Petrobowl Questions

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Some of the key takeaways from the text include important oil and gas industry terms, names of CEOs of major oil companies, top oil producing countries, and formulas.

Some important terms mentioned include formation volume factor, porosity, permeability, Darcy flow, effective porosity, GOR, kill operations, segregated flow, diffuse flow, and tortuosity.

The top 5 oil producing countries mentioned are Russia, Saudi Arabia, the US, Iran, and China.

1. Who is the CEO of Chesapeake 11.

Formula for rate during exponential

Energy? decline

Aubrey McClendon Q=Qi*e^(-d*i*t)

2. Who is the CEO of Chevron? 12. Who invented the earliest form of
John Watson
Armais Arutunoff
3. Which oil company has the highest oil
production? 13. To what state did Arutunoff relocate
his ESP project?
Saudi Aramco
4. Top 5 oil producing companies
14. Where was the first successful ESP
Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, National Iranian Oil
Company, ExxonMobil, PetroChina
5. List current total world oil reserves
15. Who was the first woman SPE
1.652 trillion barrels

DeAnn Craig, 1998

6. Founder and CEO of Hilcorp
16. How many countries are in SPE?
Jeff Hildebrand
7. What are 5 assumptions behind Darcy
17. Deepest oil well and where
Around 40,604 ft in Sakhalin Russia (Exxon)
Re <1, Newtonian, No-slip boundary
conditions, single phase flow, no chemical 18. What is the Way Ahead?
interaction between rock and fluid
Young professionals magazine that SPE
8. What is the formula for effective publishes every year
19. Highest award that you can win as an
Volume(interconnected)/Volume(total) SPE member?

Honorary Member Award

9. Which country has the largest amount 20. CEO of Royal Dutch Shell
of natural gas reservers?
Peter Voser
21. CEO of Royal Dutch Shell when it

10. Top 5 oil producing countries Henri Deterding

Russia, Saudi, US, Iran, and China

22 driller's method, wait and weight, and
What is the theoretical maximum porosity in a
cubic, rhombohedral, and hexagonal packing?

47.6%, 26.0%, and 39.5% respectively 29

What does the term “segregated flow” mean,

and which factors determine this flow
23 condition?
Name the CEO of Chevron Corporation Fluids separate according to density, and the
John Watson flow is segregated flow if gravity gradients
dominate the flow gΔρ>>dP/dx

Name the CEO of ExxonMobil
What does the term “diffuse flow” mean and
Rex Tillerson which factors determine this flow condition?

Fluids do not separate according to density

and the flow is diffuse flow if dynamic
pressure gradients dominate the flow,
Whats the theoretical maximum mud weight? dP/dx>> gΔρ (leads to uniform saturation
distribution vertically)
19.23 ppg

What is the Dietz method used for, and which
What is the current rotary rig count in the US assumptions are made for this method?
and Canada?
Stable displacement in inclined systems
1,757 and 655 Assumptions Vertical equilibrium Piston
displacement Negligible capillary pressure

What is the initial GOR in a black oil reservoir?
Define formation volume factor
<2000 scf/STB
Reservoir volume/standard volume

Name 3 kill operations in a well control
Which two main types of boundary conditions Define kinematic viscosity
are normally used to represent reservoir fluid
production and injection? Apparent viscosity divided by density of the
Bottom hole pressure specified and
production rate specified

34 What is a top kill operation?

Which log provides a good measurement of Heavy mud is pumped from the well head
down to the pot tom, forcing oil and gas to
the Hydrogen in the formation?
back flow to the formation.

If a water-wet rock saturated with oil is
What are the three elements used as the displaced in water, will it imbibe water into
source of natural gamma rays in sedimentary the smallest or largest pores displacing oil
rocks? first?

Thorium, Uranium, and Potassium Smallest

36 41

What is the physical law that gives the A fluid flow process in which the saturation of
pressure drop in a fluid across a cylindrical the wetting phase increases and the
tube? It assumes that the flow is laminar, nonwetting phase saturation decrease is
viscous and incompressible. It also assumes known as what?
that the flow traveled is longer than the
diameter of the cross-sectional area? imbibitions

Hagen-Poisuelle Equation, ΔP=8μLQ/(πr4)


Primary and waterflood oil recovery is

affected by the wettability of the system.
Define the tortuosity. Which wettability will exhibit greater primary
oil recovery?
The ratio between the length of the curve to
the distance between the end points Water-wet

38 43
In structural geology, what is the name for a Fenestral porosity (algal mats), Shelter
fold that is convex up and has its oldest beds porosity, intracrystalline porosity, moldic
at its core? porosity, Vuggy or fracture porosity.



44 What assumptions do you have to make

about irreducible saturations in the bundle of
What is the term for any geological fold that is
tubes model?
convex up?
There is no residual water or oil saturation

What are the types of reserve groups?
In structural geology, what is the name of a
downward-curving fold with layers that dip Proved developed, proved undeveloped,
toward the center of the structure? unproved probable, unproved possible



46 Which type of reservoirs does the SEC allow

oil companies to report?
What is the most common type of cement, in
general use around the world because it is a Proved
basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco
and non-specialty grout?

Portland cement 52

What does the acronym SCSSV stand for?

47 Surface controlled subsurface safety valve

What are the 3 types of structural traps?

Anticline, fault, salt dome 53

What does the acronym FPSO stand for?

48 Floating Production Storage and Offloading

What are the types of secondary porosity in

carbonate rocks? 54
What is the term for a higher perm layer Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous,
above or beneath multiple lower perm layers? Tertiary, Quaternary

Thief Zones


55 Name the three stages of flow and the

pressure and flow rate profiles associated
What is the apparatus used to measure mud with each.
filtrate volume and mud cake thickness?
Infinite-acting: constant rate, non-linear
API filter press pressure decline Pseudo-steady-state:
constant rate, linear pressure decline
Depletion flow: non-linear rate, constant
56 pressure

What apparatus measures the viscosity of a

Rheometer viscometer
What is a stripper well?

well that strips less than 10 bbl/day of crude

57 oil or 60 MCFD of gas

Does cement fracture easier under tension or

compression? By what factor do these values
differ? 62

Tension, factor of 10 Name four types of naturally occurring


Paraffins, Napthenes (cycloparaffins),

58 Aromatics, Asphalts

Which is higher in sand with dispersed shale,

brine or air permeability?
Air permeability
What does a Dykstra-Parsons coefficient of 1
imply about a reservoir?

59 heterogeneous reservoir

Name the geologic periods in order from

oldest to most recent.
Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian,
Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, What is the principle of Corresponding States
and how is it used?
Fluid properties can be related to a fluid’s What is the primary function of solvent in the
critical temperature and pressure. Can be EOR process?
used to calculate z-factors.
Decreases the interfacial tension between the
oil and the other phases


What are two fluid sampling methods? 71

Separator/surface sample, What are the units of fugacity?

bottomhole/subsurface sample

What are some fluid characteristics of black
Name the equation of states that are used
when describing the PVT behavior of crude
GOR < 2000 scf/STB API gravity below 45 deg oil.
API Formation Volume Factor < 2 RB/STB C7+
higher than 20% Peng-Robinson and SKR

67 73

What fluid is commonly used in carbonate

What is the molecular weight of air?
reservoir simulation?
29 g/gmol
Carbonic Acid

What is the standard temperature across the
United States? What is the primary purpose of polymer
60 degrees Fahrenheit
Improve sweep efficiency

What is the standard pressure across the
What is the term for global rise and fall of sea
United States?
14.7 psia

76 82

What are two types of common polymer To have maximum flow in a well bore which
flooding? condition is needed? What is it specifically
Alkaline flooding, Micellar-polymer flooding
well flowing pressure = 0, Absolute Open Flow

What operating pressure differentiates matrix 83

acidizing from fracture acidizing?
When the wellbore pressure goes below the
Injection Pressure bubble point pressure, what equation should
be used to calculate the productivity?

78 Vogel’s Equation for two phases

What piece of common production facility

equipment is used to remove any free water
in the produced oil?
Define two types of perforating guns.
free-water knockout
Casing gun (Hollow Carrier), Tubing Gun
(Expendable Carrier)

Name 4 types of well logs. 85

SP, Gamma Ray, Resistivity, Sonic, Density, If the API gravity of an oil is 40 degrees,
Dipmeter, Microlog what’s the density of the oil in lbm/cu. Ft?

