Brief History of Aircraft Structures and Major Structural Stresses
Brief History of Aircraft Structures and Major Structural Stresses
Brief History of Aircraft Structures and Major Structural Stresses
Figure 1-2. Master of gliding and wing study, Otto Lilienthal (top)
and one of his more than 2,000 glider flights (bottom).
still supported by wires, but a mast extending above the
fuselage enabled the wings to be supported from above, as
well as underneath. This made possible the extended wing
length needed to lift an aircraft with a single set of wings.
Bleriot used a Pratt truss-type fuselage frame. [Figure 1-5]
Figure 1-4. The Wright Flyer was the first successful powered aircraft. It was made primarily of wood and fabric.
Figure 1-6. The Junker J-1 all metal construction in 1910.
Figure 1-9. The DeHavilland Mosquito, the first aircraft with foam
core honeycomb in the fuselage. Figure 1-10. The nearly all composite Cessna Citation Mustang
to construct. Increases in flight speed accompanying jet travel very light jet (VLJ).
brought about the need for thinner wings. Wing loading also
increased greatly. Multispar and box beam wing designs were
developed in response. An aircraft is a device that is used for, or is intended to be used
for, flight in the air. Major categories of aircraft are airplane,
In the 1960s, ever larger aircraft were developed to carry rotorcraft, glider, and lighter-than-air vehicles. [Figure 1-11]
passengers. As engine technology improved, the jumbo jet Each of these may be divided further by major distinguishing
was engineered and built. Still primarily aluminum with a features of the aircraft, such as airships and balloons. Both
semimonocoque fuselage, the sheer size of the airliners of are lighter-than-air aircraft but have differentiating features
the day initiated a search for lighter and stronger materials and are operated differently.
from which to build them. The use of honeycomb constructed
panels in Boeing’s airline series saved weight while not The concentration of this handbook is on the airframe of
compromising strength. Initially, aluminum core with aircraft; specifically, the fuselage, booms, nacelles, cowlings,
aluminum or fiberglass skin sandwich panels were used on fairings, airfoil surfaces, and landing gear. Also included are
wing panels, flight control surfaces, cabin floor boards, and the various accessories and controls that accompany these
other applications. structures. Note that the rotors of a helicopter are considered
part of the airframe since they are actually rotating wings.
A steady increase in the use of honeycomb and foam core By contrast, propellers and rotating airfoils of an engine on
sandwich components and a wide variety of composite an airplane are not considered part of the airframe.
materials characterizes the state of aviation structures from
the 1970s to the present. Advanced techniques and material The most common aircraft is the fixed-wing aircraft. As
combinations have resulted in a gradual shift from aluminum the name implies, the wings on this type of flying machine
to carbon fiber and other strong, lightweight materials. These are attached to the fuselage and are not intended to move
new materials are engineered to meet specific performance independently in a fashion that results in the creation of lift.
requirements for various components on the aircraft. Many One, two, or three sets of wings have all been successfully
airframe structures are made of more than 50 percent utilized. [Figure 1-12] Rotary-wing aircraft such as
advanced composites, with some airframes approaching helicopters are also widespread. This handbook discusses
100 percent. The term “very light jet” (VLJ) has come to features and maintenance aspects common to both fixed-
describe a new generation of jet aircraft made almost entirely wing and rotary-wing categories of aircraft. Also, in certain
of advanced composite materials. [Figure 1-10] It is possible cases, explanations focus on information specific to only
that noncomposite aluminum aircraft structures will become one or the other. Glider airframes are very similar to fixed-
obsolete as did the methods and materials of construction wing aircraft. Unless otherwise noted, maintenance practices
used by Cayley, Lilienthal, and the Wright Brothers. described for fixed-wing aircraft also apply to gliders. The
same is true for lighter-than-air aircraft, although thorough
Figure 1-11. Examples of different categories of aircraft, clockwise from top left: lighter-than-air, glider, rotorcraft, and airplane.
A. Tension
B. Compression
C. Torsional D. Shear
Figure 1-14. The five stresses that may act on an aircraft and its parts.