BluePrism ProductBrochure

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Blue Prism

Software Robots.
Introducing the
Digital Workforce.

Delivering the world’s most

successful digital workforce.
Blue Prism Product Brochure

The Art
of Possibility.
The challenge:
Can two business
perspectives be aligned?

Robotic Process Automation Software

There is often a tension between what the lines of is to improve service and reduce costs, the resources and
business need to operate most effectively and the priorities of the two groups are often misaligned - and
allocation of IT resources. While the overarching mandate business growth and performance can be constrained.

The chart below highlights some of the capabilities and challenges on both sides.

Business Operations IT

Manage operational processes often outside Underpin the operation by architecting and
the scope of system delivery caused by inherent delivering impactful and transformational
process variances programs of new services and platforms

Require demand management (market demand Must maintain the current infrastructure,
flexibility), combining outsourcing, offshoring systems, support network and environments
and centralization of resource and maintain system health (backup,
resilience, continuity)
Want to increase productivity, reduce risk of non-
compliance and minimize potential for errors Security, governance and compliance is a priority

Need motivated, empowered staff to drive Require total visibility of all systems and software
customer satisfaction and business value

Want a level of flexibility (to allow adaptation

of their processes)

But: But:
Costs are high – some work is mundane, over- Constraints prevent IT from providing the
burdened with rote processes, little innovation, operational scoping, design and solutioning to
risk of non-compliance solve all business inefficiencies

Frustrated by wait-time for IT support Uncomfortable with solutions for which

they have no control, often deployed by the
Sometimes turn to “shadow or grey” IT for
business which turn into permanent solutions
quick short-term solutions when a permanent
solution is unachievable Strive to deliver the needs of the business but
typically constrained by existing commitments
and varying priority of change initiatives

“Taking the Robot Out of the Human”

Market forces drive organizations to make frequent and mundane and repetitive - and ripe for errors when tedium
granular changes to the way they work, and organizations sets in. Instead of focusing on customers teams can end
often compensate by adding people to fill the gaps up serving the systems by performing repetitive tasks
between system performance and desired results. without engagement. Tasks are completed at the
expense of the communications with customers when
The process of change can cause the human workforce employees could be using their human skills and process
to perform “like robots”. Back office processes can be knowledge to improve the customer experience overall.

Blue Prism Product Brochure

RPA to
the Rescue.
Transforming the Back Office.

Robotic Process Automation Software

In research conducted by the London School of Economics The researchers conclude that the next logical step is
(LSE), Professor Willcocks and Dr. Lacity (University of to automate! For most businesses, the best candidates
Missouri) conclude that in pursuit of reduced costs and for automation are often “back office” processes,
improved services, businesses have transformed over the where the goal is to provide faster, easier service to
past few decades using the following principles: customers (activating a new SIM card in 5 min vs. 24
hours), and to reduce high processing costs and error
• Centralization • Relocation
rates - processes that are mundane and require entering
• Standardization • Technology enablement repetitive data into multiple systems where the systems
• Optimization don’t talk to each other.

Banks have enhanced many of their customer-facing, front-end operations with

digital solutions…but too many processes at banks still rely on people and paper.
Often, back offices have thousands of people processing customer requests.

This high degree of manual processing is costly and slow, and it can lead to
inconsistent results and a high error rate. IT offers solutions that can rescue these
back-office procedures from needless expense and errors. Our research indicates that
a significant opportunity exists to increase the levels of automation in back offices...

McKinsey 1

The Robotic Process Automation Opportunity

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) represents an opportunity • Superior Control, Governance and IT Security
to transform the back and front office and improve business – ever increasing regulation and compliance
performance across the entire organization. requirements (corporate governance); always
seeking to reduce cost
• Increased Efficiency and Productivity
• Enhanced Business Insight
• Greater Operational Ability

• Reduces Operational Risk

Getting to the Right Solution:

How to identify and achieve the real benefits of RPA.
Over the last few years the Robotic Process Automation As the London School of Economics research shows –
landscape has changed with many adjacent technologies there are three major types of RPA referred to as the
rebranding their solutions as RPA. Three Lane Highway.

1. July 2012: McKinsey - Automating the bank’s back office. 05

Blue Prism Product Brochure

The 3 Lane
Highway for RPA.
To realise the full potential from Robotic Process
Automation requires a focus on adapting the culture
of the organization as well as building specific RPA
skills and capability.

