SoB29 Fields of The Dead
SoB29 Fields of The Dead
SoB29 Fields of The Dead
When the pursuit of power overcomes piety, even the grave provides no safety…
“Samurai-sama,” Chisae says, bowing politely while Close to the end of dinner, but before everyone leaves
pouring tea for her guests, and for you. “We were just for the geisha houses and after-parties, each of the PCs
speaking of what it means to be a samurai. Could you receive a small note from the waiter, inviting them to
please explain to us: what is ‘Honor’?” the Azure Heron, a small, quiet, exclusive geisha house
in the Crane district. The letter is signed by Kakita
Her companions look on VERY intently as Chisae Takezo, the Crane sensei.
politely offers you a pink teacup decorated with
running ponies. The entrance to the Azure Heron is a simple doorway
tucked next to the upscale “Windswept Leaves” fashion
What the PC chooses to say here is important, and house, marked only by a small blue crane in flight, and
roleplaying matters – the (two) ghosts are absorbing looking like any of the other townhome residences.
what the PC says and taking it to heart. In addition to Inside and up the well-worn stairs is a small room, very
the roleplaying answer, the PC must also make a Lore: tasteful but elegantly simple. An older gentleman
Bushido / Intelligence roll TN 20. If the PC succeeds politely introduces himself as Kakita Pei and asks for
on both, have the PC write on their mod tracking sheet the PCs’ invitations. Upon delivery of the invitation,
and the “Goryo Ancestor” cert, or near where they another silent man in light blue, introduced as Daidoji
wrote down “Haunted: Sakura”, the word Honor, then Machio, will accept their swords for safe keeping
initial and date it. If the PC called Raises on the roll, (failure to comply causes a loss of Honor as a major
add a +(number of raises) behind it. breach of etiquette) as they are escorted to a
comfortable waiting room by an achingly beautiful
Across the koi pond, a small gong resonates, geisha named Tse, who entertains them with Three
reminding the courtiers that they have 15 minutes of Acorn sake and a simple, haunting tune on her biwa
lunch left – some have begun to move inside already. before demurely excusing herself.
As you look back to Chisae and her companions, the
latter is gone, replaced by two other young girls in Not two minutes after Tse leaves does the door slide
light blue, smiling and sipping their tea. “Thank you open, revealing three men – Kakita Takezo, Mirumoto
for your wisdom, samurai-sama,” they say in Kissaki, and Kuni Utagu, the Jade Champion. The PCs
harmony. A cool wind rustles the leaves of the willow may make a Lore: Heraldry / Intelligence roll at a TN
tree, carrying the faint sound of giggling with it. of 20 to recognize them (if they have not previously
encountered them), but if it seems like none of the PCs
Dinner at the Makoto realize who the samurai are, Mirumoto Kissaki (as the
On the evening of the fifth day, the PCs are attending junior samurai present among the three) will
dinner at the fabulous Makoto restaurant. A Courtier / courteously offer introductions.
Intelligence roll TN 20 will let the PC know that the
restaurant travels to wherever the Emperor is – though “Greetings, samurai; thank you for joining us on such
Outside the warm firelight of the temple, a blanket of The sky above is a flat sheet of gray, possibly
thick fog obscures the world; hiding everything more threatening rain. Climbing the mountain above the fog
than a dozen steps away from sight. is less slick, and from here climbing is an Athletics
(Climbing) / Stamina roll TN 15 or a Horsemanship /
The forest itself is full of exceedingly tall, misshapen If there are any returned spirits in the party, PCs may
trees, whose canopy disappears high into the fog, and make a Raw Awareness roll, TN 10 to notice that the
the forest floor is a deep blanket of moss and fallen returned spirit(s) begins to glow less golden and more
autumn leaves. Firewood can be found everywhere, but silver as they move further into the forest. PCs who are
it is damp and does not burn well, and as such the Haunted will also begin to see dim, shadowy outlines of
meager light from a campfire cannot push back the their ghostly ancestors (though other PCs will not, even
smothering fog. The air is heavy and thick as silent if they are themselves Haunted).
darkness settles in for the night. While on watch, the
PCs can make an Investigation (Notice) / Intelligence As the terrain begins to slowly ascend and the fog
roll, TN 15. Success means the PC realizes that they begins to thin, more of the landscape becomes visible.
