Research Thesis 2

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Surigao State College of Technology

Surigao City
Chapter 1



The term teaching can be elusive in meaning and often

difficult to define. Teaching is generally taken to mean the

dissemination of knowledge among younger generations however,

modern teachers emphasis that this definition needs to be

changed because children now needs to construct knowledge

rather than have it imposed upon them.

Modern educational practice no longer adheres to the

notion of regurgitation of knowledge; instead, schools

promote and foster more creative and constructive ways of

learning. Children, as future participating society members

begin their formal schooling where teachers have the

responsible role of encouraging and guiding their learning

processes. Competent teachers are the most critical phase in

improving student achievement and closing achievement gap.

The single most important influence on the student learning

is the quality of teaching, yet most schools do not know what

good teaching is (Danielson, 2006).

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Teachers are regarded as the most imperative school-

based factor that influences students’ achievement levels.

Poor academic performance by numerous students in both higher

education and training public and private institutions has

gained significant attention by most researchers in the field

of educational management. Previous studies on the subject on

students’ academic performance by AL-Mutairi (2011) and

Kang’ahi et al (2012) indicate although there exist several

factors that influence students’ academic performances, but

teacher’s competence remains one of the major determinants of

students’ academic achievements. Teacher competence support,

like teacher emotional support, is comprised of teacher

behaviors that are likely to influence a student’s academic

performance, cognitive processes, and self-concept of

ability, but does not include an explicitly affective

component (Wentzel, 2009) According to Adunola (2011) and

Ganyaupfu (2013), teaching is a collaborative process which

encompasses interaction by both learners and the teacher.

Following Akiri & Ugborugbo (2009), teacher’s competence in

teaching process is a multidimensional concept that measures

numerous interrelated aspects of sharing knowledge with

learners which include communication skills, subject matter

expertise, lecturer attendance, teaching skills and lecturer

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
attitude. Therefore, consistent evaluation of the

aforementioned distinct factors teacher competence is

imperative since in practice, the competence of a teacher is

directly measured by students’ academic achievements

(Schacter & Thum, 2004; Adediwura & Tayo, 2007; and Adu &

Olatundun, 2007). For instance, Adunola (2011) accentuated

that the teaching methods adopted by teachers should be

aligned to the subject content and specific outcomes in order

to effectively enhance transmission of knowledge and

information from the teacher to the students. According to

the Department of Education, teachers’ competencies is a big

factor in the academic achievement of the students. Included

under teacher competencies are teaching effectiveness,

professional recognition and awards, membership and

participation in professional organizations, scholarly

abilities and creative productiveness, and university and

community service (Manual of Regulation for Private Schools,

2010). According to Chang (2010), each individual learner

interprets and responds to questions in a unique way (Chang,

2010), it is therefore crucial for teachers to regularly

review their teaching competences in respect of subject

knowledge, teacher attendance, teaching skills and teacher

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Based from the foregoing statement the researcher

prompted to conduct and study on teacher’s competence and

student’s achievements in school, hence the study.

Review of Literature

Student’s Academic Performance. There exist unprejudiced

evidence from previous empirical literature that student’s

academic performance can be assessed using numerous

methodologies (Ganyaupfu, 2013). Although some studies use

grade point averages in measuring students’ academic

achievements, this research adopts the procedure used by

Hijaz & Naqvi (2006). The approach uses the average of overall

marks of all courses studied by the learner per specific

semester of the academic calendar year. The final academic

performance results are computed from formative and summative

assessments for the respective semester in consideration. The

typical approach to this problem is to set up an education

production function in which student achievement as measured

by some form of standardized test is related to teacher

experience, education and certification. Evidence from the

associated regressions points towards a positive effect of

teacher certification on test scores (Clotfelter et al., 2010;

Dee and Cohodes, 2008). However, teacher experience and

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
education – the variables most frequently used to inform

hiring and salary decisions – are generally found to have no

significant effect on student achievement (Hanushek, 1971,

1986; Hanushek and Rivkin, 2006).

