Bikol Reporter December 10 - 16, 2017 Issue
Bikol Reporter December 10 - 16, 2017 Issue
Bikol Reporter December 10 - 16, 2017 Issue
K-960 Aries St., Villa Grande Homes, Con. Grande, Naga City • TEL. (054) 884-93-76 • CP 0921-318-3720 / 0929-245-7353 / 0920-533-7766
past gov't scandals (Atty. APA – chairs Acyatan & Co., they are the buyers and consumers hear and see. More pleasant
CPAs-DFK International – is past chair of sweetened products. The come-on readings and news should come
From the Surplus War Property scandal in of ASEAN Federation of CPAs, PICPA of our legislators that the poor people their way so that our day-to-day
the 1940s up to this current dengue vaccine past president and Hall-of-Famer, will be exempt from income taxes will life may be more pleasant and
controversy, our government has not been and ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement be meaningless. enjoyable. After all – we will be
without scandals or corruption cases. This Awardee). The other critical debate is on the staying alive only at an average of
only shows a flaw in both our system of LOANS FOR MSMEs: Phl Value-Added Tax. There is a legislated say – sixty to seventy years. We
government and culture as a people. This government financial institutions move to remove VAT exemptions from must be afforded enjoyable lives.
also support observations that illegal drugs extended over P82B in loans to agricultural and marine products, CHRISTMAS GIFT-GIVING:
is not the real problem of the country but micro, small and medium enterprises even VAT on raw sugar. While it Just like in previous years, Acyatan
government corruption which is estimated to (MSMEs) during the first 10 months is true that removing exemptions Foundation again distribute
cost P250-billion a year. of 2017, the Department of Finance will simplify VAT computation and Gift Passes to lucky indigents.
(DOF) reported. Of said amount P71 collection, the adverse impact will Distribution of these passes will be
There are certainly so many causes for
billion was provided by the Landbank again be on the consumers. Their coursed through the Bukas Loob sa
the culture of corruption in the public sector. of the Philippines (LBP). The cost of merchandise purchases will Diyos Covenant Group (Homestead
from the continuing reign and lordship of the Development Bank of the Philippines be higher – and so, in the same vein Ministry). Passholders will be
oligarchy in all aspects of our national life, to (DBP) lent P11.6 billion to MSMEs as of – the ballyhooed reduction of income provided with bags containing
the enmeshed and interrelated government end October. By helping SMSEs, our taxes will be consequently nullified. modest-costing merchandise with
systems that ensures and perpetuate the rule economic growth can be hastened. Join the campaign for more logical privilege to receive prescription
of the elite in the country. Finance Secretary Dominguez taxation! medicines. The affair will be held
Our Christian heritage has taught us said the government is ready to NEWS REPORTING: Opinions at the Zaballero Subdivision
simple values like honesty, but corruption provide funding support for local Unlimited observes that in general, Elementary School on December
shows us that religion has not really sank small enterprises to gear them up local (or even international) media 9, 2017 (9AM-12HN).
in our psyche as to guide our leaders (most for the economic integration of the overly concentrate on reporting of The family members of the
Association of South East Asian crimes and violence. Only scanty Acyatan Foundation share the Joy
of them coming from reputable universities
Nations (ASEAN). DBP, for its part, mentions are made of the good of the Lord as they happily perform
in the country) from selfishness to service. has recently unveiled plans to expand happenings and events – and the the tasks of gift-giving. The annual
There is truth to the Spanish reference to us the number of officers handling worthy performances of people and Yuletide affair is purely voluntary
as Islas de Ladrones. This is certainly a flaw services to MSMEs, the government organizations. As a result, the general without thought of recompense,
in our character which should be reexamined is also instituting reforms to improve public is scared of our surroundings – much less political patronage (we
by our Churches and universities, and ease of doing business. despite the assurances of peace and are not a political family). This is
individual Filipinos as well. TAXATION: There is a big debate security officers that all is well and in in keeping with the “Sharing of
Dengvaxia may have been resorted to by (at the Senate) on what provisions to order, and they may enjoy life on the Talents” enunciated by our Lord
the government for good intentions, but alas, include in the Tax Reform bill (TRAIN). outside. even as He said: “When you do
good intentions can be fraught and laced One vital issue is the proposed tax We don’t know whose job it is – to good for others, you are doing if for
with bad ones, that is also, people; hence, on sweetened products like candies, put our news perspective more on Me”. Then Jesus added – “Come
softdrinks and beverages. It is the affirmative side. There must be and share the joy of your Lord”.
this controversy.
just a matter of how the tax will be a unified re-orientation among tri- Amen and amen!