are hearing nothing. No insects, no wildlife, no breeze. The mossy ground becomes much more uneven, but
paths through the trees and stones become more
apparent, making the journey easier. An enormous
Part Three: Silence of the broken statue of a now-headless man sits in the lotus
position, surrounded by crumbled pillars and covered
Grave in moss and small white flowers. The head itself lays
half-buried, staring out peacefully. White stones
Late in the night, in the still silence of the sleeping peek out of the leaves and moss – now obviously the
world, a loud boom echoes in the distance. The
A bright light flashes on a distant hill. The tsukai’s ritual comes to a fever pitch as he places
a bloody handprint on the man in the golden armor’s
BOOM face. The earth trembles softly, angrily; the corpse
comes to life, ancient leather creaking as he squeezes
It is still very dark and gray, with no sign of the moon the hilt of his sword, eyes open behind the mask,
or the stars, but the trees have thinned and there are ablaze with power that turns to lock the one who
obvious paths between the headstones now, making touched him in a contest of wills.
travel in the mist easier, as visibility now extends to
about 30’ away. As the PCs ascend the hill, the fields The PCs will not have been noticed yet. If the players
of tombstones that just barely peeked out of the moss make an immediate attempt to interfere before
earlier are now more exposed and visible, quickly determining the situation, move on to Initiative Rolls
becoming a nest of columns, crypts, sepulchers, and and begin the combat as below. If they take a moment
other grave markers stand in weathered white marble. to look around (Daisuke’s preference, if they stop to
ask), they may make a few Skill Rolls to gain some
Advancing up the slope, more details of the scene will information. There is a limit to how much time they
become clear, both as their eyes adjust to the gloom and have, however; should they start to take significant time
the light gradually increases. They will see the soft in their preparations, the GM should move the
yellow glow of torches warming the fog. As they near, encounter along (in particular, Haichi will
they will be able to see a fairly large crowd in a automatically notice the casting of any spells by the
clearing, though it is hard to make out the total number. PCs.)
A number of the graves and crypts they pass have been
destroyed and plundered; the doors and roofs broken, • The simplest is a basic Lore: Shadowlands or
the ground dug up. Closer inspection reveals dirt and Lore: Maho / Intelligence at TN 10: The
shattered stone lay scattered; the graves were broken laborers and “peasants” standing around are all
from the inside. Ahead, there are the faint sounds of zombies, likely having been raised by the
chanting and scratching. Shadows flicker at the edges maho-tsukai in the middle. The PC will also
of perception, and any returned spirit PC must succeed realize the creature in the middle is an oni,
at a Void roll with a TN of 15 or become Fatigued (per bound by a spell cast by one of the tsukai.
pg. 89 of the 4th Edition L5R rulebook). Additionally, rolling a 25 or higher on the
Lore: Shadowlands will allow them to realize
Atop the hill is a large mass of what appear to be that it is a unique oni unseen in the Empire
peasants; some busy at work, some not. Many stand previously. 25 or higher on Lore: Maho
statue-still, while others dig, clawing at the dirt with allows them to recognize that the red-robed
their hands: finding graves, pulling out the ancient, spirit is casting “Puppet Master” in an attempt
rotten corpses, and roughly throwing them into a to take control of a self-willed undead, and
crude pile. Each of the laborers wears a plain white that it is taking longer than usual, indicating a
porcelain mask that gleams eerily in the torchlight. creature of significant power.
The torches cast a soft yellow glow in the center of the • Lore: Theology or Lore: Masks /
horde, illuminating the fog and a handful of human Intelligence TN 20 (with a Free Raise for
forms. A tall, red-robed figure chants in a rising returned spirits from the year 500 or earlier):
cadence, while behind him three armored forms kneel The man in the center’s mask is gold, worked
in wait. A stooped, bestial creature crouches over a into the likeness of a face, but the style of
final prostrate body; vast, grasping claws flex at the mask is very old, and there are no slits for the
ends of a dozen arms and burning eyes stare furiously eyes or mouth: it is an archaic burial mask.
at the chanting tsukai, but swirling bands of red mist The burning eyes are a product of the ritual
seem to contain its rage. and spiritual power.
