Sicp in Python

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in Python

Table of Contents
Introduction 0
Chapter 1: Building Abstractions with Functions 1
1.1 Introduction 1.1
1.2 The Elements of Programming 1.2
1.3 Defining New Functions 1.3
1.4 Practical Guidance: The Art of the Function 1.4
1.5 Control 1.5
1.6 Higher-Order Functions 1.6
Chapter 2: Building Abstractions with Objects 2
2.1 Introduction 2.1
2.2 Data Abstraction 2.2
2.3 Sequences 2.3
2.4 Mutable Data 2.4
2.5 Object-Oriented Programming 2.5
2.6 Implementing Classes and Objects 2.6
2.7 Generic Operations 2.7
Chapter 3: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 3
3.1 Introduction 3.1
3.2 Functions and the Processes They Generate 3.2
3.3 Recursive Data Structures 3.3
3.4 Exceptions 3.4
3.5 Interpreters for Languages with Combination 3.5
3.6 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction 3.6
Chapter 4: Distributed and Parallel Computing 4
4.1 Introduction 4.1
4.2 Distributed Computing 4.2
4.3 Parallel Computing 4.3
Chapter 5: Sequences and Coroutines 5
5.1 Introduction 5.1
5.2 Implicit Sequences 5.2

SICP in Python

5.3 Coroutines 5.3

SICP in Python

SICP in Python
From: CS61A: Online Textbook

This book is derived from the classic textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman. John Denero originally modified if for
Python for the Fall 2011 semester. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 3.0 license.

Introduction 4
SICP in Python

Chapter 1: Building Abstractions with


1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Programming in Python
1.1.2 Installing Python 3
1.1.3 Interactive Sessions
1.1.4 First Example
1.1.5 Practical Guidance: Errors
1.2 The Elements of Programming
1.2.1 Expressions
1.2.2 Call Expressions
1.2.3 Importing Library Functions
1.2.4 Names and the Environment
1.2.5 Evaluating Nested Expressions
1.2.6 Function Diagrams
1.3 Defining New Functions
1.3.1 Environments
1.3.2 Calling User-Defined Functions
1.3.3 Example: Calling a User-Defined Function
1.3.4 Local Names
1.3.5 Practical Guidance: Choosing Names
1.3.6 Functions as Abstractions
1.3.7 Operators
1.4 Practical Guidance: The Art of the Function
1.4.1 Docstrings
1.4.2 Default Argument Values
1.5 Control
1.5.1 Statements
1.5.2 Compound Statements
1.5.3 Defining Functions II: Local Assignment
1.5.4 Conditional Statements
1.5.5 Iteration
1.5.6 Practical Guidance: Testing
1.6 Higher-Order Functions
1.6.1 Functions as Arguments

Chapter 1: Building Abstractions with Functions 5

SICP in Python

1.6.2 Functions as General Methods

1.6.3 Defining Functions III: Nested Definitions
1.6.4 Functions as Returned Values
1.6.5 Lambda Expressions
1.6.6 Example: Newton's Method
1.6.7 Abstractions and First-Class Functions
1.6.8 Function Decorators

Chapter 1: Building Abstractions with Functions 6

SICP in Python

1.1 Introduction
Computer science is a tremendously broad academic discipline. The areas of globally
distributed systems, artificial intelligence, robotics, graphics, security, scientific computing,
computer architecture, and dozens of emerging sub-fields each expand with new techniques
and discoveries every year. The rapid progress of computer science has left few aspects of
human life unaffected. Commerce, communication, science, art, leisure, and politics have all
been reinvented as computational domains.

The tremendous productivity of computer science is only possible because it is built upon an
elegant and powerful set of fundamental ideas. All computing begins with representing
information, specifying logic to process it, and designing abstractions that manage the
complexity of that logic. Mastering these fundamentals will require us to understand
precisely how computers interpret computer programs and carry out computational

These fundamental ideas have long been taught at Berkeley using the classic textbook
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) by Harold Abelson and Gerald
Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman. These lecture notes borrow heavily from that textbook,
which the original authors have kindly licensed for adaptation and reuse.

The embarkment of our intellectual journey requires no revision, nor should we expect that it
ever will.

> We are about to study the idea of a computational process. Computational processes are
abstract beings that inhabit computers. As they evolve, processes manipulate other abstract
things called data. The evolution of a process is directed by a pattern of rules called a
program. People create programs to direct processes. In effect, we conjure the spirits of the
computer with our spells. > > The programs we use to conjure processes are like a
sorcerer's spells. They are carefully composed from symbolic expressions in arcane and
esoteric programming languages that prescribe the tasks we want our processes to perform.
> > A computational process, in a correctly working computer, executes programs precisely
and accurately. Thus, like the sorcerer's apprentice, novice programmers must learn to
understand and to anticipate the consequences of their conjuring. > > —Abelson and
Sussman, SICP (1993)

1.1.1 Programming in Python

> A language isn’t something you learn so much as something you join. > > —Arika Okrent

1.1 Introduction 7
SICP in Python

In order to define computational processes, we need a programming language; preferably

one many humans and a great variety of computers can all understand. In this course, we
will learn the Python language.

Python is a widely used programming language that has recruited enthusiasts from many
professions: web programmers, game engineers, scientists, academics, and even designers
of new programming languages. When you learn Python, you join a million-person-strong
community of developers. Developer communities are tremendously important institutions:
members help each other solve problems, share their code and experiences, and
collectively develop software and tools. Dedicated members often achieve celebrity and
widespread esteem for their contributions. Perhaps someday you will be named among
these elite Pythonistas.

The Python language itself is the product of a large volunteer community that prides itself on
the diversity of its contributors. The language was conceived and first implemented by Guido
van Rossum in the late 1980's. The first chapter of his Python 3 Tutorial explains why
Python is so popular, among the many languages available today.

Python excels as an instructional language because, throughout its history, Python's

developers have emphasized the human interpretability of Python code, reinforced by the
Zen of Python guiding principles of beauty, simplicity, and readability. Python is particularly
appropriate for this course because its broad set of features support a variety of different
programming styles, which we will explore. While there is no single way to program in
Python, there are a set of conventions shared across the developer community that facilitate
the process of reading, understanding, and extending existing programs. Hence, Python's
combination of great flexibility and accessibility allows students to explore many
programming paradigms, and then apply their newly acquired knowledge to thousands of
ongoing projects.

These notes maintain the spirit of SICP by introducing the features of Python in lock step
with techniques for abstraction design and a rigorous model of computation. In addition,
these notes provide a practical introduction to Python programming, including some
advanced language features and illustrative examples. Learning Python will come naturally
as you progress through the course.

However, Python is a rich language with many features and uses, and we consciously
introduce them slowly as we layer on fundamental computer science concepts. For
experienced students who want to inhale all of the details of the language quickly, we
recommend reading Mark Pilgrim's book Dive Into Python 3, which is freely available online.
The topics in that book differ substantially from the topics of this course, but the book
contains very valuable practical information on using the Python language. Be forewarned:
unlike these notes, Dive Into Python 3 assumes substantial programming experience.

1.1 Introduction 8
SICP in Python

The best way to get started programming in Python is to interact with the interpreter directly.
This section describes how to install Python 3, initiate an interactive session with the
interpreter, and start programming.

1.1.2 Installing Python 3

As with all great software, Python has many versions. This course will use the most recent
stable version of Python 3 (currently Python 3.2). Many computers have older versions of
Python installed already, but those will not suffice for this course. You should be able to use
any computer for this course, but expect to install Python 3. Don't worry, Python is free.

Dive Into Python 3 has detailed installation instructions for all major platforms. These
instructions mention Python 3.1 several times, but you're better off with Python 3.2 (although
the differences are insignificant for this course). All instructional machines in the EECS
department have Python 3.2 already installed.

1.1.3 Interactive Sessions

In an interactive Python session, you type some Python code after the prompt,
>>> . The Python interpreter reads and evaluates what you type, carrying out your

various commands.

There are several ways to start an interactive session, and they differ in their properties. Try
them all to find out what you prefer. They all use exactly the same interpreter behind the

The simplest and most common way is to run the Python 3 application. Type python3
at a terminal prompt (Mac/Unix/Linux) or open the Python 3 application in Windows.

A more user-friendly application for those learning the language is called Idle 3
( idle3 ). Idle colorizes your code (called syntax highlighting), pops up usage hints, and
marks the source of some errors. Idle is always bundled with Python, so you have
already installed it.

The Emacs editor can run an interactive session inside one of its buffers. While slightly
more challenging to learn, Emacs is a powerful and versatile editor for any programming
language. Read the 61A Emacs Tutorial to get started. Many programmers who invest
the time to learn Emacs never switch editors again.

In any case, if you see the Python prompt, >>> , then you have successfully
started an interactive session. These notes depict example interactions using the prompt,
followed by some input.

1.1 Introduction 9
SICP in Python

>>> 2 + 2

Controls: Each session keeps a history of what you have typed. To access that history, press
<Control>-P (previous) and <Control>-N (next). <Control>-D exits a

session, which discards this history.

1.1.4 First Example

> And, as imagination bodies forthThe forms of things to unknown, and the poet's penTurns
them to shapes, and gives to airy nothingA local habitation and a name. > > —William
Shakespeare, A Midsummer-Night's Dream

To give Python the introduction it deserves, we will begin with an example that uses several
language features. In the next section, we will have to start from scratch and build up the
language piece by piece. Think of this section as a sneak preview of powerful features to

Python has built-in support for a wide range of common programming activities, like
manipulating text, displaying graphics, and communicating over the Internet. The import

>>> from urllib.request import urlopen

loads functionality for accessing data on the Internet. In particular, it makes available a
function called urlopen , which can access the content at a uniform resource locator (URL),
which is a location of something on the Internet.

Statements & Expressions. Python code consists of statements and expressions. Broadly,
computer programs consist of instructions to either

1. Compute some value

2. Carry out some action

Statements typically describe actions. When the Python interpreter executes a statement, it
carries out the corresponding action. On the other hand, expressions typically describe
computations that yield values. When Python evaluates an expression, it computes its value.
This chapter introduces several types of statements and expressions.

The assignment statement

>>> shakespeare = urlopen('')

1.1 Introduction 10
SICP in Python

associates the name shakespeare with the value of the expression that follows. That
expression applies the urlopen function to a URL that contains the complete text of William
Shakespeare's 37 plays, all in a single text document.

Functions. Functions encapsulate logic that manipulates data. A web address is a piece of
data, and the text of Shakespeare's plays is another. The process by which the former leads
to the latter may be complex, but we can apply that process using only a simple expression
because that complexity is tucked away within a function. Functions are the primary topic of
this chapter.

Another assignment statement

>>> words = set(

associates the name words to the set of all unique words that appear in Shakespeare's
plays, all 33,721 of them. The chain of commands to read , decode , and split , each
operate on an intermediate computational entity: data is read from the opened URL, that
data is decoded into text, and that text is split into words. All of those words are placed in a
set .

Objects. A set is a type of object, one that supports set operations like computing
intersections and testing membership. An object seamlessly bundles together data and the
logic that manipulates that data, in a way that hides the complexity of both. Objects are the
primary topic of Chapter 2.

The expression

>>> {w for w in words if len(w) >= 5 and w[::-1] in words}

{'madam', 'stink', 'leets', 'rever', 'drawer', 'stops', 'sessa',
'repaid', 'speed', 'redder', 'devil', 'minim', 'spots', 'asses',
'refer', 'lived', 'keels', 'diaper', 'sleek', 'steel', 'leper',
'level', 'deeps', 'repel', 'reward', 'knits'}

is a compound expression that evaluates to the set of Shakespearian words that appear
both forward and in reverse. The cryptic notation w[::-1] enumerates each letter in a word,
but the -1 says to step backwards ( :: here means that the positions of the first and last
characters to enumerate are defaulted.) When you enter an expression in an interactive
session, Python prints its value on the following line, as shown.

Interpreters. Evaluating compound expressions requires a precise procedure that interprets

code in a predictable way. A program that implements such a procedure, evaluating
compound expressions and statements, is called an interpreter. The design and
implementation of interpreters is the primary topic of Chapter 3.

1.1 Introduction 11
SICP in Python

When compared with other computer programs, interpreters for programming languages are
unique in their generality. Python was not designed with Shakespeare or palindromes in
mind. However, its great flexibility allowed us to process a large amount of text with only a
few lines of code.

In the end, we will find that all of these core concepts are closely related: functions are
objects, objects are functions, and interpreters are instances of both. However, developing a
clear understanding of each of these concepts and their role in organizing code is critical to
mastering the art of programming.

