SoB29 Fields of The Dead

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Fields of the Dead

A One-Round Mid-Rank Adventure for Heroes of

Rokugan: Spirit of Bushido
Month of Shiba, 1139 (Late Summer)

by Jim Spell and Cory Mills

Module Number SoB29
Release Date: 11/15/2012

When the pursuit of power overcomes piety, even the grave provides no safety…

LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS is a registered trademark of Alderac Entertainment Group.

Scenario detail copyright 2012 by the author and Alderac Entertainment Group. ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without
This module is written for the Legend of the Five Rings: • Samurai do not commonly concern themselves
Fourth Edition, published by Alderac Entertainment. with money or commerce; exchanges between
samurai are treated as gifts, and payments are
made to peasants as though humoring the
GM's Information lower orders petty ways.
• An event is not truly considered to have
THIS SCENARIO SHOULD NOT BE happened without samurai witness; even
RUN COLD! criminal investigations rely entirely upon
eyewitness testimony.
Please read the scenario thoroughly before attempting
to run it. Some events that occur within this module affect the
storyline and may need to be reported by the Campaign
A four-hour time block has been allocated for playing Administrators. This module has an effective ‘active’
this game. The actual playing time should be about three period which is 3 months after its release, and these
and a half hours. events (listed at the end of the module) MUST be
reported by the GM to the campaign administration
It is a good idea to ask each player to put a name tag in before the end of the active period for them to take
front of him or her. The tag should have the player's effect.
name at the bottom, and the character's name, gender,
glory and status at the top. This makes it easier for the
players to keep track of who is playing which character. Glory and Honor Awards and
Some of the text in this scenario is written so that you
may present it as written to the players, while other text This adventure contains suggested Glory and Honor
is for your eyes only. Text for the players will be in bold awards (and penalties) for dealing with the challenges
italics. It is strongly recommended that you paraphrase presented herein. However, at times the players may
the player text, instead of reading it aloud, as some of the take extra actions which the GM judges worthy of
text is general and must be adapted to the specific additional reward or punishment. Please consult the
situation or to actions of the player characters. All Honor table on page 91 and the Glory table on page
bulleted information is just that, pure information. Feed 93 of the Legend of the Five Rings Fourth Edition core
it to the players through an NPC when appropriate, as sourcebook for more specific guidelines for Honor and
sometimes reading it straight just doesn’t sound right. Glory gains and losses. Specifically, be mindful of the
performing PC’s current Honor, Glory, and Infamy
Players will have Module Tracking Sheets that need to when meting out rewards and punishments.
be filled out at the end of the game, which is to keep
track of certain circumstances and events for future
GM’s to create a better roleplaying experience for the
player. Important information to be included in the
game will be listed at the beginning of the module, and This module is intended for entertainment purposes;
information that needs to be recorded will be listed at this means that the goal is to provide an enjoyable
the end of the module. Please fill out the GM tracking playing experience for the players. The events of the
sheet attached to the end of this module and return it to module should be challenging, so as to ensure the
the Campaign Coordinator. If you need an electronic players have a sense of accomplishment, but the
version of the form, please contact the Campaign mechanics presented here are, ultimately, guidelines. If
Administrator or Campaign Coordinator (e-mail adjustments are necessary to adapt to the specific group
addresses are available on the website). of players, it is suggested that care should be taken to
ensure the player characters do have a reasonable
Rokugan has a complex and rich culture that is different chance of achieving their goals (or at least of achieving
in many ways from modern Western civilization. The an entertaining failure). Remember that the GM has the
Legend of the Five Rings book details these numerous final word at the table, and use that power with both
differences, but it is suggested that GMs keep a few discretion and consideration.
specifics in mind.
• Family name precedes personal name for all
characters; Akodo Toturi was a member of the
Akodo family with the personal name of

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Adjusting for Party Strength of them succeeded at tapping into a well of dark power
during the battle. Sentaro, the ashigaru maho-tsukai,
This is a Mid rank adventure, and thus can involve was able to summon an oni as well as raise a large
parties of widely varying capabilities. The encounters number of his fallen comrades to fight at his command
have been optimized for a party of average Rank Three. – both tasks that would have challenged a more-
experienced tsukai.
Although most of the challenges here are role-play
oriented and thus not terribly dependent on party The Jade Champion, Kuni Utagu, dispatched one of his
strength, a few changes can be made to adjust the more experienced magistrates to investigate the powers
adventure difficulty for low-end and high-end parties, of Jigoku being used on the battlefield so near to the
as follows: Imperial Capitol, but due in no small part to the
political turmoil, has been largely unable to follow up
Low End Party (most/all characters Rank Two): on the investigation. When the maho-tsukai’s presence
Reduce the zombies’ Fear effect to 2, their Armor TN in the area is brought to Utagu’s attention, in
to 10, and their Reduction to 3. Reduce the oni’s combination with the existence of an ancient graveyard
damage to 6k2. Reduce the TNs to resist the Taint by from the earliest days of the Empire, he will turn to
5. some of the samurai attending court in the capitol for
assistance with the matter.
High End Party (most/all characters Rank Four):
Increase the zombie’s base damage by +2k0 and The PCs will be asked to assist the Jade Magistrate with
increase their Reduction to 7. In the final encounter, locating and securing the cemetery and ensuring that it
increase the School Rank of each revenant by one, does not fall into Sentaro’s hands. In the process, they
giving them access to new Techniques (primarily of will face other forces that have taken an interest in the
concern for giving the Hida the ability to make attacks maho-tsukai’s actions.
as a Simple Action) and increase the damage of the oni
to 9k3. NOTE FOR GMS: This module is presented slightly
out of chronological order. The Introduction section
Adventure Summary and takes place after the court scenes, but is presented first
in order to begin the module with a highly-charged,
Background horrific action scene. The purpose is to thrust them into
an immediate and somewhat frightening scene at the
start of the session to reinforce the monstrous nature of
Earlier this summer, an army of rebellious peasants
the creatures they will be facing. If the players do not
marched on Otosan Uchi and met in battle with a force
seem willing or able to play the first scenes in the order
comprised of the First Imperial Legion and loyal
presented, it is suggested that the GM simply swap the
samurai from every Clan. The rebels were soundly
two sections so as to play them in chronological order –
defeated, with more than two-thirds of their forces slain
start with “Part One” and play the “Introduction” after
outright on the field, but the cost in life was high on
it. There are also notes on timing for comparison,
both sides, and many of the leaders of the rebellion
assuming the typical four-hour slot. Bear in mind that
survived. Shortly after the battle, the returned spirit
all tables are different, and adjust accordingly.
Hantei Okucheo, with the assistance of the Crab and the
support of daimyo from almost every Clan, claimed the
title of Imperial Regent for the Empress Toturi Tsudao. Character Notes
This has thrown the Empire into a state of confusion,
and the pursuit of the rebels has not received a great Check the PCs’ character sheets for the following:
deal of support in the face of more immediate political • Mod certs for “Cold Hands, Stone Heart”; in
concerns. particular, any PCs with either “Haunted:
Sakura” or a “Goryo Ancestor” should be
Several factions in the Empire made use of the peasant taken note of.
uprisings to further their own agendas, most of them • Any returned spirit PCs, particularly those
with no concern for the actual well-being of the from Meido or Toshigoku. Special note
populace. Among these, a Tainted monk sought to should be taken of the time-frame they were
spread the mark of Jigoku through the rebels with his originally born and died in.
blasphemous teachings. For the most part, he was
• Mod certs for “Emperor’s Favor”.
unsuccessful, but a handful of the ashigaru accepted
either his philosophy or the power it promised, and one

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humor than normal in a Crab, let alone the dour
Introduction Kuni. One of the inn’s servants moves around the
table, pouring tea or sake as appropriate.
An unseasonable late summer storm breaks just
before your arrival at the “Fluffy Duckling”, a If any of the PCs used a special ability to modify the
roadside inn a day’s ride north of Otosan Uchi. Like weather, they may make Investigation (Notice) /
most Rokugani buildings, it sits on wooden posts Perception rolls at a TN of 40 to hear movement under
above ground level as protection from earthquakes. A the floor during the next section of box text. This will
prosperous, comfortable business, the storm has allow them to avoid the surprise penalty in the first
evidently driven most of its custom away as you find Round. Multiple uses may grant Free Raises, at the
yourselves the only guests when you arrive. The GM’s discretion. Otherwise, it is assumed that the
innkeeper, a happy, plump woman by the name of sound of the wind and rain masks any sounds the
Yuma, greets you with every courtesy and has servants zombies make as they are crawling under the building.
show you to rooms and the bathhouse. “The
magistrate-sama left word that he would meet you for A peal of thunder shakes the building as Daisuke
dinner, sama. In the meantime, we have tea or sake moves to the head of the table. He gives a slightly
as well as baths to drive off the chill from this horrible ironic smile as he glances up, then shakes his head
storm.” ruefully. The magistrate settles himself in to his
place, setting a thick sheaf of scrolls on the table and
The PCs were originally sent by their lords to Otosan taking up a steaming cup of sake with the other hand.
Uchi to take part in a minor Imperial court; however, “Greetings, samurai. I am Kuni Daisuke, Jade
while there, the Jade Champion requested their Magistrate under the command of Jade Champion
assistance with a serious matter, and thus they find Kuni Utagu. I understand that you are to assist me in
themselves here. (The next section, Part One, details securing-” His words break off at an exclamation
the court and the meeting itself; it is suggested that the from the servant, and the sound of shattering ceramic.
GM run these sections in chronological order rather The floor under her splinters, and she vanishes into
than the one presented here if the players seem the hole. Hands clutch at the edges of the hole, gray-
unwilling to go along with the “flashback” concept.) green flesh peeled away from blackened bones at the
end of the fingers, and widen the opening. Heads
It is possible that some PCs may have a method for begin to rise above the floor, lambent eyes gleaming
alleviating the weather described above. However, due behind featureless porcelain masks. Rising to his feet,
to the intensity of the storm, it will require more than Daisuke begins to thunder orders, “Zombies! Re-”
one use of any effect (or spell) that would allow them to He is cut off as the ground beneath him splinters
control the weather to do more than simply reduce the away as well, dropping him into a blackness under the
strength of the storm. Yoritomo shugenja, for example, floor, surrounded by clutching shadows.
would have to spend five spell slots and three Void
Points to banish the storm entirely, and even at that, it The players should roll initiative, almost certainly at the
will begin to return by the time they are speaking with penalty for surprise (-20 for the first Round). After
Daisuke. Initiative, the TN to resist the zombies’ Fear 3 effect is
20. There are two zombies for every PC, though four
As promised, the inn will provide warm drinks, hot are already engaged with Daisuke and two are tearing at
baths, and a place to change into dry clothing. the servant. Each of the victims will take 20 Wounds at
Eventually, the PCs will meet the Jade Magistrate for the start of the Reactions Stage every Round, which
dinner. (PCs who insist on wearing armor to dinner will kill the servant at the end of the second Round and
will be subject to an Honor loss as a major breach of Daisuke at the end of the fourth, unless the PCs do
etiquette – 6 points for Honor Rank 7 or higher, 0 for something to assist. Though these particular specimens
Honor Rank 0, 2 points for any other Honor Rank. Any are somewhat more capable than normal zombies, they
PC who insists on carrying weapons other than their still move with a lurching hesitation. Rather than
wakizashi will incur the same penalty.) rolling Initiative, they should act at the start of the
Reactions Stage – they act “first” by setting up the
Kuni Daisuke is a blocky, weathered samurai in his conflict, but any Techniques or abilities that trigger off
mid-thirties. His hair, a wild thatch of black, is bound relative Initiative scores will treat them as having the
away from his face, which is covered in the typical lowest Initiative.
Kuni face paint, reminiscent of a kabuki mask. Under
the white and blue markings, however, a faint smile The zombies attack primarily by Grappling in groups –
gives the indication that he has somewhat more they should focus on the PC who presents the greatest