• Craft: Armorsmithing / Perception TN 10
Before the maho-tsukai stands a large pile of (with a free raise for returned spirits from the
blackened stone rubble surrounding a smoking hole Dawn of the Empire period): The armor the
in the burnt ground. The body of what once was a man is wearing is made of small rectangular
giant of a man has been removed from the hole and plates, also made of gold. This is an ancient
lies on the ground, the torchlight shining a sickly style of light armor and the precursor to the
yellow upon him and his golden mask and armor. He more modern designs.
Note that PCs that die in this battle may be reanimated Isawa Haichi
by either Haichi or Sentaro with “Summon Undead Haichi is an older shugenja in filthy orange and red
Champion,” and through the thin border between the robes, with bloody hands and the soft glow of a
worlds, their soul will be forced to watch their body returned spirit. When he returned through Oblivion’s
turn against them. gate, he did not know that blood magic invited the
Taint, and now is irrevocably corrupted…
Once the oni begins attacking Shun Yu, he will attempt Air 4 Earth 4 Fire 4 Water 4 Void 4
to fight it off. Neither participant will take standard
actions; after five Rounds, it will have consumed his Honor 0.0 Status 0.0 Glory 0.0
soul and will seek to flee the field with its prize. PCs Initiative: 8k4 Spellcasting: 9k4;
attacking it will cause it to counter-attack with one of 10k4+1FR (Air)
its many limbs (as noted in its statblock), but grant Armor TN: 37 (Defense
Shun Yu the opportunity to cleave into it with his Stance)
bronze tsurugi (essentially as a Free Action). Each Reduction: 0
opening given by a PC will allow Shun Yu to cause 20 Shadowlands Taint: 6
Wounds to the oni (in addition to any damage they do Wounds: 20: +0; 28: +3; 36: +5; 44: +10; 52: +15; 60:
that gets past its Invulnerability or Reduction). +20; 68: Down; 76: Dead
School/Rank: Isawa Shugenja 4
Technique: Isawa’s Gift: Gain a Free Raise on all Air
Spellcasting Rolls
A dead, decaying corpse animated by blasphemous Affinity/Deficiency: Air/None
magic. Its clothes are in tatters, save for a pristine Skills: Calligraphy (Cipher) 3, Defense 5, Lore: Maho
white porcelain mask covering the face. The hands 5, Investigation 3, Lore: Theology 2, Medicine 3,
reach for its victim, flesh stripped from the ends of the Meditation 2, Spellcraft 7
jagged bone, leaving blackened claws instead of Mastery Abilities: +3TN in Defense or Full Defense
fingers. Stance; +1k0 to Spellcasting Rolls
Air 0 Earth 3 Fire 1 Water 1 Spells: (only those likely to be cast in combat are
Reflexes 2 Agility 3 Strength 3 included here) Air: Tempest of Air (ML1), False Realm
Initiative: 2k2 Attack: 5k3 (unarmed, (ML4), Slayer’s Knives (ML5); Earth: Armor of Earth
After the combat, PCs who fought the Oni will find
Shun Yu judging their character, and may make a
PCs who died over the course of the combat will see an • What of Shun Yu, the sword, and Wo? (If a PC
armored figure on a distant hill and will be pulled in cannot read the blade’s inscription written in the
that direction: it is Emma-O, the Fortune of Death. arcane ‘Birds and Worms’ style, which is very
Those who chose to fight against the Oni will be similar to High Rokugani, Kakita Takezo can do
offered a place in Emma-O’s personal bodyguard, so.) “It should be noted,” Kissaki says, hesitantly.
should they choose. “When the Kami fell, it was agreed that none
would speak of the time beforehand, to further
After the battle, the corpses will still need a proper honor the Kami and the Heavens. There were
funeral. As the bodies burn, the fog begins to dissolve few written records from the time anyway, as
with the morning sun. Crumbling tombs and graves writing was not common, and when the people
stretch in every direction from the mountains to the sea, stopped telling the old stories, they were forgotten
which glitters on the distant horizon. in a generation. Some may consider what you
hold, and are about to hear quite blasphemous, so
Inspecting Shun Yu’s sword will allow the PC to make I would suggest taking great caution when
a Lore: Katana or Craft: Weaponsmithing / repeating it.” He takes a breath to compose
Intelligence roll at TN 20 (with a Free Raise for himself, then continues. “Before the Kami fell to
returned spirits from the Dawn of the Empire period). Ningen-Do, there were songs and stories of a
Success allows them to identify it as an antique weapon mighty hero named Shun Yu and the kingdom of
called a tsurugi, or broadsword: a straight-bladed, Wo. A noble warrior, he journeyed into Hell to
double-edged precursor to the curved katana family of rescue his beloved wife, fought a Bear God, and
longswords. It has an embossed pattern of flames along did many other great things, but he became
the blade and a snarling face on the hilt. A arrogant and challenged the Gods, who destroyed
Calligraphy (High Rokugani) / Intelligence roll at TN his city in retaliation for some unknown
20 will allow the PC to read the inscription: “Shun Yu blasphemy. It was assumed to be an apocryphal
the King of Wo took me from the Pit of Ten Thousand tale to encourage respectfulness and reverence,
Knives. I flay the wicked.” but if you found his grave and his Hell Razor,
then apparently… it was all true.”
