Astm A123 2013 PDF
Astm A123 2013 PDF
Astm A123 2013 PDF
1. Scope* way. In the case of orders in SI units, all testing and inspection
1.1 This specification covers the requirements for zinc shall be done using the metric equivalent of the test or
coating (galvanizing) by the hot-dip process on iron and steel inspection method as appropriate. In the case of orders in SI
products made from rolled pressed and forged shapes, castings, units, such shall be stated to the galvanizer when the order is
plates, bars, and strips. placed.
1.2 This specification covers both unfabricated products and 2. Referenced Documents
fabricated products, for example, assembled steel products,
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
structural steel fabrications, large tubes already bent or welded
A47/A47M Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Cast-
before galvanizing, and wire work fabricated from uncoated
steel wire. This specification also covers steel forgings and iron
A90/A90M Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on
castings incorporated into pieces fabricated before galvanizing
Iron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings
or which are too large to be centrifuged (or otherwise handled
A143/A143M Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittle-
to remove excess galvanizing bath metal).
ment of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and
NOTE 1—This specification covers those products previously addressed Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement
in Specifications A123-78 and A386-78. A153/A153M Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on
1.3 This specification does not apply to wire, pipe, tube, or Iron and Steel Hardware
steel sheet which is galvanized on specialized or continuous A384/A384M Practice for Safeguarding Against Warpage
lines, or to steel less than 22 gage (0.0299 in.) [0.76 mm] thick. and Distortion During Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel
1.4 The galvanizing of hardware items that are to be Assemblies
centrifuged or otherwise handled to remove excess zinc (such A385 Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings
as bolts and similar threaded fasteners, castings and rolled, (Hot-Dip)
pressed and forged items) shall be in accordance with Speci- A767/A767M Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)
fication A153/A153M. Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
A780 Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas
1.5 Fabricated reinforcing steel bar assemblies are covered of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings
by the present specification. The galvanizing of separate A902 Terminology Relating to Metallic Coated Steel Prod-
reinforcing steel bars shall be in accordance with Specification ucts
A767/A767M. B6 Specification for Zinc
1.6 This specification is applicable to orders in either B487 Test Method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide
inch-pound units (as A123) or SI units (as A123M). Inch- Coating Thickness by Microscopical Examination of
pound units and SI units are not necessarily exact equivalents. Cross Section
Within the text of this specification and where appropriate, SI B602 Test Method for Attribute Sampling of Metallic and
units are shown in parentheses. Each system shall be used Inorganic Coatings
independently of the other without combining values in any B960 Specification for Prime Western Grade-Recycled
(PWG-R) Zinc
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A05 on
Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Productsand is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
mittee A05.13 on Structural Shapes and Hardware Specifications. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2013. Published November 2013. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1928. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as A123/A123M - 12. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/A0123_A0123M-13. the ASTM website.
inclusions are raised surfaces and are easily knocked off less than 160 in.2 [100 000 mm2], the entire surface area of
through contact with lifting straps or chains, tools, fixtures, or each test article constitutes a specimen. In the case of an article
other galvanized parts. containing more than one material category or steel thickness
3.2.5 material category, n—the general class or type of range as delineated in Table 1, that article will contain more
material or process of manufacture, or both, that nominally than one specimen, as appropriate (see Fig. 1).
describes a unit of product, or from which a unit of product is 3.2.10 specimen coating thickness, n—the average thickness
made. For example, bar grating belongs to the category “strip,” from no less than five test measurements on a specimen, when
handrail belongs to the category “pipe,” etc. each measurement location is selected to provide the widest
3.2.6 multi-specimen article, n—a unit of product whose dispersion (in all applicable directions) of locations for the
surface area is greater than 160 in.2 [100 000 mm2]. For steel category of the test article within the confines of the
thickness testing purposes, articles whose surface area is specimen volume.
greater than 160 in.2 are subdivided into three continuous local 3.2.11 test article, n—an individual unit of product that is a
sections, nominally equal in surface area, each of which member of the sample and that is examined for conformance to
constitutes a specimen. In the case of any such local section a part of this specification.
containing more than one material category or steel thickness
range as delineated in Table 1, that section will contain more 4. Ordering Information
than one specimen (see Fig. 1). 4.1 Orders for coatings provided under this specification
3.2.7 sample, n—a collection of individual units of product shall include the following:
from a single lot selected in accordance with Section 7, and 4.1.1 Quantity (number of pieces to be galvanized) and total
intended to represent that lot for acceptance. If a sample is weight.
taken as representing the lot for acceptance, the sample shall be 4.1.2 Description (type and size of products) and weight.
taken at random from the lot without regard to the perceived 4.1.3 ASTM specification designation and year of issue.
quality or appearance of any individual unit in the lot being 4.1.4 Material identification (see 5.1) and surface condition
sampled. The sample consists of one or more test articles. or contamination.
