RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook 2018
RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook 2018
RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook 2018
Yearbook 2018
The Sustainability Yearbook 2018
RobecoSAM AG
2017 Annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment:
60 industries.
2,479 companies assessed*
149,469 documents uploaded
2,221,885 data points collected
Aris Prepoudis
Chief Executive Officer
Throughout history change has primarily been a This year we continued to see investors large and small
positive force that has pushed nature and civilization announcing intended divestitures from fossil fuels
forward. We’ve become healthier, happier, more in large droves and in historic volumes. Moreover,
productive, and more resilient. But change can also institutional investors are requiring more stringent
be destructive. Changes in human activities over the reporting and disclosure from companies on everything
past three centuries have led to global warming and from carbon footprints and water management
a looming planetary crisis. The series of catastrophic to human capital issues like gender pay gaps and
hurricanes that pounded US and Caribbean coast lines diversity. Later, we’ll hear from banking and
in late summer underscore the extent of the crisis, asset management giant, BNP Paribas, on their
as weather patterns become more extreme, more efforts as investors to combat climate change,
frequent and more costly. support sustainable projects, and encourage
socially responsible investing among its clients.
“Even with the flow of negative events, Worldwide, governments are also driving change
positive waves are emerging and gaining through pollution legislation and subsidies for energy-
efficient vehicles and infrastructure. Institutions too are
momentum.” making their mark as agents of change forging ahead
with fresh, new collaborations with private sector
But even with the flow of negative events, positive players. A notable example is the Financial Stability
waves are emerging and gaining momentum. These Board which develops and coordinates financial sector
new waves are represented by a bevy of investors, policies. This past summer the FSB’s Task Force on
governments, institutions, and even companies who climate-related disclosure (TFCD) issued first-ever
But perhaps the most powerful of institutional SDGs are having a positive effect on corporate behavior
changes is the accelerating momentum of the United in other ways as well. Their increasing popularity is
Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—a helping foster a culture of scrutiny, transparency, and
comprehensive framework for approaching worldwide accountability in business and government. Knowing
inequalities and development challenges. The SDGs how firms deploy assets is important but it is also useful
were created via thoughtful collaborations between to know how they deploy influence to shape public
leaders from government, NGOs, academia and policy through activities like advocacy campaigns,
business. It is unique among development initiatives think-tank funding, and legislative consulting.
in that it seeks to leverage the expertise and capital of
business and private investors towards solving global Policy influencing activities, when principled, are
challenges. Successfully achieving the SDGs will require essential for good policy-making. However, when
an estimated USD 5-7 trillion per year over the next abused, they bring reputational damage and engender
12-15 years—which means it will require public and distrust among customers and the wider public. Worse
private capital. That translates to a huge investment still, they can lead to gross economic inefficiencies,
opportunity. competitive disadvantages and economic mis-
development if left unchecked.
What’s more the SDGs provide specific targets that
help guide companies, governments, investors and Rates of change and pace of decision-making are
other stakeholders in setting goals and measuring accelerating. This year has witnessed unprecedented
contributions. For corporations, the SDG framework is changes in attitudes and actions across the globe.
a multi-purpose tool that can re-invigorate everything Some changes like de-carbonisation and energy
from corporate philanthropy to corporate strategy. As transition leave us thrilled, others like geo-political
interest in impact investing grows, corporate social developments, leave us concerned. Change can mean
responsibility (CSR) is becoming more sophisticated progress but, at times, setbacks.
and critical for companies to consider. The most
sustainable firms have well-defined corporate At RobecoSAM we aim to be at the forefront of
identities, a strong sense of purpose, and are using changes in sustainability thinking. Whether through
the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), our
“This year has witnessed unprecedented sustainability research & analyses, or our engagement
with companies, we strive to facilitate changes that
changes in attitudes and actions across the have positive impacts for business and society. We look
globe.” forward to another year—of change.
Table of contents
Information on UN Sustain-
ability Goals is available
Also known as
”interest representation”
As we shall see, policy influence can lead to positive and At the same time, the contributions from the top 50 EU
negative outcomes for society. In 2016, an estimated companies totalled EUR 106.4 million. While the EU
USD 3.2 billion was spent on lobbying in the United figure might not seem significant, it is a 40 percent
States, a level that has remained stable in recent years.3 overall increase since 2012.4 These amounts cover only
one policy influence channel, namely lobbying, so they
significantly underestimate the full extent of resources
Given the amounts spent, it is worth the deployed by companies. Given the amounts spent on
effort for stakeholders to ensure they are policy influence, it is worth the effort for stakeholders to
ensure they are appropriately and effectively used.
appropriately and effectively used.
1. disclose their total spending on policy influence efforts over the last four fiscal years
2. specify the top five recipients of those contributions: grouped into organizations, candidates, or issues
Expenses vary by sector: sectors with The impact is clear – firms with higher lobbying
the most to gain, fight the fiercest expenditures have higher profits and are less productive,
We find that the average amount that companies spend since they are operating in closed or highly concentrated
on lobbying (normalized by revenues) varies significantly markets. These firms are successful at protecting their
by sector. The notable high end is observed in health own profits and interests even at the expense of greater
care and financials, followed by materials, real estate society. In the mid-term, engaging in this behaviour
enriches owners of incumbent firms who benefit from
favourable regulatory and policy regimes. But from a
Firms with higher lobbying expenditures business perspective, even in the short and mid-term,
have higher profits and are less productive. innovation and competition are stymied. In the long
term, from a social and environmental perspective,
and utilities. This concurs with a recent European Central human health, the environment, and social welfare
Bank study showing firms in more protected sectors, are harmed.
(i.e. firms from non-tradable or highly regulated sectors)
tend to spend more for lobbying activities.8
9 0
na er
r v ion
tio m
S e icat
re u
sc ons
Source: NYSE ARCA,
performance data is
“Global pharma sales
forecasts cut amid
pricing pressures,”
D. Crow, June 20, 2017,
Financial Times
Tax-exempt group 93
Other 293
Degrees of difference between These regional differences likely reflect both the
developed and emerging markets variance in the perceived salience of the topic as well
Given 2017 was the first year we canvassed companies as the extent of regulations on mandatory disclosures.
on the topic, we were not surprised to see that public However, with the introduction of the topic to the CSA,
disclosure is fairly low, ranging from 15% in the Asia we expect public disclosure to increase significantly over
Pacific region to 51% in North America. However, the next several years, as occurred after we introduced
companies responding to the RobecoSAM CSA are the Materiality and Tax Strategy criteria in 2014 and
clearly able to report this data, with 62% of Emerging 2012, respectively.
