Computer Networks Course File

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Programme : BE
Semester : Vth
Course Code : IT- 503
Subject Name : Computer Networks

Prepared By: Approved By:

Mrs.Swati Pandey Mrs.Roopali Soni

A.P. (I.T.) H.O.D. (I.T.)

S.No. Contents Page No.

1. Scheme

2. Syllabus

3. Time Table

4. Lecture Plan

5. List of Books and websites

6. Unit Test question papers

7. Mid Semester Exam Question Papers

8. RGPV Question Paper

9. Tutorial Questions

10. Assignment Questions

11. Hand-Written Notes

12. Transparencies/Power Point Presentation Slides

13. Mid Semester Exam Result

14. Attendance Sheet


Category of Course Code Credit-6C Theory Paper (ES)

Course Title
Departmental Core Computer Networks L T P
(IT-503) IT 503 3 1 0 Max.Marks-100


Importance of computer networks, broadcast and point to point networks, Local area networks and Wide area
networks , Introduction to ISO-OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model , function of each layer, interfaces
and services, Protocol data unit, connection oriented and connectionless services, service primitives, comparison
of TCP/IP and ISO-OSI reference model, Novel Netware, Arpanet , X.25


Data-Link layer: - Data link layer design issues, framing , flow & error control , physical addressing,Stop &
Wait protocol ,Go back N ARQ ,selective repeat ARQ ,piggybacking and pipelining ,HDLC LAN Protocol
stack-Logical link control and Media Access Control sublayer, IEEE 802.2 LLC Frame format Data link
layer in the internet, Serial line IP and Pont to point Protocol


MAC layer Protocols- , static and dynamic allocation , Pure and slotted ALOHA protocols, Carrier sense
multiple access, Persistent and non persistent CSMA, IEEE standard 802.3 and Ethernet,802.3 cabling,
IEEE 802.4, IEEE 802.5, FDDI Wireless LAN , Comparison of wired and wireless LAN, WIMAX


The Network layer- logical addressing, classful & classless addressing , address mapping packet delivery &
forwarding. unicast routing protocols , multicast routing protocols, Routing algorithm- Least Cost, Dijkstra's,
Bellman-ford, congestion control algorithms, Internetworking devices, Introduction to Internet protocol IPv4


Transport layer-Transport services , Process to process delivery, UDP ,TCP ,congestion control , quality of
service , Integrated services, Differentiated services LAN-WAN Design and implementation-Configuring TCP/IP,
using Ipconfig, ping command , study of structured LAN , study of internetworking devices and their
configuration– switches, hubs, Bridges, routers and Gateways
3. Time Table
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Department: Information Technology Session: July –Dec-2016

Name of Faculty: Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester: V
Subject: Computer Networks Sub Code: IT-503
Total expected period : 47 Extra Periods (if required): 05
Lect Lecture to be Covered Date of References Remarks
1 Importance of computer networks, broadcast R1(22-26) ,
and point to point networks. R3(17-20), R2(1-
2 Local area networks and Wide area networks R1(28-36)
3 Introduction to ISO-OSI reference model R1(101-108),
4 TCP/IP reference model R1(148-150),
5 Connection oriented and connectionless R3(46-52)
services, service primitives
6 Comparison of TCP/IP and ISO-OSI reference R1(182- 184),
model R1(301- 302),
7 Novel Netware, Arpanet , X.25 R1(150-153),
8 Data link layer design issues R2(68-69), R3(83-
89), R3(72-
9 Framing , flow & error control R2(68-69), R3(83-
89), R3(72-
10 Stop & Wait protocol ,Go back N ARQ R2(68-69), R3(83-
,selective repeat ARQ 89), R3(72-74)
11 Piggybacking and pipelining R3(114-115),
12 HDLC LAN Protocol stack-Logical link control W1,R3(114-115),
13 Media Access Control sublayer R2(172-175)
14 IEEE 802.2 LLC R2(172-175)
15 Frame format Data link layer in the internet R2(69-71),

16 Serial line IP and Pont to point protocol R3(80- 81)

17 MAC layer Protocols R1(490-491)
18 Static and dynamic allocation R3(265-267)

19 Pure and slotted ALOHA protocols R2(95-96),

20 Carrier sense multiple access R3(216-216)
21 Persistent and non persistent CSMA R3(217-218)
22 IEEE standard 802.3 and Ethernet,802.3 R2(98-99)
23 IEEE 802.4 R2(99-100)
24 IEEE 802.5 R2(97-98)
25 FDDI Wireless LAN R3(220-220)
26 Comparison of wired and wireless LAN, R2(102-108),
WIMAX R3(228-230)
Unit IV
27 The Network layer R3(454-458)
28 logical addressing, classful & classless R1(148-148)
29 Address mapping, packet delivery & forwarding R2(50-52)
30 Unicast routing protocols R3(48)
31 Multicast routing protocols R2(202-202)
32 Routing algorithm- Least Cost R3(58-62),
33 Dijkstra's R1(502-503)
34 Bellman-ford R1(508-514)

35 Congestion control algorithms R2(52-58)

36 Internetworking devices, Introduction R1(508-514)
to Internet protocol IPv4
Unit V
37 Transport layer R4(506-507)
38 Transport services , Process to process delivery R1(325-325)
39 UDP ,TCP R1(523-526),
40 Congestion control, quality of service R1(147-148)
41 Integrated services, Differentiated services R1(526-527)
LAN-WAN Design
42 Configuring TCP/IP R1(527-528)
43 Study of structured LAN
44 Switches R4(225- 230),
45 Hubs R3(323-323)
46 Bridges R2(233-237)
47 Routers and Gateways R4(240-244)
5. List of Books
Reference Books:

R1:- “Local area networks ”, Forouzan, TMH, 1st edition (R1)

R2: “Computer Networks” - Tanenbaum ,PHI Learning.(R2)

R3: “Computer Communications & Networking Technologies”-Michael A. Gallo & William M. Hancock –
Cengage pearsen publications (R3)
R4: Computer Networks: Protocols, Standards and Interfaces By Black, PHI learning (R4)



Prepared by Approved by

Mrs .Swati Pandey HOD

6. Unit Test question papers

Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal

Department of Information Technology

Branch/Semester Information Technology /V Session July – December, 2016

Subject Computer Network Sub Code IT503

Time One Hour Maximum 10


Note: All Questions are Compulsory. Each Question carries 2.5 Marks.

1. What are the features of Computer networks?

2. Differentiate circuit, packet and message switching.
3. Compare LAN with WAN with respect to
a) Geographical area
b) Speed
c) Error correction
d) Bandwidth required
4. Explain ISO/ OSI reference model with diagram?
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch/Semester Information Technology /V Session July – December, 2016

Subject Computer Network Sub Code IT503

Time One Hour Maximum 10


Note: All Questions are Compulsory. Each Question carries 2.5 Marks.

1. What are the responsibilities of data link layer?

2. Mention the function of go-back N-ARQ.
3. What are the different communication modes in HDLC?
4. A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using the standard CRC method described in the text
. The generator polynomial is x3 + 1. Show the actual bit string transmitted
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch/Semester Information Technology/V Session July – December, 2016

Subject Computer Network Sub Code IT-503

Time One Hour Maximum 10

Note: All Questions are Compulsory. Each Question carries 2.5 Marks.