DepEd NCBTS Pilot Verson, 2004, is one of the

implementation actions of BESRA Program Implementation Plan

is the Competency-Based Teachers Standards in order to

achieve the improved basic education outcomes for all by

enabling more teachers to operative competency-based

teaching. This literature is very significant to the present

study since this research study is based on this text where

teachers’ competency level will be assessed based on the

National Competency-Based Standard in terms of the NCBTS

seven domains and their corresponding indicators. Monroe,

Graham and Ferrel (2001), Weber (2000), Lavina (2000) and

Arnon & Reichel (2007) stress the role of a teacher in the

improvement of education. While Lasco & BAguinat III (2009)

as cited by Jalimao (2011), Abanes (2005), Buford and Lindner

(2002), Westera (2001), (Kjersten MacKensie (2010), Suryanara

(2009) focus on the teachers’ competency as outcome method

for teaching performance. The review of the literature and

studies indicated that there have been very little studies

about competencies and needs in the Philippines. Teaching is

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
a very important profession and it is classified as a vocation

as well. In order to be an effective and efficient teacher

one must possess the needed qualities that will guide the

future leaders and movers of one country. In this new era of

the Philippine educational setting, the DepEd never tires to

uncover ways as to how they may be able to address such issue

and formulate programs that would enable teachers to discover

what is missing in their competencies. One best example of

these programs is the introduction of the National Competency

Based Teachers Standards, these standards that they

formulated would greatly help teachers stand with the needed

skills and abilities to an efficient and effective teachers.

With the aid of the NCBTS tool they will be able to discover

the factors that affect their level of competencies and their

needs and what competencies are missing in their being a

teacher. These competencies are the baselines and benchmarks

to provide students the necessary learning that will make

them better persons.

Theoretical Framework
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Surigao City
Filipino teachers often get mixed signals about what it means

to be a competent and effective teacher. For example, they

may have been taught definitions of good teaching by teacher

educators in their pre-service education that seem to be

different from what their principals and supervisors expect

in their schools. The NCBTS provides a single framework that

shall define effective teaching in all aspects of a teacher’s

professional life and in all phases of teacher development.

The use of a single framework should minimize confusion about

what effective teaching is.

Figure 1. The National Competency Based Teachers Standard

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Domain 1. Social Regard for Learning (SRFL)

The SRFL domain focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as

positive and powerful role models of the value in the

pursuit of different efforts to learn. The teacher’s

action, statements, and different types of social

interactions with students exemplify this ideal.

Domain 2. Learning Environment (LE)

This domain focuses on importance of providing a social,

psychological and physical environment within which all

students, regardless of their individual differences in

learning, can engage in the different learning activities

and work towards attaining high standards of learning.

Domain3. Diversity of Learners (DOL)

The DOL domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers can

facilitate the learning process even with diverse learners,

by recognizing and respecting individual differences and by

using knowledge about their differences to design diverse

sets of learning activities to ensure that all learners can

attain the desired learning goals.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Domain 4. Curriculum (Curr.)

The curriculum domain refers to all elements of the

teaching-learning process that work in convergence to help

students understand the curricular goals and objectives,

and to attain high standards of learning defined in the

curriculum. These elements include the teacher’s knowledge

of subject matter and the learning process, teaching-

learning approaches and activities, instructional materials

and learning resources.

Domain 5. Planning, Assessing & Reporting (PAR)

This domain refers to the alignment of assessment and

planning activities. In particular, the PAR focuses on the:

-use of assessment data to plan and revise teaching-

learning plans

-integration of assessment procedures in the plan and

implementation of teaching-learning activities

-reporting of the learners’ actual achievement and

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Domain 6. Community Linkages (CL)

In particular, the domain focuses on the use of assessment

data to plan & revise teaching-learning plans, as well as

the integration of formative assessment procedures in the

plan and implementation of teaching-learning activities.

The LC domain refers to the ideal that classroom activities

are meaningfully linked to the experiences and aspirations

of the learners in their homes and communities. Thus, this

domain focuses on teachers’ efforts directed at

strengthening the links between schools and communities to

help in the attainment of the curricular goals.

Domain 7. Personal Growth & Professional Development (PGPD)

The PGPD domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers value

having a high personal regard for the teaching profession,

concern for professional development, and continuous

improvement as teachers.

As a whole, we can say that NCBTS defines and enumerates

Effective teaching and that teachers evidently have an

essential role in the learning of the students. Thus, in

NCBTS, the learner is the center of learning and the

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
teachers are the facilitators who shall ensure the

students’ maximum development. Since our educational system

has just transitioned to K-12, NCBTS is changed to the K-12

Standards. But for most teachers, they prefer the NCBTS

because for them, it is more systematic and attainable in

terms of the teaching-learning process wherein the student

is more likely to perform better in school.

