TDW C-Pro Series White Paper

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Hot Tap Fittings: To Extrude or Fabricate

remains intact. Because most of these fittings will MANUFACTURING HOT TAP FITTINGS
remain on the line permanently, their quality and
The tee shape of a fitting is achieved through either a
Pipeline systems are built to comply with code and operational performance are extremely important.
fabrication or extrusion process. Each method
regulatory requirements. These requirements have
presents varying benefits, capabilities, and challenges.
been developed and implemented with one goal in This white paper explores various manufacturing
mind — to promote safe pipeline operations. As methods and explains the benefits and challenges of
FABRICATED FITTINGS consist of two main
pressure containing components installed on a each. In addition, it addresses the relevant codes
components: a run and a branch outlet. The run and
pipeline, hot tap and STOPPLE® fittings must adhere and regulations for hot tap and STOPPLE fitting
branch outlet are made from pipe, rolled-and-
to the same requirements. Therefore, fitting design design and the necessary tests required for
welded plate, or forged cylinders that are then
and manufacturing process play a key role in compliance. Finally, this paper discusses the
welded together to achieve the desired tee shape
ensuring the pressure envelope of the pipeline selection of fittings for various applications.
branch outlet.

EXTRUDED FITTINGS are made by hot working and

forming steel to achieve the tee shape rather than
using welding. Two distinct extrusion methods are
used for fitting manufacturing. One process uses steel
plate as a base material; the other process uses
preformed rolled cylindrical shell or pipe. In this paper,
the plate extrusion process is called closed die
extrusion (CDE) and extrusion of a cylindrical shell is
referred to as pulled out extrusion (POE).

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Fig. 1 CDE Fitting (left) and Fabricated Fitting (right)

several time-consuming steps to the process, MANUFACTURING EXTRUDED FITTINGS

such as scarfing, non-destructive testing, and,
when necessary, post-weld heat treating. These PULLED OUTLET EXTRUSION (POE)
extra steps can lengthen manufacturing lead POE uses rolled plate or pipe as a base material,
time and increase cost. with the preformed cylindrical shape acting like the
run of the fitting — that is, the cylindrical portion of
BENEFITS SOLUTIONS the fitting that fits onto the pipeline exterior. The
One of the advantages of fabricated fittings is It is possible to counteract welding issues and forming punch is pulled through the hole outward
the wider selection of parent materials. Because eliminate concerns about weld quality. For example, from the center of the shell, pulling the heated
the manufacturing process doesn’t include internal bracing controls distortion during welding,
heating or cooling, which can change the but the effect remains only if post weld heat treating
metallurgy of the parent material, there are is done while the braces are still on. If the braces are
more options for fabrication, including higher removed before post weld heat treatment, residual
yield strength steel. In addition, because stresses will force the cylinders to be out of round. In
fabrication involves welding branch and run fact, relevant pipeline codes and standards accept —
components together, operators can choose and in some cases, require — post weld heat WALL EXTERNAL DIE

from a range of combinations of branch-to-run treatment on components to remove excess stress PULLING MANDREL

sizes to suit a particular application. caused by welding.

CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS Additionally, before passing inspection, the weld is

Operators typically prefer as few welds on their subjected to full volumetric non-destructive testing.
pipeline as possible. However, welding is The shape of the saddle weld makes it a challenge to
required to fabricate fittings, making weld inspect completely, but, with precise positioning, it
quality a key concern. In addition, welding adds can be done.
Fig. 2 Pulled Outlet Extrusion (POE) Process

WHITE PAPER | Hot Tap Fittings: To Extrude or Fabricate T.D. Williamson | 2

A plate is formed via the Closed
Dye Extrusion (CDE) method.

material into the external die and creating a branch. requirements. In POE manufacturing, a
portion of the material, rather than the
POE BENEFITS entire part, is heated, making the process
POE offers some of the same benefits as both inherently difficult to control. To create
fabrication and normal extrusion. Using POE, the tee consistent quality fittings, temperature
is formed rather than welded. It is possible to variations throughout the parent material
customize materials and achieve dimensional need to be tightly monitored and
variations; the run of the fitting is preformed but controlled. Monitoring the temperature
different sized dies can be used for the outlet. gradient of the steel is extremely
Because POE is relatively simple, requiring only one complicated, even with modern
extrusion, it has a lead time advantage over temperature-measurement technologies.
fabricated fittings. fitting should be a priority for any fitting manufacturer
Quenching and tempering of a complex shape such and should be validated through means fully
An additional benefit to POE is that, under the right as a hot tap fitting also presents challenges in regard representing the entire fitting.
conditions, the preformed cylindrical shell provides to achieving consistent heating and cooling. Uneven
rigidity that protects the fitting from warping during heat treatment can result in material strength SOLUTIONS
the quenching and tempering process. This allows variation, deformation, and cracking, which can One way of mitigating the risks associated with
production of high strength fittings with relatively render a fitting unusable in the field. This means the the material yield variations of the POE process is
thin walls, without the risk of deformation that could fitting may not meet the original intended design to add tight process controls to the extrusion
affect fit to a pipeline. specification, possibly leading to field failure that process. Some of these controls include
can have catastrophic consequences to people, the continuously monitoring the temperature of both
POE CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS environment, and property. the material and the process itself; automating
Heat treatment is sometimes used to increase the the process to maintain pressing speeds; and
strength of material to meet demanding application Ensuring consistent material strength throughout the utilizing ductile materials.

