] [1,2;3,4;5,6] [22,28;49,64]
[1,2;3,4;5,6] [1,2,3;4,5,6] not allowed!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 202

7. Language Reference

For nonscalar A and B, the number of columns of A must equal the number of rows of B.


A +B
A + B adds A and B. A and B must have the same size, unless one is a scalar. A scalar
can be added to a matrix of any size.

A B A +B
1 3 4
2.1 -3.2 -1.1
[1,2;3,4] [1,1;5,5] [2,3;8,9]
2 [1,2;3,4] [3,4;5,6]
[1,2;3,4] 4 [5,6;7,8]
[1,2;3,4] [5,6;7,8;9,10] not allowed!
If A and B are matrices, they must have the same size.


A -B
A - B subtracts B from A. A and B must have the same size, unless one is a scalar. A
scalar can be subtracted from a matrix of any size.

A B A - B
5 3 2
-4.2 5.5 -9.7
[4, 5; 6, 7] [1, 1; 5, 5] [3, 4; 1, 2]
[4, 5; 6, 7] 4 [0, 1; 2, 3]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 203

7. Language Reference

4 [4, 5; 6, 7] [0,-1;-2,-3]

Array Multiplication

A .* B
A .* B multiplies the elements of A by the elements of B. A.*B is the array or matrix with
elements A(i,j)*B(i.j).

A B A .* B
[1,-2,-4,2] [1,2,1,4] [1,-4,-4,8]
[2,0;0,2] [1,2;3,4] [2,0,0,8]
[2,0;0,2] 1 not allowed!
A and B must have the same size.

Array Division

A ./ B
A ./ B divides the elements of A by the elements of B. A./B is the matrix with elements

A B A ./ B
[1,-2,-4,2] [1,2,1,4] [1,-1,-4,0.5]
[2,0;0,2] [1,2;3,4] [2,0,0,0.5]
[2,0;0,2] 1 not allowed!
A and B must have the same size.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 204

7. Language Reference

Array Power

A .^ B
A .^ b
A .^ B raises the elements of A to the power of the elements of B (B is a matrix). A .^ B
is the matrix with elements A(i,j)^B(i,j).
A .^ b raises the elements of A to the power of b (b is a scalar). A.^b is the matrix with
elements A(i,j)^b.

A B A .^ B
[1,-2,-4,2] [1,2,1,4] [1,4,-4,16]
[2,2;3,2] [1,0;3,4] [2,1;27,16]

A b A .^ b
[1, 2; 3, 4] 2 [1, 4; 9, 16]
[16, 4] 0.5 [4, 2]
The A and B matrices must have the same size or b should be a scalar.


A /B
A / B divides A by B. For a nonscalar B, A/B equals A*inverse(B). For a nonscalar A,
each element of A is divided by the scalar B.

A B A / B
15 3 5
-40.5 5 -8.1
2 [1,2;3,4] [-4,2;3,-1]
[1,-2;-3,4] 4 [0.25,-0.5;0.75,1]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 205

7. Language Reference

[2,0;0,2] [1,2;3,4] [-4,2,3,-1]

1 0 not allowed!
1 [1,2,3;4,5,6] not allowed!
If A and B are matrices, they must have the same size. If B is a matrix and it becomes
singular, simulation is stopped.

Integer Division

a div b
a div b divides the scalar a by the scalar b and rounds the output toward zero.

a b a div b
10 5 2
9.9 5 1
-8 2 -4
-7.9 2 -3
-7.9 -2 3
a and b must be scalars.

Modulus Operator

a mod b
a mod b returns the signed remainder after division:
a mod b = a - trunc(a / b) *b

a b a mod b
10 5 0

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 206

7. Language Reference

9.9 5 4.9
-8 2 0
-7.9 2 -1.9
-7.9 -2 -1.9
a and b must be scalars.


A ^b
A ^ b raises A to the power b. For a nonscalar A and integer b, A^b is computed by
repeated multiplication of A. If b is negative A is inverted first. If b is zero, A^b is the
identity matrix. For other values of b, it is rounded to its nearest integer value. Making b
a nonscalar is not allowed.

A b A ^ b
5 3 125
4 -2.1 0.054409
5.5 0 1
3 2.1 10.04511
[2, 0; 0, 2] 4 [16, 0; 0, 16]
[1, 2; 3, 4] -2.1 [5.5, -2.5; -3.75, 1.75]
[1, 2; 3, 4] 0 [1, 0; 0, 1]
[1, 2; 3, 4] [1, 2; 3, 4] not allowed!
b must be a scalar. b is rounded downward to the nearest integer value.
A should be a scalar value or a square matrix.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 207

7. Language Reference

7.5.3 Binary


y = a bitand b
a bitand b performs a bitwise AND between a and b. Both a and b are treated as 32-bit
(4-byte) integer values, so an eventual fraction will be ignored.
In 20-sim, all bitwise function arguments are treated as 32-bit integers. Thus the binary
representation of 30 (ignoring leading zeroes) is equal to 11110 as shown in the figure
below. Similarly, the binary representation of 9 is 1001. The binary value of 30 bitand 9
is equal to 01000, which corresponds with decimal value of 8.

a and b must be integers.


y= a bitclear b
a bitclear b clears the bth bit of a. Both a and b are treated as 32-bit (4-byte) integer
values, so an eventual fraction will be ignored.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 208

7. Language Reference

In 20-sim, all bitwise function arguments are treated as 32-bit integers. Thus the binary
representation of 30 (ignoring leading zeroes) is equal to 11110 as shown in the figure
below. The operation 30 bitclear 3 clears the 3rd bit of 11110 which gives 11010. This
binary value has a decimal value of 26.

a and b must be integers.


y= a bitcmp b
a bitcmp b performs the b bit complement of a. Both a and b are treated as 32-bit (4-
byte) integer values, so an eventual fraction will be ignored.
In 20-sim, all bitwise function arguments are treated as 32-bit integers. Thus the binary
representation of 30 (ignoring leading zeroes) is equal to 11110 as shown in the figure
below. The operator 30 bitcmp 9 performs the 9 bit complement of 30. This gives the
binary value 111100001 which corresponds with the decimal value 481.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 209

7. Language Reference

a and b must be integers.


y= a bitget b
a bitget b gets the bth bit of a. Both a and b are treated as 32-bit (4-byte) integer
values, so an eventual fraction will be ignored.
In 20-sim, all bitwise function arguments are treated as 32-bit integers. Thus the binary
representation of 30 (ignoring leading zeroes) is equal to 11110 as shown in the figure
below. The operation 30 bitget 5 gets the 5th bit of 11110 which is 1.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 210

7. Language Reference

a and b must be integers.


y= a bitor b
a bitor b performs a bitwise OR between a and b. Both a and b are treated as 32-bit (4-
byte) integer values, so an eventual fraction will be ignored.
In 20-sim, all bitwise function arguments are treated as 32-bit integers. Thus the binary
representation of 30 (ignoring leading zeroes) is equal to 11110 as shown in the figure
below. Similarly, the binary representation of 9 is 1001. The binary value of 30 bitor 9 is
equal to 11111, which corresponds with a decimal value of 31.

a and b must be integers.


y = a bitset b
a bitset b sets the bth bit of a. Both a and b are treated as 32-bit (4-byte) integer values,
so an eventual fraction will be ignored.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 211

7. Language Reference

In 20-sim, all bitwise function arguments are treated as 32-bit integers. Thus the binary
representation of 30 (ignoring leading zeroes) is equal to 11110 as shown in the figure
below. The operation 30 bitset 1 sets the last bit of 11110 to one which gives 11111. This
binary value corresponds with a decimal value of 31.

a and b must be integers.


y= a bitshift b
a bitshift b shifts the bits of a with b places. Both a and b are treated as 32-bit (4-byte)
integer values, so an eventual fraction will be ignored.
A positive value of b shifts the bits to the left and a negative value shifts the bits to the
In 20-sim all variables are stored as doubles. This means a decimal value of 30 is 4
bytes as shown in the figure below. Because the binary representation of 30 is equal to
11110, only the last byte is filled with non zero bits. The operation 30 bitshift 1 shifts the
bits of 11110 with one place which gives 111100. This number has a decimal value of

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 212

7. Language Reference

a and b must be integers. B should be in the range: [-31..31]


y= a bitxor b
a bitxor b performs a bitwise XOR between a and b. Both a and b are treated as 32-bit
(4-byte) integer values, so an eventual fraction will be ignored.
In 20-sim, all bitwise function arguments are treated as 32-bit integers. Thus the binary
representation of 30 (ignoring leading zeroes) is equal to 11110 as shown in the figure
below. Similarly, the binary representation of 9 is 1001. The binary value of 30 bitxor 9
is equal to 10111, which corresponds with a decimal value of 23.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 213

7. Language Reference

a and b must be integers.

7.5.4 Boolean


a and b
a and b performs a logical AND between a and b. If a or b are not a boolean, 0
represents a logical false and any nonzero value represents a logical true. The truth
table for this operator is shown below.

a b a and b
false false false
false true false
true false false
true true true
a and b must be scalars.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 214

7. Language Reference


a or b
a or b performs a logical OR between a and b. If a or b are not booleans, 0 represents a
logical false and any nonzero value represents a logical true. The truth table for this
operator is shown below.

a b a or b
false false false
false true true
true false true
true true true
a and b must be scalars.


a xor b
a xor b performs a logical Exclusive OR between a and b. If a or b are not booleans, 0
represents a logical false and any nonzero value represents a logical true. The truth
table for this operator is shown below.

a b a xor b
false false false
false true true
true false true
true true false
a and b must be scalars.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 215

7. Language Reference

7.5.5 Comparison

Less than

The < operator compares two arguments and yields a boolean. If a is less than b, then a
< b yields true. If a is equal or larger than b, then a < b yields false.

a b a <b
1 2 true
1.01e2 101.0 false
31 1 false
-12 -11 true
a and b must be scalars.

Less than or Equal

a <= b
The <= operator compares two arguments and yields a boolean. If a is less than or
equal to b, then a <= b yields true. If a is larger than b, then a <= b yields false.

a b a <b
1 2 true
1.01e2 101.0 true
31 1 false
-12 -11 true
a and b must be scalars.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 216

7. Language Reference

Not Equal

a <> b
The <> operator compares two arguments and yields a boolean. If a is equal to b, then
a <> b yields false. If a is not equal to b, then a <> b yields true.

a b a <> b
1 1 false
1.01e2 101.0 false
31 1 true
true false true
a and b must be scalars.


a == b
The == operator compares two arguments and yields a boolean. If a is equal to b, then
a==b yields true. If a is not equal to b, then a==b yields false. It is typically used in an

a b a == b
1 1 true
1.01e2 101.0 true
31 1 false
true false false
The normal equal sign (=) should only be used for equations. The equal sign (=) makes
the left side of an equation equal to the right side. This is different to the equal
statement (==) which compares two arguments and yields a boolean.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 217

7. Language Reference

Larger Than

The > operator compares two arguments and yields a boolean. If a is less than or equal
to b, then a > b yields false. If a larger than b, then a > b yields false.

a b a >b
1 2 false
1.01e2 101.0 false
31 1 true
-12 -11 false
a and b must be scalars.

Larger Than or Equal

a >= b
The >= operator compares two arguments and yields a boolean. If a is less than b, then
a > b yields false. If a larger than or equal to b, then a > b yields true.

a b a >= b
1 2 false
1.01e2 101.0 true
31 1 true
-12 -11 false
a and b must be scalars.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 218

7. Language Reference

7.5.6 Prefix

Prefix Plus Sign

Y = +A
The plus sign may be used as a prefix for scalars, vectors and matrices.

A +A
5 5
[4, 5; -6, 7.1] [4, 5; -6, 7.1]

Prefix Minus Sign

Y = -B
The minus sign may be used as a prefix for scalars, vectors and matrices.

A -A
5 -5
[4, 5; -6, 7.1] [-4; -5; 6; -7.1]

Boolean Not

y = not a
The boolean prefix not performs an inversion of a.

a not a

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 219

7. Language Reference

false true
true false
a must be a boolean.


swapbytes a
swapbytes a swaps the bytes of a.
In 20-sim all variables are stored as doubles. This means a decimal value of 30 is 4
bytes as shown in the figure below. Because the binary representation of 30 is equal to
11110, only the last byte is filled with non zero bits. The operation swapbytes 30 swaps
byte D to A, C to B, B to C and A to D (see figure below) which gives a decimal value of

a and b must be integers.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 220

7. Language Reference

7.6 Statements

7.6.1 Statements
Statements are important to guide the flow of information in equation models. 20-sim
supports the following statements:

1. For to Do

2. If Then

3. If Then Else

4. If Then Else (expression)

5. Repeat Until

6. Switch C ase

7. Stopsimulation

8. Warning

9. While Do

10. toMatlab

11. fromMatlab

12. doMatlab

13. Effortincausality

14. Flowincausality

7.6.2 If Then
if condition then
The simplest if statement evaluates a condition and performs the specified equation(s) if
the condition is true. If the condition is not true, 20-sim ignores the equation(s).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 221

7. Language Reference

b = false;
y = ramp(1);
u = -ramp(1);
if time > 5 then
y = -ramp(1); // equations to be executed if condition is true,
u = ramp(1); // these are not executed if condition is false
if time == 10 then // note the use of the equal operator ==
b = true; // equations to be executed if condition is true,

1. The output of the condition must be a boolean.

2. If needed, always use the equal operator (==) in the condition.


1. Take care when using event functions in if-then-else statements. In if-then-else

statements only the equations of the true parts are evaluated, so event functions
may not always be triggered!

2. Equations within an if statement have to be written in the correct order of execution,

i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.

7.6.3 If Then Else

if condition then
The if-then-else statement evaluates a condition and performs the first set of equation(s)
if the condition is true and the second set of equation(s) if the condition is false. If the
condition is true, 20-sim ignores the second set of equation(s). If the condition is false,
20-sim ignores the first set of equation(s).
If-then-else statements may be nested as many times as desired. Do not forget to
included the word "end;" to finish every nested statement!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 222

7. Language Reference

y = step(1);
u = -step(1);
if time > 5 then
y = -ramp(1); // equations to be executed if condition is true,
u = ramp(1); // these are not executed if condition is false
y = ramp(1); // equations to be executed if condition is false,
u = -ramp(1); // these are not executed if condition is true

if time < 5 then
a = 1;
b = sin(time*1);
if time == 5 then
a = 2;
b = sin(time*2);

1. The output of the condition must be a boolean.

2. If needed, always use the equal operator (==) in the condition.


1. Take care when using event functions in if-then-else statements. In if-then-else

statements only the equations of the true parts are evaluated, so event functions
may not always be triggered!

2. There is also an if-then-else expression.

3. Equations within an if statement have to be written in the correct order of execution,

i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 223

7. Language Reference

7.6.4 If Then Else (expression)

y = if condition then
The if-then-else expression evaluates a condition and makes y equal to the first
expression if the condition is true and makes y equal to the second expression if the
condition is true. If the condition is true, 20-sim ignores the second expression. If the
condition is false, 20-sim ignores the first expression. Because the complete construct
forms one expression, only one semicolon is used at the end.
If-then-else expression may be nested. Take care that no semicolons are used,
because no matter how large the construct is, it is still one expression!
y = if time > 5 then
-ramp(1) // statement to be executed if condition is true,
ramp(1) // statement to be executed if condition is false,

// Nesting:
x = if time < 1 then
if time < 2 then
if time == 2 then

1. The output of the condition must be a boolean.

2. If needed, always use the equal operator (==) in the condition.


1. Take care when using event functions in if-then-else expressions. In if-then-else

expressions only the equations of the true parts are evaluated, so event functions
may not always be triggered!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 224

7. Language Reference

2. There is also an if-then-else statement.

3. Equations within an if statement have to be written in the correct order of execution,

i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.

7.6.5 For To Do
for variable = start to stop by step do
The for statement is designed to execute equation(s) a fixed number of times. It begins
with the keyword for and an expression that specifies the number of times the equations
within the for statement should be executed. The for statement ends with the keyword
end. The default increment in a for statement is one (1), but you can use the keyword
by to adjust the increment.

The equations within the for statement are always executed once. The for statement
stops when the variable has exceeded the stop value.
real i,y[10];
for i = 1 to 2 do
// executed 2 times: y[1] and y[2]
y[i] = ran (1);
for i = 2 to 4.1 by 2 do
// executed 3 times: y[2], y[4] and y[6]
y[i] = ran (1);

1. The start, stop and step values must be scalars. The step value is optional. There
are no limitations to the number of equations that can be used within the for

2. Equations within an for statement have to be written in the correct order of

execution, i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 225

7. Language Reference

7.6.6 While Do
while condition do
The while statement is designed to execute equation(s) repeatedly, as long as the
condition is true. The condition is evaluated before the equations are executed.

It is the user's responsibility to guarantee that the execution of the while statement
finishes by making the condition become false at a certain time.
real i,y[3];
y = 0;
code // Use code to ensure sequential execution
i = 1;
while i <= rows(y) do
// executed 3 times for each model calculate:
// y[1] and y[2] and y[3] are filled
y[i] = sin(time) * i;
// i is incremented to guarantee a stop of the loop
i = i + 1;

1. The output of the condition must be a boolean. If the boolean does not become
false, the loop never ends! There are no limitations to the number of equations that
can be used within the while statement.

2. Equations within an while statement have to be written in the correct order of

execution, i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.

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7. Language Reference

7.6.7 Repeat Until

until condition;
The repeat statement is designed to execute equation(s) repeatedly, as long as the
condition is true. The condition is evaluated after the equations are executed.

It is the user's responsibility to guarantee that the execution of the repeat statement
finishes by making the condition become false at a certain time.
real i,z[4];
z = 0;
code // Use code to ensure sequential execution
i = 1;
// executed 4 times:
z[i] = cos(time) * i;
// i is incremented to guarantee a stop of the loop
i = i + 1;
until (i > rows(z));

1. The output of the condition must be a boolean. If the boolean does not become
false, the loop never ends! There are no limitations to the number of equations that
can be used within the repeat statement.

2. If needed, always use the equal operator (==) in the condition.

3. Equations within an repeat statement have to be written in the correct order of

execution, i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.

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7. Language Reference

7.6.8 Switch Case

switch variable
case condition1 do
case condition2 do
default do
The switch case statement is designed to execute equation(s) based on the condition of
a variable. Only the equations of the valid branch are executed. If non of the branches is
valid, the equations of the default branch are executed.

1. The switch variable should not be changed inside one of the branches.

2. Equations within a switch case statement have to be written in the correct order of
execution, i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.
Therefore it is advised only to use this statement in a code section.

7.6.9 Stopsimulation
stopsimulation ('string');
The stopsimulation function stops the simulation as soon as it comes to action. It is
useful when used in combination with an if statement. As soon as the simulation stops,
the log window will appear showing the string that is used in the function.

Normal stop: If the string starts with 'Error', the Simulator will stop and the Editor
will jump to the the model containing the stopsimulation function.
Silent stop: If the string does not start with 'Error' the Simulation will jump to the
finalequations section, execute them and stop the simulation.
In the example below the Simulator will stop the simulation at time > 6 and show a
message 'time > 6' in the output tab. The finalequations are evaluated and number has
a value of 2:

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7. Language Reference

integer number;
number = 1;
if time > 6 then
stopsimulation ('time > 6' );
number = 2;

In the example below the Simulator will stop the simulation at time > 6 and show a
message 'time > 6' in the output tab. The Editor will jump to this model showing an error
message. The finalequations are not evaluated and number has a value of 1:

integer number;
number = 1;
if time > 6 then
stopsimulation ('Error time > 6' );
number = 2;

7.6.10 Warning
warning ('string',boolean);
The warning function displays a message in the the log window. You can choose to
display the string once (boolean = true) or every simulation step (boolean = false). It is
advised to use the warning function in combination with an if-then statement or event-
warning('this message will be displayed every simulationstep!',false);
if time > 1
warning('this message will be displayed every simulationstep after time >
if x > 100 then
warning('this message will be displayed only once after x > 100',true);
if event(y) then
warning('this message will be displayed when y is exactly 0',false);

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7. Language Reference

7.6.11 toMatlab
toMatlab(<20-sim variable>)
toMatlab(<20-sim variable>, 'matlab variable name')
The toMatlab statement allows you to pass a variable from 20-sim to Matlab.

The first argument is the name of the 20-sim variable to send to Matlab (source).
This 20-sim variable can be a scalar variable, a vector or a matrix.
The second (optional) argument 'matlab variable name' is the name of the
corresponding matlab variable (destination).

When the 'matlab variable name' argument is omitted, 20-sim will use the full
hierarchical name of the 20-sim variable.
A 20-sim variable named Controller\x becomes in Matlab: Controller_x

The corresponding fromMatlab statement allows you to retrieve a variable from Matlab.
// this example shows how a variable can be transferred to matlab and from matlab
during simulation
real x;
real y;
real vector[2];
real matrix[2,2];

// at the start of the simulation

// create an empty array a
doMatlab ('a = []; ');
// create a variable
doMatlab ('b=0; ');
// create a vector
doMatlab ('vector=[1 2];');
// create a matrix
doMatlab ('matrix=[1 2; 3 4];');

// during simulation
// calculate x
x = sin (time);
// send it to Matlab
toMatlab (x,'x');
// and add it to array a
doMatlab ('a = [ a x ]; ');
// in Matlab add 2 to x
doMatlab ('b = x + 2;');
// read matlab 'b' into 20-sim variable 'y'
fromMatlab(y, 'b');
// read matlab 'vector' into 20-sim variable 'vector'

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7. Language Reference

fromMatlab(vector, 'vector');
// read matlab 'matrix' into 20-sim variable 'matrix'
fromMatlab(matrix, 'matrix');

// at the end of the simulation

// plot the resulting array in Matlab
doMatlab (' plot (a); ');

7.6.12 domatlab
The doMatlab statement allows you to pass a command line string to Matlab.
// this example shows how a variable can be transferred to matlab and from matlab
during simulation
real x;
real y;
real vector[2];
real matrix[2,2];

// at the start of the simulation

// create an empty array a
doMatlab ('a = []; ');
// create a variable
doMatlab ('b=0; ');
// create a vector
doMatlab ('vector=[1 2];');
// create a matrix
doMatlab ('matrix=[1 2; 3 4];');

// during simulation
// calculate x
x = sin (time);
// send it to Matlab
toMatlab (x,'x');
// and add it to array a
doMatlab ('a = [ a x ]; ');
// in Matlab add 2 to x
doMatlab ('b = x + 2;');
// read matlab 'b' into 20-sim variable 'y'
fromMatlab(y, 'b');
// read matlab 'vector' into 20-sim variable 'vector'
fromMatlab(vector, 'vector');
// read matlab 'matrix' into 20-sim variable 'matrix'
fromMatlab(matrix, 'matrix');

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7. Language Reference

// at the end of the simulation

// plot the resulting array in Matlab
doMatlab (' plot (a); ');

7.6.13 frommatlab
fromMatlab(<20-sim variable>)
fromMatlab(<20-sim variable>, 'matlab variable name')
The fromMatlab statement allows you to retrieve a variable from Matlab and store it
into a 20-sim variable.
The first argument is the name of the 20-sim variable to use as storage (destination).
This 20-sim variable can be a scalar variable, a vector or a matrix and should match the
size used at the Matlab side.
The second (optional) argument 'matlab variable name' is the name of the Matlab
variable to retrieve (source).

When the 'matlab variable name' argument is omitted, 20-sim will use the full
hierarchical name of the 20-sim variable.
A 20-sim variable named Controller\x requests from Matlab: Controller_x

The corresponding toMatlab statement allows you to pass a variable from 20-sim to
// this example shows how a variable can be transferred to matlab and from matlab
during simulation
real x;
real y;
real vector[2];
real matrix[2,2];

// at the start of the simulation

// create an empty array a
doMatlab ('a = []; ');
// create a variable
doMatlab ('b=0; ');
// create a vector
doMatlab ('vector=[1 2];');
// create a matrix
doMatlab ('matrix=[1 2; 3 4];');

// during simulation
// calculate x
x = sin (time);
// send it to Matlab

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7. Language Reference

toMatlab (x,'x');
// and add it to array a
doMatlab ('a = [ a x ]; ');
// in Matlab add 2 to x
doMatlab ('b = x + 2;');
// read matlab 'b' into 20-sim variable 'y'
fromMatlab(y, 'b');
// read matlab 'vector' into 20-sim variable 'vector'
fromMatlab(vector, 'vector');
// read matlab 'matrix' into 20-sim variable 'matrix'
fromMatlab(matrix, 'matrix');

// at the end of the simulation

// plot the resulting array in Matlab
doMatlab (' plot (a); ');

7.6.14 Effortincausality
effortincausality (portname) then
The effortincausality statement evaluates if a port has causality effort in and performs
the first set of equation(s) if the condition is true and the second set of equation(s) if the
condition is false. If the condition is true, 20-sim ignores the second set of equation(s). If
the condition is false, 20-sim ignores the first set of equation(s).

Depending on the domain you are working in, effort and flow correspond to particular
variables. The table below shows the variables for the domains that are currently
supported in 20-sim.

Domain effort (e) flow (f)

power effort e flow f
mechanical force F [N] velocity v [m/s]
mechanical torque T [Nm] angular velocity omega [rad/s]
pneumatic pressure p [Pa] volume flow phi [m3/s]

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7. Language Reference

thermal temperature T [K] entropy flow dS [J/Ks]

electric voltage u [V] current i [A]
hydraulic pressure p [Pa] volume flow phi [m3/s]
magnetic current i [A] voltage u [V]
pseudothermal temperature T [K] heat flow dQ [W]

effortincausality p then
R = if p.u > 0 then Ron else Roff end; // executed if causality of port p is
effort (u) in
R = if p.i > 0 then Ron else Roff end; // executed if causality of port p is flow
(i) in
p.i = p.u/R;

1. Take care when using event functions in effortincausality statements. In this

statement only the equations of the true parts are evaluated, so event functions
may not always be triggered!

2. There is also a flowincausality statement.

3. Equations within an effortincausality have to be written in the correct order of

execution, i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.

7.6.15 Flowincausality
flowincausality (portname) then
The effortincausality statement evaluates if a port has causality flow in and performs the
first set of equation(s) if the condition is true and the second set of equation(s) if the
condition is false. If the condition is true, 20-sim ignores the second set of equation(s). If
the condition is false, 20-sim ignores the first set of equation(s).

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7. Language Reference

Depending on the domain you are working in, effort and flow correspond to particular
variables. The table below shows the variables for the domains that are currently
supported in 20-sim.

Domain effort (e) flow (f)

power effort e flow f
mechanical force F [N] velocity v [m/s]
mechanical torque T [Nm] angular velocity omega [rad/s]
pneumatic pressure p [Pa] volume flow phi [m3/s]
thermal temperature T [K] entropy flow dS [J/Ks]
electric voltage u [V] current i [A]
hydraulic pressure p [Pa] volume flow phi [m3/s]
magnetic current i [A] voltage u [V]
pseudothermal temperature T [K] heat flow dQ [W]

flowincausality p then
R = if p.i > 0 then Ron else Roff end; // executed if causality of port p is flow (i) in
R = if p.u > 0 then Ron else Roff end; // executed if causality of port p is effort (u)
p.u = p.i*R;

1. Take care when using event functions in effortincausality statements. In this

statement only the equations of the true parts are evaluated, so event functions
may not always be triggered!

2. There is also an effortincausality statement.

3. Equations within an effortincausality have to be written in the correct order of

execution, i.e. they are not rewritten into a causal form but executed sequentially.

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7. Language Reference

7.7 Matrices and Vectors

7.7.1 Declaration
Matrices and column vectors are declared in the constants, parameters and variables
sections of a model. Declaration of matrices and column vectors is equal to the
declaration of scalars, the size however has to be specified explicitly. For example:

real A[3,3], B[3,3];
integer C[2,2] = [1,3;5,7];
real K[4] = [1;2;3;4];
real K[4],L[4],D[4,5];
integer M[2,2],N[2,2];

Matrices and Vectors can only be of the datatype real or integer.

7.7.2 Notation
Matrix sizes in 20-sim are always denoted by [n,m] where n is the numbers of rows and
m is the numbers of columns. Elements can separately be denoted with commas (,)
distinguishing between row elements and semicolons (;) distinguishing between rows.

matrix size matrix form 20-sim notation

[4,1] 1 [1;3;5;7]

[1,4] 1357 [1,3,5,7]

[2,3] 123 [1,2,3;4,5,6]


[3,2] 12 [1,2;3,4;5,6]

C olumn vectors are matrices with only one column. C onsequently the column size may
be omitted in the notation.

column size column form 20-sim notation

[4] 1 [1;3;5;7]

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7. Language Reference


7.7.3 Use
Matrices and Vectors can be used in equations just like scalars. If possible, the element
notation can be left out. If equations get ambiguous, element notation must be
Whole matrix or vector
K = 1; // Make all elements of K equal to 1.
M = C; // Make matrix M equal to matrix C (sizes have to be equal).
N = D*inverse(L); // Make matrix N equal to the matrix product of D
// and the inverse of L (sizes of N, D and L have to be equal).
Matrix and vector elements
N = [sin(time),cos(time);cos(time),-sin(time)]; // Make elements of N equal to
L[4] = time; // Make element 4 of columned L equal to time.
D[2,5] = A[2,2]*B[1,1]; // Declare one element
Multiple elements (ranges)
To prevent multiple equations for assigning matrix elements, ranges can be assigned
using a colon. E.g. 1:5 means element 1 to 5, 7:8 means element 7 and 8. Backward
counting ranges (like 10:1) are not allowed!

D[2,1:5] = A[1,1:5]; // D[2,1] = A[1,1], ... , D[2,5] = A[1,5]

real v[3],p[6,6];
v = p[4:6,6]; // v[1] = p[4,6], ... , v[3] = p[6,6]
Some scalar operators can also be used for matrices and vectors. Depending on the
specific operator, the meaning may differ for scalars, vectors and matrices.

Operator Description

* Multiplication
+ Addition
- Subtraction
.* ArrayMultiplication
./ ArrayDivision

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7. Language Reference

.^ ArrayPower
/ Division
^ Power
- Prefix Minus Sign
+ Prefix Plus Sign
| .. | Absolute / Determinant / Norm

A lot of special matrix and vector functions are supported in 20-sim:

Function Description

C olumns
C ross

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7. Language Reference

7.8 Advanced Topics

7.8.1 Algebraic Loops

An algebraic loop in a model is a loop consisting of elements without "memory like"
functions. To calculate the variables in this loop, the variable values themselves are
needed. C onsider the following example of an algebraic loop in an amplifier with
negative feedback:

Standard derivation of a simulation model would yield:

x = K*(u-x)

The variable x depends on its own value and must be solved by iteration. In 20-sim
every simulation algorithm is accompanied by an iteration routine. Fortunately 20-sim is
able to solve many algebraic loops at equation level. For this model this leads to the
analytic solution the system:

x = K*u/(1+K)
Simulating algebraic loops
Although 20-sim contains a sophisticated algorithms to find analytic solutions, the
occurrence of unbreakable loops can not always be prevented. The occurrence of
algebraic loops may lead to an increase of simulation time, or even stop simulation when
iteration fails.

The best solution for these problems is to have a critical look at the model and change
the order of calculations in a model. Possible solutions are:
Algebraic Loops occur when the order of calculations is arbitrary. When an algebraic
loop occurs in an equation model or in a set of equation models, you may change the
order of calculation by rewriting the equations. The calculation order in bond graph
models can be changed by introducing hand-defined causality.
Introduce ‘parasitic’ energy storage elements (e.g. a small mass, a small capacitor
etc.) to break an algebraic loop. These elements introduce however, large poles in
the state equations, which might increase the simulation time considerably.
Delete elements in the algebraic loop which are not relevant for the model’s
simulation output (e.g. small dampers, very stiff springs etc.). C are should however
be taken, since correct deletions are not always possible and require considerable
modeling skill and intuition.
C ombine dual elements. Sometimes elements of the same type can be combined by
adding the parameter values (e.g. combining a mass m1 and a mass m2 to a mass
m1 + m2). This will in most cases decrease the amount of algebraic loops.

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7. Language Reference

7.8.2 Causal Form

Equations within 20-sim may be entered in random form. During compilation, 20-sim will
automatically try to rewrite equations into a causal form and set them in a correct order.
I.e. a form where all output variables are written as function of input variables. C onsider
for example the following model:

real u,z;
u = sin(time);
u = cos(z);

Here the (input) variable u is given by the equation u = sin(time). C onsequently the
(output) variable z should be written as a function of u. This is exactly what 20-sim will
try to do while compiling the model into simulation code. I.e. the function cos will be
inverted and the model will be rewritten to:

real u,z;
u = sin(time);
z = arccos(u);

Some functions cannot be inverted. C onsequently not all equations can be rewritten. 20-
sim will report this to the user, during model checking.
Indifferent Causality
For some models the causal form is not known beforehand. For example the iconic
diagram model that describes a damper can be written as:

real d;
p.F = d*p.v;

Here p.F denotes the force and p.v denotes the velocity of the powerport p. There is no
preferred input (force or velocity). This can be explicitly stated, by giving the powerport
p an indifferent causality. During compilation 20-sim will determine whether p.F or p.v is
the input variable and consequently rewrite the equations.
Preferred Causality
For some models there is a preferred causal form. For example the iconic diagram
model that describes a spring can be written as:

real k;
p.F = (1/k)*int(p.v);

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7. Language Reference

Here p.F denotes the force and p.v denotes the velocity of the powerport p. The equation
is written in integral form which is preferred. C onsequently the preferred input is the
velocity. Should the force be the input, the equation must be rewritten to a differential
form, which is leads to less efficient simulation. This can be explicitly stated, by giving
the powerport p an preferred causality. During compilation 20-sim will try to keep the
model in this preferred form. If this is not possible the equations will be rewritten to the
less preferred form.

Preferred causality has a lower priority than fixed causality. During compilation 20-sim
will first assign all models with a fixed causality and then all models with preferred
Likes Causality
For some models there is a causal form which is liked more than the other. For example
the iconic diagram model that describes a parasitic volume can be written as:

effortincausality(p) then
p.phi = 0;
volume_ratio = int(p.phi/V);
p.p = B * volume_ratio + p_initial;

Here p.phi denotes the volume flow and p.p denotes the pressure of the powerport p.
The equation is written in integral form which is liked. C onsequently the preferred output
is the pressure. Should the pressure be the input, the equation gives a zero flow as
output. During compilation 20-sim will first try to keep all models the liked form. If this is
not possible the equations will be rewritten to the other form.

Liked causality has a lower priority than preferred causality. During compilation 20-sim
will first assign all models with a preferred causality and then all models with likes
Fixed Causality
For some models there is only one causal form. For example a simple iconic diagram
model that describes coulomb friction can be written as:

real Rc;
p.F = Rc*abs(p.v);

Here p.F denotes the force and p.v denotes the velocity of the powerport p. The equation
cannot be rewritten to a form where p.F is the input. This can be explicitly stated, by
giving the powerport p a fixed causality. During compilation 20-sim will try to keep the
model in this fixed form. If this is not possible an error message will be generated.

Fixed causality has a lower priority than a likes causality. During compilation 20-sim will
first assign all models with a likes causality and then all models with fixed causality.
Setting Causality
For some models, the equations are too complex to analyze causality. To help 20-sim,
using the right causality, you can set causality for every port in the Interface Editor.

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7. Language Reference

7.8.3 Integral Form

C onsider the following first order linear model:

This model can be described by the dynamic equation:

output = int( input - K*output )

Now look at the following model:

This model can be described by the dynamic equation:

output = ( input - ddt(output) )/K

Note that we can rewrite this equation as:

ddt(output) = input - K*output


output = int( input - K*output )

This is the same equation as the previous model! Apparently, both models are the same!
Both models can therefore be described by the dynamic equations:

ddt(output) = input - K*output

output = int( input - K*output )

We call the first equation the differential form (no integrals). The second equation is
called the integral form (no derivatives). In 20-sim, models can be entered in integral
form as well as the differential form.
Solving Differential Equations
During compilation, 20-sim will automatically try to rewrite equations into the integral
form, since this leads to more efficient simulation. Sometimes an integral form cannot be
found. Then algorithms will be applied to solve the differential directly. For example an
equation like:

output = ddt(sin(a*time))

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7. Language Reference

will be replaced by the following equation (applying the chain rule and using the known
derivative for the sine function):

output = a*cos(a*time)

Sometimes a differential cannot be solved directly. Then only the Backward-

Differentiation Methods can be used for simulation.
Simulation Code
After compilation simulation code is generated. The equation in integral form:

output = int( input - K*output )

will be written as:

independent state = output

independent rate = input - K*output

and can be handled by all integration methods. The equation in differential form:

ddt(output) = input - K*output

will be written as:

dependent rate = input - K*output

dependent state = output

and can only be handled by the Backward-Differentiation Methods.

7.8.4 Order of Execution

Equations within 20-sim may be entered in random form. During compilation, 20-sim will
automatically try to rewrite equations into a correct order of execution. I.e. a form
where all output variables are written as function of input variables and output variables
of previous lines. C onsider for example the following equations:

real u,z;
z = sin(u);
u = cos(time);

Here the (input) variable z is given as a function of u. C onsequently u should be

calculated first. This is exactly what 20-sim will try to do while compiling the model into
simulation code. I.e. the equations will be executed as:

u = cos(time);
z = sin(u);
Code Blocks
Equations in a code block are not reordered. A code block is a set of equations inside a
statement. Suppose we have the following equations:

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7. Language Reference

if condition then
code block 1
code block 2

To prevent incorrect executions of the if-statement, the equations of the code blocks will
not be separated. Inside a code-block, equations can are not rewritten into an new order
of execution. E.g. the following equations:

if time > 10 then

z = sin(u);
a = z^2;
u = cos(time);

Will be not be reordered and therefore not correctly executed! To get correct code,
enter code blocks in a correct order, e.g.:

if time > 10 then

u = cos(time);
z = sin(u);
a = z^2;
Prevent Order Changes
To make all equations a code block you can use the code section. E.g.

real y = 8;
real x1, x2, x3;
x1 = time;
x2 = sin(time);
x3 = y*x1;
Integration Steps
Some integration algorithms do more calculations before generating the next output
value. These calculations are called minor steps, the output generation is called a major
step. During a minor step, all model equations are executed. In most cases you will not
notice this because only the results of the major step are shown in the simulator. There
are however, exceptions. The next topic will discuss this in more detail.

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7. Language Reference

7.8.5 Show Equations

During processing a complete set of equations is generated of each model. To inspect
these equations or copy them for use in other programs, you have to:

1. From the Model menu select the Check Complete Model command.

2. From the Model menu select the Show Equations command.

Now a window is popped up showing all the model equations.

The model equations after compiling.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 245

8. Toolboxes

8 Toolboxes
8.1 3D Mechanics Toolbox

8.1.1 Introduction

With the 3D Mechanics Editor you can create 3D dynamic models of mechanical
structures. The resulting 3D mechanical model can be connected with other 20-sim
components. In the example shown below (Getting Started\3D Mechanics Toolbox
\ScaraRobotSimulation.emx), you see a robot model that has been generated with the
3D Mechanics Editor. The model has two actuated rotation joints and one actuated
translation joint. The rotation joints are directly coupled to gearboxes. The translation
joint is coupled via a spindle.

In 20-sim you can use plots to show the simulation results and use the 3D Animation
Toolbox to show an animation of the 3D model.

Opening The 3D Mechanics Editor

You can open the 3D Mechanics Editor by:

1.In the 20-sim Editor from the Tools menu select 3D Mechanics Toolbox and 3D
Mechanics Editor.

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8. Toolboxes

Now a masked model is inserted in the Editor and the 3D Mechanics Editor will be

If you select a 3D Mechanics model and select Go Down, the 3D Mechanics Editor will be automatically

The first time you start 20-sim 3D Mechanics Editor the following screen will appear.

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8. Toolboxes

The 3D Mechanics Editor

Migrating from Older Versions

This topic is only important for users who are migrating from older version of 20-sim and
want to use previously constructed 3D Mechanics models. Since 20-sim 4.1, the 3D
Mechanics Editor operates on masked models. I.e. you can open the 3D Mechanics Editor
by selecting a 3D Mechanics model and clicking the Go Down command. If you import a
20-sim 4.0 model, you will notice that this option does not work. We will explain the
actions you have to perform to do make this trick work on older models.

1. Open the 20-sim model that contains a submodel that was generated by the 3D
Mechanics Editor (make sure you have stored an emergency copy).

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8. Toolboxes

The star shaped model was created using the 3D Mechanics Editor of 20-sim 4.0.

2. Select the model that was generated by the 3D Mechanics Editor and select Go

The automatically generated equations of a 3D Mechanical Model.

3. At the top of the model enter the following code:

// 20-sim 3D Mechanics Editor
// C :\Program Files\20-sim 4.6\Models\Examples\3D Mechanics\hexapod.3dm

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8. Toolboxes

The first line tells 20-sim which editor should be opened. The second line shows the
location of the corresponding 3D Mechanics configuration file. Enter the path and name
of your own file here.

The comment at the top tells 20-sim which editor should be opened and the corresponding configuration

The next time you select the model and select Go Down the 3D Mechanics Editor will be
opened with the proper 3D Mechanics model.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 250

8. Toolboxes

Edit Window
In the center of the 3D Mechanics Editor the Edit window is visible. At the start a
reference frame and a base plane is shown. In the Edit window, you can insert
components and assemble you model.

In the Edit Window you can assemble your model.

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8. Toolboxes

Model Tab
One of the two tabs at the left of the 3D Mechanics Editor is the Model tab. The Model
tab contains a tree of all the components of in your current model. This tree can be used
to select components and edit their properties.

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8. Toolboxes

Library Tab
One of the two tabs at the left of the 3D Mechanics Editor is the Library tab. The
Library tab contains predefined components, which you can use to construct your model
with. The components in the library tree can be dragged into the Edit window.

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8. Toolboxes

Selection Properties
Below the Bodies/Library tabs the properties of the selected component are shown.
When no components are selected the selection properties are empty.

When a component is selected, the edit button will be enabled. You can click the button
to change the component properties.

3D Representation

Below the Selection Properties, the 3D representation of the selected component is

shown. When no components, the 3D Representation is empty.

When a component is selected, the edit button will be enabled. You can click the button
to change the 3D Representation of the component.

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A component may be composed of several representations. Using the Add

Representation and Delete Representation commands of the Actions menu you can add
more representations or remove representations.


In the Output part of the 3D Mechanics Editor, messages will be shown during analysis of
the model.

Edit Modes

At the right of the 3D Mechanics Editor you will find the Edit Mode buttons. You can
select them to enter several edit modes.

Translation Mode In this mode you can translate components.

C onnection Mode In this mode you can make connections between

Rotation Mode In this mode you can rotate components.

C amera Mode In this mode you can change the camera position
and orientation. I.e. the way you look at your

Ghost Modes

At the right of the 3D Mechanics Editor you will find the Ghost Mode buttons. You can
use these buttons to make components transparent. This is useful when components are
hidden inside other components.

Ghost Mode for Bodies Make every body transparent.

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Ghost Mode for Joints Make every joint transparent.

Ghost Mode for Sensors/ Make every sensor/actuator transparent.


View Modes

In the button bar of the 3D Mechanics Editor you will find the View Mode buttons. You
can select them to select different views.

3D View Default view.

X-Y plane View perpendicular to the x-y plane. You can only
move objects along the x-y plane.
X-Z plane View perpendicular to the x-z plane. You can only
move objects along the x-z plane.
Y-Z plane View perpendicular to the y-z plane. You can only
move objects along the y-z plane.
All A combination of the all the views.

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8. Toolboxes

Model Settings
The model Settings command of the Tools menu will open the Model Settings dialog. In
this dialog you can change some general settings such as the size of the reference
frames or the amount of gravity.

The Model Setting Dialog.

Gravity: You can set the gravitational acceleration to any desired value.
Hard C oded: choose this option if you want to optimize for speed.
As Parameter: Use a gravity parameter, allowing you to change the value before
the start of a simulation run.
As Input Signal: get the gravity value from an input signal, allowing you to change
the value during simulation.
Spring Dampers for C onstraint Joints: C hoose this option if you want to use spring
dampers for closed kinematic chains. You can override the spring damper values for
individual joints if required.
Rotation Spring: Set the desired stiffness for the rotational spring.
Rotation Damper: Set the desired rotational damping.
Rotation Spring: Set the desired stiffness for the translation spring.

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Translation Damper: Set the desired translation damping.

Reference Frames: C hoose the size and thickness of the reference frames.
Grid: Set the grid.
Angle Representation: 20-sim uses SI-units for the model equations (e.g. radians).
You can choose to show them in non-SI-units like degrees or grads.
Power Port Type: C hoose Iconic Diagram power ports or bond Graph power ports.
C onstraint Solver: set the accuracy of the constraint solver.

Camera Settings

At the start of a model session, in the Edit window, a default camera is used. You can
change camera settings by clicking Camera Settings from the Tools menu.

In the C amera Settings dialog you can change the range (front and back plane) and
zooming of the camera, use a perspective view or orthographic, select the camera
position and the point to look at.

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8. Toolboxes

Spring Dampers and Constraints

In the 3D Mechanics Editor you can connect bodies with joints. If no path from any body
through a joint to another body and so on never returns to the starting body, we have
an open chain mechanism. Open chain mechanisms are easy to simulate with al known
integration methods.

Open Chain Mechanism.

If a path from any body through a joint to another body and so on returns to the starting
body we have a closed chain mechanism. C losed chain mechanisms are generally more
difficult to simulate.

Closed Chain Mechanism.

20-sim uses a special feature to simulate closed chain mechanisms. At an arbitrary place
a joint is removed to create an open chain mechanism. Then the open chain is closed
again using a spring damper joint or a constraint joint. You can choose which joint to use
in the Model Settings Dialog.

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Spring Damper Joint

A spring damper joint is a joint where all rigid connections are replaced by spring
dampers. If weak spring dampers are used a certain amount of (unwanted)
displacement will be possible. By increasing the stiffness and damping, the displacement
can be decreased. You can set the spring stiffness and damping in the Model Settings
Dialog. You can override these spring damper values in the Joint C onstraint Settings
Constraint Joint
The constraint joint works exactly like the original joint but uses constraint forces to do
the job. C onstraint forces can only be simulated with special integration methods. In 20-
sim the Modified Backward Differentiation Method is able to calculate constraint forces.

The concept of constraint forces is quite easy to understand if we look at the open chain
mechanism below. At the tips of the mechanism a force is applied. If we apply a force
that keeps the tips at the same position at each time step, it will effectively work as a
rotation joint. That is exactly what constraint forces do. At every simulation step, an
iterative procedure is run to find exactly that force that keeps the position offset at zero.

Constraint Force.

This iterative procedure is not standard for most integration methods. In 20-sim only the
Modified Backward Differentiation Method supports it. In the 3D Mechanics Editor you do
not have to worry about closed chain mechanisms. If necessary, standard joints are
replaced automatically by constraint joints. You only have to realize that simulation of a
mechanism with constraint joints in 20-sim should be performed using the Modified
Backward Differentiation Method.

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Flexibility in a 3D mechanics structure can be modeled using constraint joints. All you
have to do is:

1. Insert a joint into the editor.

2. C lick Edit Joint to open the Joint Properties.

3. C lick on the More button to show the advanced properties.

4. Select the As Constraint Joint option.

5. Now you will see the Constraint Settings button. C lick this button.

The Joint Constraint Settings dialog will open.

4. In this dialog you can Override the General Spring Damper Values,

5. and select the desired stiffness and damping for the joint.

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If you do not choose Override the General Spring Damper Values, the global settings
for constraint joints are used which can be specified in the Model Settings dialog.
Only the degrees of freedom which are fixed by the joint, can be set by spring damper
values. In the dialog above the spring damper values of an X-rotation joint are shown.
The rotation around the x-axis can not be restricted by a spring damper. If you want
to insert flexibility in all directions and rotations, use a weld joint to override the
general spring damper values.
You can choose the option Generate Global Parameters to make the spring damper
values available as global parameters.

8.1.2 Working Order

3D Mechanics Editor

From the Library tab you can drag and drop components to the Edit window. If you put
the editor in translation mode you can select the components and use the mouse to put
them in the correct position.

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A standard model will at least consist of some bodies and joints. The bodies have to be
connected with the joints to define the degrees of freedom of the model. The connecting
of joints and bodies can be done in the connection mode. By clicking on a body and then
on a joint a connection is defined.

If all connections are defined, you can test the possible motions of your model. Return to
the translation mode and click on a body. You will see arrows that indicate the possible
motion of the connected joint. By dragging the mouse you can make the body move.

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8. Toolboxes

When the model is ready you can check it. When no errors are found you can update it
to 20-sim.

Generating a 20-sim Model

When your 3D dynamic model has been created and assembled, you can check for
errors by selecting the Check Model command from the Actions menu. If everything is
OK the Output will show the message "Analysis C ompleted Successfully".
Generating 20-sim Model
After the model has been checked, you can export it as a 20-sim submodel by selecting
the Generate 20-sim Model command from the Actions menu.

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20-sim Model
As you may know from the Joint Properties dialog, all joints have an initial value. During
analysis of your model, some joints may have been twisted. You can use the current
(twisted) configuration to generate a 20-sim model for, or reset it to its initial values
Additional Outputs
For advanced users, some additional outputs may be useful. First time users are advised
not to select these outputs.
Output Filename
Use the Browse button to select a folder and a filename for the generated 20-sim model.
20-sim Scenery
In 20-sim you can use the 3D Animation Toolbox to show an animation of the
mechanical structure. You can export the structure to a scenery file, which can be loaded
in the 3D Animation Toolbox.
Don't Generate Joint Representations: Each joint is represented in the 3D Animation
as autonomous component with variables to denote the potion and orientation. For
large models you can save memory space by not exporting the joints.
Submodel Name to be used in 20-sim: The 3D Animation will use 20-sim submodel
names to identify the movements of object. You have to enter the submodel name,
that you will use for the 3D dynamic model in 20-sim.

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8. Toolboxes

Scenery Filename: Use the Browse button to select a folder and a filename for the
generated scenery file.

8.1.3 Library


The Library Tab shows all components that can be used to create your 3D Dynamic


When you drag and drop a body into the Edit window, its position (i.e. the position of its
reference frame) will be defined with respect to the base reference frame. You can
change the position with the mouse pointer. From the View menu click Mode and

Translation or click the button to go to translation mode. If you put the mouse
pointer on top of the body, you can change its position by pressing the left mouse
button. If you pressing the Ctrl-button at the same time, the body will move up and

You can also set the position manually by double clicking the body. This will open the
Body Properties dialog.

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8. Toolboxes

Using this dialog you can:

change the name of the body
set the inertia parameters
change the position
change the orientation
make it a fixed body
set more options
Fixed Body
The purpose of building a 3D model in most cases is to construct some kind of
mechanism using bodies and joints. The joints make the bodies move in a particular
way, which can be inspected in the 3D Editor. Every body in 3D mechanics editor is
floating by default, unless specifically set to be attached to the fixed world, or connected
to another body by means of a joint. Any body can be set to be a fixed body by
checking the Is Fixed World option in the Body Properties dialog. C hanging the
position of a fixed body in a mechanism will change the base position of the mechanism.
Dragging the other bodies will only make the mechanism move, but not change the base
position. If you want to model a floating mechanism (e.g. a satellite in space), all bodies
should remain floating.
To set the orientation of a body, the same procedure can be followed as for the position

of a body. If you set the Editor in Rotation mode ( ), you can change the
orientation of the body with the mouse pointer. You can also use the Body Properties
dialog to set the orientation precisely by clicking the orientation button.

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The orientation of a body is specified by the orientation of its reference frame. You can
define this orientation using various representations.
Direction Up Vector: Using the Direction Up vector method you have to specify the Y-
axis (Direction) and Z-axis (Up) of the body reference frame.
Bryant angles: Using Bryant angles we start with the initial body reference frame.
First we rotate around the X-axis of the body reference frame, then we rotate around
the Y-axis of the body reference frame en finally around the Z-axis of the body
reference frame. Bryant angles are also known as X-Y-Z relative Euler angles or
C ardan angles.
X-Y-X Euler: Using X-Y-X Euler angles we start with the initial body reference frame.
First we rotate around the X-axis of the body reference frame, then we rotate around
the Y-axis of the body reference frame en finally around the X-axis of the body
reference frame.
Euler Parameters: Using Euler parameters we start with the initial body reference
frame and rotate this frame around a vector K [X,Y,Z] about an angle theta.
Rotation Matrix: Using a 3x3 rotation matrix, you can enter 9 elements that will
transform the initial orientation of the body reference frame to the new orientation.

Inertia Properties
Each body has a mass and rotational inertia. The mass indicates the resistance of the
body to a change in position. Given a fixed force, a body with a large mass will
accelerate more slowly. This property is the same for all directions. Therefore the mass
can be indicated by a single parameter.

The rotational inertia indicates the resistance of a body to a rotation. Given a fixed
torque, a body wit a large rotational inertia will start to rotate more slowly. The
rotational inertia is not the same for all orientations. Generally, for any body three axes
can be identified that indicate a stable rotation. The rotational inertia for these three
principal axes of rotation is sufficient to describe the motion of a body. The connection of
these three principal axes of rotation is generally known as the center of mass.

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Any body, indifferent of its shape, which has the same mass, the same principal axes of
rotation and the same rotational inertia, will show the same dynamic behavior. That is
why you can change the representation of a body to any size, it will not change its
dynamic properties.

If you open the Body Properties Dialog you can click the Edit button to change the
inertia properties. You can set mass and the rotational inertias for each of the principle
inertia axis. By selecting the option As Global Parameter you can make the inertia
parameters available as global parameters.

The center of mass does not necessarily have to coincide with the body reference frame
and the orientation of the principal inertia axes do not have to coincide with the
orientation of the body reference frame.

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8. Toolboxes

You can enter the offset position of the center of mass and the orientation of the
principal inertia axes, by clicking the offset button.
More Options
If you click the More button in the Body Properties dialog, options are shown which form
a shortcut for the normal way of building models. They are meant for experienced users.

First a list of connection points are shown and some buttons to edit these points.
C onnection points are used to indicate at which point a joint or other element is
connected with the body. C onnection Points are explained in more detail in the next

At the bottom two options are shown. If you choose the Generate Power Interaction Port
option, a power port will be added to the body, which allows you to insert forces and
torques onto the body, from other 20-sim submodels.

The Output Absolute H-matrix option, will create an 4x4 output signal that gives the
position and orientation of the body, using an H-matrix. This signal can be connected to
other 20-sim submodels.


In order to make two bodies move with respect to each other, we have to connect them
by joints. Joints do not have any mass or rotational inertia. They only constrain the
motion of bodies. The position of a joint is indicated by its reference frame. Because the
joint position and orientation is completely determined by the bodies that are connected,
you do not have to specify any position or orientation parameters. These are
automatically derived when you make connections.
Making connections is not difficult when you understand how frames work. We will
explain this with a simple example. Suppose we have two bodies and a rotational joint.
The initial positions of the bodies and joints are indicated by their reference frames.

Now we have to define for each of the two bodies the offset to the joint. This can be
done using connection points. A connection point is in fact a new frame with an offset
from the body reference frame. As you can see, in the picture below, we have defined
C onnectionPoint1 with an offset of [x = 1, y = 1, z = -1] with respect to the Body1 and
we have defined C onnectionPoint2 with an offset of [x = 1, y = -1, z = -0.3] with respect
to Body2.

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8. Toolboxes

Now the bodies and the joint can be assembled by changing the body positions in such a
way that the frames of the connection points coincide with the reference frame of the
joint exactly.

Suppose that Body1 is set as the reference body. Now the whole assembly will be
moved until Body1 has its original position.

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8. Toolboxes

Creating Connections
In the 3D Mechanics Editor most of the assembly of joints and bodies is automated. You
simply have to make connections between joints and bodies. To make a connection you
have to drag and drop bodies and a joint to the Edit window. Then change to C onnection

mode ( ). First click a body and then the joint it should be connected to.

The Create Connection dialog will pop to ask you for the location of the connection point.
In the connection dialog you can set the offset (both the position as well as rotation)
from the body reference frame to the connection point.

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8. Toolboxes

The Joint Properties Dialog.

After the dialog is closed the body will automatically assemble with the joint. When two
bodies are assembled with a joint, you can view their constrained motions.
Joint Properties
When you want to change the C onnection Points after the connection has been made,
you have to double clicking the joint. This will open the Joint Properties Dialog.

You can change the name, position, orientation, and the rotation axis of the connection
points. You can also change the joint type and the initial rotation or translation of the
joint. If you lock the joints, it will not move when you want to show the possible motions
of the system.
Advanced Properties
At the bottom of the Joint Properties you can click the More button to see the advanced

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8. Toolboxes

The advanced properties of the Joint Properties Dialog.

As C onstraint Joint: C alculate the joint using constraints. You can use constraint
joints to introduce flexibility into your 3D structure.
Power Interaction Port: add a power port to the joint to make it an actuated joint.
Output Position: C reate an output signal that gives the joint position.
Output Velocity: C reate an output signal that gives the joint velocity.
Output C onstraint Forces: C reate an output signal that gives the forces and torques
that act on the joint.
Constraint Settings
If you click the More button to see the Advanced Joint Properties, you can click the As
Constraint Joint selection box. This box allows you to manually choose to make this joint
a constraint joint. A button will be visible showing the Constraint Settings. if you click this
button a dialog is shown allowing your to override the constraint by a spring damper. In
this way you can set each individual joint by its own spring damper constants.

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8. Toolboxes

Spring Damper
If you click the More button to see the Advanced Joint Properties, you can click the
Spring Damper button. This will allow you to add damping to a joint or a spring and
define end-stops.

Has Spring: choose this option to define a spring parallel to the joint.
Has Damping: select this option to define the damping (linear with the velocity).
Has Minimum: set an endstop at the minimum joint rotation/extension.
Has Minimum: set an endstop at the maximum joint rotation/extension.

Joint Types
Several types of joints are available in the library:

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8. Toolboxes

Rotation Joints (Non-Actuated)

joint description
XYZ-Rotation Joints which rotate around the principal axes.
Hinge XYZ-Rotation Same as XYZ-Rotation but with a different
Balljoint XYZ- Balljoints with orientations of the principal axes.

Rotation Joints (Actuated)

joint description
XYZ-Rotation Joints which rotate around the principal axes.
Hinge XYZ-Rotation Same as XYZ-Rotation but with a different

Translation Joints (Non-Actuated)

joint description
XYZ-Rotation Joints which rotate around the principal axes.
Hinge XYZ-Rotation Same as XYZ-Rotation but with a different
Balljoint XYZ- Balljoints with orientations of the principal axes.

Translation Joints (Actuated)

joint description
XYZ-Translation Joints which rotate around the principal axes.

joint description
XYZ-Translation Joints which rotate around the principal axes.

Other Joints

joint description
Weld joint A joint that welds two bodies together.
Free Moving Joint Opposite of the weld joint. In practice this joint will
only be used to give a body a fixed starting
position with respect to another body.

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8. Toolboxes

Sensors are components that indicate the position or velocity of bodies as output signals.
Connecting Sensors
Sensors have to be connected with bodies, just like joints.

The position of the sensor is indicated by its connection point. The connection point is
shown automatically when you make a connection between a body and a sensor. First

change to Connection mode ( ), then click the body and then click the sensor.

The Create Connection dialog will pop to ask you for the location of the connection point.
In the connection dialog you can set the offset (both the position as well as rotation)
from the body reference frame to the connection point.

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Sensor Types
Various sensor types are available in the library.

sensor output signal

Position-X A signal with the x-position of the body.
Position-Y A signal with the y-position of the body.
Position-Z A signal with the z-position of the body.
Position (3x1) A signal (size 3) with the x-, y- and z-position of
the body.
H-matrix (4x4) A 4x4 signal with the H-matrix.
Rotation (3x3) A 3x3 signal with the rotation-matrix.


sensor output signal

Velocity-X A signal with the x-velocity of the body.
Velocity-Y A signal with the y-velocity of the body.
Velocity-Z A signal with the z-velocity of the body.
Velocity (3x1) A signal (size 3) with the x-, y- and z-velocity of
the body.

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Omega-X A signal with the rotational velocity in x-direction of

the body.
Omega-Y A signal with the rotational velocity in y-direction of
the body.
Omega-Z A signal with the rotational velocity in z-direction of
the body.
Omega (3x1) A signal (size 3) with all three rotational velocities.

sensor output signal

Acceleration-X A signal with the x-acceleration of the body.
Acceleration-Y A signal with the y-acceleration of the body.
Acceleration-Z A signal with the z-acceleration of the body.
Acceleration (3x1) A signal (size 3) with the x-, y- and z-acceleration
of the body.
Rotational A signal with the rotational acceleration in x-
Acceleration-X direction of the body.
Rotational A signal with the rotational acceleration in y-
Acceleration-Y direction of the body.
Rotational A signal with the rotational acceleration in z-
Acceleration-Z direction of the body.
Rotational A signal (size 3) with all three rotational
Acceleration (3x1) accelerations.

Jacobian Matrix
This yields the Jacobian Matrix of the connected mass.


Actuators are components that impose a force or torque on bodies, where the force or
torque is given by a power port or input signal.
Connecting Sensors
Actuators have to be connected with bodies, just like joints.

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The position of the sensor is indicated by its connection point. The connection point is
shown automatically when you make a connection between a body and a sensor. First

change to Connection mode ( ), then click the body and then click the sensor.

The Create Connection dialog will pop to ask you for the location of the connection point.
In the connection dialog you can set the offset (both the position as well as rotation)
from the body reference frame to the connection point.

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8. Toolboxes

Local or Global Coordinates

For each actuator, you can change its settings, by double clicking it. This will open the
Actuator Properties dialog.

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8. Toolboxes

8.2 Animation Toolbox

8.2.1 3D Animation

3D Animation Window
In the Simulator choose Tools and Animation Toolbox and 3D Animation to open a 3D
Animation window.

The 3D Animation window.


To start editing, from the Properties menu select 3D Properties . This will open 3D
Properties window where you build your animation.

You can run an animation by clicking the green run button . You can also select
the Run command from the Replay menu.

At the top right of the window you see the Speed box where you can set
the replay speed. The default speed is to replay an animation at real time but you
can set it to play an animation faster or slower.
If you have multiple camera's in your animation, you can switch camera, by clicking
the camera button .
Ray Trace
Ray Tracing will add shadows and mirror images to a 3D Animation. From the File
menu, select RayTrace to apply Ray Tracing to the current window.
Creating Movies
From the File menu select Create Movie to create movies from your animation.
Full Screen
Right click your mouse when pointing on a 3D Animation. Select Full Screen to see
the animation in full screen. C lick the Escape button to remove the full screen view.

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8. Toolboxes

3D Properties
The 3D Properties window allows you to define the various objects that should be shown
in a 3D Animation. The 3D Properties window can be opened, by double clicking the
mouse pointer in the Animation window or using the Properties menu.

The 3D Animation Properties window at start-up.

The menu of the 3D Animation Properties consists of three parts.
The File menu allows you to store and load scenes (parts of the object tree) and
create movies.
The Edit menu allows you to create and edit objects.
The Properties menu allows you to set the General Properties.
Lights, Cameras and Objects
Two lights and five cameras are standard available when you start a new animation. You
can delete or change these lights and cameras or add new additional lights and cameras.
Inserting new objects can be done with the Edit menu by selecting the Insert Object
Object Tree
The left side of the 3D Animation Properties window shows tree-like listing of the objects
that are inserted. All objects are defined with respect to a reference frame. This can be
done hierarchically by inserting new reference frames.

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8. Toolboxes

The 3D Animation Properties window of the model ScaraRobot.emx .

Object Attributes

On the right side of the 3D Animation Properties window shows the attributes of a
selected object (e.g. position, orientation, scaling etc.). Objects can be selected, by
clicking the mouse pointer on top of the object in the objects tree.
Show Frame
Each object has an object attached reference frame. This frame can be shown by
selecting the object and clicking the Show Frame option. This is useful for manipulating
objects. If you press the Control button while selecting the Show Frame option, all
frames in the current branch are shown. Do the same for the top reference frame to
quickly show or hide all reference frames.
C lick the Solo option, to hide all other objects. This is useful for manipulating a single
object. If you press the Control button while selecting the Solo option, all objects in the
current branch are shown. Do the same for the top reference frame to quickly show or
hide all objects.
C lick the Hidden option, to hide a single object. This is useful for manipulating a the
other objects. If you press the Control button while selecting the Hidden option, all
objects in the current branch are hidden. Do the same for the top reference frame to
quickly hide or show all objects.

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8. Toolboxes

Next Camera
C lick the Next C amera button to seen the next camera view.
C lick the Manipulate button to move an object with use of your mouse.

Selecting Objects

An object can be selected by pointing with the mouse in the object tree.

Select an object in the 3D Animation Properties window.

This selection is also shown in the 3D Animation window as a pink box around the object.

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8. Toolboxes

Indicating the selected object.

It is also possible to select an object with the mouse by clicking in the 3D Animation
window. The selection will automatically jump to the object in the tree of the 3D
Animation Properties window.

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8. Toolboxes

Moving Objects
To move an object, you have select it.

Select an object in the 3D Animation Properties window.

The right side of the 3D Animation Properties window shows the attributes of a selected
object (e.g. position, orientation, scaling etc.). You can change the position or orientation
to move an object.
You can move an object directly by pushing the Manipulate button.

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Manipulate an object directly.

A set of locks will be shown below the Manipulate button. You can use them to lock one
or more directions and orientations. After this you must put the 3D Animation window on
front (click on it with the mouse) and select one of the following keys:

Ke ys Action
right arrow move right (positive x-direction)
left arrow move left (negative x-direction)
up arrow move up (positive z-direction)
down arrow move down (negative z-direction)
Ctrl + up arrow move forward (positive y-direction)
Ctrl + down arrow move backward (negative y-direction)
Alt+ right arrow yaw right (positive z-axis rotation)
Alt+ left arrow yaw left (negative z-axis rotation)
Alt+ up arrow roll forward (negative x-axis rotation)
Alt + down arrow roll back (positive x-axis rotation)
Ctrl+ Alt + right arrow pitch right (positive y-axis rotation)
Ctrl+ Alt + left arrow pitch left (negative y-axis rotation)

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Keys above + Shift Smaller steps (more accurate)

Ctrl + A Next Camera


In the 3D Animation Properties you can load and store scenes. Scenes are simply part of
an object tree or a complete object tree. This option can be used to obtain scenes from
other experiments or to create pre-defined environments.
Save Scene
The Save Scene command of the File menu, allows you to save a scene on file. Only the
selected object and all object below will be saved.
Load Scene
The Load Scene command of the File menu, allows you to open a scene from file and
insert it under the selected object of the object tree.


With a few mouse clicks you can create movies from an animation. Right click on the 3D
animation window and select Create Movie.

Target List
You can create movies for various purposes:
YouTube: Movies in mpg-format for placement on YouTube.

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Avi: Movies in avi format for use in movie editing software.

Windows Media Video: Movies for the use in Microsoft programs (e.g. Powerpoint).
Flash: Movies in flv format for the use on Internet sites.
Only Frames: For the use in advanced movie editing programs that can handle
collections of pictures
You can create movies with three profiles (low, medium, high). The corresponding sizes
are shown in the table below.

low medium high

YouT ube 640 * 480 - 1280*720
Avi 640 * 480 1024*768 1920*1080
Windows Media Video 640 * 480 1024*768 1920*1080
Flash 640 * 360 1024*576 -
Only Frames 640 * 480 1024*768 1920*1080

Ray tracing will add shadows and mirror images to a 3D Animation. However ray tracing
cost a lot of processing power. If you select the option Ray Tracing, the quality of your
movie will be improved, but the time to create it will increase tremendously .
C hoose the More button if the standard profiles are not up to your demands. You can set
the size of a movie, the frame rate and speed up or slow down the speed.
Create Movie
C lick the Create Movie button to create a movie. The movie will be stored in the output
directory that you have specified using the filename that you have given.

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8. Toolboxes

General Properties
Using the General Properties command of the 3D Properties window helps you to select
several options.

Background Color: C hange the background color to any desired color you like.
Background Image: Use a bitmap image for the background.
Wireframe: You can choose to show the animation as Wireframe.
Fogging: Fog in any desired color can be added to the animation. The fog is minimal
at a start plane and maximal at an end plane. You can set the distance of these
Render Type: C hoose wireframe rendering or full rendering.
Grid: You can choose to show a grid.
Frames: Set the frame scaling and thickness.
General: Show the number of frames per second and maximize the number of
frames per second.

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Reference Frames
All objects in a 3D Animation are be defined with respect to the top reference frame.
The top reference frame is the reference frame on top of the objects tree. If you have
multiple objects that move relative to the top reference frame but have a fixed position
and orientation to with respect to each other, it is useful to introduce an additional
reference frame. Define all the objects with fixed position and orientation with respect
to an additional reference frame and give this frame a movement with respect to the top
reference frame.

Relative reference frames.

In the objects tree frame hierarchy is shown by indentation. In the example above,
the Earth Reference Frame describes the earth motion with respect to the Sun Reference
frame. The Moon Reference Frame describes the moon motion with respect to the Earth
Reference Frame.

Each Reference Frame has a specific position, orientation and scaling. The scaling is
defined with respect to the frame one level higher in the hierarchy. In the example
above, the sphere and circle describing the Earth and the Launch Site can directly be
copied to form the Moon and the Lunar Landing Site. Only the scaling of the Moon
Reference Frame has to be set to correct values.

Properties (Specific)
Override Group Color: You can choose to give all objects that are defined in a frame
the same color.
Properties (General)

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Properties (Specific)
You can set the start position and end position of the line, enter the line thickness and
set the number of circle elements.
Properties (General)

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Properties (Specific)
You can set the position of the origin and the rib length and choose to show the inside.
Properties (General)

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Properties (Specific)
You can choose to show the inside and outside. The number of segments that are
used to draw the circle is fixed.
Properties (General)

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Properties (Specific)
You can set the position of the origin, choose to show the inside and outside, set the
number of circle elements . A cylinder can be shown with open or closed sides.
Properties (General)

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Properties (Specific)
You can set the number of circle elements and choose to show the cone with an open
or closed side.
Properties (General)


Properties (Specific)
A Torus has some specific options:

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8. Toolboxes

The Torus Radius denotes the length from the origin to the center of the tube.
The Tube Radius denotes the tub thickness.
With the Number of Segments you can set the total number of segments for one
The Points Per Segment are the number of circle elements for each segment.

Properties (General)



Properties (Specific)
The Height is the the length of the spiral.
The Spiral Radius is the length from origin to the center of the tube.
The Tube Radius denotes the tub thickness.
The Number of Turns is the number of revolutions from bottom to top of the spiral.
This may be a non-integer value.
The Number of Segments is the total number of segments from bottom to the top of
the spiral.
The Points Per Segment are the number of circle elements for each segment.

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You can set the position of the origin.

Properties (General)


Properties (Specific)
Dimensions: You can choose the Segment Length, the Width and Height of the beam.
Variable: The beam offset (in the direction of the height) is given by a vector. The
number of segments is equal to the number of vector elements. You can choose the
vector as a variable from your model.
Properties (General)

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8. Toolboxes

You can import object from files, using the 3D-files object. As soon as you insert a 3D-
files object, 20-sim will open a file browser. Three formats are supported
STL-files (*.stl): The STL file format or stereolithography format is another widely
accepted interchange format between C AD packages.
DXF-files (*.dxf): This is AutoC AD's drawing interchange format. The DXF file format
was originally designed by AutoDesk® to represent 3D models built with AutoC AD®.
Now they are generally accepted as an interchange format between C AD packages.
Lightwave Object files (*.lwo): LightWave is a software package used for rendering
3D images, both animated and static.
Properties (Specific)

Use the Browse button to load another file .

Set the Override Color check box to give the object any desired color.
You can set the position of the origin.
Properties (General)

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Properties (Specific)
You can set the position of the origin.
Properties (General)

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Properties (Specific)
You can set the number of circle elements .
Properties (General)

All objects in a 3D Animation are defined with respect to the Default Lights and Cameras
frame. This frame coincides with the top Reference Frame. When you start up a 3D
animation 5 default cameras are available showing several views of the origin of this

Two cameras show the Default Lights and Cameras frame from a position of x = 5, y = 5
and z = 10. The cameras are pointed to the center of origin of the frame. The Camera
Looking At Origin will keep looking at the origin, even if its position is changed. The
Perspective Camera will not keep looking at the origin but keep its original orientation
when its position is changed.

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The Camera Looking At Origin and Perspective Camera.

Three Front cameras are positioned on top of each of the axes of the Default Lights and
Cameras frame. The front cameras do not show perspective. I.e. they can be used for

Properties (Specific)

Camera Properties
Plane Distance : A camera only shows objects that lie between a front plane
and a back plane. You can set the distance of these planes (seen from the
Projection: You can show all objects in perspective (objects further away look
smaller) or Orthographic (objects further away are shown equally large). You
can choose to show right hand frames or left-hand frames.
Use the slider bar to set the Zooming.

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When you enable the Look at Position, the camera will always look at a specific
position, regardless the position of the camera itself
You can make the look at position static or connect it to variables of your
Use the Always Look up Vector to let the camera have a fixed angle of view.
Properties (General)


Properties (Specific)
The Vector object is a combination of a C ylinder object and a C one object. The length of
the Vector can be constant or determined by the value of the variable, the offset and the
multiplication factor. You can set the vector diameter, the cone diameter and the cone
height and set the number of circle elements . The color of the C one and the C ylinder
can be specified separately by the two color property pages. The first page is for the
C ylinder and the second page is for the C one.
Properties (General)

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8. Toolboxes

Ambient Light
An Ambient Light source illuminates everything with a predefined color, regardless of the
orientation, position, and surface characteristics of the objects available. It is
constructed by making a spot light shine everywhere.

Spot Light
A Spotlight emits a cone of light of a certain color. The cone starts at a given position
and the direction is given by the orientation. Only objects within the cone are
Ambient color: This is the main color of point light. For a spot light this option is
turned off.
Diffuse color: This is color of point light when it shines on matt surfaces.
Specular color: This is color of point light when it is reflected in shiny surfaces.
You can select the shape of the light bundle.
Parallel: Select this option to make the light a parallel bundle (e.g. the sun
light). For a spot light this option is turned off.
Spot Exponent [Wide-Narrow]: Select this option to make the light intensity
equal in all directions (Wide) or more intensive in the center beam of the spot
light (Narrow)
Spot Angle [0..90]: Select the angle of the cone from 0 degrees (very thin
bundle) to 90 degrees (light in all directions).
Light attenuation defines how the intensity of the light weakens as it travels away from
the source. The attenuation is computed based on the following formula:

where k0 is the constant attenuation, k1 is the linear attenuation, k2 is the quadratic

attenuation and d is the distance from the light's position to an object.

Directional Light
A Directional Light illuminate all objects with light of equal intensity, as if it were at an
infinite distance from the objects. The directional source is commonly used to simulate
distant light sources, such as the sun. It is constructed by making a spot light shine in
parallel bundles.

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Most objects in a 20-sim Animation can be positioned with respect to the frame one level
up in the object tree. This position can be fixed (using fixed values) or change (using
model variables) during simulation.

All objects in a 3D Animation have an orientation. This orientation can be made visible
by showing the object attached reference frame. This orientation can be fixed (using
fixed values) or changed (using model variables) during simulation.

The orientation of an object is defined as the transformation of the frame one level up
the object tree {A} to the object attached reference frame {B}. Several methods can be
used in 20-sim to define this transformation.
Using the DirectX method you have to specify the Y-axis and Z-axis of the frame {B} in
coordinates of frame {A}.
Bryant angles
Start with the frame {B} coincident with a known frame {A}. First rotate {B} about the
X-axis of {B} by an angle of X (rad), then rotate about the Y-axis of {B} by an angle of
Y (rad) and then rotate {B} about the Z-axis of {B} by an angle of Z (rad). Note:
Bryant angles are also known as X-Y-Z Euler angles or C ardan angles.
Start with the frame {B} coincident with a known frame {A}. First rotate {B} about the
X-axis of {B} by an angle of x (rad), then rotate about the Y-axis of {B} by an angle of
y (rad) and then rotate {B} about the X-axis of {B} by an angle of z (rad).
Euler Parameters
Start with a frame {A}. Rotate this frame about a vector K [X,Y,Z]T about an angle theta
to get to the frame {B}.

Most objects in a 20-sim Animation can be scaled in size. This scaling can be fixed (using
fixed values) or change (using model variables) during simulation.

Most objects in a 20-sim Animation can be shown with a preset color. The colors can be
user defined or defined with respect to a color map.
User Defined
The additive primary colors are red (R), green (G), and blue (B). By mixing these colors
in different percentages, any other color can be created. When blue and green are
mixed, the resulting color is cyan. When blue and red are mixed, the resulting color is
magenta. If all three primary colors are mixed together, the resulting color is white.

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The color tab.

C olor ranges can be set from 0 to 1 or 0 to 255. C onstant values or model variables can
be chosen for each primary color. Use the multiplication and addition terms for scaling
and offset.
Color Map
The color that is chosen is defined by a color map. C olor ranges can be set from 0 to 1
or 0 to 255. A constant value or a model variable can be chosen. Use the multiplication
and addition term for scaling and offset.

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8. Toolboxes

The rendering option defined in the General Properties can be overridden for each
object. The options are: WireFrame, Unlit Flat, Flat and Gouraud.

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Using the Texture attribute, you can wrap a bitmap file around an object. Using the
browse button, you can easily select the desired bitmap file (bmp, jpg, gif, tif, etc.).
Using the transparency option you can select a color in the bitmap that should be

Texture Origin
A texture is defined in generalized coordinates (u,v). The bottom right of the texture has
coordinates (0,0) and the top left (1,1). The offset parameters define how much offset is
used to project the bitmap. This is shown in the figure below. At the left an offset of (0,0)
is shown and at the right an offset (0.2,0.2) is shown.

Depending on the type of texture wrapping (Flat, C ylinder, Sphere or C hrome) the three
wrapping vectors () have a different meaning. This is explained in the next sections. To
facilitate the explanation in the pictures below the origin vector equals (0,0,0), the Y-
vector equals (0,1,0) and the Z-vector equals (0,0,1).

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Using three vectors (Origin, Y-Axis and Z-Axis) and Offset parameters (X, Y) you can
define how the texture should be wrapped around an object. The vectors are defined
with reference to the object attached reference frame. The object attached reference
frame can be made visible by selecting Show Frame. The vectors use generalized
coordinates. I.e. the length, width and height of the object are defined as 1 and the
vectors are scaled accordingly.
The flat wrap conforms to the faces of an object as if the texture were a piece of rubber
that was stretched over the object. For a flat texture wrap, the effects of the various
vectors are shown in the following illustration.

The Origin vector defines the base from which the texture wrapping is
The Y-vector equals the v axis of the texture wrap.
The Z-vector is always perpendicular to the texture wrap.
The cylindrical wrap treats the texture as if it were a piece of paper that is wrapped
around a cylinder so that the left edge is joined to the right edge. The object is then
placed in the middle of the cylinder and the texture is deformed inward onto the surface
of the object. For a cylindrical texture wrap, the effects of the various vectors are shown
in the following illustration.

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The Origin vector defines the base from which the texture wrapping is performed.
The Y-vector specifies the point on the outside of the cylinder where u equals 0.
The Z-vector specifies the axis of the cylinder.
For a spherical wrap, the u-coordinate is derived from the angle that the vector [x y 0]
makes with the x-axis (as in the cylindrical map) and the v-coordinate from the angle
that the vector [x y z] makes with the z-axis. Note that this mapping causes distortion of
the texture at the z-axis.

The Origin vector defines the base from which the texture wrapping is performed.
The Y-vector specifies the point on the outside of the sphere where u equals 0.
The Z-vector specifies the point on the outside of the sphere where v equals 0.
A chrome wrap allocates texture coordinates so that the texture appears to be reflected
onto the objects. The chrome wrap takes the reference frame position and uses the
vertex normals in the mesh to calculate reflected vectors. The texture u- and v-
coordinates are then calculated from the intersection of these reflected vectors with an
imaginary sphere that surrounds the mesh. This gives the effect of the mesh reflecting
whatever is wrapped on the sphere.

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A material defines how a surface reflects light. A material has two components: an
emissive property (background color) and a specular property (reflected light), whose
brightness is determined by a power setting. Using the Material tab you can set these

Closed Shapes
Some objects in a 20-sim Animation can be shown as a closed shape (sides closed) or
open shape (sides open).

Circle Elements
All objects in a 20-sim Animation are build out of a set of planar surface elements.
C urved objects have to be build up out of a lot of surface elements to give the
impression of a smooth surface. For some objects you can set the amount of surface
elements used to create circular surfaces.

The Animation Engine in 20-sim is based on the Microsoft® Direct3D. Direct3D uses the
following formula to normalize the distance from a light source to the object surface into
a value from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive:

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In the preceding formula, Dn is the normalized distance, R is the light's range, and D is
the distance, in world space, from the light source to the object surface. A normalized
distance is 1.0 at the light's source, and 0.0 at the light's range.
With the normalized distance in hand, Direct3D then applies the following formula to
calculate light attenuation over distance for point lights and spotlights:

In this attenuation formula, A is the calculated total attenuation and Dn is the normalized
distance from the light source to the object. The constant, linear and quadratic
attenuation factors act as coefficients in the formula. You can produce a wide variety of
attenuation curves by making simple adjustments to them. Most applications will set the
linear attenuation factor to 1.0 and set the remaining factors to 0.0 to produce a light
that steadily falls off over distance. Similarly, you could apply a constant attenuation
factor of 1.0 by itself to make a light that doesn't attenuate (but will still be limited by
range). The following illustration shows the three most common attenuation curves.

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8. Toolboxes

All objects in a 20-sim Animation can be duplicated. This property is useful when drawing
a lot of the same objects.

You can choose several options:

Number of Duplicates: Select the number of duplicates of the object.
Position Offsets: Select the position offset of the first duplicate from the original
object. This offset is repeated for every next duplicate.
Orientation Offset: Select the orientation offset of the first duplicate from the original
object. This offset is repeated for every next duplicate.
Scaling Offset: Select the scaling of the first duplicate compared to the original
object. This scaling is repeated for every next duplicate.

The example below shows a cube that is duplicated according to the specifications given
in the figure above. As shown, the first duplicate is a little larger than the original object.
The second duplicate is a little larger than the first duplicate etc.

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8. Toolboxes

8.2.2 Graph Animation

Graph Animation

To Animate the results of a simulation in the graphical model select the Graph Animation
command from the Tools menu (Simulator). During simulation, the thickness and color
of bonds and signals will correspond with the values they carry.

The color of a bond or signal always corresponds with the sign, red for negative values
and green for positive values. The thickness of signals corresponds with the value. For
signals that is obvious but for bonds or connections carry two variables: effort and flow
(also know as across and through). For bonds and connections you can choose to let the
thickness correspond with the effort, flow or power (effort*flow), depending on the
Animation command that was chosen.

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You can start Animation in the Simulator:

1. Run a simulation until you are satisfied with the results.

2. From the Tools menu, select Animation Toolbox then Graph Animation.

3. A menu pops up. C hoose the options you like and click OK to start Animation.

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Graph Animation Menu

Animation Kind: For signals, the thickness always corresponds with their value. For
bonds and connections you can choose. Select here to what the thickness of bonds
and connections should represent: effort, flow or power (effort*flow).
Animation Ranges: The thickness of bonds and signals can vary from 1 to 5 pixels.
Select here the range that should correspond with a thickness of 5 pixels.

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8. Toolboxes

8.3 Control Toolbox

8.3.1 Controller Design Editor

Controller Design Editor

The 20-sim Controller Design Editor allows you to enter or edit linear time-invariant
models of a plant with control loop. The control loop is separated in a compensator,
prefilter and measurement. You can open the Controller Design Editor from the Tools
menu of the 20-sim Editor or by clicking Go Down on a C ontrolledLinearSystem model
that was inserted in the Editor.

Sub System
You can choose to show a single element in the loop:
Plant (P), Compensator (C), Prefilter (F) or Measurement (M)
or view the response of the system:
Response (H), Loop Transfer (L), Sensitivity (S), Compl. Sensitivity (T),
Plant Sensitivity (PS) or Control Sensititvity (CS).

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8. Toolboxes

The corresponding transfer function is show in the editor.

Additional Ports
Select one of the radio buttons Input Disturbance, Output Disturbance,
Measurement Dist. or Feedforward. The first three options allow you to use external
disturbance in your model. The last option allows you to use an external feedforward
controller (e.g. a B-Spline network). The selected inputs are shown in the picture.
System Description
Pressing the Edit button will open a dialog for editing the linear system. Each
description (State Space, Transfer Function, Zeros Poles Gain or Eigen Frequency)
has a special dialog and can be used to specify continuous-time and discrete-time
In the 20-sim Simulator, out of an existing (non-linear) model a symbolic linear-
system can be derived by means of linearization. This means that the relevant model

parameters are preserved in the Linear System and the parameters button can
be used to change parameters.

Pressing the s<->z button will transform a continuous-time linear system

into a discrete-time linear system and back.
Pressing the Filter button opens the Filter Editor, where a filter can be designed. This
filter can then be combined with the current linear system or replace the current
linear system. If the linear system is a discrete-time system, the designed analog
filter is automatically transferred into its digital equivalent.

Pressing the From Matlab button and the To Matlab button allows
for an instant exchange of the linear system with the Matlab workspace. Information
is transferred numerically (no parameter relations are preserved)

The button is only active when a Linear System has been imported through
linearization. C licking the button will import parameters from the simulation.

The button is only active when a Linear System has been imported through
linearization. C licking the button will export the current parameters to the simulation.
You can inspect the time- and frequency responses of the selected transfer function
Step Response
Bode Plot
Nyquist Plot
Nichols C hart
Poles and Zeros (including root locus)
C licking the 20-sim button will export the linear system as a new 20-sim submodel.
C licking the Matlab button will export the 20-sim Linear System to a Matlab m-file. If
the Linear System is symbolic, all parameter relations are preserved.

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8. Toolboxes

State Space Models

State space models use linear differential equations (continuous) or difference equations
(discrete) to describe system dynamics. They are of the form:

(continuous) (discrete)

with for example:

where x is the state vector and u and y are the input and output vectors. These models
may arise from the equation of physics, from state space identification or as the result of

You can enter state space models by selecting the State Space button and clicking the
Edit button.

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8. Toolboxes

This opens an editor in which you can enter the A, B, C and D matrices. Depending on
the selection of the Discrete Linear System check box (and Sample Time) the system is
a continuous-time or discrete-time system. You can enter the matrix elements in the
white space areas. Separate column elements with Spaces or C ommas. Enter new rows
by clicking the Enter key (new line) or using a semicolon. Brackets ( e.g. [ ... ] ) may be
used to denote the a matrix or vector.

The A-matrix, shown in the figure above can for example be entered as:

-0.5 -1




Output Delay
To inspect the effects of time delay in your model, you can add output delay. The result
will be visible in the various plots that you can show of a linear system. The unit of the
output delay is seconds.
Discrete Sample Time
If you want to transfer a linear system from continuous time to discrete time directly
(i.e. replace the s by a z), select Discrete Sample time and fill in the sample time value.
You can also transfer back directly by deselecting Discrete Sample time.
Help: Open the help file.
Apply: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero).
OK: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero) and close the editor.
Cancel: Do not apply any changes to the system and close the editor.

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8. Toolboxes

Transfer Functions
A continuous time or discrete time SISO transfer function:

(continuous) (discrete)

is characterized by its numerator n and denominator d, both polynomials of the variable

s or z.

You can enter transfer functions by selecting the Transfer Function button and clicking
the Edit button.

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8. Toolboxes

This opens an editor in which you can enter the coefficients of the numerator and
denominator polynomials. You can enter the elements in the white space areas.
Separate the elements with Spaces. Polynomials should be entered in descending
powers of s or z. The Steady State Gain, Root Locus Gain and System Gain are
parameters, that are automatically derived from the transfer function.

In the editor shown above the transfer function

was given. You can enter the coefficients as:

0.1 0.1


1 1 0.5




Output Delay
To inspect the effects of time delay in your model, you can add output delay. The result
will be visible in the various plots that you can show of a linear system. The unit of the
output delay is seconds.
Discrete Sample Time
If you want to transfer a linear system from continuous time to discrete time directly
(i.e. replace the s by a z), select Discrete Sample time and fill in the sample time value.
You can also transfer back directly by deselecting Discrete Sample time.

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8. Toolboxes

Help: Open the help file.
Apply: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero).
OK: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero) and close the editor.
Cancel: Do not apply any changes to the system and close the editor.

Zeros and Poles

A continuous-time SISO transfer function can described by the transfer function:

This transfer function can be rewritten in pole zero notation with

where pi .. p1 are the poles and zi .. z1 are the zeros and KRL is the Root Locus Gain of
the system. The same can be done for a discrete-time SISO transfer function.

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8. Toolboxes

You can enter zeros and poles by selecting the Zeros & Poles button and clicking the Edit

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8. Toolboxes

This opens an editor in which you can enter the real and imaginary parts of the zeros
and poles as well as the Root Locus Gain. If preferred, you can also enter the System
Gain. Note that zeros and poles always have conjugate when the imaginary part is non-
zero. I.e. when you enter a pole with imaginary part 0.5 an extra pole is added with
imaginary part -0.5.
Output Delay
To inspect the effects of time delay in your model, you can add output delay. The result
will be visible in the various plots that you can show of a linear system. The unit of the
output delay is seconds.
Discrete Sample Time
If you want to transfer a linear system from continuous time to discrete time directly
(i.e. replace the s by a z), select Discrete Sample time and fill in the sample time value.
You can also transfer back directly by deselecting Discrete Sample time.
Add/Delete: Add or delete selected poles or zeros.
Help: Open the help file.
Apply: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero).
OK: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero) and close the editor.
Cancel: Do not apply any changes to the system and close the editor.

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8. Toolboxes

Eigen Frequencies
The Eigen Frequencies view is closely related to the pole zero notation and bode plot. It
shows the resonance frequencies and anti-resonance frequencies that result from the
given poles and zeros as well as some characteristic parameters from the bode plot.

You can enter transfer functions by selecting the Eigen Freqs. button and clicking the Edit

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8. Toolboxes

Step Response
The Step Response command calculates the systems response y on a unit step input:

u = 0 (time < 0 )
u = 1 (time >= 0 )

20-sim automatically generates an appropriate range for the time response, based on
the system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu), you can
change this horizon and recalculate the step response (click the Step command again).
Plot Options
Using the right mouse menu, you can use several options:
Plot Properties: Set the general plot properties for the step response and specify the
curve properties.
Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.
Step Characteristics: Display rise time, overshoot, settling time and the steady state
value of the step response.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

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8. Toolboxes

Bode Plots
Bode Plots show the amplitude and phase of a linear system as function of the
frequency. Bode plots can be shown for every 20-sim model through Linearization.
During Linearization you are asked to enter the input variable and output variable for
which linearization should be performed. After that the linear system is calculated and
shown in the Linear System Editor. From the Linear System Editor you can generate a
bode plot. These actions can also be predefined using the Frequency Response
command of the Properties menu.

20-sim automatically generates a range of logarithmically displayed frequencies, based

on the system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu),
you can change this horizon and recalculate the bode response (click the Bode command

The magnitude part of the plot can be displayed in dB or in absolute values. The phase
part can be displayed in radians or degrees. The frequency can be displayed in radians
per second or in Hz.
Plot Options
Using the toolbar or the right mouse menu, you can use various options:
Plot Properties: Set the plot properties.
Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.
Magnitude (dB): Display magnitude in decibels
Magnitude (-): Display magnitude in absolute values.
Phase (rad): Display phase in radians.
Phase (deg): Display phase in degrees.
Frequency (rad/sec): Display frequency in radians per second.

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8. Toolboxes

Frequency (Hz): Display frequency in Hz.

