ATTACHMENT - 2 Lambrecht Wind Sensors

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Operating Instructions

Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY (145x7)


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Descriptions Advantages at a glance

• Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY for determination of wind direc- ► Frictionless data acquisition through non-contact measur-
tion and wind speed ing principle
• Electromagnetic, nonimpact measuring principle for pre- ► Highest capacity and longevity through precision ball bear-
cise data acquisition without abrasion ings and measuring elements with high quality
• Varieties with integrated, regulated heating with lower
power supply through thermal separated upper part of ► Low starting values
the housing ► High resolution of measuring values
• Measuring elements with double supported ball bearing
► Minimal requirement of energy at the heating
of the axis of rotation for lower friction and abrasion and
high reliability and longevity ► Simple installation and maintenance through cable-plug
• Wind vane stably made of fibre-reinforced plastic and fail- connection and single screw attachment
safe 3-armed cup anemometer for highest capacity
► Very well price-performance ratio
• Simple installation principles for mast, flange and bore for
high flexibility ► Very low needs of maintenance

• Sensors with cable-plug connection afford advantages at ► Wide range of operating for all-year application in all cli-
commissioning or other services matic zones
• Aerodynamical design for precise and safe measurements ► Aerodynamic optimized design

► More than 150 years of experience in classic meteorol-

ogy, industrial meteorology as well as professional ship

(145x7) INDUSTRY Operating Instructions 1

Operating Instructions
Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY (145x7)


2 (145x7) INDUSTRY Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions
Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY (145x7)

Initial operation 3. The sensors with assembled cable you have to pull
through the cable beginning with the open cable end com-
The wind can be represented by a vector quantity. For a com- pletely, until the sensor is on the edge of bore.
plete description of the wind it is necessary to specify its speed
and direction. The two components are subject to spatial and 4. The loose nut to be touched now with the flat side first over
temporal variations; thus, strictly speaking, they are valid only the cable, in order to fasten the sensor as under I.3..
for the site where the measuring instrument is put up. We
therefore recommend to select the place of installation very III. Mast or pipe mounting
carefully. Make sure the device is easily accessible so that you
can set up the north direction for the wind direction
Selecting the place of installation sensor and perform any maintenance work. To reach
Generally, wind measuring instruments should not measure the sensors use a ladder of the appropriate length
the specific wind conditions of a limited area, but indicate the or a telescoping working platform of the appropriate
typical wind conditions of a wider area. The values measured height.
at different places must be comparable. Thus, when installing
the sensor you should make sure the place of installation is Ladders or other lifting helps must be absolutely
not under the lee of great obstacles. The distance between the in order and must be guarantee a secure support!
obstacles and the sensor should be 10 times the height of the Follow the rules for prevention of accidents.
obstacles (this corresponds to the definition of an undisturbed
If an undisturbed terrain of this kind does not exist the sensor Mount the sensors at the top of grounded tube with an outer
must be put up at a height of at least 5 m above the obstacle diameter Ø 48-50 mm. The mast adapter (see accessories)
height. is obligatory.
If the sensor must be installed on a roof top the place of instal- 1. Remove both thread nut from the sensor. At sensor type
lation must be in the middle of the roof to avoid predominant with assembled cable to take off the nut over completely
wind directions. If you want to measure both wind direction cable length.
and wind speed, install the sensors at the same measuring 2. The sensor with cable-plug connection is led without cable
point, if possible, and make sure to avoid any mutual influ- into the bore and fastened by the opposite side with a
ence of the sensors. A wind sensor pair easily meets this loose nut as under I.3.
requirement since the sensors are set up side by side. Their 3. The sensors with assembled cable you have to pull through
horizontal distance should be approximately 1.5 m. The two the cable beginning with the open cable end completely,
sensors must be staggered vertically so that the lower edge of until the sensor is on the edge of bore.
the upper wind speed sensor is 0.1 to 0.5 m above the upper
4. The loose nut to be touched now with the flat side first over
edge of the lower wind direction sensor.
the cable, in order to fasten the sensor as under I.3..
And finally we recommend to lock the second nut with its plane
Principles of installation side ahead against the first nut (see drawing).

Because the installation takes place in a danger-
ous height, the assembly personal must follow
the rules for prevention of accidents.