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Fig. 3 Closed Die Extrusion (CDE) Process Simulation

CLOSED DIE EXTRUSION (CDE) extrusion temperature. The base material is heated

The CDE process (see Figure 3) begins with two flat uniformly in an oven, where it can easily be monitored.

steel plates that will form the top and bottom In addition, fittings can be made from steel plate, which

sections of the fitting. is more readily available and can be cut and pressed to

The top of the fitting, or “saddle,” forms the branch the desired dimension. This shortens product lead time.

of the fitting. This part begins as a rectangular steel

plate with a hole cut in its center. A forming punch CDE CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS
then is pushed through the pre-cut hole, forcing A current limitation of the CDE process is the inability
material into the female die that will form the steel to quench and temper the formed parts while
into the saddle shape. The bottom half of the fitting maintaining the dimensional consistency required for
begins as a rectangular plate of steel that is proper fit-up. Because the parts typically are not
heated, then pressed into a half-pipe shape. quenched and tempered after hot work, their
strength is limited to the original strength of the
These half-pipe and saddle pieces must have an steel plate. Operators who require higher yield will
inner diameter that is close to the correlating have to use a high yield base plate. The formed
pipeline’s outer diameter to allow the fitting to fit extrusion will then have the desired yield strength.
tightly around the pipe.
Extrusion with hot working can present certain
CDE BENEFITS challenges. Steel temperature, press rate, hold time,
Automation of hydraulic presses has enabled better and die shape all impact quality. If any of these
control of the CDE production process, making the factors is not tightly controlled, work hardening,
creation of high quality fittings rapid and repeatable. cracking, material heterogeneity, and/or thickness
The CDE process also ensures tighter control of the variations can easily occur.

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Fig. 4 In-line Butt Weld Fitting (left) and On-line Full Encirclement Fitting (right)

SOLUTION to in-line fittings and not on-line

By simulating material undergoing the CDE process, (full encirclement) fittings (Figure 4).
modern engineering software can be used to Fittings for hot tapping must be Fig. 5 Fabricated (left) and CDE (right) FEA

overcome the challenge of precisely controlling either full encirclement fittings or BRANCH

heating and cooling temperatures during extrusion. stub weld fittings (not covered in
Details in the simulations allow manufacturers to MSS SP-75 and B16.9) because RUN

spot quality issues in the process and make they are being attached on the
corrections before any fittings have been produced. exterior of a closed pipeline and not
an open pipe face.


All pipelines and components of the system,
To validate that a fitting design virtually validate fitting designs is finite element
including fittings, must meet certain codes and
meets the specified requirements, it is evaluated analysis (FEA). This method accurately calculates
standards to guarantee pressure containment
capabilities of the line. through both virtual and physical testing. As the resulting stresses and strains from specified internal
world’s leading manufacturer of on-line hot tapping pressures in the fitting.
In the United States, fittings typically must adhere to fittings, T.D. Williamson (TDW) has proven the design
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and manufacturing process of all past, present, and FEA confirms that the highest stress in both
B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, or B31.8. If the pipeline is in future full encirclement split tees utilizing finite fabricated and CDE fittings is where the run meets
Canada, it will need to meet the Canadian Standard element analysis (FEA) and physical validation testing. the branch (Figure 5).
Association (CSA) Z662. MSS SP-75 and ASME
B16.9 are also codes for fittings in the United States FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (FEA) PHYSICAL VALIDATION TESTING
and internationally, respectively, but they only apply One of the most accurate methods TDW utilizes to TDW conducted physical validation testing on both

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fabricated and CDE fittings. Multiple codes and the fitting body, a completion plug, gasket, and a
· HydroTest: Conducted in accordance with
standards required different testing procedures, blind flange (Figure 6). TDW welded the fitting to a ASME B31.4, ASME B31.8, and CSA Z662 for a
including a hydro test, strength test, and burst test. pressure vessel and made a hot tap through the design factor of 0.72. Test pressure utilized was
TDW has completed a program of revalidation of its fitting matching the diameter of the branch. If the 1.25 x MAOP with a hold time of 8 hours.
full encirclement split tees with respect to code- tapped hole had been smaller than the branch
compliant design methodology, under the specified opening, the excess material left on the pipe would · Strength Test: Conducted in accordance with
requirements of ASME B31.4, B31.8; Code of Federal have provided additional strength to the fitting not CFR 192, §192.153. Test pressure utilized was
Regulation (CFR) Title 49 Parts 192 and 195; and available in a real-world application. 2 x MAOP with a hold time of 8 hours.
CSA Z662. The setup for testing replicated the setup
that would be on a pipeline in the field. This included Table 1 Pressure Testing Results