The aspects of the level of the language performance

mentioned above are the focus of the study.

As reflected on the research paradigm of the study, the

first box contains profile of respondents which includes the

sex, age, year level, parent’s occupation, and type of high

school graduated. The second box contains performance in

language which includes the Management,

instruction/curriculum and motivation.

Teacher’s Competence Student’s Performance

 Management Learning
 class examination
 instruction and
curriculum  school attendance

 teaching motivation  submission of

course related

Figure 2
Research Paradigm
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Surigao City

Statement of the Problem

This study will look into the teacher’s competence and

student’s achievement in school precisely at Surigao State

College of Technology.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following


1. To what extent do the teachers demonstrate

competence of;

1.1 management of Learning

1.2 instruction and curriculum

1.3 teaching motivation

2. To what extents do the students perform the

class in terms of;

2.1 class examination

2.2 school attendance

2.3 submission of course related program

3. Is there a significant relationship between

the teacher competencies and academic
performance of the respondents?
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

At 0.05 level of significance; it is hypothesized that:

𝐻𝑎 ’: There is a significant relationship on the teacher’s

competencies that contributes to the performance of

respondents when they are grouped according to their profile

variables cited in Problem 1.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may give benefit/s to the following:

School Administrators. The result of this study may

guide them as to what curriculum be implemented based on the

National Competency Based Teachers Standards that can improve

the academic performance of BEED students of Surigao State

College of Technology.

Faculty. This study may serve as insights for the

teachers in designing their teaching plan of what the best

strategic teaching methodologies that will help them to be

competent for students in improving their achievements and


Parents. The findings of this study may give an idea to

the parents on how they are going to help and motivate the

performance of their children.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Students. The students may become aware of some basic

facts and strategies on how to improve their performances and

better achievements in life.

Researchers. This study may have a great impact to the

researchers. It tells how important the competency of the

teachers based on the performance attained by each


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This present study is limited only to the following:

Focus. The study has focus on the teacher’s competence

and academic performances. This includes

Respondents. This study is limited only to the level of

the teacher’s competence and academic performance of the

respondents. The respondents of the study were the BEED

students major in General Education from 3rd year level of

the said curriculum.

Place and Time. It is studied only for the second

semester of Academic Year 2016-2017 at Surigao State College

of Technology, City Campus.

Definition of Terms
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Surigao City
The following are defined conceptually and operationally

for better understanding of the readers with regards to the

content and context of this study.


a person whose job is to teach students or pupils about

certain subject.


The quality of being competent; adequacy; possession of req

uired skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity:

Students –

a person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrol

led in aschool or college; pupil.

Achievements -

something accomplished, especially by superior ability, spe

cial effort, great courage.


is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

Chapter 2

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
This chapter presents the research design, research

environment, respondents, research instrument, ethics and

data gathering procedure and data analysis.

Research Design

Descriptive research design will be employed in this

study. The design is deemed appropriate because it will

describe in details the information gathered from the

respondents’ on the extent of Teacher’s competence and

student’s achievements of the BEED students in Surigao State

College of Technology.

Furthermore, the differential method will likewise be

employed in determining the significant difference on the

ratings of respondents on the variables cited in Problems 1

when the respondents are grouped according to their profile


Research Environment

This study will be conducted at Surigao State College

of Technology, City Campus. It was established on September

15, 1969 with the name Surigao del Norte School of Arts and
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

Figure 2

Location Map of Surigao State College of Technology

Trades. It has undergone various changes

its structure and facilities through the years. On June 5,

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
1998 it was formally named as Surigao State College of

Technology. Surigao State College of Technology is a public

college in the Philippines with three annex namely: Surigao

State College of Technology, Mainit Campus, Del Carmen Campus

and Malimono Campus. It is mandated to provide higher

vocational, professional and technological instruction and

training in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, engineering

and sciences as well as short-term technical courses. It is

also mandated to provide primary consideration to the

integration of research/studies for the development of the

Province of Surigao Del Norte. Surigao State College of

Technology also offers K to 12 senior high school programs

with three tracks TVL, STEM and HUMS wherein it provides

sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop

lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary

education, middle-level skills development, employment, and


Research Instrument

The present study will make use of the researchers–made

questionnaire as a primary tool in gathering the needed data.

