Words To Review MAPEH-7-Prinz

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Third Quarterly Examination Bamboo Musical Instruments of Mindanao


REVIEW Kubing- is made of bamboo that played
in solo or in an ensemble(aerophone)
Suling- is also called the ring flute.
Music Smallest bamboo flute in Maguindanao

Elements of music used in Mindanao Palendag- is lip- valley flute and one of
the most common aero phones of the
Rhythm- fast, moderate or slow in tempo Maguindanao.
Meter- regular and irregular meter Kagul- is a Maguindanao bamboo
From- syllabic and melismatic phrasing scrapper gong or slit drum with a jagged
edged on one side
Timbre- head/ voice / falsetto(light),
chest/ speaking voice (throat) , guttural Other insturments used by some tribes of
voice Mindanao.

Melody- narrow range, moderate , wide Gadding- Drums

range Tungallan- Large gongs
Harmony- major and minor tonality, Duwahan- a set of two paired gongs
pentatonic scale, modal
Non- Islamic music
Texture- monophony, homophony,
polyphony, hetephony Lumad- is a visayan word for “native” or
“Indigenous” (non Christian or non-
Different types of vocal music used in muslim ethnic groups of mindanao.
Tribes of lumad in Mindanao
Miminsad- a dance song and also as
people walk before the altar. Subanon- biggest group of lumad of
Zamboanga del Norte/sur.
Darangen- is an epic song which includes
a wealth of knowledge about the Maranao Vocal music of subanon
people living in the lake lanao region of
Mindanao.  Chants
 Songs
Ulaging- is the most important type of donli- love song
vocal music. buwa- lullaby
giloy- funeral
Musical instrumentals of Mindanao
Manobo- are from Sanaggani
Kulintang- ensemble composed of a set of Island,Davao region , Agusan Province
eight gongs of graduated sized arrange in and Bukidnon.
a row.
Vocal music of Manobo
Gandingan- is a set of four large hanging
gongs which is played as part of the  Ritual songs
kulintang ensemble of Maguindanao.  Narrative song
 Lullabies
Agung- is one or two suspended gongs
 Song of nature
Dabakan- is a single- headed Philippine
T’boli- is the name of one of the tribes in
drum that looks like a goblet used by the
south Cotabato. They perform difffernet
song occasion and sentiments like
Bebendil- is a single, narrow-rimmed Wedding and Fishing
Philippine gong used as the timekeeper of
Mansaka- is the name of the tribes from
the Maguindanao kulintang ensemble. the province of Davao del Norte and
Compostela valley.
Arts glass
Elements and principle of arts that are Timusug(bracelet Rare Round
used in the arts of Mindanao. ) vines and
Mindanao Fork arts Lines Color Tungkaling(brass Metal, roundg
trinklet) brass
Bagobo Metal Criss- Earth
artworks , crossed, tones
bell- diagonal, red Muslim art forms
jangle culvillinear
Okir- a design that shown Indian and
boxes ,
abaca Islamic influences
weaving, Sarimanok- a design of a bird holding a
Manobo Kudlong Two – Range
dish or its beak
stringed of
made of brown Physical Education
wood. and
ochre Traditional dance- referred to as folk

Dance festival- performed by such

Elements of arts of the t’boli artworks
community in different celebration such
T’nalak textile weaving as fiesta, wedding, thanks giving, and
other happy occasions.

Indigeneous dance- is a dance involved in

population with shared cultural tradition

Ethnic dance- is a dance that

distinguished particular cultural group
and is characterized by imitating nature
Elements- geometrical shapes and life.example
intermingled with horizontal and vertical
lines  Kadal tahu- is a dance that
literally means”the true
Colors- beige, brown purple, red and grey. dance of t’bolli”
Texture- semi-rough Example of lively festival dance
Pieces of jewellery of the mandaya Lapay Bantique- “seagulls of
bantigue”which is celebrated annually
Types of jewelly Materials Design
and every 3oth day of September
Heirloom or Metal,gol Round
patina d Mental health- is the psychology well-
limangaw(male Non- Round
being of an individual.
neck lace) metal
grass Characteristic of a healthy mind
Sampad(earings) Metal, Carved
silver an  Deals with the world as it is rather
inticat than what one wants it to be
 Accepts self, others, and life’s
in the disappointments
center  Directs self, independents of the
Balikod(earings) Non Round surrounding
metal,  Functions autonomous where and
wood when appropriate
Laog(earings) Non- Round  Enjoys and satisfies oneself with
simple everyday pleasure
 Does not fear to unknown: and be more emotion and longer
always open to new ideas because no preparation for death
 Open to the pleasure on intimate, was done
physical contact and the satisfaction
or risk of being close to others in a Stages of grief
sensitive way Denial- healthy response to a
 Capable of experience the full stressful situation
range of human emotions. Anger- may be directed at loved
ones and expressed through
Factors affecting mental health shouting, complaining and
 Heredity- acquired through genetics bitternes
(bipolar disorder) Barganing- this stage typically
 Environment- contributes to a occurs throughout the dying
depressive disorder(which may process
include death of loved ones) Depression-it feels as though it will
 Background and personality- people lasts forever
with certain psychological Acceptance- accepting the reality
backgrounds or personality that our loved one is physically
characteristics appear to be more gone
vulnerable to depression
 Biochemical factors- depression Types of mental disorder
may result from abnormal chemical  Organic mental disorder- due to
activity within the brain. physical injuries and illness
 Physical illness- individuals with affecting the brain
recurring illness are at high risk of  Functional mental disorder- can be
psychiatric illness like depression. due to environmental condition or
poor coping
Understanding stress
Mental disorder
Stress- is the response of the body and
 Mood disorder- affective disorder(
mind to unpleasant or challenging events
are condition impacting mood and
in life
related function.
Stressor- cause of stress( are situation,  Bipolar- manic- depressive
which make you feel worried or anxious. disorder(characterized by severe
high and low moods and brings
Types of stress changes in sleep, energy, thinking
and behaviour)
Eustress- positive stress( promotes to
 Schizophrenic- split or breakdown
motivates you to continue working,
in logical though process resulting
growth and accomplishment
in usual behaviour
Distress- opposite with eustress  Obsessive compulsive disorder
(OCD) is an anxiety disorder
Death and grief recurring obsession and
Grief- is an intense emotion from a loss,
 Obsessive compulsive personality
disaster or misfortune.
disorder (OCPD)- a chronic or
Two terms used to describe intensity of continuing and non-adaptive
grief behaviour of dealing with other
with other people and life changes
 Low-grief death- a death cause by  Posttraumatic stress disorder
prolonged sickness or anticipated (PTSD)- a mental health condition
showing little emotions after death resulting from traumatic or
due to experience grief prior to terrifying events.
 High-grief death- unexpected
death where grieving process may

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