Markets companies disclosing the information, and
almost 83% in North America.
Asia Pacific Emerging Markets Europe North America Global
involved in policy influencing activities. We will continue to develop the criterion to this end,
incorporating analyses of specific topics and positions,
For these reasons, sustainable investors are keen to defining and identifying excessive levels of spending,
understand the extent to which their holdings are and favouring companies that thrive with minimal
involved in policy influencing activities. policy influence expenditures. In doing so, we help
reduce investor exposure to the reputational, legal, and
Whether waking up to investor demands, the monetary business risks inherent in excessive policy influence,
benefits of running a business in a sustainable way, and promote more sustainable investments and more
or their responsibility as influential agents in society, efficient and sustainable economy.
corporations are beginning to recognize the usefulness
of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for
demonstrating their commitment to sustainability
principles and to responsible economic stewardship.
But whatever the motive, the SDGs have given investors
and corporations a new lens through which to evaluate
their contributions towards sustainability targets, the
There is growing agreement today that companies and investors expect companies to not only “do the
must demonstrate credible corporate citizenship right thing” but also “make it count” by generating
for local community acceptance and to guarantee positive impacts for society. In an age of fake news,
their license to operate. “Don’t be evil”1 or simply faked data, over-valued markets, and over-stated goals,
“behave yourself” are no longer sufficient standards for stakeholders of all shades and ranks are increasingly
corporate sustainability leaders. Society, governments, demanding less talk, more substance, and visible proof.
Notions of Corporate Responsibility have not escaped
judgement and in future, companies will be expected to
Society, governments, and investors advance their citizenship to a new level.
expect companies to not only “do the
right thing” but also “make it count” by
generating positive impacts for society.
”Don’t be evil” Google’s
corporate code of conduct
motto from 2000-2015.
It was replaced by “do
the right thing” in 2015
following its re-structuring
under Alphabet Inc.
to to to
from to community affairs corporate Sustainable
profit focus philanthropy
strategic giving community Business
passive donations
a company exists only
for short term share- to charities when
linked to business investment integrated into
holder profit requested interests (includes strategic partner- business
cause- related ships initiated by functions, goals,
marketing) company strategy
Lawrence Kohlberg
(1927-1987), a twentieth-
century American academic
considered the founder of
the moral development
branch of Psychology.
Levels presented here
are a simplified version
of Kohlberg’s moral
development model. In
reality, each level consisted
of several underlying stages.
From moral conscience to triple bottom line their moral development and are searching for a
It would be unreasonable for companies to engage guiding purpose that informs business strategy, drives
in corporate citizenship on purely altruistic grounds; stakeholder engagement, and supports society’s
pure altruism is best left to philanthropic donations. progress. And with good reason, companies with a
Rather, “third level” companies have advanced in declared purpose perform better overall.4
“Do the Right Thing:” how a strong corporate purpose can lead to better performance
• The drive to serve real human needs leads to innovation and new business opportunities
• Reducing waste leads to increased efficiency and cost savings
• Engaging in social themes provides visibility and brand differentiation
• Customer engagement for better products and services
• Employee engagement and attraction of talent
• Long-term thinking leads to overall risk
• Creating goodwill provides social capital in times of crises
United Nations Global
Compact, Private Sector
Investment and Sustainable
For investors, equally important are the availability Although SDG references in company reports have
of systematic reporting tools that measure corporate increased substantially since 2015, evidence is largely
progress towards goals and targets. However, not all anecdotal and difficult to compare. To account for these
SDGs are easily transformable into neat, quantifiable data deficiencies, we adapted the 2017 questionnaire
KPIs. Moreover, sizeable differences separate industries to push companies to address how they are using SDGs
with respect to SDG focus and degree of scale. There- within their CSR strategy and more specifically, how
fore, it’s important that companies focus on those SDGs they are measuring their performance and impact
that are close to their core business. based on key social and business indicators (KPIs). The
information collected can ultimately be integrated into
the investment process, to optimize overall impact of an
It’s important that companies focus on investment portfolio.
those SDGs that are close to their core
Good Health
Decent Work and
Climate Action
and Well-Being Economic Growth
No Poverty
Clean Water and
Sustainable Cities
Peace, Justice and
Sanitation and Communities Strong Institutions
Industry, Innovation
Life below Water
Education and Infrastructure
Zero Hunger
Affordable and
Responsible Production
Clean Energy and Consumption for the Goals
Gender Equality
Life on Land
Source: RobecoSAM
Which SDGs get the most attention: a closer look at industry focus
The data reveals some interesting correlations between SDGs and specific industries.
Consumer Consumer Energy Financials Health Industrials Information Materials Real Estate Tele- Utilities
Discretionary Staples Care Technology communication
No Poverty Affordable and Clean Energy Sustainable Cities and Life on Land
Zero Hunger Decent Work and Economic Communities Peace, Justice and Strong
Good Health and Well-being Growth Responsible Consumption Institutions
Quality Education Industry, Innovation and and Production Partnerships for the Goals
Gender Equality Infrastructure Climate Action Other
Clean Water and Sanitation Reduced Inequalities Life Below Water
Source: RobecoSAM
Quality education (SDG 4) turned out to be the most cases, companies equated their own corporate
popular—a surprising result given it doesn’t intuitively communications with “quality education.” Moving
match with the business drivers of all industries. forward we will apply more stringent criteria and
However, further analyses revealed that in many reporting indicators to the CSA questionnaire.
All Financials Industrials Consumer Health Information Utilities Tele- Consumer Materials Energy Real
Industries Discretionary Care Technology communication Staples Estate
As with the example directly above, for all sectors Given the increasing interest of investors for impact
(besides Telecoms), it is apparently easier to measures as well as the evidence of studies showing
quantitatively measure the social benefit than to link the performance benefits of companies that
it to a quantitative business metric. For some KPIs strategically align their purpose, companies will find
documented by companies, there was a lack of any it well worth the effort to identify and measure both
clear connection to business drivers. In other cases, business and societal KPIs as strategic metrics for
there may be existing relationships, but companies stakeholders to use.
found it difficult to articulate the connection.
to have a critical look at the reported KPIs to avoid the However, with the wealth of company-specific data
risk of corporate window dressing. In any case, companies collected, we can now define best practices per industry
need to prepare themselves for a much higher level of and use these as future benchmarks. Moreover, peer
scrutiny. While it still seems to be permissive to provide benchmarking will increase competition (and peer
a murky mix of loosely measured and intuition-driven pressure) among companies to improve not only data
SDG “alchemy”, investors in the future will expect much quality but social impact. Ultimately, there should be
more quantitative “investment-grade” evidence. a set of standardized KPIs that can be shared among
RobecoSAM Insight investors. In a separate paper we describe RobecoSAM’s
10/2017: “Accelerating
Impact: Advancing SDGs
efforts to benchmark SDG impact for investment
through Investing”. products and client portfolios.8
Through their ability to deploy capital to support sustainable initiatives that support
short- mid- and long-term economic development, financial institutions are critical
players in making the world more sustainable. In addition, they provide institutional
and retail clients with access and education on sustainable financial products so
they too can contribute to the causes they value while earning a financial return.