Robotic Process Automation Software

Recent LSE research indicates that Robotic Process Automation

comes in many forms but finding the right automation solution
doesn’t have to be complicated.

Desktop Recorded SDK / IT Digital Workforce

Automation Developed Platform

Multiple, short, record and Provides a “virtual API” to Single instance, enterprise
replay tactical automations facilitate IT projects where strength, scalable, server-
aimed at navigating systems interfaces don’t exist. Coded based capabilities designed to
on the desktop. Automated by skilled IT developers as deliver true strategic benefit
tasks, often manually triggered, part of a project to deliver -- freeing people up to do
are coded or recorded against pre-defined automation the high-value things they do
individual key strokes deployed requirements. best-- think, communicate
to users’ desktops. and resolve with passion
and empathy -- using their
skills to improve the way a
business operates. Hosted
virtually and governed by IT
but devolved to the business
for configuration, control
and monitoring, the Digital
Workforce is not a quick fix –
it takes a few months to train
the business on how to use it.

Blue Prism Product Brochure Software Robots - the Digital Workforce

Desktop Recorded Automation SDK / IT Developed Digital Workforce Platform

This software can be This solution requires IT This solution involves IT

implemented very quickly, developers to build in the by bringing the solution
sits on an individual desktop security, change management, onto an enterprise platform
and is managed in isolation development environment and that is flexible and centrally
by each person running code to make it IT enterprise safe. governed but doesn’t require
the process - each desktop IT developers. This works
independent from the others. for mission-critical processes
If you are not concerned because the solution is not
about “shadow or grey” brittle (it won’t break) and the
IT this approach is similar business can make needed
to a personal assistant changes without involving IT,
handling non mission-critical whilst robots are repeating
transactions. The software mundane tasks without human
doesn’t address compliance error, ensuring compliance
or risk requirements, and and error free processes. This
ignores standardization and approach also has a dashboard
consistency across desktops. that monitors robots’ resilience,
business and system exceptions.

Potential challenges
These solutions all pose potential challenges that affect Risk Management is also a key consideration when
how your business operates and how the solution will evaluating RPA platforms. Data that is low risk doesn’t
scale and deliver benefits. As the three lanes are not necessarily have to be secure – data that sits on a
interchangeable, you really need to focus on the end goal desktop is not secure. Data that is high risk requires
– making it easier to complete certain tasks, accelerating high levels of security, governance and oversight from IT
IT integration projects, or creating a digital workforce – with secure log-ins, access rights and encryption.
and pick the one that achieves your objectives.

Robotic Process Automation Software

Enterprise RPA Certification

Maturity Model

Deliver Differentiated
Establish Capability Replicate & Ramp-Up Performance

• Define vision and • Digital workforce • Digital workforce

target operating model provides an alternative embedded at the heart
for automation service delivery of the organization
mechanism with seamless
• Define organizational
handover of work
roles as well as broader • RPA is a core component
between humans and
Organization changes required to of tech stack
support RPA
• Future Organizational
• Establish governance design decisions
board, demand consider and maximise
pipeline and support use of digital workforce

• Roll out standardized • Showcase process • Embed RPA benefits

approach and processes automation successes realization tracking as
for defining scope and to the broader a core performance
benefits for automation organization measure to inform the
opportunities future RPA automation
• Incentivize staff
• Establish CSFs and on identifying and
Education communicate outcome proposing automation • Run strategic campaigns
against KPIs to build opportunities and initiatives to
awareness of RPA generate demand that
• Benefits realization
throughout the supports strategic
tracking used as a
organization business drivers
barometer to drive
further activity

• Train core RPA team • Use core team to train • Deep skills and
and mentor new team knowledge across
• Establish environments,
members in line with the team
architecture, and
expansion of team
delivery methodology to • Embed lean
support initial processes • Establish an RPA code methodologies and
Capability of best practice culture of continuous
• Deliver initial
improvement within
processes to prove • Shift to fully
RPA function
benefits virutalized architecture
• Implement resilient
DR & fallover capability

