Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Through Rmsa
Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Through Rmsa
Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Through Rmsa
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) scheme was launched in March, 2009 with the
objective to enhance access to secondary education and improve its quality. The schemes
envisages inter alia, to enhance the inrollment at secondary stage by of providing a secondary
school with a reasonable distance of habitation, with an aim to ensure GER of 100% by 2017 and
universal retention by 2020. The other objectives include improving quality of education imparted
at secondary level through making all secondary schools conform to prescribed norms, removing
gender, socio-economic and disability barriers, etc. Important physical facilities are provided
which include, (i) Additional class rooms, (ii)Laboratories, (iii) Libraries, (iv) Art and crafts room,
(v) Toilet blocks, (vi) drinking water provisions, (vii) Electricity / telephone/internet connectivity
and (viii) Disabled friendly provisions. Improvement in quality through, (i) Appointment of
additional teachers to improve PTR (ii) Inservice training of teachers, (iii) ICT enabled education,
(iv) Curriculum reforms and (v) Teaching learning reforms.
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1. Introduction:
The recent significant development viz., Universal Elementary Education (UEE) being
achieved through Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and also the impact of globalisation and
rapid growth of new technologies have led to reassessment of India’s preparedness to
generate required technical manpower, develop new knowledge and skills, and remain
competitive at global level. The secondary and higher secondary education system has a
key role to play in enabling the nation to move towards these objectives. Given the high
transition rate of about 85% from class VIII to IX and the anticipated progress in UEE,
which is now widely acknowledged, that the time has arrived for taking proactive
measures to plan and provide for universal access to secondary education and senior
secondary education in a phased-wise manner. Secondary Education is a crucial stage in
the educational hierarchy as it prepares the students for higher education and also for
world of work. Classes IX and X constitute the secondary stage, where as classes XI and
XII are designated as the higher secondary stage. The normal age group of the children in
secondary classes is 14-16 where as it is 16-18 for higher secondary classes. The rigor of
the secondary and higher secondary stage, enables Indian students to compete successfully
for education and for jobs globally. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to strengthen this
stage by providing greater access and and also by improving quality in a significant way.
The population of the age group 14-18 was 8.55 crore in 2001 as per census data. The
estimated population of this age group as on 01.03.2005 was 9.48 crore, which is likely to
increase to 9.69 crore as on 01.03.2007 i.e., at the beginning of the 11th Five Year Plan.
This is likely to stabilize at around 9.70 crore in 2011. The Gross Enrolment Ratio for
classes IX-XII in 2005-06 was 40.49%. The figure for classes IX and X was 52.26%
whereas that for classes XI and XII was 28.54% . With the liberalization and globalization
of the Indian economy, the rapid changes witnessed in scientific and technological world
and the general need to improve the quality of life and to reduce poverty, it is essential that
school leavers acquire a higher level of knowledge and skills than what they are provided
in 8 years of elementary education, particularly when the average earning of a secondary
certificate holder is significantly higher than that of a person who has studied only up to
class VIII. It is also necessary that besides general education up to secondary level,
opportunities for improvement of vocational knowledge and skill should be provided at the
higher secondary level to enable some students to be employable.
Since universalization of elementary education has become a Constitutional mandate,
it is obsolutely essential to push this vision forward to move towards Universalization of
secondary education, which has already been achieved in a large number of developed
countries and several developing countries. Para 5.13-5.15 of the National Policy on
Education (NPE), 1986 as modified in 1992, deal with Secondary Education. Para 5.13 of
the NPE, inter-alia, stated that “ Access to Secondary Education will be widened with
emphasis on enrolment of girls, SCs and STs, particularly in science, commerce and
vocational streams……Vocationalization through specialized institutions or through the
re-fashioning of secondary education will, at this stage, provide valuable manpower for
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economic growth.
The Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan is committed to universalize quality
education at Secondary and Higher Stage. The focus in quality interventions would have to
be on meeting the complex needs of this stage in terms of quality infrastructure,
Management Information System, curriculum development, learning resources, teacher
qualification, competency, subject specific deployment in schools, in service training of
teachers and heads of the school, academic support at all level, classroom based support
and supervision issues etc.The Mission would encourage States to focus on total
development of children, encouragement to sports, cultural activities, project work
involving interaction with social and natural surrounding, activity based learning, exposure
to life skills with regard to health, nutrition, professions, etc. Encouragement to work
experience would require the attachment of children with professionals, farmers, artisans,
in order to master the social and natural context.