We spoke with BNP Paribas’ Laurence Pessez and BNP Paribas Fortis’ Guy Janssens
to get a closer look at how one major bank and asset manager is using its global
presence and local expertise to advance the cause of sustainability with customers
in home markets in the Eurozone and within financial circles around the world.
Using the global warming target of 2˚C set at the COP LP: For each of our stated CSR [corporate social
21 Paris Agreement as a reference, BNP Paribas has responsibility] goals, we assign key performance
launched new commitments in order to contribute to indicators, or KPIs, to help us track outcomes and our
the transition to a low-carbon energy system. performance over time. We try to make indicators
specific, measurable, and appropriate for the objective.
For example, our goal of increasing renewable energy
“Our goal of increasing renewable energy financing is a backed by a KPI of doubling our financing
for renewable projects to EUR 15 billion by 2020. A KPI
financing is a backed by a KPI of doubling for our commitment to innovative financing, is to be
our financing for renewable projects to among the top 3 euro-denominated green bond issuers
worldwide by 2018.
EUR 15 billion by 2020.”
1. Increase financing for renewable energy solutions => double financing of renewable energy projects
to EUR 15 billion by 2020
2. Reduce exposure to thermal coal energy sources => stop financing of coal-fired power plant projects and
coal extraction companies with no energy diversification strategy
3. Reduce exposure to unconventional oil and gas production => Stop business with companies with
principal business activities related to shale and tar sands
4. Mitigate business risks linked to energy transition => Incorporate internal carbon price into
financing decisions
5. Integrate carbon risk into investment activities for clients => Measure, monitor and disclose the carbon
footprint of client investment portfolios
6. Develop innovative financing and investment solutions to drive energy transition => Target to be among
the top 3 euro-denominated green bond issuers worldwide by 2018 • Invest €100 million by 2020 to
encourage innovative start-ups to develop technologies and business models that address energy-related
7. Engage with regulators, policy makers and the scientific community to support energy transition =>
Participate in ongoing dialogue, data and knowledge-sharing initiatives • collaborate with financial
institutions and market regulators in developing efficient financial market mechanisms to drive energy
transition and limit global warming
“For more than a decade, we’ve been GJ: We are constantly innovating in terms of research,
processes and analyses in order to develop new
developing a comprehensive SRI offering products in line with sustainable development issues
tailored to both the needs of individual and and climate change. For more than a decade, we’ve
been developing a comprehensive SRI offering tailored
institutional clients.” to both the needs of individual and institutional
clients. It involves equity, bond and multi-asset funds
RS: Sustainability has gone mainstream. The latest and ranges from best-in-class funds to thematic
estimates stand at more than USD 23 trillion globally.1 funds that invest in companies that are helping solve
What in your view is responsible for the surge in environmental and social challenges around specific
interest? themes.
Guy Janssens (GJ): There is a growing consensus Since 2012, we’ve applied ESG standards based
among investors as to the importance of their on the principles of the UN Global Compact to all
contribution to caring for our environment and our investment processes by means of strict sector
ensuring the well-being and prosperity of people policies. To do this, we’ve built up a dedicated extra-
around the world. Socially responsible investment or financial research team that rates companies and
simply SRI, makes sense not only for ethical reasons, sovereign states on the basis of ESG standards. We’ve
but also for financial reasons. also cultivated partnerships with award-winning
1 environmental fund managers around the world. We
RS: Can you tell us more about the evolution currently manage more than EUR 40 billion2 within our
27/europe-accounts- of sustainability products at BNP Paribas Asset SRI offering and have seen the strongest SRI growth in
Management? our private banking division.
As of June 2017
Responsible Stewardship — means addressing climate change in our voting at annual general meetings
and engaging directly with companies on climate change.
Transparency & Commitment — involves joining forces with other asset managers to demonstrate a
unified commitment.
Engagement — this means being an active part in developing solutions with companies, clients and as
part of global forums.
obligation to protect the value of our clients’ preserving natural resources and ensuring health
and well-being to disadvantaged communities.
investments by taking action against Our activities are global, spanning all continents
of the effects that climate change could have play to a region’s natural strengths whether they be
natural resources, human capital, or technological
on their investments.” infrastructure. We are also guided by input from
development agencies and local experts.
Economic development in Tunisia —
€30m in long-term credit lines for
SMEs facilitating regional economic SOUTH ASIA
development. Gender Equality, Microfinancing
& Poverty Reduction in India —
microfinance projects totalled €248m
(up 18%) in 2016 stimulating economic
development and reducing poverty.
All microfinancing efforts exclusively
address women.
Source: RobecoSAM
“We hope to forge new paths, construct The One Planet Summit in Paris brings together major
private and public sector forces to combat climate
new investment vehicles, and invest in change. The Summit was also the platform which
pioneering companies to commercialize Bill Gates used to announce the expansion of his
Breakthrough Energy Coalition (BEC) and its venture
new energy technologies.” capital arm, Energy Ventures (EV), to include more
financial institutions, including BNP Paribas.
In addition, we were supported by Vigeo-Eiris in the
development of a yearly global indicator—the first of The BEC and EV bring together governments, research
its kind in the banking sector—which measures the institutions, prominent companies and private investors
proportion of loans making a direct contribution to to design and finance new models for investing in
attaining the SDGs. In 2016, the contribution stood at energy innovation. Through our involvement with
16.6%, compared to 15% in 2015. these and other initiatives we hope to forge new
A risk management paths, construct new investment vehicles, and invest
framework, adopted by
RS: Change never occurs in isolation and often needs in pioneering companies to commercialize new energy
financial institutions, for
determining, assessing and the synergies of collective entities working together technologies and accelerate the transition to a low-
managing environmental to share information, improve understanding, and carbon economy.
and social risk in projects.
For more information visit steer the future direction of an issue. What coalitions
www.equator-principles. or initiatives has BNP Paribas joined to help shape
the sustainability landscape in the financial services
An initiative of the industry?
