Surveying Question Paper
Surveying Question Paper
Surveying Question Paper
Date:05/10/2017 Marks: 30
Time: 11:45 AM To 01:15 PM
1. Figures to right indicate full marks.
2. Assume suitable data wherever it is necessary.
3. Attempt all questions.
Q.1. (a) Describe various accessories required for plane table surveying and discuss its functions. [5]
(b) Explain how the temporary adjustment of a Vernier transit theodolite is carried out? [5]
Q.2 (a) Discuss the steps required for setting up a plane table. [5]
(b) Following are the lengths and bearings of the lines of a closed traverse ABCDA. Find out [5]
closing error and its direction.
Q.2 (a) Define the following terms: (1) Centering (2) Transisting (3) Face Left (4) Face Right [5]
(5) Changing Face (6) Swinging the Telescope (7) Temporary Adjustment
(b) List out the methods of plane table survey and describe them with neat sketch. [5]
Q.3 (a) Why are curves provided? State various types of curves with sketch. Draw the neat sketch [5]
of simple circular curve showing various elements of it.
(b) Describe the method of setting out a simple circular curve by Rankine’s deflection angle [5]
method with a neat sketch.
Q.3 (a) Two straight AB and BC intersect at a chainage of 4242.0 m. The deflection angle is 40º [5]
and radius of curve is 344 m. Calculate: (I) Tangent Length (Ii). Length of Curve (Iii)
Chainage of Point of Curve (Iv) Chainage of Point of Tangency (V) Length of Long Chord
(Vi) Degree of Curve And (Vii) Apex Distance.
(b) A compound curve is to connect two straights having a deflection angle of 900, the length [5]
of two tangents are 350 meters and 400 meters respectively. Calculate the lengths of the
two arcs if the radius of the first curve is to be 300 meters.
-----------------------BEST OF LUCK-----------------------------