Slokas For Hindu

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Sanskrit Shlokas that every Hindu should preserve and know

Devang Vibhakar
9-11 minutes
It’s believed that OM is the powerful mantra to worship GOD.
Strinking the temple’s bell generates OM sound, the same tune we chant OM,
Closing our eyes, taking deep breath and saying OM till all the air is exhausted.
We present all our prayers requests wishes through OM.

Shanti Mantra – Om Sahana Vavatu

Om Sahana Vavatu Sahanau Bhunaktu
Sahaveeryam Karavavahai
Tejas Vinavati Tamastuma vidhwishavahai
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

May He protect both of us. May He nourish both of us.
May we both acquire the capacity (to study and understand the scriptures).
May our study be brilliant. May we not argue with each other. Om peace, peace, peace.

Ganesha Shlokams
Shuklambara Dharam Vishnum
Shashivarnam Chatur Bhujam
Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayet
Sarva Vignopa Santaye
Lord Vigneshwara, who wears a white garment, who is all pervading, who has a bright
complexion (like a full moon), who has four hands (representing all power), who has an
ever-smiling face, upon that deity I meditate, for the removal of all obstacles.

Sri Vakratunda Mahakaaya

Koti-soorya samaprabha
Nirvighnam kuru me Deva
Sarva-karyeshu Sarvadaa

O, Lord Ganesha of the curved trunk and massive body, the one whose splendor is
equal to millions of Suns, please bless me to that I do not face any obstacles in my
Guru Shlokam
Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshvarah
Guru Shakshat Param Brahma
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah

Know The Guru To Be Brahma Himself. He Is Vishnu.
He Is Also Shiva. Know Him To Be The Supreme Brahman, And Offer Thy Adoration
Unto That Peerless Guru.

Saraswathi Shlokams
Saraswathi Namastubhyam
Varade Kamarupini
Vidyarambam Karishyami
Siddhir Bhavatu Me Sada

O Goddess Saraswathi; salutations to you, the giver of boons, the one who fulfills
I shall begin my studies. May there always be accomplishment for me.

Vishnu Shlokam
Shanta Karam Bhujaga Shayanam
Padmanabham Suresham
Vishvadharam Gagana Sadrsham
Megha Varnam Shubhangam
Lakshmi Kantam Kamala Nayanam
Yogibhir Dhyana Gamyam
Vande Vishnum Bhava Bhaya Haram
Sarva Lokaiaka Natham

I adore Vishnu, the embodiment of Peace, who sleeps on the serpent,
Whose naval is the lotus of the Universe
Who is the Lord of the Gods, who is the support of the Universe, Who is in the form of
Space (the Omnipresent)
Whose color resembles that of clouds, Whose body is auspicious
Who is the Lord of Lakshmi, whose eyes are like lotuses
Who is attainable by Yogis through meditation
Who is the destroyer of the fear of birth and death
And who is the One Lord of all the Worlds
Maha-Mrityumjaya Shlokam
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urva-rukamiva Bhandhanaat
Mrityor-mukshiya ma amritat
Om Klim Nama Shivaya
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthihi

We worship the three-eyed One (Lord Shiva), Who is fragrant and Who nourishes all
may He liberate me from death, for the sake of Immortality, even as the cucmber is
severed from its bondage of the vine. Om Peace, Peace, Peace

Navagraha Shlokam
Om Namah Sooryaya Chandraya Mangalaya Budhaya Cha
Guru Shukra Shanibhyascha Raahave Ketave Namo Namaha

My Salutations to Soorya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangala (Mars) and Budha
I also salute Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn) as well as Rahu and Ketu.

Devi/Durga Shlokam
Sarva-mangala-mangalye Shive Sarvaartha-sadhake
Sharanye Trayambake Gauri Narayani Namostute

The one who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious (sarvamangalamangalye),
the consort of Siva (Sive),
who is the means of accomplishing all desires sarvarthasadhake), who is the refuge of
all (saranye),
the three eyed one(tryambake),the fair complexioned one(Gouri), Salutations to you,
Narayani(narayani namostute).