Phase/Gain Margins: Display the gain and phase margins.
Modulus Margin: Display the Modulus Margin.
Unwrap Phase: Display the phase plot as a continuous plot by selecting this option or
as a folded plot between -180 and 180 deg. by deselecting this option.
Peak Response: Display the peak response.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

Pole Zero Diagram

The Pole Zero command plot the poles and zeros of a system and computes the root
locus plot.

20-sim automatically generates a range of real and imaginary parts, based on the
system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu), you can
change this horizon and recalculate the pole zero diagram (click the Pole Zero
command again).
Root Locus
You can show the rootlocus plot by selecting Root Locus from the right mouse menu.
Inspect the root locus gain by selecting Numerical Values from the right mouse menu.

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8. Toolboxes

Plot Options
Using the right mouse menu, you can use several options:
Plot Properties: Set the plot properties.
Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.
Root Locus: Show or hide the root locus plot.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

Nichols Chart

The Nichols command computes the Nichols chart of a system.

20-sim automatically generates a range of logarithmically displayed frequencies, based

on the system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu), you
can change this horizon and recalculate the Nichols chart (click the Nichols command
again). The magnitude part of the plot can be displayed in decibels (dB) or in absolute
values. The phase part can be displayed in radians or degrees.
Plot Options
Using the right mouse menu, you can use several options:
Plot Properties: Set the plot properties.

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8. Toolboxes

Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.

Magnitude (dB): Display magnitude in decibels
Magnitude (-): Display magnitude in absolute values.
Phase (rad): Display phase in radians.
Phase (deg): Display phase in degrees.
Frequency (rad/sec): Display frequency in radians per second.
Frequency (Hz): Display frequency in Hz.
Phase/Gain Margins: Display the gain and phase margins.
Modulus Margin: Display the Modulus Margin.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

Nyquist Diagram

The Nyquist command computes the Nyquist plot of a system.

20-sim automatically generates a range of real and imaginary parts, based on the
system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu), you can
change this horizon and recalculate the Nyquist diagram (click the Nyquist command
Plot Options
Using the right mouse menu, you can use several options:

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8. Toolboxes

Plot Properties: Set the plot properties.

Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.
Phase/Gain Margins: Display the gain and phase margins.
Modulus Margin: Display the Modulus Margin.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

8.3.2 MLP Network Editor

Neural Networks

Human brains consist of billions of neurons that continually process information. Each
neuron is like a tiny computer of limited capability that processes input information from
other neurons into output information to other neurons. C onnected together, these
neurons form the most intelligent system known.

For some years now, researchers have been developing models that mimic the activity
of neurons to produce a form of artificial intelligence. These "Neural Networks" are
formed from tens or hundreds of simulated neurons connected together in much the
same way as the brain's neurons. Just like the neurons of the brain, artificial neurons
can change their response to a given set of inputs, or "learn".

In the past many learning algorithms have been developed, mostly with limited success.
The introduction of the backpropagation paradigm, however, appeared a turning point. It
is an extremely effective learning tool that can be applied to a wide variety of problems.

The backpropagation paradigm require supervised training. This means neural networks
must be trained by repeatedly presenting examples to the network. Each example
includes both inputs (information you would use to make a decision) and desired outputs
(the resulting decision, prediction, or response). Based on a calculation on the inputs,
the desired outputs and the networks own response to the inputs, the backpropagation
paradigms tries to adapt the response of each neuron to achieve an improved neural
network behavior. This trial-and-error process continues until the network reaches a
specified level of accuracy.

Once a network is trained and tested it's neurons can be "frozen". This means the
neurons ability to learn" or adapt is stopped. The network can then be used to perform
the task it was trained for.

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BackPropagation Networks
In backpropagation type neural networks, the neurons or "nodes" are grouped in layers.
We can distinct three groups of layers in a backpropagation type neural network: one
input layer, one or more hidden layers and one output layer. The nodes between two
adjacent layers are interconnected. Fully connected networks occur when each node of a
layer is connected with each node of the adjacent layer.

As the figure shows, information (i.e. input signals) enters the network through the input
layer. The sole purpose of the input layer is to distribute the information to the hidden
layers. The nodes of the hidden layers do the actual processing. The processed
information is captured by the nodes of the output layer, and transported as output
signals to the world outside.

y= f ( w1*i1 + w2*i2 + w3*i3 + ... + wn*in )

The nodes of the hidden layers process information by applying factors (weights) to each
input. This is shown in the figure above. The sum of the weighted input information (S) is
applied to an output function. The result is distributed to the nodes of the next layer.

When the network is in being trained, the weights of each node are adapted according to
the backproagation paradigm. When the network is in operation, the weights are

Depending on the kind neural network, various topologies can be discerned. The 20-sim
Neural Network Editor supports two well-known networks:

1. Adaptive B-spline networks

2. Multi-layer Perceptron networks

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8. Toolboxes

Introduction to MLP Networks

The basic element of the Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network, is the artificial
neuron. An artificial neuron, is a unit that performs a simple mathematical operation on
its inputs. In the figure below, the neuron is graphically presented.

The input, x, of the neuron consists of the variables x1 ... xn and a bias term, known as
the momentum constant, which is equal to 1. Each of the input values is multiplied by
a weight, wi , after which the results are added. On the result, a simple mathematical
function, f (x), is performed. This function is also known as the activation function.
The calculations the neuron performs are thus given by:

y = f ( w0 + x1*w1 + ... + xn*wn )

Numerous choices for the functions exist. Frequently used implementations are the
Sigmoid functions:

f(u) = 1 / (1 + e-u )

f (u) = c1 * tanh ( c2 * u)

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(in the picture c1 = c2 = 1)

MLP Network
An MLP network, as any type of back-propagation network can consist of many neurons,
which are ordered in layers. The neurons in the hidden layers do the actual processing,
while the neurons in the input and output layer merely distribute and collect the signals.
Although many hidden layers can be used, it has been shown that an MLP with one
hidden layer can approximate any continuous function. Therefore in 20-sim, the MLP
networks only have one hidden layer.
Training the MLP network
The MLP network is trained by adapting the weights. During training the network output
is compared with a desired output. The error between these two signals is used to adapt
the weights. This rate of adaptation is controlled by the learning rate. A high learning
rate will make the network adapt its weights quickly, but will make it potentially
unstable. Setting the learning rate to zero, will make the network keep its weights

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8. Toolboxes

How to use the MLP Editor

The MLP Editor can be used to define a 20-sim Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) network.
The editor is opened when you try to edit this submodel (using the Go Down command).

General Settings
Network Name: this is the local name of the submodel representing the MLP network
(this option is not yet supported).
Number Hidden Neurons: The MLP network specified by this editor has one layer of
hidden neurons. You can specify here the number of neurons that should be used.
Learning Rate: Specify the learning rate that should be used during training. If you
do not want the network to learn, enter a zero value here.
Initial Weights Fill Scale: To start proper learning of the network, all initial weights will
be given a random value (unequal to zero!) between -scale and +scale. You can
enter the scale factor here.
Activation Function Type: Select one of the following activation functions
Unipolar Sigmoid: act = 1/(1 + exp(-v) )
Bipolar Sigmoid: act = const2*tanh(const1*v)
Bipolar Sigmoid Activation Function Scale: If a Bipolar Sigmoid was chosen as the
activation function, you can enter here the values of const1 and const2.
Momentum Constant: Select the momentum constant here.
Load Weights at Start of Simulation: Select this option, if you want to use predefined
weights stored on file (saved in a previous run). Before each simulation run, you will
be asked to enter the filename of this weights file.
Save Weights at Start of Simulation: Select this option, if you want to store the
weights on file. After each simulation run, you will be asked to enter the filename of
this weights file.
Network is Discrete: Select this option if the B-spline network is connected with
discrete-time models. Deselect this option if the network is connected with continuous

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8. Toolboxes

Add Input: Add a new input to the network. You will we prompted to give a specific
input name. This name will be shown in the Inputs list.
Delete Input: Delete the input selected in the Inputs list.
Add Output: Add a new output to the network. You will we prompted to give a specific
output name. This name will be shown in the Outputs list.
Delete Output: Delete the output selected in the Outputs list.

8.3.3 B-Spline Network Editor

Neural Networks

Human brains consist of billions of neurons that continually process information. Each
neuron is like a tiny computer of limited capability that processes input information from
other neurons into output information to other neurons. C onnected together, these
neurons form the most intelligent system known.

For some years now, researchers have been developing models that mimic the activity
of neurons to produce a form of artificial intelligence. These "Neural Networks" are
formed from tens or hundreds of simulated neurons connected together in much the
same way as the brain's neurons. Just like the neurons of the brain, artificial neurons
can change their response to a given set of inputs, or "learn".

In the past many learning algorithms have been developed, mostly with limited success.
The introduction of the backpropagation paradigm, however, appeared a turning point. It
is an extremely effective learning tool that can be applied to a wide variety of problems.

The backpropagation paradigm require supervised training. This means neural networks
must be trained by repeatedly presenting examples to the network. Each example
includes both inputs (information you would use to make a decision) and desired outputs
(the resulting decision, prediction, or response). Based on a calculation on the inputs,
the desired outputs and the networks own response to the inputs, the backpropagation
paradigms tries to adapt the response of each neuron to achieve an improved neural
network behavior. This trial-and-error process continues until the network reaches a
specified level of accuracy.

Once a network is trained and tested it's neurons can be "frozen". This means the
neurons ability to learn" or adapt is stopped. The network can then be used to perform
the task it was trained for.

Introduction to B-Spline Networks

One-dimensional B-spline network

An adaptive B-spline network can be used to relate k inputs and a single output y on a
restricted domain of the input space. The following network shows a realization with one

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The network is shown with two hidden layers. Some authors prefer to show a B-spline
network with only one hidden layer. For a proper understanding of multi-dimensional B-
spline networks we prefer to show the network with two hidden layers.

The first hidden layer distributes the inputs over several nodes. In the figure above input
1 is distributed over n nodes. Each node of this layer has only one input. To this input a
"basis function" F is applied. As basis functions, B-splines are used of any desired order.
An N-th order B-spline function consists of pieces of (N-1)th order polynomials, such that
the resulting function is (N-1) times differentiable. The figure below shows examples of
B-spline functions of different order. A spline function differs from zero on a finite

The second hidden layer also consists of n nodes. Each node of this layer has only one
input. To this input a function G is applied which is merely a multiplication by a weight:
G =w*i
The output node sums the results of all second hidden layer nodes. When the spline
functions of the various nodes are properly spaced, every one dimensional function can
be approximated. This is shown in the figure below where the various splines (F1 to Fn)
combined with the various weights (w1 to wn), together form an output function.

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8. Toolboxes

Two-dimensional B-spline network

Two-dimensional B-spline networks have two input nodes. The first hidden layer, as with
the one-dimensional network, consists of nodes, to which a basis function F is applied.
This is shown in the figure below. To the first input a group of n nodes are applied, and
to the second input a group of m nodes are applied.

The second hidden layer now consists of nodes which each have two inputs. For every
combination of a node from one group and and a node from the second group, a node
exists. To each node of the second hidden layer, a function G is applied which is merely
a multiplication of the two inputs multiplied by a weight:
G = w * i1 * i2
Again the output node sums the results of all second hidden layer nodes. When the
spline functions of the various nodes are properly spaced, every two dimensional
function can be approximated. The figure below shows the spacing of various spline
functions of the two inputs and one output of a node of the second hidden layer.

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The output node sums the results of all second hidden layer nodes. When the spline
functions of the various nodes are properly spaced, every two dimensional function can
be approximated. This is shown in the figure below.

More-dimensional B-spline networks

In a same way more dimensional B-spline networks can be created, using more inputs.
The 20-sim B-spline Editor supports networks with up to 256 inputs and one output.
Training the B-spline network
The B-spline network is trained by adapting the weights. During training the network
output is compared with a desired output. The error between these two signals is used to
adapt the weights. This rate of adaptation is controlled by the learning rate. A high
learning rate will make the network adapt its weights quickly, but will make it potentially
unstable. Setting the learning rate to zero, will make the network keep its weights
constant. Learning of B-spline networks can either be done after each sample (learn at
each sample), or after series of samples (learn after leaving spline).

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8. Toolboxes

Learn at each Sample

When learning at each sample, after every sample the weights are adapted according

Given a certain input (x), only a limited number of splines Fi (x) are nonzero. Therefore
only a few weights are adapted each sample.
Learn after Leaving Spline
When learning after leaving a spline, the network will keep track of the input (x) and the
corresponding nonzero splines Fi (x). For each nonzero spline, a sample will be stored
consisting of the input (x), the output (y) and desired output (yd). Only after the input
has left the region where a spline is nonzero, its weight is updated according to:

Here n is the number of samples that have been taken.

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8. Toolboxes

How to use the BSpline Editor

The B-Spline Editor can be used to define a 20-sim B-Spline network. The editor is
opened when you try to edit this submodel (using the Go Down command).

General Settings
Network Name: this is the local name of the submodel representing the B-Spline
network (this option is not yet supported).
Order: Enter the order of the B-Splines that must be used.
Learn at Each Sample: Select this option if you want the network to adapt the
weights after every simulation step
Learn after leaving Spline: Select this option if you want the network to adapt the
weights only leaving the spline region.
Learning Rate: Specify the learning rate that should be used during training. If you
do not want the network to learn, enter a zero value here.
Apply Regularization: This option is not yet supported.
Load Weights at Start of Simulation: Select this option, if you want to use predefined
weights stored on file (saved in a previous run). Before each simulation run, you will
be asked to enter the filename of this weights file.
Save Weights at End of Simulation: Select this option, if you want to store the weights
on file. After each simulation run, you will be asked to enter the filename of this
weights file.

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Network is Discrete: Select this option if the B-spline network is connected with
discrete-time models. Deselect this option if the network is connected with continuous

Input Settings
The tabs shown in the editor is used to specify the inputs of the network. Each tab shows
the specific settings of that input.
Add Input: Add a new input to the network. A new tab will be added with default
Delete Input: Delete the input defined in the selected tab (the tab that is in front).

Each input is associated with a certain number of splines. To give the user more
flexibility, each input can be divided in certain regions that each have their own density
of splines.
Add: Add a new region of splines.
Delete: Delete the selected region of splines.
Split: Split the selected region into two regions.

Each region can be edited. Just select it from the Regions list and use the following
Upper / Lower: The upper and lower bound of a region.
Number of Splines: The number of splines. The more splines you choose, the more
accurate will the network output be, for this region of inputs.

Running a 1-D B-Spline Network

Now we have trained the B-spline network and saved the weights. We can run the
network with every desired input. We only have to keep in mind that the network was
defined for input signals between 0 and 10.

1. In the Editor from the File menu select Open.

2. In the model library choose Examples\C ontrol\Neural Networks

3. Select the model 1DBSplineNetwork-Run.emx. Now the predefined model will be


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As you can see, this is exactly the same model as used for training, but now a ramp
input is used.

4. From the menu select Model and Start Simulator. Now a Simulator will be opened
with the predefined experiment loaded.

5. From Simulator menu click Simulation and Run. Do not save the weights file at
the end of the run! The results will look like:

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As you can see, the B-Spline Network still has its training settings and still prompts for a
weight file at the end of the simulation. Now we are going to change the settings of the
B-Spline Network.

6. Open the B-Spline Editor (select the model, Go Down). To create a normal run with
the network, we have to set the learning rate to zero, and load the weights file
before simulation. C hange the settings of the network, until it looks like:

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7. C lick OK to close the B-Spline Editor. From the Editor menu click Model and Check
Complete Model. This will implement the changed settings.

8. Return to the Simulator and click Simulation and Run. Before the run, an Open
dialog will asking you to enter the name of the Weights File. This is a file that
contains all the weights of the trained B-Spline network. Use the file that you saved
during training, or the predefined weights file 1DBSplineNetwork.wgt. The simulation
results will look like:

As you can see the function is approximated by the B-Spline network by 10 first order

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8. Toolboxes

Training a 1-D B-Spline Network

Non Linear Function

In this lesson we will use a B-spline network with one input to approximate the simple
non-linear function:

F = input2
The input, x , of this function ranges from 0 to 10. It will be approximated by a B-Spline
network with one input. As is shown in the figure below (left), 10 first order B-splines are
used. The tenth B-spline is indicate with fat lines. The output of the B-spline network is a
combination of all ten B-Splines. In other words, the non-linear function will be
approximated by 10 intervals of constant value.

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At the start the B-spline has undefined weights. They can either be chosen at random
values or all set to zero. A normal session should therefore start with training the
network to adjust the weights to give a best approximation of the non-linear function.
With these weights we can run the network with any desired input signal.
Defining the B-Spline Network
We will use the model below to train the B-spline network. It has already been prepared
for you.

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8. Toolboxes

1. In the Editor from the File menu select Open.

2. In the model library choose Examples\C ontrol\Neural Networks

3. Select the model 1DBSplineNetwork-Train.emx. Now the predefined model will be


4. From the menu select Model and Start Simulator. Now a Simulator will be opened
with the predefined experiment loaded.

5. From Simulator menu click Simulation and Run. The results will look like:

As you can see, the B-Spline output is zero and there is no learning. Now we are going
to change the settings of the B-Spline Network.
Training the Network

6. Return to the Editor. Select the BSplineNetwork model and click GoDown from the
Model menu. Now the B-Spline Editor will pop-up. C hange the settings (Network
Order, Learning Rate, Input Upper Limit, Save Weights) until it looks like:

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8. Toolboxes

7. C lick OK to close the B-Spline Editor. Not that the icon of the BSplineNetwork model
has changed to correspond with the first order splines that are used. From the Editor
menu click Model and Check Complete Model. This will implement the changes in

8. Return to the Simulator and click Simulation and Run. The results will look like:

As you can see the error rapidly descent, due to the network learning. After the
Simulation Run, Save dialog opens, asking you to enter a name for the Weights File. This
is a file that contains all the weights of the trained B-Spline network. We can use these
weights for normal runs with the network.

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8. Toolboxes

9. Enter file name (do not use the predefined weights file!), e.g. test.wgt and click

10. C lose the Simulator.

Now all is prepared to perform a normal run with the Network.

8.3.4 Filter Editor

Filter Editor

The Filter Editor of 20-sim allows you to create continuous-time filters and controllers.
The result is a linear system presented in the Linear System Editor of 20-sim. The filter
can also be applied to an existing linear system.

You can open the C ontroller Design Editor from the Tools menu of the 20-sim Editor or
by clicking Go Down on a Filter model.


1. Select a filter or controller of your choice from the list of available filters and

Generic Filter
Lead Filter
Lag Filter
Low Pass First Order Filter
Low Pass Second Order Filter

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8. Toolboxes

High Pass First Order Filter

High Pass Second Order Filter
Notch Filter
Universal Notch Filter

P C ontroller
I C ontroller
D C ontroller
PI C ontroller
PD C ontroller
PID C ontroller
PID-1 C ontroller
PID-2 C ontroller
PID C ompensator

A short description of the selected filter will be given in the description field. Depending
on the filter that was chosen three or more parameters will be shown.

2. The second step is to fill in the desired parameters.

3. C hoose the desired output:

4. Select the Linear System Editor button to export the filter to the Linear System

5. Select the OK button to store the filter model on file or update the filter model in the


The P C ontroller can be used to create an additional gain for a linear system.
Gain Kp:The controller gain Kp determines the amount of gain the controller adds for
each frequency.
Transfer function of the controller:

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8. Toolboxes

The I C ontroller can be used to create an almost ideal integrator (when the frequency
goes to zero).
Gain Ki: The filter gain Ki determines the frequency gain of the controller at
frequency w = 1 [rad/s].
Frequency fi: The integration behavior of the controller stops at frequency fi in Hz. A
decrease of this frequency corresponds to a more pure integration behavior.
Transfer function of the controller

The D C ontroller can be used to create an almost ideal derivative (when the frequency
goes to infinity).
Gain Kd: The controller gain Kd determines the frequency gain of the controller at
frequency w = 1 [rad/s].
Frequency fd: The differentiation behavior of the controller stops at frequency fd in
Hz. An increase of this frequency corresponds to a more pure differentiation
behavior, reducing the tameness of the controller.
Transfer function of the controller

The PD C ontroller consists of a differentiator with proportional gain.
Gain Kp: The controller gain Kp determines the low frequency gain of the controller.
Gain Kd: The controller gain Kd determines the gain of the controller at frequency w
= 1 [rad/s].
Frequency fd: The differentiation behavior of the controller stops at frequency fd in
Hz. An increase of this frequency corresponds to a more pure differentiation
behavior, reducing the tameness of the controller.
Transfer function of the controller:

that equals

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8. Toolboxes

The PI C ontroller consists of an integrator with a proportional gain.
Gain Kp: The controller gain Kp determines the high frequency gain of the controller.
Gain Ki: The controller gain Ki determines the frequency gain of the controller at
frequency w = 1 [rad/s].
Frequency fi: The integration behavior of the controller stops after frequency fi in Hz.
A decrease of this frequency corresponds to a more pure integration behavior.
Transfer function of the controller:

that equals

The PID-1 C ontroller consists of an integrator and differentiator with proportional gain. It
resembles a PID C ontroller, but has different input parameters.

Gain Kp: The controller gain Kp determines the frequency gain of the controller in the
pass band (where integration and differentiation are of no interest).
Length Li: The length Li determines the frequency at which integration starts, that is fi
/ Li in Hz. A decrease of this frequency corresponds to a more pure integration
Length Ld: The length Ld determines the frequency at which differentiation stops, that
is fd * Ld in Hz. An increase of this frequency corresponds to a more pure
differentiation behavior, reducing the tameness of the controller.
Frequency fi: The integration behavior of the controller stops at frequency fi in Hz.
Frequency fd: The differentiation behavior of the controller starts at frequency fd in

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8. Toolboxes

Transfer function of the controller:

that equals

The PID-2 C ontroller consists of an integrator and differentiator with proportional gain. It
resembles a serial PID C ontroller, but has different input parameters.
Gain Kp: The controller gain Kp determines the frequency gain of the controller in the
pass band (where integration and differentiation are of no interest).
Length Li: The length Li determines the frequency at which integration starts, that is fi
/ Li in Hz. A decrease of this frequency corresponds to a more pure integration
Length Ld: The length Ld determines the frequency at which differentiation stops, that
is fd * Ld in Hz. An increase of this frequency corresponds to a more pure
differentiation behavior, reducing the tameness of the controller.
Frequency fi: The integration behavior of the controller stops at frequency fi in Hz.
Frequency fd: The differentiation behavior of the controller starts at frequency fd in

Transfer function of the controller:

that equals

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The PID C ompensator consists of an integrator and differentiator with proportional gain
(PID C ontroller) together with a high-frequency roll-off filter.
Gain K: The controller gain K determines the frequency gain of the controller in the
pass band (where integration and differentiation are of no interest).
Integration tau_i: The integration time constant tau i determines the frequency fi =
1 / tau_i [rad/s] after which the integrating behavior stops.
Differentiation tau_d: The differentiation time constant tau d determines the
frequency fd = 1 / tau_d [rad/s] after which the differentiation behavior starts.
HF roll-off tau_h: The filter time constant tau h determines the frequency fh = 1 /
tau_h [rad/s] of the high-frequency roll-off filter. Frequencies higher than fh are
filtered out.
Tameness beta: The tameness factor beta influences the differentiating behavior.
After frequency fdb = fd / beta the differentiation behavior stops. Decreasing beta
increases this frequency fdb, resulting in a more pure differentiating behavior and
therefore in a reduce of differentiation tameness.
Transfer function of the controller:

that equals

The PID C ontroller consists of an integrator and differentiator with proportional gain.
Gain Kp: The controller gain Kp determines the frequency gain of the controller in the
pass band (where integration and differentiation are of no interest).
Gain Ki: The controller gain Ki determines the shape of the frequency response at
low frequencies.
Gain Kd: The controller gain Kp determines the shape of the frequency response at
high frequencies.
Frequency fi: The integration behavior of the controller starts at frequency fi in Hz. A
decrease of this frequency corresponds to a more pure integration behavior.
Frequency fd: The differentiation behavior of the controller stops at frequency fd in
Hz. An increase of this frequency corresponds to a more pure differentiation
behavior, reducing the tameness of the controller.

Transfer function of the controller:

that equals

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8. Toolboxes


Generic Filter
The Generic Filter can be used to design a filter of a specific order, type and
characteristic shape.
Filter Characteristics
The filter can have a Bessel, Butterworth or C hebychev characteristic shape. Each
characteristic has its own advantages and disadvantages; it depends on the purpose of
the filter what to choose here:

A Bessel filter is maximal flat in both the pass band and the stop band. It is used when
the phase response should be nearly linear throughout the pass band, i.e. the group
delay is almost constant throughout the pass band. This preserves the wave shape of
filtered signals in the pass band. A disadvantage is the low roll-off steepness. Often a
high filter order is required to obtain the desired roll-off.

A Butterworth filter is maximally flat in the pass band and monotonic overall. As a
consequence of this smoothness, the roll-off steepness is rather low. As with Bessel
filters, a rather high filter order is required to obtain the desired roll-off.

A Chebychev 1 filter has a ripple in the pass band and is monotonic in the stop band.
This filter rolls off faster than Bessel, Butterworth and C hebychev 2 filters at the same
filter order. A disadvantage is the greater deviation and discontinuous phase response in
the pass band.

A Chebychev 2 filter is monotonic in the pass band and has a ripple in the stop band.
This filter rolls off faster than Bessel and Butterworth filters at the same filter order. Not
as fast as a C hebychev 1 filter, but it is free of a pass band ripple. A disadvantage is the
ripple and discontinuous phase response in the stop band.
Filter Type
A low pass filter will filter out high frequencies and let low frequencies pass the filter.
A high pass filter does the opposite; it will filter out low frequencies and let high
frequencies pass the filter.
A band pass filter will filter out low and high frequencies and let middle frequencies
pass the filter.
A band stop filter does the opposite; it will filter out the middle frequencies and let
low and high frequencies pass the filter.
Filter Order
The filter order specifies how steep the filter will roll off at a specified filter frequency.
The higher the order, the steeper the roll off will be. Note that the filter order also has a
large influence on the phase response of the filter.

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Frequency f1
For a low pass filter f1 is the frequency in Hz where the roll off starts. For a high pass
filter it is the frequency where the roll off ends. For a band pass or band stop filter f1 is
the start frequency of the band.

Frequency f2
For a band pass or band stop filter f2 is the stop frequency in Hz of the band. It is
disabled for low pass and high pass filters.

Max. Ripple R
Only available when a C hebychev 1 filter is selected. R specifies the maximum allowed
ripple in dB for the filter in the pass band.

Stop Band R
Only available when a C hebychev 2 filter is selected. R specifies the distance of the stop
band to the unity gain axis in dB. This is the amount of attenuation in dB of the filter in
the stop band (the absolute value is used).

High-Pass First Order Filter

The high pass filter can be used to filter out undesired low frequencies.
Gain K: The filter gain K determines the high frequency gain of the filter.
Frequency f: The filter roll off stops at frequency f in Hz. Higher frequencies will pass
the filter, lower frequencies will be filtered out.
Transfer function of the filter:

High-Pass Second Order Filter

The high pass filter can be used to filter out undesired low frequencies.
Gain K: The filter gain K determines the high frequency gain of the filter.
Frequency f: The filter roll off stops at frequency f in Hz. Higher frequencies will pass
the filter, lower frequencies will be filtered out.
Quality Q: The filter quality indicates how steep the phase response will increase up
to the frequency f. A quality Q > 0.707 results in a peak in the magnitude response
at frequency f.
Transfer function of the filter:

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8. Toolboxes

Lag Filter
The Lag Filter can be used to add a lag in the phase response of a system.
Gain K: The filter gain K determines the low frequency gain of the filter.
Frequency f1: The lag in the phase response of the filter starts at frequency f1 in Hz.
This corresponds to an integrating behavior in the magnitude response from
frequency f1.
Frequency f2: The lag in the phase response of the filter stops at frequency f2 in Hz.
This corresponds to a constant attenuation in the magnitude response of the filter
after frequency f2.
Transfer function of the filter

Lead Filter
The Lead Filter can be used to add a lead in the phase response of a linear system.
Gain K: The filter gain K determines the low frequency gain of the filter.
Frequency f1: The lead in the phase response of the filter starts at frequency f1 in
Hz. This corresponds to a differentiating behavior in the magnitude response from
frequency f1.
Frequency f2: The lead in the phase response of the filter stops at frequency f2 in Hz.
This corresponds to a constant gain in the magnitude response of the filter after
frequency f2.
Transfer function of the controller

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Low-Pass First Order Filter

The low pass filter can be used to filter out undesired high frequencies.
Gain K: The filter gain K determines the low frequency gain of the filter.
Frequency f: The filter roll off starts at frequency f in Hz. Lower frequencies will pass
the filter, higher frequencies will be filtered out.
Transfer function of the filter

Low-Pass Second Order Filter

The low pass filter can be used to filter out undesired high frequencies.
Gain K: The filter gain K determines the low frequency gain of the filter.
Frequency f: The filter roll off starts at frequency f in Hz. Lower frequencies will pass
the filter, higher frequencies will be filtered out.
Quality Q: The filter quality indicates how steep the phase response will decrease at
the frequency f. A quality Q > 0.707 results in a peak in the magnitude response at
frequency f.
Transfer function of the filter

Notch Filter
The notch filter can be used to filter out an undesired frequency.
Gain K: The filter gain K determines the frequency gain of the filter.
Frequency f: The filter attenuates at frequency f in Hz. Lower and higher frequencies
will pass the filter.
Quality Q: The filter quality indicates how steep the magnitude response will be at the
frequency f.
Transfer function of the filter:

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Universal Notch Filter

The universal notch filter can be used to filter out an undesired frequencies.
Gain K: The filter gain K determines the low frequency gain of the filter.
Frequency fz: The filter attenuates at the zero frequency fz in Hz. Lower and higher
frequencies will pass the filter. A lead in the phase response will start at this zero
frequency fz.
Frequency fp: The filter amplifies at the pole frequency fp in Hz. The phase lead will
stop at this pole frequency fp.
Damping dz: The filter damping of the zero dz indicates how steep the magnitude
response will be at the frequency fz. More damping will result in a less steep
Damping dp: The filter damping of the pole dp indicates how steep the magnitude
response will be at the frequency fp. Again, more damping will result in a less steep
Transfer function of the filter:

8.4 Frequency Domain Toolbox

8.4.1 FFT Analysis

FFT Analysis

In FFT-Analysis, the Fast Fourier Transform is used to calculate the frequency contents of
simulation signal. Three representations are supported:

Amplitude and Phase: This representation shows the amplitude and phase of the
signal as function of the frequency, similar to a bode plot. If you want show the
transfer function of a system, you have to choose the option Pair-wise transfer
function, which is explained below in the FFT Settings.
Frequency Plot: This representation shows the frequency contents of the signal.
Summation of the peak values yields the average power of the original time signal.
Power Spectral Density: This representation shows the frequency contents of the
signal. Integration over the frequency range yields the average power of the original
time signal.

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FFT plot showing the power spectral density.

FFT analysis can be performed in the Simulator by choosing the FFT Analysis
command from the Tools menu. You can also choose to add an FFT plot in the
Simulator tree. In both cases a new FFT plot is shown.
Plot Properties
You can define the FFT plot by opening the plot properties (from the menu choose
Properties - Plot). Four tabs are shown: Plot Properties, X-Axis, Y-Axis and FFT

The Plot Properties tab shows the general settings of the plot, similar to every
standard plot.
The X-axis tab shows the X-Axis variable of the FFT input. The default value is time
and should not be changed.
The Y-axis tab shows the variables that are selected to be shown as FFT curves,
similar to every standard plot.
The FFT-Settings tab shows the options that you can choose for the FFT plot.

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FFT Settings

Plot Properties
Pair-wise transfer function: Shows an FFT with the frequency contents of the first
plot variable subtracted from the second plot variable. Select this option if you
want to show the FFT of a transfer function. The first plot variable is the input of
the transfer function and the second plot variable is the output of the transfer
Show Peaks: C hoose this option to show the peak values in the FFT plot.
Subtract DC-component: If your signal contains a DC -component, the resulting
Spectral Density plot will show a high peak at 0 Hz, which may obscure all other
frequencies. C hoose Subtract DC -component, to remove this peak from the
Spectral Density plot.
Integrate Data: You can integrate the FFT data to inspect the energy contents of
each frequency. This option is useful for analyzing resonance frequencies.
Integrated FFT-data will usually show a sudden increase exactly at these
Anti-Leakage Window: You can choose a Hamming, Hann or Quadratic window to
prevent leakage caused by windowing.
Frequency: Show the results in Herz or radians per second.
Output: select the desired representation of the frequency data:
Amplitude and Phase
Frequency Spectrum

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Power Spectral Density

Status Window: The bottom part of the window shows the number of simulation points
and the chosen frequency range.

The quality of an FFT plot depends on the contents of the time domain simulation:
The number of simulation points per second, determine the frequency range of the
FFT. If you want to increase the frequency range to higher frequencies, choose a
smaller step size or a smaller maximum step size of the integration method.
The quality of the FFT depends on the total time of the simulation. Increase the finish
time of the simulation to get a better FFT plot.
Make sure that you system is excited properly. If you give an input signal that does
not contain higher frequencies, the FFT plot will not show them.

FFT Window

The Fast Fourier Transform is an approximation of the standard Fourier Transform, using
a time limited set of data. The begin and end parts of this limited data set may lead to
spectral leakage effects (i.e. yielding not existing frequency peaks). Especially when
using small data sets leakage may lead to unwanted results.

To reduce spectral leakage, the data set can be preprocessed using special windowing
functions. These windowing functions reduce the values at the begin and end of the data
set and thus reduce the leakage effects. Given an input array A[i] and an output array
B[i], with = 1,2,...,N.

20-sim supports the following windows:

None: no preprocessing; B == A
Hamming Window: B(i) = (0.54 + 0.46*cos(pi*(i-1)/(N-1)))*A(i), i = 1,2,...,N.
Hann Window: B(i) = 0.5*(1 + cos(pi*(i-1)/(N-1)))*A(i), i = 1,2,...,N.
Quadratic Window: B(i) = (1 - 2*((i-1)/(N-1))**2)*(1 - (i-1)/(N-1))*A(i), i = 1,2,...,
(N-1)/2+1; B(i) = 2*(1 - ((i-1)/(N-1))**3)*A(i), i = (N-1)/2+2,...,N.

8.4.2 Model Linearization


In the Simulator, select the Tools menu and then click the Linearize Model to start
linearization. Linearization will generate a linear, state-space description (linear system)
out of any 20-sim model:

dx/dt = Ax + Bu
y = Cx + Du


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x = state vector
x(0) = state vector initial value
dx/dt = state vector derivative
y = output
u = input


A = system matrix
B = input gain matrix
C = output gain matrix
D = direct link gain matrix

This linear system shows an input-output behavior that is closely related to the input-
output behavior of the original model.

The result is shown in the Linear System Editor. In the Linear System Editor you can
choose out of several plot options to show the response of the linear system, such as
step responses and Bode plots.
Working Point
Non-linear models can show variable behaviour. Think for example of an arm. When you
stretch it and push against a wall, it is very stiff. When your arm is bent and you push it
against a wall, it will be more compliant. Depending on which state it is in, linearization
of a non-linear system will therefore result in different linear systems.

To get the correct linear system, we have to bring the non-linear system into the correct
state. This can be done by giving it the proper inputs and simulate the system for a while
until the desired state is reached. This is called the working point. When the working
point is reached, the simulation must be stopped to perform linearization.

When linearization is performed without simulation, the working point is the initial state
of the non-linear system.
Symbolic and Numeric
In the 20-sim Simulator, out of an existing (non-linear) model, a symbolic linear-system
can be derived. This means that states, rates and matrix elements are related to the
parameters of the original model:

As a result you will get a linear system with the original model parameters that can be
changed at will, without having to linearize again.

Symbolic linearization is not possible if the original model contains functions that cannot
be differentiated. For such models linearization has to be performed numerically. The
resulting linear system has to be recalculated through linearization for different model

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1. Run a simulation until the working point is reached.

2. Stop the simulation at operating point an select the Linearize command from the
Tools menu.

3. Enter your options in the Linearization Dialog.

The Linearization Toolbox.


Input: Use the button to select the input (u).

Output: Use the button to select the output (y).
Linearization Kind: C hoose between open loop and closed loop linearization.
Linearize Type: C hoose between Symbolic and Numeric linearization.
Additional Settings: When you are performing numeric linearization, select At current
time when you want to linearize at the operating point where the simulation was
stopped. Select At start of simulation when you want to linearize at the start of the
Tolerances: 20-sim calculates a numerical linear state space model by small
deviations of the complete model from the chosen setpoint. The deviations are based
on the given absolute and relative tolerances. For most models the default values are
sufficient. For stiff models you can change these values by hand.
OK: click the OK button to start Linearization.

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8. Toolboxes

Linearization Explained
During linearization you are asked to enter an input signal and an output signal of your
(non-linear) model. During linearization, 20-sim will derive a corresponding linear
system. It is important to understand that 20-sim will cut the model at the input. This
will be explained with the example model below. It shows a linear system with feedback.

Closed Loop
Suppose we would choose the following settings:

input u: WaveGenerator\output
output y: Monitor\input
kind: Closed Loop

This means that 20-sim will add an input u and linearize the model between this
variable and the variable Monitor\output (equal to y in the figure below). 20-sim will
thus linearize the system between u en y and (in this example) and yield the closed
loop system.

Open Loop
Suppose we would choose the following settings:

input u: PlusMinus\output
output y: Monitor\input
kind: Open Loop

This means that 20-sim will cut the model at the variable PlusMinus\output (equal to u in
the figure below) and linearize the model between this variable and the variable Monitor
\input (equal to y in the figure below). 20-sim will thus linearize the system between u
en y and (in this example) and yield the open loop system.

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Frequency Response
Next to time domain analysis through the standard time domain plots, 20-sim can also
show results in the frequency domain through FFT analysis and Bode Plots. The picture
below shows the various actions and resulting plots.

Bode plots originate from linear systems theory. A bode plot shows the amplitude and
phase response (as a function of the frequency) of a linear system. In 20-sim linear
systems can be derived in the Simulator out of any linear or non-linear model (model
linearization). The resulting linear system is shown in the Linear System Editor. In this
editor you can generate Bode plots. The generation of Bode plots can be automated in
the Frequency Response dialog. In this dialog you can define the linearization settings
and desired linearization output (Linear System Editor or Bode plot).

1. Select the Frequency Response from the command from the Properties menu.

2. Enter your options in the Frequency Response Dialog.

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The Frequency Response dialog.

Input Probes: Enter possible input signals for linearization here.
Output Probes: Enter possible output signals for linearization here.
Frequency Response: With the Add Frequency Response you can add new input/
output pairs. For every input/output pair linearization will be performed with a
corresponding linear system as result.
Symbolic/Numeric: Select the desired linearization method.
Closed Loop: By default all linearization is open loop. Select the Closed Loop option
to preform closed loop linearization.
At start of simulation/At current time: Select the time of the linearization.
Tolerances: For numeric linearization you can enter the absolute and relative
Output: Select the desired output of the linearization.
Frequency Range: Select the desired frequency range.
OK: click the OK button to close the dialog.

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Linearization Tolerances
When using numerical linearization, absolute and relative tolerances can be set. In this
section is explained how 20-sim uses these tolerances to derive a linear system for the
model equations.

Suppose you have chosen the following tolerance values.

alpha = absolute tolerance (e.g. 1e-6)

beta = relative tolerance (e.g. 1e-3)

Suppose we have the following model:

ddt (x) = 4 * x + 2 * u; // with u = 1

y = 1 * x + 3 * u; // with x = 2

During the linearization procedure (suppose linearization from u to y ) 20-sim will vary
the input variable and state variables. First we will show the variation for the input u:

u' = (1 + beta)*u + alpha

u'' = (1 - beta)*u - alpha
delta_u = beta*u + alpha

this will yield

x_dot' = 10.002002 and y' = 5.003003

x_dot'' = 9.997998 en y'' = 4.996997

Out of this 20-sim will calculate the B and D vectors of the state-space ABC D

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B = (x_dot' - x_dot'' ) / (2 * delta_u) = 2

D = (y' - y'') / (2 * delta) = 3

The variation of state variables is done accordingly:

x' = (1 + beta)*x + alpha

x'' = (1 - beta)*x - alpha
delta_x = beta*x + alpha

this will yield

x_dot' = 10.008004 en y' = 5.002001

x_dot'' = 9.991996 en y'' = 4.997999

Out of this 20-sim will calculate the A matrix and C vector of the state-space ABC D

A = (x_dot' - x_dot'') / 2*delta_x = 4

C = (y' - y'') / 2*delta_x = 1

The example system is linear, so the corresponding ABC D representation will give an
equal system. The shown algorithm works equivalent for non-linear models. Suppose we
have the following non-linear model:

ddt (x) = 4 * sin(x) + 2 * u; // with u = 1

y = 1 * x + 3 * u; // with x = 2

This will yield:

B = 2, D = 3, A = -1.668445, C = 1;
Tolerance Values
The absolute tolerance is necessary only if the input or state is zero. In that case the
contribution of the relative tolerance is zero an will not give a contribution to the
algorithm. There is however a problem with the absolute tolerance. Suppose the input =
1e-12 and the state = 1e+6 (ill-scaled model). For the input an absolute tolerance of 1e-
6 will yield a far too large deviation, while the same absolute tolerance is negligible
compared to the state. Only if both the state and input are nonzero the absolute
tolerance can be made non-zero to yield good results.

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8. Toolboxes

8.4.3 Linear System Editor

Linear System Editor

The Linear System Editor of 20-sim allows you to enter or edit linear time- invariant
models. It supports continuous and discrete-time single input / single output (SISO)
systems with and without time delay. You can open the Linear System Editor from the
Tools menu of the 20-sim Editor or by clicking Go Down on the Linear System model. A
linear system can also be the result of a linearization operation in the 20-sim Simulator.

Some menu items are of particular importance.
File: You can use the file menu to open, import and export linear systems.
Edit - Tolerance: You can specify the tolerance for transforming between state-space
and transfer functions.
Edit - Reduce System: You can reduce the system order by pole-zero cancelation.
The distance between poles and zeros to match for cancelation is given by the
Reduction Tolerance.
View: the view menu can be used for holding, clearing and refreshing plots.

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System Description
Pressing the Edit button will open a dialog for editing the linear system. Each
description (State Space, Transfer Function, Zeros Poles Gain or Eigen Frequency)
has a special dialog and can be used to specify continuous-time and discrete-time
In the 20-sim Simulator, out of an existing (non-linear) model a symbolic linear-
system can be derived by means of linearization. This means that the relevant model

parameters are preserved in the Linear System and the parameters button can
be used to change parameters.

Pressing the s<->z button will transform a continuous-time linear system

into a discrete-time linear system and back.
Pressing the Filter button opens the Filter Editor, where a filter can be designed. This
filter can then be combined with the current linear system or replace the current
linear system. If the linear system is a discrete-time system, the designed analog
filter is automatically transferred into its digital equivalent.

Pressing the From Matlab button and the To Matlab button allows
for an instant exchange of the linear system with the Matlab workspace. Information
is transferred numerically (no parameter relations are preserved)

The button is only active when a Linear System has been imported through
linearization. C licking the button will import parameters from the simulation.

The button is only active when a Linear System has been imported through
linearization. C licking the button will export the current parameters to the simulation.
You can inspect the time- and frequency responses of the linear system using:
Step Response
Bode Plot
Nyquist Plot
Nichols C hart
Poles and Zeros (including root locus)
C licking the 20-sim button will export the linear system as a new 20-sim submodel.
C licking the Matlab button will export the 20-sim Linear System to a Matlab m-file. If
the Linear System is symbolic, all parameter relations are preserved.

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Symbolic Linear Systems

In the 20-sim Simulator, out of an existing (non-linear) model a symbolic linear-system
can be derived by means of linearization. This means that the relevant model
parameters are preserved in the Linear System.

The relation between the original model parameters and the linear system elements is
always shown in the white square of Linear System editor, just below the system
description. An example is shown in the first figure below:

As you can see, the some elements of the A, B, C and D matrix are related to the spring
constant and masses of the original model.
A symbolic linear system can be edited by changing the original model parameters. C lick

the Edit Parameters button and a Parameters Editor pops-up. C hange the desired
parameters, close the Parameters Editor and the linear system will updated.

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Updating Parameters
When the parameters have been changed in the Linear System Editor you can update
the parameters in the Simulator by clicking the Update to Simulator button .
C lick the Update from Simulator button to do it the other way.
You can export a symbolic Linear System to Matlab, with preservation of the parameter
relations, by clicking the Matlab button or selecting Export to Matlab command from the
File menu. This will generate an m-file that you can use in Matlab.

Continuous and Discrete Linear Systems

The Linear System Editor works on continuous time as well as discrete time system.
Pressing the s<->z button will transform a continuous-time linear system into a
discrete-time linear system and back. You can choose between a Bilinear transformation
(Tustin), a Forward Euler transformation and a Backward Difference transformation.
When a continuous-time system is transferred, the user is asked to specify the sample
time of the discrete-time system.

If you want to transfer a linear system directly (i.e. replace the z by and s or vice
versa), click the Edit button and select or deselect the Discrete Sample time.

Output Delay

In the Linear System Editor you can add an output delay. Open the editor and click the
Edit button to edit the system. Now a editor will open where you can set the output
delay. The effects of this output delay is shown in the various plots that you can show of
a linear system. The unit of the output delay is seconds.

The output delay is shown as an exponential added to the transfer function.


State Space Models

State space models use linear differential equations (continuous) or difference equations
(discrete) to describe system dynamics. They are of the form:

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8. Toolboxes

(continuous) (discrete)

with for example:

where x is the state vector and u and y are the input and output vectors. These models
may arise from the equation of physics, from state space identification or as the result of

You can enter state space models by selecting the State Space button and clicking the
Edit button.

This opens an editor in which you can enter the A, B, C and D matrices. Depending on
the selection of the Discrete Linear System check box (and Sample Time) the system is
a continuous-time or discrete-time system. You can enter the matrix elements in the
white space areas. Separate column elements with Spaces or C ommas. Enter new rows
by clicking the Enter key (new line) or using a semicolon. Brackets ( e.g. [ ... ] ) may be
used to denote the a matrix or vector.

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The A-matrix, shown in the figure above can for example be entered as:

-0.5 -1




Output Delay
To inspect the effects of time delay in your model, you can add output delay. The result
will be visible in the various plots that you can show of a linear system. The unit of the
output delay is seconds.
Discrete Sample Time
If you want to transfer a linear system from continuous time to discrete time directly
(i.e. replace the s by a z), select Discrete Sample time and fill in the sample time value.
You can also transfer back directly by deselecting Discrete Sample time.
Help: Open the help file.
Apply: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero).
OK: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero) and close the editor.
Cancel: Do not apply any changes to the system and close the editor.

Transfer Functions
A continuous time or discrete time SISO transfer function:

(continuous) (discrete)

is characterized by its numerator n and denominator d, both polynomials of the variable

s or z.

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You can enter transfer functions by selecting the Transfer Function button and clicking
the Edit button.

This opens an editor in which you can enter the coefficients of the numerator and
denominator polynomials. You can enter the elements in the white space areas.
Separate the elements with Spaces. Polynomials should be entered in descending
powers of s or z. The Steady State Gain, Root Locus Gain and System Gain are
parameters, that are automatically derived from the transfer function.

In the editor shown above the transfer function

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was given. You can enter the coefficients as:

0.1 0.1


1 1 0.5




Output Delay
To inspect the effects of time delay in your model, you can add output delay. The result
will be visible in the various plots that you can show of a linear system. The unit of the
output delay is seconds.
Discrete Sample Time
If you want to transfer a linear system from continuous time to discrete time directly
(i.e. replace the s by a z), select Discrete Sample time and fill in the sample time value.
You can also transfer back directly by deselecting Discrete Sample time.
Help: Open the help file.
Apply: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero).
OK: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero) and close the editor.
Cancel: Do not apply any changes to the system and close the editor.


Steady State Gain

Given the transfer function:

the Steady State Gain is defined as:

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8. Toolboxes

Note that the steady state gain can be zero or infinite depending on the element values
of the numerator and denominator!
Root Locus Gain
Given an system described by the transfer function:

This transfer function can be rewritten in pole zero notation with

where pi .. p1 are the poles and zi .. z1 are the zeros of the system. The gain KRL is
known as the Root Locus Gain. Note that it can easily be derived from the transfer
function as:

System Gain
Given the transfer function:

If n0 and d0 are unequal to zero, this transfer function can be rewritten in pole zero
notation with:

The gain KS is known as the System Gain. If n0 is zero and n1 is nonzero an equivalent
notation can be found with an extra s multiplied:

If more numerator element are zero, extra multiplications with s are added. The same
goes for denominator elements equal to zero. In general the System Gain can be
derived from the transfer function as:

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Relating the Gains

The elements of the System Gain are related to the poles and zeros of the Root Locus
Gain as:

If z0 and p0 are unequal to zero, the following equation holds:

The Root Locus Gain and the Steady State Gain are related as:

Zeros and Poles

A continuous-time SISO transfer function can described by the transfer function:

This transfer function can be rewritten in pole zero notation with

where pi .. p1 are the poles and zi .. z1 are the zeros and KRL is the Root Locus Gain of
the system. The same can be done for a discrete-time SISO transfer function.

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You can enter zeros and poles by selecting the Zeros & Poles button and clicking the Edit

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This opens an editor in which you can enter the real and imaginary parts of the zeros
and poles as well as the Root Locus Gain. If preferred, you can also enter the System
Gain. Note that zeros and poles always have conjugate when the imaginary part is non-
zero. I.e. when you enter a pole with imaginary part 0.5 an extra pole is added with
imaginary part -0.5.
Output Delay
To inspect the effects of time delay in your model, you can add output delay. The result
will be visible in the various plots that you can show of a linear system. The unit of the
output delay is seconds.
Discrete Sample Time
If you want to transfer a linear system from continuous time to discrete time directly
(i.e. replace the s by a z), select Discrete Sample time and fill in the sample time value.
You can also transfer back directly by deselecting Discrete Sample time.
Add/Delete: Add or delete selected poles or zeros.
Help: Open the help file.
Apply: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero).
OK: Apply the current changes of the system, recalculate each plot that is active
(step, Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, pole zero) and close the editor.
Cancel: Do not apply any changes to the system and close the editor.

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8. Toolboxes

Eigen Frequencies
The Eigen Frequencies view is closely related to the pole zero notation and bode plot. It
shows the resonance frequencies and anti-resonance frequencies that result from the
given poles and zeros as well as some characteristic parameters from the bode plot.

You can enter transfer functions by selecting the Eigen Freqs. button and clicking the Edit

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8. Toolboxes

Step Response
The Step Response command calculates the systems response y on a unit step input:

u = 0 (time < 0 )
u = 1 (time >= 0 )

20-sim automatically generates an appropriate range for the time response, based on
the system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu), you can
change this horizon and recalculate the step response (click the Step command again).
Plot Options
Using the right mouse menu, you can use several options:
Plot Properties: Set the general plot properties for the step response and specify the
curve properties.
Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.
Step Characteristics: Display rise time, overshoot, settling time and the steady state
value of the step response.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

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8. Toolboxes

Bode Plots
Bode Plots show the amplitude and phase of a linear system as function of the
frequency. Bode plots can be shown for every 20-sim model through Linearization.
During Linearization you are asked to enter the input variable and output variable for
which linearization should be performed. After that the linear system is calculated and
shown in the Linear System Editor. From the Linear System Editor you can generate a
bode plot. These actions can also be predefined using the Frequency Response
command of the Properties menu.

20-sim automatically generates a range of logarithmically displayed frequencies, based

on the system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu),
you can change this horizon and recalculate the bode response (click the Bode command

The magnitude part of the plot can be displayed in dB or in absolute values. The phase
part can be displayed in radians or degrees. The frequency can be displayed in radians
per second or in Hz.
Plot Options
Using the toolbar or the right mouse menu, you can use various options:
Plot Properties: Set the plot properties.
Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.
Magnitude (dB): Display magnitude in decibels
Magnitude (-): Display magnitude in absolute values.
Phase (rad): Display phase in radians.
Phase (deg): Display phase in degrees.
Frequency (rad/sec): Display frequency in radians per second.
Frequency (Hz): Display frequency in Hz.

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Phase/Gain Margins: Display the gain and phase margins.

Modulus Margin: Display the Modulus Margin.
Unwrap Phase: Display the phase plot as a continuous plot by selecting this option or
as a folded plot between -180 and 180 deg. by deselecting this option.
Peak Response: Display the peak response.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

Nyquist Diagram
The Nyquist command computes the Nyquist plot of a system.

20-sim automatically generates a range of real and imaginary parts, based on the
system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu), you can
change this horizon and recalculate the Nyquist diagram (click the Nyquist command
Plot Options
Using the right mouse menu, you can use several options:
Plot Properties: Set the plot properties.
Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.
Phase/Gain Margins: Display the gain and phase margins.
Modulus Margin: Display the Modulus Margin.

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Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.

Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

Nichols Chart
The Nichols command computes the Nichols chart of a system.

20-sim automatically generates a range of logarithmically displayed frequencies, based

on the system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu), you
can change this horizon and recalculate the Nichols chart (click the Nichols command
again). The magnitude part of the plot can be displayed in decibels (dB) or in absolute
values. The phase part can be displayed in radians or degrees.
Plot Options
Using the right mouse menu, you can use several options:
Plot Properties: Set the plot properties.
Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.
Magnitude (dB): Display magnitude in decibels
Magnitude (-): Display magnitude in absolute values.
Phase (rad): Display phase in radians.
Phase (deg): Display phase in degrees.

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Frequency (rad/sec): Display frequency in radians per second.

Frequency (Hz): Display frequency in Hz.
Phase/Gain Margins: Display the gain and phase margins.
Modulus Margin: Display the Modulus Margin.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

Pole Zero Diagram

The Pole Zero command plot the poles and zeros of a system and computes the root
locus plot.

20-sim automatically generates a range of real and imaginary parts, based on the
system dynamics. With the Plot Properties command (right mouse menu), you can
change this horizon and recalculate the pole zero diagram (click the Pole Zero
command again).
Root Locus
You can show the rootlocus plot by selecting Root Locus from the right mouse menu.
Inspect the root locus gain by selecting Numerical Values from the right mouse menu.
Plot Options
Using the right mouse menu, you can use several options:
Plot Properties: Set the plot properties.

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Numerical Values: Inspect numerical values.

Root Locus: Show or hide the root locus plot.
Copy to Clipboard: C opy the plot to the windows clipboard.
Print: Print the plot.
Zoom in: Show a detail of the plot.
Zoom out: Show a larger portion of the plot.
Zoom Normal: Show the complete plot.

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Import Data
You can import data from measurements or other software tools to compare it with the
response of your model. 20-sim accepts data in two formats:
Gain-Phase: The data should be stored in a text-file with three columns. The first
column should contain the frequency and the second and third column, the
corresponding gain and phase data.
Real-Imag: The data should be stored in a text-file with three columns. The first
column should contain the frequency and the second and third column, the
corresponding real and imaginary data.

Import Data

1. Open the Linear System Editor with your linear system.

2. Open the plot (e.g. Bode, Nyquist) in which you want to show the data.

3. Set the Magnitude (- or dB), Phase (rad or deg) and Frequency (rad/s or Hz)
according to the data you want to import.

4. In the Linear System Editor from the File menu select Import.

5. Select Import Gain-Phase or Import Real-Imag.

Now a file dialog opens helping you to select the file to import. When you have selected
a file and closed the dialog, the data should be visible in your plot. An example is shown
in the figure above.

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8. Toolboxes

8.4.4 Dynamic Error Budgeting

Dynamic Error Budgeting

The performance of precision machines is mostly limited by the disturbances that are
injected in these machines. These disturbances are often stochastic in nature. Dynamic
Error Budgeting is a method whereby the effect of these disturbances on the final
performance can be calculated. The advantage of this method is that it enables the
designer to enter the contributions of the individual disturbances and view and optimize
the overall machine performance.

The Dynamic Error Budgeting toolbox shows the total error as a result of injected disturbances.

Running the Toolbox

1. Open the example model Dynamic Error Budgetting from the Getting Started/
Frequency Domain Toolbox.

You can open the Dynamic Error Budgeting tool in the Simulator:

2. From the Tools menu select Frequency Domain Toolbox and Dynamic Error

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The Dynamic Error Budgeting tool.

The tool allows you to enter disturbances (as power spectral density) in the Input Noises

3. For each disturbance you have to select a corresponding variable by clicking the
Add input noise button.

Each disturbance is effectively a summation to the chosen variable, just like closed loop
linearization. You can inspect each disturbance in the graph on the top right.

Next you have to select an output variable, where the result of the disturbances is

4. Select the output by clicking the Add Output button.

In the graph on the bottom right you can see the resulting error at the selected output
as a result of the disturbances. The error is given in the form of a power spectral density
(PSD) and cumulative power spectral density (C PS). The square root of the final value of
the C PS is equal to the standard deviation of the output error. The standard deviations
are shown in the Output Sigma tab.

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8. Toolboxes

8.5 Mechatronics Toolbox

8.5.1 Cam Wizard

How to use the Cam Wizard

C ams and mechanisms are all based on the same principle. The motion of an input axis
is transformed to an output axis or translation. The transformation is a function of the
input angle. This function is called the cam motion profile.

The 20-sim cam wizard helps you to generate cam and mechanism models. You can use
various types of motion profiles which are continuous in velocity, acceleration or even in
jerk! An example of a mechanism that can be generated by the C am wizard is the
crank-rod mechanism, where a rotary input motion is transformed to a translating output

The models that are generated by the 20-sim C am wizard are fully dynamic! This
The models describe the output velocity as function of the input velocity but also the
input torque as function of the output load.
The speed of the input axis does not have to be constant nor does the output load.
No inertia, stiffness or other dynamic behavior is included, but this can be easily
incorporated by coupling elements from the 20-sim library (inertias, springs etc.) to
the input or output of the model.

To generate a cam or mechanism model in 20-sim, follow the next steps.

1. Open the model library and drag the model CamManipulator.emx to the editor.

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2. Make an input connection (rotation) and an output connection (rotation/translation)

to the model.

3. Select the camwizard model and click Go Down. Now the wizard will be opened.

4. C hoose the desired motion profile, the profile parameters and type of output

5. Select the type of cam motion profile:

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6. Enter the parameters values (Stroke, Start Angle Stop Angle). If you have chosen a
continuous pulse as output, you must also enter the values for the Return Angle and
End Angle:

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7. In the last page, the resulting values are shown:

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1. If you have changed the settings of this wizard, you have to process the model first
(from the Model menu, choose Check Complete Model) before the changes become

2. You can change parameter values during simulation (from the Properties menu
select Parameters).

3. This is a masked model that uses the dll-file MotionProfile.dll to open the wizard.
This dll-function must be stored in the bin directory of 20-sim. To see the SIDOPS
code of a masked model press the shift-key, while clicking the Go Down command.

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Cam Motion Profiles

Motion Types
Two types of motion profiles can be generated by the C am wizard: intermittent steps
and continuous pulses. The intermittent step motion does not return to its starting
position, but gradually moves further away . It is characterized by the parameters
stroke, start_angle and stop_angle.

The continuous pulse motion output returns at the end of each cycle returns to the
starting position. It is characterized by the parameters stroke, start_angle, stop_angle,
return_angle and end_angle.

Motion Profiles
In mechanical engineering an important part of design is the reduction of vibrations.
Every time a construction is in motion, vibrations are induced. When cams or
mechanisms are used, the amount of vibrations, depend on the kind of motion that is
induced. E.g. a sudden step change will induce violent vibrations in comparison with with
a fluent motion. An important parameter to characterize motions, is the order:

1. Zero Order: Motions that are discontinuous in the position (e.g. a step).

2. First Order: Motions that are continuous in the position but discontinuous in the
velocity (e.g. a ramp).

3. Second Order: Motions that are continuous in the position and velocity but
discontinuous in the acceleration.

4. Third Order: Motions that are continuous in the position, velocity and acceleration.

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5. Fourth Order: Motions that are continuous in the position, velocity, acceleration and

The specific shape of a motion profile can have a significant influence on the dynamic
behavior. Some profiles minimize the maximum velocity, some profile minimize
acceleration, while other profiles tend to make a tradeoff between the maximum velocity
and acceleration. If we take a standard motion with stroke 1 and motion time 1 sec., the
following table can be generated:

profile order v max a max y(0) y(1/2)

Ramp 1 1 infinite infinite 0

C rank-Rod2 2 > 1.57 > 4.93 infinite < -15.5

Trapezoidal 2 2 4 infinite -infinite

Partial Trapezoidal1 2 1.67 4.17 infinite 0

Geneva Mechanism 2 2.41 8.49 infinite -118.5

Sine 2 1.57 4.93 infinite -15.5
C ubic 3 2 4 32 -32

Partial C ubic3 3 1.67 5.55 55.6 0

C ycloidal 3 2 6.28 39.5 -39.5

Modified Sine 3 1.76 5.53 69.4 -23.2
Modified Trapezoidal 3 2 4.88 61.4 -61.4
MSC 50 3 1.26 9.20 173.6 0

MSC %4 3 1.37 7.20 113.1 0

3-4-5 Polynomial 3 1.88 5.77 60 -30

1-3-5-7-9 3/4 2.05 10.25 BB BM

1: Parameter C V = 20%

2: For lw >> lc the C rank Rod profile equals the sine profile, for lw > lc performance

3: Parameter C V = 20%, C A = 20%

4: Parameter n = 30%, alpha = 10%

5: Parameter BB = 30%, BM = 10%

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Here y(0) is the initial jerk (derivative of acceleration) and y(1/2) the crossover
(halftime) jerk.
The ramp profile is a first order profile. It has a constant velocity and acceleration peaks
at the start and end of the motion.

Crank Rod Mechanism

A C rank Rod mechanism converts a rotary motion into a repeating translation and

If the rod is much longer than the crank, the resulting motion profile will approach the
sine profile. Below the motion profile is shown for half a rotation of the crank (angle
from 0 to 180 degrees in 1 sec.).

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If the rod gets smaller, the maximum velocity and acceleration increase.

Note: A real crank-rod mechanism will not suddenly stop at half a rotation and therefore
not show a discontinuous acceleration.
The trapezoidal profile is a second order profile. It has a constant acceleration at the
start of the motion and a constant deceleration at the end of the motion.

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This profile is most widely used in early servo systems. Because of the discontinuity in
the acceleration this motion profile can still induce a lot of vibrations. Therefore in
modern servo systems third order profiles are preferred.
Partial Trapezoidal
The partial trapezoidal profile is a second order profile. It has is equal to the trapezoidal
motion, but has a constant velocity part, during a fraction CV (%) of the motion.

Geneva Mechanism
A Geneva mechanism is an old motion profile generation mechanism. A continuously
rotating crankshaft (a) generates an intermittent motion of a second shaft (b). The result
is a second order profile.

The motion profile generator yields the motion of the second shaft (b). It is shown

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The sine profile is a second order profile of which the displacement can be described as:

x = 0.5 - cos (p * t) / 2.

The cubic profile is a third order profile of which the acceleration is constantly increasing
and decreasing.

Partial Cubic
The partial cubic profile (3rd order) is a modified cubic profile with a constant velocity
during a fraction CV (%) of the motion and a constant acceleration during a fraction CA
(%) of the motion.

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The cycloidal profile is a third order profile, of which the velocity can be described as:

v = stroke*(1-cos(t*a))

Modified Sine
The modified sine profile is also a third order profile. It is a modification of the cycloidal
profile to get a lower maximum velocity and a lower maximum acceleration.

Modified Trapezoidal
The modified trapezoidal profile is a modification of the trapezoidal profile (to make it a
third order profile). This profile yields a very low maximum acceleration.

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8. Toolboxes

Modified Sine with Constant Velocity (MSC50)

The modified sine with constant velocity profile (3rd order) is a modification of the
modified sine profile. It has a constant velocity during 50% of the motion.

General Modified Sine with Constant Velocity (MSC%)

The modified sine with constant velocity profile (3rd order) is a modification of the
modified sine profile. It has a constant velocity during a user definable part of the of the
motion. The non-zero acceleration part is defined by two parameters which are both
defined as a fraction of the motion. The first parameters alpha (%) defines the start of
the acceleration and the second parameters n (%) defines the end of the acceleration.

3-4-5 Polynomial
The is a third profile described by a 5th order polynomial.

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1-3-5-7-9 Polynomial
The is a third/fourth order profile described by a 9th order polynomial. The profile is
characterized by two parameters that denote the initial jerk, BB, and the crossover
jerk, BM. If BB is chosen zero, this a a fourth order profile. If BB is chosen non-zero,
this is a third order profile.

8.5.2 Motion Profile Wizard

Motion Profile Wizard

The 20-sim Motion Profile Wizard helps you to define motion profiles. To generate such a
profile, follow the next steps.

1. Open the 20-sim model library an go to the section Signal\Sources.

2. Drag and drop the model MotionProfileWizard.emx to the editor.

3. Select the model and click Go Down.

This is a masked model. C licking Go Down will open the Motion Profile Wizard.

4. Select the inputs and outputs:

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8. Toolboxes

A number of inputs and outputs are available:

External Input: Normally the time will be used for the x-axis of the profile. You can
however use an external input as x-axis variable.
On/Off: Use this input signal to start (onoff = TRUE) and stop (onoff = FALSE) the
Reset: When the reset signal gets high (reset = TRUE) the profile will be started.
Reference: The motion profile reference signal, e.g. position.
First Derivative: The first derivative of the motion profile reference signal, e.g.
Second Derivative: The second derivative of the motion profile reference signal, e.g.
Profile C ounter: Gives the number of profiles that have been generated.
Ready Signal: Gets high (ready = TRUE) when the profile is completely generated.

5. C lick Next to enter the desired profile.

6. You can enter as many profiles as needed to design the complete motion. You can
choose out of a number of predefined profiles.

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8. Toolboxes

7. C hoose the number of times the motion should be repeated.

8. C lick Next to go to the last page.

In the last page, you can choose to generate Time Events and what to show the next
time (the wizard or the generated code). Use the default settings if you are not sure
what to use.

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8. Toolboxes

9. C lick Next to go to close the Wizard.

10. In the Editor from the Model menu C heck C omplete Model to make the changes

Motion Profile Wizard (Old Style)

If you select the model MotionProfile.emx and click Go Down, the old style Motion
Profile Wizard will open. This wizard is kept in 20-sim to allow you to run old models. The
wizard has been replaced by a new wizard which is far more powerful.
The 20-sim Motion Profile Wizard helps you to define motion profiles. To generate such a
profile, follow the next steps.

1. Open the 20-sim model library an go to the section Signal\Sources.

2. Drag and drop the model MotionProfile.emx to the editor.

3. Select the model and click Go Down. Now the wizard will be opened.

4. Select the type of motion.

5. C hoose the desired profile and output signals.

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8. Toolboxes

6. Enter the profile parameters.

7. C lose the wizard.

During simulation the parameter values are used that you have selected in the wizard.
These parameters are available in the Parameters Editor where you can change them as
you would do with any other model. If you have changed the settings of this wizard, you
have to process the model first (from the Model menu, choose Check Complete Model)
before the changes become effective.

Motion Profiles

You can choose out of a number of predefined motion profiles in the Motion Profile
Partial Trapezoidal
Geneva Mechanism
C ubic
Partial C ubic
C ycloidal
Standard Modified Sine
Modified Trapezoidal
Modified Sine with C onstant Velocity (MSC 50)
General Modified Sine with C onstant Velocity (MSC %)
3-4-5 Polynomial
1-3-5-7-9 Polynomial
The flat profile is a zero order profile. It has a constant position, zero velocity and
The ramp profile is a first order profile. It has a constant velocity and acceleration peaks
at the start and end of the motion.

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The ramp profile.

The trapezoidal profile is a second order profile. It has a constant acceleration at the
start of the motion and a constant deceleration at the end of the motion.

The trapezoidal profile.

This profile is most widely used in early servo systems. Because of the discontinuity in
the acceleration this motion profile can still induce a lot of vibrations. Therefore in
modern servo systems third order profiles are preferred.
Partial Trapezoidal
The partial trapezoidal profile is a second order profile. It has is equal to the trapezoidal
motion, but has a constant velocity part, during a fraction CV (%) of the motion.

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The partial trapezoidal profile.

Geneva Mechanism
A Geneva mechanism is an old motion profile generation mechanism. A continuously
rotating crankshaft (a) generates an intermittent motion of a second shaft (b). The result
is a second order profile.

A Geneva mechanism.

The motion profile generator yields the motion of the second shaft (b). It is shown

The Geneva mechanism profile.

The sine profile is a second order profile of which the displacement can be described as:

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8. Toolboxes

x = 0.5 - cos (p * t) / 2.

The sine profile.

The cubic profile is a third order profile of which the acceleration is constantly increasing
and decreasing.

The cubic profile.

Partial Cubic
The partial cubic profile (3rd order) is a modified cubic profile with a constant velocity
during a fraction CV (%) of the motion and a constant acceleration during a fraction CA
(%) of the motion.

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The partial cubic profile.

The cycloidal profile is a third order profile, of which the velocity can be described as:

v = stroke*(1-cos(t*a))

The cycloidal profile.

Modified Sine
The modified sine profile is also a third order profile. It is a modification of the cycloidal
profile to get a lower maximum velocity and a lower maximum acceleration.

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The modified sine profile.

Modified Trapezoidal
The modified trapezoidal profile is a modification of the trapezoidal profile (to make it a
third order profile). This profile yields a very low maximum acceleration.

The modified trapezoidal profile.

Modified Sine with Constant Velocity (MSC50)

The modified sine with constant velocity profile (3rd order) is a modification of the
modified sine profile. It has a constant velocity during 50% of the motion.

The modified sine with constant velocity profile.

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8. Toolboxes

General Modified Sine with Constant Velocity (MSC%)

The modified sine with constant velocity profile (3rd order) is a modification of the
modified sine profile. It has a constant velocity during a user definable part of the of the
motion. The non-zero acceleration part is defined by two parameters which are both
defined as a fraction of the motion. The first parameters alpha (%) defines the start of
the acceleration and the second parameters n (%) defines the end of the acceleration.

The general modified sine with constant velocity profile.

3-4-5 Polynomial
The is a third profile described by a 5th order polynomial.

The 1-3-5 polynomial profile.

1-3-5-7-9 Polynomial
The is a third/fourth order profile described by a 9th order polynomial. The profile is
characterized by two parameters that denote the initial jerk, BB, and the crossover
jerk, BM. If BB is chosen zero, this a a fourth order profile. If BB is chosen non-zero,
this is a third order profile.

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8. Toolboxes

The 1-3-5-7-9 polynomial profile.

To keep the polynomial consistent, i.e. the polynomial does not change when the
amplitude is changed, the initial jerk (BB) and the crossover jerk (BM) are defined for a
standard motion with:
stroke = 1
start_time = 0
stop_time = 1
Comparison of Profiles
The specific shape of a motion profile can have a significant influence on the dynamic
behavior. Some profiles minimize the maximum velocity, some profile minimize
acceleration, while other profiles tend to make a tradeoff between the maximum velocity
and acceleration. If we take a standard motion with stroke 1 and motion time 1 sec., the
following table can be generated:

profile order vmax amax j(0) j(1/2)

Flat 0 0 0 0 0
Ramp 1 1 infinite infinite 0
Trapezoidal 2 2 4 infinite -infinite
Partial Trapezoidal1 2 1.67 4.17 infinite 0
Geneva Mechanism 2 2.41 8.49 infinite -118.5
Sine 2 1.57 4.93 infinite -15.5
C ubic 3 2 4 32 -32
Partial C ubic3 3 1.67 5.55 55.6 0
C ycloidal 3 2 6.28 39.5 -39.5
Modified Sine 3 1.76 5.53 69.4 -23.2
Modified Trapezoidal 3 2 4.88 61.4 -61.4
MSC 50 3 1.26 9.20 173.6 0
MSC %4 3 1.37 7.20 113.1 0
3-4-5 Polynomial 3 1.88 5.77 60 -30

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 419

8. Toolboxes

1-3-5-7-9 3/4 2.05 10.25 BB BM


1: Parameter C V = 20%

2: For lw >> lc the C rank Rod profile equals the sine profile, for lw > lc performance

3: Parameter C V = 20%, C A = 20%

4: Parameter n = 30%, alpha = 10%

5: Parameter BB = 30%, BM = 10%

Here j(0) is the initial jerk yerk (derivative of acceleration) and j(1/2) the crossover
(halftime) jerk.

8.5.3 Servo Motor Editor

Servo Motor Editor

The 20-sim Servo Motor Editor is a tool to generate dynamic models of servo motors for
the use in 20-sim. These models describe the complete dynamic behaviour of servo
motors, including the electrical, mechanical and thermal behaviour. The following classes
of motors are supported in the editor:

1. Brush DC

2. Brushless DC (trapezoidal EMC and square wave currents)

3. AC synchronous (sinusoidal EMC and sinusoidal currents)

4. AC synchronous linear (sinusoidal EMC and sinusoidal currents)

The dynamic models are generated automatically from data files containing
commercially available motors, but you can also enter your own motor parameters. The
following motors are available on data files:

1. The complete Maxon 2005 / 2006 program.

2. The complete Tecnotion 2006 program.

3. The Faulhaber 2006 program.

In the first part of these help files, the use of the 20-sim Servo Motor Editor is explained.
The Editor uses a data table with motor parameters of commercial servo motors. You
can select any motor from the table, inspect the corresponding torque speed curve and
let the Servo Motor Editor generate a 20-sim dynamic model from the parameters.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 420

8. Toolboxes

The second part of these help files, explains the operating principles of the motors. A
good indication of the performance of permanent magnet motors can be given by the
torque speed plot. Various curves of the torque speed plot and how this can be used to
choose the proper motor for a given task. An important part of the torque speed plot is
the maximum continuous torque. It is the maximum torque that a motor can deliver
without overheating. This curve is based on a thermal model of the motor, which is also

The 20-sim Servo Motor Editor is part of the Mechatronics Toolbox of 20-sim. You can
open the editor by selecting the Servo Motor Editor command (Tools - Mechatronics
Toolbox). If you have a valid license, a servo motor model will be inserted:

Normally the editor will be opened automatically. If this does not happen, force the
editor to open by clicking the Go Down button. This Editor looks like:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 421

8. Toolboxes

The top of the editor shows a list of motors. You can select one of the motors from the
list by selecting it with your mouse pointer. The selected motor is shown with the blue
line. The parameters of the selected motor are shown below the list.

To see the torque speed plot of the selected motor, click the Plot tab at the bottom of the
editor. To find a motor based on specific searching conditions, click the Search tab. By
clicking the OK button, a dynamic model will be created automatically, based on the
selected motor in the list.

Using the Edit menu, new motors can be added to the list or deleted. By double clicking
the mouse pointer on a parameter value, it can be changed.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 422

8. Toolboxes

Data Files
If you open the Servo motor Editor, default data from file ServoMotor.csv is shown. You
can open other data files by using the file menu.

C urrently the following data files are available:

1. ServoMotor.csv: A selection of various motors to show the capabilities of the Servo

Motor Editor.

2. Maxon 2006.cse: The complete list of Maxon motors, program 2005 / 2006.

3. Tecnotion 2006.cse: The complete list of Tecnotion motors, program 2006.

4. Faulhaber 2006.cse.: Most of the Faulhaber motors, program 2006.

Unfortunately not all motor suppliers use the same parameters in the data sheets.
Therefore the Servo Motor Editor uses the most common parameters as described in this
section. All parameters are defined using a motor temperature and ambient temperature
of 25° C .
General Data
This general section contains the unique identifier of the motor (Keyname) and some
additional data, which can be filled in freely.

Name The name of the motor

Info Additional Info
Keyname A unique name (no duplicates allowed in the motor list)
to identify the motor.
Type The motor type:
1. AC Synchronous

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 423

8. Toolboxes

2. Brush DC Iron
3. Brush DC moving coil
4. Brush DC Disc Rotor
5. AC Synchronous Linear
6. Brushless DC

In the Editor, you can select from a drop down list. In

the data file (see next section, the corresponding
numbers are used).
Date Date at which the motor info was entered
Price The price of the motor
Delivery Time Delivery Time
Library The name of the data file that is used

Nominal Data
Many data sheets describe the nominal operating point of a motor. The nominal
operation point is characterized by a fixed current that is supplied to a motor with an
initial temperature of 25º C that will result in a heating up of the coils to the exactly the
maximum temperature. Because a current alone is not enough to describe the state of a
motor, the operating point is always given at a certain speed. Although the other
parameters (torque and power) can be derived from the current and speed they are
usually printed in most data sheets.

Torque [N.m]or Force[N] Torque or force at nominal operation.

C urrent [A] or [Arms] C urrent at nominal operation.
Speed [rpm]or [m/s] Speed at nominal operation.
Voltage [V] or [Vrms] Voltage at nominal operation.
Power [W] The output power at nominal operation.
Life [hour] Expected Lifetime of the motor under normal operation.

As described, the definition of current and voltage depends on the selected motor:

motor current voltage

1. AC Synchronous rms phase current (A) rms phase to phase voltage
2. Brush DC Iron current (A) voltage (V)
3. Brush DC moving coil current (A) voltage (V)
4. Brush DC Disc Rotor current (A) voltage (V)
5. AC Synchronous rms phase current (A) rms phase to phase voltage
Linear (V)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 424

8. Toolboxes

6. Brushless DC peak current (A) peak phase to phase voltage


Max/Peak Values
The maximum parameters indicate the maximum performance of the motor and are
used to show the limits in the torque speed plot as explained in chapter 3. The
parameters do not indicate an operating point on the torque speed curve. The maximum
parameters are preferably measured at a temperature of 25º C .

Torque [N.m]or Force[N] The maximum short-time or torque or force (also known
as stall torque).
C urrent [A] or [Arms] The maximum short-time current.
Speed [rpm]or [m/s] The maximum speed.
Voltage [V] or [Vrms] Maximum short-time voltage.
Power [W] The maximum short time power.

The currents and voltages are defined the same as for the nominal parameters.
Electrical Data

R [ohm] The resistance at 25° C .

L [H] The terminal inductance.
alpha_c [1/degC ] The temperature dependency of the coil resistance.
ktc [1/degC ] The temperature dependency of the magnets.
poles [-] or pitch[m] The number of poles (always an even number) or pole
pitch (distance N-N poles).

As described, the definition of resistance and inductance depends on the selected motor:

motor resistance inductance

1. AC Synchronous phase to phase phase to phase inductance (H)
resistance (ohm)
2. Brush DC Iron resistance (ohm) inductance (H)
3. Brush DC moving coil resistance (ohm) inductance (H)
4. Brush DC Disc Rotor resistance (ohm) inductance (H)
5. AC Synchronous phase to phase phase to phase inductance (H)
Linear resistance (ohm)
6. Brushless DC phase to phase phase to phase inductance (H)
resistance (ohm)

Mechanical Data
The mechanical data describes the motor inertia and losses.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 425

8. Toolboxes

J_rotor [kg.m2] or m_motor [kg] The rotor inertia or the the moving mass of
the motor.
d [N.m.s/rad]or [N.s/m] Mechanical damping and eddy current
T_fric [N.m] or [N] Mechanical friction and hysteresis losses.
T_cog [N.m] or [N] The amplitude of the cogging torque.

Thermal Data
The thermal data is used for the thermal model as explained in chapter 4. Zero values
for the thermal resistances are replace by a small value (1e-2) to prevent division by

Temp_amb [degC ] The ambient temperature.

Temp_initial [degC ] The initial temperature of the coils and
Temp_max [degC ] The maximum coil temperature.
RT1 [degC /W] The thermal resistance between rotor and
RT2 [degC /W] The thermal resistance between stator and
C T1 [J/degC ] Thermal capacity of the rotor.
C T2 [J/degC ] Thermal capacity of the stator.

Physical Data
This section describes the motor dimensions and maximal load.

F_axial [N] The maximum axial force applied to the

motor shaft.
F_radial [N] The maximum radial force applied to the
motor shaft.
m [kg] The motor weight.
D_motor [m] The motor diameter.
L_motor [m] The motor length.
D_shaft [m] The shaft diameter.
L_shaft [m] The shaft length.

Derived Data
These are values that can be found in many data sheets. They are useful for selection
criteria when searching for motors.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 426

8. Toolboxes

K_nom [N.m/A], [N.m/Arms] or [N/ The torque constant or force constant at

Arms] 25° C and nominal currents.
K_max [N.m/A], [N.m/Arms] or [N/ The torque constant or force constant at
Arms] 25° C and at peak currents.
S [N.m.s/rad] or [N.s/m] The steepness.
tau_m [s] The mechanical time constant (J_rotor/S or
P_dis [W] The maximal continuous dissipation.
tau_T1 [s] The thermal time constant of the rotor
(RT1* C T1).
tau_T2 [s] The thermal time constant of the stator
(RT2* C T2).

Additional Data

20-sim model [] Not implemented yet.

How to use the Parameters

When you enter a new motor, not all parameters have to be filled in. In this section the
critical and non critical parameters are listed.
Only a few parameters are critical. I.e. they are necessary to generate a 20-sim
dynamic model.

Keyname A unique name to identify the motor.

Type The motor type.

Maximum Torque or Force The maximum short-time or torque or

Maximum C urrent The maximum short-time current.

R The resistance at 25° C .

L The terminal inductance.

J_rotor or m_motor The rotor inertia or the the moving mass of

the motor.

Some parameters are desired. I.e. they add more detail to the model:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 427

8. Toolboxes

Nominal Torque or Force Torque or force at nominal operation.

Nominal C urrent C urrent at nominal operation.
Nominal Speed Speed at nominal operation.

alpha_c The temperature dependency of the coil

ktc The temperature dependency of the
poles or pitch The number of poles (always an even
number) or pole pitch (distance N-N poles).

d Mechanical damping and eddy current

T_fric Mechanical friction and hysteresis losses.
T_cog The amplitude of the cogging torque.

Temp_amb The ambient temperature.

Temp_initial The initial temperature of the coils and
Temp_max The maximum coil temperature.
RT1 The thermal resistance between rotor and
RT2 The thermal resistance between stator and
C T1 Thermal capacity of the rotor.
C T2 Thermal capacity of the stator.

If you do not know the values of these parameters, fill in zero. 20-sim will automatically
change some into small numbers to prevent division by zero. Because the nominal
torque and current are used to derive the torque constant at nominal operation, they will
be replaced by the maximum current and torque if you fill in a zero value.
Torque Speed Plot
Some parameters will add more detail to the torque speed plot:

Speed The maximum speed.

Voltage Maximum short-time voltage.
Power The maximum short time power.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 428

8. Toolboxes

The remaining parameters are not used in the torque speed plot or the 20-sim model.
They are useful for selection criteria when searching motors. If you do not know the
values of these parameters, fill in zero.

Dynamic Model
If you have selected a motor, clicking the OK button will close the editor and generate a
dynamic model. The model will be filled with the parameters from the selected motor
and is ready for the use in a simulation. The model contains a number of variables that
may be useful to show in a simulation plot.
General Part

R resistance at simulated (fluctuating)

K torque constant at simulated (fluctuating)
u_rms_ff effective terminal (phase-phase) voltage
u_tt_ff maximum terminal (phase-phase)
i_tt maximum phase current
phi shaft angle

Thermal part

Temp_coil coil temperature

Temp_housing housing temperature

Torque speed plot

omega_range speed ranging from zero to over 5% of

maximum speed
T_range torque ranging from zero to over 5% of
maximum torque
Torquemax maximum torque
Speedmax maximum speed
T_max_power torque at maximum power
T_max_current torque at maximum current
T_max_outputpower line of maximum output torque
T_max_voltage torque at maximum voltage
T_max_efficiency line of torque at maximum efficiency
T_100 maximum allowable continuous torque, (i.e.
a 100% duty cycle)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 429

8. Toolboxes

T_50 maximum allowable torque for a 50% duty

T_25 maximum allowable torque for a 25% duty
T_10 maximum allowable torque for a 10% duty
T_abs absolute output (load) torque
omega_abs absolute velocity

Creating your own data files

The motor parameters are visible in the Grid tab. These parameters are stored in a
coma separated data file (extension .csv) or in an encrypted coma separated data file
(extension .cse).

By default, the file ServoMotor.csv is shown. Using the File menu you can store and
open csv files. The csv files can be edited with the Servo Motor Editor or an external
spreadsheet program like OpenOffice. In OpenOffice Calc the file looks like:

The top 5 rows contain the description of the motor parameters and the corresponding
units. The first and second row are used for rotation motors and the third and fourth row
are used for linear (translation) motors. The fifth row contains the parameter names.

The other rows contain the motor parameters. The meaning of these parameters is
described in the previous sections. Please use the following guidelines when editing data

1. Never change the first five lines

2. Do no use duplicate names in the first column (keyname)

3. Do use commas

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 430

8. Toolboxes

4. Do no use strange formatting (in Excel use the General format)

5. Do no enter extra columns

6. Do net enter other information in additional rows or columns. The Servo Motor Editor
will try to read all cells and halt if the content is not according the specifications.

7. Do no add comment.

8. The last column entry (20-sim) should contain one white space character.

9. Store as comma separated file.

Data Files

Maxon 2005 / 2006

20-sim 3.6\Tools\Servo Motor Dynamics\Maxon 2006.cse
November 2005
More information
The data file Maxon 2006.cse contains the complete set of Maxon motors, program
2005 / 2006. Most of the data has been extracted from the Maxon data sheets. The
tables below shows the 20-sim names and the corresponding data sheet names. Some
parameters were not available in the data sheets and have been given by the Maxon
motor company. These parameters are indicated as Given by Maxon. Some parameters
were calculated. These are indicated as Calculated.
DC motors

Servo Motor Editor Maxon Data Sheets

General Data
Name Motor Series
Keyname Maxon Order Number
Info Additional Information
Type DC
Date 21 October 2005
Price -
Delivery Time stock / standard / special
Library Maxon 2006.cse
Nominal Data
Torque Max. continuous torque
C urrent Max. continuous current
Speed No load speed divided by 2
Voltage C alculated

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 431

8. Toolboxes

Power C alculated
Max/Peak Data
Torque Stall torque
C urrent Starting current
Power Assigned Power Rating
Voltage C alculated*
Speed Max. permissible speed
Thermal Data
Temp_amb Set to 25
Temp_initial Set to 25
Temp_max Maximum rotor temperature
RT1 Thermal resistance rotor-housing
RT2 Thermal resistance housing-ambient
C T1 C alculated
C T2 Given by Maxon
Physical Data
F_axial Maximum Axial load
F_Radial Maximum radial load
m Weight of motor
D_motor Diameter of motor
L_motor Length of motor
D_shaft Diameter shaft
L_shaft Length Shaft
Electrical Data
R Terminal resistance
L Terminal inductance
alpha_c Given by Maxon
Ktc Given by Maxon
Poles Number of poles
Mechanical Data
J_rotor Rotor inertia
d Given by Maxon
T_fric Given by Maxon
T_cog 0
Derived Data
K_nom C alculated
K_max C alculated
S_nom C alculated
P_dis C alculated

* In the data sheets Maxon only gives a nominal voltage. According to Maxon higher
operating voltages are permissible provided that other limits are not exceeded.
Therefore the maximum voltage is chosen equal to the voltage that is needed to run a
motor with zero load at maximum speed.
EC motors with block commutation
Maxon EC motors can be driven by block commutation and sine commutation. The
Maxon data sheets give the parameters for block commutation. To distinguish between
block commutation and sine commutation the character b or s is added to the keyname.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 432

8. Toolboxes

Servo Motor Editor Maxon Data Sheets

General Data
Name Motor Series
Keyname Maxon Order Number + b
Info Additional Information
Type Brushless DC
Date 21 October 2005
Price -
Delivery Time stock / standard / special
Library Maxon 2006.csv
Nominal Data
Torque C alculated
C urrent Max. continuous current
Speed Nominal speed
Voltage C alculated
Power C alculated
Max/Peak Data
Torque Stall torque
C urrent C alculated
Power Assigned Power Rating
Voltage C alculated*
Speed Max. permissible speed
Thermal Data
Temp_amb Set to 25
Temp_initial Set to 25
Temp_max Maximum rotor temperature
RT1 Thermal resistance rotor-housing
RT2 Thermal resistance housing-ambient
C T1 C alculated
C T2 C alculated
Physical Data
F_axial Maximum Axial load
F_Radial Maximum radial load
m Weight of motor
D_motor Diameter of motor
L_motor Length of motor
D_shaft Diameter shaft
L_shaft Length Shaft
Electrical Data
R Terminal resistance phase to phase
L Terminal inductance phase to phase
alpha_c Given by Maxon
Ktc Given by Maxon
Poles Number of poles
Mechanical Data
J_rotor Rotor inertia
d Given by Maxon
T_fric Given by Maxon
T_cog 0
Derived Data
K_nom C alculated

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 433

8. Toolboxes

K_max C alculated
S_nom C alculated
P_dis C alculated

* In the data sheets Maxon only gives a nominal voltage. According to Maxon higher
operating voltages are permissible provided that other limits are not exceeded.
Therefore the maximum voltage is chosen equal to the voltage that is needed to run a
motor with zero load at maximum speed.
EC motors with sine commutation
Maxon EC motors can be driven by block commutation and sine commutation. The
Maxon data sheets give the parameters for block commutation. The parameters for sine
commutation can be calculated from the block commutation parameters. To distinguish
between block commutation and sine commutation the character b or s is added to the

Servo Motor Editor Maxon Data Sheets

General Data
Name Motor Series
Keyname Maxon Order Number + s
Info Additional Information
Type AC Synchronous
Date 21 October 2005
Price -
Delivery Time stock / standard / special
Library Maxon 2006.csv
Nominal Data
Torque C alculated
C urrent C alculated
Speed Nominal speed
Voltage C alculated
Power C alculated
Max/Peak Data
Torque C alculated
C urrent C alculated
Power Assigned Power Rating
Voltage C alculated*
Speed C alculated
Thermal Data
Temp_amb Set to 25
Temp_initial Set to 25
Temp_max Maximum rotor temperature
RT1 Thermal resistance rotor-housing
RT2 Thermal resistance housing-ambient
C T1 C alculated
C T2 C alculated
Physical Data
F_axial Maximum Axial load
F_Radial Maximum radial load
m Weight of motor
D_motor Diameter of motor

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 434

8. Toolboxes

L_motor Length of motor

D_shaft Diameter shaft
L_shaft Length Shaft
Electrical Data
R Terminal resistance phase to phase
L Terminal inductance phase to phase
alpha_c Given by Maxon
Ktc Given by Maxon
Poles Number of poles
Mechanical Data
J_rotor Rotor inertia
d Given by Maxon
T_fric Given by Maxon
T_cog 0
Derived Data
K_nom C alculated
K_max C alculated
S_nom C alculated
P_dis C alculated

* In the data sheets Maxon only gives a nominal voltage. According to Maxon higher
operating voltages are permissible provided that other limits are not exceeded.
Therefore the maximum voltage is chosen equal to the voltage that is needed to run a
motor with zero load at maximum speed.

Tecnotion 2006

20-sim 3.6\Tools\Servo Motor Dynamics\Tecnotion 2006.cse
November 2006
More information
The data file Tecnotion 2006.cse contains the complete set of Tecnotion motors, program
2006. Most of the data has been extracted from the Tecnotion data sheets. The tables
below shows the 20-sim names and the corresponding data sheet names. Some
parameters were not available in the data sheets and have been given by the Tecnotion
motor company. These parameters are indicated as Given by Tecnotion. Some
parameters were calculated. These are indicated as Calculated.

Important: The nominal data and the default value of the thermal resistance RT2 are
calculated for air cooling. The value for RT2 can be changed using a slider. If water
cooling is used, change the value of RT2 to its minimum value.