, Density = 51.5 lbm/ cu. Ft


Name two types of resistivity logs. 86

Induction, Lateral Name the famous fundamental theory used in
fractional flow of immiscible fluids.

81 Buckley-Leverette Theory

Give the equation of Cumulative Oil Recovery

in 3D. 87
Npd = Ea Ed Ei (Soi-Sor) What is the most common swelling clay?

Which measure of project profitability is the
discount (interest) rate at which the net
88 present value equals 0?
What is the oilfield term for a mixture of HF rate of return, internal rate of return
and HCL used as the main fluid in a sandstone
matrix acidizing treatment?

Mud Acid 94

What is commonly the first step in producing

a coal-bed methane field?
Dewatering the field
What piece of equipment is commonly used
to dehydrate produced gas?

Glycol Tower 95

What method converts natural gas to clean

What is the generic equation for inflow
performance relation?

J= qo/(pe-pwf) 96

What type of petroleum reservoir is easily

identified by the occurrence of retrograde
91 condensation?
Name the common practice in compositional gas condensate
reservoir simulation to reduce the number of
components modeled.

Component Lumping, Pseudo-Components 97

In terms of spatial distribution in the pore

space, what are the three classifications for
92 clays?
What are the three types of commonly
Dispersed, Structural, Laminated
recognized decline curves?

Exponential, Hyperbolic, Harmonic


In non-compositional simulation what is the

93 most common fluid model used?

What is the original, unaltered water found
deep within a reservoir called?
Connate, Virgin
The capillary pressure curves for rock samples
from the same reservoir having different
permeabilities will be different. What function
is used to average these curves to create a 105
single Capillary Pressure curve? Name two types of traps for oil.
Leverett J-Function Structural, Stratigraphic

100 106
Which method of heavy oil production aims to Name the technical definition of the ratio .
upgrade the oil in-situ?
Formation Factor

What conditions are required for Darcy’s Law
Define interfacial tension. to be valid?
Work done per unit area in expanding the Laminar flow, steady state, non-compressible
surface of a liquid in contact with another fluid, complete segregation (non-interacting
phase fluid)

102 108
Define surface tension. Name 4 points on a binary phase diagram.
work done per unit area in expanding surface Critical Point, Bubble Point, Dew Point,
of a liquid against its own vapor phase Cricondentherm, Cricondenbar

103 109
Name three ways to estimate gas in place. What is a cricondentherm?
P/z plots, Material Balance, Volumetrics Maximum temperature at which two phases
can exist

What is a cricondenbar Who is the current Saudi oil minister?

Maximum pressure at which two phases can Ali al-Naimi


What large Australian gas field is being
What is the name for the fluid described developed by a joint venture of Chevron,
below? Exxon, and Shell with Chevron as the
Newtonian fluid
Gorgon gas field

What is the name for the fluid described
below? What is the second largest oil and gas
company in Brazil?
Power Law fluid

What is the name of the fluid described
below? What Brazilian mining billionaire began this
company in 2007?
Bingham Plastic Fluid
Eike Batista

What is the name of the fluid described
below? What is the largest field in Venezuela?

Herschel Bulckley Fluid Trivia Questions Bolivar Coastal Field on Lake Maracaibo
discovered 1917

The concept of peak oil is named after what
noted geophysicist? What year was Petrobras formed?

Dr. M King Hubbert 1953.0

116 122
What recent Brazilian discovery could be the 128
third largest oilfield in the world?
What is the name of Poland’s gas monopoly?
Carioca/Sugarloaf field
PGNiG (Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i


In what basin were the giant Tupi and Jupiter 129

fields discovered in?
Who is the EU energy commissioner?
Santos Basin (sub-salt)
Günter Oettinger

What is the national oil company of Ecuador?
Hungary’s MOL oil and gas company has
Petroecuador entered into a partnership with which two
non-European companies to develop the gas
deposits in Hungary’s Mako Trough?
125 ExxonMobil of the United States and Falcon
What US company had a joint venture with Oil & Gas of British Columbia, Canada
Petroecuador for 20 years beginning in 1964
and was sued for environmental damage?
Texaco (Chevron Texaco is being sued)
Who drilled the UK’s first shale gas well?

Cuadrilla Resources

Which 4 major U.S. companies have leased

land in Poland in the new shale gas play 132
Who drilled the first shale gas discovery well
ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, and in Bulgaria?
Marathon Oil
Direct Petroleum Exploration (from Denver,


Which company leased a million acres in 133

Which major company announced plans with
Chevron ENI to build the first coalbed methane
liquefaction plant?
BP What is the name of the rig that blew out and
subsequently sunk in the ocean during the BP
134 Deepwater horizon
Which company is planning to exploit French
shale gas following a $2.3 billion joint venture
with Chesapeake? 140

Total What service company owned Deepwater



Which company partnered with Toreador

Resources to develop a shale gas play in Paris 141
What service was Halliburton providing during
Hess the BP explosion?



What is the name of the field of the BP oil 142

How many workers died during the BP
Macondo accident?



What is the name of the well of the BP oil 143

Approximately what was the water depth of
MC252: Mississippi Canyon 252 the MC252 wellhead?

5000 ft


What was the date of the BP blowout? 144

April 22, 2010 On what date did the work of the first relief
well commence after the BP accident?

May 2, 2010

What convicted terrorist’s release has been 151

linked to a BP oil deal with Libya?
Who operates the Rabi-Kounga field?
The Lockerbie bomber (abdel Basset Al-
Megrahi) Shell

146 152

Which country has the most proved oil What company is the largest foreign producer
reserves in Africa? of oil in Algeria?

Libya Anadarko

147 153

What company has just started producing the What two companies have a joint venture
Arcadia field in Egypt? with Sonatrach in the In Salah and In Amenas
gas fields
BP and StatoilHydro

Which famous Nigerian playwright and activist
What company’s concessions in Congo did the
was executed in 1995 and brought
international light to the corruption in their oil Congolese president refuse to ratify?
industry? Tullow Oil
Ken Saro-Wiwa

149 What was the name of the rig used to drill the
What company discovered oil in Angola? relief well after the BP incident?

Petrofina Development Driller III

150 156

What was the name of the largest oilfield in What companies are the two other partners
Gabon? with BP in the accident’s block?

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and MOEX Kuwait, 1991. Wells blown by Sadam
Offshore 2007 Hussein’s army.

157 163

What are the shares of BPs partners in the What were the top four oil consuming
Macondo project? economies in 2009?

Anadarko: 25% and MOEX: 10% United States, China, Japan, India

158 164

Who is BP Americas CEO? What is the largest onshore oilfield in Europe?

Tony Hayward Patos Marinzas in Albania

159 165

According to BPs CEO, initially what was the Which of the seven sisters did T.Boone
flowing rate? Pickens attempt to takeover? Who bought
5,000 bbl/day
Pickens attempted to take over Gulf and
Chevron ended up buying them

Who was appointed as new BP CEO?

Robert Dudley What was the name of the failed field in

161 Mukluk

In what year was Exxon-Valdez spill?

March 24, 1989 167

Who sued who over the sale of Getty Oil?

162 Pennzoil sued Texaco

Besides the recent spill in the Gulf, which is

the largest oil spill in history? 168

What was the original name of Nymex?

Butter and Cheese Exchange


169 What year was Britain’s clean air act passed?

Who bought Conoco in the 1980s? 1957.0



170 What significant conflict in an oil country

occurred at the same time as the six day war?
Who was the first general secretary of OPEC?
Civil war in Nigeria
Faud Houhani (Iraq)

What octogenarian U.S. oil man went to jail
Who was the President of Conoco who made
for his role in the fuel for food scandal?
them into an international powerhouse?
Oscar Wyatt
Leonard McCollum

Who has drilled the deepest oil well to date?
What actor appeared regularly on Texaco Star
Theater? BP, 35055 ft offshore GOM

Milton Berle


173 What is the largest oil field in the North Sea by

What is the longest pipeline in Europe also
known as the “friendship pipeline?” Forties

Druzhba Pipeline that goes from Russia to

Germany and is about 4000 km in length

What does AGIP stand for?

Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli
What is Exxon’s slogan?

Put a tiger in your tank

What does ENI stand for? What company just made the largest
discovery in California in the last 35 years?
Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi

What company recently made a large
discovery in 20 ft of water off the Louisiana What Texas oil man donated a large part of
coast? his wealth to the University of Houston?