1.1.5 Practical Guidance: Errors

Python is waiting for your command. You are encouraged to experiment with the language,
even though you may not yet know its full vocabulary and structure. However, be prepared
for errors. While computers are tremendously fast and flexible, they are also extremely rigid.
The nature of computers is described in Stanford's introductory course as

> The fundamental equation of computers is: computer = powerful + stupid > > Computers
are very powerful, looking at volumes of data very quickly. Computers can perform billions of
operations per second, where each operation is pretty simple. > > Computers are also
shockingly stupid and fragile. The operations that they can do are extremely rigid, simple,
and mechanical. The computer lacks anything like real insight .. it's nothing like the HAL
9000 from the movies. If nothing else, you should not be intimidated by the computer as if
it's some sort of brain. It's very mechanical underneath it all. > > Programming is about a
person using their real insight to build something useful, constructed out of these teeny,
simple little operations that the computer can do. > > —Francisco Cai and Nick Parlante,
Stanford CS101

The rigidity of computers will immediately become apparent as you experiment with the
Python interpreter: even the smallest spelling and formatting changes will cause unexpected
outputs and errors.

Learning to interpret errors and diagnose the cause of unexpected errors is called
debugging. Some guiding principles of debugging are:

1. Test incrementally: Every well-written program is composed of small, modular

components that can be tested individually. Test everything you write as soon as
possible to catch errors early and gain confidence in your components.
2. Isolate errors: An error in the output of a compound program, expression, or statement
can typically be attributed to a particular modular component. When trying to diagnose a
problem, trace the error to the smallest fragment of code you can before trying to
correct it.

1.1 Introduction 12
SICP in Python

3. Check your assumptions: Interpreters do carry out your instructions to the letter --- no
more and no less. Their output is unexpected when the behavior of some code does not
match what the programmer believes (or assumes) that behavior to be. Know your
assumptions, then focus your debugging effort on verifying that your assumptions
actually hold.
4. Consult others: You are not alone! If you don't understand an error message, ask a
friend, instructor, or search engine. If you have isolated an error, but can't figure out how
to correct it, ask someone else to take a look. A lot of valuable programming knowledge
is shared in the context of team problem solving.

Incremental testing, modular design, precise assumptions, and teamwork are themes that
persist throughout this course. Hopefully, they will also persist throughout your computer
science career.

1.1 Introduction 13
SICP in Python

1.2 The Elements of Programming

A programming language is more than just a means for instructing a computer to perform
tasks. The language also serves as a framework within which we organize our ideas about
processes. Programs serve to communicate those ideas among the members of a
programming community. Thus, programs must be written for people to read, and only
incidentally for machines to execute.

When we describe a language, we should pay particular attention to the means that the
language provides for combining simple ideas to form more complex ideas. Every powerful
language has three mechanisms for accomplishing this:

primitive expressions and statements, which represent the simplest building blocks
that the language provides,
means of combination, by which compound elements are built from simpler ones, and
means of abstraction, by which compound elements can be named and manipulated
as units.

In programming, we deal with two kinds of elements: functions and data. (Soon we will
discover that they are really not so distinct.) Informally, data is stuff that we want to
manipulate, and functions describe the rules for manipulating the data. Thus, any powerful
programming language should be able to describe primitive data and primitive functions and
should have methods for combining and abstracting both functions and data.

1.2.1 Expressions
Having experimented with the full Python interpreter, we now must start anew, methodically
developing the Python language piece by piece. Be patient if the examples seem simplistic -
-- more exciting material is soon to come.

We begin with primitive expressions. One kind of primitive expression is a number. More
precisely, the expression that you type consists of the numerals that represent the number in
base 10.

>>> 42

Expressions representing numbers may be combined with mathematical operators to form a

compound expression, which the interpreter will evaluate:

1.2 The Elements of Programming 14

SICP in Python

>>> -1 - -1
>>> 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 + 1/128

These mathematical expressions use infix notation, where the operator (e.g., + , - , * , or
/ ) appears in between the operands (numbers). Python includes many ways to form

compound expressions. Rather than attempt to enumerate them all immediately, we will
introduce new expression forms as we go, along with the language features that they

1.2.2 Call Expressions

The most important kind of compound expression is a call expression, which applies a
function to some arguments. Recall from algebra that the mathematical notion of a function
is a mapping from some input arguments to an output value. For instance, the max function
maps its inputs to a single output, which is the largest of the inputs. A function in Python is
more than just an input-output mapping; it describes a computational process. However, the
way in which Python expresses function application is the same as in mathematics.

>>> max(7.5, 9.5)


This call expression has subexpressions: the operator precedes parentheses, which enclose
a comma-delimited list of operands. The operator must be a function. The operands can be
any values; in this case they are numbers. When this call expression is evaluated, we say
that the function max is called with arguments 7.5 and 9.5, and returns a value of 9.5.

The order of the arguments in a call expression matters. For instance, the function pow
raises its first argument to the power of its second argument.

>>> pow(100, 2)
>>> pow(2, 100)

Function notation has several advantages over the mathematical convention of infix
notation. First, functions may take an arbitrary number of arguments:

>>> max(1, -2, 3, -4)


No ambiguity can arise, because the function name always precedes its arguments.

1.2 The Elements of Programming 15

SICP in Python

Second, function notation extends in a straightforward way to nested expressions, where the
elements are themselves compound expressions. In nested call expressions, unlike
compound infix expressions, the structure of the nesting is entirely explicit in the

>>> max(min(1, -2), min(pow(3, 5), -4))


There is no limit (in principle) to the depth of such nesting and to the overall complexity of
the expressions that the Python interpreter can evaluate. However, humans quickly get
confused by multi-level nesting. An important role for you as a programmer is to structure
expressions so that they remain interpretable by yourself, your programming partners, and
others who may read your code in the future.

Finally, mathematical notation has a great variety of forms: multiplication appears between
terms, exponents appear as superscripts, division as a horizontal bar, and a square root as a
roof with slanted siding. Some of this notation is very hard to type! However, all of this
complexity can be unified via the notation of call expressions. While Python supports
common mathematical operators using infix notation (like + and - ), any operator can be
expressed as a function with a name.

1.2.3 Importing Library Functions

Python defines a very large number of functions, including the operator functions mentioned
in the preceding section, but does not make their names available by default, so as to avoid
complete chaos. Instead, it organizes the functions and other quantities that it knows about
into modules, which together comprise the Python Library. To use these elements, one
imports them. For example, the math module provides a variety of familiar mathematical

>>> from math import sqrt, exp

>>> sqrt(256)
>>> exp(1)

and the operator module provides access to functions corresponding to infix operators:

>>> from operator import add, sub, mul

>>> add(14, 28)
>>> sub(100, mul(7, add(8, 4)))

1.2 The Elements of Programming 16

SICP in Python

An import statement designates a module name (e.g., operator or math ), and then lists
the named attributes of that module to import (e.g., sqrt or exp ).

The Python 3 Library Docs list the functions defined by each module, such as the math
module. However, this documentation is written for developers who know the whole
language well. For now, you may find that experimenting with a function tells you more about
its behavior than reading the documemtation. As you become familiar with the Python
language and vocabulary, this documentation will become a valuable reference source.

1.2.4 Names and the Environment

A critical aspect of a programming language is the means it provides for using names to
refer to computational objects. If a value has been given a name, we say that the name
binds to the value.

In Python, we can establish new bindings using the assignment statement, which contains a
name to the left of = and a value to the right:

>>> radius = 10
>>> radius
>>> 2 * radius

Names are also bound via import statements.

>>> from math import pi

>>> pi * 71 / 223

We can also assign multiple values to multiple names in a single statement, where names
and expressions are separated by commas.

>>> area, circumference = pi * radius * radius, 2 * pi * radius

>>> area
>>> circumference

The = symbol is called the assignment operator in Python (and many other languages).
Assignment is Python's simplest means of abstraction, for it allows us to use simple names
to refer to the results of compound operations, such as the area computed above. In this
way, complex programs are constructed by building, step by step, computational objects of
increasing complexity.

1.2 The Elements of Programming 17

SICP in Python

The possibility of binding names to values and later retrieving those values by name means
that the interpreter must maintain some sort of memory that keeps track of the names,
values, and bindings. This memory is called an environment.

Names can also be bound to functions. For instance, the name max is bound to the max
function we have been using. Functions, unlike numbers, are tricky to render as text, so
Python prints an identifying description instead, when asked to print a function:

>>> max
<built-in function max>

We can use assignment statements to give new names to existing functions.

>>> f = max
>>> f
<built-in function max>
>>> f(3, 4)

And successive assignment statements can rebind a name to a new value.

>>> f = 2
>>> f

In Python, the names bound via assignment are often called variable names because they
can be bound to a variety of different values in the course of executing a program.

1.2.5 Evaluating Nested Expressions

One of our goals in this chapter is to isolate issues about thinking procedurally. As a case in
point, let us consider that, in evaluating nested call expressions, the interpreter is itself
following a procedure.

To evaluate a call expression, Python will do the following:

1. Evaluate the operator and operand subexpressions, then

2. Apply the function that is the value of the operator subexpression to the arguments that
are the values of the operand subexpressions.

Even this simple procedure illustrates some important points about processes in general.
The first step dictates that in order to accomplish the evaluation process for a call expression
we must first evaluate other expressions. Thus, the evaluation procedure is recursive in
nature; that is, it includes, as one of its steps, the need to invoke the rule itself.

1.2 The Elements of Programming 18

SICP in Python

For example, evaluating

>>> mul(add(2, mul(4, 6)), add(3, 5))


requires that this evaluation procedure be applied four times. If we draw each expression
that we evaluate, we can visualize the hierarchical structure of this process.

This illustration is called an expression tree. In computer science, trees grow from the top
down. The objects at each point in a tree are called nodes; in this case, they are expressions
paired with their values.

Evaluating its root, the full expression, requires first evaluating the branches that are its
subexpressions. The leaf expressions (that is, nodes with no branches stemming from them)
represent either functions or numbers. The interior nodes have two parts: the call expression
to which our evaluation rule is applied, and the result of that expression. Viewing evaluation
in terms of this tree, we can imagine that the values of the operands percolate upward,
starting from the terminal nodes and then combining at higher and higher levels.

Next, observe that the repeated application of the first step brings us to the point where we
need to evaluate, not call expressions, but primitive expressions such as numerals (e.g., 2 )
and names (e.g., add ). We take care of the primitive cases by stipulating that

A numeral evaluates to the number it names,

A name evaluates to the value associated with that name in the current environment.

Notice the important role of an environment in determining the meaning of the symbols in
expressions. In Python, it is meaningless to speak of the value of an expression such as

1.2 The Elements of Programming 19

SICP in Python

>>> add(x, 1)

without specifying any information about the environment that would provide a meaning for
the name x (or even for the name add ). Environments provide the context in which
evaluation takes place, which plays an important role in our understanding of program

This evaluation procedure does not suffice to evaluate all Python code, only call
expressions, numerals, and names. For instance, it does not handle assignment statements.

>>> x = 3

does not return a value nor evaluate a function on some arguments, since the purpose of
assignment is instead to bind a name to a value. In general, statements are not evaluated
but executed; they do not produce a value but instead make some change. Each type of
statement or expression has its own evaluation or execution procedure, which we will
introduce incrementally as we proceed.

A pedantic note: when we say that "a numeral evaluates to a number," we actually mean that
the Python interpreter evaluates a numeral to a number. It is the interpreter which endows
meaning to the programming language. Given that the interpreter is a fixed program that
always behaves consistently, we can loosely say that numerals (and expressions)
themselves evaluate to values in the context of Python programs.

1.2.6 Function Diagrams

As we continue to develop a formal model of evaluation, we will find that diagramming the
internal state of the interpreter helps us track the progress of our evaluation procedure. An
essential part of these diagrams is a representation of a function.

Pure functions. Functions have some input (their arguments) and return some output (the
result of applying them). The built-in function

>>> abs(-2)

can be depicted as a small machine that takes input and produces output.

1.2 The Elements of Programming 20

SICP in Python

The function abs is pure. Pure functions have the property that applying them has no
effects beyond returning a value.

Non-pure functions. In addition to returning a value, applying a non-pure function can

generate side effects, which make some change to the state of the interpreter or computer. A
common side effect is to generate additional output beyond the return value, using the
print function.