3.2.8 single-specimen article, n—a unit of product whose 4.1.5 Sampling plan, if different from 7.3.
surface area is equal to or less than 160 in.2 [100 000 mm2] or 4.1.6 Special test requirements (see 8.1).
that is centrifuged or otherwise similarly handled in the 4.1.7 Special requirements (special stacking, heavier coat-
galvanizing process to remove excess galvanizing bath metal ing weight, etc.).
(free zinc). For thickness testing purposes, the entire surface 4.1.8 Tagging or piece identification method.
area of each unit of product constitutes a specimen. In the case
of any such article containing more than one material category 5. Materials and Manufacture
or steel thickness range as delineated in Table 1, that article 5.1 Steel or Iron—The specification, grade, or designation
will contain more than one specimen (see Fig. 1). and type and degree of surface contamination of the iron or
3.2.9 specimen, n—the surface of an individual test article steel in articles to be galvanized shall be supplied by the
or a portion of a test article, upon which thickness measure- purchaser to the hot-dip galvanizer prior to galvanizing.
ments are to be performed, which is a member of a lot, or a NOTE 2—The presence in steels and weld metal, in certain percentages,
member of a sample representing that lot. For magnetic of some elements such as silicon, carbon, and phosphorus tends to
thickness measurements, specimen excludes any area of the accelerate the growth of the zinc-iron alloy layer so that the coating may
have a matte finish with little or no outer zinc layer. The galvanizer has
surface which is subject to processes (such as flame cutting, only limited control over this condition. The mass, shape, and amount of
machining, threading, etc.) that can be expected to result in cold working of the product being galvanized may also affect this
surface conditions not representative of the general surface condition. Practice A385 provides guidance on steel selection and
condition of the test article, or is disqualified by the measure- discusses the effects of various elements in steel compositions (for
ment method. The minimum average coating thickness grade example, silicon), that influence coating weight and appearance.
for any specimen shall be one coating grade below that 5.2 Fabrication—The design and fabrication of the product
required for the appropriate material category and thickness in to be galvanized are the responsibilities of the designer and the
Table 1. For a unit of product whose surface area is equal to or fabricator. Practices A143/A143M, A384/A384M, and A385
NOTE 1—Each specimen comprises nominally one third of the total
surface area of the article. A minimum of five measurements should be
made within the volume of each specimen, as widely dispersed within that
volume as is practical, so as to represent as much as possible, the general
coating thickness within that specimen volume.
FIG. 2 Articles Made of Many Components
6.4 Appearance—Upon shipment from the galvanizing 7.4 A test article which fails to conform to a requirement of
facility, galvanized articles shall be free from uncoated areas, this specification shall not be used to determine the confor-
blisters, flux deposits, and gross dross inclusions. Lumps, mance to other requirements.
projections, globules, or heavy deposits of zinc which will
interfere with the intended use of the material will not be 8. Test Methods
permitted. Plain holes of 1⁄2-in. [12.5-mm] diameter or more 8.1 Test Requirements—The following tests shall be con-
shall be clean and reasonably free from excess zinc. Marks in ducted to ensure that the zinc coating is being furnished in
the zinc coating caused by tongs or other items used in accordance with this specification. The specifying of tests for
handling the article during the galvanizing operation shall not adhesion and embrittlement shall be subject to mutual agree-
be cause for rejection unless such marks have exposed the base ment between the galvanizer and purchaser. Visual inspection
metal and the bare metal areas exceed allowable maximums
described in 3.2.8), the average of all specimen coating For multi-specimen articles, a new sample shall be
thickness grades is the average coating thickness for the taken randomly from the lot of material, which has twice the
sample. number of test articles as the sample which failed to conform In the case of threaded components, the thickness of to this specification. If the lot size is such that the sample size
coating shall be made on a portion of the article that does not cannot be doubled, then the sample size shall be as previous,
include any threads. but the number of widely dispersed sites at which measure- The use of magnetic measurement methods is ap- ments were made shall be doubled, and these sites will
propriate for larger articles, and is appropriate for smaller constitute the new sample. This new sample shall be measured
articles when there is sufficient flat surface area for the probe using magnetic thickness gages which have been calibrated for
tip to sit flat on the surface using Practice E376. accuracy against reference material thickness standards. If the
8.2.2 Stripping Method—The average weight of coating lot is found to be nonconforming by the new sample, the
shall be determined by stripping a test article, a specimen galvanizer has the right to sort the lot for conforming articles
removed from a test article, or group of test articles in the case by individual test, to re-galvanize non-conforming articles, or
of very small items such as nails, etc., in accordance with Test to renovate the nonconforming articles in accordance with 6.2.