The research questionnaire is composed of two parts. Part 1

elicited information on the profile variables in terms of

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
sex, age, and year level, parent’s occupation. Part 2

determined the teacher’s competency and the contribution of

student’s achievements.

To determine the teacher’s competency that contribute to

the achievement of the respondents, the following scale and

interpretation will be used.

Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

3 2.50-3.49 Agree (A)
2 1.50-2.49 Disagree (D)
1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree (SD)

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study are the currently enrolled

BEED students major in General Education cross year level.

The respondents will be obtained through the use of simple

random sampling.

Table 1 presents the distribution of the respondents.

Table 1
Distribution of the Respondents
A 50 25 13
B 62 32 16
C 57 29 14.5
D 59 30 15
E 70 36 18
F 46 23 12
G 44 22 11.5
TOTAL 388 197 100
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Ethics and Data Gathering Procedure

Before the administration of research questionnaires to

the respondents, the researchers will prepare a letter asking

permission to the Chair, Teacher Education to conduct the

said study to the target respondents (Appendix A). Another

letter is to be prepared and addressed to the respondents

asking for their time and effort to answer the questions

(Appendix B).

When approval is secured from the authority, the

researchers will personally approach the target respondents

of the study. The researchers will explain items to the

respondents in the questionnaire to make sure that the desired

data are obtained from the respondents.

After the survey-instruments will be retrieved,

tallying, tabulation and analysis of the data will

immediately follow.

Data Analysis

The data gathered from the respondents will be collated

and analyzed through use of the following statistical tools.

Frequency Count and Percent. These will be used to

determine the profile of respondents.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Weighted Mean. This tool will be used to determine the

teacher’s competence and student’s achievement of the


Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This tool will be used to

determine the significant difference on the language

performance of the respondents when they are grouped

according to their profile variables cited in Problem 1.

Person Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (rxy).

This tool will be used measure the significant relationship

between the status of classroom and learning interest of



 McRae_umd_0117E_13214.pdf
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City

This chapter presents, analysis and interprets the data

gathered from the questionnaire made by the researchers in

order to ascertain the perception of the respondents toward

the teacher’s competence and student’s achievement in school.

Table 1
Teacher’s Competencies and Academic Performance in School
in terms of Management of Learning

Management of Learning Mean SD Qualitative Description

1. My teachers are generally well-organized
and prepared for class. 3.26 0.51 Strongly Agree
2. My teacher maintains enough classroom
discipline so the class and I can learn. 3.17 0.58 Agree
3. Class time is used in an efficient and
productive manner. 3.04 0.33 Agree
4. Tests and assignments are corrected and
returned to me, and I know where I stand in
this class in terms of my grade. 3.18 0.64 Agree
5. Make use of Instructional Materials to
reinforce their learning. 3.28 0.54 Strongly Agree
Overall average for A 3.19 0.41 Agree

The table above shows the level of perception of respondents

about the teacher’s competencies and their academic

performance in terms of management of learning.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Item 1 Teachers are generally well-organized and prepared for

class got a mean of 3.26 and standard deviation of 0.51 with

qualitative description strongly agree. Item 2 Teacher

maintains enough classroom discipline so the class and I can

learn got a mean of 3.17 and standard deviation of 0.58 with

qualitative description agree. Item 3 Class time is used in

an efficient and productive manner got a mean of 3.04 and

standard deviation of 0.33 with qualitative description

agree. Item 4 Tests and assignments are corrected and returned

to me, and I know where I stand in this class in terms of my

grade got a mean of 3.18 and standard deviation 0.64 with

qualitative description agree. Item 5 Make use of

Instructional Materials to reinforce their learning got a

mean of 3.28 and standard deviation of 0.54 with qualitative

description strongly agree.

Item 5 Make use of Instructional Materials to reinforce

their learning got the highest mean of 3.28 while Item 3 Class

time is used in an efficient and productive manner got a

highest standard deviation of 0.33.

