Around The World in Eighty Days Newspaper Project

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The passage provides a summary of the Jules Verne novel Around the World in 80 Days, where Englishman Phileas Fogg bets that he can circumnavigate the globe in 80 days. He and his servant Passepartout embark on an adventure traveling by train, boat, and other means to complete the journey on time.

One major obstacle they faced was when the railroad tracks they were traveling on got blocked by a herd of buffalo, forcing them to stop and wait hours for the buffalo to pass. This significantly cut into their time.

Mr. Fix was a detective who mistakenly believed that Phileas Fogg had robbed a bank. He stalked Fogg throughout his journey, waiting for a chance to arrest him.

The London Gazette 

Around the World in Eighty Days 

Editor: Katrina Miranda February 17, 2017 

An Attempt to Travel the

World in Eighty Days
Englishman Attempts to Travel the World in Eighty Days
by Katrina Miranda
On this fascinating journey, Englishman Phileas Fogg and new servant
Passepartout attempt to travel the entire world in the time span of eighty
days. On October 2nd, they start in London and make their way through
Egypt, India, Hong Kong, Japan, the United States, and other countries to get
back to London on December 21st. Phileas Fogg and his companions take
train, boat, sledge, and even elephant to get to their destination on their
planned arrival time. Our sources tell us that this feat was actually a bet with
his fellow Reform Club members for 20,000 pounds; it was a bet that started
due to an article in ​The Daily Telegraph ​report about a new section of the
railway in India opening. Fogg believed that it was now possible to travel
around the world in a matter of eighty days; although, his friends at the
Reform Club thought that his ideas were complete nonsense. Fogg was a man
to prove people wrong, and in order to do that, he did what everybody
thought was the impossible, travelled the world in a matter of eighty days.
Phileas Fogg stated that there were some challenges on the trip, but the Phileas Fogg and his fellow Reform Club
people and fellow travelers he met on the trip kept him going. members examining the ​Daily
Telegraph​ report.

Buffalo Rampage
By : Jacob Parenti
In chapter 26 the railroad tracks that Fogg and Passepartout are supposed to
cross while they’re on the train gets blocked with a myriad of buffalo. The
train had tried to clear a path with the cow catcher, but the mass of animals
was too great and they had to stop. The block made by this great mass of
animals made for another obstacle they had to pass in their journey. They
were however able to overcome this obstacle by waiting out the herd of
buffalo for the entire three hours. They did this because if the train were to
try and drive through, the first few buffalo would be crushed and would go
underneath the train and throw it off the tracks. This would only make the
damage to the time of their journey worse. Though this conflict did manage  
to affect the time of their journey, patience soon showed its worth in helping During their journey, the railroad tracks
the two men reach their destination. As the flock of buffalo soon left the suddenly get blocked by a herd of
tracks the train then proceeded to make its way toward the next stop.Waiting Buffalo, much like the one above. This
for the buffalo really put a dent in the time of their journey. This shows the created a Man vs. Nature conflict for
unprecedented conflicts that nature can create out of nowhere. Mr. Fogg the two characters
knew that the journey would be long; however, he remembered that patience
was a key element. Driven with the power of a wager he continued his
Around the World in Eighty Days
by Jacob Parenti
The characters in this book showed their favorable likes and unpromising
dislikes. The loyalty that Passepartout shows while accompanying his master on
this lengthy journey is a very favorable trait. The meticulousness that Fogg
shows allows him to never be late this is another favorable trait. However,
there are still unfavorable traits to each character. I found that Passepartout
got easily distracted from simple interferences. He gets easily distracted and
this caused him to create issues along their journey. Mr. Fogg’s meticulousness
can still become a negative trait. For example, if something is not exactly the
way he wants or prefers, then he becomes agitated. Each character has their
own balanced out traits. The theme that I found in the book was you can have
A photo of China in the 1800’s. In friendship or time, not both. This is shown when Fogg misses the train to go
China, Passepartout is worrying about rescue Passepartout from the Sioux. If I could compare this novel to another
where the rest of the crew is. When book it would be ​The Giver​ by Lois Lowry. I could compare Mr. Fogg to the
he finds them, he can then continue protagonist Jonas because both wanted to prove to people that something that
with them to the United States. may have seemed impossible at the time really was possible. I can also
compare Passepartout to the Giver himself because he help Jonas along the
journey of proving people that something wasn’t impossible, Mr. Fix, who is
trying to stop Fogg and Passepartout, is like the Committee of the Elders who
are trying to stop Jonas. In all, I would rate this book an 8/10. A lot of the plot
was interesting, however, it took a while to get farther into the plot.
Passepartout Was Missing
by Karthik Shankar
A conflict in the journey was when Passepartout was drugged and then this led to Mr. Fogg missing the steamer that
was leaving that night. What he thought was that it left the next morning, but since Passepartout got drugged, he was
not able to tell him. Mr. Fogg had later realized that the train had left the previous night, but only in the morning when it
had already left. He made a bargain to an owner of a cargo ship that he would pay thousands of pounds each for all of
them to travel, but not including Passepartout. Passepartout was also missing, and Mr. Fogg and Aouda were worried
about where Passepartout was. Mr. Fix; however, had thought he had known where he was. Fix thought that he was in
the drug shop, but Passepartout was in the next boat to travel to China. Fix, a sometimes churlish detective trying to
make it possible for Fogg to go to jail, wanted him to stay back so that a warrant could arrive so that he could arrest
Fogg for a robbery. This inspired the headline of why because Fix started all of this mischief because he didn’t like Mr.
Fogg, and he wanted him to be arrested so that he would have a bigger chance of losing his bet. The warrant never
came to Mr. Fix; he could not arrest Mr. Fogg just yet.