Servo Motor Editor Tecnotion Data Sheets

General Data

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 435

8. Toolboxes

Name Motor Series

Keyname Order Number
Info Additional Information
Type AC Synchronous Linear
Date 21 October 2005
Price -
Delivery Time -
Library Tecnotion 2006.cse
Nominal Data
Force C ontinuous Force (air cooled*)
C urrent C ontinuous C urrent (air cooled*)
Speed 0 m/s
Voltage C alculated
Power -
Max/Peak Data
Force Ultimate Force / Peak Force
C urrent Ultimate C urrent / Peak C urrent
Power C alculated
Voltage Max. voltage ph-ph
Speed Maximum speed
Thermal Data
Temp_amb Set to 25
Temp_initial Set to 25
Temp_max Maximum Temperature
RT1 Thermal Resistance coil - housing
RT2 C alculated*
C T1 Given by Tecnotion
C T2 Given by Tecnotion
Physical Data
F_axial -
F_Radial -
D_motor -
L_motor -
D_shaft -
Electrical Data
R 2 * Resistance per phase
L 2 * Induction per phase
alpha_c 0.004
Ktc 0
Pitch Magnet Pitch NN
Mechanical Data
m_motor Weight of C oilunit
d Given by Tecnotion
F_fric -
F_cog 0
Derived Data

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 436

8. Toolboxes

K_nom C alculated
K_max C alculated
S_nom C alculated
P_dis C alculated

* Note: The nominal data and the default value of the thermal resistance RT2 are
calculated for air cooling. The value for RT2 can be changed using a slider. If water
cooling is used, change the value of RT2 to its minimum value.

Faulhaber 2006

20-sim 3.6\Tools\Servo Motor Dynamics\Faulhaber 2006.cse
February 2006
More information
www.faulhaber-group.com or www.minimotor.ch
The data file Faulhaber 2006.cse contains the most of the Faulhaber servo motors,
program 2006. Most of the data has been extracted from the Faulhaber data sheets. The
tables below shows the 20-sim names and the corresponding data sheet names. Some
parameters were not available in the data sheets and have been given by Faulhaber.
These parameters are indicated as Given by Faulhaber. Some parameters were
calculated. These are indicated as Calculated.
DC motors

Servo Motor Editor Faulhaber Data Sheets

General Data
Name Motor Name
Keyname Faulhaber Order Number
Info Additional Information
Type DC
Date 23 February 2006
Price -
Delivery Time -
Library Faulhaber 2006.cse
Nominal Data
Torque C alculated
C urrent C urrent up to
Speed No load speed divided by 2
Voltage C alculated
Power C alculated
Max/Peak Data
Torque Stall torque
C urrent C alculated

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 437

8. Toolboxes

Power Output Power

Voltage Nominal Voltage
Speed No-load speed
Thermal Data
Temp_amb Set to 25
Temp_initial Set to 25
Temp_max Maximum coil temperature
RT1 Thermal resistance rotor – housing Rth1
RT2 Thermal resistance housing-ambient Rth1
C T1 C alculated
C T2 C alculated
Physical Data
F_axial Maximum Axial load
F_Radial Maximum radial load
m Weight of motor
D_motor Diameter of motor
L_motor Length of motor
D_shaft Diameter shaft
L_shaft Length Shaft
Electrical Data
R Terminal resistance
L Rotor Inductance
alpha_c Temperature coefficient of resistance of copper
Ktc Given by Faulhaber
Poles Given by Faulhaber
Mechanical Data
J_rotor Rotor inertia
d Friction torque, dynamic
T_fric Friction torque, static
T_cog 0
Derived Data
K_nom C alculated
K_max C alculated
S_nom C alculated
P_dis C alculated

DC Brushless motors with block commutation

Servo Motor Editor Faulhaber Data Sheets

General Data
Name Motor Name
Keyname Faulhaber Order Number
Info Additional Information
Type DC Brushless
Date 23 February 2006
Price -
Delivery Time -
Library Faulhaber 2006.cse

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 438

8. Toolboxes

Nominal Data
Torque Torque up to
C urrent C urrent up to
Speed At speed
Voltage C alculated
Power C alculated
Max/Peak Data
Torque Stall torque
C urrent C alculated
Power Output Power
Voltage Nominal Voltage
Speed No-load speed
Thermal Data
Temp_amb Set to 25
Temp_initial Set to 25
Temp_max Maximum coil temperature
RT1 Thermal resistance rotor – housing Rth1
RT2 Thermal resistance housing-ambient Rth1
C T1 C alculated
C T2 C alculated
Physical Data
F_axial Maximum Axial load
F_Radial Maximum radial load
m Weight of motor
D_motor Diameter of motor
L_motor Length of motor
D_shaft Diameter shaft
L_shaft Length Shaft
Electrical Data
R Terminal resistance
L Rotor Inductance
alpha_c Temperature coefficient of resistance of copper
Ktc Given by Faulhaber
Poles Given by Faulhaber
Mechanical Data
J_rotor Rotor inertia
d Friction torque, dynamic
T_fric Friction torque, static
T_cog 0
Derived Data
K_nom C alculated
K_max C alculated
S_nom C alculated
P_dis C alculated

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 439

8. Toolboxes


Basic Principles

Permanent Magnet Motors

When permanent magnets are used in a motor, a magnetic field will be present with a
magnetic flux density B. Suppose an electric coil is placed in this magnetic field. When
an electric current i is forced to flow through this coil, a force acting on the coil will

The resulting torque can be found as:

where Ktc(q) denotes the transfer of current to torque. It is a function of the angle,
shape of the coil, magnetic field density, current distribution etc. When the current is
kept equal to zero and we start to rotate the coil, a voltage will be induced. This voltage
is called the electromotive force (EMF) and can be found as:

where Kec(q) denotes the transfer of speed to voltage. It is also function of the angle,
shape of the coil, magnetic field density, current distribution etc. For an ideal coil the
input power should be equal to the output power

and thus

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 440

8. Toolboxes

In most literature the Kc(q) is calculated out of the magnetic field and coil distribution.
Here it is simply assumed to be given and is called the torque function.

In normal operation a coil will have a resistance and inductance. A basic coil model is
thus equal to:

By a proper design of the motor, i.e. geometry of the coil windings, magnets etc., the
torque function Kc(q) can be given a particular shape. Then by proper manipulation of
the current a positive torque can be created during the whole rotation of the coil. All
permanent magnet motors are based on this principle.

Brush DC Motors
In DC motors, the torque function Kc(q) is sinusoidal:

In DC motors a constant current is supplied. Through a process called commutation, the

coil is connected the other way around (i.e the current changes sign) when the coil
function crosses zero. The resulting torque will then always be positive but will vary
between zero and maximum:

By combining coils, the resulting torque variation or ripple will decrease. The graph
below shows the resulting torque when three coils are used.

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8. Toolboxes

The more coils are used the more the torque ripple decreases.

number of coils torque ripple (top-top)

3 14%
5 5%
7 2.5%
9 1.5%
11 1%

If we neglect the torque ripple, we get the common DC motor equations:

In practical motors, the rotor is equipped with a commutator. A commutator consists of
insulated collector bars that are connected with the coils. Each coil is connected with one
end to a collector and the next end to the neighboring collector. A pair of brushes is used
to connect an outside current source to the collectors.

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Every rotation the current changes sign twice, resulting in a continuous positive torque
addition of every coil.
C ommutation is the largest limiting factor in DC motor performance. Sparks between the
brushes and the collectors are the main causes for brush wear. There are several
causes for sparking, which limit the maximum speed, current, voltage and power of a
brush DC motor.

When the brush leaves a collector, the current has to be reversed. The time that is
needed to reverse the current depends directly on the current amplitude and thus on the
generated torque. Because the time that is available depends on the motor speed, the
result is a limit on the power that can be generated.

Another limitation of the motor speed is due to imperfect dimensions of the collectors.
Differences in height of a few microns may cause the brushes to jump at high speeds.

Just a small part of the contact area of a brush and collector is actually used for the
current transfer. As a result highly localized, short time "hot spots" develop. When the
currents get greater than permitted, local temperatures occur that lead to material

Above a voltage of 15 to 18V experience shows that the air will experience ionization
phenomena, which leads to arcing. This arc extends from one collector bar to another.
When enough voltage is applied, the arc will extend several collector bars and reach the
other brush, leading to serious damage. The maximum motor voltage is therefore the
result of multiplying the number of collector bars between the brushes and the maximum
collector bar voltage.

Permanent magnets can lose their strength when operating above temperatures of 60
ºC and suppressed by a high external magnetic field. Such a field can occur when large
current changes occur. Therefore the maximum current of a motor should be limited.

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8. Toolboxes

Brushless DC Motors
Given motor with three coils, where the coils are mounted in the stator with a spatial
displacement of 120°. The coils are connected in a star-formation as shown in the figure

In Brushless DC motors, the coils and magnets are designed so that a trapezoidal torque
function Kc(q) is found as shown below:

To get a constant torque each coil current is a block wave as shown in the figure below.
Although the current is thus alternating, the term DC is used to distinguish this type of
motor from motors that used a sinusoidal current. The block wave current is provided
through "electronic commutation". The current is generated by a three phase amplifier
that gets the exact switching points from a motor controller.

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As can easily be seen from the graphs, the resulting torque is constant and twice the
current times the amplitude of the coil function:

To get an equivalent of the coil model we can write this equation as:

We have to realize that here i is not a constant current anymore but the maximum coil
current! Because the coil current is the current of one of the three phases, in literature i
is mostly written as the maximum phase current. It is the maximum current that can
be measured at each of the three terminals of the motor.

In a derivation that goes beyond the scope of this introduction (see C ompter, 2004), it
can be shown that the electromotive force can be found as:

Here the electromotive force is defined as the maximum induced voltage between two
phases. The resulting motor model is shown below:

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8. Toolboxes

The voltage of the motor model is commonly known as the maximum phase to phase
voltage. It is the maximum voltage that can be measured between any pair of two
terminals. The phase to phase resistance and phase to phase inductance are
defined equivalent as the resistance and inductance that can be measured between any
pair of two terminals.
Brushless DC motors have no mechanical commutation, and therefore do not suffer
from the limits caused by mechanical commutation. C onsequently Brushless DC motors
can run at much higher speeds and are not limited by a maximum voltage. The speed of
Brushless DC motors is only limited by the bearings.

Just like brush DC motors the magnets impose an upper limit for the current and torque
in a Brushless DC motor.

AC synchronous motor
AC synchronous motors use the same principle as Brushless DC -motors. The coils are
also mounted in the stator with a spatial displacement of 120°.

The coils and magnets are designed so that a sinusoidal torque function Kc(q) is found
as shown below:

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To get a constant torque each coil current is a sinusoidal wave as shown in the figure

As can be seen from the graph, the resulting torque is constant and one and a half times
the current times the amplitude of the coil function:

To get an equivalent of the coil model we can write this equation as:

We have to realize that here i is not a constant current anymore but the root mean
square coil current! Because the coil current is the current of one phase in literature i is
mostly denoted as the rms phase current. It is the rms current that can be measured
at each of the three terminals of the motor.

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In a derivation that goes beyond the scope of this introduction (see C ompter, 2004), it
can be shown that the electromotive force can be found as:

Here the electromotive force is defined as the induced rms voltage between two phases.
The resulting motor model is shown below:

The voltage of the motor model is mostly denoted as the rms phase to phase
voltage. It is the rms voltage that can be measured between any pair of two terminals.
The phase to phase resistance and phase to phase inductance are defined
equivalent as the resistance and inductance that could be measured between any pair of
two terminals.
AC synchronous motors have no mechanical commutation, and therefore do not suffer
from the limits caused by mechanical commutation. C onsequently AC synchronous
motors can run at much higher speeds and are not limited by a maximum voltage. The
speed of AC synchronous motors is only limited by the bearings.

Just like brush DC motors the magnets impose an upper limit for the current and torque
in a AC synchronous motor.

Linear Motors
The working principle of linear motors is exactly the same as for rotary motors. Magnets
are place on a flat surface, as shown in the figure below. A carriage holding the coils can
run over the magnets.

When the carriage runs over the magnets an electromotive voltage will be induced:

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8. Toolboxes

with Kc(x) the force function of the coil. It is a function of the carriage position, shape
of the coil, magnetic field density, current distribution etc. The force function in a linear
motor is equivalent to the torque function of a rotary motor. When a current runs
through the coil a force results:

The principle for linear motor is the same as the principle of rotary motors. By a proper
design of the motor, i.e. geometry of the coil windings, magnets etc., the force function
Kc(x) can be given a particular shape. By proper manipulation of the current a positive
force can be created during the movement of the carriage. Because mechanical
commutation is not very useful for linear movements, linear motors use electronic
commutation. Like their rotary counterparts, linear motors can be driven by block shape
currents (Brushless DC Linear) and sinusoidal currents (AC Synchronous Linear).
The limits for linear motors are equal to the Brushless DC and AC synchronous motors
when torque is replaced by force and angular speed by linear speed.

Star and Delta Networks

Brushless DC motors and AC synchronous motors use three phase currents to connect
to three groups of coils. The connection can be made use a star network or a delta
network. C ompared to star networks, in a delta network less voltage and more current
is needed to produce the same amount of torque. For amplifiers the maximum current is
directly related to the costs. That is why delta networks are only used in special cases
where higher speeds than normal are required.

In 20-sim the electrical resistance and inductance are measured between the terminals
(e.g. between 1 and 2 or 2 and 3 or 3 an 1). This is known as the terminal resistance
and inductance or as the phase to phase resistance and inductance. There are
two reasons for using terminal values. Most motor suppliers give the terminal values in
their data sheet and by using terminal values the same dynamic model can be used for
star networks and delta networks.

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If the motor supplier gives coil values instead of terminal values, you have to calculate
them by hand. The relation between the terminal values and the coil values is:

Torque Speed Plot

General Model
The DC motor model can serve as a prototype model for all permanent magnet motors.

Although the models for DC Brushless and AC synchronous motors are slightly different,
the DC motor model is still very useful to explain their operation. In this chapter the DC
motor model will be used to derive the torque speed plot of a motor and show the use of
the torque speed plot for motor selection.

The working principle for all permanent magnet motors is the same: get a constant
torque by manipulation of the coil function and the current. The relation between the
torque and current is:

The constant KT is generally known as the torque constant. The relation between the
induced current and the rotational speed is:

The constant Ke is generally known as the voltage constant. For DC motors the torque
constant and voltage constant have the same value. Therefore the subscripts T and e
are usually omitted. The total voltage can be described as:

If we assume the current is changing only very slowly, the current derivative can be

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With the torque equation:

this leads to

The torque at zero speed (stall torque) is found as

which enables us to write the torque as:

where S is commonly know as the steepness. The steepness has many definitions:

The speed where the current is zero (no load speed) is equal to

The relation between stall torque and no load speed is obvious:

which leads to the general torque equation:

This equation can be displayed graphically and is commonly known as the torque speed
plot. The graph shows the generated torque as a function of the speed. For constant
voltages a straight line from the stall torque to the no load speed is found. The slope of
the line is equal to the steepness S.

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The torque speed plot is a useful representation of a motor because we can draw the
desired load torque in this plot and to see if the motor is able to produce this torque. In
the figure below the load curve is shown in red. It is a constant torque applied to a load,
which makes it accelerate until a certain velocity is reached and the torque gets zero.

The red dot indicates the point of maximum load power. This point is important because
it indicates the maximum power that the motor has to deliver.

To find out if a motor is sufficient, we have to plot the motor limits in the torque speed
plot. In the previous chapter we have described the following limits:

Limit Brush DC Brushl

torque / current V V
speed V V
power V X

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voltage V X

Maximum Voltage
For higher voltages, a higher stall torque and no load speed is found but the steepness
does not change.

Maximum Torque / Maximum Current

In many data sheets a maximum torque is given. This is directly connected with a
maximum current limit through the equation:

So both the maximum current and the maximum torque appear as horizontal lines in the
torque speed plot.

Maximum Velocity
The maximum velocity can be directly indicated in the torque speed plot as a vertical

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Maximum Power
The line of maximum power can be indicated as a parabola in the torque speed plot.

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Safe Operating Area

If the limits are plotted in the torque speed plot, an Area of Safe Operation is found. For
a proper motor, the torque speed curve of the load should be inside the Safe
Operating Area (SOA). The figures below show the safe operating areas for the
various motor types. Brush DC -motors (left figure) have a safe operating area that is
more limited than Brushless DC motors and AC synchronous motor (right figure).

In practice motor suppliers of Brushless DC motors and AC synchronous motors may

impose limits on the maximum voltage and power. This is mostly done to prevent
heating up the motor too quickly during continuous operation, or material limits. This
makes the Safe Operating Area of these motors look like that of a DC motor. C ompared
to DC motors, Brushless DC motors and AC synchronous motors will always allow higher
torques and speeds because of the absence of mechanical commutation.

Every motor will experience losses, which results in a temperature rise. The maximum
allowed temperature is limited by the magnets, the oil in the bearings and the
mechanical behaviour of the brushes. Analysis of the cause of losses is therefore
important for the correct choice of a motor.
Electric Dissipation
All motor coils have resistance and will therefore generate heat. The heat flow generated
is equal to:

which can also be written as:

with irms the root mean square current:

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8. Toolboxes

For constant DC currents the root mean square value is equal to the current itself. For
sinusoidal currents, the root mean square value is equal to the amplitude of the current
times the square root of 2.
Hysteresis losses
In all motors except from hollow rotor motors, the magnets move with respect to the
iron core of the motor. This results in a reversing magnetic field in the iron which leads
to hysteresis.

Each rotation produces an energy loss proportional to the area of the hysteresis curve
(B/H). The power loss due to hysteresis is proportional to the motor speed and can
therefore be represented as a friction torque. Due to this friction torque the motor can
produce less output torque. This friction torque can therefore be represented in the
torque speed plot as a drop down of all curves.

Eddy Current losses

A reversing magnetic field in iron also leads to an induce voltage. The resistance of the
iron determines the resulting currents in the iron. These currents are named eddy

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Eddy currents heat up the iron because of its resistance. If a massive iron return is used
large eddy currents will be induced with high power losses. Therefore in most motors
laminated is applied, which reduce eddy currents by decreasing the path length and thus
lead to smaller small power losses. The power loss due to eddy currents is proportional
to the square of the motor speed and can therefore be modeled as mechanical damping.
Damping will decrease the performance of the motor. It can be represented in the
torque speed plot as a falling down of curves that increases with the speed.

In a permanent magnet motors cogging torque manifests itself by the tendency of the
rotor to align in a number of stable positions when unexcited. The cogging torque can be
described as:

where q is the motor angle and p the number of poles. Although cogging does not
consume power and is not visible in the torque speed plot, under dynamic conditions it
may cause undesirable speed pulsation and also may induce vibrations and acoustic
Mechanical Losses
Mechanical losses in motors are caused by bearings, brushes and air friction. Only when
an air fan is mounted air friction becomes significant. The effects of brushes and
bearings can be represented by coulomb friction and damping.

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As a result of the heat flow, the motor will warm up leading to two major effects. First of
all the coil resistance will increase. Because all coils are made of copper, the
temperature dependency of the coil resistance can be written as:

where R25 is the coil resistance at room temperature (25 degrees centigrade) and Tcoil
the actual coil temperature in degrees centigrade. As a result of the increase of motor
temperature, the performance of the magnets will decrease. The result is a decrease of
the torque constant :

where K25 is the torque constant at room temperature (25 degrees centigrade),
Tmagnet the actual magnet temperature in degrees centigrade and ktc the temperature
dependency of the used magnet.

Magnets ktc
Ferrites -0.002
Nd2Fe 14B -0.0013

SmC o -0.0005
AlNiC o -0.0002

Because the steepness is directly dependent of the torque constant and motor resistance

an increase of temperature will lead to a decrease of the steepness. The results of a

temperature increase can therefore be shown in the torque speed plot indirectly through
the decrease of the maximum torque and steepness.

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Thermal Duty Cycle

Motor losses result in an increase of the temperature. During short term operation the
temperature increase will be limited. During long-term operation, the generated heat
and the amount of heat that can be removed via the air and motor mounting determine
the temperature increase.

In most motors, the largest portion of the generated heat is cause by electric dissipation.
The generated heat is therefore directly proportional to the current and thus the torque.
Imagine a motor in long-term operation generating a constant torque. A small torque will
lead to only a moderate increase of the motor temperature, but there will be a certain
torque where the generated heat leads to an increase of the maximum motor
temperature. This is called the maximum continuous torque or the 100% Thermal
Duty Cycle (TDC). The line of the maximum continuous torque can be shown in the
torque speed plot and is often denoted as T100. For lower speeds the T100 curve will be
straight because the heat generation mainly depends on depends on electric dissipation.
For higher speeds the T100 curve will decrease because eddy current losses start to
become significant.

If the motor is in continuous operation, but a constant torque is just delivered 50% of
the time, a higher torque is permissible. This torque is denoted as T50 and sometimes
called the 50% thermal duty cycle. In a similar way T25 and T10 are defined.

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8. Toolboxes

Nominal Operating Point

Many motor manufacturers give in their data sheets a nominal or continuous current at a
certain speed. This indicates an operating point on the T100 curve. The nominal or
continuous current is the current that continuously be continuously be supplied to the
motor at the given speed, which will result in a heating up of the coils to the maximum

The nominal operating point is always based on a certain ambient temperature. In the
20-sim Servo Motor Editor an ambient temperature of 25 ºC is used.

The choice of the speed for the nominal operation point is arbitrary. Some motor
suppliers use the speed that results in a maximum power output at the motor shaft.
Some motor suppliers use a speed that is half of the maximum allowed speed.

Maximum Power and Maximum Efficiency

The purpose of a motor is to deliver power to a load. Given a certain voltage u, the
delivered power is equal to the torque times the speed:

The maximum delivered power Pout,max for a given voltage can be found by
differentiating this function and setting it to zero. The result will be a specific torque and
speed. If this process is repeated for other voltages, a line of points where maximum
power is delivered will result.

The efficiency h of a motor is defined as the net output power divided by the input
power. For a given voltage, the maximum efficiency can be found just like the maximum
power and will lead to a certain torque and speed. By repeating this procedure for other
voltages, a line of points where maximum efficiency is obtained will result.

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The resulting lines of maximum power and maximum efficiency can be shown in the
torque speed plot. C hoosing a good motor is always a compromise between efficiency
and output power. A good choice is to choose a motor that has the major part of the
load curve inside the lines of maximum power and maximum efficiency. This area is
called the Desired Operating Area.

Choosing a Motor
If we combine the results of the previous sections, a torque speed plot results as shown
below. The arrows indicate the load curve with the circle as point of maximum load
power. The Safe Operating Area shows the limits of operation due to motor specific
parameters such as the maximum torque and speed.

The lines of maximum output power and maximum efficiency are the edges of the
Desired Operating Area.The procedure for choosing a proper motor is:

1.Determine the load curve and the point of maximum load power.

2.Determine the duty cycle d (the percentage of the time that torque is required) and
estimate the corresponding Td line with help of the shown T100, T50 , T25 and T10

3.Select a motor such that the following demands are satisfied:

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8. Toolboxes

The load curve is completely beneath the Td line (no overheating).

The complete load curve is in the Save Operating Area.
The point of maximum load power is in the Desired Operating Area.
The point of maximum load power is as close to maximum voltage line as possible
(we want to choose the smallest motor that can do the job).
The load curve is as much in the Desired Operating Area as possible.

Thermal Behaviour

DC Motors
Every motor generates heat, even when at zero speed, and this will lead to an increase
of the motor temperature. Especially when running in continuous operation, there is a
good change that a motor, which is perfectly capable of generating the needed output
power, will heat up beyond its thermal limit and break down.

As explained in the previous section the thermal limit is indicated in the torque speed
curve by the maximum continuous torque line. To generate such a line, a thermal model
is used. This thermal model is also part of the dynamic model that is used in 20-sim.
This section describes the thermal model of permanent magnets motors.

In standard brush DC motors the coils are part of the rotor. To create a thermal model,
various components will be identified first.
Heat Generation
Heat is generated in the motor at every place where energy is lost: coils, bearings, iron
etc. Because the main source of energy loss is in the coils due to the coil resistance, we
start at the coils. The coils act as a heat source and generate a heat flow equal to:

Thermal Capacity
The rotor package, consisting of the coils and possibly iron and other material, will heat
up due to the generated heat. The temperature increase depends on the generated heat
dQ, the heat capacity of the rotor Ccoil and the transfer of heat to the stationary housing
of the motor dQcoil-housing:

Thermal Resistance
The heat flow from the coils to the housing dQcoil-housing depends on the temperature
difference between the rotor and the housing and the thermal resistance Rcoil-housing :

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Thermal Capacity
Like the rotor, the housing will also heat up. The temperature increase depends on the
heat coming from the rotor dQrotor-stator, the heat capacity of the housing C housing
and the transfer of heat to the environment dQhousing-amb:

Thermal Resistance
The heat flow from the stator to the environment stator dQhousing-amb depends on the
temperature difference between the housing and the environment and the thermal
resistance Rhousing-amb:

The thermal resistance Rhousing-amb depends on the motor mounting and external
cooling. In most data sheets, a value for the thermal resistance can be found based on
standard motor mounting.
The environment is supposed to have a fixed temperature Tamb.

Other Motors
The same components as found for the DC brush motor can be found for other motor
types. We only have to realize that for Brushless DC motors and AC Synchronous
motors the coils are mounted on the housing. This means the thermal resistance Rcoil-
housing is relatively small and excess heat can be transferred relatively easy. Therefore
these motors are very robust for overheating.

In AC synchronous linear motors, the coils are mounted are part of a platform, on which
the load can be attached. To get the same thermal model we consider the platform to be
the housing. Depending on the type of motor the housing can have a medium thermal
capacity (iron core motors) or a very small thermal capacity (ironless motors). Because
the all excess heat has to be removed through the air, linear motors will heat up easily.
That is why sometimes forced cooling (water) is applied.

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8. Toolboxes

Thermal Model
If we combine all components we get the complete thermal model. It can be represented
as shown in the figure below.

The values for thermal capacities and resistances can be found in most data sheets.
These values are, however based on general conditions. The value of the thermal
resistance Rhousing-amb can vary considerably, based on the specific mounting of the
motor and use of passive or active cooling. Most motor suppliers will indicate the how
the thermal parameters were derived and how the motor should be mounted to meet the
general conditions.

8.6 Real-Time Toolbox

8.6.1 Introduction

Real Time Toolbox

The Real Time toolbox of 20-sim allows you to create C -code out of any 20-sim model
for the use in real-time applications:

1. C reate ANSI-C code for use in a real-time environment.

2. C reate Matlab / Simulink S-functions for the use in the Matlab Real-Time Workshop.

The generation of Matlab / Simulink code is can be performed using the Export
command of the Editor File menu. You can also use the C -code generation command of
the Simulator Tools menu.

The generation of C -code can be done with the C -code generation command of the
Simulator Tools menu.

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8. Toolboxes

8.6.2 C-Code Generation

C-Code Generation

20-sim has a C -C ode Generator which automatically converts a complete 20-sim model
or submodel into C -C ode. The application can be used to generate Matlab™/Simulink™
S-Functions, to generate Stand-Alone executables or to generate input/output functions
for use in other C and C ++ programs. The ANSI C -C ode Generator can be opened from
the Simulator (Tools menu, C-Code Generation command).

Depending on the target selected, 20-sim will generate specific C -code.

You can add more targets by adding paths in the General Properties.
By default, the following targets are supported:

1. 20-sim Dynamic DLL: Generate C -code of a 20-sim submodel and compile the
code into a DLL-call for use inside 20-sim.

2. 20-sim submodel for Arduino/AVR: Generate C -code for the use on a Arduino/
AVR. Note: not all functions (e.g. matrix) are supported!

3. C-Code for 20-sim submodel: Generate C -code of a 20-sim submodel.

4. C++ class for 20-sim submodel: Generate object oriented C -code of a 20-sim

5. Simulink S-function: Generate C -code of a 20-sim submodel in the Simulink

format and compile it into an S-function. Note: this option requires the Matlab mex-

6. Stand-alone C-code: Generate C -code of a 20-sim main model including

integration method.

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8. Toolboxes

7. FMU 1.0 export for 20-sim submodel: Export a 20-sim submodel using the FMI
1.0 standard.

8. FMU 2.0 export for 20-sim submodel: Export a 20-sim submodel using the FMI
2.0 standard.

Generating ANSI C-Code

The modeling and simulation package 20-sim is capable of generating ANSI C -C ode for
several targets. Possible targets are Stand-Alone C , a C -Function, or a Simulink S-
Function. Since 20-sim generates well-documented ANSI C -C ode, it is easy for a user to
make modifications or extensions to the generated code by hand. However it is also
possible to fully define your own code target using C -C ode templates, and to make
modifications in these templates, so the resulting source code is tailor made for your
General Structure
The code generation process of 20-sim typically has the following structure:

Step 1

1. The process starts with a model and simulation in 20-sim.

2. In the 20-sim Simulator, the user selects the C-Code Generation command from
the Tools menu.

3. 20-sim collects information about the current model.

4. A target configuration file is read that specifies the different code generation targets
that exist.

5. The C-code generation dialog is opened, allowing the user to specify the target
to use.

Step 2

1. The selected target refers to specific template files (source files) in a target specific

2. 20-sim adapts these template files with the model information and generated code
for the model.

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8. Toolboxes

Step 3

1. The resulting files are placed in a destination directory.

2. These files are now specific for the target and the model.

3. If desired, 20-sim can call additional commands for further processing (f.i. make,
run etc).
Code Generation Dialog
After 20-sim reads the target configuration file, the code generation dialog is shown with
the information of this file:

The target list shows the names of the available targets. When a selection is made, the
description of the selected target is given at the right. A submodel can be selected when
the target requires this. The output directory can be overruled.
The user can create own targets. All targets are defined in the target definition file
Targets.ini. This file has a typical INI-file structure and starts with a section that
simply enumerates which targets exist. Each target then has its own section that holds
the remaining information, like a short description of the target, the name of the
template directory, the names of the template source files, additional commands to
perform, etc. The following keywords may appear in a target section:

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8. Toolboxes

Each target can point to a set of template files that are used to create C -C ode with. Own
template files can be created by the user, with the help of the most powerful feature of
20-sim C -C ode generation: the use of tokens! A token is a placeholder for model-
dependent information. For instance in the C -C ode Generation Dialog, the target
destination directory contains the name of the selected submodel (e.g. c:\ temp\%
SUBMODEL_NAME%) by default. Since this information is not yet known when the
targets.ini file is created, a specific token that refers to this name is used instead. A
complete description of predefined tokens is described in the section about Available 20-
sim Tokens.
Generation Result
After the tokens in the target template files are replaced, the resulting target and model
specific files will be placed in the destination directory. If commands are specified in the
Targets.ini file, these commands are performed. This allows the user to call scripts
automatically. E.g. for automatic compilation, linking and running of the code in a certain
target environment.

Target.Ini File

The user can create own targets. All targets are defined in the target definition file
Targets.ini. This file has a typical INI-file structure and starts with a section that
simply enumerates which targets exist. Each target then has its own section that holds
the remaining information, like a short description of the target, the name of the
template directory, the names of the template source files, additional commands to
perform, etc. The following keywords may appear in a target section:

The name that will appear in the 20-sim C -C ode Generation Dialog.

The name of an icon file (.ico) that contains an icon to appear in the 20-sim C -C ode
Generation Dialog.

The string that will appear in the description field in the 20-sim C -C ode Generation

Here the path name where the template files for the c-code can be found can be
specified. The default name is the target name in the C C ode directory of 20-sim. If no
full path is specified, the C code directory in 20-sim is taken as a starting point.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 468

8. Toolboxes

=filename1; filename2; filename3...
A list of files, semicolon-separated, that specify the files that are generated in the

This holds the default target directory where the files will be generated. This directory
name will appear in the 20-sim dialog box when C -C ode is generated and can be
overruled by the user.

=TRUE (default)
Determines whether C -C ode is generated for the complete 20-sim model, or that a
submodel selection is required.

A command which will be executed in the target directory before that the C -C ode will be

A command which will be executed in the target directory after that the C -C ode has
been generated. For example a "make" command can be given to automatically compile
the generated code for the specific target.


=0 C RLF (0x0d0a = DOS Standard)

=1 C R (0x0d = Macintosh Standard)
=2 LF (0x0a = Unix Standard)
Enter a number for the kind of newline character that should be used.

This (re)defines the keyword "KEYWORD" and gives it the contents "value". Own
keywords can be defined in this manner as well.
will redefine the time variable with the value "someTime"

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 469

8. Toolboxes

A valid Targets.ini file (defining three targets) may look like below. The file may also
contain specific 20-sim tokens (%MODEL_NAME%) that are described later on.

; Possible targets for 20-sim C -C ode Generation

C Function

; Generate Stand-Alone C -C ode for the complete 20-sim model

[StandAloneC ]
targetName="Stand-Alone C -C ode"
description="Use this target when testing the complete 20-sim model as a single
templateDirectory="StandAloneC "

; Generate C -C ode for a selected Submodel

[C Function]
targetName="C -C ode for 20-sim submodel"
description="This is the C -C ode as it was generated for a submodel in 20-sim version
templateDirectory="C Function"

; Generate C -C ode for a dynamic DLL-call to be used in 20-sim

targetName="20sim Dynamic Dll"
description="Generate C -C ode for a dynamic DLL-call to be used in 20-sim"

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8. Toolboxes


; Generate C -C ode for a Simulatink S-Function

targetName="Simulink S-Function"
description="This generates C -C ode for a submodel to be used in Matlab/Simulink"
postC ommand=mex %SUBMODEL_NAME%.c

Available 20-sim Tokens

Both the target configuration file and the code generation dialog revealed the most
important part of the 20-sim code generation process, the use of tokens!

A token is a placeholder for model-dependent information. For instance in the code

generation dialog, the target destination directory contains the name of the selected
submodel by default. Since this information is not yet known when the targets.ini file
is created, a specific token that refers to this name is used instead.

The idea is to create targets from template source files that contain tokens instead of
actual model-dependent information (like equations, names, parameters, inputs etc).
The files that are specified in a target section will be scanned for these tokens and
tokens will be replaced by the corresponding model-dependent information.
Predefined variable names
The following variables should be declared in the C -C ode template, because 20-sim uses
these names in the generation of the equations:

c: constant array
P: parameters array
V: variables array
s: states array
R: rates array
M: matrix array
U: unnamed variables array
F: favorite variables array
f: favorite parameters array

Note that these parameters are case-sensitive!

Model Data
The following tokens will be replaced by numbers indicating the number of model
parameters etc., typically used in memory allocation parts and loops.

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8. Toolboxes

% The number of constants in the model

NUMBER_CONSTANTS The number of parameters in the model
% The number of variables in the model
% The number of states in the model
NUMBER_PARAMETERS The number of inputs of the model
% The number of outputs of the model
%NUMBER_VARIABLES The number of matrices used in the model
% The number of unnamed variables in the model
%NUMBER_STATES% The number of favorite parameters in the model
%NUMBER_INPUTS% The number of favorite variables in the model
%NUMBER_OUTPUTS% The size of the largest workarray necessary in calculating
%NUMBER_MATRICES some matrix functions

The following tokens are already reserved for future use:

%NUMBER_DEPSTATES The number of dependent states in the model

% The number of algebraic loop variables pairs in the model
%NUMBER_ALGLOOPS The number of constraint variable pairs in the model
% The number of import variables in the model
% The number of export variables in the model
Variable name arrays
If you want to use parameters etc. that are specific to a model you can use arrays of
names using the following tokens:

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8. Toolboxes

%CONSTANT_NAMES% All the constants used in the model.

%PARAMETER_NAMES All the parameters used in the model.
% All the variables used in the model.
%VARIABLE_NAMES% All the states used in the model.
%STATE_NAMES% All the rates used in the model.
%RATE_NAMES% All the dependent states used in the model.
%DEPSTATE_NAMES% All the dependent rates used in the model.
%DEPRATE_NAMES% All the algebraic loop variables used in the model.
%ALGLOOP_NAMES% All the constraint variables used in the model.
%CONSTRAINT_NAMES All the inputs used in the model.
% All the outputs used in the model.
%INPUT_NAMES% All the matrices used in the model.
%OUTPUT_NAMES% All the favorite parameters used in the model.
%MATRIX_NAMES% All the favorite variables used in the model.
Initialization code
An important part of a model are the parameters, initial values states etc. To match
these with the generated model code and use the correct values the following tokens can
be used:


The following tokens can be used to place 20-sim simulation model equations into the C -
C ode:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 473

8. Toolboxes

%INITIAL_EQUATIONS Equations that should be calculated once for initialization of

% the model
%STATIC_EQUATIONS Equations that should be calculated once
%INPUT_EQUATIONS Equations that should be calculated once at the beginning of
% every simulation step
% Equations that calculates the dynamic part of the model,
DYNAMIC_EQUATIONS calculates the rates
%OUTPUT_EQUATIONS Equations that should be calculated once at the end of every
% simulation step
% Reduced set of equations that should be calculated at the end
OUTPUT2_EQUATIONS of every simulation step
%FINAL_EQUATIONS Equations that should be calculated once for termination of the
% model

To match model inputs and model outputs to for example sensor signals and actuator
signals you can use:


Additional tokens

% A string representing the name of the selected integration

INTEGRATION_METHO method, for now only Euler, RungeKutta4 and Discrete are
D_NAME% available.
%XX_TIME% The name of the simulation time variable (combined with %
The name of the variable that indicates the initialization
phase(combined with %VARPREFIX%).
%START_TIME% Start time of the simulation (floating point notation).
%FINISH_TIME% Finish time of the simulation (floating point notation).
%TIME_STEP_SIZE% Step size of the simulation (floating point notation).
Either TRUE or FALSE, depending if the model is discrete in
time or continuous in time.

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8. Toolboxes


Experiment Tokens
Tokens which hold information about the model, experiment, user and system:

%FILE_NAME% The file name of the generated C -C ode.

%MODEL_FILE% The complete path and file name of the original 20-sim model.
%MODEL_NAME% The name of the 20-sim model out of which C -C ode was
%SUBMODEL_NAME% generated.
%EXPERIMENT_NAME The name of the 20-sim submodel out of which C -C ode was
% generated.
%GENERATION_TIME The experiment name accompanying the 20-sim (sub)model.
% The time of C -C ode generation.
%GENERATION_DATE The date of C -C ode generation.
% The 20-sim version and build number.
%GENERATION_BUILD The directory where the generated C -C ode files are stored.
% The user name given in the 20-sim license.
%GENERATION_DIR% The company name given in the 20-sim license.
%USER_NAME% The directory where 20-sim is installed.

8.7 Time Domain Toolbox

8.7.1 Time Domain Toolbox

The Time Domain Toolbox contains powerful tools to inspect the behaviour of your
model using time domain simulation.
Parameter sweep: Perform a number of simulation runs, while changing model
Optimization: Optimize a given result by changing parameters.
Curve Fitting: Fit your model to a given result by changing parameters.
Tolerance Analysis
Sensitivity: C hange parameters by a given percentage and monitor results.
Monte Carlo: C hange parameters statistically and monitor results.

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8. Toolboxes

Variation Analysis: Find the statistical range of parameters to yield a given result.
External DLL: Let the multiple run be controlled by a user-defined function in a DLL.

1. From the Toolbox menu select the Time Domain Toolbox and then the tool that
you want to use.

2. This will open the Multiple Run Wizard. Follow the instructions and after all settings
have been entered, close the wizard.

3. Select the Multiple Run command from the Simulation menu to perform the
specified analysis.

4. After simulation is completed a special window will open to showing the results. If it
is not available, you can always open this window, by selecting the Multiple Run
Results command of the View Menu.
Multiple Run Wizard
All tools of the Time Domain Toolbox are started use the Multiple Run Wizard. You can
open this Wizard directly by selecting the Multiple Run command from the Properties

8.7.2 Parameter Sweep

Using the Parameter Sweep option of the Time Domain Toolbox, you can perform a
predefined number of simulation runs with variation of parameters / initial values.
Parameters / Initial Values

1. From the Tools menu select the Time Domain Toolbox and then Parameter

A window will open, asking you which parameters / initial values should be changed
during the multiple simulations:

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8. Toolboxes

2. Add the parameters / initial values of your choice:

3. C lick the Next button.

A window opens asking you which result (optional) should be shown after the

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8. Toolboxes

4. If you do not want to use a result after simulation, enter nothing here. If you like to
present a result after the simulation, enter it here using the various options of the

5. C lick the Next button.

Run options
A window will open, asking some simulation run options:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Steps: Number of simulations runs.
Copy from States: Use the result of the previous simulation runs as the starting value
numerical output of the parameter sweep.
Join Parameter Variation: C hange all parameters simultaneously.
Clear After Every Run: C lear the simulation plot when a new simulation run starts.
Redraw After Every Run: Update the scaling after every run.

6. Select the desired run options and click the Next button.

A window will open with a summary of the chosen options. If your are not satisfied you
can use the Back button to go to a previous window and change settings.

7. C lick the Finish button to close the Multiple Run Wizard.

8. From the Simulation menu click the Multiple Run command to perform the
Parameter Sweep.
Parameter Sweep Results
After simulation has been done, a Multiple Run Results window will open, showing the
minimum and maximum value of the result and chosen parameters:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Values: C hoose this button to open the list that shows the numerical output of the
parameter sweep.
Matlab: Export the results to Matlab.
OK: C lose the Multiple Run Results Window.

You can always re-open the Multiple Run Results window, by selecting the Multiple Run
Results command of the View Menu.

9. By choosing the Values button, a new window is opened, showing the numerical
results of the parameter sweep.

In the Results list of this window the subsequent runs are shown and (if available) the
value of the chosen result:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Set Values: C hoose the values of the selected run, as new parameter values of your
Create Datafile: Use this button to store the values of the selected variables on file.
Use the control-key and shift-key to make multiple selections.

8.7.3 Optimization
Using the Optimization option of the Time Domain Toolbox, you can optimize a given
result using variation of parameters / initial values.
Optimization Method

1. From the Tools menu select the Time Domain Toolbox and then Optimization.

A window opens asking you which optimization method should used:

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8. Toolboxes

2. Select the Optimization method that should be used.

3. Select the Tolerance (accuracy of the found optimum) that should be used and click
Parameters / Initial Values
A window opens asking you which parameters / initial values should be varied during

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8. Toolboxes

4. Add the parameters / initial values of your choice:

5. C lick the Next button.

A window opens asking you which result should optimized:

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8. Toolboxes

6. Enter the result here using the various options of the window.

7. C lick the Next button.

Run options
A window opens asking some simulation run options:

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8. Toolboxes

8. Select the desired run options and click the Next button.

A window opens with a summary of the chosen options. If your are not satisfied you can
use the Back button to go to a previous window and change settings.

9. C lick the Finish button to close the Multiple Run Wizard.

10. From the Simulation menu click the Multiple Run command to perform the
Optimization Results
After simulation has been done, an Optimization Results window will open, showing the
optimum value of the result and corresponding parameters:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Values: C hoose this button to open the list that shows the numerical output of the
optimization runs.
Matlab: Export the results to Matlab.
OK: C lose the Optimization Results Window.

You can always re-open the Multiple Run Results window, by selecting the Multiple Run
Results command of the View Menu.

11. By choosing the Values button, a new window is opened, showing the numerical
results of the parameter sweep.

In the Results list of this window the subsequent runs are shown and (if available) the
value of the chosen result:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Set Values: C hoose the values of the selected run, as new parameter values of your
Create Datafile: Use this button to store the values of the selected variables on file.
Use the control-key and shift-key to make multiple selections.

8.7.4 Optimization Methods

In the Multiple Run Wizard you have to specify a result which will be optimized. The
result is a function of model variables and the simulation run:

result = f(i,v1,v2,...)

with i the number of the simulation run. You also have to specify the parameters that
should be varied to find the optimum result. We can group these parameters in a
parameter vector:

parameter vector = p(i)

with again i the number of the simulation run. All methods in 20-sim for finding an
optimum of the result use the same iterative process:

1. The initial parameter vector is determined, e.g. p(1) and the corresponding function
value f(1).

2. A search direction r(1) and a stepsize s(1) are determined.

3. Perform a new simulation run to find the parameter vector p(2) = p(1) + s(1)*r(1).

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8. Toolboxes

4. C alculate f(2).

5. When the f(2) is smaller than f(1) and the difference between the two is smaller than
a given tolerance, stop the process. The optimum has been found.

6. When the f(2) is smaller than f(1) and the difference between the two is larger than
a given tolerance, proceed the process at step 2

7. Otherwise a new stepsize and/or a new search direction are determined and the
process is proceeded at step 3.

The choice of the stepsize is of importance for the speed an accuracy of the search
process. A small stepsize will make the optimization process last very long. A large
stepsize will make it less accurate. Most methods will therefore use a variable stepsize.

Of equal importance is the proper choice of the search direction. Methods for finding the
search direction, can be divided in two groups: direct search methods and gradient
search methods. The gradient of a function, is its slope at a certain point. Gradient
search methods use this slope to find the optimal direction of search.
The optimization methods that are supported in 20-sim will now be explained. The
pictures at the right visualize the methods with two varying parameters x (horizontal)
and y (horizontal) and the corresponding result (vertical).

1. Perpendicular Search
(direct search)
The perpendicular search method
uses a search direction that is
always perpendicular to the
parameter axis. This means that
only one parameter at a time is
varied. All other parameters keep
the same value. After one step, a
next parameter is taken and the
process continues.

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8. Toolboxes

2. Line Climber (direct search)

The line climber method uses a
search direction that is always
perpendicular to the parameter
axis. This means that only one
parameter at a time is varied. All
other parameters keep the same
value. After a minimum has been
found the next parameter is varied
and the process continues.

3. Steepest Descent (gradient

The steepest descent method starts
its search in the direction of the
steepest slope. This direction is
kept for each new step until a
minimum has been found. Then a
new search direction is determined
and the process continues.

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8. Toolboxes

4. Continuous Descent
(gradient search)
The continuous descent method
starts its search in the direction of
the steepest slope. After each new
step a new search direction is
determined and the process

5. Newton Raphson
(gradient search)
The Newton Raphson method
not only uses the gradient of a
function, but also the second
order gradient to determine the
search direction. This direction
is kept for each new step until a
minimum has been found. Then
a new search direction is
determined and the process
continues. Note: The method
only converges for a positive
second order gradient, i.e. near
the minimum. This is shown in
the figure to the right. For x = -
0.7 and y = -0.9 the method
does not converge. For x = -0.5
and y = -0.3 the method does

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8. Toolboxes

6. Polack Ribiere (gradient

The Polack Ribiere method not only
uses the gradient of a function, but
also the second order gradient to
determine the search direction.
The second order gradient is
estimated based on previous
search directions. The search
direction is kept for each new step
until a minimum has been found.
Then a new search direction is
determined and the process

7. Davidson Fletcher Powel

(gradient search)
The Davidson Fletcher Powel
method not only uses the gradient
of a function, but also the second
order gradient to determine the
search direction. The second order
gradient is estimated based on
previous search directions. The
search direction is kept for each
new step until a minimum has been
found. Then a new search direction
is determined and the process

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8. Toolboxes

8. Broydon Fletcher Goldfarb

Shanno (gradient search)
The Broydon Fletcher Goldfarb
Shanno method not only uses the
gradient of a function, but also the
second order gradient to determine
the search direction. The second
order gradient is estimated based
on previous search directions. The
search direction is kept for each
new step until a minimum has been
found. Then a new search direction
is determined and the process

What method should be used?

There is no general answer to this question. Some remarks can however be made:

1. Gradient search methods (3 to 8), need more steps (note that each step means a
simulation run) to determine the gradient. The Newton Raphson methods needs the
most steps, because this method also needs additional steps for the determination of
the second order gradient.

2. When the direction of the slope is not exactly the same as the search direction,
direct search methods (1 and 2) may start to bounce, i.e. continuously change
direction while making little progress. this is shown in the figure below:

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8. Toolboxes

Users are therefore advised to use methods 1 and 2 only for optimizations with one
parameter, and use the methods 7 and 8 for optimizations with more parameters. Use
the other methods for checking the results or educational purposes.

More information on these methods can be found in:

Bazaraa, M.S., Sherali, H.D., Shetty C .M. (1990), Nonlinear Programming, Theory and
Algorithms, John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, ISBN 0-471-59973-5.

8.7.5 Curve Fitting

Using the Parameter Sweep option of the Time Domain Toolbox, you can fit your model
to a given result using variation of parameters / initial values.
Optimization Method

1. From the Tools menu select the Time Domain Toolbox and then Curve Fittting.

A window opens asking you which optimization method should used for curve fitting:

2. Select the Optimization method that should be used.

3. Select the Tolerance (accuracy of the found fit) that should be used and click Next.
Parameters / Initial Values
A window opens asking you which parameters / initial values should be varied during
curve fitting:

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8. Toolboxes

4. Add the parameters / initial values of your choice:

5. C lick the Next button.

A window opens asking you which result should minimized to fit your model (variable 1)
to a given result (variable 2):

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8. Toolboxes

6. Enter the result here using the various options of the window.

7. C lick the Next button.

Run options
A window opens asking some simulation run options:

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8. Toolboxes

8. Select the desired run options and click the Next button.

A window opens with a summary of the chosen options. If your are not satisfied you can
use the Back button to go to a previous window and change settings.

9. C lick the Finish button to close the Multiple Run Wizard.

10. From the Simulation menu click the Multiple Run command to perform the C urve
Optimization Results
After simulation has been done, the Optimization Results window will open, showing the
minimum value of the result and corresponding parameters:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Values: C hoose this button to open the list that shows the numerical output of the
curve fitting runs.
Matlab: Export the results to Matlab.
OK: C lose the Optimization Results Window.

You can always re-open the Multiple Run Results window, by selecting the Multiple
Run Results command of the View Menu.

11. By choosing the Values button, a new window is opened, showing the numerical
results of the parameter sweep.

In the Results list of this window the subsequent runs are shown and the value of the
chosen result:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Set Values: C hoose the values of the selected run, as new parameter values of your
Create Datafile: Use this button to store the values of the selected variables on file.
Use the control-key and shift-key to make multiple selections.

8.7.6 Sensitivity Analysis

Using the Tolerance Analysis option of the Multiple Run Wizard, you can analyze the
effects of variation of parameters / initial values on the performance of your model.
Three methods of Tolerance analysis are supported in the Multiple Run Wizard. One of
these methods is Sensitivity analysis.

Sensitivity analysis starts with a simulation run with nominal parameter values. After the
run a given result is monitored (r). Then, one by one, each parameter (pi) is changed
with a given percentage (to pi + dpi) and a simulation run is performed. After the
simulation run the changed result is monitored (r + dri). After all the runs, the results
are displayed as sensitivities, where sensitivity is defined as the change in result divided
by the change in parameter:

Si = dri / dpi

A large sensitivity means that the result is highly dependant of the parameter value. This
can be used for optimization (change the parameter value) or design (change the design
to make it less dependant of the parameter).

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8. Toolboxes

Parameters / Initial Values

1. From the Tools menu select the Time Domain Toolbox and then Sensitivity

A window opens asking you which parameters / initial values should be changed for the
Sensitivity analysis:

3. Add the parameters / initial values of your choice:

4. C lick the Next button.

A window opens asking you which result should be monitored for the sensitivity:

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8. Toolboxes

5. Enter the result here using the various options of the window.

6. C lick the Next button.

Run options
A window opens asking some simulation run options:

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8. Toolboxes

7. Select the desired run options and click the Next button.

A window opens with a summary of the chosen options. If your are not satisfied you can
use the Back button to go to a previous window and change settings.

8. C lick the Finish button to close the Multiple Run Wizard.

9. From the Simulation menu click the Multiple Run command to perform the
Sensitivity Analysis.
Sensitivity Analysis Results
After simulation has been done, a Sensitivity Analysis Results window will open, showing
the sensitivities:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Multiple Run Values: C hoose this button to open the list that shows the output of the
various runs performed during the sensitivity analysis.
Close: C lose the Sensitivity Analysis Results Window.

You can always re-open the Multiple Run Results window, by selecting the Multiple Run
Results command of the View Menu.

10. By choosing the Multiple Run Values button, a new window is opened, showing
output of the various runs performed during the sensitivity analysis:

In the Results list of this window the subsequent runs are shown and the corresponding

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Set Values: C hoose the values of the selected run, as new parameter values of your
Create Datafile: Use this button to store the values of the selected variables on file.
Use the control-key and shift-key to make multiple selections.

8.7.7 Monte Carlo Analysis

Using the Tolerance Analysis option of the Multiple Run Wizard, you can analyze the
effects of variation of parameters / initial values on the performance of your model.
Three methods of Tolerance analysis are supported in the Multiple Run Wizard. One of
these methods is Monte C arlo Analysis. Using Monte C arlo analysis, you can perform a
predefined number of simulation runs with variation of parameter values according to a
predefined distribution function.
Parameters / Initial Values

1. From the Tools menu select the Time Domain Toolbox and then Monte Carlo

A window opens asking you which parameters / initial values should be varied for the
Monte C arlo analysis:

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8. Toolboxes

2. Add the parameters / initial values of your choice:

3. C lick the Next button.

A window opens asking you which result should be monitored during the Monte C arlo

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8. Toolboxes

4. Enter the result here using the various options of the window.

5. C lick the Next button.

Run options
A window opens asking some simulation run options:

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8. Toolboxes

6. Select the desired run options and click the Next button.

A window opens with a summary of the chosen options. If your are not satisfied you can
use the Back button to go to a previous window and change settings.

7. C lick the Finish button to close the Multiple Run Wizard.

8. From the Simulation menu click the Multiple Run command to perform the Monte
C arlo Analysis.
Monte Carlo Analysis Results
After simulation has been done, a Monte C arlo Analysis Results window will open,
showing the results:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Values: C hoose this button to open the list that shows the output of the various runs
performed during the Monte C arlo analysis.
Histogram: C hoose this button to open a histogram of the selected item.
Matlab: Export the results to Matlab.
OK: C lose the Multiple Run Results Window.

You can always re-open the Multiple Run Results window, by selecting the Multiple
Run Results command of the View Menu.

9. By choosing the Multiple Run Values button, a new window is opened, showing
output of the various runs performed during the Monte C arlo analysis.

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Set Values: C hoose the values of the selected run, as new parameter values of your
Create Datafile: Use this button to store the values of the selected variables on file.
Use the control-key and shift-key to make multiple selections.

By choosing the Histogram button, a new window is opened, showing distribution of the
result variable:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 508

8. Toolboxes

8.7.8 Variation Analysis

Using the Tolerance Analysis option of the Multiple Run Wizard, you can analyze the
effects of variation of parameters / initial values on the performance of your model.
Three methods of Tolerance analysis are supported in the Multiple Run Wizard. One of
these methods is Variation Analysis.

Using Variation analysis, you can perform a predefined number of simulation runs with
variation of parameter values according to a predefined distribution function. During the
runs a given result is monitored. After the runs the statistical range of the result is
presented. You can restrict the parameter distributions to get the result between desired
Parameters / Initial Values

1. From the Tools menu select the Time Domain Toolbox and then Variation

A window opens asking you which parameters / initial values should be varied for the
Variation analysis:

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8. Toolboxes

2. Add the parameters / initial values of your choice:

3. C lick the Next button.

A window opens asking you which result should be monitored during the Variation

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8. Toolboxes

4. Enter the result here using the various options of the window.

5. C lick the Next button.

Run options
A window opens asking some simulation run options:

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8. Toolboxes

6. Select the desired run options and click the Next button.

A window opens with a summary of the chosen options. If your are not satisfied you can
use the Back button to go to a previous window and change settings.

7. C lick the Finish button to close the Multiple Run Wizard.

8. From the Simulation menu click the Multiple Run command to perform the
Variation Analysis.
Variation Analysis Results
After simulation has been done, a Variation Analysis Results window will open, showing
the results. A histogram shows the distribution of the result. Using the slider bar you can
see how restraining the distribution of the parameters effects the distribution of the

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Slider Bar: Select a parameter and restrict its distribution with the slider bar. You will
see the histogram showing the result change.
Multiple Run Values: C hoose this button to open the list that shows the output of the
various runs performed during the Variation Analysis.
OK: C lose the Multiple Run Results Window.

You can always re-open the Multiple Run Results window, by selecting the Multiple Run
Results command of the View Menu.

9. By choosing the Multiple Run Values button, a new window is opened, showing
output of the various runs performed during the Variation analysis:

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8. Toolboxes

You can select the following items:

Set Values: C hoose the values of the selected run, as new parameter values of your
Create Datafile: Use this button to store the values of the selected variables on file.
Use the control-key and shift-key to make multiple selections.

8.7.9 Multiple Run Wizard - External DLL

You can analyze the effects of variation of parameters / initial values using your own
method with the use of an external DLL-function.
Ask C ontrollab Products for details.

Deprecation warning
20-sim provides a Scripting toolbox since 20-sim 4.4 that allows you to write your own
automation scripts around a 20-sim model.
It is strongly advised to implement new customized multiple run experiments is by
means of a script in either Octave/Matlab or Python.
The multiple run external DLL feature will be removed in a future version of 20-sim.

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8. Toolboxes

8.7.10 Cost Function

In the Multiple Run Wizard, the Result window allows you to define a result (the Cost
Function) that will be used during simulations (Optimization, C urve Fitting) and displayed
after the simulations runs (Parameter sweep, Optimization, C urve Fitting, Sensitivity,
Monte C arlo, Variation Analysis, External DLL).

The result can be a function of one or two variables. Instead of the second variable an
(offset) value can be entered.
Choose Variable: Select this button to select a model variable
Clear: Use this button the remove a chosen model variable.
End value: The value at the end of the simulation run.
Sum Absolute Value: The sum of all absolute values during a simulation run.
Sum Square Value: The sum of all values squared during a simulation run.
Integral Absolute Value: The integral of all absolute values during a simulation run
(uses Euler integration).
Integral Square Value: The integral of all values squared during a simulation run
(uses Euler integration).
User Defined Cost Function
You can easily use your own Cost Function for the result variable:

1. C reate your own cost function in the model.

2. Use the Choose button to select as var1 the output of your function.

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8. Toolboxes

3. Set var2 to a zero value.

4. C hoose End Value to prevent further operations on your function.

8.8 Scripting Toolbox

8.8.1 Introduction
20-sim scripting allows you to run tasks in 20-sim automatically using specialized
scripting functions. With these functions you can open models, run simulations, change
parameters, store results and much more. Scripting support was introduced in 20-sim

20-sim session automated by a script in Octave, Matlab or Python.

These scripting functions are not very useful stand-alone, but you can use them to write
scripts to automate various tasks in 20-sim.
20-sim provides a set of script functions for numerical computation environments like
Octave and Matlab and for the Python programming language (since 20-sim 4.6).
The 20-sim scripting functions are based on XML-RPC calls, so any other programming
language with support for XML-RPC can be used to automate various 20-sim steps.

In this chapter you will learn how to run basic scripts and make scripts on your own.

The next sections explain:

Installation for scripting:

o 20-sim: enabling the XML-RPC scripting interface in 20-sim
o Octave: installing Octave as scripting environment
o Matlab: installing Matlab as scripting environment
o Python: installing Python as scripting environment
Prepare Scripting Folder: extract the 20-sim scripting functions and
documentation to your work directory.
Basic Script: run your first script and see how a basic script is made in Octave/
Matlab or Python.
Advanced Scripts: see how you can expand the basic script to perform more
advanced tasks in Octave/Matlab.
Writing your own Scripts: How to write your own scripts in Octave/Matlab or

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8. Toolboxes

Note: Scripting is not supported in the 20-sim Viewer/Demonstration Version. If you

would like to try the scripting functionality, you will need licensed 20-sim version or a
trial license.

8.8.2 Installation for Scripting: 20-sim

20-sim uses XML-RPC as a protocol to communicate scripting functions with external
packages. By default the XML-RPC interface is turned on only for your local computer.

To enable/disable and configure the 20-sim scripting support:

1. Open 20-sim.

2. Go to Tools/Options and select the Scripting Interface tab.

Scripting Interface settings tab.

3. To enable the 20-sim scripting support, make sure that the HTTP and TCP
checkboxes under XMLRPC Interface are enabled.

By default, 20-sim will only accept scripting connections from your local computer
(Localhost only option is enabled).

Your firewall may generate a warning message and ask you to allow network
communication for 20-sim.

4. Set the firewall to allow communication.

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8. Toolboxes

8.8.3 Scripting in Octave/Matlab

Installation for Scripting: Octave

What is Octave?
GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. The
package is open source and can be freely distributed. GNU Octave offers functionality
similar to Matlab users. If you have experience with Matlab, running Octave will be very
easy. Users with no experience with Octave nor Matlab are advised to read a proper
introduction to GNU Octave first. You will find lot of pages and videos on the Internet.
The Windows versions of Octave 4.2.0, Octave-4.0.x, Octave-3.8.x, Octave-3.6.x have
been tested with 20-sim scripting at the time of this release.
Note that only the 32-bit Octave is supported. The 64-bit version will not work.

1. Go to: http://www.20sim.com/product/octave.html and follow the latest instructions.

If this web page is unavailable, you can follow the instructions below:

First choose the Octave version you wish to install and go to the corresponding section

Octave 4.2.0 / Octave 4.0.x

1. Go to: http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/

2. Go to the download page and download the Windows installer (direct link: https://

3. Run the installer and follow the wizard. The steps below assume default installation

4. Unfortunately Octave 4.0.x has a Windows specific bug in its internal run() function.
This bug is resolved in Octave 4.2.
For Octave 4.0.x you will need to manually replace the default run() implementation
with a corrected version. Copy the file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\20-sim 4.6\Scripting\Octave-patch\4.0.0


or on 32-bit versions of Windows:

C:\Program Files\20-sim 4.6\Scripting\Octave-patch\4.0.0\run.m



5. Launch Octave from the Start menu or using the script: C:\Octave\Octave-4.0.0

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 518

8. Toolboxes

6. Execute the following commands to install packages io, control and signal:
pkg install -forge io
pkg install -forge control
pkg install -forge signal

The Octave GUI.

Your Octave installation is now ready to use.

Octave 3.8.x

1. Go to: http://www.20sim.com/downloads/files/ThirdParty/octave-3.8.2-2-

2. Run the installer and follow the wizard.

3. Launch Octave using the script: C :\Octave\Octave-3.8.2\octave.bat

4. Execute the following commands to install packages io, control and signal:
pkg install -forge io
pkg install -forge control
pkg install -forge signal

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8. Toolboxes

Your Octave installation is now ready to use.

Octave 3.6.x

1. Go to the Octave download site (http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/.).

2. C lick on the Files tab and click on Octave Windows Binaries.

3. Select the Octave 3.6.4 for Windows MinGW installer.

4. Now you can download the files Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_yyyyxxxx.7z

(Octave Installation) and Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_pkgs_yyyyxxxx.7z
(Octaveforge Packages).

5. C reate an installation directory which doesn't have space chars (i.e. C :\Octave).

6. Unzip the file Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_yyyyxxxx.7z and copy it to the

installation directory.

7. C opy the shortcut link C:\Octave\Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2.lnk to your desktop.

This is a shortcut to start Octave.exe.

Note: Unzipping can be done with programs like 7-zip (http://www.7-zip.org/)

Note: There is a bug with Windows 8 and running Octave. In order to use Octave start
Octave with octave.exe -i --line-editing. See the Octave wiki webpage for more

8. Unzip the file Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_pkgs_yyyyxxxx.7z and copy it to the

installation directory.

9. Launch Octave (e.g. the link to Octave.exe).

10. Execute the following five rebuild commands from the Octave console (e.g. re-type
every line followed by ENTER):

pkg rebuild -auto

pkg rebuild -noauto ad

pkg rebuild -noauto nan % shadows many statistics functions
pkg rebuild -noauto gsl % shadows some core functions
pkg rebuild -auto java

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 520

8. Toolboxes

The Octave command window.

11. C lose and restart Octave.

Installation for Scripting: Matlab

What is Matlab?
Matlab is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. The
package is commercially distributed by the Mathworks. If you don't have the resources
to purchase Matlab, you can run use Octave, which offers similar functionality.
Matlab R2011, R2012, R2013, R2014 and R2015 have been tested with 20-sim scripting
but older versions may also work fine.
See the Matlab documentation from the Mathworks for information on installing Matlab.
No special (additional) installation is needed to use 20-sim scripting from Matlab.

Note: Scripting in Matlab is similar to Octave. You can type exactly the same commands
as given for Octave in the next sections.

Prepare Scripting Folder

20-sim comes with a Scripting Folder that contains documentation of all scripting
functions, the function library and example scripts. You have to install this folder to use

1. Open the Install Scripting program from the Windows Start menu (located under
20-sim 4.6)
- or -
Go to the folder where 20-sim is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\20-sim 4.6
\Scripting or C:\Program Files (x86)\20-sim 4.6\Scripting) and open

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 521

8. Toolboxes

2. This will open a dialog where you can choose where to extract the 20-sim scripting
files. Change the path to a local working folder of your choice (for example: C:

20-sim Scripts extraction

Note: To write/modify scripts, the scripting folder should be accessible and writable by
the user. Do not install the scripting folder on C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program

For the remainder of this chapter, we use the name scripting working folder when we
refer to the folder where you just extracted the 20-sim scripting files.
Your newly created scripting working folder contains a number of subfolders:

1. Models: This folder contains the 20-sim models and data files that are used for the
example and tutorial scripts .

2. Octave: This folder contains all Octave/Matlab scripting functionality and


a. documentation: This folder contains the scripting API documentation: a list of

supported functions and their syntax. It is a copy of the help file that you can
open in the 20-sim Editor by selecting Help - Octave Scripting API.

Note: the API documentation is also accessible from the Windows Start menu
under 20-sim 4.6\Scripting API documentation

b. library: This folder contains the core scripting functions.

c. tutorials: This folder contains basis scripts with a step by step explanation. You
can use these scripts as a base for your own scripts.

d. examples: This folder contains some more advanced scripts.

3. Octave-patch: This folder contains modified Octave scripts for certain Octave
versions to fix bugs in the core Octave scripts that are not yet fixed in the latest
release (currently 4.0.3)

4. Python: This folder contains all Python scripting functionality and documentation
(see the Scripting in Python section for more information).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 522

8. Toolboxes

Basic Script
When the scripting files are properly installed in your scripting working folder, we can
run some tutorial scripts. Tutorial scripts are a step by step demonstrations of usage of
the scripting functionality in 20-sim. These scripts are found in the tutorials subfolder of
the scripting working folder. We will start with a basic script that opens and runs a 20-
sim model.

1. Open 20-sim.

2. Open Octave (or Matlab).

3. In Octave/Matlab, change the local working directory to the tutorial folder inside
your scripting working folder . E.g . type:

cd 'C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\20simscripting\Octave\tutorials'

Note: 20-sim should be open before running the script!

4. In Octave/Matlab, execute the following command (e.g. type the following case
sensitive command followed by ENTER):


Note: Octave may give a cryptic "undefined near line x column 1" message, if you type
the command as runsimulation instead of runSimulation!

5. Now Octave / Matlab will give a message and ask you to press ENTER to continue.

The model ControlledSystem.emx is loaded into 20-sim and simulated.

6. Again Octave/Matlab will give a message and ask you to press ENTER to continue.

Now the simulation and model will be unloaded.

Inspecting the script
To see how the script is made, you can inspect it with a text editor.

1. Open a file browser and go to the tutorials folder (e.g. C :\Users\yourusername


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 523

8. Toolboxes

2. Open the file runSimulation.m with a text editor like Notepad.

Core Functions

The core functions of the runSimulation script are:

addpath: The script starts with the command addpath('../library/xxsim'); This will
enable Octave / Matlab to use the 20-sim scripting functions that are stored in the
library subfolder of your scripting working folder.
xxsimConnect: This command opens a connection to 20-sim.
xxSimOpenModel: This command opens a model in 20-sim by giving the filename
including the full path.
xxsimProcessModel: This command will process the model.
xxsimRun: This command will run a simulation.
xxsimCloseModel: This command will remove the simulation model from 20-sim.

These functions are the basis of scripting in 20-sim and will be present in this order in
most scripts. Therefore you can use the script runSimulation.m as a template for any
new script that you create.

Advanced Scripts

Now that we have seen the core functions of a script we will run and check some more
advanced scripts.

1. Open 20-sim.

2. Open Octave (or Matlab).

3. In Octave/Matlab, change the local working directory to the tutorial folder inside
your scripting working folder. E.g . type:

cd 'C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\20simscripting\Octave\tutorials'
Set Parameter Values

4. In Octave/Matlab, execute the following script (e.g. type the command followed by


This script will open the model ControlledSystem.emx and run a simulation. Then a
model parameter is changed and a second simulation run is performed. As explained in
the previous topic, you can inspect the script in a text editor.

C ompared to the basic script you will find a new function:

xxsimSetParameters: This function is used to set the parameter in the model with
the new value.

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8. Toolboxes

Multiple Runs

5. In Octave/Matlab, execute the following script (e.g. type the command followed by


This script will open the model ControlledSystem.emx and run a simulation multiple
times while changing a parameter. Then a model parameter is changed and a second
simulation run is performed.
Read Parameter Values

6. In Octave/Matlab, execute the following script (e.g. type the command followed by


This script will open the model ControlledSystem.emx and run a simulation. Then a
model parameter is read from file and changed accordingly in the model, followed by a
second simulation run.

You will find these new functions:

addpath: An additional path is given (../library/xxlib) to allow addtional (user
defined) functions.
xxlibReadCsv: This function is used to read a parameter name and value from a
spreadsheet file.

Store Simulation Results

7. In Octave/Matlab, execute the following script (e.g. type the command followed by


This script will open the model ControlledSystem.emx and run a simulation. After the run
the simulation results are stored and plotted in Octave/Matlab. You will find these new
xxsimSetLogVariables: Define which variables are going to be logged during the
simulation run.
xxsimGetLogVariables: Export the logged variables after the simulation run to

8. In Octave/Matlab, change the local working directory to the tutorial folder. E.g. type:

cd 'C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\20simscripting\examples'

here you can find more example scripts.

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8. Toolboxes

Writing your own Scripts

We will show you how to write your own scripts using a simple example. We assume that
you have installed a scripting folder and its location is:


of course you can use own location. We will copy a 20-sim model to the scripting folder
and write a script that will open this model in 20-sim and run a simulation.

1. Copy the example model FastManipulator.emx tot the Octave\tutorials folder. E.g

'C:\Program Files (x86)\20-sim 4.6\Models\Examples\Drivetrains\FastManipulator.em



2. Open a text editor (e.g. notepad) and enter the following lines:



xxsimOpenModel( 'FastManipulator.emx' );




3. Save the text file as:


4. Open 20-sim.

5. Open Octave (or Matlab).

6. In Octave/Matlab, change the local working directory. Type in the command line:

cd 'C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\20simscripting\Octave\tutorials'

7. In Octave/Matlab, run your own script. Type in the command line:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 526

8. Toolboxes


Now you will see the model being loaded in 20-sim and a simulation being run.
Writing your own scripts
In the tutorial folder there are more scripts. Use these as a template for writing you own
scripts and follow the guidelines below:

C reate your own subfolder inside your scripting working folder. This allows you to
update the 20-sim scripting files when new versions of 20-sim are released.

You can find help on scripting functions in the 20-sim Editor by selecting Help - Octave
Scripting API.

8.8.4 Scripting in Python

Installation for Scripting: Python

What is Python
Python is a general-purpose high-level programming language with an emphasis on code
readability and writing algorithms in fewer lines of code than other programming
languages. Python is open-source and managed by the Python Software Foundation. It
has an extensive standard library and can be extended with many external libraries
including a rapidly growing set of scientific and mathematical libraries such as SciPy,
NumPy and Sympy and an extensive plotting library Matplotlib. 20-sim scripting has
been tested with the following versions of Python: Python 2.7.x, Python 3.4.x and Python
3.5.x (32-bit and 64-bit).
During installation of 20-sim, you are asked to install the (optional) Python 3.4
package. We advise to keep the default setting (Yes) which will install the Python 3.4
installation that includes 20-sim scripting support and the following packages: NumPy,
Matplotlib and IPython. This installation provides just enough support to get started with
20-sim scripting. However, it does not provide a development IDE or an extensive set of
scientific and mathematical libraries.

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8. Toolboxes

Prepare Scripting Folder

20-sim comes with a Scripting Folder that contains documentation of all scripting
functions, the function library and example scripts. You have to install this folder to use

1. Open the Install Scripting program from the Windows Start menu (located under
20-sim 4.6)
- or -
Go to the folder where 20-sim is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\20-sim
4.6\Scripting or C:\Program Files (x86)\20-sim 4.6\Scripting) and open

2. This will open a dialog where you can choose where to extract the 20-sim scripting
files. Change the path to a local working folder of your choice (for example: C:

20-sim Scripts extraction

Note: To write/modify scripts, the scripting folder should be accessible and writable by
the user. Do not install the scripting folder on C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program

For the remainder of this chapter, we use the name scripting working folder when we
refer to the folder where you just extracted the 20-sim scripting files.
Your newly created scripting working folder contains a number of subfolders:

1. Models: This folder contains the 20-sim models and data files that are used for the
example and tutorial scripts .

2. Octave and Octave-patch: These folders contain Octave/Matlab scripting

functionality and documentation (see the Scripting in Octave/Matlab section for more

3. Python: This folder contains all Python scripting functionality and documentation:

a. controllab: Folder containing the Python classes that allow communication with

b. documentation: This folder contains the scripting API documentation: a list of

supported functions and their syntax. It is a copy of the help file that you can
open in the 20-sim Editor by selecting Help - Python Scripting API.

c. examples: This folder contains some more advanced scripts.

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8. Toolboxes

d. tutorials: This folder contains basis scripts with a step by step explanation. You
can use these scripts as a base for your own scripts.

Basic Script

When the scripting files are properly installed in your scripting working folder, we can
run some tutorial scripts. Tutorial scripts are step by step demonstrations of usage of the
scripting functionality in 20-sim. These scripts can be found in the tutorials subfolder of
the scripting working folder. We will start with a basic script that opens and runs a 20-
sim model.

1. Open 20-sim.

2. Open IPython (Interactive Python shell) from the Start menu (under 20-sim 4.6).

3. In IPython, change the local working directory to the tutorial folder inside your
scripting working folder . E.g . type:

cd 'C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\20simscripting\Python'

4. In IPython, execute the following command (e.g. type the following case
sensitive command followed by ENTER):

run main_menu

Note that the run command is specific for IPython. For a standard Python session, you
can start this script on the command line using: python.exe menu.py. This command
will show a menu with several options including T for Tutorials.

IPython session for the tutorials

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8. Toolboxes

5. Select option T - Tutorials (press t, ENTER) to show the tutorial menu:

- Tutorial menu -
Select a tutorial:
1 - Run a simulation.
2 - Set a parameter in 20-sim, then run a simulation.
3 - Execute multiple runs with a changing parameter.
4 - Basic simulation result analysis.
5 - Read a parameter from a CSV file and set it in 20-sim.
6 - Retrieve 20-sim model variables and their properties.

Or choose a menu option:

Q - Quit
I - Show the introduction text again.
Your choice > 1

6. Press ENTER again to show the available tutorials and choose option 1 Run a
simulation followed by ENTER.

In this tutorial the scripting interface will:

- Open a 20-sim model (starting 20-sim if necessary)
- Process and run the model
- Close the 20-sim model

7. Press ENTER

The Python scripting interface will now connect to 20-sim.

If 20-sim is not running it will be started automatically.

8. Press ENTER

Connecting, please wait...

The scripting interface has successfully connected to 20-sim.

The tutorial model will be opened.
If you still have an open model. SAVE YOUR MODEL, unsaved changes
will be overwritten.

9. Press ENTER

The model ControlledSystem.emx has been opened in 20-sim.

The model will be processed and simulated.
The 20-sim plot window will open.

10. Press ENTER to load the model ControlledSystem.emx in 20-sim and to simulate it.

The tutorial will now close the 20-sim model and exit.

11. Press ENTER to close the simulation and this 20-sim model

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8. Toolboxes

Inspecting the script

Tutorial completed!
Do you want to see the source code? [y/N]

To see how the script is made, you can inspect it by choosing y. This will print the
relevant script lines on the Python console. You can also open the real script in a text
editor like Notepad by opening the file: C:\Users\yourusername\Documents
Important Functions

The important functions / lines of the runSimulation script are:

import controllab: Tell Python to load the C ontrollab package with the 20-sim
scripting functions in the XXSim() class.
my20sim = controllab.XXSim(): create a 20-sim scripting object
my20sim.connect(): This command opens a connection to 20-sim.
my20sim.set_scriptmode(): Tell 20-sim that we are in scripting mode (does not
show confirmation dialogs)
my20sim.open_model(): This command opens a model in 20-sim by giving the file
name including the full path.
my20sim.process_model(): This command will process the model.
my20sim.run(): This command will run a simulation.
my20sim.close_model(): This command will remove the simulation model from

These functions are the basis of scripting in 20-sim and will be present in this order in
most scripts.

Writing your own Scripts

We will show you how to write your own scripts using a simple example. We assume that
you have installed a scripting folder and its location is:


Of course you can use own location. We will copy a 20-sim model to the scripting folder
and write a script that will open this model in 20-sim and run a simulation.

1. Copy the example model FastManipulator.emx to the Octave\tutorials folder. E.g


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 531

8. Toolboxes

'C:\Program Files (x86)\20-sim 4.6\Models\Examples\Drivetrains




2. Open a text editor (e.g. notepad) and enter the following lines:

import controllab

xxsim = controllab.XXSim()






3. Save the text file as:


4. Open 20-sim.

5. Open IPython.

6. In IPython, change the local working directory. Type in the command line:

cd 'C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\20simscripting\Python\tutorials'

7. In IPython, run your own script. Type in the command line:

run myscript

Now you will see the model being loaded in 20-sim and a simulation being run.
Writing your own scripts
In the tutorial folder there are more scripts. Use these as a template for writing your
own scripts and follow the guidelines below:

C reate your own subfolder inside your scripting working folder. This allows you to
update the 20-sim scripting files when new versions of 20-sim are released.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 532

8. Toolboxes

You can find help on scripting functions in the 20-sim Editor by selecting Help - Python
Scripting API.

Advanced Functionality

Python Distributions
When you need more functionality or prefer to use an IDE with syntax highlighting and
debugging support, it is strongly advised to install one of the following external Python
distributions or IDEs:
PyZo: a free and open-source Python distribution that comes with many scientific
packages and the powerful IEP IDE.
Spyder: the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment with a powerful IDE for the
Python language with advanced editing, interactive testing, debugging and
introspection features and a a numerical computing environment based on SciPy,
NumPy, Matplotlib and IPython.
Python, extended with the Visual Studio IDE and Python Tools for Visual Studio.
Running 20-sim scripts in Python distributions
To add the 20-sim scripting support to your Python distribution, you can use the Python
pip command (installed by default since Python 2.7.10 and 3.4.x) to install the C ontrollab

1. Open a Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) and type:

python -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade "C:\Program Files (x86)
\20-sim 4.6\Scripting\Python\whl\controllab-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl"

Note: use C :\Program Files\20-sim 4.6\ on 32-bit Windows systems.

Manual installation of the Controllab package in Python

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 533

9. Library

9 Library
9.1 Bond Graph

9.1.1 Bond Graph Models

Bond graphs are a network-like description of physical systems in terms of ideal physical
processes. With the bond graph method we split up the system characteristics into an
(imaginary) set of separate elements. Each element describes an idealized physical
process. To facilitate drawing of bond graphs, the common elements are denoted by
special symbols. This library contains all kind of bond graph elements. If you want to
know more about modeling with bond graphs, please have a look at the modeling

The standard library contains single dimensional bond graph elements. The 2d Library
contains elements with multi-bonds of size 2 and the 3d library contains elements with
multi-bonds of size 3.

9.1.2 C
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model represents a power continuous storage element. The element has a
preferred effort out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred flow out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation.

effort out causality (preferred):

state = int(p.f) + state(0);

p.e = state/c;
output = state;

flow out causality:

state = c*p.e;
p.f = d state / dt;
output = state;

Ports Description
p Input port of the storage element.

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preferred effort out A flow out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

output The output signal is equal to the state.

c The storage element constant.

Initial Values
state(0) The initial value of the storage element.

9.1.3 CC
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model represents a two port C -element. Normally the equation of a two port C -
element is written in vector notation as:

p.e = (1/C) * int(p.f)

When the C matrix is singular simulation will not be possible. Therefore the element is
described in a safer notation as:

p.e = A * int(p.f) , with A = (1/C);

Both ports have a preferred effort out causality:

state1 = int (p1.f);

state2 = int (p2.f);
p1.e = a11*state1 + a12*state2;
p2.e = a21*state1 + a22*state2;

Ports Description
p1,p2 Input ports of the storage element.


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preferred effort out p1 A flow out causality results in a derivative

preferred effort out p2 constitutive equation.


a11, a12, a21, a22 The storage element constants.

Initial Values
state1_initial The initial values of the storage element.

9.1.4 EffortSensor
System , Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model can be inserted in any bond to yield the effort of that bond as an output

To ensure success, use drag and drop to place the sensor exactly on top in the middle
of the bond. As a result the model will be automatically connected.

p1, p2 Input and output port of the effort sensor.

effort Effort of the bond.

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9.1.5 EnergySensor
System , Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model can be inserted in any bond to yield the energy that is carried through that
bond as an output signal.

To ensure success, use drag and drop to place the sensor exactly on top in the middle
of the bond. As a result the model will be automatically connected.

p1, p2 Input and output port of the energy sensor.

E Energy carried through the bond.

9.1.6 FlowSensor
System , Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model can be inserted in any bond to yield the flow of that bond as an output signal.

To ensure success, use drag and drop to place the sensor exactly on top in the middle of
the bond. As a result the model will be automatically connected.

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p1, p2 Input and output port of the flow sensor.

flow Flow of the bond.

9.1.7 GY
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal gyrator, a power continuous relation between the effort
of one port and the flow of the other port and vice-versa. The model can have both ports
with an effort out causality or both ports with a flow out causality:

effort out causality:

p1.e = r * p2.f;
p2.e = r * p1.f;

flow out causality:

p1.f = 1/r * p2.e;

p2.f = 1/r * p1.e;

Ports Description
p1, p2 Input and output port of the gyrator.

p1 equal p2 The causality of both ports must be equal.

r Gyration ratio.

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9.1.8 I
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model represents a power continuous storage element. The element has a
preferred flow out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred effort out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation.

flow out causality (preferred):

state = int(p.e) + state(0);

p.f = state/i;
output = state;

effort out causality:

state = i*p.f;
p.e = d state / dt;
output = state;

Ports Description
p Input port of the storage element.

preferred flow out An effort out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

output The output signal is equal to the state.

i The storage element constant.

Initial Values
state(0) The initial value of the storage element.

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9.1.9 II
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model represents a two port I-element. Normally the equation of a two port I-
element is written in vector notation as:

p.f = (1/I) * int(p.e)

When the I matrix is singular simulation will not be possible. Therefore the element is
described in a safer notation as:

p.f = A * int(p.e) , with A = (1/I);

Both ports have a preferred effort out causality:

state1 = int (p1.e);

state2 = int (p2.e);
p1.f = a11*state1 + a12*state2;
p2.f = a21*state1 + a22*state2;

Ports Description
p1,p2 Input ports of the storage element.

preferred effort out p1 A flow out causality results in a derivative
preferred effort out p2 constitutive equation.


a11, a12, a21, a22 The storage element constants.

Initial Values
state1_initial The initial values of the storage element.

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9.1.10 IC
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is a combination of an I storage element and a C storage element.
C onsequently the constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication.
The constitutive equation of this element is given below:

state1 = int(p1.f);
state2 = int(p2.e);
p1.e = state1*a11 + state2*a21;
p2.f = state1*a21 + state2*a22;
output2 = state1;
output2 = state2;

The Maxwell reciprocity demands a12 = a21. Therefore only 3 matrix parameters are

Ports Description
p1,p2 Input ports of the storage element.

fixed effort out p1
fixed flow out p2

output1, output2 The output signals are equal to the states.

a11,a21,a22 The storage element constants.

Initial Values
state1(0), state2(0) The initial values of the storage element.

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9.1.11 MGY
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal modulated gyrator, a power continuous relation between
the effort of one port and the flow of the other port and vice-versa. The gyration ratio
can be set to a certain (fluctuating) value, given by an input signal. The model can have
both ports with an effort causality or both ports with a flow causality:

effort out causality:

p1.e = input * p2.f;

p2.e = input * p1.f;

flow out causality:

p1.f = 1/input * p2.e;

p2.f = 1/input * p1.e;

Ports Description
p1, p2 Input and output port of gyrator.

p1 equal p2 The causality of both ports must be equal.

input Modulated gyration ratio.

9.1.12 MR
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents a linear friction/resistor equation. It can have an effort as well as
a flow causality. In that case the constitutive equation, as shown below, is simply
inverted. The friction/resistor parameter can be set to a (fluctuating) value, given by an
input signal.

effort out causality:

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p.e = input*p.f

flow out causality:

p.f = p.e/input

Ports Description
p Input port of the R-element.


input The (modulated) friction/resistor parameter.

9.1.13 MSe
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal modulated effort source. The effort can be set to a
(fluctuating) value given by an input signal. The flow is indifferent.

p.e = input;

Ports Description
p Output port of the effort source.

fixed effort out

input Modulation signal.

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9.1.14 MSf
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal modulated flow source. The flow can be set to a
(fluctuating) value given by an input signal. The effort is indifferent.

p.f = input;

Ports Description
p Output port of the flow source.

fixed flow out

input Modulation signal.

9.1.15 MTF
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal modulated transformer. The model represents a power
continuous relation between the efforts and flows of both its ports. The transform ratio
can be set to a certain (fluctuating) value, given by an input signal. The causality is
always mixed: one port has an effort out causality while the other has a

flow out causality:

p1.e = input * p2.e;

p2.f = input * p1.f;


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p2.e = 1/input * p1.e;

p1.f = 1/input * p2.f;

Ports Description
p1, p2 Input and output port of the transformer.

p1 notequal p2
input Modulated transform ratio.

9.1.16 OneJunction
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This junction represents a power continuous (no energy storage, dissipation or
generation) connection of elements. The sum of the efforts on all ports is zero and the
flows on all ports are equal. The constitutive equations are for example:

p1.e + p2.e - p3.e - p4.e = 0;

p1.f = p2.f = p3.f = p4.f;

flow = p4.f;

A one junction has only one initial port p defined. Because any number of bonds may be
connected, successive connected bonds are named p1, p2, p3 etc.

The plus or minus signs of the effort equation depend on the direction of the bonds. A
bond pointing towards the one junction results in a plus sign and vice-versa. Only one
port of a one junction may determine the flow. In the example port p4 determines the
Multi Bonds
Bonds with a size larger than one (multi bonds) can also be connected to a one junction.
Al connected bonds, however, must have the same size.

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p1.e + p2.e - p3.e + p4.e = 0;

p1.f = p2.f = p3.f = p4.f;

flow = p4.f;

Naming conventions are equal to those of the single bond (size 1) junctions. Successive
connected bonds are named p1, p2, p3 etc. To denote single elements of a multibond,
matrix notation is used. E.g. the effort of bond number 3 of a multibond p2 can be
denoted as p2.e[3] (columnvector notation) or p2.e[3,1] (matrix notation).

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of ports may be connected.

1_effort p Only one port may have an effort out causality (as
seen from the element).

flow The output signal is equal to the flow of the ports.

All connected bonds must have the same size.

9.1.17 OneJunction-Activity
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This junction is equal to a normal one junction but monitors the powerflows through the
connected bonds. If you use this junction and connect some bonds, it could look like the
figure below. The bond numbers are important for identification. You can see them by
clicking Port Names from the View menu.

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The constitutive equations for this example are:

p1.e - p2.e - p3.e - p4.e = 0;

p1.f = p2.f = p3.f = p4.f;
flow = p4.f;

The powerflows through the junction are monitored:

power = p.e .* p.f;

Note that power is a vector with a size equal to the number of bonds that are attached to
the junction. The first element of the vector is the power of the first bond (p1 in the
example figure), the second element is the power of the second bond (p2 in the example
figure) and so on. To see which bonds are active and which bonds are not, the activity is

activity = int (abs (power));

To get an easy comparison, the relative activity is calculated:

maximum_activity = max (activity);

relative_activity = activity ./ maximum_activity

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of ports may be connected.

1_effort p Only one port may have a effort out causality (as
seen from the element).
flow The output signal is equal to the effort of the ports.

power Vector of which the elements are the powers of the
connected bonds.

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activity Vector of which the elements are the integrated

absolute powers of the connected bonds.
relative_activity Vector of which the elements are the relative
activities of the connected bonds.

All connected bonds must have size 1.

9.1.18 PowerSensor
System , Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model can be inserted in any bond to yield the power that is carried through that
bond as an output signal.

To ensure success, use drag and drop to place the sensor exactly on top in the middle of
the bond. As a result the model will be automatically connected.

p1, p2 Input and output port of the power sensor.

E Power carried through the bond.

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9.1.19 Power Splitter

System , Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: n-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model can be used to split a multi-bond into single bonds or vice versa. Default 2
bonds can be connected. Use the right mouse menu and choose Edit Implementation to
change the number of bonds.

P(any) Multi-bond (dimension [n,m]).
p single bonds (a total of n*m)

The multi-bond and corresponding single bonds must have opposite orientations. I.e.
when the multi-bond is pointing towards the the power-splitter, all single bonds must
point from the power splitter and when the multi-bond is pointing from the the power-
splitter, all single bonds must point towards the signal splitter.

9.1.20 PSensor
System , Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model can be inserted in any bond to yield the integral of the effort of that bond as
an output signal.

To ensure success, use drag and drop to place the sensor exactly on top in the middle of
the bond. As a result the model will be automatically connected.

p1, p2 Input and output port of the flow sensor.

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p Integral of the effort of the bond.

9.1.21 Qsensor
System , Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model can be inserted in any bond to yield the integral of the flow of that bond as
an output signal.

To ensure success, use drag and drop to place the sensor exactly on top in the middle of
the bond. As a result the model will be automatically connected.

p1, p2 Input and output port of the flow sensor.

q Integral of the flow of the bond.

9.1.22 R
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.

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This model represents a linear friction/resistor equation. It can have an effort out as well
as a flow out causality. In the last case the constitutive equation, as shown below, is
simply inverted.

effort out causality:

p.e = r*p.f;

flow out causality:

p.f = p.e/r;

Ports Description
p Input port of the R-element.


r The friction/resistor parameter.

9.1.23 Se
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal effort source. The effort can be set to a certain constant
value, the flow is indifferent.

p.e = s;

Ports Description
p Output port of the effort source.

fixed effort out

s The constant value of the generated effort

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9.1.24 Sf
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal flow source. The flow can be set to a certain constant
value, the effort is indifferent.

p.f = s;

Ports Description
p Output port of the flow source.

fixed flow out

s The constant value of the generated flow.

9.1.25 SGY
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal gyrator with gyration ratio 1. The model represents a one
to one power continuous relation between the effort of one port and the flow of the other
port and vice-versa. The model can be used to transform a C element into a I element
etc. The model can have both ports with an effort causality or both ports with a flow

effort out causality:

p1.e = p2.f;
p2.e = p1.f;

flow out causality:

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p1.f = p2.e;
p2.f = p1.e;


Ports Description
p1, p2 Input and output port of the gyrator.

p1 equal p2

9.1.26 STF
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal transformer with transform ratio 1. The model has no
real effect but allows for domain changes (one port having another domain as the
other). The model represents a power continuous relation between the efforts and flows
of both its ports. The causality is always mixed: one port has an effort causality while
the other has a flow causality:

p1.e = p2.e
p2.f = p1.f


p2.e = p1.e
p1.f = p2.f

Ports Description
p1, p2 Input and output port of the simple transformer.

p1 notequal p2 The causality of both ports must be different.

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9.1.27 SwitchingOneJunction
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This junction represents a switching 1 junction. Depending on the condition value it can
connect / disconnect additional elements to / from the bond graph.

