Robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one
programmable by a computer. Basically, it can be classified into two categories: fixed and mobile robot.
Mobile Robots are robots with a mobile base which makes the robot move freely in the environment.
One of the advanced mobile robots is the Line Follower Robot. It is basically a robot which follows a
particular path or trajectory and decides its own course of action which interacts with obstacle. The path
can be a black line on the white floor or a magnetic field. Its applications start from basic domestic uses
to industrial uses, etc. The present condition in industry is they are carrying the parcels or materials one
place to another place using the crane system. Some times lifting of big weights at that time may cause
the breakage of lifting materials and will be cause damage to the parcels also. The line following robots
is commonly used for carry children through shopping malls, homes, entertainment places, industries.
The use of line following robotic vehicle is transport the materials from one place to another place in the
industries. This robot movement completely depends on the track. The robot can do any thing you set
them to do. Like in factories all they have to do with making their products is make the robot.
This is the brain of this robot in which the program is loaded to do the required functioning and
is interfaced with sensors and the motor driver to make the system work as required.
2. Line Sensor
This senses whether there is platform in front of the robot or an edge is arrived and sends the
appropriate signal to the comparator.
3. DC Motor
This motor is controlled with DC voltages and can move in forward and backward direction
according to the polarity of the voltage applied
4. Motor Driver
Microcontrollers can’t supply the current required by DC motor to run. So, to fulfill this
requirement these motor driver ICs are used.
5. Wheels
In it three wheels are employed, two at rear end and one at front end. Rear wheels are attached
with the motors and also control the steering of robot. Front wheel is the loose steered wheel
which moves in the direction of the pressure applied to it.
Concept of working of line follower is related to light. We use here the behavior of light at black and
white surface. When light fall on a white surface it is almost full reflected and in case of black surface
light is completely absorbed. This behavior of light is used in building a line follower robot.
In this arduino based line follower robot we have used IR Transmitters and IR receivers also called
photo diodes. They are used for sending and receiving light. IR transmits infrared lights. When infrared
rays falls on white surface, it’s reflected back and catched by photodiodes which generates some voltage
changes. When IR light falls on a black surface, light is absorb by the black surface and no rays are
reflected back, thus photo diode does not receive any light or rays.
Here in this arduino line follower robot when sensor senses white surface then arduino gets 1 as input
and when senses black line arduino gets 0 as input.
Circuit Explanation
The whole arduino line follower robot can be divided into 3 sections: sensor section, control section and
driver section.
Sensor section:
This section contains IR diodes, potentiometer, Comparator (Op-Amp) and LED’s. Potentiometer is
used for setting reference voltage at comparator’s one terminal and IR sensors are used to sense the line
and provide a change in voltage at comparator’s second terminal. Then comparator compares both
voltages and generates a digital signal at output. Here in this line follower circuit we have used two
comparator for two sensors. LM 358 is used as comparator. LM358 has inbuilt two low noise Op-amps.
Control Section:
Arduino Pro Mini is used for controlling whole the process of line follower robot. The outputs of
comparators are connected to digital pin number 2 and 3 of arduino. Arduino read these signals and send
commands to driver circuit to drive line follower.
Driver section:
Driver section consists motor driver and two DC motors. Motor driver is used for driving motors
because arduino does not supply enough voltage and current to motor. So we add a motor driver circuit
to get enough voltage and current for motor. Arduino sends commands to this motor driver and then it
drive motors.
Here in this project we are using two IR sensor modules namely left sensor and right sensor. When both
left and right sensor senses white then robot move forward.
If left sensor comes on black line then robot turn left side.
If right sensor sense black line then robot turn right side until both sensor comes at white surface. When
white surface comes robot starts moving on forward again.
Complete circuit diagram for arduino line follower robot is shown in the above iamge. As you can see
output of comparators is directly connected to arduino digital pin number 2 and 3. And motor driver’s
input pin 2, 7, 10 and 15 is connected to arduino's digital pin number 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively. And one
motor is connected at output pin of motor driver 3 and 6 and another motor is connected at pin 11 and