Sepsis 2018
Sepsis 2018
Sepsis 2018
Sepsis 2018:
Definitions and Guideline Changes
Lena M. Napolitano
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Background: Sepsis is a global healthcare issue and continues to be the leading cause of death from infection.
Early recognition and diagnosis of sepsis is required to prevent the transition into septic shock, which is associated
with a mortality rate of 40% or more.
Discussion: New definitions for sepsis and septic shock (Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and
Septic Shock [Sepsis-3]) have been developed. A new screening tool for sepsis (quick Sequential Organ Failure
Assessment [qSOFA]) has been proposed to predict the likelihood of poor outcome in out-of-intensive care
unit (ICU) patients with clinical suspicion of sepsis. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines were recently
updated and include greater evidence-based recommendations for treatment of sepsis in attempts to reduce sepsis-
associated mortality. This review discusses the new Sepsis-3 definitions and guidelines.
Keywords: sepsis; sepsis guidelines; Sepsis-3 definition; septic shock; Surviving Sepsis Campaign
Acute Care Surgery, Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Table 1. Distribution and Mortality in Septic Shock Cohorts from Surviving Sepsis Campaign Database
Hypotension Prevalence, Surviving Sepsis Hospital
after fluids Vasopressors Lactate >2 mmol/L Campaign Database (n = 18,840 patients) mortality
Group 1a Yes Yes Yes 8,520 (45.2%) 42.3%
Group 2b Yes Yes No 3,985 (21.2%) 30.1%
Group 3 Yes No Yes 223 (1.2%) 28.7%
Group 4 No No Yes 3,266 (17.3%) 25.7%
Group 5 Never (pre) No Yes 2,696 (14.3%) 29.7%
Group 6 Yes No No 150 (0.8%) 18.7%
Meets criteria for new Sepsis-3 septic shock definition.
Meets criteria for old Sepsis-2 septic shock definition.
Data compiled from: Shankar-Hari M, Phillips GS, Levey ML, et al. Developing a new definition and assessing new clinical criteria for
septic shock. For the Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3). JAMA 2016;315:775–787.
Sepsis-3 = Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock.
Central nervous
Glasgow coma 15 13–14 10–12 6–9 <6
scale scorec
Creatinine, mg/dL <1.2 (110) 1.2–1.9 (110–170) 2.0–3.4 (171–299) 3.5–4.9 (300–440) >5.0 (440)
(m mol/L)
Urine output, mL/d <500 <200
Fio2 = fraction of inspired oxygen; MAP = mean arterial pressure; Pao2 = partial pressure of oxygen.
Adapted from Vincent et al. [10].
Catecholamine doses are given as mg/kg/min for at least 1 hour.
Glasgow coma scale scores range from 3–15; higher score indicates better neurological function.
is widely used in critical care research, but is not a common validity for in-hospital mortality was lower for qSOFA
clinical tool used at the bedside in the ICU [10]. (AUROC 0.66) and SIRS (AUROC 0.64) compared with the
The qSOFA score (Fig. 2) was developed as a simple full SOFA score (AUROC 0.74) [5].
screening tool to identify patients with possible sepsis. A The use of the SOFA score in the Sepsis-3 definition is
qSOFA score of two or more identifies a patient at greater risk challenging, because SOFA is a complicated score that is not
of poor outcome. Among non-ICU encounters in patients calculated routinely in ICUs at the bedside. Systemic in-
with suspected infection, qSOFA had a predictive validity for flammatory response syndrome and qSOFA are scores that
in-hospital mortality (area under the receiver operating are easily calculated at the bedside for use in the screening of
characteristic curve [AUROC] 0.81) that was greater than the patients with possible sepsis. A retrospective cohort analysis
full SOFA score (AUROC 0.79) and SIRS (AUROC 0.76; of the ANZICS database that was used to assess SIRS in the
Table 3). In contrast, however, in the ICU, the predictive severe sepsis definition was also used to compare the
FIG. 2. Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) score for sepsis.
Table 3. In-Hospital Mortality Prediction with suspected infection and examined qSOFA as a mortality
among Patients with Possible Infection Outside predictor. The overall in-hospital mortality was low (8%).
of the Intensive Care Unit The qSOFA performed better than SIRS and SOFA in pre-
diction of in-hospital mortality (AUROC 0.8 qSOFA vs. 0.77
AUROC Sensitivity Specificity
Test curve for mortality for mortality SOFA and 0.65 SIRS). Both qSOFA and SOFA had lower
sensitivity (qSOFA 70%, SOFA 73% vs. SIRS 93%), and
SIRS ‡2 0.76 64% 65% SIRS had lower specificity (qSOFA 79%, SOFA 70%, SIRS
SOFA ‡2 0.79 68% 67% 27%) [13]. The use of qSOFA versus SIRS score for a sepsis
qSOFA ‡2 0.81 55% 84% screen actually depends on whether you desire increased
sensitivity or specificity.