The p12 junction port is connected when condition <> 0. The sum of the efforts on all
three ports is zero and the flows on all ports are equal.
When disconnected (condition == 0), the effort and flow of port p12 are both zero. Ports
p1 and p2 are still connected (flow = zero, efforts are equal).

p1, p2 Input and output port of the 1 junction.
p12 C onditional port (only connected when condition evaluates
to a non-zero value)

condition Switching condition (non-zero value = connected)

All connected bonds must have the same size.

9.1.28 SwitchingZeroJunction
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This junction represents a switching 0 junction. Depending on the condition value it can
connect / disconnect additional elements to / from the bond graph.

The p12 junction port is connected when condition <> 0. The sum of the flows on all
three ports is zero and the efforts on all ports are equal.
When disconnected (condition == 0), the effort and flow of port p12 are both zero. Ports
p1 and p2 are still connected (effort = zero, flows are equal).

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p1, p2 Input and output port of the 1 junction.
p12 C onditional port (only connected when condition evaluates
to a non-zero value)

condition Switching condition (non-zero value = connected)

All connected bonds must have the same size.

9.1.29 TF
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model represents an ideal transformer. The model represents a power continuous
relation between the efforts and flows of both its ports. The causality is always mixed:
one port has an effort causality while the other has a flow causality:

p1.e = r * p2.e
p2.f = r * p1.f


p2.e = 1/r * p1.e

p1.f = 1/r * p2.f

Ports Description
p1, p2 Input and output port of the transformer.

p1 notequal p2 The causality of both ports must be different.

r Transform ratio

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9.1.30 ZeroJunction
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This junction represents a power continuous (no energy storage, dissipation or
generation) connection of elements. The sum of the flows on all ports is zero and the
efforts on all ports are equal. The constitutive equations are for example:

p1.f + p2.f - p3.f - p4.f = 0;

p1.e = p2.e = p3.e = p4.e;

effort = p1.e;

A zero junction has only one initial port p defined. Because any number of bonds may be
connected, successive connected bonds are named p1, p2, p3 etc.
The plus or minus signs of the flow equation depend on the direction of the bonds. A
bond pointing towards the zero junction results in a plus sign and vice-versa. Only one
port of a zero junction may determine the effort. In the example port p1 determines the
Multi Bonds
Bonds with a size larger than one (multi bonds) can also be connected to a zero junction.
Al connected bonds, however, must have the same size.

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p1.f + p2.f - p3.f + p4.f = 0;

p1.e = p2.e = p3.e = p4.e;

effort = p1.e;

Naming conventions are equal to those of the single bond (size 1) junctions. Successive
connected bonds are named p1, p2, p3 etc. To denote single elements of a multibond,
matrix notation is used. E.g the effort of bond number 3 of a multibond p2 can be
denoted as p2.e[3] (columnvector notation) or p2.e[3,1] (matrix notation).

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of ports may be connected.

1_flow p Only one port may have a flow out causality (as
seen from the element).

effort The output signal is equal to the effort of the ports.

All connected bonds must have the same size.

9.1.31 ZeroJunction-Activity
Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This junction is equal to a normal zero junction but monitors the powerflows through the
connected bonds. If you use this junction and connect some bonds, it could look like the
figure below. The bond numbers are important for identification. You can see them by
clicking Port Names from the View menu.

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The constitutive equations for this example are:

p1.f - p2.f - p3.f - p4.f = 0;

p1.e = p2.e = p3.e = p4.e;
output = p2.e;

The powerflows through the junction are monitored:

power = p.e .* p.f;

Note that power is a vector with a size equal to the number of bonds that are attached to
the junction. The first element of the vector is the power of the first bond (p1 in the
example figure), the second element is the power of the second bond (p2 in the example
figure) and so on. To see which bonds are active and which bonds are not, the activity is

activity = int (abs (power));

To get an easy comparison, the relative activity is calculated:

maximum_activity = max (activity);

relative_activity = activity ./ maximum_activity

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of ports may be connected.

1_flow p Only one port may have a flow out causality (as
seen from the element).
effort The output signal is equal to the effort of the ports.

power Vector of which the elements are the powers of the
connected bonds.

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activity Vector of which the elements are the integrated

absolute powers of the connected bonds.
relative_activity Vector of which the elements are the relative
activities of the connected bonds.

All connected bonds must have size 1.

9.1.32 3d


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single C storage element. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The element has
a preferred effort out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred flow out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation, which can only be simulated when the
Backward Differentiation Formula integration algorithm is available:

effort out causality (preferred):

state = int(p.f) + state(0);

p.e = inverse(C)*state;
outp = state;

flow out causality:

state = C*p.e;
p.f = d state / dt;
output = state;

Ports Description
p[3] Input port of the storage element
(columnvector with size 3).

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preferred effort out A flow out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

output[3] The output signal is equal to the state
(columnvector with size 3).

C [3,3] The storage element constants (matrix of
size [3,3]).

Initial Values
state(0)[3] The initial values of the storage element
(columnvector with size 3).

The preferred equation contains an inverted C matrix. The elements of this matrix
should be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single gyrator. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The model can
have both ports with an effort out causality or both ports with a flow out causality:

effort out causality:

p1.e = transpose(R) * p2.f;

p2.e = R * p1.f;

flow out causality:

p1.f = inverse(transpose(R)) * p2.e;

p2.f = inverse(R) * p1.e;

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Ports Description
p1[3], p2[3] Input and output port of the gyrator
(columnvectors with size 3).

p1 equal p2 The causality of both ports must be equal.

R[3] Gyration ratio (matrix of size [3,3]).

The flow out equations contain an inverted R matrix. The elements of this matrix should
be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single I storage element. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The element has
a preferred flow out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred effort out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation, which can only be simulated when the
Backward Differentiation Formula integration algorithm is available:

flow out causality (preferred):

state = int(p.e) + state(0);

p.f = inverse(I)*state;
output = state;

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effort out causality:

state = I*p.f;
p.e = d state / dt;
output = state;

Ports Description
p[3] Input port of the storage element
(columnvector with size 3).

preferred effort out A flow out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

output[3] The output signal is equal to the state
(columnvector with size 3).

I[3,3] The storage element constants (matrix of
size [3,3]).

Initial Values
state(0)[3] The initial values of the storage element
(columnvector with size 3).

The preferred equation contains an inverted I matrix. The elements of this matrix should
be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 562

9. Library

This model is the multiport equivalent of the single modulated gyrator. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The gyration ratio
can be set to a certain (fluctuating) value, given by an input signal. The model can have
both ports with an effort out causality or both ports with a flow out causality:

effort out causality:

p1.e = transpose(r) * p2.f;

p2.e = r * p2.f;

flow out causality:

p1.f = inverse(transpose(r)) * p2.e;

p2.f = inverse(r) * p1.e;

Ports Description
p1[3], p2[3] Input and output port of the gyrator
(columnvectors with size 3).

p1 equal p2 The causality of both ports must be equal.
r[3,3] Modulated gyration ratio (size [3,3]).

The flow out equations contain a matrix inversion of the modulation signal. The elements
of this input signal should always have non-singular values.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 563

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single dissipative element. C onsequently
the constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. This model
can have an effort out as well as a flow out causality. In the last case the constitutive
equation, as shown below, is simply inverted. The friction/resistor parameter can be set
to a (fluctuating) value, given by an input signal.

effort out causality:

p.e = r*p.f;

flow out causality:

p.f = inverse(r)*p.e;

Ports Description
p[3] Input port of the R-element (columnvector
with size 3).

r[3,3] The (modulated) friction/resistor
parameter (size [3,3]).

R The friction parameters (matrix of size

The flow out equation contains an inverted R matrix. The elements of this matrix should
be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 564

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single modulated effort source. The effort
can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by an input signal. The flow is indifferent.

p.e = input;

Ports Description
p[3] Output port of the effort source
(columnvector with size 3).

fixed effort out

input[3] Modulation signal (columnvector with size


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single modulated flow source. The flow can
be set to a (fluctuating) value given by an input signal. The flow is indifferent.

p.f = input;

Ports Description
p[3] Output port of the flow source
(columnvector with size 3).

fixed flow out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 565

9. Library

input[3] Modulation signal (columnvector with size


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single modulated transformer.
C onsequently the constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication.
The transform ratio can be set to a certain (fluctuating) value, given by an input signal.
The causality is always mixed: one port has an effort out causality while the other has a
flow out causality:

p1.e = transpose(r) * p2.e;

p2.f = r * p1.f;


p2.e = inverse(transpose(r)) * p1.e;

p1.f = inverse(r) * p2.f;

Ports Description
p1[3], p2[3] Input and output port of the gyrator
(columnvectors with size 3).

p1 notequal p2
r[3,3] Modulated transform ratio (size [3,3]).

The second set of equations contain a matrix inversion of the modulation signal. The
elements of this input signal should always have non-singular values.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 566

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single dissipative element. C onsequently
the constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. This model
can have an effort out as well as a flow out causality. In the last case the constitutive
equation, as shown below, is simply inverted.

effort out causality:

p.e = R*p.f;

flow out causality:

p.f = inverse(R)*p.e;

Ports Description
p[3] Input port of the R-element (columnvector
with size 3).


R The friction parameters (matrix of size

The flow out equation contains an inverted R matrix. The elements of this matrix should
be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 567

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single effort source. The effort can be set to
a certain constant value, the flow is indifferent.

p.e = S;

Ports Description
p[3] Output port of the effort source
(columnvector with size 3).

fixed effort out

S[3] The constant value of the generated effort
(columnvector with size 3).


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single flow source. The effort can be set to
a certain constant value, the flow is indifferent.

p.f = S;

Ports Description
p[3] Output port of the flow source
(columnvector with size 3).

fixed flow out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 568

9. Library

s[3] The constant value of the generated flow
(columnvector with size 3).


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single symplectic gyrator. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. This model
represents an ideal gyrator with gyration ratio equal to the identity matrix. The model
represents a one to one power continuous relation between the effort of one port and
the flow of the other port and vice-versa. The model can be used to transform a C -3
element into a I-3 element etc. The model can have both ports with an effort causality or
both ports with a flow causality:

effort out causality:

p1.e = p2.f;
p2.e = p1.f;

flow out causality:

p1.f = p2.e;
p2.f = p1.e;

Ports Description
p1[3], p2[3] Input and output port of the gyrator
(columnvectors with size 3).

p1 equal p2 The causality of both ports must be equal.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 569

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single symplectic transformer. This model
represents an ideal transformer with a transform ratio equal to the identity matrix. The
model represents a one to one power continuous relation between the effort of one port
and the flow of the other port and vice-versa. The causality is always mixed: one port
has an effort causality while the other has a flow causality:

p1.e = p2.e;
p2.f = p1.f;


p2.e = p1.e
p1.f = p2.f

Ports Description
p1[3], p2[3] Input and output port of the transformer
(columnvectors with size 3).

p1 notequal p2 The causality of both ports must be


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 3-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single transformer. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The causality is
always mixed: one port has an effort causality while the other has a flow causality:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 570

9. Library

p1.e = transpose(R) * p2.e;

p2.f = R * p1.f;


p2.e = inverse(transpose(R)) * p1.e

p1.f = inverse(R) * p2.f

Ports Description
p1[3], p2[3] Input and output port of the transformer
(columnvectors with size 3).

p1 notequal p2 The causality of both ports must be

R[3,3] Transform ratio (matrix of size [3,3]).

The lower set of equations contain an inverted R matrix. The elements of this matrix
should be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.

9.1.33 2d


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single C storage element. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The element has
a preferred effort out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred flow out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation, which can only be simulated when the
Backward Differentiation Formula integration algorithm is available:

effort out causality (preferred):

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 571

9. Library

state = int(p.f) + state(0);

p.e = inverse(C)*state;
outp = state;

flow out causality:

state = C*p.e;
p.f = d state / dt;
output = state;

Ports Description
p[2] Input port of the storage element (columnvector
with size 2).

preferred effort out A flow out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

output[2] The output signal is equal to the state
(columnvector with size 2).

C [2,2] The storage element constants (matrix of size

Initial Values
state(0)[2] The initial values of the storage element
(columnvector with size 2).

The preferred equation contains an inverted C matrix. The elements of this matrix
should be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 572

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single gyrator. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The model can
have both ports with an effort out causality or both ports with a flow out causality:

effort out causality:

p1.e = transpose(R) * p2.f;

p2.e = R * p1.f;

flow out causality:

p1.f = inverse(transpose(R)) * p2.e;

p2.f = inverse(R) * p1.e;

Ports Description
p1[2], p2[2] Input and output port of the gyrator (columnvectors
with size 2).

p1 equal p2 The causality of both ports must be equal.

R[2] Gyration ratio (matrix of size [2,2]).

The flow out equations contain an inverted R matrix. The elements of this matrix should
be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 573

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single I storage element. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The element has
a preferred flow out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred effort out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation, which can only be simulated when the
Backward Differentiation Formula integration algorithm is available:

flow out causality (preferred):

state = int(p.e) + state(0);

p.f = inverse(I)*state;
output = state;

effort out causality:

state = I*p.f;
p.e = d state / dt;
output = state;

Ports Description
p[2] Input port of the storage element (columnvector
with size 2).

preferred effort out A flow out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

output[2] The output signal is equal to the state
(columnvector with size 2).

I[2,2] The storage element constants (matrix of size

Initial Values

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 574

9. Library

state(0)[2] The initial values of the storage element

(columnvector with size 2).

The preferred equation contains an inverted I matrix. The elements of this matrix should
be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single modulated gyrator. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The gyration ratio
can be set to a certain (fluctuating) value, given by an input signal. The model can have
both ports with an effort out causality or both ports with a flow out causality:

effort out causality:

p1.e = transpose(r) * p2.f;

p2.e = r * p2.f;

flow out causality:

p1.f = inverse(transpose(r)) * p2.e;

p2.f = inverse(r) * p1.e;

Ports Description
p1[2], p2[2] Input and output port of the gyrator (columnvectors
with size 2).

p1 equal p2 The causality of both ports must be equal.
r[2,2] Modulated gyration ratio (size [2,2]).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 575

9. Library

The flow out equations contain a matrix inversion of the modulation signal. The elements
of this input signal should always have non-singular values.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single dissipative element. C onsequently
the constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. This model
can have an effort out as well as a flow out causality. In the last case the constitutive
equation, as shown below, is simply inverted. The friction/resistor parameter can be set
to a (fluctuating) value, given by an input signal.

effort out causality:

p.e = r*p.f;

flow out causality:

p.f = inverse(r)*p.e;

Ports Description
p[2] Input port of the R-element (columnvector with size


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 576

9. Library

r[2,2] The (modulated) friction/resistor parameter (size


R The friction parameters (matrix of size [2,2]).

The flow out equation contains an inverted R matrix. The elements of this matrix should
be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single modulated effort source. The effort
can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by an input signal. The flow is indifferent.

p.e = input;

Ports Description
p[2] Output port of the effort source (columnvector with
size 2).

fixed effort out

input[2] Modulation signal (columnvector with size 2).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 577

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single modulated flow source. The flow can
be set to a (fluctuating) value given by an input signal. The flow is indifferent.

p.f = input;

Ports Description
p[2] Output port of the flow source (columnvector with
size 2).

fixed flow out

input[2] Modulation signal (columnvector with size 2).


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single modulated transformer.
C onsequently the constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication.
The transform ratio can be set to a certain (fluctuating) value, given by an input signal.
The causality is always mixed: one port has an effort out causality while the other has a
flow out causality:

p1.e = transpose(r) * p2.e;

p2.f = r * p1.f;


p2.e = inverse(transpose(r)) * p1.e;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 578

9. Library

p1.f = inverse(r) * p2.f;


Ports Description
p1[2], p2[2] Input and output port of the gyrator (columnvectors
with size 2).

p1 notequal p2
r[2,2] Modulated transform ratio (size [2,2]).

The second set of equations contain a matrix inversion of the modulation signal. The
elements of this input signal should always have non-singular values.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single dissipative element. C onsequently
the constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. This model
can have an effort out as well as a flow out causality. In the last case the constitutive
equation, as shown below, is simply inverted.

effort out causality:

p.e = R*p.f;

flow out causality:

p.f = inverse(R)*p.e;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 579

9. Library


Ports Description
p[2] Input port of the R-element (columnvector with size


R The friction parameters (matrix of size [2,2]).

The flow out equation contains an inverted R matrix. The elements of this matrix should
be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single effort source. The effort can be set to
a certain constant value, the flow is indifferent.

p.e = S;

Ports Description
p[2] Output port of the effort source (columnvector with
size 2).

fixed effort out

S[2] The constant value of the generated effort
(columnvector with size 2).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 580

9. Library


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Block Diagrams, Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single flow source. The effort can be set to
a certain constant value, the flow is indifferent.

p.f = S;

Ports Description
p[2] Output port of the flow source (columnvector with
size 2).

fixed flow out

s[2] The constant value of the generated flow
(columnvector with size 2).


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single symplectic gyrator. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. This model
represents an ideal gyrator with gyration ratio equal to the identity matrix. The model
represents a one to one power continuous relation between the effort of one port and
the flow of the other port and vice-versa. The model can be used to transform a C -2
element into a I-2 element etc. The model can have both ports with an effort causality or
both ports with a flow causality:

effort out causality:

p1.e = p2.f;
p2.e = p1.f;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 581

9. Library

flow out causality:

p1.f = p2.e;
p2.f = p1.e;

Ports Description
p1[2], p2[2] Input and output port of the gyrator (columnvectors
with size 2).

p1 equal p2 The causality of both ports must be equal.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single simple transformer. This model
represents an ideal transformer with a transform ratio equal to the identity matrix. The
model has no real effect but allows for domain changes (one port having another domain
as the other). The model represents a power continuous relation between the efforts and
flows of both its ports. The causality is always mixed: one port has an effort causality
while the other has a flow causality:

p1.e = p2.e;
p2.f = p1.f;


p2.e = p1.e
p1.f = p2.f

Ports Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 582

9. Library

p1[2], p2[2] Input and output port of the transformer

(columnvectors with size 2).

p1 notequal p2 The causality of both ports must be different.


Bond Graph
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Bond Graphs.
This model is the multiport equivalent of the single transformer. C onsequently the
constitutive equation must be written as a matrix-vector multiplication. The causality is
always mixed: one port has an effort causality while the other has a flow causality:

p1.e = transpose(R) * p2.e;

p2.f = R * p1.f;


p2.e = inverse(transpose(R)) * p1.e

p1.f = inverse(R) * p2.f

Ports Description
p1[2], p2[2] Input and output port of the transformer
(columnvectors with size 2).

p1 notequal p2 The causality of both ports must be different.

R[2,2] Transform ratio (matrix of size [2,2]).

The lower set of equations contain an inverted R matrix. The elements of this matrix
should be chosen with care to prevent this matrix from becoming singular.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 583

9. Library

9.2 Iconic Diagrams

9.2.1 Iconic Diagrams

The Iconic Diagram library contains components which are very useful for modeling
physical systems. The following libraries are available.

9.2.2 Electric


The Electric library contains components which are very useful for modeling electrical
systems. The library contains the following sections:
C omponents



Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Actuators
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents a piezo actuator. The actuator translates a voltage difference at
port p1 to a mechanical position difference between the base at port p2 and the end
effector at port p3.

Although the underlying equations of this model are equal to the equations of the
CMAStrecher.emx model, the default parameter values are typical for bending.

Ports Description
p Translation port.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 584

9. Library

fixed force out

C C apacitance [F]
KF Voltage to force conversion factor [N/V]
m Equivalent mass [kg]
k Stiffness [N/m]
B Relative damping ratio []
KB Force to voltage conversion factor [V/N]


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Actuators
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents a piezo actuator. The actuator translates a voltage difference at
port p1 to a mechanical position difference between the base at port p2 and the end
effector at port p3.

Although the underlying equations of this model are equal to the equations of the
C MABender.emx model, the default parameter values are typical for stretching.

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed force out
C C apacitance [F]
KF Voltage to force conversion factor [N/V]
m Equivalent mass [kg]
k Stiffness [N/m]
B Relative damping ratio []
KB Force to voltage conversion factor [V/N]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 585

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Actuators
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Electric
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric, Electric).
Description - Default
This models represents an ideal DC -motor with no energy loss. The electric port has
separate high and low terminals. The equations are

p1.i = p1_high.i = p1_low.i;

p1.u = p1_high.u - p1_low.u;

The model can have mixed forms of causality

p1.u = k * p2.omega;
p2.T = k * p1.i;


p2.omega = p1.u / k;
p1.i = p2.T / k;

Interface - Default

Ports Description
p1_high, p1_low Both terminals of the Electric port p1.
p2 Rotation port.
mixed See equations above.
k motor constant [Nm/A]

Description - IR
This models represents an ideal DC -motor with inductance and resistance.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 586

9. Library

The electric port has separate high and low terminals. The equations are

p1.i = p1_high.i = p1_low.i;

p1.u = p1_high.u - p1_low.u;

Interface - IR

Ports Description
p1_high, p1_low Both terminals of the Electric port p1.
p2 Rotation port.
mixed See equations above.
k motor constant [Nm/A]
L motor inductance [H]
R motor resistance [Ohm]



Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This model represents an ideal capacitor. The element has a preferred voltage out
causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an integration. The
element can also have the non-preferred current out causality. The constitutive
equations then contain a derivation. The port p of the inductor model has separate high
and low terminals. The equations are:

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 587

9. Library

voltage out causality (preferred):

p.u = (1/C)*int(p.i);

current out causality:

p.i = C * ddt(p.u);

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Electric port p.

preferred voltage out A current out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

C capacitance [F]

Initial Values
p.u_initial The initial charge of the capacitor [V].


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric), Block Diagrams.
This model translates a current to an output signal. It has a voltage out causality. The
port p of the model has separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;
p.u = 0;
i = p.i;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Electric port p.
fixed voltage out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 588

9. Library

i C urrent [A].


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
Description - Default
This is an ideal electrical diode. The model is a switch which is open when the voltage
drop v < 0 and closed when the voltage drop v > 0. The heart of the model consist of a
resistance that is changed by the input voltage from almost zero (on) to a very large
value (off). By proper selection of the on and off resistances, they can be effectively
zero and infinity in comparison to other circuit elements. The port p of the diode model
has separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;

voltage out causality:

R = if p.i > 0 then Ron else Roff end;

p.u = R * p.i;

current out causality:

R = if p.u > 0 then Ron else Roff end;

p.i = p.u / R;
Interface - Default

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Electric port p.
indifferent p
Ron Resistance when diode is turned on [Ohm]
Roff Resistance when diode is turned off [Ohm]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 589

9. Library

Description - Exponential
This is an electrical diode described by an exponential expression. The port p of the
diode model has separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u

uT = (k * T) / e;
p.i = Is * (exp (p.u / uT) - 1);

with k the Boltzmann constant (k = 1.380658e-23 {J/K}

Interface - Exponential

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Electric port p.
indifferent p
T operating temperature [K]
Is reverse saturation current [A]


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
Description - Level
This model represents an almost ideal switch. The switch connects port p1 with p2 when
the input signal is larger than the threshold value vt and connects port p1 with p3 when
the input signal is smaller or equal to the threshold value vt.

The heart of the model consist of two resistances that can be changed by an input signal
from almost zero (on) to a very large value (off). By proper selection of the on and off
resistances, they can be effectively zero and infinity in comparison to other circuit

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 590

9. Library

Layout of the switch model.

The equations of the resistances are:

R = if input > vt then Ron else Roff end;

p.u = R * p.i;
Interface - Level

Ports Description
p1, p2, p3 The electric ports (Electric).
input The switching signal.
indifferent p1, p2,
R1\R Ground resistance at port 1 [Ohm]
R2\R Ground resistance at port 2 [Ohm]
R3\R Ground resistance at port 3 [Ohm]
Resistance12\Ron Resistance between p1 and p2 when switch is turned on [Ohm]
Resistance12\Roff Resistance between p1 and p2 when switch is turned off [Ohm]
Resistance12\vt Threshold value between p1 and p2, switch is turned on when input >
Resistance13\Ron Resistance between p1 and p3 when switch is turned on [Ohm]
Resistance13\Roff Resistance between p1 and p3 when switch is turned off [Ohm]
Resistance13\vt Threshold value between p1 and p3, switch is turned on when input >

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 591

9. Library

Description - Amplitude
This model represents an almost ideal switch. The switch connects port p1 with p2 when
the absolute value of the input signal is larger than the threshold value Resistance12
\vt and connects port p1 with p3 when the absolute value of the input signal is smaller
or equal to the threshold value Resistance13\vt.

The heart of the model consist of two resistances that can be changed by an input signal
from almost zero (on) to a very large value (off). By proper selection of the on and off
resistances, they can be effectively zero and infinity in comparison to other circuit

Layout of the switch model.

The equations of the resistances are:

R = if abs(input) > vt then Ron else Roff end;

p.u = R * p.i;
Interface - Amplitude

Ports Description
p1, p2, p3 The electric ports (Electric).
input The switching signal.
indifferent p1, p2,
R1\R Ground resistance at port 1 [Ohm]
R2\R Ground resistance at port 2 [Ohm]
R3\R Ground resistance at port 3 [Ohm]
Resistance12\Ron Resistance between p1 and p2 when switch is turned on [Ohm]
Resistance12\Roff Resistance between p1 and p2 when switch is turned off [Ohm]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 592

9. Library

Threshold value between p1 and p2, switch is turned on when

abs(input) > Resistance12\vt
Resistance13\Ron Resistance between p1 and p3 when switch is turned on [Ohm]
Resistance13\Roff Resistance between p1 and p3 when switch is turned off [Ohm]
Resistance13\vt Threshold value between p1 and p3, switch is turned on when
abs(input) > Resistance13\vt

To get a simple switching behavior, pay attention to chose the parameters Resistance12
\vt and Resistance13\vt equal. When these parameters are not chosen equal a more
complex switching behavior can be obtained.



Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This model represents the ground (voltage = 0). The model has only one initial port p
defined. Because any number of connections can be made, successive ports are named
p1, p2, p3 etc. which gives the constitutive equations:

p1.u = p2.u = .. = pn.u = 0;

p1.i = free; p2.i = free; ..; pn.i = free;


Ports Description
p [any] Any number of connections can be made (Electric).
Fixed voltage out All ports have a fixed voltage out causality.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 593

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This model represents an ideal electrical inductance. The element has a preferred
current out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred voltage out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The port p of the inductor model has
separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;

current out causality (preferred):

p.i = (1/L)int(p.u);

voltage out causality:

p.u = L * ddt(p.i);

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Electric port p.

preferred current out An voltage out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

L Inductance [H]

Initial Values
p.i_initial The initial flux in the inductor.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 594

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This node model represents a structural connection between two or more branches of an
electrical circuit. The model has only one initial port p defined. Because any number of
connections can be made, successive ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc.

Ports Description
p [any] Any number of connections can be made.


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
Description - Default
This model represents an ideal operational amplifier. The input resistance is infinite and
the output resistance is zero. The port p_in of the OpAmp model has separate high and
low terminals:

p_in.u = p_in_high.u - p_in_low.u;

p_in_high.i = p_in_low.i = p_in.i = 0;
p_out.u = A*p_in.u;
Interface - Default

Ports Description
p_in_high, Both terminals of the input port p_in (Electric).
P_in_low Output port (Electric).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 595

9. Library

fixed current out

fixed voltage out
A Amplification []

Description - Universal
This model represents an operational amplifier with a first order decreasing voltage

The amplification is parameterized by a DC -gain (A) and a cut-off frequency (f). This
yields a unity gain frequency of:

unity gain frequency = A*f;

The gain is limited to yield an output that is between the positive (VDD) and negative
(VEE) supply voltage.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 596

9. Library

The input resistance is infinite and the output resistance is equal to the parameter R.
The port p_in of the OpAmp model has separate high and low terminals:

p_in.u = p_in_high.u - p_in_low.u

p_in_high.i = p_in_low.i = p_in.i = 0;
p_out.u = Adiff*p_in.u - R*p_out.u;

where Adiff is a dynamic gain according to the bode and gain plot.
Interface - Universal

Ports Description
p_in_high, Both terminals of the input port p_in (Electric).
P_in_low Output port (Electric).
fixed current out
preferred voltage
out p_out
A DC gain or DC Amplification
f C ut-off frequency [Hz]
VDD Positive supply voltage [V], choose VDD > VEE!
VEE Negative supply voltage [V], choose VDD > VEE!
R Output impedance [Ohm]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 597

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This model represents an ideal potentiometer.

It can have various forms of causality. The equations are:

R1 = (1 - alpha) * R;
R2 = alpha * R;
p_high.u - p_var.u = p_high.i * R1;
p_var.u - p_low.u = p_low.i * R2;
p_high.i + p_var.i = p_low.i;

where alpha denotes the position of the indicator and can vary from zero to one.

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the resistor.
p_var Indicator terminal.
R Resistance [Ohm].
alpha Indicator position (0 <= alpha <= 1).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 598

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This model represents an diode bridge rectifier consisting of a set four diodes. Given an
alternating input current, the bridge produces an output current which is always
positively oriented and has the same amplitude as the input current. The bridge behavior
is ideal. No diode characteristics are implemented and no power is dissipated.

A circuit with a diode bridge rectifier.


Ports Description
p1_high, p1_low Both terminals of the Electric input port p1.
p2_high, p2_low Both terminals of the Electric output port p2.
p1 not equal p2


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This model represents an ideal electrical resistor. It can have an voltage out as well as a
current out causality. In the last case the constitutive equation, as shown below, is
simply inverted. The port p of the damper model has separate high and low terminals.
The equations are:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 599

9. Library

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;

Voltage out causality:

p.u = R * p.i;

C urrent out causality:

p.i = p.u / R;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Electric port p.
R Resistance [Ohm].


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
Description - Level
This model represents an almost ideal switch. The switch is turned on when the input
signal is larger than the threshold value vt and it is turned off when the input signal is
smaller or equal to the threshold value vt.

The heart of the model consist of a resistance that can be changed by an input signal
from almost zero (on) to a very large value (off). By proper selection of the on and off
resistances, they can be effectively zero and infinity in comparison to other circuit

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 600

9. Library

Layout of the switch model.

The equations of the resistance are:

R = if input > vt then Ron else Roff end;

p.u = R * p.i;

Interface - Level

Ports Description
p1, p2 Both electric ports (Electric).
input The switching signal.
indifferent p1, p2
R1\R Ground resistance at port 1 [Ohm]
R2\R Ground resistance at port 2 [Ohm]
Resistance12\Ron Resistance when switch is turned on [Ohm]
Resistance12\Roff Resistance when switch is turned off [Ohm]
Resistance12\vt Threshold value, switch is turned on when input > vt

Description - Amplitude
This model represents an almost ideal switch. The switch is turned on when the
amplitude of the input signal is larger than the threshold value vt and it is turned off
when the amplitude of the input signal is smaller or equal to the threshold value vt.

The heart of the model consist of a resistance that can be changed by an input signal
from almost zero (on) to a very large value (off). By proper selection of the on and off
resistances, they can be effectively zero and infinity in comparison to other circuit

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 601

9. Library

Layout of the switch model.

The equations of the resistance are:

R = if abs(input) > vt then Ron else Roff end;

p.u = R * p.i;

Interface - Amplitude

Ports Description
p1, p2 Both electric ports (Electric).
input The switching signal.
indifferent p1,p2
R1\R Ground resistance at port 1 [Ohm]
R2\R Ground resistance at port 2 [Ohm]
Resistance12\Ron Resistance when switch is turned on [Ohm]
Resistance12\Roff Resistance when switch is turned off [Ohm]
Resistance12\vt Threshold value, switch is turned on when abs(input) > vt


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 602

9. Library

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
Description - Default
This models represents an ideal transformer. The transformer does not have internal
resistors, capacitance or inductance. The causality of this model is always mixed: one
port has a voltage causality while the other has a current out causality:

p_1.u = n * p_2.u;
p_2.i = n * p_1.i;


p_2.u = 1/n * p_1.u;

p_1.i = 1/n * p_2.i;

Interface - Default

Ports Description
p_1,p_2 Electrical ports
p_small notequal
n turns ratio []

Description - Induction
This models represents a transformer with inductance and mutual inductance. The
equations are:

p_1.u = L1 * ddt(p_1.i) + M * ddt(p_2.i);

p_2.u = M * ddt(p_1.i) + L2 * ddt(p_2.i);

Interface - Induction

Ports Description
p_1,p_2 Electrical ports
L1 Primary inductance [H]
L2 Secondary Inductance [H]
M C oupling Inductance [H]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 603

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric), Block Diagrams.
This model translates a voltage difference to an output signal. It has a current out
causality. The port p of the model has separate high and low terminals. The equations

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;
p.i = 0;
u = p.u;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Electric port p.
fixed current out
u Voltage [V].



Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Sources
C urrent
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
Description - Voltage
This model represents an ideal voltage controlled current source. Both ports of the
model have separate high and low terminals:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 604

9. Library

p_in.u = p_in_high.u - p_in_low.u;

p_in_high.i = p_in_low.i = p_in.i;
p_out.u = p_out_high.u - p_out_low.u = 0
p_out_high.i = p_out_low.i = p_in.i;

The equations of this model are:

p_in.i = 0;
p_out.i = p_in.u;
p_out.u = indifferent;

Interface - Voltage

Ports Description
p_in_high, Both terminals of the input port p_in (Electric).
P_in_low Both terminals of the output port p_out (Electric).
fixed current out
fixed current out

Description - Current
This model represents an ideal current controlled current source. Both ports of the
model have separate high and low terminals:

p_in.u = p_in_high.u - p_in_low.u;

p_in_high.i = p_in_low.i = p_in.i;
p_out.u = p_out_high.u - p_out_low.u = 0
p_out_high.i = p_out_low.i = p_in.i;

The equations of this model are:

p_in.u = 0;
p_out.i = p_in.i;
p_out.u = indifferent;

Interface - Current

Ports Description
p_in_high, Both terminals of the input port p_in (Electric).
P_in_low Both terminals of the output port p_out (Electric).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 605

9. Library

fixed voltage out
fixed current out


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Sources
C urrent
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
Description - Voltage
This model represents an ideal voltage controlled voltage source. Both ports of the
model have separate high and low terminals:

p_in.u = p_in_high.u - p_in_low.u;

p_in_high.i = p_in_low.i = p_in.i;
p_out.u = p_out_high.u - p_out_low.u = 0
p_out_high.i = p_out_low.i = p_in.i;

The equations of this model are:

p_in.i = 0;
p_out.u = p_in.u;
p_out.i = indifferent;

Interface - Voltage

Ports Description
p_in_high, Both terminals of the input port p_in (Electric).
P_in_low Both terminals of the output port p_out (Electric).
fixed current out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 606

9. Library

fixed voltage out


Description - Current
This model represents an ideal current controlled voltage source. Both ports of the
model have separate high and low terminals:

p_in.u = p_in_high.u - p_in_low.u;

p_in_high.i = p_in_low.i = p_in.i;
p_out.u = p_out_high.u - p_out_low.u = 0
p_out_high.i = p_out_low.i = p_in.i;

The equations of this model are:

p_in.u = 0;
p_out.u = p_in.i;
p_out.i = indifferent;

Interface - Current

Ports Description
p_in_high, Both terminals of the input port p_in (Electric).
P_in_low Both terminals of the output port p_out (Electric).
fixed voltage out
fixed voltage out

Description - PI
This model represents a voltage controlled voltage source. The output voltage is
connected to the input voltage through a PI-controller and limited to a maximum and
minimum value of ±Vmax. The output voltage is subjected to an output resistance R.

Both ports of the model have separate high and low terminals:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 607

9. Library

p_in.u = p_in_high.u - p_in_low.u;

p_in_high.i = p_in_low.i = p_in.i;
p_out.u = p_out_high.u - p_out_low.u = 0
p_out_high.i = p_out_low.i = p_in.i;

Interface - PI

Ports Description
p_in_high, Both terminals of the input port p_in (Electric).
p_out_high, Both terminals of the output port p_out (Electric).
fixed current out
fixed voltage out
Kp Proportional gain []
f Integration frequency [Hz]
Vmax Maximum output voltage [V]
R Output resistance [Ohm]

Description - KP
This model represents a voltage controlled voltage source. The output voltage is
proportional to the input voltage and is limited to a maximum and minimum value of
±Vmax. The output voltage is subjected to an output resistance R.

Both ports of the model have separate high and low terminals:

p_in.u = p_in_high.u - p_in_low.u;

p_in_high.i = p_in_low.i = p_in.i;
p_out.u = p_out_high.u - p_out_low.u = 0
p_out_high.i = p_out_low.i = p_in.i;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 608

9. Library

Interface - KP

Ports Description
p_in_high, Both terminals of the input port p_in (Electric).
p_out_high, Both terminals of the output port p_out (Electric).
fixed current out
fixed voltage out
Kp Proportional gain []
Vmax Maximum output voltage [V]
R Output resistance [Ohm]


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Sources
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This model represents an ideal current source with a constant current. The current can
be set to a certain constant value, the voltage is indifferent. The port p of the model has
separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;

p.u = indifferent;
p.i = i;

Ports Description
p_low, p_high Both terminals of the Electric port p.
fixed current out
i C urrent [A].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 609

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Sources
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal current source with a variable current. The current can
be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the input signal i, the voltage is indifferent.

p.i = i;

Ports Description
p Electric port.
fixed current out
i C urrent [A].


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Sources
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal voltage source with a variable voltage. The voltage can
be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the input signal u, the current is indifferent.

p.u = u;

Ports Description
p Electric port.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 610

9. Library

fixed voltage out

u Voltage [V].


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Sources
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
Description - DC
This model represents an ideal voltage source with a constant voltage. The voltage can
be set to a certain constant value, the current is indifferent. The port p of the model has
separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;

p.i = indifferent;
p.u = u;
Interface - DC

Ports Description
p Both terminals of the Electric port p.
fixed voltage out
u Voltage [V].

Description - AC
This model represents an ideal voltage source with a sinusoidal voltage. The voltage can
be set to a certain constant value, the current is indifferent. The port p of the model has
separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 611

9. Library

p.i = p_high.i = p_low.i;

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;

p.i = indifferent;
p.u = U*sin(2*pi*f*time);
Interface - AC

Ports Description
p Both terminals of the Electric port p.
fixed voltage out
U Voltage amplitude [V].
f Voltage frequency [Hz]

9.2.3 Hydraulics


The 20-sim Hydraulics library contains components to model the dynamic behavior of
hydraulic circuits. Most components have lumped volumes to ensure a seamless
connection with other components. Therefore almost all components can be connected
arbitrarily. C are has to be taken that physically relevant circuits are created.

The elementary components (without lumped volumes) are stored in the basic libraries.
These models should only be used by experienced modelers who want to create their
own library components.

Hydraulic components can easily be coupled to other library models. The pumps and
motors have a rotation port that can be coupled to models of the Rotation library. The
cylinder models have a translation port that can be coupled to models of the Translation
library. Some models have a variable input that can be coupled to models of the Signal

To get a good impression of the use the components of this library, have a look at the
example circuits.
Every library component has one or more hydraulic connectors, which are called ports in
20-sim. Ports always have two variables: pressure [Pa] and volume flow [m3/s]. The
following ports a and b are usually provided:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 612

9. Library

a.p Pressure in [Pa] with respect to atmospheric pressure (p stands for

a.phi Volume flow [m3/s], positive if oil is entering the component at port a
(phi stands for flow).

b.p Pressure in [Pa] with respect to atmospheric pressure (p stands for
b.phi Volume flow [m3/s], negative if oil is entering the component at port b
(phi stands for flow).

The 20-sim hydraulics library uses the common definition of pressure in Pa:

1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 1e-5 bar

The air pressure at sea level is taken as the zero value:

0 Pa = air pressure

C onsequently the pressure for liquid oil that starts to vaporize is negative. In 20-sim the
default value of the vapour pressure is:

p_vapour = -0.999e5 Pa

The vapour pressure is the minimum pressure. Some models have a safeguard on the
pressure to prevent it to become smaller. You can change the value of the vapour
pressure but take care that always a value is chosen that is smaller than zero. Otherwise
some of the models will not work correctly.
Bulk modulus
No liquid is fully incompressible. The compliance characteristics of the oil in a hydraulic
system is a vital parameters affecting the response. The effect of compressibility is
incorporated by entering the bulk modulus of the fluid:

dp = -B*dV/V

Here dp is the pressure , V the volume and B the bulk modulus. For small pressure
variations the compressibility effect my be rewritten as:

p = B/V*int(flow)

The bulk modulus is a very uncertain parameter. It depends on the percentage of air
dissolved in the fluid, the pressure and the temperature. In most textbooks a values of
1.5 to 1.75 [GPa] is used. 20-sim uses a default value of 1.6 [GPa]. If fluid should be
simulated at elevated temperatures or with a high percentage or air dissolved, you
should use a smaller value for the bulk modulus.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 613

9. Library

20-sim uses SI-units for the hydraulic components. If you want to use other units select
them in the Parameters Editor or the Variables C hooser.
Laminar flow
Many hydraulic models have a laminar (leakage) flow:

flow = G * dp

with G the flow conductance and dp the pressure difference. The table below shows the
flow rates for various conductance values and pressure differences of 10 [bar] and 400

G P P flow flow
m3/s.Pa Pa bar m3/s l/min

1.0e-14 1.0e6 10 2.89e-8 0.002

1.0e-14 4.0e7 400 1.82e-7 0.01
1.0e-12 1.0e6 10 1.44e-6 0.09
1.0e-12 4.0e7 400 9.12e-6 0.6
1.0e-10 1.0e6 10 1.44e-4 9
1.0e-10 4.0e7 400 9.12e-4 55
1.0e-8 1.0e6 10 2.89e-3 173
1.0e-8 4.0e7 400 1.82e-2 1095

If the flow rate is very small (leakage flow), choose G below 1.0e-14 [m3/s.Pa]. If the
flow rate is very large (open connection to a tank), choose G 1.0e-9 or higher if desired.
Turbulent flow
Some hydraulic models have a turbulent (orifice) flow described by:

flow = Cd * A * sqrt( 2/ rho * dp)

with Cd the discharge coefficient, A the orifice area, rho the fluid density and dp the
pressure difference. Except for small pressure around zero, the discharge coefficient is
constant. In most textbooks a value of 0.6 is recommended. The table below shows the
flow rates for various orifice areas and pressure differences of 10 [bar] and 400 [bar].

Cd A rho dp dp flow flow

m3/s.Pa m2 kg/m3 Pa bar m3/s l/min

0.6 1.0e-9 865 1.0e6 10 1.0e-8 0.0006

0.6 1.0e-9 865 4.0e7 400 4.0e-7 0.024

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 614

9. Library

0.6 5.0e-8 865 1.0e6 10 1.0e-6 0.06

0.6 5.0e-8 865 4.0e7 400 4.0e-5 2.4
0.6 5.0e-6 865 1.0e6 10 1.0e-4 6
0.6 5.0e-6 865 4.0e7 400 4.0e-3 240
0.6 1.0e-4 865 1.0e6 10 1.0e-2 600
0.6 1.0e-4 865 4.0e7 400 4.0e-1 24000

If the flow rate is very small (leakage flow) choose A smaller than 1.0e-9 [m2]. If the
flow rate should be very large (open connection) choose A equal to 1.0e-4 or higher if
desired. For very small pressure differences the flow will become laminar and the
discharge coefficient will drop. For such cases, specialized models should be applied. If
they are not available, use a laminar flow model with a small conductance value.
Hydraulic circuits can be simulated with all the available integration methods. In practice
the default integration method (BDF) will give the most accurate and quickest response.
Take care with hydraulic circuits that will give high pressure peaks and small flow rates.
These circuits are sometimes hard to simulate. In practice high pressure peaks should
be reduced with pressure relief valves to avoid damage. Fortunately adding pressure
relief valves will in most cases improve the simulation response.
All models have been tested with standard configurations. This will however not ensure
that valid results will be found at all times. For example temperature effects are not
included and certain parameter values will lead to unstable simulations. Therefore any
application of the library without validation of the user is at its own risk!
The 20-sim hydraulic library has been based on the following literature:

P. Dransfield, Hydraulic C ontrol Systems - Design and Analysisi of Their Dynamics,

Springer 1981,ISBN 3-540-10890-4.
P. Beater, Entwurf Hydraulischer Maschinen, Modelbildung, Stabilitätsanalyse und
Simulation hydrostatischer Antriebe und Steurungen, Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-65444-

The models have been designed as close as possible to the Modelica hydraulic library
(www.modelica.org). To compare both libraries the example model C losed C ircuit Drive
Train.emx has been added.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 615

9. Library



Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
When a fluid flow changes speed, a force is needed to accelerate the fluid. This force is
equal to the acceleration multiplied by the mass of the fluid.

F = m * dv/dt

The fluid mass is equal to the pipe area multiplied by the pipe length and the fluid

m = A * l * rho

The force will result in a pressure differential:

F = A * dp = A * (pa.p - pb.p)

We can rewrite the formulas as

dp = rho * l * dv/dt

and by introducing the fluid flow phi:

v = phi/A

we get the formula for an hydraulic inertia:

dp = (rho * l / A) * d phi/dt

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic inertia.
fixed pressure out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 616

9. Library

fixed pressure out

rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
d pipe diameter [m]
l pipe length [m]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This node model represents a connection between two or more lines of an hydraulic
circuit. The model has only one initial port p defined. Because any number of
connections can be made, successive ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc.

Ports Description
p [any] Any number of connections can be made.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 617

9. Library


Basic Cylinders


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C ylinders\Basic C ylinders
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics/Translational).

This is an ideal model of cylinder with no mass and no friction. The volume of the
chambers is given by:

Va = Vdead + Aa*(x + x_initial)

Vb = Vdead + Ab*(stroke - x - x_initial)

with Aa the piston area and Ab the effective area at the rod side. x is the piston position
and Vdead the initial volume when piston position is zero. The piston areas Aa and Ab
are related to the piston diameter dp and rod diameter dr by:

Aa = pi * dp^2 / 4
Ab = pi * dp^2 / 4 - pi * dr^2 / 4

There is no restriction on the travel of the piston. Only a warning is given when the
maximum stroke is exceeded or the piston position gets negative.

Ports Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 618

9. Library

pa, pb hydraulic port

pm translation port
preferred pressure out pa
preferred force out pm
Vdead rest volume of oil in cylinder chamber when closed [N.s/
B m]
stroke effective bulk modulus [Pa]
x_initial stroke length [m]
dp starting position of piston [m]
dr piston diameter [m]
rod diameter [m]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C ylinders\Basic C ylinders
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics/Translational).

This is an ideal model of a single acting cylinder with no mass and no friction and a
return spring to drive the cylinder back when there is no pressure in the chamber. The
volume of the chamber is given by:

V = Vdead + Aa*(x + x_initial)

with Aa the piston area, x the piston position and Vdead the initial volume when piston
position is zero. The piston area Aa is related to the piston diameter dp by:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 619

9. Library

Aa = pi * dp^2 / 4

The driving force of the return spring is determined by two parameters: the force for
piston position zero (Fspr_min) and the force when the piston is at the other side
(Fspr_max). The spring constant (kspr) and initial spring position (x0) are calculated out
of these parameters by:

kspr = (Fspr_max - Fspr_min)/stroke

x0 = -Fspr_min/kspr

There is no restriction on the travel of the piston. Only a warning is given when the
maximum stroke is exceeded or the piston position gets negative.

Ports Description
pa hydraulic port
pm translation port
preferred pressure out pa
preferred force out pm
Vdead rest volume of oil in cylinder chamber when closed [N.s/
B m]
stroke effective bulk modulus [Pa]
x_initial stroke length [m]
dp starting position of piston [m]
Fspr_min piston diameter [m]
Fspr_max minimum return spring force (at x = 0) [N]
maximum return spring force (at x = stroke) [N]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 620

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C ylinders\Basic C ylinders
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics/Translational).

This is an ideal model of a single acting cylinder with no mass and no friction. The
volume of the chamber is given by:

V = Vdead + Aa*(x + x_initial)

with Aa the piston area, x the piston position and Vdead the initial volume when piston
position is zero. The piston area Aa is related to the piston diameter dp by:

Aa = pi * dp^2 / 4

There is no restriction on the travel of the piston. Only a warning is given when the
maximum stroke is exceeded or the piston position gets negative.

Ports Description
pa hydraulic port
pm translation port
preferred pressure out pa
preferred force out pm

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 621

9. Library

Vdead rest volume of oil in cylinder chamber when closed [N.s/

B m]
stroke effective bulk modulus [Pa]
x_initial stroke length [m]
dp starting position of piston [m]
piston diameter [m]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C ylinders\Basic C ylinders
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics/Translational).

This is an ideal model of a single acting cylinder with no mass and no friction. The
volume of the chamber is given by:

V = Vdead + Aa*(x + x_initial)

with Aa the piston area, x the piston position and Vdead the initial volume when piston
position is zero. The piston area Aa is related to the piston diameter dp by:

Aa = pi * dp^2 / 4

There is no restriction on the travel of the piston. Only a warning is given when the
maximum stroke is exceeded or the piston position gets negative.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 622

9. Library


Ports Description
pa hydraulic port
pm translation port
preferred pressure out pa
preferred force out pm
Vdead rest volume of oil in cylinder chamber when closed [N.s/
B m]
stroke effective bulk modulus [Pa]
x_initial stroke length [m]
dp starting position of piston [m]
piston diameter [m]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C ylinders
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics/Translational).

This is the extended model of a double acting cylinder with mass, friction and end stops.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 623

9. Library

The volume of the chambers is given by:

Va = Vdead + Aa*(x + x_initial)

Vb = Vdead + Ab*(stroke - x - x_initial)

with Aa the piston area and Ab the effective area at the rod side. x is the piston position
and Vdead the initial volume when piston position is zero. The piston areas Aa and Ab
are related to the piston diameter dp and rod diameter dr by:

Aa = pi * dp^2 / 4
Ab = pi * dp^2 / 4 - pi * dr^2 / 4

The travel of the piston is restricted. At the cylinder heads two collision models prevent
the piston from traveling any further. The friction between the piston and the cylinder
walls is modeled by static and viscous friction.

Ports Description
pa, pb hydraulic ports
p_barrel, p_rod translation ports
preferred pressure out pa
preferred force out pm
Vdead rest volume of oil in cylinder chamber when closed, [m3]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 624

9. Library

B effective bulk modulus [Pa]

stroke stroke length [m]
x_initial starting position of piston [m]
dp piston diameter [m]
dr rod diameter [m]
m_barrel barrel mas [kg]
m_rod rod and piston mass [kg]
kc stiffness during collision with cylinder heads [N/m]
dc damping during collision with cylinder heads [N.s/m]
Fc static friction [N]
dv viscous friction coefficient [N.s/m]
slope steepness of the static friction curve []

When a the cylinder piston collides with the cylinder heads, simulation may get very slow
or even become unstable. In these cases you are advised to use the BDF-method with
default settings. Try to change the absolute integration error until a stable simulation is


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C ylinders
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics/Translational).

This is the extended model of a single acting cylinder with mass, friction, end stops and
a return spring to drive the cylinder back when there is no pressure in the chamber.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 625

9. Library

The volume of the chamber is given by:

V = Vdead + Aa*(x + x_initial)

with Aa the piston area, x the piston position and Vdead the initial volume when piston
position is zero. The piston area Aa is related to the piston diameter dp by:

Aa = pi * dp^2 / 4

The driving force of the return spring is determined by two parameters: the force for
piston position zero (Fspr_min) and the force when the piston is at the other side
(Fspr_max). The spring constant (kspr) and initial spring position (x0) are calculated out
of these parameters by:

kspr = (Fspr_max - Fspr_min)/stroke

x0 = -Fspr_min/kspr

The travel of the piston is restricted. At the cylinder heads two collision models prevent
the piston from traveling any further. The friction between the piston and the cylinder
walls is modeled by static and viscous friction.

Ports Description
pa hydraulic port
p_barrel, p_rod translation ports

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 626

9. Library

preferred pressure out pa

preferred force out pm
Vdead rest volume of oil in cylinder chamber when closed [m3]
B effective bulk modulus [Pa]
stroke stroke length [m]
x_initial starting position of piston [m]
dp piston diameter [m]
m_barrel barrel mass [kg]
m_rod rod and piston mass [kg]
kc stiffness during collision with cylinder heads [N/m]
dc damping during collision with cylinder heads [N.s/m]
Fc static friction [N]
dv viscous friction coefficient [N.s/m]
slope steepness of the static friction curve []

When a the cylinder piston collides with the cylinder heads, simulation may get very slow
or even become unstable. In these cases you are advised to use the BDF-method with
default settings. Try to change the absolute integration error until a stable simulation is


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\C ylinders
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics/Translational).

This is the extended model of a single acting cylinder with mass, friction and end stops.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 627

9. Library

The volume of the chamber is given by:

V = Vdead + Aa*(x + x_initial)

with Aa the piston area, x the piston position and Vdead the initial volume when piston
position is zero. The piston area Aa is related to the piston diameter dp by:

Aa = pi * dp^2 / 4

The travel of the piston is restricted. At the cylinder heads two collision models prevent
the piston from traveling any further. The friction between the piston and the cylinder
walls is modeled by static and viscous friction.

Ports Description
pa hydraulic port
p_barrel, p_rod translation ports
preferred pressure out pa
preferred force out pm
Vdead rest volume of oil in cylinder chamber when closed [m3]
B effective bulk modulus [Pa]
stroke stroke length [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 628

9. Library

x_initial starting position of piston [m]

dp piston diameter [m]
m_barrel barrel mass [kg]
m_rod rod and piston mass [kg]
kc stiffness during collision with cylinder heads [N/m]
dc damping during collision with cylinder heads [N.s/m]
Fc static friction [N]
dv viscous friction coefficient [N.s/m]
slope steepness of the static friction curve []

When a the cylinder piston collides with the cylinder heads, simulation may get very slow
or even become unstable. In these cases you are advised to use the BDF-method with
default settings. Try to change the absolute integration error until a stable simulation is


Basic Pumps


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps\Basic Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes an ideal motor with an axial speed that is proportional to the input
flow rate:

pa.phi = pb.phi = i * p_rot.omega;

i = D / (2*pi);

The torque is equal to:

p.T = i*(pa.p - pb.p);

If the port pressure is smaller than the vapour pressure (p < p_vapour), the flow is
zero. If the port pressure becomes larger than the vapour pressure the flow gradually
grows to its normal value, until the atmospheric pressure (p = 0) is reached.

Ports Description
pa inlet port (hydraulic)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 629

9. Library

pb outlet port (hydraulic)

p_rot axis (rotation)
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed torque out
D displacement per revolution [m3]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps\Basic Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes an ideal pump with a displacement that is proportional to the speed
of the input axis:

pa.phi = pb.phi = i * p_rot.omega;

i = D / (2*pi);

The torque is equal to:

p.T = i*(pa.p - pb.p);

If the inlet pressure is smaller than the vapour pressure(p < p_vapour), the flow is zero.
If the inlet pressure is larger than the vapour pressure the flow gradually grows to its
normal value, until the atmospheric pressure (p = 0) is reached.

Ports Description
pa inlet port (hydraulic)
pb outlet port (hydraulic)
p_rot axis (rotation)
fixed volume flow
out pa

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 630

9. Library

fixed volume flow

out pb
preferred angular
velocity out p_rot
D displacement per revolution [m3]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps\Basic Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model represents an ideal flow source with a fixed flow given by the parameter phi:

p.phi = phi;

The model has no leakage.


Ports Description
fixed volume flow
out p
phi Volume flow [m3/s]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps\Basic Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model represents an ideal flow source with a variable flow that is given by input
signal phi:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 631

9. Library

p.phi = phi;

The model has no leakage.


Ports Description
fixed volume flow
out p
phi Volume flow [m3/s]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps\Basic Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model represents an ideal pressure source with a fixed pressure given by the
parameter pressure:

p.p = pressure;

The model has no leakage.


Ports Description
fixed pressure out
pressure Pressure [Pa]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 632

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps\Basic Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model represents an ideal pressure source with a fixed pressure given by the
parameter pressure:

p.p = pressure;

The model has no leakage.


Ports Description
fixed pressure out
p Pressure [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps\Basic Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes an ideal motor with an axial speed that is proportional to the input
flow rate:

pa.phi = pb.phi = i * p_rot.omega;

i = D * c / (2*pi);

The torque is equal to:

p.T = i*(pa.p - pb.p);

The displacement is controllable by the input signal c. For a positive rotation of the
driving axis the flow is:

c >= 1 maximum flow from port 1 to port 2

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 633

9. Library

c=0 zero flow

c <= -1 maximum flow from port 2 to port 1

If the port pressure is smaller than the vapour pressure (p < p_vapour), the flow is
zero. If the port pressure becomes larger than the vapour pressure the flow gradually
grows to its normal value, until the atmospheric pressure (p = 0) is reached.

Ports Description
pa inlet port (hydraulic)
pb outlet port (hydraulic)
p_rot axis (rotation)
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed torque out
c relative displacement
D displacement per revolution [m3]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps\Basic Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes an ideal pump with a displacement that is proportional to the speed
of the input axis:

pa.phi = pb.phi = i * p_rot.omega;

i = D * c / (2*pi);

The torque is equal to:

p.T = i*(pb.p - pa.p);

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 634

9. Library

The displacement is controllable by the input signal c. For a positive rotation of the
driving axis the flow is:

c >= 1 maximum flow from port 1 to port 2

c=0 zero flow
c <= -1 maximum flow from port 2 to port 1

If the port pressure is smaller than the vapour pressure (p < p_vapour), the flow is
zero. If the port pressure is larger than the vapour pressure the flow gradually grows to
its normal value, until the atmospheric pressure (p = 0) is reached.

Ports Description
pa inlet port (hydraulic)
pb outlet port (hydraulic)
p_rot axis (rotation)
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed torque out
c relative displacement
D displacement per revolution [m3]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

A centrifugal pump converts the input power of a rotating shaft into kinetic energy of a
the liquid by accelerating the liquid through an impeller.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 635

9. Library

The pump is characterized by two curves:

1. The head (H) as function of the volume flow at a preset speed.

2. The efficiency (n) of the pump as a function of the fluid flow at a present speed. The
efficiency is defined as the flow output power divided by rotational input power.

The pump curves are approximated by two second order polynomials:

H = ha*q2 + hb*q + hc
n = na*q2 + nb*q + nc

To fit the polynomial curves, the heads and efficiencies have to be specified at three
different flows. The first flow ( q0) is zero. The other two flows ( q1 and q2) can be chosen

Note: some pump flows extrapolate the efficiency curves to zero at zero fluid flow. This
would mean that at a zero fluid flow no power can be transmitted and the pump can

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 636

9. Library

never start! Therefore in this model always use an efficiency that is non-zero at zero

Some pump characteristics give multiple input speeds. This model automatically takes
into account for varying input speeds of the input axis by transforming the pump curve
using the affinity rules.

Ha = Hb *(v b /v a)2
Q a = Q b *(v b /v a)

Some pump characteristics give the efficiencies as regions. You have then have to
estimate the efficiencies at the chosen flows q0, q1 and q2.


Ports Description
p_t inlet port, tank (hydraulic)
p_a outlet port (hydraulic)
p_rot axis (rotation)
velocity out p_rot
phi Volume flow [m3/s]
q1 flow 1 (choose an arbitrary point between zero and nominal)
q2 flow 2 (nominal flow)
H0 head at zero flow

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 637

9. Library

H1 head at flow 1
H2 head at flow 2 (nominal flow)
n0 efficiency (0 < n < 1) at zero flow
n1 efficiency (0 < n < 1) at flow 1
n2 efficiency (0 < n < 1) at flow 2 (nominal flow)
v_nom nominal speed of the pump
rho fluid density


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes an motor with internal and external leakage and an axial speed
that is proportional to the input flow rate:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 638

9. Library

pa.phi = pb.phi = i * p_rot.omega;

i = D / (2*pi);

The actual flows at the inlet and outlet port may be slightly different because of the flow
into the lumped volumes and the leakage flows. The leakage flows are modeled by
laminar resistances. The torque is equal to:

p.T = i*(pa.p - pb.p);

If the port pressure is smaller than the vapour pressure (p < p_vapour), the flow is
zero. If the port pressure is larger than the vapour pressure the flow gradually grows to
its normal value, until the atmospheric pressure (p = 0) is reached.

Ports Description
pa inlet port (hydraulic)
pb outlet port (hydraulic)
p_rot axis (rotation)
preferred pressure out pa
preferred pressure out pa
preferred angular velocity out
ExternalLeakage1\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
ExternalLeakage1\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
ExternalLeakage2\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
ExternalLeakage2\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
InternalLeakage\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
Va\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Va\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vb\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Motor\D Displacement per revolution [m3]
Friction\d Damping [N.m.s/rad]
Inertia\J Moment of inertia [kg.m2]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 639

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a pump with internal and external leakage and a displacement that
is proportional to the speed of the input axis:

i = D * c / (2*pi);
pa.phi = pb.phi = i * p_rot.omega;

The actual flows at the inlet and outlet port may be slightly different because of the flow
into the lumped volumes and the leakage flows. The leakage flows are modeled by
laminar resistances. The torque of the pump is equal to:

p.T = i*(pa.p - pb.p);

If the inlet pressure is smaller than the vapour pressure(p < p_vapour), the flow is zero.
If the inlet pressure becomes larger than the vapour pressure the flow gradually grows
to its normal value, until the atmospheric pressure (p = 0) is reached.

Ports Description
pa inlet port (hydraulic)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 640

9. Library

pb outlet port (hydraulic)

p_rot axis (rotation)
preferred pressure out pa
preferred pressure out pa
preferred angular velocity out
ExternalLeakage1\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
ExternalLeakage1\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
ExternalLeakage2\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
ExternalLeakage2\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
InternalLeakage\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
Va\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Va\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vb\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Pump\D Displacement per revolution [m3]
Friction\d Damping [N.m.s/rad]
Inertia\J Moment of inertia [kg.m2]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 641

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model represents a flow source with a fixed flow and leakage. The flow is given by
the parameter phi:

p.phi = phi - G*p.p;

The actual flow at the outlet port may be slightly different because of the flow into the
lumped volume at the outlet port and the leakage flow.

Ports Description
fixed volume flow out
phi Volume flow [m3/s]
FlowSource\phi Volume flow [m3/s]
TankRes\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
TankRes\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
V\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
V\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 642

9. Library

V\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model represents a flow source with a variable flow and leakage. The variabele flow
is given by an input signal:

p.phi = phi - G*p.p;

The actual flow at the outlet port may be slightly different because of the flow into the
lumped volume at the outlet port and the leakage flow.

Ports Description
fixed volume flow out
phi Volume flow [m3/s]
TankRes\p_preload tank pressure [Pa]
TankRes\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
V\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
V\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 643

9. Library

V\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes an motor with internal and external leakage and an axial speed
that is proportional to input flow rate:

pa.phi = pb.phi = i * p_rot.omega;

i = D / (2*pi);

The actual flows at the inlet and outlet port may be slightly different because of the flow
into the lumped volumes and the leakage flows. The leakage flows are modeled by
laminar resistances. The torque is equal to:

p.T = i*(pa.p - pb.p);

The displacement is controllable by the input signal c. For a positive rotation of the
driving axis the flow is:

c >= 1 maximum flow from port 1 to port 2

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 644

9. Library

c=0 zero flow

c <= -1 maximum flow from port 2 to port 1

If the port pressure is smaller than the vapour pressure (p < p_vapour), the flow is
zero. If the port pressure is larger than the vapour pressure the flow gradually grows to
its normal value, until the atmospheric pressure (p = 0) is reached.

Ports Description
pa inlet port (hydraulic)
pb outlet port (hydraulic)
p_rot axis (rotation)
preferred pressure out pa
preferred pressure out pa
preferred angular velocity out
c relative displacement
ExternalLeakage1\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
ExternalLeakage1\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
ExternalLeakage2\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
ExternalLeakage2\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
InternalLeakage\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
Va\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Va\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vb\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Motor\D Displacement per revolution [m3]
Friction\d Damping [N.m.s/rad]
Inertia\J Moment of inertia [kg.m2]

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9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Pumps
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a pump with internal and external leakage and a displacement that
is proportional to the speed of the input axis:

i = D * c / (2*pi);
pa.phi = pb.phi = i * p_rot.omega;

The actual flows at the inlet and outlet port may be slightly different because of the flow
into the lumped volumes and the leakage flows. The leakage flows are modeled by
laminar resistances. The torque of the pump is equal to:

p.T = i*(pa.p - pb.p);

The displacement is controllable by the input signal c. For a positive rotation of the
driving axis the flow is:

c >= 1 maximum flow from port 1 to port 2

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c=0 zero flow

c <= -1 maximum flow from port 2 to port 1

If the port pressure is smaller than the vapour pressure (p < p_vapour), the flow is
zero. If the port pressure becomes larger than the vapour pressure the flow gradually
grows to its normal value, until the atmospheric pressure (p = 0) is reached.

Ports Description
pa inlet port (hydraulic)
pb outlet port (hydraulic)
p_rot axis (rotation)
preferred pressure out pa
preferred pressure out pa
preferred angular velocity out
c relative displacement
ExternalLeakage1\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
ExternalLeakage1\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
ExternalLeakage2\p_preload Tank pressure [Pa]
ExternalLeakage2\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
InternalLeakage\G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]
Va\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Va\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vb\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Pump\D Displacement per revolution [m3]
Friction\d Damping [N.m.s/rad]
Inertia\J Moment of inertia [kg.m2]

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9. Library



Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Restrictions
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes the laminar flow through a component:

pa.phi = pb.phi = G*(pa.p - pb.p);

The pressure at both ports has a lower limit which is equal to the vapour pressure.
Therefore the actual equations used in this component are:

p1_lim = if pa.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pa.p end;

p2_lim = if pb.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pb.p end;
dp = p1_lim - p2_lim;
pa.phi = G*dp;
pb.phi = pa.phi;

There is no check on the validity of laminar flow in this component!


Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa], G >= 0!.


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Restrictions
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 648

9. Library

This model describes the laminar/turbulent flow through an orifice if no cavitation occurs.
The flow depends on the pressure difference:

dp = pa.p - pb.p
phi = sign(dp) * Cd * A * sqrt( (2/rho) * abs(dp) ) + GLeak * dp;

Here Cd is the discharge coefficient which normally has a value between 0.55 and 0.7
and A is the area of the orifice opening. Gleak is the conductance of laminar leakage
flow when the valve is closed.

The pressure at both ports has a lower limit that is equal to the vapour pressure.
Therefore the actual equations used in this component are:

p1_lim = if pa.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pa.p end;

p2_lim = if pb.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pb.p end;
dp = p1_lim - p2_lim;

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0!

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A Orifice Area [m2], A >= 0!

Cd Discharge coefficient [].


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Restrictions
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes the laminar flow through a component:

pa.phi = pb.phi = G*(pa.p - pb.p);

The variable conductance G is given by an input signal. The pressure at both ports has a
lower limit that is equal to the vapour pressure. Therefore the actual equations used in
this component are:

p1_lim = if pa.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pa.p end;

p2_lim = if pb.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pb.p end;
dp = p1_lim - p2_lim;
pa.phi = G*dp;
pb.phi = pa.phi;

There is no check on the validity of laminar flow in this component!


Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa], G >= 0.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 650

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Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Restrictions
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes the laminar/turbulent flow through an orifice if no cavitation occurs.
The flow depends on the pressure difference:

dp = pa.p - pb.p;
phi = sign(dp) * Cd * A * sqrt( (2/rho) * abs(dp) ) + GLeak * dp;

Here Cd is the discharge coefficient that normally has a value between 0.55 and 0.7 and
A is the area of the orifice opening. The area A is given as an input signal.

The pressure at both ports has a lower limit that is equal to the vapour pressure.
Therefore the actual equations used in this component are:

p1_lim = if pa.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pa.p end;

p2_lim = if pb.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pb.p end;
dp = p1_lim - p2_lim;

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow
out pa

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fixed volume flow

out pb
A Orifice Area [m2], A >= 0.
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >=0!
Cd Discharge coefficient [], C d >=0!



Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model gives the measured flow as an output signal. The port p of the model has
separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.phi = p_high.phi = p_low.phi;

p.p = p_high.p - p_low.p;
p.p = 0;
phi = p.phi;

The model has no leakage.


Ports Description
fixed volume flow
phi Volume flow [m3/s]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 652

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This sensor gives the pressure in head:

H = p / (rho * g)

with rho the density of the fluid and g the specific gravity. The head is the rise of fluid in
meters if an open tube would be connected. The figure below shows an example for
water at 1 bar and 20 degrees (rho = 998 kg/m3 giving a head of 10.2 m.


Ports Description
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model gives the power that is tranferred over a hydraulic line:

p_high.p = p_low.p;
p_high.phi = p_low.phi;
P = p_high.phi*p_high.p;

The model has no leakage.

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9. Library


Ports Description
P Power [W].


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model gives the measured pressure as an output signal:

pressure = p.p;
p.phi = 0;

The model has no leakage.


Ports Description
fixed volume flow
pressure Absolute velocity [m/s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 654

9. Library


Basic Valves


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes a spring-loaded check valve. The resistance depends on the
pressure difference:

dp < pclosed => valve closed, only leakage: pa.phi = pb.phi = dp * GLeak
pclosed < dp < popen => working range, i. e. valve partially opened
popen < dp => valve wide open: pa.phi = pb.phi = Cd * A * sqrt(dp - pclosed);


Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb

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9. Library

pclosed Valve is closed under this pressure [Pa].

popen Valve is fully open above this pressure [Pa].
GLeak C onductance of closed valve [m3/s.Pa].
A Maximum valve area when the valve is open [m2], A >= 0!
Cd Discharge coefficient [].


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
Flow control valves have the purpose to provide a constant flow, independent of the
downstream pressure. The flow is obtained by means of a pressure difference controller
using the pressure drop over an orifice. Therefore flow control valves always need a
certain pressure drop before the desired flow can be achieved.

In this model the flow is modeled by an tanh function. The pressure drop is defined as
the pressure where 95% of the desired flow rate is achieved.

dp = pa.p - pb.p
phi = if dp > 0 then
phi*arctanh( (arctan(0.95)/p_drop) * dp) + GLeak * dp;
GLeak * dp

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9. Library

Here phi is the desired flow and p_drop is the 95% pressure drop. Gleak is the
conductance of laminar leakage flow when the valve is closed. The pressure at both
ports has a lower limit that is equal to the vapour pressure. Therefore the actual
equations used in this model are:

p1_lim = if pa.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pa.p end;

p2_lim = if pb.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pb.p end;
dp = p1_lim - p2_lim;

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
phi Desired flow [m3/s]
p_drop pressure drop at 95% flow [Pa]
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0!


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model is equal to the four three way proportional valve model, except for the spool
position. The spool position is rounded to 0, 1 or -1:

-0.5 < spoolpos < 0.5 => pos = 0

spoolpos >= 0.5 => pos = 1
spoolpos <= -0.5 => pos = -1

The spool dynamics is modeled by a second order transfer function:

sp = SO(f,d,discrete(pos))

which is characterized by the bandwidth (f) and damping (d).

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9. Library

The 4/3-way directional control valve is implemented with various spool centre
configurations. The configurations are shown in the picture below:

When you drag and drop a model in the editor, you will be asked which implementation
you want to choose. During modeling you can easily change the spool center

1. Select the valve model.

2. C lick the right mouse button to open the right mouse menu.

3. C lick Edit Implementation and choose another implementation.


Ports Description
pp, pt, pa, pb, All terminals of the valve.
fixed volume flow
out pp
fixed volume flow
out pt
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
spoolpos position of the spool valve: 0 =closed, 1 = open
0 <= spoolpos <= 1
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flows [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Amax Maximum spool valve areas when the valves are open [m2], Amax >
Cd 0.

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9. Library

overlap Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.

f The valve overlaps in closed position [], -1 < overlap < 1.
d Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a 4/3-way proportional control valve with second order spool

The spool position is indicated by the variable sp:

sp = -1 Flow from p to b and a to t

-1 < sp < 0 Partial flow from p to b and a to t

sp = 0 No flow
0 < sp < 1 Partial flow from p to a and b to t

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sp = 1 Flow from p to a and b to t

The flow through the valves is described as laminar/turbulent flow through an orifice. A
detailed description of the flow equations can be found in the description of the model

In the neutral spool position (sp = 0) all valves are closed. A positive overlap indicates
that the spool must travel a certain distance before the valves open. A negative overlap
indicates that the valves are already open in the neutral position. A 4/3-way directional
control valve with negative overlap could therefore also be indicated by the figure below.

The overlap is indicated by the parameter overlap, which is given as a fraction of the
spool position. Note that overlap is only active in the neutral position. For the spool
position equal to 1 or -1 the valves are completely open or completely closed.

The spool position sp is a function of the input signal spoolpos:

sp = SO(f,d,discrete(spoolpos))

where SO is a second order transfer function to model the spool dynamics. The function
is characterized by the bandwidth (f) and damping (d). The valve input position spoolpos
should be limited to the range between -1 and 1.
The 4/3-way proportional control valve is implemented with various spool centre
configurations. The configurations are shown in the picture below:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 660

9. Library

When you drag and drop a model in the editor, you will be asked which implementation
you want to choose. During modeling you can easily change the spool center

1. Select the valve model.

2. C lick the right mouse button to open the right mouse menu.

3. C lick Edit Implementation and choose another implementation


Ports Description
pp, pt, pa, pb, All terminals of the valve.
fixed volume flow
out pp
fixed volume flow
out pt
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
spoolpos position of the spool valve: 0 =closed, 1 = open
0 <= spoolpos <= 1
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flows [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Amax Maximum spool valve areas when the valves are open [m2], Amax >
Cd 0.
overlap Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
f The valve overlaps in closed position [], -1 < overlap < 1.
d Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.

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Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
Loop flushing valves are used to maintain a high quality working fluid in closed hydraulic
circuits. In closed hydraulic circuits the oil is continuously flowing from a pump to an
actuator. A loop flushing valve allows the oil to leave the circuit for cooling and filtering.
If one side (pa) of the valve has a higher pressure, oil will flow from the other side (pb)
out of the closed circuit and vice versa.

The circuit is always equipped (not shown above) with a charge pump to keep the
suction side of the pump on a pre-pressure to avoid cavitation and so damage to the
pump, and to exchange the fluid that is flushed.

Loop flushing valves are spring operated. I.e. a certain pressure difference between
port a and b is required to open the valve. This pressure can be adjusted and is
indicated by the parameter p_sw.

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9. Library

A small pressure difference is required to turn a valve from completely closed to

completely opened. This overlap pressure is indicated by the parameter p_o.

Ports Description
pa, pb Input terminals of the valve.
p_out Output terminal.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed volume flow
out p_out
spoolpos position of the spool valve: 0 =closed, 1 = open
0 <= spoolpos <= 1
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flows [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Amax Maximum spool valve areas when the valves are open [m2], Amax >
Cd 0.
f Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
d Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
p_o Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0
p_sw Overlap pressure [Pa].
Switching pressure [Pa].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 663

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
A pilot operated check valve is a check valve that is normally closed but can be opened
for reverse flow by a signal from an external pilot supply.

The figure above shows the standard design using a pilot piston with a stem to unseat
the check valve poppet for reverse flow. The pilot piston has an area three to four times
that of the poppet seat. This produces enough force to open the poppet against
backpressure. Some pilot-operated check valves have area ratios up to 100:1, allowing
a very low pilot pressure to open the valve against high backpressure.

The flow through a pilot operated check depends on the differential pressure dp between
the inlet port pa and the outlet port pb and is equal to:

flow = Cd * A * valve * sqrt(dp);

The variable valve indicates the valve opening and varies between zero (closed) and 1
(open). The opening depends on a force balance which depends on the pressures of the
inlet and outlet port, the spring force and the pressure of the pilot port px:

valve = limit( ( pa.p - pb.p - pclosed + px.p*kp )/(popen - pclosed) , 0 , 1 )

The pilot ratio kp is ratio of the pilot piston area and the check valve area. For a large
pilot ratio a relatively small pilot pressure is sufficient to open the valve against a large
outlet pressure.

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9. Library


Ports Description
pa Inlet port
pb Outlet port
px Pilot port
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed volume flow
out pt
pclosed Valve is closed under this pressure [Pa] and zero pilot pressure.
popen Valve is fully open above this pressure [Pa] and zero pilot pressure.
GLeak C onductance of closed valve [m3/s.Pa].
A Maximum valve area when the valve is open [m2], A >= 0!
Cd Discharge coefficient [].
kp Pilot ratio [].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 665

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
Description - Default
A pressure compensator is an component that maintains a constant differential pressure
across it sensing ports px and py by regulating the flow through the component from
port pa to port pb. A pressure compensator can be used to maintain a constant flow over
a valve by keeping the pressure drop over the valve constant. The sensing ports py and
px are then connected with the input and output of the valve.

The flow through the element is laminar or turbulent depending on the pressure drop
p_ab over pa and pb:

p_ab = pa.p - pb.p;

phi = sign(p_ab) * Cd * A * sqrt( (2/rho) * abs(dp) ) + GLeak * p_ab;

The opening A depends on the pressure drop p_xy over pa and pb:

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9. Library

The maximum opening A_max is determined by the maximum flow phi_max at the
maximum pressure drop p_in_max over the component:

A_max = phi_max / ( Cd * sqrt( (2/rho) * p_in_max ) );

The opening is at its maximum value when the differential pressure across it sensing
ports px and py is below the pressure ((k-1)/k)*p_set. If the differential pressure across
it sensing ports px and py is too high, the opening is closed. In between it varies
between fully open and fully closed. The speed of response of the components is
determined by the proportional gain k (typical choose k = 2 to 5). The proportional gain
determines the slope of the valve opening. If k is large the regulator will respond quickly
but also induce oscillations in the circuit.

The valve is implemented with second order spool dynamics. I.e. the spool opening is
characterized by the bandwidth (f) and damping (d).

Ports Description
pa, pb Input and output terminals of the component.
px, py Sensing terminals of the component. These are used to measure the
pressure and have almost zero flow.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed volume flow
out px
fixed volume flow
out py

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9. Library

rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].

GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flows [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Cd Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
p_set Desired differential pressure over xy (px.p - py.p), [Pa]
p_in_max maximum inlet pressure, [Pa]
phi_max maximum flow at maximum inlet pressure (pa.p) and zero outlet
pressure (pb.p), [m3/s]
f natural frequency of the second order spool dynamics [Hz]
d relative damping of the second order spool dynamics [Hz]
k proportional gain [-]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes a pressure relief valve. The resistance depends on the pressure

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9. Library

dp = pa.p - pb.p
dp < pclosed => valve closed, only leakage: pa.phi = pb.phi = dp * GLeak
pclosed < dp < popen => working range, i. e. valve partially opened
popen < dp => valve wide open: pa.phi = pb.phi = dp * GOpen


Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
pclosed Valve is closed under this pressure [Pa].
popen Valve is fully open above this pressure [Pa].
GLeak C onductance of closed valve [m3/s.Pa].
GOpen C onductance of open valve [m3/s.Pa].

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9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
Pressure reducing valves have the purpose to provide a constant pressure (p_nom),
independent of the upstream pressure. They are used to limit the pressure of a primary
circuit to a desired pressure for a secondary circuit.

The desired pressure (p_nom) is obtained by means of a flow over a valve between an
input port (pa) and an output port (pb). The valve is modeled by a variable
conductance). Depending on the pressure downstream (pb.p) the valve is opened (large
conductance) or closed (zero conductance). Therefore pressure reducing valves always
need a small flow to establish the correct downstream pressure.

When the downstream pressure (pb.p) increases over the desired pressure a second
valve opens to allow flow from the downstream port (pb) to a third port (pt). The third
port is mostly connected to the tank.

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9. Library

The valves have a pressure region for opening an closing. This region is indicated by the
parameter range.

Ports Description
pa Upstream port
pb Downstram port
pt Relief port
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed volume flow
out pt
p_nom Desired downstream pressure [Pa].
range Range for opening and closing the valves [Pa].
Gab The maximum conductance from a to b [m3/s.Pa].
Gbt The maximum conductance from b to t [m3/s.Pa].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 671

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
Description - Default
A shuttle valve is a type of valve which allows fluid to flow through it from one of two
sources. Shuttle valves accept flow from two different sources (pa) and (pb) and divert
the highest pressure to a single outlet port (p_out). Shuttle valves are commonly used in
Load Sensing circuits and at a cylinder to measure the working pressure, as well as
Brake circuits. Normal shuttle valve are mostly ball and poppet types valves.

The default implementation of the shuttle valve assumes ideal behaviour:

p.out.p = maximum(pa.p, pb.p)

pa.phi = pb.phi = 0;

This model sets the flows of the input ports to zero and assumes the output flow is zero
as well. However the output flow is determined by the component that is connected with
the output port. A warning is given when the output flow exceeds 1.0e-5 m3. If flows are
important in your model, use the Spool Dynamics implementation of this model (see
Interface - Default

Ports Description
pa, pb Input terminals of the valve.
p_out Output terminal.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb

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9. Library

fixed pressure out


Description - BallDynamics
This implementation is equal to the default implementation but with modeled dynamics.
A small pressure difference between the inlet ports pa and pb is enough to make the ball
switch from one side to the other. This pressure is called the overlap pressure po.

Interface - BallDynamics

Ports Description
pa, pb Input terminals of the valve.
p_out Output terminal.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed volume flow
out p_out
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flows [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Amax Maximum valve areas when the valves are open [m2], Amax > 0.
Cd Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
f Bandwidth of the valve dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
d Damping of the valve dynamics [], d > 0
p_o Overlap pressure [Pa].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 673

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a 2/2-way directional control valve with second order spool
dynamics. The flow through the valve is described as laminar/turbulent flow through an

dp = pa.p - pb.p
phi = sign(dp) * Cd * A(sp) * sqrt( (2/rho) * abs(dp) ) + GLeak * dp;

Here Cd is the discharge coefficient which normally has a value between 0.55 and 0.7.
A(sp) is the area of the orifice opening. A(sp) depends linearly on the spool position sp
and varies between 0 (sp = 0) and the maximum area Amax (sp = 1). Gleak is the
conductance of laminar leakage flow when the valve is closed. The relative opening of
the spool valve is indicated by sp. For a closed valve the spool position (sp) is equal to
zero and for an open valve the spool position (sp) is equal to 1.

In the neutral spool position (sp = 0) the valve is just closed. A positive overlap
indicates that the spool must travel a certain distance before the valve opens.

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9. Library

A negative overlap indicates that the valve is already open in the neutral position.

The overlap is indicated by the parameter overlap, which is given as a fraction of the
spool position.

The spool position sp is a function of the input signal spoolpos:

sp = SO(f,d,discrete(spoolpos))

where SO is a second order transfer function to model the spool dynamics. The function
is characterized by the bandwidth (f) and damping (d). The model acts as a directional
valve (a valve which is either open or closed) because the input signal spoolpos is
rounded to 0 or 1:

spoolpos < 0.5 => 0

spoolpos >= 0.5 => 1

The pressure at both ports has a lower limit which is equal to the vapour pressure.
Therefore the actual equations used in this component are:

pa_lim = if pa.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pa.p end;

pb_lim = if pb.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pb.p end;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 675

9. Library


Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the valve.
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
spoolpos position of the spool valve
spoolpos < 0.5 => valve is closed
spoolpos >= 0.5 => valve is open
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Amax Maximum spool valve area when the valve is open [m2], Amax > 0.
Cd Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
overlap The valve overlap in closed position [], -1 < overlap < 1.
f Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
d Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0.


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 676

9. Library


This model describes a 2/2-way proportional control valve with second order spool
dynamics. The flow through the valve is described as laminar/turbulent flow through an

dp = pa.p - pb.p
phi = sign(dp) * Cd * A(sp) * sqrt( (2/rho) * abs(dp) ) + GLeak * dp;

Here Cd is the discharge coefficient which normally has a value between 0.55 and 0.7.
A(sp) is the area of the orifice opening. A(sp) depends linearly on the spool position sp
and varies between 0 (sp = 0) and the maximum area Amax (sp = 1). Gleak is the
conductance of laminar leakage flow when the valve is closed. The relative opening of
the spool valve is indicated by sp. For a closed valve the spool position (sp) is equal to
zero and for an open valve the spool position (sp) is equal to 1.

In the neutral spool position (sp = 0) the valve is just closed. A positive overlap
indicates that the spool must travel a certain distance before the valve opens.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 677

9. Library

A negative overlap indicates that the valve is already open in the neutral position.

The overlap is indicated by the parameter overlap, which is given as a fraction of the
spool position.

The spool position sp is a function of the input signal spoolpos:

sp = SO(f,d,spoolpos)

where SO is a second order transfer function to model the spool dynamics. The function
is characterized by the bandwidth (f) and damping (d). The valve input position spoolpos
should be limited to the range between 0 and 1.

The pressure at both ports has a lower limit which is equal to the vapour pressure.
Therefore the actual equations used in this component are:

pa_lim = if pa.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pa.p end;

pb_lim = if pb.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pb.p end;


Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the valve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 678

9. Library

fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
spoolpos position of the spool valve: 0 =closed, 1 = open
0 <= spoolpos <= 1
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Amax Maximum spool valve area when the valve is open [m2], Amax > 0.
Cd Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
overlap The valve overlap in closed position [], -1 < overlap < 1.
f Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
d Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0.


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a spring-loaded check valve with lumped volumes. The resistance
depends on the pressure difference:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 679

9. Library

dp < pclosed => valve closed, only leakage: pa.phi = pb.phi = dp * GLeak
pclosed < dp < popen => working range, i. e. valve partially opened
popen < dp => valve wide open: pa.phi = pb.phi = K * sqrt(dp - pclosed);


Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
preferred pressure out pa
preferred pressure out pb
C heckValve\pclosed Valve is closed under this pressure [Pa].
C heckValve\popen Valve is fully open above this pressure [Pa].
C heckValve\GLeak C onductance of closed valve [m3/s.Pa].
C heckValve\A Maximum valve area when the valve is open [m2], A >=
C heckValve\C d 0!
Va\V Discharge coefficient [].
Va\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vb\V The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 680

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model an externally piloted counter balance valve. The model consists of an
externally piloted pressure relief valve with a check valve in parallel. The ports of the
model are connected to lumped volumes.

The C ounterbalance valve is applied as a brake valve to get a positive control on a

hydraulic cylinder or motor with a negative load. The check valve is used to get a free
running actuator in one direction and the pressure relief valve is used to control the
actuator in the other direction. The relief valve is controlled by the external pilot

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow out pa
fixed volume flow out pb
fixed volume flow out pt

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 681

9. Library

C heckValve\pclosed Valve is closed under this pressure [Pa].
C heckValve\popen Valve is fully open above this pressure [Pa].
C heckValve\GLeak C onductance of closed valve [m3/s.Pa].
C heckValve\A Maximum valve area when the valve is open [m2], A >=
C heckValve\C d 0!
PressureReliefValve\pclosed Discharge coefficient [].
PressureReliefValve\popen Valve is closed under this pressure [Pa].
PressureReliefValve\GLeak Valve is fully open above this pressure [Pa].
PressureReliefValve\GOpen C onductance of closed valve [m3/s.Pa].
Va\V C onductance of open valve [m3/s.Pa].
Va\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vb\V The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vt\V The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vt\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vt\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a flow control valve with with lumped volumes.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 682

9. Library

In this model the flow is modeled by an tanh function. The pressure drop is defined as
the pressure where 95% of the desired flow rate is achieved.

dp = pa.p - pb.p
phi = if dp > 0 then
phi*arctanh( (arctan(0.95)/p_drop) * dp) + GLeak * dp;
GLeak * dp

Here phi is the desired flow and p_drop is the 95% pressure drop. Gleak is the
conductance of laminar leakage flow when the valve is closed. The pressure at both
ports has a lower limit that is equal to the vapour pressure. Therefore the actual
equations used in this model are:

p1_lim = if pa.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pa.p end;

p2_lim = if pb.p < p_vapour then p_vapour else pb.p end;
dp = p1_lim - p2_lim;

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
fixed volume flow out pa
fixed volume flow out pb
FlowC ontrolValve\phi Desired flow [m3/s]
FlowC ontrolValve\p_drop pressure drop at 95% flow [Pa]
FlowC ontrolValve\GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa],
Va\V GLeak >= 0!
Va\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 683

9. Library

Va\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]

Vb\V The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a 4/3-way directional control valve with second order spool
dynamics and lumped volumes. The flow through the valves is described as laminar/
turbulent flow through an orifice. A detailed description of the valve can be found in

The spool position is indicated by the input spoolpos:

sp = -1 Flow from p to b and a to t

sp = 0 No flow

sp = 1 Flow from p to a and b to t

Values between -1 and 0 or between 0 and 1 are rounded to the nearest value.
The 4/3-way proportional control valve is implemented with various spool center
configurations. The configurations are shown in the picture below:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 684

9. Library

When you drag and drop a model in the editor, you will be asked which implementation
you want to choose. During modeling you can easily change the spool center

1. Select the valve model.

2. C lick the right mouse button to open the right mouse menu.

3. C lick Edit Implementation and choose another implementation.


Ports Description
pp, pt, pa, pb All terminals of the valve.
preferred effort out pp
preferred effort out pt
preferred effort out pa
preferred effort out pb
spoolpos position of the spool valve
spoolpos < 0.5 => valve is closed
spoolpos >= 0.5 => valve is open
FourThreeWayDirectionalValv Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
e\rho C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa],
FourThreeWayDirectionalValv GLeak >= 0.
e\GLeak Maximum spool valve area when the valve is open [m2],
FourThreeWayDirectionalValv Amax > 0.
e\Amax Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
FourThreeWayDirectionalValv The valve overlap in closed position [], -1 < overlap < 1.
e\C d Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
FourThreeWayDirectionalValv Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0.
e\overlap Volume of oil under pressure [m3]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 685

9. Library

FourThreeWayDirectionalValv Effective bulk modulus [Pa]

e\f The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
FourThreeWayDirectionalValv Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
e\d Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Va\V The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a 4/3-way proportional control valve with second order spool
dynamics and lumped volumes. The flow through the valves is described as laminar/
turbulent flow through an orifice. A detailed description of the valve can be found in

The spool position is indicated by the input spoolpos:

sp = -1 Flow from p to b and a to t

-1 < sp < 0 Partial flow from p to b and a to t

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 686

9. Library

sp = 0 No flow

0 < sp < 1 Partial flow from p to a and b to t

sp = 1 Flow from p to a and b to t

The 4/3-way proportional control valve is implemented with various spool centre
configurations. The configurations are shown in the picture below:

When you drag and drop a model in the editor, you will be asked which implementation
you want to choose. During modeling you can easily change the spool center

1. Select the valve model.

2. C lick the right mouse button to open the right mouse menu.

3. C lick Edit Implementation and choose another implementation.


Ports Description
pp, pt, pa, pb All terminals of the valve.
preferred effort out pp
preferred effort out pt
preferred effort out pa
preferred effort out pb
spoolpos value of the spool position
FourThreeWayProportionalVal Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
ve\rho C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa],
FourThreeWayProportionalVal GLeak >= 0.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 687

9. Library

FourThreeWayProportionalVal Maximum spool valve area when the valve is open [m2],
ve\Amax Amax > 0.
FourThreeWayProportionalVal Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
ve\C d The valve overlap in closed position [], -1 < overlap < 1.
FourThreeWayProportionalVal Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
ve\overlap Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0.
FourThreeWayProportionalVal Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
ve\f Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
FourThreeWayProportionalVal The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
ve\d Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\V Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Va\B The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model describes a loop flushing valve with lumped volumes.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 688

9. Library

Loop flushing valves are used to maintain a high quality working fluid in closed hydraulic
circuits. In closed hydraulic circuits the oil is continuously flowing from a pump to an
actuator. A loop flushing valve allows the oil to leave the circuit for cooling and filtering.
If one side (pa) of the valve has a higher pressure, oil will flow from the other side (pb)
out of the closed circuit and vice versa.

The circuit is always equipped (not shown above) with a charge pump to keep the
suction side of the pump on a pre-pressure to avoid cavitation and so damage to the
pump, and to exchange the fluid that is flushed.