McMoran Roy Cullen

183 189

What is the largest oilfield in North America? What Texas oil man started the company
Southern Union Gas?
Prudhoe Bay
Clint Murchison

What were the top 4 exporting countries in
2009? What Texas oil man is the great uncle to the
Basses of Ft. Worth?
Saudi Arabia, Russia, UAE, Iran
Sid Richardson

What were the top 4 gas exporting countries
in 2009? What Texas oil man invented the rock bit?

Russia, Canada, Norway, Algeria Howard Hughes Sr.

186 192

What are the top 4 producing states in U.S. What Texas oil man spent part of his life
trying to find the Sasquatch?
Texas, Alaska, California, Louisiana
Tom Slick

What Texas oil man owned the Dallas
Clint Murchison Jr.
What was the name of the discovery well in
the East Texas field?

194 Daisy Bradford No. 3

What Texas oil man made his fortune after

buying up leases in the East Texas Field
including some from Dad Joiner? 200

H. L. Hunt What was the name of the discovery well in

West Texas?

Santa Rita No. 1


What Texas oil man got his Libyan concession

taken away and then lost a good part of his 201
fortune trying to corner the silver market with What Texas oil man was an early player in the
his brother? North Sea, Yemen, and Peru?
Bunker Hunt Ray Hunt

196 202
What Texas oil heir owned the Kansas City What are the top 5 exporting European
Chiefs? countries?
Lamar Hunt Norway, United Kingdome, Netherlands,
Belgium, Italy


What Texas oilman was the character Jett 203

Rink loosely based on? The Ammott index measures what property of
Glen McCarthy a rock?



What was the name of Glen McCarthy’s hotel 204

in Houston? When did Petrobowl start?
Shamrock (bought by Hilton) 2002.0

Name all the champions of Petrobowl. 211

University of Texas (2009), University of Where were the last 3 ATCE held?
Oklahoma (2008 & 2007), Colorado School of
Mines (2006), Texas A&M (2005 & 2003) New Orleans (2009), Denver (2008), Anaheim
Montana Tech (2004), Texas Tech (2002) (2007)

206 212

What two teams won Petrobowl twice? Who is sponsoring the 2010 ATCE?

University of Oklahoma and Texas A&M ENI

207 213

In 2009, Petrobowl had what milestone(s) Who sponsored last year’s Petrobowl? (2010)

Largest Petrobowl, Largest international Petroskills and Encana

participation, First MVP award presented

208 Who are the biggest oilfield service
Who organizes the questions for Petrobowl? companies (top 5?)

SPE Gulf Coast section young professionals Schlumberger Limited, Halliburton, Saipem,
Transocean Ltd., Baker Hughes


What 4 schools have gone to every What is the largest merger in American
Petrobowl? History?

Texas A&M, Louisiana State University, Exxon + Mobil

Montana Tech, Texas Tech

210 What is the largest oil spill?
Where will ATCE be held in the next two Gulf War oil spill, oil tankers, January 21, 1991

San Antonio (2011), Denver (2012)

217 223

Where was the first over-water oil well Name 5 shale gas plays in the United States.
Antrim, Barnett, Caney, Conesauga,
Caddo Lake, Gulf Oil 1911 Fayetteville, Floyd, Gothic, Haynesville, New
Albany, Pearsall, Chattanooga and Ohio,
Marcellus, Utica, Woodford.

Which three countries did the Adriatic section 224

comprise from 1987-1991?
How much shale gas was produced in the
Italy, Yugoslavia, and Austria United States in 2008?

2.02 TCF

When did the Adriatic section change its 225

name to the Italian Section?
Who regulates the reserves reporting
1995.0 requirements?


What is the oldest Italian oil company? 226

SPI Under what price were reserves booked
under the old rules?

221 Year-End

What oil-bearing formation in Montana,

North Dakota, and Saskatchewan is produced 227
with horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing?
Under what price are reserves booked under
The Bakken formation the new rules/


How much recoverable oil does the USGS 228

estimate is in the Bakken Formation?
When were the SEC reporting requirements
3.65 billion barrels last amended?

Ghawar, Abqaiq, Shaybah


Were unconventional reserves “bookable” 235

under the previous SEC reporting
requirements? What is the world’s largest offshore field?

No Safaniya

230 236

When did the new SEC rules take effect? Name the five largest oilfields in the world.

January 1 2010 Ghawar, Burgan, Cantarell, Daquing, Kirkuk

231 237

What is the second largest oilfield in the

In what decade was Ghawar discovered?
United States and where is it located?
1940s (1948)
Kuparuk River, North Slope

What are the two most productive operating
areas in Ghawar, and where are they located What is the largest oilfield in Iraq and when
in the field? was it discovered?

Ain Dar, Shedgum Kirkuk, 1927

233 239

What is the name of the most productive When did United States oil production peak?
carbonate formation (not field) in Saudi Early 1970

Arab D Zone 2-B


What was the peak United States oil

234 production?
What are the three largest oilfields in Saudi 10.2 MMbbl/day
241 117.0

The Society of Petroleum Engineers began as

part of which organization?
American Institute of Mining Engineers
Who was the first chairman of the SPE Italy

242 Umberto Sugny

What year was SPE formed?

1957.0 249

Who is the 2010 chairman of the SPE Italy

Maurizio Rampoldi
Who was the first president of SPE?

John Hammond

Who was the first and only Italian SPE

244 president?
Who is the 2010 SPE president? Giovanni Paccaloni
Behrooz Fattahi

245 What is a whipstock?
Who is the 2011 SPE president? An angle to build off
Alain LeBastie

246 What is a bent sub?
How many SPE members were recorded at A tool to build an angle
the end of 2009?


Who is the 2010 ENI chief executive?

Paolo Scaroni
How many countries have SPE organizations?
254 260

What is the name of the Iranian field that ENI Texaco can trace its roots to which company
has recently to pull out of? formed in Beaumont, TX in 1901?

Darkhovin Oil Field Texas Fuel Company

255 261

Who is the current CEO and chairman of Chevron markets fuel under several brand
Chevron? names. What are these?

John Watson Chevron, Standard Oil, Texaco, Caltex, Gulf

Oil, Unocal

Chevron was originally known as which of the
dissolved company of Standard Oil Trust? What SPE journal presents authoritative briefs
and features on E&P technology
Standard Oil of California advancements, oil and gas industry issues,
and news about SPE and its members?

257 Journal of Petroleum Technology

When was Pacific Coast Oil Company

founded? 263
1879.0 Who was the first female president of SPE?

Deann Craig (1998)


SoCal took the name Chevron in 1984 when it 264

merged with which company?
Who was the first non-American SPE
Gulf Oil president?

Jacques Bosio (1993)


Chevron acquired two companies in the past 265

ten years. Name these companies.
In what year was the first offshore Technology
Texaco and Unocal Conference held?

Paris, France


In what year was the first issue of SPE Journal 272

In 1940 Schlumberger’s headquarters was
1961.0 relocated, to where?

Houston, Texas


In 1986, SPE launched four discipline-specific 273

technical journals. Name these.
In 1999,the world’s largest drilling fluids
Drilling Engineering, Production Engineering, company was created through a joint venture
Formation Evaluation, Reservoir Engineering between Schlumberger and which other
service company?

Smith Inernational

What SPE journal is designed specifically for

young professionals? 274

The Way Ahead What year was the gamma-ray log



What were the names of the two

Schlumberger brothers? 275

Conrad, Marcel What year was Exxon Mobil founded?

1999 (through a merger)


What year did Schlumberger first open for 276

Which country is the largest consumer of
1920.0 natural gas?

United States


Where was Schlumberger’s first office 277

Who developed the first electrical log
The Schlumberger Brothers In the New York Stock Exchange what is
Halliburton’s ticker symbol?


What company merged to create Baker

Hughes? 284

Baker International and Hughes Tool What year did Halliburton go public?

Who is the founder of Smith International?
In 1995, who was named President, chairman
Herman C. Smith and CEO of Halliburton?

Dick Cheney


What year was Backer Hughes Company 286

Where is Weatherford International’s
1987.0 headquarters located?

Houston, Texas


What invention is the Hughes Tool Company 287

most known for?
What year was the first offshore oil platform
first rotary drill bit built?



In 1970, Ruben C. Baker invented the Baker 288

Casing Shoe. How did this invention improve
oil production? What company constructed the first offshore
oil platform?
it allowed for uninterrupted flow of oil
through a well Superior Oil

283 289
What oil company owns the largest oil Iran


Which country’s flag is below?