AUROC = area under the receiver operating curve; SIRS = sys-
temic inflammatory response syndrome; SOFA = Sequential Organ There is still controversy regarding the new Sepsis-3 def-
Failure Assessment score; qSOFA = quick Sequential Organ Failure initions [14–16]. Some organizations have not endorsed
Assessment score. the new Sepsis-3 definitions, including the American College
of Chest Physicians [17], the Infectious Disease Society of
prognostic accuracy of the SOFA score, SIRS criteria, and America, the Latin American Sepsis Institute [18], American
qSOFA score for in-hospital mortality among adults with sus- College of Emergency Physicians, none of the emergency
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pected infection admitted to the ICU. The SOFA score increased medicine societies, and none of the hospital medicine soci-
by two or more points in 90.1%; 86.7% had SIRS score of two or eties. Additional prospective validation of the new Sepsis-3
more, and 54.4% had a qSOFA score of two or more. An in- definitions is clearly warranted.
crease in SOFA score of two or more had greater prognostic
accuracy for in-hospital mortality (AUROC 0.753) than SIRS SSC Guidelines
(AUROC 0.589) or the qSOFA score (AUROC 0.607) [11].
The SSC guidelines for the management of severe sepsis
Interestingly, qSOFA failed validation in a study of 30,677 and septic shock were first published in 2004 [19] with an
patients with suspected infection from the emergency department
update in 2008 [20] and 2012 [21]. The overall goal of the SSC
and ward at the University of Chicago. Systemic inflammatory
was to reduce mortality from severe sepsis and septic shock.
response syndrome, qSOFA, Modified Early Warning Score Active participation in the SSC was associated with increased
(MEWS), and National Early Warning Score (NEWS; Table 4)
guideline adherence and reductions in sepsis-related mortality
were compared. Using the highest non-ICU score of patients, two
[22]. Adherence to the SSC guidelines was promoted via the
or more SIRS had a sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 13% for
use of SSC bundles, which included elements to be completed
the composite outcome (death or ICU transfer) compared with
in a specific timeframe after the diagnosis of sepsis.
54% and 67% for qSOFA of two or more, 59% and 70% for
MEWS of five or more, and 67% and 66% for NEWS of eight
SSC bundles
or more, respectively. The authors concluded that the qSOFA
score should not replace general early warning scores when The SSC bundles have changed during the SSC guide-
risk-stratifying patients with suspected infection [12]. line updates (Table 5). The differences between the 2008
In contrast, an international prospective cohort study from and 2012 bundles included an increase in fluid resuscita-
Europe included 879 patients in the emergency department tion recommended for sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion
Table 4. The Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS), and National Early Warning (NEWS) Scores
Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS)
Score 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Respiratory rate (min-1) £8 9–14 15–20 21–29 >29
Heart rate (min-1) £40 41–50 51–100 101–110 111–129 >129
Systolic BP (mmHg) £70 71–80 81–100 101–199 ‡200
Urine output (ml/kg/h) Nil <0.5
Temperature (C) £35 35.1–36 36.1–38 38.1–38.5 ‡38.6
Neurological Alert Reacting to voice Reacting to pain Unresponsive
Physiological parameters 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Respiration rate £8 9–11 12–20 21–24 ‡25
Oxygen saturations £91 92–93 94–95 ‡96
Any supplemental oxygen Yes No
Temperature £35.0 35.1–36.0 36.1–38.0 38.1–39.0 ‡39.1
Systolic BP £90 91–100 101–110 111–219 ‡220
Heart rate £40 41–50 51–90 91–110 111–130 ‡131
Level of consciousness A V.P. or U
*The NEWS initiative flowed from the Royal College of Physicians’ NEWSDIG, and was jointly developed and funded in collaboration
with the Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Nursing, National Outreach Forum and NHS Training for Innovation.