1. Write a note on WIMAX. Differentiate static and dynamic channel allocation.

2. Explain why token bus is suited for real time application in comparison to CSMA/CD with the help of
suitable example.
3. Derive efficiency of slotted aloha protocol with graph.

4 Compare IEEE 802.3, 802.4 and 802.5.

Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch/Semester Information Technology/V Session July – December, 2016

Subject Computer Network Sub Code IT-503

Time One Hour Maximum 10

Note: All Questions are Compulsory. Each Question carries 2.5 Marks.

1. In a Class 13 Network use subliming inask 255. 255. 248.0? Find out how many bits used for subnetting?

2. Explain Adaptive Routing methods in detail.

3.Find class of following IP address and justify: i) ii) Explain addressing at network layer.

Differentiate classful and classless addressing with example.

4. What is the role of the Dijkstra algorithm in unicast routing?

Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch/Semester Information Technology/V Session July – December, 2016

Subject Computer Network Sub Code IT-503

Time One Hour Maximum 10

Note: All Questions are Compulsory. Each Question carries 2.5 Marks.

1. What are the Major Functions of Transport layer?

2. Explain Ping Command and also write its full form of Ping Command?

3. What is bridge? How it operates in the internetworking scenario?

4. What is the relationship between TCP/IP and Internet?

7.Mid Semester Exam Question Papers

Roll No……………………………..
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Total no. of Questions: 3 SET-A Total No. of Printed pages: …
B.E. V Semester
IT- 503 Computer Networks
Mid Semester Examination-I September, 2016
Time: Two Hours
Maximum Marks: 40
Note: i) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, C is compulsory and D part has internal choice.
ii) All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place.
iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and B (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C
(Max. 100 words) carry 3 marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
iv) Except numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.
Q.1 (a) Difference between Connection oriented service and Connectionless service. 2

(b) What are various network topologies? Explain with example. 2

(c) Write a short note of Novell Netvvare. 3

(d) Why flow, error and access control functions are defined in both transport and Data 7
Link layers of OS1 Model? Which layer takes care of dialogue control and how?
OR 7
Explain briefly the following (i) ARPANET ii) X25

Q.2 (a) Explain the meaning of the term 'Piggyback acknowledgement'. 2

(b) Discuss the design issues of data link layer. 2

(c) Explain about HDLC. 3

(d) Discuss about ARQ in detail. 7

The message frame 1101011011 for which the divisor is 10011. Calculate CRC.
Q.3 (a) Write comparison between wired LAH, wireless LAH, WIMAX. 2

(b) Write a note on point-to-point data delivery. 2

(c) Why flow and error control is important in data transmission? Explain Go-Back- 3
NARQ with diagram.
(d) A pure ALOHA network transmits 200bit frames on a shared channel of 200kbps.
What is the through put if the
system produces 1000 frames/second. b) Describe about CSMA / CD protocol. 5
Roll No……………………………..
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Total no. of Questions: 3 SET-B Total No. of Printed pages: …
B.E. V Semester
IT- 503 Computer Networks
Mid Semester Examination-II October 2016
Time: Two Hours
Maximum Marks: 40
Note: i) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, C is compulsory and D part has internal choice.
ii) All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place.
iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and B (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C
(Max. 100 words) carry 3 marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
iv) Except numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.
1 a Write the application of computer network. 2
b Differentiate point to point and broadcast network. 2
c The following data fragment occurs in the middle of a data stream for which 3
the character-stuffing algorithm described in the text is used
DLE,STX,A,DLE,B,DLE,ETX. What is the output after stuffing?
d Calculate the frame for the sequence 10110110101 with the G(x) X4+X+1 7
Using CRC method.
Show the flow of data through all the layers of OSI model at the receiver
2 a Explain WAN.. 2
b Explain star , ring, bus ,tree topology. 2
c Explain designing issue for data link layer. 3
d Explain the various switching method with diagram. 7
Why error control function define in the datalink layer and transport layer of
OSI model. Which layer take care of routing.

3 a Describe Simplex, half duplex and full duplex method. 2

b Explain X.25 protocol ? 2

c Differentiate connection less service and connection oriented service. 3

d Explain Unrestricted simplex protocols and stop and wait protocols. 5
Roll No……………………………..
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal

Total no. of Questions: 3 SET-A Total No. of Printed pages: …

B.E. V Semester
IT- 503 Computer Networks
Mid Semester Examination- I September, 2016
Time: Two Hours
Maximum Marks: 40
Note: i) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, C is compulsory and D part has internal choice.
ii) All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place.
iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and B (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C (Max. 100 words)
carry 3 marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
iv) Except numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.

1 a Explain flow control & error control. 2

b What is piggybacking? Write short note on HDLC. 2

c Consider building a CSMA/CD networking running at 1 Gbps over a 1 km 3
cable with no repeater. The signal speed is 200 m/µsec. What is minimum
frame size
d Explain in detail about IEEE 802.5? 7
What do you understand by collision free and collision protocol. Explain in
2 a Differentiate b/w adaptive and non adaptive routing method. 2
b What is FDDI. 2
c Explain sliding window protocol. 3
d What are the limitation of IPV4 ? Compare IPV4 and IPV6. 7
A host is an organization and a subnet mask is what is
the address of the subnet? What are the range of IP address that is host can have on
this subnet?
3 a With the help of suitable diagrams explain unicast ,multicast and broadcast 2
b What do you understand by Congestion. 2

c Explain Leaky bucket algorithm. 3

d How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network 5 subnet mask is
Roll No……………………………..

Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal

Total no. of Questions: 3 SET-B Total No. of Printed pages: …

B.E. V Semester
IT- 503 Computer Networks
Mid Semester Examination-II October 2016
Time: Two Hours
Maximum Marks: 40

Note: i) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, C is compulsory and D part has internal choice.
ii) All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place.
iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and B (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C (Max. 100 words)
carry 3 marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
iv) Except numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.

1 a What are the various framing method? 2

b How Slotted ALOHA is better than Pure ALOHA. 2

c Explain Selective repeat protocol. 3

d Explain in detail about IEEE 802.4. 7

Compare Collision, Collision free and limited contention MAC sub layer
protocol with suitable example.

2 a Difference b/w unicast, multicast and broadcast routing. 2

b What is HDLC. 2

c Explain data link layer protocol. 3

d Difference b/w classless and classful addressing and also explain IPV6. 7
A host is an organization and a subnet mask is
what is the address of the subnet? What are the range of IP address that is
host can have on this subnet?

3 a Compare static and dynamic channel allocation. 2

b Explain WIMAX. 2

c Explain Internetworking devices. 3

d Discuss Bellmanford algorithm with an example. What are the problem 5

associated with it?

Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal

Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December - 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit I Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

Q1: When were OSI model developed and why its standard called 802.XX and so on?
Solution: OSI model was developed in February1980 that why these also known as 802.XX Standard (Notice 80 means
==> 1980, 2means ==> February)

Q2: Explain Line Configuration in Computer Networks.

