Numerical Simulation of Internal Oxidation of Steels
Numerical Simulation of Internal Oxidation of Steels
Numerical Simulation of Internal Oxidation of Steels
This paper presents a new model for simultaneous diffusion and precipitation
of chemical elements in metallic matrices, a scheme for its numerical solution,
and several applications to problems of internal oxidation. The model basically
stands as an extension of the classical Wagner model for internal oxidation of
steels, but is more much general in that it allows for an arbitrary number of diffus-
ing chemical elements, an arbitrary number of precipitate phases with arbitrary
compositions, dependence of diffusion coefficients and solubility products upon
(time-dependent) temperature, etc., thus allowing for a much broader range of
applications. As a counterpart, it is generally impossible to solve the complex,
non-linear equations of the model analytically, but this can be done numerically.
The simple but efficient numerical scheme proposed is based on explicit 1D finite
differences. Experience has shown that this scheme, in spite of its rusticity and
the restrictions it imposes on the time-step, is more efficient than more elabo-
rate strategies based on the finite-element method. The applications presented
are concerned with internal oxidation of steels during annealing processes. The
model and associated numerical scheme allow for evaluation of the amounts of the
various oxide precipitates in the external layer of the sheet. This opens the way,
through numerical parametric studies of the influence of the process parameters
and the chemical composition, to the improvement of existing treatments and the
development of new steel grades.
∗ ARCELOR Research, Auto Products Research Center, Voie Romaine, BP 30320, 57283
Maizières-les-Metz Cedex, France.
† Laboratoire de Modélisation en Mécanique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI),
Tour 65-55, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France.
‡ To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: [email protected]
0030-770X/05/0800–0131/0 © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
132 Huin, Flauder, and Leblond
Many processes in the metallurgical industry involve simultaneous
diffusion and precipitation of chemical elements: internal oxidation of a
steel sheet during some annealing treatment is just one example. The aim
of such a treatment is to prevent formation of superficial iron oxides or
to eliminate them if they are already present. This is achieved by using a
reducing atmosphere consisting mainly of hydrogen and nitrogen. During
the process, oxygen, traces of which are present in the annealing atmo-
sphere, diffuses inwards, the oxidizable elements diffuse outwards and var-
ious oxide precipitates are formed in the sub-surface alloy region.
The aim of this paper is to present a new model for the simultaneous
diffusion and precipitation of chemical elements in metallic matrices, its
numerical implementation and several applications related to internal oxi-
dation of steel sheets during annealing treatments. Emphasis will be placed
on the last topic. The applications envisaged will notably include a study
of the influence of the oxygen content of the annealing atmosphere upon
the amounts of internal oxides formed, and a systematic investigation, for
a given process, of the types of oxides formed for a wide range of steel
The first model for internal oxidation was proposed in the seminal
work of Wagner.(1) Although it made several severely restricting hypothe-
ses, such as the presence of a single oxidant, consideration of binary alloys
only, oxidation of the sole most-reactive metal, formation of a single oxide
with a very low solubility product, etc., it already contained, in essence, all
basic ingredients required. Some fundamental features of this model were
its macroscopic character and the assumption of quasi-instantaneous local
thermodynamic equilibrium between the matrix and precipitate phases.
Wagner’s pioneering study gave rise to numerous subsequent works. A
good summary of the theory was given by Rapp.(2) Kirkaldy(3) extended
the model so as to account for non-zero solubility products. Various other
extensions followed; a non-exhaustive list of significant references includes
the works of Whittle et al.,(4) Christ et al.,(5) Gesmundo and Gleeson,(6)
Gesmundo et al.,(7) Huin et al.,(8) , Gesmundo et al.,(9,10) Gesmundo
and Niu(11) and Niu and Gesmundo(12) . The works of Gesmundo and
coworkers, in particular, included extensions to ternary alloys and for-
mation of two oxides (Niu and Gesmundo;(12) the same problem was
considered by Huin et al.(8) ), and also to the presence of two oxidants
(Gesmundo and Niu(11) ). A very comprehensive critical discussion of the
limitations of Wagner’s model and its improved variants was provided by
Numerical Simulation of Internal Oxidation of Steels 133
General Hypotheses and Notations
The material consists of several phases (Fig. 1). The first one con-
sists of a “nob1e” metal, Fe generally, plus small amounts of alloying ele-
ments: Mn, Si,O. . . (hypothesis of dilute solution). The noble metal does
not combine with other chemical elements, so that its role only consists of
providing a “matrix” phase in which diffusion and precipitation of other
elements take place. There are also small amounts of various precipitate
phases composed only of alloying elements (MnO, SiO2 , . . . ).