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danger, in particular any that manage to destroy a Reduction of 10). At the GM’s discretion, Raises
zombie on the first turn. The zombies receive a Free may be used to specifically target the mask with
Raise on their attack for every additional zombie spells.
attacking a target. PCs who are grappled will “throw • Fear 3
off” one zombie by succeeding at the Contested Roll to • Undead
determine control, and one additional zombie for every
five points they exceed the total by. As long as they are This encounter is primarily intended to break up the
held by any zombies, they will remain grappled and “standard” order for modules and to scare the players a
take 4k2 damage (+1k0 to the damage roll for every little; the combat should take less than an hour
zombie after the first) during the Reactions Stage of (assuming the typical time constraints), and should
every Round. For simplicity’s sake, only one (at most present relatively small danger to the PCs.
two) of the PCs should be Grappled at any time.
As a reminder, the basic Grapple rules are printed here,
The zombies attacking Daisuke and the servant girl are with the modifications for this encounter: A character
on the ground roughly four feet below the floor of the may initiate a grapple by making an attack roll using
inn. At the GM’s discretion, any PC attacking them Jiujutsu / Agility. This is always a Complex Action
may receive a Free Raise for the Called Shots to unless the character possesses an ability that
remove the head or the mask instead of the normal specifically renders grapples a Simple or Free Action.
+1k0 for attacking from higher ground. Should the PCs To successfully initiate a grapple, the attacking
free him, Daisuke will default to using Jade Strike character must hit the target’s Armor TN with his attack
against the zombies, though he should be injured roll. This attack roll ignores the benefits of armor to the
(possibly severely) and will only use it to directly break Armor TN. If the attack is successful, both the attacker
masks if the PCs do so first (or they are in dire need of and the target are considered to be in a grapple. When
his assistance). characters are involved in a grapple, one of them is in
control. Initially this is the character who initiates the
Zombie grapple, but it can change every round. A grappled
A dead, decaying corpse animated by blasphemous character must try to control the grapple at the
magic. Its clothes are in tatters, save for a pristine beginning of his Turn. All characters involved in the
white porcelain mask covering the face. The hands grapple must make a Contested Jiujutsu / Strength
reach for its victim, flesh stripped from the ends of the Roll. The character with the highest result on this roll is
jagged bone, leaving blackened claws instead of considered to be in control of the grapple until the next
fingers. character’s Turn. (In this encounter, the zombies make
a single grapple roll, but success for the PC only allows
Air 0 Earth 3 Fire 1 Water 1
Reflexes 2 Agility 3 Strength 3 them to Break the hold of one zombie, plus one for
Initiative: 2k2 Attack: 5k3 (unarmed, every 5 they exceed the zombies’ roll by.)
Complex) A character who has control of a grapple may do one of
Armor TN: 15 Damage: 4k2 (claw) the following things on his Turn:
Reduction: 5 Hit: As a Complex Action, the character may inflict
Wounds: 72 (Dead) normal unarmed damage on any one other participant in
Taint Rank: 3 the grapple. This damage cannot benefit from Raises, as
Special Abilities: there is no attack roll being made. Free Raises can still
• Beheading: A zombie can normally only be be applied, however.
destroyed by literally hacking it to pieces (reducing Throw: As a Complex Action, the character may throw
it to Dead), but it can be instantly destroyed by one opponent, causing them to become prone anywhere
severing its head. This requires three Called Shot within five feet of the character performing the throw.
Raises and doing at least 18 Wounds This removes the thrown character from the grapple.
Break: As a Simple Action, the character may
• Unmasking: Alternately, removing the porcelain
immediately remove himself from the grapple.
mask on the zombie will end the spell giving it
Pass: As a Free Action, the character may do nothing,
movement, and it will return to death. This may be
accomplished if a character controls a Grapple with choosing to maintain the grapple and retain control.
a zombie and takes a Complex Action to remove
Immediately after the final zombie is dealt with, the
the mask. Striking the mask in combat may have
GM should move to the court that actually began this
the same effect; it requires three Called Shot Raises
sequence of events. Accumulated Wounds, spent Void
to strike the mask, and the mask will be broken if it
Points, and expended spell slots should be kept track of,
takes more than 5 Wounds of damage (past its own
but obviously will not apply for the court (as it takes

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place before the Introduction). Any PCs who took circulate, and catch on with the court as the theme is
more than five Wound Ranks (Injured, +15) must make further refined: those supporting the Imperial Regent
an Earth roll at a TN of 15. Failure means that they sport images that evoke Amaterasu, while samurai
will acquire 1k1 points of Taint at the end of the vocal in their defense of the Emerald Champion display
module. symbols more in tune with Yakamo. Even those who
have maintained their neutrality seem to accept the
theme, as it allows them to proclaim it by wearing Sun-
Part One: Court of the themed garments that have no identifying iconography.
Autumn’s New Moon If the PCs wish to find a “Sun” themed court kimono,
they may do so for 7 koku from a Crane shop named
Late summer has brought you once again to Otosan “Windswept Leaves” (in elegant styles cut for shugenja,
Uchi. Though there is still a great deal of turmoil in courtiers, and yojimbo for all Clans). This kimono
Rokugan following the events of the summer, the includes a matching peaked courtier cap, a broad
business of the Empire must continue. Otomo kataginu, a silk fan, and any other important accessories
Yoshinaka, the youngest brother of the Otomo family necessary for High Court functions. The proprietor, a
daimyo, has announced that the famous “Autumn flamboyant older gentleman named Asahina Benjiro,
Moon Court” has been moved to a more central venue will very politely praise any political figure the kimono
– specifically, his estate in the Imperial Capitol – and is intended to represent (Benjiro will artfully dodge any
you have been sent by your daimyo to attend this questions of his own allegiance). PCs may take a
event. “Minor Obligation: Crane Clan” to get a reduction of 4
koku on the price. Male characters may attempt to
The conflict between the Emerald Champion and the seduce Benjiro if they wish with a promise of dinner
Imperial Regent (primarily over the latter’s rise to that and sake at his place that evening (and a Temptation
position) has not come to open fighting, primarily due [Seduction] / Awareness at TN 25, with a Free Raise if
to the newly-appointed Imperial General. This has led they have an Earth of 3 or higher) to gain the same
to an environment of political uncertainty, as most of discount. Making good on that promise will gain the
the daimyo of the Empire have yet to decide which side PC Asahina Benjiro as an Ally (with Devotion 1, and
to support, if any. Even those who have done so have a Influence 1).
vested interest in discovering as much as possible about
the positions of the other daimyo. Additionally, there Another, less expensive shop, “Daruma’s”, has “Sun”
are a large number of other conflicts at work in the themed court kimono as well. These, Kasuga Kinuhime
Empire – each Clan is involved in at least one matter, (the oily proprietor with her hair in a tight bun)
and the PCs have been sent by their daimyo to discover exclaims, are by an up and coming designer named
what they can about where the other daimyo are lending Sanzo, and are a most excellent fashion statement for
their support. only 4 koku. A Craft: Tailoring / Perception roll of
TN 20 will show that the quality is average at best,
Officially, the court’s new host has relocated the making the kimono only worth about 2 koku, though
“Autumn Moon Court” as a ‘favor’ to the former Crane bringing the price down is a Commerce (Haggling) /
hosts – as they are new parents, it is being spoken of as Awareness roll of TN 25. A Lore: Heraldry /
if they are otherwise occupied. Any mention of the Intelligence roll at TN 20 will allow the PC to know
events that took place at last year’s court (detailed in that there is a Tsi artisan by the of name Sanzo, known
SoB15 “Cold Hands, Stone Heart”) is severely frowned for his fabulous kimonos (among other crafts). If
upon and considered ill-suited for the elegant pressed, Kinuhime will declare that she does not know
surroundings of the capitol. if it is the same person – these kimono were shipped in
from Ryoko Owari last week.
The public purpose of the court is to determine the
styles for the coming court season – another of Wearing an out-of-season songbird kimono means the
Yoshinaka’s claims to changing the venue is to allow PC must call a raise on any speaking social rolls while
enough time for the artisans of Rokugan to make more in court (affecting rolls with NPCs at the GM’s
impressive works, and to allow word to travel to even discretion). Wearing a kimono that is not a court
the furthest provinces. During the first few days, kimono (such as those gained during previous vists to
however, the multiple conflicts in the Empire limit any Otosan Uchi in either “Emperor’s Favor” or “Confusion
single theme from taking hold. Eventually, however, at Court”) means the PC loses 5 points of Glory (if they
the prevalent political issue finds its way to the are a courtier, they lose Glory equal to their Courtier
forefront. Representations of “the Sun” begin to Skill Rank plus their Courtier School Rank as it is

Fields of the Dead Page 6

specifically their duty to be prepared for this sort of the 3rd Imperial Legion to the command of Kakita
thing). This is one of the largest court venues in the Toshiken, and the 7th to Kuni Utagu. By providing
Empire, and showing up in anything less is an insult to forces to both the Emerald Champion and the Jade
the host (monk characters are exempt, of course, but Champion (who has made his support of the
shugenja are not). Regent fairly public), the Imperial General is
maintaining his policy of impartiality in their
Rumors conflict while reminding their supporters that he
Any PCs who wish to discover what they can about the commands another eight Legions that he intends to
doings of the Empire at large may make a Courtier use to maintain peace between their factions.
(Gossip) / Awareness roll, TN 10; a successful roll • A minor earthquake struck the lands north of the
learns one rumor at random, plus one extra rumor for capitol last month. The few villages in the area
every 5 points by which the roll beats the TN. The escaped significant damage, but most agree that the
rumors include: spirits are indicating their displeasure at the recent
unrest in the mortal realm.
• Rumors abound that the Empress has left the • Two of the dignitaries present at the court are
capital in order to tour the Empire for her Kakita Takezo, head sensei of the Kakita Iaijutsu
education. Though there have been no confirmed Academy, and Mirumoto Uso, daimyo of the
announcements regarding her itinerary, it has been Mirumoto family and head sensei of the Mirumoto
noted that the Emerald Champion is devoting Bushi School. The two men have been
nearly all of his attention to Tsudao’s personal corresponding for nearly a year, and rumors
safety, and trusting the myriad other duties of his indicate that they are preparing a martial
position more and more to other samurai – as the collaboration between their Schools.
Imperial General demonstrates. • The Dragon did not send troops against the
• The disagreement between the Emerald Champion Phoenix again this year, and it is believed that this
and the Imperial Regent has dominated the political is due to the difficulties they have encountered on
landscape. Rumors have sprung up across the the Dragon Heart Plain. There are unconfirmed
Empire of the Regent’s forgotten reign, but every reports of peasant unrest, ronin armies, a portal to
mention of it is countered with reminders of Kakita another Realm (though it cannot be agreed whether
Toshiken’s consistent failures to defend the the other Realm in question is Toshigoku, Gaki-do,
Imperial Family. Both sides have been vocal in or Jigoku itself), and even a gaijin invasion. The
their support of the Empress, and though a few Dragon have been characteristically silent on
sanctioned duels have been fought over the issue, whatever issues they have been dealing with, but
Imperial General Seppun Murayasu has made it there is no doubt that the Phoenix are likely to take
clear that he will not allow open war over this issue full advantage of the respite to shore up their
to weaken the Empire. already strong defenses.
• The Imperial Legions under the command of • Though his duties have kept him busy across the
Seppun Murayasu have continued to put down Empire these last few months, Kakita Toshiken has
peasant uprisings across Rokugan. With every assigned troops (both Imperial Legion and his own
engagement, the Legions eliminate more threats to personal guards) to four different cities across the
the stability of the Empire, though the leader of the Empire: Kyuden Tonbo, Ryoko Owari, Toshi no
army that marched on Otosan Uchi earlier in the Meiyo Gisei, and Ookami Toshi. Whether this is
summer is still at large. Reports indicate that the related to stories of the primarily Lion Empress’
relatively few captured rebels speak of a spiritual Guard beginning to scout more actively for recruits
leader they call the “Young Crow” as a source of from the Dragon, Crane, Unicorn, and Scorpion
inspiration. There are no confirmed sightings of Clans is uncertain, but given the relationship
this man, or even a consistent description of the between the Champion and the Regent, it is
blasphemies that have no doubt incited the unlikely he will wish to return to Otosan Uchi in
peasantry into open revolt, but the symbol used by the near future.
the uprisings makes the connection clear. The
Brotherhood of Shinsei has claimed to have no Speaking with the Delegates
information on the matter, but their sympathy for The PCs will have the opportunity to speak to some of
the peasantry is something that many samurai have the more important guests here, should they chose. As
taken note of. their daimyo have sent them explicitly to discover what
• In order to ensure their duties can be fulfilled they can about where other daimyo stand on the various
without difficulty, Seppun Murayasu has assigned conflicts in the Empire, they may well take advantage

Fields of the Dead Page 7

of the opportunity. Some information on these conflicts TN 40 roll, which he will take into advisement.
can be found in Appendix #2 as reminders for both His personal loyalty is to the Imperial Chancellor,
players and GMs. Note that, due to time constraints, it who has provided him with an opportunity to serve
is recommended that each player be given one the Empire on a much larger scale; in general, he
audience. This is at the GM’s discretion, and more believes that Okucheo has given O-Ushi a similar
proactive players should be rewarded by allowing them opportunity and is very slightly in favor of it. On
to take opportunities that other players are passing up; the topic of the fighting between the Crab and the
multiple PCs working together should be allowed as Crane, Kiromayu feels some concern (as the
well. It is recommended that this section take no more Yasuki feud is behind a significant portion of the
than an hour and a half, in order to fit into the typical conflict), but honestly believes that it is a
timeslot; groups playing without such constraints are at temporary situation; despite the Crane’s financial
the GM’s discretion, but as a general rule, a PC should advantages, he does not think they will be able to
not be allowed more than one attempt for an audience turn that into military force sufficient to the task.
allowed each day. (Consider that at a six-person table, • Ide Tadaji, Imperial Advisor (Status 9.0, Glory
each player having a ten-minute audience takes an 6.8, Ide Emissary 5, Audience TN 40): Tadaji is an
hour.) older courtier, with a graying beard and a club foot,
but his demeanor is friendly and his voice is a
As this is a court taking place in the Imperial Capital, at smooth, comforting rumble. He is studiously
the home of a highly-placed and well-connected neutral as regards the conflict between the Regent
courtier, there are a number of samurai of note present. and the Emerald Champion, but will find a way to
In general, arranging an audience with any NPC enquire upon the PC’s position. Supporting one
requires the PC to either go through the appropriate side or the other allows the PC to make a Sincerity
channels (represented by an Etiquette [Bureaucracy] / (Honesty) / Awareness TN 40 roll, which he will
Awareness roll) or by relying upon their own station take into advisement. (Tadaji is suspicious of
and reputation (represented by a Glory / Status roll). Okucheo, sensing that several of the unfortunate
The “Audience TN” will be noted in each NPC’s events of the last few years have been mysteriously
information. PCs receive a Free Raise if they are trying unsolved, but he lacks any kind of evidence or
to arrange an audience with a member of their own testimony to support accusations.) If asked about
Clan, and will automatically succeed if they attempt to the fighting between the Unicorn and Lion, he
speak with their own daimyo (if they have an Oath of shakes his head slowly. “Samurai are warriors.
Fealty to one of the NPCs, they are assumed to be part By his actions, I suppose that Moto Gaheris-sama
of their retinue anyway). PCs may also gain two Free is striving to demonstrate before the Empire that
Raises on any of these rolls by appealing to their host; he, too, is a samurai at heart, no matter where he
gaining a Minor Obligation to Otomo Yoshinaka will was born.” He will not speak against the Unicorn
ease their access to any other NPC, does not require Champion, but any PC who wishes to persuade him
speaking with length to Yoshinaka himself, and may to support an agenda of peace between the Unicorn
even be done after failing one of the above rolls, but and Lion may roll Sincerity (Honesty) /
may only be done once over the course of the court. Awareness at a TN of 25.
• Otomo Yoshinaka, Imperial Scion (Status 6.0,
The following NPCs are those most likely to attract Glory 2.1, Otomo Courtier 3, Audience TN 20): He
attention from the PCs. Additionally, each Great Clan is more than happy to discuss politics with the PCs,
has at least one representative present; information on but will do so quietly in a private area of the
the Clan delegates can be found in Appendix #3. garden. However the PC leans when it comes to
issues such as the conflict between Okucheo and
• Yasuki Kiromayu, Imperial Treasurer (Status Toshiken, he will express himself positively
7.0, Glory 5.2, Yasuki Courtier 4, Audience TN without committing to one side or the other. He is,
35): Very little is known about Kiromayu, save that of course, quite proud of his garden and estate. If
he was appointed as one of Imperial Chancellor the PCs speak about the probable results of the
Otomo Mitsuhide’s first acts. He is a quiet man in court, they may roll Courtier / Awareness at a TN
his middle thirties, clad in a resplendent golden of 25 to detect some dissatisfaction in him
kimono at odds with his comfortably homely concerning the theme. Rolling more than 40
features. He has no strong opinions concerning the allows them to realize this is due to the theme itself
division between Toshiken and Okucheo, but will rather than it being used to support the conflict (he
enquire cautiously about the feelings of those who actually quite approves of that; he just wishes it
speak with him. Making a strong point for one side hadn’t been “the Sun” chosen to reflect it). Anyone
or the other is a Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness trying to use special abilities to get a read on