Loop flushing valves are spring operated. I.e. a certain pressure difference between
port a and b is required to open the valve. This pressure can be adjusted and is
indicated by the parameter p_sw.

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9. Library

A small pressure difference is required to turn a valve from completely closed to

completely opened. This overlap pressure is indicated by the parameter p_o.

Ports Description
pa, pb Input terminals of the valve.
p_out Output terminal.
pressure out pa
pressure out pb
pressure out
spoolpos position of the spool valve: 0 =closed, 1 = open
0 <= spoolpos <= 1
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flows [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Amax Maximum spool valve areas when the valves are open [m2], Amax >
Cd 0.
f Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
d Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
p_o Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0
p_sw Overlap pressure [Pa].
Switching pressure [Pa].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 690

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves\Basic Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model is a pilot operated check valve with lumped volumes.

The flow through a pilot operated check depends on the differential pressure dp between
the inlet port pa and the outlet port pb and is equal to:

flow = Cd * A * valve * sqrt(dp);

The variable valve indicates the valve opening and varies between zero (closed) and 1
(open). The opening depends on a force balance which depends on the pressures of the
inlet and outlet port, the spring force and the pressure of the pilot port px:

valve = limit( ( pa.p - pb.p - pclosed + px.p*kp )/(popen - pclosed) , 0 , 1 )

The pilot ratio kp is ratio of the pilot piston area and the check valve area. For a large
pilot ratio a relatively small pilot pressure is sufficient to open the valve against a large
outlet pressure.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 691

9. Library


Ports Description
pa Inlet port
pb Outlet port
px Pilot port
fixed volume flow
out pa
fixed volume flow
out pb
fixed volume flow
out pt
pclosed Valve is closed under this pressure [Pa] and zero pilot pressure.
popen Valve is fully open above this pressure [Pa] and zero pilot pressure.
GLeak C onductance of closed valve [m3/s.Pa].
A Maximum valve area when the valve is open [m2], A >= 0!
Cd Discharge coefficient [].
kp Pilot ratio [].


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
Description - Default
This model is a pressure compensator with lumped volumes. A pressure compensator is
an component that maintains a constant differential pressure across it sensing ports px
and py by regulating the flow through the component from port pa to port pb. A pressure
compensator can be used to maintain a constant flow over a valve by keeping the
pressure drop over the valve constant. The sensing ports py and px are then connected
with the input and output of the valve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 692

9. Library

The flow through the element is laminar or turbulent depending on the pressure drop
p_ab over pa and pb:

p_ab = pa.p - pb.p;

phi = sign(p_ab) * Cd * A * sqrt( (2/rho) * abs(dp) ) + GLeak * p_ab;

The opening A depends on the pressure drop p_xy over pa and pb:

The maximum opening A_max is determined by the maximum flow phi_max at the
maximum pressure drop p_in_max over the component:

A_max = phi_max / ( Cd * sqrt( (2/rho) * p_in_max ) );

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 693

9. Library

The opening is at its maximum value when the differential pressure across it sensing
ports px and py is below the pressure ((k-1)/k)*p_set. If the differential pressure across
it sensing ports px and py is too high, the opening is closed. In between it varies
between fully open and fully closed. The speed of response of the components is
determined by the proportional gain k (typical choose k = 2 to 5). The proportional gain
determines the slope of the valve opening. If k is large the regulator will respond quickly
but also induce oscillations in the circuit.

The valve is implemented with second order spool dynamics. I.e. the spool opening is
characterized by the bandwidth (f) and damping (d).

Ports Description
pa, pb Input and output terminals of the component.
px, py Sensing terminals of the component. These are used to measure the
pressure and have almost zero flow.
pressure out pa
pressure out pb
pressure out px
pressure out py
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flows [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.
Cd Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
p_set Desired differential pressure over xy (px.p - py.p), [Pa]
p_in_max maximum inlet pressure, [Pa]
phi_max maximum flow at maximum inlet pressure (pa.p) and zero outlet
pressure (pb.p), [m3/s]
f natural frequency of the second order spool dynamics [Hz]
d relative damping of the second order spool dynamics [Hz]
k proportional gain [-]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 694

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a pressure reducing valve with lumped volumes. Pressure reducing
valves have the purpose to provide a constant pressure (p_nom), independent of the
upstreamstream pressure. They are used to limit the pressure of a primary circuit to a
desired pressure for a secondary circuit.

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
pt Pilot
fixed volume flow out pa
fixed volume flow out pb
FlowC ontrolValve\phi Desired flow [m3/s]
FlowC ontrolValve\p_drop pressure drop at 95% flow [Pa]
FlowC ontrolValve\GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa],
Va\V GLeak >= 0!
Va\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vb\V The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\B Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\p_initial Effective bulk modulus [Pa]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 695

9. Library

The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a pressure relief valve with lumped volumes. The resistance
depends on the pressure difference:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 696

9. Library

dp = pa.p - pb.p
dp < pclosed => valve closed, only leakage: pa.phi = pb.phi = dp * GLeak
pclosed < dp < popen => working range, i. e. valve partially opened
popen < dp => valve wide open: pa.phi = pb.phi = dp * GOpen


Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the hydraulic component.
preferred pressure out pa
preferred pressure out pb
PressureReliefValve\pclosed Valve is closed under this pressure [Pa].
PressureReliefValve\popen Valve is fully open above this pressure [Pa].
PressureReliefValve\GLeak C onductance of closed valve [m3/s.Pa].
PressureReliefValve\GOpen C onductance of open valve [m3/s.Pa].
Va1\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Va\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Va\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
Vb\V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
Vb\B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Vb\p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 697

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
Description - Default
This model describes a loop shuttle valve with lumped volumes. A shuttle valve is a type
of valve which allows fluid to flow through it from one of two sources. Shuttle valves
accept flow from two different sources (pa) and (pb) and divert the highest pressure to a
single outlet port (p_out). Shuttle valves are commonly used in Load Sensing circuits
and at a cylinder to measure the working pressure, as well as Brake circuits. Normal
shuttle valve are mostly ball and poppet types valves.

The default implementation of the shuttle valve assumes ideal behaviour:

p.out.p = maximum(pa.p, pb.p)

pa.phi = pb.phi = 0;

This model sets the flows of the input ports to zero and assumes the output flow is zero
as well. However the output flow is determined by the component that is connected with
the output port. A warning is given when the output flow exceeds 1.0e-5 m3. If flows are
important in your model, use the Spool Dynamics implementation of this model (see
Interface - Default

Ports Description
pa, pb Input terminals of the valve.
p_out Output terminal.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 698

9. Library

pressure out pa
pressure out pb
pressure out

Description - BallDynamics
This model describes a loop shuttle valve with lumped volumes. This implementation is
equal to the default implementation but with modeled dynamics. A small pressure
difference between the inlet ports pa and pb is enough to make the ball switch from one
side to the other. This pressure is called the overlap pressure po.

Interface - BallDynamics

Ports Description
pa, pb Input terminals of the valve.
p_out Output terminal.
pressure out pa
pressure out pb
pressure out
rho Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
GLeak C onductance of the laminar leakage flows [m3/s.Pa], GLeak >= 0.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 699

9. Library

Amax Maximum valve areas when the valves are open [m2], Amax > 0.
Cd Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
f Bandwidth of the valve dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
d Damping of the valve dynamics [], d > 0
p_o Overlap pressure [Pa].


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a 2/2-way directional control valve with second order spool
dynamics and lumped volumes. The flow through the valve is described as laminar/
turbulent flow through an orifice. A detailed description of the valve can be found in

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the valve.
preferred effort out pa
preferred effort out pb
spoolpos position of the spool valve
spoolpos < 0.5 => valve is closed
spoolpos >= 0.5 => valve is open

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 700

9. Library

TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
\rho C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa],
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve GLeak >= 0.
\GLeak Maximum spool valve area when the valve is open [m2],
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Amax > 0.
\Amax Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve The valve overlap in closed position [], -1 < overlap < 1.
\C d Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0.
\overlap Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
\f The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
\d Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
Va\V The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 701

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulics\Valves
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

This model describes a 2/2-way proportional control valve with second order spool
dynamics and lumped volumes. The flow through the valve is described as laminar/
turbulent flow through an orifice. A detailed description of the valve can be found in

Ports Description
pa, pb Both terminals of the valve.
preferred effort out pa
preferred effort out pb
spoolpos position of the spool valve: 0 =closed, 1 = open
0 <= spoolpos <= 1
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Mass density of the fluid [kg/m3].
\rho C onductance of the laminar leakage flow [m3/s.Pa],
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve GLeak >= 0.
\GLeak Maximum spool valve area when the valve is open [m2],
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Amax > 0.
\Amax Discharge coefficient [], C d > 0.
The valve overlap in closed position [], -1 < overlap < 1.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 702

9. Library

TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Bandwidth of the spool dynamics [Hz], f > 0.

\C d Damping of the spool dynamics [], d > 0.
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
\overlap Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]
\f Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
\d The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]



Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulic\Volumes
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
Accumulators consist of a gas filled chamber, pressurized by an oil filled chamber. The
chambers are separated by a bladder or piston. If oil enters the chamber the gas
chamber will reduce in size and the pressure will rise. If the oil pressures sinks, the gas
chamber will expand and drive oil out of the oil chamber. The accumulator thus acts a a
storage of hydraulic energy. Most accumulators are filled with nitrogen gas which is also
used in this model. You can change to other gasses by changing the gas parameters.

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9. Library

When preparing an accumulator for use with the oil at ambient pressure, the gas is pre-
charged to a certain pressure p_pr. The gas chamber will expand its maximum size
which is called the accumulator volume V. During operation, oil will flow into the
chamber and the gas chamber will change size. The oil and gas pressure will be in
balance and indicated with the gas pressure p_gas. The resulting gas volume is name
V_gas. We assume that during pre-charging the gas temperature is constant and equal
to the ambient temperature T_amb. During operation, the gas temperature may change
but the ambient temperature is assumed constant.

Thermal Model
Due to compression, the gas temperature will increase and the accumulator will heat up.
This heat may be lost to the environment. In this model the heat loss is modeled by a
first order transfer function using a thermal time constant tau. If the accumulator is
heated up and the gas keeps its volume, an exponential temperature decrease will be
found. The thermal time constant is the time where the temperature is decreased by
63%. However, the gas will be compressed if the temperature sinks. As a rule of thumb
take for the thermal time constant the time it takes for the temperature to sink by 50%.
By making tau infinite, the accumulator does not convert heat to the environment.The
change is gas volume is then called adiabatic expansion or compression. By making tau
very small, the accumulator instantly convert all heat to the environment.The change is
gas volume is then called isothermal expansion or compression.

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9. Library

Gas Laws
The accumulator model is based on the Van der Waals equation for a real gas. This
model takes into account that gas gas particles have finite size and attractive forces. The
Van der Waals model uses the critical gas temperature T_cr and the critical gas
pressure p_cr as parameters. By taking the parameter T_cr = 0 the Van der Waals
model changes into the ideal gas model.

By changing the parameters, the accumulator model can represent various gas models:

1) Ideal Gas: set T_cr = 0

2) Ideal Gas, Adiabatic Expansion: set T_cr = 0 and tau very large (i.e 1.0e9)
3) Ideal Gas, Isothermal Expansion: set T_cr = 0 and tau very small (i.e 1.0e-9)
4) Real Gas: set the critical temperature of the gas (i.e. nitrogen: T_cr = 126.2 {K}) and
set the thermal time constant to a specific value

Ports Description
p hydraulic port
fixed volume flow
p_vapour vapour pressure [Pa].
G conductance of the accumulator input [m3/s.Pa].
V max gas volume of the accumulator [m3]
p_pr pre-charge pressure [Pa]
p_oil oil pressure at the start [Pa]
T_amb ambient temperature [K]
tau thermal time constant [s]
R_s specific gas constant [J/kg.K]
c_v specific heat of the gas at constant volume [J/kg.K]
T_cr critical gas temperature [K]
p_cr critical gas pressure [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulic\Volumes
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 705

9. Library

This model represents a tank with a preload pressure against atmosphere. The default
preload pressure of 0 [Pa] means that the tank has atmospheric pressure. A preload
pressure of 1e5 [Pa] means that the tank has an absolute pressure of 2e5 [Pa] etc.

Ports Description
fixed pressure out
p_preload tank pressure [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulic\Volumes
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model represents a tank with a preload pressure against atmosphere and a
resistance of the tank pipe. The default preload pressure of 0 [Pa] means that the tank
has atmospheric pressure. A preload pressure of 1e5 [Pa] means that the tank has an
absolute pressure of 2e5 [Pa] etc.

There is no check on the validity of laminar flow in this component!


Ports Description
fixed volume flow
out p
p_preload tank pressure [Pa]
G C onductance of laminar resistance [m3/s.Pa]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 706

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulic\Volumes
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model represents a lumped volume with a constant bulk modulus. If the calculated
pressure falls below the vapour pressure the pressure is NOT limited to the vapour

Ports Description
pressure out
V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]


Iconic Diagrams\Hydraulic\Volumes
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Hydraulics).
This model represents a tiny volume (default: 1 ml) if the causality of the port is
pressure out, and a zero flow, if the causality is flow out. A parasitic volume is a tiny
volume that can be added to elements to make them more easy to simulate. Some
elements require a pressure as input variable. C oupling two such elements leads to a
mathematical problem: both yield a volume flow as function of the input pressure.
Adding a parasitic volume in between will solve the mathematical problem (the parasitic
volume calculates the pressure) without changing the dynamics much (the volume is

The parasitic element has a likes causality. If two parasitic volumes are coupled, one of
them will get a pressure out causality (representing a tiny volume) and the other will get
a flow out casuality (representing a zero flow). I.e only one of them is a volume and the
other becomes ineffective.

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9. Library


Ports Description
likes pressure out
Parameters (hidden)
V Volume of oil under pressure [m3]
B Effective bulk modulus [Pa]
p_initial The starting pressure of the volume [Pa]

9.2.4 Mechanical


The Mechanical library contains components which are very useful for modeling
mechanical systems. The library contains the following sections:
C omponents
2D Small Rotation
3D Small Rotation
C omponents

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9. Library




Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal actuator. An angular acceleration input signal is
integrated to an angular velocity difference between its two terminals:

p_high.omega = p_low.omega + int(alpha,omega_initial);

p_low.T = p_high.T = indifferent;

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.
fixed angular
velocity out
alpha Angular acceleration [rad/s2].
omega_initial Initial angular velocity output of the integration [rad/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal actuator. An angular acceleration input signal is
integrated to an angular velocity at the rotation port. The actuator is mounted to the
fixed world:

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9. Library

p.omega = int(alpha,omega_initial);
p.T = indifferent;

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed angular
velocity out
alpha Angular acceleration [rad/s2].
omega_initial Initial angular velocity at the port [rad/s].


This model was named ServoMotor.emx in previous versions of 20-sim!
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
Industrial servo motors in the medium to high power range generally consist of an AC -
electric and drive (the digital controlled current supply of the motor). The drive takes
care of the correct supply of current to let the motor follow every desired path.
Unfortunately the exact implementation and performance of drives and motors is one of
the trade secrets of the commercial motor suppliers. Fortunately modern servo-motors
are designed well enough to be described by general parameters that can be found in
every data sheet.

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9. Library

The servo motor model describes a digitally controlled AC -motor that is described by
general parameters. The model is suited for modeling machine dynamics, i.e. models
where the machine behavior is the topic of interest and not the motor itself. For studying
the exact motor behavior (temperature, wear, vibration etc.) other motor models should
be used. A complete description of the motor is given in the second part of this topic.

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
preferred angular
velocity out p
v velocity setpoint [rad/s]
VelocityLimit Maximum motor speed (>0) [rad/s]
\v_max Maximum allowed acceleration (>0) [rad/s2]
Bandwidth drive (half of the sample frequency, >0) [Hz]
Proportional gain []
Integral time constant (>0) [s]
Tracking time constant (>0) [s]
Maximum motor torque (>0) [Nm]
Motor speed where torque gain starts to drop (>0) [rad/s]
TorqueGain\g0 Torque gain at zero motor speed (>0, choose equal to 1 to turn off
torque gain drop []
MotorDynamics\fc Bandwidth drive and motor electronics [Hz]
Inertia\J Motor inertia [kg.m2/rad]

Variables There are some variables that can be of interest when inspecting the
servo performance:
PI\error The error between setpoint and motor velocity [rad/s].
PositionSensor Motor Angle [rad]
\phi Motor Speed [rad/s]
VelocitySensor Motor Acceleration [rad/s2]
\omega Output Torque [Nm].
Inertia\alpha Output Power [W].

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9. Library


The complete servo motor model is shown below. Every block that is used to form this
model will be explained in the next sections. The model has a velocity input signal v and
a rotary output port p.

The servo motor model can be used in a machine model as shown in the example below.

Velocity Limit

Most servo motors have a velocity limit to prevent the motor from damage. This limit
can be set in the velocity VelocityLimit block. If no limit is known choose twice the
nominal velocity.

Acceleration Limit

To prevent the motor from damage, most servos have a maximum acceleration limit.
This limit is very important in a model because it can seriously degrade the systems

To find the acceleration, the derivative of the input must be calculated. This is done by
means of a first order differentiation with bandwidth f_c. The bandwidth is equal to one
half the of the sample frequency of the velocity control loop. Older drives may have
loops that run on sample frequencies ranging from 100 Hz to 500 Hz. Modern drives can
run the velocity control loop on sample frequencies of 2 kHz or more.

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9. Library

To switch the maximum acceleration limit off, choose the maximum acceleration
parameter high enough and choose the bandwidth sufficiently high, preferably 10 times
as large as the bandwidth f_e of the motor electronics (specified in the motor dynamics


Most servos will use velocity as the setpoint signal. To calculate the desired torque out of
the velocity setpoint, PI-controllers are widely used. For many servos, the controller
parameters can be changed by the user, but this is not a very easy task. Therefore
these servos often offer automatic tuning facilities.

In 20-sim you can use the Optimization toolbox for automatic tuning. A good starting
point is to take the error variable of the PI-controller and minimize it by changing the
controller parameters Kp , Ti and Ta. It is important to realize that automatic tuning will
tune the controller parameters for a certain task. If you run another task, i.e. perform a
simulation with another setpoint, the results may degrade. For varying tasks it is better
to use parameters the give a good response over a wide area of loads. To help the user
find good starting values, the table below shows some motors, loads and corresponding
starting value for the controller parameters.

The user has to find the load that should be driven in terms of the rotational inertia. If
there is a gear that changes the rotary motion to a linear motion this means the load has
to be divided by the square of the gear ratio to get the corresponding load in the
rotational domain. Do not forget to add the inertia of the motor itself! For many gear
ratios the load in terms of rotational inertia will be of the same magnitude as the motor

In this model PI-controller with an anti-windup facility is used. This controller is the heart
of the servo motor model. It is therefore important to know something about PI-control.
More information can be found in the PID controllers section of the library.

AC -motors have a limited output torque which is a complex function of the controller
settings, the applied speed, duty cycle, temperature and more. In the servo motor
model simply the torque limit of the PI-controller T_max is used which limits the
generated torque to a maximum. Because this is a simplification of the real behavior,
the maximum torque limit should only be used to inspect what happens to the system
when the motor torque is approaching its maximum value. For a proper evaluation of its
system, the user should also look at the unconstrained torque. Run a simulation and
note the amount of time that the motor runs at a maximum torque. This is called the
duty cycle. Every motor manual will have tables showing duty cycles and the
corresponding chances of overheating.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 713

9. Library

Torque Gain

Standard AC -motors, normally designed to run at base speeds between 850 to 3500
rpm, are not particularly well suited for low-speed operation, as their efficiency drops
with the reduction in speed. They may also be unable to deliver sufficient smooth torque
at low speeds.

An ideal motor will always have a torque gain of 1, i.e. an input signal of 1 Nm will
always result in an output torque of 1 Nm. Most industrial motors have a torque gain that
is only equal to 1 for higher speeds. At low speeds the torque gain will drop due to
electronic limitations. This behavior is represented by the graph below. At speeds below
a drop-off speed vd the torque gain drops linearly to a user defined zero speed torque
gain g0. If no torque gain drop is desired, choose g0 equal to 1.

Motor Dynamics

The electrical circuits of the drive and wiring of the motor have a limited bandwidth. This
is modeled with a first order low-pass filter with a bandwidth f_e. Typical motor
bandwidths vary from 3 kHz tot 20 kHz.

Torque source

In the torque source block the torque signal is converted to an iconic diagram port p.


This block describes the rotor inertia. The equations of motion of the inertia are used to
get the angular acceleration without needing derivatives.


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 714

9. Library

Finally four sensors are available to plot the position, velocity, acceleration and output

There are some variables in the model that may be of special interest

PI\error The error between setpoint and motor velocity [rad/s].

PositionSensor Motor Angle [rad]
\phi Motor Speed [rad/s]
VelocitySensor Motor Acceleration [rad/s2]
\omega Output Torque [Nm].
Inertia\alpha Output Power [W].

All these variables are output signals of their respective blocks. By inserting extra
outputs in the servo motor model you can use as output signals for usage in other parts
of your model. In the pictures below is shown how to define signals for the torque and

In the servo model define a torque and a power output and connect them.

One level higher you can use these signals for modeling, for example in a high level
control unit.

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9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This is a model of an industrial AC electric motor with squirrel cage rotor. The motor is
not controlled by a power electric convertor. Instead its performance is directly defined
by a torque speed curve.

The torque speed curve is fully defined by the parameters shown in the picture. The
synchronous speed is defined as:

n = 2 * voltage frequency / no. of poles


Ports Description
p Output axis (Rotation)

Ts start torque (zero speed) [Nm]
n synchronous speed (zero torque) [rad/s]
Tm maximum torque [Nm]
nm speed at maximum torque [rad/s]
Tf full load torque [Nm]
nf speed at full load torque [rad/s]
J motor inertia [kgm^2/rad]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 716

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Actuators
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Electric
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric, Electric).
Description - Default
This models represents an ideal DC -motor with no energy loss. The electric port has
separate high and low terminals. The equations are

p1.i = p1_high.i = p1_low.i;

p1.u = p1_high.u - p1_low.u;

The model can have mixed forms of causality

p1.u = k * p2.omega;
p2.T = k * p1.i;


p2.omega = p1.u / k;
p1.i = p2.T / k;

Interface - Default

Ports Description
p1_high, p1_low Both terminals of the Electric port p1.
p2 Rotation port.
mixed See equations above.
k motor constant [Nm/A]

Description - IR
This models represents an ideal DC -motor with inductance and resistance.

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9. Library

The electric port has separate high and low terminals. The equations are

p1.i = p1_high.i = p1_low.i;

p1.u = p1_high.u - p1_low.u;

Interface - IR

Ports Description
p1_high, p1_low Both terminals of the Electric port p1.
p2 Rotation port.
mixed See equations above.
k motor constant [Nm/A]
L motor inductance [H]
R motor resistance [Ohm]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal actuator. An angle input signal is differentiated by a state
variable filter to an angular velocity difference between its two terminals:

p_high.omega = p_low.omega + dphi/dt;

p_low.T = p_high.T = indifferent;

Differentiation is performed by a state variable filter:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 718

9. Library

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.
fixed angular
velocity out
phi Angle [rad].
f C ut-off frequency of the differentiation [Hz].
omega_initial Initial angular velocity output of the differentiation [rad/s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 719

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This is a masked model which opens the Servo Motor Editor when edited. The servo
Motor Editor is a tool that can shows the torque speed plots numerous permanent
magnet motors and can generate a dynamic model from any motor that you select. The
following motor types are supported:

1. Brush DC

2. Brushless DC (trapezoidal EMC and square wave currents)

3. AC synchronous (sinusoidal EMC and sinusoidal currents)

4. AC synchronous linear (sinusoidal EMC and sinusoidal currents)

Depending on the type of motor that you have selected, the interface can vary:
DC Brush

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed rotational
velocity out
i The input current [A]

DC Brushless

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed rotational
velocity out
i The maximum input current [A]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 720

9. Library

AC Synchronous

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed rotational
velocity out
i_rms The rms phase current [A]

AC Synchronous Linear

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed velocity out
i_rms The rms phase current [A]

For more information on the parameters an variables of this model is referred to the
Mechatronic Toolbox.


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal actuator. An angle input signal is differentiated by a state
variable filter to an angular velocity at the rotation port. The actuator is mounted to the
fixed world:

p.omega = dphi/dt;
p.T = indifferent;

Differentiation is performed by a state variable filter:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 721

9. Library

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed angular
velocity out
phi Angle [rad].
f C ut-off frequency of the differentiation [Hz].
omega_initial Initial angular velocity at the port [m/s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 722

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
A stepper motor is a device used to convert electrical pulses into discrete mechanical
rotational movements. The minimum movement, invoked by one pulse, is called the step
angle. The electrical pulses are mostly generated by a pulse generator that converts a
setpoint change in a corresponding amount of pulses. This model describes a
combination of a pulse generator and stepper motor.

At standstill the torque required to deflect the motor a full step is called the holding
torque. The holding torque normally is much higher than required to drive the load, and
thus acts as a strong brake to hold the load. The holding torque as function of the output
angle is shown in the graph below. Around zero angle the curves shows the behavior of
a spring. By changing the input by one step, the force will increase to its maximum and
move the the load.

Motor torque a s function of the angle (holding toque = 1 [N], step angle = [10°] ).

If the subsequent steps are generated fast enough the holding torque will start to
decrease. The maximum holding torque as function of the rotation speed is shown in the
figure below. This force curve is commonly describe as the pull out curve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 723

9. Library

Pull out curve: maximum generated torque as a function of the rotational speed.

Ports Description
input Desired output angle.
p_out Rotation port.
fixed current out
preferred angular
velocity out p_out
input Stepper motor input
step_angle Minimum change of the output axis [deg].
tau Time constant coil [s].
Th Holding torque [Nm].
J Inertia rotor [Nm^2]
B Relative damping at the stepper motor resonance [].
fmax Maximum frequency motor (frequency at which the torque gets zero)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 724

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies a torque between its two
terminals. This torque can be set to a certain constant value, the angular velocity is

p_high.T = p_low.T = T


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotational port p.
fixed torque out
T Torque [Nm].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies a torque. The torque can be set to a certain constant value, the angular velocity
is indifferent.

p.T = T;

Ports Description
p Rotation port.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 725

9. Library

fixed torque out

T Torque [Nm].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies a torque between its two
terminals. This torque can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the input signal T, the
angular velocity is indifferent.

p_high.T = p_low.T = T


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.
fixed torque out
T Torque [Nm].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 726

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies a torque. The torque can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the input signal
T, the angular velocity is indifferent.

p.T = T;

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed torque out
T Torque [Nm].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies an angular velocity
difference between its two terminals. This angular velocity can be set to a constant
value omega, the force is indifferent.

p_low.omega = p_high.omega + omega


Ports Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 727

9. Library

p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.

fixed angular
velocity out
v Angular velocity [rad/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies an angular velocity. This angular velocity can be set to a certain constant value,
the torque is indifferent.

p.omega = omega;

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed angular
velocity out
omega Angular velocity [rad/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 728

9. Library

This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies an angular velocity
difference between its two terminals. This angular velocity can be set to a (fluctuating)
value given by the input signal v, the force is indifferent.

p_low.omega = p_high.omega + omega


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.
fixed angular
velocity out
omega Angular velocity [rad/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies an angular velocity. This angular velocity can be set to a (fluctuating) value
given by the input signal omega, the torque is indifferent.

p.omega = omega;

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed angular
velocity out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 729

9. Library

omega Angular velocity [rad/s].



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents backlash by a spring damper system equivalent to the
translational backlash model. The port p of this model has separate high and low
terminals. The equations are:

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Rotation).
fixed torque out
s Interval of the play [rad]
k1 Stiffness in the play [Nm/rad]
k2 Stiffness outside the play [Nm/rad]
d1 Damping inside the play [Nms/rad]
d2 Damping outside the play [Nms/rad]
ep Relative round off (1e-6 -> sharp edges, 1e-2 -> smoother)
x_initial Initial position in the play [rad], -s/2 < x_initial < s/2

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 730

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
In this model bearing friction is represented as linear viscous friction. The model has
only one initial port p defined. Because any number of connections can be made,
successive ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create equations
such that the resulting torque p.T is equal to the sum of the torques of all connected
ports p1 .. pn. The angular velocities of all connected ports are equal to p.omega. The
model can have an torque out as well as an angular velocity out causality. In the last
case the constitutive equation, as shown below, is simply inverted:

p.T = sum(p1.T, p2.T, ....)

p.omega = p1.omega = p2.omega = ....

Torque out causality:

p.T = d * p.omega;

Angular velocity out causality:

p.omega = p.T / d;


Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
d Damping [Nms/rad]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 731

9. Library

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
The brake models represent a disk brake or other type of brake where a rotation is
stopped by applying a friction force. The amount of friction depends on the normal force
that is applied and the friction function that is used. The normal force is given by the
input signal Fn. The brake is mounted to the fixed world.

The model has only one initial port p defined. Because any number of connections can
be made, successive ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create
equations such that the resulting torque p.T is equal to the sum of the torques of all
connected ports p1 .. pn. The angular velocities of all connected ports are equal to

p.T = sum(p1.T, p2.T, ....)

p.omega = p1.omega = p2.omega = ....

Due to the use of normal force, the brake models all have a fixed torque out causality.
The constitutive equations are therefore described as:

p.T = Fn * f(p.omega);

with f the friction function.

Description - C
This model represents a brake with braking force described as coulomb friction. The
brake is mounted to the fixed world. The amount of friction depends on the normal force
that is applied:

p.T = Fn*mu_c*tanh(slope*p.omega);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 732

9. Library

Interface - C

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient [m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]

Description - V
This model represents a brake with braking force described as viscous friction. The
brake is mounted to the fixed world. The amount of friction depends on the normal force
that is applied:

p.T = Fn*mu_v*p.omega;

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 733

9. Library

Interface - V

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [m.s/rad]

Description - CV
This model represents a brake with braking force described as coulomb plus viscous
friction. The brake is mounted to the fixed world. The amount of friction depends on the
normal force that is applied:

p.T = Fn*(mu_c*tanh(slope*p.omega) + mu_v*p.omega);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 734

9. Library

Interface - CV

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [ms/rad]
mu_v C oulomb friction coefficient [m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]

Description - SCVS
This model represents a brake with braking force described as static plus coulomb plus
viscous plus Stribeck friction. The brake is mounted to the fixed world. The amount of
friction depends on the normal force that is applied:

p.T = Fn *
(( mu_c + (mu_st*abs(tanh( slope*p.omega )) - mu_c)
* exp( -((p.omega / v_st)^2 )) ) * sign(p.omega)
+ mu_v * p.omega);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_s: the static friction coefficient
mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.
v_st: the characteristic Stribeck velocity.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 735

9. Library

Interface - SCVS

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_s Static friction coefficient [m]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [m.s/rad]
mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient [m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [rad/s]

Description - LuGre
This model represents a brake with braking force described by the LuGre friction model.
The brake is mounted to the fixed world. The amount of friction depends on the normal
force that is applied:

p.T = FN*f_lg(p.omega);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

f_lg: the LuGre friction model
Interface - LuGre

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed Torque out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 736

9. Library

Fn Normal force [N]

mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient
mu_s Static friction coefficient [m]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [ms/rad]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [rad/s]
mu_k rotational stiffness coefficient at zero speed [m/rad]

Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
The clutch models model represent friction relative to other objects. The amount of
friction depends on the normal force that is applied and the friction function that is used.
The normal force is given by the input signal FN.

The port p of the clutch model has separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega

Due to the use of normal force, the clutch models all have a fixed torque out causality.
The constitutive equations are therefore described as:

p.T = Fn * f(p.omega);

with f the friction function.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 737

9. Library

Description - C
This model represents bearing with friction force described as coulomb friction. The
amount of friction depends on the normal force that is applied and the friction function
that is used:

p.T = Tc*tanh(slope*p.omega);

Tc: coulomb friction

slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

Interface - C

Ports Description
p Both terminals of port p (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
Tc C oulomb friction [N.m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]

Description - V
This model represents a clutch with friction force described as viscous friction. The
amount of friction depends on the normal force that is applied and the friction function
that is used:

p.T = Fn*mu_v*p.omega;

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 738

9. Library

Interface - V

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [m.s/rad]

Description - CV
This model represents a clutch with friction force described as coulomb plus viscous
friction. The amount of friction depends on the normal force that is applied and the
friction function that is used:

p.T = Fn*(Tc*tanh(slope*p.omega) + mu_v*p.omega);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
Tc: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 739

9. Library

Interface - CV

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [m.s/rad]
Tc C oulomb friction [N.m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]

Description - SCVS
This model represents a clutch with friction force described as static plus coulomb plus
viscous plus Stribeck friction. The amount of friction depends on the normal force that is
applied and the friction function that is used:

p.T = Fn *
(( Tc + (mu_st*abs(tanh( slope*p.omega )) - Tc)
* exp( -((p.omega / v_st)^2 )) ) * sign(p.omega)
+ mu_v * p.omega);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_s: the static friction coefficient
mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
Tc: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.
v_st: the characteristic Stribeck velocity.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 740

9. Library

Interface - SCVS

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_s Static friction coefficient [m]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [m.s/rad]
Tc C oulomb friction [N.m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [rad/s]

Description - LuGre
This model represents a clutch with friction force described by the LuGre friction model.
The amount of friction depends on the normal force that is applied and the friction
function that is used:

p.T = FN*f_lg(p.omega);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

f_lg: the LuGre friction model
Interface- LuGre

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Rotation).
Fixed torque out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 741

9. Library

Fn Normal force [N]

Tc C oulomb friction coefficient
mu_s Static friction coefficient [m]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [m.s/rad]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [rad/s]
mu_k rotational stiffness coefficient at zero speed [m/rad]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents a linear damper. It can have an torque out as well as an angular
velocity out causality. In the last case the constitutive equation, as shown below, is
simply inverted. The port p of the damper model has separate high and low terminals.
The equations are:

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega

Torque out causality:

p.T = d * p.omega;

Angular velocity out causality:

p.omega = p.T / d;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.
d damping [Nms/rad]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 742

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents the fixed world (angular velocity = 0). The model has only one
initial port p defined. Because any number of connections can be made, successive ports
are named p1, p2, p3 etc. which gives the constitutive equations:

p1.omega = p2.omega = .. = pn.omega = 0;

p1.T = free; p2.T = free; ..; pn.T = free;


Ports Description
p [any] Any number of connections can be made.
Fixed angular All ports have a fixed angular velocity out causality.
velocity out

Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
The friction model represent bearing friction with various friction models. The model
have only one initial port p defined. Because any number of connections can be made,
successive ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create equations
such that the resulting force p.F is equal to the sum of the forces of all connected ports
p1 .. pn. The velocities of all connected ports are equal to p.v.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 743

9. Library

p.F = sum(p1.F, p2.F, ....)

p.v = p1.v = p2.v = ....
Description - C
This model represents a bearing with friction torque described as coulomb friction:

p.T = Tc*tanh(slope*p.omega);

Tc: the coulomb friction

slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

Interface - C

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Tc C oulomb friction [N.m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]

Description - V
This model represents a bearing with friction force described as viscous friction:

p.T = d*p.omega;

d: the viscous damping

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 744

9. Library

Interface - V

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
d Viscous friction torque or damping [N.m.s/rad]

Description - CV
This model represents a bearing with friction force described as coulomb plus viscous

p.T = Tc*tanh(slope*p.omega) + d*p.omega;

d: the viscous damping

Tc: the coulomb friction
slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 745

9. Library

Interface - CV

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous damping [N.m.s/rad]
Tc C oulomb friction [N.m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]

Description - SCVS
This model represents a bearing with friction force described as static plus coulomb plus
viscous plus Stribeck friction:

p.T = (( Tc + (Tst*abs(tanh( slope*p.omega )) - Tc)

* exp( -((p.omega / v_st)^2 )) ) * sign(p.omega)
+ d * p.omega);

Tst: the static friction

d: the viscous damping
Tc: the coulomb friction
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.
v_st: the characteristic Stribeck velocity.

Interface - SCVS

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 746

9. Library

Fixed torque out

Fn Normal force [N]
Tst Static friction torque [N.m]
d Viscous friction torque or damping [N.m.s/rad]
Tc C oulomb friction [N.m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/rad]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [rad/s]

Description - LuGre
This model represents a bearing with friction force described by the LuGre friction

p.T = f_lg(p.omega);

f_lg: the LuGre friction model

Interface- LuGre

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).
Fixed torque out
Fn Normal force [N]

Tc C oulomb friction [N.m]
Tst Static friction torque [m]
d Viscous damping [N.m.s/rad]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [rad/s]
c Stiffness at zero speed [N.m/rad]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 747

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents an ideal rotational inertia. The element has a preferred angular
velocity out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred torque out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The model has only one initial port p
defined. Because any number of connections can be made, successive ports are named
p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create equations such that the resulting torque
p.T is equal to the sum of the torques of all connected ports p1 .. pn and that the angular
velocities of all connected prots is equal to p.omega.

p.T = sum(p1.T, p2.T, ....)

p.omega = p1.omega = p2.omega = ....

angular velocity out causality (preferred):

alpha = p.T/J;
p.omega = int(alpha);
phi = int(p.omega);

torque out causality:

alpha = ddt(p.omega);
p.T = J*alpha;
phi = int(p.omega);

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made

preferred angular velocity out An torque out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

phi angle [rad]
alpha angular acceleration [rad/s^2]

J moment of inertia [kgm^2]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 748

9. Library

Initial Values
p.omega_initial The initial velocity of the inertia [rad/s].
phi_initial The initial angle of the inertia [rad].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This node model represents a structural connection between two (or more) shafts, where
the velocity of all connected shafts is equal. The model has only one initial port p
defined. Because any number of connections can be made, successive ports are named
p1, p2, p3 etc.

Ports Description
p [any] Any number of connections can be made (Rotation).


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents an ideal rotational spring. The element has a preferred torque out
causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an integration. The
element can also have the non-preferred angular velocity out causality. The constitutive
equations then contain a derivation. The port p of the spring model has separate high
and low terminals. The equations are:

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega

torque out causality (preferred):

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 749

9. Library

phi = int(p.omega);
p.T = c * phi;

angular velocity out causality:

p.omega = ddt(phi);
phi = p.T/k;

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotational port p.

preferred torque out An angular velocity out causality results in a
derivative constitutive equation.

phi torsion of the spring [rad]

c Stiffness [Nm/rad]

Initial Values
phi_initial The initial torsion of the spring [rad].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Description - Default
This model represents an ideal rotational spring with damper. The element has a
preferred torque out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred angular velocity out causality.
The constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The port p of the spring model has
separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega

Torque out causality (preferred):

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 750

9. Library

phi = int(p.omega);
p.T = c * phi + d*p.omega;

Angular velocity out causality:

p.omega = ddt(phi);
phi = (p.T - d*p.omega)/c;
Interface - Default

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the spring (Rotation).

preferred torque out An angular velocity out causality results in a
derivative constitutive equation.

phi torsion of the spring [rad]

c Rotational stiffness [Nm /rad]
d Damping [Nms/rad]

Initial Values
phi_initial The initial torsion of the spring [rad].

Description - Stiffness
This model represents an ideal rotational spring with damper. The damping value (d) is
calculated on the basis of a known stiffness (c), relative damping (b) and reference
inertia (J). The inertia is only used to compute the damping (no actual mass is used in
this component).

The element has a preferred torque out causality. The corresponding constitutive
equations then contain an integration. The element can also have the non-preferred
angular velocity out causality. The constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The
port p of the spring model has separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega

Torque out causality (preferred):

phi = int(p.omega);
p.F = c * phi + d*p.omega;
d = 2*b*sqrt(c*J);

Angular velocity out causality:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 751

9. Library

p.omega = ddt(phi);
phi = (p.T - d*p.omega)/c;
d = 2*b*sqrt(c*J);
Interface - Stiffness

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the spring (Rotation).

preferred torque out An angular velocity out causality results in a
derivative constitutive equation.

phi torsion of the spring [rad]
d damping [Nms/rad]

c Rotational stiffness [Nm /rad]
b Relative damping []
J Moment of inertia [kgm^2]

Initial Values
phi_initial The initial torsion of the spring [rad].

Description - Frequency
This model represents an ideal rotational spring with damper. The stiffness (c) is
calculated on basis of a known resonance frequency (f). The damping value (d) is
calculated on the basis of the stiffness, relative damping (b) and reference inertia (J).
The inertia is only used to compute the damping (no actual mass is used in this

The element has a preferred torque out causality. The corresponding constitutive
equations then contain an integration. The element can also have the non-preferred
angular velocity out causality. The constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The
port p of the spring model has separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega

Torque out causality (preferred):

phi = int(p.omega);
p.T = c * phi + d*p.omega;
c = J*(2*pi*f)^2;
d = 2*b*sqrt(c*J);

Angular velocity out causality:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 752

9. Library

p.omega = ddt(phi);
phi = (p.T - d*p.omega)/c;
c = J*(2*pi*f)^2;
d = 2*b*sqrt(c*J);
Interface - Frequency

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the spring (Rotation).

preferred torque out An angular velocity out causality results in a
derivative constitutive equation.

phi torsion of the spring [rad]
c rotational stiffness [Nm /rad]
d damping [Nms/rad]

f Resonance frequency [Hz]
b Relative damping []
J Moment of inertia [kgm^2]

Initial Values
phi_initial The initial torsion of the spring [rad].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model represents an unbalanced mass with an offset r to the axis of rotation and a
starting angle phi_initial.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 753

9. Library

The mass will act as an inertia J with a gravity induced disturbance torque:

J = r^2 * m;
alpha = (p.T + m*r*g_n*sin(phi))/ J;
p.omega = int (alpha);
phi = int (p.omega, phi_initial);

The element has a preferred angular velocity out causality. The corresponding
constitutive equations then contain an integration. The element can also have the non-
preferred torque out causality. The constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The
model has only one rotation port p defined. Because any number of connections can be
made, successive ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create
equations such that the resulting torque p.T is equal to the sum of the torques of all
connected ports p1 .. pn and that the angular velocities of all connected ports is equal to

p.T = sum(p1.T, p2.T, ....)

p.omega = p1.omega = p2.omega = ....


Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made

preferred angular velocity out An torque out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

J moment of inertia [kgm^2]
phi angle [rad]
alpha angular acceleration [rad/s^2]


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 754

9. Library

m mass [kg]
r distance of mass from center line of rotation [m]

Initial Values
p.omega_initial The initial velocity of the inertia [rad/s].
phi_initial The starting angle of the mass [rad].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This model can be used to connect any open end of another model that is not connected
to the fixed world. It generates a fixed torque of 0 N while the angular velocity is free:

p.omega = indifferent;
p.T = 0;


Ports Description
p rotation port
Fixed torque out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 755

9. Library



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation/Translation).
This models represents a belt and pulley. The connection to the pulley is through the
rotation port p_rot. The connection to the belt is through the translation port p_trans.
The model is ideal, i.e. there are no compliances or inertias. The causality of this model
is always mixed: torque out & velocity out or angular velocity out & force out:

p_rot.T = radius * p_trans.F

p_trans.v = radius * p_rot.omega


p_trans.F = 1/radius * p_rot.T

p_rot.omega = 1/radius * p_trans.v


Ports Description
p_rot Rotation port.
p_trans Translation port.
p_rot notequal
radius pulley radius [m]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation/Translation).
This is a masked model which opens the C am Wizard when edited. Depending on the
selections entered, various cam motion profiles can be generated.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 756

9. Library


Ports Description
p_in Driving axis (Rotation)
p_out Output port with resulting motion (Rotation or Translation)

stroke amplitude of resulting motion
start_angle start angle motion
stop_angle angle when the maximum is reached
return_angle start angle of the return motion
end_angle finish angle of the return motion


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This models represents a cam and rod mechanism. If the input shaft is rotating with a
constant speed, the output motion is a pure sinusoidal.

The mechanism is ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia, friction or geometrical limitations.
It has one rotation port (p_in) and one translation port (p_out). The causality of this
model is always mixed: one port has a force out causality while the other has a velocity
out causality:

p_in.T = i * p_out.F
p_out.v = i * p_in.omega

The transmission ratio (i) is the ratio of the velocities of both ports (in fact a sinusoidal
function of the shaft angle).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 757

9. Library


Ports Description
p_in Driving axis (Rotation)
p_out Output port with resulting motion (Translation)
fixed torque out
fixed velocity out
stroke Stroke of the translation port (is equal to half the length of the rod).


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).

This models represents a crank and rod mechanism. The mechanism is ideal, i.e., it
does not have inertia, friction or geometrical limitations. It has one rotation port (p_in)
and one translation port (p_out). The causality of this model is always mixed: one port
has a force out causality while the other has a velocity out causality:

p_in.T = i * p_out.F
p_out.v = i * p_in.omega

The transmission ratio (i) is the ratio of the velocities of both ports. It is a function of the
shaft angle, the crank length and the rod length.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 758

9. Library


Ports Description
p_in Driving axis (Rotation)
p_out Output port with resulting motion (Translation)
fixed torque out
fixed velocity out
crank_length C rank length [m]
rod_length Rod length [m]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
A differential gear is well known for its use in automotive mechanics. It transfers power
from the engine to the wheels, dividing the force equally between them but permitting
them to follow paths of different lengths when turning a corner.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 759

9. Library

When p3 is the drive-shaft and p1 and p3 the shafts connected to the wheels, the
constitutive equations for this model are:

p3.omega*2*i = p1.omega + p2.omega;

p1.T = p2.T = p3.T/(2*i);

with i the gear ratio. The gear ratio is equal to the diameter of the drive shaft pinion
divided by the diameter of the ring gear, which makes it equivalent to the angular
velocity of the drive shaft divided by the average angular velocity of the wheel shafts:

i = p3.omega / ((p1.omega + p2.omega)/2);


Ports Description
p1 drive shaft port (Rotation)
p2,p3 driven shafts ports (Rotation)
i gear ratio []

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 760

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).

This model is equivalent to the fork model of the Translation library. It represents a
special type of node where the torques are equal and the angular velocities are added:

p3.omega = p1.omega + p2.omega;

p1.T = p2.T = p3.T;

This model can for example be used for actuators that generate a torque difference.
With the differential model an equivalent model can be found with the actuator attached
to the fixed world:


Ports Description
p1,p2,p3 Rotation ports.


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 761

9. Library

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
Description - Ideal
This models represents any type of gearbox with two counter rotating shafts. The gear is
ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia or friction. The gear has one fast moving shaft and
one slow moving shaft. The gearbox has a reduction of i : 1 and thus a transmission
ratio of 1/i.

The causality of this model is always mixed: one port has a torque out causality while
the other has an angular velocity out causality:

p_in.T = -1/i * p_out.T

p_out.omega = -1/i * p_in.omega


p_out.T = -i * p_in.T
p_in.omega = -i * p_out.omega

Interface - Ideal

Ports Description
p_in Input port
p_out Output port
p_in not equal
i gearbox reduction, i > 1

Description - Efficiency
This models represents any type of gearbox with two counter rotating shafts. The
gearbox has a reduction of i : 1 and thus a transmission ratio of 1/i.

p_in.omega = -i * p_out.omega

Unlike the model of an ideal gearbox, this model includes power loss. The power loss is
represented by the efficiency, where the efficiency is defined as the output power
divided by the input power:

eff = Pout / Pin

The efficiency is a value between zero and one and given by the gearbox manufacturer.
If you do no know the value, a good guess is a power loss of 3% per stage (eff = 0.97).
If your gearbox for example contains three stages, you can set the efficiency as:

eff = 0.97*0.97*0.97 = 0.91

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 762

9. Library

Interface - Efficiency

Ports Description
p_in Input port
p_out Output port
p_in not equal
i gearbox reduction [-], i > 1
eff gearbox efficiency [-]

Description - Lossy
This models represents any type of gearbox with two counter rotating shafts. The
gearbox has a reduction of i : 1 and thus a transmission ratio of 1/i.

p_in.omega = -i * p_out.omega

Unlike the model of an ideal gearbox, this model includes rotational inertia and power
loss. The inertia is defined at the input axis. If the gearbox manufacturer gives the
inertia at the output axis you can calculate the inertia at input axis as:

Jinput = Joutput/i^2

The power loss is represented by the efficiency, where the efficiency is defined as the
output power divided by the input power:

eff = Pout / Pin

The efficiency is a value between zero and one and given by the gearbox manufacturer.
If you do no know the value, a good guess is a power loss of 3% per stage (eff = 0.97).
If your gearbox for example contains three stages, you can set the efficiency as:

eff = 0.97*0.97*0.97 = 0.91

Interface - Lossy

Ports Description
p_in Input port
p_out Output port
preferred angular
velocity out p_in
preferred angular
velocity out p_out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 763

9. Library

i gearbox reduction [-], i > 1

J moment of inertia [kgm^2]
eff gearbox efficiency [-]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
A planetary gear is well known for its use in automotive mechanics. It transfers power
from a sun wheel to the planet wheels and the ring. In standard planetary gears, the
planet wheels are connected by a carriage. I.e the gear has three rotation ports: the
sun, the carriage and the ring.

The model that is used here is ideal. I.e. there is only power flow between the three
axes. No internal dynamics or friction are incorporated. If the inertia cannot be
neglected, you can easily add inertia models to the ports of the planetary gear model.

The number of teeth of the planet wheels are uniquely defined by the number of teeth of
the sun wheel and the ring by:

zp = (zr - zs)/2;

Therefore the ratio between the sun teeth and the ring teeth:

z = zr / zs;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 764

9. Library

determine the transmission ratio of the gearbox and therefore the dynamic equations of
the gearbox:

carriage.omega = sun.omega * (1/(1 + z)) + ring.omega * (z/(1 + z));

ring.T = carriage.T * (z/(1 + z));
sun.T = carriage.T * (1/(1 + z));

Ports Description
sun shaft attached to the sun wheel (Rotation)
carriage shaft attached to the carriage (Rotation)
ring shaft attached to the ring (Rotation)
z number of ring teeth divided by the number of sun teeth []


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation/Translation).
Description - FixedPionion
This models represents a rack and pinion gear. The connection to the pinion gear is
through the rotation port p_rot. The connection to the rack is through the translation
port p_trans. The model is ideal, i.e. there is no compliance nor inertia nor backlash.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 765

9. Library

In this model the pinion bearing is connected to the fixed world and the rack is free to
move. This in contrary to the model FixedRackPinionGear where the pinion bearing is
free to move and the rack is connected to the fixed world.

The causality of this model is always mixed: torque out & velocity out or angular velocity
out & force out:

p_rot.T = radius * p_trans.F

p_trans.v = radius * p_rot.omega


p_trans.F = 1/radius * p_rot.T

p_rot.omega = 1/radius * p_trans.v

The rack position is determined by the internal variable x. For x = 0, the pinion gear is
at the middle of the rack. When the pinion crosses the end of the rack, i.e.

abs(x) > rack_length/2

a warning is given, "WARNING: rack length has been exceeded at the rack and pinion
gear!", and the simulation is stopped.
Interface - FixedPionion

Ports Description
p_rot Rotation port.
p_trans Translation port.
p_rot notequal
radius pinion gear pitch radius [m]
rack_length rack length [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 766

9. Library

x Internal variable which denotes the rack position, abs(x) <

rack_length/2 else simulation halted.
Initial values
x_initial Initial rack position, abs(x_initial) < rack_length/2

Description - FixedRack
This models represents a fixed rack and pinion gear. The connection to the pinion gear is
through the rotation port p_rot. The connection to the rack is through the translation
port p_trans. The model is ideal, i.e. there is no compliance nor inertia nor backlash.

In this model the pinion bearing is free to move and the rack is connected to the fixed
world. This in contrary to the model RackPinionGear where the pinion bearing is
connected to the fixed world and the rack is free to move.

The causality of this model is always mixed: torque out & velocity out or angular velocity
out & force out:

p_rot.T = radius * p_trans.F

p_trans.v = radius * p_rot.omega


p_trans.F = 1/radius * p_rot.T

p_rot.omega = 1/radius * p_trans.v

The rack position is determined by the internal variable x. For x = 0 the pinion gear is at
the middle of the rack. When the pinion crosses the end of the rack, i.e.

abs(x) > rack_length/2

a warning is given, "WARNING: rack length has been exceeded at the rack and pinion
gear!", and the simulation is stopped.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 767

9. Library

Interface - FixedRack

Ports Description
p_rot Rotation port.
p_trans Translation port.
p_rot notequal
radius pinion gear pitch radius [m]
rack_length rack length [m]
x Internal variable which denotes the rack position, abs(x) <
rack_length/2 else simulation halted.
Initial values
x_initial Initial rack position, abs(x_initial) < rack_length/2


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This models represents a spindle and nut. It transfers an angular motion of the spindle
into a translational motion of the nut. The model is ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia or
friction. The causality of this model is always mixed: one port has a torque out causality
while the other has an angular velocity out causality:

p_spindle.T = i * p_nut.F
p_nut.v = i * p_spindle.omega


p_nut.F = 1/i * p_spindle.T

p_spindle.omega = 1/i * p_nut.v

The model has two implementations which calculate the transform ratio i out of different

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 768

9. Library

Description - Pitch
In this implementation the transform ratio is calculated using the pitch (the advance of
the nut during one revolution of the spindle):

i = pitch / (2 * pi);

Interface - Pitch

Ports Description
p_spindle Port at the spindle shaft (Rotation).
p_nut Port at the wheel (Translation).
notequal p_nut
pitch translation of the nut during one revolution of the spindle [m]

Description - LeadAngle
This implementation calculates the transform ratio out of the lead angle alpha and the
radius r_spindle of the spindle:

i = tan(alpha)*r_spindle;

The pitch angle is shown in the figure below. r_spindle is the effective radius of the
spindle, i.e. the radius from the center of the spindle to the pitch point p.

Interface -LeadAngle

Ports Description
p_spindle Port at the spindle shaft (Rotation).
p_nut Port at the wheel (Translation).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 769

9. Library

notequal p_nut
r_spindle effective radius of the spindle [m]
alpha lead angle of the spindle [rad]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation/Translation).
This models represents a timing belt, used for linear positioning.

It has a rotating pulley which drives the the belt and clamp. The timing belt is modeled
by a series of spring damper elements that convey the rotation of the pulley to a clamp
translation. Because the output position is moving, stiffness and damping values are not

The stiffness for a piece of belt can be expressed as:

k = E*A / l

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 770

9. Library


E = Modulus of elasticity {N/m2}

A = Belt area {m2}
l = belt length {m}

If the belt is sufficiently pre-tensioned, the stiffness experienced at the clamp can be
expressed as the combination of three individual belt parts:

k = E*A/(0.5*l+x) + 1/( 1 / E*A/(0.5*l - x) + 1 / E*A / l )

which can be rewritten to:

k = E*A*( 1/(0.5*l+x) + 1/(1.5*l - x) )

The stiffness approaches infinity as the clamp moves to the driven pulley (x = -l/2) and
has a minimum value when the clamp moves to the other pulley (x = 0.5*l). The
minimum stiffness is equal to:

k = 2*E*A / l

The belt position is determined by the internal variable x. For x = 0 the clamp is in the
middle. When the position crosses the driven pulley, i.e.

x < - belt_length/2

the simulation is stopped: "Error: clamp position larger than belt end!". When the
position crosses the other pulley, i.e.

x > belt_length/2

the simulation is also stopped, "Error: clamp position smaller than belt start!".
Description - Default
In this model the minimum stiffness is used, based on an output position at a length L of
the driven pulley.

k = 2*E*A / l

Description - VariableStiffness
In this model a variable stiffness is used equal to:

k = E*A*( 1/(0.5*l+x) + 1/(1.5*l - x) )

Take care not to let the clamp get too close to the driven pulley, because the stiffness
will then grow to infinity!

Ports Description
p_rot Rotation port.
p_trans Translation port.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 771

9. Library

p_rot notequal
radius pinion gear pitch radius [m]
d damping N.s/m]
E Modulus of elasticity [N/m2]
A A = Belt area [m2]
l belt length [m]
x clamp position, abs(x) < belt length/2
Initial values
x_initial Initial clamp position, abs(x_initial) < belt length/2


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
Description - Ideal
This models represents any type of gearbox with two shafts rotating in the same
direction. The gear is ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia or friction. The gear has one fast
moving shaft and one slow moving shaft. The gearbox has a reduction of i : 1 and thus a
transmission ratio of 1/i.

The causality of this model is always mixed: one port has a torque out causality while
the other has an angular velocity out causality:

p_in.T = 1/i * p_out.T

p_out.omega = 1/i * p_in.omega


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 772

9. Library

p_out.T = i * p_in.T
p_in.omega = i * p_out.omega

Interface - Ideal

Ports Description
p_in Input port
p_out Output port
p_in not equal
i gearbox reduction, i > 1

Description - Efficiency
This models represents any type of gearbox with two shafts rotating in the same
direction. The gearbox has a reduction of i : 1 and thus a transmission ratio of 1/i.

p_in.omega = i * p_out.omega

Unlike the model of an ideal gearbox, this model includes power loss. The power loss is
represented by the efficiency, where the efficiency is defined as the output power
divided by the input power:

eff = Pout / Pin

The efficiency is a value between zero and one and given by the gearbox manufacturer.
If you do no know the value, a good guess is a power loss of 3% per stage (eff = 0.97).
If your gearbox for example contains three stages, you can set the efficiency as:

eff = 0.97*0.97*0.97 = 0.91

Interface - Efficiency

Ports Description
p_in Input port
p_out Output port
p_in not equal
i gearbox reduction [-], i > 1
eff gearbox efficiency [-]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 773

9. Library

Description - Lossy
This models represents any type of gearbox with two shafts rotating in the same
direction. The gearbox has a reduction of i : 1 and thus a transmission ratio of 1/i.

p_in.omega = i * p_out.omega

Unlike the model of an ideal gearbox, this model includes rotational inertia and power
loss. The inertia is defined at the input axis. If the gearbox manufacturer gives the
inertia at the output axis you can calculate the inertia at input axis as:

Jinput = Joutput/i^2

The power loss is represented by the efficiency, where the efficiency is defined as the
output power divided by the input power:

eff = Pout / Pin

The efficiency is a value between zero and one and given by the gearbox manufacturer.
If you do no know the value, a good guess is a power loss of 3% per stage (eff = 0.98).
If your gearbox for example contains three stages, you can set the efficiency as:

eff = 0.97*0.97*0.97 = 0.91

Interface - Lossy

Ports Description
p_in Input port
p_out Output port
preferred angular
velocity out p_in
preferred angular
velocity out p_out
i gearbox reduction [-], i > 1
J moment of inertia [kgm^2]
eff gearbox efficiency [-]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 774

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).

Universal Joint couplings are used to couple axes which are not aligned. The can be used
in single or double set-up. C onsider the single Universal Joint coupling, shown in the
picture below.

Due to the nature of the coupling, the output angular velocity w1 will show a sinusoidal
ripple, compared to the input angular velocity w2:

with the angle between the two axes and 1 the initial rotation of the input axis. The
initial rotation 1 is defined with respect to a plane that is spanned by the axes (1 and

When two Universal Joint couplings are combined, the angular velocity of the output axis
will be equal to the angular velocity of the input axis (e.g. no ripple) when two conditions
are met. When the output axis of the first coupling is connected to the input axis of the
second coupling, these conditions are:

1. For both couplings the absolute value of the angle should be equal.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 775

9. Library

2. The difference in initial rotation of both couplings ( 1 - 2) should be equal to

+ /2 [rad] or - /2 [rad].

Two alignments are shown in the figure below.

= 0.35 ' = -0.35 , 1 = 0, ' /2 [rad] = 0.35 ' = 0.35 , 1 = 0, ' /2 [rad]


Ports Description
p1, p2 The input and output axes (Rotation)

p1 not equal p2
alpha The angle between the two axes ( ).
Initial Values
phi1_initial The initial rotation of the input axis 1).


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 776

9. Library

Description - Ideal

This models represents a worm gear with spindle (also referred to as worm) and wheel
(also referred to as gear). The gear is ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia or friction. The
causality of this model is always mixed: one port has a torque out causality while the
other has an angular velocity out causality:

p_spindle.T = i * p_wheel.T
p_wheel.omega = i * p_spindle.omega


p_wheel.T = 1/i * p_spindle.T

p_spindle.omega = 1/i * p_wheel.omega


i = tan(alpha)*r_spindle/r_wheel;

Alpha is the pitch angle as shown in the figure below. r_wheel and r_spindle are the
effective radii of the wheel and spindle, i.e. the radii from the center of the wheel and
spindle to the pitch point p.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 777

9. Library

Interface - Ideal

Ports Description
p_spindle Port at the spindle shaft (Rotation).
p_wheel Port at the wheel (Rotation).
p_wheel notequal
r_spindle pitch radius spindle [m]
r_wheel pitch radius wheel [m]
alpha lead angle of the spindle [rad]

Description - Backlash

This models represents a worm gear with spindle (also referred to as worm) and wheel
(also referred to as gear). Between spindle and wheel, backlash and friction is modelled.
The causality of this model is always fixed: both ports have a torque out causality.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 778

9. Library

The spindle and wheel have one ore more pair of teeth contacting each other. The
effective point of contact is called the pitch point P. At the pitch point a frame is defined,
with an x- and y-direction. During rotation of the wheel and spindle, the teeth will
experience a normal force Fn in the x-direction and a friction force Ff in the y-direction.

Between each pair of teeth, a clearance exists (y-direction), causing backlash. This
effect is time-dependent, because of the tooth pairs coming in and out of contact. During
normal operation this is a high frequency effect, which is filtered out by the damping of
the construction. We therefore only use an average backlash at the pitch point. Using
the same reasoning as backlash, an average friction is used at the pitch point.

To define both backlash and friction a frame is used at the pitch point (see picture
above) to indicate velocities. The velocity in x-direction is the sliding velocity between
the teeth and used to calculate the friction force. The position in y-direction is the
position in the clearance and used to calculate the backlash force.

The backlash is described by the standard formula that is also used in the Backlash.emx
model. The normal force is modelled by a spring-damper system. Inside the clearance a
low damping and stiffness is used (k1 and d1), while a high stiffness and damping (k2
and d2) is used at both ends of the clearance. This yields a normal force Fn of:

Friction is described as static plus coulomb plus viscous plus Stribeck friction:

p.F = Fn *
(( mu_c + (mu_st*abs(tanh( slope*p.v )) - mu_c)
* exp( -((p.v / v_st)^2 )) ) * sign(p.v)
+ mu_v * p.v);

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 779

9. Library


Fn: the normal force (given by the backlash formula)

mu_s: the static friction coefficient
mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.
v_st: the characteristic Stribeck velocity.

A worm gear is said to be self-locking, or irreversible when the wheel cannot drive the
spindle. This condition is obtained, if the lead angle of the worm is small and the friction
force between the teeth is high enough. Then the friction force becomes larger than the
driving force on the teeth. Suppose we only consider static and C oulomb friction and
both friction coefficients are equal. Then self locking is obtained when the following
condition holds:

mu_s > tan(alpha)

mu_c > tan(alpha)

Interface - Backlash

Ports Description
p_spindle Port at the spindle shaft (Rotation).
p_wheel Port at the wheel (Rotation).
fixed torque out
r_spindle pitch radius spindle [m]
r_wheel pitch radius wheel [m]
alpha lead angle of the spindle [rad]
s Interval of the play [m]
k1 Stiffness in the play [N/m]
k2 Stiffness outside the play [N/m]
d1 Damping inside the play [Ns/m]
d2 Damping outside the play [Ns/m]
ep Relative round off (1e-6 -> sharp edges, 1e-2 -> smoother)
mu_s Static friction coefficient []
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]
mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 780

9. Library

Fn Average normal force between teeth [N]

Ff Average friction force between teeth [N]
v_x Velocity in x-direction at the pitch frame [m/s] (used in friction
v_y formula)
x_x Velocity in y-direction at the pitch frame [m/s] (used in backlash
x_y formula)
Position in x-direction at the pitch frame [m/s] (used in friction
Position in y-direction at the pitch frame [m/s] (used in backlash



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model describes an acceleration sensor which derives an angular acceleration
output out of a port angular velocity by differentiation. Differentiation is performed by a
state variable filter:

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

The equations of this model are:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 781

9. Library

alpha = d( p.omega)/dt;
p.T = indifferent;

Ports Description
p Rotation port p.
fixed force out
alpha Absolute angular acceleration [rad/s2]
f C ut-off frequency of the differentiation [Hz].
alpha_initial Initial angular acceleration [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model describes an acceleration sensor which derives an angular acceleration
output out of a angular velocity difference (between high and low terminals) by
differentiation. Differentiation is performed by a state variable filter:

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 782

9. Library

The equations of this model are:

alpha = d( p_high.omega - p_low.omega)/dt;

p_low.T = p_high.T = indifferent;

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Mechanical port p.
fixed force out
alpha Angular acceleration (measured as the difference between both
terminals) [rad/s2]
f C ut-off frequency of the differentiation [Hz].
alpha_initial Initial angular acceleration [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous/Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation) / Block
Description - Ideal
This is a model of an optical encoder combined with sampling. The Encoder has no
internal friction. The output signal is equal to the sampled shaft shaft angle (in radians).

The shaft angle is equal to a sine with amplitude 2*pi (one revolution forward and one
back), the sampling rate is 5 Hz.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 783

9. Library

Interface - Ideal

Ports Description
p Rotation port
fixed torque out (The output torque is zero)
Outputs Description
output sampled shaft angle (rad)

Description - Absolute
This is a model of an optical encoder combined with counting logic and analog to digital
conversion. The encoder has no internal friction. C ounting is absolute. The shaft angle is
measured with an accuracy of a given number of counts per revolution.

An encoder has an accuracy of 10 counts per revolution. This means an input signal with
value 6.283185307 gives an output of 10. This is illustrated in the figure below. The input
is a sine with amplitude 2*pi (one revolution forward and one back).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 784

9. Library

This model has no overflow.
Interface - Absolute

Ports Description
p Rotation port
fixed torque out (The output torque is zero)
Outputs Description
output number of counts
counts counts per revolution.

Description - Incremental
This is a model of an optical encoder combined with counting logic and analog to digital
conversion. The encoder has no internal friction. C ounting is incremental. The shaft
angle is measured with an accuracy of a given number of counts per revolution and a
window defined by the number of bits.

An encoder has an accuracy of 2000 counts per revolution. This means an input signal
with value 6.283185307 gives an output of 2000.

An encoder has an accuracy of 10 counts per revolution and a 5 bits counter. This
means an input signal with value 6.283185307 gives an output of 10 and the output is
clipping between +15 and -16. This is illustrated in the figure below. The input is a sine
with amplitude 2*pi (one revolution forward and one back).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 785

9. Library

Encoder output without overflow.

The next figure shows the same settings but only 4 bits are used. This means the output
is clipping between +7 and -8.

Encoder output with overflow.

The maximum and minimum number of counts are equal to 2(bits-1) -1 and -2(bits-1). If
the number of counts passes 2(bits-1) -1, counting continues at -2(bits-1) and vice
Interface - Incremental

Ports Description
p Rotation port

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 786

9. Library

fixed torque out (The output torque is zero)
Outputs Description
output number of counts
counts counts per revolution.
bits maximum counting interval is between 2(bits-1) -1 and -2(bits-1).

The output of this model is a discrete signal. 20-sim will automatically detect the
existence of discrete models. Each chain of discrete models will be assigned a specific
sampletime. You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator (choose
Properties, Simulation and Discrete System).


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (, Block Diagrams.), Block
This model translates a angular position to an output signal. It has a force out causality.
The equations are:

p.T = 0;
phi = int(p.omega);


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Rotation port p.
fixed force out
phi Absolute angular position [rad]

Initial Values
phi_initial Initial angular position [rad]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 787

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model translates a angular position difference to an output signal. It has a force out
causality. The port p of the model has separate high and low terminals. The equations

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T;

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega;
p.T = 0;
phi = int(p.omega);


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.
fixed force out
phi Relative angular position [rad]

Initial Values
phi_initial Initial angular position [rad]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation / Electric).
Potentiometers have a variable resistance according to a certain rotation. By
establishing a voltage (see picture below) across the resistor it is possible to get a
proportional relation between the angle and the output voltage.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 788

9. Library


Uout = Umax * angle / (turns*2*pi)

Here Umax is the maximum voltage and turns is the maximum number of turns.


Ports Description
p1 Rotation port.
p2 Electric port.
fixed torque out (The output torque is zero)
p1 The output is equal to Uout.
fixed voltage out

Umax Maximum output voltage [V]
turns maximum allowed number of turns []


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This is an ideal sensor (no dissipation or other effects) that yields the power that flows
through the model as output signal. The equations are:

p_high.T = p_low.T
p_high.omega = p_low.omega
P = p_high.T * p_high.omega;


Ports Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 789

9. Library

p_high, p_low Both rotation ports.

p_high not equal
P Power [w].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous/Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation) / Block
A tachometer is a transducer for measuring the rotation speed. It is normally mounted
at the shaft of a motor and gives a voltage signal proportional to the rotation speed:

with Kv the tachometer gradient [V / rad/s] and v the shaft velocity [rad/s]. This
equation represents the ideal case. Due to the slots and commutator segments of the
tachometer, a noise ripple will exists:

with N the ripple frequency [cycles per turn] and Kn the peak to peak noise Ripple [in %
of the output voltage]. To convert the Voltage Gradient parameter from RPM units [V /
RPM] to radian units [V / rad/s], use the conversion formula:


Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed torque out (The output torque is zero)
Outputs Description
output Output voltage [V]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 790

9. Library

Kv Voltage Gradient [ V / rad/s ].
Kn Noise Ripple , relative to output voltage [%].
N Ripple frequency in cycles per turn [].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model translates an applied torque to an output signal. It has an angular velocity
out causality. The port p of the model has separate high and low terminals. The
equations are:

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T;

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega;
p.omega = 0;
T = p.T;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.
fixed angular
velocity out
T Applied torque [N/m]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model translates an angular velocity to an output signal. It has a force out causality.
The equations are:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 791

9. Library

p.T = 0;
omega = p.omega;


Ports Description
p Mechanical port p.
fixed force out
omega Absolute angular velocity [rad/s]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation), Block Diagrams.
This model translates a velocity difference to an output signal. It has a force out
causality. The port p of the model has separate high and low terminals. The equations

p.T = p_high.T = p_low.T;

p.omega = p_high.omega - p_low.omega;
p.T = 0;
omega = p.omega;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Rotation port p.
fixed force out
omega Relative angular velocity [rad/s]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 792

9. Library



2D Library (Small Rotations)

The 2DSmallRotation library contains models that describe 2-D planar motion and are
valid for small rotations. Due to these small rotations, the dynamic equations that
describe the various models are simple and can be linearized symbolically. The library is
therefore suited for modeling mechanical systems that experience small rotations and
must be thoroughly analyzed in the frequency domain.

C onsider the guidance system below. Due to the limited stiffness of the guidance wheels,
the central body will experience a small rotation that results in a movement in the x-
direction at the end-effector. To properly model the end-effector movement as a
function of the driven force, this rotation has to be incorporated. To inspect the resulting
resonance frequencies in a bode plot, the model must be linearized. If linearization is
performed symbolically, the effect of parameter changes (af, b, J) can be inspected
directly in the bode plot, which is very useful when the system is still in the design

To perform symbolic linearization, the example system should be modeled using the
models of the 2DSmallAngles library.
When we speak of 2D motion we often mean all planar motion. However, to describe
this motion, three degrees of freedom (displacement x and y and rotation ) are
used. In 20-sim we keep to the common naming standard of 2D for planar motion (3
degrees of freedom) and 3D for spatial motion (6 degrees of freedom). In 20-sim the
three degrees of freedom for planar motion are combined in a vector notation:

d.o.f. identity forces velocities

x position P.F[1] [N] P.v[1] [m/s]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 793

9. Library

y position P.F[2] [N] P.v[2] [m/s]

angle P.F[3] [Nm] P.v[3] [rad/s]

It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore element
number 3 will be displayed with units [m/s] and [N] although it really is [rad/s] and


The models in the 2DSmallRotation library have two types of connection ports: 1D and
2D. The 1D ports can represent movement and force (x- or y-direction) or an angular
displacement and torque.

The models of the standard translation and rotation libraries can be used connect to
these 1D ports as is shown in the picture below.

The 2D connection port is a vector that represents three degrees of freedom. The vector
notation that is used in 20-sim is:

d.o.f. identity forces velocities

x position P.F[1] [N] P.v[1] [m/s]
y position P.F[2] [N] P.v[2] [m/s]
angle P.F[3] [Nm] P.v[3] [rad/s]

In 20-sim it is not possible to use vector ports with mixed units. This means that element
number 3 will be always be displayed with the units [m/s] and [N] although it should be
interpreted as [rad/s] and [Nm].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 794

9. Library

To connect 2D ports, only other models with 2D ports can be used. A double line
indicates this vector connection.

Small Rotations

C onsider the body below:

Given a force Fx in x-direction acting upon the body at an offset y1 from the center, the
resulting force at the center of the body is:

F1x = Fx * cos(q)
F1y = Fx * sin(q)
F1q = Fx * -y1

For small angles this can be simplified to:

F1x = Fx
F1y = 0
F1q = Fx * -y1

A force acting upon a body at a certain offset is rewritten to a force at the center of the
body. This is common in multibody dynamics and called a transformation. A force acting
at a certain point can be transformed to see its effect at another point.

C onsider two frames which have an arbitrary offset as shown in the picture below. We
want to know how a force in frame 0 is transformed to a force in frame 1. We assume
that frame 1 has an offset of x1 and y1 with respect to frame 0 and a rotation q1 with
respect to frame 0. In order to make clear that the offsets are given with respect to
frame 0 we will write the with extra indices (x1,0 , y1,0 and 1,0 ).

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9. Library

Given an arbitrary force F1,0 at frame 0 the resulting force F1,1 at frame 1 is equal to:

For small angles this can be simplified to:

The accuracy of this simplification depends on the angle . For an angle of 0.5 degrees
(0.009 rad) this results in an almost 1% error in the calculation of F1,1. C onsidering the
cumulative effects of this error when multiple models are used, an angle of maximum
0.05 degrees (<1 mrad) is an upper bound for the models of the 2DSmallRotation

The simplification of the equations has two advantages. First because of the small
rotations there is no frame rotation any more. Therefore all frames have the same
direction (there is only an offset in x-direction and y-direction). Interpreting results is
therefore much easier. But the biggest advantage is the simplification of equations which
allows us to linearize models symbolically and thus perform tasks in the frequency like
parameter sweeps!


Degrees of Freedom
As described in the previous topic, the models in 2DSmallRotation library have two types
of connection ports: 1D and 2D. The 1D port can represent movement in the x-direction,
the y-direction or an angular displacement .

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9. Library

The 2D port is a vector that contains all three degrees of freedom. The vector notation
that is used in 20-sim is:

d.o.f. identity forces velocities

x position P.F[1] [N] P.v[1] [m/s]
y position P.F[2] [N] P.v[2] [m/s]
angle P.F[3] [Nm] P.v[3] [rad/s]

The vector element number (1, 2 or 3) denotes the identity of the degree of freedom (x,
y and ). To create meaningful models, we have to define the positive direction of each
degree of freedom:

d.o.f. positive direction

x from left to right
y from bottom to top
counter clockwise

This definition is arbitrary. We could as well define it any other way. In the
2DSmallRotation library we have chosen the definition above. It will help us define new
models and interpret simulation results.
Orientation Independent
The connections between models only indicate how variables (forces and velocities) are
transferred from one model to the other and vice versa. The orientation of the models in
the Graph Editor (how they are drawn) is therefore not important. Flipping, rotating or
moving a model does not change the model! All four representations in the figure
below are the same although their individual models are oriented differently.

The figure above shows a point model in x-direction connected to a 2D body. The point
indicates a force in x-direction that is applied to the body. Since we defined that the
positive x-direction is from the left to the right, intuitively figure b leads to the correct

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9. Library

This indicates a problem. Although all models describe the same behavior, we would
intuitively interpret them differently. It is therefore useful to impose some rules to
prevent misinterpretation of a model by other users.
Drawing Rules

1. Preferably leave the orientation of the models of the 2DSmallRotation library as they
pop up on the screen.

2. If necessary, only flip or rotate models in a direction that does not lead to

3. If possible, draw 1D connections in the following direction:

d.o.f. positive direction

x from left to right
y from bottom to top
from left bottom to right top

An example is shown in the figure below:


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (2D Planar).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 798

9. Library

The central model in the 2DSmallRotation library is the TwoDBody model. It describes a
body with three degrees of freedom: x, y and . The TwoDBody is a point mass with
rotational inertia. The constitutive equations are therefore very simple:

P.v = I .* int(P.F);


I = [1/M; 1/M; 1/J];

Any number of connections can be made to the TwoDBody model. All forces acting upon
the body are added.

Because any number of connections can be made, successive ports are named P1, P2,
P3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create equations such that the resulting force P.F is
equal to the sum of the forces of all connected ports P1 . Pn. The velocities of all
connected ports are equal to P.v. The model has a preferred velocity out causality. The
corresponding constitutive equations then contain an integration. The model can also
have the non-preferred force out causality. The constitutive equations then contain a

P.F = sum(P1.F, P2.F, ....)

P.v = P1.v = P2.v = ....

velocity out causality (preferred):

I = [1/M;1/M;1/J]
P.v = I*int(P.F);

force out causality:

I = [1/M;1/M;1/J]
P.F = I-1*ddt(P.v);

Ports Description

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9. Library

P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ). Any number of

connections can be made.
preferred velocity
M Mass [kg].
J Moment of inertia [kgm2/rad]

A TwoDBody model can be connected to any other element of the 2D-library except
other 2D-bodies. Two bodies can always be simplified to one TwoDBody model with
the combined mass and inertia of both single bodies.
TwoDBody models can be connected to 1D models using the TwoDPoint models as
intermediate. If a TwoDPoint is connected to a body, it constrains the movement of
the body in one direct

TwoDPoint Models
TwoDPoint models are used to connect 1D models to TwoDBodies. They indicate a 1D
force or torque that is applied in a certain direction, onto a body.

A point model forms the connection between the single degree of freedom part of a
system and the center of mass of a body. C onsider the example below, where force F in
x-direction (single degree of freedom) is pushing upon a body (three degrees of
freedom) at an offset YP from the body center of mass.

To create such a construct, the TwoDPoint-X model is used:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 800

9. Library

The TwoDPoint-X model describes the translation of a 1D force (x-direction) to a 2D-

force (x-, y- and -direction) and vice versa the translation of a 2D-velocity (x-, y- and
-direction) to a 1D velocity (x-direction).

There are four point models. Three point models transform from x-direction, y-direction
and -direction to 2D. One point models transforms from direction with arbitrary
orientation to 2D.
Fixation of bodies
If a TwoDBody model is used in combination with TwoDPoint models, at least three non-
coinciding, unequal (i.e. not having the same offsets) TwoDPoints must be connected to
prevent the body from free motion. This is obvious when we interpret the point models
physically. Point models can be interpreted as constraints on motion in one direction.
The motion in the other two directions is free.

To show that two points are not sufficient to constrain all motions look at the figure

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 801

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (1D Translation, 2D
Description - X
TwoDPoint models are used to connect 1D models to TwoDBodies. They indicate a 1D
force or torque that is applied in a certain direction, onto a body. The TwoDPoint-X
model forms the connection between the single degree of freedom in x-direction and the
center of mass of a body. C onsider the example below, where force F in x-direction
(single degree of freedom) is pushing upon a body (three degrees of freedom) at an
offset YP from the body center of mass.

To create such a construct the TwoDPoint-X model is used:

The TwoDPoint-X model describes the transformation of force in x-direction to a force in

three degrees of freedom. The single degree of freedom port p_in describes the
connection in x-direction and the three three degree of freedom port P_out describes
connection with the 2D-body (x, y and ).

P_out.F[1] = p_in.F; // x-direction

P_out.F[2] = 0; // y-direction
P_out.F[3] = -p_in.F * YP; // rotation

p_in.v = P_out.v[1] - YP * // x-direction


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 802

9. Library

Interface - X

Ports Description
p_in 1D Translation port (x).
P_out[3] 2D Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out
fixed velocity out
YP Distance (y-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].

Description - Y
TwoDPoint models are used to connect 1D models to TwoDBodies. They indicate a 1D
force or torque that is applied in a certain direction, onto a body. The TwoDPoint-Y
model forms the connection between the single degree of freedom in y-direction and the
center of mass of a body. C onsider the example below, where force F in y-direction
(single degree of freedom) is pushing upon a body (three degrees of freedom) at an
offset XP from the body center of mass.

To create such a construct the 2D-point-Y model is used:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 803

9. Library

The 2D-point-Y model describes the transformation of force in y-direction to a force in

three degrees of freedom. The single degree of freedom port p_in describes the
connection in y-direction and the three three degree of freedom port P_out describes
connection with the 2D-body (x, y and ).

P_out.F[1] = 0; // x-direction
P_out.F[2] = p_in.F; // y-direction
P_out.F[3] = p_in.F * XP; // rotation

p_in.v = P_out.v[2] + XP * // y-direction

Interface - Y

Ports Description
p_in 1D Translation port (y).
P_out[3] 2D Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out
fixed velocity out
XP Distance (x-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 804

9. Library

Description - theta
TwoDPoint models are used to connect 1D models to TwoDBodies. They indicate a 1D
force or torque that is applied in a certain direction, onto a body. The TwoDPoint-Theta
model forms the connection between the single degree of freedom rotation and the
center of mass of a body. C onsider the example below, where torque (single degree of
freedom) is acting on a body (three degrees of freedom).

To create such a construct the TwoDPoint-Theta model is used:

The TwoDPoint-Theta model describes the transformation of a single rotation to a

rotation of the 2D-body. The single degree of freedom port p_in describes the
connection to the single degree rotation the three three degree of freedom port P_out
describes connection with the 2D-body (x, y and ).

P_out.F[1] = 0; // x-direction
P_out.F[2] = 0; // y-direction
P_out.F[3] = p_in.T; // rotation

p_in.omega = P_out.v[3]; // rotation

Interface - theta

Ports Description
p_in 1D Rotation port ( ).
P_out[3] 2D Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out
fixed velocity out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 805

9. Library

Description - XY
TwoDPoint models are used to connect 1D models to TwoDBodies. They indicate a 1D
force or torque that is applied in a certain direction, onto a body. The TwoDPoint-XY
model forms the connection between a single degree of freedom in arbitrary direction
and the center of mass of a body. C onsider the example below, where force F (single
degree of freedom) is pushing upon a body (three degrees of freedom) with an arbitrary
angle theta at an offset XP and YP from the body center of mass.

To create such a construct the TwoDPoint-XY model is used:

The TwoDPoint-XY model describes the transformation of a one degree of freedom force
in an arbitrary direction to a force in three degrees of freedom. The single degree of
freedom port p_in describes the connection in the arbitrary direction and the three three
degree of freedom port P_out describes connection with the 2D-body (x, y and ).

Fx = cos(theta)*p_in.F; // arbitrary-direction
Fy = sin(theta)*p_in.F; // arbitrary-direction

P_out.F[1] = Fx; // x-direction

P_out.F[2] = Fy; // y-direction
P_out.F[3] = Fy * XP - Fx * YP; // rotation

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 806

9. Library

p_in.v = cos(theta)*P_out.v[1] + // arbitrary-direction

sin(theta)*P_out.v[2] +
XP * sin(theta)* P_out.v[3] -
YP * cos(theta) * P_out.v[3];

Interface - XY

Ports Description
p_in 1D Translation port in arbitrary direction.
P_out[3] 2D Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out
fixed velocity out
YP Distance (y-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].
XP Distance (x-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].
theta Angle of impact of the single degree of freedom port [rad].

A TwoDBody has to be connected to at least three unequal TwoDPoint models to
prevent it from free motion (rotation & translation).
Flipping or rotating the model does not change the direction of applied forces or
measured directions. Preferably leave the orientation as it pops up on the screen.


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (2D Planar).
The TwoDFixedWorld represents the fixed world in 3 degrees of freedom. It can be
connected to other 2D models to freeze their motion. Models that can be connected to
the fixed world are:

1. TwoDSprings

2. TwoDLinearSlides

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 807

9. Library

3. TwoDLinearActuators

Although other models like the TwoDBody can also be connected to the TwoDFixedWorld
model, it makes no sense because it completely fixates all equations of motion.


Ports Description
P Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed velocity out


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (2D Planar).
This model can be used to connect any open end of another 2D model that is not
connected to the fixed world. It generates a three degree of freedom zero force while
the velocity is free.

Ports Description
P Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out P


To inspect the model behavior you can plot variables. Sometimes not all variables are
available. Then sensor model can be used.
To use the 1D sensor models from the standard library, connect them to the 2D models
using the TwoDPoint models.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 808

9. Library

To measure variables directly from the 2D models, three absolute sensors are available
showing the absolute position, velocity and acceleration. Also two relative sensors are
available showing the force and powerflow between two elements.


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (1D Translation,1D
Rotation, 2D Planar).
This model is used to find the absolute position of a TwoDBody model. It has a port P
which can be connected to the body and it has three output signals that denotes the x-
and y-position and the angle of the body. The model has a force out causality. The
equations are:

P.F = 0;
x = int (P.v[1]);
y = int (P.v[2]);
theta = int (P.v[3]);

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out P
x Absolute position [m].
y Absolute position [m].
theta Absolute angle [rad].
Initial Values
x_initial Initial position [m]
y_initial Initial position [m]
theta_initial Initial angle [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 809

9. Library



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (1D Translation,1D
Rotation, 2D Planar).
This model is used to find the absolute velocity of a TwoDBody model. It has a port P
which can be connected to the body and it has three output signals that denotes the x-
and y-velocity and the angular velocity of the body. The model has a force out causality.
The equations are:

P.F = 0;
vx = P.v[1];
vy = P.v[2];
omega = P.v[3];

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out P
vx Absolute velocity [m].
vy Absolute velocity [m].
omega Absolute angular velocity [rad].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (1D Translation, 1D
Rotation, 2D Planar).
This model is used to find the absolute acceleration of a TwoDBody model. It has a port
P which can be connected to the body and it has three output signals that denotes the x-
and y-acceleration and the angular acceleration of the body.

The acceleration output is calculated out of the velocity by differentiation. Differentiation

is performed by a state variable filter:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 810

9. Library

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

The equations of this model are:

P.F = 0;
ax = 2*pi*f*( P.v[1] - int(ax, 0));
ay = 2*pi*f*( P.v[2] - int(ay, 0));
alpha = 2*pi*f*( P.v[3] - int(alpha, 0));

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out P
ax Absolute acceleration [m].
ay Absolute acceleration [m].
alpha Absolute acceleration [rad].
Initial Values
ax_initial Initial acceleration [m]
ay_initial Initial acceleration [m]
alpha_initial Initial angular acceleration [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 811

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (1D Translation, 1D
Rotation, 2D Planar).
This model can be used to measure the forces and torque between two components. It
has a high and a low terminal to connect to both components. The equations are:

P.F = P_high.F = P_low.F;

P.v = P_high.v - P_low.v;
P.v = 0;
Fx = P.F[1];
Fy = P.F[2];
T = P.F[3];

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed velocity out
Fx Force [N].
Fy Force [N].
T Torque [Nm].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (1D Translation, 1D
Rotation, 2D Planar).
This model can be used to measure the powerflow between two models. It has two ports
to to both models. The equations are:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 812

9. Library

P.F = P_high.F = P_low.F;

P_high.F = P_low.F;
P_high.v = P_low.v;
P = P_high.v .* P_high.F;
Px = P[1];
Py = P[2];
Ptheta = P[3];

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed velocity out
Px Power [W].
Py Power [W].
Ptheta Power [W].

Springs and other Flexible Components

2D Springs
A TwoDSpring model represents a flexible spring between two bodies. The center of
stiffness is located relative to the two bodies. The offsets from the bodies to the center
of stiffness are indicated by x1, y1, x2 and y2 as shown in the picture below (left).

A 2-D spring in rest (left) and stretched (right).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 813

9. Library

Note that x1, y1, x2 and y2 are defined with respect to the spring coordinate frame
which is at the center of the spring. This means in the picture above x1 and y1 have a
negative value and x2 and y2 have a positive value.

When the spring is stretched the offsets will change by the spring elongations x, y and
as indicated in the picture (right). The center of stiffness is always located precisely in
the middle of the spring elongations. Because all spring equations will be calculated from
the center of stiffness this means that the offsets for a stretched spring are (x1 - x/2),
(y1 - y/2), (x2 + x/2) and (y2 + y/2).

For a realistic representation of vibration behavior, every 2D spring has a damper in

parallel. If you want to turn off the effects of this damper, choose the damping
parameters equal to zero. If you want to damp out unwanted vibrations, choose the
damping parameters equal to 0.1% to 10% of the spring parameters.
Linear Slides
Take a look at the TwoDSpring model in the picture below. If we replace the spring in x-
direction by a zero force we have created a linear slide.

Linear slide: x = free, y = stiff, = stiff.

C onsider a carriage that is clamped with four wheels to a slide. In the x-direction the
carriage is free to move, which is equal to a zero force. The limited stiffness of the
wheels is represented by springs. If there is a force with equal sign on both wheels, the
carriage will slightly move in the y-direction. If there is a force with opposite sign on
both wheels, the carriage will only rotate. This can be represented by two independent
springs: one in the y-direction and -direction.

If we repeat the same experiment and replace the spring in x-direction by a zero force
and the spring in -direction by a zero torque, we have created a linear slide with
rotational freedom. In practice this can be found with carriages that are clamped with a
limited set of wheels as shown below.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 814

9. Library

Linear slide: x = free, y = stiff, = free.

The TwoDLibrary contains four Linear Slide models:

1 TwoDLinearSlide-X x = free, y = stiff, = stiff

2 TwoDLinearSlide-Y x = stiff, y = free, = stiff
3 TwoDLinearSlide-XTheta x = free, y = stiff, = free
4 TwoDLinearSlide-YTheta x = free, y = stiff, = free

Linear Actuators
Instead of replacing the spring in x-direction with a zero force as with the linear slides,
we can replace it by a 1D power port to allow all kind of connections with the models
from the standard library. In this way we have created a linear actuator, that allows
every kind of actuation.

Like the linear slides, for the linear actuators we can also replace the spring in -
direction by a zero torque, which makes the total number of linear actuator models
equal to four:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 815

9. Library

1 TwoDLinearActuator-X Fx and vx connected to a port

2 TwoDLinearActuator-Y Fy and vy connected to a port
3 TwoDLinearActuator- Fx and vx connected to a port, T = 0, =0
4 TwoDLinearActuator- Fy and vy connected to a port, T = 0, =0

With the port connection ever possible form of actuation can be created. Two examples
are shown below.


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (2D Planar).
A TwoDSpring model represents a flexible connection between two bodies. The bodies
are located relative to the center of stiffness. The offsets from the bodies to the center
of stiffness are indicated by x1, y1, x2 and y2 as shown in the picture below (left).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 816

9. Library

A 2-D spring in rest (left) and stretched (right).

Note that x1, y1, x2 and y2 are defined with respect to the spring coordinate frame
which is at the center of the spring. This means in the picture above x1 and y1 have a
negative value and x2 and y2 have a positive value.

When the spring is stretched the offsets will change by the spring elongations x, y and
as indicated in the picture (right). The center of stiffness is always located precisely in
the middle of the spring elongations. Because all spring equations will be calculated from
the center of stiffness this means that the offsets for a stretched spring are (x1 - x/2),
(y1 - y/2), (x2 + x/2) and (y2 + y/2).

For a realistic representation of vibration behavior, every 2D spring has a damper in

parallel. If you want to turn off the effects of this damper, choose the damping
parameters equal to zero. If you want to damp out unwanted vibrations, choose the
damping parameters equal to 0.1% to 10% of the spring parameters.