The overall level of perception of the respondents about

the teachers competencies and their academic performance in

school in terms of management of learning got a mean of 3.17

with qualitative description agree.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Table 2
Teacher’s Competence and Student’s Achievement in School in
terms of Instruction/Curriculum

Instruction and Curriculum Mean SD Qualitative Description

1. Conduct activities to help me learn the subject
matter 3.22 0.54 Agree
2. The teacher explains the material clearly and in
ways that are easy to understand, offers
alternative explanations or additional examples,
and clears up confusion. 3.30 0.64 Strongly Agree
3. The teacher gives the right amount of graded
assignments, tests, and quizzes in order to fairly
evaluate my performance. 3.24 0.66 Agree
4. The grading system is fair and reasonable, and I
am consistently graded according to this system. 3.19 0.68 Agree
5. The teacher uses a variety of activities
(discussion, group work, lecture, labs, technology,
etc.) during class time. 3.19 0.62 Agree
6. The teacher knows the subject area very well. 3.29 0.62 Strongly Agree
7. The goals of this class are clear to me 3.27 0.61 Strongly Agree
8. The teacher encourages the students to think
for themselves. 3.28 0.61 Strongly Agree
Overall average for B 3.25 0.47 Strongly Agree
The table above shows the level of perception of

respondents about the teacher’s competencies and their

academic performance in terms of instruction and curriculum.

Item 1 Conduct activities to help me learn the subject matter got a mean of 3.22

and standard deviation of 0.54 with qualitative description

agree. Item 2 . The teacher explains the material clearly and in ways that are easy to

understand, offers alternative explanations or additional examples, and clears up confusion got

a mean of 3.30 and standard deviation of 0.64 with qualitative

description strongly agree. Item 3 . The teacher gives the right amount of

graded assignments, tests, and quizzes in order to fairly evaluate my performance got a
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
mean of 3.24 and standard deviation of 0.66 with qualitative

description agree. Item 4 . The grading system is fair and reasonable, and I am

consistently graded according to this system got a mean of 3.19 and standard

deviation 0.68 with qualitative description agree. Item 5 The

teacher uses a variety of activities (discussion, group work, lecture, labs, technology, etc.) during

class time got a mean of 3.19 and standard deviation of 0.62 with

qualitative description agree. Item 6 The teacher knows the subject

area very well got a mean of 3.29 and standard deviation of 0.62 with qualitative description

strongly agree. Item 7 The goals of this class are clear to me got a mean of 3.27 and standard

deviation 0.61 with qualitative description strongly agree. item 8

Item Make use of Instructional Materials to reinforce

their learning got the highest mean of 3.28 while Item 3 Class

time is used in an efficient and productive manner got highest

standard deviation of 0.33.

The overall level of perception of the respondents about

the teachers competencies and their academic performance in

school in terms of management of learning got a mean of 3.17

with qualitative description agree.

Table 3
Teacher’s Competence and Student’s Achievement in School in
terms of Motivation
Motivation Mean SD Qualitative Description
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
1. The teacher challenges my abilities as a
student, and this class requires consistent time,
study, and preparation. 3.30 0.55 Strongly Agree
2. In this class, I feel free to ask questions and
participate in discussions and activities. 3.19 0.62 Agree
3. The teacher offers encouragement and positive
reinforcement, as well as constructive criticism. 3.31 0.58 Strongly Agree
4. The teacher is available to students outside
class time for tutoring, review work, or to answer
questions. 3.04 0.77 Agree
5. The teacher is interested in and enthusiastic
about teaching this class. 3.14 0.60 Agree
6. The teacher is approachable; she/he
demonstrates interest in and concern for the
students. 3.18 0.67 Agree
7. This class/teacher encourages me to become a
person for others. 3.21 0.64 Agree
Overall average for C 3.20 0.48 Agree

Table 4
Teacher’s Competent and Student’s Achievement in School in
terms of Class Examination
Classroom Examination Mean SD Qualitative Description
1. I study the quizzes prepared. 3.20 0.61 Agree
2. I study in advance the subjects that have
examinations. 3.16 0.66 Agree
3. I do not cheat during examinations. 3.05 0.69 Agree
4. I do not like to take special tests/exams. 3.22 0.77 Agree
Overall average for D 3.15 0.51 Agree

Table 5
Teacher’s Competent and Student’s Achievement in School in
terms of School Attendance
School Attendance Mean SD Qualitative Description
1. I attend class regularly. 3.35 0.64 Strongly Agree
2. I am not tardy in my class. 3.15 0.71 Agree
3. I do not fail to participate in all school-
activities. 3.02 0.70 Agree
4. I participate academic activities conducted
outside of my class. 3.03 0.73 Agree
Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
Overall average for E 3.14 0.54 Agree

Table 6
Teacher’s Competencies and Academic Performance in School
in terms of Submission of Course-Related Requirements