Table 5. Difference in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundles, 2008 (left) vs. 2012 (right)
(20 mL/kg crystalloid in 2008; 30 mL/kg in 2012 for treat- shock, in-hospital mortality was 19.7%, and delay in the first
ment of hypotension or elevated lactate) and discontinuation antibiotic administration was associated with increased risk of
of the 2008 sepsis management bundle (steroids, activated death [25].
protein C, glycemic control, and low plateau pressures in The major change from the 2012 SSC bundle is the removal
mechanically ventilated patients). of early goal-directed therapy recommendations (resuscitation
A global, prospective, observational quality improvement targets central venous pressure [CVP] ‡8, central venous oxy-
study of compliance with the 2012 SSC bundles in patients gen saturation [ScVO2] ‡ 70%, and normalization of lactate) in
with severe sepsis or septic shock included 1,794 patients from the six-hour SSC bundle. The 2016 SSC bundle recommends
62 countries, and documented that overall compliance was low, serial re-assessment of volume status and tissue perfusion with
at only 19% for the three-hour bundle, and 36% for the six-hour dynamic assessments of fluid responsiveness including physical
bundle. However, SSC bundle compliance was associated with examination to evaluate for hypoperfusion, bedside cardiovas-
a 40% reduction in the odds of dying in hospital with the three- cular ultrasound, passive leg elevation, or fluid challenge.
hour bundle and 36% for the six-hour bundle [23]. The new SSC guidelines 2016 also recognize that we are in
The most recent guideline update was published in 2016 an era of ‘‘personalized’’ medicine and ‘‘one size does not fit
[24] and includes new three-hour and six-hour SSC bundles all.’’ Therefore, the SSC bundle recommendations are not
(Table 6). The most recent SSC bundles focus on early an- meant to be implemented without interval re-evaluation. For
tibiotic treatment and fluid resuscitation to be initiated within example, in a patient with sepsis with severe hypoxemia and
three hours. Early identification of patients with sepsis, early acute respiratory distress syndrome or heart failure, fluid
intravenous fluid resuscitation, and early intravenous antibi- resuscitation of 30 mL/kg may not be appropriate and vaso-
otic administration are the mainstay of sepsis management. pressor or cardiotonic medications may be indicated to op-
Consistent in all of the SSC bundles is the recommenda- timize tissue perfusion [26]. We are beginning to determine
tion for antibiotic administration within one hour of diagnosis of risk factors for patients who are not fluid responsive in septic
sepsis. In a study of 28,150 patients with severe sepsis and septic shock (heart failure, hypothermia, immunocompromised,
Table 6. Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundle 2016
To be completed within 3 hours
1. Measure lactate level.
2. Obtain blood cultures prior to administration of antibiotics.
3. Administer broad spectrum antibiotics.
4. Administer 30 ml/kg crystalloid for hypotension or lactate ‡4 mmol/L.
‘‘Time of presentation’’ is defined as the time of triage in the emergency department or, if presenting from another care
venue, from the earliest chart annotation consistent with all elements of severe sepsis or septic shock ascertained through
chart review.
To be completed within 6 hours
5. Apply vasopressors (for hypotension that does not respond to initial fluid resuscitation) to maintain a mean arterial
pressure (MAP) ‡65 mm Hg.
6. In the event of persistent hypotension after initial fluid administration (MAP <65 mm Hg) or if initial lactate was
‡4 mmol/L, re-assess volume status and tissue perfusion and document findings according to Table 1.
7. Re-measure lactate if initial lactate elevated.
Document reassessment of volume status and tissue perfusion with
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Repeat focused exam (after initial fluid resuscitation) including vital signs, cardiopulmonary, capillary refill, pulse, and
skin findings.
Or two of the following:
Measure CVP.
Measure ScvO2.
Perform bedside cardiovascular ultrasound.
Perform dynamic assessment of fluid responsiveness with passive leg raise or fluid challenge.
Table 7. Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guideline Changes Comparing 2012 and 2016 Recommendations
2012 2016
Sepsis definition Systemic manifestation of infection plus suspected Life-threatening organ dysfunction caused
infection by dysregulated response to infection.
Severe sepsis: sepsis plus organ dysfunction No severe sepsis definition
Initial resuscitation At least 30 mL/kg in the first 3 h; crystalloid fluid (no specific recommendation for fluid type).
Albumin if patients require substantial fluids
Early goal-directed therapy protocolized care including Use dynamic resuscitation markers (passive
CVP, ScVO2. leg elevation, TTE). Target MAP 65 mm Hg.