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Yoshinaka, including techniques such as the players may have him as an Ally, and he will greet
Kitsu’s Eye of the Ancestors, will find him hard to them by name. He has a warm smile and long
pin down on anything specific, except that he is not flowing white hair.
Tainted. If pressed for a more concrete answer, • Mirumoto Kissaki, a returned spirit from the Dawn
there is none that the PC can detect, except that of the Empire and a sensei at the Iron Mountain
something feels… off. Dojo. This is a player character in the campaign,
• Mirumoto Uso, Dragon Daimyo and Sensei so others may recognize him. If any do, he will
(Status 7.0, Glory 8.4, Mirumoto Bushi greet them by name. He is a tall man with the
5/Swordmaster 3, Audience TN 45) or Kakita shaved head of a monk.
Takezo, Crane Sensei (Status 6.0, Glory 5.8, • Kakita Kyruko, the young niece of the Kakita
Kakita Bushi 5/Kenshinzen 2, Audience TN 45): family daimyo. She is a duelist of some renown
These two men are spending a great deal of time (some would say “notoriety”), and PCs may have
together with their students, working on their met her in “Ancestral Dictate”. She is a beautiful
project. The TN represents the difficulty in getting woman of eighteen, with the light blue eyes the
one of them alone. However, anyone who wishes Crane are famous for, and with three official duels
to speak with them may instead simply approach to her credit. (Several other, unofficial, duels are
them in the dojo; they must still succeed at the roll, whispered about, but to date no substantial charges
but the TN drops to 25 (and the Etiquette Emphasis have been filed, perhaps due to her familial
becomes Courtesy) before other modifiers. connections.)
Information regarding their positions can be found
in the following section. The PCs are made welcome, and introductions will be
made as necessary. The low table is kept mostly clear –
In The Dojo there is little in the way of refreshment, only some
Most bushi will likely be interested in the dojo found on simple tea; the younger samurai (Kissaki and Kyruko)
the sprawling grounds of Yoshinaka’s estate. Though have open scrolls and pens at their places, taking notes
their host is a courtier and has little interest in martial for the discussion in between occasional demonstrations
pursuits himself, he does maintain a sizable personal of basic kata for the analysis of the senior sensei.
guard (suitable to his station), and there are other guests
who are more interested in in training than in Once all of the niceties are performed as appropriate,
participating in the negotiations. Mirumoto Uso speaks in a quiet, precise voice. “You
arrive at a most auspicious time. The honorable
In the karesansui (dry garden) overlooking the dojo, the Takezo-sensei and I have been collaborating on a
PCs can find three men and a woman (two of the men martial project for the better part of the last year, a
surrounded by the glow that marks returned spirits), project I first began undertaking with his predecessor.
having a brisk and in-depth discussion regarding the We hope to develop a series of kata to help unify the
minutae of iaijutsu dueling. They will pause and bow Clans in this great time of strife and division. A gift
to any PC who steps down into the garden. Those PCs from our Schools to the Empire, a celebration of the
who succeed at the Audience roll (as note above) are thousand years of steel that has defended Rokugan.
invited to join the group. (PCs trained in either the But as neither the Kakita nor the Mirumoto has done
Kakita or Mirumoto Bushi Schools gain a Free Raise, this alone, we welcome any input you may have.”
as will PCs that have a recommendation by another PC
who has been granted inclusion.) All are dressed in the This is a brainstorming session for the Thousand Years
white gi of the dojo. of Steel series of Kata that the Dragon and Crane are
jointly developing. There are plans for five kata, and
A Lore: Heraldry / Intelligence at a TN of 20 will they are currently discussing what focus will benefit
allow the PC to recognize the following people: from the kata and comparing it to existing kata (see
• Mirumoto Uso, daimyo of the Mirumoto family page 259 of the core rulebook for kata examples).
and head sensei of the Iron Mountain Dojo. Assisting in this discussion involves the following:
Mirumoto trained bushi will immediately recognize
him; PCs who played “A Day to Mourn” should as 1: Propose a simple focal point for a kata. For
well. He is in his mid-twenties, with a full head of example: Iaijutsu, TN, Initiative, Kyujutsu, Damage,
black hair and a loose topknot. etc. Choose a Ring and a Rank as appropriate.
• Kakita Takezo, a returned spirit, head sensei of the
Kakita Dueling Academy. PCs that played “Cold 2: Propose the kata concept mechanically utilizing the
Hands, Stone Heart” will recognize him. Some Intelligence trait. For example, an “Iaijutsu” kata
would be Iaijutsu / Intelligence, while “Initiative”

Fields of the Dead Page 9

might be School Rank + Reflexes / Intelligence. Mirumoto Uso
Some of these may be more challenging to determine As the Mirumoto family daimyo, Uso is the de facto
than others. The TN for the roll is 10x (the proposed Champion of the Dragon Clan in most matters. Though
Rank of the Kata) +10, minimum 30. he has not been particularly active politically, Uso is
quietly opposed to the Imperial Regent. He has made
3: Work on the basic mechanics of the kata in no overt public declarations along those lines (and has
character. The PCs are not developing the actual no plans to do so in the near future without his
mechanics, but merely demonstrating the concept Champion’s advice). Alone among the Clans, no
utilizing the Agility trait (as above). The TN for this Dragon daimyo has yet spoken in support of the Hantei.
roll is 10x (the proposed Rank of the Kata) +15, The decision for the Dragon to attack the Phoenix was
minimum 35. ultimately Uso’s, as he agreed with the Dragon
Agasha’s desire to avenge the Clan’s honor. Still, Uso
Success means the PCs suggestion is valid and noted by hopes that open war can be avoided, and not only
the sensei of the respective schools. Record the because he has no desire to strain the Imperial laws
successful kata foci for later reporting, and PCs who governing conflict between the Clans. Uso wishes to
succeed receive the advantage “Standing Invitations: find a reasonable compromise with the Phoenix, but
Iron Mountain Dojo & Kakita Dueling Academy” to will not order a complete cessation of hostilities without
continue kata development. They also gain an amount some form of agreement.
of Glory equal to the Rank of their proposed Kata.
Should the PCs wish to develop actual mechanics for
The PCs may also seize the opportunity to speak with the kata, they will need to speak to the Campaign
the sensei concerning the political issues at play in the Admin about such things as balance and playability.
Empire. They will be somewhat guarded in their
responses, but will not significantly change their replies The Ghost
whether they are separated from the rest of the group or During lunch on the fourth day, PCs who have the
not. disadvantage “Haunted: Sakura” or “Goryo Ancestor”
will notice the following:
Kakita Takezo
Takezo is a returned spirit from the ninth century In the garden, under a large willow tree on the far
(around the time of the Unicorn’s return to Rokugan). side of the koi pond, sit three young girls. One,
Like many spirits, he chose to remain in the Empire to dressed in the finest gold, sits with the others, clad in
lend his experience; upon the seppuku of Kakita Kaiten, light sky blue, having a childish tea party. As you
he found himself the most accomplished available look closer, the girl in blue turns her head slowly
instructor to take over the Kakita Academy and chose towards you and smiles broadly… too broadly… as
to do so. For the most part, he is focused on his duties the girl in gold beckons you over.
and has few strong opinions on the current political
situations. He disapproves of Hantei Okucheo’s rise to As the PC makes his way over, a quick Courtier
power, but is also more than somewhat concerned by (Gossip) / Intelligence roll at TN 20 will allow the PC
the rising anti-spirit sentiment that is growing prevalent to recognize that the girl in gold is Chisae, the niece of
in the Emerald Champion’s supporters. As far as the the host and the Otomo Daimyo (the daughter of one of
Crane’s aggression toward the Crab is concerned, as a their sisters).
loyal bushi he feels he has little option but to follow
orders for his Clan, however, on the whole he would Any PCs who are Haunted by Sakura will see one of
prefer to settle the dispute in the court “in a more Chisae’s companions as Sakura; any PCs who have an
civilized fashion.” As far as the divide among the ancestor who has become a Goryo will perceive the
Crane itself is concerned, Takezo would prefer to avoid other companion as that ancestor. Multiple PCs with
involvement, but will follow the lead of his current these certs will have overlapping perceptions, at the
family daimyo, Kakita Yoshi. Persuading Takezo to GM’s discretion. This scene should be fairly short and
take a side in any of the above issues will require a simple, all told.
Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 30. If
asked about Kakita Nori (Takezo’s young student, • Chisae, the Otomo Princess: Chisae is a young
possibly met at last year’s court), Takezo will say “Nori lady of court, about eight years old. She is polite,
is studying calligraphy with my wife at the moment. prim, and proper, already doing well to hold her
His musical skill is improving, as is his ability with the own and acting as a courtier should. She uses the
sword. We expect great things from him.” proper –sama for samurai older than her because
she is always so very polite.

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• Sakura the Ghost: Sakura was once a vengeful if anyone asks the hostess about this point, Otomo
goryo who was set upon the path of righteousness Daiko will be happy to point out that the Regent is in
by the PC’s Compassion during the module “Cold residence in Otosan Uchi, and should the PC bring up
Hands, Stone Heart”. She is attempting to learn Tsudao’s location she will politely rebut with “and I
what it means to be a samurai, but hundreds of am most confident Her Highness will return home
years as a vengeful spirit have driven her mad, and from her field trip soon enough” before excusing
some of that is reflected in her creepy demeanor. herself to other duties. (She is wearing a highly
• The Goryo Ancestor: This is the PC’s ancestor fashionable Amaterasu kimono.)
spirit who was attacked by Sakura during “Cold
Hands, Stone Heart”, was “killed” in the spirit Dinner is, to put it simply, immaculate. The simplest
world and is now forced to be a goryo also (they dishes here are perfect, making the haute cuisine of
attack the PC every night for not defending them in Otomo Yoshinaka’s estate seem like day-old
that module, per the cert). Whatever the PC fisherman’s bait, and even the simple music from the
described earlier, the goryo version will have a adjacent chamber is everything music should, must, be.
deathly pale completion, purple-black rings around Any PC with Idealistic, or a Fascination or Compulsion
his eyes and throat. Their eyes will be full of related to any kind of food, drink, or music, must make
murderous intent, as they are now a spirit of eternal a Raw Willpower roll at TN 20 to maintain composure
vengeance. However, there may be something and not embarrassing themselves like some star-struck
human left in them after all, if the PC can but bring country rube, losing a point of Glory and a point of
them back… Honor for their loss of Face.