The model is macroscopic in character; the “elementary volumes”
it considers are sufficiently large to contain the matrix phase plus all
precipitate phases (Fig. 1). Transfers of chemical elements between the
matrix and precipitate phases are accounted for by assuming local ther-
modynamic equilibrium in each elementary volume, without accounting
for the local variation of chemical composition of the matrix near each
The number of alloying elements is noted ne , and these elements are
denoted with Latin indices i, j . The atomic mass of element i is denoted
Mi . Its total mass fraction (in all its possible forms, that is dissolved in
the matrix or embedded in precipitates) is denoted Fi . Its concentration in
the matrix (dissolved mass fraction) is denoted Ci . Diffusion of elements
is assumed to take place only within the matrix phase; the diffusion coeffi-
cient of element i is denoted Di , and is an Arrhenius-type function of
The number of possible precipitate phases is noted np , and these
precipitates are denoted with a Greek index α. The molecular mass of
precipitate α is denoted Mα . Its mass fraction is denoted Pα . Its solubil-
ity product is denoted Kα and is an Arrhenius-type function of tempera-
ture. The stoechiometric coefficient of element i in precipitate α (number
of atoms of this element in each molecule of this precipitate) is denoted
Niα .
Counting atoms of element i in all their possible forms (dissolved in
the matrix or embedded in precipitates) in an elementary volume, one gets
the balance equation
Fi Ci Pα
= + Niα . (1)
M i Mi Mα
Diffusion Equations
The flux Ji of element i in the matrix is assumed to be given by the
familiar expression
where n denotes the unit normal outward vector to the boundary ∂V . The
diffusion equations follow from the local form of this law:
= div(Di gradCi ). (3)
The influence of the precipitation rates is implicit in this equation, but it
can be made explicit by using the balance law (1) to transform the left-
hand side; one thus gets
∂Ci Niα ∂Pα
= div(Di grad Ci ) − Mi . (4)
∂t Mα ∂t
The sum in the right-hand side here acts as a “source” or “sink” term due
to chemical reactions.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium
Detailed mechanisms of precipitation or re-dissolution of precipitates
are disregarded. Instantaneous local thermodynamic equilibrium between all
phases within each elementary volume, governed by the laws of mass
action, is assumed instead. Thus for every α,
Pα > 0 and CiNiα = Kα
or (5)
Pα = 0 and C i ≤ Kα .
Boundary Conditions
For each element i, there are two possible basic boundary conditions :
Ci = Ci on∂ (6)
Ji · n = −Ji on∂, (7)
where ∂ denotes the boundary of the domain considered and Ci
and Ji the prescribed concentration and the prescribed input flux.
Boundary conditions can also be of “mixed type”, i.e. Eq. (6) on some
part of ∂, (7) on the complementary part.
Numerical Simulation of Internal Oxidation of Steels 137
Early numerical applications of the model (Fortunier et al.(16) ) based
on the finite element method encountered severe difficulties in cases involv-
ing important precipitation, i.e. small solubility products. Autesserre,(18)
Huin and Lehmann(19) and Flauder and Huin(20) later developed a much
simpler scheme based on explicit 1D finite differences which revealed much
better adapted to this type of problems, in spite of its rusticity and the
inevitable ensuing restrictions on the time-step.
