CST232 Test 1 2015/2016

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CST 232 Operating Systems

Test 1

Date and time : 22-10-2015 11:15am - 12:L5am

Venue : DKG 31

Answer all questions. Write your answers in cornplete sentences"

1,. A. Briefly compare active and passlve multiprogramrning.
b. Compare and contrast a fixed partition system and a dynamic
partition system.

2. Given that main memory is composed of three page frames for public
use and that a program requests pages in the following order:

e, b, 6, c, 6,'f , e,1,'*, t, 6, A

a. using the FlFo page removal algorithm, perform a page trace analysis
indicating page faults with asterisks {*)" Then cornpute the failure and
success ratios.
b. Using the LRU page removai algorithm, perform a page trace analysis
and compute the failure and success ratios.
c. Which is better? Why do you think it is better? 0 I f^z) q

3. Given the following information: 1'

- .{
| ,n li;
rtx r
t+x ')
\) t0

Draw a timeline for each of the following scheduling algorithm.

b. sRr
r \ f-zCgrLh rj
c. Round robin (using a time {uantum of 3, ignore context switching and
natural wait)
t ->

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