What was the date of the highest price of oil
per barrel occur?

39630.0 297

Which country’s flag is below?

291 Venezuela

What is the name of the Schlumberger

researcher that developed of the SP log? 298
Henri Doll Which country’s flag is below?


What company introduced the gamma ray 299

Which country’s flag is below?
Well Surveys Inc.

Which country’s flag is below?
Which country’s flag is below?
Saudi Arabia

Which country’s flag is below?
Which country’s flag is below?

Which country’s flag is below?
Which country’s flag is below? 309

Libya What is the capital of United Arab Emirates?



Which country’s flag is below? 310

united Arab Emirates What is the capital of Venezuela?



What is the capital of Saudi Arabia? 311

Riyadh What is the capital of Qatar?



What is the capital of Iraq? 312

Baghdad What is the capital of Ecuador?



What is the capital of Iran? 313

Tehran What is the capital of Libya?



What is the capital of Angola? 314

Luanda What is the capital of Nigeria?



What is the capital of Algeria? 315

Algiers What year did Saudi and Aramco come to a

50/50 Deal?

border and then back to the U.S. to take an
advantage of tariff breaks for overland
316 shipped oil
What did Enrico Mattei do in the 1930s?

Manager at a chemical plant 322

Who replaced Tariki as the Saudi Oil minister?

317 Anwer: Ahmed Zaki Yamani

Who introduced Alfonzo and Tariki?

Wanda Jablonski 323

Name the five original countries in OPEC.

318 Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait

What was the name of the precursor

agreement to the formation of OPEC? What 324
five countries were involved?
How did Enrico Mattei die?
Gentlemen’s Agreement. Iran, Iraq,
Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait Plane crash with the Time Magazine Rome
Bureau chief

Where did the Japanese consortium Arabian
oil get their concession? When did Standard Oil antitrust break up?

Offshore Neutral Zone 1911.0

320 326

What American company broke the 50/50 What did Standard of Oil of New York turn
agreement in Iran after ENI? into?

Standard Oil of Indiana

321 327

What was the Brownsville U-Turn? Who made up ARAMCO?

Mexico had no pipelines so they shipped oil to Jersey, SOCONY, Texaco, and Standard Oil of
Brownsville and then drove it across the California

328 Who built the Suez Canal?

Who was Anglo-Iranian’s CEO? Ferdinand de Lesseps

Sir William Fraser


329 When was the Suez Canal finished?

How did the Shah come to power? 1869.0

Allies put him in place of his Nazi-

sympathizing dad

Name the oil man who drilled the first well in

330 the United States.

Who was the leader of Operation AJAX? Colonell Drake

Kermit Roosevelt


331 Where and when was the first well drilled in

the United States?
What ends up happening to the Justice
department’s antitrust case? Titusville, Pennsylvania, 1859

Downstream only affected, STANVAC pulled


How deep was the first well drilled in the

332 United States?

What year did the oil lift take place? 69 ft deep



333 Name the promoter who organized an

investor group for Silliman’s study of “Rock
Who was the leader of Egypt who nationalized
the Suez?
George Bissel
Gamal Abdel Nasser
340 well as founded Miami and Palm Beach and
developed the state of Florida?
Who invented and patented “Kerosene?”
Henry Flagler
Abraham Gesner

When and where was Standard Oil founded?
When and where the first flowing well was
drilled in the United States? Founded in 1870, by five men led by
Rockefeller on 26 Broadway, NYC
On 1861, at the rate of 3000 bbl/day in the
Western Pennsylvania


342 Name the world’s first long distance pipeline

and the date it was built.
When was the peak oil production in Western
Pennsylvania and what was the production Tidewater, 1879

1862, 3 million bbl/day


Name the sulfur rich oil field discovered at the

343 mid of 1880s which soon gave one third of
American oil production?
When, where and for what price did John
Rockefeller buy his first refinery? Lima-Indiana field, Ohio state

1865, Cleveland, Ohio. Rockefeller won in

private auction one of the city’s biggest oil
refineries for $72,500 against Maurice Clark 349

Nowadays majority of oil companies are

vertically integrated. Name the person who
344 founded this type of corporate management?

Who owned the world’s largest refinery at the John Rockefeller

end of the 1860s?

J.D. Rockefeller

When was the first well drilled in Baku?

Name the closest partner of John Rockefeller
who run oil transportation arrangements as
351 to Singapore and later arrived to final
Later this person was called oil king of Baku,
this person who established Nobel’s Brother’s
Petroleum Company. Who was he?
Ludwig Nobel
When was Royal Dutch created? Who created

352 1890 – Royal Dutch company was established

by Aeilko Jans Zijlker
When did the Russian oil production reach 4/5
of the US production and how much was it?

1886, 23 million bbl/day 357

When did Edison invent incandescent light

Name the company of jewish family and the
date it was established

BNITO, 1886 (Caspian and Black Sea 358

Petroleum Company)
According to The Prize, give the years of the
Kerosene Age.

354 1859-1900

Which company established a new branch in

Britain 24 days after BNITO, also give the
name of the company. 359

1888 – Standard Oil established its first When and where was the first start of
foreign affiliate – Anglo-American Company Californian oil boom?
24 days after the Rothschilds, becoming true 1870s – oil boom in Ventura County and in
Multinational enterprise San Fernando Valley, North of Los Angeles

355 360
Describe the revolutionary trip of Marcus Give the correct order of leading producer
Samuel. states from 1859 to 1
1892- Marcus Samuel’s Coupe: Murex –
Marus Samuel’s tanker sailed from West
Hartlepool to Batum in Caspian region, where 361
it was filled with BNITO’s kerosene, then went
Pennsylvania, California, Oklahoma, Texas
362 368

Which company in California was the When and by whom Gulf Oil was founded?
dominant producer before Socal?
1907 by Mellons
Union Oil of Califonia

This person was a pioneer of the Texan oil
When was SOcal founded? industry byy founding a new oil company.
Name the person, his company and the date it
1907.0 was founded.

Joseph (Buckskin Joe) Cullinan, an aggressive

364 Texas oil developer, Texaco, 1906

When and where was Rotary Drilling

technique first pioneered and used? 370
1900—Corsicana, TX used in Spindletop Name the date of Rockefeller’s retirement
and his successor.

365 1897, John D. Archibold

By what event was Texas Oil Boom started

and when was it? 371
Well Lucas 1 – Spindletop gusher ( 75,000 Name the author and date of publication of
bbl/day) in 1901 the book, The History of Standard Oil

366 Ida Tarbell, 1904

Give the year of the start of the Oklahoma oil

boom. 372
1901.0 Name the president who caused Standard’s
break up and his year of election.

367 Theodore Roosevelt

Which oil field in OK made the state a leading

oil producer? 373
Glen Pool, Tulsa, Oklahoma
When did Standard oil break up? Name the 60% of the stock in the operating subsidiaries
companies it formed. and the latter 40%

1911 Standard Oil of New Jersey – Exxon

Standard Oil of New York – Mobil Standard Oil
of California – Chevron Standard Oil of Ohio – 378
Sohio Standard Oil of Indiana – Amoco When and how RDSG became an important
Continental Oil – Conoco Atlantic player in Russia?

1912 – the Rothschilds sold their interests to

374 RDSG, instantly making it a major economic
force in Russia, with 20% control of its total oil
When did the first gusher start in Borneo and production
what was it called?

1898, called Black Spot, oil was unsuitable for

kerosene, but good for fuel oil 379

Who formed the European Petroleum Union?

375 Nobels, Rothschilds, Deutsche Bank

This person was called “Napoleon of Oil,” he

also led a new combination of two companies 380
– competitors of Standard, name him and the
combination he led. When was the European Petroleum Union
Henri Deterding, “British Dutch”

Name the company, created by Rothschilds at
the beginning of 20th century. Name the Persian diplomat who made
important connections to develop Persian oil
Asiatic Petroleum Company industry.

