X Engines PDF
X Engines PDF
X Engines PDF
This paper describes, how the concept of the As the expectations of major players in the mar-
so-called Generation X-engines, namely ket for large low-speed diesel engines, i.e. the
engine builders; the shipyards and the design
· X-tra efficiency institutes; the ship owners and operators; and
· X-tra manufacturing-friendly the legislative authorities, have not changed,
· X-tra reliability but they have become particularly tough. The
· X-tra environmentally-friendly requirements for highly cost-efficient and envi-
ronmentally-friendly solutions for the transporta-
has been realised on the different models of this tion of goods were never higher than today. It is
engine family i.e. the W-X35 and 40, the W-X52, easily shown that shipping is environmentally
the W-X62 and 72, the W-X82 and the largest sound when calculating the emissions per unit
engine, the W-X92. Further it is explained why of cargo transported. Yet when a single vessel
there are some differences in the realisation of can consume between 50 to 60 tonnes of fuel
the Generation X concept, whether due to the per day, the resulting level of pollution is high in
need for different solutions based on engine absolute terms. Environmental concerns and
size, due to different requirements from the the price of fuel have been driving shipping to
shipyards or due to the availability of technical become more cost conscious. The official term
concepts. for the latest and most efficient vessels is the
so-called “eco-ship”, which claims efficiency
Additionally, a short update is given on the up- gains of up to 30% compared with previous gen-
graded versions of the W-X35 and 40 and the erations of ships. These gains can be achieved
W-X82 – the so-called B versions – as well as a by various means, including alternative energy
preview of the newest X-engine model, the W- sources (renewables, biofuels, LNG), design
X52. measures (bulbous bow, lightweight construc-
tion, design speed reduction), hydrodynamic
Several Generation X-engines are already in measures like propeller modifications and hull
service – these are the W-X35 and 40, the W- coatings, and machinery measures such as
X62 and 72 and the W-X82. Field experience main engine design, tuning, rating and hybrid
with these engines is described in the second shaft generators.
part of this paper.
The market has evolved and is more seriously
considering the condition and performance of
ships at sea. For example, the largest shipping
banks are much more interested in the quality
and the value of assets today than back in 2010.
After the global economic crisis and the intro-
duction of stricter banking regulation, financial
institutions have much less enthusiasm for risk-
taking. Banks are looking for ships that can
X-tra efficiency
Crosshead Straight crosshead pin, single piece guide shoe with white metal lining
Main bearings Thin shell, alu. lining Thin shell, white-metal lining
Piston rod gland box Four oil scraper, two dirt scraper and two gas-tight rings; hardened piston rod
Bedplate Single wall, double Single wall, single tie rod with Ikea nut, integrated thrust bearing
Engine structure & scavenge
Cylinder jacket Cast cylinder jacket with inspection door to piston underside
Turbo charger location Aft end Lateral side (or aft Lateral side
Water separation Charging unit with underslung design, 3-nose water separator
Fuel injection, valve drive &
Servo oil system 300 bar servo oil pressure, cast VCU 200 bar SO pres- 200 bar SO pres-
sure, machined sure, cast VCU
Cylinder liner Self-supported slim Self-supported liner with bore cooled collar (X52 with slim type liner)
type liner
Combustion chamber &
Cylinder cover Forged or cast execution, 6 elastic studs Forged or cast exe- Forged or cast exe-
cution, 8 elastic cution, 10 elastic
piston running
studs studs
As with the W-X82, there was also increasing The cylinder block, liner and cover will receive a
demand for enlarged rating fields for the smaller re-design as a measure against repeated is-
W-X35 and W-X40 engines. Shown in Figure 5, sues with leakages from the combustion cham-
the relative increase in the rating field is slightly ber. With the updated design it will also be pos-
bigger since this is the first time that it has been sible in future to increase the maximum firing
adapted to the latest market trends. pressures for further reduced BSFC. The ex-
haust valve cage will be equipped with opti-
mised cooling, as some issues were reported
with the insulation applied in the current solu-
tion. The regulation of the fuel and servo-oil
pumps will be optimised to improve stability and
the conditioning tank for the cylinder lubricating
system will be omitted. This measure and other
re-design work will lead to simpler and more
service-friendly pipework and cabling around
the engines.
1. Valve seat
2. Valve sleeve ICV
3. Valve spindle (injection control valve)