A Lore: History (Pre-History) / Intelligence TN 60 If Kuni Daisuke is given the sword, he will give it
(with 4 Free Raises for returned spirits from the Dawn to Kuni Utagu, who will then gift it to the PC who
of the Empire) will tell the PC that “Wo” was an most contributed to the fight for safe-keeping.
apocryphal city-state in Rokugan long before the Fall of • What will happen to the cemetery and the area
the Kami. The legendary city was destroyed for around it? Utagu responds gruffly, “I will speak to
displeasing the Earth Kami and Suitengu, Fortune of the Brotherhood and other groups to get the
the Sea. graves exhumed and the bodies cremated properly
and discreetly. The land needs to be governed,
The trip back is uneventful. guarded, and re-consecrated, among other things.
This may ultimately be delegated to a clan, but
Conclusion •
that is something to be decided later.”
What should we tell our superiors? Utagu
requests, “If you must speak of this in public, say
How the Jade Champion reacts will depend on the there are ancient ruins and nothing else.
outcome of the mod. Mentioning the cemetery and graves will do
nothing but create panic, and we should not
Success: The maho-tsukai are dead. spread blasphemous rumors.”
If a PC has a Crafting cert, they may make a Crafting PCs who sought to influence the Thousand Years of
roll at this time. Steel development should be noted.
GM Reporting
Experience Points
What concepts were suggested and worked on for the
Surviving the adventure: 1XP Thousand Years of Steel kata?
Good roleplaying: +1XP
Finding the Cemetary: +1XP Were any NPCs influenced on the various conflicts?
Defeating the Maho-tsukai: +1XP
Were the maho-tsukai defeated?
Total Possible Experience: 4XP
Did Haichi succeed at dominating Shun Yu?
Honor Did any PC receive Sorinpu from Shun Yu?
If the PCs defeated the maho-tsukai, they gain a point GM must report this information BEFORE
of Honor. If they have fewer than 6 Honor Ranks, they (02/23/2013) for it to have storyline effect
gain three points of Honor instead.
This is a list of the conflicts at work at the current time in the Empire, beyond those that always exist (the
Shadowlands, the Lying Darkness, various criminal organizations, that sort of thing).
Emerald Champion/Imperial Regent: Though it is the most recent to come to light, the divide between the
Emerald Champion (Kakita Toshiken) and the Imperial Regent (Hantei Okucheo) is in a lot of ways the most
prominent of these conflicts. The Regent controls Otosan Uchi and the vast majority of the Imperial Bureaucracy;
the Emerald Champion has custody of the Empress and the loyalty of the Emerald Magistrates. Neither side has a
significant advantage, and while they are vying politically, the Imperial General’s declaration of neutrality and intent
to maintain the peace has kept the fighting metaphorical. At this point, it is important to stress that every samurai in
the Empire remains loyal to the Empress; they may serve her through the Regent, but there are no claims yet that the
throne belongs to anyone other than Tsudao.
Crab/Crane: There are elements of the Crane (principally those that returned through Oblivion’s Gate) that view
the continued existence of the Yasuki as a blight upon the honor of the Clan, and many others agree that insufficient
reparations were made for the Crab’s aggression during the Clan War. The Crab have no particular reason to want
war, but have never really cared for the Crane, and have no reason to back down from a fight. There have been
overtures of peace, and talks are undergoing, but due to the other problems each Clan is experiencing, nothing
formal has been declared yet.