Solution: Network is a connection made through connection links between two or more devices. Devices can be a
computer, printer or any other device that is capable to send and receive data. There are two ways to connect the devices

1. Point-to-Point connection
2. Multipoint connection

Q.3 What are the two broad classifications under which Networks can be divided?

Ans: All computer networks fit in one of the two dimensions namely, a). Transmission Technology, this
focuses on the basic underlying physical network, for e.g. whether the nodes share a communication media or
each pair of node has a separate dedicated link. b). Scale, it focuses on the scale of network how large is your

Q-4 What are the key benefits of layered network?

Ans: Main benefits of layered network are given below: i) Complex systems can be broken down into understandable
subsystems. ii) Any facility implemented in one layer can be made visible to all other layers. iii) Services offered at a
particular level may share the services of lower level. iv) Each layer may be analyzed and tested independently. v)
Layers can be simplified, extended or deleted at any time. vi) Increase the interoperability and compatibility of various
components build by different vendors.

Q5: Transmission Mediums in Computer Networks.

Ans: Data is represented by computers and other telecommunication devices using signals. Signals are transmitted in
the form of electromagnetic energy from one device to another. Electromagnetic signals travel through vacuum, air or
other transmission mediums to travel between one point to another(from source to receiver).
Electromagnetic energy (includes electrical and magnetic fields) includes power, voice, visible light, radio waves,
ultraviolet light, gamma rays etc.
Transmission medium is the means through which we send our data from one place to another. The first layer (physical
layer) of Communication Networks OSI Seven layer model is dedicated to the transmission media, we will study the
OSI Model later.

Q.6 Explain Types of Communication Networks.


Local Area Network (LAN)

It is also called LAN and designed for small physical areas such as an office, group of buildings or a factory. LANs are
used widely as it is easy to design and to troubleshoot. Personal computers and workstations are connected to each other
through LANs. We can use different types of topologies through LAN, these are Star, Ring, Bus, Tree etc.

LAN can be a simple network like connecting two computers, to share files and network among each other while it can
also be as complex as interconnecting an entire building.LAN networks are also widely used to share resources like
printers, shared hard-drive etc.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

It is basically a bigger version of LAN. It is also called MAN and uses the similar technology as LAN. It is designed to
extend over the entire city. It can be means to connecting a number of LANs into a larger network or it can be a single
cable. It is mainly hold and operated by single private company or a public company.
Wide Area Network (WAN)
It is also called WAN. WAN can be private or it can be public leased network. It is used for the network that covers
large distance such as cover states of a country. It is not easy to design and maintain. Communication medium used by
WAN are PSTN or Satellite links. WAN operates on low data rates.

Wireless Network
It is the fastest growing segment of computer. They are becoming very important in our daily life because wind
connections are not possible in cars or aeroplane. We can access Internet at any place avoiding wire related troubles..
These can be used also when the telephone systems gets destroyed due to some calamity/disaster. WANs are really
important now-a-days.

Inter Network
When we connect two or more networks then they are called internetwork or internet. We can join two or more
individual networks to form an internetwork through devices like routers gateways or bridges.
Q.7 Difference between Connection oriented service and Connectionless service.


1. In connection oriented service authentication is needed while connectionless service does not need any
2. Connection oriented protocol makes a connection and checks whether message is received or not and sends again if
an error occurs connectionless service protocol does not guarantees a delivery.
3. Connection oriented service is more reliable than connectionless service.
4. Connection oriented service interface is stream based and connectionless is message based

Q.8 Comparison of OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Reference Model

Ans: Following are some major differences between OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Reference Model, with

diagrammatic comparison below.

OSI(Open System Interconnection) TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)

1. OSI is a generic, protocol independent standard, 1. TCP/IP model is based on standard protocols around which
acting as a communication gateway between the the Internet has developed. It is a communication protocol,
network and end user. which allows connection of hosts over a network.

2. In OSI model the transport layer guarantees the 2. In TCP/IP model the transport layer does not guarantees
delivery of packets. delivery of packets. Still the TCP/IP model is more reliable.

3. Follows vertical approach. 3. Follows horizontal approach.

4. OSI model has a separate Presentation layer and 4. TCP/IP does not have a separate Presentation layer or Session
Session layer. layer.

5. OSI is a reference model around which the 5. TCP/IP model is, in a way implementation of the OSI model.
networks are built. Generally it is used as a
guidance tool.

6. Network layer of OSI model provides both 6. The Network layer in TCP/IP model provides connectionless
connection oriented and connectionless service. service.

7. OSI model has a problem of fitting the 7. TCP/IP model does not fit any protocol
protocols into the model.

8. Protocols are hidden in OSI model and are 8. In TCP/IP replacing protocol is not easy.
easily replaced as the technology changes.
9. OSI model defines services, interfaces and 9. In TCP/IP, services, interfaces and protocols are not clearly
protocols very clearly and makes clear distinction separated. It is also protocol dependent.
between them. It is protocol independent.

10. It has 7 layers 10. It has 4 layers

Q-9. What are the main categories based on which applications of computer network can be categorized?
Ans: The main areas under which the applications for computer network can be categorized are as follows:
Scientific and Technical Computing – Client Server Model, Distributed Processing, Parallel Processing,
Communication Media
Commercial – Advertisement, Telemarketing, Teleconferencing – Worldwide Financial Services
Network for the People (this is the most widely used application nowadays) – Telemedicine, Distance
Education, Access to Remote Information, Person-to Person Communication, Interactive Entertainment

Q-10 How two adjacent layers communicate in a layered network.

Ans: In layered network, each layer has various entities and entities of layer i provide service to the entities of
layer i+1. The services can be accessed through service access point (SAP), which has some address through
which the layer i+1 will access the services provided by layer i.
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit II Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

Q1: What is Framing?

Ans:- Since the physical layer merely accepts and transmits a stream of bits without any regard to meaning or structure,
it is upto the data link layer to create and recognize frame boundaries. This can be accomplished by attaching special bit
patterns to the beginning and end of the frame. If these bit patterns can accidentally occur in data, special care must be
taken to make sure these patterns are not incorrectly interpreted as frame delimiters. The four framing methods that are
widely used are

 Character count
 Starting and ending characters, with character stuffing
 Starting and ending flags, with bit stuffing
 Physical layer coding violations

Q.2 What is Flow Control .

Ans:- Consider a situation in which the sender transmits frames faster than the receiver can accept them. If the sender
keeps pumping out frames at high rate, at some point the receiver will be completely swamped and will start losing
some frames. This problem may be solved by introducing flow control.

Q.3 Explain its mechanisms for Flow Control.

Ans:- Most flow control protocols contain a feedback mechanism to inform the sender when it should transmit the next
Stop and Wait Protocol: This is the simplest file control protocol in which the sender transmits a frame and then waits
for an acknowledgement, either positive or negative, from the receiver before proceeding. If a positive
acknowledgement is received, the sender transmits the next packet; else it retransmits the same frame. However, this
protocol has one major flaw in it. If a packet or an acknowledgement is completely destroyed in transit due to a noise
burst, a deadlock will occur because the sender cannot proceed until it receives an acknowledgement. This problem may
be solved using timers on the sender's side. When the frame is transmitted, the timer is set. If there is no response from
the receiver within a certain time interval, the timer goes off and the frame may be retransmitted.

