Bikol Reporter December 10 - 16, 2017 Issue

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Rep. Escudero props Sorsogon’s

Anti-Child Labor program
For the past three years
or more, the Anti-Child
Labor Campaign, partic-
ularly in the 1st District
of Sorsogon Province, Rep. ESCUDERO
has been continuous and port us,” DOLE Bicol regional
sustained. director Exequeil Sarcauga
This was due to the strong said.
linkages of DOLE Sorsogon The assistance provided by
headed by acclaimed Anti- “Nanay Evie” was instrumen-
Child Labor Advocate Ms. tal in the continuance and the
Marilyn L. Luzuriaga with success of the Anti-Child La-
the Local Government Unit bor Program not only in the 1st
(LGUs) and the all-out support District but the entire province
of Hon. Evelina “Nanay Evie” as well. Nanay Evie’s assis-
G. Escudero, Congresswoman tance focuses on the provision
RAGAY AWARDS of the 1st District of Sorsogon. of school bags, school sup-
The Municipal Government of Ragay led by Mayor Thaddy A. Ramos was named the "Top Performing LGU in the implementation “Yes from the very start of plies, food packs and massive
of PHA Annual Health Check-up 2017" during the Annual Recognition and Awarding of health partners in the Bicol Region known our anti-child labor campaign advocacy of the program.
as "SALUD BIKOLNON" held on Dec. 4, 2017 in Naga City. The LGU also received recognitions from DSWD and the PNRC. Nanay Evie was there to sup- (Turn to page 4)


edge economy.
The award was conferred
last November 24, 2017 at Ma-
nila Hotel Tent city to Mayor
Rosal by DILG OIC Secretary
Catalino S. Cuy, USEC Edu-
ardo M. Año, USEC Auster A.
Panadero, and former Chair-
man of MMDA Francis Tolen-
tino, now a Political adviser of
President Rodrigo Duterte.
Rosal on his statement said,
the award was the result of
the continuing excellence per-
formed by the city administra-
tion in the areas of budgeting
and procurement process as well
For the second consecutive years the City Government of as in the areas of good financial
Legazpi had been chosen as one of the recipients of the coun- House Keeping, Social Protec-
try’s Local Government Unit to get the Seal of Good Local tion and Disaster Preparedness.
Governance 2017 Award by the Department of Interior and Rosal expressed optimism that
Local Government (DILG). this prestigious award will gain BARANGAY DISASTER TRAINING
The SGLG symbolizes in- Local Government Units to more investor’s confident to The City Government of Naga sponsored the first Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
tegrity and good performance perform better services in or- put up more business establish- Management Plan Formulation Writeshop to train Punong Barangays, Barangay Secretaries,
through continuing governance der to help the present admin- ments in this city considering DRRM in-charge, Chief Tanods, Bantay-Kataid Representatives, and the Barangay People's
reform and sustained local istration’s vision of inclusive the fact that this kind of recog- Council Representatives of the 27 barangays of Naga on how to prepare their disaster risk
development and it is also a growth, high trust society and nition is a luminous symbol for reduction and management plans.The activity was held on December 7, 2017 at Robertson
continuing challenge to all the a globally-competitive knowl- (Turn to page 9) Hotel, Naga City.

K-960 Aries St., Villa Grande Homes, Con. Grande, Naga City • TEL. (054) 884-93-76 • CP 0921-318-3720 / 0929-245-7353 / 0920-533-7766


Dengvaxia and other for Phl MSMEs Atty. TONY (APA) ACYATAN

past gov't scandals (Atty. APA – chairs Acyatan & Co., they are the buyers and consumers hear and see. More pleasant
CPAs-DFK International – is past chair of sweetened products. The come-on readings and news should come
From the Surplus War Property scandal in of ASEAN Federation of CPAs, PICPA of our legislators that the poor people their way so that our day-to-day
the 1940s up to this current dengue vaccine past president and Hall-of-Famer, will be exempt from income taxes will life may be more pleasant and
controversy, our government has not been and ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement be meaningless. enjoyable. After all – we will be
without scandals or corruption cases. This Awardee). The other critical debate is on the staying alive only at an average of
only shows a flaw in both our system of LOANS FOR MSMEs: Phl Value-Added Tax. There is a legislated say – sixty to seventy years. We
government and culture as a people. This government financial institutions move to remove VAT exemptions from must be afforded enjoyable lives.
also support observations that illegal drugs extended over P82B in loans to agricultural and marine products, CHRISTMAS GIFT-GIVING:
is not the real problem of the country but micro, small and medium enterprises even VAT on raw sugar. While it Just like in previous years, Acyatan
government corruption which is estimated to (MSMEs) during the first 10 months is true that removing exemptions Foundation again distribute
cost P250-billion a year. of 2017, the Department of Finance will simplify VAT computation and Gift Passes to lucky indigents.
(DOF) reported. Of said amount P71 collection, the adverse impact will Distribution of these passes will be
There are certainly so many causes for
billion was provided by the Landbank again be on the consumers. Their coursed through the Bukas Loob sa
the culture of corruption in the public sector. of the Philippines (LBP). The cost of merchandise purchases will Diyos Covenant Group (Homestead
from the continuing reign and lordship of the Development Bank of the Philippines be higher – and so, in the same vein Ministry). Passholders will be
oligarchy in all aspects of our national life, to (DBP) lent P11.6 billion to MSMEs as of – the ballyhooed reduction of income provided with bags containing
the enmeshed and interrelated government end October. By helping SMSEs, our taxes will be consequently nullified. modest-costing merchandise with
systems that ensures and perpetuate the rule economic growth can be hastened. Join the campaign for more logical privilege to receive prescription
of the elite in the country. Finance Secretary Dominguez taxation! medicines. The affair will be held
Our Christian heritage has taught us said the government is ready to NEWS REPORTING: Opinions at the Zaballero Subdivision
simple values like honesty, but corruption provide funding support for local Unlimited observes that in general, Elementary School on December
shows us that religion has not really sank small enterprises to gear them up local (or even international) media 9, 2017 (9AM-12HN).
in our psyche as to guide our leaders (most for the economic integration of the overly concentrate on reporting of The family members of the
Association of South East Asian crimes and violence. Only scanty Acyatan Foundation share the Joy
of them coming from reputable universities
Nations (ASEAN). DBP, for its part, mentions are made of the good of the Lord as they happily perform
in the country) from selfishness to service. has recently unveiled plans to expand happenings and events – and the the tasks of gift-giving. The annual
There is truth to the Spanish reference to us the number of officers handling worthy performances of people and Yuletide affair is purely voluntary
as Islas de Ladrones. This is certainly a flaw services to MSMEs, the government organizations. As a result, the general without thought of recompense,
in our character which should be reexamined is also instituting reforms to improve public is scared of our surroundings – much less political patronage (we
by our Churches and universities, and ease of doing business. despite the assurances of peace and are not a political family). This is
individual Filipinos as well. TAXATION: There is a big debate security officers that all is well and in in keeping with the “Sharing of
Dengvaxia may have been resorted to by (at the Senate) on what provisions to order, and they may enjoy life on the Talents” enunciated by our Lord
the government for good intentions, but alas, include in the Tax Reform bill (TRAIN). outside. even as He said: “When you do
good intentions can be fraught and laced One vital issue is the proposed tax We don’t know whose job it is – to good for others, you are doing if for
with bad ones, that is also, people; hence, on sweetened products like candies, put our news perspective more on Me”. Then Jesus added – “Come
softdrinks and beverages. It is the affirmative side. There must be and share the joy of your Lord”.
this controversy.
just a matter of how the tax will be a unified re-orientation among tri- Amen and amen!
The Duterte government should therefore computed – based on volume or media personnel on how to look at PROVERB: Death and life are in
go beyond its campaign against illegal drugs estimated sugar content, The tax will events and happenings. The public the power of the tongue; and they
for the cost of corruption is eating not only hit the lower class the most – because is already traumatized by what they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
the lives of the young and their future but
also our character as a people.
Consider for instance what the annual ASEAN insight:
public cost of corruption can do had they
been channeled rightly, according to the A glimpse in the eyes of a youth leader
Philippine Public Transparency Reporting
PILI, Camarines Sur ASEAN conference in Ma-
Project. --- “It’s unbelievable! The nila. This conference taught
More than half-a-million classrooms, more experience seemed so sur- me a lot of things, most espe-
than 1 million homes for the homeless, real but I was there, flesh cially what can the youth do
rehabilitation of more than 5.5 hectares of and body, and have repre- to create a significant impact
farmlands, annual medical care for more sented the Philippines as on the country’s campaign on
one of the delegates to the climate change and disaster
than 210 million indigent families, more than #NOWASEAN 2017Con- risk reduction management.
94,000 ambulance cars, 12,500 firetrucks, ference, promoting among This experience is something
more than 17 million school computers, others, the significant role that I will treasure for the rest
alleviation of more than 6,944,000 families of the youth in understand- of my life,” Cleodoro humbly
from hunger, and the provision of 50 million ing climate change and di- stated.
saster resilience in ASEAN At the prime of his youth
scholarship programs from the Commission countries.” at 27, Emman as he is fondly
on Higher Education. Emman Cleodoro, Coor- called by friends and col-
Go figure! dinator of El Verde Youth for leagues had been advocating
Climate Action and Environ- a cleaner and greener envi-
ment, Disaster Management ronment for the past 5 years
and Emergency Response under the helm of EDMERO.
Office (EDMERO) Environ- He owed his achievements to
mental Advocacy Officer of his mentors and points to ED-
the Provincial government of MERO Chief Lucena “Che”
Camarines Sur was the lone Bermeo and the dynamic and
representative of the country young Camarines Sur Gov-
and was among the youth ernor Migz Villafuerte as the
leaders from different coun- source of his fervor to pas-
tries chosen to participate in sionately pursue his environ-
the conference in commemo- mental advocacy and share it
ration of the celebration of the with the young crowd.
50th Anniversary of ASEAN One of the highlights of vocate youth empowerment ““The NowASEAN Con-
and the Philippines’ National the conference, Emman nar- on climate action and disas- ference is an initiative of the
Day for Youth in Climate Ac- rated was the adoption of the ter resilience by promoting Filipino youth-led climate
tion held at Sofitel Philippine Southeast Asian Youth in Cli- education and capacity build- action undertaking dubbed as
Plaza, Manila last November mate Action and Disaster Re- ing, engaging champions and #NowPH or Not on our Watch
23 to 26. silience Network (SAYCAN) strengthening partnership Philippines. One of their out-
“It’s an honor and a privi- Framework Agreement. with other environmental puts is the adoption of the
lege to be the representa- The agreement binds the stakeholders through online SAYCAN Framework agree-
tive of the Philippines in the youth in a commitment to ad- and on-ground strategies. (Turn to page 8)