I. Traverse with bore (Id-No. 32.14567.010 000)

At the traverse at each end are bores with a slot and with
a Ø 30 mm.
1. Remove the lower nut from the sensor.
2. Put a sensor with assembled cable sidewise into the bore.
3. Attach the sensor with the flat side of detached nut from the
lower side. Tighten with a suitable tool (wrench size 36),
until a twisting safety of the sensor aligned to the north is
II. Mounting strap or bore
Material thickness for installation of the sensor between the
nuts may be max. 10 mm.
1. Remove the lower thread nut from the sensor. At sensor
type with assembled cable to take off the nut over com-
pletely cable length.
2. The sensor with cable-plug connection is led without cable
into the bore and fastened by the opposite side with the
loose nut as under I.3.

(145x7) INDUSTRY Operating Instructions 3

Operating Instructions
Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY (145x7)

You can also use masts that can turn around their vertical The connecting cable is suitably led along the mast between
axis or masts consisting of individual segments or telescoping the data evaluation device (indicating instrument or data ac-
masts that you can secure after setting up the north direc- quisition system) and the sensor. The cable must be fastened
tion. using appropriate cable ties (their length depends on the mast
If wind speed and wind direction are measured at the same diameter).
time, the measurement generally takes place not only at the Tip: Lead the cable in a wide curve from the mast to
top of a mast but also at the ends of a cross arm. The arms the bottom of the casing so that you can later easily
must stay torsion-free and vibration-proof even at high wind dismount the cable.
speeds and they must be accessible for you to perform mount- Please make sure the cable is protected from humidity on the
ing and maintenance work. side of the data processing system. Generally, Pg sockets
that use a rubber joint to prevent humidity from penetrating
When you install the connecting cables make sure into the terminal box of the data processing system provide
not to excessively shorten the cable leading to the sufficient protection.
connector in the lower part of the sensor casing so
that you can later maintain or dismounting the sensor.
Put further a cable loop as sensor protection against
water under the sensor.

Tip: Install the sensors on ground to the traverse and

align you the wind vane parallel to the traverse. You
go only then upward, in order to accordingly align the Example representation:
sensors with traverse under assistance of a partner Cable run by an EMC fair Pg-socket
on ground.
Alternatively the lead can be laid also completely in the pipes
Setting up the North Direction of a mast, if the mast is accordingly prepared.
for the wind vane
For wind direction measurements the north mark on the sensor To reduce the risk of inductive interference the
must be aligned with the geographical north direction. sensor must be properly grounded (screening
on both sides).
You have to turn the marking exactly over the marking at the
sensor shaft. When you have aligned the marks, you may fix
the wind vane with e.g. a piece of adhesive tape. When you
have fixed the wind vane this way you can locate the reference The sensor disposes of an electronically controlled 18 W-
point by aiming at it over the axis. Now you must turn the sen- heating within the sensor head.
sor casing on the mounting tube until the tip of the wind vane The heating is supplied together with the sensor electronics.
points to the reference point in the north. (On request a separate supply of the sensor electronics and
To set up the sensor’s north orientation select a landmark the heating by a fixed cable is possible.)
which is as far as possible up north with regard to the final
position of the wind direction sensor.
Under most climatological condi-
The reference point can be selected using a topographical tions the heating prevents blocking
map (1:25000). The exact position of the reference point is of the moving sensor parts (see
determined using an amplitude compass that can be adjusted illustration). The cup rotor or the
horizontally on a stand. H
Heizung wind vane are not heated. In case
of icing or formation of ice at the
Please make sure there is no magnetic deviation moving sensor element the func-
of the compass. tion is restricted for the period of

When the north direction is set up for the wind direction sensor, Maintenance
you can mounting it like under point "Principle of installation".
Remove any adhesive tape. The sensor design permits long periods of maintenance-free
operation. We therefore recommend a regular visual verifica-
If you cannot select a northern reference point owing to local
tion of the north setup of the wind direction sensor as well as
conditions, you can proceed analogously using a reference
a sensor calibration of both sensor types in the distance of 2
point in the south. In this case, however, you have to make
years. With problems, which cannot solve you, do not hesitate
sure the north mark on the sensor does not point to the refer-
to contact our LAMBRECHT service under:
ence point but in the opposite direction.
Tel.: +49-(0)551-4958-0
Electrical Connection Fax: +49-(0)551-4958-327
Sensors INDUSTRY are connected to a data measuring sys- e-mail: [email protected]
tem via the open cable end. The sensors have a cable-plug
connection to the 12 m cable. Varieties with an assembled
cable are possible.