We thus consider only 1D problems, the spatial coordinate being
denoted x. The temperature is considered as independent of x (uni-
form), though dependent on t. This approximation is reasonable for the
applications described below, because although the industrial processes
considered will be anisothermal, the sub-surface region where diffusion
and precipitation take place is so shallow that the temperature is nearly
uniform within it at each instant. Thus the Di are uniform and the diffu-
sion equations (3) reduce to
∂Fi ∂ 2 Ci
= Di . (8)
∂t ∂x 2
Note that these equations do not apply at the boundary nodes x1 and xN .
Since the algorithm is explicit, time-steps smaller than the stability
limit must be used. In practice, t is taken as 10 of the smallest of the
quantities (xk ) /Di .
must be used to solve these problems. Also, a lot of CPU time being spent
in the routine evaluating thermodynamic equilibrium, it is necessary to
optimize the choice of the first trial hypothesis on existing precipitates, so
as to minimize the number of necessary iterations.
Fi (x1 ) − Fi (x1 ) (0)
= C i (x 2 ) − C i (x 1 ) , i = 2, 3, . . . , ne . (12)
t (x1 )2
This equation yields the Fi (x1 ) (i = 2, 3, . . . , ne ). The Ci (x1 ) (i = 2, 3, . . . , ne )
and Pα (x1 ) then follow from calculation of the state of thermodynamic
140 Huin, Flauder, and Leblond
• At nodes x2 , x3 , . . . , xN−1 , Eq. (9) yields the Fi (xk ). The Pα (xk ) and
Ci (xk ) then follow by solving Eqs. (5) as sketched in Subsection
“Calculation of Thermodynamic Equilibrium”.
• At node xN , Eq. (10) provides the Ci (xN ). The Pα (xN ) are zero and
the Fi (xN ) are identical to the Ci (xN ).
• At node x1 , Eq. (12) yields the Fi (x1 )(i = 2, 3, . . . , ne ). The Pα (x1 )
and Ci (x1 ) (i = 2, 3, . . . , ne ) then follow by solving Eqs. (5) as
sketched in Subsection “Treatment of Boundary Conditions”,
C1 (x1 ) being known by Eq. (11)1 . Equation (1) with i = 1 finally
provides F1 (x1 ).
In all simulations presented below, the steel sheet will be in contact
with an annealing atmosphere with constant dew point (DP). The defini-
tion of this quantity and the calculation of the dissolved concentration of
oxygen imposed on the surface, C1surf ≡ CO surf , from the DP and the cur-
All diffusion and precipitation data used in the calculations are pro-
vided in Appendix B.
Preliminary Remark
Let us first determine in which circumstances the solution happens √ to
depend on the two variables x, t only through the single quantity x/ t ≡ u.
If such is the case, Eq. (8) becomes (u/2)dFi /du + Di d 2 Ci /du2 = 0, where
dFi /du and d 2 Ci /du2 are functions of u only. This is possible only if the Di
are also functions of the sole variable u, and this occurs only if the temper-
ature is constant. If such is the case, Eqs. (1) and (5) are compatible with
Numerical Simulation of Internal Oxidation of Steels 141
the assumed dependence of the solution upon the sole variable u since the
Mi , Mα , Niα and Kα do not vary in time.
Consider now the initial and boundary conditions. Initial conditions
are prescribed at all points (x > 0, t = 0+ ). All such points have u = +∞.
Therefore dependence of the solution upon the sole variable u requires
that initial conditions be independent of x. This condition is satisfied since
the initial total and dissolved fractions of oxygen and the initial frac-
tions of oxide precipitates are zero, and the initial total and dissolved frac-
tions of oxidizable elements are equal to the nominal concentrations Cicore .
Boundary conditions are prescribed at all points (x = 0, t > 0) and (x =
+∞, t > 0). The former points all have u = 0; therefore dependence of the
solution upon the sole variable u requires that boundary conditions on the
surface be independent of t, and this is true only if the dissolved fraction
of oxygen imposed, Cosurf , is independent of t. The latter points all have
u = +∞; therefore dependence of the solution upon the sole variable u also
requires that boundary conditions deep in the sheet be independent of t
and identical to initial conditions. This is true for all elements.