Sliding Window Protocols: Inspite of the use of timers, the stop and wait protocol still suffers from a few drawbacks.
Firstly, if the receiver had the capacity to accept more than one frame, its resources are being underutilized. Secondly, if
the receiver was busy and did not wish to receive any more packets, it may delay the acknowledgement. However, the
timer on the sender's side may go off and cause an unnecessary retransmission. These drawbacks are
overcome by the sliding window protocols.
In sliding window protocols the sender's data link layer maintains a 'sending window' which consists of a set of
sequence numbers corresponding to the frames it is permitted to send. Similarly, the receiver maintains a 'receiving
window' corresponding to the set of frames it is permitted to accept. The window size is dependent on the
retransmission policy and it may differ in values for the receiver's and the sender's window. The sequence numbers
within the sender's window represent the frames sent but as yet not acknowledged. Whenever a new packet arrives from
the network layer, the upper edge of the window is advanced by one. When an acknowledgement arrives from the
receiver the lower edge is advanced by one.
The receiver's window corresponds to the frames that the receiver's data link layer may accept. When a frame with
sequence number equal to the lower edge of the window is received, it is passed to the network layer, an
acknowledgement is generated and the window is rotated by one. If however, a frame falling outside the window is
received, the receiver's data link layer has two options. It may either discard this frame and all subsequent frames until
the desired frame is received or it may accept these frames and buffer them until the appropriate frame is received and
then pass the frames to the network layer in sequence.

In this simple example, there is a 4-byte sliding window. Moving from left to right, the window "slides" as bytes in the
stream are sent and acknowledged.
Most sliding window protocols also employ ARQ ( Automatic Repeat reQuest ) mechanism. In ARQ, the sender waits
for a positive acknowledgement before proceeding to the next frame. If no acknowledgement is received within a
certain time interval it retransmits the frame. ARQ is of two types :

1. Go Back 'n': If a frame is lost or received in error, the receiver may simply discard all subsequent frames,
sending no acknowledgments for the discarded frames. In this case the receive window is of size 1. Since no
acknowledgements are being received the sender's window will fill up, the sender will eventually time out and
retransmit all the unacknowledged frames in order starting from the damaged or lost frame. The maximum
window size for this protocol can be obtained as follows. Assume that the window size of the sender is n. So the
window will initially contain the frames with sequence numbers from 0 to (w-1). Consider that the sender
transmits all these frames and the receiver's data link layer receives all of them correctly. However, the sender's
data link layer does not receive any acknowledgements as all of them are lost. So the sender will retransmit all
the frames after its timer goes off. However the receiver window has already advanced to w. Hence to avoid
overlap , the sum of the two windows should be less than the sequence number space.

w-1 + 1 < Sequence Number Space

i.e., w < Sequence Number Space
Maximum Window Size = Sequence Number Space - 1
2. Selective Repeat: In this protocol rather than discard all the subsequent frames following a damaged or lost
frame, the receiver's data link layer simply stores them in buffers. When the sender does not receive an
acknowledgement for the first frame it's timer goes off after a certain time interval and it retransmits only the
lost frame. Assuming error - free transmission this time, the sender's data link layer will have a sequence of a
many correct frames which it can hand over to the network layer. Thus there is less overhead in retransmission
than in the case of Go Back n protocol.
In case of selective repeat protocol the window size may be calculated as follows. Assume that the size of both
the sender's and the receiver's window is w. So initially both of them contain the values 0 to (w-1). Consider
that sender's data link layer transmits all the w frames, the receiver's data link layer receives them correctly and
sends acknowledgements for each of them. However, all the acknowledgements are lost and the sender does not
advance it's window. The receiver window at this point contains the values w to (2w-1). To avoid overlap when
the sender's data link layer retransmits, we must have the sum of these two windows less than sequence number
space. Hence, we get the condition

Maximum Window Size = Sequence Number Space / 2

Q.4 What is piggybacking? What is its advantage?

Ans:- In practice, the link between receiver and transmitter is full duplex and usually both transmitter and receiver
stations send data to each over. So, instead of sending separate acknowledgement packets, a portion (few bits) of the
data frames can be used for acknowledgement. This phenomenon is known as piggybacking. The piggybacking helps in
better channel utilization. Further, multi-frame acknowledgement can be done.

Q.5 What do you understand by MAC sub layer of the data link layer (Layer 2).
Ans:- In Layer 2 of a network, the Media Access Control (MAC) sub layer provides addressing and channel access
control mechanisms that enable several terminals or network nodes to communicate in a network.
The MAC sublayer acts as an interface between the logical link control (LLC) Ethernet sub layer and Layer 1 (the
physical layer). The MAC sub layer emulates a full-duplex logical communication channel in a multipoint network.
This channel may provide unicast, multicast, or broadcast communication service. The MAC sub layer uses MAC
protocols to prevent collisions.
In Layer 2, multiple devices on the same physical link can uniquely identify one another at the data link layer, by using
the MAC addresses that are assigned to all ports on a switch. A MAC algorithm accepts as input a secret key and an
arbitrary-length message to be authenticated, and outputs a MAC address.
A MAC address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number (48 bits in long). MAC addresses are usually written in one of these
The first half of a MAC address contains the ID number of the adapter manufacturer. These IDs are regulated by an
Internet standards body. The second half of a MAC address represents the serial number assigned to the adapter by the
Layer 2 contains two sub layers:

 Logical link control (LLC) sub layer, which is responsible for managing communications links and handling frame
 Media access control (MAC) sub layer, which governs protocol access to the physical network medium. By using the
MAC addresses that are assigned to all ports on a switch, multiple devices on the same physical link can uniquely
identify one another.

Q.6 Functions of LLC and MAC sub-layers of Data Link Layer.

Ans:-The data link layer, namely LLC (Logical Link Control) and MAC (Media Access Control).

The data link layer functionality is usually split it into logical sub-layers, the upper sub-layer, termed as LLC, that
interacts with the network layer above and the lower sub-layer, termed as MAC, that interacts with the physical layer
below, as shown in the diagram given below:

Upper and Lower sub-layers of Data Link Layer

While LLC is responsible for handling multiple Layer3 protocols (multiplexing/de-multiplexing) and link services like
reliability and flow control, the MAC is responsible for framing and media access control for broadcast media. The
functional overview of LLC and MAC sub-layers are given in the diagram below :

Role of LLC and MAC

The primary responsibilities of LLC are:

Based on whether a logical connection is established between the layer 2 peers and based on whether frames are
acknowledged by the peer, LLC can be classified to provide the following types of service modes:

 Connectionless Unacknowledged Service :

