Python For The Network Nerd
Python For The Network Nerd
Python For The Network Nerd
Python Basics
Working through SSH
Importing Devices from CSV
Building Config Templates
What to do Next
Python Basics
Python Fundies
● Variables are references to objects.
● Objects can be built-in like strings, or “things” that can
be manipulated or passed around.
● Lists contain objects.
● Dictionaries are containers that use key:value pairing to
store objects, and coincidentally, are also objects
● Libraries are Python packages that can be used over
and over
Python Fundies (cont.)
● myVar = “this is a string”
● WAN01 = Router()
● [WAN01, WAN02, CORE01, CORE02]
● {‘ip’: ‘’, ‘username’: ‘cisco’, ‘password’: ‘cisco’}
● import csv
What version of Python?
SSHClass = netmiko.ssh_dispatcher(device_type="cisco_ios")
net_connect = SSHClass(**device)
Netmiko - Commands
# Single Command
output = net_connect.send_command(“show run | i snmp”)
print output
# Multiple Commands
commands = [“show ip int brief | e unass”, “show ip route”, “show cdp neighbors”]
Netmiko - Multi-device
yourDevices = [{'ip': '', 'username': 'admin', 'password': 'password123',
'secret': 'secret123', 'verbose': False},{'ip': '', 'username': 'admin',
'password': 'password123', 'secret': 'secret123', 'verbose': False}]
SSHClass = netmiko.ssh_dispatcher(device_type="cisco_ios")
commands = [“show ip int brief | e unass”, “show ip route”, “show cdp neighbors”]
Netmiko - Multi-device cont.
for each in yourDevices:
net_connect = SSHClass(**each)
output = ''
for command in commands:
output += net_connect.send_command(command)
print output
Importing Devices from CSV
Comma Separated Values
import csv
devices = []
devicesDict = {}
with open(“c:\\routers.csv”) as devicesFile:
devicesDict = csv.DictReader(devicesFile, dialect='excel')
for row in devicesDict:
CSV Input
CSV Output
[{'username': 'mbyn', 'verbose': 'True', 'ip': '', 'hostname':
'TEST_DEVICE_1', 'secret': '', 'password': 'fakepw'},
{'username': 'mbyn', 'verbose': 'True', 'ip': '', 'hostname':
'TEST_DEVICE_2', 'secret': '', 'password': 'fakepw'},
Building Config Templates
Jinja2 Templates
{% if interface %}
int {{ interface }}
{% endif %}
{% if description %}
description Uplink from {{ hostname }} to {{ description }}
{% endif %}
Python Jinja2
import jinja2
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader('myTemplates'),trim_blocks=True)
commands = env.get_template(“template.cfg”).render(device)
Rendered Configuration
# int gig 0/0/1
# description Uplink from DIST01 to CORE SWITCH 1
config = output.splitlines()
# [“int gig 0/0/1\n”, “description Uplink from DIST01 to CORE SWITCH 1\n”]
What to do Next
“The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.”
- John Sculley
Things to work on
● Scripting VLAN Moves/Adds/Changes, QoS
deployments, other changes or “show” cmds
● Configuration Auditing
● APIs
● SNMP collection and graphing
● Using YAML and JSON for templating config
Where your job is heading
● DevOps
● Automation and Orchestration
The End