Normalize lactate Re-assess hemodynamic status to guide
resuscitation. Normalize lactate
Vasopressors Target MAP 65 mm Hg
Norepinephrine vasopressor of choice; epinephrine if not at target MAP or vasopressin to reduce
norepinephrine requirement. Avoid dopamine in most patients.
Steroids Only indicated in septic shock refractory to adequate fluids and vasopressors
Antibiotic Administration of effective IV antimicrobial agents We recommend that administration of IV
administration within the first hour of recognition of septic shock and antimicrobials be initiated as soon as
severe sepsis without septic shock. possible after recognition and within 1 h
Initial empiric anti-infective therapy of one or more drugs for both sepsis and septic shock.
that have activity against all likely pathogens. Initial IV broad-spectrum antibiotic agents to
Combination empirical therapy for neutropenic patients cover all potential pathogens. The addition
with severe sepsis and for patients with difficult-to- of a second gram-negative agent to the
treat, multi-drug–resistant bacterial pathogens such empiric regimen is recommended for
as Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas spp. critically ill patients withsepsis at high risk
Antimicrobial regimen should be reassessed daily for of infection with multi-drug–resistant
potential deescalation. Use of low procalcitonin levels pathogens (e.g., Pseudomonas,
or similar biomarkers to assist the clinician in the Acinetobacter, etc.) to increase
discontinuation of empiric antibiotics in patients who the probability of at least one active
initially appeared septic, but have no subsequent agent being administered
evidence of infection May use procalcitonin to guide de-escalation
of antibiotic therapy.
Source control Achieve within 12 h, if feasible Achieve as soon as medically and logically
CVP = central venous pressure; ScVO2 = central venous oxygen saturation; MAP = mean arterial pressure; TTE = transthoracic
echocardiography; IV = intravenous.
Table 8. Strong Recommendations from the Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2016 Guidelines
—30 mL/kg crystalloid fluid resuscitation within the first 3 h
—Crystalloids as fluid of choice for initial resuscitation
—Against the use of hydroxyethyl starches for intra-vascular volume replacement
—Initial target mean arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg in septic shock requiring vasopressors
—Norepinephrine as first-line vasopressor
—Administer antibiotics within 1 h of recognition
—Empiric broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy to cover all likely pathogens
—Red blood cell transfusion only when hemoglobin <7 unless extenuating circumstances (myocardial infarction, severe
hypoxemia, acute hemorrhage)
—Target tidal volume 6 mL/kg for ARDS, plateau pressure upper limit 30 cm H2O
—Conservative fluid strategy in ARDS in patients without hypoperfusion
—Against the use of pulmonary artery catheter for patients with sepsis-induced ARDS
—Prone position for sepsis-induced ARDS with PaO2/FiO2 ratio <150
—Against use of beta-2 agonists for patients with sepsis-induced ARDS without bronchospasm
—Against use of HFOV in adult patients with sepsis-induced ARDS
—Elevate head of bed 30–45 degrees in mechanically ventilated patients, spontaneous breathing trials, and a weaning
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—Blood glucose control via protocol targeting blood glucose <180 g/dL
—Pharmacologic VTE prophylaxis, unfractionated or low molecular weight heparin
—Stress ulcer prophylaxis for patients with risk factors for GI bleeding
—Early enteral nutrition, against parenteral nutrition in the first 7 d
—Against use of omega-3 fatty acids as an immune supplement
—Incorporate goals of care into treatment planning using palliative care principles where appropriate
ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome; HFOV = high-frequency oscillatory ventilation; VTE = venous thromboembolism;
GI = gastrointestinal.
hyperlactemia, and coagulopathy) and may need to investi- with usual care in patients with septic shock reported a re-
gate alternate therapies in this population with sepsis with a duction in hospital mortality from 46.5% to 30.5% [29]. Early
phenotype for refractory hypotension [27]. goal-directed therapy was recommended in all previous SSC
guidelines, but has been removed from the 2016 guidelines.
