Electromagnetic Induction
Electromagnetic Induction
Electromagnetic Induction
Electromagnetic induction is the production of an electric
current by a changing magnetic field.
Aruhan electromagnet adalah penghasilan arus elektrik
oleh medan magnet yang berubah.
The induced current is produced:
Arus aruhan terhasil bila:
* there is a relative motion between conductor and magnetic
field lines.
*terdapat gerakan relatif antara konduktor dan garisan daya
medan magnet
*which causes the conductor to cut the magnetic fields lines
*yang menyebabkan konduktor memotong garisan medan
*which causes e.m.f / current is induce in conductor.
*yang menyebabkan d.g.e / arus teraruh pada konduktor
(b) Based on Diagram 8.1 and Diagram 8.2: ......... .............................................…………………[1 mark]
(i) State two differences that can be observed from
Diagram 8.1 and Diagram 8.2. (d) Suggest one method to increase the magnitude of the
induced current
…….….............................................………………[1 mark]
……………………………………………….……….[2 marks]
10. Diagram 2.1 shows a bar magnet before and when is
(ii) Based on the answer in (b)(i), explain why these pushed into a solenoid.
differences occur?
…..........................................................................[2 marks]
(d) Explain why the direction of current in the solenoid is ……………………………………………………..……[1 mark]
upward as shown in Diagram 8.1 and Diagram 8.2?
(b) State the polarity of the solenoid at ‘X’
................................................................................[2 marks] (c) Diagram 2.2 shows a magnet bar is being pull away from
inside a solenoid.
9) Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show that a current is induced
in a solenoid when a bar magnet is moved in or out of the
Diagram 2.2
DIAGRAM 6.1 DIAGRAM 6.2 On Diagram 2.2
(i) mark the direction of the current flow in the circuit
(a) What is meant by induced current? (ii) by using an arrow mark the compass direction on the
compass above. [2 mark]
.…………………………………………………………[1 mark]
11. Diagram 4 shows a bar magnet is hung on a spring that
attached to a retort stand. The bar magnet is displaced
downwards and released so it can oscillate through a
solenoid which is connected to a centre-zero galvanometer. ……........................................................................[1 mark]
……........................................................................[1 mark]
(b). When the bar magnet move towards the solenoid, the
galvanometer pointer deflect for a while.
(i) Explain why the galvanometer pointer deflects?
Diagram 6.1
……………………….......................................................... Diagram 6.2 shows two bar magnets are moved into a
solenoid. Galvanometer shows the reading of the induced
………………………………………………………………[2] current.
A : ...................................................................................
B : ...............................................................................[2]
........................................................................[1 mark]
Diagram 2 (c) (i) Based on the answer in 6(b), state the relationship
(a) State the magnetic pole at P when the magnet is moved between the strength of magnetic field and induced
towards the solenoid. current.
(b) In Diagram 2, when the magnet is pushed towards the (ii) Name the physics law involved in 6(c)(i)
(i) mark the direction of induced current on the solenoid ........................................................................[1 mark]
(ii) show the direction of pointer on the zero centered
galvanometer. [2 marks] (d) Diagram 6.3 shows a bar magnet is moved towards a
(c )Name the physics law involved in determining the poles in solenoid.
(a) above
Diagram 6.3
Explain why the solenoid moves away from the magnet?
Diagram 10.1
…….......................................................................[2 marks]
Diagram 10.2
(a) What is the meaning of electromagnet? [1 mark]
Fig. 7.1 (b) Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, compare the
As the wire is moved downwards between the magnetic poles, strength of magnetic field, current flow and the distance
the needle of the ammeter deflects to the left. moved by the copper rod. Relate the current flow with the
(a) Name the physics concept involved. distance moved by the copper rod to make a deduction on
. the relationship between current and force on a conductor.
......................................................................................... [1] [5 marks]
(c) Based on Diagram 10.1, explain why the copper rod move
(b) Fig. 7.2 illustrates the right hand rule, which helps to to the right. [4 marks]
determine the direction of current flowing in the conductor. (d) Diagram 10.3 shows a cross section of a moving coil
microphone. A microphone converts one form of energy
into another. When the diaphragm moves in response to
sound, the attached coil moves in the magnetic field and
generates a very small current in the wire of the coil. Using
an appropriate concept in physics, suggest and explain
Fig. 7.2 suitable modifications or ways to enable the microphone to
In each of the boxes, write the name of the quantity that
detect sound effectively and generate bigger current based
direction represents. [2]
on the following aspect:
(c) State what happens to the needle of the ammeter when the
wire is moved upwards between the magnetic poles.
......................................................................................... [1]
(c) State and explain what happens when the wire is held
stationary between the magnetic poles.
……................................................................................. [2]
Diagram 10.3
(i) thickness of diaphragm
15. Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show identical copper (ii) strength of the material for diaphragm
(iii) number of turns of coil
rods placed on bare copper wires in the magnetic field.
(iv) diameter of the wire of coil
When the switch is on, the pointer of the ammeter deflects (v) shape of magnet [10 marks]
and the copper rod is moved to the final position as shown
in the diagrams.