“Samurai-sama,” Chisae says, bowing politely while Close to the end of dinner, but before everyone leaves
pouring tea for her guests, and for you. “We were just for the geisha houses and after-parties, each of the PCs
speaking of what it means to be a samurai. Could you receive a small note from the waiter, inviting them to
please explain to us: what is ‘Honor’?” the Azure Heron, a small, quiet, exclusive geisha house
in the Crane district. The letter is signed by Kakita
Her companions look on VERY intently as Chisae Takezo, the Crane sensei.
politely offers you a pink teacup decorated with
running ponies. The entrance to the Azure Heron is a simple doorway
tucked next to the upscale “Windswept Leaves” fashion
What the PC chooses to say here is important, and house, marked only by a small blue crane in flight, and
roleplaying matters – the (two) ghosts are absorbing looking like any of the other townhome residences.
what the PC says and taking it to heart. In addition to Inside and up the well-worn stairs is a small room, very
the roleplaying answer, the PC must also make a Lore: tasteful but elegantly simple. An older gentleman
Bushido / Intelligence roll TN 20. If the PC succeeds politely introduces himself as Kakita Pei and asks for
on both, have the PC write on their mod tracking sheet the PCs’ invitations. Upon delivery of the invitation,
and the “Goryo Ancestor” cert, or near where they another silent man in light blue, introduced as Daidoji
wrote down “Haunted: Sakura”, the word Honor, then Machio, will accept their swords for safe keeping
initial and date it. If the PC called Raises on the roll, (failure to comply causes a loss of Honor as a major
add a +(number of raises) behind it. breach of etiquette) as they are escorted to a
comfortable waiting room by an achingly beautiful
Across the koi pond, a small gong resonates, geisha named Tse, who entertains them with Three
reminding the courtiers that they have 15 minutes of Acorn sake and a simple, haunting tune on her biwa
lunch left – some have begun to move inside already. before demurely excusing herself.
As you look back to Chisae and her companions, the
latter is gone, replaced by two other young girls in Not two minutes after Tse leaves does the door slide
light blue, smiling and sipping their tea. “Thank you open, revealing three men – Kakita Takezo, Mirumoto
for your wisdom, samurai-sama,” they say in Kissaki, and Kuni Utagu, the Jade Champion. The PCs
harmony. A cool wind rustles the leaves of the willow may make a Lore: Heraldry / Intelligence roll at a TN
tree, carrying the faint sound of giggling with it. of 20 to recognize them (if they have not previously
encountered them), but if it seems like none of the PCs
Dinner at the Makoto realize who the samurai are, Mirumoto Kissaki (as the
On the evening of the fifth day, the PCs are attending junior samurai present among the three) will
dinner at the fabulous Makoto restaurant. A Courtier / courteously offer introductions.
Intelligence roll TN 20 will let the PC know that the
restaurant travels to wherever the Emperor is – though “Greetings, samurai; thank you for joining us on such

Fields of the Dead Page 11

short notice,” Kuni Utagu says, as the three men bow, destroyed.” Utagu snorts roughly. “After the
enter, and close the door behind them. They sit, Battle of Stolen Graves, you mean, when the
Utagu dominating the room with his scowling Bloodspeaker taught we to take more care of our
presence. departed.”
• Why do we need to investigate this? Kuni Utagu
(PCs who do not bow low to the Jade Champion lose 2 speaks gravely, “I need you to help my magistrate
points of Honor, or 6 points if their Honor is higher search the area, and find this graveyard so that I
than 5.9.) can have my Jade Legion secure it. We cannot
have a place such as this in the Empress’ back
“I am sure you are curious as to why I have yard, particularly with a powerful maho-tsukai in
summoned you here in such a way,” the Jade the area. Whatever you find, report it to me
Champion says, pouring himself a cup of sake. “Let personally.”
us cut through the frivolities of court. You may be • Can we borrow horses? Utagu growls “You don’t
aware that the peasant army that threatened the have one already? Your Clan should provide.”
capitol had maho-tsukai traveling among them. One Takezo softly interjects, “However, there is a
of these foul creatures survived the battle, and I stable in town that should rent steeds out at a
ordered one of my magistrates to follow his trail as reasonable rate, given the nature of your
soon as I learned of the situation. He has been business.” The PCs can rent horses for 2 koku if
sighted in a small town a few days north of here, and they wish to, with the recommendation of the Jade
my magistrate is en route. While speaking with these Champion.
two men, comparing notes from the battle, something • We do not have a shugenja with us. Kuni Utagu
came up that demands investigation. According to mutters something indistinct under his breath.
Kissaki-san, there was once a large cemetery in that “Have no fear. Daisuke-san is a Kuni. He will
area; one that is not on the Imperial maps. Duty know the appropriate rites if the darkness tries to
requires us to be here, but you are free for the feast on your entrails.”
moment. I would ask that you meet with Daisuke, a • Since we are hunting for maho-tsukai, will we need
Jade Magistrate who has been one of my most trusted jade? Can we wear our armor? Kuni Utagu nods
subordinates for years. Help him find this graveyard brusquely “Yes. I will provide you each with a
and report back to me, so that we may secure it finger of jade if necessary, and your travel papers
against the maho-tsukai who no doubt intends to use will be written accordingly.”
it for some unholy purpose.” • If the PCs seem inclined to refuse (based on their
lack of skill or personal cowardice), Utagu will
The PCs will have questions, ones which the two look to them with barely-concealed contempt. “Are
returned spirits and the Jade Champion will answer to you refusing a direct request by the Jade
the best of their ability: Champion?”
• Attempting to pressure money out of him will earn
• What can you tell us of this cemetery? Kissaki them some enmity, but Utagu, will comply. “If it
replies: “It was once a sprawling graveyard, is coin you want, coin you shall receive.”
mainly for sailors who washed ashore. It was
ancient a thousand years ago, and even then it PCs that refuse a direct request from the Jade
was enormous – easily comparable to Ryoko Champion lose 2 points of Honor per Honor Rank, gain
Owari in size, if not larger.” “Sworn Enemy: Jade Champion”, and cannot continue
• Where is it? Kakita Takezo murmurs, the adventure (making their participation in part one
“Consulting the maps, and certain archivists of inexplicable unless they change their mind). Publicly
my acquaintance in the capital, it should be on a stating that refusing his request is due to his support of
promontory overlooking the ocean, north of a the Imperial Regent will lose the character 3 points of
small port town called Treacherous Pass City. Status per Status Rank, gain them two Ranks of Infamy,
Both are surrounded by desolate, unpopulated and add “Sworn Enemy: Imperial Regent” to their
hills; which is likely how the cemetery was… problems. Those with a Position as Jade Yoriki who
overlooked for so long.” refuse will lose that title and a full Rank of Status. Any
• Why is it no longer on the maps? Kakita Takezo recalcitrant PCs should be encouraged to participate.
shrugs his shoulders. “As best we can tell, it fell
into disuse after the decree changing funeral PCs who wish to have more than one item of jade (jade
practices from burial to cremation, sometime in finger or jade dust) may get one, and only one, more by
the 5th century. One can only assume that the
regional maps it was listed on were lost or

Fields of the Dead Page 12

spending a Favor from any source (though Crab Favors would have joined the peasant uprising or why he
make the most sense). would have turned to the Shadowlands. Or,
unfortunately, when he became Tainted. One of the
“If that is all,” the Jade Champion says, rising to his locals that Daisuke spoke with in the city during his
feet. “Please make preparations to leave in the initial investigations (Shu, the innkeeper of an
morning.” establishment called the “Smiling Carp”) contacted him
earlier in the week and informed him that Sentaro had
If the PCs requested anything, he will have any been seen in town.
equipment and documentation sent to the PC with the
highest Status. They will travel through the day with It is Daisuke’s intention to travel to Treacherous Pass
little difficulty, taking them to the “Fluffy Duckling” City and speak with his contact, then determine what he
roadside inn where they are to meet with Kuni Daisuke. can about the cemetary. After learning everything the
PCs have to tell him about the graveyard, he will
answer whatever questions the PCs may have to the
Part Two: Dragon’s Guard best of his ability; he is a highly professional
City magistrate, who served as a shugenja assistant to the
Kuni Witch-Hunters before Utagu became the Jade
Champion and appointed him as a magistrate, so he is a
At this point, the action should resume just after the quite experienced investigator and well-used to working
combat at the “Fluffy Duckling.” This portion of the with other Clans in order to apprehend suspects.
module should be fairly straightforward, with the PCs Daisuke does possess somewhat more sense of humor
simply gaining answers to the fundamental facts of the than common among the usually-dour Kuni, but apart
module and getting them into place for the final from a few mild jokes or a sarcastic witticism or two,
confrontation – again, under the normal time will largely contain himself while “on the job”. Once
constraints, Part Two should hopefully take no more all available information has been distributed, he will
than a half hour. dismiss the PCs with a simple “We have an important
task ahead of us, samurai. Rest well, and we ride
If he survived, Daisuke will accept or offer healing as hard in the morning.”
necessary, pick up a bottle of sake from the wreckage,
and coolly suggest the group finds another table for
their briefing as soon as they are recovered from the A Hard Ride
attack. Looking at the mess, he will idly order the True to his word, Daisuke will have the servants ensure
innkeeper to find eta to dispose of the remains and that the PCs are awake well before dawn the next day.
continue on about his business with little more If the PCs do not have horses, he will sigh and shake
comment than “Well, I guess we know that he’s his head slightly. “Largest city in the Empire… you
expecting us…” (If he died, the sheaf of scrolls he might have found steeds somewhere.” In any event,
placed on the table has the following information – it is once the party is ready to travel, he will lead them out
his casefile on Sentaro, the ashigaru-turned-maho- at a brisk pace.
Traveling to Treacherous Pass City overland is a fairly
Daisuke has spent the last month tracking the maho- straight-forward affair; the PCs must travel northeast
tsukai who revealed themselves at the battle earlier this along the Treacherous Pass Road. The journey is
summer, interviewing survivors, investigating his uneventful as the scenery changes from the suburban
home, and following any sign of his passing through the sprawl of Otosan Uchi to the rural surrounding villages
area. Sentaro was a veteran ashigaru who fought at the and farmlands.
Battle of Volturnum. He was born in a town north of
Otosan Uchi called alternately “Treacherous Pass City” The lands north of Otosan Uchi are mostly plains and
or “Dragon’s Guard City.” There was little to rolling hills, shading to steep crags and high
distinguish him as a young man; he survived the battle precipices as you approach the ocean. The lines and
in the Shadowlands and returned home without any layers of earth in the cliff faces are jagged; the
significant distinction. His record in his home province obvious signs of a long history of tectonic turmoil.
is simple; a single listed infraction (failure to turn over The areas not cultivated by the peasantry are covered
the appropriate portion of his taxes, punished with a by thin trees, shrubs, and grass clinging to crumbling,
public flogging), but after that, he appeared to be a foreboding hillsides. Soon enough even these give way
model citizen. There is nothing in the information that to rough, unpleasant mountains in either direction;
Daisuke could uncover to indicate either why Sentaro the road to Kiken na Roka Toshi looks more like a
deep wound in the earth than anything else. Villages

Fields of the Dead Page 13

along the route are impoverished and scarce, but it is Taint. (Suspicious players may roll Investigation /
almost impossible to determine whether this is due to Awareness at a TN of 20 or Courtier / Awareness at a
the depopulation from the summer’s fighting or a TN of 25 to determine the source of Shu’s nerves.)
result of local conditions.
“It’s simple enough told, sama,” the innkeeper
A Lore: History / Intelligence roll at TN 20 (at the stammers out, wiping sweat from his face with the rag
GM’s discretion, other Lore Skills can substitute as he was using to clean tables. “That Sentaro you were
appropriate) will inform the PC that the area is sparsely looking for, he was here last week. Asked around
inhabited due to the unusually high frequency of town about some graveyard to the north. Headed that
earthquakes. Otosan Uchi itself is highly prone to way, probably toward Broken Hill Village, a few days
them, but this region suffers from a lack of ago.”
infrastructure to support regular rebuilding. Any PC
wishing to speak to the earth spirits will find them Asking more questions of Shu will be relatively
agitated, disturbed, and easily upset – the PC will have unproductive; as an innkeeper, he is a common source
to call a Raise on the roll to simply keep the earth for rumors, but his information tends to be lacking in
spirits from trembling angrily. They will arrive in significant detail as a result.
Kiken na Roka Toshi around dusk the next day.
Daisuke intends to spend the night in town and head for
In and of itself, Treacherous Pass City is not a large Broken Hill Village in the morning, but he also plans
place. Coming around the hill along the winding on doing some looking around before retiring for the
pass, the city takes up a large portion of the small night. He won’t refuse to allow a PC to accompany
valley in which it is situated, and many of the heavy him, though his initial suggestion if asked would be to
stone structures appear carved from the hillsides. cover more ground by splitting up.
What is more noticeable, though, is the sheer expanse
of docks that extend into the sea – easily enough to Asking around town will allow the PCs to gather
hold the small fleet of merchants and fishermen who information, similarly to asking for Rumors. They may
are busily pulling in to unload their catch of the day. roll Courtier (Gossip) / Awareness at a TN of 15 to
gain information in town. They may instead roll Lore:
The guards at the gate, a pair of burly ronin, wave you Underworld / Awareness at a TN of 10. They gain a
in with a smile. “Welcome to Dragon’s Guard City, Free Raise for each of the following that applies to the
samurai-samas. I might suggest the House of the PC: being a Ronin, monk, a Merchant Patron, or a naval
Smiling Carp to stay at during your visit,” one says. officer, or having the Hero of the People Advantage.
“They’ve got the best sake in town!” They gain one piece of information from the following
list for a success, plus an additional piece for every 5
The Independent Port they beat the TN by:
The House of the Smiling Carp is located on the border
between the dock and warehouse districts, the merchant • No one has heard of a giant cemetery, and many
district, and the nobles district (though in truth, many of people panic at the mere thought of it. The only
the “nobles” here are mostly wealthy merchants, and village north of here is Shousaka Mura, or Broken
the houses are empty except for the staff). It is a large Hill Village, about 2 days north.
and well-appointed sake house, constantly busy from • Treacherous Pass City is also known as Dragon's
the flow of sea trade moving along the coast, and rooms Guard City, named for a tale once told by a famous
can be had for 2 bu to 5 bu per night, depending on the storyteller about a small girl who gave a ryu
accommodations. The food is good, but not particularly (dragon) a rice ball. The dragon promised in return
noteworthy, and the common room is lively with sea that her family and all her descendants would know
captains, merchants, and merchant patrons, mostly of peace for a thousand years. The girl’s descendants
the Mantis, Tortoise, Phoenix, and ronin. had since then been numbered among the most
prominent fishermen in Rokugan. The city rose to
The proprietor is a florid, plump, smiling peasant by the become a very successful Seppun controlled
name of Shu, who will greet the PCs with respect and fishing port, with enough docks to moor a small
joviality. His mood will dip slightly when asked about fleet.
the information he has for the Jade Magistrate (or, • Dragon’s Guard City is an important port for the
obviously, if Daisuke is with them) – not because of a region, not only because of the excellent fishing
guilty conscience, but because he knows that the matter but because of the dangerous waters in the area
is serious and he is generally, and, probably, (mentioned by the superstitious sailors as
reasonably, frightened by anything smacking of the “Suitengu’s Garden”). The sea lanes are very

