Mirfleet Reference Guide v10

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Reference Guide

January 2017
Copyright and disclaimer

All rights reserved. No parts of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the express written
permission of Mobile Industrial Robots ApS (MiR). (MiR) makes no warranties, express or implied, in
respect of this document or its contents. In addition, the contents of the document is subject to change
without prior notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless,
MiR assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions or any damages resulting from the use of the
information contained.
Copyright © 2016-2017 by Mobile Industrial Robots

Contact the manufacturer:

Mobile Industrial Robots
Emil Neckelmanns Vej 15F
DK-5220 Odense SØ

Phone: +45 20 377 577
E-mail: [email protected]

CVR: 35251235

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the MiR support site.
Table of contents

1. About this document .........................................................................................................3

Document history ............................................................................................................3
Further information .........................................................................................................3
2. About MiRFleet ..................................................................................................................5
Overview ..........................................................................................................................5
MiRFleet menus .........................................................................................................5
Access levels ....................................................................................................................6
First-time logon .........................................................................................................6
Restricted users .........................................................................................................7
Normal users .............................................................................................................7
Administrators ...........................................................................................................7
Changing account settings ...............................................................................................8
Logging off .......................................................................................................................8
3. MiRFleet Main menu .........................................................................................................9
Overview ..........................................................................................................................9
New Order .......................................................................................................................9
Preconditions .............................................................................................................9
Create new order .......................................................................................................9
Favorites ........................................................................................................................11
Set up a favorite ......................................................................................................11
Edit a favorite ..........................................................................................................12
Start a job from the Favorites list ............................................................................12
Orders View ...................................................................................................................13
Edit or delete orders ................................................................................................14
Fleet ...............................................................................................................................15
Preconditions ...........................................................................................................15
Setting up first robot ...............................................................................................15
Setting up following robots .....................................................................................16
Fleet - Status overview ............................................................................................17
Maps ..............................................................................................................................18
Lifts ................................................................................................................................19
System prerequisites ...............................................................................................19
Set up Lifts ...............................................................................................................20
View lift status .........................................................................................................22
Edit lift .....................................................................................................................23
4. MiRFleet Administrator menu .........................................................................................25
Overview ........................................................................................................................25
Users ..............................................................................................................................25
Setting up ................................................................................................................25
Groups ...........................................................................................................................27
Setting up ................................................................................................................27
System ...........................................................................................................................28
1 • • • •About
this document

This Reference Guide describes the web interface menu of MiRFleet. It is intended for
administrators of the system and users responsible for carrying out daily routines, e.g. starting
jobs and monitoring running jobs.
Instructions on how to set up a fleet of robots and integrating it into the company’s network is
found in the document MiRFleet Getting started.

Document history

Document Release date Description SW release


1.0 2017-01-06 First edition 1.8

This MiRFleet reference guide is based on the two documents MiRFleet Main menu reference
guide and MiRFleet Admin menu reference guide which have been merged into one common
MiRFleet reference guide as of this version.

Further information
You can read and download all manuals from the MiR Support site:
https://mirrobot.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1iR Support site.
Here you can also find FAQs, videos and technical articles relevant for your product.
Your MiR distributor is your first point of contact for all your service queries. Find contact
information for your retailer on our website http://mobile-industrial-robots.com.

Reference Guide • 3

4 •• Reference Guide

2 • • • •About

MiR robots operating in a fleet are controlled through the web-based MiRFleet menu. You can
get access to the MiRFleet menu from a PC, a tablet or a smartphone.
MiRFleet handles a fleet of up to 100 MiR robots by coordinating orders (call and delivery),
handling queues and order prioritization. MiRFleet also keeps the fleet running 24/7 by sending
the robots to the nearest charging station when needed.

Fig. 1 MiR Fleet controlled from smartphone and PC.

MiRFleet menus
MiRFleet is divided into two menu groups:
• Main menu for setting up and daily control of fleet jobs
• Administrator menu for set up and administration of system users, fleet groups and general
system settings.

Reference Guide • 5

Access levels

Access levels
MiRFleet has three access levels: Restricted, Normal User and Administrator. To set up and change
the system settings, you must be logged in as Administrator.

