Disclosures: Kori Dewing, DNP, ARNP Virginia Mason Medical Center October 29, 2013
Disclosures: Kori Dewing, DNP, ARNP Virginia Mason Medical Center October 29, 2013
Disclosures: Kori Dewing, DNP, ARNP Virginia Mason Medical Center October 29, 2013
I have no financial or other relationship to disclose
References Objectives
American Nurses Association and Rheumatology Review the history of nursing
Nurses Society (2013). Rheumatology Nursing: Scope Describe the various roles of the rheumatology nurse
and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: in the US
Nursebooks.org. Describe the scope and standards of practice for
Kozier B, Erb G, Blais K, & Wilkinson JM. (1998). rheumatology nursing in the US
Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and
Practice. 5th ed. Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley
Longman, Inc.
Rheumatology Nursing
Scientific Discoveries
Recent History
1980’s and 1990’s
Rheumatology nursing The Beverly Hillbillies
primarily inpatient “rheumatism medicine” Advancements in immunology
nursing New therapies developed
Rheumatology became much more
Nurses need help understanding
immune system function, the
complexity of the rheumatic diseases,
and the treatments available
I AM A Scope of Rheumatology
November 2012, American Nurses
Association Board of Directors recognized Outpatient setting-RN
rheumatology nursing as a nursing Physical assessment
specialty and approved the rheumatology Patient education, injection teaching
nursing scope of practice statement Medication monitoring
Rheumatology nursing is the specialty Insurance
practice devoted to the comprehensive care Coordination of care
of children and adults with rheumatic
conditions Psychosocial support and assistance
Authoritative statements of the duties that APRN
all rheumatology registered nurses are Scope of practice varies state to state
expect to perform competently Most NPs have some level of practice
autonomy and prescriptive authority