Fields of the Dead Page 14

specific here, due to the historically high number of
shipwrecks outside them – to stray from the lanes A Phoenix trade caravan is in town, trading food and
means almost certain catastrophe. This is the only supplies for the black go stones mined from the nearby
safe harbor for many, many miles in either slate quarry. There is no inn here, but there is a small
direction. temple in the center of town with enough space for the
• Most of the peasants here work in the village and PCs to stay. A Lore: Lore: Theology (Fortunes) /
do not leave the valley. The surrounding Intelligence roll at TN 20 will recognize it as a Temple
countryside is very unstable and dangerous. Even to O’Saigo (named “O’Saigo-ji”), the Fortune of Going
the thieves and bandits do not venture out into the Last (the player with the black stones in Go goes
mountains, for fear of landslides. Only the poorest second, hence the relation), though this information can
of the poor, the firewood scavengers, make their be gotten without a roll simply by asking.
living beyond the few scattered villages along the
Treacherous Pass. A Games: Go / Perception roll TN 15 will show that
• The earth spirits in this region are easily upset and these pieces are of exceptionally high quality and very
perpetually angry. Long ago someone discovered well-made; they are easily worth a koku alone in the
prayer offerings of strong shochu will appease major cities of the Empire, though Shiba Gobai (the
them, but like any alcohol-induced calm, it never caravan master) is paying much, much less for them.
lasts. Haggling for the contract for the Go stones is a
• (The PCs will only hear this information if they roll Contested Commerce / Willpower roll against Shiba
higher than a 30; Daisuke will learn of this if he is Gobai’s 8k3 (manipulating, blackmailing, or bullying
asking around, but will not think to share it unless him in some way gives the PC two Free Raises – he is
asked by the PCs) A young, battered ashigaru came not one for confrontation).
through town recently. He had an unsettling aura
about him, and the locals were glad to see him Treating the peasants in the village well does not
depart, particularly because he was also asking require a roll; it simply requires the PC to be polite. PCs
about the graveyard. He bought a cart and a few with the Hero of the People Advantage should have the
slabs of clay and left, heading north. locals going out of their way to be helpful. Koteki will
inform them (away from the others) that he’s heard
Once again, Daisuke will want to be moving at first rumor of an old graveyard, but he chalked it up as just
light. After learning what can be learned, he will head another firewood gatherer superstition- they have so
back to the inn and sleep; any PC that wishes to remain many, it’s hard to keep track of them all. He will of
out particularly late should probably be Fatigued the course go fetch the elderly head of the firewood-
next day due to the combination of travel and lack of gatherer family for them, should they ask. He returns
rest, at the GM’s discretion (an Earth Roll may negate with a hunched old man named Monomi, who walks
this, at a TN of 20). with a gnarled cane and has piercing black eyes.
Monomi tells them the following tale:
The badlands north of Treacherous Pass City are
bleak and barren, becoming more steep and harsh as “When I was a young man, my brother and I were
you go north. The road is wide and smooth, but tasked with finding new groves of forest to harvest
winding, hugging deep valleys and haphazard cliffs, firewood from – they aren’t very common around
under the omnipresent gaze of broken mountain here, so exploring was an important duty. Normally
peaks. The millennia have not been kind here, and we gather from the west and the south, because the
the twisted earth shows it. Fast-growing evergreens terrain is easier, but Jin and I decided to try our luck
and scrub trees cling to the crumbling ground, going north east, toward the ocean. We scaled one of
growing at odd angles. the mountains to look around and saw, in the
distance, a small forest. When we got there, it was…
Broken Hill Village eerie. Ancient trees, old stone ruins, broken graves,
The PCs will reach Broken Hill Village a short way fog… but a bounty fallen wood everywhere. While we
before dark on the second day (or early afternoon, if harvested, Jin was… well, he was attacked; killed. I
they were able to speed up travel). The village itself is didn’t see what it was, because of the fog, but… I fled.
a ramshackle collection of huts sitting on the edge of a I mentioned it to a passing magistrate some time ago,
rough precipice; very literally, the hill broke in half and but she ignored me. Such is the karma of the poor.”
slid down into the valley below. The village headman, He frowns momentarily off into the distance, old
a dirty but smiling man named Koteki, greets Daisuke shame and anger mixed on his face and set in an
and the PCs warmly, if quietly. expression of resignation. “We do not go there

Fields of the Dead Page 15

anymore. You should not go there either. The land is It is an hour after dawn before the fog lifts enough to
cursed.” permit safe off-road travel, but even then, it chokes the
valleys. If the PCs were polite to the villagers, they
The PCs will likely have questions. Monomi will will have a guide; a lithe young woman named Aijou
answer to the best of his ability, though there are will escort them down the creek and to the mountain’s
limitations: base. The passage is safe, if rocky and wet; the creek is
but a wisp of water, pooling and running off in the
• What kind of monsters? “I didn’t see. Jin was distance. The damp, musty air has made the slate river
dragged off screaming into the fog. I am not a rocks slippery underfoot. Thin trees dot the grassy
brave man; I ran away.” hillsides, which disappear up into soupy fog. Daisuke
• Where is the cemetery? “As I was running away, can make the rolls in this section if the PCs cannot and
the fog parted for just long enough for me to see he is with them; if the PCs do not succeed, he is likely
old tombs beyond the forest. The cemetery just to withhold his recommendation.
went on forever; I thought I had died and gone to
hell…” Without a guide, spotting Hofun-ji Mountain is
• Where is this forest/how do I get there? “If you difficult. The mountain is crumbling and overgrown,
must go, go northeast, following the creek to obscured by the omnipresent fog. An Investigation
Hofun-ji Mountain; climb it. You will see the (Notice) / Perception roll TN 25 or Hunting /
forest in the distance, to the northeast. If you Perception TN 20 will find it, if Aijou does not point it
follow the largest ridgeline you see, you’ll avoid out. Failure means the PCs are lost and must backtrack
the ravines. Go through the forest, and you will to the village to ask for help, which will cost them all 2
find what you seek.” points of Honor (3 if their Honor is above 6.0). Aijou
will under no circumstance climb the Forbidden
A Lore: Theology / Intelligence roll TN 30, with a Mountain.
Free Raise for returned spirits, will allow the PC to
know that a “hofun” is a type of ancient megalithic Hofun-ji Mountain is a giant pyramid of a hill, tall and
grave – a pyramid-shaped hill with a flat top. This style wrapped in fog; the wet grass and thin trees make the
has changed over the centuries, but the rectangular climbing difficult. Visibility extends to about 5 feet
“Temple on a Hill” base style would be familiar to the away, ten if the PC has a lantern. Making it up the
players). Also, the suffix –ji also refers to a Temple. mountain requires an Athletics (Climbing) / Stamina
roll, TN 20. Riding a horse up the Mountain is a
The rest of the evening is one full of campfire stories Horsemanship / Willpower roll, TN 25. Failure
and drinking. Should anyone wish to play go, Gobai means slipping and tumbling down the rocky slope until
does not play, but every villager here does, rolling the PC (and possibly the horse) hits a tree and stops,
between 5k2 (children) and 10k4 with the Emphasis taking 3k3 damage; damage over 30 creates a
(elders) depending on the age of the participant; Koteki Permanent Wound of some kind: twisted knee,
is the best here, rolling 10k5 with the Emphasis. The concussion, broken bone, or what have you, which
PC may choose whichever color they wish. They don’t requires a Medicine (Wound Treatment) /
have much else to do here but play and drink, and since Intelligence roll of TN 25 to treat (or the “Regrow the
maintaining O’Saigo-ji involves playing go, the Wound” spell) before the wound itself can be healed.
villagers at Broken Hill have become rather exceptional
at the game. It should be noted that all of the peasants Tackling Hofun-ji is an exercise in patience if
here will concede their games against members of the anything – the angle of the slope is fairly steep but
samurai caste (for obvious reasons) unless their uniformly consistent, unusual for something of this
opponent specifically tells them not to first. magnitude. While there are trees and grass present,
the terrain itself is practically smooth, especially
Choosing black, being polite, and rolling more than 30 compared to the surrounding rough crags and twisted
on the Games: Go / Intelligence roll in O’Saigo-ji will peaks. After two hours of relentless, monotonous
attract the attention of the Minor Fortune, giving one climbing up the crumbling hillside and wet grass, the
PC a Rank of Luck to use against an opponent with fog begins to dissipate; you are still nowhere near the
higher Initiative during this mod. top.

Outside the warm firelight of the temple, a blanket of The sky above is a flat sheet of gray, possibly
thick fog obscures the world; hiding everything more threatening rain. Climbing the mountain above the fog
than a dozen steps away from sight. is less slick, and from here climbing is an Athletics
(Climbing) / Stamina roll TN 15 or a Horsemanship /

Fields of the Dead Page 16

Willpower roll TN 20; the consequences for failure are ground trembles angrily in response, sending water
the same as above but with 4k4 damage, as there is from the forest’s canopy crashing down all at once,
nothing to stop them from being swallowed by the fog followed by loose leaves, green, yellow, red, and
below. brown, all fluttering lazily to the earth below. After a
very long pause, another boom sends the earth kami
There is no peak to Hofun-ji, just a wide, square table, shaking again in protest; then another, and another.
easily as large as a small village. There are no trees, The intervals between the noises are drawn out, but
no grass, no wind, no sun, no life; only massive far too regular to be natural occurrences, and they do
stones. The dreary sky has begun to mist, turning the not seem to end. Boom. Boom. Boom.
thin, chill air clammy. All around, snarling black
mountains rise from the blanket of fog. (A suggestion for the GM to add some drama to the
scene is to physically shake the table with each
An Investigation (Notice) / Perception TN 20 will “Boom”, both above and in the following sections.
spot, in the distance to the northeast, a dark patch of Naturally, some caution should be taken, depending on
woods just barely poking up from the fog, which can be the playgroup and what may be on the table – a little
reached by a ridgeline from the north of Hofun-ji. A drama is a good thing, but cleaning soda off of
TN 30 will allow the PC to find an enormous character sheets or rulebooks is not a fun chore.)
rectangular granite pillar in a cleared circle of
megalithic stones, tipped over and broken, half-buried A Raw Intelligence roll, TN 15, with a Free Raise for
in the rocks. A Lore: Theology / Intelligence roll PCs who have experience with demolitions (such as
(with a Free Raise for returned spirits, monks, and those who have fought and served on the Carpenter
shugenja) TN 25 will let the PCs know that the pillar is Wall, or shugenja with destructive Fire spells) will let
an archaic style of cemetery marker. The name on the the PC recognize the sounds as distant explosions.
pillar, if there is one, is face-down and too heavy to
move, rendering the name on the pillar unreadable. Following the sounds through the gray forest involves a
Hunting / Reflexes roll, TN 25, to avoid being injured
Climbing down from Hofun-ji requires one Athletics on the slumbering landscape. A lantern of any kind
(Climbing) / Stamina roll TN 15 or a Horsemanship / will give the PC a free raise, and failure means slipping
Willpower roll TN 20, with similar penalties to falling for 3k1 damage (if a player is on horseback, the damage
as climbing up. Following the ridgeline to the forest goes to the horse instead). A Lore: Theology /
requires a Hunting / Perception roll, TN 20. The Perception roll TN 25 will allow the PC to spot moss-
ridgeline itself starts high but begins a slow descent into encrusted grave markers, half-sunk into the earth and
the dense fog and mist. As the sun begins to fade leaning haphazardly, which become more and more
behind the mountains, a safe campsite can be found just plentiful as they through the forest. An ancient stone
inside the edge of the forest, in the cold shadow of a torii arch, looms above as the PCs pass under it, and as
moss-laden boulder. they go, the booming gets slowly louder.

The forest itself is full of exceedingly tall, misshapen If there are any returned spirits in the party, PCs may
trees, whose canopy disappears high into the fog, and make a Raw Awareness roll, TN 10 to notice that the
the forest floor is a deep blanket of moss and fallen returned spirit(s) begins to glow less golden and more
autumn leaves. Firewood can be found everywhere, but silver as they move further into the forest. PCs who are
it is damp and does not burn well, and as such the Haunted will also begin to see dim, shadowy outlines of
meager light from a campfire cannot push back the their ghostly ancestors (though other PCs will not, even
smothering fog. The air is heavy and thick as silent if they are themselves Haunted).
darkness settles in for the night. While on watch, the
PCs can make an Investigation (Notice) / Intelligence As the terrain begins to slowly ascend and the fog
roll, TN 15. Success means the PC realizes that they begins to thin, more of the landscape becomes visible.
are hearing nothing. No insects, no wildlife, no breeze. The mossy ground becomes much more uneven, but
paths through the trees and stones become more
apparent, making the journey easier. An enormous
Part Three: Silence of the broken statue of a now-headless man sits in the lotus
position, surrounded by crumbled pillars and covered
Grave in moss and small white flowers. The head itself lays
half-buried, staring out peacefully. White stones
Late in the night, in the still silence of the sleeping peek out of the leaves and moss – now obviously the
world, a loud boom echoes in the distance. The

Fields of the Dead Page 17

tops of tall marble grave markers, buried and does not move, or even seem to acknowledge the
forgotten under a thousand years of time. events around him.