>>> print(-2)
>>> print(1, 2, 3)
1 2 3

While print and abs may appear to be similar in these examples, they work in
fundamentally different ways. The value that print returns is always None , a special
Python value that represents nothing. The interactive Python interpreter does not
automatically print the value None . In the case of print , the function itself is printing
output as a side effect of being called.

A nested expression of calls to print highlights the non-pure character of the function.

>>> print(print(1), print(2))

None None

If you find this output to be unexpected, draw an expression tree to clarify why evaluating
this expression produces this peculiar output.

Be careful with print ! The fact that it returns None means that it should not be the
expression in an assignment statement.

>>> two = print(2)

>>> print(two)

1.2 The Elements of Programming 21

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Signatures. Functions differ in the number of arguments that they are allowed to take. To
track these requirements, we draw each function in a way that shows the function name and
names of its arguments. The function abs takes only one argument called number ;
providing more or fewer will result in an error. The function print can take an arbitrary
number of arguments, hence its rendering as print(...) . A description of the arguments
that a function can take is called the function's signature.

1.2 The Elements of Programming 22

SICP in Python

1.3 Defining New Functions

We have identified in Python some of the elements that must appear in any powerful
programming language:

1. Numbers and arithmetic operations are built-in data and functions.

2. Nested function application provides a means of combining operations.
3. Binding names to values provides a limited means of abstraction.

Now we will learn about function definitions, a much more powerful abstraction technique by
which a name can be bound to compound operation, which can then be referred to as a unit.

We begin by examining how to express the idea of "squaring." We might say, "To square
something, multiply it by itself." This is expressed in Python as

>>> def square(x):

return mul(x, x)

which defines a new function that has been given the name square . This user-defined
function is not built into the interpreter. It represents the compound operation of multiplying
something by itself. The x in this definition is called a formal parameter, which provides a
name for the thing to be multiplied. The definition creates this user-defined function and
associates it with the name square .

Function definitions consist of a def statement that indicates a &lt;name&gt; and a list of
named &lt;formal parameters&gt; , then a return statement, called the function body, that
specifies the &lt;return expression&gt; of the function, which is an expression to be
evaluated whenever the function is applied.

> def &lt;name&gt;(&lt;formal parameters&gt;): > > return &lt;return expression&gt;

The second line must be indented! Convention dictates that we indent with four spaces,
rather than a tab. The return expression is not evaluated right away; it is stored as part of the
newly defined function and evaluated only when the function is eventually applied. (Soon,
we will see that the indented region can span multiple lines.)

Having defined square , we can apply it with a call expression:

>>> square(21)
>>> square(add(2, 5))
>>> square(square(3))

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We can also use square as a building block in defining other functions. For example, we
can easily define a function sum_squares that, given any two numbers as arguments,
returns the sum of their squares:

>>> def sum_squares(x, y):

return add(square(x), square(y))

>>> sum_squares(3, 4)

User-defined functions are used in exactly the same way as built-in functions. Indeed, one
cannot tell from the definition of sum_squares whether square is built into the interpreter,
imported from a module, or defined by the user.

1.3.1 Environments
Our subset of Python is now complex enough that the meaning of programs is non-obvious.
What if a formal parameter has the same name as a built-in function? Can two functions
share names without confusion? To resolve such questions, we must describe environments
in more detail.

An environment in which an expression is evaluated consists of a sequence of frames,

depicted as boxes. Each frame contains bindings, which associate a name with its
corresponding value. There is a single global frame that contains name bindings for all built-
in functions (only abs and max are shown). We indicate the global frame with a globe

Assignment and import statements add entries to the first frame of the current environment.
So far, our environment consists only of the global frame.

>>> from math import pi

>>> tau = 2 * pi

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A def statement also binds a name to the function created by the definition. The resulting
environment after defining square appears below:

These environment diagrams show the bindings of the current environment, along with the
values (which are not part of any frame) to which names are bound. Notice that the name of
a function is repeated, once in the frame, and once as part of the function itself. This
repetition is intentional: many different names may refer to the same function, but that
function itself has only one intrinsic name. However, looking up the value for a name in an
environment only inspects name bindings. The intrinsic name of a function does not play a
role in looking up names. In the example we saw earlier,

>>> f = max
>>> f
<built-in function max>

The name max is the intrinsic name of the function, and that's what you see printed as the
value for f . In addition, both the names max and f are bound to that same function in
the global environment.

As we proceed to introduce additional features of Python, we will have to extend these

diagrams. Every time we do, we will list the new features that our diagrams can express.

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New environment Features: Assignment and user-defined function definition.

1.3.2 Calling User-Defined Functions

To evaluate a call expression whose operator names a user-defined function, the Python
interpreter follows a process similar to the one for evaluating expressions with a built-in
operator function. That is, the interpreter evaluates the operand expressions, and then
applies the named function to the resulting arguments.

The act of applying a user-defined function introduces a second local frame, which is only
accessible to that function. To apply a user-defined function to some arguments:

1. Bind the arguments to the names of the function's formal parameters in a new local
2. Evaluate the body of the function in the environment beginning at that frame and ending
at the global frame.

The environment in which the body is evaluated consists of two frames: first the local frame
that contains argument bindings, then the global frame that contains everything else. Each
instance of a function application has its own independent local frame.

This figure includes two different aspects of the Python interpreter: the current environment,
and a part of the expression tree related to the current line of code being evaluated. We
have depicted the evaluation of a call expression that has a user-defined function (in blue)
as a two-part rounded rectangle. Dotted arrows indicate which environment is used to
evaluate the expression in each part.

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The top half shows the call expression being evaluated. This call expression is not
internal to any function, so it is evaluated in the global environment. Thus, any names
within it (such as square ) are looked up in the global frame.
The bottom half shows the body of the square function. Its return expression is
evaluated in the new environment introduced by step 1 above, which binds the name of
square 's formal parameter x to the value of its argument, -2 .

The order of frames in an environment affects the value returned by looking up a name in an
expression. We stated previously that a name is evaluated to the value associated with that
name in the current environment. We can now be more precise:

A name evaluates to the value bound to that name in the earliest frame of the current
environment in which that name is found.

Our conceptual framework of environments, names, and functions constitutes a model of

evaluation; while some mechanical details are still unspecified (e.g., how a binding is
implemented), our model does precisely and correctly describe how the interpreter evaluates
call expressions. In Chapter 3 we shall see how this model can serve as a blueprint for
implementing a working interpreter for a programming language.

New environment Feature: Function application.

1.3.3 Example: Calling a User-Defined Function

Let us again consider our two simple definitions:

>>> from operator import add, mul

>>> def square(x):
return mul(x, x)

>>> def sum_squares(x, y):

return add(square(x), square(y))

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And the process that evaluates the following call expression:

>>> sum_squares(5, 12)


Python first evaluates the name sum_squares , which is bound to a user-defined function in
the global frame. The primitive numeric expressions 5 and 12 evaluate to the numbers they

Next, Python applies sum_squares , which introduces a local frame that binds x to 5 and y to

In this diagram, the local frame points to its successor, the global frame. All local frames
must point to a predecessor, and these links define the sequence of frames that is the
current environment.

The body of sum_squares contains this call expression:

add ( square(x) , square(y) )

________ _________ _________
"operator" "operand 0" "operand 1"

All three subexpressions are evalauted in the current environment, which begins with the
frame labeled sum_squares. The operator subexpression add is a name found in the global
frame, bound to the built-in function for addition. The two operand subexpressions must be

1.3 Defining New Functions 28

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evaluated in turn, before addition is applied. Both operands are evaluated in the current
environment beginning with the frame labeled sum_squares . In the following environment
diagrams, we will call this frame A and replace arrows pointing to this frame with the label
A as well.

In operand 0 , square names a user-defined function in the global frame, while x names
the number 5 in the local frame. Python applies square to 5 by introducing yet another local
frame that binds x to 5.

Using this local frame, the body expression mul(x, x) evaluates to 25.

Our evaluation procedure now turns to operand 1 , for which y names the number 12.
Python evaluates the body of square again, this time introducing yet another local
environment frame that binds x to 12. Hence, operand 1 evaluates to 144.

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Finally, applying addition to the arguments 25 and 144 yields a final value for the body of
sum_squares : 169.

This figure, while complex, serves to illustrate many of the fundamental ideas we have
developed so far. Names are bound to values, which spread across many local frames that
all precede a single global frame that contains shared names. Expressions are tree-
structured, and the environment must be augmented each time a subexpression contains a
call to a user-defined function.

All of this machinery exists to ensure that names resolve to the correct values at the correct
points in the expression tree. This example illustrates why our model requires the complexity
that we have introduced. All three local frames contain a binding for the name x , but that
name is bound to different values in different frames. Local frames keep these names

1.3.4 Local Names

One detail of a function's implementation that should not affect the function's behavior is the
implementer's choice of names for the function's formal parameters. Thus, the following
functions should provide the same behavior:

1.3 Defining New Functions 30

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>>> def square(x):

return mul(x, x)
>>> def square(y):
return mul(y, y)

This principle -- that the meaning of a function should be independent of the parameter
names chosen by its author -- has important consequences for programming languages.
The simplest consequence is that the parameter names of a function must remain local to
the body of the function.

If the parameters were not local to the bodies of their respective functions, then the
parameter x in square could be confused with the parameter x in sum_squares .
Critically, this is not the case: the binding for x in different local frames are unrelated. Our
model of computation is carefully designed to ensure this independence.

We say that the scope of a local name is limited to the body of the user-defined function that
defines it. When a name is no longer accessible, it is out of scope. This scoping behavior
isn't a new fact about our model; it is a consequence of the way environments work.

1.3.5 Practical Guidance: Choosing Names

The interchangeabily of names does not imply that formal parameter names do not matter at
all. To the contrary, well-chosen function and parameter names are essential for the human
interpretability of function definitions!

The following guidelines are adapted from the style guide for Python code, which serves as
a guide for all (non-rebellious) Python programmers. A shared set of conventions smooths
communication among members of a programming community. As a side effect of following
these conventions, you will find that your code becomes more internally consistent.

1. Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores.

Descriptive names are encouraged.
2. Function names typically evoke operations applied to arguments by the interpreter (e.g.,
print , add , square ) or the name of the quantity that results (e.g., max , abs ,

sum ).

3. Parameter names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores. Single-

word names are preferred.
4. Parameter names should evoke the role of the parameter in the function, not just the
type of value that is allowed.
5. Single letter parameter names are acceptable when their role is obvious, but never use
"l" (lowercase ell), "O" (capital oh), or "I" (capital i) to avoid confusion with numerals.

1.3 Defining New Functions 31

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Review these guidelines periodically as you write programs, and soon your names will be
delightfully Pythonic.

1.3.6 Functions as Abstractions

Though it is very simple, sum_squares exemplifies the most powerful property of user-
defined functions. The function sum_squares is defined in terms of the function square , but
relies only on the relationship that square defines between its input arguments and its
output values.

We can write sum_squares without concerning ourselves with how to square a number. The
details of how the square is computed can be suppressed, to be considered at a later time.
Indeed, as far as sum_squares is concerned, square is not a particular function body, but
rather an abstraction of a function, a so-called functional abstraction. At this level of
abstraction, any function that computes the square is equally good.

Thus, considering only the values they return, the following two functions for squaring a
number should be indistinguishable. Each takes a numerical argument and produces the
square of that number as the value.

>>> def square(x):

return mul(x, x)
>>> def square(x):
return mul(x, x-1) + x

In other words, a function definition should be able to suppress details. The users of the
function may not have written the function themselves, but may have obtained it from
another programmer as a "black box". A user should not need to know how the function is
implemented in order to use it. The Python Library has this property. Many developers use
the functions defined there, but few ever inspect their implementation. In fact, many
implementations of Python Library functions are not written in Python at all, but instead in
the C language.

1.3.7 Operators
Mathematical operators (like + and -) provided our first example of a method of combination,
but we have yet to define an evaluation procedure for expressions that contain these

Python expressions with infix operators each have their own evaluation procedures, but you
can often think of them as short-hand for call expressions. When you see

1.3 Defining New Functions 32

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>>> 2 + 3

simply consider it to be short-hand for

>>> add(2, 3)

Infix notation can be nested, just like call expressions. Python applies the normal
mathematical rules of operator precedence, which dictate how to interpret a compound
expression with multiple operators.

>>> 2 + 3 * 4 + 5

evaluates to the same result as

>>> add(add(2, mul(3, 4)) , 5)


The nesting in the call expression is more explicit than the operator version. Python also
allows subexpression grouping with parentheses, to override the normal precedence rules or
make the nested structure of an expression more explicit.