Submission of Course-Related Requirements Mean SD Qualitative Description

1. I work for the subject requirements. 3.36 0.59 Strongly Agree
2. I submit the requirements on time. 3.39 0.62 Strongly Agree
3. I ensure that the requirements are of good
grade. 3.44 0.57 Strongly Agree
4. The requirements I make and submitted
obtained good grades. 3.40 0.60 Strongly Agree
Overall average for F 3.40 0.51 Strongly Agree

The table above shows the level of perception of respondents

about the teacher’s competencies and their academic

performance in terms of submission of course-related


Item 1 Work for the subject requirements got a mean of 3.36

and standard deviation of 0.59 with qualitative description

strongly agree. Item 2 I submit the requirements on time got

a mean of 3.39 and standard deviation of 0.62 with qualitative

description strongly agree. Item 3 I ensure that the

requirements are of good grade got a mean of 3.44 and standard

deviation of 0.57 with qualitative description strongly

agree. Item 4 Tests and assignments are corrected and returned

to me, and I know where I stand in this class in terms of my

grade got a mean of 3.18 and standard deviation 0.64 with

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
qualitative description agree. Item 5 Make use of

Instructional Materials to reinforce their learning got a

mean of 3.28 and standard deviation of 0.54 with qualitative

description strongly agree.

Item 5 Make use of Instructional Materials to reinforce

their learning got the highest mean of 3.28 while Item 3 Class

time is used in an efficient and productive manner got a

highest standard deviation of 0.33.

The overall level of perception of the respondents about

the teachers competencies and their academic performance in

school in terms of management of learning got a mean of 3.17

with qualitative description agree.

This chapter summarizes the findings of the study,

derives conclusions based on the findings, and prescribes

recommendations based on the results of this study.


1. In terms of management of learning, Item 1 Teachers are

generally well-organized and prepared for class got a

mean of 3.26 and standard deviation of 0.51 with

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
qualitative description strongly agree. Item 2 Teacher

maintains enough classroom discipline so the class and

I can learn got a mean of 3.17 and standard deviation of

0.58 with qualitative description agree. Item 3 Class

time is used in an efficient and productive manner got

a mean of 3.04 and standard deviation of 0.33 with

qualitative description agree. Item 4 Tests and

assignments are corrected and returned to me, and I know

where I stand in this class in terms of my grade got a

mean of 3.18 and standard deviation 0.64 with

qualitative description agree. Item 5 Make use of

Instructional Materials to reinforce their learning got

a mean of 3.28 and standard deviation of 0.54 with

qualitative description strongly agree. Item 5 Make use

of Instructional Materials to reinforce their learning

got the highest mean of 3.28 while Item 3 Class time is

used in an efficient and productive manner got a highest

standard deviation of 0.33. The overall level of

perception of the respondents about the teacher’s

competencies and their academic performance in school in

terms of management of learning got a mean of 3.17 with

qualitative description agree.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
In terms of Instruction/Curriculum, Item 1 Conduct activities

to help me learn the subject matter got a mean of 3.22 and

standard deviation of 0.54 with qualitative description

agree. Item 2 The teacher explains the material clearly and

in ways that are easy to understand, offers alternative

explanations or additional examples, and clears up confusion

got a mean of 3.30 and standard deviation of 0.64 with

qualitative description strongly agree. Item 3 The teacher

gives the right amount of graded assignments, tests, and

quizzes in order to fairly evaluate my performance got a mean

of 3.24 and standard deviation of 0.66 with qualitative

description agree. Item 4 The grading system is fair and

reasonable, and I am consistently graded according to this

system got a mean of 3.19 and standard deviation 0.68 with

qualitative description agree. Item 5 The teacher uses a

variety of activities (discussion, group work, lecture, labs,

technology, etc.) during class time got a mean of 3.19 and

standard deviation of 0.62 with qualitative description

agree. Item 6 The teacher knows the subject area very well

got a mean of 3.29 and standard deviation of 0.62 with

qualitative description strongly agree. Item 7 The goals of

this class are clear to me got a mean of 3.27 and standard

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
deviation 0.61 with qualitative description strongly agree.

Item 8

Item Make use of Instructional Materials to reinforce

their learning got the highest mean of 3.28 while Item 3 Class

time is used in an efficient and productive manner got highest

standard deviation of 0.33.