A bright light flashes on a distant hill. The tsukai’s ritual comes to a fever pitch as he places
a bloody handprint on the man in the golden armor’s
BOOM face. The earth trembles softly, angrily; the corpse
comes to life, ancient leather creaking as he squeezes
It is still very dark and gray, with no sign of the moon the hilt of his sword, eyes open behind the mask,
or the stars, but the trees have thinned and there are ablaze with power that turns to lock the one who
obvious paths between the headstones now, making touched him in a contest of wills.
travel in the mist easier, as visibility now extends to
about 30’ away. As the PCs ascend the hill, the fields The PCs will not have been noticed yet. If the players
of tombstones that just barely peeked out of the moss make an immediate attempt to interfere before
earlier are now more exposed and visible, quickly determining the situation, move on to Initiative Rolls
becoming a nest of columns, crypts, sepulchers, and and begin the combat as below. If they take a moment
other grave markers stand in weathered white marble. to look around (Daisuke’s preference, if they stop to
ask), they may make a few Skill Rolls to gain some
Advancing up the slope, more details of the scene will information. There is a limit to how much time they
become clear, both as their eyes adjust to the gloom and have, however; should they start to take significant time
the light gradually increases. They will see the soft in their preparations, the GM should move the
yellow glow of torches warming the fog. As they near, encounter along (in particular, Haichi will
they will be able to see a fairly large crowd in a automatically notice the casting of any spells by the
clearing, though it is hard to make out the total number. PCs.)
A number of the graves and crypts they pass have been
destroyed and plundered; the doors and roofs broken, • The simplest is a basic Lore: Shadowlands or
the ground dug up. Closer inspection reveals dirt and Lore: Maho / Intelligence at TN 10: The
shattered stone lay scattered; the graves were broken laborers and “peasants” standing around are all
from the inside. Ahead, there are the faint sounds of zombies, likely having been raised by the
chanting and scratching. Shadows flicker at the edges maho-tsukai in the middle. The PC will also
of perception, and any returned spirit PC must succeed realize the creature in the middle is an oni,
at a Void roll with a TN of 15 or become Fatigued (per bound by a spell cast by one of the tsukai.
pg. 89 of the 4th Edition L5R rulebook). Additionally, rolling a 25 or higher on the
Lore: Shadowlands will allow them to realize
Atop the hill is a large mass of what appear to be that it is a unique oni unseen in the Empire
peasants; some busy at work, some not. Many stand previously. 25 or higher on Lore: Maho
statue-still, while others dig, clawing at the dirt with allows them to recognize that the red-robed
their hands: finding graves, pulling out the ancient, spirit is casting “Puppet Master” in an attempt
rotten corpses, and roughly throwing them into a to take control of a self-willed undead, and
crude pile. Each of the laborers wears a plain white that it is taking longer than usual, indicating a
porcelain mask that gleams eerily in the torchlight. creature of significant power.
The torches cast a soft yellow glow in the center of the • Lore: Theology or Lore: Masks /
horde, illuminating the fog and a handful of human Intelligence TN 20 (with a Free Raise for
forms. A tall, red-robed figure chants in a rising returned spirits from the year 500 or earlier):
cadence, while behind him three armored forms kneel The man in the center’s mask is gold, worked
in wait. A stooped, bestial creature crouches over a into the likeness of a face, but the style of
final prostrate body; vast, grasping claws flex at the mask is very old, and there are no slits for the
ends of a dozen arms and burning eyes stare furiously eyes or mouth: it is an archaic burial mask.
at the chanting tsukai, but swirling bands of red mist The burning eyes are a product of the ritual
seem to contain its rage. and spiritual power.
• Craft: Armorsmithing / Perception TN 10
Before the maho-tsukai stands a large pile of (with a free raise for returned spirits from the
blackened stone rubble surrounding a smoking hole Dawn of the Empire period): The armor the
in the burnt ground. The body of what once was a man is wearing is made of small rectangular
giant of a man has been removed from the hole and plates, also made of gold. This is an ancient
lies on the ground, the torchlight shining a sickly style of light armor and the precursor to the
yellow upon him and his golden mask and armor. He more modern designs.

Fields of the Dead Page 18

• Lore: Katana or Craft: Weaponsmithing / in the center turns, drawing a katana with a swift,
Intelligence TN 25 (with a free raise for precise grace, and horror strikes you as you recognize
returned spirits from the Dawn of the Empire the rotted, decaying corpse of Toturi I, Emperor of
period): The sword held by the man in gold is Rokugan. He locks gazes with you, no expression on
an antique weapon called a tsurugi, or the putrescent flesh, and raises his left hand to order
broadsword. It is the straight-bladed precursor the other revenants forward in a heartbreakingly
to the curved katana family of longswords. familiar movement. The hand then clutches at the
• Investigation (Notice) / Perception TN 20: blade, staining the shining steel with black blood.
The maho-tsukai in the middle has the soft
glow of a returned spirit. The rubble in the If there are any returned spirit PCs, add the following:
center are the pieces of a destroyed sepulcher. One of the shambling forms at the fallen Emperor’s
• Lore: Spirit Realms / Intelligence roll TN 20 side is even more familiar; your own ancient body,
(with a Free Raise for returned spirits, though animated by foul, blasphemous magic to stand against
those from the Realm of Meido will you.
automatically succeed): The borders between
Ningen-Do and Meido are very thin here. This These are three revenants summoned by Haichi; the
will account for the shadows, the changing central one is not Toturi I, nor are any of them actually
colors of the returned spirits, and the the bodies of returned spirit PCs – this is an illusion
disorientation of the returned spirits. created by a variation on the Air Spell “Your Heart’s
Enemy.” After Initiative is rolled, have each PC roll to
The man in the golden armor and mask is the corpse of resist a Fear 4 effect (TN 25). Returned spirit PCs must
Shun Yu, an ancient hero-king from the time before the resist a Fear 5 effect (TN 30), as their horror is
Fall of the Kami, and the maho-tsukai are attempting to compounded by the apparent presence of their own
exhume and control him for their own malevolent corpse.
purposes. However, due to the power of his spirit,
Shun Yu cannot be so easily controlled. While he is Isawa Haichi, the leader of the enemies, is attempting to
technically a sort of zombie, he is not Lost or under gain control of Shun Yu, the man in the golden armor,
Haichi’s control; he just wants to go back to sleep in using the “Puppet Master” Maho spell, and is locked in
Meido without interruption. a contest of wills, leaving him little attention for other
matters – he can defend himself (and should be treated
If given a chance, Daisuke will tell the PCs that he will as though in the Defense Stance), but can take no
prevent the sheer numbers of zombies from Complex Actions. After five rounds, he will take
overwhelming them by raising a wall (he will spend his control of the ancient hero – if this happens, the PCs are
first two Rounds casting Wall of Earth) to allow them likely in a great deal of trouble.
to focus on the tsukai and his immediate underlings.
The three revenants will attempt to keep the PCs away
Putting Down the Threat from Haichi, attacking with all their capabilities and
This has the potential to be a moderately complex Techniques. Any damage taken by the PCs from “the
combat; it is suggested that there be at least an hour left False Toturi” will require them to make an Earth roll at
when beginning it. There are the two maho-tsukai TN 15. Failure means the PC gains a point of Taint.
(Isawa Haichi and Sentaro), three revenants, an oni, and (A quick Lore: Shadowlands / Intelligence roll will
several dozen zombies (most of which are not actually allow the PC to realize this; those who continue to face
attacking). Different outcomes are possible depending the fallen “Emperor” in the face of this are likely due an
on the order in which the PCs attack their enemies, and Honor gain for this display of Courage, at the GM’s
depending on whether or not Daisuke is with them. discretion.) If Haichi is killed, or when “the False
Toturi” is removed from the combat, the illusion will
When the PCs move forward, either to attack or break and the Fear effect will cease. Unfortunately for
negotiate, all of the zombies will turn to look at them in the PCs, killing Haichi will not stop the revenants – he
one slow, sweeping motion. The maho-tsukai, Isawa had to use a more powerful compulsion to force
Haichi, exclaims “Intruders! Deal with them; I’ve got samurai (even undead samurai) to his will, and they will
Shun Yu!” and makes a sharp gesture to the three fight until they are dropped.
kneeling figures.
The zombies will shamble toward the PCs, attempting
The air seems to twist and scream as the three to grapple the PC in groups of 5-8. If the PCs are
armored figures rises smoothly to their feet. The one mounted, the zombies will target the horses. It will take
them two Rounds to get there, meaning that unless

Fields of the Dead Page 19

Daisuke is interrupted (or is not there at all), he will be Complex)
able to block them away from consideration, Armor TN: 15 Damage: 4k2 (claw)
significantly lightening the difficulty of this encounter. Reduction: 5
If Haichi is slain, they will not fall until the next Wounds: 72 (Dead)
sunrise, but they will mill around aimlessly, Taint Rank: 3
directionless without orders, and will not resist attempts Special Abilities:
to put them down. • Beheading: A zombie can normally only be
destroyed by literally hacking it to pieces (reducing
If Haichi is attacked and put into the +5 wound penalty it to Dead), but it can be instantly destroyed by
category (when he takes 36 wounds), he will lose the severing its head. This requires three Called Shot
round’s Contested Willpower roll with Shun Yu, who Raises and doing at least 18 Wounds
will attack him at the beginning of the next turn. The • Unmasking: Alternately, removing the porcelain
spell keeping the oni in check will crumble at this point mask on the zombie will end the spell giving it
(or at Haichi’s death), and it will move into the fray, movement, and it will return to death. This may be
heading for Shun Yu in an attempt to consume his soul accomplished if a character controls a Grapple with
and gain his power. Haichi will defend himself, likely a zombie and takes a Complex Action to remove
focusing on Shun Yu or any PC attacking him, but he is the mask. Striking the mask in combat may have
out of Fire spells, having used them all to open the the same effect; it requires three Called Shot Raises
tomb. to strike the mask, and the mask will be broken if it
takes more than 5 Wounds of damage (past its own
When the oni is freed, Sentaro will seek to flee, though Reduction of 10). At the GM’s discretion, Raises
he will use his abilities to wreak havoc if he has no may be used to specifically target the mask with
other choice, either by raising fallen PCs or by taking spells.
command of the zombies himself if Haichi was slain. • Fear 3
Sentaro has already taken 36 Wounds, putting him at • Undead
the +5 Wound Penalty.

Note that PCs that die in this battle may be reanimated Isawa Haichi
by either Haichi or Sentaro with “Summon Undead Haichi is an older shugenja in filthy orange and red
Champion,” and through the thin border between the robes, with bloody hands and the soft glow of a
worlds, their soul will be forced to watch their body returned spirit. When he returned through Oblivion’s
turn against them. gate, he did not know that blood magic invited the
Taint, and now is irrevocably corrupted…
Once the oni begins attacking Shun Yu, he will attempt Air 4 Earth 4 Fire 4 Water 4 Void 4
to fight it off. Neither participant will take standard
actions; after five Rounds, it will have consumed his Honor 0.0 Status 0.0 Glory 0.0
soul and will seek to flee the field with its prize. PCs Initiative: 8k4 Spellcasting: 9k4;
attacking it will cause it to counter-attack with one of 10k4+1FR (Air)
its many limbs (as noted in its statblock), but grant Armor TN: 37 (Defense
Shun Yu the opportunity to cleave into it with his Stance)
bronze tsurugi (essentially as a Free Action). Each Reduction: 0
opening given by a PC will allow Shun Yu to cause 20 Shadowlands Taint: 6
Wounds to the oni (in addition to any damage they do Wounds: 20: +0; 28: +3; 36: +5; 44: +10; 52: +15; 60:
that gets past its Invulnerability or Reduction). +20; 68: Down; 76: Dead
School/Rank: Isawa Shugenja 4
Technique: Isawa’s Gift: Gain a Free Raise on all Air
Spellcasting Rolls
A dead, decaying corpse animated by blasphemous Affinity/Deficiency: Air/None
magic. Its clothes are in tatters, save for a pristine Skills: Calligraphy (Cipher) 3, Defense 5, Lore: Maho
white porcelain mask covering the face. The hands 5, Investigation 3, Lore: Theology 2, Medicine 3,
reach for its victim, flesh stripped from the ends of the Meditation 2, Spellcraft 7
jagged bone, leaving blackened claws instead of Mastery Abilities: +3TN in Defense or Full Defense
fingers. Stance; +1k0 to Spellcasting Rolls
Air 0 Earth 3 Fire 1 Water 1 Spells: (only those likely to be cast in combat are
Reflexes 2 Agility 3 Strength 3 included here) Air: Tempest of Air (ML1), False Realm
Initiative: 2k2 Attack: 5k3 (unarmed, (ML4), Slayer’s Knives (ML5); Earth: Armor of Earth