>>> (2 + 3) * (4 + 5)

evaluates to the same result as

>>> mul(add(2, 3), add(4, 5))


You should feel free to use these operators and parentheses in your programs. Idiomatic
Python prefers operators over call expressions for simple mathematical operations.

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1.4 Practical Guidance: The Art of the Function

Functions are an essential ingredient of all programs, large and small, and serve as our
primary medium to express computational processes in a programming language. So far, we
have discussed the formal properties of functions and how they are applied. We now turn to
the topic of what makes a good function. Fundamentally, the qualities of good functions all
reinforce the idea that functions are abstractions.

Each function should have exactly one job. That job should be identifiable with a short
name and characterizable in a single line of text. Functions that perform multiple jobs in
sequence should be divided into multiple functions.
Don't repeat yourself is a central tenet of software engineering. The so-called DRY
principle states that multiple fragments of code should not describe redundant logic.
Instead, that logic should be implemented once, given a name, and applied multiple
times. If you find yourself copying and pasting a block of code, you have probably found
an opportunity for functional abstraction.
Functions should be defined generally. Squaring is not in the Python Library precisely
because it is a special case of the pow function, which raises numbers to arbitrary

These guidelines improve the readability of code, reduce the number of errors, and often
minimize the total amount of code written. Decomposing a complex task into concise
functions is a skill that takes experience to master. Fortunately, Python provides several
features to support your efforts.

1.4.1 Docstrings
A function definition will often include documentation describing the function, called a
docstring, which must be indented along with the function body. Docstrings are
conventionally triple quoted. The first line describes the job of the function in one line. The
following lines can describe arguments and clarify the behavior of the function:

>>> def pressure(v, t, n):

"""Compute the pressure in pascals of an ideal gas.

Applies the ideal gas law:

v -- volume of gas, in cubic meters

t -- absolute temperature in degrees kelvin
n -- particles of gas
k = 1.38e-23 # Boltzmann's constant
return n * k * t / v

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When you call help with the name of a function as an argument, you see its docstring (type
q to quit Python help).

>>> help(pressure)

When writing Python programs, include docstrings for all but the simplest functions.
Remember, code is written only once, but often read many times. The Python docs include
docstring guidelines that maintain consistency across different Python projects.

1.4.2 Default Argument Values

A consequence of defining general functions is the introduction of additional arguments.
Functions with many arguments can be awkward to call and difficult to read.

In Python, we can provide default values for the arguments of a function. When calling that
function, arguments with default values are optional. If they are not provided, then the
default value is bound to the formal parameter name instead. For instance, if an application
commonly computes pressure for one mole of particles, this value can be provided as a

>>> k_b=1.38e-23 # Boltzmann's constant

>>> def pressure(v, t, n=6.022e23):
"""Compute the pressure in pascals of an ideal gas.

v -- volume of gas, in cubic meters

t -- absolute temperature in degrees kelvin
n -- particles of gas (default: one mole)
return n * k_b * t / v

>>> pressure(1, 273.15)


Here, pressure is defined to take three arguments, but only two are provided in the call
expression that follows. In this case, the value for n is taken from the def statement
defaults (which looks like an assignment to n , although as this discussion suggests, it is
more of a conditional assignment.)

As a guideline, most data values used in a function's body should be expressed as default
values to named arguments, so that they are easy to inspect and can be changed by the
function caller. Some values that never change, like the fundamental constant k_b , can be
defined in the global frame.

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1.5 Control
The expressive power of the functions that we can define at this point is very limited,
because we have not introduced a way to make tests and to perform different operations
depending on the result of a test. Control statements will give us this capacity. Control
statements differ fundamentally from the expressions that we have studied so far. They
deviate from the strict evaluation of subexpressions from left to write, and get their name
from the fact that they control what the interpreter should do next, possibly based on the
values of expressions.

1.5.1 Statements
So far, we have primarily considered how to evaluate expressions. However, we have seen
three kinds of statements: assignment, def , and return statements. These lines of
Python code are not themselves expressions, although they all contain expressions as

To emphasize that the value of a statement is irrelevant (or nonexistant), we describe

statements as being executed rather than evaluated. Each statement describes some
change to the interpreter state, and executing a statement applies that change. As we have
seen for return and assignment statements, executing statements can involve evaluating
subexpressions contained within them.

Expressions can also be executed as statements, in which case they are evaluated, but their
value is discarded. Executing a pure function has no effect, but executing a non-pure
function can cause effects as a consequence of function application.

Consider, for instance,

>>> def square(x):

mul(x, x) # Watch out! This call doesn't return a value.

This is valid Python, but probably not what was intended. The body of the function consists
of an expression. An expression by itself is a valid statement, but the effect of the statement
is that the mul function is called, and the result is discarded. If you want to do something
with the result of an expression, you need to say so: you might store it with an assignment
statement, or return it with a return statement:

>>> def square(x):

return mul(x, x)

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Sometimes it does make sense to have a function whose body is an expression, when a
non-pure function like print is called.

>>> def print_square(x):


At its highest level, the Python interpreter's job is to execute programs, composed of
statements. However, much of the interesting work of computation comes from evaluating
expressions. Statements govern the relationship among different expressions in a program
and what happens to their results.

1.5.2 Compound Statements

In general, Python code is a sequence of statements. A simple statement is a single line that
doesn't end in a colon. A compound statement is so called because it is composed of other
statements (simple and compound). Compound statements typically span multiple lines and
start with a one-line header ending in a colon, which identifies the type of statement.
Together, a header and an indented suite of statements is called a clause. A compound
statement consists of one or more clauses:

<separating header>:

We can understand the statements we have already introduced in these terms.

Expressions, return statements, and assignment statements are simple statements.

A def statement is a compound statement. The suite that follows the def header
defines the function body.

Specialized evaluation rules for each kind of header dictate when and if the statements in its
suite are executed. We say that the header controls its suite. For example, in the case of
def statements, we saw that the return expression is not evaluated immediately, but

instead stored for later use when the defined function is eventually applied.

We can also understand multi-line programs now.

To execute a sequence of statements, execute the first statement. If that statement

does not redirect control, then proceed to execute the rest of the sequence of
statements, if any remain.

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This definition exposes the essential structure of a recursively defined sequence: a

sequence can be decomposed into its first element and the rest of its elements. The "rest" of
a sequence of statements is itself a sequence of statements! Thus, we can recursively apply
this execution rule. This view of sequences as recursive data structures will appear again in
later chapters.

The important consequence of this rule is that statements are executed in order, but later
statements may never be reached, because of redirected control.

Practical Guidance. When indenting a suite, all lines must be indented the same amount
and in the same way (spaces, not tabs). Any variation in indentation will cause an error.

1.5.3 Defining Functions II: Local Assignment

Originally, we stated that the body of a user-defined function consisted only of a return
statement with a single return expression. In fact, functions can define a sequence of
operations that extends beyond a single expression. The structure of compound Python
statements naturally allows us to extend our concept of a function body to multiple

Whenever a user-defined function is applied, the sequence of clauses in the suite of its
definition is executed in a local environment. A return statement redirects control: the
process of function application terminates whenever the first return statement is executed,
and the value of the return expression is the returned value of the function being applied.

Thus, assignment statements can now appear within a function body. For instance, this
function returns the absolute difference between two quantities as a percentage of the first,
using a two-step calculation:

>>> def percent_difference(x, y):

difference = abs(x-y)
return 100 * difference / x
>>> percent_difference(40, 50)

The effect of an assignment statement is to bind a name to a value in the first frame of the
current environment. As a consequence, assignment statements within a function body
cannot affect the global frame. The fact that functions can only manipulate their local
environment is critical to creating modular programs, in which pure functions interact only via
the values they take and return.

Of course, the percent_difference function could be written as a single expression, as

shown below, but the return expression is more complex.

1.5 Control 38
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>>> def percent_difference(x, y):

return 100 * abs(x-y) / x

So far, local assignment hasn't increased the expressive power of our function definitions. It
will do so, when combined with the control statements below. In addition, local assignment
also plays a critical role in clarifying the meaning of complex expressions by assigning
names to intermediate quantities.

New environment Feature: Local assignment.

1.5.4 Conditional Statements

Python has a built-in function for computing absolute values.

>>> abs(-2)

We would like to be able to implement such a function ourselves, but we cannot currently
define a function that has a test and a choice. We would like to express that if x is positive,
abs(x) returns x . Furthermore, if x is 0, abs(x) returns 0. Otherwise, abs(x) returns

-x . In Python, we can express this choice with a conditional statement.

>>> def absolute_value(x):

"""Compute abs(x)."""
if x > 0:
return x
elif x == 0:
return 0
return -x

>>> absolute_value(-2) == abs(-2)


This implementation of absolute_value raises several important issues.

Conditional statements. A conditional statement in Python consist of a series of headers

and suites: a required if clause, an optional sequence of elif clauses, and finally an
optional else clause:

if <expression>:
elif <expression>:

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When executing a conditional statement, each clause is considered in order.

1. Evaluate the header's expression.

2. If it is a true value, execute the suite. Then, skip over all subsequent clauses in the
conditional statement.

If the else clause is reached (which only happens if all if and elif expressions
evaluate to false values), its suite is executed.

Boolean contexts. Above, the execution procedures mention "a false value" and "a true
value." The expressions inside the header statements of conditional blocks are said to be in
boolean contexts: their truth values matter to control flow, but otherwise their values can
never be assigned or returned. Python includes several false values, including 0, None , and
the boolean value False . All other numbers are true values. In Chapter 2, we will see that
every native data type in Python has both true and false values.

Boolean values. Python has two boolean values, called True and False . Boolean values
represent truth values in logical expressions. The built-in comparison operations,
&gt;, &lt;, &gt;=, &lt;=, ==, != , return these values.

>>> 4 < 2
>>> 5 >= 5

This second example reads "5 is greater than or equal to 5", and corresponds to the function
ge in the operator module.

>>> 0 == -0

This final example reads "0 equals -0", and corresponds to eq in the operator module.
Notice that Python distinguishes assignment ( = ) from equality testing ( == ), a convention
shared across many programming languages.

Boolean operators. Three basic logical operators are also built into Python:

>>> True and False

>>> True or False
>>> not False

Logical expressions have corresponding evaluation procedures. These procedures exploit

the fact that the truth value of a logical expression can sometimes be determined without
evaluating all of its subexpressions, a feature called short-circuiting.

1.5 Control 40
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To evaluate the expression &lt;left&gt; and &lt;right&gt; :

1. Evaluate the subexpression &lt;left&gt; .

2. If the result is a false value v , then the expression evaluates to v .
3. Otherwise, the expression evaluates to the value of the subexpression &lt;right&gt; .

To evaluate the expression &lt;left&gt; or &lt;right&gt; :

1. Evaluate the subexpression &lt;left&gt; .

2. If the result is a true value v , then the expression evaluates to v .
3. Otherwise, the expression evaluates to the value of the subexpression &lt;right&gt; .

To evaluate the expression not &lt;exp&gt; :

1. Evaluate &lt;exp&gt; ; The value is True if the result is a false value, and False

These values, rules, and operators provide us with a way to combine the results of tests.
Functions that perform tests and return boolean values typically begin with is , not followed
by an underscore (e.g., isfinite , isdigit , isinstance , etc.).

1.5.5 Iteration
In addition to selecting which statements to execute, control statements are used to express
repetition. If each line of code we wrote were only executed once, programming would be a
very unproductive exercise. Only through repeated execution of statements do we unlock
the potential of computers to make us powerful. We have already seen one form of
repetition: a function can be applied many times, although it is only defined once. Iterative
control structures are another mechanism for executing the same statements many times.

Consider the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, in which each number is the sum of the
preceding two:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...

Each value is constructed by repeatedly applying the sum-previous-two rule. To build up the
nth value, we need to track how many values we've created ( k ), along with the kth value
( curr ) and its predecessor ( pred ), like so:

1.5 Control 41
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>>> def fib(n):

"""Compute the nth Fibonacci number, for n >= 2."""
pred, curr = 0, 1 # Fibonacci numbers
k = 2 # Position of curr in the sequence
while k < n:
pred, curr = curr, pred + curr # Re-bind pred and curr
k = k + 1 # Re-bind k
return curr

>>> fib(8)

Remember that commas seperate multiple names and values in an assignment statement.
The line:

pred, curr = curr, pred + curr

has the effect of rebinding the name pred to the value of curr , and simultanously
rebinding curr to the value of pred + curr . All of the expressions to the right of = are
evaluated before any rebinding takes place.