Cambridge Institute for
Sustainability Leadership
to direct the banking
industry to invest capital
in business models that
increase agricultural yields
and support livelihoods
while achieving zero net
deforestation by 2020.
BNP Paribas is a leading bank in Europe with an international reach. It has a presence in 74 countries,
with more than 192,000 employees (including more than 146,000 in Europe, 16,000 in Asia Pacific and
10,000 in Africa). The Group has key positions in its three main activities: Domestic Markets and International
Financial Services (whose retail-banking networks and financial services are covered by Retail Banking &
Services) and Corporate & Institutional Banking, which serves two client franchises: corporate clients and
institutional investors. The Group helps all its clients (individuals, community associations, entrepreneurs,
SMEs, corporates and institutional clients) to realise their projects through solutions spanning financing,
investment, savings and protection insurance.
In Europe, the Group has four domestic markets (Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg) and BNP Paribas
Personal Finance is the European leader in consumer lending.
BNP Paribas is rolling out its integrated retail-banking model in Mediterranean countries, in Turkey, in Eastern
Europe and a large network in the western part of the United States. In its Corporate & Institutional Banking
and International Financial Services activities, BNP Paribas also enjoys top positions in Europe, a strong
presence in the Americas as well as a solid and fast-growing business in Asia-Pacific.
In addition to the companies’ sustainability scores derived Companies whose score is at least 54 and is within a range
from the CSA, a qualitative screen based on RobecoSAM’s of 5% to 10% of the industry’s top performing company’s
quarterly Media & Stakeholder Analysis (MSA) is also applied to score receive the RobecoSAM Bronze Class distinction.
determine eligibility for inclusion in The Sustainability Yearbook.
The MSA is based on an examination of media coverage and
publicly available stakeholder information provided by RepRisk
ESG Business Intelligence and evaluates a company’s response
to critical sustainability issues that may arise during the year.
This process aligns the Yearbook’s methodology with any
decision by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Committee to Within the top 15% of each industry, the company that
exclude a company from the DJSI, which is also based on the has achieved the largest proportional improvement in its
MSA. sustainability performance compared to the previous year
is named the RobecoSAM Industry Mover.
Company Country 78 RobecoSAM Silver Class
RobecoSAM Bronze Class 118 RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Company * Country
Company Country
Sustainability Yearbook Members
Company Country
Company Country
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
78 19
209 118
North America
Gold Class 8
Silver Class
Bronze Class 21
Aluminum 50.0
Containers & Packaging 42.3
Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines 42.1
Tobacco 41.7
Energy Equipment & Services 40.7
Automobiles 39.5
Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics 39.4
Metals & Mining 37.8
Household Durables 36.8
Beverages 35.7
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
1 (-1)
16 (-3) 1
Sweden Finland
Belgium 6
9 (-1) 9
UK 2
1 2
40 (-2)
12 Denmark
France South Korea
22 (-2) China
USA 32 (-6) 35 (-3)
6 2
6 5 Japan
87 (+17) Hungary
8 Thailand 51 (-2)
Mexico Portugal 1
Turkey India 5
18 (+5) Taiwan
2 (+1) 3 (+1) 1
9 (+3) 4
Spain Switzerland Italy 17 (+1)
1 4
19 (-1) 13 (-2) 14 (+3)
5 5 3 Hong Kong
11 (+2) Philippines
2 1
( ) Indicates change in
number of Yearbook
Members between
2017 and 2018
Industry profiles:
60 industries at a glance
Industry Page Industry Page
Thales SA France Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 25
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 61
Embraer SA Brazil Market capitalization of assessed companies
Leonardo SpA Italy to total market capitalization (%) 89
Lockheed Martin Corp United States
Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC United Kingdom Results at industry level
Sustainability Yearbook Members
BAE Systems PLC United Kingdom Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 49 79 40%
Environmental 49 83 27%
Social 45 82 33%
Total score
average score: 48
best score: 80
0 25 50 75 100
ANA Holdings Inc* Japan Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 20
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 65
Air France-KLM France Market capitalization of assessed
Sustainability Yearbook Members companies to total market capitalization (%) 85
China Airlines Ltd Taiwan
Latam Airlines Group SA Chile Results at industry level
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 52 80 43%
Environmental 45 92 23%
Social 46 81 34%
Total score
average score: 49
best score: 82
0 25 50 75 100
Norsk Hydro ASA Norway Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 5
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 83
Alcoa Corp United States Market capitalization of assessed
companies to total market capitalization (%) 97
Total score
average score: 46
best score: 76
0 25 50 75 100
Pirelli & C. SpA1 Italy Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 42
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 79
Nokian Renkaat OYJ* Finland Market capitalization of assessed
Valeo SA France companies to total market capitalization (%) 92
Sustainability Yearbook Members
Bridgestone Corp Japan Results at industry level
Hankook Tire Co Ltd South Korea
Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd South Korea Dimension Average Best Dimension
NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd Japan score score weight
Total score
average score: 42
best score: 79
0 25 50 75 100
Peugeot SA France Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 29
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 74
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Germany Market capitalization of assessed
Mazda Motor Corp Japan companies to total market capitalization (%) 86
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
General Motors Co United States Results at industry level
Honda Motor Co Ltd Japan
Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 50 80 37%
Environmental 52 92 31%
Social 52 94 32%
Total score
average score: 51
best score: 83
0 25 50 75 100
RobecoSAM continues to monitor global investigations into the manipulation of emissions testing results. RobecoSAM also acknowledges the ongoing
cartel allegations in the German automobile industry and the implications this may have on companies, suppliers and customers.
The above situation has been taken into account in the 2017 review and company scores have been downgraded according to RobecoSAM’s rules and
facts based assessment methodology. As per its Media & Stakeholder Analysis process, RobecoSAM reserves the right to make further adjustments to
company scores and rankings as necessary.