This is a best effort service like IP datagram service, with no connection establishment between L2 peers and
also no acknowledgment for data frames from the peer. Whenever there is data to be transferred to the peer, it is
sent directly, without any connection establishment. Flow control may be optionally provided in this service. In
Internet, since reliability, flow control and error control are provided at the transport layer by TCP, a simple
connectionless unacknowledged service is enough at the data link layer, provided the link is of good quality
with low error rates. Hence, this service mode is the most widely used mode in the Internet, where TCP/IP is the
basic protocol stack. This mode is used on almost all high quality wired links like Ethernet and Optical.
 Connectionless Acknowledged Service:
In this mode, data is directly sent between Layer2 peers without any logical link establishment. But each frame is
numbered using sequence numbers and the peer acknowledges each frame received using an Acknowledgment
number field. This service mode is used in scenarios where the overhead of a connection establishment is costly due
to the extra delay involved, but where data reliability is needed. The sender can track lost or damaged frames and
retransmit such frames to achieve reliability. This type of service is used in wireless links, where the quality of link
is not as good as wired links and so frequent link establishment and teardown are unnecessary overheads, as these
control frames may themselves be corrupted or lost.
 Connection Oriented Service:
In this mode, procedures are laid out for logical link establishment and disconnection. Before data transfer, a
logical connection is established between peers, before data transfer starts, through the exchange of control
frames, known as Supervisory Frames. The logical connection is closed after the data exchange phase is over.
Actual data transfer starts after the connection establishment phase and frames carrying higher layer data are
known as Information Frames. A third category of frames, known as Unumbered Acknowledgment frames are
used to acknowledge received Supervisory frames. In this mode too, there are two variants that are used, namely
one without acknowledgement and another with acknowledgement.

 Connection oriented service Without Acknowledgment

Here, though a logical link is established before actual data transfer happens, there is no concept of frames being
numbered and acknowledged through Sequence number and acknowledgment number fields. It is just a best effort
service, with reliability left to the higher layer protocol. Many WAN protocols like HDLC, PPP, LAPB, LAPD etc. use
this mode of service.

 Connection oriented service with Acknowledgment

Here, apart from a logical link being established before data transfer happens, reliability and flow control services are
also provided by the LLC. Reliability is provided through the use of sequence number, acknowledgment number and
retransmission of lost frames using strategies like Go Back N or Selective Repeat. Flow control is provided by using
a sliding window mechanism. This service mode is rarely used in the Internet, because Internet uses TCP, that supports
reliability and flow control at the transport layer. This service mode is used in proprietary protocols like Microsoft’s
Note that though connection establishment, reliability and flow control are optional services at the data link layer, error
detection is still a basic service provided by the data link layer, through the use of CRC/checksums in the frame trailer,
that is added by the MAC sub-layer framing functionality.


The MAC sub-layer interacts with the physical layer and is primarily responsible for framing/de-framing and collision

Framing/De-Framing and interaction with PHY: On the sending side, the MAC sub-layer is responsible for creation
of frames from network layer packets, by adding the frame header and the frame trailer. While the frame header consists
of layer2 addresses (known as MAC address) and a few other fields for control purposes, the frame trailer consists of
the CRC/checksum of the whole frame. After creating a frame, the MAC layer is responsible for interacting with the
physical layer processor (PHY) to transmit the frame.
On the receiving side, the MAC sub-layer receives frames from the PHY and is responsible for accepting each frame, by
examining the frame header. It is also responsible for verifying the checksum to conclude whether the frame has come
uncorrupted through the link without bit errors. Since checksum computation and verification are compute intensive
tasks, the framing/de-framing functionality is done by dedicated piece of hardware (e.g. NIC card on PCs).

Collision Resolution :

On shared or broadcast links, where multiple end nodes are connected to the same link, there has to be a collision
resolution protocol running on each node, so that the link is used cooperatively. The MAC sub-layer is responsible for
this task and it is the MAC sub-block that implements standard collision resolution protocols like CSMA/CD, CSMA
etc. For half-duplex links, it is the MAC sub-layer that makes sure that a node sends data on the link only during its
turn. For full-duplex point-to-point links, the collision resolution functionality of MAC sub-layer is not required.

Q.7 Explain different types of Errors?

Ans: The errors can be divided into two types: Single-bit error and Burst error.
• Single-bit Error The term single-bit error means that only one bit of given data unit (such as a byte,
character, or data unit) is changed from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.
• Burst Error The term burst error means that two or more bits in the data unit have changed from 0 to 1 or
vice-versa. Note that burst error doesn’t necessary means that error occurs in consecutive bits.

Q.8Obtain the 4-bit CRC code word for the data bit sequence 10011011100 (leftmost bit is the least significant) using
the generator polynomial given in the previous problem.
Ans: Divide (Mod-2) 001110110010000 by 10101 to get 4-bit code word: 1101.
Details of the steps is given

------ -------------

Q.9 Consider the following three 16-bit bytes: 01100110 01100000, 01010101 01010101, 10001111
00001100. Calculate the UDP checksum.

Q.10An 8 bit byte with binary value 10101111 is to be encoded using an even-parity Hamming code. What is
the binary value after encoding?
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit III Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

Q1: Explain ALOHA

The ALOHA scheme was invented by Abramson in 1970 for a packet radio network connecting remote
stations to a central computer and various data terminals at the campus of the university of Hawaii. Users are
allowed random access of the central computer through a common radio frequency band f1 and the computer
centre broadcasts all received signals on a different frequency band f2. This enables the users to monitor
packet collisions, if any. The protocol followed by the users is simplest; whenever a node has a packet to sent,
it simply does so. The scheme, known as Pure ALOHA, is truly a free-for-all scheme. Of course, frames will
suffer collision and colliding frames will be destroyed. By monitoring the signal sent by the central computer,
after the maximum round-trip propagation time, an user comes to know whether the packet sent by him has
suffered a collision or not.
Q.2 Discuss CSMA.
Ans:-The poor efficiency of the ALOHA scheme can be attributed to the fact that a node start transmission
without paying any attention to what others are doing. In situations where propagation delay of the signal
between two nodes is small compared to the transmission time of a packet, all other nodes will know very
quickly when a node starts transmission. This observation is the basis of the carrier-sense multiple-access
(CSMA) protocol. In this scheme, a node having data to transmit first listens to the medium to check whether
another transmission is in progress or not. The node starts sending only when the channel is free, that is there
is no carrier. That is why the scheme is also known as listen-beforetalk.
There are three variations of this basic scheme as outlined below.
(i) 1-persistent CSMA: In this case, a node having data to send, start sending, if the channel is sensed
free. If the medium is busy, the node continues to monitor until the channel is idle. Then it starts
sending data.
(ii) Non-persistent CSMA: If the channel is sensed free, the node starts sending the packet. Otherwise,
the node waits for a random amount of time and then monitors the channel.
(iii) p-persistent CSMA: If the channel is free, a node starts sending the packet. Otherwise the node
continues to monitor until the channel is free and then it sends with probability p.

Q.3 How performance is improved in CSMA/CD protocol compared to CSMA protocol?

Ans:-In CSMA scheme, a station monitors the channel before sending a packet. Whenever a collision is
detected, it does not stop transmission leading to some wastage of time. On the other hand, in CSMA/CD
scheme, whenever a station detects a collision, it sends a jamming signal by which other station comes to
know that a collision occurs. As a result, wastage of time is reduced leading to improvement in performance.