Dragon/Phoenix: The defection of the vast majority of the Agasha family to the Phoenix Clan during the War
Against the Shadow has been felt keenly by the Dragon, and the slight to their honor has finally begun to be
avenged. Full-scale war has been avoided, though the fighting between these Clans last year was the hardest in the
Empire. The Dragon advance stalled in the face of the Phoenix Clan’s significant defenses, and they chose to spend
this year consolidating their gains. However, it is only a matter of time before the Dragon move forward once more
against their actual targets: those that many consider traitors, the Phoenix Agasha. Unless another resolution can be
found, war between the Clans may be inevitable.
Lion/Unicorn: The fighting between the Lion and Unicorn is easily the least fraught with high emotions or political
complications. The Khan (the Unicorn Champion’s personal styling) is a newcomer to the Empire, and wishes to
prove his prowess and the worth of his Clan. The Lion are generally thought of as the best military in the Empire,
and who better to test themselves against? As far as the Lion are concerned, this is an opportunity to demonstrate
that their reputation is not exaggerated. With the exception of the strange circumstances around the Lion’s retaking
of Toshi no Meiyo Gisei, the fighting between the Clans has been as civil as could reasonably be expected from
Mantis/Scorpion: The Mantis Champion, Yoritomo Aramasu, is viewed by the Scorpion as a traitor. To a large
degree, the antipathy between the Clans comes down to that fact. Aramasu was the chosen successor of Yoritomo,
however, and the Mantis have not turned against him despite the fact that he has not been seen in the Empire for
quite some time. There is bad blood between the Scorpion and the Tsuruchi family as well, but for the most part,
the Scorpion remain focused on punishing a man they see as having betrayed them.
Internal Crab: A number of Crab decry the methods Hantei Okucheo used to ascend to the position he now holds –
specifically using the Crab daimyo and their forces as military threats in court. Crab Champion Hida O-Ushi has
accepted his position and authority, however, which has led to the discontent among the Clan to quietly begin to
marshal their forces under the Champion’s husband, Hida Yasamura. A full-scale Crab Civil War may result from
this, but neither side will be able to claim universal support as long as the Hantei continues to provide the Crab with
increased material aid for the war against the Shadowlands.
Internal Crane: With the Crane Clan Champion still a young child, the duties of leading the Clan have been split
between the Kakita daimyo (Yoshi, who is responsible for political affairs) and the Daidoji daimyo (Uji, who has
been leading the Clan’s armies in the field). A vocal group of (mostly returned spirit) samurai have pushed for
claiming restitution from the Crab for past wrongs, and though the Clan is divided on the issue, Uji has led Crane
Internal Lion: Kitsu Motso, the first Kitsu to serve as Lion Clan Champion, has experienced numerous difficulties
within his own Clan since rising to his position. Though open war has not resulted yet, a large percentage of the
Lion returned spirits seem to have significant issues accepting his leadership, leading many to choose to become
ronin instead. At this point, the Clan has not suffered as a whole from these losses, but they are indicative of
problems with the Champion’s leadership.
Internal Scorpion: A philosophical debate is growing in the ranks of the Scorpion, between those who view the
Clan’s traditional role as the overt “villains” of the Empire as counterproductive to the Clan’s best interests and
those who feel that the methods established by Bayushi himself at the Dawn of the Empire ought to be continued.
As the primary proponent of the former view is the Clan Champion, most of the discussion has been extremely
contained – there has been some political struggles between the factions, but betraying the Clan is unthinkable to
Scorpion, so open fighting has been avoided.
Peasant Uprisings: The unrest among the lower orders came to a head earlier this summer, resulting in a sound
defeat for the largest uprising at Otosan Uchi. Unfortunately, there are still numerous discontented peasants in the
Empire, and they are keeping the Imperial Legions occupied with putting them down. The leadership behind these
uprisings seem connected, though those responsible have so far avoided capture – to date, only local leaders with no
information on the broader conflict have been caught for questioning.
Crab – Kaiu Taka, daimyo of Kuda Province (Status 6.0, Glory 3.2, Kaiu Engineer 2, Audience TN 30): Young for
his post, Taka is an extremely traditional daimyo with a personal fondness for woodcarving. He will likely be found
with knife and block in hand, carving a netsuke of some sort (PCs who impress him may receive one as a gift). At
this point, Taka is neutral, giving his loyalty to Kaiu Utsu (the family daimyo), and giving no further consideration
to the political issues at play. Convincing him to support either side of the issues at play for the Crab is a Sincerity
(Honesty) / Awareness roll with a TN of 25.
