Humor Speaking
Humor Speaking
Humor Speaking
For this project, you will prepare and present a five- to seven-minute speech that
begins with a humorous story. You may choose any speech topic you wish;
however, your opening humorous story should tie into the subject. Although you
may base your story on an actual personal experience, you may wish instead to
use one from your “Humor File.” Be sure to “personalize” the story. Rehearse
until you can deliver the story smoothly and effortlessly, paying careful attention
to pauses, the punch line, and the punch word.
For this project, you will prepare and present a five- to seven-minute speech that
begins and ends with a humorous story. Choose any speech topic you wish, but
your speech should contain a serious message. The opening humorous story
should tie into the subject and the closing humorous story should reemphasize
the main point of your speech. Although you may base your story on an actual
personal experience, you may wish instead to use one from your “Humor File.”
Be sure to “personalize” the story. Rehearse until you can deliver the story
smoothly and effortlessly, paying careful attention to the set-up, the pause before
the punch line, the punch line, the punch word, and the ending pause.
For this project, you will prepare and present a five- to seven-minute speech that
begins with humorous stories and has several jokes throughout the speech body.
You may choose any speech topic you wish. Your opening humorous story
should tie into the subject. The jokes should emphasize points and/or break up
tedious or complex parts of the speech. The closing humorous story should
reemphasize the main point of your speech. You may base your stories and
jokes on actual person experiences or use stories and jokes from other sources.
Rehearse until you can deliver the stories and jokes smoothly and effortlessly,
paying careful attention to the set-ups, pauses before the punch lines, punch
words and ending pauses.
For this project, you will prepare and present a five- to seven-minute speech that:
• Begins with a self-deprecating joke
• Has at least two sets of jokes in the speech body, with each set composed
of several jokes, and
• Ends with a humorous story
You may choose any speech topic you wish. Each set of jokes should
emphasize points and/or break up tedious or complex parts of the speech. The
closing humorous story should reemphasize the main point of your speech. You
may base your stories and jokes on actual personal experiences or use stories
and jokes from other sources. Rehearse until you can deliver the story smoothly
and effortlessly, paying careful attention to the set-up, the pause before the
punch line, the punch line, the punch word, and the ending pause.
For this project, you will prepare and present a five- to seven-minute humorous
speech. The speech’s primary purpose is to entertain the audience. The speech
should have one theme or subject, with humor about that subject. The speech
should have a point, but the point is not the speech’s main purpose. The humor
should come from exaggeration of events. Use body language and voice to
enhance and dramatize the speech.