Introduction To Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Introduction To Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Introduction To Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Table of Contents
I. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
II. What are Expert Systems (ES)?
o Functional Components
o Structural Components
III. How do People Reason?
IV. How do Computers Reason?
o IV-1. Frames
o IV-2. Rule Based Reasoning
IV-2a. Knowledge Engineering
o IV-3. Case-Based Reasoning
o IV-4. Neural Networks
V. Advantages and Disadvantages
VI. Additional Sources of Information
o VI-1. Additional Sources on World Wide Web
Accounting Expert Systems Applications compiled by Carol E.
Artificial Intelligence in Business by Daniel E. O'Leary
Artificial Intelligence / Expert Systems Section of the American
Accounting Association
International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance
and Management
VI-2. Recent Books of Readings
VI-3. References Used for Definitions
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Domains include:
Functional Components
"... a computer program that behaves like a human expert in some useful ways." [Winston
& Prendergast, 1984, p.6]
Problem area
o "... solve problems efficiently and effectively in a narrow problem area."
[Waterman, 1986, p.xvii]
o "... typically, pertains to problems that can be symbolically represented"
[Liebowitz, 1988, p.3]
Problem difficulty
o "... apply expert knowledge to difficult real world problems" [Waterman,
1986, p.18]
o "... solve problems that are difficult enough to require significant human
expertise for their solution" [Edward Feigenbaum in Harmon & King,
1985, p.5]
o "... address problems normally thought to require human specialists for
their solution" [Michaelsen et al, 1985, p. 303].
Performance requirement
o "the ability to perform at the level of an expert ..." [Liebowitz, 1988, p.3]
o "... programs that mimic the advice-giving capabilities of human experts."
[Brule, 1986, p.6]
o "... matches a competent level of human expertise in a particular field."
[Bishop, 1986, p.38]
o "... can offer intelligent advice or make an intelligent decision about a
processing function." [British Computer Society's Specialist Group in
Forsyth, 1984, pp.9-10]
o "... allows a user to access this expertise in a way similar to that in which
he might consult a human expert, with a similar result." [Edwards and
Connell, 1989, p.3]
Explain reasoning
o "... the capability of the system, on demand, to justify its own line of
reasoning in a manner directly intelligible to the enquirer." [British
Computer Society's Specialist Group in Forsyth, 1984, p.9-10]
o "incorporation of explanation processes ..." [Liebowitz, 1988, p.3]
Structural Components
frame attributes called "slots"
each frame is a node in one or more "isa" hierarchies
They use rules A--->B--->C
Auditing, tax . . .
Set of rules is called knowledge base or rule base
They use cases
Tax reasoning and tax cases
Set of cases is called a case base
They use pattern recognition/expectations
Credit card system
Data base security system
IV-1. Frames
User Interface
o Friendly
o Maybe "Intelligent"
Knowledge of how to present information
Knowledge of user preferences...possibly accumulate with use
o Contains some of the data of interest to the system
o May be connected to on-line company or public database
o Human user may be considered a database
Inference Engine
o general problem-solving knowledge or methods
o interpreter analyzes and processes the rules
o scheduler determines which rule to look at next
o the search portion of a rule-based system
takes advantage of heuristic information
otherwise, the time to solve a problem could become prohibitively
this problem is called the combinatorial explosion
o expert-system shell provides customizable inference engine
Knowledge Base (rule base)
o contains much of the problem solving knowledge
o Rules are of the form IF condition THEN action
condition portion of the rule is usually a fact - (If some particular
fact is in the database then perform this action)
action portion of the rule can include
actions that affect the outside world (print a message on the
test another rule (check rule no. 58 next)
add a new fact to the database (If it is raining then roads are
o Rules can be specific, a priori rules (e.g., tax law . . . so much for each
exemption) - represent laws and codified rules
o Rules can be heuristics (e.g. If the meal includes red meat then choose red
wine). "rules of thumb" - represent conventional wisdom.
o Rules can be chained together (e.g. "If A then B" "If B then C" since A---
>B--- >C so "If A then C").
(If it is raining then roads are wet. If roads are wet then roads are slick.)
o Certainty factors represent the confidence one has that a fact is true or a
rule is valid
Knowledge acquisition
o the process of acquiring the knowledge from human experts or other
(e.g. books, manuals)
o can involve developing knowledge to solve the problem
knowledge elicitation
o coaxing information out of human experts
Knowledge representation
o Method used to encode the knowledge for use by the expert system
o Common knowledge representation methods include rules, frames, and
o Putting the knowledge into rules or cases or patterns is the knowledge
representation process
Structure of a Neuron
o consists of
a set of weighted input connections
a bias input
a state function
a nonlinear transfer function
an output
o Input connections have an input value that is either received from the
previous neuron or in the case of the input layer from the outside
o Bias is not connected to the other neurons in the network and is assumed
to have an input value of 1 for the summation function
o Weights
A real number representing the strength or importance of an input
connection to a neuron
Each neuron input, including the bias, has an associated weight
o State function
The most common form is a simple summation function
The output of the state function becomes the input for the transfer
o Transfer function
A nonlinear mathematical function used to convert data to a
specific scale
Two basic types of transfer functions: continuous and discrete
Commonly used continuous functions used are Ramp, Sigmoid,
Arc Tangent and Hyperbolic Tangent
Continuous functions sometimes called squashing functions
Commonly used discrete functions are Step and Threshold
Discrete transfer function sometimes called activation function
o The process of using examples to develop a neural network that associates
the input pattern with the correct answer
o A set of examples (training set) with known outputs (targets) is repeatedly
fed into the network to "train" the network
o This training process continues until the difference between the input and
output patterns for the training set reaches an acceptable value
o Several algorithms used for training networks
most common is back-propagation
o Back-propagation is done is two passes
First the inputs are sent forward through the network to produce an
Then the difference between the actual and desired outputs
produces error signals that are sent "backwards" through the
network to modify the weights of the inputs.
Paul R. Watkins and Lance B. Elliot (Editors), 1993, Chichester: John Wiley and
Miklos A. Vasarhelyi and B.N. Srinidhi (Editors), 1993, Princeton, NJ: Markus
Wiener Publishing, 1993.
Anonymous. Dictionary of Computing, 1986, New York: Oxford University Press.
Bishop, Peter. Fifth Generation Computers Concepts, Implementations & Uses,
1986, Chichester, England: Ellis Horwood Ltd.
Brule, James F. Artificial Intelligence: Theory, Logic and Application, 1986, Blue
Ridge Summit, PA: TAB Books.
Edwards, Alex and Connell, N.A.D. Expert Systems in Accounting, 1989,
Herfordshire, UK: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd.
Forsyth, Richard, Expert Systems: Principles and Case Studies, 1984, London:
Chapman and Hall Computing.
Harmon, Paul and King, David. Expert Systems: Artificial Intelligence in
Business. 1985, New York: Wiley.
Liebowitz, Jay, Introduction to Expert Systems, 1988, Santa Cruz, CA: Mitchell
Publishing, Inc.
Michaelsen, Robert H.; Michie, Donald and Boulanger, Albert. "The Technology
of Expert Systems" Byte; April 1985; 10(4): pp. 303-312.
Rich, Elaine and Knight, Kevin. Artificial Intelligence Second Edition. 1991, New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Waterman, Donald A. A Guide to Expert Systems, 1986, Reading, MA: Addison-
Winston, Patrick H. and Prendergast, Karen A. (Editors). The AI Business:
Commercial Use of Artificial Intelligence, 1984, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.