First-time logon
The first time you log on to MiRFleet to set up the system, type the IP address or URL of the MiRFleet
server and log on using the default log-on information:
• User name: provided by distributor, e.g. admin
• Password: provided by distributor.
This will give you access as Administrator. Subsequently you can set up your own account and
accounts for other users in the submenu Users, see page 28.

Fig. 2 First-time log-on to the MiRFleet web interface.

Log on to MiR Fleet using the user name and password provided by the system administrator.

Fig. 3 MiR Fleet system logon

For information on how to set up MiRFleet in a local network, see MiRFleet Getting Started.

Depending on your access rights Restricted, Normal User or Administrator, you will see the short
Main Menu or the full Main Menu or both Main Menu and Administrator Menu when logging on to
the system.

6 •• Reference Guide

Access levels

Restricted users
When logged in as Restricted User, you have access to viewing robots in the fleet, maps and lifts.

Normal users
When logged in as Normal user, you can also add new orders and save orders as favorites.

Administrators have access to the full MiR Fleet menu as shown here.

Reference Guide • 7

Changing account settings

Changing account settings

Click on your user name in the upper right corner of the window to change password and add or
change personal account information

• Personal information Change or add missing information about your name, E-mail, telephone number or

: Only Name is required by the system.

Click Update Account to save changes.

• Change password Enter new password twice, minimum six characters.

Click Update Password to save the changes.

Logging off
To log off the system, press LOG OUT in the upper right corner of the window.

8 •• Reference Guide

3 • • • •MiRFleet
Main menu

This chapter describes the features of the Main Menu and lists the required access levels for
each submenu or feature.

New Order
Min. access level: Normal user
Jobs to be carried out by the MiRFleet robots are set up and started in the New Order menu.

For repeated jobs, it is recommended to use the Favorites menu, see Favorites on page 11.

Before you can select a mission in the New order menu, robots must have been set up in the
Fleet menu, see page 15, and groups must have been defined in the Groups menu and linked to
one or more missions, see page 27.

Create new order

To create and start a new job to be carried out by the fleet robots, click +New Order and select
job details as shown below.

Orders that are queued waiting for execution ma be edited or deleted by the job creator, see Edit
or delete orders on page 14.

Reference Guide • 9

• Start time Date and time in the New Oder window will show current time and if left unchanged,
the order will start the moment you click +Create Oder. If you want the job to start
later, you may change start date and time manually. Dates can be set from today and
maximum five days onwards.

• End time The end time defines the latest time you want the job to be carried out. By default
the end time is set to one hour from the start time.
If end time is not important, you may expand the time between start and end times
by for example five days.

• Mission From the drop-down list select the mission you want carried out. Missions must have
been set up previously in a robot web interface.

• Robot If the mission requires a special type of robot, e.g. MiRHook for a cart towing job,
select the required robot type from the drop-down list. If the robot type is not
important or all robots in the fleet are of the same type, keep the default setting Any,
and the first available robot matching the mission will be selected.

• Priority Select priority Normal or High. A high priority order set to start at the same time as
a normal priority order will be executed first.

• Note (optional) A note regarding the job may be added.

Click Create to start the order now or at a future time defined under Start time.

10 •• Reference Guide


Min. access level: Normal user

Repeated jobs can be set up under Favorites in much the same ways as New orders are defined.
However, once you have defined a favorite, it will be added to the Favorites list and you can start a
job by just clicking on the Favorite.

Set up a favorite
To set up a job as favorite, open the Favorites menu and select the job details as shown below.

• Name Name the Favorite, e.g. Laundry Favorite

• Priority Select priority Normal or High. A high priority order set to start at the same time as
a normal priority order will be executed first.

• Duration Set a maximum duration time for the job.

For job prioritization purposes only. If duration time is exceeded, the job
will still be finished.

• Mission From the drop-down list select the mission you want carried out.

• Robot If the mission requires a special type of robot, e.g. MiRHook, select the required type
from the drop-down list. If the robot type is not important, keep the default setting
Any, and the first available robot in the fleet will be selected.

• Note (optional) A note regarding the job may be added.

Click Create to save the Favorite.