KANTONG Disyembre Na

PUTIKON! Ini an panahon na dapat kutana pagpapahamot asin pagpabongga nin


Ehemplo ini kan “commodity

hayahay an tawo. dekorasyon kan banwaan, kan plaza, fetishism” ni Marx kaya kaipuhan
Sirang kan Paglaom (2) Alagad,paglaog pa lang
Sepyembre, an mga national media
kan kan tarpaulin sa parke.
Dai makangalas na pakatapos kan
tang ibalik an ispiritu kan Krismas
kan mga nakaagi.
networks nagkakaigwa na tulos nin Disyembre dakul na aatake de corazon Idto bagang an hinahalat mo
An pula habo sa katuninongan ta mawawaraan cnda countdown. Garo baga binibilangan o ta nasobrahan litson (o idtong sinasabi an pagtiripon nin mga kapamilya
hanapbuhay. War r biznes. Maski csay an pres kn pinas kaya tinatadulan na garo aki: “Igwa ka sa irinuman na ‘pampa”), o kaya nin (bakong an TV network), kundi an
kontra cnda. C joma an gusto nindang presidente. na lang 60 diyas nganing makatipon nin kakainom. mga takod sa puso (liwat, bako an
****** P3,000 para sa regalo sa dyowa mo.” Sa bongga kan selebrasyon asin TV network), an pagpahayag asin
KBP CamSur's Newly- elected Officers for 2018! Ehemplo lang ini kan klase klima nin pagbakal na dara kan bulan paghorop-horop kan pundasyon
Chairman Joel Bong Echalose of Radyo Aguila ka kasibutan kun bako man na ini, namamati man an dakulang kan Kristiyanong pagtubod na
kapurisawan (stress) na dinadara kan hangpas na nagbabanga kan igwa pinapahiling o binabareta kan
Vice Chairman Romar Vasquez of Love Radio
komersyalisasyon kan Christmas. Garo asin dai sa satuyang sosyedad. Ini an pagkamundag kan sarong omboy
Sec Ma Victoria Gumabao of OK Fm ngani an panahon na ini Christmas senyal sa politiko na maglaog bilang sa sarong bahugan. Bako da wining
Treas Rita Labanon of Bombo Radyo man sa mga komersyante, magin Sta. Claus, sa paagi nin mga gift-giving panahon na magrokyaw an mga
Auditor Kim Reolo of Brigada News Fm sa mga politiko. Ini an panahon nin sa saiyang mga konstituentes. kinapobrehan?
Standards Performance Officer: Grace R. Simando of
Radyo Pilipinas
KBP Regional Coordinator: Cris Bersabe of Energy Fm
Throwback 1967 - PELL
congrats/mabuhay an kbp
Hapot: arin magayon pagdangogon sa radyo, politika A Nostalgic Evening Jokee BOTOR-REYES
o musika?
Mapoon na political skirmishes due 2 airport isyus. Wdn Meeting my fourth year high school Literature teacher, I felt I was one of Count of Monte Cristo, the tragedies
pdp laban. Abangan. All politics s local. students Batch 1967 of La Consolacion them, hehe. We did not differ in looks. of William Shakespeare…Romeo
****** Academy in Iriga City was truly very Most of us have extra pounds to show. and Juliet, Hamlet and Macbeth and
Sirang Kan Paglaom.. nostalgic. Imagine, some of them were But they are still all very pretty as when how they would recite from memory
15 others 16 and I was in my mid- they were the La Consolacion students the sonnets and other poems. How
Sa tahaw kan uran.
twenties. The event was planned a year fifty years ago. Perhaps because they time have passed. How things have
An paglaom garu an saldang back and last December 8 they had a are very living very comfortably. changed. Even La Consolacion
Sa pagbaklay pasiring saeya. reunion after 50 years. It was a night of They were in unison in saying that has changed. The Sisters are not
Iwinawalat niya an anino kan satuyang kadipisilan.- fun but very sentimental. Most of them during their high school days, they as solicitous as they were as that is
mayor lhabas of mlaor/pdp laban are married and several have lost their learned their lessons well. All of them sorely missed.
****** husband and they are happily settled speak English correctly. Nakakalungkot I was myself graduated from high
Aneurysm awareness: with their children who have wonderful daw na maraming kabataan ngayon school at La Consolacion Academy,
jobs and paying very well. Some live hindi alam ang tenses, ang agreement now a college. There are not much I
Anyone can be a victim of the sudden attack of our
with their grandchildren who are giving ng subject and predicate, spelling, what miss except my Religion class, mass
brain. But theres a proven technique how to avoid it. them so much joy, so they claim. Four have you. Pet Malu. Probably because every Sunday in gala uniform, long
When taking a bath, do not start pouring water on your of their classmates have gone ahead. English was used as the medium of sleeve and skirt five inches below the
head. This is a bad practice. Blood temperature will shoot But they were the same noisy lot and instruction and at La Consolacion, knee, white shoes and socks, white
up because of the cold water, instead wet your feet first that made the night really fun-filled. All they would speak English inside the veil. We looked like we were also
or lower extremeties, then wait for a few seconds & You of them and have retired from work and classroom and especially if they have Augustinian sisters. Not surprising that
can feel a fussing temperature inside you. Then slowly living very comfortably with children to talk to their teachers. They pride in all of us want to enter the convent then
abroad who are moneyed. Majority are having lots of home reading reports… and be a nun. Of fifteen high school
wetting your upper extremeties. It means to say taking
residing out of the country…in America, the Classics….Twenty Thousand graduates, only one became a nun
bath from feet to head NOT head down will save YOU Australia, Canada, elsewhere. Leagues Under the Sea. The Prince and she did not join the Augustinian
from aneuRysm attack. That night, I did not feel I was their and the Pauper, Les Miserables, The order.
Share to friends!!! Life is precious.
New KBP Camarines
1M-BM vision. no reports of Worst Forms of
In fact from 2015 up to dates at San Jose Elementary “It (Child Labor) is a ban- Child Labor here (Sorsogon),”
the 3rd quarter this year, par- School, Pilar, Sorsogon, Bi- ner program of BWSC and Bi- DOLE Bicol regional director