Q-4. What is vulnerable period? How it affects the performance in MAC protocols?
Ans:-The total period of time when collision may occur for a packet is called vulnerable period. Let, all
packets have a fixed duration λ. Then vulnerable period is 2λ in pure ALOHA scheme and λ in slotted
ALOHA scheme. If vulnerable period is long, probability of the occurrence collision increases leading to
reduction in throughput.

Q.5 What is 802.5 – Token ring-based.

Ans:-IBM developed Token Ring network in the 1970s. It is still IBM's primary local-area network (LAN)
technology. The related IEEE 802.5 specification is almost identical to and completely compatible with IBM's
Token Ring network. In fact, the IEEE 802.5 specification was modeled after IBM Token Ring, and on the
same lines. The term Token Ring is generally used to refer to both IBM's Token Ring network and IEEE
802.5 networks.
Token Ring and IEEE802.5 are based on token passing MAC protocol with ring topology. They resolve the
uncertainty by giving each station a turn on by one. Each node takes turns sending the data; each station may
transmit data during its turn. The technique that coordinates this turn mechanism is called Token passing; as a
Token is passed in the network and the station that gets the token can only transmit. As one node transmits at
a time, there is no chance of collision.
Stations are connected by point-to-point links using repeaters. Mainly these links are of shielded twisted-pair
cables. The repeaters function in two basic modes: Listen mode, Transmit mode. A disadvantage of this
topology is that it is vulnerable to link or station failure. But a few measures can be taken to take care of it.

Token Ring Operation

Token-passing networks move a small frame, called a token, around the network. Possession of the token
grants the right to transmit. If a node receiving the token has no information to send, it passes the token to the
next end station. Each station can hold the token for a maximum period of time.
If a station possessing the token does have information to transmit, it seizes the token, alters 1 bit of the token
(which turns the token into a start-of-frame sequence), appends the information that it wants to transmit, and
sends this information to the next station on the ring. While the information frame is circling the ring, no
token is on the network (unless the ring supports early token release), which means that other stations wanting
to transmit must wait. Therefore, collisions cannot occur in Token Ring networks. If early token release is
supported, a new token can be released immediately after a frame transmission is complete. The information
frame circulates around the ring until it reaches the intended destination station, which copies the information
for further processing. The information frame makes a round trip and is finally removed when it reaches the
sending station. The sending station can check the returning frame to see whether the frame was seen and
subsequently copied by the destination station in error-free form. Then the sending station inserts a new free
token on the ring, if it has finished transmission of its packets. Unlike CSMA/CD networks (such as Ethernet),
token-passing networks are deterministic, which means that it is possible to calculate the maximum time that
will pass before any end station will be capable of transmitting. Token Ring networks are ideal for
applications in which delay must be predictable and robust network operation is important.
Priority System
Token Ring networks use a sophisticated priority system that permits certain userdesignated, high-priority
stations to use the network more frequently. Token Ring frames have two fields that control priority: the
priority field and the reservation field. Only stations with a priority equal to or higher than the priority value
contained in a token can seize that token. After the token is seized and changed to an information frame, only
stations with a priority value higher than that of the transmitting station can reserve the token for the next pass
around the network. When the next token is generated, it includes the higher priority of the reserving station.
Stations that raise a token's priority level must reinstate the previous priority after their transmission is
Ring Maintenance
There are two error conditions that could cause the token ring to break down. One is the lost token in which
case there is no token the ring, the other is the busy token that circulates endlessly. To overcome these
problems, the IEEE 802 standard specifies that one of the stations be designated as ‘active monitor’. The
monitor detects the lost condition using a timer by time-out mechanism and recovers by using a new free
token. To detect a circulating busy token, the monitor sets a ‘monitor bit’ to one on any passing busy token. If
it detects a busy token with the monitor bit already set, it implies that the sending station has failed to remove
its packet and recovers by changing the busy token to a free token. Other stations on the ring have the role of
passive monitor. The primary job of these stations is to detect failure of the active monitor and assume the
role of active monitor. A contention-resolution is used to determine which station to take over.

Q.6 Differences between Token Ring and IEEE 802.5

Ans:-Both of these networks are basically compatible, although the specifications differ in some ways.
• IEEE 802.5 does not specify a topology, although virtually all IEEE 802.5 implementations are based on the
star topology. While IBM's Token Ring network explicitly specifies a star, with all end stations attached to a
device called a Multi Station Access Unit (MSAU).
• IEEE 802.5 does not specify a media type, although IBM Token Ring networks use twisted-pair wire.
• There are few differences in routing information field size of the two.
Q.7 What is Token Bus (IEEE 802.4)
Ans:-It is the technique in which the station on bus or tree forms a logical ring, that is the stations are
assigned positions in an ordered sequence, with the last number of the sequence followed by the first one Each
station knows the identity of the station following it and preceding it.
A control packet known as a Token regulates the right to access. When a station receives the token, it is
granted control to the media for a specified time, during which it may transmit one or more packets and may
poll stations and receive responses when the station is done, or if its time has expired then it passes token to
next station in logical sequence. Hence, steady phase consists of alternate phases of token passing and data
transfer. The MAC sublayer consists of four major functions: the interface machine (IFM), the access control
machine (ACM), the receiver machine (RxM) and the transmit machine (TxM).

IFM interfaces with the LLC sublayer. The LLC sublayer frames are passed on to the ACM by the IFM and if
the received frame is also an LLC type, it is passed from RxM component to the LLC sub layer. IFM also
provides quality of service.

The ACM is the heart of the system. It determines when to place a frame on the bus, and responsible for the
maintenance of the logical ring including the error detection and fault recovery.

The responsibility of a TxM is to transmit frame to physical layer. It accepts the frame from the ACM and
builds a MAC protocol data unit (PDU) as per the format.

The RxM accepts data from the physical layer and identifies a full frame by detecting the SD and ED (start
and end delimiter). It also checks the FCS field to validate an error free transmission.

Q.8 In what way the MAC protocol of FDDI differs from that of token ring?
Ans:-In the frame format of FDDI protocol, preamble is eight bytes instead of one byte in token ring. Also
token has one additional byte. FDDI can have multiple frames simultaneously, which cannot be present in
token ring. Here, the access method is timed token passing. Multiple frames can be transmitted after capturing
a token. First, the entire token is captured and then the data frames are introduced, whereas token ring follows
token passing protocol and beginning of token is converted to the header of a frame. In case of token ring
token is released after receiving the acknowledgement (as the data frame returns after circulating the ring). On
the other hand, in case of FDDI, token is released immediately after sending data frame, which is known as
early token release.

Q.9How FDDI offers higher reliability than token ring protocol?

Ans: Token ring protocol is applicable in a single ring. Disadvantage of this protocol is that, if one segment of
wires fails or a node fails, the protocol cannot work. To increase reliability, dual counter ring topology used in
FDDI protocol, where there are two rings, called primary ring and secondary ring. In case of failure of a node
or a fiber link, the ring is restored the by wrapping up the primary ring to the secondary ring. Further
improvement in reliability can achieve by using dual ring of trees and dual homing mechanism. It will provide
multiple paths and if one path fails, another path will be available for passing token or data.