Two conditions must thus be √ met for the solution of the problem to
depend upon the sole variable x/ t : (i) the annealing process must be
isothermal; and (ii) the dissolved concentration of oxygen imposed on the
surface must not vary in time. In the cases considered here, fulfilment of
the first condition automatically entails fulfilment of the second one, since
the annealing atmospheres considered have a constant DP.
difference with respect to the classical Wagner solution lies in the fact
that the total fraction of Mn is no longer constant in the oxidized zone,
because the fraction of MnO is itself no longer constant. This effect is inti-
mately tied to the non-zero value of the solubility product and is explained
in detail in Appendix D.
We finally consider isothermal annealing of a 1.225% Mn – 0.075%
Si steel, involving diffusion of O, Mn and Si and precipitation of the
sole simple oxides MnO and SiO2 . The DP of the atmosphere is −40◦ C
and the temperature is 800◦ C. The values of the diffusion coefficients,
144 Huin, Flauder, and Leblond
Figure 7 shows the total fraction of Mn at the end of heating, the end
of the isothermal stage and the end of the treatment. (The Si profile, not
shown, is qualitatively similar).
√ The fact that the solution does not depend
upon the sole variable x/ t is clearly apparent; indeed the curves cannot
be deduced from each other through contraction or dilation of the space
coordinate since they have different minima. Enrichment in Mn near the
surface and deeper depletion are already apparent at the end of heating
and even more so at the end of the isothermal period. The depletion devel-
ops a little further during final cooling.
Fig. 10. Annealing treatments with DP of −40◦ C and +15◦ C—total fraction
of Si.
Fig. 11. Annealing treatments with DP of −40◦ C and +15◦ C—fraction of Mn atoms.
one that of atoms dissolved or trapped in Mn2 SiO4 precipitates, and the
top one that of atoms dissolved or trapped in Mn2 SiO4 or MnO pre-
cipitates. The vertical distance between the first two curves thus repre-
sents the fraction of Mn atoms trapped in Mn2 SiO4 precipitates, and
that between the last two curves the fraction of atoms trapped in
MnO precipitates. Changing the DP from −40◦ C to +15◦ C results
in a decrease by a factor of 10 of the amount of atoms trapped in
fractions of Mn and Si; results obtained without Al are also shown for ref-
erence. The presence of Al does not change the qualitative shape of the
Mn and Si profiles but slightly enhances the enrichment in these elements
near the surface while reducing the depth of the enriched zone.
150 Huin, Flauder, and Leblond
Fig. 15. Diffusion paths for various grades in the (dissolved Si) —(dissolved Mn)
for such a treatment, the solution depends on the sole variable x/ t so
that it is equivalent to consider variations of t for fixed x or variations
of x for fixed t; let us consider the first possibility. At t = 0, there is
no oxygen, line A B C D is infinitely remote upwards and to the right,
all oxides are absent, and CSi = CSi core , C
Mn = CMn . For t > 0, CO starts
increasing, so that line A B C D starts moving downwards and to the left.
Point P moves even though precipitation of oxides does not yet occur
at the position considered, because precipitation near the surface induces
diffusion of oxidizable elements everywhere. For some t, A B C D hits P
and precipitation starts at the position considered; as t further increases,
A B C D gets closer and closer to ABCD, sweeping P in its motion. In
the limit t → +∞, A B C D ultimately coincides with ABCD; P lies some-
where on this line, and its position determines which oxides are finally
It is important to note that the initial position of point P (defined by
the grade of the steel) with respect to lines BE and CF does not allow to
predict which oxides will ultimately be present, because nothing prevents
this point from crossing these lines.