The Duterte government should therefore computed – based on volume or media personnel on how to look at PROVERB: Death and life are in
go beyond its campaign against illegal drugs estimated sugar content, The tax will events and happenings. The public the power of the tongue; and they
for the cost of corruption is eating not only hit the lower class the most – because is already traumatized by what they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
the lives of the young and their future but
also our character as a people.
Consider for instance what the annual ASEAN insight:
public cost of corruption can do had they
been channeled rightly, according to the A glimpse in the eyes of a youth leader
Philippine Public Transparency Reporting
PILI, Camarines Sur ASEAN conference in Ma-
Project. --- “It’s unbelievable! The nila. This conference taught
More than half-a-million classrooms, more experience seemed so sur- me a lot of things, most espe-
than 1 million homes for the homeless, real but I was there, flesh cially what can the youth do
rehabilitation of more than 5.5 hectares of and body, and have repre- to create a significant impact
farmlands, annual medical care for more sented the Philippines as on the country’s campaign on
one of the delegates to the climate change and disaster
than 210 million indigent families, more than #NOWASEAN 2017Con- risk reduction management.
94,000 ambulance cars, 12,500 firetrucks, ference, promoting among This experience is something
more than 17 million school computers, others, the significant role that I will treasure for the rest
alleviation of more than 6,944,000 families of the youth in understand- of my life,” Cleodoro humbly
from hunger, and the provision of 50 million ing climate change and di- stated.
saster resilience in ASEAN At the prime of his youth
scholarship programs from the Commission countries.” at 27, Emman as he is fondly
on Higher Education. Emman Cleodoro, Coor- called by friends and col-
Go figure! dinator of El Verde Youth for leagues had been advocating
Climate Action and Environ- a cleaner and greener envi-
ment, Disaster Management ronment for the past 5 years
and Emergency Response under the helm of EDMERO.
Office (EDMERO) Environ- He owed his achievements to
mental Advocacy Officer of his mentors and points to ED-
the Provincial government of MERO Chief Lucena “Che”
Camarines Sur was the lone Bermeo and the dynamic and
representative of the country young Camarines Sur Gov-
and was among the youth ernor Migz Villafuerte as the
leaders from different coun- source of his fervor to pas-
tries chosen to participate in sionately pursue his environ-
the conference in commemo- mental advocacy and share it
ration of the celebration of the with the young crowd.
50th Anniversary of ASEAN One of the highlights of vocate youth empowerment ““The NowASEAN Con-
and the Philippines’ National the conference, Emman nar- on climate action and disas- ference is an initiative of the
Day for Youth in Climate Ac- rated was the adoption of the ter resilience by promoting Filipino youth-led climate
tion held at Sofitel Philippine Southeast Asian Youth in Cli- education and capacity build- action undertaking dubbed as
Plaza, Manila last November mate Action and Disaster Re- ing, engaging champions and #NowPH or Not on our Watch
23 to 26. silience Network (SAYCAN) strengthening partnership Philippines. One of their out-
“It’s an honor and a privi- Framework Agreement. with other environmental puts is the adoption of the
lege to be the representa- The agreement binds the stakeholders through online SAYCAN Framework agree-
tive of the Philippines in the youth in a commitment to ad- and on-ground strategies. (Turn to page 8)
KANTONG Disyembre Na
WHEREAS, Section 16 of the Local Government Code of 1991 provides First Offense – One Thousand pesos (P 1, 000.00)
that: “Every Local Government Unit shall exercise the powers, expressly granted, those
necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental Second Offense – One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos
for its efficient and effective governance, and those of which are essential to the pro- (P1, 500.00) and
motion of general welfare”;
Third Offense – Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (2, 500.00)
WHEREAS, Section 375 of the same Code also provides that each head of
department or office of a municipality shall be primary accountable for all govern- SECTION 10. – Repealing Clause – All ordinances, executive orders, rules and regu-
ment property assigned or issued to his department or office. The person/s en- lations inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby amended, repealed or modified
trusted with the possession or custody of government property under the account- accordingly.
ability of any head of department or office shall be immediately accountable to such
officer; SECTION 11. Effectivity. – This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval.