A while clause contains a header expression followed by a suite:

while <expression>:

To execute a while clause:

1. Evaluate the header's expression.

2. If it is a true value, execute the suite, then return to step 1.

In step 2, the entire suite of the while clause is executed before the header expression is
evaluated again.

In order to prevent the suite of a while clause from being executed indefinitely, the suite
should always change the state of the environment in each pass.

A while statement that does not terminate is called an infinite loop. Press
&lt;Control&gt;-C to force Python to stop looping.

1.5.6 Practical Guidance: Testing

Testing a function is the act of verifying that the function's behavior matches expectations.
Our language of functions is now sufficiently complex that we need to start testing our

1.5 Control 42
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A test is a mechanism for systematically performing this verification. Tests typically take the
form of another function that contains one or more sample calls to the function being tested.
The returned value is then verified against an expected result. Unlike most functions, which
are meant to be general, tests involve selecting and validating calls with specific argument
values. Tests also serve as documentation: they demonstrate how to call a function, and
what argument values are appropriate.

Note that we have also used the word "test" as a technical term for the expression in the
header of an if or while statement. It should be clear from context when we use the
word "test" to denote an expression, and when we use it to denote a verification mechanism.

Assertions. Programmers use assert statements to verify expectations, such as the

output of a function being tested. An assert statement has an expression in a boolean
context, followed by a quoted line of text (single or double quotes are both fine, but be
consistent) that will be displayed if the expression evaluates to a false value.

>>> assert fib(8) == 13, 'The 8th Fibonacci number should be 13'

When the expression being asserted evaluates to a true value, executing an assert
statement has no effect. When it is a false value, assert causes an error that halts

A test function for fib should test several arguments, including extreme values of n .

>>> def fib_test():

assert fib(2) == 1, 'The 2nd Fibonacci number should be 1'
assert fib(3) == 1, 'The 3nd Fibonacci number should be 1'
assert fib(50) == 7778742049, 'Error at the 50th Fibonacci number'

When writing Python in files, rather than directly into the interpreter, tests should be written
in the same file or a neighboring file with the suffix .

Doctests. Python provides a convenient method for placing simple tests directly in the
docstring of a function. The first line of a docstring should contain a one-line description of
the function, followed by a blank line. A detailed description of arguments and behavior may
follow. In addition, the docstring may include a sample interactive session that calls the

1.5 Control 43
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>>> def sum_naturals(n):

"""Return the sum of the first n natural numbers

>>> sum_naturals(10)
>>> sum_naturals(100)
total, k = 0, 1
while k <= n:
total, k = total + k, k + 1
return total

Then, the interaction can be verified via the doctest module. Below, the globals function
returns a representation of the global environment, which the interpreter needs in order to
evaluate expressions.

>>> from doctest import run_docstring_examples

>>> run_docstring_examples(sum_naturals, globals())

When writing Python in files, all doctests in a file can be run by starting Python with the
doctest command line option:

python3 -m doctest <python_source_file>

The key to effective testing is to write (and run) tests immediately after (or even before)
implementing new functions. A test that applies a single function is called a unit test.
Exhaustive unit testing is a hallmark of good program design.

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1.6 Higher-Order Functions

We have seen that functions are, in effect, abstractions that describe compound operations
independent of the particular values of their arguments. In square ,

>>> def square(x):

return x * x

we are not talking about the square of a particular number, but rather about a method for
obtaining the square of any number. Of course we could get along without ever defining this
function, by always writing expressions such as

>>> 3 * 3
>>> 5 * 5

and never mentioning square explicitly. This practice would suffice for simple computations
like square , but would become arduous for more complex examples. In general, lacking
function definition would put us at the disadvantage of forcing us to work always at the level
of the particular operations that happen to be primitives in the language (multiplication, in
this case) rather than in terms of higher-level operations. Our programs would be able to
compute squares, but our language would lack the ability to express the concept of
squaring. One of the things we should demand from a powerful programming language is
the ability to build abstractions by assigning names to common patterns and then to work in
terms of the abstractions directly. Functions provide this ability.

As we will see in the following examples, there are common programming patterns that recur
in code, but are used with a number of different functions. These patterns can also be
abstracted, by giving them names.

To express certain general patterns as named concepts, we will need to construct functions
that can accept other functions as arguments or return functions as values. Functions that
manipulate functions are called higher-order functions. This section shows how higher-order
functions can serve as powerful abstraction mechanisms, vastly increasing the expressive
power of our language.

1.6.1 Functions as Arguments

Consider the following three functions, which all compute summations. The first,
sum_naturals , computes the sum of natural numbers up to n :

1.6 Higher-Order Functions 45

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>>> def sum_naturals(n):

total, k = 0, 1
while k <= n:
total, k = total + k, k + 1
return total

>>> sum_naturals(100)

The second, sum_cubes , computes the sum of the cubes of natural numbers up to n .

>>> def sum_cubes(n):

total, k = 0, 1
while k <= n:
total, k = total + pow(k, 3), k + 1
return total

>>> sum_cubes(100)

The third, pi_sum , computes the sum of terms in the series

which converges to pi very slowly.

>>> def pi_sum(n):

total, k = 0, 1
while k <= n:
total, k = total + 8 / (k * (k + 2)), k + 4
return total

>>> pi_sum(100)

These three functions clearly share a common underlying pattern. They are for the most part
identical, differing only in name, the function of k used to compute the term to be added,
and the function that provides the next value of k . We could generate each of the functions
by filling in slots in the same template:

def <name>(n):
total, k = 0, 1
while k <= n:
total, k = total + <term>(k), <next>(k)
return total

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The presence of such a common pattern is strong evidence that there is a useful abstraction
waiting to be brought to the surface. Each of these functions is a summation of terms. As
program designers, we would like our language to be powerful enough so that we can write
a function that expresses the concept of summation itself rather than only functions that
compute particular sums. We can do so readily in Python by taking the common template
shown above and transforming the "slots" into formal parameters:

>>> def summation(n, term, next):

total, k = 0, 1
while k <= n:
total, k = total + term(k), next(k)
return total

Notice that summation takes as its arguments the upper bound n together with the
functions term and next . We can use summation just as we would any function, and it
expresses summations succinctly:

>>> def cube(k):

return pow(k, 3)

>>> def successor(k):

return k + 1

>>> def sum_cubes(n):

return summation(n, cube, successor)

>>> sum_cubes(3)

Using an identity function that returns its argument, we can also sum integers.

>>> def identity(k):

return k

>>> def sum_naturals(n):

return summation(n, identity, successor)

>>> sum_naturals(10)

We can also define pi_sum piece by piece, using our summation abstraction to combine

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>>> def pi_term(k):

denominator = k * (k + 2)
return 8 / denominator

>>> def pi_next(k):

return k + 4

>>> def pi_sum(n):

return summation(n, pi_term, pi_next)

>>> pi_sum(1e6)

1.6.2 Functions as General Methods

We introduced user-defined functions as a mechanism for abstracting patterns of numerical
operations so as to make them independent of the particular numbers involved. With higher-
order functions, we begin to see a more powerful kind of abstraction: some functions
express general methods of computation, independent of the particular functions they call.

Despite this conceptual extension of what a function means, our environment model of how
to evaluate a call expression extends gracefully to the case of higher-order functions, without
change. When a user-defined function is applied to some arguments, the formal parameters
are bound to the values of those arguments (which may be functions) in a new local frame.

Consider the following example, which implements a general method for iterative
improvement and uses it to compute the golden ratio. An iterative improvement algorithm
begins with a guess of a solution to an equation. It repeatedly applies an update function
to improve that guess, and applies a test to check whether the current guess is "close
enough" to be considered correct.

>>> def iter_improve(update, test, guess=1):

while not test(guess):
guess = update(guess)
return guess

The test function typically checks whether two functions, f and g , are near to each
other for the value guess . Testing whether f(x) is near to g(x) is again a general
method of computation.

>>> def near(x, f, g):

return approx_eq(f(x), g(x))

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A common way to test for approximate equality in programs is to compare the absolute value
of the difference between numbers to a small tolerance value.

>>> def approx_eq(x, y, tolerance=1e-5):

return abs(x - y) < tolerance

The golden ratio, often called phi, is a number that appears frequently in nature, art, and
architecture. It can be computed via iter_improve using the golden_update , and it
converges when its successor is equal to its square.

>>> def golden_update(guess):

return 1/guess + 1

>>> def golden_test(guess):

return near(guess, square, successor)

At this point, we have added several bindings to the global frame. The depictions of function
values are abbreviated for clarity.

Calling iter_improve with the arguments golden_update and golden_test will compute an
approximation to the golden ratio.

>>> iter_improve(golden_update, golden_test)


By tracing through the steps of our evaluation procedure, we can see how this result is
computed. First, a local frame for iter_improve is constructed with bindings for update ,
test , and guess . In the body of iter_improve , the name test is bound to golden_test ,

which is called on the initial value of guess . In turn, golden_test calls near , creating a
third local frame that binds the formal parameters f and g to square and successor .

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Completing the evaluation of near , we see that the golden_test is False because 1 is
not close to 2. Hence, evaluation proceeds with the suite of the while clause, and this
mechanical process repeats several times.

This extended example illustrates two related big ideas in computer science. First, naming
and functions allow us to abstract away a vast amount of complexity. While each function
definition has been trivial, the computational process set in motion by our evaluation
procedure appears quite intricate, and we didn't even illustrate the whole thing. Second, it is
only by virtue of the fact that we have an extremely general evaluation procedure that small
components can be composed into complex processes. Understanding that procedure
allows us to validate and inspect the process we have created.

As always, our new general method iter_improve needs a test to check its correctness.
The golden ratio can provide such a test, because it also has an exact closed-form solution,
which we can compare to this iterative result.

>>> phi = 1/2 + pow(5, 1/2)/2

>>> def near_test():
assert near(phi, square, successor), 'phi * phi is not near phi + 1'

>>> def iter_improve_test():

approx_phi = iter_improve(golden_update, golden_test)
assert approx_eq(phi, approx_phi), 'phi differs from its approximation'

New environment Feature: Higher-order functions.

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Extra for experts. We left out a step in the justification of our test. For what range of
tolerance values e can you prove that if near(x, square, successor) is true with
tolerance value e , then approx_eq(phi, x) is true with the same tolerance?

1.6.3 Defining Functions III: Nested Definitions

The above examples demonstrate how the ability to pass functions as arguments
significantly enhances the expressive power of our programming language. Each general
concept or equation maps onto its own short function. One negative consequence of this
approach to programming is that the global frame becomes cluttered with names of small
functions. Another problem is that we are constrained by particular function signatures: the
update argument to iter_improve must take exactly one argument. In Python, nested

function definitions address both of these problems, but require us to amend our
environment model slightly.

Let's consider a new problem: computing the square root of a number. Repeated application
of the following update converges to the square root of x :

>>> def average(x, y):

return (x + y)/2

>>> def sqrt_update(guess, x):

return average(guess, x/guess)

This two-argument update function is incompatible with iter_improve , and it just provides
an intermediate value; we really only care about taking square roots in the end. The solution
to both of these issues is to place function definitions inside the body of other definitions.

>>> def square_root(x):

def update(guess):
return average(guess, x/guess)
def test(guess):
return approx_eq(square(guess), x)
return iter_improve(update, test)

Like local assignment, local def statements only affect the current local frame. These
functions are only in scope while square_root is being evaluated. Consistent with our
evaluation procedure, these local def statements don't even get evaluated until
square_root is called.

Lexical scope. Locally defined functions also have access to the name bindings in the
scope in which they are defined. In this example, update refers to the name x , which is a
formal parameter of its enclosing function square_root . This discipline of sharing names

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among nested definitions is called lexical scoping. Critically, the inner functions have access
to the names in the environment where they are defined (not where they are called).

We require two extensions to our environment model to enable lexical scoping.

1. Each user-defined function has an associated environment: the environment in which it

was defined.
2. When a user-defined function is called, its local frame extends the environment
associated with the function.

Previous to square_root , all functions were defined in the global environment, and so they
were all associated with the global environment. When we evaluate the first two clauses of
square_root , we create functions that are associated with a local environment. In the call

>>> square_root(256)

the environment first adds a local frame for square_root and evaluates the def statements
for update and test (only update is shown).

Subsequently, the name update resolves to this newly defined function, which is passed as
an argument to iter_improve . Within the body of iter_improve , we must apply our update
function to the initial guess of 1. This final application creates an environment for update

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that begins with a local frame containing only g , but with the preceding frame for
square_root still containing a binding for x .