Reference Guide • 11


Edit a favorite
To edit the settings of a favorite, open the Favorites menu and click the pen icon next to the favorite
you want to edit.

Edit Favorite In the edit window, change the settings as necessary.

Click Save at the bottom right corner of the window to save the changes.

Start a job from the Favorites list

To start a job from the Favorites list, open the Favorites menu and select the wanted favorite as
shown below.

Start job from Favorite Click the + icon next to the favorite to start the job

12 •• Reference Guide

Orders View

Orders View
Min. access level: Normal user

Ongoing, pending and finished orders can be monitored through the Orders View menu.

Orders in progress Shows status of orders in progress. The most recently started order is shown top left.

Waiting orders Shows orders waiting to be executed either because the robot is not available or
because the start time is set to later. Next order to be executed is shown top left.
High priority orders are indicated by an arrow pointing up, see red circle in

Finished orders Gives an overview of finished orders, showing the latest finished order top left.

Click on the arrow of an order to get more information such as current position
(orders in progress) wanted start time (waiting orders).

Click Back to leave Orders view.

Reference Guide • 13

Orders View

Edit or delete orders

Orders that are queued waiting for execution may be edited or deleted by the person who created
the job. Open the Orders View menu, see page 13, and check if the order is in progress or waiting.
If it is in waiting position, you may edit it.Click the arrow icon to open a waiting order, then select Delete or
Edit order.

It is not possible to edit or delete orders created by other users.

Edit Order In the edit window, change the settings as necessary.

Click Save to save the changes.

14 •• Reference Guide


Min. access level: Administrator (create and edit); Restricted user (Status view)

The robots to be controlled by MiR Fleet are set up in the Main menu under Fleet.
Data from the first robot will be used as basis for the entire fleet. All following robots will inherit
data set up in the master robot.

1. Robots must be set up in the same network segment as MiR Fleet.
2. To assign a robot to a group, groups must previously have been defined in the Groups submenu,
see page 25.

Setting up first robot

In the Fleet submenu, click Create Robot and then click Search for Robots. Available robots will be listed as
shown under Found robots.
Alternatively enter a known IP address and click on Area to search for available areas.

MiR 11
MiR2 2 MiRMiR
3 3

MiR 44 Hook
MiR Hook MiR
MiR5 5Hook

Click to select one of the robots and the Name and IP fields will be filled automatically.

• Name Enter a new name if you want it different from the original robot name.

• IP The IP field is automatically filled and should not be changed.

Reference Guide • 15


• Area Select the area which you want MiR Fleet to operate in.

The selected area will apply to all subsequent robots set up in the fleet.

• Type Select robot type, e.g. MiR100 or MiR100 Hook. Default is MiR100

• Active Set the robot to be active or inactive in the fleet. The default setting is active (Yes).

• Groups (Optional) No groups will exist until they have been defined in the Groups submenu.
When setting up the rest of the robots later, you can assign the first robot to a group.

Click Create to save the robot settings.

Setting up following robots

To set up more fleet robots, open the Fleet menu and click Search for robots again. Notice that the
Area field has now disappeared. This is because all robots following the first one must use the same
area. Except for the Area setting, follow the procedure from Setting up first robot on page 15 for
each new robot.

MiR 2 MiR 3 MiR 4 Hook

MiR 5 Hook

Each new robot will be labeled Wrong area. To correct this, open the robot’s web interface by clicking
on the robot name. In the web interface go to Choose map (Service > Choose map) and select the right
area which is shown by the name of the area followed by (MiR Fleet) in parentheses.

16 •• Reference Guide


Fleet - Status overview

The whereabouts and status of the individual robots can be monitored through the Fleet menu.
From here you can also open the web interface of a robot.
To see the status of a robot, click Fleet, and click on the name (not the pen icon) of the robot you
want to monitor.

• Last seen shows when the robot was last seen. On the status map the last registered position
is shown as well.

• State Shows the current state of the robot, e.g. if it is executing as expected or ready for
new jobs.

• Battery Shows remaining battery percentage

Click Open Robot Interface if you want to go to the MiR Web Interface to further investigate the status of the robot
(requires Administrator access level).

Click Back to leave Status for (robot name).