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
kx stiffness in x-direction [N/m]
ky stiffness in y-direction [N/m]
kth rotational stiffness [N.m/rad]
dx damping in x-direction [N.s/m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 817

9. Library

dy damping in y-direction [N.s/m]

dth rotational damping [N.m.s/rad]
Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].
y_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].
theta_initial The initial rotation of the spring [rad].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (2D Planar).
Description - X
The TwoDLinearSlide-X model represents a flexible connection between two bodies in y-
and -direction. The bodies are located relative to the center of stiffness. The offsets
from the bodies to the center of stiffness are indicated by the parameters x1, y1, x2 and
y2 as shown in the picture below.

The TwoDLinearSLide-X model is based on the TwoDSpring model by replacing the

spring and damper in x-direction by a zero force. C onsider a carriage that is clamped
with four wheels to a slide. In the x-direction the carriage is free to move, which is equal
to a zero force. The limited stiffness of the wheels is represented by springs. If there is a
force with equal sign on both wheels, the carriage will slightly move in the y-direction. If
there is a force with opposite sign on both wheels, the carriage will only rotate. This can
be represented by two independent springs: one in the y-direction and -direction.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 818

9. Library

Linear slide: x = free, y = stiff, = stiff.

For a realistic representation of vibration behavior, every spring has a damper in

parallel. If you want to turn off the effects of this damper, choose the damping
parameters equal to zero. If you want to damp out unwanted vibrations, choose the
damping parameters equal to 0.1% to 10% of the spring parameters.
Interface - X

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
ky stiffness in y-direction [N/m]
kth rotational stiffness [N.m/rad]
dy damping in y-direction [N.s/m]
dth rotational damping [N.m.s/rad]
Initial Values
y_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].
theta_initial The initial rotation of the spring [rad].

Description - Y
The TwoDLinearSlide-Y model is equal to the TwoDLinearSlide-X model except that here
the movement is free in the y-direction.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 819

9. Library

Interface - Y

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
kx stiffness in x-direction [N/m]
kth rotational stiffness [N.m/rad]
dx damping in x-direction [N.s/m]
dth rotational damping [N.m.s/rad]
Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].
theta_initial The initial rotation of the spring [rad].

Description - XTheta
The TwoDLinearSlide-XTheta model represents a flexible connection between two bodies
in y-direction. The bodies are located relative to the center of stiffness. The offsets from
the bodies to the center of stiffness are indicated by the parameters x1, y1, x2 and y2
as shown in the picture below.

The TwoDLinearSLide-X model is based on the TwoDSpring model by replacing the

spring and damper in x- and -direction by a zero force. C onsider a carriage that is
clamped with two wheels to a slide. In the x-direction the carriage is free to move, which
is equal to a zero force. The carriage is also free to rotate, which is equal to a zero
torque. The limited stiffness of the wheels is represented by springs. If there is a force
on the wheels, the carriage will slightly move in the y-direction.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 820

9. Library

Linear slide: x = free, y = stiff, = stiff.

For a realistic representation of vibration behavior, every spring has a damper in

parallel. If you want to turn off the effects of this damper, choose the damping
parameters equal to zero. If you want to damp out unwanted vibrations, choose the
damping parameters equal to 0.1% to 10% of the spring parameters.
Interface - XTheta

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
ky stiffness in y-direction [N/m]
dy damping in y-direction [N.s/m]
Initial Values
y_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].

Description - YTheta
The TwoDLinearSlide-YTheta model is equal to the TwoDLinearSlide-XTheta model
except that here the movement is free in the y and -direction.
Interface - YTheta

Ports Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 821

9. Library

P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).

fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
kx stiffness in x-direction [N/m]
dx damping in x-direction [N.s/m]
Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\2DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D / 2-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (1D Translation, 2D
Description - X
The TwoDLinearActuator-X model represents a flexible connection between two bodies
in y- and -direction. The TwoDLinearActuator-X model is based on the TwoDLinearSlide-
X model. Instead of using a zero force in the x-direction, there is a coupling with a 1D
translation port for the actuator force.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 822

9. Library

C onsider a carriage that is clamped with four wheels to a slide. In the x-direction the
carriage can be moved by a certain force. The limited stiffness of the wheels is
represented by springs. If there is a force with equal sign on both wheels, the carriage
will slightly move in the y-direction. If there is a force with opposite sign on both wheels,
the carriage will only rotate. This can be represented by two independent springs: one in
the y-direction and -direction.

Linear slide: x = free, y = stiff, = stiff.

For a realistic representation of vibration behavior, every spring has a damper in

parallel. If you want to turn off the effects of this damper, choose the damping
parameters equal to zero. If you want to damp out unwanted vibrations, choose the
damping parameters equal to 0.1% to 10% of the spring parameters.

With the 1D port connection every possible form of actuation can be created using the
models from the standard library. Two examples are shown below.

Interface - X

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 823

9. Library

p 1D translation port
fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
ky stiffness in y-direction [N/m]
kth rotational stiffness [N.m/rad]
dy damping in y-direction [N.s/m]
dth rotational damping [N.m.s/rad]
Initial Values
y_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].
theta_initial The initial rotation of the spring [rad].

Description - Y
The TwoDLinearActuator-Y model is equal to the TwoDLinearActuator-X model except
that here the force acts in the y-direction.
Interface - Y

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
p 1D translation port
fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
kx stiffness in x-direction [N/m]
kth rotational stiffness [N.m/rad]
dx damping in x-direction [N.s/m]
dth rotational damping [N.m.s/rad]
Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].
theta_initial The initial rotation of the spring [rad].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 824

9. Library

Description - XTheta
The TwoDLinearActuator-XTheta model represents a flexible connection between two
bodies in y-direction. The TwoDLinearActuator-XTheta model is based on the
TwoDLinearSlide-XTheta model. Instead of using a zero force in the x-direction, there is
a coupling with a 1D translation port for the actuator force.

C onsider a carriage that is clamped with two wheels to a slide. In the x-direction the
carriage can be moved by a certain force. The carriage is free to rotate, which is equal
to a zero torque. The limited stiffness of the wheels is represented by springs. If there is
a force acting on both wheels, the carriage will slightly move in the y-direction. If there
is a force acting on the wheels, the carriage will slightly move in the y-direction.

Linear slide: x = free, y = stiff, = stiff.

For a realistic representation of vibration behavior, the spring has a damper in parallel.
If you want to turn off the effects of this damper, choose the damping parameters equal
to zero. If you want to damp out unwanted vibrations, choose the damping parameter
equal to 0.1% to 10% of the spring parameter.

With the 1D port connection every possible form of actuation can be created using the
models from the standard library. For example see the TwoDLinearActuator-X model.
Interface - XTheta

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
p 1D translation port
fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 825

9. Library

ky stiffness in y-direction [N/m]

dy damping in y-direction [N.s/m]
Initial Values
y_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].

Description - YTheta
The TwoDLinearActuator-YTheta model is equal to the TwoDLinearActuator-XTheta
model except that here the force acts in the y-direction.
Interface - YTheta

Ports Description
P[3] Port with three degrees of freedom (x, y, ).
p 1D translation port
fixed force out P
x1 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
y1 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 1 [m]
x2 distance in x-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
y2 distance in y-direction from center of stiffness to port 2 [m]
kx stiffness in x-direction [N/m]
kth rotational stiffness [N.m/rad]
dx damping in x-direction [N.s/m]
dth rotational damping [N.m.s/rad]
Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].
theta_initial The initial rotation of the spring [rad].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 826

9. Library

When you are working with the 2D-Library for small angles, it is good to keep the
following tips in mind:
The 2DSmallRotations library is very well suited for frequency domain analysis
through linearization.
The 2DSmallRotations library is not suited for large rotations. C onsider a rotation of
0.05 degrees or 1 mrad as an upper bound for every model part.
It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore
element number 3 will be displayed with units [m/s] and [N] although it really is [rad/
s] and [Nm]!
The vector element number (1, 2 or 3) denotes the degree of freedom. Flipping or
rotating of a model does not change this degree (e.g. a rotation does not change
from x into y). Preferably leave the orientation of the models as they pop up on the
To create intuitive models, the positive direction of each degree of freedom is defined
as: x from left to right, y from bottom to top, ? counter clockwise.
To prevent misinterpretation of a model by other users, stick to the drawing rules
that are given.
A TwoDBody model can be connected to any other element of the 2D-library except
other 2D-bodies.
A TwoDBody model can be connected to 1D models using the TwoDPoint models as
TwoDPoint models can only be connected to TwoDBody models.
If a TwoDBody model is connected to TwoDPoint models only, it has to be connected
to at least three non-coinciding, unequal (i.e. not having the same offsets)
TwoDPoints to prevent it from free motion.



The 3DSmallRotation library contains 3D models that are only suited for small rotations.
The library is comparable to the 2DSmallRotation library and suited for modeling
systems that, due to limited stiffness, experience rotation that should be accounted for.
Degrees of Freedom
All models in 3DSmallRotation library contain one or more ports with 6 degrees of
freedom The first three degrees of freedom denote the x-, y- and z-position and the last
three degrees of freedom denote the rotation around the x-, y- and z-axes. A vector
notation is used to denote the forces and velocities for these degrees of freedom. For a
model with a port P the notation is:

degree identity forces velocities

x position P.F[1] [N] P.v[1] [m/s]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 827

9. Library

y position P.F[2] [N] P.v[2] [m/s]

z position P.F[3] [N] P.v[3] [m/s]
x angle P.F[4] [Nm] P.v[4] [rad/s]

y angle P.F[5] [Nm] P.v[5] [rad/s]

z angle P.F[6] [Nm] P.v[6] [rad/s]

It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore
element number 4 to 6 will be displayed with units [m/s] and [N] although it really is
[rad/s] and [Nm]!
The vector element number (1 to 6) denotes the identity of the degree of freedom.
Flipping or rotating of a model does not change the this identity (e.g. a rotation does
not change x into y). Preferably leave the orientation of the models as they pop up
on the screen.

The central model in the 3DSmallRotation library is the 3D-body model which describes a
body with 6 degrees of freedom.
The 3D-mass model is a body with only mass and zero rotational inertia.

The 3D-body model is nothing more than a center of mass. To connect a 3D-body with
the outside (single degree of freedom) world, 3D-points are used. A 3D-point describes
the offset between the center of mass and the connection point.
A 3D-body has to be connected to 3D-points with at least three orthogonal nonzero
offsets to prevent it from free rotation.
A 3D-body has to be connected to at least three orthogonal 3D-point models to
prevent it from free motion.
The velocities of bodies can be inspected directly in the body models. To find positions
sensor models are available.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 828

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 6D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
This is a model of a 6 degree of freedom body. It is the equivalent of the 2D-body
model. The first three degrees of freedom in this model are represented by a single
mass and the last three degrees of freedom by a rotational inertia. The 3D-body has to
be connected to at least three orthogonal 3D-points, which define the reaction forces.

The model has a preferred velocity out causality. The corresponding constitutive
equations then contain an integration. The model can also have the non-preferred force
out causality. The constitutive equations then contain a differentiation. Because any
number of connections can be made, successive ports are named P1, P2, P3 etc. 20-sim
will automatically create equations such that the resulting force P.F is equal to the sum of
the forces of all connected ports P1 .. Pn. The velocities of all connected ports are equal
to P.v

P.F = sum(P1.F, P2.F, ....)

P.v = P1.v = P2.v = ....

velocity out causality (preferred):

I = [1/M;1/M;1/M;1/J[1];1/J[2];1/J[3]];
P.v = I.*int(P.F);

force out causality:

I = [1/M;1/M;1/M;1/J[1];1/J[2];1/J[3]];
P.F = I-1.*ddt(P.v);

Ports Description
P[6] Port with 6 degrees of freedom. Any number of connections can be
preferred velocity
M Mass [kg].
J[3] Moment of inertia for three axes [kgm2]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 829

9. Library

A body has to be connected to 3D-points with at least three orthogonal nonzero
offsets to prevent it from free rotation.
A 3D-body has to be connected to at least three orthogonal 3D-point models to
prevent it from free motion.
Flipping or rotating the model does not change the direction of applied forces or
measured directions. Preferably leave the orientation as it pops up on the screen.
It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore
element number 4 to 6 will be displayed with units [m/s] and [N] although it really is
[rad/s] and [Nm]!


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 6-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
This model represents the fixed world in 6 degrees of freedom It can be connected to a
3D-body model to freeze its motion.

Ports Description
P Port with 6 degrees of freedom.
fixed velocity out


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/6-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies a force between its two
terminals. This force can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the input signal F, the
velocity is indifferent.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 830

9. Library

This model is the equivalent of the 1 degree of fredom model ForceActuator-

Relative.emx. It model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies a force
between its two terminals. The force can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by a vector
K multiplied by a signal F, the velocity is indifferent. By setting the elements of the
vector K equal to zero or one, specific elements of the 6 degrees of freedom output
force can set equal to the input signal F.

P_high.F[1:6] = P_low.F[1:6] = K*F;


Ports Description
P_high[6], Both terminals of the port with 6 degrees of freedom.
fixed force out P
K[6] Vector with 6 elements to set the 6 force elements on or off.


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/6-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
This model is the equivalent of the 1 degree of fredom model ForceActuator.emx. It
model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies a force. The force can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by a vector K
multiplied by a signal F, the velocity is indifferent. By setting the elements of the vector
K equal to zero or one, specific elements of the 6 degrees of freedom output force can
set equal to the input signal F.

P.F[1:6] = K*F;

Ports Description
P Port with 6 degrees of freedom.
fixed force out P
K[6] Vector with 6 elements to set the 6 force elements on or off.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 831

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 6D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
This is a model of a 6 degree of freedom body without rotational inertia. The 3D-mass
has to be connected to at least three orthogonal 3D-points, which define the reaction

The model has a fised velocity out causality. Because any number of connections can be
made, successive ports are named P1, P2, P3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create
equations such that the resulting force P.F is equal to the sum of the forces of all
connected ports P1 .. Pn. The velocities of all connected ports are equal to P.v

P.F = sum(P1.F, P2.F, ....)

P.v = P1.v = P2.v = ....
I = [1/M;1/M;1/M];
P.v[1..3] = I.*int(P.F);
P.v[4..6] = 0;

Ports Description
P[6] Port with 6 degrees of freedom. Any number of connections can be
fixed velocity out
M Mass [kg].

A 3D-body has to be connected to 3D-points with at least three orthogonal nonzero
offsets to prevent it from free rotation.
A 3D-body has to be connected to at least three orthogonal 3D-point models to
prevent it from free motion.
Flipping or rotating the model does not change the direction of applied forces or
measured directions. Preferably leave the orientation as it pops up on the screen.
It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore
element number 4 to 6 will be displayed with units [m/s] and [N] although it really is
[rad/s] and [Nm]!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 832

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/6-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
Description - X
A point model forms the connection between the single degree of freedom part of a
system and the center of mass of a 3D-body.
The 3D-point-X model is the equivalent of the 2D-point-X model. It describes the
translation of force in x-direction to a force in 6 degrees of freedom. Because there are
three rotational degrees of freedom, the 3D-point-X model has two offsets, YP and ZP.

The single degree of freedom port p_in describes the connection in x-direction and the 6
degree of freedom port P_out describes connection with the 3D-body.

P_out.F[1] = p_in.F; // x-direction

P_out.F[2] = 0; // y-direction
P_out.F[3] = 0; // z-direction
P_out.F[4] = 0; // x-rotation
P_out.F[5] = ZP*p_in.F; // y-rotation
P_out.F[6] = -YP*p_in.F; // z-rotation

p_in.v = P_out.v[1] - YP*P_out.v[6] // x-direction

+ ZP *P_out.v[5];

As can bee seen from the equations, a nonzero offset YP or ZP (distance from center of
mass) in a 3D-point will result in a momentum. Therefore a 3D-body has to be
connected to 3D-points with at least three orthogonal nonzero offsets to prevent it from
free rotation.

The equations also show that the y-direction and z-direction are not affected by the 3D-
point-X model. Therefore each 3D-body has to be connected to at least three orthogonal
3D-point models to prevent it from free motion.
Interface - X

Ports Description

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9. Library

p_in Translation port with one degree of freedom (x [m]).

P_out[3] Port with 6 degrees of freedom.
fixed force out
fixed velocity out
YP Distance (y-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].
ZP Distance (z-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].

Description - Y
A point model forms the connection between the single degree of freedom part of a
system and the center of mass of a 3D-body.
The 3D-point-Y model is the equivalent of the 2D-point-Y model. It describes the
translation of force in x-direction to a force in 6 degrees of freedom. Because there are
three rotational degrees of freedom, the 3D-point-Y model has two offsets, XP and ZP.

The single degree of freedom port p_in describes the connection in x-direction and the 6
degree of freedom port P_out describes connection with the 3D-body.

P_out.F[1] = 0; // x-direction
P_out.F[2] = p_in.F; // y-direction
P_out.F[3] = 0; // z-direction
P_out.F[4] = -ZP*p_in.F; // x-rotation
P_out.F[5] = 0; // y-rotation
P_out.F[6] = XP*p_in.F; // z-rotation

p_in.v = P_out.v[2] + XP*P_out.v[6] // y-direction

- ZP *P_out.v[4];

As can bee seen from the equations, a nonzero offset XP or ZP (distance from center of
mass) in a 3D-point will result in a momentum. Therefore a 3D-body has to be
connected to 3D-points with at least three orthogonal nonzero offsets to prevent it from
free rotation.

The equations also show that the x-direction and z-direction are not affected by the 3D-
point-Y model. Therefore each 3D-body has to be connected to at least three orthogonal
3D-point models to prevent it from free motion.
Interface - Y

Ports Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 834

9. Library

p_in Translation port with one degree of freedom (x [m]).

P_out[3] Port with 6 degrees of freedom.
fixed force out
fixed velocity out
XP Distance (x-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].
ZP Distance (z-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].

Description - Z
A point model forms the connection between the single degree of freedom part of a
system and the center of mass of a 3D-body.
The 3D-point-Z model is the equivalent of the 2D-point-X model. It describes the
translation of force in z-direction to a force in 6 degrees of freedom. Because there are
three rotational degrees of freedom, the 3D-point-Y model has two offsets, XP and YP.

The single degree of freedom port p_in describes the connection in x-direction and the 6
degree of freedom port P_out describes connection with the 3D-body.

P_out.F[1] = 0; // x-direction
P_out.F[2] = 0; // y-direction
P_out.F[3] = p_in.F; // z-direction
P_out.F[4] = YP*p_in.F; // x-rotation
P_out.F[5] = -XP*p_in.F; // y-rotation
P_out.F[6] = 0; // z-rotation

p_in.v = P_out.v[3] - XP*P_out.v[5] // y-direction

+ YP *P_out.v[4];

As can bee seen from the equations, a nonzero offset XP or YP (distance from center of
mass) in a 3D-point will result in a momentum. Therefore a 3D-body has to be
connected to 3D-points with at least three orthogonal nonzero offsets to prevent it from
free rotation.

The equations also show that the x-direction and y-direction are not affected by the 3D-
point-Z model. Therefore each 3D-body has to be connected to at least three orthogonal
3D-point models to prevent it from free motion.
Interface - Z

Ports Description
p_in Translation port with one degree of freedom (x [m]).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 835

9. Library

P_out[3] Port with 6 degrees of freedom.

fixed force out
fixed velocity out
XP Distance (x-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].
YP Distance (y-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].

Description - XYZ
A point model forms the connection between the single degree of freedom part of a
system and the center of mass of a 3D-body.

The 3D-point-XYZ model is a combination of the 3D-point-X model, the 3D-point-Y model
and the 3D-point-Z model. It describes the translation of force in x-direction, y-direction
and z-ditrection to a force in 6 degrees of freedom. Because there are three rotational
degrees of freedom, the model has three offsets, XP, YP and ZP.

The single degree of freedom ports p_inx, p_iny and p_inz describes the connection in x-
direction, y-direction and z-direction and the 6 degree of freedom port P_out describes
connection with the 3D-body.

P_out.F[1] = p_inx.F; // x-direction

P_out.F[2] = p_iny.F; // y-direction
P_out.F[3] = p_inz.F; // z-direction
P_out.F[4] = YP*p_inz.F - ZP*p_iny.F; // x-rotation
P_out.F[5] = -XP*p_inz.F + ZP*p_inx.F; // y-rotation
P_out.F[6] = XP*p_iny.F - YP*p_inx.F; // z-rotation

p_inx.v = P_out.v[1] - YP*P_out.v[6] + ZP // x-direction

*P_out.v[5]; // y-direction
p_iny.v = P_out.v[2] + XP*P_out.v[6] - ZP // z-direction
p_inz.v = P_out.v[3] - XP*P_out.v[5]
+ YP *P_out.v[4];

As can bee seen from the equations, a nonzero offset XP, YP or ZP (distance from center
of mass) in a 3D-point will result in a momentum. Therefore a 3D-body has to be
connected to 3D-points with at least three orthogonal nonzero offsets to
prevent it from free rotation.

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9. Library

Interface - XYZ

Ports Description
p_inx Translation port with one degree of freedom [m].
p_iny Translation port with one degree of freedom [m].
p_inz Translation port with one degree of freedom [m].
P_out[3] Port with 6 degrees of freedom.
fixed force out
fixed velocity out
YP Distance (y-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].
XP Distance (x-direction) between connection and center of mass [m].
theta Angle of impact of the single degree of freedom port [rad].

A body has to be connected to 3D-points with at least three orthogonal nonzero
offsets to prevent it from free rotation.
A 3D-body has to be connected to at least three orthogonal 3D-point models to
prevent it from free motion.
Flipping or rotating the model does not change the direction of applied forces or
measured directions. Preferably leave the orientation as it pops up on the screen.
It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore
element number 4 to 6 will be displayed with units [m/s] and [N] although it really is
[rad/s] and [Nm]!


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/6D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
This model is used to find the positions of a 3D-body model. It has a port P which can be
connected to the body and an output signal pos that denotes the positions
(x,y,z, x y z) of the body.

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9. Library


Ports Description
P[3] Port with 6 degrees of freedom.
fixed force out P
Pos(6) Absolute positions [m].
Initial Values
Pos_initial[6] Initial positions [m]

The sensor model yields an absolute position starting at 0. Set the initial values to
yield a position starting at other values.
It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore
element number 4 to 6 will be displayed with units [m] although it really is [rad]!


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D/6-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
This model is the equivalent of the 1 degree of freedom model SpringDamper.emx. It
model represents an ideal spring-damper. The model has a preferred force out
causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain integrations. The
element can also have the non-preferred velocity out causality. The constitutive
equations then contain derivatives. The spring-damper model has separate high and low
ports. The equations are

P.F = P_high.F = P_low.F

P.v = P_high.v - P_low.v

Force out causality (preferred):

X = int(P.v);
P.F = S*X + D*P.v;

Velocity out causality:

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9. Library

P.v = ddt(X);
X = S-1*(P.F - D*P.v);

Ports Description
P_high[6], Both terminals of a port with 6 degrees of freedom.
preferred force
out P
X Vector with 6 spring extension values [m].
S[6] Stiffness vector [N/m]
D[6] Damping vector [N.s/m]

Initial Values
X_initial[6] Vector with 6 initial extension values of the spring [m].

It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore element
number 4 to 6 will be displayed with units [m/s] and [N] although it really is [rad/s] and
[Nm] etc.!


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\3DSmallAngles
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 6-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation,Rotation).
This model can be used to connect any open end of another 3D model that is not
connected to the fixed world. It generates a three degree of freedom zero force while
the velocity is free.

Ports Description
P Port with 6 degrees of freedom.
fixed force out P

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 839

9. Library

It is not possible in 20-sim to use vector elements with mixed units. Therefore element
number 4 to 6 will be displayed with units [m/s] and [N] although it really is [rad/s] and
[Nm] etc.!



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. An acceleration input signal is integrated to a
velocity difference between its two terminals:

p_high.v = p_low.v + int(a,v_initial);

p_low.F = p_high.F = indifferent;

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed velocity out
a Acceleration [m/s2].
v_initial Initial velocity output of the integration [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. An acceleration input signal is integrated to a
velocity at the translation port. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 840

9. Library

p.v = int(a,v_initial);
p.F = indifferent;

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed velocity out
a Acceleration [m/s2].
v_initial Initial velocity at the port [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Actuators
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents a piezo actuator. The actuator translates a voltage difference at
port p1 to a mechanical position difference between the base at port p2 and the end
effector at port p3.

Although the underlying equations of this model are equal to the equations of the
CMAStrecher.emx model, the default parameter values are typical for bending.

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed force out
C C apacitance [F]
KF Voltage to force conversion factor [N/V]
m Equivalent mass [kg]
k Stiffness [N/m]
B Relative damping ratio []

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 841

9. Library

KB Force to voltage conversion factor [V/N]


Iconic Diagrams\Electric\Actuators
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents a piezo actuator. The actuator translates a voltage difference at
port p1 to a mechanical position difference between the base at port p2 and the end
effector at port p3.

Although the underlying equations of this model are equal to the equations of the
C MABender.emx model, the default parameter values are typical for stretching.

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed force out
C C apacitance [F]
KF Voltage to force conversion factor [N/V]
m Equivalent mass [kg]
k Stiffness [N/m]
B Relative damping ratio []
KB Force to voltage conversion factor [V/N]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 842

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies a force between its two
terminals. This force can be set to a constant value F, the velocity is indifferent.

p_high.F = p_low.F = F

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed force out
F Force [N]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies a force. The force can be set to a certain constant value, the velocity is

p.F = F;

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed force out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 843

9. Library

F Force [N].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies a force between its two
terminals. This force can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the input signal F, the
velocity is indifferent.

p_high.F = p_low.F = F


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed force out
F Force [N]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies a force. The force can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the input signal F,
the velocity is indifferent.

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9. Library

p.F = F;

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed force out
F Force [N].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. A position input signal is differentiated by a
state variable filter to a velocity difference between its two terminals:

p_high.v = p_low.v + dx/dt;

p_low.F = p_high.F = indifferent;

Differentiation is performed by a state variable filter:

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

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9. Library


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed velocity out
x Position [m].
f C ut-off frequency of the differentiation [Hz].
v_initial Initial velocity output of the differentiation [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. A position input signal is differentiated by a
state variable filter to a velocity at the translation port. The actuator is mounted to the
fixed world:

p.v = dx/dt;
p.F = indifferent;

Differentiation is performed by a state variable filter:

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 846

9. Library

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed velocity out
x Position [m].
f C ut-off frequency of the differentiation [Hz].
v_initial Initial velocity at the port [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Actuators
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric).
This is a masked model which opens the Servo Motor Editor when edited. The servo
Motor Editor is a tool that can shows the torque speed plots numerous permanent
magnet motors and can generate a dynamic model from any motor that you select. The
following motor types are supported:

1. Brush DC

2. Brushless DC (trapezoidal EMC and square wave currents)

3. AC synchronous (sinusoidal EMC and sinusoidal currents)

4. AC synchronous linear (sinusoidal EMC and sinusoidal currents)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 847

9. Library

Depending on the type of motor that you have selected, the interface can vary:
DC Brush

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed rotational
velocity out
i The input current [A]

DC Brushless

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed rotational
velocity out
i The maximum input current [A]

AC Synchronous

Ports Description
p Rotation port.
fixed rotational
velocity out
i_rms The rms phase current [A]

AC Synchronous Linear

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed velocity out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 848

9. Library

i_rms The rms phase current [A]

For more information on the parameters an variables of this model is referred to the
Mechatronic Toolbox.


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies a velocity difference
between its two terminals. This velocity can be set to a constant value v, the force is

p_low.v = p_high.v + v


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed velocity out
v Velocity [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies a velocity. This velocity can be set to a certain constant value, the force is

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 849

9. Library

p.v = v;

Ports Description
p Translation port
fixed velocity out
v velocity [m/s]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator applies a velocity difference
between its two terminals. This velocity can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the
input signal v, the force is indifferent.

p_high.v = p_low.v + v


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed velocity out
v Velocity [m/s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 850

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Actuators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model represents an ideal actuator. The actuator is mounted to the fixed world and
applies a velocity. This velocity can be set to a (fluctuating) value given by the input
signal v, the force is indifferent.

p.v = v;

Ports Description
p Translation port.
fixed velocity out
v Velocity [m/s].



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents backlash by a spring damper system. Inside an outside the play,
spring and damping can be set separately. Discontinuities are avoided by adding a round
off. The model can has a force out causality. The port p of this model has separate high
and low terminals. The equations are:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 851

9. Library

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

with x the position within the play. Real backlash behavior is obtained by choosing low
stiffness and damping values inside the play and choosing high stiffness and damping
values outside the play.

The parameter ep determines the smoothness of the force curve that is obtained. A
larger value (> 0.01) makes the force change gradually when the position reaches the
play boundaries. A smaller value (< 0.001 ) makes the force change abruptly. This is
shown in the figure below. A good starting value for ep is 1e-4.


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Translation).
fixed force out
s Interval of the play [m]
c1 Stiffness in the play [N/m]
c2 Stiffness outside the play [N/m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 852

9. Library

d1 Damping inside the play [Ns/m]

d2 Damping outside the play [Ns/m]
ep Relative round off (1e-6 -> sharp edges, 1e-2 -> smoother)
Initial Values
x_initial Initial position in the play [m], -s/2 < x_initial < s/2


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Description - Right
This model represents an collision of an object with another object. It can be used to
indicate a possible collision to the right of an object.

The collision force is modeled by a spring and damper:

p.F = if x > x0 then k*(x-x0) + d*limit(p.v,0,1e20) else 0 end;

with a stiffness k and damping d. The limit function is used to prevent the damper force
to become negative. The initial position of the spring is indicated by x0 (see the figure
above). Note that the positive direction is to the right. If x is larger that x0, the two sides
have collided and are in contact. The collision model has separate high and low ports.
The equations are

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v
Interface - Right

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the collision model.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 853

9. Library


fixed force out

x extension of the spring [m]

x0 unstretched spring position
k stiffness [N/m]
d damping [N.s/m]

Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].

Description - Left
This model represents an collision of an object with another object. It can be used to
indicate a possible collision to the left of an object.

The collision force is modeled by a spring and damper. Note that the positive direction is
to the right, so the initial position of the spring x0 has a negative value in the figure
above. If x is smaller that x0, the two sides have collided and are in contact.
Interface - Left

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the collision model.

fixed force out

x extension of the spring [m]

x0 unstretched spring position

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 854

9. Library

k stiffness [N/m]
d damping [N.s/m]

Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Description - Right
This model represents an collision of an object with the ground.

The collision force is modeled by a spring and damper:

p.F = if x > x0 then k*(x-x0) + d*limit(p.v,0,1e20) else 0 end;

with a stiffness k and damping d. The limit function is used to prevent the damper force
to become negative. The initial position of the spring is indicated by x0 (see the figure
above). Note that the positive direction is to the right. If x is larger that x0, the two sides
have collided and are in contact. The collision model has separate high and low ports.
The equations are

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v
Interface - Right

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the collision model.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 855

9. Library

fixed force out

x extension of the spring [m]

x0 unstretched spring position
k stiffness [N/m]
d damping [N.s/m]

Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].

Description - Left
This model represents an collision of an object with the ground.

The collision force is modeled by a spring and damper. Note that the positive direction is
to the right, so the initial position of the spring x0 has a negative value in the figure
above. If x is smaller that x0, the two sides have collided and are in contact.
Interface - Left

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the collision model.

fixed force out

x extension of the spring [m]

x0 unstretched spring position
k stiffness [N/m]
d damping [N.s/m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 856

9. Library

Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents a linear damper. It can have an force out as well as an velocity
out causality. In the last case the constitutive equation, as shown below, is simply
inverted. The port p of the damper model has separate high and low terminals. The
equations are:

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

Force out causality:

p.F = d * p.v;

Velocity velocity out causality:

p.v = p.F / d;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
d damping [Ns/m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 857

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents the fixed world (velocity = 0). The model has only one initial port
p defined. Because any number of connections can be made, successive ports are
named p1, p2, p3 etc. which gives the constitutive equations:

p1.v = p2.v = .. = pn.v = 0;

p1.F = free; p2.F = free; ..; pn.F = free;


Ports Description
p [any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed angular All ports have a fixed velocity out causality.
velocity out


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
These models represents friction with the fixed world. The amount of friction depends on
the normal force that is applied and the friction function that is used. The normal force is
given by the input signal Fn.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 858

9. Library

The models have only one initial port p defined. Because any number of connections can
be made, successive ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create
equations such that the resulting force p.F is equal to the sum of the forces of all
connected ports p1 .. pn. The velocities of all connected ports are equal to p.v.

p.F = sum(p1.F, p2.F, ....)

p.v = p1.v = p2.v = ....

Due to the use of normal force, the friction models all have a fixed force out causality.
The constitutive equations are therefore described as:

p.F = Fn * f(p.v);

with f the friction function.

Description - C
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as coulomb friction:

p.F = Fn*mu_c*tanh(slope*p.v);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

Interface - C

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 859

9. Library

Fn Normal force [N]

mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

Description - V
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as viscous friction:

p.F = Fn*mu_v*p.v;

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient

Interface - V

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]

Description - CV
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as coulomb plus viscous

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 860

9. Library

p.F = Fn*(mu_c*tanh(slope*p.v) + mu_v*p.v);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

Interface - CV

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation)
Fixed force out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]
mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

Description - SCVS
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as static plus coulomb plus
viscous plus Stribeck friction:

p.F = Fn *
(( mu_c + (mu_st*abs(tanh( slope*p.v )) - mu_c)
* exp( -((p.v / v_st)^2 )) ) * sign(p.v)
+ mu_v * p.v);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_s: the static friction coefficient
mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 861

9. Library

slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.

v_st: the characteristic Stribeck velocity.

Interface - SCVS

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_s Static friction coefficient []
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]
mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]

Description - LuGre
This model represents friction with the fixed world described by the LuGre friction model:

p.F = FN*f_lg(p.v);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

f_lg: the LuGre friction model
Interface - LuGre

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 862

9. Library

Fixed force out

Fn Normal force [N]

mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
mu_s Static friction coefficient []
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]
mu_k Stiffness coefficient at zero speed []


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
These models represents friction relative to other objects. The amount of friction
depends on the normal force that is applied and the friction function that is used. The
normal force is given by the input signal Fn.

The port p of the friction models have separate high and low terminals. The equations

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

Due to the use of normal force, the friction models all have a fixed torque out causality.
The constitutive equations are therefore described as:

p.F = Fn * f(p.v);

with f the friction function.

Description -C
This model represents friction between two terminals described as coulomb friction:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 863

9. Library

p.F = Fn*mu_c*tanh(slope*p.v);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

Interface - C

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Translation).
Fixed force out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

Description - V
This model represents friction between two terminals described as viscous friction:

p.F = Fn*mu_v*p.v;

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 864

9. Library

Interface -V

Ports Description

p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Translation).

Fixed force out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]

Description - CV
This model represents friction between two terminals described as coulomb plus viscous

p.F = Fn*(mu_c*tanh(slope*p.v) + mu_v*p.v);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb friction curve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 865

9. Library

Interface - CV

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Translation).
Fixed force out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]
mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

Description - SCVS
This model represents friction between two terminals described as static plus coulomb
plus viscous plus Stribeck friction:

p.F = Fn *
(( mu_c + (mu_st*abs(tanh( slope*p.v )) - mu_c)
* exp( -((p.v / v_st)^2 )) ) * sign(p.v)
+ mu_v * p.v);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

mu_s: the static friction coefficient
mu_v: the viscous friction coefficient
mu_c: the coulomb friction coefficient
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.
v_st: the characteristic Stribeck velocity.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 866

9. Library

Interface - SCVS

Ports Description

p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Translation).

Fixed force out
Fn Normal force [N]
mu_s Static friction coefficient []
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]
mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]

Description - LuGre
This model represents friction between two terminals described by the LuGre friction

p.F = FN*f_lg(p.v);

Fn: normal force (given by the input signal Fn)

f_lg: the LuGre friction model
Interface - LuGre

Ports Description

p_high, p_low Both terminals of port p (Translation).


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 867

9. Library

Fixed force out

Fn Normal force [N]

mu_c C oulomb friction coefficient []
mu_s Static friction coefficient []
mu_v Viscous friction coefficient [s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]
mu_k Stiffness coefficient at zero speed []


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
These models represents friction with the fixed world. The amount of friction does not
depend on the normal force but determined by parameters directly. The models have
only one initial port p defined. Because any number of connections can be made,
successive ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create equations
such that the resulting force p.F is equal to the sum of the forces of all connected ports
p1 .. pn. The velocities of all connected ports are equal to p.v.

p.F = sum(p1.F, p2.F, ....)

p.v = p1.v = p2.v = ....
Description - C
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as coulomb friction:

p.F = Fc*tanh(slope*p.v);

Fc: the coulomb friction

slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 868

9. Library

Interface - C

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out
Fc C oulomb friction [N]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

Description - V
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as viscous friction:

p.F = d*p.v;

d: the viscous friction or damping

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 869

9. Library

Interface - V

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out
d Viscous friction or damping [N.s/m]

Description - CV
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as coulomb plus viscous

p.F = Fc*tanh( slope*p.v ) + d*p.v;

d: the viscous friction or damping

Fc: the coulomb friction
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.

Interface - CV

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation)
Fixed force out
Fc C oulomb friction [N]
d Viscous friction or damping [N.s/m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 870

9. Library

Description - SCVS
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as static plus coulomb plus
viscous plus Stribeck friction:

p.F = (( Fc + (Fst*abs(tanh( slope*p.v )) - Fc) * exp( -((p.v / v_st)^2 )) ) *

sign(p.v) + d * p.v);

Fst: the static friction

d: the viscous friction or damping
Fc: the coulomb friction
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.
v_st: the characteristic Stribeck velocity.

Interface - SCVS

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out
Fc C oulomb friction [N]
Fst Static friction [N]
d Viscous friction or damping [N.s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

Description - LuGre
This model represents friction with the fixed world described by the LuGre friction model:

p.F = f_lg(p.v);

f_lg: the LuGre friction model

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 871

9. Library

Interface - LuGre

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out

Fc C oulomb friction [N]
Fst Static friction [N]
d Viscous friction or damping [N.s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]
k Stiffness at zero speed [N/m]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
These models represents friction with the fixed world. The amount of friction does not
depend on the normal force but determined by parameters directly. The models have
only one initial port p defined. The port p of the friction models have separate high and
low terminals. The equations are:

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

Description - C
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as coulomb friction:

p.F = Fc*tanh(slope*p.v);

Fc: the coulomb friction

slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 872

9. Library

Interface - C

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out
Fc C oulomb friction [N]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

Description - V
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as viscous friction:

p.F = d*p.v;

d: the viscous friction or damping

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 873

9. Library

Interface - V

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out
d Viscous friction or damping [N.s/m]

Description - CV
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as coulomb plus viscous

p.F = Fc*tanh( slope*p.v ) + d*p.v;

d: the viscous friction or damping

Fc: the coulomb friction
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.

Interface - CV

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation)
Fixed force out
Fc C oulomb friction [N]
d Viscous friction or damping [N.s/m]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 874

9. Library

Description - SCVS
This model represents friction with the fixed world described as static plus coulomb plus
viscous plus Stribeck friction:

p.F = (( Fc + (Fst*abs(tanh( slope*p.v )) - Fc) * exp( -((p.v / v_st)^2 )) ) *

sign(p.v) + d * p.v);

Fst: the static friction

d: the viscous friction or damping
Fc: the coulomb friction
slope: the steepness of the coulomb and static friction curve.
v_st: the characteristic Stribeck velocity.

Interface - SCVS

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out
Fc C oulomb friction [N]
Fst Static friction [N]
d Viscous friction or damping [N.s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]
slope Steepness of C oulomb friction curve [s/m]

Description - LuGre
This model represents friction with the fixed world described by the LuGre friction model:

p.F = f_lg(p.v);

f_lg: the LuGre friction model

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 875

9. Library

Interface - LuGre

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).
Fixed force out

Fc C oulomb friction [N]
Fst Static friction [N]
d Viscous friction or damping [N.s/m]
v_st C haracteristic Stribeck velocity [m/s]
k Stiffness at zero speed [N/m]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents an ideal mass (no gravity). The element has a preferred velocity
out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an integration. The
element can also have the non-preferred force out causality. The constitutive equations
then contain a derivation. Because any number of connections can be made, successive
ports are named p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create equations such that the
resulting force p.F is equal to the sum of the forces of all connected ports p1 .. pn. The
velocities of all connected ports are equal to p.v.

p.F = sum(p1.F, p2.F, ....)

p.v = p1.v = p2.v = ....

velocity out causality (preferred):

a = p.F/m;
p.v = int(a);
x = int(p.omega);

force out causality:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 876

9. Library

a = ddt(p.v);
p.T = m*a;
x = int(p.v);

This model represents an ideal mass with gravity. It is equal to the default model with a
gravitational acceleration g added:

a = p.F/m - g;
p.v = int(a);
x = int(p.omega);

The gravitational acceleration g acts in the negative direction. E.g. a free fall will give the
model a negative acceleration, negative velocity and negative position.

Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made

preferred velocity out An torque out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

x position [m]
a acceleration [m/s^2]
p impulse [Ns]

m mass [kg]
g acceleration of gravity [m/s^2]

Initial Values
p.v_initial The initial velocity of the mass.
x_initial The initial position of the mass.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 877

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Description - Stiffness
This model represents a spring-damper-mass system that can be used for modal
analysis. The springdamper is equivalent tot the SpringDamper-Stiffness.emx model.
The mass is equivalent to the Mass.emx model. The model has one output that can be
connected to the modal-summer.emx model.
Interface - Stiffness

Ports Description
p Translation port.

preferred velocity out

k Stiffness [N/m]
b Relative damping []
m Equivalent mass [kg]

Description - Frequency
This model represents a spring-damper-mass system that can be used for modal
analysis. The springdamper is equivalent tot the SpringDamper-Frequency model. The
mass is equivalent to the Mass model. The model has one output that can be connected
to the Modal-Summer model.
Interface - Frequency

Ports Description
p Translation port.

preferred velocity out

b Relative damping []
f Resonance frequency [Hz]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 878

9. Library

m Equivalent mass [kg]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model combines the results from all modal.emx models to one resulting output. The
model has 8 input ports and one output port that shows the combined result. If more or
less input ports are needed, you have to adapt the model (C hoose Go Down and alter
the internal description).

Ports Description
p1 .. p8 Input ports for modal.emx models (Translation).
p_out Port with the modal result (Translation)

preferred force out p1..p8
preferred velocity out p_out

A1 .. A8 Gains for each input port.


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This node model represents a structural connection between two or more parts, where
the velocity of all connected parts is equal. The model has only one initial port p defined.
Because any number of connections can be made, successive ports are named p1, p2,
p3 etc.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 879

9. Library


Ports Description
p [any] Any number of connections can be made (Translation).


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents a shock absorber with an open end. This type of shock absorbers
is used to protect equipment from large impacts when reaching the end of a line.

The damper has an internal piston which can travel a certain length (i.e. the stroke l)
until it collides with the end cap. The shock absorber is modeled by a damper for the
active damping part and a spring damper to model the impact with the end cap. The
position of the damper is indicated by the parameter x0. Two implementations are
available: one with the impact at the right and one with the impact at the left.

The damper is modeled by viscous damping, where the damping force is proportional
with the velocity:

p.F = d * v;

After a stroke of length l, the end caps are reached which a are modeled by a spring

p.F = k * x;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 880

9. Library

To get the damper back in its original position a return force is added.

Description - Right
The ShockAbsorber-Right models a shock absorber with impact at the right of the

Shock absorber model with impact at the right.

Description - Right
The ShockAbsorber-Left models a shock absorber with impact at the left of the system.

Shock absorber model with impact at the left.


Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the shock absorber model.

fixed force out

k stiffness at the end cap [N/m]
d damping [N.s/m]
l shock absorber stroke [m]
x0 position of the damper [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 881

9. Library

Fr return force [N]



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents a skyhook damper. It can have an force out as well as an velocity
out causality. In the last case the constitutive equation, as shown below, is simply
inverted. The model has a fixed force out causality. The equations are:

Force out causality:

p_high.F = d * p_high.v;
p_low.F = p_high.F

As the equations point out, the force of the skyhook damper only depends on the
velocity at the port p_high. The position of p_high is indicated by an arrow, as shown in
the figure below.

In this figure two models are shown. In the top model, the damping force of the skyhook
damper is zero because the velocity at p_high is zero. C onsequently the mass is free to

In the lower model, the damping force is proportional to the velocity of the mass. Here
the skyhook damper acts as a normal damper.

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both Translation ports of the skyhook damper.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 882

9. Library

fixed force out
d damping [Ns/m]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents an ideal translational spring. The element has a preferred force
out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an integration. The
element can also have the non-preferred velocity out causality. The constitutive
equations then contain a derivation. The spring model has separate high and low ports.
The equations are

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

Force out causality (preferred):

x = int(p.v);
p.F = k * x;

Velocity out causality:

p.v = ddt(x);
x = p.F/k;

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the spring (Translation).

preferred force out An velocity out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

x extension of the spring [m]


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 883

9. Library

k Stiffness [N/m]

Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Description - Default
This model represents an ideal translational spring with damper. The element has a
preferred force out causality. The corresponding constitutive equations then contain an
integration. The element can also have the non-preferred velocity out causality. The
constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The spring-damper model has separate
high and low ports. The equations are

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

Force out causality (preferred):

x = int(p.v);
p.F = k*x + d*p.v;

Velocity out causality:

p.v = ddt(x);
x = (p.F - d*p.v)/k;
Interface - Default

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the spring (Translation).

preferred force out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 884

9. Library

x extension of the spring [m]

k Stiffness [N/m]
d damping [N.s/m]

Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].

Description - Stiffness
This model represents another implementation of the ideal translational spring with
damper. The damping value (d) is calculated on the basis of a known stiffness (k),
relative damping (b) and mass reference (m). The mass is only used to compute the
damping (no actual mass is used in this component).

The element has a preferred force out causality. The corresponding constitutive
equations then contain an integration. The element can also have the non-preferred
velocity out causality. The constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The spring-
damper model has separate high and low ports. The equations are

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

Force out causality (preferred):

x = int(p.v);
p.F = k * x + d*p.v;
d = 2*b*sqrt(k*m);

Velocity out causality:

p.v = ddt(x);
x = (p.F - d*p.v)/k;
d = 2*b*sqrt(k*m);
Interface - Stiffness

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the spring (Translation).

preferred force out

x extension of the spring [m]
d damping [N.s/m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 885

9. Library

k Stiffness [N/m]
b Relative damping []
m Reference mass [kg]

Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].

Description - Frequency
This model represents another implementation of the ideal translational spring with
damper. The stiffness (k) is calculated on basis of a known resonance frequency. The
damping value (d) is calculated on the basis of the calculated stiffness (k), relative
damping (b) and mass reference (m). The mass is only used to compute the damping
(no actual mass is used in this component).

The element has a preferred force out causality. The corresponding constitutive
equations then contain an integration. The element can also have the non-preferred
velocity out causality. The constitutive equations then contain a derivation. The spring-
damper model has separate high and low ports. The equations are

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v

Force out causality (preferred):

x = int(p.v);
p.F = k * x + d*p.v;
k = m*(2*pi*F)^2;
d = 2*b*sqrt(k*m);

Velocity out causality:

p.v = ddt(x);
x = (p.F - d*p.v)/k;
k = m*(2*pi*f)^2;
d = 2*b*sqrt(k*m);
Interface - Frequency

Ports Description
p_high Two ports of the spring (Translation).

preferred force out

x extension of the spring [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 886

9. Library

k stiffness [N/m]
d damping [N.s/m]

b Relative damping []
f Resonance frequency [Hz]
m Reference mass [kg]

Initial Values
x_initial The initial extension of the spring [m].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model can be used to connect any open end of another model that is not connected
to the fixed world. It generates a fixed force of 0 N while the velocity is free:

p.v = indifferent;
p.F = 0;


Ports Description
p Translation port
Fixed force out



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 887

9. Library

This model describes an acceleration sensor which derives an acceleration output out of
a port velocity by differentiation. Differentiation is performed by a state variable filter:

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

The equations of this model are:

a = d( p.v)/dt;
p.F = indifferent;

Ports Description
p Translation port p.
fixed force out
alpha Acceleration [m/s2]
f C ut-off frequency of the differentiation [Hz].
a_initial Initial acceleration [m/s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 888

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model describes an acceleration sensor which derives an acceleration output out of
a velocity difference (between high and low terminals) by differentiation. Differentiation
is performed by a state variable filter:

The S-domain function of this filter is equal to:

where f is the cut-off frequency. For very high values of f, the output becomes the pure
derivative of the input. High values of f, however, increase simulations times. A good
trade-off is a starting value of 1e5.

The equations of this model are:

a = d( p_high.v - p_low.v)/dt;
p_low.F = p_high.F = indifferent;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translational port p.
fixed force out
a Acceleration (measured as the difference between both terminals)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 889

9. Library

f C ut-off frequency of the differentiation [Hz].
a_initial Initial acceleration [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model translates an applied force to an output signal. It has a velocity out causality.
The port p of the model has separate high and low terminals. The equations are:

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F;

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v;
F = p.F;
p.v = 0;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed velocity out
F Applied force [N].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 890

9. Library

This model translates a position to an output signal. It has a force out causality. The
equations are:

p.F = 0;
x = int(p.v);


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Translation port p.
fixed force out
x Absolute position [m].

Initial Values
x_initial Initial position [m]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model translates a position difference to an output signal. It has a force out
causality. The port p of the model has separate high and low terminals. The equations

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F;

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v;
p.F = 0;
x = int(p.v);


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed force out

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 891

9. Library

x Relative position [m].

Initial Values
x_initial Initial position [m].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This is an ideal sensor (no dissipation or other effects) that yields the power that flows
through the model as output signal. The equations are:

p_high.F = p_low.F
p_high.v = p_low.v
P = p_high.F * p_high.v;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both translation ports.
p_high not equal
P Power [w].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model translates a velocity to an output signal. It has a force out causality. The
equations are:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 892

9. Library

p.F = 0;
v = p.v;


Ports Description
p Translation port p.
fixed force out
v Absolute velocity [m/s].


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Sensors
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation), Block
This model translates a velocity difference to an output signal. It has a force out
causality. The port p of the model has separate high and low terminals. The equations

p.F = p_high.F = p_low.F;

p.v = p_high.v - p_low.v;
p.F = 0;
v = p.v;


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the Translation port p.
fixed force out
v Relative velocity [m/s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 893

9. Library



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation/Translation).
This models represents a belt and pulley. The connection to the pulley is through the
rotation port p_rot. The connection to the belt is through the translation port p_trans.
The model is ideal, i.e. there are no compliances or inertias. The causality of this model
is always mixed: torque out & velocity out or angular velocity out & force out:

p_rot.T = radius * p_trans.F

p_trans.v = radius * p_rot.omega


p_trans.F = 1/radius * p_rot.T

p_rot.omega = 1/radius * p_trans.v


Ports Description
p_rot Rotation port.
p_trans Translation port.
p_rot notequal
radius pulley radius [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 894

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation/Translation).
This is a masked model which opens the C am Wizard when edited. Depending on the
selections entered, various cam motion profiles can be generated.

Ports Description
p_in Driving axis (Rotation)
p_out Output port with resulting motion (Rotation or Translation)

stroke amplitude of resulting motion
start_angle start angle motion
stop_angle angle when the maximum is reached
return_angle start angle of the return motion
end_angle finish angle of the return motion


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This models represents a cam and rod mechanism. If the input shaft is rotating with a
constant speed, the output motion is a pure sinusoidal.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 895

9. Library

The mechanism is ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia, friction or geometrical limitations.
It has one rotation port (p_in) and one translation port (p_out). The causality of this
model is always mixed: one port has a force out causality while the other has a velocity
out causality:

p_in.T = i * p_out.F
p_out.v = i * p_in.omega

The transmission ratio (i) is the ratio of the velocities of both ports (in fact a sinusoidal
function of the shaft angle).

Ports Description
p_in Driving axis (Rotation)
p_out Output port with resulting motion (Translation)
fixed torque out
fixed velocity out
stroke Stroke of the translation port (is equal to half the length of the rod).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 896

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).

This models represents a crank and rod mechanism. The mechanism is ideal, i.e., it
does not have inertia, friction or geometrical limitations. It has one rotation port (p_in)
and one translation port (p_out). The causality of this model is always mixed: one port
has a force out causality while the other has a velocity out causality:

p_in.T = i * p_out.F
p_out.v = i * p_in.omega

The transmission ratio (i) is the ratio of the velocities of both ports. It is a function of the
shaft angle, the crank length and the rod length.

Ports Description
p_in Driving axis (Rotation)
p_out Output port with resulting motion (Translation)
fixed torque out
fixed velocity out
crank_length C rank length [m]
rod_length Rod length [m]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 897

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).

This model is equivalent to the differential model of the Rotation library. It represents a
special type of node where the forces are equal and the velocities are added:

p3.v = p1.v + p2.v;

p1.F = p2.F = p3.F;

This model can for example be used for actuators that generate a force difference. With
the fork model an equivalent model can be found with the actuator attached to the fixed


Ports Description
p1,p2,p3 Translation ports.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 898

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).

This models represents any type of lever with two counter-moving ports. The lever is
ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia, friction or geometrical limitations. The lever has one
fast moving port and one slow moving port. The lever ratio is the (absolute) ratio of the
velocities of both ports. The causality of this model is always mixed: one port has a
force out causality while the other has an velocity out causality:

p_fast.F = -i * p_slow.F
p_slow.v = -i * p_fast.v


p_slow.F = -1/i * p_fast.F

p_fast.v = -1/i * p_slow.v


Ports Description
p_fast Fast moving translation port.
p_slow Slow moving translation port.
p_slow notequal
i lever ratio p_slow.v / p_fast.v [], 0 < i < 1

Keep the lever ratio i between 0 and 1. C onfusion might otherwise exist:
i > 1: the fast moving port is slower than the slow moving port (you better
interchange the connections of the lever model).
i < 0: the ports are not counter-moving (use the transmission model instead).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 899

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation/Translation).
Description - FixedPionion
This models represents a rack and pinion gear. The connection to the pinion gear is
through the rotation port p_rot. The connection to the rack is through the translation
port p_trans. The model is ideal, i.e. there is no compliance nor inertia nor backlash.

In this model the pinion bearing is connected to the fixed world and the rack is free to
move. This in contrary to the model FixedRackPinionGear where the pinion bearing is
free to move and the rack is connected to the fixed world.

The causality of this model is always mixed: torque out & velocity out or angular velocity
out & force out:

p_rot.T = radius * p_trans.F

p_trans.v = radius * p_rot.omega


p_trans.F = 1/radius * p_rot.T

p_rot.omega = 1/radius * p_trans.v

The rack position is determined by the internal variable x. For x = 0, the pinion gear is
at the middle of the rack. When the pinion crosses the end of the rack, i.e.

abs(x) > rack_length/2

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 900

9. Library

a warning is given, "WARNING: rack length has been exceeded at the rack and pinion
gear!", and the simulation is stopped.
Interface - FixedPionion

Ports Description
p_rot Rotation port.
p_trans Translation port.
p_rot notequal
radius pinion gear pitch radius [m]
rack_length rack length [m]
x Internal variable which denotes the rack position, abs(x) <
rack_length/2 else simulation halted.
Initial values
x_initial Initial rack position, abs(x_initial) < rack_length/2

Description - FixedRack
This models represents a fixed rack and pinion gear. The connection to the pinion gear is
through the rotation port p_rot. The connection to the rack is through the translation
port p_trans. The model is ideal, i.e. there is no compliance nor inertia nor backlash.

In this model the pinion bearing is free to move and the rack is connected to the fixed
world. This in contrary to the model RackPinionGear where the pinion bearing is
connected to the fixed world and the rack is free to move.

The causality of this model is always mixed: torque out & velocity out or angular velocity
out & force out:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 901

9. Library

p_rot.T = radius * p_trans.F

p_trans.v = radius * p_rot.omega


p_trans.F = 1/radius * p_rot.T

p_rot.omega = 1/radius * p_trans.v

The rack position is determined by the internal variable x. For x = 0 the pinion gear is at
the middle of the rack. When the pinion crosses the end of the rack, i.e.

abs(x) > rack_length/2

a warning is given, "WARNING: rack length has been exceeded at the rack and pinion
gear!", and the simulation is stopped.
Interface - FixedRack

Ports Description
p_rot Rotation port.
p_trans Translation port.
p_rot notequal
radius pinion gear pitch radius [m]
rack_length rack length [m]
x Internal variable which denotes the rack position, abs(x) <
rack_length/2 else simulation halted.
Initial values
x_initial Initial rack position, abs(x_initial) < rack_length/2

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 902

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation).
This models represents a spindle and nut. It transfers an angular motion of the spindle
into a translational motion of the nut. The model is ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia or
friction. The causality of this model is always mixed: one port has a torque out causality
while the other has an angular velocity out causality:

p_spindle.T = i * p_nut.F
p_nut.v = i * p_spindle.omega


p_nut.F = 1/i * p_spindle.T

p_spindle.omega = 1/i * p_nut.v

The model has two implementations which calculate the transform ratio i out of different
Description - Pitch
In this implementation the transform ratio is calculated using the pitch (the advance of
the nut during one revolution of the spindle):

i = pitch / (2 * pi);

Interface - Pitch

Ports Description
p_spindle Port at the spindle shaft (Rotation).
p_nut Port at the wheel (Translation).
notequal p_nut
pitch translation of the nut during one revolution of the spindle [m]

Description - LeadAngle
This implementation calculates the transform ratio out of the lead angle alpha and the
radius r_spindle of the spindle:

i = tan(alpha)*r_spindle;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 903

9. Library

The pitch angle is shown in the figure below. r_spindle is the effective radius of the
spindle, i.e. the radius from the center of the spindle to the pitch point p.

Interface -LeadAngle

Ports Description
p_spindle Port at the spindle shaft (Rotation).
p_nut Port at the wheel (Translation).
notequal p_nut
r_spindle effective radius of the spindle [m]
alpha lead angle of the spindle [rad]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Rotation\Gears
Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Rotation/Translation).
This models represents a timing belt, used for linear positioning.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 904

9. Library

It has a rotating pulley which drives the the belt and clamp. The timing belt is modeled
by a series of spring damper elements that convey the rotation of the pulley to a clamp
translation. Because the output position is moving, stiffness and damping values are not

The stiffness for a piece of belt can be expressed as:

k = E*A / l


E = Modulus of elasticity {N/m2}

A = Belt area {m2}
l = belt length {m}

If the belt is sufficiently pre-tensioned, the stiffness experienced at the clamp can be
expressed as the combination of three individual belt parts:

k = E*A/(0.5*l+x) + 1/( 1 / E*A/(0.5*l - x) + 1 / E*A / l )

which can be rewritten to:

k = E*A*( 1/(0.5*l+x) + 1/(1.5*l - x) )

The stiffness approaches infinity as the clamp moves to the driven pulley (x = -l/2) and
has a minimum value when the clamp moves to the other pulley (x = 0.5*l). The
minimum stiffness is equal to:

k = 2*E*A / l

The belt position is determined by the internal variable x. For x = 0 the clamp is in the
middle. When the position crosses the driven pulley, i.e.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 905

9. Library

x < - belt_length/2

the simulation is stopped: "Error: clamp position larger than belt end!". When the
position crosses the other pulley, i.e.

x > belt_length/2

the simulation is also stopped, "Error: clamp position smaller than belt start!".
Description - Default
In this model the minimum stiffness is used, based on an output position at a length L of
the driven pulley.

k = 2*E*A / l

Description - VariableStiffness
In this model a variable stiffness is used equal to:

k = E*A*( 1/(0.5*l+x) + 1/(1.5*l - x) )

Take care not to let the clamp get too close to the driven pulley, because the stiffness
will then grow to infinity!

Ports Description
p_rot Rotation port.
p_trans Translation port.
p_rot notequal
radius pinion gear pitch radius [m]
d damping N.s/m]
E Modulus of elasticity [N/m2]
A A = Belt area [m2]
l belt length [m]
x clamp position, abs(x) < belt length/2
Initial values
x_initial Initial clamp position, abs(x_initial) < belt length/2

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 906

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).

This models represents any type of lever with ports moving in the same direction. The
lever is ideal, i.e., it does not have inertia, friction or geometrical limitations. The lever
has one fast moving port and one slow moving port. The transmission ratio is the ratio of
the velocities of both ports. The causality of this model is always mixed: one port has a
force out causality while the other has an velocity out causality:

p_fast.F = i * p_slow.F
p_slow.v = i * p_fast.v


p_slow.F = 1/i * p_fast.F

p_fast.v = 1/i * p_slow.v


Ports Description
p_fast Fast moving rotation port.
p_slow Slow moving rotation port.
p_slow notequal
i transmission ratio p_slow.v / p_fast.v [], 0 < i < 1

Keep the transmission ratio i between 0 and 1. C onfusion might otherwise exist:
i > 1: the fast moving port is slower than the slow moving port (you better
interchange the connections of the transmission model).
i < 0: the ports are counter-moving (use the lever model instead).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 907

9. Library


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Translation\Transmission
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
This model represents an ideal transmission with a free pivot point. The relations are:

p3.v = (i/(1+i))*p1.v + (1/(1+i))*p2.v;

p2.F = (1/(1+i)*p3.F;
p1.F = (i/(1+i)*p3.F;

Although each of the three ports may be connected to the ground, it is more efficient to
use other models. When p1 or p2 is connected to the ground, this model is equal to the
Transmission.emx model. When p3 is connected to the ground, this model is equal to
the Lever.emx model.

Transmission-Universal Transmission Lever


Ports Description
p1,p2,p3 Translation ports.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 908

9. Library

i Transmission ratio []

9.2.5 Thermal


The Thermal library contains components which are very useful for modeling thermal
systems. The following libraries are available.
C omponents
For domains that have port variables that do no multiply to power the name
pseudo is used. This model has pseudothermal ports. The port variables of a
pseudothermal port are the heat flow, p.dQ [W], and the temperature, p.T
[K], which do not multiply to power.
The base unit of temperature is degrees Kelvin. You can select degrees C elsius in
the Parameters Editor or Variables C hooser desired. 20-sim will take care that
internally always SI units (Kelvin) are used for calculations.



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This model describes linear heat convection between a material surface and gas or fluid
flow. The basic equation is:

p.dQ = (p1.T - p2.T)*Gc;

where p1.T is the temperature of at the surface and p2.T the gas or fluid temperature.
Gr is the thermal conductance which is function of the surface area A and the convection
coefficient h:

Gr = A*h;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 909

9. Library

In most cases h is not contant but a non-analytical function of the gas or fluid speed and
other poperties. In most cases Gr is experimentally defined. Therefore G is given as an
input signal.

Ports Description
p1 Material port
p2 Fluid port


G thermal conductance [W/K]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This is a general model for the heat storage that is so large that is can be considered
constant (e.g. the environment). It is comparable to the ground in the electrical domain.

T0 = 25 {degC};
p.T = T0;


Ports Description
p[any] Any number of connections can be made

fixed temperature out An torque out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

T0 temperature [K]

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 910

9. Library



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\C omponents

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This is a general model for the heat storage in a specific material. A constant
temperature distribution in the material is assumed and a constant heat capacity:

E = int(p.dQ) + C*T0;
p.T = E/C;

T0 is the initial temperature of the material, E the internal energy {J} and C the thermal
capacity {J/K}. Because any number of connections can be made, successive ports are
named p1, p2, p3 etc. 20-sim will automatically create equations such that the resulting
heat flow p.dQ is equal to the sum of the heatflows of all connected ports p1 .. pn. The
temperatures of all connected ports are equal to element temperature p.T.

p.dQ = sum(p1.dQ, p2.dQ, ....)

p.T = p1.T = p2.T = ....

The thermal capacity can be calculated with the specific heat capacity cp and material
mass m:

C = cp*m;

Typical values for cp are:

water 4186
granite 790
glass 840
aluminium 900
concrete 840?
copper 387
silver 235
iron / steel 452
wood 1674
air (50 °C ) 1046


Ports Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 911

9. Library

p[any] Any number of connections can be made


preferred temperature out An torque out causality results in a derivative
constitutive equation.

E internal energy [J]

C thermal capacity [J/K]
T0 initial temperature [K]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This model describes the heat transfer between to bodies through radiation:

p.dQ =Gr*sigma*(p1.T^4 - p2.T^4);

where p1.T and p2.T are the temperatures of the body surfaces and sigma is the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant. For simple cases, Gr may be analytically computed. The analytical
equations use epsilon, the surface emissitivy of a body which is in the range 0..1.
Epsilon=1, if the body absorbs all radiation (= black body). Epsilon=0, if the body
reflects all radiation and does not absorb any.

Typical values for epsilon are:

aluminium, polished 0.04

copper, polished 0.04
gold, polished 0.02
paper 0.09
rubber 0.95
wood 0.85..0.9

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 912

9. Library

Analytical Equations for Gr

Small convex object in large enclosure (e.g., a hot machine in a room):

Gr = e*A;

e: Emission value of object (0..1)
A: Surface area of object where radiation heat transfer takes place
Two parallel plates:

Gr = A/(1/e1 + 1/e2 - 1);

e1: Emission value of plate1 (0..1)
e2: Emission value of plate2 (0..1)
A : Area of plate1 (= area of plate2)

Ports Description
p1 Material port
p2 Fluid port


G thermal conductance [W/K]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\C omponents
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
When a temperature difference exists in a material, heat will flow from the high
temperature part to the low temperature part. This model describes the transport of heat
through a block of material with a temperature difference on both sides of the block. The
heat conducting capacity of the material is indicated by the parameter G (thermal

p.dQ = p.T*G;

This model is the dual form of the thermal resistor where the insulation capacity of the
block is indicated by the parameter R (thermal resistance):

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 913

9. Library

p.dQ = p.T/R;

The heat flow through the material is ideal. I.e. there is no heat storage modeled. The
thermal resistance model has separate high and low ports. The equations are

p.dQ = p_high.dQ = p_low.dQ

p.T = p_high.T - p_low.T

The thermal conductance of a block can be calculated with the specific thermal
conductivity k, the length L of the block, and the area A of both sides of the block:

G = k*A/L

Typical values of the thermal conductivity [W.m-1.K-1] are:

water 0.6
granite 2,1
glass 1.0
aluminium 210
concrete 1.28
copper 390
silver 430
iron / steel 40-70
wood 0.13
air 0.026


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the pseudothermal port p


G thermal conductance [W/K]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\C omponents

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 914

9. Library

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
When a temperature difference exists in a material, heat will flow from the high
temperature part to the low temperature part. This model describes the transport of heat
through a block of material with a temperature difference on both sides of the block. The
insulation capacity of the block is indicated by the parameter R (thermal resistance):

p.dQ = p.T/R;

This model is the dual form of the thermal conductor where the heat conducting capacity
of the material is indicated by the parameter G (thermal conductance):

p.dQ = p.T*G;

The heat flow through the material is ideal. I.e. there is no heat storage modeled. The
thermal resistance model has separate high and low ports. The equations are

p.dQ = p_high.dQ = p_low.dQ

p.T = p_high.T - p_low.T

The thermal resistance of a block can be calculated with the specific thermal
conductivity k, the length L of the block, and the area A of both sides of the block:

R = L/(k*A)

Typical values of the thermal conductivity [W.m-1.K-1] are:

water 0.6
granite 2,1
glass 1.0
aluminium 210
concrete 1.28
copper 390
silver 430
iron / steel 40-70
wood 0.13
air 0.026


Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both terminals of the pseudothermal port p


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 915

9. Library


R thermal resistance [K/W]



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\Generators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This model yields a heat flow that is set to a constant value. The temperature is
indifferent. The model can represent any heat generating object with a constant heat

Ports Description

fixed heat flow out

dQ Heat flow [J/s]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\Generators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This model yields a heat flow that is equal to a (fluctuating) value given by the input
signal dQ. The temperature is indifferent. The model can represent any heat generating
object with a fluctuating heat flow.

Ports Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 916

9. Library

fixed heat flow out

dQ Heat flow [J/s]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\Generators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This model has a temperature that is equal to a (fluctuating) value given by the input
signal T. The heat flow is indifferent. This model can represent an object that has a heat
capacity which is so much larger than the rest of the system, that its temperature can be
seen as an independant variable.

Ports Description

fixed temperature out

T Variable temperature signal [K]


Iconic Diagrams\Thermal\Generators\Generators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal, Electric).
This is a model of a resistor with a temperature coefficient. The resistance and voltage
equation can be written as:

R = R_ref*(1 + alpha*(p_th.T - T_ref));

p_el.u = p_el.i * R;

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 917

9. Library

where R_ref is the reference resistance at reference temperature T_ref and alpha the
temperature coefficient of resistance. The actual temperature of the resistor is given by
the pseudothermal port of the model , p_el.T. The heat generated by the resistor is
equal to

p_th.dQ = p_el.u * p_el.i;

The electrical port p of the resistor model has separate high and low terminals. The
equations are:

p_el.i = p_high_el.i = p_low_el.i;

p_el.u = p_el_high.u - p_el_low.u;


Ports Description
p_el_high Both terminals of the Electric port.
p_th The pseudothermal port
indifferent p_el
fixed heat flow
out p_th
R_ref Reference resistance [Ohm].
T_ref Reference temperature [K].
alpha Temperature coefficient of the resistance []


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal\Generators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This model has a temperature that is set to a certain constant value. The heat flow is
indifferent. The model can represent a piece of material which is so large that its
temperature variation is neglectable (e.g. the environment) and thus can be seen as an
ideal temperature source

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9. Library


Ports Description

fixed temperature out

T Fixed temperature [K]


Iconic Diagrams\Thermal\Generators
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal, Electric).
This is a model of a linear thermistor. Thermistors are thermally sensitive resistors and
have, according to type, a negative (NTC ), or positive (PTC ) resistance/temperature
coefficient. For linear thermistors the resistance and voltage equation can be written as:

R = R_ref*(1 + alpha*(p_th.T - T_ref));

p_el.u = p_el.i * R;

where R_ref is the reference resistance at reference temperature T_ref and alpha the
temperature coefficient of resistance. The actual temperature of the themistor is given
by the pseudothermal port of the model , p_el.T. The heat generated by the thermistor
is equal to

p_th.dQ = p_el.u * p_el.i;

The electrical port p of the thermistor model has separate high and low terminals. The
equations are:

p_el.i = p_high_el.i = p_low_el.i;

p_el.u = p_el_high.u - p_el_low.u;


Ports Description
p_el_high Both terminals of the Electric port.
p_th The pseudothermal port

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9. Library

indifferent p_el
fixed heat flow
out p_th
R_ref Reference resistance [Ohm].
T_ref Reference temperature [K].
alpha Temperature coefficient of the resistance []



Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This is a model of an ideal heat flow sensor with an output signal dQ that is equal to the
measured heat flow. The sensor is ideal which means that is does not store, loses or
adds heat.

Ports Description
p_high, p_low Both ports of the sensor

p_high not equal p_low

dQ Measured heat flow [J/s]


Iconic Diagrams\Mechanical\Thermal

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 920

9. Library

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Pseudothermal).
This is a model of an ideal temperature sensor with an output signal T that is equal to
the measured temperature. The heat flow into the model is zero to assure zero power

Ports Description

fixed heat flow out

T Measured temperature [K]

9.3 Signal

9.3.1 Block Diagram


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model divides an input signal by a constant value.
output = input/K

Inputs Description
K Division parameter

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model delays the input signal by "T" seconds using a 4th order Pade approximation.
The model is linear which means that it can be used in models that should be linearized.

Inputs Description
T Delay time.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model delays its input signal one simulation step.

output = initial; (time = 0)

output = inp(time - hk); (time > 0)

where hk = simulation step size.

To correctly use models with constant delays, simulation runs must be performed using
integration algorithms with a constant time-step. Otherwise the model Delay-Time.emx
should be used!

Inputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 922

9. Library

initial The initial output value.
To correctly use models with constant delays, simulation runs must be performed
using integration algorithms with a constant time-step. Otherwise the model Delay-
Time.emx should be used!
The delay-step.emx submodel is non-linear: i.e. models which include the delay-
step.emx submodel cannot be linearized. Use the linear time delay Delay-Pade.emx
if you want to perform linearization.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model stores the input signal and corresponding time in a buffer. After "delay"
seconds the stored values are retrieved. When the simulation time step does not
coincide with the delay time "delay", the output is calculated by first order interpolation.

output = initial; (time < delay)

output = inp(time - delay); (time >= delay)

Inputs Description
initial The initial output value.
delay Delay time.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.

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9. Library

This model stores the input signal and corresponding time in a buffer. After "delay"
seconds the stored values are retrieved. This delay is a variable input signal. When the
simulation time step does not coincide with the delay time "delay", the output is
calculated by first order interpolation.

output = initial; (time < delay)

output = input(time - delay); (time >= delay)
output = input(time); (delay < 0)


Inputs Description
initial The initial output value.
delay Delay time.
The maximum storage capacity of the buffer is 58254 input values. When many input
values are stored the simulation speed may slow down considerably!
The delay-variabletime.emx submodel is non-linear: i.e. models which include the
delay-variabletime.emx submodel cannot be linearized. Use the linear time delay
Delay-Pade.emx if you want to perform linearization.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
You can use the Mux model to combine multiple input signals into one multi-dimensional
This model can be used to spit the multi-dimensional signal again into single signals.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 924

9. Library


Inputs Description
inputs Default 2 signals can be connected. Use the right
mouse menu and choose Edit Implementation to
change the number of signals.
output[any] The output signal size is equal to the number of


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model approximates the differentiation of an input signal by the equation:

where hk = simulation step size. The initial value of the output is equal to the parameter
"initial". When the simulation step size is zero (time event, state event) the output value
will be equal to the previous output value (the simulation step size part is not calculated
to prevent a division by zero).

Inputs Description
initial The initial value of the output.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model is a first order approximation of a differentiation. The transfer function is:

As shown in the figure below, the model behaves as a differentiator for frequencies
below fl.


Inputs Description
kd Differentiation gain []
fl Differentiation limit [Hz]
Initial Values
output_initial The initial value of the integral.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model approximates the differentiation of an input with a state variable filter:

As can be seen, no differentiation is used in this model and consequently all integration
algorithms can be used. In the S-domain the output of this model is equal to:

For very high values of N, the output becomes the pure derivative of the input. High
values of N, however, increase simulations times. A good trade-off is a starting value of
10. If more accuracy is needed, this value can be increased.

Inputs Description
N Derivative Gain Limitation.
initial The initial value of the output.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model differentiates an input signal. The initial value of the output is equal to the
parameter "initial".

output = ddt(input,initial);

Inputs Description
initial The initial value of the output.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
When you select this model and click Go Down a special editor opens (Filter Editor),
allowing you to choose a filter:

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9. Library


Inputs Description
Initial Values
The model has internal states that are not
Parameters are entered by the Filter Editor.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model multiplies an input signal with a constant value.

output = K * input

Inputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 929

9. Library

K Gain


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model integrates an input signal over an exponential window with time constant T0

The model behaves as a signal averager, with an effective window of T0 [s].


Inputs Description
Initial Values
state(0) The initial value of the integral.
T0 Window constant [s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 930

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model is a first order approximation of an integration. The transfer function is:

As shown in the figure below, the model behaves as an integrator for frequencies above
the fl


Inputs Description
ki Integration gain []
fl Integration limit [Hz]
output_initial Initial value.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model is a first order approximation of an integration with an output value limited to
a minimum and maximum value. The model checks the output value to see if the
maximum of minimum values have been crossed. If so the input value is set to zero to
prevent the integral from winding-up. Between the bounds the transfer function is:

As shown in the figure below, the model behaves as an integrator for frequencies above
the fl


Inputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 932

9. Library

ki Integration gain []
fl Integration limit [Hz]
output_initial Initial value.
maximum Maximum output value
minimum Minimum output value


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model integrates an input signal. The output of this integral is limited between a
maximum and minimum bound. If the integral is in saturated condition and the input
changes sign, the output wanders away from the bounds immediately.

output = int(inp) + state(0); (minimum <= output <= maximum)


Inputs Description
Initial Values
state(0) The initial value of the integral.
minimum Minimum output value.
maximum Maximum output value.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: Continuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model integrates an input signal over a limited time interval which is T0 [s] wide.

The model behaves as a signal averager, with a rectangular window of T0 [s].


Inputs Description
Initial Values
state(0) The initial value of the integral.
T0 Integration interval.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model integrates an input signal. The output of this integral may be reset to any
desired value each time the reset signal is unequal to zero.

output = int(inp) + state(0); (reset = 0)

output = reset to newoutput; (reset <> 0)

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9. Library

This implementation uses a normal integrator. That is why the model will also work when
c-code is generated.

Inputs Description
input Input signal
reset When reset <> 0, the output changes to newoutput.
New output.
Initial Values
state(0) The initial value of the integral.
This model integrates an input signal. The output of this integral may be reset to any
desired value each time the reset signal is unequal to zero.

output = int(inp) + state(0); (reset = 0)

output = reset to newoutput; (reset <> 0)

This implementation uses the function resint. This function forces the integration method
with a state event to search for the exact time where the integral is reset. The result is
more accurate than the Default implementation, but this implementation will not work
when c-code is generated.

Inputs Description
input Input signal
reset When reset <> 0, the output changes to newoutput.
New output.
Initial Values
state(0) The initial value of the integral.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model integrates an input signal:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 935

9. Library

output = int(input) + state(0)


Inputs Description
Initial Values
state(0) The initial value of the integral.


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the inverse of the input signal.

output = 1 / input

Inputs Description

Linear System

Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
When you select this model and click Go Down a special editor opens (Linear System
Editor), allowing you to enter a linear system in State Space form, as a Transfer
Function or by adding poles and zeros:

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9. Library


Inputs Description
Initial Values
The model has internal states that are not
Parameters are entered by the Linear System

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram , System
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model yields a multiplication and/or division of one or more input signals. While
connecting input signals, 20-sim will ask whether the signals should be multiplied or
divided. The signals may have either size, but the size of all connected signals should be

For example the MultiplyDivide model can have 2 signals connected that are multiplied
and 2 signals that must be divided. 20-sim treats them as an array multiply and an array
divide with:

multiply = [multiply1;multiply2];


divide = [divide1;divide2];

The output will then be equal to:

output = (multiply1 * multiply2) / (divide1 * divide2);


Inputs Description
multiply[any] Any number of input signals (each of the same
divide[any] size) may be connected to be multiplied (multiply)
or divided (divide).
The signals connected to this model should all have the same size.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
You can use this model to combine multiple input signals into one multi-dimensional
The Demux model can be used to spit the multi-dimensional signal again into single


Inputs Description
inputs Default 2 signals can be connected. Use the right
mouse menu and choose Edit Implementation to
change the number of signals.
output[any] The output signal size is equal to the number of


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the negative of the input signal.

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9. Library

output = -input

Inputs Description


Signal\Block Diagram , System
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model yields a subtraction and/or summation of one or more input signals. While
connecting input signals, 20-sim will ask whether the signals should be added or
subtracted. The signals may have either size, but the size of all connected signals should
be equal.

For example the PlusMinus model can have 2 signals connected that are added and 2
signals that must be subtracted. 20-sim treats them as an array plus and an array minus

plus = [plus1;plus2];


minus = [minus1;minus2];

The output will then be equal to:

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9. Library

output = plus1 + plus2 - minus1 - minus2;


Inputs Description
plus[any] Any number of input signals (each of the same size)
minus[any] may be connected to be added (plus) or subtracted
The signals connected to this model should all have the same size.


Signal\Block Diagram , Signal\Sources
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model shows the value of its input in the Simulator. When you open the Simulator
(select Properties and Plot) the input of this model is automatically selected as
plotvariable. As label for this variable the local name of the SignalMonitor model is
chosen. It is therefore advised to give each SignalMonitor model a useful name (select
the model, click the right mouse button and select Attributes from the right mouse
Inputs Description
input The value of the input is shown in the Simulator
using the local name of the model as label.


Signal\Block Diagram , System
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: [n,m]. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model can split one output signal into two or more output signals. The signals may
have either size, but the size of all connected signals should be equal.

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9. Library

Inputs Description
input One input signal must be connected
output[any] Any number of input signals (each of the same
size) may be connected.
The signals connected to this model should all have the same size.

9.3.2 Block Diagram Non-Linear


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates zero output when the input is within a specified region, called the
dead zone. Otherwise the output equals the input plus or minus half the zone.

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9. Library

output = input + zone/2; (input < -zone/2)

output = 0; (-zone/2 <= input <= zone/2)
output = input - zone/2; (input > zone/2)


Inputs Description


zone Magnitude of the dead zone.
Only single signals (i.e. signals of size 1) can be connected to this model.


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model uses a two-dimensional table with data points to calculate the output z =
f(x,y) as a function of the input x and y. The output z is calculated using linear
interpolation between the table data points.

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9. Library

The first row denotes the x-values and the first column denotes the y-values.
The input data of the first column and first row needs to be monotonically increasing.
Discontinuities are allowed, by providing the same input point twice in first row or
first column of the table.
Values outside of the table range, are computed by linear extrapolation of the last
two points.

A table must be stored as an ASC II (text) file and should consist rows and columns of
data. The first row consists of the x-values first column consist of the y-values. The row-
column pairs are the corresponding z-values. Values must be separated by a space or a
tab. No comment or other text may be part of the table-file. The filename of the input
file can be specified using the complete path (e.g. c:\data\data.tbl ). When no path is
given, the file is assumed to be in the experiment directory.
Suppose we want to use the well known Matlab peaks function:

This function can be put in a matrix form as:

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9. Library

The first row and column denote the x-values and y-values and the other row-column
pairs the corresponding peaks function values. This matrix can be entered in a text file:

The model 2DTableLookup.emx (Examples\Signal Processing) shows how to use this text
file as a 2-D table.

Inputs Description
input1 x-value
input2 y-value
output z-value
filename The filename of the table file.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the absolute value of an input signal.

outp = abs(inp);

Inputs Description



Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the cosine of an input signal.

output = cos(input);

Inputs Description


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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model returns an output signal in decibel (dB):

output = 20*log10(input);

Inputs Description


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model returns the natural logarithm of the input.

output = log(input);

Inputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 947

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model raises the values of an input signal to the power p.

output = input^p;

Inputs Description




Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model returns the sign of the input. A zero input results in a zero output.

output = -1; (input < 0)

output = 0; (input = 0)
output = 1; (input > 0)

Inputs Description


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 948

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the sine of an input signal.

output = sin(input);

Inputs Description



Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model returns the square of the input signal.

output = input^2;

Inputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 949

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the square root of an input signal.

outp = sqrt(inp);

Inputs Description



Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the square root of an input signal with sign and multiplied by a
parameter p.

output = sign(input)*sqrt(inp)/p;

Inputs Description



20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 950

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the square of an input signal with sign and multiplied by a parameter

output = p*sign(input)*input*input;

Inputs Description




Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model uses a one-dimensional table with data points to calculate the output y = f(x)
as a function of the input x. The output y is calculated using linear interpolation between
the table data points.
The input data of the first column needs to be monotonically increasing.
Discontinuities are allowed, by providing the same input point twice in the table.
Values outside of the table range, are computed by linear extrapolation of the last
two points.

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9. Library


-2.5 -0.5
-2 -1
0 -1
1 0
2 2
3 3.0
5 4
6 4.0

A table must be stored either as an ASC II (text) file or as a matrix inside the equation
model. In both cases the table should consist two columns of data. The first column
consists of the x-values and the second column of the corresponding y-values.
Reading data from a file
If the table is read from a file, each line of the file may only contain one x- and one
corresponding y-value. The two values must be separated by a space or a tab. Each new
set of x- and y-values must start on a new line. No comment or other text may be part
of the table-file. The filename of the input file can be specified using the complete path
(e.g. C :\data\data.tbl). When no path is given, the file is assumed to be in the
experiment directory.

Inputs Description
filename The filename of the table file.
Reading data from a matrix
If the table is read from a matrix in an equation model, each row may only contain one
x- and one corresponding y-value. The two values must be separated by a coma and
each column must be separated by a semi-colon.
Table interpolation can also be used directly in an equation model by using the function

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the tangent of an input signal.

output = tan(input);

Note that the tangent goes infinity for input signals that are a multiple of pi.

Inputs Description


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model rounds the input towards zero (i.e. it removes the fraction of the input).

output = trunc(input);

Inputs Description



20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 953

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model represents mechanical backlash between an input position and an output

output = 0; (input is within the dead zone)

output = input - zone/2; (input is increasing and out of the dead zone)
output = input + zone/2; (input is decreasing and out of the dead zone)


Inputs Description


zone Size of the dead zone.
zone >= 0
initial Value of the output at time = 0.
initial >= input(time = 0) - zone/2
initial <= input(time = 0) + zone/2

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this submodel switches between maximum and minimum, depending
on the sign of the input signal, with hysteresis applied. When traversing between
minimum and maximum (dead zone), the rate of change is defined by the parameter k.


Inputs Description


minimum Minimum value of the output.
maximum Maximum value of the output.
hysteresis Magnitude of the hysteresis.
k Rate of change in the dead zone.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 955

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model limits the input signal to a minimum and maximum jump and a minimum and
maximum rate.

for minimum < input < maximum:

output = input
doutput/dt = dinput/dt; (minimumrate < dinput/dt < maximumrate)
doutput/dt = minimum; (dinput/dt < minimumrate)
output = maximum (dinput/dt > maximumrate)

En example is shown below where a sinusoidal input signal is limited to a minmum jump
opf -0.2, a maximum jump of 0.2, a maximum rate of 0.4 and a minimum rate of -0.4.


Inputs Description


minimum Minimum jump of the output.
maximum Maximum jump of the output.
minimumrate Minimum rate of the output.
maximumrate Maximum rate of the output.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 956

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model limits the input signal to minimum and maximum bounds.

output = minimum; (input < minimum)

output = input; (minimum <= input <= maximum)
output = maximum (input > maximum)


Inputs Description


minimum Minimum value of the output.
maximum Maximum value of the output.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 957

9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Pulse width modulation (PWM) is a powerful technique for controlling analog circuits with
a processor's digital outputs. PWM is employed in a wide variety of applications, ranging
from measurement and communications to power control and conversion. The output of
a PWM block is a pulse train. The duty cycle, (the time that a pulse is on divided by the
time the pulse is off) is proportional to the value of the input signal if the input is within
the range < -input_amp , +input_amp >. For Bipolar PWM the output signal witches
between a positive and a negative value. For Unipolar PWM the output signal witches
between zero and positive or negative value.

input bipolar PWM Unipolar PWM

> input_amp 100% output_amp 100% output_amp
0% -output_amp 0% 0
input_amp 100% output_amp 100% output_amp
0% -output_amp 0% 0
0.5*input_amp 75% output_amp 50% output_amp
25% -output_amp 50% 0
0 50% output_amp 0
50% -output_amp
-0.5*input_amp 25% output_amp 50% 0
75% -output_amp 50% -output_amp
-input_amp 0% output_amp 0% 0
100% -output_amp 100% -output_amp
<-input_amp 0% output_amp 0% 0
100% -output_amp 100% -output_amp

An example is shown in the graph below. The parameter input_amp is equal to 1 and the
parameter max output is equal to 5. The frequency of the PWM signal is 10 Hz.

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9. Library

Bipolar and Unipolar PWM conversion.


Inputs Description


f The modulating frequency [Hz].
input_amp Maximum value of the input signal.
output_amp The output value will switch between output_amp, 0
and -output_amp.


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model limits the input signal to a minimum and maximum rate.

doutput/dt = dinput/dt; (minimum < dinput/dt < maximum)

doutput/dt = minimum; (dinput/dt < minimum)
output = maximum (dinput/dt > maximum)

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9. Library

En example is shown below where a sinusoidal input signal is limited to a maximum rate
of 0.4 and a minimum rate of -0.8.

The rate limiter uses a first order filter to approximate the derivative of the input. Below
the cut-off frequency fl the approximation is accurate and the model behaves as a rate
limiter. Above the cut-off frequency fl the model output weakens to zero. For high values
of the cut-off frequency fl, the model will slow down simulation because it forces the
integration method to take very small time-steps. A good trade-off for most models is a
starting value of 100 [Hz].

Inputs Description


minimum Minimum rate of the output.
maximum Maximum rate of the output.
fl C ut-off frequency [Hz]


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.

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9. Library

The output signal of this submodel switches between a max and a min parameter using
the sign of the input signal.

output = minimum; (input < 0)

output = maximum; (input >= 0)


Inputs Description


minimum Minimum value of the output.
maximum Maximum value of the output.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this submodel switches between max and min parameters,
depending on the sign of the input signal, with hysteresis and dead zone applied.


Inputs Description


minimum Minimum value of the output.
maximum Maximum value of the output.
zone Magnitude of the dead zone.
hysteresis Magnitude of the hysteresis.

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9. Library


Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model switches between zero and the input signal, depending on the value of a
condition input signal.

output = 0; (condition > 0)

output = input; (condition <= 0)

Inputs Description
condition Switching condition



Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model switches between two input signals, depending on the value of a third input

output = input_high; (condition >= 0)

output = inp_low; (condition < 0)

Inputs Description

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9. Library

condition Switching condition



Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model switches between the input signal and zero, depending on the value of a
condition input signal.

output = input; (condition > 0)

output = 0; (condition <= 0)

Inputs Description
condition Switching condition



Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the maximum of two input signals.

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9. Library

output = input1; (input1 >= input2)

output = input2; (input1 < input2)

Inputs Description



Signal\Block Diagram Non-Linear
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model yields the minimum of two input signals.

output = input1; (input1 <= input2)

output = input2; (input1 > input2)

Inputs Description


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9. Library

9.3.3 Control

Controlled Linear Systems


Signal\C ontrol\C ontrolled Linear Systems
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a masked model which opens the C ontroller Design Editor when edited. Using this
editor the settings for a controlled linear system can be entered.

Depending on the choices made, various inputs and outputs are available. In the picture
above, the most complex model is shown. Read more about it in the C ontroller Design
Editor topic.

Inputs Description
r C ontroller setpoint
d Output Disturbance
n Measurement Disturbance
di Input Disturbance
uff Feedforward Input
Outputs Description
z Plant output
uc Feedforward Error Signal


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9. Library

hidden The parameters and initial values of this model are hidden
for the user. Use the C ontroller Design Editor to edit this
model (select the model and choose Go Down).


Signal\C ontrol\C ontrolled Linear Systems
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Translation).
Description - rz
This model represents a controlled linear system described by graphically connected
Linear systems:

These Linear Systems (F,C ,P and M) can be edited using the Linear Systems Editor or
replaced by drag and drop (any desired model) giving maximum flexibility.
Interface - rz

Inputs Description
r C ontroller setpoint
Outputs Description
z Plant output

Depends on the implementation of the submodels.

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9. Library

Description - rzff
This model represents a controlled linear system described by graphically connected
Linear systems:

These Linear Systems (F,C ,P and M) can be edited using the Linear Systems Editor or
replaced by drag and drop (any desired model) giving maximum flexibility.
Interface - rzff

Inputs Description
r C ontroller setpoint
uff Feedforward Input
Outputs Description
z Plant output
uc Feedforward Error Signal

Depends on the implementation of the submodels.

Description - rzffn
This model represents a controlled linear system described by graphically connected
Linear systems:

These Linear Systems (F,C ,P and M) can be edited using the Linear Systems Editor or
replaced by drag and drop (any desired model) giving maximum flexibility.
Interface - rzffn

Inputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 968

9. Library

r C ontroller setpoint
n Measurement Disturbance
uff Feedforward Input
Outputs Description
z Plant output
uc Feedforward Error Signal

Depends on the implementation of the submodels.

Description - rzffnd
This model represents a controlled linear system described by graphically connected
Linear systems:

These Linear Systems (F,C ,P and M) can be edited using the Linear Systems Editor or
replaced by drag and drop (any desired model) giving maximum flexibility.
Interface - rzffnd

Inputs Description
r C ontroller setpoint
d Output Disturbance
n Measurement Disturbance
uff Feedforward Input
Outputs Description
z Plant output
uc Feedforward Error Signal

Depends on the implementation of the submodels.