4 (145x7) INDUSTRY Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions
Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY (145x7)

Electrical connections
A) Sensors with heating ...20 mA B) Sensors without heating 0...2 V C) Sensors with heating ...20 mA
and cable-plug connection and with cable-plug connection and assembled cable

Examples: Connections to TROPOS

A) + C) Sensors with heating ...20 mA B) Sensors without heating 0...2 V
and cable-plug connection

with cable-plug connection

with assembled cable

(145x7) INDUSTRY Operating Instructions 5

Operating Instructions
Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY (145x7)

Dimensioned drawings

3-10 mm

...with cable-plug connection

...with assembled cable

6 (145x7) INDUSTRY Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions
Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY (145x7)

Accessories (optional):
(14567 U10) Traverse
Id-No. 32.14567.010 000

(14567 U6) Mast adapter

Id-No. 32.14567.006 000

Please note the loss of warranty and non-liability by unau-

thorised manipulation of the system. You need a written
permission of the Wilh. Lambrecht GmbH for changes of
system components. These activities must be operated
by a qualified technician.

The warranty does not cover:

1. Mechanical damages caused by external impacts (e. g.
icefall, rockfall, vandalism).
2. Impacts or damages caused by over-voltages or elec-
tromagnetic fields which are beyond the standards and
specifications in the technical data.
3. Damages caused by improper handling, e. g. by wrong
tools, incorrect installation, incorrect electrical installation
(false polarity) etc.
4. Damages which are caused by using the device beyond
the specified operation conditions.

(145x7) INDUSTRY Operating Instructions 7

Operating Instructions
Wind-Sensors INDUSTRY (145x7)

Technical data
Wind sensors with analogue mA-output
Measuring principle: Hall Sensor Array, non-contact
Range of application: Temperatures -30...+70 °C heated * • wind speed 0...60 m/s
Heating: 18 W-heating • electronically controlled • The heating within the sensor head prevents blocking
of the moving parts under most climatological conditions.
Supply voltage: 24 VDC (20...28 VDC) · max. 800 mA
Housing: Seawater-resistant Aluminium · anodized · IP 55 · shaft-Ø 32 mm · with black ring of plastics for
Thermal isolation (when heated) · for mounting-bore Ø 30 mm at max. 10 mm material thickness
Dimensions: See dimensioned drawings
Included in delivery: 1 sensor • 12 m cable · with plug-connection
For connection to: Data processing system, e. g. TROPOS, SYNMET · power supplies · user specific evaluation
systems (not included in delivery )
Parameters Wind direction (14567) Wind speed (14577)
Measuring elements: Wind vane • stably 3-armed cup anemometer • 20 mA
fibre-reinforced plastics fail-safe plastics
Measuring ranges: 0...360° 0.7...50 m/s
Accuracy: ± 2° < ± 2 % FS
Resolution: 2° < 0.02 m/s 4 mA
Starting value: < 0.7 m/s < 0.7 m/s
Output: 0/4...20 mA = 0...360° • 0/4...20 mA = 0...50 m/s •
0.28 mA
max. load 600 Ω max. load 600 Ω • compensated
0.7 m/s 50 m/s
Weight: 0.35 kg 0.25 kg 25 m/s

Varieties: Id-No. Id-No. Models

Output 0...20 mA 00.14567.100 000 00.14577.100 000 with cable-plug connection
Output 4...20 mA 00.14567.100 040 00.14577.100 040 with cable-plug connection

*) [Remark: In case of icing and formation of ice at the movable sensor measuring element
the function is restricted for the period of icing. For installation sites with high risk of icing
LAMBRECHT provides for specially heated sensors.]

Subject to change without notice.

Quality System certified by DQS according to
DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 Reg. No. 003748 QM08 145x7_b-de.indd 20.13

Wilh. LAMBRECHT GmbH Tel +49-(0)551-4958-0

Friedländer Weg 65-67 Fax +49-(0)551-4958-312
37085 Göttingen E-Mail [email protected]
Germany Internet

8 (145x7) INDUSTRY Operating Instructions

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