Q.10 Suppose nodes A and B are on the same 10 Mbps Ethernet segment, and the propagation delay between
the two nodes is 225-bit times. Suppose node A begins transmitting a frame, and before it finishes station, B
begins transmitting a frame. Can A finish transmitting before it detects that B has transmitted? Why or why
not? If the answer is yes, then A incorrectly believes that its frame was successfully transmitted without a
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit IV Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

Q1 Describe Bellman-Ford Algorithm.

Ans: The algorithm is distributed because it involves a number of nodes (routers) within an Autonomous
system. It consists of the following steps:
1) Each node calculates the distances between itself and all other nodes within the AS and stores this
information as a table.
2) Each node sends its table to all neighboring nodes.
3) When a node receives distance tables from its neighbors, it calculates the shortest routes to all other nodes
and updates its own table to reflect any changes.

Q.2Explain the Count to Infinity problem.

Ans: Count-to Infinity problem is a problem that bad news travel slowly through the network and to advertise
a bad news throughout the entire network will take a long time. This problem arises because routing update
messages propagates slowly across the network. Choosing a small infinity limit (16) reduces it but doesn’t
eliminate it. This problem causes inconsistencies in the routing tables of different routers. This problem is also
called as slow convergence problem.
Q.3Explain Split Horizon Technique.
Ans: It is never useful to send information about a route back in the direction from which it came and thus
split horizons is used to prevent updates that are redundant to the network. For this purpose Router records the
interface over which it received a particular route and does not propagates its information about that route
back to the same interface. This change is known as Split Horizon Technique.

Q.4What is congestion? Why congestion occurs?

Ans : In a packet switching network, packets are introduced in the nodes (i.e. offered load), and the nodes in-
turn forward the packets (i.e. throughput) into the network. When the “offered load” crosses certain limit, then
there is a sharp fall in the throughput. This phenomenon is known as congestion. In every node of a packet
switching network, queues (or buffers) are maintained to receive and transmit packets (store/forward
network). Due to busty nature of the network traffic there may be situations where there is overflow of the
queues. As a result there will be re-transmission of several packets, which further increases the network
traffic. This finally leads to congestion.
Q.5 How is masking is related to subnetting?
Ans: Masking is a process that extracts the physical network address part from the 32-bit IP address. When
subnetting is done, the masking is performed to get the subnet work address rather than the network address.

Q.6 What is the purpose of dotted decimal representation? Give dotted decimal representation of the IP
address 11011101 10001111 11111101 00001111
Ans: To represent the 32-bit IP address in short and easy to read form, Internet addresses are represented in
decimal form with decimal points separating the bytes. This is known as dotted decimal notation. For the
given IP address the dotted decimal representation is

Q.7What is the role of the Dijkstra algorithm in unicast routing?

Q.8 Explain Split Horizon Technique.

Ans: It is never useful to send information about a route back in the direction from which it came and thus
split horizons is used to prevent updates that are redundant to the network. For this purpose Router records the
interface over which it received a particular route and does not propagates its information about that route
back to the same interface. This change is known as Split Horizon Technique.

Q.9 Explain steps involved in Link State Routing.

Ans: In Link state routing, each router shares its knowledge of its neighborhood with every other router in the
internetwork. Following are few noteworthy points about the Link state routing: • Advertise about
neighborhood: instead of sending its entire routing table, a router sends information about its neighborhood
only. • Flooding: Each router sends this information to every other router on the internetwork, not just to its
neighbors. It does so by a process of flooding. In Flooding, a router sends its information to all its neighbors
(through all of its output ports). Every router sends such messages to each of its neighbor, and every router
that receives the packet sends copies to its neighbor. Finally, every router has a copy of same information. •
Active response: Each outer sends out information about the neighbor when there is a change.

Q.10How congestion control is performed by leaky bucket algorithm?

Ans : In leaky bucket algorithm, a buffering mechanism is introduced between the host computer and the
network in order to regulate the flow of traffic. Busty traffic are generated by the host computer and
introduced in the network by leaky bucket mechanism in the following manner • Packets are introduced in the
network in one per tick • In case of buffer overflow packets are discarded
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit V Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

Q.1 Distinguish between TCP and UDP?

Ans: Both TCP and UDP belong to transport layer. The UDP is simpler with much less overhead. UDP
provides unreliable connectionless service. On the other hand, TCP provides connection oriented reliable
service with the help of suitable flow control and error control protocols. As a consequence, TCP has much
more overhead.
Q2. What is the relationship between TCP/IP and Internet?
Ans: Internet is a network of different types of network. TCP/IP is a set of rules and procedures that govern
the exchange of messages between hosts linked to different networks. TCP/IP creates an environment as if all
hosts are connected to a single logical network.
Q3. What limitation of transparent bridge protocol is overcome by the source routing protocol?
Ans: Transparent bridge protocol uses spanning tree algorithm, where a unique path is used for
communication between two stations. As a consequence, it does not make use of other paths leading to lesser
utilization of network resources. This problem is overcome in source routing algorithm.
Q4. What limitations of a bridge are overcome by a router?
Ans: A router overcomes the following limitations of a bridge:
o Linking of two dissimilar networks
• Routing data selectively and efficiently
• Enforcement of security
• Vulnerability to broadcast storm
Q5.Why do you need internetworking?
Ans: As stations connected to different LANs and WANs want to communicate with each other, it is
necessary to provide this facility. Internetworking creates a single virtual network over which all stations in
different network can communicate seamlessly and transparently.
Q6. What is bridge? How it operates in the internetworking scenario?
Ans: A bridge operates in the Data link layer. It looks into various fields of a frame to take various actions.
For example, it looks at the destination address field so that it can forward the frame to a port where
destination stations is connected. It also looks at the FCS field to check error in the received frame, it any. A
bridge helps to create a network having different collision domains.
Q.7 Explain in detail the leaky bucket algorithm & Token bucket algorithm.
Q.8Write the Congestion Prevention Policies.
Q.9 Elucidate congestion control in TCP.
Q.10 Give the structure of HTTP request response behavior model and explain.Draw and explain the HTTP
message format in detail.
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit I Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

1. List the difference between circuit switching and Packet switching.

2. What are header and trailers and how do they get added and removed?

3. Explain in detail about transmission technology.

4. Explain Novel Netware, Arpanet , X.25.

5. What are Advantages and disadvantages of computer networking.

6. What are the criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network?

7. What are the key design issues of a computer Network.

8. What are the categories of Transmission media?

9. Differentiate between internet and intranet.

10. Differentiate between internet and intranet.

Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit II Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

1. What is use of CRC? Compute the CRC-4 character for the following message using a modified divisor
constant of 10011:

1100 0110 1011 01

2. Discuss about the different HDLC frames.

3. Describe the selective repeat data link protocol.
4. What is sliding window protocol?

5. Mention the different flow control protocols in data link layer.

6. What are the different design issues for data link layer?
7. Identify various fields after destuffing extra zeros from the following HDLC frame:
8. What is the Hamming distance between 001111 and 010011?
9. What is Error Detection? What are its methods?
10. What Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)?
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit III Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

1. Show that for pure ALOHA, the maximum throughput is ½ e and occurs at G=0.5 and differentiate ALOHA
and slotted ALOHA.
2 Imagine the length of a 10Base5 cable is 2500 m. if the speed of propagation in a thick coaxial cable is
200,000,000 m/s, how long does it take for a bit to travel from the beginning to the end of the network? Ignore
any propagation delay in the equipment.
3 The data rate of 10 Base 5 is 10 Mbps. how long does it take to create the smallest frame? Show your
4 Why is there no need for CSMA/CD on a full duplex Ethernet LAN?
5 Explain 802.4, 802.5.