This model represents a controlled linear system described by graphically connected
Linear systems:

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9. Library

These Linear Systems (F,C ,P and M) can be edited using the Linear Systems Editor or
replaced by drag and drop (any desired model) giving maximum flexibility.

Inputs Description
r C ontroller setpoint
d Output Disturbance
n Measurement Disturbance
di Input Disturbance
uff Feedforward Input
Outputs Description
z Plant output
uc Feedforward Error Signal

Depends on the implementation of the submodels.

Description - rzn
This model represents a controlled linear system described by graphically connected
Linear systems:

These Linear Systems (F,C ,P and M) can be edited using the Linear Systems Editor or
replaced by drag and drop (any desired model) giving maximum flexibility.
Interface - rzn

Inputs Description
r C ontroller setpoint

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9. Library

n Measurement Disturbance
Outputs Description
z Plant output

Depends on the implementation of the submodels.

Description - rznd
This model represents a controlled linear system described by graphically connected
Linear systems:

These Linear Systems (F,C ,P and M) can be edited using the Linear Systems Editor or
replaced by drag and drop (any desired model) giving maximum flexibility.
Interface - rznd

Inputs Description
r C ontroller setpoint
d Output Disturbance
n Measurement Disturbance
Outputs Description
z Plant output

Depends on the implementation of the submodels.

Description - rznddi
This model represents a controlled linear system described by graphically connected
Linear systems:

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9. Library

These Linear Systems (F,C ,P and M) can be edited using the Linear Systems Editor or
replaced by drag and drop (any desired model) giving maximum flexibility.
Interface - rznddi

Inputs Description
r C ontroller setpoint
d Output Disturbance
n Measurement Disturbance
di Input Disturbance
Outputs Description
z Plant output

Depends on the implementation of the submodels.

Neural Networks


Signal\C ontrol\Neural Networks
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a masked model which opens the BSpline Editor when edited. Using this editor the
settings for a B-Spline Network can be entered.

Inputs Description
any The user can defined any input.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 972

9. Library

error The error signal: the difference between the desired output
and the network output.
Outputs Description
output The network output

learning_rate The learning rate
network_order The order of the spline-interpolation.
online_learning A boolean: Learn at each sample (True) or Learn after
Leaving Spline (False).
regularization Not yet supported.
regularization_width Not yet supported.
load_weights A boolean: Load weights before simulation.
save_weights A boolean: Save weights after simulation.


Signal\C ontrol\Neural Networks
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a masked model which opens the MLP Editor when edited. Using this editor the
settings for a MLP Network can be entered.

Inputs Description
any The user can defined any network input.
error The error signal: the difference between the desired output
and the network output.
Outputs Description
any The user can defined any network output.

nr_hidden Number of hidden neurons.
learning_rate The learning rate.
readWeights A boolean: Load weights before simulation.
writeWeights A boolean: Save weights after simulation.

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9. Library

PID Control

PID control stands for Proportional, Integral and Derivative control. PID controllers have
been around since about 1940. Modern controllers perform the same functions as those,
perhaps with a few embelishments and certainly more accurately, but the same
functions nonetheless.

PID controllers are the best general purpose controllers to do the job. More sophisticated
control algorithms will produce better performance when fitted to a specific process, but
poorer performance results if the process changes. This sensitivity to process changes is
called robustness, with more robust being less sensitive. The PID algorithm is an
excellent trade-off between robustness and performance.

Although theory on PID-controllers is widespread and more or less uniform nowadays, in

practice there are many algorithms and parameter settings. The 20-sim C ontrol library,
supports the most common algorithms.

Setpoint and other Variables

A standard control loop is shown in the figure below. A controller tries to steer a process
in a way that minimizes the difference between a given setpoint and the output of that
process. In other words, the controller tries to get the process output as close as
possible to the given setpoint.

The setpoint (SP) is where the process output should match. It can be a static value
(e.g. the desired temperature of a room) or a varying value (e.g. the desired position of
a robot-tip).

The setpoint is where you would like the measurement to be. Error is defined as the
difference between set-point and measurement.
The process is the system that should be controlled. It is sometimes referred to as
plant or system. The process should have has at least one impute to control its
behavior and at least one output that is a measure of its behavior. C onsider for example
a gas heated house as process. The heater feed could be the process input and the
measured room temperature the process output.

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9. Library

The process input is connected to the controller output or controller variable (CV).
It is mostly the input for an actuator that can drive the process to a desired setpoint.

The process output is commonly known as process variable (PV), or measured

variable (MV). Other names of the process output are system output and measurement.
The error is defined as the setpoint minus the process output. It is a measure for how
much the process deviates from the desired setpoint, and thus how much the controller
should respond to get the process back to the desired setpoint.
Setpoint Weighting
For many controllers the controller input is equal to the error signal. Some controllers,
however use specialized inputs for their proportional, integral and derivative parts
(setpoint weighting). They have two inputs, one for the setpoint and one for the
measured variable and are therefore also described as 2-DOF controllers.

Proportional Control

When we talk about the proportional action of a controller, we generally refer to the
proportional gain. The action means that the controller moves in proportion to the
error between setpoint (SP) and process output (PV):

controller output = K*error = K*(SP - PV)

where the gain is denoted by the parameter K. Many terms have been used by different
manufacturers to designate this action. It has been called proportional gain, gain,
throttling band, sensitivity and proportional band.
Proportional Band
In practice, the controller output is limited, either by its own limitations or by the
limitations of the corresponding actuator. Let umax and umin denote the minimum and
maximum output of the controller. The proportional band of the controller is then defined

In the ideal case, a controller can have an unlimited output. The proportional band
(PB) is then defined as:

This definition of proportional band is often used instead of the controller gain. The value
is expressed in percent (%).

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9. Library

Direct Acting / Reverse Acting

Suppose a process with a controller output C V and a process output PV is in steady state
and kept to a certain setpoint SP. For proportional control the following equations can be

PV = P(CO)
CV = K*error = K*(SP - PV)

where P is the process function that yields a measured variable as a result of the
controller output. If the controller output decreases as the measured variable increases
the controller is said to be direct acting. If the controller output increases as the
measured variable increases, then it is called reverse acting. In other words, the
controller is direct acting if the gain K is positive and reverse acting if the gain K is

This is not only valid for proportional control, but for all PID controllers in the 20-sim
library. If you need a reverse acting controller, simply use a negative gain.
If you look at the equation for the proportional gain:

CV = K*error = K*(SP - PV)

you will notice that there has to be an error to produce a controller output. This means
that with proportional control only, there will always be a small offset between the
setpoint and the measured variable. To remove this offset, integral control has to be

Integral Control
With integral action, the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the
error is present. Integral action eliminates offset that remains when proportional control
is used.

controller output = (1/Ti)*int(error)

where the parameter Ti is called the integral time. Integral action is also know as reset
and the parameter Ti as reset time.

Integral action gives the controller a large gain at low frequencies that results in
eliminating offset. Integrals give information concerning the past. That is why integrals
are always late. Integrals provide stability but have a tendency to get stuck in the past.
In most controllers the proportional and integral action are combined. The output of the
combined proportional and integral action (in s-domain) is then:

with E equal to SP - PV.

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9. Library

Derivative Control
With derivative action, the controller output is proportional to the rate of change of the
measurement or error. Some manufacturers use the term rate or pre-act instead of
derivative. Derivative, rate and pre-act are the same thing. The controller output is
calculated by the rate of change of the error with time.

controller output = Td*d(error)/dt = Td*d(SP - PV)/dt

where the parameter Td is called deriv ativ e tim e. Derivative control is

mathematically the opposite of integral action, but while we might have an integral-only
controller, we would never have a derivative-only controller. The reason for this is that
derivative control only knows the error is changing. It does not know what the setpoint
actually is.

Derivative action has the potential to improve performance when sudden changes in
measured variable occur, but is should be used with care. It is mostly a matter of using
enough, not too much.
Derivative Gain Limitation
In most commercial processes sudden changes in process output may appear. In most
cases a sudden change in the slope of such a process output cannot be avoided at all
times. Using such a process output in controllers with pure derivative action, would lead
to unwanted steps in the controller output. Moreover, high frequency noise in the
measured signals may lead to unwanted large outputs of the controller.

To prevent this unwanted effect, the derivative action can be filtered by a first-order
system with time constant Td/N.

This approximation acts as a derivative for low-frequency signal components. The gain,
however, is limited to K*N. This means that high-frequency measurement noise is
amplified at most by a factor KN. This is why the parameter N is called the derivative
gain limitation. Typical values of N are 8 to 20. Sometimes the reciprocal value of N is
used, mostly with the name beta (beta = 1/N).

PID Controller Types

In literature various PID controller laws and types have been described. In industry two
types prevail: the parallel form and the series form.
Parallel Form
A PID controller in parallel form (also known as standard form, ISA form or non-
interacting form), has the control equation:

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9. Library

The controller actions (P, I and D) act independently as can be seen in the
corresponding block diagram representation.

Series Form
A PID controller in series form (also known as interacting form), has the control

The controller actions (P, I and D) act dependently as can be seen in the corresponding
block diagram representation.

P and PI controllers are the same in series and parallel form.

Setpoint Weighting
Standard PID controller equations operate on the error signal (Error Based):

A more flexible structure is obtained by treating the setpoint (SP) and the process output
(PV) separately (Setpoint Weighting):

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9. Library

The I-action always operates on the error to insure that the error between setpoint and
process output will be minimized.

In most commercial controllers, the parameters b an c are chosen 1 or 0:

b = 1 -> proportional control using the error: SP - PV (error feedback).

b = 0 -> only proportional control on the process output (PV).
c = 1 -> derivative control using the error: SP - PV (error feedback).
c = 0 -> only derivative control on the process output (PV).

All actuators have physical limitations, a control valve cannot be more than fully open or
fully closed, a motor has limited velocity, etc. This has severe consequences for control.
Integral action in a PID controller is an unstable mode. This does not cause any
difficulties when the loop is closed. The feedback loop will, however, be broken when the
actuator saturates because the output of the saturating element is then not influenced by
its input. The unstable mode in the controller may then drift to very large values. When
the actuator desaturates it may then take a long time for the system to recover. It may
also happen that the actuator bounces several time between high and low values before
the system recovers.
Integrator windup
Integrator windup is illustrated in the figure below, which shows simulation of a system
where the process dynamics is a saturation at a level of ±0.1 followed by a linear
system with the transfer function:

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9. Library

Because of the saturation in the actuator, the control signal saturates immediately when
the step is applied. The control signal then remains in saturation level and the feedback
is broken. The integral part continues to increase because the error (SP - PV) is positive.
The integral part starts to decrease when the process output (PV) has become larger
than the setpoint (SP), but the process output remains saturated because of the large
integral part. Slowly the process output decreases towards the setpoint.

The net effect is that there is a large overshoot. This phenomenon is called "integrator
windup". A good insight in windup is found when looking at the proportional band.
Proportional Band and Windup
The values of the process output that correspond to the minimum and maximum output
are denoted as ymax and ymin. The controller operates linearly only if the process
output is in the range (ymax , ymin). The controller output saturates when the process
output is outside this band. A good insight into the windup problem is obtained by
investigating the range (ymax , ymin). All 20-sim controller models in parallel form with
anti-windup scheme, have the extra variables PB_high and PB_low which are equal to
ymax and ymin.

An illustration of the proportional band is given below. The same linear system is used
with the same controller. As can be seen, the actuator is saturated from t = 0 until t =
14. At t = 14 the process output enters the range (PB_high , PB_low) and controller
feedback is regained.

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9. Library

Integrator windup can be avoided, by making sure that the integral is kept to a proper
value when the actuator saturates, so that the controller is ready to resume action, as
soon as the control error changes. This anti-windup scheme is known as tracking or back

parallel form
As well known form of tracking is linear feedback anti windup. It is shown in the figure
below (parallel form). The actuator is represented by a signal limiter. The difference
between actuator input and output (TR) is fed back to the integrator through the gain 1/
Ta. As soon as the limiter saturates, this signal becomes non-zero and prevents the
integrator from winding up. The tracking time constant Ta can be used to tune then
amount of anti windup.

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9. Library

series form
The same scheme can also be used for controllers with a series form. A diagram is
shown below.

Tracking Time constant

To prevent the integrator from saturating, the tracking time constant must be chosen
small. Too small values, however decrease the controller performance. As a rule of
thumb Åström suggested to choose the tracking time constant Td <= Ta <= Ti. Some
authors prefer a good controller performance and suggest to choose Ta = Ti.
External Tracking
As long as the actuator output is equal to the controller output, anti-windup scheme will
not be activated and the controller is in normal operation (control mode). When the
actuator saturates, the anti-windup scheme will be activated and prevent the controller
output from wandering away. In effect the anti-windup scheme matches the controller
output and actuator output. This is why the actuator output is also known as the tracking
signal (TR).

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9. Library

When an external actuator signal is used (external tracking signal) is is important to

compensate for the actuator gain. Otherwise the tracking signal is not equal to the
controller output, during normal operation and the anti-windup scheme is activated.

Actuator Model
Anti-windup schemes are based on the difference between actuator input (controller
output) and actuator output. These signals are not always available. Therefore an
actuator model can be used inside the controller to yield this difference. In the library
models, a signal limiter is used the actuator model:
output = minimum; (input < minimum)
output = input; (minimum <= input <= maximum)
output = maximum (input > maximum)

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9. Library

Initial Output
The output of PID controllers at time 0 depends on the given setpoint (SP), process
output (PV) and control law. In general the process will not be at rest (PV <> 0) and the
setpoint will not be equal to the process output (SP <> 0). This will result in an undesired
step in the controller signal at startup. Even if the setpoint is equal to the process output
(SP = PV) at startup, the use of setpoint weighting may result in a step in the control

Let PV be a non zero value and b or c equal to zero. The P or D -action will then lead to
a step in the control signal.

To avoid such a step, the initial output of some PID-controllers can be set to any value.
The slope of the the control output of these controllers at startup is equal to zero.
Initial output for with delays
C ontrollers with manual output at start-up, use the process output at t = 0, PV(0), to
calculate an internal offset that compensates for the initial controller output. C are should
be taken when delays are available between the process output and the controller input.
Due to these, the measured process output at t = 0 in the controller ( PV(0)' ) may not
be the same as the real process output at t = 0 ( PV(0) ). As a result, a wrong offset will
be calculated and the initial output will not have the desired value. To avoid this, all
initial values of delay elements between the process and controller should be chosen
properly (e.g. equal to the initial process output) !

Commercial Controllers
According to b Åström the table below summarizes the properties of some commercial

C ontroller Structure Setpoint Setpoint Derivative Sampling

Weighting Weightin Gain Period
b g Limitation s
c N
1. Allen Bradley PLC 5 P 1.0 1.0 None Load dependent
2. Baliley Net 90 P 0.0 or 1.0 0.0 or 10 0.25
3. Fisher C ontrols Provox S 1.0 1.0 8 0.1, 0.25 or 1.0
4. Fisher C ontrols DPR S 0.0 0.0 8 0.2
900,910 S 1.0 0.0 none 0.1
5. Fisher Porter Micro DC I S 1.0 0.0 or 10 0.25
6. Foxboro Model 761 S 1.0 1.0 8 0.33, 0.5 or 1.0
7. Honeywell TDC S 1.0 0.0 1-30 0.1
8. Moore Products Type S 0.0 1.0 8 0.2
352 S 0.0 or 1.0 0.0 17 or 20 0.25
9. Alfa Laval EC A40, EC A S 1.0 0.0 3.3 – 10 0.2
400 S 1.0 0.0 none 0.036 – 1.56

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 984

9. Library

10. Taylor Mod 30 P 0.0 or 1.0 1.0 10 0.1

11. Toshiba TOSDIC 200 1.0
12. Turnbull TC S 6000 0.0 or
13. Yokogawa SLPC 1.0


1. K.J. Astrom, T. Hagglund, Pid C ontrollers, Instrument Society of America; ISBN:

1556175167, (1995), (avalaible at www.amazon.com)

2. B.G. Liptak, Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Volume 1: Process Measurement,

C RC Pr; ISBN: 0801981972, (2000), (avalaible at www.amazon.com).

3. B.G. Liptak, Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Volume 2: Process C ontrol, C RC Pr;

ISBN: 0801982421, (2000), (avalaible at www.amazon.com).

4. G.K. McMillan, D.M. C onsidine, Process/Industrial Instruments and C ontrols

Handbook, McGraw Hill Text, ISBN: 0070125821, (1999), (avalaible at

5. B. Wittenmark, K.J. Astrom, C omputer-C ontrolled Systems: Theory and Design,

Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0133148998, (1996), (avalaible at www.amazon.com).

Expert information can also be found in the sci.eng.control newsgroup. An exelent

frequently asked questions list can be found on the internet pages of Ron Graham


Naming Conventions
Two types of PID-controllers are available in this library. The first type of controllers use
an error input and the second type of controllers use separate Setpoint (SP) and
Measured Variable (MV) input.
Error Input
PID-C ontrollers with the error as a direct input signal, are all in series form. The name
simply denotes the type of controller: P, PI, PD or PID. Two versions of each controller
exists: continuous time and discrete time. They can be found in the subdirectories
Continuous and Discrete.

All controllers have one input ports and one output port:

1. error: The error between setpoint and measured variable.

2. output: The controller output.

Depending on the type of controller, the following parameters can be used:

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9. Library

1. kd: The proportional gain of the controller.

2. tauD: The derivative time constant.

3. beta: The reciprocal derivative gain limitation.

4. tauI: The integral time constant.

Controller Wizard
A special form of controllers with error input is generated by the C ontrollerWizard.emx
submodel. When you select this model and click Go Down the Filter Editor is opened,
allowing you to specify controllers with frequency oriented parameters.
Separate Input
C ontrollers with separate inputs come in many forms. The naming denotes the type of
controller and the options that are available. The type and options are also available in
the model icons.

1. Two versions of each controller exists: continuous time and discrete time.
They can be found in the subdirectories Continuous and Discrete . Continuous-
time controllers have icons with blue text and discrete-time controllers have
icons with green text.
2. The first characters denote the type of controller: P , PD, PI or PID.
3. The character p or s denote the form: parallel (p) or series (p).

4. If setpoint weighting is used, the term sp is added.

5. If an anti-windup scheme is incorporated, the term aw is added.
6. If the output at startup can be set manually, the term u0 is added.
7. If an external tracking signal is used, the term tr is added.
All controllers have two inputs ports and one output port:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 986

9. Library

1. SP : The setpoint

2. MV : The measured variable (also called process variable).

3. output: The controller output.
Depending on the type of controllers, the following parameters can be used:

1. K: The proportional gain of the controller.

2. Td: The derivative time constant.

3. N: The derivative gain limitation.

4. Ti: The integral time constant.

5. b: The setpoint weighting constant for the proportional part of the controller.

6. c: The setpoint weighting constant for the derivative part of the controller.

7. Ta: The tracking time constant of the anti-windup scheme.

8. minimum: The minimum controller output representing actuator saturation.

9. maximum: The maximum controller output representing actuator saturation.

10. output_initial: The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
Although most controllers have one or more internal states, the initial values of these
states do not need to be set manually. You use the default values (0) at the start of a
simulation. To get a desired output of the controller at startup , the parameter
output_initial should be used.
Discrete Controllers
The discrete controllers that are available in the library are directly derived from their
continuous counterparts, using approximation by backward differences. These discrete
models have identical behavior, as long as the sample time is not chosen too low.
Discrete loops in 20-sim are automatically detected and assigned a default sampletime.
You can change the sample time in the Run Properties Editor (in the Simulator from
the Properties menu select the Simulation command).
Some PID controllers (parallel form with anti-windup) have two internal variables that
are of interest. PB_high and PB_low. These parameters are the upper and lower bound
of the proportional band.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 987

9. Library

Controller Use
All controllers must can be used as shown in the figure below. The upper part shows a
continuous time controller and the bottom part shows a discrete time controller.
Error Input

1. An error signal is generated with a plus minus element. Its serves as an

input of the controller.
2. The controller output is connected with the process input.

As shown in the figure, analog to digital convertors and digital to analog convertors
should be used, when connecting a discrete-time controller to a continuous-time process.

Separate Input

1. A setpoint signal is connected with the SP port of the controller.

2. The process output is connected with the PV port of the controller.
3. The controller output is connected with the process input.

As shown in the figure, analog to digital convertors and digital to analog convertors
should be used, when connecting a discrete-time controller to a continuous-time

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 988

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
A special form of controllers with error input is generated by the
ControllerWizard.emx submodel. When you select this model and click Go Down the
Filter Editor is opened, allowing you to specify controllers with frequency oriented

Inputs Description
u The error input signal: plant-output minus
set point.
y Output signal: input for the plant.
Look in the Filter Editor helpfile to find a
detailed description of the possible controller
types and their parameters.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a P controller. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - PV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
PV Process output.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 989

9. Library

CV C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PD controller in parallel form. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.
output Controller output: input for the process.
K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 990

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PD controller in series form. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 991

9. Library

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller with setpoint weighting. The output of this controller (in s-domain)


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 992

9. Library

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller with setpoint weighting. The output of this controller (in s-domain)

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 993

9. Library

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller with setpoint weighting. The output of this controller (in s-domain)

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 994

9. Library

PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller with setpoint weighting. The output of this controller (in s-domain)

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up. An external tracking signal must be supplied to activate the anti-
windup scheme.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.
TR Tracking signal.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 995

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 996

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 997

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 998

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 999

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up. An external tracking signal must be supplied to activate the anti-
windup scheme.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.
TR Tracking signal.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1000

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1001

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1002

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1003

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1004

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up. An external tracking signal must be supplied to activate the anti-
windup scheme.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.
TR Tracking signal.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1005

9. Library

Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a P controller. The output of this controller is:

with the input of the controller equal to the error and the output of the controller used as
the plant input:


Inputs Description
error Input signal: plant-output minus set point.

output Output signal: input for the plant.

kp Proportional gain.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PD controller in series form. The transfer function of an ideal PD-controller is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1006

9. Library

with the input of the controller equal to the error and the output of the controller used as
the plant input:


Inputs Description
error Input signal: plant-output minus set point.

output Output signal: input for the plant.

kp Proportional gain.
tauD Derivative gain (tauD <> 0).
beta Tameness constant (0 < beta << 1).

Initial Values
state_initial output(0) = state_initial - kp*error(0)*/beta


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller. The transfer function of the controller is:

with the input of the controller equal to the error and the output of the controller used as
the plant input:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1007

9. Library


Inputs Description
error Input signal: plant-output minus set point.

output Output signal: input for the plant.

kp Proportional gain.
tauI Integral gain (tauI <> 0).

Initial Values
state(0) output(0) = state(0) - kp*error(0)


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form. The transfer function is:

with the input of the controller equal to the error and the output of the controller used as
the plant input:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1008

9. Library


Inputs Description
error Input signal: plant-output minus set point.

output Output signal: input for the plant.

kp Proportional gain.
tauD Derivative gain (tauD <> 0).
tauI Integral gain (tauD <> 0).
beta Tameness constant (0 < beta << 1).

Initial Values
pdstate(0) pdout(0) = pdstate(0) - kp*error(0)*/beta
pistate(0) output(0) = pistate(0) - pdout(0)


Naming Conventions
Two types of PID-controllers are available in this library. The first type used an error
input and the second type of controller use separate setpoint and Measured Variable
input. Both types use the same internal description, so the use is just a question of
Error Input
PID-C ontrollers with the error as a direct input signal, are all in series form. The name
simply denotes the type of controller: P, PI, PD or PID. Two versions of each controller
exists: continuous time and discrete time. They can be found in the subdirectories
Continuous and Discrete.

All controllers have one input ports and one output port:

1. error: The error between setpoint and measured variable.

2. output: The controller output.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1009

9. Library

Depending on the type of controller, the following parameters can be used:

1. kd: The proportional gain of the controller.

2. tauD: The derivative time constant.

3. beta: The reciprocal derivative gain limitation.

4. tauI: The integral time constant.

Separate Input
C ontrollers with separate inputs come in many forms. The naming denotes the type of
controller and the options that are available. The type and options are also available in
the model icons.

1. Two versions of each controller exists: continuous time and discrete time.
They can be found in the subdirectories Continuous and Discrete . Continuous-
time controllers have icons with blue text and discrete-time controllers have
icons with green text.
2. The first characters denote the type of controller: P , PD, PI or PID.
3. The character p or s denote the form: parallel (p) or series (p).
4. If setpoint weighting is used, the term sp is added.

5. If an anti-windup scheme is incorporated, the term aw is added.

6. If the output at startup can be set manually, the term u0 is added.
7. If an external tracking signal is used, the term tr is added.
All controllers have two inputs ports and one output port:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1010

9. Library

1. SP: The setpoint

2. MV: The measured variable (also called process variable).

3. output: The controller output.

Depending on the type of controllers, the following parameters can be used:

1. K: The proportional gain of the controller.

2. Td: The derivative time constant.

3. N: The derivative gain limitation.

4. Ti: The integral time constant.

5. b: The setpoint weighting constant for the proportional part of the controller.

6. c: The setpoint weighting constant for the derivative part of the controller.

7. Ta: The tracking time constant of the anti-windup scheme.

8. minimum: The minimum controller output representing actuator saturation.

9. maximum: The maximum controller output representing actuator saturation.

10. output_initial: The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
Although most controllers have one or more internal states, the initial values of these
states do not need to be set manually. You use the default values (0) at the start of a
simulation. To get a desired output of the controller at startup , the parameter
output_initial should be used.
Discrete Controllers
The discrete controllers that are available in the library are directly derived from their
continuous counterparts, using approximation by backward differences. These discrete
models have identical behavior, as long as the sample time is not chosen too low.
Discrete loops in 20-sim are automatically detected and assigned a default sampletime.
You can change the sample time in the Run Properties Editor (in the Simulator from
the Properties menu select the Simulation command).
Some PID controllers (parallel form with anti-windup) have two internal variables that
are of interest. PB_high and PB_low. These parameters are the upper and lower bound
of the proportional band.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1011

9. Library

Controller Use
All controllers must can be used as shown in the figure below. The upper part shows a
continuous time controller and the bottom part shows a discrete time controller.
Error Input

1. An error signal is generated with a plus minus element. Its serves as an

input of the controller.
2. The controller output is connected with the process input.

As shown in the figure, analog to digital convertors and digital to analog convertors
should be used, when connecting a discrete-time controller to a continuous-time process.

Separate Input

1. A setpoint signal is connected with the SP port of the controller.

2. The process output is connected with the PV port of the controller.
The controller output is connected with the process input.

As shown in the figure, analog to digital convertors and digital to analog convertors
should be used, when connecting a discrete-time controller to a continuous-time process.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1012

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a P controller. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - PV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
PV Process output.

CV C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PD controller in parallel form. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - MV.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1013

9. Library


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PD controller in series form. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1014

9. Library

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1015

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller with setpoint weighting. The output of this controller (in s-domain)


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller with setpoint weighting. The output of this controller (in s-domain)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1016

9. Library

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller with setpoint weighting. The output of this controller (in s-domain)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1017

9. Library

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller with setpoint weighting. The output of this controller (in s-domain)

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1018

9. Library

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up. An external tracking signal must be supplied to activate the anti-
windup scheme.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.
TR Tracking signal.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1019

9. Library

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1020

9. Library


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1021

9. Library

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in parallel form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1022

9. Library

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1023

9. Library

This is a PID controller in parallel form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up. An external tracking signal must be supplied to activate the anti-
windup scheme.

Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.
TR Tracking signal.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Interesting Variables
PB_high, PB_low Upper and lower bound of the proportional band.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1024

9. Library


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form. The output of this controller (in s-domain) is:

with E equal to SP - MV.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1025

9. Library


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1026

9. Library

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller.


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1027

9. Library


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
minimum Minimum controller output.
maximum Maximum controller output.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form with setpoint weighting. The output of this
controller (in s-domain) is:

An anti-windup scheme has been added to this controller as well as an offset for manual
output at start-up. An external tracking signal must be supplied to activate the anti-
windup scheme.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1028

9. Library


Inputs Description
SP Setpoint.
MV Measured variable or process output.
TR Tracking signal.

output C ontroller output: input for the process.

K Proportional gain.
Td Derivative time constant (Td > 0).
N Derivative gain limitation.
Ti Integral time constant (Ti > 0).
b Proportional setpoint weighting parameter.
c Derivative setpoint weighting parameter.
Ta Tracking time constant.
output_initial The controller output at start-up.

Initial Values
yes Should be left default!

Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a P controller. The output of this controller is:

with the input of the controller equal to the error and the output of the controller used as
the plant input:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1029

9. Library


Inputs Description
error Input signal: plant-output minus set point.

output Output signal: input for the plant.

kp Proportional gain.


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PD controller in series form. The transfer function of an ideal PD-controller is:

with the input of the controller equal to the error and the output of the controller used as
the plant input:


Inputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1030

9. Library

error Input signal: plant-output minus set point.

output Output signal: input for the plant.

kp Proportional gain.
tauD Derivative gain (tauD <> 0).
beta Tameness constant (0 < beta << 1).

Initial Values
state_initial output(0) = state_initial - kp*error(0)*/beta


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PI controller. The transfer function of the controller is:

with the input of the controller equal to the error and the output of the controller used as
the plant input:


Inputs Description
error Input signal: plant-output minus set point.

output Output signal: input for the plant.


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1031

9. Library

kp Proportional gain.
tauI Integral gain (tauI <> 0).

Initial Values
state(0) output(0) = state(0) - kp*error(0)


Signal\C ontrol\PID C ontrol\Discrete
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a PID controller in series form. The transfer function is:

with the input of the controller equal to the error and the output of the controller used as
the plant input:


Inputs Description
error Input signal: plant-output minus set point.

output Output signal: input for the plant.

kp Proportional gain.
tauD Derivative gain (tauD <> 0).
tauI Integral gain (tauD <> 0).
beta Tameness constant (0 < beta << 1).

Initial Values
pdstate(0) pdout(0) = pdstate(0) - kp*error(0)*/beta

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1032

9. Library

pistate(0) output(0) = pistate(0) - pdout(0)

9.3.4 Cost Functions



Signal\C ost Functions\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric, Electric).
Description - IE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = int(e);
Description - ISE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = int(e2);
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = int(abs(e));
Description - ISTE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = int(time2*e2);
Description - ITAE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1033

9. Library

output = int(time*abs(e));
Description - ITSE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = int(time*e2);
Description - IAEWAI
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = int(abs(e) + lambda*abs(input));

Description - ISEWSI
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = int(e2 + lambda*input2);

This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = int(time*abs(e) + lambda*abs(input));


Inputs Description
e Input signal
input Input signal


lambda Weighting factor.

Initial Values
output_initial The initial value of the output.



Signal\C ost Functions\Discrete

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1034

9. Library

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Iconic Diagrams (Electric, Electric).
Description - IE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = sum(e);
Description - ISE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = sum(e2);
Description - IAE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = sum(abs(e));
Description - ISTE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = sum(time2*e2);
Description - ITAE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = sum(time*abs(e));
Description - ITSE
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = sum(time*e2);
Description - IAEWAI
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = sum(abs(e) + lambda*abs(input));

Description - ISEWSI
This submodel yields the following cost function:

output = sum(e2 + lambda*input2);

This submodel yields the following cost function:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1035

9. Library

output = sum(time*abs(e) + lambda*abs(input));


Inputs Description
e Input signal
input Input signal


lambda Weighting factor.

Initial Values
output_initial The initial value of the output.

9.3.5 Discrete


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model incorporates the basic functions of an analog to digital convertor: sample and
hold, output window (i.e. restriction of the output between a minimum and maximum
value) and quantization. The quantization is specified in bits. For example 8 bits
quantization means the output has 2^8 - 1 = 255 possible values between the given
minimum and maximum.

Inputs Description


minimum Minimum output value.
maximum Maximum output value
bits Quantization levels (bits).
initial Initial output

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1036

9. Library

The input of this model is a continuous signal. The output of this model is a
discrete signal. 20-sim will automatically detect the existence of discrete
models. Each chain of discrete models will be assigned a specific sampletime.
You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator (choose
Properties , Simulation and Discrete System ).
The initial output is bounded by the window given by the minimum and
maximum and rounded by the number of bits used.


Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This models generates a logical discrete clock signal, i.e. a signal that changes from true
(1) to false (0) and vice-versa, each sample time.


Outputs Description


initial Initial value of the output.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1037

9. Library

The output of this model is a discrete signal. 20-sim will automatically detect the
existence of discrete models. Each chain of discrete models will be assigned a specific
sampletime. You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator (choose
Properties, Simulation and Discrete System).


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model incorporates the basic functions of a digital to analog convertor: zero order
hold, output window (i.e. restriction of the output between a minimum and maximum
value) and quantization. The quantisation is specified in bits. For example 8 bits
quantisation means the output has 2^8 - 1 = 255 possible values between the given
minimum and maximum.

The standard models of the discrete library assume that there is no time needed to
perform the calculations the a discrete loop. In general these calculations do take time.
To take this into account, the output of this model is delayed in time. This time delay can
be set by the user and should correspond to the time needed to perform all calculations
of the discrete loop in a real system.

Inputs Description


minimum Minimum output value.
maximum Maximum output value
bits Quantisation levels (bits).
t_calc Time needed to perform all calculations of
the discrete loop.
The input of this model is a discrete signal. The output of this model is a continuous
signal. 20-sim will automatically detect the existence of discrete models. Each chain of
discrete models will be assigned a specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to
any desired value in the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and Discrete

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1038

9. Library


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model incorporates the basic functions of a digital to analog convertor: zero order
hold, output window (i.e. restriction of the output between a minimum and maximum
value) and quantization. The quantization is specified in bits. For example 8 bits
quantization means the output has 2^8 - 1 = 255 possible values between the given
minimum and maximum.

Inputs Description


minimum Minimum output value.
maximum Maximum output value
bits Quantization levels (bits).

The input of this model is a discrete signal. The output of this model is a continuous
signal. 20-sim will automatically detect the existence of discrete models. Each chain of
discrete models will be assigned a specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to
any desired value in the Simulator (choose Properties > Run and then the Discrete
System tab.)


Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is the the z-delay function with n samples delay.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1039

9. Library

output(k) = input(k - n*T)

with k = n * T , n = 1,2,3,...

The sampletime T can be set in the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and
Discrete System).

Inputs Description


Initial Values
output_initial The initial value of the block.

n The number of sample delays (n = 1,2,3,..).

The parameter n can not be changed during simulation. If it is increased,
recoompiling of the model is necessary.
The input and output of this model are discrete signals. 20-sim will
automatically detect the existence of discrete models. Each chain of discrete
models will be assigned a specific sampletime. You can set this sample time
to any desired value in the Simulator (choose Properties , Simulation and
Discrete System ).


Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is the the z-delay function with one sample interval delay.

output(k) = input(k - T)
with k = n * T , n = 0,1,2,3,...

The sampletime T can be set in the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and
Discrete System).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1040

9. Library


Inputs Description


Initial Values
output_initial The initial value of the block.

The input and output of this model are discrete signals. 20-sim will automatically detect
the existence of discrete models. Each chain of discrete models will be assigned a
specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator
(choose Properties, Simulation and Discrete System).


Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model represents the discrete equivalent of the continuous differentiation:

output(0) = initial; (k = 0)
output(1) = (u(1) - initial)/sampletime; (k = 1)
output (k) = (u(k) - u(k-1))/sampletime; (k = n * T , n = 2,3,4,...

The sampletime T can be set in the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and
Discrete System). The discrete transfer function of this model is:

H(z) = (z - 1) / ( z * sampletime)

which is the equivalent (using the backward difference transformation) of the continuous
time transferential:

H(s) = s


Inputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1041

9. Library


initial Initial value of the output.

The input and output of this model are discrete signals. 20-sim will automatically detect
the existence of discrete models. Each chain of discrete models will be assigned a
specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator
(choose Properties, Simulation and Discrete System).


Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model represents the discrete equivalent of the continuous integration:

output(k) = initial; (k = 0)
inp(k-T)*T + inp(k-2T)*T + inp(k-3T)*T
+ ... + inp(0)*T + initial; (k = n * T , n = 1,2,3,...)

The sampletime T can be set in the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and
Discrete System). The discrete transfer function of this model is:

H(z) = sampletime / ( z - 1)

which is the equivalent (using the forward difference transformation) of the continuous
time transfer function:

H(s) = 1/s


Inputs Description



20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1042

9. Library

initial Initial value of the output.

The input and output of this model are discrete signals. 20-sim will automatically detect
the existence of discrete models. Each chain of discrete models will be assigned a
specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator
(choose Properties, Simulation and Discrete System).


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model forms the interconnection between a discrete and continuous system: zero
order hold.

Inputs Description
input discrete signal

output continuous signal

The input of this model is a discrete signal. The output of this model is a continuous
signal. 20-sim will automatically detect the existence of discrete models. Each chain of
discrete models will be assigned a specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to
any desired value in the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and Discrete


Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1043

9. Library

When you select this model and click Go Down a special editor opens (Linear System
Editor), allowing you to enter a linear system in State Space form, as a Transfer
Function or by adding poles and zeros:

This is a discrete linear system, using the transformation. The transformation is based
on a sampletime (here 0.1 s). You can change the sampletime by going to a continuous-

time linear system (click the button) and back (click again the

Inputs Description
Initial Values
The model has internal states that are not

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1044

9. Library

Parameters are entered by the Linear

System Editor.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model can be used to represent quantization of an input signal. It rounds the input
as shown in the graph below. The quantization interval is specified by the least
significant bit (lsb). The maximum output error is half a least significant bit.

C ompare this model with the model Quantisize-Truncate which represents quantization
by truncation. Truncation results in a maximum error of a least significant bit.

Inputs Description


lsb Least significant bit.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1045

9. Library


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model can be used to represent quantization of an input signal. It truncates the
input as shown in the graph below. The quantization interval is specified by the least
significant bit (lsb). The maximum output error is a least significant bit.

C ompare this model with the model Quantisize-Round which represents quantization by
rounding. Rounding results in a maximum error of half a least significant bit.

Inputs Description
lsb Least significant bit.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1046

9. Library


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model samples and holds the input every T [s].

output = input; (t = k)
where k = n*T , with n = 0,1,2,3, ...

The sampletime T can be set in the Simulator (choose Properties, Run and Discrete

Inputs Description

The input of this model is a continuous signal. The output of this model is a discrete
signal. 20-sim will automatically detect the existence of discrete models. Each chain of
discrete models will be assigned a specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to
any desired value in the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and Discrete


Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model represents a discrete summation operator:

output(k) = initial;
with k = 0
outp(k) = inp(k-T) + inp(k-2T) + inp(k-3T) + ...+ inp(0) + initial
with k = n * T , n = 1,2,3,...

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1047

9. Library

The sampletime T can be set in the Simulator (choose Properties, Simulation and
Discrete System).

Inputs Description


initial Initial value of the output.

The input and output of this model are discrete signals. 20-sim will automatically detect
the existence of discrete models. Each chain of discrete models will be assigned a
specific sampletime. You can set this sample time to any desired value in the Simulator
(choose Properties, Simulation and Discrete System).

9.3.6 Events


C rossingBoth
C rossingDown
C rossingUp
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Description - CrossingBoth
This is the block implementation of the event function. The output signal is a boolean
which goes from false (0) to true (1) when the input signal crosses zero (offset = 0):

output = event (input - offset);

If desired, you can change the parameter offset to trigger the event on a non-zero input

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1048

9. Library

The output of the event block for a sinusoidal input (parameter offset = 0).

Interface - CrossingBoth

Inputs Description
Outputs Description
output event signal (boolean)

offset output is true (event) when the input signal crosses
this value (default = 0)

Description - CrossingDown
This is the block implementation of the eventdown function. The output signal is a
boolean which goes from false (0) to true (1) when the input signal crosses zero with a
negative slope (offset = 0):

output = eventdown (input - offset);

If desired, you can change the parameter offset to trigger the event on a non-zero input

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1049

9. Library

The output of the event block for a sinusoidal input (parameter offset = 0).

Interface - CrossingDown

Inputs Description
Outputs Description
output event signal (boolean)

offset output is true (event) when the input signal crosses
this value (default = 0).

Description - CrossingUp
This is the block implementation of the eventup function. The output signal is a boolean
which goes from false (0) to true (1) when the input signal crosses zero with a positive
slope (offset = 0):

output = eventup (input - offset);

If desired, you can change the parameter offset to trigger the event on a non-zero input

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1050

9. Library

The output of the event block for a sinusoidal input (parameter offset = 0).

Interface - CrossingUp

Inputs Description
Outputs Description
output event signal (boolean)

offset output is true (event) when the input signal crosses
this value (default = 0).


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This is the block implementation of the frequencyevent function. The output signal is a
boolean which is true (1) every time when p [s] have passed. The function starts after
an offset of o [s]. The offset parameter is optional.

output = frequencyevent(p,o);

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1051

9. Library

The output of the frequencyevent block with a period of 1 s and an offset of 2 s.


Outputs Description
output event signal (boolean)

period period in [s]
offset offset in [s]


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This is the block implementation of the timeevent function. The output signal is a boolean
which is true (1) at a specific time given by the parameter triggerTime:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1052

9. Library

output = timeevent(triggerTime);

The output of the timeevent block with a triggerTime of 5 s.


Outputs Description
output event signal (boolean)

triggerTime time in [s] when the output is true.

9.3.7 Filters


Signal\Block Diagram
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
When you select this model and click Go Down a special editor opens (Filter Editor),
allowing you to choose a filter:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1053

9. Library


Inputs Description


Initial Values
The model has internal states that are not

Parameters are entered by the Filter Editor.


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a second order Butterworth filter. The bandwidth is given in Hz. The phase and
magnitude plot (bandwidth = 1 Hz) are shown in the figure below.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1054

9. Library


Outputs Description

BW Bandwidth (Hz)

Initial Values
y_initial Output value of the filter at t = 0 s.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1055

9. Library


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a fourth order Butterworth filter. The bandwidth is given in Hz. The phase and
magnitude plot (bandwidth = 1 Hz) are shown in the figure below.


Outputs Description

BW Bandwidth (Hz)

Initial Values
y_initial Output value of the filter at t = 0 s.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1056

9. Library


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a first order filter. with transfer function:

The bandwidth is given in Hz. The phase and magnitude plot (bandwidth = 1 Hz) are
shown in the figure below.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1057

9. Library


Outputs Description

BW Bandwidth (Hz)

Initial Values
state_initial Output value of the filter at t = 0 s.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1058

9. Library


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a second order filter. with transfer function:

The bandwidth is given in Hz. The phase and magnitude plot (bandwidth = 1 Hz) are
shown in the figure below.


Outputs Description


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1059

9. Library

BW Bandwidth (Hz)
Q Quality ()

Initial Values
state1_initial Output rate of the filter at t = 0 s.
state2_initial Output value of the filter at t = 0 s.

9.3.8 Import Export



Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends a command to the Matlab workspace during simulation, and gets
the output signal from the Matlab workspace.

Outputs Description

output The variable from the Matlab workspace.


command C ommand string in Matlab format

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1060

9. Library

name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace.

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends a command to the Matlab workspace at the end of the simulation.

Parameters Description

command C ommand string in Matlab format

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends a command to the Matlab workspace at the start of the simulation.

Inputs Description


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1061

9. Library

command C ommand string in Matlab format
20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends a command to the Matlab workspace during simulation.

Parameters Description
command C ommand string in Matlab format
20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel gets an output from the Matlab workspace during simulation.

Parameters Description

name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1062

9. Library

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends the input signal to the Matlab workspace, sends the command to
the workspace, and gets the output variable back. This is done during the 20-sim

Inputs Description

input The variable for the Matlab workspace.


output The variable from the Matlab workspace


command C ommand string in Matlab format

nameInput Name of the input variable in the Matlab workspace.
nameOutput Name of the output variable in the Matlab
20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1063

9. Library


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends the input signal and a command to the Matlab workspace during
Inputs Description

input The variable for the Matlab workspace.



command C ommand string in Matlab format

name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace.
20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends the input signal to the Matlab workspace, stores the input inside the
Matlab workspace into a matrix, and plots the result in a graph. Each row of the matrix
corresponds with a major simulation step, so the input is limited to a scalar or vector.
Note: the name is set during the processing phase only

Inputs Description

input The variable to send to the Matlab workspace.


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1064

9. Library

name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends the input signal to the Matlab workspace and stores the input inside
the Matlab workspace into a matrix. Each row of the matrix corresponds with a major
simulation step, so the input is limited to a scalar or vector. Note: the name is set during
the processing phase only.

Inputs Description

input The variable to send to the Matlab workspace.



name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1065

9. Library


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends the time and input signal to the Matlab workspace. The input is
limited to a scalar or vector. Note: the name is set during the processing phase only.

Inputs Description

input The variable to send to the Matlab workspace.


name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends the time and input signal to the Matlab workspace, stores the time
and input inside the Matlab workspace into a matrix, and plots the result in a graph. Each
row of the matrix corresponds with a major simulation step, so the input is limited to a
scalar or column vector. Note: the name is set during the processing phase only

Inputs Description

input The variable to send to the Matlab workspace.


name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1066

9. Library

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends the time and input signal to the Matlab workspace and stores the
time and input inside the Matlab workspace into a matrix. Each row of the matrix
corresponds with a major simulation step, so the input is limited to a scalar or column
vector. Note: the name is set during the processing phase only

Inputs Description

input The variable to send to the Matlab workspace.


name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.


Signal\Import Export\Matlab
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel sends a variable to the Matlab workspace during simulation.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1067

9. Library


Inputs Description

input The variable to send to the Matlab workspace.


name Name of the variable inside the Matlab workspace

20-sim uses a single quote ' for strings. If you wish to include a single quote inside the
command string for Matlab, use 2 single quotes '' in the command string instead.

9.3.9 Logical



Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input2 false true

false false false
true false true


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1068

9. Library


Inputs Description




Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This models generates a logical continuous clock signal, i.e. a signal that changes from
true (1) to false (0) and back, each period T.


Outputs Description


initial Initial value of the output.
T C lock-period.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1069

9. Library


Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
The initial output of this model is equal to the parameter initial. Otherwise the output
signal is equal to the input signal each time the control input changes from false to true:

output = input; (oldcontrol = false and control = true)

output = oldoutput; (otherwise)


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




initial Initial value of the output.


Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input output
false true

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1070

9. Library

true false


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input2 false true

false false true
true true false


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1071

9. Library


Inputs Description




Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input2 false true

false true true
true true false


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description



20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1072

9. Library


Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input2 false true

false true false
true false false


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1073

9. Library

input2 false true

false false true
true true true


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is the continuous version of SetResetFlipFlop-Discrete.emx. The initial output of
this model is equal to the parameter initial. Otherwise the output signal is according the
truth table below:

input1 input2 output

false false previous output
true false true set condition
false true false reset condition
true true previous output


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1074

9. Library

false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




initial Initial value of the output.


Signal\Logical\C ontinuous
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
Initially the output is equal to the parameter initial. Otherwise the output signal is
changed each time the control input changes from false to true:

output = not oldoutput; (oldcontrol = false and control = true)

output = oldoutput; (otherwise)


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description



20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1075

9. Library


initial Initial value of the output.



Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input2 false true

false false false
true false true


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description



20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1076

9. Library


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This models generates a logical discrete clock signal, i.e. a signal that changes from true
(1) to false (0) and vice-versa, each sample time.


Outputs Description


initial Initial value of the output.
T C lock-period.


Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
The initial output of this model is equal to the initial value oldoutput_initial. Otherwise the
output signal is equal to the input signal each time the control input changes from false
to true:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1077

9. Library

output = input; (oldcontrol = false and control = true)

output = oldoutput; (otherwise)


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




Initial Values
oldcontrol_initial Initial value of the control signal.
oldoutput_initial Initial value of the output.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input output
false true
true false


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1078

9. Library


Inputs Description




Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input2 false true

false true
true true


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description



20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1079

9. Library


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input2 false true

false true
true false


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1080

9. Library

input2 false true

false false
true true


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




Domains: Discrete. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
The initial output of this model is equal to the initial_value oldoutput_initial. Otherwise
the output signal is according the truth table below:

input1 input2 output

false false previous output
true false true set condition
false true false reset condition
true true previous output


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1081

9. Library

false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description




Initial Values
oldoutput_initial Initial value of the output.


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
Initially the output is equal to the initial value oldoutput_intitial. Otherwise the output
signal is changed each time the control input changes from false to true:

output = not oldoutput; (oldcontrol = false and control = true)

output = oldoutput; (otherwise)

Inputs Description




Initial Values
oldcontrol_initial Initial value of the control signal.
oldoutput_initial Initial value of the output.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1082

9. Library


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output signal of this model is according the truth table below:

input2 false true

false false
true true


false true
inputs <= 0.5 > 0.5
output 0.0 1.0


Inputs Description



9.3.10 Signal Processing


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1083

9. Library

This model measures the amplitude of harmonic signals, i.e. periodic signals, that go
through zero twice every period. For half a period (between the passes through zero)
the input signal is monitored. The largest value is stored and given as the absolute
output signal, the next half period. That is why this sensor always has an output delay of
half a period.


Inputs Description


initial Initial output value

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1084

9. Library


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the maximum value of an input signal.

Inputs Description
input Input signal

output Maximum value of the input signal


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the mean of an input signal using the integral function:

output = int(input)/time

Inputs Description
input Input signal

output Mean value of the input signal

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1085

9. Library


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the minimum value of an input signal.

Inputs Description
input Input signal

output Minimum value of the input signal


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the average of an input signal over a window T0 (s) using an
integral function:

output = int(input,0)/T0

Inputs Description
input Input signal


T0 Time window

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1086

9. Library


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the root mean square of an input signal using an integral function:

output = sqrt( int(input2,0)/time )


Inputs Description
input Input signal



Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the standard deviation of an input signal using an integral function:

output = sqrt( int( (input - mean)2 / time) )

where mean is the mean of the input


Inputs Description
input Input signal

output Standard deviation of the input signal

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1087

9. Library


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the variance of an input signal using an integral function:

output = int( (input - mean)2 / time)

where mean is the mean of the input


Inputs Description
input Input signal

output Variance of the input signal

9.3.11 Sources


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output of this model is equal to the parameter C.

output = C;

Outputs Description

C The output is equal to C .

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1088

9. Library


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a masked model which opens the Data Input Wizard when edited. You can use
this wizard to open a data file.

Filename : Enter the filename of the datafile or use the Browse button.
Name : The columns of data.
20-sim Name : The 20-sim name that corresponds with the column data. You
can enter any desired name.
Variable / Output: The data may be a variable (useful for plotting in the
simulator) or an output of the model (use as an input for other models).

Outputs Description
outputs user defined outputs

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1089

9. Library

File format
20-sim supports data files in C omma Separated Values format (.csv). The first line is
used as a header describing the column name. Without a proper header line, you have
to define the 20-sim variable names for each column yourself. The first column should
always contain the time values. The other columns should contain the corresponding
data values (see also data).

Example C SV file format with header:

0.0, 1, 2
0.1, 5, 10
0.2, 6, 11


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model uses the joystick.dll function to get a joystick input.
Use attempting real-time simulation when using joystick input to prevent the
simulation from being calculated to quickly.

Outputs Description
outputs Various outputs

Scale Various scaling parameters

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1090

9. Library


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model uses the keyboard.dll function to get a keyboard input. The keyboard input is
an integer number and displayed by the output signal keycode. The default model has
four additional output signals with a default value of zero and a value of 1 when the
keyboard arrows are pressed.
Inspect the contents of the model and change it to read other keyboard inputs.
Open the Example model Examples/2D mechanics/ScaraRobotKeyboard to see a
demonstration of the keyboard input.
Use attempting real-time simulation when using keyboard inputs to prevent the
simulation from being calculated to quickly.

Outputs Description
left left keyboard arrow pressed
right right keyboard arrow pressed
up up keyboard arrow pressed
down down keyboard arrow pressed
keycode number of the keyboard input

Scale Various scaling parameters


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a masked model which opens the Motion Profile Wizard (Old Style) when edited.
Depending on the selections entered, various motion profiles can be generated.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1091

9. Library


Outputs Description
x position
v velocity
a acceleration

stroke amplitude of the profile
start_time start time of the profile
stop_time time when the maximum is reached
return_time start time of the return motion
end_time finish time of the return motion
period period of the profile


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This is a masked model which opens the Motion Profile Wizard when edited. Depending
on the selections entered, various motion profiles can be generated.

Outputs Description
x position
v velocity
a acceleration

stroke amplitude of the profile
start_time start time of the profile
stop_time time when the maximum is reached
return_time start time of the return motion
end_time finish time of the return motion
period period of the profile

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1092

9. Library


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output of this model is equal to one.

output = 1.0;

Outputs Description


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output of this model is equal to pi.

output = ;

Outputs Description


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a cycloidal step signal:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1093

9. Library

tDelta = 2*pi*(time - start_time)/(stop_time - start_time)

output = 0; (tDelta < 0)

output = amplitude*(tDelta - sin(tDelta))/2*pi; (0 <= tDelta <= 2*pi)
output = amplitude; (tDelta > 2*pi)

Outputs Description

start_time The start time of the step.
stop_time The stop time of the step.
amplitude The amplitude of the step.


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model generates an output by linear interpolation of data read from file. The data
on file is stored in columns. The first column contains the time values (t) and the second
column contains the corresponding output values (y).
The time data of the first column needs to be monotonically increasing.
Discontinuities are allowed, by providing the same time point twice in the
Values outside of the range, are computed by linear extrapolation of the last
two points.

0 0.5
0.5 -1
2.5 -1
3.5 0
4.5 1
5.5 1.75
7 2.5

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1094

9. Library

8 2.5
Example of an input file.

The input file must be an ASC II (text) file and should consist at least two columns of
data. The first column (number 0) should always contain the time values. The other
columns (number 1, 2, 3, etc.) should contain the corresponding data values. The
parameter column is used to specify which column is used for as output data.

The various values must be separated by a comma, a space or a tab. Each new set of
time and data values must start on a new line. No comment or other text may be part of
the file. The filename of the input file can be specified using the complete path (e.g. c:
\data\data.tbl ). When no path is given, the file is assumed to be in the experiment

Outputs Description

filename Filename of the input file.
column column number.

Example data.tbl file with header and 1 column with data:

0.0, 0.5
0.5, -1
2.5, -1
3.6, 9

SignalGenerator-Gaussian Noise

Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Description - frequency_limited_FOH
This model generates a gaussian noise signal with gaussian distribution and variance 1
and random seed s. The noise is multiplied by the parameter amplitude.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1095

9. Library

output = amplitude*gauss(1,seed);

The noise signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted (parameter).
Values in-between two noise samples are interpolated (first order hold).
Interface - frequency_limited_FOH

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude
frequency frequency band of the noise

Description - frequency_limited_ZOH
This model generates a gaussian noise signal with gaussian distribution and variance 1
and random seed s. The noise is multiplied by the parameter amplitude.

output = amplitude*gauss(1,seed);

The noise signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted (parameter).
Values in-between two noise samples are interpolated (first order hold).
Interface - frequency_limited_ZOH

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude
frequency frequency band of the noise

Description - unlimited
This model generates a gaussian noise signal with gaussian distribution and variance 1
and random seed s. The noise is multiplied by the parameter amplitude.

output = amplitude*gauss(1,seed);

The noise signal has no frequency limitation.

It is advised only to use this implementation with fixed step integration methods such as
Euler and Runge Kutta 2/4. If you run this implementation with a variable step
integration method, simulations may get very slow!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1096

9. Library

Interface - unlimited

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude

seed must be a number in the region <0,65000>.

Random Seed

20-sim generates a sequence of random numbers for each simulation differently

depending upon the value of the random seed parameter. The random noise function
and gaussian noise function are affected by this. The default value of the random seed is
0. The maximum value is 65000.
Default value (0)
When the random seed value is 0 (default value), 20-sim generates a new sequence of
random numbers for each simulation and for each new random function. E.g. when two
random functions with default random seed value (0) are used in one model, they will
generate different sequences of random numbers during a simulation.
Other values (>0)
When the random seed value is chosen larger than zero, 20-sim generates the same
sequence of random numbers for each simulation. Moreover 20-sim will generate the
same sequence of random numbers for each random function that uses the same
random seed parameter (>0). E.g. when two random functions with random seed value
50, are used in one model, they will generate the same sequence of random numbers
during a simulation.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This models yields a pulse signal:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1097

9. Library

output = 0; (time < start_time)

output = amplitude; (start_time <= time <= stop_time)
output = 0; (time >= stop_time)

Outputs Description

start_time The start time of the pulse.
stop_time The stop time of the pulse.
amplitude The amplitude of the step.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This models yields a ramp signal:

output = 0; (time < start_time)

output = slope * ramp(start_time); (time >= start_time)

Outputs Description

start_time The start time of the ramp.
slope The slope of the ramp.



20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1098

9. Library

Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Description - frequency_limited_FOH
This model generates a random (noise) signal with values between -amplitude and
+amplitude and random seed s. The

output = ran(ampl,seed);

The noise signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted (parameter).
Values in-between two noise samples are interpolated (first order hold).
Interface - frequency_limited_FOH

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude
frequency frequency band of the noise

Description - frequency_limited_ZOH
This model generates a random (noise) signal with values between -amplitude and
+amplitude and random seed s.

output = ran(ampl,seed);

The noise signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted (parameter).
Values in-between two noise samples are interpolated (first order hold).
Interface - frequency_limited_ZOH

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude
frequency frequency band of the noise

Description - unlimited
This model generates a random (noise) signal with values between -amplitude and
+amplitude and random seed s.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1099

9. Library

output = ran(ampl,seed);

The noise signal has no frequency limitation.

It is advised only to use this implementation with fixed step integration methods such as
Euler and Runge Kutta 2/4. If you run this implementation with a variable step
integration method, simulations may get very slow!
Interface - unlimited

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude

seed must be a number in the region <0,65000>.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This models yields a step signal:

output = 0; (time < start time)

output = amplitude; (time >= start_time)

Outputs Description

start_time The start time of the step.
amplitude The amplitude of the step.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1100

9. Library


Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
This model generates an output signal equal to the simulator time step.

Outputs Description
output Simulated time.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Description - Default
The output of this model is a linear sine sweep. The signal starts with angular frequency
"omega_start" and ends at an angular frequency "omega_stop".

In the picture below the three available sweep functions are shown. The curve on top
shows the linear sine sweep. The middle curve shows the logarithmic sine sweep and the
bottom curve shows the linear sine sweep with zero mean.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1101

9. Library

Interface - Default

Outputs Description

start_time The start time of the sweep.
stop_time The stop time of the sweep.
amplitude The amplitude of the sweep.
omega_start The start frequency of the sweep.
omega_stop The stop frequency of the sweep.

Description - Logarithmic
The output of this model is a logarithmic sine sweep. C ompared to the linear sine sweep
the lower frequencies are stretched out and the higher frequencies are squeezed. The
signal starts with angular frequency "omega_start" and ends at an angular frequency

In the picture below the three available sweep functions are shown. The curve on top
shows the linear sine sweep. The middle curve shows the logarithmic sine sweep and the
bottom curve shows the linear sine sweep with zero mean. The middle curve clearly
uses more time for the lower frequencies and less time for the higher frequencies.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1102

9. Library

Interface - Logarithmic

Outputs Description

start_time The start time of the sweep.
stop_time The stop time of the sweep.
amplitude The amplitude of the sweep.
omega_start The start frequency of the sweep.
omega_stop The stop frequency of the sweep.

Description - ZeroMean
The output of this model is a linear sine sweep with compensation in the first period to
get a zero mean output. A zero mean is important when the signal is integrated twice. To
prevent drift the mean should be zero. Double integrals can occur in physical systems.
For example when a force sweep is applied to a mechanical system and the position is
measured, the mean force should be precisely zero to prevent the system from drifting
away. The signal starts with angular frequency "omega_start" and ends at an angular
frequency "omega_stop".

In the picture below the three available sweep functions are shown. The curve on top
shows the linear sine sweep. The middle curve shows the logarithmic sine sweep and the
bottom curve shows the linear sine sweep with zero mean. The bottom curve differs
slightly from the top curve in the first period.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1103

9. Library

Interface - ZeroMean

Outputs Description

start_time The start time of the sweep.
stop_time The stop time of the sweep.
amplitude The amplitude of the sweep.
omega_start The start frequency of the sweep.
omega_stop The stop frequency of the sweep.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates an output signal equal to the (simulated) time.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1104

9. Library

output = time;

Outputs Description
output Simulated time.


Signal\Block Diagram , Signal\Sources
Domains: C ontinuous, Discrete. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model shows the value of its input in the Simulator. When you open the Simulator
(select Properties and Plot) the input of this model is automatically selected as
plotvariable. As label for this variable the local name of the SignalMonitor model is
chosen. It is therefore advised to give each SignalMonitor model a useful name (select
the model, click the right mouse button and select Attributes from the right mouse
Inputs Description
input The value of the input is shown in the Simulator
using the local name of the model as label.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a cosine wave.

output = amplitude * cos(omega * time);


Outputs Description

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1105

9. Library


amplitude The amplitude of the wave.
omega The angular frequency of the wave.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a sine wave with phase shift.

output = amplitude * sin(omega * time + phase);


Outputs Description

amplitude The amplitude of the wave.
omega The angular frequency of the wave.
phase The phase shift of the wave.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a saw wave.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1106

9. Library

output = upward ramp; (each cycle)


Outputs Description

amplitude The amplitude of the wave.
omega The angular frequency of the wave.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a sine wave.

output = amplitude * sin(omega * time);


Outputs Description

amplitude The amplitude of the wave.
omega The angular frequency of the wave.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a block wave:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1107

9. Library

output = amplitude; (first wave halve)

output = 0; (second wave halve)

Outputs Description

amplitude The amplitude of the wave.
omega The angular frequency of the wave.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a non-ideal block wave. The steepness of the edges are defined
by the rise time. The rise time is defined as 63% of the amplitude being reached.

The output can be described as an exponential function:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1108

9. Library

output = amplitude*(1-exp(time/rise_time)); (first wave halve)

output = amplitude*exp(time/rise_time); (second wave halve)

Outputs Description

amplitude The amplitude of the wave.
omega The angular frequency of the wave.
rise_time Rise time


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a triangular wave.

output = upward ramp; (first wave halve)

output = downward ramp; (second wave halve)

Outputs Description

amplitude The amplitude of the wave.
omega The angular frequency of the wave.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1109

9. Library


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
The output of this model is equal to zero.

output = 0.0;

Outputs Description

9.3.12 Stochastic


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the mean of an input signal using the integral function:

output = int(input)/time

Inputs Description
input Input signal

output Mean value of the input signal

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1110

9. Library

SignalGenerator-Gaussian Noise

Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Description - frequency_limited_FOH
This model generates a gaussian noise signal with gaussian distribution and variance 1
and random seed s. The noise is multiplied by the parameter amplitude.

output = amplitude*gauss(1,seed);

The noise signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted (parameter).
Values in-between two noise samples are interpolated (first order hold).
Interface - frequency_limited_FOH

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude
frequency frequency band of the noise

Description - frequency_limited_ZOH
This model generates a gaussian noise signal with gaussian distribution and variance 1
and random seed s. The noise is multiplied by the parameter amplitude.

output = amplitude*gauss(1,seed);

The noise signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted (parameter).
Values in-between two noise samples are interpolated (first order hold).
Interface - frequency_limited_ZOH

Outputs Description

seed random seed

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1111

9. Library

amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude

frequency frequency band of the noise

Description - unlimited
This model generates a gaussian noise signal with gaussian distribution and variance 1
and random seed s. The noise is multiplied by the parameter amplitude.

output = amplitude*gauss(1,seed);

The noise signal has no frequency limitation.

It is advised only to use this implementation with fixed step integration methods such as
Euler and Runge Kutta 2/4. If you run this implementation with a variable step
integration method, simulations may get very slow!
Interface - unlimited

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude

seed must be a number in the region <0,65000>.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Description - frequency_limited_FOH
This model generates a random (noise) signal with values between -amplitude and
+amplitude and random seed s. The

output = ran(ampl,seed);

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9. Library

The noise signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted (parameter).
Values in-between two noise samples are interpolated (first order hold).
Interface - frequency_limited_FOH

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude
frequency frequency band of the noise

Description - frequency_limited_ZOH
This model generates a random (noise) signal with values between -amplitude and
+amplitude and random seed s.

output = ran(ampl,seed);

The noise signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted (parameter).
Values in-between two noise samples are interpolated (first order hold).
Interface - frequency_limited_ZOH

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude
frequency frequency band of the noise

Description - unlimited
This model generates a random (noise) signal with values between -amplitude and
+amplitude and random seed s.

output = ran(ampl,seed);

The noise signal has no frequency limitation.

It is advised only to use this implementation with fixed step integration methods such as
Euler and Runge Kutta 2/4. If you run this implementation with a variable step
integration method, simulations may get very slow!

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1113

9. Library

Interface - unlimited

Outputs Description

seed random seed
amplitude -amplitude <= output <= +amplitude

seed must be a number in the region <0,65000>.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates uniformly distributed random integers in the range [0, m-1],
where m is an integer. All output random variables are independent and identically
distributed. With the parameter random seed you can choose to make the distribution
variable or fixed for each simulation run.

RandomInteger output with a frequency of 1 Hz and m = 5.

The output signal is limited to a maximum frequency, which can be adjusted

(parameter). Values in-between two samples are interpolated (first order hold).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1114

9. Library


Outputs Description

seed random seed
m the output range [0, m-1]
frequency frequency band of the output

seed must be a number in the region <0,65000>.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This model generates a block signal that alternates between 0 and 1. The mean time
interval of a section is given by the parameter meanTimeInterval. The distribution of the
time interval is uniform between [0, 2*meanTimeInterval]. With the parameter random
seed you can choose to make the distribution variable or fixed for each simulation run.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1115

9. Library

VariableBlock output with a mean time interval of 1 s.


Outputs Description

meanTimeInterval mean time {s} before the output signal changes
random seed

seed must be a number in the region <0,65000>.


Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1116

9. Library

This model generates a pulse train with a pulse value of 1. The pulse width is given by
the parameter pulseLength. The mean time interval between two pulses is given by the
parameter meanTimeInterval. The distribution of the time interval is uniform between
[0, 2*meanTimeInterval]. With the parameter random seed you can choose to make
the distribution variable or fixed for each simulation run.

VariablePulse output with a pulse length of 0.3 s and a mean time interval of 1 s.


Outputs Description

meanTimeInterval mean time {s} before the output signal changes
length of the pulse {s}
pulseLength random seed

seed must be a number in the region <0,65000>.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1117

9. Library


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the standard deviation of an input signal using an integral function:

output = sqrt( int( (input - mean)2 / time) )

where mean is the mean of the input


Inputs Description
input Input signal

output Standard deviation of the input signal


Signal\Signal Processing
Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
This submodel yields the variance of an input signal using an integral function:

output = int( (input - mean)2 / time)

where mean is the mean of the input


Inputs Description
input Input signal

output Variance of the input signal

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1118

9. Library

9.3.13 Transfer Functions

Using Transfer Functions

The Transfer Functions library contains a number of predefined transfer functions and a
general transfer function model that opens the Linear System Editor.

Without Dead Time

name formula description

LinearSystem - Any Linear System without
time delay
FO First Order

FOL First Order with Lead Time

FOLA First Order with Lag

SOI Second Order with


SOO Second Order Overdamped

SOOL Second Order Overdamped

with Lead Time

SOU Second Order


SOUO Second Order

Underdamped, Omega

With Dead Time

name formula description

ZOD Zero Order plus Dead Time

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1119

9. Library

FOD First Order plus Dead Time

SOID Second Order with

Integrator plus Dead Time

SOOD Second Order Overdamped

plus Dead Time

SOOLD Second Order Overdamped

with Lead Time plus Dead
SOUD Second Order
Underdamped plus Dead
SOUDO Second Order
Underdamped plus Dead
Time, Omega description

Linear System

Domains: C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Kind: Block Diagrams.
When you select this model and click Go Down a special editor opens (Linear System
Editor), allowing you to enter a linear system in State Space form, as a Transfer
Function or by adding poles and zeros:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1120

9. Library


Inputs Description


Initial Values
The model has internal states that are not

Parameters are entered by the Linear System

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1121

9. Library


Signal\Transfer Functions
Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Description - FO
This model describes a first order process determined by k and tau. The transfer
function of this process is:

Interface - FO

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state_initial The initial value of the output.

k Proportional gain [].
tau Process time constant [s].

Description - FOL
This model describes a first order process with lead time determined by the parameters
k, tau and tauL. The transfer function of this process is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1122

9. Library

Interface - FOL

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state_initial Internal state.

k Proportional gain [].
tau Process time constant [s].
tauL Lead time constant [s].

Description - FOLA
This model describes a first order process with lag determined by the parameters k, tau
and tauL. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - FOLA

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state_initial Internal state.

k Proportional gain [].
tau Process time constant [s].
tauL Lag time constant [s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1123

9. Library

Description - SOI
This model describes a second order process with integrator determined by the
parameters k and tau. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - SOI

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output.

k Proportional gain [].
tau Process time constant [s].

Description - SOO
This model describes an overdamped second order process determined by the
parameters k, tau1 and tau2. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - SOO

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output.


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1124

9. Library

k Proportional gain [].

tau1 First process time constant [s].
tau2 Second process time constant [s].

Description - SOU
This model describes an underdamped second order process, determined by the
parameters k, tau and zeta. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - SOU

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output after the dead time
has passed.

k Proportional gain [].
tau Natural period of oscillation [s].
zeta Damping factor [].

Description - SOUO
This model describes an underdamped second order process, determined by the
parameters k, omega and zeta. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - SOUO

Inputs Description


20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1125

9. Library


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output after the dead time
has passed.

k Proportional gain [].
omega Natural frequency [rad/s].
zeta Damping factor [].

Description - SOOL
This model describes an overdamped second order process with lead time determined
by the parameters k, tau1, tau2 and tauL. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - SOOL

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output.

k Proportional gain [].
tau1 First process time constant [s].
tau2 Second process time constant [s].
tauL Lead time constant [s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1126

9. Library


Signal\Transfer Functions

Domains: Discrete, C ontinuous. Size: 1-D. Allowed in: Block Diagrams.
Description - ZOD
This model describes a first zero process plus dead time determined by k and theta. The
transfer function of this process is:

Interface - ZOD

Inputs Description


k Proportional gain [].
theta Dead time [s].

Description - FOD
This model describes a first order process plus dead time determined by k tau and theta.
The transfer function of this process is:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1127

9. Library

Interface - FOD

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state_intitial The initial value of the output after the dead time
has passed.

k Proportional gain [].
tau Process time constant [s].
theta Dead time [s].

Description - SOID
This model describes a second order process with integrator plus dead time determined
by the parameters k and tau. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - SOID

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output after the dead time
has passed.

k Proportional gain [].
tau Process time constant [s].
theta Dead Time [s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1128

9. Library

Description - SOOD
This model describes an overdamped second order process plus dead time determined
by the parameters k, tau1 and tau2. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - SOOD

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output after the dead time
has passed.

k Proportional gain [].
tau1 First process time constant [s].
tau2 Second process time constant [s].
theta Dead Time [s].

Description - SOUD
This model describes an underdamped second order process plus Dead Time,
determined by the parameters k, tau and zeta. The transfer function of this process is:

Interface - SOUD

Inputs Description


Initial Values

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1129

9. Library

state1_initial Internal state.

state2_initial The initial value of the output after the dead time
has passed.

k Proportional gain [].
tau Natural period of oscillation [s].
zeta Damping factor []
theta Dead Time [s].

Description - SOOLD
This model describes an overdamped second order process with lead time plus dead
time determined by the parameters k, tau1, tau2 and tauL. The transfer function of this
process is:

Interface - SOOLD

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output after the dead time
has passed.

k Proportional gain [].
tau1 First process time constant [s].
tau2 Second process time constant [s].
tauL Lead time constant [s].
theta Dead Time [s].

Description - SOUDO
This model describes an underdamped second order process plus Dead Time,
determined by the parameters k, omega and zeta. The transfer function of this process

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1130

9. Library

Interface - SOUDO

Inputs Description


Initial Values
state1_initial Internal state.
state2_initial The initial value of the output after the dead time
has passed.

k Proportional gain [].
omega Natural frequency [rad/s].
zeta Damping factor []
theta Dead Time [s].

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1131

10. Modeling Tutorial

10 Modeling Tutorial
10.1 Friction

10.1.1 Introduction
In all machines incorporating parts with relative motion, friction is present. Friction is a
natural resistance to relative motion between two contacting bodies. At particular
locations in machines, friction is an undesirable property. Friction can lead to bad
performance of for example a servo system. At other locations, friction plays an
important role and is desirable, as is the case for example in actions as walking and
grasping and in a brake system.
In most systems, friction has a negative influence on the performance of the system.
Under certain conditions, friction in a system can result in effects like a steady state
error, tracking errors, especially nearby velocity reversals (reversal bump effect:
getting stuck when moving through zero velocity), limit cycles (hunting) and/or stick-slip.

To overcome these negative effects, insight in friction phenomena, and proper models of
these phenomena are useful. This chapter will give attention to these aspects of friction
and describe the friction models that are available in the 20-sim library.

10.1.2 Normal Force

Assume a mass is dragged over a surface and experiences friction.

A tension force Ft has to be applied to overcome the amount of friction force Ff. The
friction force will depend on the applied normal force as:

Ft = Fn * f(x,v,...);

where f is the friction function which depends on the displacement x, velocity v etc.

In most cases a normal force is available (disk breaks, surface friction, clutches etc.).
Therefore all models in the 20-sim friction library are described with a normal force
input. For those models that do not experience a normal force (bearings), a unity normal
force Fn = 1 [N] is applied.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1132

10. Modeling Tutorial

10.1.3 Friction Phenomena

There are different phenomena of friction. The following friction phenomena are
described in the friction models in 20-sim:
static friction: the torque or force necessary to initiate motion from rest (the so
called break-away force); it is often larger than the Coulomb friction,
Coulomb friction (kinetic friction, dynamic friction): the friction component that is
only dependent of the direction of velocity, not of the magnitude of the
viscous friction: the friction component that is proportional to velocity and goes
to zero at zero velocity,
Stribeck friction (Stribeck effect): the friction phenomenon that arises from the
use of fluid lubrication and gives rise to decreasing friction with increasing
velocity at low velocity,
pre-sliding displacement (Dahl effect): the spring-like behavior of friction that
causes a displacement linear dependent on the applied force if this applied
force is less than the break-away force,
varying break-away force (rising static friction): the dependence of the break-
away force on the rate of increase of the applied force,
frictional lag: the delay in the change of the friction force as a function of a
change in the velocity.

Beside the friction phenomena mentioned above, some other effects with respect to
friction are reported in the literature. These effects are not incorporated into the 20-sim
library of friction models:
Time-dependent friction: From experiments it is known that friction changes
with time. These changes of friction with time are due to such things as loss
of lubricant, deformation of the surface material, change in temperature due
to generated heat and/or accumulation of wear debris.
Position-dependent friction: A dependence of the friction on the position of a
system is another effect that is experimentally observed and is well known by
a lot of researchers. This position-dependency is caused by spatial
inhomogeneities in the transmission of the system due to contact geometry
and/or loading which varies as a function of position. As the load varies, the
normal force between the sliding surfaces varies, causing a varying friction
(friction is linear dependent on the normal force). By preloading the
transmission elements and roller bearings this dependency of friction on the
load can be decreased.
Direction-dependent friction: A lot of researchers have found the friction to be
dependent on the direction of the motion of a system. Different Coulomb and
viscous friction levels in the left and right directions of a single, linear motion
have been observed experimentally on many occasions. Theoretically, this
may be due to anisotropies in material or geometry.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1133

10. Modeling Tutorial

10.1.4 Wet and Dry Friction

Wet Friction
Most machines are lubricated in order to decrease the effects of friction. But in most
cases, this is not sufficient and significant friction effects remain.

There are four regimes of lubrication in a system with grease or oil in which the
phenomena act that are mentioned in the previous section: static friction, boundary
lubrication, partial fluid lubrication and full lubrication. Each of these four regimes
contribute to the dynamics of the system. In the figure below, these four regimes are
given in the plot of the friction force as a function of the sliding velocity, sometimes
referred to as the Stribeck curve.

A description of the four regimes is:

Regime 1: Static friction and pre-sliding displacement

Although in this regime of static friction there is no sliding, because of the fact that
contacts between two surfaces are compliant, there are small motions when a force is
applied. The contact between two surfaces can be seen as an elastic contact. The
displacement is an approximately linear function of the applied force (a spring-like
behavior), up to a critical force at which breakaway occurs and sliding begins. The
transition from the elastic contact with pre-sliding displacement in static friction to sliding
is not abrupt: first sliding starts at the boundary of a contact and then it propagates
toward the center.

Regime 2: Boundary lubrication

In this regime the sliding velocity is very low and is not adequate to build a fluid film of
the lubricant between the sliding surfaces. The boundary layer of the surfaces serves to
provide lubrication. In most cases, the friction in this boundary lubrication regime is
higher than in case of fluid lubrication, as is the situation in regimes three and four.

Regime 3: Partial fluid lubrication

Lubricant is brought into the load-bearing region between the sliding surfaces through
motion. Some lubricant is expelled by pressure arising from the load, but as a result of
the viscosity not all of the lubricant will escape and thus a thin film of lubricant is formed
between the sliding surfaces. Not at all places of the contact of the surfaces this film will
exist; at some places there is still solid-to-solid contact: there is partial fluid lubrication.
As the velocity becomes larger, more lubricant will be brought between the surfaces and
less solid-to-solid contacts will exist. This explains the descending friction force when the
velocity increases, called the Stribeck effect.

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There is a time lag between a change in the velocity or load conditions and the change in
friction to a new steady state level: the phenomenon of frictional lag takes place. This
effect is a consequence of the state in the frictional contact that does not come to its new
equilibrium instantly: it takes time for the lubricant to be brought or removed between
the load bearing region of the sliding surfaces.

Regime 4: Full fluid lubrication

In this regime the solid-to-solid contacts are all eliminated. The wear is reduced by
orders of magnitude. The viscosity of the lubricant is determinative for the friction force
and the friction phenomenon now at work is the well-behaved viscous friction, besides
the C oulomb friction.

The four dynamic regimes of friction in the plot of friction force as a function of sliding velocity.

Dry Friction
Dry friction is friction between two bodies in absence of contaminations of the contact
surfaces. This is an ideal situation which is not possible to achieve in real systems, due
to the fact that chemical reactions will occur at the surfaces. Therefore dry friction will
show some of the effects described above. Some special effects due to the use of
lubricants, such as the Stribeck effect and sometimes viscous friction will not be
significant in dry friction.

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10.1.5 Static and Dynamic Phenomena

The friction phenomena can be grouped in static and dynamic phenomena:
static friction phenomena:
static friction
C oulomb friction (dynamic friction)
viscous friction
Stribeck friction (Stribeck effect)
dynamic friction phenomena:
pre-sliding displacement (Dahl effect)
rising static friction (varying break-away force)
frictional lag

Static friction models only have a static dependency on velocity. Even when the applied
force is very small, the result is a non-zero velocity. This means a significant
displacement is found after some time. Therefore static friction models should only be
used in systems where the applied forces are large (>> static friction), or change sign

Dynamic friction models incorporate a spring like behavior for small forces. I.e. no
significant displacement is found when the applied force is smaller that the static friction.
Coulomb friction
Static friction phenomena only have a static dependency on velocity. The first static
friction model was the classic model of friction of Leonardo Da Vinci: friction force is
proportional to load, opposes the direction of motion and is independent of contact area.
C oulomb (1785) further developed this model and the friction phenomena described by
the model became known as Coulomb friction. The model is given in the figure below.

The Coulomb friction model.

The friction force can be described as:

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Ff = Fn * mu_c * sign (v);

with mu_c the Coulomb friction coefficient. The C oulomb friction model is, because of its
simplicity, often used. In many textbooks is is also referred to as dynamic friction and
mu_s described as the dynamic friction coefficient.
Static Friction
Morin (1833) introduced the idea of static friction: friction force opposes the direction of
motion when the sliding velocity is zero.

The static friction force is equal to the tensile forces until a maximum or minimum is

Ff_max = Fn * mu_s;
Ff_min = -Fn * mu_s;

with mu_s the static friction coefficient.

Viscous friction
Reynolds (1866) developed expressions for the friction force caused by the viscosity of
lubricants. The term viscous friction is used for this friction phenomenon.

The viscous friction model.

The friction force can be described as:

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Ff = Fn * mu_v * v;

with mu_v the viscous friction coefficient.

Coulomb plus Viscous friction
This viscous friction combined with the C oulomb friction gave the model given in the
figure below.

The Coulomb plus viscous friction model.

Static plus Coulomb plus Viscous friction

When static friction is added, a friction model appears that is commonly used in
engineering: the Static plus Coulomb plus Viscous friction model. This model is depicted
in the figure below.

The static, Coulomb plus viscous friction model.

Static plus Coulomb plus Viscous plus Stribeck friction

Stribeck (1902) observed that for low velocities, the friction force is decreasing
continuously with increasing velocities and not in a discontinuous matter as described
above. This phenomenon of a decreasing friction at low, increasing velocities is called
the Stribeck friction or effect. The model including Static, Coulomb, Viscous and Stribeck
friction is given below.

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The static, Coulomb, viscous plus Stribeck friction model.

The Stribeck effect is described by the parameter v_st which is the characteristic
Stribeck velocity. It denotes the sliding velocity where only a 37% of the static friction is
active. In other words, small values of v_st give a fast decreasing Stribeck effect and
large values of v_st give a slow decreasing Stribeck effect.
Continuous Functions
All these friction models above show a discontinuity at zero velocity. At zero velocity the
friction force as a function of only velocity is not specified. What for example should the
friction force be at zero velocity in the C oulomb friction model? The discontinuous
behavior of this model near zero velocity is sometimes approximated with a continuous
function, for example:

F = tanh(slope*v);

and the inverse

v = arctanh(F)/slope;

with slope a very large constant. The use of continuous functions results in
straightforward models that are easy to simulate for large forces and velocities. For
small forces and velocities, the the slope parameter has to be chosen sufficiently high, to
avoid creep (the model starts to move, even when the applied force is smaller than the
static or C oulomb friction force). This results in stiff models, which are hard to simulate.
LuGre friction model
The LuGre model is inspired by the bristle interpretation of friction (surfaces are very
irregular at the microscopic level and two surfaces make contact at a number of
asperities, which can be thought of as elastic bristles), in combination with lubricant

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Friction is modeled as the average deflection force of elastic springs. When a tangential
force is applied the bristles will deflect. If the deflection is sufficiently large, the bristles
start to slip. The average defection at steady state slip is determined by the velocity, so
that for low velocities the steady state deflection, and therefore the friction force,
decreases with increasing velocity. This corresponds to more lubricant being forced into
the interface, and pushing the surfaces apart, as the velocity increases. This produces
the Stribeck effect. The model also includes rate dependent friction phenomena such as
varying break-away force and frictional lag. The model behaves like a well damped
spring with a stiffness at zero speed for small motions.

10.1.6 Comparison of Friction Models

In order to get insight in the friction phenomena, a friction model should incorporate as
much friction phenomena and behave as much as real friction. In the table below an
overview of the different models of the 20-sim library with respect to the friction
phenomena is given.

Coulomb Coulomb, static, static, LuGre

model viscous model Coulomb, Coulomb, model
viscous viscous,
model Stribeck
static friction
C oulomb V V V V V
viscous V V V V
static V V V
Stribeck V V

pre-sliding V
varying break- V
away force
frictional lag V

From this overview it can be seen that all friction phenomena are incorporated in the
LuGre model. From the literature, it is known that the behavior of the LuGre model is
much alike real friction.

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For most engineering applications, a static friction model, for example a static, C oulomb,
viscous friction model, is sufficient. If all friction effects should be modeled, the LuGre
friction model seems best suited.

10.1.7 Literature

1. Altpeter, F., Ghorbel, F., Longchamp, R., A Singular Perturbation Analysis Of Two
Friction Models Applied To A Vertical EDM-Axis, Motion C ontrol ’98, France,
September 1998, pp. 7-12

2. Altpeter, F., Ghorbel, F., Longchamp, R., Relationship Between Two Friction Models:
A Singular Perturbation Approach, Proceedings of the 37th IEEE C onference on
Decision & C ontrol, Tampa, Florida USA, December 1998, pp. 1572-1574

3. Altpeter, F., Myszkorowski, M., Longchamp, R., Identification For Control Of Drives
With Friction, IFAC C onference of Industrial Systems, Belfort, France, May 1997, pp.

4. Altpeter, F., Necsulescu, D., Longchamp, R., Friction Modelling And Identification
Issues For Electric Drives, Electromotion ’97, C luj-Napoca, Romania, May 1997, pp.

5. Armstrong-Hélouvry, B., Control of Machines with Friction, Kluwer Academic

Publishers, Boston, 1991

6. Armstrong-Hélouvry, B., Dupont, P., Wit, C .C . de, A Survey of Models, Analysis

Tools and Compensation Methods for the Control of Machines with Friction,
Automatica, Vol. 30, No. 7, 1994, pp. 1083-1138

7. C anudas de Wit, C ., Olssen, H., Aström, K.J., Lischinsky, P., A New Model for Control
of Systems with Friction, IEEE Transactions On Automatic C ontrol, Vol. 40, No. 3,
March 1995, pp. 419-425

8. Du, H., Nair, S.S., Modelling and Compensation of Low-Velocity Friction With Bounds,
IEEE Transactions On C ontrol Systems Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1999, pp.

9. Gäfvert, M., Comparison of Two Dynamic Friction Models, Department of Automatic

C ontrol, Lund Institute of Technology, 1996

10. Lischinsky, P., Wit, C .C . de, Morel, G., Friction Compensation for an Industrial
Hydraulic Robot, IEEE C ontrol Systems, February 1999, pp. 25-32

11. Menon, K., Krishnamurthy, K., Control of Low velocity friction and gear backlash in a
machine tool feed drive system, Mechatronics, 9, 1999, pp. 33-52

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10.2 Bond Graphs

10.2.1 Dynamic Systems

An important aspect in mechatronic systems is the dynamic behavior, i.e. the behavior
of the system as function of time. Especially in systems that display swift changes or
systems that should behave accurately, the dynamic behavior is important. It is
therefore useful to predict the dynamic behavior of a system. Modeling and simulation is
useful for making such predictions.

There are various methods of modeling and simulating dynamic systems. A well known
one is the Lumped Parameter Method.

With the Lumped Parameter Method, the dynamic behavior of a system is

concentrated in discrete points. The interaction of these points gives us insight
in the behavior of the real system. The more discrete points are used the more
accurate the model will be.

There are various ways to represent lumped parameter models. Well known
representations are iconic diagrams, differential equations, block diagrams and bond

Let's consider the suspension of a car. A lumped parameter model starts with the
identification of the various lumps (or parts or components) of this system. We start with
the car body. It is supposed to be a rigid body and therefore this part is represented
with the icon of a mass. The suspension of the car is represented by a spring damper
combination. The wheel is considered to have a significant mass and to be elastic. This
component is therefore represented by a mass and spring icon. Finally the road is
modeled by path generator function. The resulting ideal physical model (IPM) is shown

Iconic diagram of a car suspension.

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10.2.2 Bond Graphs

Bond graphs are a network-like description of physical systems in terms of ideal physical
processes. With the bond graph method we split up the system characteristics into an
(imaginary) set of separate elements. Each element describes an idealized physical
process. To facilitate drawing of bond graphs, the common elements are denoted by
special symbols.

Look again at the car suspension example. In the picture below at the right a bond graph
is shown that has been entered in 20-sim. All elements of the ideal physical model have
corresponding elements in the bond graph. The connections between the elements in the
bond graph, which are known as bonds, represent ideal energy transfer between the
elements, i.e. no energy is stored, generated or dissipated. Bonds are drawn with
harpoons (the half arrows).

The car suspension model (middle) and corresponding bond graph model (right).

For the mechanical domain, ideal velocity sources are in bond graphs denoted by the
symbol Sf. Dampers are denoted by an R, springs by a C and masses by a I. With a 1 a
structural connection of elements is denoted and with a 0 a velocity difference is

A bond graph describes a physical system as a number of physical concepts (the

elements) connected by energy flows (the bonds).

10.2.3 Effort and Flow

A bond between two elements transfers power from one element to the other. This flow
of energy can be described in many ways. For bond graphs a uniform approach is

The flow of energy between two elements (and thus a bond) is always
characterized by two variables, of which the product is power. According to the
bond graph notation, these variables are called effort (e) and flow (f).

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Effort and flow as variables of a bond.

The effort and flow variables make up a combination that is typical for a physical
domain. The product of effort and flow is always power. We call such a pair of variables
power conjugated variables. For example voltage and current are used for electrical
networks and force and velocity are used for mechanical (translation) systems. The
table below shows the variables for the domains that are currently supported in 20-sim.

Domain effort (e) flow (f)

power effort e flow f
mechanical force F [N] velocity v [m/s]
mechanical torque T [Nm] angular velocity omega [rad/s]
pneumatic pressure p [Pa] volume flow phi [m3/s]
thermal temperature T [K] entropy flow dS [J/Ks]
electric voltage u [V] current i [A]
hydraulic pressure p [Pa] volume flow phi [m3/s]
magnetic current i [A] voltage u [V]
pseudothermal temperature T [K] heat flow dQ [W]

The effort and flow variables for several domains.

To most general domain is power. Bonds of this domain can connected to elements of all
domains. For the thermal domain there is one pair of effort and flow, T and dS, that
multiplies to power. The pair T and dQ however, is more often used but does not
multiply to power. Therefore the domain with these variables is called pseudothermal.
There is a direct relation between the across and through variables of an iconic
diagram an the effort and flow variables of a bond graph:

Domain Non- Mechanical

mechanical Domains
across variable effort flow
through variable flow effort

The relation between across and through variables and effort and flow variables.

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20-sim propagates domains. If a bond of the general power domain is coupled with
an element of the electrical domain, it automatically becomes an electrical bond. The
other end of the bond can then only be connected to another element of the electrical
If you want to use a bond of a domain that is not supported or has variables other
than across and through, use the general power domain. The across and through
variables can then be used as an alias for your own variables.

10.2.4 Bonds
The power of a bond is positive when both effort and flow have a positive value or both
effort and flow have a negative value (power = effort × flow).

To denote the orientation, i.e. the direction of positive power, we use the
harpoon at the end of a bond. An element with an inward bond connected,
consumes power when the product of effort and flow is positive.

A bond as power connection.

When two elements are connected by a bond, one element will always determine the
effort, while the opposite element will always determine the flow. The element that
determines the effort, gets an enforced flow from the other element.

We can therefore also see a bond as a bilateral signal connection (effort-signal and flow-
signal), of which the directions are opposite to each other.

With direction we mean the direction of the flow of information, just like in a block
diagram. In a block diagram the effort and flow variables, which together form the flow
of power, are not shown as a couple. This breaks up the symmetry between the physical
system and the the structure of the model.

A bond as a bilateral signal flow.

The interpretation of a bond as a bilateral signal flow, does not fix the individual direction
of the effort and the flow. It only means the direction of the effort and flow are opposite.
For the derivation of a simulation model out of a bond graph however, the individual
directions are of importance.

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To indicate the individual direction of the effort and flow, we use a small stroke (causal
stroke) perpendicular to the bond. This stroke indicates the direction of the effort. The
direction of the flow is opposite.

The choice of the direction of signals, also known as causality, depends on the element
that is connected to the bond.

10.2.5 Standard Elements

To facilitate drawing of bond graphs, the common elements are denoted by special
mnemonic symbols. The elements can be divided in several classes:
Junctions: (0 junction, 1 junction) elements that couple energy between various other
Buffers: (C ,I) elements that store energy.
Dissipators: (R) elements that dissipate energy.
Sources: (Se,Sf) elements that generate energy.
Modulated Sources: (MSe, MSf) elements that generate energy (driven by signals).
Transformers and Gyrators: (TF, GY) elements that convert energy (ideally).
Modulated Transformers and Gyrators: (MTF, MGY) elements that convert energy
(driven by signals).
Other elements: other elements and user defined elements.