WHEREAS, Section 376 of the same Code provides that the person in ac- I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of this foregoing Resolution embodying Mu-
tual physical possession of government property or entrusted with its custody and nicipal Ordinance No. 02, Series of 2017.
control shall be responsible for its proper use and care and shall exercise due dili-
gence in the utilization and safekeeping thereof; (Sgd.) CAMILO R. ALVAREZ
Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan
WHEREAS, because of the importance of the municipal ambulances, the
municipal government has been trying to procure and accept donation of enough ATTESTED:
number of these vehicles as these would play an important role in saving lives dur-
ing emergencies by transporting sick or injured patients to a medical facility. (Sgd.) MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR.
Municipal Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer
WHEREFORE, considering the foregoing premises, on motion by Hon.
Francis R. Benemerito, jointly seconded by Hon. Lydia C. Obias and Hon. Elvis C.
Alarkon, be it; CONCURRED:
RESOLVED, by the Sangguniang Bayan in session assembled, TO ENACT (Sgd.) FRANCIS R. BENEMERITO (Sgd.) ELVIS C. ALARCON
the following Ordinance to wit: Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
Series of 2017 Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Bayan of Caramoan, Camarines Sur in session as- Liga President (Ex-Officio Member
sembled, that:
SECTION 1. Short Title- This Ordinance shall be known as the “Regulatory Ordi-
nance of Ambulance of Caramoan, Camarines Sur.” (Sgd.) ENG’R. MARLYN S. CORDIAL
Municipal Mayor
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared a policy of the municipality
to ensure that the ambulance, a vehicle basically intended to transport seriously ill ==================================================================
or injured patients requiring medical treatment, plays a vital role in saving lives by
regulating its use for the benefit of the people. Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
SECTION 3. Objectives- This Ordinance is promulgated to establish mechanisms on Municipality of CARAMOAN
the proper use and custody of the ambulance and to impose appropriate penalties
to person found guilty of violating this Ordinance with the end view of deterring the -oOo-
use of the vehicle for purpose other than those intended for their acquisition. Office of the Sangguniang Bayan
SECTION 4. Definition of Ambulance- refers to a vehicle purchased by, assigned or EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 43RD REGULAR SESSION OF THE 10th
donated to the Municipality of Caramoan, Camarines Sur which is equipped with SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF CARAMOAN, CAMARINES SUR HELD ON NOVEMBER
emergency life-savings devices and equipment and properly designed as such, and 27, 2017 AT 2:00 P.M., SESSION HALL, MUNICIPAL MAIN BUILDING, CARAMO-
used to carry or transport seriously sick or injured persons or patients in emer- AN, CAMARINES SUR.
gency situations requiring immediate medical treatment to a medical facility.
PRESENT: HON. MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR. - Municipal Vice Mayor/ Presiding Officer
SECTION 5. Custody of the Ambulance. Any ambulance purchased by assigned or
donated to the Municipality of Caramoan shall be under the custody of the Munici- MEMBERS
pal Health Officer or its equivalent official designation. HON. FRANCIS R. BENEMERITO HON. JUAN C. CORDIS III
SECTION 6. Duty of the Municipal Health Officer- (a) It shall be the duty of the Mu- HON. LYDIA C. OBIAS HON. DICK H. CORDIAL
nicipal Health Officer to recommend the appointment of at least one (1) regular HON. GETULIO A. FERNANDO, JR. Liga President (Ex-Officio Member)
driver for each ambulance and to ensure that a sufficient amount for gasoline or
engine fuel, brake fluid and oil and the maintenance of the ambulance is appropri- ABSENT:
ated every year. HON. ELVIS C. ALARKON – Municipal Councilor
HON. RAUL F. VILLARETE – Municipal Councilor
CONCURRED: 1. The peddling or sale outside the public market site premises of foodstuffs,
which easily deteriorate, like fish, meat, fruits and vegetables are hereby
Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
2. No person shall utilize the public market or any part thereof for residential
(Sgd.) LYDIA C. OBIAS (Sgd.) JUAN C. CORDIS III purposes.
Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor
3. It shall be unlawful for any person to peddle, hawk, sell or offer for sale or
(Sgd.) GETULIO A. FERNANDO, JR. (Sgd.) JUANITA P. BELLEZA expose for sale, any article in the passageway (pasilyo) use by purchasers in
Municipal Councilor Municipal Councilor the market premises.
(Sgd.) DICK H. CORDIAL 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to resist, obstruct, annoy, or impede any
Liga President (Ex-Officio Member market employee or personnel in the performance of his duties, nor shall
parents allow their children to play in or around their stalls or in the mar-
APPROVED: ket premises.
(Sgd.) ENG’R. MARLYN S. CORDIAL 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to drink, serve or dispense liquor or any
Municipal Mayor intoxicating drinks within the premises of the public market.
================================================================== 6. No merchandise or article shall be sold, offered for sale or exposed for sale
in the public market unless the same was legally acquired by the vendors or
stall holder and that tax of any kind due thereon has been paid.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
7. It shall be unlawful for any lessee to remove, construct electrical wiring, or
Municipality of CARAMOAN
water connections without prior permit from the Market Administrator.
8. The municipality of Caramoan shall not be responsible to the occupants
Office of the Sangguniang Bayan of stalls for any loss or damage or loss caused by fire, theft, robbery, force
majeure or any other cause. All articles or merchandise left in the public
market during closure time shall be at the risk of the stall holder or owner
AN, CAMARINES SUR. 9. All articles abandoned in any public market building in violation of any pro-
visions of this article or any regulations or rule on the management of the
PRESENT: HON. MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR. - Municipal Vice Mayor/ Presiding Officer market shall be deemed a nuisance.
MEMBERS 10. Gambling is prohibited within the market premises.
HON. ELVIS C. ALARCON HON. JUANITA P. BELLEZA 11. Washing of all vehicles within the market premises is prohibited.
HON. GETULIO A. FERNANDO, JR. Liga President (Ex-Officio Member) Section 5. Separability Clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section
or part of this Ordinance shall be declared by any Court of competent jurisdiction to
ABSENT: be invalid or unconstitutional, such judgment shall not effect, impair or invalidate
HON. ELVIS C. ALARKON – Municipal Councilor the remainder of this Ordinance, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause,
HON. RAUL F. VILLARETE – Municipal Councilor sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy.
RESOLUTION NO. 123 Section 6. Repealing Clause. The provisions of Ordinance which are in
Series of 2017 conflict or inconsistent with the provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed,
amended, or modified.
SECTION 13 OF THE MARKET CODE OF CARAMOAN, CAMARINES SUR Section 7. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its
WHEREAS, the Committee on Public Market Affairs and Slaughterhouse ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
conducted a series of meeting with the association of stall holders and vendors of I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of this foregoing Resolution embody-
the Caramoan Public Market, who earnestly requested to decrease the rent of the ing Municipal Ordinance No. 04, Series of 2017.
stalls they occupied;
WHEREAS, finding the request of the said the association justifiable due to Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan
the opening of new establishments in Caramoan, the said Committee then recom-
mended for the decrease of rental of the market stalls. ATTESTED:
WHEREFORE, considering the foregoing premises, on motion by Hon. (Sgd.) MANOLO A. PINEDA, JR.
Juanita P. Belleza, unanimously seconded, be it; Municipal Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer
CATANDUANES . . . security aside from the on ground VIRAC GETS . . . the children and securing their
definitely promote Catanduanes support like the traffic manage- na madara sainda sa malinas bright future.
and boosts its economy because of ment, crowd control, school partici- na futurong gahalat sainda,” he Ms. Emily Mendoza of De-
more than 60 foreigners coming in pation, research and rescue support, said. partment of Social Welfare and
that will not only join the race but medical support and stage shower. PBM Vincent V. Villaluna Development-Catanduanes
also want to experience the beauty Asking for the all-out support as the chairman of the board Field Office and Ms. Lilibeth-
of the island. of the provincial governor, mayors of judges during the competi- Tabuzo of Department of Edu-
They will also bring with them and other local officials, they en- tion commended the hardwork cation likewise attended the
major national newspapers that couraged each LGU to participate and sacrifices of the parents, event as judges.
would feature the international and put their best foot forward. Day Care teachers and work- Private organizations also
sports event in the province as it Le Tour de Filipinas is orga- ers as well as the Municipal gave support to the activities
will also be broadcasted over the nized by the UBE Media Inc. and Social Welfare and Develop- by giving the children treats
radio and be aired on the television. the only cycling event in the Phil- ment Officers for taking care of and gifts.