Westpac Banking Corp Australia Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 60
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
ABN AMRO Group NV Netherlands companies to total market capitalization (%) 85
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd Australia
Bancolombia SA Colombia Results at industry level
National Australia Bank Ltd Australia
Toronto-Dominion Bank Canada Dimension Average Best Dimension
RobecoSAM Bronze Class score score weight
Banco Bradesco SA Brazil CTBC Financial Holding Co Ltd Taiwan Economic 63 94 46%
Banco Santander SA Spain E.Sun Financial Holding Co Ltd Taiwan Environmental 55 99 21%
Bank of America Corp United States ING Groep NV Netherlands Social 54 96 33%
BNP Paribas SA France Itau Unibanco Holding SA Brazil
CaixaBank SA Spain Itausa - Investimentos Itau SA Brazil Total score
Citigroup Inc United States Kasikornbank PCL Thailand
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Australia Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd South Korea average score: 58
Sustainability Yearbook Members best score: 94
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA Spain Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC UK
0 25 50 75 100
Banco Comercial Portugues SA Portugal Siam Commercial Bank PCL Thailand
Banco Davivienda SA Colombia Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Sweden
Banco do Brasil SA Brazil Societe Generale SA France
Bankia SA Spain Standard Chartered PLC United Kingdom
Bankinter SA Spain Svenska Handelsbanken AB Sweden
Barclays PLC United Kingdom Swedbank AB Sweden
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA Italy Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS Turkey
Nedbank Group Ltd South Africa UniCredit SpA Italy
Royal Bank of Canada Canada Yes Bank Ltd India
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Coca-Cola HBC AG Switzerland Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 39
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 93
Coca-Cola European Partners PLC United Kingdom Market capitalization of assessed
Diageo PLC United Kingdom companies to total market capitalization (%) 99
Thai Beverage PCL* Thailand
Sustainability Yearbook Members Results at industry level
Asahi Group Holdings Ltd Japan
Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV Mexico Dimension Average Best Dimension
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover score score weight
Economic 51 85 48%
Environmental 56 100 26%
Social 51 90 26%
Total score
average score: 52
best score: 90
0 25 50 75 100
AbbVie Inc United States Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 28
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 68
Biogen Inc* United States Market capitalization of assessed
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover companies to total market capitalization (%) 92
Total score
average score: 34
best score: 85
0 25 50 75 100
Owens Corning United States Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 20
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 80
Cie de Saint-Gobain France Market capitalization of assessed
Sustainability Yearbook Members companies to total market capitalization (%) 89
LIXIL Group Corp Japan
Results at industry level
Total score
average score: 51
best score: 87
0 25 50 75 100
Star Entertainment Grp Ltd Australia Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 25
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 93
Kangwon Land Inc South Korea Market capitalization of assessed
Ladbrokes Coral Group PLC United Kingdom companies to total market capitalization (%) 94
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Tabcorp Holdings Ltd Australia Results at industry level
Total score
average score: 45
best score: 76
0 25 50 75 100
Koninklijke DSM NV Netherlands Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 76
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
Clariant AG Switzerland companies to total market capitalization (%) 89
Indorama Ventures PCL* Thailand
Praxair Inc United States Results at industry level
PTT Global Chemical PCL Thailand
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Dimension Average Best Dimension
Evonik Industries AG Germany score score weight
LANXESS AG Germany Economic 55 94 35%
Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp Japan Environmental 50 95 33%
Sustainability Yearbook Members Social 53 96 32%
BASF SE Germany
Braskem SA Brazil Total score
DowDuPont Inc. United States
Ecolab Inc United States average score: 53
Givaudan SA Switzerland
best score: 91
LG Chem Ltd South Korea
Linde AG Germany 0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 42
best score: 73
0 25 50 75 100
Republic Services Inc United States Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 78
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
Herman Miller Inc United States companies to total market capitalization (%) 86
Rentokil Initial PLC United Kingdom
Total score
average score: 46
best score: 70
0 25 50 75 100
Nokia OYJ Finland Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 10
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 50
Cisco Systems Inc* United States Market capitalization of assessed
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover companies to total market capitalization (%) 84
Total score
average score: 44
best score: 82
0 25 50 75 100
Konica Minolta Inc Japan Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 24
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 73
HP Inc United States Market capitalization of assessed
RobecoSAM Bronze Class companies to total market capitalization (%) 98
Acer Inc Taiwan
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co United States Results at industry level
Lite-On Technology Corp Taiwan
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd* South Korea Dimension Average Best Dimension
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover score score weight
Economic 57 87 45%
Environmental 63 98 30%
Social 56 93 25%
Total score
average score: 59
best score: 90
0 25 50 75 100
Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd South Korea Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 34
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 71
Ferrovial SA Spain Market capitalization of assessed
GS Engineering & Construction Corp South Korea companies to total market capitalization (%) 84
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Results at industry level
ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA Spain
CTCI Corp Taiwan Dimension Average Best Dimension
Samsung Engineering Co Ltd South Korea score score weight
Vinci SA France Economic 52 77 35%
Environmental 57 95 31%
Social 50 83 34%
Total score
average score: 53
best score: 83
0 25 50 75 100
Grupo Argos SA/Colombia Colombia Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 73
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
Siam Cement PCL Thailand companies to total market capitalization (%) 78
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
CRH PLC* Ireland Results at industry level
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 53 92 33%
Environmental 44 93 33%
Social 48 94 34%
Total score
average score: 49
best score: 92
0 25 50 75 100
Ball Corp* United States Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 21
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 81
BillerudKorsnas AB Sweden Market capitalization of assessed
RobecoSAM Bronze Class companies to total market capitalization (%) 85
Klabin SA Brazil
Sonoco Products Co United States Results at industry level
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 51 73 34%
Environmental 50 90 33%
Social 41 77 33%
Total score
average score: 48
best score: 80
0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 33
best score: 49
0 25 50 75 100
UBS Group AG Switzerland Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 119
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 67
Samsung Securities Co Ltd South Korea Market capitalization of assessed
Sustainability Yearbook Members companies to total market capitalization (%) 87
Bank of New York Mellon Corp United States
Credit Suisse Group AG Switzerland Results at industry level
Daiwa Securities Group Inc Japan
Deutsche Bank AG Germany Dimension Average Best Dimension
Deutsche Boerse AG Germany score score weight
Fubon Financial Holding Co Ltd Taiwan Economic 47 82 46%
Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA Colombia Environmental 35 94 21%
Henderson Group PLC United Kingdom Social 32 93 33%
Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd Hong Kong
Investec PLC United Kingdom Total score
London Stock Exchange Group PLC United Kingdom
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd India average score: 40
Mirae Asset Daewoo Co Ltd South Korea
best score: 88
Nomura Holdings Inc Japan
Provident Financial PLC* United Kingdom 0 25 50 75 100
Red Electrica Corp SA Spain Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 71
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 72
EDP - Energias de Portugal SA Portugal Market capitalization of assessed
Iberdrola SA Spain companies to total market capitalization (%) 88
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais Brazil Results at industry level
Electricite de France SA France
Endesa SA Spain Dimension Average Best Dimension
Enel SpA Italy score score weight
Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA Italy Economic 51 92 33%
Sustainability Yearbook Members Environmental 46 99 38%
Acciona SA Spain Social 53 94 29%
AES Corp/VA United States
Entergy Corp United States Total score
Interconexion Electrica SA ESP Colombia
Korea Electric Power Corp South Korea average score: 50
PG&E Corp* United States
best score: 93
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
0 25 50 75 100
Philips Lighting NV Netherlands Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 20
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 74
Prysmian SpA* Italy Market capitalization of assessed
Schneider Electric SE France companies to total market capitalization (%) 95
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
OSRAM Licht AG Germany Results at industry level
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 47 81 43%
Environmental 47 95 29%
Social 47 87 28%
Total score
average score: 47
best score: 85
0 25 50 75 100
Samsung SDI Co Ltd* South Korea Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 72
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
Delta Electronics Inc Taiwan companies to total market capitalization (%) 83
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Delta Electronics Thailand PCL Thailand Results at industry level
Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd South Korea
Sustainability Yearbook Members Dimension Average Best Dimension
Hitachi Ltd Japan score score weight
Innolux Corp Taiwan Economic 45 83 40%
LG Innotek Co Ltd South Korea Environmental 48 96 31%
Omron Corp Japan Social 47 89 29%
Yokogawa Electric Corp Japan
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover Total score
average score: 47
best score: 84
0 25 50 75 100
TechnipFMC PLC* United States Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 70
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
SBM Offshore NV Netherlands companies to total market capitalization (%) 86
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Baker Hughes Inc United States Results at industry level
Schlumberger Ltd United States
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 54 74 41%
Environmental 49 81 22%
Social 50 78 37%
Total score
average score: 51
best score: 75
0 25 50 75 100
METRO AG Germany Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 48
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 74
Wesfarmers Ltd Australia Market capitalization of assessed
RobecoSAM Bronze Class companies to total market capitalization (%) 90
Carrefour SA France
Kesko OYJ* Finland Results at industry level
Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV Netherlands
Seven & i Holdings Co Ltd Japan Dimension Average Best Dimension
Sustainability Yearbook Members score score weight
Aeon Co Ltd Japan Economic 50 81 39%
Casino Guichard Perrachon SA France Environmental 42 88 31%
CVS Health Corp United States Social 41 76 30%
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Total score
average score: 45
best score: 80
0 25 50 75 100
Nestle SA Switzerland Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 86
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 75
Grupo Nutresa SA Colombia Market capitalization of assessed
RobecoSAM Bronze Class companies to total market capitalization (%) 86
Ajinomoto Co Inc Japan
Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL Thailand Results at industry level
Thai Union Group PCL Thailand
Sustainability Yearbook Members Dimension Average Best Dimension
Archer-Daniels-Midland Co* United States score score weight
Campbell Soup Co United States Economic 45 88 42%
CJ CheilJedang Corp South Korea Environmental 40 97 28%
Colombina SA1 Colombia Social 43 89 30%
Conagra Brands Inc United States
Danone SA France Total score
General Mills Inc United States
Hain Celestial Group Inc United States average score: 43
Hershey Co United States
best score: 89
Kellogg Co United States
Mondelez International Inc United States 0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 46
best score: 86
0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 41
best score: 87
0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 35
best score: 78
0 25 50 75 100
Sekisui House Ltd* Japan Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 17
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 81
Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd Japan Market capitalization of assessed
Sumitomo Forestry Co Ltd Japan companies to total market capitalization (%) 81
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Results at industry level
Total score
average score: 41
best score: 81
0 25 50 75 100
InterContinental Hotels Group PLC United Kingdom Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 16
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 84
Accor SA* France Market capitalization of assessed
TUI AG Germany companies to total market capitalization (%) 83
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Wyndham Worldwide Corp United States Results at industry level
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 54 77 35%
Environmental 53 91 23%
Social 49 81 42%
Total score
average score: 52
best score: 79
0 25 50 75 100
Electrolux AB Sweden Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 15
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 79
Coway Co Ltd South Korea Market capitalization of assessed
companies to total market capitalization (%) 87
Total score
average score: 42
best score: 74
0 25 50 75 100
Henkel AG & Co KGaA* Germany Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 14
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 82
Colgate-Palmolive Co United States Market capitalization of assessed
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover companies to total market capitalization (%) 90
Total score
average score: 54
best score: 90
0 25 50 75 100
Siemens AG Germany Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 70
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
Samsung C&T Corp* South Korea companies to total market capitalization (%) 90
Sustainability Yearbook Members
3M Co United States Results at industry level
Doosan Corp South Korea
SK Holdings Co Ltd South Korea Dimension Average Best Dimension
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover score score weight
Economic 41 85 42%
Environmental 36 96 29%
Social 40 88 29%
Total score
average score: 40
best score: 87
0 25 50 75 100
Allianz SE Germany Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 92
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 69
AXA SA France Market capitalization of assessed
Zurich Insurance Group AG Switzerland companies to total market capitalization (%) 86
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Aegon NV Netherlands Results at industry level
Cathay Financial Holding Co Ltd* Taiwan
Dongbu Insurance Co Ltd South Korea Dimension Average Best Dimension
Insurance Australia Group Ltd Australia score score weight
MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc Japan Economic 54 84 45%
NN Group NV Netherlands Environmental 44 95 23%
Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd South Korea Social 41 88 32%
Samsung Life Insurance Co Ltd South Korea
Sompo Holdings Inc Japan Total score
Standard Life PLC United Kingdom
Swiss Re AG Switzerland average score: 47
Tokio Marine Holdings Inc Japan
best score: 87
Sustainability Yearbook Members
Assicurazioni Generali SpA Italy 0 25 50 75 100
Amadeus IT Group SA Spain Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 66
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 58
Atos SE France Market capitalization of assessed
Tech Mahindra Ltd India companies to total market capitalization (%) 90
Wipro Ltd India