Figure 15 shows the diffusion paths obtained numerically for various
grades for the anisothermal treatment of Subsection “Anisothermal Anneal-
ing — Precipitation of Simple Oxides”. These paths are plotted only up to
the end of the isothermal stage, in the (dissolved Si)–(dissolved Mn) dia-
152 Huin, Flauder, and Leblond
1 There is an approximation here since the temperature is not constant during the √
but simulations show that the solution depends almost solely on the variable x/ t in this
Numerical Simulation of Internal Oxidation of Steels 153
The authors express their sincere thanks to Ph. Autesserre, who was a
great help in the early stages of development of the numerical procedure,
and to F. Mudry and P.V. Riboud for their moral and financial support.
surf 9398 1
log10 CO = 1.00 + + log10 pO2 . (A.3)
T 2
∂O ∂ 2O
(x, t) = DO 2 (x, t) for 0 < x < ξ(t);
∂t ∂x
∂B ∂ 2B
(x, t) = DB 2 (x, t) for x > ξ(t). (C.1)
∂t ∂x
∂O ∂B
O(ξ(t), t) = B(ξ(t), t) = 0, −mDO (ξ(t)− , t) = pDB (ξ(t)+ , t).
∂x ∂x
Also, write the position ξ(t) of the precipitation front in the form
ξ(t) = 2γ DO t, (C.6)
Condition (C.2)2 at the precipitation front then yields the following equa-
tion on γ , which implicitly provides the value of this parameter:
B prec exp(−γ 2 φ)
= √ √ . (C.9)
B γ πφ erfc(γ φ)
Full numerical simulations performed with the true initial condition and
the modified one (D.2) have yielded very similar results. This shows that
this approximation is acceptable. The physical explanation is that the ficti-
tious non-zero value O core of the deep concentration of oxygen is always
much smaller in practice than that, O surf , imposed on the surface of
the sheet. Condition (D.1) implies that precipitation occurs everywhere,
although it is negligibly small deep in the sheet.
The diffusion equations (4) read, using molar fractions O ≡ CO /MO ,
B ≡ CB /MB , P ≡ PBm Op /MBm Op instead of mass fractions:
∂O (x, t) = DO ∂ 2 O (x, t) − p ∂P (x, t),
∂t ∂x 2 ∂t
∂B (x, t) = DB ∂ 2 B (x, t) − m ∂P (x, t).
∂t ∂x 2 ∂t
The initial condition for oxygen is the modified one, (D.2), and that for
element B is the same as before, (C.3)2 . The boundary conditions (C.4)
still hold, but are now supplemented by the following ones, which result
from Eq. (D.1):
O(+∞, t) = O core , B(0, t) = B surf ≡ [K(O surf )−p ]1/m for t > 0. (D.5)
158 Huin, Flauder, and Leblond
where the notations φ, µ introduced in Eqs. (C.5) are again used. These
equations are too complex to be solved analytically, but this can be done
numerically, using for instance the classical Runge–Kutta method of order
4. When doing so, one must also fulfill the following conditions, which fol-
low from the definitions (D.6)3 , (D.6)4 of the functions X(u), Y (v) and the
boundary conditions (C.4), (D.5):
X(0) = 1; X(+∞) = O core /O surf ,
Y (0) = 1; Y (+∞) = B core /B surf .
X + 2uX = 0. (D.12)
B + 2vB = 0. (D.15)
160 Huin, Flauder, and Leblond
Again, because of the presence of terms proportional to B −1− µ and
B −2− µ in Eq. (D.14), this simplified equation
√ holds only if B is non-zero,
that is for x > ξ(t), or equivalently v > γ φ (by the definitions (C.5)1 ,
(C.6) and (D.6)2 of φ, γ and v). The√solution of equation (D.15), with the
conditions B(+∞) = B core and B(γ φ) = 0 (equivalent to the condition
B(ξ(t), t) = 0), reads
B(v) erfcv
=1− √ for v ≥ γ φ, (D.16)
B erfc(γ φ)
and this is equivalent to Eq. (C.7)2 for B(x, t).
The next task is to establish, in the limit K → 0, Eq. (C.8) which pro-
vides the value of γ . Since it is a consequence of the expressions of O and
B and condition (C.2)2 , it suffices to show that this condition holds. This
can be done by integrating Eq. (D.4) between x − and x + , then letting
K → 0 while taking x ≡ ξ(t), and finally letting → 0, accounting for the
finiteness of ∂O/∂t and ∂B/∂t.