Antonie Kitabgi

When and how was Royal Dutch Shell Group 382

formed, its primary share holders?
This person made a very important
1907 – Royal Dutch/Shell Group (RDSG) was contribution to Persian oil industry, organized
created by purchase of Royal Dutch 25% first drilling operations and led the British
shares of Shell. Royal Dutch and Shell became Concession syndicate to develop oil industry
holding companies, with the former holding in Persia. Who is this person?
Knox D’Arcy In an effort to integrate, Anglo-Persian
purchased one of the largest pipeline
networks in the United Kingdom. What was
383 the name of the company that owned the
Name the location and date of the first gusher
in Persia. British Petroleum

Neutral Zone in 1908


384 Used as an essential ingredient for TNT, it was

generated from coal until able to extract from
Give the name of the reorganized name of the Shell’s Borneo crude. What wast his
British Concession. ingredient?

Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) Toluol

385 390

Which company in England started the Of the many tankers sunk by German
Persian oil industry development by investing submarines in WWI, give the name of one lost
on D’Arcy’s operations in Persia? by Standard Oil of New Jersey and Shell.

Burmah Oil in 1904 Standard Oil of New Jersey lost the John D.
Archibold and Shell Lost the Murex

What did Churchill learn about oil from
Frisher? Within 5 % give the percentage of petroleum
supplied by the United States to Allied Forces
it does not deteriorate It can be stored up in
in WWI.
vast, defensible tanks that which was east of
Suez was cheaper than coal 0.8

387 392

When Churchill agreed to convert entire navy State the purpose and chairman of the
to oil? National Petroleum War Service Committee
during WWI.
It pooled the American oil supplies for Europe.
Alfred Bedford, president of Standard Oil of
388 New Jersey
Daisy Bradford # 3, 340,000 bbl/day


The “golden lane” is located in which country? 399

Mexico This entity was called in to stop the over-

production in the Texas fields.

Texas Railroad Commission


Located in Venezuela, what region led to the

country’s oil boom? 400

Lake Maracaibo Basin This contraband oil became the problem with
getting the oil industry back to stability by
undercutting the already low prices.
395 Hot Oil
The barroso well owned by Shell in the Lake
Maracaibo Basin started the Venezuelan
boom, what was its initial production rate and 401
what was the name of the field?
Name the agreement between states that
~100,000 bbls/day and La Rosa Field helped stabilize the industry by voluntary

Interstate Oil Compact


What type of drilling method brought Jersey

off the sidelines and into the game in 1928? 402

Underwater Drilling How many barrels of oil did Japan accidentally

destroy during the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

4.5 million bbl


What was the name of the field that brought

the boom to East Texas? 403

The Black Giant Before WWII, who were the three largest oil
companies in Aisia?

Rising Sun, Standard Vacuum, Japanese

398 Affiliates of Royal Dutch Company
Name the well in 1930 that brought attention
to the Black Giant and its initial production.
Who was Japan’s largest importer of
petroleum before WWII?
United States of America
Who was Frank Howard?

Head of Research for Standard Oil of New

405 Jersey in 1926

Name 2 of the 3 powers the “Petroleum

Industry Act” of 1934 gave to the United
States government? 411

Set Market Quotas, Fix Prices, Control What was Carl Bosch?
imports/exports of petroleum Chairman of I.G. Farben

406 412
What grade of oil did the United States ban Who was Albert Speer?
from exports to Japan with the “National
Defense Act?” Minister of Armament and War Production.

Aviation Fuel (87+)


407 What is hydrogenation?

What was I.G. Farben? the process of extracting liquid from coal.

Largest German synthetic fuel chemical


At the start of WWII, which company lead

408 Germany’s synthetic fuel industry?

Who is Friederich Bergius? I.G. Farben

First man to successfully extract liquid from


In which American state did Standard Oil of

409 New Jersey build a hydrogenation plant?

Who is Walter Teagle? Louisiana

President of Standard Oil of New Jersey

Before the beginning of WWII, what In 1943, what was the name of the largest oil
percentage of Germany’s total energy imports field between California and the Middle East?
did the United States account for?

What oil field was Japan’s only wildcat well
Name the three main Caucasian Oil fields drilled during WWII?
Hitler desired.
Baku, Maikop, Grzony

H.C. Jansen desired to create a great oil center
Which oil field did Japan capture apart from in the south pacific. What country did he want
Hawaii? to place it?

Borneo Borneo

419 425

In 1945 which country invaded Manchuria? Who pioneered the development of the
Soviet Union
Everette Lee DeGolyer

When Did Japan run out of oil completely?
To within 5%, what percentage of oil used by
1944.0 the Allies in WWII was produced by the
United States?

421 0.9

What did the Japanese call the oil rich region

in which Borneo and Sumaria are located? 427
The Southern Zone Everette DeGolyer was the first American to
estimate the oil reserves in the Middle East.
How much were the reserves that DeGoyler
422 estimate?
25.0 What agreement in the original Iranian
Petroleum Company contract was the major
stumbling block to the Aramco merger with
428 Jersey and Socony?

The California-Arabian Standard Oil Company The Red Line Agreement

(CASOC) was the partnership between which
two American oil companies?
Socal and Texaco
Which two companies had a unique purchase-
and-sale agreement to get Kuwaiti oil to
429 European markets?

Signed on August 8, 1944, the Anglo-American Gulf and Dutch/Shell Group

Petroleum Agreement was collaboration
between the U.S. and Britain to establish the
8-member International Petroleum 434
Commission. What were the two primary
In 1947, which company was the first to
duties of the Commission?
successfully drill for oil in the offshore Gulf of
Prepare estimates of global oil demand and Mexico?
allocate suggested production quotas to
various countries Kerr-McGee

430 435

Name four of the six members of the Iraq In 1947, Los Angelese was hooked up by large-
diameter pipe to the gas fields of New Mexico
Petroleum Company in 1946?
and West Texas. What was the name of this
Jersey, Socony, Shell, Anglo-Iranian, CFP, pipeline, and who was its owner?
Participants & Investments
Biggest Inch; El Paso Natural gas

In 1947, Aramco merged with Jersey and
Socony. What percentage of the company did The first successful well in the Neutral Zone
each new partner receive? was drilled in March 1953. Who originally
identified the geologic structure where the
Jersey – 30%, Socony – 10% well was drilled?

Paul Walton


The Saudi Arabian Neutral Zone concession 442
was won in 1948 for $9.5 million upfront, a
guaranteed $1 million/year and 55¢/bbl Which country seized control of the Suez
royalty. What company won this concession Canal in July 1956 starting the Suez Crisis?
and who was the company’s owner? Egypt
Pacific Western, J.P. Getty

438 Which oil industry technical improvement was
In 1947, Aminoil, a consortium including a direct result of the Suez Crisis?
Phillips, Ashland, and Sinclair, won the Super-Tankers
concession to which Middle East oil field for
$7.5 million in cash, minimum $625,000/year
royalty and 15% of the profits?
Kuwait Neutral Zone concession
In September 1954, an agreement was signed
between a new consortium of nine Western
companies and the National Iranian Oil
439 Company. Name these nine companies.
Which country was the first to adopt the Anglo-Iranian, Jersey, Socony, Texaco,
50/50 principle? Standard Oil of California, Gulf, Shell, CFP, and
Venezuela Iricon

440 445

During the 1950s, three other countries When did the Iranian government pass a
reworked their concession agreements to resolution to nationalize their oil industry?
include the 50/50 principle. Name these three March 1951

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq


Who was the Iranian Prime Minister who had

441 to be deposed before an agreement between
What program was initiated in late 1956 to Anglo-Iranian and the NIOC would be reached
address limited oil supply to Western Europe because of his bitter hatred of Anglo-Iranian?
during the Suez crisis? Mohammed Mossadegh (Old Mossy)
Oil Lift

Name the seven sisters. Which company hit big at Zelten in Libya in
April 1959?
Jersey, Socony-Vacuum, Standard Oil of
California, Texaco, Gulf, Royal Dutch-Shell, BP Jersey

448 453

Following the Italian’s agreement with the The Mandatory Oil Import Program put into
National Iranian Oil Company in which Iran effect on March 10, 1959, restricted oil
received 75% of the profits, which two other imports to the United States to what
companies made agreements with Middle percentage of consumption?
Eastern countries that did not follow the
standard 50/50 principle. 0.09

Arabian Oil Company & Standard of Indiana


449 Continental Oil Company, later Conoco,

formed as a result of a merger between which
The Gentleman’s Agreement, signed during two companies in 1929?
the 1959 Arab Oil Congress, is seen as the
beginning of the alliance that would develop Rocky Mountain Marketing Company, OK-
into OPEC. Name the five countries present at based Crude Producer and Refiner
this preliminary meeting.

Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and Iraq 455

Henry Darcy began his work on fluid fluid flow

while designing the fountains of this French
Who are the five founding countries of OPEC?
Dijon, 1856
Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait

The Forties pipeline needed to be shut in on
Significant oil deposits were discovered in August 1, 2011 to fix what problem?
four African countries during the 1950s. Name
these four countries. Removing a nearby unexploded WWII mine

Gabon, Algeria, Nigeria, Libya


452 Chevron and Gulf Oil Merged when?

1984.0 464

What year did NYMEX start trading oil

When the standard trust broke up in 1911,
what was the Chevron Branch called

Socal 465

Who arranged the meeting of Juan Pablo

Alfonzo and Abdullah Tariki at the 1959 Cairo
459 Oil Congress?
Where is Saudi Aramco headquartered Wanda Jablonski
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

460 This is the term for a section of earth raised
Largest oil field in the world? between two faults.

Ghawar Field Horst

461 467

What company was first granted concessions This term or unit represents the hydrogen-ion
in Saudi Arabia? concentration in a substance.


462 468

Royal Dutch Shell's HQ? What country was the first to start a "50-50"
agreement between a foreign operator and
The Hague, Netherlands the national government?



When was the tricone bit invented? 469

1933.0 This is the name of a contract signed in July

1928 between several major oil companies
(including Royal Dutch and Anglo-Persian) and
that created a oil cartel in ex-Ottoman Empire
Red Line Agreement
This is a type of sedimentary rock similar to
limestone but rich in magnesium carbonate. It
can also be a reservoir rock for petroleum
470 sources.
This commonly used temperature scale in the Dolomite or CaMg(CO3)2
industry named after a Scottish engineer has
absolute zero set at 0 degrees while using
Fahrenheit as its incremental degree.
This is the name for a wellbore completion
that enables production from two separate
Dual Completion
This term describes the apparent weight loss
of an object immersed in fluid.

Buoyancy 477

This is the most common form of Artificial Lift

used for offshore purposes.
Gas Lift
Name two assumptions for Lame's equation.

Linearly elastic, homogenous, isotropic, and 2-

D 478

This is the name for the classification system

used for carbonate sedimentary rocks
473 developed in 1946.
This is constant when experiencing a Joule-
Dunham classification, Robert J. Dunham
Thompson effect.


Name the 6 types of reservoirs by the type of

474 fluid produced.
This well log makes a record of the borehole Dead(Heavy) Oil, Black Oil, Volatile Oil, RCG,
diameter, which is usually constantly Wet Gas, Dry Gas

Caliper Log
480 Oil and Gas are considered to be organic
because they have this.
ExxonMobil drilled the deepest producing oil
well in the world in Russia. What is the name Carbon
of the oilfield and how deep is it in feet?

Chayvo, 40604 feet


What event was most responsible for the

481 increased in oil prices in 1974?

What is the current US rig count? Arab Oil Embargo

1754 rigs


482 The functional segments Exploration and

Production, or E&P, can also be referred to by
Who believed the Middle East to be the this one word commonly used in the industry.
"greatest prize in history" due to its oil
reservoirs, and the inspiration for Daniel Upstream
Yergin's book The Prize?

Everett Lee DeGolyer


Drilled solids in mud act to increase what two

483 characteristics of the mud?

This German company conducted research on Density and Viscosity

synthetic fuels for Germany's war effort
during WWII.

I.G. Farben 489

On a drilling rig, the fast line and the static

line through the blocks have the same force
484 only in this situation concerning the drilling
This is the name given to permanently frozen
soil or earth that can often cause problems for Blocks are stationary
industry operations.


Name a common reservoir production model

485 that can be used below the bubble point of
the reservoir.
Vogel's Equation


491 Name 2 types of well tests I can conduct to

construct an Inflow Performance Relation, or
This is a clay commonly used in salt water IPR.
applications that is a fiber-like clay that builds
viscosity with agitation Flowing Test, Gas Lift, Swab, Jet, Pump
Assisted Test

When someone mentions a 2:1 clay mineral
What is the recommended pressure (psi) used such as smectite, what do the "2" and the "1"
for a standard API filtration test? represent.
100 psi 2 is number of tetrahedral sheets, 1 is number
of octahedral sheets


Name two positive displacement pumps. 498

PCP and Beam Lift (Rod Pump) Calculation: The permeability of two rocks is
measured to be 1 md and 144 md
respectively. If the average pore size of the
high permeability rock is 24 microns, estimate
the average pore size of the lower
If a lower permeability sand was present at permeability rock (porosity is constant)
the same depth, would the water saturation
2 microns
in that sand be higher, lower or the same as in
Sand A?

higher 499

As the number of rotor and stator lobes

increases (i.e. 9:10 compared to a 3:4), what
happens to torque and rotational speed?
Calculation: The capillary pressure for Sand A
Torque goes up, Speed goes down.
is measured to be 10 psi at a Sw of 0.4. The
density of water is 62 lbm/ft3 and the density
of oil is 50 lb/ft3. At what height above the
water table is the water saturation going to be 500
0.4. A gear box on a beam pump reduces these
120 Ft two things.
Torque, speed 506

Calculation: I have a reservoir characterized

by exponential decline that has a decline rate
501 of -0.01 1/day with an initial production of
A water-wet solid surface is characterized by a 5000 barrels/day. The field is currently
contact angle of ? producing 3000 barrels/day. What is the
predicted ultimate recovery?
theta < 90 degrees
200,000 barrels

What drainage shape has the largest shape
factor CA of 31.62? Wellbore breakout occurs along the azimuth
of which principal stress?

This k-factor often used in reservoir
engineering applications relates particle When using an ultrasonic televiewer image,
energy to temperature and is named after this what mathematical shape describes the image
Austrian physicist. of a fracture that slices the wellbore at an
Ludwig Boltzmann
Sinusoid, Sinusoidal

This diagram or relation commonly used in
the industry to assess rod life and rod failure When the rate of sediment deposition is
for artificial lift applications is named after greater than the rate of escape of fluids in the
this English scientist. reservoir, this will result in a overburden
pressure gradient > 1 psi/ft. What type of
Goodman reservoir is this?



This mathematical and engineering object is 510

characterized as a geometric object that has a
magnitude and direction. This type of decline curve is characterized by a
b-factor of 1.



Calculation: I hold a 2 kg object 5 meters off 516

the ground. How much potential energy does
the object have in joules? This cycle developed by a French engineer
demonstrates the most efficient cycle for
100 J converting thermal energy into work, or
extracting the most work from a given flow of
heat between two temperature baths.
Carnot cycle
This thermodynamic principle mentioned by
Van der Waals indicates that all fluids at the
same reduced temperature and pressure have 517
the same compressibility factor and deviate
If I treat my drilling mud with lignosulfonate, I
from ideal gas behavior to the same degree.
likely have this type of problem or issue.
Principle of corresponding states

This thermodynamic variable is equal to the
pressure of an ideal gas that has the same Why would an operator choose to conduct a
chemical potential as the real gas. In other Methylene blue test on drilling mud?
words, it becomes equal to the pressure of Determine CEC or bentonite clay content of
the fluid at pressures low enough that the the mud
fluid approaches ideal gas state.


During drilling, if the shale formation has an

514 activity of 0.7 and the shale starts to fracture
What is the maximum number of coexisting and I see a reduced mud weight, what is a
reasonable value for the activity of the drilling
phases at equilibrium for a pure fluid?
Three, 3
> 0.7

Above ice's melting point, does the specific
volume of the substance increase or An ExxonMobil pipeline carrying oil from the
Wabasca oil field in Canada had a leak on
March 29, 2013. What is the name of the 526
Arkansas town affected by the spill?
Name the last five SPE Presidents (2009-2013)
Mayflower, Arkansas
Roodhart, Fattahi, Labastie, Thakur, Imomoh

What Las Colinas, Dallas based oil company is
This Calgary-based oil company became a
traded on the NYSE under the symbol “PXD”?
subsidiary of this Chinese-based oil company
Pioneer Natural Resources on February 25, 2013. Name both companies.

Nexen Energy, CNOOC Energy.


