Yr 10 Vvss Ultimate Frisbee Prac Rubric

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Year 10 Valley View Secondary School

HPE: Ultimate Frisbee Practical Assessment

Teacher Name: Mr Claude Miller
Pre-Service Teacher Name: Mr Luke Trenorden

Student Name:__________________________________________
Attitude & Approaches Ultimate Approaches Ultimate Approaches Ultimate Approaches Ultimate
Participation activities with activities with activities with a activities with a poor
enthusiasm and an enthusiasm and a good satisfactory attitude and or inconsistent attitude
excellent attitude attitude towards a willingness to and is often unwilling
towards participation all participation most of participate some of the to participate
of the time the time time
Cooperation & Interacts cooperatively Usually interacts Can interact Finds it difficult to
Team Work with others as an cooperatively with cooperatively with interact cooperatively
effective team member others as an effective others as a team with other team
and encourages others team member and member but does not members and regularly
to participate sometimes encourages regularly demonstrate sits out or displays
others to participate encouraging team negative sporting
behaviour behaviour
Development of Demonstrates advanced Demonstrates sound Can sometimes Demonstrates few
Skilled Play and specialised movement and demonstrate effective movement and
movement and locomotor skills, game movement and locomotor skills, poor
locomotor skills, game sense, and technical locomotor skills, game understanding of game
sense, and technical ability in Ultimate sense, and technical sense, and requires
ability in Ultimate related activities ability in Ultimate significant further
related activities activities technical development
in Ultimate
Understanding Can explain and follow Follows rules and Demonstrates a basic Demonstrates little or
the Rules the rules and safety safety implications of understanding of rules no understanding of
implications in a range Ultimate in a range of and safety implications the rules and safety
of Ultimate related activities. Attempted to and may require implications of
activities. Contributes implement effective prompting or reminding Ultimate or chooses to
positively to self- self-refereeing. to demonstrate further not abide by rules and
refereeing matches. understanding safety implications
Listening Skills Always listens Usually listens Sometimes listens well Seldom listens and
attentively and follows attentively and follows and usually follows requires regular
instructions promptly instructions instructions without prompting to ensure
satisfactorily prompting appropriate
Achievement Level Teacher Comment

ACARA Australian Curriculum Standards

Sub-strand 1: Moving our body
 10.8a Propose, perform and refine specialised movement skills in increasingly challenging movement situations CCT
• performing specialised movement skills in situations where the rules or conditions have been modified to vary complexity (CA, GS, RE)
 10.8b Evaluate own and others’ movement compositions and provide and apply feedback in order to enhance performance LIT
• responding to teacher and peer feedback to enhance performance (CA, GS, RE)
Sub-strand 2: Understanding movement
 10.11a Analyse the impact of effort, space, time, objects and people when composing and performing movement sequences
• experimenting with the manipulation of force and speed applied to an object to examine the difference created in movement paths (GS)
• using ICT to analyse movements and enhance movement sequences and performances (GS, RE)
Sub-strand 3: Learning through movement
 10.12 Devise, implement and refine strategies when working in groups or teams that demonstrate leadership and collaboration skills PSC
• evaluating the contribution they make as an individual to teamwork, leadership and enjoyable participation (CA, GS, LLPA, RE)
• creating and implementing self-assessment and peer-assessment tools to evaluate performance in a variety of roles (CA, GS, LLPA, RE)

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