Reference Guide • 17


Min. access level: Restricted user

All fleet robots can be monitored the Maps menu. Maps gives a total overview of all robots in the
fleet and in all maps if more than one map applies to the area.

Click Back to leave Maps.

18 •• Reference Guide


Min. access level: Administrator (create and edit); Restricted user (Status view)

In installations with a lift, transitions from one map (floor) to an other are handled automatically by
MiRFleet. When an order is given to move to a position in a map representing a different floor, the
fleet control takes over and brings the robot into the elevator and out again on the correct floor.
Orders including lift rides are based on missions where the robot is requested to go to a known
position “MoveToKnownPosition” on a different floor. MiRFleet then handles the map switch

System prerequisites

• One map per floor must exist and the maps must all belong to the area used by MiRFleet.
• All maps including a lift must have robot positions - one in front of the lift and one inside
the lift, and the maps must all belong to the area used by MiRFleet.

To avoid that the robot goes into emergency stop inside the lift, make sure the position
is as straight as possible - the front of the robot pointing to the wall opposite the
entrance door.

Section of floor map with


The mission should not include the positions created in front of and inside the lift.
Those are positions used by MiRFleet internally to bring the robot from one map to an

Reference Guide • 19


Set up Lifts
In the Lifts menu, set up lifts as shown in the following.

NEW LIFT - no lifts yet created.

• Name Name the lift.

• IP Enter the IP address that represents the lift.

The IP address is provided by the customer’s lift system integrator.

• Active The lift can be set active or inactive.

• Groups If groups have been defined in the Fleet, one or more groups of robots can be set
active for the particular lift meaning that only robots belonging to an active group can
use the lift.

As an example, a lift could be too small for robots towing carts. Two groups of MiR100
robots could then be set up, one without carts and one with carts, and only the first
group would be set active for the smaller lift. In the illustration below the two groups
are named MiR100 and MiRHook.

Floors: Each floor that the lift can go to must be defined individually. Click on the plus in the lower right corner to
add a floor.

• Floor Set a number to represent the floor, e.g 1.

Floor designations must be numbers, which means that for example Ground floor
could be represented by 0, Basement by -1 etc.

If the lift control panel uses more complex designations such as 1, M1, 2, M2 etc.
those will have to be converted to integers for example 1, 2, 3 and 4 where 3 will then
correspond to 2nd floor. To keep track of the connection between the floor numbers
and the designations used on the lift control panel, it is strongly recommended to
integrate the names used on the control panel in the naming of the maps.

20 •• Reference Guide


• Map Select the map, e.g. “Ground floor”. The map must have been created in the robot’s
web interface and include two lift positions that will enable the switching from one
map to another.

• Position in the lift From the drop-down menu, select the robot position representing the robot inside
the lift. The position must have been defined in the robot’s web interface.

• Position in front of the From the drop-down menu, select the robot position representing the robot outside
lift the lift. This is the position the robot goes to while waiting for the elevator to arrive
and the doors to open. The position must have been defined in the robot’s web

• Door Select one or two doors depending on the number of doors inside the lift and which
one(s) the robot should use.

• 1: the robot makes a 180° turn inside the lift and leaves through the same door it

• 2: the robot does not turn and leaves through the door opposite the entry door.

Result: a lift with three floors for robots belonging to the group MiR100 has been created. It is a one-door lift so the robot
will turn 180° while inside it.

Click Save to save the lift.

Click Back to go to the Lifts menu.

Reference Guide • 21


View lift status

Min. access level: Restricted user

To see the operating status of a lift, click Lifts, and click on the name (not the pen icon) of the lift you
want to monitor.

• Last seen shows when the lift was last registered by MiRFleet.

• Active Shows if the lift is available to the system, not necessarily in action.

• Connected Shows if MiRFleet is connected to the lift system.

• Control Shows if MiRFleet has control of the lift system.

• Control requested Shows if MiRFleet has asked to gain control of the lift system.

• Floor Shows which floor the elevator is on.

• Door 1 open Shows if door 1 is open. Door 1 is the door the robot enters and exits through if this
is the same.

• Door 1 open requested Shows if MiRFleet has requested Door 1 to open.