The most crucial part of this evaluation procedure is the transfer of an environment
associated with a function to the local frame in which that function is evaluated. This transfer
is highlighted by the blue arrows in this diagram.

In this way, the body of update can resolve a value for x . Hence, we realize two key
advantages of lexical scoping in Python.

The names of a local function do not interfere with names external to the function in
which it is defined, because the local function name will be bound in the current local
environment in which it is defined, rather than the global environment.
A local function can access the environment of the enclosing function. This is because
the body of the local function is evaluated in an environment that extends the evaluation
environment in which it is defined.

The update function carries with it some data: the values referenced in the environment in
which it was defined. Because they enclose information in this way, locally defined functions
are often called closures.

New environment Feature: Local function definition.

1.6.4 Functions as Returned Values

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We can achieve even more expressive power in our programs by creating functions whose
returned values are themselves functions. An important feature of lexically scoped
programming languages is that locally defined functions keep their associated environment
when they are returned. The following example illustrates the utility of this feature.

With many simple functions defined, function composition is a natural method of combination
to include in our programming language. That is, given two functions f(x) and g(x) , we
might want to define h(x) = f(g(x)) . We can define function composition using our existing

>>> def compose1(f, g):

def h(x):
return f(g(x))
return h

>>> add_one_and_square = compose1(square, successor)

>>> add_one_and_square(12)

The 1 in compose1 indicates that the composed functions and returned result all take 1
argument. This naming convention isn't enforced by the interpreter; the 1 is just part of the
function name.

At this point, we begin to observe the benefits of our investment in a rich model of
computation. No modifications to our environment model are required to support our ability
to return functions in this way.

1.6.5 Lambda Expressions

So far, every time we want to define a new function, we need to give it a name. But for other
types of expressions, we don’t need to associate intermediate products with a name. That is,
we can compute a*b + c*d without having to name the subexpressions a*b or c*d , or
the full expression. In Python, we can create function values on the fly using lambda
expressions, which evaluate to unnamed functions. A lambda expression evaluates to a
function that has a single return expression as its body. Assignment and control statements
are not allowed.

Lambda expressions are limited: They are only useful for simple, one-line functions that
evaluate and return a single expression. In those special cases where they apply, lambda
expressions can be quite expressive.

>>> def compose1(f,g):

return lambda x: f(g(x))

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We can understand the structure of a lambda expression by constructing a corresponding

English sentence:

lambda x : f(g(x))
"A function that takes x and returns f(g(x))"

Some programmers find that using unnamed functions from lambda expressions is shorter
and more direct. However, compound lambda expressions are notoriously illegible, despite
their brevity. The following definition is correct, but some programmers have trouble
understanding it quickly.

>>> compose1 = lambda f,g: lambda x: f(g(x))

In general, Python style prefers explicit def statements to lambda expressions, but allows
them in cases where a simple function is needed as an argument or return value.

Such stylistic rules are merely guidelines; you can program any way you wish. However, as
you write programs, think about the audience of people who might read your program one
day. If you can make your program easier to interpret, you will do those people a favor.

The term lambda is a historical accident resulting from the incompatibility of written
mathematical notation and the constraints of early type-setting systems.

> It may seem perverse to use lambda to introduce a procedure/function. The notation goes
back to Alonzo Church, who in the 1930's started with a "hat" symbol; he wrote the square
function as "? . y × y". But frustrated typographers moved the hat to the left of the parameter
and changed it to a capital lambda: "Λy . y × y"; from there the capital lambda was changed
to lowercase, and now we see "λy . y × y" in math books and (lambda (y) (* y y)) in Lisp.
> > —Peter Norvig (

Despite their unusual etymology, lambda expressions and the corresponding formal
language for function application, the lambda calculus, are fundamental computer science
concepts shared far beyond the Python programming community. We will revisit this topic
when we study the design of interpreters in Chapter 3.

1.6.6 Example: Newton's Method

This final extended example shows how function values, local defintions, and lambda
expressions can work together to express general ideas concisely.

Newton's method is a classic iterative approach to finding the arguments of a mathematical

function that yield a return value of 0. These values are called roots of a single-argument
mathematical function. Finding a root of a function is often equivalent to solving a related

1.6 Higher-Order Functions 55

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math problem.

The square root of 16 is the value x such that: square(x) - 16 = 0

The log base 2 of 32 (i.e., the exponent to which we would raise 2 to get 32) is the value
x such that: pow(2, x) - 32 = 0

Thus, a general method for finding roots will also provide us an algorithm to compute square
roots and logarithms. Moreover, the equations for which we want to compute roots only
contain simpler operations: multiplication and exponentiation.

A comment before we proceed: it is easy to take for granted the fact that we know how to
compute square roots and logarithms. Not just Python, but your phone, your pocket
calculator, and perhaps even your watch can do so for you. However, part of learning
computer science is understanding how quantities like these can be computed, and the
general approach presented here is applicable to solving a large class of equations beyond
those built into Python.

Before even beginning to understand Newton's method, we can start programming; this is
the power of functional abstractions. We simply translate our previous statements into code.

>>> def square_root(a):

return find_root(lambda x: square(x) - a)

>>> def logarithm(a, base=2):

return find_root(lambda x: pow(base, x) - a)

Of course, we cannot apply any of these functions until we define find_root, and so we need
to understand how Newton's method works.

Newton's method is also an iterative improvement algorithm: it improves a guess of the root
for any function that is differentiable. Notice that both of our functions of interest change
smoothly; graphing x versus f(x) for

f(x) = square(x) - 16 (light curve)

f(x) = pow(2, x) - 32 (dark curve)

on a 2-dimensional plane shows that both functions produce a smooth curve without kinks
that crosses 0 at the appropriate point.

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Because they are smooth (differentiable), these curves can be approximated by a line at any
point. Newton's method follows these linear approximations to find function roots.

Imagine a line through the point (x, f(x)) that has the same slope as the curve for
function f(x) at that point. Such a line is called the tangent, and its slope is called the
derivative of f at x .

This line's slope is the ratio of the change in function value to the change in function
argument. Hence, translating x by f(x) divided by the slope will give the argument value
at which this tangent line touches 0.

Our Newton update expresses the computational process of following this tangent line to 0.
We approximate the derivative of the function by computing its slope over a very small

>>> def approx_derivative(f, x, delta=1e-5):

df = f(x + delta) - f(x)
return df/delta

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>>> def newton_update(f):

def update(x):
return x - f(x) / approx_derivative(f, x)
return update

Finally, we can define the find_root function in terms of newton_update , our iterative
improvement algorithm, and a test to see if f(x) is near 0. We supply a larger initial guess
to improve performance for logarithm .

>>> def find_root(f, initial_guess=10):

def test(x):
return approx_eq(f(x), 0)
return iter_improve(newton_update(f), test, initial_guess)

>>> square_root(16)
>>> logarithm(32, 2)

As you experiment with Newton's method, be aware that it will not always converge. The
initial guess of iter_improve must be sufficiently close to the root, and various conditions
about the function must be met. Despite this shortcoming, Newton's method is a powerful
general computational method for solving differentiable equations. In fact, very fast
algorithms for logarithms and large integer division employ variants of the technique.

1.6.7 Abstractions and First-Class Functions

We began this section with the observation that user-defined functions are a crucial
abstraction mechanism, because they permit us to express general methods of computing
as explicit elements in our programming language. Now we've seen how higher-order
functions permit us to manipulate these general methods to create further abstractions.

As programmers, we should be alert to opportunities to identify the underlying abstractions

in our programs, to build upon them, and generalize them to create more powerful
abstractions. This is not to say that one should always write programs in the most abstract
way possible; expert programmers know how to choose the level of abstraction appropriate
to their task. But it is important to be able to think in terms of these abstractions, so that we
can be ready to apply them in new contexts. The significance of higher-order functions is
that they enable us to represent these abstractions explicitly as elements in our
programming language, so that they can be handled just like other computational elements.

In general, programming languages impose restrictions on the ways in which computational

elements can be manipulated. Elements with the fewest restrictions are said to have first-
class status. Some of the "rights and privileges" of first-class elements are:

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1. They may be bound to names.

2. They may be passed as arguments to functions.
3. They may be returned as the results of functions.
4. They may be included in data structures.

Python awards functions full first-class status, and the resulting gain in expressive power is
enormous. Control structures, on the other hand, do not: you cannot pass if to a function
the way you can sum .

1.6.8 Function Decorators

Python provides special syntax to apply higher-order functions as part of executing a def
statement, called a decorator. Perhaps the most common example is a trace.

>>> def trace1(fn):

def wrapped(x):
print('-> ', fn, '(', x, ')')
return fn(x)
return wrapped

>>> @trace1
def triple(x):
return 3 * x

>>> triple(12)
-> <function triple at 0x102a39848> ( 12 )

In this example, A higher-order function trace1 is defined, which returns a function that
precedes a call to its argument with a print statement that outputs the argument. The
def statement for triple has an annototation, @trace1 , which affects the execution rule

for def . As usual, the function triple is created. However, the name triple is not
bound to this function. Instead, the name triple is bound to the returned function value of
calling trace1 on the newly defined triple function. In code, this decorator is equivalent

>>> def triple(x):

return 3 * x

>>> triple = trace1(triple)

In the projects for this course, decorators are used for tracing, as well as selecting which
functions to call when a program is run from the command line.

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Extra for experts. The actual rule is that the decorator symbol @ may be followed by an
expression ( @trace1 is just a simple expression consisting of a single name). Any
expression producing a suitable value is allowed. For example, with a suitable definition, you
could define a decorator check_range so that decorating a function definition with
@check_range(1, 10) would cause the function's results to be checked to make sure they

are integers between 1 and 10. The call check_range(1,10) would return a function that
would then be applied to the newly defined function before it is bound to the name in the
def statement. A short tutorial on decorators by Ariel Ortiz gives further examples for

interested students.

1.6 Higher-Order Functions 60

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Chapter 2: Building Abstractions with Objects


2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 The Object Metaphor
2.1.2 Native Data Types
2.2 Data Abstraction
2.2.1 Example: Arithmetic on Rational Numbers
2.2.2 Tuples
2.2.3 Abstraction Barriers
2.2.4 The Properties of Data
2.3 Sequences
2.3.1 Nested Pairs
2.3.2 Recursive Lists
2.3.3 Tuples II
2.3.4 Sequence Iteration
2.3.5 Sequence Abstraction
2.3.6 Strings
2.3.7 Conventional Interfaces
2.4 Mutable Data
2.4.1 Local State
2.4.2 The Benefits of Non-Local Assignment
2.4.3 The Cost of Non-Local Assignment
2.4.4 Lists
2.4.5 Dictionaries
2.4.6 Example: Propagating Constraints
2.5 Object-Oriented Programming
2.5.1 Objects and Classes
2.5.2 Defining Classes
2.5.3 Message Passing and Dot Expressions
2.5.4 Class Attributes
2.5.5 Inheritance
2.5.6 Using Inheritance
2.5.7 Multiple Inheritance
2.5.8 The Role of Objects
2.6 Implementing Classes and Objects
2.6.1 Instances
2.6.2 Classes

Chapter 2: Building Abstractions with Objects 61

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2.6.3 Using Implemented Objects

2.7 Generic Operations
2.7.1 String Conversion
2.7.2 Multiple Representations
2.7.3 Generic Functions

Chapter 2: Building Abstractions with Objects 62

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2.1 Introduction
We concentrated in Chapter 1 on computational processes and on the role of functions in
program design. We saw how to use primitive data (numbers) and primitive operations
(arithmetic operations), how to form compound functions through composition and control,
and how to create functional abstractions by giving names to processes. We also saw that
higher-order functions enhance the power of our language by enabling us to manipulate, and
thereby to reason, in terms of general methods of computation. This is much of the essence
of programming.

This chapter focuses on data. Data allow us to represent and manipulate information about
the world using the computational tools we have acquired so far. Programs without data
structures may suffice for exploring mathematical properties. But real-world phenomena,
such as documents, relationships, cities, and weather patterns, all have complex structure
that is best represented using compound data types. With structured data, programs can
simulate and reason about virtually any domain of human knowledge and experience.
Thanks to the explosive growth of the Internet, a vast amount of structured information about
the world is freely available to us all online.

2.1.1 The Object Metaphor

In the beginning of this course, we distinguished between functions and data: functions
performed operations and data were operated upon. When we included function values
among our data, we acknowledged that data too can have behavior. Functions could be
operated upon like data, but could also be called to perform computation.