Blue Prism Product Brochure

The Blue Prism

Digital Workforce
Blue Prism pioneered the concept of the Digital The Blue Prism solution was designed with key attributes
Workforce Platform and has spent over 12 years that make it enterprise safe and scalable, endorsed
developing an enterprise Robotic Process Automation by IT and business operations and capable of running
platform designed from the outset as RPA (not unattended without the need for constant monitoring.
converted from another technology) which is robust, The robots are given secure logins with access rights and
highly scalable, secure and reliable. Using an agile encryption. Data integrity is maintained as the robots are
digital workforce that follows rules-based business non-invasive, create no new data and have no impact
processes and interacts with the systems the same on existing databases. A control room and dashboards
way that users currently do, Blue Prism’s software monitor outcomes, review the priorities of the workforce,
complements traditional IT solutions such as BPM and and manage business or system exceptions. The solution is
front office productivity tools. centralized, not on a user’s desktop and managed by the
business so processes are easily changed.

Blue Prism pioneered the concept of the Digital Workforce Platform and has spent
over 12 years developing an enterprise Robotic Process Automation platform
designed from the outset as RPA.

Implementing the Blue Prism Solution

Blue Prism’s RPA software solution provides the capability Blue Prism also offers a methodology to support
for automating processes that would otherwise be adoption which furnishes organizations with tools
executed manually by humans or through extensive and approaches that define the business case, engage
proprietary customization of existing IT systems, resulting the relevant stakeholders appropriately and maximize
in a higher level of automation with a significantly lower the scope of the potential and on-going benefits that
level of investment and greater speed to deployment. are delivered.

Robotic Process Automation Software

Case Study: Telefonica O2

Telefónica O2, owned by Telefónica Group, is the second-largest mobile telecommunications

provider in the United Kingdom (UK). As the volume of back office work offshore grew from
about 400,000 transactions per month to over a million transactions per month, Telefónica
O2’s back office costs escalated.

The mandate became: do more work with less money - reduce FTE count, average response
time and Back Office failure customer calls by 50 percent. Telefónica looked to eliminate,
simplify and optimize business processes and reduce headcount by 10 percent.

After hearing of Blue Prism for automating processes, Telefónica O2 decided to conduct two
pilot projects to prove the concept: 1) SIM swaps—the process of replacing a customer’s
existing SIM with a new SIM but keeping his or her existing number 2) application of a pre-
calculated credit to a customer’s account.

They also tested if their BPMS team could automated the same two processes within three
weeks. BPMS achieved the goal but the financials between Blue Prism and BPMS automating
the processes were significant: RPA for 10 automated processes would pay back in 10 months.
In contrast, the BPMS was going to take up to three years to payback.

The difference was the BPMS team required IT resources like developers and SCRUM teams
while staff members from the Back Office executed the RPA projects. RPA was selected as
the obvious choice.

As of April 2015, Telefónica O2 deployed over 160 “robots” that process between
400,000 and 500,000 transactions each month, yielding a three-year return on
investment of between 650 and 800 percent. Customer “chase up” calls have been
reduced by over 80 percent per year.

Blue Prism Product Brochure

Governed by IT -
Controlled by
Business Operations
Ensuring IT has an inherent layer of structure, governance The Business team is empowered to manage, shape
and auditability, the Blue Prism software is code-free and and deliver business imperatives driving improved
managed by the business. This enables Business Operations efficiency and customer service while IT resources are
to respond rapidly to changing priorities and customer freed up to concentrate on more transformative and
demands while IT ensures the data is safe and secure. strategic initiatives that require extensive investment.

The Blue Prism Digital Workforce

• Sits at the presentation layer and is With a Digital Workforce, organizations can
designed to interact with the user perform tasks more accurately and thus:
interface of existing applications
• Reduce errors and increase consistency
• Provides the ability to identify and
• Provide better service, more quickly
update individual system touch points
and more dependably
through the automation library, enabling
organizations to respond to system • Respond better to seasonal peaks and
changes more swiftly without the need to troughs by reducing the need to create
initiate a formal software project temporary workforces to meet demand

• Meets strict standards for security, data • Ensure compliance standards are met
integrity and operational resilience with virtually no mistakes

• Retains business logic • Enable employees to focus on higher

value decision - making and customer
• Prevents the occurrence of so-called
contact that only humans can provide:
‘grey IT’ – offering instead, a standardized,
empathy, inference and judgements
operationally controlled, but centrally
managed and governed solution