Secondary Education Management Information System (SEMIS) :
Undertaking detailed mapping of Secondary Schooling Provisions, course mapping and
streamlining the Secondary Education database is of paramount importance for
universalization of access to and improvement of quality at this stage right from the
preparatory stage. Some of the urgent activities includes Identifying deficiencies in
existing secondary schools/ Higher Secondary schools, identifying upper primary schools
for upgradation, Identifying under served areas to establish new schools, streamlining for
non-government schools, Developing states specific norms for physical facilities etc.
In order to initiate a comprehensive school mapping exercise at Secondary and Higher
secondary level, it is necessary to develop a reliable data base, i.e., creation of Secondary
Education Management Information System (SEMIS) with disaggregated data at the State,
District, Block and School Levels. Keeping in mind the objective of the scheme that
access to a secondary school will be provided to every one for a Secondary school within 5
Km and a Higher secondary school within 7-10 Km of every habitation, the preparation of
habitation level educational plans for micro planning is also the greatest challenge of the
preparatory phase. It is, therefore, essential to develop the capacity of the state and district
level officers engaged in the planning and administration of secondary education in the
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states in this regard and to prepare base line data. Thereafter, it is also necessary to collect
periodic data with predetermined regularity for every secondary or higher secondary
school in the country through system similar to District Information System for Education
(DISE) being used for capturing information at the elementary level. Keeping the goal of
universal secondary education, state and locale-specific norms will be developed by the
states and local authorities. It must be emphasized that setting up of an effective SEMIS
would require contractual engagement of professionals including data analysts and data
entry personnel. Similarly, the need for experts on various interventions under the scheme
will also have to be assessed in the light of the specific State/UT.
The Micro planning exercise will include a number of studies on the Base-line
assessment in a district, in order to reflect the current situation with regard to learning
achievements, retention, access, gender, equity, social equity, physical infrastructure, etc.
that have to be undertaken as preparatory activities. Effort should be made to involve
regional research institutions in this process. The reports must be diagnostic and should be
able to feed into the planning process. Besides these locally relevant studies, baseline
achievement tests would also be taken in all districts by the NCERT. Several available
studies that are State specific may also be utilized to determine the base-line status in a
Another important mapping exercise has to be done with respect to courses at the
Secondary and Higher secondary level. The availability of the facilities for science
subjects, e.g., Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Computer Courses and all
subjects in other academic courses (Commerce and Humanities courses) will also be
assessed in all the schools located in rural and urban areas.
National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) will act as a
nodal agency for the SEMIS. The NUEPA and State Governments would undertake the
necessary exercises right from preparatory stage. The requirement of funds for SEMIS will
be met out of the 2.2% of the Plan Allocations earmarked for Management and Monitoring
under the scheme subject to the ceiling, as specified from time to time. The budget
estimate will be indicated in the District Plan and consolidated estimate will be reflected as
State Component.
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The younger generation needs to be sensitized to the potential of Health and Physical
Education, Art Education and Crafts. This further requires a pool of trained
personnel/teachers to impart basic knowledge and skills along with Craft Laboratories
with space facilities and raw materials in all schools. For Health, Yoga and Physical
Education, certain minimum outdoor and indoor facilities coupled with proper ventilation
and sanitation in the classroom and school premises is needed. Further, in view of
inclusion of all children, the schools should also be equipped with the resource support
needed in the form of Special Educators, Assistive Devices and Teaching-Learning
material for children with special needs.
For qualitative improvement of social science teaching and making it lively and relevant
for the young learners, required infrastructural facilities in terms of physical space and
resource materials need to be provided in every school. The spirit of inquiry and creativity
among children as well as teachers can be promoted in an interactive environment. Hence
every school should have a social science room for performing various group
activities/project work, experimenting/demonstrating and displaying their creativity and
storing best creations for further use as resource material.