Crane – Asahina Yama, daimyo of Ashin Province (Status 6.0, Glory 4.1, Doji Magistrate 3, Audience TN 25): A
firm, decisive leader, Yama is quite interested in using this court as an opportunity to gain the information he needs
to make a decision on where to lend his support. Persuading him to any side of the issues relevant to the Crane
requires a Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 30; any attempt at falsehood or prevarication will
increase the TN by at least 5 at the GM’s discretion (consider him to have Clear Thinker).
Kakita Takezo and Kakita Kyruko are also present, but largely occupied at the dojo and information on Takezo can
be found in that section. Kyruko lives in Otosan Uchi (just happening to be one of the most accomplished members
of the School who is a resident of the city), and is present largely only to assist the Master of her School. Dealing
with her politically is likely to be frustrating, as she is far more interested in flirtation or fighting.
Dragon: Mirumoto Uso is present with one of his assistant sensei, Mirumoto Kissaki, but information on Uso will be
found in the dojo section. Kissaki is a player character in the campaign and convincing him of anything will require
speaking with him in some fashion.
Lion – Ikoma Shigemori, daimyo of Ikota Province (Status 6.0, Glory 3.8, Ikoma Bard 4, Audience TN 30): A proud
older man, Shigemori is determined to find out which actions to take that will serve his province best – the recent
disruptions among the Lion leadership has left him focused on his own responsibilities. Swaying him requires a
Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 20, though he is only likely to care about those issues that directly
impact his province.
Mantis – Yoritomo Sadaharu, daimyo of Maigosera Province (Status 6.0, Glory 2.4, Yoritomo Courtier 3, Audience
TN 20): Sadaharu comes across in person as a dull, boring courtier (to the point that his vassals affectionately refer
to him as “Tofu” for his blandness), but he still has a position of note that must be respected. His demeanor hides a
keen intellect, and he is as interested in finding out what he can about the positions of the rest of the Empire as he is
in developing one of his own. Actually presenting a case sufficient to convince him to lend his support in one
direction or another requires a Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 40.
Phoenix – Asako Dayu, daiymo of Ki-Rin Province (Status 6.0, Glory 5.1, Isawa Shugenja 4/Asako Inquisitor 2,
Audience TN 20): An older man with a fondness for go, Dayu is the daimyo of the province most threatened by the
Dragon advance. His fief repulsed the invaders at great cost, but the Dragon’s claiming the Dragon Heart Plain just
on the other side of the mountains gives him great concern. He is most interested in allies that will help protect his
lands – convincing him that speaking out in support of any particular issue should take this tactic, and will require a
Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll at a TN of 30. Dragon PCs have a +5TN penalty on this roll, as would
positions that give that Clan support.
Scorpion – Bayushi Ichiro, daimyo of Hizoku Province (Status 6.0, Glory 6.1, Bayushi Bushi 4, Audience TN 25):
Far more straightforward than is common in his Clan, Ichiro will prove more responsive to bushi than other
characters (giving them a Free Raise on both the Audience Roll and persuasion rolls). Still neutral in the Imperial
conflict, he strongly believes that the Champion is incorrect about the role of the Scorpion in the Empire (but will
obviously not discuss the matter with non-Scorpion). Any attempt to persuade him should be done carefully – he
will have no hesitation about issuing a challenge to those who insult him, and is a duelist of note (Air 4, Fire 4,
Void 4; Iaijutsu (Focus) 7, Kenjutsu (Katana) 6). Dueling him with honor will give a positive impression, however,
and would grant a Free Raise on a Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness roll, TN 25, to persuade him to support the
Unicorn – Ide Yaeko, daimyo of Eijitsu Province (Status 6.0, Glory 4.2, Ide Emissary 5, Audience TN 30): An
older woman with elegant silver jewelry, Yaeko is known primarily as a peacemaker. She has strong ties to the
Phoenix Clan (Phoenix PCs gain a Free Raise on the Audience roll or to persuade her), but is most interested in
finding a way to return peace to the Empire – convincing her to a course of action that will involve fighting requires
two Raises. Persuading her to support the Regent or the Emerald Champion involves a Sincerity (Honesty) /
Awareness roll at a TN of 30.