Dash - S Transform - Compression PDF
Dash - S Transform - Compression PDF
Dash - S Transform - Compression PDF
Abstract—In this paper, power quality transient data are Spline wavelets [4] stand apart in the general theory of wavelet
compressed and stored for analysis and classification purposes. transform. Their construction starts with the specification of
From the compressed data set, original data are reconstructed the underlying multiresolution function spaces. Thus, spline
and then analyzed using a modified wavelet transform known as
-transform. Compression techniques using splines are performed wavelets can be characterized explicitly; this is in contrast with
through signal decomposition, thresholding of wavelet transform most other constructions where the scaling function is specified
coefficients, and signal reconstruction. Finally, we present com- indirectly through a two-scale relation.
pression results using splines and examine the application of The main advantage of an explicit construction is that
splines compression in power quality monitoring to mitigate one does not need to worry about the delicate issues of the
against data-communication and data-storage problems. Since
-transform has better time frequency and localization property, convergence of the iterated filter bank. After reconstructing
power quality disturbances are detected and then classified in a the power quality data using spline wavelets, -transform
superior way than the recently used wavelet transform. (a modified form of wavelet transform) [5] is used to detect
Index Terms—Data compression, pattern classification, power and classify the type of disturbance. The -transform uses
quality, spline wavelets, -transforms. a scalable Gaussian window that dilates and translates. The
-transform is unique in that it provides frequency-dependent
resolution while maintaining a direct relationship with the
Fourier spectrum. Several examples are chosen to use spline
Fig. 2. (a) First-scale signal decomposition into c (n) into c (n) and d (n).
(2) (b) First-scale signal reconstruction from c (n) and d (n) into c (n).
A. Optimal Time-Frequency Localization This is shown in Fig. 2(a). In each level, the length of the de-
If denotes the B-spline wavelet of degree , than we composed signal is reduced to half of the original signal. Similar
have the following approximate formula (Cosine-modulated higher-order decomposition is performed.
Gaussian) The reconstruction of can be performed by a pyramidal
scheme similar to decomposition Fig. 2(b) shows the recon-
struction of from decomposed signals and .
Mathematically, this can be expressed as
(4) (8)
A. Compression Ratio
It is the ratio of original file size to the compressed file size.
For the example just presented, the compression ratio is 5.0633.
By choosing a different threshold value, a different compression
ratio can be obtained
original file size
Compression ratio
compressed file size
B. Energy Retained by the Compressed Signal Fig. 3. (a) Schematic distribution network. (b) One-scale spline construction
technique (i) original signal, (ii) distorted signal at scale 1, (iii) smoothed signal
It is the ratio of vector norm of the compressed signal to the at scale 1, (iv) distorted signal: scale 1 after thresholding, and (v) reconstructed
vector norm of original signal. signal.
where is the time period; the choice of unity for the constant in
eq. (12) makes the Gaussian window in eq. (10) the narrowest in
the time domain. Now the continuous -transform is modified
The signal can be written in discrete form as , where
varies from 0 to 1 and is known as discrete time series
of the signal . Discrete Fourier transform of the time series
can be expressed as
The paper has proposed a new approach for the compression
of large-quantity data obtained for analysis of power quality
violations in distribution networks. The results presented
in the paper clearly reveal that the signal can be perfectly
reconstructed from the compressed data in order to save energy
using splines. Due to the superior time-frequency resolution
property, the -transform contours display significantly im-
proved patterns to detect, localize, and visually classify the
types of disturbances. However, for automated classification
of power quality disturbances, the -transform output matrix
is searched to provide a few simple features which when used
in a rule-based system yields the disturbance class. Hence,
sources of such disturbances can be identified and controlled to
improve electric power quality.
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tions from higher-frequency transients. For example, for 50%
voltage sag, 0.5 and for 20%, 0.2. In a similar
way, it is found from tests that for 50% voltage swell, 0.5. P. K. Dash is currently Professor in the faculty of Engineering, Multimedia
In case of voltage interruption, the factor 0.9. For tran- University, Malaysia. He was previously a Chairman Centre for intelligence
systems, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India. His interests are
sients, the factor is small and is less than 0.1. However, for in fuzzy logic and ANN applications toward power system and power quality
single- or multiple-type notches, is small and is less than 0.1. studies.
In the previouse examples, the factor quantifies the magnitude
of voltage sag, swell, or interruption. From these examples, it is B. K. Panigrahi is pursuing the Ph.D. degree in power quality studies.
He is currently a Lecturer in electrical engineering at the University College
quite clear that a simple rule-based system will be adequate to of Engineering, Burla, India.
provide a power quality waveform classification system. How-
ever, due to some overlapping of features for steady-state and D. K. Sahoo received the M.Engg. degree from R.E.C. Rourkela, India.
transient disturbances, intelligent systems, such as fuzzy logic Currently, he is a Research Engineer.
and neural networks, can be used for providing more accurate
and robust classification. As a test case, out of 100 disturbances G. Panda is a Professor of the Department of Applied Electronics and Instru-
mentation Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India. He
of steady and transient types, more than 97% were classified ac- has published a large number of papers in signal and image processing as well
curately in the presence of noise levels of less than 3% (SNR as in power quality studies.