The overall level of perception of the respondents about

the teachers competencies and their academic performance in

school in terms of management of learning got a mean of 3.17

with qualitative description agree.

2. In terms of work attitude, Item 1 Open-minded at all

times got a mean of 3.38 and standard deviation of 0.75

with verbal description agree. Item 2 Can handle the

number of students in signing clearance got a mean of

3.41 and standard deviation 0.71 with verbal description

agree. Item 3 Able to find ways on how to less the number

of students in signing clearance got a mean of 3.44 and

standard deviation of 0.74 with verbal description

agree. Item 4 easy to approach regarding in signing

clearance got a mean of 3.30 and standard deviation of

0.80 with verbal description agree. Item 5 can clarify

purposes, make behavior congruent with beliefs,

principles and values got a mean of 3.44 and standard

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
deviation of 0.66 with verbal description agree. Item 6

Consistently helpful and responsive for others got a

mean of 3.39 and standard deviation of 0.65 with verbal

description agree. Item 7 Manifest highly charismatic

attitude got a mean of 3.36 and standard deviation of

0.70 with verbal description agree. Item 8 can think

logically got a mean of 3.47 and standard deviation of

0.65 with verbal description agree. Item 9 inspire

others to do their best got a mean of 3.51 and standard

deviation of 0.59 with verbal description strongly

agree. Item 10 highly and participative leader got a

mean of 3.52 and standard deviation of 0.64 with verbal

description strongly agree. Item 10 highly and

participative leader got the highest mean of 3.52 while

Item 4 easy to approach regarding in signing clearance

got the lowest mean of 3.30. The overall perception of

the respondents on the work attitude of the division

chairs got a mean of 3.42 with a verbal description


3. In terms of peer relationships, Item 1 able to mingle

with others got a mean of 3.57 and standard deviation of

0.69 with verbal description strongly agree. Item 2 able

to help difficulties or problems got a mean of 3.42 and

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
standard deviation of 0.69 with verbal description

agree. Item 3 able to encourage other peers to enrich

their capabilities got a mean of 3.53 and standard

deviation of 0.68 with verbal description strongly

agree. Item 4 Build trust through open and collaborative

relationship got a mean of 3.54 and standard deviation

of 0.69 with verbal description strongly agree. Item 5

Show high sensitivity concern for others feelings got a

mean of 3.49 and standard deviation of 0.69 with verbal

description agree. Item 1 able to mingle with others got

the highest mean of 3.57 while Item 2 able to help

difficulties or problems got a mean of 3.42. The overall

perception of the respondents towards the work

management of the division chairs in terms of peer

relationship got an overall mean of 3.51 with verbal

description strongly agree.

4. In terms of age, the p-value 0.03 led the researchers to

reject their hypothesis when the respondents’ perception

in terms of enrolment is correlated with age, however,

the p-values 0.27, 0.43 and 0.55, respectively, led the

researchers to accept their hypothesis that there is no

significant relationship in the perception of the

respondents when grouped according to age.

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
5. In terms of sex, the p-value 0.04 led the

researchers to reject their hypothesis when the

perception of the respondents in terms of enrolment was

correlated with age. However, the p-values 0.35, 0.39

and 0.67, respectively, led the researchers to accept

their hypothesis that there is no significant

relationship in the perception of the respondents when

grouped according to sex.


1. Majority of the respondents are aged 18 years old;

majority of the respondents are females.

2. The respondents have a level of agreement in the work

management of the division chairs in terms of enrolment,

classroom and utilization and work attitude. They have

a strong agreement in the work management of the

respondents in terms of peer relationship.

3. There is a significant difference in the perception of

the respondents in terms of enrolment when grouped

according to their profiled variables. However, there is

no significant difference in their perception towards

classroom and utilization, work attitude and peer

Surigao State College of Technology
Surigao City
relationships when grouped according to their profiled



Based on the above results and objectives of the study, the

following recommendations are suggested:

1. The teacher should have a rules and regulations in order

to have a well-managed class.

2. The teacher should make and show a rubrics or grading

system for the students to be aware on how they can be

graded accordingly.

3. The teacher should make the students feel comfortable in

the class in order them to participate well in every

class discussion.

4. The student should be always ready in joining the class

in order to be prepared if they will have class


5. The student should be participative in all school

activities inside and outside the class to be mentally,

socially and physically healthy.

6. The students should accomplish the task or requirement

in allocated time given by the teacher.

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