SSC Guidelines 2016 Changes Three multi-center randomized controlled clinical trials
(Protocolized Care for Early Septic Shock, Australasian Re-
A number of evidence-based changes in recommenda-
suscitation in Sepsis Evaluation, and Protocolised Manage-
tions are evident in the 2016 SSC Guidelines (Table 7). The
ment in Sepsis) showed no benefit to early goal-directed
most substantial change in the new guidelines is that for ini-
therapy in the treatment of septic shock. Protocolized Care for
tial resuscitation, protocolized care with early goal-directed
Early Septic Shock (ProCESS) [30] was conducted in the
therapy is no longer recommended. There are no changes in
United States, Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation
recommendations regarding vasopressors (norepinephrine first-
(ARISE) [31] was conducted in Australia and New Zealand,
choice vasopressor, add vasopressin or epinephrine if not at
and Protocolised Management in Sepsis (ProMISE) [32] was
target mean arterial pressure) and steroids (consider for patients
conducted in the United Kingdom. A trial-level meta-analysis
with septic shock refractory to adequate fluids and vasopres-
confirmed no overall benefit from early goal-directed therapy
sors). The new guidelines include a number of strong recom-
in septic shock [33]. A patient-level meta-analysis of the three
mendations with moderate or high-quality evidence (Table 8).
trials included 3,723 patients, and 90-day mortality was
A few of these changes are highlighted below.
similar for early goal-directed therapy (24.9%) and usual care
(25.4%). A sub-group analysis of patients with worse shock
Mean arterial pressure target (higher lactate, combined hypotension and high lactate, or
The new guidelines continue to recommend a target mean higher predicted risk of death) also confirmed that early goal-
arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg over higher targets. A multi- directed therapy was not associated with improved survival.
center open-label trial of 776 patients with septic shock con- Early goal-directed therapy was associated with increased
firmed that resuscitation with a higher mean arterial pressure ICU days, cardiovascular support, and higher costs [34].
target of 80–85 mm Hg had no impact on 28-day or 90-day
mortality [28]. But the new guidelines now also recommend: Blood product transfusion
‘‘When a better understanding of any patient’s condition is
The 2016 SSC guidelines includes a significant change in
obtained, this target should be individualized to the per-
the recommendation for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion:
taining circumstances.’’ This again reflects a move toward
‘‘We recommend that RBC transfusion occur only when
personalized card of the patient with sepsis in the ICU.
hemoglobin concentration decreases to <7 g/dL in adults in
the absence of extenuating circumstances, such as myo-
Early goal-directed therapy
cardial ischemia, severe hypoxemia, or acute hemorrhage
A single-center randomized trial of early goal-directed (strong recommendation, high quality of evidence).’’ This is
therapy (six-hour resuscitation protocol to achieve specific different than the 2012 guidelines that recommended early
blood pressure, CVP, ScVO2, and hemoglobin, compared goal-directed therapy with a target hemoglobin of 10 g/dL in
the early resuscitation of patients with sepsis. This signifi- 2. Bone RC, Balk RA, Cerra FB, et al. American College of
cant change is based on the results of the Transfusion Re- Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Con-
quirements in Septic Shock (TRISS) trial that compared a sensus Conference: Definitions for sepsis and organ failure
transfusion threshold of 7 versus 9 g/dL in patients with septic and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis.
shock after ICU admission. No differences in 90-day mortality, Crit Care Med 1992;20:864–874.
ischemic events, or use of life support was identified and sig- 3. Levy MM, Fink MP, Marshall JC, et al. International Sepsis
nificantly fewer RBC transfusions were administered in the 7 g/ Definitions Conference. 2001 SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/
dL threshold group [35]. A sub-group analysis of the TRISS trial SIS International Sepsis Definitions Conference. Crit Care
also observed no survival benefit in any sub-groups of transfu- Med 2003;31:1250–1256.
sion with a higher hemoglobin threshold [36]. The three early 4. Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW, et al. The Third
International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic
goal-directed therapy trials reviewed above also provide addi-
Shock (Sepsis-3). JAMA 2016;315:801–810.
tional indirect evidence that targeting a hemoglobin concen-
5. Seymour CW, Liu V, Iwashyna TJ, et al. Assessment of
tration of 10 g/dL in the early goal-directed therapy protocol clinical criteria for sepsis: For the Third International
group was not associated with improved outcomes. Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-
Source control 3). JAMA 2016;315:762–774.
6. Shankar-Hari M, Phillips GS, Levy ML, et al. Developing
Downloaded by Guangxi University for Nationalities from at 02/16/18. For personal use only.
Two new best practice statements are included in the 2016 a new definition and assessing new clinical criteria for septic
guidelines recommending prompt source control of infection shock: For the Third International Consensus Definitions for
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Accuracy of the SOFA Score, SIRS Criteria, and qSOFA
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25. Ferrer R, Martin-Loeches I, Phillips G, et al. Empiric an- Address correspondence to:
tibiotic treatment reduces mortality in severe sepsis and Dr. Lena M. Napolitano
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