Fields of the Dead Page 20

(ML1); Earth’s Stagnation (ML1); Maho: Summon covered by an illusion that makes him appear as the
Undead Champion (ML1, Earth, p269); Disrupt the deceased Emperor Toturi I because he was a Lion in
Limb (ML1, Water, p269); Spreading the Darkness life. He may not spend Void, but retains the Ring for
(ML2, Earth, p271); Puppet Master (ML2, Fire, p271); purposes of calling Raises.
Essence of Undeath (ML3, Earth 3, p272) Air 2 Earth 4 Fire 3 Water 4 Void 3*
Advantages/Disadvantages: Touch of Meido Reflexes 5 Agility 5 Strength 6
Honor 5.6 Status - Glory 5.3
Initiative: 8k5 Attack: 10k6 (Katana,
Sentaro, Maho-tsukai Simple)
Whatever he once was, Sentaro is now a Lost sorcerer Armor TN: 35 (light Damage: 10k2 (katana)
of surprising ability. The Taint has marked him with armor)
scabrous growths over his body, and his thick black hair Reduction: 8 (light armor and undead)
sticks out in all directions, giving him a mad, wild look. Wounds: 96 (Dead)
His natural abilities are all the more impressive for Taint Rank: 5
being largely self-taught. Special Abilities: Undead; Beheading (as a zombie,
Air 2 Earth 4 Fire 3 Water 3 Void 3 save it requires 24 Wounds past
Reflexes 3 Strength 4 Reduction to accomplish)
Honor 0.0 Status 0.0 Glory 0.0 School/Rank: Akodo Bushi 3
Initiative: 5k3 Attack: 8k3+5 (kama, Techniques: The Way of the Lion: May either ignore
Complex) the portion of an opponent’s Armor TN derived from
Armor TN: 20/27 Damage: 4k2 (kama) Armor, or gain a Free Raise when attacking. (Do not
(Defense Stance) ignore Reduction from the Armor while choosing the
Reduction: 5 first option.) Gains a bonus of +1k0 to the total of all
Shadowlands Taint: 5 attack rolls on first melee attack against an opponent in
Wounds: 20 (+0), 28 (+3), 36 (+5), 44 (+10), 52 (+15), a skirmish, or against any opponent who has declared a
60 (+20), 68 (Down, +40), 76 (Dead) Raise on an attack against since last turn.
School/Rank: none/Insight Rank 2 Strength of Purity: May add Honor Rank to the total of
Technique: Power of the Spirits: When casting a Maho any single roll during Turn. May not increase damage
spell, may remove a Void Point from a rolls in this fashion.
returned spirit within 30’ to gain a Free Strength of My Ancestors: May make attacks as a
Raise Simple Action instead of a Complex Action while using
Maho Spells: Inspire Fear (4k2; Air, ML1; one target weapons with the Samurai keyword.
gains Phobia 3 [+15 penalty to all TNs] of caster’s Skills: Athletics 3, Battle (Mass Combat) 4, Defense 3,
choice for one hour); Puppet Master (5k3; Fire, ML2; Kenjutsu (katana) 7, Kyujutsu 3, Lore: History 4,
control undead); Summon Undead Champion (6k4), Sincerity 3
Armor of Obsidian (6k4, Earth; one-shot protection Mastery Abilities: reduce Terrain penalties for
from Jade Spells); Strength of Darkness (6k4, increase movement; +1k0 damage with swords, may ready
physical stats) swords as a Free Action, 9s explode on damage with
Shadowlands Powers and Mutations: Above the swords
Elements (+10 to TN of non-maho spells; Tough Hide Advantages/Disadvantages: Leadership
Skills: Athletics 3, Battle 3, Craft: Farming 3, Defense
5, Heavy Weapons 3, Hunting 3, Jiujutsu 2, Knives
(Kama) 5, Lore: Maho 5, Spears 4
Hida Nahurio
Mastery Abilities: treat Difficult Terrain as Moderate One of the poor samurai who happened to be laid to rest
Terrain for movement penalties; may retain previous here in the early days of the Empire; he is a huge
Full Defense Roll, +3 Armor TN while in Full Defense bruiser of a Crab in heavy armor. He may not spend
or Defense Stance; reduce target’s Reduction by 2 when Void, but retains the Ring for purposes of calling
using Heavy Weapons; off-hand penalties do not apply Raises.
to knives; may reduce target’s Reduction by 3 if Air 2 Earth 4 Fire 2 Water 2 Void 3*
attacking with a spear in the first round Reflexes 3 Agility 3 Strength 4
Honor 1.3 Status - Glory 4.1
Advantages/Disadvantages: Magic Resistance III /
Initiative: 5k3 Attack: 8k3 (ono,
Gullible, Shadowlands Taint
Armor TN: 30 (heavy Damage: 6k4 (ono)
Akodo Nobuhito, the False Toturi armor)
One of the poor samurai who happened to be laid to rest Reduction: 14 (heavy armor, Technique, undead)
here in the early days of the Empire; he has been Wounds: 96 (Dead)

Fields of the Dead Page 21

Taint Rank: 5 Nakitama no Oni
Special Abilities: Undead; Beheading (as a zombie,
This oni, summoned by Sentaro to assist his researches,
save it requires 24 Wounds past
seeks the souls of powerful mortals to forge into yokai
Reduction to accomplish)\
in the depths of Jigoku. It has massive claws at the end
School/Rank: Hida Bushi 2
of nearly a dozen limbs that flail with malice against
Techniques: The Way of the Crab: May ignore TN
any who attack it.
penalties for wearing heavy armor for all Skills except
Stealth. When using a Heavy Weapon, gains a bonus of Air 4 Earth 5 Fire 4 Water 5
+1k0 to the total of all damage rolls. Initiative: 7k4 Attack: 9k4 (claws,
The Mountain Does Not Move: Gains Reduction equal Complex)
to Earth Ring. Armor TN: 20 Damage: 8k2* (claws)
Skills: Athletics 3, Defense 5, Heavy Weapons Reduction: 10 (5 vs magic, 0 vs jade, crystal, or
(Tetsubo) 5, Intimidation 5, Jiujutsu 4, Kenjutsu 3, obsidian)
Lore: Shadowlands 4 Wounds: 25 (+5), 50 (+10), 75(+15), 100 (Dead)
Mastery Abilities: reduce Terrain penalties for Taint Rank: 5
movement; reduce target’s Reduction by 2 with Heavy Skills: Jiujutsu 5
Weapons, Free Raise to Knockdown with Heavy Special Abilities:
Weapons; +5 to Contested Intimidation Rolls • Counter-attack: Any PC coming within reach of
Advantages/Disadvantages: Large its grasping claws to make a melee attack runs the
risk of an immediate counterattack; the oni may
Doji Tamiyo make as many Free Actions to immediately make
an attack on any PC that successfully strikes it in
One of the poor samurai who happened to be laid to rest combat, with its full dice pool and all additional
here in the early days of the Empire; she is a slight, effects from its attacks.
graceful abomination of the elegant Crane she once • Claw at the Soul: Those struck by Nakitama no
was. She may not spend Void, but retains the Ring for Oni lose one Void Point in addition to any damage
purposes of calling Raises. taken. If they have no Void Points, they must
Air 4 Earth 3 Fire 3 Water 2 Void 3 make an Earth roll at a TN of 20 or gain a point of
Honor 4.8 Status - Glory 4.2 the Taint. Failure by 10 or more on this roll means
Initiative: 6k4+10 Attack: 8k3 (katana, they are Dazed as well.
Complex) • Invulnerable
Armor TN: 25 (light Damage:
armor) Shun Yu, Dominated Revenant
Reduction: 8 (armor and undead) (These are the stats that should be used for Shun Yu if
Wounds: 57 (Dead) Isawa Haichi is uninterrupted in his attempt to fully
Taint Rank: 5 Taint and control him; Shun Yu will become an
Special Abilities: Undead; Beheading (as a zombie) extremely powerful revenant and join the battle against
School/Rank: Kakita Bushi 2 the PCs, in addition to Haichi himself being free now to
Techniques: The Way of the Crane: Add twice Iaijutsu attack the PCs himself.)
Skill Rank to all Initiative rolls. Gains a bonus of +1k1
plus School Rank to the total of all attack and Focus Air 5 Earth 7 Fire 5 Water 6
rolls while assuming the Center Stance. This bonus also Initiative: 10k9 Attack: 10k6 (tsurugi,
applies during the Combat Round following one in Simple)
which assumed the Center Stance. Armor TN: 35 Damage: 10k5 (tsurugi)
Speed of Lightning: Gains a bonus of +2k0 to the total Reduction: 20 (15 vs magic, 10 vs jade, 5 vs crystal)
of all attack rolls against those with lower Initiative. Wounds: 133 (Dead)
Skills: Defense 2, Etiquette 3, Iaijutsu (Focus) 5, Taint Rank: 8
Kenjutsu (katana) 5, Kyujutsu 3, Sincerity 3, Tea Skills: many and varied, but Kenjutsu (tsurugi) 8 is
Ceremony 3 likely the only worth consideration in this context
Advantages/Disadvantages: Quick Special Abilities:
Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 • Invulnerable
weapon, Traveling Pack, 10 koku • Fear 6 (8 to returned spirits from Toshigoku)
• Magic Resistance 5 (+15 to the TN of spells)

After the combat, PCs who fought the Oni will find
Shun Yu judging their character, and may make a

Fields of the Dead Page 22

Contested Honor roll against his 6k6 (with a free raise When the PCs return to Otosan Uchi and announce
for anyone who helped him defeat Isawa Haichi). The themselves to the Jade Champion, they will be
PC who defeats him by the greatest margin will get the instructed to meet once again at the Azure Heron after
following: dinner, and once again, Tse will entertain them with her
biwa until the Champion arrives.
You can feel Shun Yu smile at you behind his solid
golden mask as he tosses you his sword. “Bring it Kuni Utagu, Mirumoto Kissaki, and Kakita Takezo will
back when you’re done,” he says in a deep, leaden enter the room and sit, dispensing with pleasantries to
voice, before climbing back into his grave and pulling get down to business. They will answer any questions
the largest of the stone pieces over as a cover. the PCs may have:

PCs who died over the course of the combat will see an • What of Shun Yu, the sword, and Wo? (If a PC
armored figure on a distant hill and will be pulled in cannot read the blade’s inscription written in the
that direction: it is Emma-O, the Fortune of Death. arcane ‘Birds and Worms’ style, which is very
Those who chose to fight against the Oni will be similar to High Rokugani, Kakita Takezo can do
offered a place in Emma-O’s personal bodyguard, so.) “It should be noted,” Kissaki says, hesitantly.
should they choose. “When the Kami fell, it was agreed that none
would speak of the time beforehand, to further
After the battle, the corpses will still need a proper honor the Kami and the Heavens. There were
funeral. As the bodies burn, the fog begins to dissolve few written records from the time anyway, as
with the morning sun. Crumbling tombs and graves writing was not common, and when the people
stretch in every direction from the mountains to the sea, stopped telling the old stories, they were forgotten
which glitters on the distant horizon. in a generation. Some may consider what you
hold, and are about to hear quite blasphemous, so
Inspecting Shun Yu’s sword will allow the PC to make I would suggest taking great caution when
a Lore: Katana or Craft: Weaponsmithing / repeating it.” He takes a breath to compose
Intelligence roll at TN 20 (with a Free Raise for himself, then continues. “Before the Kami fell to
returned spirits from the Dawn of the Empire period). Ningen-Do, there were songs and stories of a
Success allows them to identify it as an antique weapon mighty hero named Shun Yu and the kingdom of
called a tsurugi, or broadsword: a straight-bladed, Wo. A noble warrior, he journeyed into Hell to
double-edged precursor to the curved katana family of rescue his beloved wife, fought a Bear God, and
longswords. It has an embossed pattern of flames along did many other great things, but he became
the blade and a snarling face on the hilt. A arrogant and challenged the Gods, who destroyed
Calligraphy (High Rokugani) / Intelligence roll at TN his city in retaliation for some unknown
20 will allow the PC to read the inscription: “Shun Yu blasphemy. It was assumed to be an apocryphal
the King of Wo took me from the Pit of Ten Thousand tale to encourage respectfulness and reverence,
Knives. I flay the wicked.” but if you found his grave and his Hell Razor,
then apparently… it was all true.”
A Lore: History (Pre-History) / Intelligence TN 60 If Kuni Daisuke is given the sword, he will give it
(with 4 Free Raises for returned spirits from the Dawn to Kuni Utagu, who will then gift it to the PC who
of the Empire) will tell the PC that “Wo” was an most contributed to the fight for safe-keeping.
apocryphal city-state in Rokugan long before the Fall of • What will happen to the cemetery and the area
the Kami. The legendary city was destroyed for around it? Utagu responds gruffly, “I will speak to
displeasing the Earth Kami and Suitengu, Fortune of the Brotherhood and other groups to get the
the Sea. graves exhumed and the bodies cremated properly
and discreetly. The land needs to be governed,
The trip back is uneventful. guarded, and re-consecrated, among other things.
This may ultimately be delegated to a clan, but
Conclusion •
that is something to be decided later.”
What should we tell our superiors? Utagu
requests, “If you must speak of this in public, say
How the Jade Champion reacts will depend on the there are ancient ruins and nothing else.
outcome of the mod. Mentioning the cemetery and graves will do
nothing but create panic, and we should not
Success: The maho-tsukai are dead. spread blasphemous rumors.”

Fields of the Dead Page 23

Anyone speaking publicly about the cemetery or Shun speak of the matter more than sanctioned by Utagu,
Yu loses a point of Honor for going against the Jade which carries other consequences (see above).
Champion’s orders and gains a point of Infamy for
spreading blasphemous rumors and inciting panic. Other Awards/Penalties
Partial Success: The PCs fled the battle. Any PCs who were Injured or worse in the first
encounter and failed the subsequent Earth roll gain 1k1
Kuni Utagu will personally lead a division of the Jade points of Taint. PCs who were injured by “the False
Legion back to the cemetery, but the maho-tsukai will Toturi” gain a point of Taint for every failed Earth roll.
be gone. There will be no sign of Shun Yu and a great
number of graves exhumed. He will thank the PCs for All PCs gain a Favor from the Jade Champion.
their assistance and send them home.
Successfully defeating the maho-tsukai will potentially
Failure: If the PCs do not defeat the maho-tsukai, their grant the PCs Kuni Daisuke as an Ally (Influence 2/
corpses will be raised and added to the undead army as Devotion 1); if the PCs demonstrate significant
undead revenants. incompetence over the course of the module (not being
able to locate the graveyard themselves, for instance),
The End he may not be available, at the GM’s discretion. This
Ally can immediately be replaced with “Kuni Daisuke’s
Recommendation” at the player’s preference.
Rewards for Completing The appropriate PC will receive the “Sorinpu” cert.
the Adventure
Module Tracking Sheets
At the end of the scenario, any PCs with Shadowlands
Taint must make a Raw Earth roll with a TN of 5 + (5 x PCs with Haunted: Sakura or the Goryo Ancestor
Taint Rank). If the roll fails, the PC acquires one should note if they succeeded at the Lore: Bushido
additional point of Taint. “Honor” question.

If a PC has a Crafting cert, they may make a Crafting PCs who sought to influence the Thousand Years of
roll at this time. Steel development should be noted.

GM Reporting
Experience Points
What concepts were suggested and worked on for the
Surviving the adventure: 1XP Thousand Years of Steel kata?
Good roleplaying: +1XP
Finding the Cemetary: +1XP Were any NPCs influenced on the various conflicts?
Defeating the Maho-tsukai: +1XP
Were the maho-tsukai defeated?
Total Possible Experience: 4XP
Did Haichi succeed at dominating Shun Yu?
Honor Did any PC receive Sorinpu from Shun Yu?