Oh, the places Fogg goes!

by Tessa Winkleman
Mr. Phileas Fogg started in London,
and traveled to France, India, Japan,
and United States. The setting is very
important to this book because the
countries he visited were the main
part of this novel. ​Around the World
in 80 days ​was set in the late 1800’s.
Phileas Fogg started his adventure in
London, England. 19th century
London was transformed into the
world’s largest city. The House of
Parliament, Tower Bridge, and the
Royal Albert Hall are all very famous Mr. Fogg visited many places, but he spent most of his time in London, India,
landmarks in 19th century London, and Japan.
and still are today. Another place
Phileas Fogg and his group traveled to
was Japan. During the 19th century,
France and Japan were very close
allies. Some famous landmarks in
Japan include; Mount Fuji, Kinkaku-ji,
and Sapporo Tower. These were just
two of the many wonderful and
exciting places Mr. Fogg and his group
Jules Verne Biography The Author’s Style Writing The Bet of 20
by Taysia Tovia by Taysia Tovia Thousand
Jules Verne published adventurous novels, poets, and scientific Pounds
Jules Verne was born on novels. Traveling past many different countries, Jules had serious by Karthik
February 8, 1828 in Nantes, points in time where he felt the end of his exploring days. During the Shankar
France. Verne was known time, Verne was going through a difficult time; the book was written In the beginning,
for his adventurous novels, during the Franco-Prussian war, as a coastguard with financial the protagonist
poets, and he was a French problems. Most of his books were traveling to or around the moon, Phileas Fogg
novelist. He was influenced up in the sky in an air balloon, or under the sea. makes a bet with
by playwright and the his friends at the
scientific novels. During his Jules Verne is known as the “Father of Science Fiction.” Verne as you reform club.
schooling time, Verne met a know, was a French novelist and loves to write science fiction. In Traveling around
publisher, Pierre-Jules, and Around the World in 80 Days, ​the author uses a stylish type of writing the world in
decided to drop out in the 1800s. ​ ​Verne likes to make his stories suspenseful and exciting eighty days is the
lawyering school and began at the same time. He makes the characters go on adventures to take bet. In the rising
working on magazines and them to interesting places and to make them think they are actually action, Fogg has
stories. Because of his apart of the adventure. As he writes his stories, he enjoys having a lots of time to
stories, he was the second mixture in his books. spare and he
most-translated author in decides to save a
the world since 1979; since girl named
then, people began to call Aouda from
him “Father of Science Indians who
Fiction”. On March 24, 1905 want to
Jules Gabriel Verne passed sacrifice/kill her.
away because of his Later in the
diabetes. journey Fogg
misses a steamer
to go to China,
but was able to
have a second
chance to go on
a different
steamer to
continue on his
journey. Fogg
had incredible
and always was
concerned about
the time. He
always had hope
to return to a
prize, even if he
was laggard in
time. When he
Mr. Fix the Detective ran into a
by Tessa Winkleman problem, he
Mr. Fix, the detective, was determined to tried his hardest
capture Englishman Phileas Fogg and take him to overcome it
to prison. Mr. Fix believed that Mr. Fogg was to regain lost
responsible for stealing 50,000 pounds from a time. Fogg had
bank. Mr. Fogg did not steal any money; to buy an
however, once Mr. Fix heard that there was a elephant so that
man, Mr. Fogg, traveling around the world in there would be
just eighty days, he believed Mr. Fogg stole the less time
money to use on his adventure. Mr. Fix stalked wasted!
Mr. Fogg throughout his journey to find the Throughout the
perfect time to capture and turn him in. Mr. whole time
Fogg had no idea that this detective was spying when we wanted
on him; however, Passepartout knew and to never miss a
tried to stop him. Mr. Fix was looking for a way ride, a boat, or
to instigate trouble and vie to arrest Phileas,so any
Phileas Fogg was a time he drugged Passepartout, so he wouldn't get in transportation
manageable person who the way and then left with Mr. Fogg. When method, he
took every minute seriously the time came and Phileas Fogg was just six ended up
and took care of everyone hours away from reaching London, his final achieving his
during their travels. destination, Mr. Fix revealed himself as a journey and
Mr. Fogg tries to
detective and announced “I arrest you in the winning the bet
resist Mr. Fix as he
Queen’s name!” Mr. Fix took Mr. Phileas Fogg of 20 thousand
arrests him.
to a prison in London. Mr. Fogg supported his pounds.
claim that he was not guilty of stealing the
50,000 pounds. Aouda and the loyal servant
Passepartout, supported and helped Mr. Fogg
claim innocence. In the end, Mr. Fix was
proven a liar and Mr. Fogg, an innocent hero
who traveled the world in eighty days.
The End of Their Journey
by Taysia Tovia
As Phileas Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda finish up their trip around the world, a little short interruption happens. Mr.
Fix is a detective that played along with everyone on the trip. Little did Mr. Fogg know that Mr. Fix was trying to arrest
him because he “supposedly” robbed a bank. At the end of the trip, Mr. Fix swooped in and arrest Mr. Fogg of what he
had done. Passepartout and Aouda remained with Phileas in the Custom House waiting to see Phileas Fogg again; as
Phileas went into his jail cell, Mr. Fix, Passepartout, and Aouda ran into his cell telling Phileas Fogg he wasn’t the robber,
and the robber was arrested three days before. When Mr. Fogg arrived back in London, he had mistaken that it was
Sunday. Phileas Fogg and Passepartout had arrived on Saturday night, 24-hours ahead of the due date he was supposed
to come back. Both men had completed their journey on traveling around the world and earning twenty-thousand
pounds. Two days later , Phileas Fogg had asked to marry Aouda to live the rest of their lives together.

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