Sur officers elected ticularly during the Children’s
Month Celebration, “Nanay
tan-O Elementary School, Bi-
tan-O Sorsogon City, & Mele-
col was identified as one with
a high incidence of Child La-
Exequiel R. Sarcauga said.
The absence of report in the
Evie” has donated more or less cio Larosa Elementary School, bor particularly in Camarines Worst Forms of Child Labor
NAGA CITY -- Radyo chairman. Let me assure our
a quarter million pesos worth of Sampaloc, Sorsogon City. Norte. As much as possible we in the province can be associ-
Agila Bicolandia’s DZLW members that my leadership educational assistance, school Said activities bannered want to contain such incidence ated with the continuous advo-
Station Manager Joel will be guided by the man- supplies, bags and food packs the Project Angel Tree Pro- in the two province, the reason cacy campaign in Child Labor
Echalose will now take the date set by the organization. benefitting some 300-400 child gram which is the major pro- why we are in all out support Prevention and Elimination
reign as the newly-elected My main objective is for all labourers. gram carried by the Bureau to Sorsogon,” BWSC Director actively conducted by the Sor-
Kapisanan ng mga Brod- the members of the media to “We have complemented of Workers with Special Con- Atty. Ma. Karina Perida Tray- sogon Provincial Anti-Child
kaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) be united,” Echalose added. such donations with the provi- cerns (BWSC) now headed by villa explained. Labor Committee representa-
Camarines Sur Chapter Other newly elected offi- sion of livelihood grants to the former DOLE Bicol regional BWSC has given a similar, tive Evelina G. Escudero, Gov-
Chairman after majority cers include; Vasquez as Vice parents of the child labourers,” director Atty. Ma. Karina Per- or more, Anti-Child Labor as- ernor Bobet Lee Rodrigueza,
of the Station Managers Chairman; Victoria Gum- DOLE Sorsogon Head Ms. ida-Trayvilla. As its support, sistance to the provinces of Mayor Sally Lee, FACE, Holy
affirmed their votes at the abao of PBN TV5/DWOK Marilyn Luzuriaga explained. the BWSC has funded a por- Cam. Norte and Masbate. Spirits Missioners Founda-
Base on DOLE Sorsogon’s tion of the school bags, food “All these support has giv- tion, Inc., Bagong Likha Child
recent election of the local FM as Secretary; Treasurer-
records the Anti-Child Labor packs and the provision of the en us leverage in sustaining the Center, Inc. and other National
chapter at Café Federico, Rita Lookresha Labanon of Government Agencies.
program in the Province of So- colourful Anti-Child Labor ad- war against child labor here
Crown Hotel, here. Bombo Radyo; Brigada Kim rosogn have had at least three As its counter-part, DOLE
vocacy T-Shirts featuring the in Sorsogon. We are proud
The meeting cum elec- Reolo of Brigada News FM (3) major awarding in separate 1-Million Batang Malaya or to announce so far there are Bicol has already released a to-
tion, according to Radyo as Auditor and Simando of tal of P1,947,344.14 worth of
Pilipinas OIC Station Man- Radyo Pilipinas as Standards livelihood grant covering some
ager Grace Refama Simando Performance Officer. 315 beneficiaries. These liveli-
was one of the most attend- The KBP is a broadcast hood grants were given to the
ed elections so far, graced media organization with parents of the Child Laborers
by the presence of the heads various local chapters scat- for them to have an alternative
of the local radio stations in livelihood.
tered all over the country. It
“Our intervention focuses
Camarines Sur. seeks to promote profession-
on the parents of Child Labor-
Echalose conveyed his alism among its members, ers so that they would earn
gratitude to the KBP Ca- particularly aiming to push for their family thus prevent-
marines Sur Chapter, espe- for the promotion of adher- ing children from engaging in
cially to outgoing Chairman ence to practice professional Child Labor activities,” DOLE
Romar Vasquez of DWYN and ethical standards among Bicol asst. reg. dir. Rovelinda
Love Radio, KBP Regional its member-stations. A. Dela Rosa said.
Coordinator Cris Bersabe of The organization’s “bi- In Sorsogon, the success of
Energy FM and to all station ble”- the Broadcast Code the Anti-Child Labor campaign
managers who entrusted to of Ethics will serve as the is equated with the political will
of LGU officials and the active
him the role and obligation member’s guide on the exe-
support of “Nanay Evie.”
of ensuring that all member cution and delivery of news, “Truly, the support of local
stations will abide by the public affairs programs, po- NAGUENO ARTIST FPJ
officials is a key why Sorsogon
standards set by the organi- litical broadcasts and com- Naga-born art and antique dealer, Jay Cuarto, poses beside the monumental work of the first
has the least child labor inci-
zation. dean of the College of Fine Arts of the University of the Philippines, Rafael Enriquez who was
mentaries, among others. dence in this region,” DOLE
born and grew up in Sta. Cruz in Naga. Cuarto revived the business of his father, Bicol Antique
“It was such an honor to - LSMacatangay, PIAV/Ca- Arts and Craft, in 2006 and brought Enriquez’ work to the city for a brief exhibit to, in his words, Bicol asst. reg. dir. Rovelina A.
be elected as the new KBP marines Sur “elicit a sense of pride among Naguenos.” Dela Rosa ended.
Republic of the Philippines SECTION 7. Prohibited Acts.- The following are hereby prohibited:
Province of Camarines Sur
Municipality of CARAMOAN (a) It shall be unlawful for any public official or employee or any private
person to use ambulance for recreation or for personal use or for any
-oOo- other purpose whatsoever inconsistent with the purpose of a government
Office of the Sangguniang Bayan ambulance or service vehicle as defined under Section 4 hereof.

EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 43RD REGULAR SESSION OF THE 10th (b) It shall be unlawful for any public official employee or any private per-
SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF CARAMOAN, CAMARINES SUR HELD ON NOVEMBER son to use the ambulance in the transportation of patient not in emergency
27, 2017 AT 2:00 P.M., SESSION HALL, MUNICIPAL MAIN BUILDING, CARAMO- situation unless another ambulance is available which non-availability is
AN, CAMARINES SUR. jointly certified under oath by the patient or any relative or guardian and
the responsible officer in charge of the ambulance other than their driver,
PRESENT: HON. MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR. - Municipal Vice Mayor/ Presiding Officer or when the nature of the patient’s sickness or injury though not life threat-
ening makes necessary his/her transportation by ambulance.
HON. FRANCIS R. BENEMERITO HON. JUAN C. CORDIS III (c) It shall be unlawful for any public officer or employee to allow the use
HON. ELVIS C. ALARCON HON. JUANITA P. BELLEZA of any government ambulance by individuals or entities for private use, for
HON. GETULIO A. FERNANDO, JR. Liga President (Ex-Officio Member)
(d) It shall be unlawful for any public officer or employee to paint over or
ABSENT: allow the painting of his name on any government ambulance.
HON. ELVIS C. ALARKON – Municipal Councilor
HON. RAUL F. VILLARETE – Municipal Councilor SECTION 8. Exceptions to the Prohibited Acts. – The following use of any govern-
=============================================================== ment ambulance in non-emergency cases may be allowed:
Series of 2017 (a) Medical outreach missions; and
(b) Other related hospital operations
LANCE PURCHASED BY, ASSIGNED OR DONATED TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF SECTION 9. Penalty Clause – Any person who violates this Ordinance shall suffer
CARAMOAN, CAMARINES SUR. the following penalties, to wit:

WHEREAS,  Section 16 of the Local Government Code of 1991 provides First Offense – One Thousand pesos (P 1, 000.00)
that: “Every Local Government Unit shall exercise the powers, expressly granted, those
necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental Second Offense – One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos
for its efficient and effective governance, and those of which are essential to the pro- (P1, 500.00) and
motion of general welfare”;
Third Offense – Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (2, 500.00)
  WHEREAS, Section 375 of the same Code also provides that each head of
department or office of a municipality shall be primary accountable for all govern- SECTION 10. – Repealing Clause – All ordinances, executive orders, rules and regu-
ment property assigned or issued to his department or office. The person/s en- lations inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby amended, repealed or modified
trusted with the possession or custody of government property under the account- accordingly.
ability of any head of department or office shall be immediately accountable to such
officer; SECTION 11. Effectivity. – This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval.
WHEREAS, Section 376 of the same Code provides that the person in ac- I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of this foregoing Resolution embodying Mu-
tual physical possession of government property or entrusted with its custody and nicipal Ordinance No. 02, Series of 2017.
control shall be responsible for its proper use and care and shall exercise due dili-
gence in the utilization and safekeeping thereof; (Sgd.) CAMILO R. ALVAREZ
Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan
WHEREAS,  because of the importance of the municipal ambulances, the
municipal government has been trying to procure and accept donation of enough ATTESTED:
number of these vehicles as these would play an important role in saving lives dur-
ing emergencies by transporting sick or injured patients to a medical facility. (Sgd.) MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR.
Municipal Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer
WHEREFORE, considering the foregoing premises, on motion by Hon.
Francis R. Benemerito, jointly seconded by Hon. Lydia C. Obias and Hon. Elvis C.
Alarkon, be it; CONCURRED:

RESOLVED, by the Sangguniang Bayan in session assembled, TO ENACT (Sgd.) FRANCIS R. BENEMERITO (Sgd.) ELVIS C. ALARCON
the following Ordinance to wit: Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor

Series of 2017 Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor

Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Bayan of Caramoan, Camarines Sur in session as- Liga President (Ex-Officio Member
sembled, that:
SECTION 1. Short Title- This Ordinance shall be known as the “Regulatory Ordi-
nance of Ambulance of Caramoan, Camarines Sur.” (Sgd.) ENG’R. MARLYN S. CORDIAL
Municipal Mayor
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared a policy of the municipality
to ensure that the ambulance, a vehicle basically intended to transport seriously ill ==================================================================
or injured patients requiring medical treatment, plays a vital role in saving lives by
regulating its use for the benefit of the people. Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
SECTION 3. Objectives- This Ordinance is promulgated to establish mechanisms on Municipality of CARAMOAN
the proper use and custody of the ambulance and to impose appropriate penalties
to person found guilty of violating this Ordinance with the end view of deterring the -oOo-
use of the vehicle for purpose other than those intended for their acquisition. Office of the Sangguniang Bayan
SECTION 4. Definition of Ambulance- refers to a vehicle purchased by, assigned or EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 43RD REGULAR SESSION OF THE 10th
donated to the Municipality of Caramoan, Camarines Sur which is equipped with SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF CARAMOAN, CAMARINES SUR HELD ON NOVEMBER
emergency life-savings devices and equipment and properly designed as such, and 27, 2017 AT 2:00 P.M., SESSION HALL, MUNICIPAL MAIN BUILDING, CARAMO-
used to carry or transport seriously sick or injured persons or patients in emer- AN, CAMARINES SUR.
gency situations requiring immediate medical treatment to a medical facility.
PRESENT: HON. MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR. - Municipal Vice Mayor/ Presiding Officer
SECTION 5. Custody of the Ambulance. Any ambulance purchased by assigned or
donated to the Municipality of Caramoan shall be under the custody of the Munici- MEMBERS
pal Health Officer or its equivalent official designation. HON. FRANCIS R. BENEMERITO HON. JUAN C. CORDIS III
SECTION 6. Duty of the Municipal Health Officer- (a) It shall be the duty of the Mu- HON. LYDIA C. OBIAS HON. DICK H. CORDIAL
nicipal Health Officer to recommend the appointment of at least one (1) regular HON. GETULIO A. FERNANDO, JR. Liga President (Ex-Officio Member)
driver for each ambulance and to ensure that a sufficient amount for gasoline or
engine fuel, brake fluid and oil and the maintenance of the ambulance is appropri- ABSENT:
ated every year. HON. ELVIS C. ALARKON – Municipal Councilor
HON. RAUL F. VILLARETE – Municipal Councilor

=============================================================== conditioners, glasses, Styrofoam, aluminum, steel, GI sheets, pipes. PVC

RESOLUTION NO. 122 pipes, metals, rubbers, asbestos, used tires, vehicle parts and construc-
Series of 2017 tion debris.
k.) Residual Garbage or Non-recyclable wastes – Useless matters that
RESOLUTION ENACTING AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE THROWING, LIT- include disposable diapers, ceramics, candy wrappers/sachets, used
TERING, AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE OR WASTE MATTER IN PUBLIC PLACES rugs, PVC containers made from multiple layers of plastic such as
AND OTHER AREAS NOT DULY DESIGNATED AS DISPOSAL SITE. squeezable bottles, and the likes.
l.) Hazardous Wastes – refers to batteries, paints, hospitals wastes such as
Introduced by: Hon. Elvis C. Alarkon syringes, worn-out/broken radios/televisions sets, refrigerators, and
other appliances or equipment.
WHEREAS, Republic Act 9003 otherwise known as “The Ecological Solid m.) Wastes Disposal Device or Equipment – Wastes Disposal Devices or
Waste Management Act of 2000” mandates all Local Government Units to ensure Equipment – refers to garbage collection trucks and garbage recep-
the protection of public health and environment being primarily responsible for tacles.
the enforcement of solid waste management;
Section 2. a. Proper Garbage or Wastes are disposed properly by placing
WHEREAS, the Local Government of Caramoan, Camarines Sur is commit- them in sealed and labelled plastic bags or other covered garbage receptacles for
ted to the preservation of a clean and healthy environment; sanitary and efficient collection by the garbage collectors. Proper disposal of gar-
bage shall be observed at all times by all persons utilizing four (4) garbage recep-
WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of Local Government to put in place re- tacles, to wit: green receptacles for biodegradable waste, black receptacles for non-
sponsive and effective regulatory system to attain the waste management vision biodegradable wastes and if applicable, labelled receptacles for hazardous wastes,
and mission. and red receptacles for residual wastes.