The National Focus Group on Work and Education, constituted as part of the exercise
for revision of National Curriculum Framework (NCF)-2005, expressed its concern about
the exclusionary character of education in general and secondary education in particular.
This is founded on the artificially instituted dichotomy between work and knowledge (also
reflected in the widening gap between school and society). Those who work with their
hands and produce significant wealth are denied access to formal education, while those
who have access to formal education not only denigrate productive manual work but also
lack necessary skills for the same. A common core curriculum incorporating work-
centered pedagogy initially united class x and within the foreseeable future up to class XII
for all children should be the objective. A detailed framework of “Work and education”
for School Education needs to be developed by NCERT for operationalization.
In view of the above, at least a Science Laboratory and an Art and Crafts laboratory
along with necessary equipments need to be set up in each secondary school. While, there
can be only one room for science laboratory in a secondary school, there should be at least
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three laboratories for Science subjects in Higher Secondary schools, in addition to one Art
and Craft laboratory. The Arts and Crafts Lab will be used for carrying out the activities
related to Social Sciences, Arts and Heritage Craft, Health and Physical Education and
Work Education. To manage the affairs of these laboratories at least one Lab Attendant in
Secondary School and three Lab Attendants in Higher Secondary schools will be
Art and Craft Education :
The Mission recognizes the importance of aesthetics and artistic experiences for
secondary level children, especially in view of the role that such experiences can play in
creating awareness of India’s cultural heritage and its vibrant diversity. In the context of
education of arts (music, theatre, visual arts and dance) and heritage crafts, the Mission is
guided by the recommendations of the National Focus Groups on these subjects and the
report of the CABE Committee on Culture. The syllabus for arts developed by NCERT
should be followed and teachers who have been appropriately trained should be appointed
for art education. Art is to be treated as a part of the curriculum and not as an extra-
curricular activity. As recommended by NCF-2005, art education must become both a tool
for the enrichment of learning in all subjects, and also as a subject in its own which is
taught in every school up to class X and facilities for the same may be provided in every
There is need to make available resources for the integration of the arts and heritage crafts.
It is important that the school curriculum provides adequate time for a wide range of
activities pertaining to arts and crafts. Block periods of about 1 to 1 ½ hours are necessary.
The aim of activities provided in these periods is to support the child’s own expressions
and style. India’s heritage crafts should enter into the curriculum as a part of art, with an
emphasis on creative and aesthetics aspects. Crafts persons themselves should be treated
as teachers and trainers for crafts and ways of enabling them to serve in schools on a part-
time basis need to be identified. Craft labs equipped with adequate materials and tools
need to be developed in every school.
Crafts Mela should be organized to expose children to local crafts and traditions and
also for children to display their own creative endeavours. States/UTs need to consider the
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appropriate weightage for admission in colleges for students who have been deeply
involved and who excel in the different art forms and crafts.
Learning Resource Centres (LRC):
In conformity with the advocacy in the National Curriculum Framework (NCF-2005)
about curriculum enrichment for overall development of children rather than remaining
textbook centric, and ensuring that learning is shifted from rote memorization and also in
order to ensure quality in Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, all schools need to
be equipped with Learning Resource Centres (LRC) with following inputs.
Provision for ICT support Link with EDUSAT:
The ICT Resource Room and Library of the school may be housed in one big room or
these may be housed in two adjacent rooms. All Library operations from accession to issue
of books will be computerized. The provision of integrated Learning Resource Centre
(LRC) will facilitate such activities. These resources will be instrumental in raising the
knowledge and achievement levels of students.
There is need of a regular librarian cum computer instructor to look after the affairs of
library as well as ICT activities. The scheme also provides for physical and financial
norms for construction of library, if it was already not provided in the school and purchase
of books, periodicals, new papers, magazines etc. At present Ministry of Human Resource
Development is running a scheme called Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) at Schools which is intended to establish an enabling environment to promote the
usage of ICT, especially in Secondary and Secondary Government Schools in rural areas.
The scheme is presently under revision. The revised scheme will subsume in this scheme
as and when comes into force.