6 Describe about FDDI and its frame formats.

7 Write the frame format of IEEE 802.3
8 How does CSMA/CD mechanism function in Ethernet?
9 Explain following multiple Access method. a. ALOHA b. Slotted ALOHA
10 What is switching? Mention the types of switching technique.
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit IV Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

1. What is the role of the Dijkstra algorithm in unicast routing?

2. What is path vector routing?
3. Contrast and compare distance vector routing with link state routing.
4. What is the difference between an interior routing protocol and an exterior routing protocol? Name an example
of each.

5. Differentiate between OSPF and BGP routing strategies.

6. Find the net ID and host ID of the following

7. What are the main advantages of IPv6 over IPv4?
8. A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum number of hosts
it can handle?
9. Using Link state routing algorithm find the best path for B as root node.

10. With the indicated link cost, use Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to compute the shortest path from x to
all network nodes.
Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Department of Information Technology

Branch Information Technology Session July – December, 2016
Name of Faculty Mrs. Swati Pandey Semester V
Unit V Subject/Sub Code Computer Networks / IT- 503

1. What are the four internetworking devices?

2. Define Gateway.
3. How does a router differ from a bridge?
4. Write down the three types of WWW documents.
5. Write a short note on the following:
a. Routers
b. Bridges
c. Repeaters
6. Define Congestion control. Explain different approaches are available for Congestion control.
7. Describe the working principle of DNS.
8. Explian leaky bucket algorithm.
9. List out the types of viruses. What is meant by worms?
10. What are the limitations of firewall?
8. RGPV Question Paper
Pre University Examination Roll No……………………………..

Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal

Total no. of Questions: 5 SET-A Total No. of Printed pages: …

IT- 503 Computer Networks

B.E. V Semester
Pre University Examination Nov, 2016

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 70
Note: i) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, C is compulsory and D part has internal choice.
ii) All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place.
iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and B (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C (Max. 100 words)
carry 3 marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
iv) Except numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.

(a) How does the layer of TCP/IP protocol suite correlate to the layers of OSI model?
(b) Write any two differences between connection oriented and connection less services. 2mark each
(c) What are the various functions performed by the data link layer? 3marks
(d) Suppose a group of N stations share a 56 kbps pure ALOHA channel. Each station 7 marks
outputs 1000 bit frame on an average of once every 100 sec, even if the previous one
has not yet been sent (e.g. the stations can buffer outgoing frames). What is the
maximum value of N?
Explain why token bus is suited for real time application in comparison to
CSMA/CD with the help of suitable examples.
(a) What do mean by protocol verification?
(b) Explain ALOHA and slotted ALOHA protocol. Compare the efficiency in each case. 2mark each
2 (c) Using CRC a bit stream 1101011011 is to be transmitted. If the generator 3marks
polynomial is find the

(d) Explain the Noisy Channel Protocol: Go-Back-N ARQ. 7 marks

What is piggybacking? Write a note on HDLC.
(a) Explain the terms 'Static channel allocation' and 'dynamic channel allocation'
3 2mark each
(b) What is mobile IP.
(c) Compare collision, collision free and limited contention MCA sub layer protocol 3marks
with suitable examples.
(d) What are the different line coding techniques? Which is used in 802.3 LAN? 7marks
(e) Compare the performance of stop and wait protocol and sliding window protocol.

(a) Explain FDDI.

(b) Explain IPv4 header format with the help of a neat diagram. State four major 2mark each
4 improvements of IPv6 over IP4
(c) What are the various connecting devices used in networking? Explain design and 3marks
functioning of Bridges.

(d) Explain the leaky bucket mechanism for congestion control. 7 marks

What is dijkstra’s algorithm find shortest path b/w 0 to 4

(a) What is utility of DNS.

5 2mark each
(b) What are the various transmission modes of FTP.

(c) What are the various connecting devices used in networking? Explain design and 3marks
functioning of Bridges.

(d) Write short notes on any four of the followings: any two 7marks
i) UDP Header format
ii) TCP Header format
iii) HIT P
iv) Network Management
v) Presentation layer protocol
Differentiate Logical, classful and classless addressing techniques. And give a
comparative study of IPv4 and IPv6.
Pre University Examination Roll No……………………………..

Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal

Total no. of Questions: 5 SET-B Total No. of Printed pages: …

IT- 503 Computer Networks

B.E. V Semester
Pre University Examination Nov, 2016

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 70
Note: i) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, C is compulsory and D part has internal choice.
ii) All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place.
iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and B (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C (Max. 100 words)
carry 3 marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
iv) Except numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.

(a) Explain the ISO-OSI model of computer network.

(b) Write the Range of LAN, WAN and MAN? 2mark each
(c) Explain the working of i) Connection oriented and ii) Connection less services. What 3marks
are their advantages, disadvantages and applications?
(d) A CRC code is transmitted as 1001011100l01 .Check if there are some errors using 7 marks
divisor as 10101.
What is TCP/IP model? Explain the application , protocols and services of each
layer? Compare with OSI model?

(a) What is Piggybacking?

(b) Compare IEEE 802.3, 802.4 and 802.5. 2mark each
2 (c) List out the advantage and drawback of ring topology? 3marks
(d) Compare the performance of stop and wait protocol and sliding window 7 marks
What is congestion control and how it is implemented in Network Layer?
What is the role of Choke packet in managing congestion?
(a) Explain the terms 'Static channel allocation' and 'dynamic channel allocation'
3 2mark each
(b) What is mobile IP.
(c) Compare collision, collision free and limited contention MCA sub layer protocol 3marks
with suitable examples.
(d) What are the different line coding techniques? Which is used in 802.3 LAN? 7marks
Compare the performance of stop and wait protocol and sliding window protocol.

(a) If IP Address 192. 168.5.128 and mask 255, 255. 255. 128, What is the Broadcast
Address? 2mark each
4 (b) Explain IPv4 header format with the help of a neat diagram. State four major
improvements of IPv6 over IP4
(c) Write the default mask of class A,B, C Network? 3marks

(d) Explain Adaptive Routing methods in detail. 7 marks


What is dijkstra’s algorithm find shortest path b/w 1 to 6

(a) Write the Port Number of U'DP and TCP Protocol?

5 2mark each
(b) What are the Major Functions of Transport layer?

(c) Explain Ping Command and also write its full form of Ping Command? 3marks

(d) Write short notes on any four of the followings: any two 7marks
i) UDP Header format
ii) TCP Header format
iii) HIT P
iv) Network Management
v) Presentation layer protocol
Explain different lntemetworking devices?

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