NOW THEREFORE, considering the above premises, on motion by Hon. b. The receptacles for four (4) types of wastes mentioned in Section 2 (a) shall
Lydia C. Obias, duly seconded by Hon. Elvis C. Alarcon, be it; be provided in every household and commercial or institutional establishment. In
instances when designation by color cannot be made, the four (4) trash receptacles
RESOLVED, by the Sangguniang Bayan in session assembled, to enact the shall be properly labelled as biodegradable, hazardous or residual wastes.
following Ordinance , to wit:
Section 3. PROHIBITED ACTS. No person shall be allowed to scatter,
MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 03 dump, or dispose garbage or wastes matter in any public places and other areas not
Series of 2017 designated in this ordinance as garbage disposal site or waste disposal device or
equipment. Non-compliance of the provision of Sec. 2 (b) shall also be considered
AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE THROWING, LITTERING AND DISPOSAL prima facie evidence of the offenses specified herein against the owners / adminis-
OF GARBAGE OR WASTE MATTER IN PUBLIC PLACES AND OTHER AREAS trators of concerned households and commercial or institutional establishments. It
NOT DULY DESIGNATED AS DISPOSAL SITE. is likewise prohibited for any person to spit, urinate and defecate in public places
or areas not designated for spitting, urinating and defecating.
Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Bayan of Caramoan, Camarines Sur,
that: Section 4. Household or establishment owners shall also be liable for acts
prohibited herein committed by their household help, employees, crew or staff.
TITLE OF ORDINANCE Section 5. PENALTY. Any person or entity found violating the provisions of
this Ordinance shall have the option to pay the Administrative Fine in the event said
Title of Ordinance. This Ordinance shall be known as the Anti –Littering violator chooses not be prosecuted in the proper court:
Ordinance of the Municipality of Caramoan, Camarines Sur.
a.) For Individuals/Home and Establishment owners
ARTICLE II 1st offense – P 300.00 Fine
COVERAGE 2nd offense – P 500.00 Fine
3rd offense – P 1, 000.00 Fine, and thereafter
This Ordinance shall apply to all individual residents, transients, visitors,
residential houses, commercial establishments such as groceries, department store, b.) For Commercial/Industrial Entities
private or public markets, talipapa, sari-sari stores, restaurants, hotels, institutions 1st offense – P 500.00 Fine
like schools, hospitals, churches, offices, industrial establishments of any kind, in all 2nd offense – P 1, 000.00
public places such as parks, drainage canals, culverts, roadsides, rivers, riverbanks, 3rd offense – P 2, 000.00 Fine, and thereafter
creeks, beaches, streets, alleys, and other areas not duly designated herein as gar-
bage disposal site, within the territorial jurisdiction of Caramoan, Camarines Sur. The Administrative fine shall be paid to the Office of the Municipal Trea-
sure within three (3) days from date of apprehension, otherwise the violator shall
ARTICLE III be prosecuted in court and impose a maximum penalty of Two Thousand Five Hun-
GENERAL PROVISIONS dred Pesos (P2, 500.00) or made to render a maximum of forty (40) hours commu-
nity service or both fine and community service at the discretion of the Court.
Section 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS. The following words and/or phrases
when used in this Ordinance shall mean: The imposition of community service shall be under the supervision of the
a.) Garbage or Waste – used interchangeably in this ordinance, refers to Municipal General Services Officer or his/her authorized representative.
solid waste matters, trash, litters, junks, debris, rubbish, excrements,
manure, bits and pieces of surplus or leftovers, both biodegradable Minors apprehended shall be instructed to pick-up their litters or waste
and non-biodegradable; also includes liquid matter such as urine, used scattered for proper disposal and the Municipal Social Welfare and Development
oil, other liquid wastes. Officer or authorized representative shall call the attention of the parents/guardian
b.) Littering – throwing, scattering, untidy depositing of garbage or waste or concerned school teacher/authority for counselling.
matter in areas prohibited in this Ordinance.
c.) Duly Designated Areas – refers to specific areas identified as landfill Section 6. CITATION TICKET. For violating the provisions of this Ordi-
site, compost pit, or materials recovery facilities; also refers to garbage nance, the Apprehending Officer shall issues a Citation Ticket.
disposal device or equipment such as trash bins/receptacles and gar-
bage collection vehicle put in place by the general services office in Section 7. ENFORCEMENT. The Local Chief Executive is hereby empow-
certain public areas, including the garbage receptacles inside commer- ered to authorized and deputize Apprehending Officers other than police officers
cial establishments or institutional buildings provided by the owners and ordinance officers such as the Civilian Anti-Crime- Task Force, Sanitary Inspec-
thereof. tors, general Services Office personnel, market personnel, collectors, Barangay Tan-
d.) Disposal – the act of disposing or placement of garbage or waste mat- ods, and members of environmental groups or Civil Society Organizations.
e.) Garbage Disposal Site – refers to Engineered Landfill Site, and Materi- Section 8. CITIZEN’S ARREST. Notwithstanding the Apprehending Offi-
als Recovery Facilities. cer’s authority in the preceding Section 7, any citizen who is willing, able and is
f.) Sanitary Landfill – shall refer to a waste disposal site designated, con- an actual witness to any violation of this Ordinance Officer or PNP Office about the
structed, operated and maintained in a manner that exerts engineering offense committed for proper disposition as provided for in this Ordinance.
control over significant potential environmental impacts arising from
the development and operation of the facility. Section 9. PROCEEDS OF FINES COLLECTED. Administrative Fines col-
g.) Materials Recovery facility – is a place where wastes are either made lected through the Citation Ticket issued shall accrue to the Municipality under a
into compost and/or recycled. It shall include solid waste transfer sta- special fund exclusively to be expended for sanitation, waste management, clean
tion or sorting station, drop-off center, a composting facility, and a re- and green program, linis bayan, environment and health project developments of
cycling facility. the Municipality and Barangays.
h.) Compost Pit – is a sunken area, hole or cavity in the ground for organic
or biodegradable wastes. Section 10. SEPARATABILITY CLAUSE. If any section or provision of this
i.) Biodegradable Garbage or Compostable Waste – refers to kitchen Ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other portions hereof not af-
wastes, animal wastes, and human wastes. Includes any vegetable fected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.
matter, trash, soiled foods, fruits, kitchen left-overs and other organic
wastes easily destroyed or designated by bacteria or oxidized to com- Section 11. REPEALING CLAUSES. Any provisions of existing ordinance
post and be used as soil conditioners or fertilizers. or parts thereof which are inconsistent with any provision of this ordinance are
j.) Non-Biodegradable Garbage or Recycled Wastes – Solid Wastes that hereby deemed amended, repealed and/or superseded.
can not easily decompose or decay by bacteria action or oxidation.
Rather, it takes a long time of exposure to moisture before it gets de- Section 12. EFFECTIVITTY. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its ap-
graded, neutralized and reduced to compost. Example, tin cans, plastic proval and publication.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stall Number Area in Square Meter Monthly Rental
I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of this foregoing Resolution em-
bodying Municipal Ordinance No. 03, Series of 2017. a. Fruits & Vegetable Section Php1,200.00

(Sgd.) CAMILO R. ALVAREZ b. Meat Section 1,500.00

Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan
c. Fish Section 1,200.00
d. Grocery Section 1,300.00
Municipal Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer Section 3. Rules and Regulations:

CONCURRED: 1. The peddling or sale outside the public market site premises of foodstuffs,
which easily deteriorate, like fish, meat, fruits and vegetables are hereby
Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
2. No person shall utilize the public market or any part thereof for residential
(Sgd.) LYDIA C. OBIAS (Sgd.) JUAN C. CORDIS III purposes.
Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
3. It shall be unlawful for any person to peddle, hawk, sell or offer for sale or
(Sgd.) GETULIO A. FERNANDO, JR. (Sgd.) JUANITA P. BELLEZA expose for sale, any article in the passageway (pasilyo) use by purchasers in
Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor the market premises.