Robotic Process Automation Software

A partnership between Operations and IT

Controlled by Operations

Flexible Ease of Autonomy Ability to Analogous

Rapid Change
Pipeline Demand Faster to detailed to Existing
Management Management Deliver Insight Workforce

ting model - business c

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en t
Digital Workforce

Powered by

Software Robots

Chan t
ge managemen
ty & scalability
Support & execution

IT governance

Enterprise Regulatory Supported Secured Scalable Cloud Operational

Infrastructure Compliance Platform Environment Deployment Assurance

Supported & hosted by IT

Blue Prism Product Brochure

Case Study: Xchanging

Xchanging is a provider of technology-enabled middle and back office business processing,

technology and procurement services including onshore, nearshore and offshore centers for
providing services to customers globally across many industry sectors. Deploying technology and
innovation, Xchanging aims to perform customers’ non-core and back office functions better,
faster and more cost-effectively, allowing customers to focus on strategic activities and adding
business value.

RPA was first brought into Xchanging’s Insurance sector which has a huge amount of back
office, high volume, repetitive data collection and processing tasks, many of them still manual,
and many still taking data from nonintegrated legacy mainframe systems and extracted from
various sources for input into another system or used to generate reports.

Xchanging Insurance business had two ongoing contracts that required centrally running all
the claims, premiums, policies, back–office policy and administration processes. Having already
invested in 13 years of process improvement RPA seemed the next logical step.

Xchanging started by launching four automated processes using 10 robots whilst establishing
a long-term governance and support competency for the Group. Cultural adoption was key as
Xchanging realized that RPA would be viewed as a threat but they showed employees that there
were no redundancies and that RPA gave people the opportunity to move on to other, more
interesting work.

As of June 2015 Xchanging has automated 14 core processes, handles 120,000 cases/
month with 27 robots and they’ve seen a 30% reduction in cost per process. Service
quality has improved with high accuracy, faster turnaround time, scalability and
increased compliance are just a few of the other benefits. Now the Procurement and
F&A financial services divisions are pushing hard to implement RPA.

Robotic Process Automation Software

Blue Prism reduces process costs, increases speed and improves accuracy through
its robotic automation platform, which operates other applications in the
form of a digital workforce.

Gartner 2

Blue Prism’s RPA software addresses the following process types:

• Rules-based processing with digital structured • Complex/mission critical processing – pension
inputs such as credit card activation or fraud checking redemptions and financial reconciliation

• Repetitious transactional processing such as SIM • Fluctuation in demand or backlogs such as with
swaps or invoice processing new product launches

• High transaction volumes such as billing or new • “Swivel Chair” processes such as HR onboarding
handset order processing or launching a new online product where there is
no integration
• Process adherence/quality issues such as policy
renewals or policy migrations

Intelligent Execution Technology

Organizations can instruct the autonomous engine on
the process priorities, feed volumes of work and leave
it to run, responding to systems, business scenarios and
changes in priority without human intervention. Similar
to human teams, robots can be applied to work based on
SLA, volume, priority and adapt and change the allocation
of robots to work dynamically without intervention.

2. Jan 2014: Gartner – Predicts 2014: Business and IT Services are facing the end of outsourcing as we know it. 15
Blue Prism Product Brochure Brochure title in here

Enterprise Technology Platform

Built on the Microsoft .NET Framework Security at the presentation layer

Built on the Microsoft .NET Framework, it is technology- Software ‘robot’ securely logs into an application and
agnostic, working across multiple platforms and manipulates the presentation layer that same way a user
technologies (mainframe, windows app, WPF app, Java, would but in a controlled environment (non-invasive,
SAP, Exchange, custom applications, Citrix, thick client, which means it will never compromise the integrity of
thin client, web services, etc.) the application)

On Premise or Cloud Central Repository

Provisioned in a public or private cloud, on-premise or The robots are ubiquitous and any process that has
hybrid enterprise deployment been configured in Blue Prism can be executed on any
number of robots within the Digital Workforce


Regulatory Compliant Work Queues

Proven to support PCI-DSS, HIPAA and SOX compliant Offers a queue-centric approach for dynamically
processes controlling the number of Resources, or Robots,
operating against a given queue at a particular time
providing the maximum flexibility to adjust the number
of resources assigned to collaboratively work items in
the queue based on business demands.

Robotic Process Automation Software

Three main areas used for building, testing, releasing Object Oriented
and controlling processes: Allows fast scaling by leveraging reusable objects and
Control Room
A day-to-day operational environment that is used to
control, monitor and schedule the runtime resources.