In this course, objects will serve as our central programming metaphor for data values that
also have behavior. Objects represent information, but also behave like the abstract
concepts that they represent. The logic of how an object interacts with other objects is
bundled along with the information that encodes the object's value. When an object is
printed, it knows how to spell itself out in letters and numbers. If an object is composed of
parts, it knows how to reveal those parts on demand. Objects are both information and
processes, bundled together to represent the properties, interactions, and behaviors of
complex things.

The object metaphor is implemented in Python through specialized object syntax and
associated terminology, which we can introduce by example. A date is a kind of simple

2.1 Introduction 63
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>>> from datetime import date

The name date is bound to a class. A class represents a kind of object. Individual dates
are called instances of that class, and they can be constructed by calling the class as a
function on arguments that characterize the instance.

>>> today = date(2011, 9, 12)

While today was constructed from primitive numbers, it behaves like a date. For instance,
subtracting it from another date will give a time difference, which we can display as a line of
text by calling str .

>>> str(date(2011, 12, 2) - today)

'81 days, 0:00:00'

Objects have attributes, which are named values that are part of the object. In Python, we
use dot notation to designated an attribute of an object.

> <expression> . <name>

Above, the &lt;expression&gt; evaluates to an object, and &lt;name&gt; is the name of an

attribute for that object.

Unlike the names that we have considered so far, these attribute names are not available in
the general environment. Instead, attribute names are particular to the object instance
preceding the dot.

>>> today.year

Objects also have methods, which are function-valued attributes. Metaphorically, the object
"knows" how to carry out those methods. Methods compute their results from both their
arguments and their object. For example, The strftime method of today takes a single
argument that specifies how to display a date (e.g., %A means that the day of the week
should be spelled out in full).

>>> today.strftime('%A, %B %d')

'Monday, September 12'

Computing the return value of strftime requires two inputs: the string that describes the
format of the output and the date information bundled into today . Date-specific logic is
applied within this method to yield this result. We never stated that the 12th of September,

2.1 Introduction 64
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2011, was a Monday, but knowing one's weekday is part of what it means to be a date. By
bundling behavior and information together, this Python object offers us a convincing, self-
contained abstraction of a date.

Dot notation provides another form of combined expression in Python. Dot notation also has
a well-defined evaluation procedure. However, developing a precise account of how dot
notation is evaluated will have to wait until we introduce the full paradigm of object-oriented
programming over the next several sections.

Even though we haven't described precisely how objects work yet, it is time to start thinking
about data as objects now, because in Python every value is an object.

2.1.2 Native Data Types

Every object in Python has a type. The type function allows us to inspect the type of an

>>> type(today)
<class ''>

So far, the only kinds of objects we have studied are numbers, functions, Booleans, and now
dates. We also briefly encountered sets and strings, but we will need to study those in more
depth. There are many other kinds of objects --- sounds, images, locations, data
connections, etc. --- most of which can be defined by the means of combination and
abstraction that we develop in this chapter. Python has only a handful of primitive or native
data types built into the language.

Native data types have the following properties:

1. There are primitive expressions that evaluate to objects of these types, called literals.
2. There are built-in functions, operators, and methods to manipulate these objects.

As we have seen, numbers are native; numeric literals evaluate to numbers, and
mathematical operators manipulate number objects.

>>> 12 + 3000000000000000000000000

In fact, Python includes three native numeric types: integers ( int ), real numbers ( float ),
and complex numbers ( complex ).

2.1 Introduction 65
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>>> type(2)
<class 'int'>
>>> type(1.5)
<class 'float'>
>>> type(1+1j)
<class 'complex'>

The name float comes from the way in which real numbers are represented in Python: a
"floating point" representation. While the details of how numbers are represented is not a
topic for this course, some high-level differences between int and float objects are
important to know. In particular, int objects can only represent integers, but they represent
them exactly, without any approximation. On the other hand, float objects can represent a
wide range of fractional numbers, but not all rational numbers are representable.
Nonetheless, float objects are often used to represent real and rational numbers
approximately, up to some number of significant figures.

Further reading. The following sections introduce more of Python's native data types,
focusing on the role they play in creating useful data abstractions. A chapter on native data
types in Dive Into Python 3 gives a pragmatic overview of all Python's native data types and
how to use them effectively, including numerous usage examples and practical tips. You
needn't read that chapter now, but consider it a valuable reference.

2.1 Introduction 66
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2.2 Data Abstraction

As we consider the wide set of things in the world that we would like to represent in our
programs, we find that most of them have compound structure. A date has a year, a month,
and a day; a geographic position has a latitude and a longitude. To represent positions, we
would like our programming language to have the capacity to "glue together" a latitude and
longitude to form a pair --- a compound data value --- that our programs could manipulate in
a way that would be consistent with the fact that we regard a position as a single conceptual
unit, which has two parts.

The use of compound data also enables us to increase the modularity of our programs. If we
can manipulate geographic positions directly as objects in their own right, then we can
separate the part of our program that deals with values per se from the details of how those
values may be represented. The general technique of isolating the parts of a program that
deal with how data are represented from the parts of a program that deal with how those
data are manipulated is a powerful design methodology called data abstraction. Data
abstraction makes programs much easier to design, maintain, and modify.

Data abstraction is similar in character to functional abstraction. When we create a functional

abstraction, the details of how a function is implemented can be suppressed, and the
particular function itself can be replaced by any other function with the same overall
behavior. In other words, we can make an abstraction that separates the way the function is
used from the details of how the function is implemented. Analogously, data abstraction is a
methodology that enables us to isolate how a compound data object is used from the details
of how it is constructed.

The basic idea of data abstraction is to structure programs so that they operate on abstract
data. That is, our programs should use data in such a way as to make as few assumptions
about the data as possible. At the same time, a concrete data representation is defined,
independently of the programs that use the data. The interface between these two parts of
our system will be a set of functions, called selectors and constructors, that implement the
abstract data in terms of the concrete representation. To illustrate this technique, we will
consider how to design a set of functions for manipulating rational numbers.

As you read the next few sections, keep in mind that most Python code written today uses
very high-level abstract data types that are built into the language, like classes, dictionaries,
and lists. Since we're building up an understanding of how these abstractions work, we can't
use them yet ourselves. As a consequence, we will write some code that isn't Pythonic --- it's
not necessarily the typical way to implement our ideas in the language. What we write is

2.2 Data Abstraction 67

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instructive, however, because it demonstrates how these abstractions can be constructed!

Remember that computer science isn't just about learning to use programming languages,
but also learning how they work.

2.2.1 Example: Arithmetic on Rational Numbers

Recall that a rational number is a ratio of integers, and rational numbers constitute an
important sub-class of real numbers. A rational number like 1/3 or 17/29 is typically
written as:


where both the &lt;numerator&gt; and &lt;denominator&gt; are placeholders for integer
values. Both parts are needed to exactly characterize the value of the rational number.

Rational numbers are important in computer science because they, like integers, can be
represented exactly. Irrational numbers (like pi or e or sqrt(2) ) are instead
approximated using a finite binary expansion. Thus, working with rational numbers should, in
principle, allow us to avoid approximation errors in our arithmetic.

However, as soon as we actually divide the numerator by the denominator, we can be left
with a truncated decimal approximation (a float ).

>>> 1/3

and the problems with this approximation appear when we start to conduct tests:

>>> 1/3 == 0.333333333333333300000 # Beware of approximations


How computers approximate real numbers with finite-length decimal expansions is a topic
for another class. The important idea here is that by representing rational numbers as ratios
of integers, we avoid the approximation problem entirely. Hence, we would like to keep the
numerator and denominator separate for the sake of precision, but treat them as a single

We know from using functional abstractions that we can start programming productively
before we have an implementation of some parts of our program. Let us begin by assuming
that we already have a way of constructing a rational number from a numerator and a

2.2 Data Abstraction 68

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denominator. We also assume that, given a rational number, we have a way of extracting (or
selecting) its numerator and its denominator. Let us further assume that the constructor and
selectors are available as the following three functions:

make_rat(n, d) returns the rational number with numerator n and denominator d .

numer(x) returns the numerator of the rational number x .

denom(x) returns the denominator of the rational number x .

We are using here a powerful strategy of synthesis: wishful thinking. We haven't yet said
how a rational number is represented, or how the functions numer , denom , and make_rat
should be implemented. Even so, if we did have these three functions, we could then add,
multiply, and test equality of rational numbers by calling them:

>>> def add_rat(x, y):

nx, dx = numer(x), denom(x)
ny, dy = numer(y), denom(y)
return make_rat(nx * dy + ny * dx, dx * dy)

>>> def mul_rat(x, y):

return make_rat(numer(x) * numer(y), denom(x) * denom(y))

>>> def eq_rat(x, y):

return numer(x) * denom(y) == numer(y) * denom(x)

Now we have the operations on rational numbers defined in terms of the selector functions
numer and denom , and the constructor function make_rat , but we haven't yet defined

these functions. What we need is some way to glue together a numerator and a denominator
into a unit.

2.2.2 Tuples
To enable us to implement the concrete level of our data abstraction, Python provides a
compound structure called a tuple , which can be constructed by separating values by
commas. Although not strictly required, parentheses almost always surround tuples.

>>> (1, 2)
(1, 2)

The elements of a tuple can be unpacked in two ways. The first way is via our familiar
method of multiple assignment.

2.2 Data Abstraction 69

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>>> pair = (1, 2)

>>> pair
(1, 2)
>>> x, y = pair
>>> x
>>> y

In fact, multiple assignment has been creating and unpacking tuples all along.

A second method for accessing the elements in a tuple is by the indexing operator, written
as square brackets.

>>> pair[0]
>>> pair[1]

Tuples in Python (and sequences in most other programming languages) are 0-indexed,
meaning that the index 0 picks out the first element, index 1 picks out the second, and so
on. One intuition that underlies this indexing convention is that the index represents how far
an element is offset from the beginning of the tuple.

The equivalent function for the element selection operator is called getitem , and it also
uses 0-indexed positions to select elements from a tuple.

>>> from operator import getitem

>>> getitem(pair, 0)

Tuples are native types, which means that there are built-in Python operators to manipulate
them. We'll return to the full properties of tuples shortly. At present, we are only interested in
how tuples can serve as the glue that implements abstract data types.

Representing Rational Numbers. Tuples offer a natural way to implement rational numbers
as a pair of two integers: a numerator and a denominator. We can implement our constructor
and selector functions for rational numbers by manipulating 2-element tuples.

>>> def make_rat(n, d):

return (n, d)

>>> def numer(x):

return getitem(x, 0)

>>> def denom(x):

return getitem(x, 1)

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A function for printing rational numbers completes our implementation of this abstract data

>>> def str_rat(x):

"""Return a string 'n/d' for numerator n and denominator d."""
return '{0}/{1}'.format(numer(x), denom(x))

Together with the arithmetic operations we defined earlier, we can manipulate rational
numbers with the functions we have defined.

>>> half = make_rat(1, 2)

>>> str_rat(half)
>>> third = make_rat(1, 3)
>>> str_rat(mul_rat(half, third))
>>> str_rat(add_rat(third, third))

As the final example shows, our rational-number implementation does not reduce rational
numbers to lowest terms. We can remedy this by changing make_rat . If we have a function
for computing the greatest common denominator of two integers, we can use it to reduce the
numerator and the denominator to lowest terms before constructing the pair. As with many
useful tools, such a function already exists in the Python Library.

>>> from fractions import gcd

>>> def make_rat(n, d):
g = gcd(n, d)
return (n//g, d//g)

The double slash operator, // , expresses integer division, which rounds down the
fractional part of the result of division. Since we know that g divides both n and d
evenly, integer division is exact in this case. Now we have

>>> str_rat(add_rat(third, third))


as desired. This modification was accomplished by changing the constructor without

changing any of the functions that implement the actual arithmetic operations.

Further reading. The str_rat implementation above uses format strings, which contain
placeholders for values. The details of how to use format strings and the format method
appear in the formatting strings section of Dive Into Python 3.

2.2.3 Abstraction Barriers

2.2 Data Abstraction 71

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Before continuing with more examples of compound data and data abstraction, let us
consider some of the issues raised by the rational number example. We defined operations
in terms of a constructor make_rat and selectors numer and denom . In general, the
underlying idea of data abstraction is to identify for each type of value a basic set of
operations in terms of which all manipulations of values of that type will be expressed, and
then to use only those operations in manipulating the data.

We can envision the structure of the rational number system as a series of layers.