(Sgd.) DICK H. CORDIAL 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to resist, obstruct, annoy, or impede any
Liga President (Ex-Officio Member market employee or personnel in the performance of his duties, nor shall
parents allow their children to play in or around their stalls or in the mar-
APPROVED: ket premises.

(Sgd.) ENG’R. MARLYN S. CORDIAL 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to drink, serve or dispense liquor or any
Municipal Mayor intoxicating drinks within the premises of the public market.

================================================================== 6. No merchandise or article shall be sold, offered for sale or exposed for sale
in the public market unless the same was legally acquired by the vendors or
stall holder and that tax of any kind due thereon has been paid.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
7. It shall be unlawful for any lessee to remove, construct electrical wiring, or
Municipality of CARAMOAN
water connections without prior permit from the Market Administrator.
8. The municipality of Caramoan shall not be responsible to the occupants
Office of the Sangguniang Bayan of stalls for any loss or damage or loss caused by fire, theft, robbery, force
majeure or any other cause. All articles or merchandise left in the public
market during closure time shall be at the risk of the stall holder or owner
AN, CAMARINES SUR. 9. All articles abandoned in any public market building in violation of any pro-
visions of this article or any regulations or rule on the management of the
PRESENT: HON. MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR. - Municipal Vice Mayor/ Presiding Officer market shall be deemed a nuisance.
MEMBERS 10. Gambling is prohibited within the market premises.
HON. ELVIS C. ALARCON HON. JUANITA P. BELLEZA 11. Washing of all vehicles within the market premises is prohibited.
HON. GETULIO A. FERNANDO, JR. Liga President (Ex-Officio Member) Section 5. Separability Clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section
or part of this Ordinance shall be declared by any Court of competent jurisdiction to
ABSENT: be invalid or unconstitutional, such judgment shall not effect, impair or invalidate
HON. ELVIS C. ALARKON – Municipal Councilor the remainder of this Ordinance, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause,
HON. RAUL F. VILLARETE – Municipal Councilor sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy.
RESOLUTION NO. 123 Section 6. Repealing Clause. The provisions of Ordinance which are in
Series of 2017 conflict or inconsistent with the provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed,
amended, or modified.
SECTION 13 OF THE MARKET CODE OF CARAMOAN, CAMARINES SUR Section 7. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its
WHEREAS, the Committee on Public Market Affairs and Slaughterhouse ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
conducted a series of meeting with the association of stall holders and vendors of I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of this foregoing Resolution embody-
the Caramoan Public Market, who earnestly requested to decrease the rent of the ing Municipal Ordinance No. 04, Series of 2017.
stalls they occupied;
WHEREAS, finding the request of the said the association justifiable due to Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan
the opening of new establishments in Caramoan, the said Committee then recom-
mended for the decrease of rental of the market stalls. ATTESTED:

WHEREFORE, considering the foregoing premises, on motion by Hon. (Sgd.) MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR.
Juanita P. Belleza, unanimously seconded, be it; Municipal Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer

RESOLVED, by the Sangguniang Bayan in session assembled, TO ENACT CONCURRED:

the following Ordinance to wit:
MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 04 Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
Series of 2017
Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
BE IT ORDAINED by the Sangguniang Bayan of Caramoan, Camarines Sur,
in session assembled, that: (Sgd.) DICK H. CORDIAL
Liga President (Ex-Officio Member
Section 1. Title. This Ordinance shall be known as “AN ORDINANCE
Section 2. Imposition of Fees – There shall be levied the following rates for the Municipal Mayor
use/occupancy of stall and space of the Caramoan Public Market: BIKOL REPORTER
Published: December 3, 10 & 17, 2017



ment. It played a significant do this, education and capac- days and a safer environment proves that we are all attuned
role in gathering signatures ity building, including engag- for the next generation. towards this one vision of
for the adoption of the Paris ing environmental champions “In the years that I have creating a haven of environ-
agreement held in France in and stakeholders is a must. served as Environmental Ad- ment loving people who is as
2015,” Emman elaborated. It is also important to vocacy Officer, I have seen concerned as I am in ensuring
SAYCAN hopes to bring build partnership, establish the prowess and competence that our children’s children
young people towards a com- and strengthen them by the of the youth to promote a will still have a place which
mon understanding of the ill use of various strategies, both climate and disaster-resilient they can call “home” in the
effects of climate change and online and on-ground thereby way of life and pursue sustain- upcoming years.” -LSMacat-
what the community can do engaging more and more able development. Meeting angay, PIAV/CamSur; Pho-
to alleviate the impact of any stakeholders to take part in other ASEAN youth leaders tos courtesy of Emman Cle-
catastrophe in their areas. To the fight to win back greener coming from our neighbor- odoro

CATANDUANES . . . security aside from the on ground VIRAC GETS . . . the children and securing their
definitely promote Catanduanes support like the traffic manage- na madara sainda sa malinas bright future.
and boosts its economy because of ment, crowd control, school partici- na futurong gahalat sainda,” he Ms. Emily Mendoza of De-
more than 60 foreigners coming in pation, research and rescue support, said. partment of Social Welfare and
that will not only join the race but medical support and stage shower. PBM Vincent V. Villaluna Development-Catanduanes
also want to experience the beauty Asking for the all-out support as the chairman of the board Field Office and Ms. Lilibeth-
of the island. of the provincial governor, mayors of judges during the competi- Tabuzo of Department of Edu-
They will also bring with them and other local officials, they en- tion commended the hardwork cation likewise attended the
major national newspapers that couraged each LGU to participate and sacrifices of the parents, event as judges.
would feature the international and put their best foot forward. Day Care teachers and work- Private organizations also
sports event in the province as it Le Tour de Filipinas is orga- ers as well as the Municipal gave support to the activities
will also be broadcasted over the nized by the UBE Media Inc. and Social Welfare and Develop- by giving the children treats
radio and be aired on the television. the only cycling event in the Phil- ment Officers for taking care of and gifts.
Le tour de Filipinas will like- ippines that is sanctioned by the
wise enjoin local media for wider world-governing body for sport,
NCCA WRITERS PRIZE FPJ coverage of the event. the Swiss-based International Cy-
Buboy Aguay, who won this year”s Writers Prize for Drama “Allow us to showcase what cling Union or UCI.
in Bicol from the National Commission on Culture and the Catanduanes can offer to every- Governor Cua and the mayors
Arts, gives a brief backgrounder on his winning piece during body,” Mendoza said. assured Le Tour de Filipinas of
the annual Taboan Festival, a national gathering of literary Discussing the detailed part of their support and will immediately
writers in the country, on Novermber 28, 2017 in Bauan, La
the race, the first two stages will be address their concerns to ensure the
Uniion. Playwright Roe Jalimao and poet Paolo Sumayao read
excerpts from Aguay’s play during the awards night held at held in the capital town of Virac: safety of the cyclists as well as the
the La Union provincial capitol, where the NCCA also gave Feb. 18, Eastern Circuit (160km) success of the sports event.
posthumous awards (photo) to Dr. Maria Lilia F. Realubit and and Feb. 19, Western Circuit On January, they will visit again
Carlo Arejola, for serving as past representatives of Bicol in (135km). the province for the last ocular in-
the Committee on Literature of the NCCA. They also asked for coastal spection.

Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Province: Camarines Sur Province: Camarines Sur
City/Municipality: Libmanan City/Municipality: Libmanan


CCE-0121-2017 R.A.10172 CCE-0122-2017 R.A.10172
In compliance with the publication requirement and In compliance with the publication requirement and EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE
pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative Order Notice is hereby given that the named parties are
Order No. 1 series 2012 (IRR on R.A. No. 10172), notice No. 1 series 2012 (IRR on R.A. No. 10172), notice is hereby the surviving heirs of the late FRANK T. ALVISO
is hereby served to the public that EVANGELINE FELICES served to the public that FLORITA T. BONETE-JIMULGADA who died intestate and without leaving any debts
AGUILA has filed with this Office, a Petition for Correction has filed with this Office, a Petition for Correction of Entry in
on October 17, 2016 at Naga City, left a parcel of
of Entry in Sex from “MALE” to “FEMALE” in the certificate the Date of Birth from “June 13, 1960” to “May 2, 1960” in
of live birth of EVANGELINE FELICES AGUILA, at Lib- the certificate of live birth of FLORITA BONITE, who was residential land situated at San Isidro, (Marpos),
manan, Camarines Sur and whose parents are ROGELIO born at Libmanan, Camarines Sur and whose parents are Calabanga, Camarines Sur; that the parties being all
AGUILA and DELIA FELICES. ? and ? . of legal ages and with full civil capacity to contract
Any person adversely affected by said petition may Any person adversely affected by said petition may hereby agree to DIVIDE and ADJUDICATE, among
file his written opposition with this office not later than file his written opposition with this office not later than themselves the described parcel of land, PRO
December 16, 2017. December 16, 2017. INDIVISO; as acknowledged before Notary Public
Atty. Ellen Ernesto Darilay, Doc. No. 125, Page No.
25, Book No. I, Series of 2017.
Municipal Civil Registrar Municipal Civil Registrar
Published: Nov. 26; Dec. 3 and 10, 2017
Published: December 3 and 10, 2017 Published: December 3 and 10, 2017



Suzuki Philippines opens dealership
in Ozamiz, expands further in Mindanao
Mindanao, Philippines ers in the country, is under the professionals in the city.
--- Suzuki Philippines (SPH) direct management of CEO Dr. “We are very excited to be
marks yet another milestone Silvestre Lumapas, Jr. It marks given the opportunity to be
with the successful opening of the 66th dealership outlet of Su- part of this growth and witness
a new dealership in Ozamiz, zuki across the country and the the continuous development
Misamis Occidental. The ex- 11th to open this year. Catego- in southern Philippines. Let
pansion down south is part rized as a 3S dealership, the new me extend our heartfelt thanks
of the company’s objective to outlet will operate as a one-stop- to Des Strong Motors for an-
increase its presence nation- shop offering sales, spare parts other successful opening. We
wide. and services for drivers around look forward to working more
“We, at Suzuki Philippines, the area. closely with you. We hope our
are always looking for op- “The Ozamiz dealership out- continued partnership will let us
portunities to better serve the let is our second 3S dealership reach out to more cities across
Philippine market while also with Suzuki, with the first one the country and let this be an
strengthening our stronghold situated in Bohol. We opted to inspiration to reach grander
in the country. By opening pursue and further our partner- heights as we prepare for a new
more dealerships, in particular ship with Suzuki because they year ahead,” shares SPH Presi-
outside Metro Manila, we are are hands-on in guiding and dent Mr. Hiroshi Suzuki.
able to bring Suzuki vehicles to helping us with our concerns. For more information on the
more Filipinos and provide best- We are looking forward to a Suzuki Super Carry, please visit
value products. This also helps stronger partnership with Suzu- and
our trusted automobile dealers ki. Indeed, we expect to increase like it on
develop and expand their own our reach in both Visayas and SuzukiAutoPH,
businesses, which results in a Mindanao with Suzuki,” said com/SuzukiAutoPH and fol- Suzuki Philippines’ (SPH) recently inaugurated dealership Suzuki Auto Ozamiz.
perfect partnership yielding mu- Dr. Lumapas. low on Instagram at @suzuki-
tual growth,” shared Mr. Shuzo Catering to the different autoph.
Hoshikura, General Manager of Filipino markets, the new out- About Suzuki Philippines
SPH Automotive Division. let offers the wide range of Su- Incorporated
The city of Ozamiz is the zuki vehicles, namely the Ciaz, Suzuki Philippine Incorpo-
center of commerce, health, Celerio, Jimny, Ertiga, Alto and rated is a wholly-owned Japa-
transportation and education Swift. For business-oriented nese multinational firm highly
in northern Mindanao and is stakeholders, the cargo vehicle recognized in the automotive
poised to experience continuous Super Carry UV perfect for industry. The company special-
economic growth in the years commercial use is included in izes in the manufacture and sale
ahead. SPH recognizes the city the set. of motorcycle and distribution
as an ideal place for developing The all-new Vitara launched of compact vehicles.
businesses and communities, earlier this month has also been Suzuki has established its
and wants to develop this po- added to the product lineup. The reputation worldwide for qual-
tential for expansion. urban subcompact SUV is en- ity, versatility, and innovation
The new dealership owned gineered with enhanced perfor- and has created a heritage of
by Des Strong Motors, Inc., one mance and equipment level to trust and reliability.
of the leading automobile deal- fit the modern lifestyle of young