Method A90/A90M unless the methods described in 8.2.1, For single-specimen articles, a new sample shall be
8.2.3, or 8.2.4 are used. The weight of coating per unit area taken randomly from the lot of material, which has twice the
thus determined is converted to equivalent coating thickness number of test articles as the sample which failed to conform
values in accordance with Table 2 (rounding up or down as to this specification. The test method for the new sample shall
appropriate). The thickness of coating thus obtained is the test be selected by mutual agreement between the purchaser and
article coating thickness, or in the case of a specimen removed galvanizer. If the lot is found to be nonconforming by the new
from a test article, is the specimen average coating thickness. sample, the galvanizer has the right to sort the lot for The stripping method is a destructive test and is conforming articles by individual test, to re-galvanize non-
appropriate for single specimen articles, but is not practical for conforming articles, or to renovate the nonconforming articles
multi-specimen articles. in accordance with 6.2.
8.2.3 Weighing Before and After Galvanizing—The average
weight of coating shall be determined by weighing articles 8.3 Adhesion—Determine adhesion of the zinc coating to
before and after galvanizing, subtracting the first weight from the surface of the base metal by cutting or prying with the point
the second and dividing the result by the surface area unless the of a stout knife, applied with considerable pressure in a manner
methods described in 8.2.1, 8.2.2, or 8.2.4 are used. The first tending to remove a portion of the coating. The adhesion shall
weight shall be determined after pickling and drying and the be considered inadequate if the coating flakes off in the form of
second after cooling to ambient temperature. The weight of a layer of the coating so as to expose the base metal in advance
coating per unit area thus determined is converted to equivalent of the knife point. Do not use testing carried out at edges or
coating thickness values according to Table 2 (rounding up or corners (points of lowest coating adhesion) to determine
down as appropriate). The thickness of coating thus obtained is adhesion of the coating. Likewise, do not use removal of small
the test article coating thickness. particles of the coating by paring or whittling to determine The weighing before and after method is appropriate failure.
for single-specimen articles, but is not practical for multi- 8.4 Embrittlement—Test for embrittlement shall be made in
specimen articles. accordance with Practice A143/A143M. These tests shall not
NOTE 11—Both the stripping method and the weighing before and after be required unless strong evidence of embrittlement is present.
method do not take into account the weight of iron reacted from the article
that is incorporated into the coating. Thus, the methods may underestimate 9. Inspection, Rejection, and Retest
coating weight (and therefore the calculated thickness) by up to 10 %. The
accuracy of both methods will be influenced by the accuracy to which the 9.1 Inspection by the Galvanizer—It is the responsibility of
surface area of the articles tested can be determined. the galvanizer to ensure compliance with this specification.
8.2.4 Microscopy—The thickness of coating shall be deter- This shall be achieved by an in-plant inspection program
mined by cross-sectional and optical measurement in accor- designed to maintain the coating thickness, finish, and appear-
dance with Test Method B487 unless the methods described in ance within the requirements of this specification unless the
8.2.1, 8.2.2, or 8.2.3 are used. The thickness thus determined is inspection is performed in accordance with 9.2.
Committee A05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A123/A123M - 12) that may impact the use of this standard. (Nov. 1, 2013)
(1) Revised Table 1 by making separate line items for struc- (2) Changed “test specimen” to “test article” throughout Sec-
tural shapes and for plate. The thickness requirements for tion 7 to avoid confusion with the definition of specimen in
structural shapes remains the same. The thickness requirements Section 3. A “test article” can contain more than one specimen.
for plate are reduced in plate materials up to 5/8 in. thick due
to steelmaking practices and chemistries.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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