Writing 20.01.2017
Writing 20.01.2017
Writing 20.01.2017
TASK 1. A magazine is running a competition called “Memories”. Readers are asked to send in stories of 200-250
words about a significant event in their early childhood. Write your story.
TASK 2. You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must begin
with the following words: “I pushed open the door. The house was empty but I could see that someone had been
there and had only just left. Write your story for the competition in 200-250 words.
TASK 3. Your college is holding an open day next month and wants to invite pupils form local schools to attend. You
are writing a letter to a friend of yours to persuade him/her to attend. Read the programme of events and the notes
about what you need to include. Then write the letter remembering to make the day sound as interesting and
attractive as you can. Write a letter in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.
TASK 4. You are planning a weekend trip with a group of friends. A week before you go, one of the group has to go
into hospital. You decide to invite another friend to join you instead. Look at the leaflet about the place where you
are going to stay. You’ve added some notes about your group’s plans. Write to your friend explaining your plans, say
why this invitation is do sudden and ask him/her to join you.
TASK 7: You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must ne called
“ A missed opportunity” and it must end like this: “ I remember what my brother had said when I was setting out. If
only I’d listened to his advice!”
Write a letter in 220-240 words in an appropriate style.