Annapoorna Shlokam
Annapoorne Sada poorne, Shankara Pranavallabhe
Gyana Vairagya Sidyartham, Bhikshaam Dehi cha Parvati
Mata cha Parvati Devi, Pita Devo Maheswarah
Baandava Shiva Bhaktyascha, Svadeso Bhuvanatrayam

O Annapurna, Who art ever full, the beloved life-force of Lord Sankara (Shive, O’
Parvathi – grant me alms that I be firmly established in Knowledge and Renunciation.
Mother is shakti, father is shiva, relatives are the devotees of shiva and own country is
all the three worlds

Lakshmi Shlokam
Ya Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Lakshmi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha

Salutations again and again to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of good

Hanuman shlokams
Buddhir Balam Yasho Dhairyam
Nir Bhayatvam Arogata
Ajatyam Vak Patutvam Cha
Hanumat Smaranat Bhavet

Manoj-avam Maruti Tulya Vegam

Jitendriyam Bhudhi-mataam Varishtam
Vaataatmajam Vaanara-yoota-mukhyam
Sri Ramadootam Sharanam Prapadye OR Sri Ramadootam Shirasaa Namami

I surrender to Hanuman, the messenger of Lord Rama, whose speed is as swift as the
mind and as swift as the wind,
who has controlled his sense organs and is the most intelligent among the intelligent
ones; who is the son of Vayu and the chief of the monkey tribe.

Prabhata shlokam (Morning Shloka)

Karagre Vasate Lakshmi
Kara Mule Saraswathi
Kara Madhye Tu Govindah
Prabate Kara Darshanam

On the tip of your fingers is Goddess Lakshmi; on the base of your fingers is Goddess
in the middle of your fingers is Lord Govinda. In this manner, look at your palm

Other shlokas
Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir
Brahmagnau Braahmanaa Hutam
Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam
Brahma Karma Samadhina

Any means of offering is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman, the fire in which the offering
is made is Brahman, and the one who offers is Brahman. Such a person who abides in
Brahman indeed gains Brahman

Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotir gamaya
Mrityorma Amritam gamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

Lead me (by giving knowledge) from the unreal to the real; from darkness (of ignorance)
to the light (of knowledge); from death (sense of limitation) to immortality (limitless

Tvameva Mata Cha Pita Tvameva

Tvameva Bandhuscha Sakha Tvameva
Tvameva Vidya Dravinam Tvameva
Tvameva Sarvam mama Deva Deva

O Supreme Lord (deva-dev, Master of all demigods), You are our mother, father,
brother, and friend.
You are the knowledge and You are the only wealth. You are our everything.
Kaayenavaacha Manasendriyerva
Budhyadmanava Prakrite Swabhavat
Karomi Yadyat Sakalam Parasmai
Narayanayeti Samarpayami

Unto Lord Narayana, I dedicate all the acts that I perform with my body, speech, mind,
senses and
intellect that are born of deliberation and natural tendencies.

Devi shlokams

Maanikya-veenam Upalaalayanteem
Madaalasaam Manjula-vagvilaasaam
Maahendra-neela-dyuti Komalaangeem
Maatanga-kanyaam Manasaa-smaraami

She who plays a Veena* of emerald,
She who is tired with activity,
She who can talk honeyed words,
She who is beautiful,
She who is the daughter of Matanga*,
She who is pretty beyond compare,
I meditate on Thee.

*Veena- a musical instrument

*Matanga- A sage of ancient times
Chaturbhuje Chandra-kalavathamse
Kuchonathe Kumkuma-raga-shone
Pundreshu Pashaankusha Pushpabaana Haste
Namaste Jagatega Mataha

Oh, you with the four arms, wearing the digit of the moon,
With raised breasts, whost face is the color of kumkum,
Holding the bow of sugar cane, the pasa, the ankusa and the five flower arrows
I bow down to you, who are the One Mother of the Universe

NAMAAVALI (Different names)

Om sumukaaya namah
Om ekadantaaya namah
Om kapilaaya namah
Om gajakarnakaaya namah
Om lambodaraaya namah
Om vikataaya namah
Om vignarajaaya namah
Om ganaati paaya namah
Om dhoomra ketave namah
Om gana dhyakshaaya namah
Om phala chandraaya namah
Om vakrathundaaya namah
Om skanda poorvajaya namah
Om soorpa karnaaya namah
Om he rambhaaya namah
Om gajananaaya namah
Om sri mahagnapataye namah
Om shanthi shanthi shanthihi

Om achutaaya namah
Om ananthaaya namah
Om govindaaya namah
Om kesavaaya namah
Om trivikramaaya namah
Om narayanaaya namah
Om vamanaaya namah
Om madhavaaya namah
Om sreedharaaya namah
Om hrishikesaaya namah
Om vishnave namah
Om padmanabhaaya namah
Om madhusoodanaaya namah
Om damodharaaya namah
Om sri haraaya namah
Om shanthi shanthi shantihi

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