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Results at industry level
Fujitsu Ltd Japan
NTT Data Corp* Japan Dimension Average Best Dimension
Sustainability Yearbook Members score score weight
Accenture PLC United States Economic 48 83 52%
Cielo SA Brazil Environmental 39 97 21%
DXC Technology Co United States Social 37 86 27%
Indra Sistemas SA Spain
Infosys Ltd India Total score
Nomura Research Institute Ltd Japan
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd India average score: 43
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover best score: 85
0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 45
best score: 87
0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 31
best score: 57
0 25 50 75 100
CNH Industrial NV Italy Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 87
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 78
Valmet OYJ Finland Market capitalization of assessed
RobecoSAM Bronze Class companies to total market capitalization (%) 89
Alstom SA France
Sandvik AB Sweden Results at industry level
Sustainability Yearbook Members
Caterpillar Inc United States Dimension Average Best Dimension
Cummins Inc United States score score weight
Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co Ltd South Korea Economic 49 86 44%
Gamesa Corp Tecnologica SA Spain Environmental 51 95 28%
Ingersoll-Rand PLC United States Social 47 90 28%
Komatsu Ltd Japan
Metso OYJ Finland Total score
Nabtesco Corp Japan
Oshkosh Corp* United States average score: 49
Stanley Black & Decker Inc United States
best score: 89
Vestas Wind Systems A/S Denmark
Wartsila OYJ Abp Finland 0 25 50 75 100
Pearson PLC United Kingdom Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 53
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 73
JCDecaux SA France Market capitalization of assessed
Telenet Group Holding NV Belgium companies to total market capitalization (%) 90
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Liberty Global PLC United States Results at industry level
Sky PLC United Kingdom
Television Francaise 1 France Dimension Average Best Dimension
Sustainability Yearbook Members score score weight
Informa PLC* United Kingdom Economic 43 75 44%
Modern Times Group MTG AB Sweden Environmental 37 100 17%
Vivendi SA France Social 34 83 39%
WPP PLC United Kingdom
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover Total score
average score: 38
best score: 75
0 25 50 75 100
Newmont Mining Corp United States Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 67
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 91
Barrick Gold Corp Canada Market capitalization of assessed
Teck Resources Ltd Canada companies to total market capitalization (%) 85
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Anglo American PLC United Kingdom Results at industry level
Gold Fields Ltd South Africa
Sustainability Yearbook Members Dimension Average Best Dimension
AngloGold Ashanti Ltd South Africa score score weight
Hindustan Zinc Ltd India Economic 52 84 33%
Hudbay Minerals Inc Canada Environmental 43 85 32%
Kinross Gold Corp* Canada Social 49 89 35%
Outotec OYJ Finland
Rio Tinto PLC United Kingdom Total score
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
average score: 48
best score: 86
0 25 50 75 100
Veolia Environnement SA* France Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 29
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 73
Engie SA France Market capitalization of assessed
RobecoSAM Bronze Class companies to total market capitalization (%) 86
Sempra Energy United States
Suez France Results at industry level
Sustainability Yearbook Members
EPM Empresas Publicas de Medellin E.S.P.1 Colombia Dimension Average Best Dimension
United Utilities Group PLC United Kingdom score score weight
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover Economic 54 85 31
This company was not assessed for inclusion in the Dow Jones
Environmental 47 92 42
Sustainability Indices, but applying the same assessment
methodology. Social 51 93 27
Total score
average score: 50
best score: 87
0 25 50 75 100
Thai Oil PCL Thailand Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 22
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 67
IRPC PCL Thailand Market capitalization of assessed
SK Innovation Co Ltd* South Korea companies to total market capitalization (%) 77
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Neste Oyj Finland Results at industry level
S-Oil Corp South Korea
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 56 85 34%
Environmental 44 96 31%
Social 51 94 35%
Total score
average score: 50
best score: 88
0 25 50 75 100
Enagas SA Spain Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 17
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 77
Snam SpA Italy Market capitalization of assessed
Sustainability Yearbook Members companies to total market capitalization (%) 91
TransCanada Corp Canada
Results at industry level
Total score
average score: 44
best score: 86
0 25 50 75 100
PTT PCL Thailand Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 76
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
TOTAL SA France companies to total market capitalization (%) 93
Woodside Petroleum Ltd Australia
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Results at industry level
Galp Energia SGPS SA Portugal
Oil Search Ltd Australia Dimension Average Best Dimension
Sustainability Yearbook Members score score weight
Cenovus Energy Inc Canada Economic 48 78 42%
ConocoPhillips United States Environmental 43 91 26%
Hess Corp* United States Social 45 89 32%
Inpex Corp Japan
MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas PLC Hungary Total score
Royal Dutch Shell PLC United Kingdom
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover average score: 46
best score: 81
0 25 50 75 100
UPM-Kymmene OYJ* Finland Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 11
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 79
Fibria Celulose SA Brazil Market capitalization of assessed
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover companies to total market capitalization (%) 75
Total score
average score: 54
best score: 89
0 25 50 75 100
Unilever NV Netherlands Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 20
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 83
Kao Corp Japan Market capitalization of assessed
LG Household & Health Care Ltd South Korea companies to total market capitalization (%) 81
Total score
average score: 51
best score: 89
0 25 50 75 100
Roche Holding AG Switzerland Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 72
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
AstraZeneca PLC United Kingdom companies to total market capitalization (%) 96
Bayer AG Germany
Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd Japan Results at industry level
Novartis AG Switzerland
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Dimension Average Best Dimension
Novo Nordisk A/S Denmark score score weight
Sanofi France Economic 51 84 50%
Sustainability Yearbook Members Environmental 52 93 9%
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co United States Social 42 90 41%
Eisai Co Ltd Japan
Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd Japan Total score
Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd* Japan
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd Japan average score: 47
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover best score: 86
0 25 50 75 100
SGS SA Switzerland Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 26
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 90
Randstad Holding NV Netherlands Market capitalization of assessed
RobecoSAM Bronze Class companies to total market capitalization (%) 87
Experian PLC United Kingdom
IHS Markit Ltd United States Results at industry level
ManpowerGroup Inc United States
Nielsen Holdings PLC* United States Dimension Average Best Dimension
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover score score weight
Economic 51 78 42%
Environmental 42 93 16%
Social 44 85 42%
Total score
average score: 47
best score: 79
0 25 50 75 100
Mirvac Group Australia Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 60
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
CapitaLand Ltd Singapore companies to total market capitalization (%) 70
Dexus Property Group Australia
GPT Group Australia Results at industry level
Klepierre France
Stockland Australia Dimension Average Best Dimension
Vicinity Centres Australia score score weight
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Economic 46 79 28%