What is the name of the SPE International 528

chapter that New Orleans is a part of?
What is the total membership of SPE
SPE Delta Chapter, Delta (professional and students)



Who is the president of the SPE Delta 529

According to the 2012 BP Statistical Review,
Paul Morphy III, Shell Offshore, Inc. name the top 5 Gas Producers in South
America from High to Low

Trinidad&Tobago, Argentina, Venezuela,

524 Brazil, Bolivia
What is the name of this New Orleans-based
oil company founded in 1984 whose CEO is
Mr. J. Luis BaSos? 530

ORX Resources, private According to the 2012 BP Statistical Review,

what is worldwide oil production?

83.576 MMBO/day

In what year did SPE’s first female president

serve and what is her name? 531

1998, DeAnn Craig According to the 2012 BP Statistical Review,

what are US natural gas reserves?

300 TCF
532 537

You may know Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al In October 2011, this American energy
Nahyan as the head of the Supreme company bought El Paso Corporation in a 21.2
Petroleum Council and the head of this major billion deal that made the company the
national oil company. biggest U.S. Pipeline operator.

ADNOC, Abu Dhabi NOC Kinder Morgan Inc.

533 538

This Canadian-based pipeline and The US Strategic Petroleum Reserve is the

transportation company has been lobbying largest emergency oil supply in the world with
hard for the Keystone XL pipeline, which the capacity to hold up to how many million
would transport heavy oils from Canada oil barrels of oil?
sands to the Gulf Coast.
727 million

On a F vs Eo, or total withdrawal vs oil
What is the price of WTI crude oil? expansion graph, a reservoir will be linear
under this condition.
No water influx, no aquifer

This former CEO for a well-known Oklahoma-
based gas producer was recently voted by I am producing a dry gas reservoir and create
shareholders to no longer return to his a P/z plot for the reservoir and extrapolate my
position and retire. data until I hit a cumulative gas estimate of 50
BCF. If I later realize my reservoir is under a
Aubrey McClendon natural water drive, will my new cumulative
gas estimate be higher or lower than 50 BCF?

536 Lower

This is a Pulitzer Prize winning American

author who is the chairman of Cambridge 541
Energy Research Associates.
How many isomers does Pentane have?
Daniel Yergin
Three, 3
For oil based muds, this is the name of the
temperature where oil and rubber, such as
542 rubber in pump parts, will become one phase
Regarding phase behavior, this is the point and is thus designed to avoid.
where 3 phases coexist in equilibrium.

Triple Point 548

Calculation: in psi/ft, what is the pressure

543 gradient for 11 ppm mud?

On a phase diagram, this is the term given to a 0.572 psi/ft

line of highest temperature where a mixture
can exist in two phases.
The tensile strength of standard cement is
roughly ______ times less than the
544 compressive strength?

Name the two most common elements in the 10-12x

Earth's crust?

Oxygen, Silicon 550

The main difference between the Driller's

545 Method and the Wait and Weight method of
killing a well is?
This is the name of a vessel that breaks oil-
water emulsions so that oil can be accepted Number of mud circulations, driller's is 2,
by pipeline or for transport W&W is 1.

Heater Treater

546 In a meeting, someone mentions a C228D

model pumping unit. What does the "228"
This commonly used solids carrier for fracture stand for?
treatments undergoes frequent price swings
as most of the material comes from farms in 228K or 228000 in-lbs torque rating on the
India. gear box.

Guar Gum

547 Where is the SPE Offshore Technology

Conference, or OTC, held every year?
Houston, Texas This is the name where molecules of natural
gas, usually methane, are trapped in ice
553 Methane Hydrate, Clathrate
Concerning geostatistical or other statistical
analysis, what relationship do standard
deviation and variance have? 559

SD = sqrt(variance) or Variance = SD^2 This is a device run during drilling with a

smaller initial outside diameter that expands
to seal the wellbore. They often use flexible,
554 elastic elements to expand.

Who is the CEO for Petrobras? Packers

Maria das Gracas Foster


555 Calculation: What is the NPV of receiving

$500,000 in 5 years with a discount factor of
In 1923, this Texas company developed the 10%. Assume no costs.
industry's first enclosed, geared pumping unit.


On J55 casing, what does the "55" stand for?

55,000 psi minimum yield strength
In 2007, two countries joined OPEC and are its
newest members. Name one.

Angola, Ecuador. 562

What year was the first petrobowl held and

who won it?
2002, Texas Tech
What is the equation for the minimum
porosity in a dispersed shale?

Porosity = sand porosity * shale porosity 563

What is the only school to have won

petrobowl 3 times?
564 of the deepest onshore producing fields, what
is its name?
What type of faulting regime has Sv at its
largest principal stress and Shmin as the Tengiz


The derrick received its name from Thomas

565 Derrick, a 17th century Englishman that
invented a system of ropes and pulleys for his
What is the name of the commonly used
occupation that would later become the
correlation to estimate fracture pressure? inspiration for a drilling derrick. What is his
Eaton's Correlation occupation?

Executioner, Hangman


A marsh funnel is used on a rig to determine 571

this. At what level or percentage of sulfur content
Viscosity is crude oil considered to be sour crude oil?



What equation represents Boyle's Law? 572

PV1 = PV2. Name the process of physical, chemical, or

biological alteration of sediments during or
after they have been deposited.

568 Diagenesis

This company received the first post-

moratorium drilling permit in the Gulf of
Mexico on February 28, 2011. 573

Noble Energy What percentage of SPE membership is

comprised of students?


With an estimated recoverable 9 billion bbls

of recoverable oil, this Chevron-operated field 574
is located in Kazakhstan. This field is also one This Cajun-inspised term is used to describe
the soft and sticky formation encountered
when drilling that plugs up drilling tools, 580
piping, and shale shaker screens.
Name the country that is the world's leading
Gumbo LNG exporter that has received recent
publicity for hosting the 2022 FIFA world cup.


This material is a solid that begins to form on

catalysts used on cracking processes and 581
Name the first European country to ban the
Coke use of hydraulic fracturing.



In what decade was the first horizontal well 582

drilled in Texon, Texas?
Name the first place winner of the 2011
1920s (1929) International student paper contest held at
the undergraduate division.

Parag Bandyopadhyay

Name 4 components of an ESP, or electric

submersible pump. 583

Rotor, stator, motor, diffuser, impeller What is the name for the chemical that is
frequently used to alter mud pH levels while
578 Lime
In May 2012, this US state became the first to
ban hydraulic fracturing, or fracing.
This sand from St. Peters sandstone is used as
proppant in hydraulic fracturing in the USA
579 and gets its name from this city in Illinois.
Name the city.
Name the year the petroleum branch of AIME
became a full-fledged professional society Ottawa
that would become SPE.

1957.0 585
This class of cement, according to API, is exchange, where billions of dollars in energy
intended for use at depths of 10000 products and metal are bought and sold every
14000 feet at high temperatures and
pressures. Name the class. The Butter and Cheese Exchange

586 591

In the US, under what flow is an oil or gas well What country is the number one source of
classified as a stripper well? (oil and gas rate) U.S. oil imports, providing around 25% of US
oil imports.
60 MCF, 10 BBL/day

Compaction drive is defined as the expulsion
of fluids due to the dynamic reduction of what What former scientist became the first world
reservoir property? leader to give a major policy speech on
climate change in 1988?
Margaret Thatcher

When a source rock is examined under a
reflectance microscope, the amount of light How many times has UT won Petrobowl?
reflected by this plant organic matter helps
define the maturity of the source rock. Name twice, 2x
this organic matter.

Vitrinite 594

Carbonate sedimentary rock composed of

589 mostly calcite is what

Name 2 components of a traditional pumping limestone


Etc, etc 595

What equation relates capillary pressure to

590 interfacial tension?