The last task is to check that any of the equivalent expressions (D.11)
of B prec reduces to (C.9) in the limit K → 0. The differential equation
(D.8) on X then reduces to (D.12), so that it seems at first sight that the
integrand in equation (D.11)1 is zero. However in the limit K → 0, the
function X has a discontinuous slope at the point u = γ , since X (γ + ) is
zero but X (γ − ) is not. As a consequence, the limit of X has a com-
ponent of the form −X (γ − )δ(u − γ ) where δ is Dirac’s function, so that
the limit of X (u)/u + 2X (u) is not simply zero but −X (γ − )δ(u − γ )/u.
Therefore equation (D.11)1 becomes
B prec (x, t) 1 X (γ − )δ(u − γ )
= − du
O surf 2µ √x u
2 DO t
1 X (γ − )
− 2µ if x < 2γ DO t,
= γ √ (D.17)
0 if x > 2γ DO t.
Upon use of Eqs. (D.13) and (C.8), expression (D.17)1 becomes
O surf 2 exp(−γ 2 ) exp(−γ 2 φ)
B prec = √ = B core √ √ ,
2µ π γ erf γ γ π φ erfc(γ φ)
and this is identical to equation (C.9).
This behavior is in clear contrast with the Wagner solution and must be
√ in the case considered, the solution depends only on the var-
iable x/ t, understanding the dependence of the fraction of precipitate
with respect to x is equivalent to understanding its dependence with
respect to t. In the Wagner solution, at a given point, the fraction of
Numerical Simulation of Internal Oxidation of Steels 163
precipitate is constant in time once the precipitation front has swept the
point considered, because precipitation no longer occurs. By the equiva-
lence of x and t, this implies that this fraction must also be independent
of position within the oxidized zone at a given instant. In contrast, in
the extended solution discussed here, precipitation is no longer confined
to some localized front but occurs over a whole domain. Thus, at fixed
x, precipitation is not instantaneous but lasts for some time, so that the
fraction of precipitate must continuously increase with t. Again, by the
equivalence of x and t, this implies that for fixed t, it must increase for
decreasing x.
O(x, 0) = O core for x > 0; B(x, 0) = B core , C(x, 0) = C core for x ≥ 0. (E.6)
Using these equations to express Y (v) and Z(w) in terms of X(u) in Eq.
(E.5), one gets the following differential equation on the function X in the
region 0 < x < ζ (t):
µ2 B surf −1−µ ν 2 C surf −1−ν
1+ X + X X
φO surf ψO surf
µ2 B surf −1−µ ν 2 C surf −1−ν
+2 1 + X + X uX
O surf O surf
µ2 B surf ν 2 C surf
− (1+µ)X−2−µ + (1 + ν)X −2−ν X 2 = 0 for 0 < u < χ .
φO surf ψO surf
In the region x > ζ (t), ∂Q/∂t is zero so that Eqs. (E.4)3 and (E.5) similarly
µ2 B surf −1−µ µ 2 B surf
1+ X X + 2 1 + X −1−µ uX
φO surf O surf
µ2 B surf
− (1 + µ)X −2−µ X 2 = 0 for u > χ; (E.13)
φO surf
Z + 2wZ = 0 for w > χ ψ. (E.14)
For fixed values of X (0) and χ , the concentrations may be obtained as fol-
lows: get the function X(u) by integrating numerically Eq. (E.12) from 0 to
χ using the condition X(0) = 1 and the specified value of X (0), then Eq.
(E.13) from χ to +∞ using the continuity of X and X at the point u = χ ;
get next the function Y (v) from Eq.√(E.11)1 ; finally get the function Z(w)
from equation (E.11)2 for 0 ≤ w ≤ χ ψ, and from Eq. (E.15) for w ≥ χ ψ.
The problem is thus reduced to finding the correct values of X (0) and χ .
166 Huin, Flauder, and Leblond
so that
t Y +2vY
+∞ Y (v)
(v) dv,
P (x,t)
surf = 0 = 2m
4mt dt
√ +2Y
2 D√B t
t Z +2wZ 1 χ x ψ Z (w) +2Z (w) dw if x < ζ (t),
= 0 4nt dt = 2n 2√DC t w
C surf 0 if x ≥ ζ (t),
where Eq. (E.14) has been used.
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