LEGAZPI CITY GETS DILG AWARD . . . the community during times of

Legazpi City as one of the best In disaster preparedness, calamities.
haven for investments in the the city administration has al- On Social protection, Rosal
country. ways conducted seminars and revealed that the city govern-
Legazpi was given the na- earthquake drills and training ment of Legazpi has supported (L-R) Suzuki Philippines (SPH) General Manager for Automobile Shuzo Hoshikura, Des Strong
tional championship crown of on collapsed structures partici- the programs and projects for Motors, Inc. CEO Dr. Silvestre Lumapas, Chief Inspector Jovie Espenido, SPH President
the SGLG because the city ad- pated in by the city government the needs of the indigenous Hiroshi Suzuki
ministration has passed in the employees, religious organiza- sectors as well as the needs of
core areas of the DILG namely tions, senior citizens, women’s Person with disabilities, senior zero-casualty incidence by way a long period of time. Association (PATA), Adven-
financial administration, Di- federation, personnel of shop- citizens, children including the of implementing the national Since 2008, the City Gov- ture and Travel Conference
saster Preparedness and Social ping malls, hospitals, schools programs of women’s organiza- framework for disaster manage- ernment had been a part of this and many other large events
protection, however, the essen- and universities, among others. tion he added. ment required by the National program and undergone stages and gatherings. The Philippine
tial areas of tourism and culture Rosal said that his adminis- He further said that his ad- Disaster Risk Reduction Man- aiming towards acquiring this Statistics Authority (PSA) re-
arts were also introduced in this tration through the City Disas- ministration is always inform- agement which includes the ar- prestigious award. In an inter- ported that Bicol had the high-
year search, he pointed out. The ter Risk Reduction Manage- ing the people in the communi- eas of mitigating, preparedness, view made by the Philippine est growth rate among regions
City Chief Executive said the ment Council (CDRRMC) has ty to make them more aware of response, rescue and rehabilita- News Agency back in 2014, in the country in 2015 – 8.4%
city administration has com- also conducted trainings among the disastrous effects of natural tion, and recovery. Mayor Noel E. Rosal stated: – as investments poured into
plied in the area of financial ad- personnel of the Philippine disaster and other forms of ca- In a related story,Legazpi “When we introduced the sys- major economic hubs, Naga
ministration through the imple- Navy, Philippine National Po- lamities in the society. City also bagged an award tem in the city government and Legazpi.
mentation of the full disclosure lice, Bureau of Fire Protection The city administration has from the Institute for Solidar- under the principle that good The mayor attributes these
policy as one way of sustaining and Philippine coast Guard on made more innovations in im- ity in Asia (ISA) and the Na- governance is a shared re- successes to the presence of
the accountability and transpar- water search response as part of proving risk reduction practices tional Competitiveness Coun- sponsibility, we worked with a infrastructure built to accom-
ency of all transactions in the strengthening their abilities to to always put the constituents in cil (NCC) for efforts to make broad-based community group modate more people – includ-
city government. save the lives of the people in safe places in order to maintain the city a top destination for to design specific public policy ing the Legazpi Airport, hotels,
conventions, among other pro- goals, an action plan to accom- major malls, and support infra-
grams. Nine entities from na- plish them and performance structure facilities.
Republic of the Philippines tional and local governments metrics by which to measure Sustainability
SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM that went through a governance
reform program by the ISA
In October 2014, the City
Despite this, Rosal said
there is still work to be done.
Naga Branch, Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City presented significant achieve- received the first PGS awards, “What is important now is sus-
( (054) 473-9152; 472-5933 ments in their programs and a Silver Trailblazer Award tainability. We know that many
projects last Wednesday, No- for Initiation and Compliant more people will come, that is
NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYERS vember 22 2017. Through the
Performance Governance Sys-
Stage. Same award was given
for Proficiency Stage in the
why we need to build up the
branding of the city,” he said.
tem (PGS), participating agen- year 2016. And this year, the Rosal added that any reform
The Social Security System (SSS) has implemented the Electronic Billing and cies designed and implemented LGU-Legazpi had received in governance is a challenge
Collection System to make our services easier and convenient for the employers. strategies to make projects sus- Gold Trailblazer Award for In- but “it will pay off” in the end.
tainable in the long run. stitutionalization. “There are a lot of challenges
It also facilitates almost real time posting of the contributions of their employee- The ISA emerged in the For 9 years, Legazpi has but it was never really a hin-
members. year 2000 and had started giv- been part of the program with drance because we do believe
This new collection system is a thru-the-web facility that enables employers to: ing this certain award. One of the vision of making the city that the system now is in place.
• Enroll their Contribution Collection List (CCL) once the major concerns of ISA in as one of the top 5 convention We have now the collaborative
• Maintain or update their records as needed coming up with this project destinations in Luzon by 2020. efforts of everyone, even from
was a deep need in the Philip- According to Legazpi City the lowest member of the local
• Generate full or partial payable CCL for the current month pines, specifically in the local Mayor Noel E. Rosal, the city government of Legazpi. And
Hence, only employers who are enrolled in My.SSS shall enjoy this new government units in terms of is now a “favorite convention really, it’s a shared responsibil-
system. public life to undertake de- destination by many organiza- ity,” Good governance begins
For a faster and hassle-free transaction, please enroll NOW. Kindly look for Ms. velopmental challenges and tions”. with us”.
Elizabeth B. Miranda or Mr. Vladimir V. Buenaagua at the ground floor of SSS to serve people. With this, ISA For the past years, the num- Rosal noted that maintain-
established the Performance ber of tourist arrivals in the ing focus is more important
Naga Building and present the following: Governance System (PGS) city has been increasing. In than executing several projects
1. email address from the Balanced Scorecard 2015, there were almost a mil- that lead nowhere. “‘Wag natin
2. latest Contributions Collection List (R-3) or list of employees with their SS that originated from Harvard lion visitors, higher than the madaliin. Wag nating pilitin.
numbers and premium contributions Business School which trans- 700,000 in 2014 and 579,470 (Let’s not hurry. Let’s not force
We'll be glad to assist you. lates strategy into concrete in 2013. Legazpi hosted sev- it.) What is important is how
measures that communicate eral big gatherings such as we are able to accept and em-
a vision to an organization. the 1st International Conven- brace the system and what will
Thank you. Through the PGS, participat- tion on Children and Fam- be used in the continuance of
ing agencies are able to design ily, National Information and the program. It’s not how fast.
THE SSS Management and implement strategies in Communication Technology It’s the quality,” he added.
making projects sustainable in Summit, Pacific Asia Travel -Emmanuel P. Solis

Catanduanes to host Virac gets Children’s

Month Awards

Le Tour de Filipinas
The Municipality of Virac
bagged 2 top prizes in the re-
cently concluded Inter-mu-
nicipality competition held at
Virac Sports Complex.
In line with the celebra-
tion of the National Children’s
Month with the theme “Bata:
Le Tour de Filipinas’ Iligtas sa Droga,” Day Care
Race Operation Director pupils from the eleven mu-
Sunshine Joy Mendoza to- nicipalities joined the activity
gether with Technical Con- last Nov. 23 which was spear-
sultant Lorenzo Lomibao headed by the Provincial Gov-
Jr. met with the local chief ernment through the Provincial Gov. CUA
executives of the eleven mu- Social Welfare and Develop- veying the message of Gov.
nicipalities and some heads ment Office. Cua, remarked that the activ-
of line agencies at the Office The activity showcased the ity is an opportunity for the
of the Governor, Conference talents and skills of the children children to express themselves.
Room last November 29, in four categories: singing, He pointed out that it is impor-
2017. folkdance, poem recitation and tant to provide them an avenue
The Province of Catanduanes draw and tell. to build up confidence in their
is going to be part of the 9th It also raised awareness selves and trust in their skills
Edition of Le Tour de Filipinas about the negative effects of and talents.
which will be hosting the two illegal drugs in the society re- Governor Joseph C. Cua an
stages of the major cycling event, minding parents and everyone advocate of children’s rights
Ms. Mendoza said. in the society the importance of and welfare and as a parent
In her presentation, the four- guidance, proper discipline and assured that together with the
stage race is going to be partici- strong support for children. Provincial Government will
pated by 15 teams consisting of The Municipality of Virac continue to support any event
5 cyclists each wherein the Phil- won the Singing Contest as and activity geared towards the
ippines will be represented by 4 well as the Folkdance Compe- promotion of children’s rights
teams while 11 foreign teams will tition. and welfare.
be consisted of various nationali- Meanwhile, the Municipali- “Bilang mga miyembro nin
ties on the upcoming road race set ty of San Miguel won the poem sarong comunidad, responsi-
on Feb. 18-21, 2018. recitation and Bagamanoc won bilidad niato an mag-giya sa
She highlighted that this will the Draw and Tell. satuyang mga kaakian sadalan
(Turn to page 8)
PBM Raffy Zuniega con- (Turn to page 8)

Department of Agriculture

Enabling Communities. Expanding Opportunities.

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