What was the original name of the NYMEX, Young-LaPlace

the world's largest physical commodity
596 Tidewater Pipeline

Identify the aspect of logging that employs an

electrical cable to lower tools into the
borehole and is distinct from measurements 601
while drilling and well logging On October 6, 1957, the first Board of
Directors meeting was held in Dallas, Texas,
with President John H. Hammond presiding.
To what organization did this meeting belong
The Society of Petroleum Engineers - of AIME
In the early 1800s, saltmakers frequently hit
oil or gas in their drilling. These byproducts
were considered a nuisance. In this state, so
much oil was diverted to the Kanawha River 602
by salt manufacturers that it was known as On March 31, 2012, this oil rig owned by Shell
"Old Greasy" to boatmen. ran aground off the coast of Alaska.
West Virginia The Kulluk

598 603
This company is publically traded under both What 3 states account for over half of all
the Toronto Stock Exchange and the New York domestic refining capacity?
Stock Exchange with a ticker of TSX
Texas, Louisiana, California

The Texas Company, started by Joseph
The underground process of "diagenetic Cullinan, would change its name in 1906 to?
override" leads to a reservoir characterized
as? Texaco



600 Type 3 kerogens usually form from what type

of organic material and tend to produce what
The world's first attempt at a long-distance type of hydrovcarbons?
pipeline would successfully connect the Oil
Regions with the Pennsylvania and Reading terrestrial plant material, natural gas
Railroad. What name was this pipeline given?
606 sip

A joint of C75 casing has the following

characteristics: an OD of 4.5 inches, an ID of
3.92 in, 13.5 lbs/ft. Calculate wall thickness, 611
and minimum yield strength, in PSI of this An important area for Gazprom because it
casing. produces 95% of Russia's Natural Gas. Name
this region that is often associated with
.29 and 1575000 psi


This diagram can be used to determine the

overall, vapor phase, and liquid phase 612
compositions of 3 separate components at This ULCC supertanker held the record of
one temperature and pressure. longest ship ever built and largest capacity of
Ternary Diagram any ship. Give just one of her names.

Seawise Giant, Happy Giant, Jahre Viking,

Knock Nevis

This isotherm is required in the modeling of

coalbed methane production. It represents 613
the amount of material bound at the surface What important additive addition could be
as a function of the material present in the made to a Portland cementation to improve
solution. its high-pressure / high-temperature (HPHT)
Sorption or adsorption
Sand/Silica Flour


A multiphase-fluid flow regime characterized 614

by a series of liquid plugs seperated by A laboratory device used to measure the way
relatively large gas pockets. in which a slurry flows in response to applied
slug flow forces.



The coefficient of isothermal compressibility 615

has the unit of inverse psi, more commonly The color of petroleum is determined largely
known as what in the industry? by what two components?
Resins and Asphaltenes Order of 1

616 621

This refined product is publically traded What is the primary disadvantage of using
through the NYMEX with the trading symbol explicit time-stepping in a reservoir simulator?
of RB
Numerical instability or limited time-step
reformulated gasoline blendstock for oxygen duration

A Naval Petroleum Reserve is an area with
Before allowing futures trading of Oil & Gas, probable or poven oil reserves in the U.S. that
NYMEX was well known for it's futures trading was widthdrawn from oil exploration by
on what crop? Congress in 1923 for defense purposes. Name
two locations of such reserves.
North Slope of Alaska, Elk Hills and Buena
Vista, CA, Teapot Dome, Wyoming

When a material is compressed in one 623

diection, it usually tends to expand in the
other two directions perpendicular to the In reservoir simulation, Peaceman's correction
direction of compression. This phenomenon is is used to model what part of the reservoir?
called the
Near-well region
Poisson effect

A positive displacement motor that is used in
The act of drilling with the mud pressure drilling a deviated hole that has more than
greater than the formation pressure is known one angular deflection point in the motor
as housing.

Overbalanced Drilling multibend motor

620 625

Above what Reynolds number does flow in a This instrument determines the amount of oil,
porous medium become non-Darcy flow? water, and solids in drilling mud.
Mud Retort space approaches the mean free path of the

Klinkenberg Correction

What are the 3 data transmission methods

used for MWD? 631

Mud pulse telemetry, Electromagnetic This man used the phrase “the Great Game”—
telemetry, Wired Drill Pipe the struggle to accomplish and build, and the
drive to make money, both for its own sake
and as a register of achievement. Who was
627 he?

This modern day company began as The Ohio John D. Rockefeller

Oil Company in 1887 before being bought by
Standard Oil in 1889 and later by United
States Steel in 1982. 632

Marathon Oil Company If the size of the grains of a beadpack were

double, how much would the permeability
change (all else being equal)?
628 It would be 4 times larger
Calculate the mass of methane gas contained
at 1000 psia and 68F in a cylinder with volume
of 3.2 ft3. Assume that methane is an ideal 633
In the subsurface, is the total compressibility
m=9.1 lb of a dry steam reservoir (single phase, no
liquid water present) higher, lower, or about
the same as a saturated (two-phase steam
629 and water) reservoir at the same pressure?

Turbidite deposits would most likely be found It is much lower.

in which systems tract of the classic sequence
stratigraphic model?
lowstand systems tract
A semi-log plot produced during pressure
buildup analysis is known as
630 Horner plot
A procedure for calibration of permeability
data obtained from a minipermeameter
device. This is usually done when the pore 635
This French engineer was working as the Arrange the following minerals in order from
Inspector General of Bridges and Highways in densest to lease dense: quartz, dolomite,
Paris when he modified the Prony Equation calcite
into the well-known form we use today.
dolomite, calcite, quartz
Henry Darcy

This SPE award is given to outstanding faculty
a sweet-tasting synthetic ingredient used in of Petroleum Engineering and has been
toothpaste and other products -- is a awarded to such Professors as Dr. Sharma, Dr.
petrochemical derived from oil. Pope, Dr. Caudle, and Dr. Lake.

Glycerin Distinguished Achievement Award for

Petroleum Engineering Faculty

Name the two largest conventional oil fields in
the world, and their location Determine the number of barrels of water
weighing 8 ppg required to reduce 100 bbl of
Ghawar Field in Saudi Arabia and Burgan Field
14 ppg mud to 12 ppg mud
in Kuwait
~54.5 bbl

In a normal faulting regime (with isotropic
horizontal stress), which of the following Home to some of the world's largest recent oil
faults is more likely to slip in response to an discoveries, Brazil is an important Latin
increase in pressure? Vertical fault, fault American power. Name the President of
dipping 60 degrees, fault dipping 45 degrees? Brazil.

Fault dipping 60 degrees Dilma Rousseff

639 644

Name 3 of the mainland central american Soft sediment deformation is most typical in
countries with no proven reserves of crude which facies of deltaic deposits?
oil, as of Jan 1st, 2011.
delta front facies
El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama

What is the D/t (“D over t ratio”) in casing This type of motion is the presumably random
design and how does it affect it? moving of particles suspended in a fluid (liquid
or gas) resulting from their bombardment by
D/t stand for casing diameter over wall the fast-moving atoms in the gas or liquid.
thickness and affects burst and collapse
design Brownian Motion

646 651

A water pump and a steam compressor Uncontrolled discharge of formation fluid out
operate with the same inlet pressure and of the wellbore is known as
outlet pressure at the same mass flow rate.
Which one require greater power input? Blowout


647 The equation that relates chemical reaction

rates to the temperature and includes such
This physical characteristic is the temperature terms as Activation Energy, Temperature, and
at which wax begins to solidify and is the universal gas constant.
identified by the onset of turbidity as the
temperature is lowered Arrhenius Equation

Cloud Point

648 Name the first well surveying tool to be used

What is the name given for the 1D water flood Acid Bottle
problem that has an analytical solution?

Bulkley-Leverett 654

What is a semiveriogram?
649 A statistical tool that measures the spatial
List two common types of pressure transient correlation or continuity in geophysical data

Buildup and drawdown tests 655

One bbl of oil accounts for approximately how

650 many gallons of diesel fuel?

9.21 gallons
increase according to the Washburn
2 times
What is the approximate pressure at the
bottom of an open tank 10 ft in height and 2
ft in diameter that contains water at STP?
4.33 psia
Flowrate of a 1 cP fluid in a 1 m pipe is 1
cm3/s at a pressure drop of 10 psi. If the
radius is doubled, what is the new flowrate?
16 m3/s
In petrophysics, what is Stone's model used to

3-phase relative permeability 663

This temperature window allows for the

creation of crude oil from organic matter in
sedimentary rocks. What are these values?
What is the standard length of drill pipe? 150-300F
30 Ft

659 A sandstone with 25% porosity completely
The US has approximately how many miles of saturated with water of resistivity of 0.05
oil pipelines within its borders? ohms has a measured resistivity of 0.8 ohms.
What would the measured resistivity be if the
200,000 miles water resistivity is 0.1 ohms?

1.6 ohms


Laboratory analysis of a typical black oil will 665

indicate an initial oil formation volume factor
of The recovery of mobile oil directly related to
the degree of compartmentalization or
2.0 res bbl/STB complexity of a reservoir is known as the

Beg Analysis


If pore diameter in a rock is reduced by half,

how much does the capillary entry pressure

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