If the PCs defeated the maho-tsukai, they gain a point GM must report this information BEFORE
of Honor. If they have fewer than 6 Honor Ranks, they (02/23/2013) for it to have storyline effect
gain three points of Honor instead.


Assisting the Jade Champion gains the PCs a full Rank

of Glory, minus their current Glory Rank in points, to a
minimum of one point. This assumes the PCs do not

Fields of the Dead Page 24

Appendix #1: NPCs
Kuni Daisuke Stance)
Reduction: 1 (ashigaru armor)
Kuni Daisuke is what many think of when they imagine
Wounds: 20 (+0), 28 (+0), 36 (+2), 44 (+7), 52 (+12),
a Jade Magistrate: a dedicated hunter of the darkness.
60 (+17), 68 (Down, +37), 76 (Dead)
He was an assistant to Kuni Utagu before Utagu
School/Rank: Kuni Shugenja 3
became the Jade Champion, and largely continues in
Techniques: Gaze Into Shadow: Gain a bonus of +1k0
that role. He is blocky and muscular, without being
to Spell Casting Rolls when the target is any non-
particularly tall, and his traditional Kuni facepaint goes
human creature, and any spell that inflicts damage
along with the shock of thick black hair. Under the
inflicts an additional +1k1 damage when used against a
white mask, however, he is more inclined to smile than
target who possesses the Shadowlands Taint. Gains a
most Kuni; in some ways, he views the relentless
Free Raise on any spell with the Jade keyword.
assault of the Shadowlands against the soul of the
Spells: (* indicates memorized spells) Sense,
Empire as another battleground, and refuses to cede his
Commune, Summon; (Air: 6k3) To Seek the Truth;
appreciation for life to the enemy any more than he
(Earth: 9k4) Armor of Earth (ML1), Jade Strike*
would willingly give up any other battle without a fight.
(ML1), Minor Binding (ML1), Grasp of Earth (ML2),
Daisuke follows Utagu’s lead in supporting Hantei Bonds of Ningen-do (ML3), Tomb of Jade (ML4), Wall
Okucheo because the Regent has actively demonstrated of Earth (ML4); (Fire: 7k3) Extinguish (ML1), the
support for the Crab, in stark contrast to many Imperial Raging Forge (ML1), Disrupt the Aura (ML2); (Water:
authorities in their experience. However, Daisuke is 7k3) Path to Inner Peace (ML1), Wisdom and Clarity
focused on his task and has little taste for politics – (ML2)
finding the maho-tsukai is far more important than Skills: Athletics 2, Calligraphy (Cipher) 3, Defense 5,
debating who claims what title as far as he is Etiquette 2, Investigation 5, Kenjutsu 3, Lore:
concerned. He knows who actually has to get the work Shadowlands 6, Lore: Theology 2, Medicine 2,
done. Spellcraft 5, Stealth 2
Air 3 Earth 4 Fire 3 Water 3 Void 3 Mastery Abilities: +1k0 to all Spell Casting Rolls
Advantages/Disadvantages: Strength of the Earth /
Honor 2.5 Status 4.5 Glory 5.2 Unlucky
Initiative: 6k3 Attack: 6k3 (wakizashi)
Armor TN: 34 (ashigaru Damage: 6k2
armor, +11 from Defense (wakizashi)

Fields of the Dead Page 25

Appendix #2: Conflicts in the Empire

This is a list of the conflicts at work at the current time in the Empire, beyond those that always exist (the
Shadowlands, the Lying Darkness, various criminal organizations, that sort of thing).

Emerald Champion/Imperial Regent: Though it is the most recent to come to light, the divide between the
Emerald Champion (Kakita Toshiken) and the Imperial Regent (Hantei Okucheo) is in a lot of ways the most
prominent of these conflicts. The Regent controls Otosan Uchi and the vast majority of the Imperial Bureaucracy;
the Emerald Champion has custody of the Empress and the loyalty of the Emerald Magistrates. Neither side has a
significant advantage, and while they are vying politically, the Imperial General’s declaration of neutrality and intent
to maintain the peace has kept the fighting metaphorical. At this point, it is important to stress that every samurai in
the Empire remains loyal to the Empress; they may serve her through the Regent, but there are no claims yet that the
throne belongs to anyone other than Tsudao.

Crab/Crane: There are elements of the Crane (principally those that returned through Oblivion’s Gate) that view
the continued existence of the Yasuki as a blight upon the honor of the Clan, and many others agree that insufficient
reparations were made for the Crab’s aggression during the Clan War. The Crab have no particular reason to want
war, but have never really cared for the Crane, and have no reason to back down from a fight. There have been
overtures of peace, and talks are undergoing, but due to the other problems each Clan is experiencing, nothing
formal has been declared yet.

Dragon/Phoenix: The defection of the vast majority of the Agasha family to the Phoenix Clan during the War
Against the Shadow has been felt keenly by the Dragon, and the slight to their honor has finally begun to be
avenged. Full-scale war has been avoided, though the fighting between these Clans last year was the hardest in the
Empire. The Dragon advance stalled in the face of the Phoenix Clan’s significant defenses, and they chose to spend
this year consolidating their gains. However, it is only a matter of time before the Dragon move forward once more
against their actual targets: those that many consider traitors, the Phoenix Agasha. Unless another resolution can be
found, war between the Clans may be inevitable.

Lion/Unicorn: The fighting between the Lion and Unicorn is easily the least fraught with high emotions or political
complications. The Khan (the Unicorn Champion’s personal styling) is a newcomer to the Empire, and wishes to
prove his prowess and the worth of his Clan. The Lion are generally thought of as the best military in the Empire,
and who better to test themselves against? As far as the Lion are concerned, this is an opportunity to demonstrate
that their reputation is not exaggerated. With the exception of the strange circumstances around the Lion’s retaking
of Toshi no Meiyo Gisei, the fighting between the Clans has been as civil as could reasonably be expected from

Mantis/Scorpion: The Mantis Champion, Yoritomo Aramasu, is viewed by the Scorpion as a traitor. To a large
degree, the antipathy between the Clans comes down to that fact. Aramasu was the chosen successor of Yoritomo,
however, and the Mantis have not turned against him despite the fact that he has not been seen in the Empire for
quite some time. There is bad blood between the Scorpion and the Tsuruchi family as well, but for the most part,
the Scorpion remain focused on punishing a man they see as having betrayed them.

Internal Crab: A number of Crab decry the methods Hantei Okucheo used to ascend to the position he now holds –
specifically using the Crab daimyo and their forces as military threats in court. Crab Champion Hida O-Ushi has
accepted his position and authority, however, which has led to the discontent among the Clan to quietly begin to
marshal their forces under the Champion’s husband, Hida Yasamura. A full-scale Crab Civil War may result from
this, but neither side will be able to claim universal support as long as the Hantei continues to provide the Crab with
increased material aid for the war against the Shadowlands.

Internal Crane: With the Crane Clan Champion still a young child, the duties of leading the Clan have been split
between the Kakita daimyo (Yoshi, who is responsible for political affairs) and the Daidoji daimyo (Uji, who has
been leading the Clan’s armies in the field). A vocal group of (mostly returned spirit) samurai have pushed for
claiming restitution from the Crab for past wrongs, and though the Clan is divided on the issue, Uji has led Crane

Fields of the Dead Page 26

forces against the Crab. At this point, the pacifistic Asahina and the politically-minded Kakita generally believe that
war with the Crab is not in the Clan’s best interests, while the Daidoji and the majority of the Doji are eager to
avenge generations of insults to the Clan’s honor.

Internal Lion: Kitsu Motso, the first Kitsu to serve as Lion Clan Champion, has experienced numerous difficulties
within his own Clan since rising to his position. Though open war has not resulted yet, a large percentage of the
Lion returned spirits seem to have significant issues accepting his leadership, leading many to choose to become
ronin instead. At this point, the Clan has not suffered as a whole from these losses, but they are indicative of
problems with the Champion’s leadership.

Internal Scorpion: A philosophical debate is growing in the ranks of the Scorpion, between those who view the
Clan’s traditional role as the overt “villains” of the Empire as counterproductive to the Clan’s best interests and
those who feel that the methods established by Bayushi himself at the Dawn of the Empire ought to be continued.
As the primary proponent of the former view is the Clan Champion, most of the discussion has been extremely
contained – there has been some political struggles between the factions, but betraying the Clan is unthinkable to
Scorpion, so open fighting has been avoided.

Peasant Uprisings: The unrest among the lower orders came to a head earlier this summer, resulting in a sound
defeat for the largest uprising at Otosan Uchi. Unfortunately, there are still numerous discontented peasants in the
Empire, and they are keeping the Imperial Legions occupied with putting them down. The leadership behind these
uprisings seem connected, though those responsible have so far avoided capture – to date, only local leaders with no
information on the broader conflict have been caught for questioning.

Fields of the Dead Page 27

Appendix #3: NPCs at the Court of Autumn’s New Moon

Crab – Kaiu Taka, daimyo of Kuda Province (Status 6.0, Glory 3.2, Kaiu Engineer 2, Audience TN 30): Young for
his post, Taka is an extremely traditional daimyo with a personal fondness for woodcarving. He will likely be found
with knife and block in hand, carving a netsuke of some sort (PCs who impress him may receive one as a gift). At
this point, Taka is neutral, giving his loyalty to Kaiu Utsu (the family daimyo), and giving no further consideration
to the political issues at play. Convincing him to support either side of the issues at play for the Crab is a Sincerity
(Honesty) / Awareness roll with a TN of 25.

Crane – Asahina Yama, daimyo of Ashin Province (Status 6.0, Glory 4.1, Doji Magistrate 3, Audience TN 25): A
firm, decisive leader, Yama is quite interested in using this court as an opportunity to gain the information he needs
to make a decision on where to lend his support. Persuading him to any side of the issues relevant to the Crane
requires a Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 30; any attempt at falsehood or prevarication will
increase the TN by at least 5 at the GM’s discretion (consider him to have Clear Thinker).
Kakita Takezo and Kakita Kyruko are also present, but largely occupied at the dojo and information on Takezo can
be found in that section. Kyruko lives in Otosan Uchi (just happening to be one of the most accomplished members
of the School who is a resident of the city), and is present largely only to assist the Master of her School. Dealing
with her politically is likely to be frustrating, as she is far more interested in flirtation or fighting.

Dragon: Mirumoto Uso is present with one of his assistant sensei, Mirumoto Kissaki, but information on Uso will be
found in the dojo section. Kissaki is a player character in the campaign and convincing him of anything will require
speaking with him in some fashion.

Lion – Ikoma Shigemori, daimyo of Ikota Province (Status 6.0, Glory 3.8, Ikoma Bard 4, Audience TN 30): A proud
older man, Shigemori is determined to find out which actions to take that will serve his province best – the recent
disruptions among the Lion leadership has left him focused on his own responsibilities. Swaying him requires a
Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 20, though he is only likely to care about those issues that directly
impact his province.

Mantis – Yoritomo Sadaharu, daimyo of Maigosera Province (Status 6.0, Glory 2.4, Yoritomo Courtier 3, Audience
TN 20): Sadaharu comes across in person as a dull, boring courtier (to the point that his vassals affectionately refer
to him as “Tofu” for his blandness), but he still has a position of note that must be respected. His demeanor hides a
keen intellect, and he is as interested in finding out what he can about the positions of the rest of the Empire as he is
in developing one of his own. Actually presenting a case sufficient to convince him to lend his support in one
direction or another requires a Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 40.

Phoenix – Asako Dayu, daiymo of Ki-Rin Province (Status 6.0, Glory 5.1, Isawa Shugenja 4/Asako Inquisitor 2,
Audience TN 20): An older man with a fondness for go, Dayu is the daimyo of the province most threatened by the
Dragon advance. His fief repulsed the invaders at great cost, but the Dragon’s claiming the Dragon Heart Plain just
on the other side of the mountains gives him great concern. He is most interested in allies that will help protect his
lands – convincing him that speaking out in support of any particular issue should take this tactic, and will require a
Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 30. Dragon PCs have a +5TN penalty on this roll, as would
positions that give that Clan support.

Scorpion – Bayushi Ichiro, daimyo of Hizoku Province (Status 6.0, Glory 6.1, Bayushi Bushi 4, Audience TN 25):
Far more straightforward than is common in his Clan, Ichiro will prove more responsive to bushi than other
characters (giving them a Free Raise on both the Audience Roll and persuasion rolls). Still neutral in the Imperial
conflict, he strongly believes that the Champion is incorrect about the role of the Scorpion in the Empire (but will
obviously not discuss the matter with non-Scorpion). Any attempt to persuade him should be done carefully – he
will have no hesitation about issuing a challenge to those who insult him, and is a duelist of note (Air 4, Fire 4,
Void 4; Iaijutsu (Focus) 7, Kenjutsu (Katana) 6). Dueling him with honor will give a positive impression, however,
and would grant a Free Raise on a Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll, TN 25, to persuade him to support the

Fields of the Dead Page 28

Regent or the Emerald Champion (three Free Raises if the PC beats him). Changing his mind on the role of the Clan
is much more difficult (TN 45), though it has the same bonuses as the other roll.

Unicorn – Ide Yaeko, daimyo of Eijitsu Province (Status 6.0, Glory 4.2, Ide Emissary 5, Audience TN 30): An
older woman with elegant silver jewelry, Yaeko is known primarily as a peacemaker. She has strong ties to the
Phoenix Clan (Phoenix PCs gain a Free Raise on the Audience roll or to persuade her), but is most interested in
finding a way to return peace to the Empire – convincing her to a course of action that will involve fighting requires
two Raises. Persuading her to support the Regent or the Emerald Champion involves a Sincerity (Honesty) /
Awareness roll at a TN of 30.

Fields of the Dead Page 29

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