Adolescent Education Programme (AEP):
There is a scheme on Adolescence Education, presently funded by NACO and
implemented by MHRD. It started as on HIV/AIDS Awareness Scheme for school
children. It is suggested that health related education of Adolescents, including awareness
about AIDS, should be treated in the larger context of life skill education and holistic
development which covers health, physical education and sports. The focus of AEP needs
to be on, Comprehensive operationalization of AEP in all schools in all States and UTs
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with necessary inputs like teachers’ training to act as counselors, Curricular integration of
Adolescence Education elements in the Courses of Study. Curricular integration in the
Teacher Education System (both pre-service and in – service).
The implementation strategies include development of need based materials, training
package, capacity building programmes for teachers’ advocacy programmes for parents
and community leaders, integration of elements of Adolescence Education in the content
and process of school education, adult education, alternative innovative education
programmes, and open schooling/university system. A Monitoring and Evaluation System
also needs to be formulated and operationalized for AEP.
Students Assessment and Examination Reforms:
In order to manage the stress factor in examination, it is necessary to reconstruct and
redesign examination system with attributes like flexibility where a student can achieve
learning in a flexible time frame and accumulate credits, eliminating tests of fixed duration
and adopting continuous and comprehensive evaluation. The practice of mark sheet
indicating marks in certain subjects must be replaced by a portfolio that would
accommodate a student’s performance in variety of domains like life skills, academic/non-
academic and vocational subjects, personal qualities, etc. The portfolio should be
comprehensive, revealing the total being of the student.
While School–based Assessment by teacher is an essential part of assessment globally;
its actual implementation in most states of India leaves much to be desired. NCERT and
State-level nodal agencies should take steps through workshop and other modes of
information dissemination, including creation of websites dedicated to this issue. School-
based assessment should be graded internally but moderated externally to eliminate the
widespread fraud currently perpetrated by school.
The present typology of examination questions leads to rote learning rather than the
development of conceptual understanding, analytical writing and problem-solving skills. It
is proposed that the incidence of short-answer questions be reduced and replaced with
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on one-hand and Reflective (long answer) type
questions on the other. Orientation programmes to make the teachers familiar with MCQs
and how to have them test higher-order thinking need to be organized. While long answer
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type questions involve more examiner time than spent today, MCQs, being machine-
marked, will involve nil.
Reporting of performance of a student is an essential aspect of evaluation process. The
National Focus Group on Examination Reforms suggested inclusion of wider range of
performance parameters on the mark sheet- absolute marks /grades, percentile rank among
all candidates of that subject, and percentile rank among peers (e.g., schools in the same
rural or urban block). The percentile rank among peers would be a crucial test of merit.
Making this information public will allow institutions of higher learning to take a more
complete and relativist view of the notion of merit.
The budget to initiate the proposed reforms would include expenditure on conduct of
workshops by NCERT/SCERT/Boards of Education/IASEs/CTEs/University Department
of Education to familiarize teachers and Board personnel with better modes of
administering School Based Assessment (SBA), to make teachers familiar with changing
typology of questions, multiple choice questions (MCQ) and testing of order thinking and
preparation of such items, to train evaluators for judging reflective type answers (multiple
answers); external moderation of internal grading under school based assessment;
technology for machine-marking of MCQs for Boards; one time subsidy to Examination
Boards to develop statistical and software infrastructure for estimation of relative merit
(percentile mark relative to other students of the district/block), in addition to absolute
mark and preparation of question banks and also to conduct Research studies on various
aspects of Examinations.
As suggested by NPE-1986 (as modified in 1992), a National Evaluation Organisation
(NEO) needs to be developed: as a quality control measure; organizing national-wide tests
for comparability of performance and for independent tests; and developing common
admission tests for admission in graduate courses in colleges for de-linking degree from
Budgetary requirement for expenditure on the activities mentioned in para 5.5 should
primarily be met out of the resources raised by the respective State Examination Boards.
Remaining amount, if any should be met out of 2.2% of the Plan Allocations earmarked
for Management and Monitoring subject to the ceiling prescribed by the National Mission.
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The scheme provides for In-service training of all teachers and heads of schools for 5 days
every year. Similarly, component of guidance and counseling in pre-service teacher
education needs to strengthened by the State Governments.