• Door 2 open Shows if door 2 is open. Door 2 is the door the robot exits through if different from
entry door.

• Door 2 open requested Shows if the MiRFleet has requested Door 2 to open.

Click Back to leave Status for (lift name).

22 •• Reference Guide


Edit lift
To edit the settings of a lift, open the Lifts menu and click the pen icon next the lift your want to edit.

Edit lift In the edit window, change the settings as necessary.

Click Save at the bottom right corner of the window to save the changes.

Reference Guide • 23


24 •• Reference Guide

4 • • • •MiRFleet
Administrator menu

This chapter describes the features of the Administrator Menu. Only users with access level
Administrator have access to this menu.

Users and administrators of the MiR Fleet system are set up in the in the Users submenu.

Setting up
In the Users submenu, click Create New User and set up system users as shown below.


• User name Enter user name for log-in.

• Access level Select access level Administrator, Normal user or Restricted. See also section Access
levels on page 6.

Reference Guide •25

• Location (optional) Select a location from the drop-down menu. Location is a set position in the area the
fleet operates in. It can be used to for example order a robot to a user’s location.


• Password Enter a password for log-in, minimum six characters.

The password may be changed by the individual users in the submenu My Account.

• Repeat password Enter the password once more for verification.


• Name Enter user’s name. The name is shown at the top right of the MiR Fleet window when
the user is logged in.

• E-mail (optional) Enter user’s E-mail.

• Telephone number Enter user’s telephone number.


Click Create to save the settings.

26 •• Reference Guide


Robots controlled by MiRFleet may be organized in different groups, e.g. MiRHook robots to do
laundry transportation jobs and MiR100 robots to transport medicine. At least one group must be
defined and missions attached, otherwise it is not possible to select missions in the New Order

Setting up
In the Groups submenu, click Create Group and define groups as shown below.

• Name Name the group.

• Missions Tick the mission(s) to which the group should belong, e.g. Laundry transport.

Only missions that are attached to a group can be selected in the

submenu New Order.

Click Create to save the settings.

Reference Guide • 27


The submenu System gives easy access to upgrading the system with the latest software.
Furthermore, you can download a log file and restart the MiR Fleet system, reset it to its default
state, and give MiR Fleet control of the charging of fleet robots.

28 •• Reference Guide


• Upgrade system Click Choose File and browse to the location where the upgrade file is stored. When
the file name is shown, click Upgrade System.The upgrade may take a couple of

• Download log files Click on Download Log Files and the system will generate a zip-file containing
information about system sessions. The file can be sent to MiR support there are
problems with the fleet system which can not be solved locally.

• Restart fleet software Use the Restart Fleet Software for situations where the system is not responding,
e.g. if connection between fleet and one or more robots is lost.

• Reset system The Reset System should be used only if you want to delete all settings in the fleet
(The log files will still be available.)

• Auto charging Click Start to let MiR Fleet handle the charging of all fleet robots. MiR Fleet will check
the battery status on the robots regularly and send them to the nearest charging
station if they are idle and the battery percentage is below 95%. If more than one
robot is ready for charging, the one with the lowest battery percentage is prioritized.
After charging, the robots are sent to predefined staging positions until next mission.

Click Stop to turn off automatic charging and handle robot charging via the individual
robots’ web interfaces.

Click Configure to change the default settings for the charging actions.

Preconditions: For MiR Fleet to be able to handle automatic charging, the following
preparations must be done in the web interface of one of the fleet robots:

1. A Charging station position per charging station in the area must be set up in the

2. A number of Staging positions, minimum one per fleet robot, must be set up in the
map. A Staging position is a position that the robot moves to after having been
charged and while waiting for the next mission. Any robot can use any staging

Once set up in one robot, the positions will automatically be copied to the other fleet

Charging and Staging positions are defined in the Command View of the
robot’s web interface. More information on setting up positions is found
in the MiR100 Web interface User guide.

• Collision avoidance Click Start if MiRFleet should synchronize the fleet robots’ footprints and positions
and ensure they do not collide.

• Set system to device Click to synchronize MiRFleet with the device time, i.e. the time on the PC, laptop or
time tablet on which the system is installed.

Reference Guide • 29


30 •• Reference Guide

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