10.2.6 Orientation
The orientation of a bond, i.e. the direction of the half arrow, denotes the direction of
positive power. An element with an incoming bond consumes power when the product of
effort and flow is positive. For R, C and I-elements an incoming bond is the standard
orientation. For sources the standard orientation is outgoing, because a source supplies
power to the rest of the system. For the TF and GY-element the standard orientation is
one incoming bond and one outgoing bond, since this reflects the natural flow of power.
For the other bonds in a model, as much as possible an orientation from source to load
is applied.

10.2.7 Bonds and Signals

Bonds Graph models are useful when describing systems with powerflow. In mechatronic
systems these systems are usually coupled to systems that handle (powerless) signals.
These systems are more conveniently described by block diagrams. Bond graphs can be
combined with block diagrams. The coupling can be performed by special submodels.
In general a sensor measures the flow, the effort, the integral of the flow or the integral
of the effort. Sensors can be found in the 20-sim bond graph library.

EffortSensor FlowSensor Psensor Qsensor

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measures effort measures flow measures integral off measures integral of

effort flow

In 20-sim 1 junctions have a signal output which is equal to the flow. From a 1 junction a
signal can be drawn which can be used as input for a block diagram. In a similar way an
effort signal can be drawn from a 0 junction.

0 junction 1 junction

Modulated Elements
The result of a block diagram can be converted into power by means of a generator. In
a bond graph model, this can be done by connecting a signal to modulated source
elements. These elements convert input signals into efforts or flows. Other elements that
use a signal input are modulated transformers and modulated gyrators.
An example model where a bond graph and a block diagram are coupled is shown in the
picture below. As can be seen an effort signal is measured at the 0 junction. In the block
diagram part it is processed and fed back into the bond graph at the modulated effort

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10.2.8 Simplification of Bond Graph Models

When a bond graph model has been created by converting all elements of the iconic
diagram into bond graph elements and connecting the elements, simplifications can be
performed. This can be easily done by applying the following set of rules (the bonds that
have no half arrow, are allowed in both orientations).

1. Eliminate loose junctions.

2. Eliminate junctions.

3. Melt equal junctions.

4. Eliminate sources with a zero output.

5. Eliminate junction in combination

with a sign change on the source

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6. Eliminate a double difference (two 0-

junctions coupled with two 1-

Simplification rules 1, 2, 3 and 6 can be performed automatically in 20-sim using the
Simplify Model command.

10.2.9 Causality
C ausal analysis is the determination of the direction of the efforts and flows in a bond
graph model. The result is a causal bond graph which can be considered as a compact
block diagram. From causal bond graph we can directly derive an equivalent block
diagram. In 20-sim causality is assigned automatically. To create a causal bond graph
20-sim will perform the following steps.

1. Apply causality for all elements with fixed causality (Se,Sf,Mse,MSf,user defined
models), i.e. assign a causal stroke to all bonds connected to elements with fixed

2. Apply,as much as possible, causality for elements that have a constraint

causality (0 junction, 1 junction, TF,GY,MTF,MGY,user defined models).

3. Apply causality for an arbitrary element with preferred causality (C ,I,user

defined models). If possible, let this be the preferred causality. Now iterate step 2
and 3 as far as possible.

4. Apply causality for an arbitrary element with indifferent causality (R,user

defined models). If this causality is not fixed, choose a causality arbitrarily. Now
iterate step 2, 3 and 4 as far as possible.

In many cases, the bond graph model is causal after step 2. However, sometimes as
causal conflict occurs. This means the model is not correct arithmetically. Often this
points out an ill-defined model. Redefinition of the ideal physical model will solve the
problem. Sometimes the model is only causal after step 4. This means the model
contains an algebraic loop. Models with algebraic loops are generally hard to simulate.

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C ausal assignment will be illustrated by an example. We will manually create a causal
bond graph out of the following model:

1. Apply fixed causality:

2. Apply constraint causality. This step is not yet applicable.

3. Apply preferred causality. We can choose between the two I-elements. Let's
select the left one and assign causality in its preferred form:

4. Apply constraint causality. The 1 junction on the left has one bond with
effort-out causality (seen from the 1 junction). The other bonds connected
must therefore have effort-in causality (seen from the 1 junction). In a same
way we can now assign causality for the GY-element:

5. Apply preferred causality. Only the right I-element is left. We can assign
causality in its preferred form:

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6.Apply constraint causality. The 1 junction on the right has one bond with
effort-out causality (seen from the 1 junction). The other bonds connected
must therefore have effort-in causality. Therefore we can assign causality for
the R-element:

10.2.1 Creating a Bond Graph model

There are various methods described in literature to convert a ideal physical model into
a bond graph. The simplest method is a direct conversion of the parts of the ideal
physical model into bond graph elements. It is based on the fact that for every physical
domain, junctions have a special interpretation. This allows us to make tables of ideal
physical model parts and their direct representation as bond graph elements. The
drawback of the method is that it is not generally applicable: for physical domains that
are not described here, the user is referred to other methods.

1. Create an ideal physical model.

2. Replace each part of the ideal physical model with corresponding bond graph
elements. Standard replacements are shown in the tables of this tutorial.

3. Select the bond graph elements in the 20-sim library and drag and drop
them to the 20-sim editor.
4. Connect the elements according to the ideal physical model.
5. Simplify the bond graph according to the given rules.

6. Compile the bond graph model and run a simulation.

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10.2.1 From Iconic Diagram to Bond Graph

There are various methods described in literature to convert a iconic diagrams into bond
graph models. The simplest method is a direct conversion of iconic diagrams into bond
graph elements. It is based on the fact that for every physical domain, junctions have a
special interpretation. This allows us to make tables of iconic diagrams and their direct
representation as bond graph elements. The drawback of the method is that it is not
generally applicable: for physical domains that are not described here, the user is
referred to other methods.
Mechanical Domain
Electrical Domain

10.2.1 Iconic Diagrams to Bond Graphs (Electrical

2 Domain)
In the electrical domain, terminals and knots can be replaced by 0 junctions. With this
knowledge and the description of various icons a table can be created that shows icons
of electrical elements and their equivalent bond graph elements. The method of creating
a bond graph model is:

1. Create an iconic diagram of the electrical system.

2. Reference points or grounds are split up as much as possible.
3. Replace every element of the diagram by its bond graph equivalent using
the conversion table.
4. Replace every knot that has been left by a 0 junction.

5. Connect all elements and junctions with bonds according to the layout of the
electrical system.
6. Simplify the resulting bond graph model, using the given set of simplification
The method will be illustrated by an example. We will convert an electrical circuit into a
bond graph model.

1. Create an iconic diagram

2. Split up reference points.

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3. Replace elements by bond graph equivalents. Note that we have arranged

the orientation of the bonds (the direction of the half arrow) as much as
possible in the direction of the power flow from the source to the load

4. Replace every knot that has been left by a 0 junction. In this model no knots
have been left. Step 4 is therefore not applicable.
5. Connect all elements and junctions with bonds, according to the layout of
the electrical system. A comparison between the iconic diagram and the bond
graph model clearly shows the symmetry between both representations. It is
obvious that any change or addition in the iconic diagram, can be easily
implemented in the bond graph model.

7. Simplify the resulting bond graph model. First we eliminate the Sources (Se
elements) with zero output.

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8. Eliminate loose junctions.

9. Eliminate junctions.

The simplified model does not show a direct symmetry with the iconic diagram. It does
give a clear insight in the flows of power from the voltage source to the other elements.

10.2.1 Iconic Diagrams to Bond Graphs (Mechanical

3 Domain)
In the mechanical domain, both translational and rotational, terminals and knots can be
replaced by 1 junctions. With this knowledge and the description of various icons a table
can be created that shows icons of mechanical elements and their equivalent bond graph
elements. The method of creating a bond graph model is:

1. Create an iconic diagram of the mechanical system.

2. Reference points or grounds are split up as much as possible.
3. Replace every element of the diagram by its bond graph equivalent using
the conversion table.

4. Replace every knot that has been left by a 1 junction.

5. Connect all elements and junctions with bonds, according to the layout of
the mechanical system.
6. Simplify the resulting bond graph model, using the given set of simplification

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The method will be illustrated by an example. We will convert an mechanical structure
(translational) into a bond graph model.

1. Create an iconic diagram

2. Split up reference points. In this diagram this is not possible.

3. Replace elements by bond graph equivalents. Note that we have arranged
the orientation of the bonds (the direction of the harpoon) as much as
possible in the direction of the power flow from the source to the load

4. Replace every knot that has been left by a 1 junction.

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5. Connect all elements and junctions with bonds, according to the layout of
the mechanical system. A comparison between the iconic diagram and the
bond graph model clearly shows the symmetry between both
representations. It is obvious that any change or addition in the iconic
diagram, can be easily implemented in the bond graph model.

6. Simplify the resulting bond graph model. First we eliminate the Sources (Se
elements) with zero output.

7. Eliminate loose junctions.

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8. Eliminate junctions.

The simplified model does not show a direct symmetry with the iconic diagram. It does
give a clear insight in the flows of power from the force source to the other elements.

10.2.1 From Bond Graph to Block Diagram

With a causal bond graph model, equivalent block diagram models can easily be
derived. To create a block diagram, the following steps have to be performed.

C hange bonds by equivalent bilateral


Replace elements by corresponding

block diagram symbols. Use the
correct effort and flow description
which can be found in the element
tables. As an example both
descriptions for the R-element are

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Replace the junctions by signal

summation points and signal
splitters. If correct, the bonds have
already be replaced by effort and
flow signals. Out of these signals and
the junction description you can
derive the effort and flow equations
for the junction. As an example the
conversion for a 1 junction is shown.

As an example in the figure below a causal bond graph model is shown.

Using the given set of rules and the element descriptions an equivalent block diagram
models is found, which is shown below.

The resulting block diagram model can be simplified by combining blocks and elimination
of loops. Out of the block diagram, easily a set of dynamic equations can be deduced.

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10.2.1 From Bond Graph to Equations

With a causal bond graph model, equivalent dynamic equations can easily be derived. To
create the dynamic equations, the following steps have to be performed.

Denote for every bond its effort and flow

pair. You can use names that are obvious
or methodically use numbers. Some
examples are shown at the right.

Replace elements by corresponding

dynamic equations. Use the correct effort
and flow description which can be found in
the element tables. As an example
descriptions for the R-element are given.
Replace the junctions by the correct
equations. For 0 junctions the efforts are
equal. All flows of the bonds pointing
towards the 0 junction should be added and
all flows of the bonds pointing from the 0
junction should be subtracted. For 1
junctions the flows are equal. All efforts of
the bonds pointing towards the 0 junction
should be added and all efforts of the bonds
pointing from the 0 junction should be
subtracted. Some examples are shown at
the right.

Rearrange the equations by removing

redundant variables.

As an example in the figure below a causal bond graph model is shown. We will derive
the set of dynamic equations out of this model.

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1. Denote all efforts and flows. This is shown below:

2. Write the dynamic equations of the elements and junctions:

elements equations
Se uin = constant , iin = free

R ur = Re ir

I il = (1/L) int(ul)

1 junction iin = ir = il = im

uin - ur - ul - um = 0

GY um = k m m
Tm = k m im

I Tj = (1/J) int( j)

R Tr = d r
1 junction m= j= r
Tm - Tl - Tr = 0

3. Reduce the amount of equations. We replace the equalities of the 1

junctions: iin = ir = il = im= i and m = j = r= .

elements equations
Se uin = constant

R ur = Re i

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I i = (1/L) int(ul)

1 junction uin - ur - ul - um = 0

GY um = k m

Tm = k m i

I Tj = (1/J) int( )

R Tr = d

1 junction Tm - Tl - Tr = 0

The resulting dynamic equations can be used for simulation. 20-sim can automatically
extract the dynamic equations out of a bond graph model. The equations can be shown
using the Show Equations command or used in the Simulator for simulation.

10.2.1 Ports
A port is a location where an element can exchange information (in case of a signal port)
or power (in case of a power port) with its environment. So, it is the model port that
defines the connection with the element. A port is an important concept, as it allows you
to describe the properties of the bonds that can be connected to the element, i.e., its
direction, size, domain, etc. Ports can be defined in 20-sim using the Interface Editor.

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Port Variables
All ports of a submodel are shown in the Interface tab. In the figure below a standard C-
element is shown with one power port p. Each port has an effort and a flow variable. In
20-sim these variables are be denoted with the extensions .e and .f. You can see an
example in the figure below where equations are defined using the variables p.e and p.f.

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Port Properties
Ports can be added and defined in the 20-sim Interface Editor. The Interface Editor of
the C-element is shown below.

Bond graph ports have several properties:

Name : The name of the port.
Type : Next to bond graph ports, 20-sim also knows iconic diagram ports and
signal ports

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Orientation: The orientation of a connected bond (indicated by the half arrow).

fixed in orientation: The bond will point towards the element.
fixed out orientation: The bond will point from the element to another
Rows/Columns: The standard size of a port and corresponding bond is 1 but
you can also define ports with larger sizes.
Domain: The domain of the port.
Causality : The preferred causality of the port variable (effort and flow). You
have to defined here what should be the input variable (effort or flow) and
what should be the output variable (effort or flow).

10.2.1 Creating your own Elements

In 20-sim you can easily create your own bond graph elements. The process of creation
consists of three parts:

1. For any bond connected to your submodel an internal port has to be defined.
For each port you have to specify some data:
The physical domain.
The size.
The orientation.
The causality.

2. Create the icon for the component. This can be done with a specialized
drawing editor.
3. Create the element description. This can be done by (differential) equations
or by a bond graph.

10.2.1 Bond Graph Literature

A vast number of publications and books on bond graph modeling have been issued.
Here is only referred to some well known books. A comprehensive collection of bond
graph literature can be found on the Internet pages of prof. F. C ellier (http://
www.ece.arizona.edu/~cellier/bg.html) and the mirror site at the Glasgow University

Alan J. Blundell (1982)

Bond Graphs for Modelling Engineering Systems
Ellis Horwood Publishers, C hichester, United Kingdom, and Halsted Press, New York,

Peter C . Breedveld, Geneviève Dauphin-Tanguy (1992)

Bond Graphs for Engineers

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Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.

François Edouard C ellier (1991)

C ontinuous System Modeling
Springer-Verlag, New York, ISBN 0-387-97502-0, 755p.

Dean C . Karnopp, Ronald C . Rosenberg (1968)

Analysis and Simulation of Multiport Systems - The Bond Graph Approach to Physical
Systems Dynamics
M.I.T. Press.

Dean C . Karnopp, Ronald C . Rosenberg (1974)

System Dynamics: A Unified Approach
John Wiley, New York.

Dean C . Karnopp, Donald L. Margolis, Ronald C . Rosenberg (1990)

System Dynamics: A Unified Approach - 2nd Edition
John Wiley, New York.

Lennart Ljung, Torkel Glad (1994)

Modeling of Dynamic Systems
Prentice Hall, Englewood C liffs, N.J.

Henry M. Paynter (1961)

Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems
M.I.T. Press, C ambridge, Mass.

Ronald C . Rosenberg, Dean C . Karnopp (1983)

Introduction to Physical System Dynamics
McGraw-Hill, New York.

Nobuhide Suda (1988)

System Dynamics
Koronasha, Tokyo. (in Japanese)

Jean U. Thoma (1982)

Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Bonddiagramme
Girardet Taschenbuch GT20, Essen, Germany.

Jean U. Thoma (1989)

Simulation by bond graphs - Introduction to a Graphical Method
Springer-Verlag, New York.

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10.2.1 Standard Elements

0 and 1 junctions

Junctions couple one or more elements of a model in a power continuous mode: no

energy is stored or dissipated. Examples are a series junction or parallel junction in an
electrical network, a fixed connection between two mechanical parts etc. Two types of
junctions exist: 0 junctions and 1 junctions.
0 junction

The 0 junction represents a coupling where all efforts of the connected bonds are equal.
As a consequence of the property of power continuity the sum of the flows must be
equal to zero. The orientation of the bonds determines the sign of the flow
summation : all flows of the bonds pointing towards the 0 junction should be added and
all flows of the bonds pointing from the 0 junction should be subtracted. This summation
corresponds to the Kirchhoff current law for electrical networks. The equality of the
efforts, limits the causality. Only one bond may have an "effort-in" causality (the
stroke pointed towards the 0 junction). All other bonds must have (seen from the 0
junction) an "effort-out" causality (stroke pointing from the 0 junction). In other words:
the 1 junction has a constraint causality.

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1 junction

The 1 junction is the dual form of the 0 junction (effort and flow are opposite). The 1
junction represents coupling where all flows of the connected bonds are equal. As a
consequence of the property of power continuity the sum of the efforts must be equal
to zero. The orientation of the bonds determines the sign of the flow summation : all
efforts of the bonds pointing towards the 1 junction should be added and all efforts of the
bonds pointing from the 1 junction should be subtracted. This summation corresponds to
the Kirchhoff voltage law for electrical networks. The equality of the flows, limits the
causa lity. Only one bond may have an "effort-out" causality (the stroke pointing from
the 1 junction). All other bonds must have (seen from the 1 junction) an "effort-in"
causality (stroke pointing to the 1 junction). In other words: the 1 junction has a
constrained causality.

0 junction

Suppose we have the following 0 junction with one bond (1) pointing towards the
junction and two bonds (2 and 3) pointing from the junction.

1. For a 0 junction the efforts are always equal! This means:

e1 = e2 = e3

2. The junction is power continuous. For the figure above this means:

e1×f1 = e2×f2 + e2×f2

3. Combining 1 and 2 yields:

f1 - f2 - f3 = 0

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The last equation can also be derived with a rule of thumb: All flows of the bonds
pointing towards the 0 junction should be added and all flows of the bonds pointing from
the 0 junction should be subtracted.

The first equation, limits the causality. Only one bond may have an effort-in causality
(the stroke pointed towards the 0 junction). All other bonds must have (seen from the 0
junction) an effort-out causality (strokes pointing from the 0 junction). For the example
junction this means three possible causal forms can exist:

1 junction

Suppose we have the following 1 junction with one bond (1) pointing towards the
junction and two bonds (2 and 3) pointing from the junction.

1. For a 1 junction the flows are always equal! This means:

f1 = f2 = f3

2. The junction is power continuous. For the figure above this means:

e1×f1 = e2×f2 + e2×f2

3. C ombining 1 and 2 yields:

e1 - e2 - e3 = 0

The last equation can also be derived with the rule of thumb: All effort of the bonds
pointing towards a 1 junction should be added and all efforts of the bonds pointing from
the 1 junction should be subtracted.

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The first equation, limits the causality. Only one bond may have an flow-in causality (the
stroke pointed from the 1 junction). All other bonds must have (seen from the 1
junction) a flow-out causality (strokes pointed towards the 1 junction). For the example
junction this means three possible causal forms can exist:


Buffers are bond graph elements that can store energy. There are two types of buffers:
C-elements and I-elements. The table below shows the effort and flow descriptions that
belong to these elements. The parameters "C " and "I" are the bufferconstants, which
determine a linear buffer behavior. Examples of C -elements are a mechanical spring
and an electrical capacitor. Examples of an I-element are a mechanical inertia and an
electrical inductance.

C-element bond graph element equation

effort-in causality f = C de/dt

effort-out causality e = (1/C ) int(f)

I-element bond graph element equation

effort-in causality f = (1/I) int(e)

effort-out causality e = I df/dt

Buffer elements do not fix the direction of the effort and flow. Both effort-in as well as
effort-out causality is allowed. With simulation however, we prefer to avoid
differentiation. in other words, with the C -element the effort-out causality is preferred
and with the I-element the effort-in causality is preferred.

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A resistance, R, dissipates free energy. This energy of any arbitrary domain is
transported irreversibly to the thermal domain. This means the power towards a
resistance is always positive. In the table below the effort and flow description of the
resistance is shown. Examples of a resistance are a mechanical damper and an electrical

R-element bond graph element equation

effort-in causality f = (1/R) e

effort-out causality e =Rf

The direction of effort and flow is not restricted for a resistance and there is no preferred
form for the equation. In other words: the R-element has a indifferent causality.


Sources represent the interaction of a systems with its environment. There are two
types of source elements: effort sources (Se) and flow sources (Sf).

In the table below the effort and flow description of the source elements is shown.
Examples of a flow source are an electrical current source and a hydraulic pump that
generates a constant flow of liquid. Examples of an effort source are an electrical
voltage source and a constant mechanical force.

element bond graph element equation

effort source e = c, f = free

flow source f = c, e = free

The direction of effort and flow for sources are restricted. In other words: the Se-
element (effort-out) and Sf-element (effort-in) have a fixed causality.

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Modulated Sources
Next to the standard effort and flow sources, that generate a constant effort and flow,
bond graph modeling also allows the use of so called modulated sources. In these
sources the resulting effort or flow are equal to a (fluctuating) value provided by an
input signal. Two types of modulated sources are know: the modulated effort source
MSe and the modulated flow source MSf. In the table below the effort and flow
description of the source elements is shown.

element bond graph element equation

modulated effort source e = u, f = free

modulated flow source f = u, e = free

The direction of effort and flow for sources are restricted. In other words: the MSe-
element (effort-out) and MSf-element (effort-in) have a fixed causality.

Transformers and Gyrators

Transformers and gyrators are bond graph elements that can convert energy ideally, as
well in one physical domain as well as between one physical domain and another. A
transformer is denoted by the mnemonic code TF and a gyrator by the code GY. In the
table below the effort and flow equations are shown. The parameters r and n are the
transformation ratio and gyration ratio. An examples of a transformer is a mechanical
gear. An example of a gyrator is a DC -motor.

TF-element bond graph element equation

effort-in causality f1 = (1/n) f2

e 2 = (1/n) e 1

effort-out causality f2 = n f2

e1 = n e2

GY-element bond graph element equation

effort-in causality f1 = (1/r) e 2

f2 = (1/r) e 1

effort-in causality e 1 = r f2

e 2 = r f1

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The directions of the flow and effort are partly fixed for a transformer. Like the 1
junction and the 0 junction, the causality is constraint. For a transformer, an effort-in
causality on the incoming bond results in an effort-out causality on the outgoing bond
and vice-versa. For a gyrator, an effort-in causality on the incoming bond results in an
effort-in causality on the outgoing bond and vice-versa.

Modulated Transformers and Gyrators

Next to transformers and gyrators wit a fixed transformation ratio and gyration ratio, in
bond graphs also modulated transformers (MTF) and modulated gyrators (MGY) are
supported. In these models the transformation ratio of gyration ratio are equal to a
(fluctuating) value provided by an input signal. In the table below the effort and flow
equations are shown.

MTF-element bond graph element equation

effort-in causality f1 = (1/u) f2

e 2 = (1/u) e 1

effort-out causality f2 = u f2

e1 = u e2

MGY-element bond graph element equation

effort-in causality f1 = (1/u) e 2

f2 = (1/u) e 1

effort-in causality e 1 = u f2

e 2 = u f1

The directions of the flow and effort are partly fixed for a modulated transformer. Like
the 1 junction and the 0 junction, the causality is constraint. For a transformer, an effort-
in causality on the incoming bond results in an effort-out causality on the outgoing bond
and vice-versa. For a gyrator, an effort-in causality on the incoming bond results in an
effort-in causality on the outgoing bond and vice-versa.

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10.3 Iconic Diagrams

10.3.1 Dynamic Systems

An important aspect in mechatronic systems is the dynamic behavior, i.e. the behavior
of the system as function of time. Especially in systems that display swift changes or
systems that should behave accurately, the dynamic behavior is important. It is
therefore useful to predict the dynamic behavior of a system. Modeling and simulation is
useful for making such predictions.

There are various methods of modeling and simulating dynamic systems. A well known
one is the Lumped Parameter Method.

With the Lumped Parameter Method, the dynamic behavior of a system is

concentrated in discrete points. The interaction of these points gives us insight
in the behavior of the real system. The more discrete points are used the more
accurate the model will be.

There are various ways to represent lumped parameter models. Well known
representations are iconic diagrams, differential equations, block diagrams and bond

Let's consider the suspension of a car. A lumped parameter model starts with the
identification of the various lumps (or parts or components) of this system. We start with
the car body. It is supposed to be a rigid body and therefore this part is represented
with the icon of a mass. The suspension of the car is represented by a spring damper
combination. The wheel is considered to have a significant mass and to be elastic. This
component is therefore represented by a mass and spring icon. Finally the road is
modeled by path generator function. The resulting ideal physical model (IPM) is shown

Iconic diagram of a car suspension.

10.3.2 Iconic Diagrams

If we can represent the various parts of an ideal physical model by predefined models or
components modeling is easy. In 20-sim a large library of components is available
allowing you to create a model just by selecting the proper components and connect
them according to the ideal physical model. To make modeling even more easy, the
components are displayed in the editor by icons which look like the corresponding parts

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of the ideal physical model. In 20-sim these kind of models are called iconic diagrams
(sometimes other simulation tools refer to this kind of modeling as component based
modeling). 20-sim can automatically compute simulation code out of an iconic diagram
and start a simulation.

Look again at the car suspension example. In the picture below at the right an iconic
diagram is shown that has been entered in 20-sim. As you can see, the iconic diagram
similar to the ideal physical model. Each component of the iconic diagram represents a
physical process. For example the mass component represents the law of motion (F =
m*a) and the spring represents the linear spring equation (F = k*x). The connections
between the components in the iconic diagram represent ideal energy transfer between
those components, i.e. no energy is stored, generated or dissipated.

A iconic diagram model of a car suspension.

An iconic diagram describes a physical system as a number of physical concepts

(the components) connected by energy flows (the connections).

10.3.3 Across and through

A connection between two components transfers energy from one component to the
other. This flow of energy can be described in many ways. In 20-sim a uniform approach
is chosen:

The flow of energy between two components of an iconic diagram can be

characterized by two variables, of which the product is power. These variables
are called across (a) and through (t).

Across and though as variables of a connection.

The across and though variables make up a combination that is typical for a physical
domain. For example voltage and current are used for electrical networks and force and
velocity are used for mechanical (translation) systems. The table below shows the
variables for the domains that are currently supported in 20-sim.

Domain across (a) through (t)

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power across a through t

mechanical velocity v [m/s] force F [N]
mechanical angular velocity omega [rad/s] torque T [Nm]
pneumatic pressure p [Pa] volume flow phi [m3/s]
thermal temperature T [K] entropy flow dS [J/Ks]
electric voltage u [V] current i [A]
hydraulic pressure p [Pa] volume flow phi [m3/s]
magnetic magnetomotoric force i [A] flux change d /dt [V]
pseudothermal temperature T [K] heat flow dQ [W]

The across and through variables for several domains.

The most general domain is power. C onnections of this domain can be used for all
domains. For the thermal domain there is one pair of across and through, T and dS, that
multiplies to power. The pair T and dQ however is more often used but does not multiply
to power. Therefore the domain with these variables is called pseudothermal.

There is a direct relation between the across and through variables of an iconic diagram
and the effort and flow variables of a bond graph:

Domain Non- Mechanical

mechanical Domains
across variable effort flow
through flow effort

The relation between across and through variables and effort and flow variables.

20-sim propagates domains. If a connection of the general power domain is tied to a
component of the electrical domain, it automatically becomes an electrical
connection. The other end of the connection can then only be tied to another
component of the electrical domain. In this way it is prevented to connect
components of different physical domains.
If you want to use a connection of a domain that is not supported or has variables
other than across and through, use the general power domain. The across and
through variables can then be used as an alias of your own variables.

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10.3.4 Connections
When two components in an Iconic Diagram are connected, one component will always
compute the across variable, while the opposite component will always determine the
through variable.

We can therefore also interpret a connection as a bilateral signal connection (across-

signal and through-signal), of which the directions are opposite to each other.

With "direction" we mean the computational direction, just like signals in a block
diagram. In a block diagram the across and through variables, which together form the
flow of power, are not shown as a couple. This breaks up the symmetry between the
physical system and the the structure of the model.

A connection as a bilateral signal flow.

The interpretation of a connection as a bilateral signal flow, does not fix the individual
direction of the across variable and the through variable. It only means the direction of
the across variable and through variable are opposite.

The specific computational direction of across and and through variables is called
causality. In 20-sim an advanced algorithm detects the possible causalities of each
submodel and tries to combine these in such a way, that optimal simulation code will be
generated. The result can be inspected using the Causality Info command from the View
menu. The result of this command is shown in the example below. The computational
direction of forces and velocities is clearly shown for all the connections.

10.3.5 Orientation (Across)

When simulating, you have to know how across and through variables are oriented to
make a correct interpretation of what is happening. 20-sim can show the orientation
when you select the Orientation Info option of the View menu.
Across variables in the Top Level
Across variables in the top level of a model are always defined with respect to a single
global reference. In the picture below an electrical iconic diagram is shown with three
voltages (u1 = 5 V, u2 = 3 V and u3 = 1 V). This means these voltages are all defined
with respect to the same reference, e.g., the ground u = 0 V.

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All variables values of a connection can be easily inspected during simulation by placing
the mouse pointer on top of that connection as shown below. The connection between
the mass and the spring (see picture below) shows an across value v = 0.84 m/s. This
means the point where the mass and spring are connected has a global velocity of v
=0.84 m/s.

In the figure below the connection between the capacitor and the resistor shows a
negative voltage of u = -2e-5 V.

Across variables in Submodels

In submodels you have to inspect how across variables are defined. For example an
ideal electrical resistor (see figure below) uses separate high and low terminals. The
internal equations are:

p.u = p_high.u - p_low.u;

p_high.i = p_low.i = p.i;
p.u = R * p.i;

where p.high and p_low are the ports to the connections at both sides of the resistor.
p_high.u and p_low.u are voltages defined with respect to the global reference, but p.u
is the voltage difference between the high and low port and therefore not defined with
respect to the global reference.

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The definition of across variables depends on the definition of number of terminals of a

port, which is shown in the Type Editor. To inspect the ports, put the mouse pointer on
top of the Type section and select edit type from the right mouse menu.
The geometrical layout of the iconic diagram does not have a meaning. If a
resistor is drawn upside down, its current is still defined with respect to the
resistor (flowing towards or from). If a mass is drawn upside down, its force
is still defined with respect to that mass (pulling or pushing).
To show or hide the orientation of an Iconic Diagram select or deselect the
Orientation Info option of the View menu.

10.3.6 Orientation (Through)

When simulating, you have to know how across and through variables are oriented to
make a correct interpretation of what is happening. 20-sim can show the orientation
when you select the Orientation Info option of the View menu.
Through variables in connections
Through variables in connections are always defined with respect to the components
they are connected with. 20-sim automatically assigns an orientation for these through
variables. This orientation can be made visible by selecting the Orientation Info
command of the View Menu.

Through variables that are not of the mechanical domain are always shown with an
arrow in the connection. The arrow indicates the direction of the positive flow. The figure
below shows a negative current: i = -2e-5 A. This means the current flows in the
opposite direction of the arrow.

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Through variables of the mechanical domain are always shown with two arrows. The
arrows indicate the direction of the positive force. The figure below shows a positive
force: F = 0.45 N. This means the spring pushes with a force of F = 0.45 [N] upon the
mass and the mass pushes with a force of F = 0.45 N upon the spring (note: a negative
force would mean pulling instead of pushing).

This interpretation of forces in 20-sim is only valid when a positive velocity defined from
the left to the right, and from the bottom to the top!
Through Variables in Submodels
In submodels, you have to use the Type Editor to find out how through variables are
defined. For example an ideal mass (see next figure) uses the option any number of
terminals for its port (inspect the port in the Type Editor). The port equations are:

p.F = p1.F + p2.F

p.v = p1.v = p2.v;

The internal equations are:

p.v = (1/m)*int(p.F);
x = int(p.v);

where p1 and p2 are the ports to the connections at both sides of the mass. p1.v and
p2.v are velocities defined with respect to the global reference. However, p.F (see also
in the figure below) is the sum of the forces applied on both sides.

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The definition of through variables depends on the definition of number of terminals of a

port, which is shown in the Type Editor. To inspect the ports, put the mouse pointer on
top of the Interface tab and select Edit from the right mouse menu.
The geometrical layout of the iconic diagram does not have a meaning. If a
resistor is drawn upside down, its current is still defined with respect to the
resistor (flowing towards or from). If a mass is drawn upside down, its force
is still defined with respect to that mass (pulling or pushing).
To show or hide the orientation of an Iconic Diagram select or deselect the
Orientation Info option of the View menu.

10.3.7 Global Reference

20-sim iconic diagram models do not contain geometrical information. It is not important
how a model is drawn, but how the elements are connected. To make a correct
interpretation of the simulation results, the definition of references has to be known.
Across variables in the top level of a model are always defined with respect to a single
global reference. For all domains this global reference is equal to 0. The interpretation of
this reference is up to the user. For example a zero pressure could be the absolute
vacuum or the air pressure at ground level. For most physical domains, unless specified
otherwise, a standard interpretation is used. This is shown in the table below.

Domain Across (a) Global Reference

power across a zero

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mechanical velocity v [m/s] zero velocity

mechanical angular velocity omega [rad/s] zero angular velocity
pneumatic pressure p [Pa] air pressure at ground level
thermal temperature T [K] absolute minimum temperature
electric voltage u [V] zero voltage
hydraulic pressure p [Pa] air pressure at ground level
magnetic magnetomotoric force i [A] zero
pseudothermal temperature T [K] absolute minimum temperature

Through variables in connections are always defined with respect to the components
they are connected with.

Through variables that are not of the mechanical domain are always shown with an
arrow indicating the direction of the positive flow.

Through variables of the mechanical domain are always shown with two arrows
indicating the direction of the positive force. Since mechanical variables are often
geometrically interpreted, these arrows assume a positive velocity from the left to the
right and from the bottom to the top.

See for example the system shown above. Look at the connection between the spring
and the fixed world. Most users will correctly interpret a positive force as one that
"makes the mass slow down". The same model is shown below. To prevent an incorrect
interpretation such as a positive force "makes the mass accelerate", the arrows are
pointing inwards.

This interpretation is only valid when you assume that a positive velocity is from the left
to the right and from the bottom to the top!

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10.3.8 Causality
The connection between two components describes the flow of power from one to the
other. This power flow is always described by across and through variables. For example
an electrical connection can be described by the variables voltage u and current i (u*i =
power). Each Iconic Diagram component creates a causal relation between these
variables. E.g. an electric resistor can be described by the equation:

u = i*R;

where R is the resistance. Here the voltage is a function of the current. In 20-sim we say
the component has a voltage out causality. This causality is not fixed. We can easily
invert the equation:

i = u/R;

Now the component has a current out causality. Which of the two equations will be used
for the simulation depends on the other components.

In 20-sim an advanced algorithm detects the possible causalities of each model and tries
to combine these in such a way, that optimal simulation code will be generated. You can
help this algorithm by manually setting the causality of ports.

10.3.9 Ports
A port is a location where a component can exchange information (in case of a signal
port) or power (in case of a power port) with its environment. So, it is the port that
defines the connection with a component. A port is an important concept, as it allows you
to describe the properties of the connection that can be made to the component, i.e., its
direction, size, domain, etc. Ports can be defined in 20-sim using the Type Editor.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1182

10. Modeling Tutorial

Port Variables
All ports of a submodel are shown in the Type window of the 20-sim Editor. In the figure
below an electrical Resistor is shown with one power port p. Each port has an across and
through variable. In 20-sim these variables are denoted with the extensions .a and .t.
You can also use the names that are specific for a certain domain. For the electrical
domain the extensions .u and .i are used. You can see an example in the figure below
(Implementation section) where equations are defined using the variables p.u and p.i.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1183

10. Modeling Tutorial

Port Properties
Ports can be added and defined in the 20-sim Type Editor. You can open the Interface
Editor in the Interface tab (right mouse menu). The Interface Editor of the Resistor is
shown below.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1184

10. Modeling Tutorial

Port Properties
Iconic Diagram Ports have several properties:
Name : The name of the port.
Type : Next to Iconic diagram ports, 20-sim also knows bond graph ports and
signal ports.
Size : The standard size of a port and corresponding connection is 1 but you
can also define ports with larger sizes.
Orientation: The orientation of a port defines how the though variable is
Input: A positive through variable will act upon a component in the positive
direction (mechanical domain) or flows into the component (non-
mechanical domain).
Output: A positive through variable will act upon a component in the
negative direction (mechanical domain) or flows from the component (non-
mechanical domain).
Note: The port orientation and the orientation of the corresponding connection can be
made visible in 20-sim by arrows.
Domain: The physical domain of the port.
Causality : The causality of the port variable (across and through). You have to
define here what should be the input variable (across or through) and what
should be the output variable (across or through).

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1185

10. Modeling Tutorial

By default, an iconic diagram port is a port where power can be exchanged between a
component and its environment in terms of an across variable and a through
variable. Such a port is represented by one terminal. However, there are two special
cases where it is desirable to define an iconic diagram port that has more than one
terminal. These are the Separate High / Low Terminals port and the Any Number of
Terminals port. These options are only for advanced users!
Separate High / Low Terminals: Select the port to have two terminals. Only for
experienced users!
Any Number of Terminals: Select the port to have any number of terminals. Only for
experienced users!

10.3.1 Ports with more than one Terminal

By default, an iconic diagram port is a port where power can be exchanged between a
component and its environment in terms of an across variable and a through variable.
Such a port is represented by one terminal (connection point). However, there are two
special cases where it is desirable to define an iconic diagram port that has more than
one terminal.
Separate High / Low Terminals
C onsider, as an example, an mechanical spring. The power that flows into such a
component is uniquely determined by the velocity difference between the two terminals
of the component and the common force that acts upon both ends. Because of this one
could say that there is one port, whose power is determined by one across value (the
velocity difference) and one through value (the common force), but is represented by
two terminals. To support this, 20-sim allows you to define a special type of iconic
diagram port by indicating that is has Separate High / Low Terminals. The two terminals
of the connection are named high and low. If the port is named p, the formal equations

fixed in orientation
p.t = p1.t = p2.t
p.a = p_high.a - p_low.a

fixed out orientation:

p.t = p1.t = p2.t
p.a = - p_high.a + p_low.a

In 20-sim these equations are automatically derived.

Any Number of Terminals
C onsider, as an example, a mass. A characteristic of this component is that you can
connect many springs and dampers to it. Implicitly, one expects that the net force (i.e.,
the summation of the forces applied by the connected components) will be applied to the
mass, and that it will have a single velocity. To support this, 20-sim allows you to define
a special type of iconic diagram port by indicating the kind to be Any Number of
Terminals. The terminals of the connection are named 1, 2, 3 etc.. If the port is named
p, the formal equations are:

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1186

10. Modeling Tutorial

p.a = p1.a = p2.a = p3.a = .....

p.t = sign(p1)*p1.t + sign(p2)*p2.t + sign(p3)*p3.t + ....
sign = 1 when p1 has a fixed in orientation etc.
sign = -1 when p2 has a fixed out orientation etc.

In 20-sim these equations are automatically derived.

10.3.1 Creating Iconic Diagrams

When you understand the concepts of across and through, including orientation,
constructing an iconic diagram is easy:

1. Create an ideal physical model.

2. Select the components that represent the various parts of the ideal physical
model and drag and drop them to the 20-sim editor. Iconic Diagram
components can be found in the model library. Some standard components
are shown in the tables of this tutorial.
3. Connect the components according to the ideal physical model.
4. Compile the model and run a simulation. For a good interpretation of the
plots, you must know that across variables are always defined with respect to a
global reference and through variables are always defined with respect to the

10.3.1 Creating your own Components

In 20-sim you can easily create your own components. The process of creation consists
of three parts:

1. For any connection an internal port has to be defined. For each port you have to
specify some data:
The physical domain.
The size.
The orientation.
The causality.

2. Create the icon for the component. This can be done with a specialized
drawing editor.
3. Create the component description. This can be done by (differential)
equations or by an iconic diagram.

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1187


Index 1D 794
1-junction 545, 546
--- -2-
- 203, 219 20sim 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 204
-*- 20-sim 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 204, 516, 517,
527, 528, 529, 531
* 151, 202
20-sim Dynamic DLL 465
20-sim Filter Editor 373
./ 204
20-sim library 13
.^ 205
20-sim Model 264
.cse 430
20-sim Scenery 264
.csv 430
20-sim submodel for Arduino/AVR 465
.emxz 24
255 306
2D 794
/ 205 2-D 793
-[- 2D Library 793
[ 236 2D motion 793
-]- 2D Springs 813
] 236 2D-Animation 302
-^- 2D-modelling 829
^ 207 2D-point-X 833
-+- 2DSmallRotation library 793
+ 151, 203, 219 2dtable 943
-<- -3-

< 216 3 degrees of freedom 829

<= 216 32-bit machine code 46
<> 217 3-4-5 Polynomial 400, 412
-=- 3D Animation 85
3D Animation Properties 283
== 217
->- 3D Animation Window 282
3D Body 827
> 218
3D Library 827
>= 218
3D mechanics 2
3D Mechanics Editor 246
0 556, 1166
3D Points 827
0 junction 1167
3D Representation 254
0-junction 556, 557
3DAnimationBeam 299
3D-body 833
1 545, 546, 1166, 1168
3D-files 300
1-3-5-7-9 Polynomial 400, 412
3D-mass 827

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1188


-A- Adjoint 172, 174

A 612 Advanced Scripts 524
ABC D matrix 365 After the run 465
abort 228 algebraic 87, 133
Abs 132 algebraic loop in 46
Absolute 108, 109, 202, 946 algebraic loop out 46
absolute tolerance 371 Algebraic loops 28, 51, 107, 239
absolute value 132 algebraic solver 107
AC motor 710, 716 algebraic variables 28
AC synchronous motor 446 Algebraic variables solved 28
acceleration 408, 810, 876 Alias 73
AccelerationActuator 709, 840 alias variable 46
AccelerationActuator-Relative 709, 840 Alias Variables 87
AccelerationSensor-Absolute 781, 887 All Runs 85
AccelerationSensor-Relative 782, 889 Allow model updates 28
accumulator 703 Allow Symbol Prefixes 73
acmotor 716 Always Look up Vector 302
AC Motor-TorqueLoop 710 Ambient color 305
Across 69, 1174 Ambient Light 305
Activation 7 amplifier 595
activation function 335 Amplitude 329, 387
Activation Function Type 337 amplitudesensor 1083
Active 91 Analog 1039
activity 557 analog filter 373
Actuated Joints 270 Analog to Digital C onvertor 1036
actuator Analyze
725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 830, 831, 843, C ausality 33
844, 849, 850, 851 And 214, 1068, 1076
Actuator Model 979
angle 748
Actuator Properties dialog 279
angular acceleration 748
Actuators 813
angular velocity (constant) 727, 728
AD 1036
angular velocity (variable) 728, 729
Adams-Bashford 108
angular velocity = 0 743, 858
Add 940
Animation Properties 283
Add New 35
ANSI-C C ode 465
Add to Favorites 87
ANSI-C Function 465
Add to Input Probes 87
antisym 175
Add to Output Probes 87
Anti-Windup 979
Add/Delete 91, 476
Any Number of Terminals 67, 1186
Addition 203
Apply Regularization 343
Additional Outputs 264
arccos 191

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1189


arccosh 192 Base 10 Logarithm 140

Archive 23 basic libraries 612
arcsin 190 Basic Script 523
arcsinh 193 basis function 338
arctan 193 BDF 109
arctanh 194 Beam 299
Array 237 bearing 731, 743
Array Division 204 BeltPulley 756, 894
array multiplication 204 Bessel 358
Array Power 205 bilateral signal 1176
Artificial intelligence 333, 338 bilinear transformation 373
As C onstraint Joint 270 Bipolar Sigmoid 337
As Global Parameter 266 Bipolar Sigmoid Activation Function Scale 337
atan2 195 bitand 208
Attempting Real-Time simulation 101 bitclear 208
Attenuate 921 bitcmp 209
Attenuation 312 bitget 210
Attributes 283 bitmap 309
Author 28 bitset 211
Auto C ausality 28 bitshift 212
Auto Indent 14 bitxor 213
Auto Recovery Filename 20, 31 Block Diagram 1157
Average 1085, 1110 Block Diagrams 1036
Averaging Integration 934 blue 306
Avi 289 Bode Plots 329, 387
-B- body points 827
B 306 Body Properties Dialog 266
back plane 302 body without rotational inertia 832
Background C olor 291 Bond Graph 18, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539,
540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 548, 549, 550,
Background Image 291
551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 559, 560, 561,
Backgrounds 45 562, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 573,
Backlash 730, 851, 954 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583,
1152, 1157, 1159
BackPropagation Networks 334
Bond Graph Literature 1164
Backward Difference transformation 373
Bond Graph Models 1148
Backward Differentiation Formula 109
Bond Graph Models,Simplification 1148
Backward Euler 107
Bond Graph,Equations 1159
Band 358
Bond Graph,Iconic Diagram 1152
Band Pass 358
Bond Graphs 16, 1143, 1151, 1152, 1154
Band Stop 358
Bond Graphs,Iconic Diagrams 1152, 1154
Bandwith 1054, 1056

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1190


Bonds 1145, 1146 C atch up with lost time 101

Boolean 126, 129, 130 C ausal analysis 33
Boolean And 214 causal conflict 33
Boolean Not 219 C ausal Form 47, 240
Boolean Or 215 causal order 47, 240
Break 731 C ausal Strokes 33, 1176
Breakpoint Editor 91 C ausality 47, 66, 233, 234, 240, 1149, 1176,
Breakpoints 91 1182
CCCS 604
Bridge 599
C -code Folders 20, 31
Broydon Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno 487
C -C ode for 20-sim submodel 465
Brush DC Motors 441
C -C ode Generation 20, 31, 465
Brushless DC Motors 444
Cd 612
Brute Force 85
ceil 133
brute force simulation 28
C -elements 1169
Bryant angles 266, 306
center of stiffness 816
B-spline 338
centi 73
B-spline Network 338
C entrifugalPump 635
bsplinenetwork 972
changing mass 876
Buffers 1169
C hebychev 358
Built-in C ompiler 79
check 262
Bulk modulus 612
C heck C omplete Model 27
Butterworth 358, 1054, 1056
C heck Energetic Behavior 33
BW 1054, 1056
C heck for Model Updates 44
by 225
C heck Model 264
checkvalve 655
c 465, 534, 535
checkvalve-states 679
C ++ class for 20-sim submodel 465
C hoosing a Motor 461
C -2 571
C hrome 309
C -3 559
C ircle 302
cam 756, 895
circle elements 293, 296, 297, 312
C am Motion Profiles 400
C lear 85
C am Wizard 395, 400
C lear After Every Run 476
C amera 302
C lock 1077
C amera Settings 258
C lock Signal 1069
C amProfile.dll 756, 895
C lock-C ontinuous 1069
cams 395, 756, 895
clock-discrete 1037
C apacitor 587
clockinterrupt 104
C apacitor.emx 587
closed chain mechanism 259
carriage 813
C losed Forms 312
C ase 228

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1191


C lutch 737 C onstant Values 120

cmabender 584, 841 constant voltage 611
C MAStretcher 585, 842 C onstants 15, 78, 120, 122
code 14, 113 constraint 66, 133
code block 114 constraint equal 66
C ode Blocks 52, 243 C onstraint Joint 259
code generation 2 constraint not equal 66
C ogging 455 C onstraint Settings 270
collect 185 constraint variables 28
C ollision 855 C onstraint variables solved 28
C ollision-Relative 853 constraints on motion 800
colon 236 C ontinue 91
C olor 72, 306 C ontinuous Descent 487
C olor Syntax Highlighting 14 continuous pulse 400, 412
C olumn 38 C ontinuous-Discrete Tranformations 373
C olumns 175, 236, 1182 C ontinuous-Time 36
C ombining of divisions 27 C ontinuous-Time and Discrete-Time Models 36
C ombining of multiplications 27 contra-rotating shafts 761
C ombining splitters 27 C ontrolledLinearSystem 966
C omments 119 C ontrolledSystem 967
C ommercial C ontrollers 984 C ontroller 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 1006, 1007,
C ompany 28 1008, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032
C ontroller Design Editor 318
C omparison of Friction Models 1140
controller output 974
compensator 318, 357
controller variable 974
C ompiling 46
C ontroller-P 989, 1013
C ompiling Models 46
C ontroller-PD_p 990, 1013
complete set of equations 55, 245
C ontroller-PD_s 991, 1014
C omponent Properties 246
C ontroller-PI 991, 1015
C omponents 1187
C ontroller-PI_sp 992, 1016
computational direction 1176
C ontroller-PI_sp_aw 993, 1016
C one 297
C ontroller-PI_sp_aw_u0 994, 1017
C onfirmation on Delete 20, 31
controller-pi_sp_aw_u0_tr 995, 1018
connecting of joints 262
C ontroller-PID_p 996, 1019
C onnecting Sensors 277
C ontroller-PID_p_sp 997, 1020
C onnecting Submodels 25
C ontroller-PID_p_sp_aw 998, 1021
connection 617, 749, 879
C ontroller-PID_p_sp_aw_u0 999, 1022
connection mode 25
controller-pid_p_sp_aw_u0_tr 1000, 1023
C onnections 1176
C ontroller-PID_s 1001, 1025
C onstant 305, 1088
C ontroller-PID_s_sp 1002, 1025
constant current 609

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1192


C ontroller-PID_s_sp_aw 1003, 1026 C urrent time 365

C ontroller-PID_s_sp_aw_u0 1004, 1027 C urrentSensor.emx 588
controller-pid_s_sp_aw_u0_tr 1005, 1028 C urrentSource 609
controllerwizard 989 C urrentSource.emx 609
convection 909 C urrentSource-C C C S 604
C onvert 1152 C urrentSource-C C C S.emx 604
C opy 87 curve fitting 493
C opy from States 476 custom libraries 18
C opy Specified 87 CV 974
C opy States 85, 95 cyclic 400, 412
correct order of execution 52, 243 C yclic Motions 400, 412
cos 196 C ycloid 1093
cosh 196 C ycloidal 400, 412
C osine 946 C ylinder 296, 309, 618
C osine Wave 1105 C ylinderC hamberA 621
cost function 515 cylinderchamberb 622
C ostFunction 1033, 1034 cylinderdouble 623
C ounterbalanceValve 681 cylindersingle 627
counter-moving ports 899 C ylinderSingleSpringReturn 625
counting 236 C ylinderSpringReturn 619
coupling 775 -D-
C PS 393 D C ontroller 354
crankrod 758, 897 DA 1039
C reate Datafile 476 da-delay 1038
C reated 28 Damper 742, 816, 857, 882
C reating 1151, 1187 Dashed Bonds 28
C reating C omponents 1187 data 152
C reating Elements 1164 Data Files 423
C reating,Bond Graphs 1151 Data Input Wizard 1089
C reating,Iconic Diagrams 1187 Data Types 129
cross 175 Datafile 951, 1094
C rossingBoth 1048 DataFromFile 1089
C rossingDown 1048 Davidson Fletcher Powel 487
C rossingUp 1048 DB 947
crossover yerk 400, 412 DC Motors 462
C ube 294 DC motor 586, 717
C ubic 400, 412 DC -motor 586, 717
cumulative power spectral density 393 DC motor.emx 586, 717
current 609 Ddt 134
current controlled current source 604 deactivate license 9

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1193


deactivation 9 differential equations 320, 376

DeadZone 942 differential form 50, 242
deal voltage source 610 DifferentialGear 759
Debugger 90 Differentiate 926
deci 73 Differentiate- 925
declarations 15 Differentiate-C alculus 925
Default Lights and C ameras 302 Differentiate-Default 928
Default Line Thickness 20, 31 Differentiate-FO 926
Default Shared Y-Axis 20, 31 Differentiate-SVF 927
default value 78 Differentiation 927, 928
default values 123 Differentiator 354
degree of freedom 829 Diffuse color 305
degrees of freedom 793, 796 Digital 1039
deinstallation 9 digital filter 373
Delay 922, 1040 Digital linear controllers 352
delay-n 1039 Digital linear filters 352
Delay-Pade 922 Digital to Analog C onvertor 1039
Delay-Step 922 Diode 589, 599
Delay-Time 923 Diode Bridge 599
delay-variabletime 923 Diode-Ideal 589
demonstration 6 direct 186
Demux 924 Direct acting 975
denominator 322, 378 direct search 487
Department 28 Direction Up Vector 266
Dependent 87 Directional Light 305
dependent rate 46, 50, 242 discharge coefficient 612
dependent state 46, 50, 242 Discrete 373
Dependent states 28 Discrete Differential 1041
Dependent/Algebraic 87 Discrete Integral 1042
Derivative 134 Discrete Sample time 320, 376
Derivative action 977 Discrete System 103, 144
Derivative Gain Limitation 927, 977 Discrete Time Interval 103
Derivative time 977 DiscreteDifferential 1041
description 72, 78 DiscreteIntegral 1042
Desired Area of Operation 461 Discrete-Time 36
det 176 Discrete-Time Models 36
Determinant 176 discrete-time system 373
diag 176 disk space 5
difference equations 320, 376 DisplacementMotor 629
Differential 761, 1041 displacementmotor-leakage 638

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1194


displacementpump 630 dynamic variables 87

displacementpump-leakage 640 -E-
dissipative element 542, 550 Eddy C urrent 455
Distribute curves 28 Edit C ondition 91
disturbances 318 Edit Implementation 35
Div 205, 206 Edit Modes 255
Divide 938 Edit window 251
Division 205 Editing Domains 72
DLL 153, 155 editor 2, 13, 14
dlldynamic 162 Effort 69, 1143
dly 135 effort in 233
Do 225, 226 effort source 543, 551
Documentation 526 Effortincausality 233
Documentation Editor 42 EffortSensor 536, 1146
DoFromMatlab 1060 Eigen Frequencies 327, 385
Domain 69 Electric 69, 584
domain changes 553 Electric Switch 590, 600
Domain name 72 electrical inductance 594
Domains 68, 69, 72 Elements 236, 1164
Domains,Quantities and Units Editor 68 Eliminating double differences 27
DoMatlab 231, 1062 Eliminating junctions 27
DoMatlab-Final 1061 Eliminating nodes 27
DoMatlab-Initial 1061 Else 222, 224
double acting cylinder 623 Enable XMLRPC Interface 20, 31
Double C lick Function 20, 31 Encoder 783
DoubleSwitch-Level 590 encrypted 23
drag and drop 18, 262 end 221, 222, 224, 225, 226
Drawing Rules 796 End Angle 395
DTypeFlipFlop 1077 end plane 291
DTypeFlipFlop-C ontinuous 1070 end position 293
DTypeFlipFlop-Discrete 1077 End Time 408
Duplication 314 end_time 400, 412
During the run 465 Endless 79, 101
Duty C ycle 455 Energy 33, 537
DXF-files 300 EnergySensor.emx 537
Dynamic Backgounds 45 Equal 66, 150, 216, 217, 218
Dynamic DLL's 163 equation 14
Dynamic Error Budgeting 393 equation editor 13, 14, 15
Dynamic Model 429 equation model 14
Dynamic Systems 1142, 1173 Equations 55, 113, 114, 245, 1159

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1195


Equations interpreted as code 28 FFT Analysis 362

Equations,Bond Graph 1159 FFT plot 362
Error 974 FFT settings 362
error message 27 FFT Window 365
Errors 27, 90 File Data 152, 171
Euler 107 File Input 951, 1094
Euler Parameters 266, 306 FileInput 152
event 148, 149, 1048 Filename 1089
Event delta 79 Files of Type 23
eventdown 148 Filter 352, 358, 362, 928, 977, 1053, 1054, 1056
Events 119 Filter Editor 352, 928
eventup 148 Filtering 373
Every 20, 31 Final Equations 114
Examples 18 finalequations 113
Execution 52, 243 Find 86
Exp 135 Find again 18
exp10 136 Find box 18
exp2 136 Find tab 13, 18
Expand Vectors/Matrices 87 Finish 79
Expand Vectors/Matrices: 87 finishtime 126
Explode 26 first 187
Exponential 135 First Order Filter 359, 361
Exponential Base 10 136 Fixation of bodies 800
Exponential Base 2 136 Fixed C ausality 47, 240
Exponential Window 930 fixed in orientation 1182
Export 42 fixed out 66
Export to Matlab 10, 40 fixed out orientation 1182
Export to Simulink 40 fixed position 57
Exporting Simulations 97 fixed sample time 94
External Tracking 979 Fixed Sampletime 104
eye 177 fixed time step 94
-F- fixed world 743, 807, 830, 858
F3 18 FixedWorld 743, 858
fading colors 86 Flash 289
false 126 Flat 308, 309
Fast Fourier Transform 362 Flexible C omponents 813
Faulhaber 2006 437 FlipFlop 1070, 1074, 1075, 1077, 1081, 1082
favorites 87 Flipping 827
femto 73 Floating License 6, 7, 9
fft 365 floating mechanism 266

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1196


floor 137 frequency range 362

Flow 69, 1143 Frequency Response 369
flow conductance 612 Frequency Sweep 1101
flow in 234 frequencyevent 149, 1051
flow source 544, 552 Friction 542, 550, 743, 858
flowcontrolvalve 656 friction literature 1141
flowcontrolvalve-states 682 Friction Phenomena 1133
Flowincausality 234 FrictionRelative 863
FlowSensor 537, 652, 1146 FrictionSimple 868
FlowSource 631 FrictionSimple-Relative 872
flowsource-leakage 642 From Matlab 78
FMU 1.0 export 465 FromMatlab 232, 1062
FMU 2.0 export 465 front plane 302
Fonts 20, 31 Full Screen 99, 282
For 225 Functions 15, 132
For To Do 225 -G-
Force 830, 831, 843 G 306, 612
force (constant) 843 Gain 353, 380, 929, 975
force (variable) 844 Gain Margin 329, 387
ForceActuator 844 Gain-Phase 392
ForceActuator-Relative 844 Gauss 188, 1095, 1111
Force-Relative 843 Gaussian Noise 188, 1095, 1097, 1111
forces 812 gdi+ 2
ForceSensor-Relative 890 Gear 761
Fork 898 gear box 761
Form 47, 240 gear ratio 761, 772
Forward Euler transformation 373 gearbox 772
Fourier Analysis 362 General Modified Sine with C onstant Velocity
fourthreewaydirectionalvalve 657 400, 412
General Properties 291, 308
fourthreewaydirectionalvalve-states 684
Generate 20-sim Model 264
FourThreeWayProportionalValve 659
Generate Global Parameters 261
FourThreeWayProportionalValve-States 686
Generic Filter 358
frame 306
Geneva Mechanism 400, 412
frame hierarchy 292
Ghost Modes 255
frame rate 289
giga 73
Frames 302
Global 59, 60, 127
frames per second 291
Global Maximum 86
free 6
Global Minimum 86
freeze 807, 830
Global parameters 58, 59, 78, 127
frequency 103, 362, 392

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1197


Global Reference 1180 hidden variable 46

Global Relations Editor 61 Hide 3D Objects 283
global variables 58, 59, 87, 127 Hierarchical Models 21
globals 58 hierarchy 21, 292
Globals tab 61 high 67
Go Down 21 High / Low Terminals 67, 1186
Go Up 21 High frequency noise 977
Gouroud 308 High pass 358, 359
gradient fill 20, 31 High Pass First Order Filter 359
gradient search 487 High Pass Second Order Filter 359
Graph Animation 315 high-frequency measurement noise 977
graphical editor 13, 16 High-frequency roll-off filter 357
gravity 876 Hinge X-rotation 270
green 306 Hinge Y-rotation 270
green input and output lines 36 Hinge Z-rotation 270
Ground 593, 910 Histogram 503
Ground.emx 593 H-matrix (4x4) 277
GY 538 Hold 144, 1043
GY-2 573, 575 homogeneous 177
GY-3 560 How to use the Parameters 427
GY-element 1171 html document 42
Gyrator 538, 542, 552 HTTP 20, 31
Gyrators 1171 Hydraulic 69
-H- hydraulic accumulator 703
halt 228 Hydraulic Powersensor 653
hamming 365 HydraulicInertia 616
hann 365 Hysteresis 455, 955, 962
Has Damping 270 Hz 103, 1054, 1056
Has Minimum 270 -I-
Has Spring 270 i 539, 540
Head Sensor 653 I C ontroller 354
heatcapacity 911 I-2 574
heatflow 916 I-3 561
heatflowsensor 920 IC -2 541
hecto 73 Icon 21
Help 1 Icon Editor 13, 56
Help Page 28 Icon Size 20, 31
Hidden 87, 120, 123, 124, 129, 283 Icon tab 13
Hidden layer 335 Iconic Diagram 1152
Hidden layers 334 iconic diagram models 16

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1198


Iconic Diagram Ports 1182 Inductor.emx 594

Iconic Diagram,Bond Graph 1152 Inertia 748
Iconic Diagrams 18, 584, 1152, 1154, 1173
Initial 108, 109
Iconic Diagrams,Bond Graphs 1152, 1154Initial Equations 114
ideal capacitor 587 initial output 984
ideal current source 609, 610 Initial Values 78
ideal cylinder 618 Initial Weights Fill Scale 337
ideal DC -motor 586, 717 initial yerk 400, 412
ideal electrical inductance 594 initialequations 113
ideal electrical resistor 599 Initialize variables 28
ideal mass 876 Initialize Variables on Nan 90
ideal physical model 1142, 1173 inner 177
ideal voltage source 611 Input Equations 46
Identified with 103 Input from File 171, 1094
I-elements 1169 Input is not used 28
If 221, 222, 224 input noise 393
If Then 221 input probes 87
If Then Else 222, 224 input signal 65
Image 291 insert a submodel 25
images 16 Inspect Models 21
imaginary 392 installation 7, 518, 527
impacts 880 Installing 20-sim 7
Implementation 21 instructions 46
Implementations 35 int 138
Implode 26 Integer 129, 130
Import 78, 91 Integral 138, 1042
Import Data 392 Integral Form 50, 242
Import Gain-Phase 392 integral time 976
Import Real-Imag 392 Integrate 931, 935
Importing Simulations 98 Integrate Data 362
impulse 188 Integrate-ExpWindow 930
included toolboxes 6 Integrate-FO 931
indentation 292 integrate-folimited 932
independent rate 46 Integrate-Limited 933
independent state 46 Integrate-RectWindow 934
indexer 756, 895 Integrate-Reset 934
indexers 756, 895 Integration Error 108, 109
indifferent 66 Integration Methods 79, 101
Indifferent C ausality 47, 240 Integrator 354
Inductor 594 interacting form 977

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1199


Interesting 87, 124, 129 laminar flow 612, 648, 650

interesting variable 46 LaminarResistance 648
interface 14, 64 language 14
Interface Editor 13, 64 Language Reference 111, 113, 114, 120, 129,
Interface tab 13 132, 201, 221
Laplace variable 322, 378
intermediate points 25
Larger Than 218
Intermittent 400, 412
Last Run 85
Interpreter C ode 46
layers 334
Interval 934
Lead Filter 360
introduction 420, 516
leakage 365
introduction to friction 1132
Learn after Leaving Spline 338, 343
inverse 178, 936
Learn at each Sample 338, 343
inverseH 178
learning rate 337, 338, 343
inverting equations 47, 240
left-hand frames 302
Invertor 1070, 1078
left-handed 308
IPM 1142, 1173
Less Than 216
ipython 527
Lever 899, 907
ISA form 977
lever ratio 899
iterate 119
Libraries 20, 31
library 2, 13, 18, 266
Jacobian Matrix 277
Library File 28
jerk 395
Library Folders 20, 31
Join Parameter Variation 476
library names 20, 31
Joint C onstraint Settings 261
Library Path 28
Joint C onstraint Settings dialog 261
library paths 20, 31
Joystick 1090
Library tab 13, 253
Jump 18, 956
License 7, 9
Jump and Rate Limiter 956
License Activation 7
Junction 1168
Lightwave Object files 300
Junctions 1166
Likes 66
Likes C ausality 47, 240
Keyboard 1091
limint 138
keyboard keys 287
Limit 138, 957
keys 287
limitations 6
Keywords 28, 120
Limited Integration 138, 933
kilo 73
limited stiffness 827
kind 87
Limits 452
Line 293
Lag Filter 360 Line C limber 487

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1200


Linear 305 Low Pass First Order Filter 361

Linear Actuators 813 Low Pass Second Order Filter 361
linear differential equations 320, 376 Low Terminals 67, 1186
linear feedback anti windup 979 LowPassFilter-BW2Hz 1054
Linear Motors 448 lowpassfilter-bw4 1056
Linear Slides 813 LowPassFilter-BW4Hz.emx 1056
Linear System 936, 1120 lowpassfilter-fo 1057
Linear System Editor 373, 936, 1120 lowpassfilter-so 1059
linear time- invariant models 373 Lumped Parameter Method 1142, 1173
Linearization Explained 368 -M-
Linearization moment 28 Machine C ode 46
Linearization Tolerances 371 Magnetic 69
Linearization Type 28 Main Model 21, 28
Linearize at 365 main reference frame 292
Linearize Model 365 major 126
linearized symbolically 793 major step 54
LinearSystem 1043 Manager 28
linsolve 179 Manipulate 287
Literature 985 Manual output 984
Load Scene 289 Mark 86
Load Weights at Start of Simulation 337, 343
mask 373
Localhost 20, 31 Mass 876
Locate License File 9 Material 312
locks 287 matlab 10, 40, 87, 230, 231, 232, 365, 465, 476,
Log 139, 947 516, 521
matlab simulink connection 10
log10 140
Matlab-C ode folders 20, 31
log2 140
Matlab-C ode Generation 20, 31
Logarithm Base 10 140
matplotlib 527
Logarithm Base 2 140
Matrices 38, 87, 236
Logical Nand 1072
Matrix 204, 236, 237
Logical-And 1068, 1076
Matrix Declaration 236
Logical-Invertor 1070
Matrix is assigned a scalar 28
Logical-Nor 1073
Matrix Notation 236
Logical-Or 1073
Matrix Operators 237
Logical-Xor 1071
Matrix Use 237
Loop 3D Animation 28
max 180
Loop Flushing Valve 662
maximum 108, 109, 964, 1085
Loops 51, 239
Maximum allowed lost time 101
low 67
maximum continuous torque 455
Low Pass 358, 361, 1054, 1056

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1201


Maximum Efficiency 460 Modal 878

maximum phase current 444 ModalSummer 879
maximum phase to phase voltage 444 Model Help 28
Maximum Power 460 Model Hierarchy 13, 78
Maximum Step Size 109 Model Hierarchy: 87
Maximum Value 87 Model Layout 112
Maxon 431 model libraries 18
Maxon motors 431 model library 16
Maxwell reciprocity 541 Model Settings 28, 257
Mean 1085, 1110 Model tab 13, 252
mean time interval 1115 Model Template Folders 20, 31
measured variable 974 modeling 534
measurement 318, 974 models 21, 534
Mechanical 69, 708 Modified Sine 400, 412
mechanism 756, 895 Modified Sine with C onstant Velocity 400, 412
mechanisms 395, 756, 895 modified sine with contstant velocity 400, 412
mega 73 Modified Trapezoidal 400, 412
Melt equal junctions 27 Modulated dissipative element 542
Mesh 308 Modulated effort source 543
Message Log 75 Modulated Elements 1146
Message window 255 Modulated flow source 544
m-file 40 Modulated gyrator 542
MGY 542, 1172 Modulated Gyrators 1172
MGY-2 575 Modulated Sources 1171
MGY-3 562 Modulated transformer 544
MGY-element 1172 Modulated Transformers 1172
micro 73 ModulatedC urrentSource 610
Migrating from Older Versions 248 ModulatedC urrentSource.emx 610
milli 73 modulatedflowsource 631
min 180 modulatedflowsource-leakage 643
Minimize/Maximize 481 modulatedheatflow 916
Minimum 965, 1086 modulatedpressuresource 632
Minimum / Maximum 476, 481 ModulatedTemperatureSource 917
Minimum Value 87 ModulatedVoltageSource 610
minor steps 54 ModulatedVoltageSource.emx 610
Minus 940 Modulus Operator 206
Mixed models 36 Momentum C onstant 337
MLP Network 335 Monitor 941, 1105
mlpnetwork 973 Monte C arlo analysis 85, 503
Mod 206 More 289

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1202


motion 262, 395, 412 Multiplications 73

motion profile 395 Multiply 921, 938
Motion profile parameters 412 MultiplyDivide 151, 938
Motion Profile Wizard 408, 411 multiplyH 181
MotionProfile-Wizard.emx 1092 multi-signal 38
Moving 287 Mux 939
Moving Objects 287 -N-
MovingAverage 1086 Name 28, 87, 1182
MR 542 names 78, 120, 123, 124
MR-2 576 Naming C onventions 1009
MR-3 564 Nand 1072, 1079
MSC % 400, 412 nano 73
MSC 50 400, 412 Natural Logarithm 139
MSe 543 Negate 939
MSe-2 577 net energy 33
MSe-3 565 net power 33
MSe-element 1171 net power flow 33
MSf 544 network 333, 338
MSf-2 578 Network is Discrete 343
MSf-3 565 Network Name 337, 343
MSf-element 1171 Neural Networks 333, 338
msum 180 neuron 335
MTF 544, 1172 neurons 333, 338
MTF-2 578 New 3D Animation Plot 93
MTF-3 566 new in 20-sim 2
MTF-element 1172 New Simulation Plot 92
mul 151 Newton Raphson 487
Multi Layer Perceptron 335 next 145
multi-bond 38 Next C amera 302
multi-connection 38 Next Local Maximum 86
Multi-Dimensional Models 38 Next Local Minimum 86
Multi-Dimensional Ports 38 Nichols 331, 389
Multi-Line Tabbing 14 Nichols C hart 331, 373, 389
multiple port restrictions 66 No Emphasising Threshold 20, 31
Multiple Run 85, 514 Node 617, 749, 879
Multiple Run results 85, 476 Node.emx 595
Multiple Run Wizard 475 Noise 188, 189, 1095, 1098, 1111, 1112
multiple-run 85 Nominal Operating Point 455
multiplication 71, 202, 204 Non-actuated 270
multiplication factor 73 non-interacting form 977

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1203


Nor 1073, 1080 OneJunction 545

norm 181 Only Frames 289
Normal Force 1132 OpAmp 595
Normal stop 228 OpAmp.emx 595
norminf 182 Open 23
Not 219 open chain mechanism 259
Not Equal 66, 217 open end 808
Notch Filter 361, 362 Open Model 23
NTC 919 Operating Point 95, 365
Number 67, 1186 operating system 5
Number Hidden Neurons 337 operational amplifier 595
number of frames per second 291 Operators 15, 201
Number of Splines 343 optimization 481, 487
numerator 322, 378 Optimization Method 481
numerical linearization 371 Optimization Methods 487
Numerical Output 476 Optimization Results 481
Numerical Values 86 optimization run 85
numpy 527 Optimize Divisions 28
Nyquist 332, 388 Optimize Duplicate Expression 28
Nyquist Diagram 332, 388 Optimize Equation Structure 28
Nyquist Plot 373 Optimize Static Expressions 28
-O - Optimizing Equation Structure 46
Object Attributes 283 Or 215, 1073, 1080
Object Tree 283 order 343, 400, 412
objects 283, 287 Order of Excecution 52, 243
octave 516, 518 Order of Execution 52, 243
octaveforge 518 Orientation 66, 67, 277, 306, 1146, 1176, 1178,
offset 309, 976
Orientation Info 1176
OK 476
orifice 648
Omega (3x1) 277
orifice area 612
Omega and Velocity (3x1) 277
Origin 309
Omega-X 277
OrthoGraphic 302
Omega-Y 277
oscillating 400, 412
Omega-Z 277
oscillating signal generators 400, 412
one 1093
Other Motors 463
One Junction 546, 554, 1166, 1168
output 988, 1012
One Step 85
Output After Each 79, 101
One Step Simulation 85, 90
output delay 320, 376
One_in 66
Output Equations 46
One_out 66

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1204


Output Filename 264 Phased Sine Wave.emx 1106

Output is not used 28 Phong 308
Output position 270 physical domain 69
output probes 87 Physical Domains 69
Output Sigma 393 physical model 1142, 1173
output signal 65 physical systems 534
Output tab 13 pi 991, 1007, 1031, 1093
Override the General Spring Damper Values PI C261
ontroller 355, 1007, 1031
overshoot 328, 386 pico 73
-P- pictures 16
P 989, 1006, 1029 PID 1008, 1032
P C ontroller 353, 1006, 1029 PID C ompensator 357
p_vapour 612 PID C ontrol 974
Pack 23, 24, 40 PID C ontroller 355, 356, 357, 1008, 1032
Packed Files 24 PID-1 C ontroller 355
Pade Time Delay 922 PID-2 C ontroller 356
Pair-wise transfer function 362 piezo actuator 584, 585, 841, 842
Parallel 305 PilotOperatedC heckValve 664
Parallel Form 977 PilotOperatedC heckValve-States 691
Parameter is not used 28 planar motion 793
parameter sweep 85, 476 Plane Distance 302
Parameter Sweeps 476 PlanetaryGear 764
parameters 78, 123, 423 plant 318, 974
Parameters/Initial Values Editor 78 Plot Properties Editor 81
Parasitic 707 plot window 2
ParasiticVolume 707 Plus 940
Partial C ubic 400, 412 PlusMinus 151, 940
Partial Trapezoidal 400, 412 Pneumatic 69
Pass Band 358 point mass 798
PD 1006, 1030 point model 802
PD C ontroller 354, 1006, 1030 Polack Ribiere 487
peaks 362 Pole Zero 330, 390
penumbra 305 Pole Zero Diagram 330, 390
Permanent Magnet Motorsunction 440 pole zero notation 324, 382
Perpendicular Search 487 Poles 324, 373, 382, 936
Perspective 302 Poles and Zeros (including root locus) 373
phase 329, 387, 392 Polynomial 400, 412
Phase Margin 329, 387 Polynomials 322, 378
phase to phase inductance 449 Port is not used 28
phase to phase resistance 449 Port Names 115

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1205


Port Properties 1161, 1182 Prepare Scripting Folder 521

Port Relations tab 66 Pressing Mode 25
Port Variables 69, 1182 pressure 612
Ports 64, 67, 1161, 1182, 1186 Pressure C ompensator 666, 692
port-size 38 pressurereducingvalve 670
position 266, 277, 306, 408, 809, 837, 876pressurereducingvalve-states 695
Position (3x1) 277 pressurereliefvalve 668
Position Sensor 809, 837 pressurereliefvalve-states 696
Position/Orientation 277 pressuresensor 654
PositionActuator 721, 846 pressuresource 633
PositionActuator-Relative 718, 845 previous 146
PositionSensor-Absolute 787, 890 Previous Local Maximum 86
PositionSensor-Relative 788, 891 Previous Local Minimum 86
Position-X 277 Previous Runs 85
Position-Y 277 process 974
Position-Z 277 process output 974
positive direction 796 Process tab 13
Possible loss of data 28 process variable 974
Potentiometer 598, 788 processor 5
Power 33, 69, 207, 812, 948 professional 6
power flow 33 profile 400, 408, 412
Power Interaction Port 270 Profiles 289, 400, 412
Power ports 115 Programming Language 465
power sensor 548 Project 28
power spectral density 362, 393 Projection 302
powerflow 812 Properties 254, 283, 1182
PowerSensor 653, 789 Property Page 20, 31
PowerSplitter 549 Proportional Band 975
powertport 69 proportional gain 975
pre-act 977 PSD 393
Predefined C onstants 122 Psensor 549, 1146
Predefined Variables 126 Pseudo Domain 72
preferred 66 Pseudo Pneumatic 69
Preferred C ausality 33, 47, 240 PseudoHydraulic 69
Preferred out 66 PseudoThermal 69
Prefilter 318, 362 PseudoThermalH 69
prefix 73 PTC 919
Prefix Minus Sign 219 Pulse 400, 412, 1097
Prefix Plus Sign 219 PV 974
prefixes 71 pwm 958

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1206


python 516, 527, 528, 529, 531 Real Time 3D Animation 85

Python 3.4 7 Real Time Toolbox 464
-Q - Real-Imag 392
Qsensor 550, 1146 realtime 126
quadratic 305, 365 Real-Time simulation 101
quanties 78 Rectangular Window 934
Quantisize-Round 1045 Rectifier 599
Quantisize-Truncate 1046 red 306
quantities 68, 71, 72, 73 Reduction Tolerance 373
Quantities and Units Editor 68 Redundant Equations 28
Quantities Mismatch 28 Reference Body is Floating option 266
QuantitiesAndUnits.ini 68 Reference Frame 292, 306
Quantity 73, 87, 120, 123, 124 Registration/Update License 9
Quantity name 73 Regularization 343
-R- Relative 108, 109
R 306, 550 relative tolerance 371
R-2 579 Relay 960
R-3 567 RelayHysteresis 962
RackPinionGear 765, 900 Remove redundant equations 46
radiation 912 render 308
Radius 298 Rendering 308
Raising Power 948 Repeat 227
Ramp 188, 400, 412, 1098 Repeat Until 227
ran 189 Replace parameters 28
Random 126, 189, 1098, 1112 Replay 85
random form 47, 240 Representation 254
random integers 1114 Request License 9
random noise 189, 1097 requirements 5
random numbers 1097 resample 94
Random Seed 189, 1097 Reserved Words 117
range 236 reset 976
ranges 236 reset time 976

Rate 50, 242, 959, 977 Resettable Integration 141, 934

Rate Limiter 956, 959 resint 141
Rates 87 Resistance 1170
ratio 538, 542 Resistor 542, 550, 599, 917
raw Pseudo bonds 28 Resistor.emx 599
Ray Tracing 289 resolution 362
Read Datafile 85 resonance frequencies 362
real 129, 131, 392 resonant frequencies 362

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1207


resonant peaks 362 Sample 145, 146, 1036, 1047

Restore Default 20, 31 Sample and Hold 1043
Return Angle 395 sample frequency 36, 103
Return Time 408 sample rate 36
return_time 400, 412 sample time 94, 373
reverse acting 975 Sampletime 126, 146, 1036, 1043, 1047
rewrite equations 50, 242 Sampling 146
rewriting equations 47, 240 Sava As 23
rho 612 Save 23
right hand frames 302 Save Encrypted 23
ripple 358, 441 Save Scene 289
rise time 328, 386 Save Weights at End of Simulation 343
Root Locus Gain 380 Save Weights at Start of Simulation 337
root locus plot 330, 390 Saw Wave 1106
Root Mean Square 1087 Scaling 306
Rotation 69 Scenery Filename 264
Rotation (3x3) 277 Scenes 289
rotation speed 790 scipy 527
rotational inertia 748, 798 scope 18, 58, 60, 61
rotational spring 749 Screen 99
round 141 scripting 516, 517, 521, 527, 528, 529, 531
Rounding 1045 scripting configuration 517
Row 38 Scripting Interface 20, 31
Rows 182, 236, 1182 Se 551
Rows/C olumns 1161, 1182 Se-2 580
RS232 20, 31 Se-3 568
Run 85 Search 18
Run Number 86 Search box 18
Run Properties Editor 79 Second Order Filter 359, 361
run tasks 516 see 302
Runge Kutta 2 108 Se-element 1170
Runge Kutta 4 108 Segment 297
Runge Kutta Dormand Prince 8 109 segments 295, 296, 297, 298
Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 108 Select 283
Running a 1-D B-Spline Network 344 Selecting Objects 285
Running a Simulation 85 selection box 285
Runtime 114 Selection Properties 254
-S- sensitivity 498, 975
s 103, 373 Sensitivity analysis 498
Safe Operating Area 455 Sensor 809, 810, 837

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1208


Sensor Types 277 Sign 142, 948, 951

Sensors 277, 808, 827 Signal 18
Separate High / Low Terminals 67, 1186 Signal Ports 115
sequential 114 SignalGenerator-C ycloid 1093
Serial 20, 31 SignalGenerator-FileInput 1094
Series Form 977 SignalGenerator-GaussianNoise 1095, 1111
servomotor 720, 847 SignalGenerator-Pulse 1097
Set As Reference Body 266 SignalGenerator-Ramp 1098
Set Values 476 SignalGenerator-Random 1098, 1112
setpoint 974, 985, 988, 1012 SignalGenerator-RandomInteger 1114
Setpoint Weighting 978 SignalGenerator-Step 1100
Set-Reset Flipflop 1074 SignalGenerator-StepTime 1101
SetResetFlipflop-C ontinuous 1074 SignalGenerator-Sweep 1101
SetResetFlipFlop-Discrete 1081 SignalGenerator-Time 1104
Setting C ausality 33 SignalGenerator-VariableBlock 1115
Settings 28 SignalMonitor 941, 1105
settling time 328, 386 Signals 1146
Sf 552 Silent stop 228
Sf-2 581 Simple Transformer 553
Sf-3 568 Simplification 27, 1148
Sf-element 1170 Simplification,Bond Graph Models 1148
S-function 40 Simplify Model 27, 1148
S-functions 465 Simulation C ode 46
SGY 552 simulator 2
SGY-2 581 Simulink 10, 40, 465
SGY-3 569 Simulink S-function 465
shape 400, 412 sin 197
shock absorber 880 Sine 400, 412, 949
Show 3D Objects 283 Sine Sweep 1101
Show Equations 55, 245 Sine Wave 1106, 1107
Show Grid 28 single 6
Show Names For New Submodel 20, 31 single acting cylinder 619, 621, 625, 627
Show results after processing 28 single license 7
Show Variables: 87 Single-Step Simulation 85, 90
Shuttle Valve 672, 698 sinh 198
SI Symbol 73 SISO 322, 373, 378
sidops 111, 204 size 38, 289
SIDOPS+ 111 skew 183
Sigma 1047 Skip 91
Sigmoid 335 SkyHookDamper 882

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1209


Slides 813 Standard Elements 1146

Small Rotations 793, 795 standard form 977
Smart C ontraint Solving 110 StandardC ameras_Orthographic.scn 302
Smooth Line 25 Star and Delta Networks 449
Snap to Grid 28 Start 79
Solo 283 Start Angle 395
Solve algebraic variables 28 Start of simulation 365
Solving Differential Equations 50, 242 start plane 291
source 543, 544, 551, 552 start position 293
Sources 1170 Start Time 408
SP 974, 988, 1012 start_time 400, 412
Specular color 305 starttime 126
Sphere 295, 309 state 50, 242
spindle 768, 903 State and Time Events 119
Spiral 298 state events 79, 119
spline function 338 State Space 936
Splitter 941 State Space Models 320, 373, 376
Spot Angle 305 State Variable Filter 927
Spot Exponent 305 Statements 15, 221
Spot Light 305 States 87
Spring 749, 883 States/Rates 87
Spring Damper 259 state-space description 365
Spring Damper Joint 259 Static and Dynamic Phenomena 1136
SpringDamper 750, 884 Static Backgrounds 45
spring-damper 750 steady state 95
Springs 813 Steady State Gain 380
sqr 142 steady state value 328, 386
sqrt 143 Steepest Descent 487
square 142, 301, 949 steepness 450
Square Root 143 Step 190, 328, 386, 1100
Square Root with Sign 950 Step Response 328, 373, 386
Square Sign 951 Step Size 107, 108, 109
Square Wave 1107 Step-by-Step 91
squareroot 950 StepMotor 723
stall torque 450 Steps 476
Stand-alone ANSI-C 465 stepsize 126
Stand-alone C -code 465 STF 553
standard 6 STF-2 582
standard deviation 393, 1087, 1118 STF-3 570
standard deviations 393 stiffness 816, 827

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1210


stiffness and damping 261 Syntax Highlighting Threshold 20, 31

STL-files 300 system 974
Stop 85, 101 System Gain 380
Stop Angle 395 system output 974
Stop band 358 -T-
Stop Time 408 Table 171, 951
stop_time 400, 412 Table of C ontents 42
Stopsimulation 228 Tabular Function 951
Storage element 534, 539 Tachometer 790
Straight Lines 25 tan 200, 953
String 129, 131 tanh 199
Stroke 395, 400, 408, 412 Tank 705, 706
strokes 33 Tank with resistance 706
structural connection 749, 879 TankNoRes 705
Submodel 25, 28, 1164 Tapping Mode 25
Submodel C olors 20, 31 targets 466, 468
Submodel Name to be used in 20-sim 264Targets.ini 466, 468
Submodels 21 taskbar 13, 15, 16
Subtract 940 TC P 20, 31
Subtract DC -component 362 tdelay 143
Subtraction 203 Tecnotion 435
sum 151 Tecnotion motors 435
swapbytes 220 temperaturesensor 920
Sweep 476, 1101 temperaturesource 918
Switch 228, 590, 600, 963, 964 tera 73
Switch C ase 228 Terminal 67
Switch-Break 963 terminal inductance 449
Switch-Default 963 terminal resistance 449
switching 554 Terminals 57, 67, 1186
Switch-Level 600 Texture 309
Switch-Make 964 Texture Offset 309
Switch-Maximum 964 texture wrap 309
Switch-Minimum 965 TF 555
sym 183 TF-2 583
Symbol 73 TF-3.emx 570
Symbol Prefixes 73 TF-element 1171
Symbolic Linear Systems 375 Then 221, 222, 224
Symbolic Linearization 371 Thermal 69, 909
Symplectic gyrator 552 Thermal Duty C ycle 455
sympy 527 Thermal Model 464

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1211


ThermalC onductance 913 torque (constant) 725

ThermalResistor 914 torque (variable) 726, 727
thermistor 919 torque constant 450
ThreeDBody 827 torque f 440
ThreeDFixedWorld 830 Torque.emx 725
ThreeDForceActuator 831 TorqueActuator 727
ThreeDForceActuator-Relative 830 TorqueActuator-Relative 726
ThreeDMass 832 Torque-Relative 725
ThreeDPoint-X 833 TorqueSensor-Relative 791
ThreeDPositionSensor-Y 837 Torus 297
threedspringdamper 838 trace 184
ThreeDZeroForce 839 tracking time constant 979
throttling band 975 train 333, 338
Through 69, 1174 Training 338
tilde 183 Training a 1-D B-Spline Network 348
Time 126, 1104 Training Simulators 100
Time Delay 143, 923 transducer 790
Time Domain Toolbox 475 Transfer Function 362, 936
Time Events 119 Transfer Functions 322, 373, 378, 1119
Time window 934 TransferFunction 1122
timeevent 149, 1052 TransferFunctionWithDeadTime 1127
timer 104 Transform Dependents states 28
Timing 79 transformation 373, 795
timingbelt 770, 904 transformer 544, 553, 555
Title 28 Transformer.emx 602
To 225 Transformers 1171
To Matlab 78, 87 Translation 69
ToDoMatlab 1063, 1064 translational spring 883
Toggle Full Screen 99 Transmission 772, 907
tokens 466, 471 Transmission-Universal 908
Tolerance 373, 481 Transparency 309, 312
Tolerances 28, 365 transpose 185
ToMatlab 230, 1067 Trapezoidal 400, 412
ToMatlab-Plot 1064 Triangle Wave 1109
ToMatlab-Store 1065 Trigger Type 1075
ToMatlab-Timed 1066 Trigger-type Flipflop 1082
ToMatlab-TimedPlot 1066 TriggerTypeFlipFlop-C ontinuous 1075
ToMatlab-TimedStore 1067 TriggerTypeFlipFlop-Discrete 1082
toolbox 2, 6 troubleshooting 10
Torque 725, 812 trunc 144

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1212


Truncate 1046 Unit Delay 135, 146

Truncation 953 Unit is unknown 28
Tube 297, 298 Unit missing for variable when SI disabled 28
turbulent flow 612, 648, 651 Unit name 73
turns 298, 788 Unit Symbol 73
Tustin 373 units 68, 71, 73, 78
two port 535, 540 Units Editor 68
TwoDAccelerationSensor 810 Universal Joint coupling 775
TwoDBody 798, 829 Universal Notch Filter 362
TwoDFixedWorld 807 Unlit 308
TwoDForceSensor 812 Unlit Flat 308
TwoDLinearActuator-X 822 Unpack 23, 24, 40
TwoDLinearSlide-X 818 Until 227
TwoDPoint-X 802 Unwrap Phase 329, 387
TwoDPositionSensor 809 update another model 28
TwoDPowerSensor 812 Updates 44
TwoDSpring 816 updating plot 28
TwoDVelocitySensor 810 use 421
TwoDZeroForce 808 Use as Result 476
Two-Terminal 67, 1186 Use BDF Integration Scheme 109
TwoTwoWayDirectionalValve 674 Use Built-in C ompiler 79
twotwowayproportionalvalve 676 Use Newton Solver 109
twotwowayproportionalvalve-states 702 - V -
TwoTwoWayValve-States 700 Value 78, 87
Type 87, 1182 Values 78, 120, 123, 476
type conversion 28 vapour pressure 612
Type conversion found 28 Variable 87
Type Editor 1161, 1176, 1182 Variable C hooser 87
type of motion 408 Variable is never given a value 28
Types 78, 120, 123, 124 Variable is not used 28
-U- Variable is set but not used 28
umbra 305 Variable Multiple set 28
unattended installation 10 Variable name 73
Unbalance 753 Variable Pulse 1116
Uniform distribution 1095, 1111 variable sampletime 104
uninstalling 9 variable voltage 610
Unipolar Sigmoid 337 variabledisplacementmotor 633
Unit 78, 87, 120, 123, 124 variabledisplacementmotor-leakage 644
Unit C onversion when SI disabled 28 variabledisplacementpump 634
Unit C onversion when SI enabled 28 variabledisplacementpump-leakage 646

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1213


variablelaminarresistance 650 WaveGenerator-Saw 1106

variableorifice 651 WaveGenerator-Sine 1107
Variables 87, 124, 126 WaveGenerator-Square 1107
Variables: 87 Wavegenerator-SquareExp 1108
variance 1088, 1095, 1111, 1118 WaveGenerator-Triangle 1109
Variation Analysis 509 weight 338
VC VS 606 Welcome 1
Vector 236, 237, 304 Wet and Dry Friction 1134
Vectors 38, 87, 236, 309 While 226
Velocity 277, 408, 728, 810, 849 While Do 226
Velocity (3x1) 277 White Space 118
velocity (constant) 727, 728, 849 Window 930, 934
velocity (variable) 728, 729, 850, 851 Windows Media Video 289
VelocityActuator 729, 851 WireFrame 291, 308
VelocityActuator-Relative 728, 850 Working Point 365
VelocityActuator-Relative.emx 728 WormGear 776
Velocity-Relative 727, 849 wrap 309
VelocitySensor-Absolute 791, 892 Writing C omments 119
VelocitySensor-Relative 792, 893 Writing DLL's 155
Velocity-X 277 Writing Dynamic DLL's 163
Velocity-Y 277 Writing your own Scripts 526
Velocity-Z 277 -X-
Version 6, 28 XMLRPC 20, 31
version number 28 XML-RPC 517
View Modes 256 Xor 215, 1071, 1083
viewer 6 X-rotation 270
Vode Adams 109 X-translation 270
voltage 610, 611 X-value 86
voltage constant 450 X-Y-X Euler 266
voltage controlled voltage source 606 -Y -
VoltageSensorC urrentSensor.emx 604 Y-Axis 309
VoltageSource.emx 611 yellow 285
VoltageSource-VC VS 606 yerk 400, 408, 412
VoltageSource-VC VS.emx 606 YouTube 289
Volume 707 Y-rotation 270
Volume-C onstant 707 Y-translation 270
-W- Y-value 86
Warning 229 -Z-
WaveGenerator-C osine 1105 z 373
WaveGenerator-PhasedSine 1106

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1214


Z-1 1040
Z-Axis 309
zero 1110
Zero Junction 554, 1166
Zero Order Hold 144, 1043
ZeroForce 887
zerojunction 556, 557
Zeros 324, 373, 382, 936
Zeros and Poles 373
ZeroTorque 755
zip-file 24
Zooming 302
Z-rotation 270
Z-translation 270
Z-X-Z-Euler 306

20-sim 4.6 Reference Manual 1215

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