Hydro Test Strength Test Proof Test Failure

Dimensions Fitting Type 495 Min 495 Min 5 Min Pressure Failure Location
BLIND (lbf /in2) (lbf /in2) (lbf /in2) (lbf /in2)
6" x 6" Extruded 1,850 2,960 3,920 7,141 Flange Weld / Side of Fitting

GASKET 6" x 6" Extruded 1,850 2,960 3,926 7,345 Line Pipe
12" x 12" Extruded 1,850 2,960 3,837 5,218 Line Pipe
COMPLETION 12" x 12" Extruded 1,850 2,960 3,717 4,711 Line Pipe
24" x 24" Extruded 1,850 2,960 3,008 3,139 Circumferential Fillet Weld
24" x 24" Extruded 1,850 2,960 3,283 3,380 Circumferential Fillet Weld
6" x 6" Fabricated 1,850 2,960 3,920 6,495 Longitudinal Weld Seam
6" x 6" Fabricated 1,850 2,960 3,920 6,230 Longitudinal Weld Seam
12" x 12" Fabricated 1,850 2,960 3,745 4,273 Side of Branch
Fig. 6 12" x 12" Fabricated 1,850 2,960 3,837 4,772 Side of Branch
Complete Fitting System 24" x 24" Fabricated 1,850 2,960 3,039 3,706 Blind Flange Gasket
24" x 24" Fabricated 1,850 2,960 3,101 3,912 Blind Flange Gasket

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Fabricated fittings can utilize a wide variety of of the material of the formed part is limited to the
· Burst Test: Utilized the testing methodology in materials and run / branch combinations, strength of the material of the parent. This limits the
ASMB 16.9. Pressurize system until lack of
allowing users to customize each fitting to suit material selection operators can request. Factors
pressure containment occurred (max pressure).
specific applications. such as temperature profiles and press rate, among
others, need to be tightly controlled for quality
POE fittings are also customizable and therefore fittings. Using computer simulation that can point
Pressure testing of both fabricated and CDE fittings
able to meet non-standard material and dimension users to factors that need to be adjusted can
shows that the two fitting types have comparable
requirements. overcome these challenges.
pressure containment capabilities (Table 1). Both
However, heating creates distortions in the material, In standard hot tap applications, CDE fittings are a
types met the requirements of all applicable codes.
significantly affecting material properties that can suitable and reliable option. They will meet
Unfortunately, the burst pressure of the fittings was
negatively impact field performance. Effectively applicable requirements, and likely have a shorter
difficult to capture due to failures occurring before
controlling temperature profiles is not only difficult, lead time due to the use of standard materials and a
burst pressure could be reached. The table
but extruding reliable and consistent product under highly automated process. However, non-standard
summarizes the results of the testing.
this method also increases the complexity and risk of requirements, such as special branch and run
the whole process. These concerns must be diameter combinations or high strength steel, may
alleviated by tight and precise process control best be satisfied by a fabricated fitting design.
methods and effective frequent testing of the
Fabricated fittings are often deemed weaker due product to verify acceptable material properties. If
to the use of additional welding, resulting in the process is properly controlled to meet applicable
weld quality concerns. However, as stated above, requirements, POE may be a good option for
when proper quality and manufacturing non-standard fittings.
processes are employed, such as weld
verification, bracing, and post weld heat treating, Like POE, CDE quenching and tempering have an
fabricated fittings are a reliable solution. impact on the overall quality of the fitting. Strength

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Hot Tap Fittings: To Extrude or Fabricate


McKone, Tommy; Sutter, Chad. 2017. Hot Tap Fittings- To Extrude or Fabricate.
Pipeline operators have a number of fitting options to consider when executing a hot tap or intrusive Paper presented at The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Pressure
Vessels & Piping Conference, Honolulu, HI.
isolation. More often than not, the specific job parameters and conditions will dictate the fitting type that
will best meet their requirements. Regardless of manufacturing approach, advances in manufacturing
methods and technologies have dramatically improved the overall quality of fittings while ensuring a
positive impact on pipeline integrity.
TDW is guiding the effort to understand the advantages and overcome the challenges of fittings Paola Corrales
manufacturing methods. TDW focuses on developing and investing in state of the art manufacturing PRODUCT MANAGER
4220 World Houston Pkwy, Suite 100
technologies and procedures that overcome many of the challenges described above. TDW carefully Houston, TX 77032
[email protected]
selects each manufacturing method to provide the best solution and bring the safest, most reliable
products to owners and operators, including the most advanced line of fittings available today.
North & South America +1 918 447 5000
Europe / Middle East +32 67 28 3611
©2017 T.D. Williamson, Inc.

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