Every State Department of Education/State Bureau of Guidance is expected to ensure
creating a cadre of trained guidance personnel as Guidance Officers. Guidance Resource
Centers would need to be created in every Examination Boards/further strengthened for
providing guidance-counseling services at cluster/block/school levels. Sensitization
programmes for Principals/Heads of Schools at state level and enrichment programmes for
trained guidance personnel should be a regular feature. Depending upon the Perspective
plan and availability of resources the scheme provides for Guidance and Counseling Grant
to the States for strengthening of Guidance Bureaus in States as under, Strengthening of
Guidance Bureaus/filling up of five posts in 35 States/UTs. 5 persons @ 2.4 lakh per
person per year, Setting up of Guidance Resource Centre (funds for psychological
tests/tools, guidance/career literature, display materials etc.) @ Rs,50,000/- per State,
Resource Persons/Research Assistant for development work/field work @ Rs. 1.0 lakh
(Salary + TA/DA + Contingency), Sensitisation programmes (2 days) for Principals (35-
40) by State Bureaus @ Rs.40,000/- per programme per state for 35 States plus
At Secondary and Higher Secondary stage, the subject wise teachers are required to be
deputed in every school. Besides, the specialized teachers for Physical Education, Art/
Craft and Culture Education are also require to be deputed.
Orientation of Secondary School Teachers:
Since the teacher is the most important component in school education it is necessary to
continuously upgrade the quality of teachers through in-service education programmes and
a variety of other measures, apart from pre-service qualifying programme of teacher
training viz., B.Ed. There is great regional disparity in the provision for secondary teacher
training institutions in the country. There are regions such as the north-eastern region for
example, that do not have enough teacher training facilities compared to other states.
Careful state-level planning will be necessary for ensuring adequate number of trained
teachers and their continuous enrichment. Besides the conventional in-service education
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Relational Leadership:
Are the interpersonal skills required to develop and maintain quality relationships with a
diverse range of people.
Intellectual Leadership:
Require clever thinking, reasoned judgment and wise decision-making. Principals enact
the mission of public education. They seek to understand and to influence the strategic
agenda; and to recognize emerging local, national and international trends.
Organizational Leadership:
Support continuous school improvement through effective management of human,
financial and physical resources. Principals build efficient and effective processes and
structures to lead and manage high performing school communities.
The scheme provides for In-service training of all teachers and heads of schools for 5
days every year at the rate Rs. 200 per teacher per day. Depending upon the Perspective
plan, District Plan and availability of resources the central assistance will be released.
Public Private Partnership:
The Mission recognizes public-private partnership as an important tool for improving
the quality of certain aspects and facilities which contribute to the overall quality of
education provided in schools. A partnership model can be used to enhance the basic
infrastructure available in schools for the sciences, arts, sports, ICT and audio-visual
education. Wherever possible, philanthropic investment by private organizations should be
utilized for improving school infrastructure in areas like libraries, science labs, audio-
visual and ICT facilities, art workshops, sports facilities and equipment, drinking water
and toilet facilities. It is to be expected that availability of material such as paints, crayons,
racquets, balls, sports shoes, etc. will have a positive effect on the size and diversity of
rural markets in the context of children’s needs. From this point of view States may want
to consider providing tax incentives to attract investment in school infrastructure and
children’s requirements in the areas indicated above. The success of the Madhyamik
Shiksha Mission also depends on the availability of necessary infrastructure, facilities and
a range of pedagogic equipment in teacher training institutions such as DIETs, CTEs and
IASEs. Public-private partnership can also be, therefore, considered for the enhancement
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functionaries. Quality is not merely a measure of efficiency; it also has value dimension.
The attempt to improve the quality of education will succeed only if it goes hand in hand
with steps to promote equality and social justice.
It is being observed that State schools now generally cater to deprived sections of
population. Such segregation of students along class and caste lines is against the policy of
neighborhood schools suggested by the Education Commission (1964-66). Adequate
social mix in Classrooms will ensure that society as a whole has a stake in the future of
state-run schools. Quality assurance is therefore a common denominator for success of
planning and implementation strategies in the Education Sector.
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