Release Manager
Gives detailed visibility of the process elements that are
associated with a given series of processes to provide
streamlined and automated change management functions.

Studio Reporting and Analytics

Provides a single point of access for developers to create, Furnishes high-quality data that can be used to drive
define and test re-usable building blocks, Business meaningful BI and MI reporting and identifies both
Objects, on how to interact with a given software or tool. inline process statistics and real-time operational
The Application Moduler is where robots are trained on analytics by recording each and every step.
how to reliably find and interact with various elements
of the target applications. With Process Studio, users are
enable to design, build and test end-to-end processes
including decision trees, exception handling and reaction
to the speed of target applications.

Runs all Blue Prism components onto devices configured for
different locales allowing developers and controllers to work
with their own local settings (date/time formats, different
decimal, number groupings and parameter separators).

Dependency Tracking
Provides an interactive view of how a given component
is referenced within a design process to accelerate
development, promote re-use and support maintenance.

Blue Prism Product Brochure

Vision to value

Blue Prism delivers a capability and return on investment that can be scaled in line with your vision.

Work flow

Sponsor approval Statement of Work Certification

Mobilise Realize Operate & Grow

Define Vision Evaluate & Plan Establish Capability Increase Value

• Align expectations: • Evaluate highest • Create robotics • Amplify delivery of

- Target state priority process area automation benefits through
- Roadmap and confirm: platform agile delivery of
- Scope process automation
• Establish executive - Benefits • Realize benefits
sponsorship by: from automation • Increase platform
- Agreeing scale of • Define adoption resilience as
investment plan including: required
- Quantifying - Framework
benefits implementation
- Confirming - Staffing and skilling
business drivers - Automation of 1st
• Define ownership

Deliverables Deliverables Deliverables Deliverables

• Benefits case • ToR • Blue Prism robots • Process automation

• Adoption approach • Process Catalogue executing processes • Enhanced Platform
(inc. roadmap) (1st Process Area) • Certified framework • Quantified business
• Validated solution • Benefits Realization • Quantified business benefits
(i.e. proof of Tracker benefits
concept, pilot etc)

Define Strategic
Evaluate Opportunity Create Platform Mobilise Deliver Mobilise

Develop Adoption
Validate Define Adoption Plan Automate Process(es) Deliver Mobilise Deliver

Enhance Platform

Robotic Process Automation Software

Blue Prism Product Brochure

Professional Services
Blue Prism has a proven delivery methodology to ensure successful implementation. Our internal professional
services team or certified partners:

• Identify the processes that are best suited for • Implement the required infrastructure,
Robotic Process Automation governance and support framework to enable
RPA to run efficiently and effectively
• Establish the benefits case for RPA encouraging
organization-wide recognition and adoption • Define a best practice approach for process
configuration increasing the potential for automation
• Provide the necessary skills to operational
and accelerating the development life cycle
resources via role-based training and
mentoring accreditation

Technical Support
Blue Prism Technical Support is provided through:

A comprehensive help Detailed data sheets via the online

guide within the product portal on a variety of relevant topics

Technical support helpline, email Accredited partners through bespoke

and online online user community support contracts tailored to the
of experts needs of a specific organization

Robotic Process Automation Software

Training and Accreditation

Training courses are delivered via the self-paced online training platform or, alternatively, in a more formal
classroom environment by a Blue Prism accredited training partner.

Training Modules

Role Assessment Controller Developer Support



Delivery Lead

Process Analyst

Senior Process


Junior Process

Test Analyst


Service Analyst

Blue Prism Product Brochure

Robotic Process Automation Software

Imagine the
Software Robots
– the Digital
Imagine a different kind of workforce that you can
teach countless skills. The more it learns, the more
efficient it becomes. It works without ever taking a
vacation. It can be small one day or large when your
business hits a spike. And it frees up your best people in
both the line of business and IT to do their best work on
your highest priorities.

Meet the Software Robots – the Digital Workforce.

Call us today on
1-888-75-PRISM (1 888-757-7476)
or +44 (0) 870 879 3000
or visit us at
to start building your Digital Workforce.

Delivering the world’s most
successful digital workforce.

® Blue Prism is a registered trademark of Blue Prism, Ltd | Copyright © Blue Prism Ltd

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