Land Securities Group PLC United Kingdom Environmental 41 94 38%
Wereldhave NV Netherlands Social 38 83 34%
Sustainability Yearbook Members Intu Properties PLC United Kingdom
Ayala Land Inc Philippines Jones Lang LaSalle Inc United States Total score
British Land Co PLC United Kingdom Kilroy Realty Corp United States
Castellum AB Sweden Kimco Realty Corp United States average score: 42
Central Pattana PCL Thailand LendLease Group Australia
best score: 83
City Developments Ltd Singapore Link REIT Hong Kong
Fonciere Des Regions France Swire Pacific Ltd Hong Kong 0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 39
best score: 78
0 25 50 75 100
Industria de Diseno Textil SA Spain Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 88
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 78
Home Product Center PCL Thailand Market capitalization of assessed
Sustainability Yearbook Members companies to total market capitalization (%) 95
Best Buy Co Inc United States
Canadian Tire Corp Ltd Canada Results at industry level
Gap Inc United States
Hennes & Mauritz AB Sweden Dimension Average Best Dimension
Kingfisher PLC United Kingdom score score weight
Lojas Renner SA Brazil Economic 40 78 50%
Marui Group Co Ltd Japan Environmental 33 96 22%
Organizacion Terpel SA1 Colombia Social 32 79 28%
SACI Falabella Chile
Vipshop Holdings Ltd* China Total score
Woolworths Holdings Ltd/South Africa South Africa
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover average score: 36
This company was not assessed for inclusion in the Dow Jones
Sustainability Indices, but applying the same assessment best score: 78
0 25 50 75 100
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd Taiwan Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 54
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
United Microelectronics Corp Taiwan companies to total market capitalization (%) 91
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
ASML Holding NV Netherlands Results at industry level
Infineon Technologies AG Germany
Intel Corp* United States Dimension Average Best Dimension
STMicroelectronics NV Italy score score weight
Sustainability Yearbook Members Economic 50 88 43%
NVIDIA Corp United States Environmental 53 97 34%
SK Hynix Inc South Korea Social 47 91 23%
Tokyo Electron Ltd Japan
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover Total score
average score: 50
best score: 86
0 25 50 75 100
Total score
average score: 34
best score: 77
0 25 50 75 100
Tata Steel Ltd India Market capitalization of assessed
RobecoSAM Silver Class companies to total market capitalization (%) 81
Hyundai Steel Co South Korea
Sustainability Yearbook Members Results at industry level
JSW Steel Ltd* India
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 44 69 34%
Environmental 42 89 33%
Social 44 72 33%
Total score
average score: 44
best score: 71
0 25 50 75 100
Koninklijke KPN NV Netherlands Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 57
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 62
NTT DOCOMO Inc Japan Market capitalization of assessed
SK Telecom Co Ltd South Korea companies to total market capitalization (%) 84
Taiwan Mobile Co Ltd Taiwan
0 25 50 75 100
Kering France Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 73
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
HUGO BOSS AG* Germany companies to total market capitalization (%) 91
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Burberry Group PLC United Kingdom Results at industry level
Gildan Activewear Inc Canada
Sustainability Yearbook Members Dimension Average Best Dimension
Asics Corp Japan score score weight
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover Economic 43 84 41%
Environmental 43 95 21%
Social 39 86 38%
Total score
average score: 42
best score: 85
0 25 50 75 100
British American Tobacco PLC United Kingdom Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 9
RobecoSAM Silver Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 75
Imperial Brands PLC* United Kingdom Market capitalization of assessed
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover companies to total market capitalization (%) 93
Total score
average score: 63
best score: 84
0 25 50 75 100
Mitsui & Co Ltd Japan Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 88
RobecoSAM Silver Class Market capitalization of assessed
Marubeni Corp Japan companies to total market capitalization (%) 97
RobecoSAM Bronze Class
Sojitz Corp* Japan Results at industry level
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
Dimension Average Best Dimension
score score weight
Economic 48 77 43%
Environmental 43 83 19%
Social 41 84 38%
Total score
average score: 44
best score: 79
0 25 50 75 100
Royal Mail PLC United Kingdom Number of companies assessed by RobecoSAM in 2017 76
RobecoSAM Bronze Class Assessed companies to total companies in universe (%) 75
Aeroports de Paris France Market capitalization of assessed
Canadian National Railway Co Canada companies to total market capitalization (%) 90
PostNL NV Netherlands
Transurban Group Australia Results at industry level
Sustainability Yearbook Members
Abertis Infraestructuras SA Spain Dimension Average Best Dimension
Airports of Thailand PCL* Thailand score score weight
Atlantia SpA Italy Economic 49 82 34%
Auckland International Airport Ltd New Zealand Environmental 47 95 27%
CSX Corp United States Social 45 88 39%
Deutsche Post AG Germany
Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte SAB de CV Mexico Total score
MTR Corp Ltd Hong Kong
Sydney Airport Australia average score: 47
United Parcel Service Inc United States
best score: 87
* RobecoSAM Industry Mover
0 25 50 75 100
Oil Search Ltd Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated Australia 85
Electronic Equipment, Instruments &
Omron Corp Japan 63
Organizacion Terpel SA Retailing Colombia 92
Osaka Gas Co Ltd Gas Utilities Japan 67
Oshkosh Corp Machinery and Electrical Equipment United States 79
OSRAM Licht AG Electrical Components & Equipment Germany 62
Outotec OYJ Metals & Mining Finland 81
Owens Corning Building Products United States 49
Pearson PLC Media United Kingdom 80
Peugeot SA Automobiles France 45
PG&E Corp Electric Utilities United States 61
Philips Lighting NV Electrical Components & Equipment Netherlands 62
Pirelli & C. SpA Auto Components Italy 44
POSCO Steel South Korea 95
Transportation and Transportation
PostNL NV Netherlands 100
Praxair Inc Chemicals United States 51
Diversified Financial Services and Capital
Provident Financial PLC United Kingdom 60
Prysmian SpA Electrical Components & Equipment Italy 62
PTT Exploration & Production PCL Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated Thailand 85
PTT Global Chemical PCL Chemicals Thailand 51
PTT PCL Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated Thailand 85
Quest Diagnostics Inc Health Care Providers & Services United States 69
Randstad Holding NV Professional Services Netherlands 89
Red Electrica Corp SA Electric Utilities Spain 61
Rentokil Initial PLC Commercial Services & Supplies United Kingdom 53
Republic Services Inc Commercial Services & Supplies United States 53
Rio Tinto PLC Metals & Mining United Kingdom 81
Roche Holding AG Pharmaceuticals Switzerland 88
Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC Aerospace & Defense United Kingdom 41
Royal Bank of Canada Banks Canada 46
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC Banks United Kingdom 46
Royal Dutch Shell PLC Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated United Kingdom 85
Transportation and Transportation
Royal Mail PLC United Kingdom 100
S-Oil Corp Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing South Korea 60
Diversified Financial Services and Capital
S&P Global Inc United States 92
SACI Falabella Retailing Chile 64
Saipem SpA Energy Equipment & Services Italy 74
Samsung C&T Corp Industrial Conglomerates South Korea 63
Electronic Equipment, Instruments &
Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd South Korea 55
Over the past year, RobecoSAM has been involved in research collaborations
with the following academic institutions:
No Warranty: This publication is derived from sources believed to be accurate and reliable, but neither its accuracy
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Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, text, images and layout of this publication are the exclusive property of
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or in part, without the express written consent of RobecoSAM or its related and affiliated companies.
Copyright © 2018 RobecoSAM – all rights reserved.