Le tour de Filipinas will like- ippines that is sanctioned by the
wise enjoin local media for wider world-governing body for sport,
NCCA WRITERS PRIZE FPJ coverage of the event. the Swiss-based International Cy-
Buboy Aguay, who won this year”s Writers Prize for Drama “Allow us to showcase what cling Union or UCI.
in Bicol from the National Commission on Culture and the Catanduanes can offer to every- Governor Cua and the mayors
Arts, gives a brief backgrounder on his winning piece during body,” Mendoza said. assured Le Tour de Filipinas of
the annual Taboan Festival, a national gathering of literary Discussing the detailed part of their support and will immediately
writers in the country, on Novermber 28, 2017 in Bauan, La
the race, the first two stages will be address their concerns to ensure the
Uniion. Playwright Roe Jalimao and poet Paolo Sumayao read
excerpts from Aguay’s play during the awards night held at held in the capital town of Virac: safety of the cyclists as well as the
the La Union provincial capitol, where the NCCA also gave Feb. 18, Eastern Circuit (160km) success of the sports event.
posthumous awards (photo) to Dr. Maria Lilia F. Realubit and and Feb. 19, Western Circuit On January, they will visit again
Carlo Arejola, for serving as past representatives of Bicol in (135km). the province for the last ocular in-
the Committee on Literature of the NCCA. They also asked for coastal spection.
Le Tour de Filipinas
The Municipality of Virac
bagged 2 top prizes in the re-
cently concluded Inter-mu-
nicipality competition held at
Virac Sports Complex.
In line with the celebra-
tion of the National Children’s
Month with the theme “Bata:
Le Tour de Filipinas’ Iligtas sa Droga,” Day Care
Race Operation Director pupils from the eleven mu-
Sunshine Joy Mendoza to- nicipalities joined the activity
gether with Technical Con- last Nov. 23 which was spear-
sultant Lorenzo Lomibao headed by the Provincial Gov-
Jr. met with the local chief ernment through the Provincial Gov. CUA
executives of the eleven mu- Social Welfare and Develop- veying the message of Gov.
nicipalities and some heads ment Office. Cua, remarked that the activ-
of line agencies at the Office The activity showcased the ity is an opportunity for the
of the Governor, Conference talents and skills of the children children to express themselves.
Room last November 29, in four categories: singing, He pointed out that it is impor-
2017. folkdance, poem recitation and tant to provide them an avenue
The Province of Catanduanes draw and tell. to build up confidence in their
is going to be part of the 9th It also raised awareness selves and trust in their skills
Edition of Le Tour de Filipinas about the negative effects of and talents.
which will be hosting the two illegal drugs in the society re- Governor Joseph C. Cua an
stages of the major cycling event, minding parents and everyone advocate of children’s rights
Ms. Mendoza said. in the society the importance of and welfare and as a parent
In her presentation, the four- guidance, proper discipline and assured that together with the
stage race is going to be partici- strong support for children. Provincial Government will
pated by 15 teams consisting of The Municipality of Virac continue to support any event
5 cyclists each wherein the Phil- won the Singing Contest as and activity geared towards the
ippines will be represented by 4 well as the Folkdance Compe- promotion of children’s rights
teams while 11 foreign teams will tition. and welfare.
be consisted of various nationali- Meanwhile, the Municipali- “Bilang mga miyembro nin
ties on the upcoming road race set ty of San Miguel won the poem sarong comunidad, responsi-
on Feb. 18-21, 2018. recitation and Bagamanoc won bilidad niato an mag-giya sa
She highlighted that this will the Draw and Tell. satuyang mga kaakian sadalan
(Turn to page 8)
PBM Raffy Zuniega con- (Turn to page 8)
Department of Agriculture