Asking Questions Lesson
Asking Questions Lesson
Asking Questions Lesson
Title: Wake Up Your Brain: Asking Questions as You Read Content Area: Reading
Students will be able to ask literal questions before, during, and after Objectives:
reading (who, what, where, when, why). Students will be able to ask literal questions before reading a
SWBAT ask literal questions during reading
SWBAT ask literal questions after reading
Teacher: Emma Kate by Patricia Polacco, Anchor Chart paper, Markers, Conferencing Sheet
Students: Book Bins, Graphic Organizer, Pencil, Clipboard (if on floor)
Components of the lesson. Anticipated Student Responses Teaching notes DIFFERENTIATION: Evidence of learning.
list adaptations for ELL, EC, LD Evaluation points or assessment
3 min
“Raise your hand if you have ever Possible Answers: Last week, students became
been in the middle of reading a “Where is the character?” frustrated when they were not
book and a question popped into “What are they doing?” called on. Address that I cannot
your head about the book. What “Why did the character do call on all students, as there are
kinds of questions come up as you that?” 20 of them and 1 of me. I hope
read?” “Why is the character feeling that by putting this out there in
happy/sad/mad/etc.?” the beginning, it will avoid
“What is going to happen disruptions to the lesson.
2 min (Display Today’s Goal) I will watch to make sure certain
“Today we are going to work on students do not sit next to one
waking up our brains and reading another so that they can stay on
in a wide-awake way. Being task:
“wide-awake” when you read “Boys and girls, please pick a spot
means that you come to a text on the carpet where you will do
curious and ready to find out your BEST learning. This means
more. It is almost as if you are you may have to move away from
having a conversation with your friends so you won’t be
yourself as you read, you can ask tempted to talk.”
and answer questions to push
yourself to want to read on.
Today we are really going to work
hard to wake up our brains by
coming up with questions before,
during, and after we read. These
questions may be like the ones
you all told me about a minute
ago. They could be wonderings
about what will happen next, why
a character did what they did, or
why the author made the choices
that she did.”
Shared Reading 20 min
We will read Emma Kate by
Patricia Polacco. I will begin by
demonstrating asking questions at
the beginning of a book.
“I notice that the girl’s dress and
the title have the same pattern. I
wonder why?”
I will then ask the class if they
have any wonderings to share Possible questions:
before we begin the book. “Why is she hugging an
“Who is Emma Kate?”
I will pause every few pages to ask Possible questions:
the class to share their questions “Why does she spend so I will try to call on a variety of Writing down their answers on
or wonderings. I will also continue much time with an students. To do this, I will the board will serve as an
to interject my own questions as a elephant?” alternate between calling on informal assessment for me to
form of demonstration. I will “Is the elephant real?” someone on the left side of the see who is grasping the concept
write down the questions we “Why are the pictures mostly group and right side of the group. and who is still working towards
come up with on the board. Once black and white besides the By doing this, hopefully it will help understanding. It will also be an
we complete the book, I will ask if girl’s dress?” me to keep track of students I example for students to refer
we have any final wonderings. If students become stumped and have already called on. back to as they use this strategy in
struggle to come up with their own reading. From this data,
questions, I can prompt them I will be able to gauge who I need
with probing questions such as: to spend some extra time with
What are you curious about? during my informal conferencing.
What are you wondering?
Try starting with who, what,
when, where, or why.
Tell me about the
conversation you’re having in
After writing all of our questions your mind.
on the board, I will come back to If students cannot refer back to
the group and ask them if we the text to answer the questions,
were able to answer any of our it is important that I point out to
questions as we read. This will them that not all of our questions
start a conversation about how will always be answered. The
reading to the end of the text can author leaves some things up to
answer some of our questions. the reader’s mind. It also may
require for us to read another
book on the same topic to find
Independent Reading 20 min more answers.
Before independent reading, I
want to have a conversation with If the group as a whole becomes
the class about what this time off task, I will regroup with the
should look like. Since last week entire class. I will also be giving
we had a difficult time staying on out barrel bucks to tables that are
task, I think it would be beneficial doing an exceptional job during
to have a meaningful this time.
conversation where the students
themselves present the
expectations for independent
work. This should take no more
than 3-5 min.
I will pass out the sheets and Emphasize to students who As students read and jot down
invite for students to grab their struggle with writing (such as their questions, I will be doing
book boxes and dive in. I will xxxxxxxx & xxxxxxxxx) that I am informal conferences around the
make sure that students not worried about how much they room. I have particular students
understand that it is alright if they get written down. Instead, the that I want to conference with
do not fill out every single box, as goal is for them to be curious and that I think will need additional
they don’t always finish a book in really getting into their books. instruction. I will include students
one sitting. I will remind them They are on my list of students to that I did not hear from during
that it isn’t all about the writing, confer with. I can even have them our shared reading in this group.
but about asking questions so verbalize a few questions and I However, I am going to try to do a
that they can have a deep will write them down for them. “clipboard cruise” of the entire
understanding of their books. The goal of this lesson is not class. I will create a sheet with a
about perfect writing, but about box for each student listed. As I
asking questions to increase walk around the room, I will make
engagement. quick notes of the types of
questions students are asking
For my speedy readers, if (who, what, when, where, why).
students complete their book & This will be an informal
their sheet, I will encourage for assessment so that I can gather
them to try this same technique data on the level of thinking each
with another book. But instead of student is at. I will wait to start
filling out a second sheet, I want this until I begin to see students
for them to try having the diving into their books (about 5
conversation in their head. I want minutes).
for them to become so good at
asking questions as they read that
it becomes habit.
I will be sure to remind students Students may need to be
to use this strategy during their reminded during future
own reading, especially when independent reading times to
they begin to move into longer think back on this strategy.
books. They also have the anchor
chart to refer back to.