Legenda Sangkuriang
Legenda Sangkuriang
Legenda Sangkuriang
In antiquity, in West Java there lived a princess named Dayang Sumbi. He has a son named Sangkuriang. The child
was very fond of hunting in the forest. Each game, he was always accompanied by her beloved dog named Tumang.
Tumang actually an incarnation of the god, and also the biological father Sangkuriang, but Sangkuriang not know it,
and his mother was deliberately kept it secret.
One day, as usual Sangkuriang go into the woods to hunt. Once when he got in the forest, Sangkuriang start looking
for prey. He saw there was a bird perched on a branch, then without thinking Sangkuriang shot him, and right on
target. Sangkuriang then ruled Tumang to pursue his quarry before, but the Tumang silent and unwilling to follow
orders Sangkuriang. Since it is very annoyed at Tumang, then Sangkuriang and drove Tumang and not allowed to go
home with him again.
At home, Sangkuriang narrate the incident to her mother. Upon hearing the story of her son, Dayang Sumbi very
angry. He took a spoon, and slapped the head Sangkuriang. Feeling disappointed with the treatment of his mother,
then Sangkuriang decided to go wandering, and left home.
After the incident, Dayang Sumbi deeply regretted his actions. He prayed every day, and ask that one day be able to
see her son back. Because of the seriousness of the Sumbi Dayang prayer, then God gave him a gift of eternal beauty
and youth forever.
After many years of wandering Sangkuriang, he eventually intends to return to his hometown. Once there, he was
very surprised at all, because his hometown had changed completely. The Sangkuriang pleasure increases when the
current in the middle of the road met a very beautiful woman, who is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Because
fascinated by her beauty, then direct Sangkuriang proposed. Finally an application is received by Dayang Sumbi
Sangkuriang, and agreed to be married in the near future.
One day, his future wife Sangkuriang ask permission to hunt on health-. Before leaving, he asked Dayang Sumbi for
tightening and smoothing the connective kapalanya. Dayang Sumbi What a surprise, because at the time she
smoothed Sangkuriang headband, he saw a scar. These scars scar similar to his. Once asked about the cause of the
wound Sangkuriang it, Dayang Sumbi tekejut increase, because it is true that her husband was her own son
Dayang Sumbi very confused, because he may not marry his own son. Sangkuriang home after hunting, Dayang
Sumbi trying to speak to Sangkuriang, so Sangkuriang cancel their wedding plans. Dayang Sumbi request is not
approved Sangkuriang, and only considered wind alone.
Dayang Sumbi every day thinking about how to order their wedding never happened. After thinking hard, Dayang
Sumbi finally found the best way. He filed two terms Sangkuriang. If Sangkuriang can meet these two conditions,
then Dayang Sumbi want to be his wife, but instead if that fails then the marriage will be canceled.
The first requirement Dayang Sumbi wants Citarum river dammed. And the second is, ask Sangkuriang to create
very large boat to cross the river. The second condition that must diselesai before dawn.
Sangkuriang undertakes both the Sumbi Dayang request, and promised to finish before dawn. With its magic, then
Sangkuriang exert his friends from the jinn to help complete the task. Secretly, Dayang Sumbi peek of Sangkuriang
work. How surprised him, because Sangkuriang almost all of the terms given menyelesaiklan Dayang Sumbi before
Dayang Sumbi then ask for help the local community to hold a red silk cloth in the east of the city. When looking at
the redness in the eastern city, Sangkuriang thought that it was late morning. Sangkuriang immediately stopped
work and was not able to qualify that have been filed by Dayang Sumbi.
With a sense of annoyance and disappointment, Sangkuriang then break down the dam has itself created. Because
the burst of the dam, then there was flooding and the whole town is underwater. Sangkuriang also kicked big boat
that has been made. The canoe was floated and fell on his face, then became a mountain named Tangkuban Perahu.
Legenda Danau Toba
In the region of Sumatra lived a very hard-working farmer. He lived alone kara. Every day he worked on lading and
fishing tirelessly. This was done to meet the needs of everyday life.
One day the farmer went to the river near his home, he intends to fish for lauknya today. With only armed with a
hook, bait and fish, he went straight to the river. Once when he got in the river, the farmer immediately threw the
hook. While waiting for the hook edible fish, the farmer prayed, "O Allah, I hope I can fish a lot today". Moments
after praying, he throws a hook was apparent wobbling. He immediately pulled the hook. Farmers are very happy,
because the fish he gets very big and beautiful.
After a few moments staring at the fish catch, the farmer was very surprised. It turns out the fish he caught was able
to speak. "Help me not to be eaten Pak !! Let me live ', cried the fish. Without much Tanya, fish catch was
immediately returned to the water again. After restoring the fish into the water, the farmer increases surprised,
because suddenly the fish turns into a very beautiful woman.
"Do not worry sir, I will not hurt you," says the fish. "Who are you? Are not you a fish ?, asked the farmer. "I was a
princess who was cursed, because it violates the rules of the kingdom," the woman said. "Thank you have freed me
from the curse, and in return I am willing to make you a wife", she said. Farmers agree that too. They then become
husband and wife. However, there is a promise that has been agreed, that they should not tell that the origin of the
Princess of fish. If the promise was breached there will be a terrible disaster.
After a while they get married, farmer and his wife finally happiness increases, because farmer's wife gave birth to a
baby boy. Their son grow into a child who is very handsome and strong, but there are habits that make everyone
wonder. The boy was always hungry, and never feel full. All food rations to devour without remainder.
Until one day the farmer's son was given the job of mother to deliver food and drinks to the fields where his father
was working. But his job is not fulfilled. All the food was supposed to father dilahap out, and after that he fell asleep
in a hut. The farmer waiting for the arrival of his son, while holding hunger and thirst. Unable to stand the hunger,
then he went straight home. On the way home, pack a farmer saw his son was sleeping in the hut. The farmer
immediately woke her. "Hey, wake up !, shouted the farmer.
After his son woke up, the farmer immediately asked his food. "Where's the food for the father?", Asked the farmer.
"It is finished and I ate", replied the boy. With a high pitch that farmers immediately scold her son. "Children do not
know diuntung! I do not know myself! Basic young fish !," vituperation the Farmer unknowingly had said
abstinence from his wife.
After farmers say these words, instantly son and his wife vanished without a trace and trace. Of former stamping his
feet, suddenly menyemburlah water was very swift. Water overflowed very high and wide to form a lake. And
finally, forming a lake. The lake was eventually known as the Lake To