The horizontal lines represent abstraction barriers that isolate different levels of the system.
At each level, the barrier separates the functions (above) that use the data abstraction from
the functions (below) that implement the data abstraction. Programs that use rational
numbers manipulate them solely in terms of the their arithmetic functions: add_rat ,
mul_rat , and eq_rat . These, in turn, are implemented solely in terms of the constructor

and selectors make_rat , numer , and denom , which themselves are implemented in terms
of tuples. The details of how tuples are implemented are irrelevant to the rest of the layers
as long as tuples enable the implementation of the selectors and constructor.

At each layer, the functions within the box enforce the abstraction boundary because they
are the only functions that depend upon both the representation above them (by their use)
and the implementation below them (by their definitions). In this way, abstraction barriers are
expressed as sets of functions.

Abstraction barriers provide many advantages. One advantage is that they makes programs
much easier to maintain and to modify. The fewer functions that depend on a particular
representation, the fewer changes are required when one wants to change that

2.2 Data Abstraction 72

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2.2.4 The Properties of Data

We began the rational-number implementation by implementing arithmetic operations in
terms of three unspecified functions: make_rat , numer , and denom . At that point, we could
think of the operations as being defined in terms of data objects --- numerators,
denominators, and rational numbers --- whose behavior was specified by the latter three

But what exactly is meant by data? It is not enough to say "whatever is implemented by the
given selectors and constructors." We need to guarantee that these functions together
specify the right behavior. That is, if we construct a rational number x from integers n and
d , then it should be the case that numer(x)/denom(x) is equal to n/d .

In general, we can think of an abstract data type as defined by some collection of selectors
and constructors, together with some behavior conditions. As long as the behavior
conditions are met (such as the division property above), these functions constitute a valid
representation of the data type.

This point of view can be applied to other data types as well, such as the two-element tuple
that we used in order to implement rational numbers. We never actually said much about
what a tuple was, only that the language supplied operators to create and manipulate tuples.
We can now describe the behavior conditions of two-element tuples, also called pairs, that
are relevant to the problem of representing rational numbers.

In order to implement rational numbers, we needed a form of glue for two integers, which
had the following behavior:

If a pair p was constructed from values x and y , then getitem_pair(p, 0) returns

x , and getitem_pair(p, 1) returns y .

We can implement functions make_pair and getitem_pair that fulfill this description just as
well as a tuple.

>>> def make_pair(x, y):

"""Return a function that behaves like a pair."""
def dispatch(m):
if m == 0:
return x
elif m == 1:
return y
return dispatch

>>> def getitem_pair(p, i):

"""Return the element at index i of pair p."""
return p(i)

With this implementation, we can create and manipulate pairs.

2.2 Data Abstraction 73

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>>> p = make_pair(1, 2)
>>> getitem_pair(p, 0)
>>> getitem_pair(p, 1)

This use of functions corresponds to nothing like our intuitive notion of what data should be.
Nevertheless, these functions suffice to represent compound data in our programs.

The subtle point to notice is that the value returned by make_pair is a function called
dispatch , which takes an argument m and returns either x or y . Then, getitem_pair

calls this function to retrieve the appropriate value. We will return to the topic of dispatch
functions several times throughout this chapter.

The point of exhibiting the functional representation of a pair is not that Python actually
works this way (tuples are implemented more directly, for efficiency reasons) but that it could
work this way. The functional representation, although obscure, is a perfectly adequate way
to represent pairs, since it fulfills the only conditions that pairs need to fulfill. This example
also demonstrates that the ability to manipulate functions as values automatically provides
us the ability to represent compound data.

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2.3 Sequences
A sequence is an ordered collection of data values. Unlike a pair, which has exactly two
elements, a sequence can have an arbitrary (but finite) number of ordered elements.

The sequence is a powerful, fundamental abstraction in computer science. For example, if

we have sequences, we can list every student at Berkeley, or every university in the world,
or every student in every university. We can list every class ever taken, every assignment
ever completed, every grade ever received. The sequence abstraction enables the
thousands of data-driven programs that impact our lives every day.

A sequence is not a particular abstract data type, but instead a collection of behaviors that
different types share. That is, there are many kinds of sequences, but they all share certain
properties. In particular,

Length. A sequence has a finite length.

Element selection. A sequence has an element corresponding to any non-negative integer

index less than its length, starting at 0 for the first element.

Unlike an abstract data type, we have not stated how to construct a sequence. The
sequence abstraction is a collection of behaviors that does not fully specify a type (i.e., with
constructors and selectors), but may be shared among several types. Sequences provide a
layer of abstraction that may hide the details of exactly which sequence type is being
manipulated by a particular program.

In this section, we develop a particular abstract data type that can implement the sequence
abstraction. We then introduce built-in Python types that also implement the same

2.3.1 Nested Pairs

For rational numbers, we paired together two integer objects using a two-element tuple, then
showed that we could implement pairs just as well using functions. In that case, the
elements of each pair we constructed were integers. However, like expressions, tuples can
nest. Either element of a pair can itself be a pair, a property that holds true for either method
of implementing a pair that we have seen: as a tuple or as a dispatch function.

A standard way to visualize a pair --- in this case, the pair (1,2) --- is called box-and-
pointer notation. Each value, compound or primitive, is depicted as a pointer to a box. The
box for a primitive value contains a representation of that value. For example, the box for a

2.3 Sequences 75
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number contains a numeral. The box for a pair is actually a double box: the left part contains
(an arrow to) the first element of the pair and the right part contains the second.

This Python expression for a nested tuple,

>>> ((1, 2), (3, 4))

((1, 2), (3, 4))

would have the following structure.

Our ability to use tuples as the elements of other tuples provides a new means of
combination in our programming language. We call the ability for tuples to nest in this way a
closure property of the tuple data type. In general, a method for combining data values
satisfies the closure property if the result of combination can itself be combined using the
same method. Closure is the key to power in any means of combination because it permits
us to create hierarchical structures --- structures made up of parts, which themselves are
made up of parts, and so on. We will explore a range of hierarchical structures in Chapter 3.
For now, we consider a particularly important structure.

2.3.2 Recursive Lists

We can use nested pairs to form lists of elements of arbitrary length, which will allow us to
implement the sequence abstraction. The figure below illustrates the structure of the
recursive representation of a four-element list: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .

2.3 Sequences 76
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The list is represented by a chain of pairs. The first element of each pair is an element in the
list, while the second is a pair that represents the rest of the list. The second element of the
final pair is None , which indicates that the list has ended. We can construct this structure
using a nested tuple literal:

>>> (1, (2, (3, (4, None))))

(1, (2, (3, (4, None))))

This nested structure corresponds to a very useful way of thinking about sequences in
general, which we have seen before in the execution rules of the Python interpreter. A non-
empty sequence can be decomposed into:

its first element, and

the rest of the sequence.

The rest of a sequence is itself a (possibly empty) sequence. We call this view of sequences
recursive, because sequences contain other sequences as their second component.

Since our list representation is recursive, we will call it an rlist in our implementation, so
as not to confuse it with the built-in list type in Python that we will introduce later in this
chapter. A recursive list can be constructed from a first element and the rest of the list. The
value None represents an empty recursive list.

>>> empty_rlist = None

>>> def make_rlist(first, rest):
"""Make a recursive list from its first element and the rest."""
return (first, rest)

>>> def first(s):

"""Return the first element of a recursive list s."""
return s[0]

>>> def rest(s):

"""Return the rest of the elements of a recursive list s."""
return s[1]

2.3 Sequences 77
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These two selectors, one constructor, and one constant together implement the recursive list
abstract data type. The single behavior condition for a recursive list is that, like a pair, its
constructor and selectors are inverse functions.

If a recursive list s was constructed from element f and list r , then first(s)
returns f , and rest(s) returns r .

We can use the constructor and selectors to manipulate recursive lists.

>>> counts = make_rlist(1, make_rlist(2, make_rlist(3, make_rlist(4, empty_rlist))))

>>> first(counts)
>>> rest(counts)
(2, (3, (4, None)))

Recall that we were able to represent pairs using functions, and therefore we can represent
recursive lists using functions as well.

The recursive list can store a sequence of values in order, but it does not yet implement the
sequence abstraction. Using the abstract data type we have defined, we can implement the
two behaviors that characterize a sequence: length and element selection.

>>> def len_rlist(s):

"""Return the length of recursive list s."""
length = 0
while s != empty_rlist:
s, length = rest(s), length + 1
return length

>>> def getitem_rlist(s, i):

"""Return the element at index i of recursive list s."""
while i > 0:
s, i = rest(s), i - 1
return first(s)

Now, we can manipulate a recursive list as a sequence:

>>> len_rlist(counts)
>>> getitem_rlist(counts, 1) # The second item has index 1

Both of these implementations are iterative. They peel away each layer of nested pair until
the end of the list (in len_rlist ) or the desired element (in getitem_rlist ) is reached.

The series of environment diagrams below illustrate the iterative process by which
getitem_rlist finds the element 2 at index 1 in the recursive list. First, the function

getitem_rlist is called, creating a local frame.

2.3 Sequences 78
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The expression in the while header evaluates to true, which causes the assignment
statement in the while suite to be executed.

In this case, the local name s now refers to the sub-list that begins with the second
element of the original list. Evaluating the while header expression now yields a false
value, and so Python evaluates the expression in the return statement on the final line of
getitem_rlist .

2.3 Sequences 79
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This final environment diagram shows the local frame for the call to first , which contains
the name s bound to that same sub-list. The first function selects the value 2 and
returns it, completing the call to getitem_rlist .

This example demonstrates a common pattern of computation with recursive lists, where
each step in an iteration operates on an increasingly shorter suffix of the original list. This
incremental processing to find the length and elements of a recursive list does take some
time to compute. (In Chapter 3, we will learn to characterize the computation time of iterative
functions like these.) Python's built-in sequence types are implemented in a different way
that does not have a large computational cost for computing the length of a sequence or
retrieving its elements.

The way in which we construct recursive lists is rather verbose. Fortunately, Python provides
a variety of built-in sequence types that provide both the versatility of the sequence
abstraction, as well as convenient notation.

2.3.3 Tuples II
In fact, the tuple type that we introduced to form primitive pairs is itself a full sequence
type. Tuples provide substantially more functionality than the pair abstract data type that we
implemented functionally.

2.3 Sequences 80
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Tuples can have arbitrary length, and they exhibit the two principal behaviors of the
sequence abstraction: length and element selection. Below, digits is a tuple with four

>>> digits = (1, 8, 2, 8)

>>> len(digits)
>>> digits[3]

Additionally, tuples can be added together and multiplied by integers. For tuples, addition
and multiplication do not add or multiply elements, but instead combine and replicate the
tuples themselves. That is, the add function in the operator module (and the + operator)
returns a new tuple that is the conjunction of the added arguments. The mul function in
operator (and the * operator) can take an integer k and a tuple and return a new tuple

that consists of k copies of the tuple argument.

>>> (2, 7) + digits * 2

(2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8, 1, 8, 2, 8)

Mapping. A powerful method of transforming one tuple into another is by applying a function
to each element and collecting the results. This general form of computation is called
mapping a function over a sequence, and corresponds to the built-in function map . The
result of map is an object that is not itself a sequence, but can be converted into a
sequence by calling tuple , the constructor function for tuples.

>>> alternates = (-1, 2, -3, 4, -5)

>>> tuple(map(abs, alternates))
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The map function is important because it relies on the sequence abstraction: we do not
need to be concerned about the structure of the underlying tuple; only that we can access
each one of its elements individually in order to pass it as an argument to the mapped
function ( abs , in this case).

2.3.4 Sequence Iteration

Mapping is itself an instance of a general pattern of computation: iterating over all elements
in a sequence. To map a function over a sequence, we do not just select a particular
element, but each element in turn. This pattern is so common that Python has an additional
control statement to process sequential data: the for statement.

2.3 Sequences 81
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Consider the problem of counting how many times a value appears in a sequence. We can
implement a function to compute this count using a while loop.

>>> def count(s, value):

"""Count the number of occurrences of value in sequence s."""
total, index = 0, 0
while index < len(s):
if s[index] == value:
total = total + 1
index = index + 1
return total

>>> count(digits, 8)

The Python for statement can simplify this function body by iterating over the element
values directly, without introducing the name index at all. For example (pun intended), we
can write:

>>> def count(s, value):

"""Count the number of occurrences of value in sequence s."""
total = 0
for elem in s:
if elem == value:
total = total + 1
return total

>>> count(digits, 8)

A for statement consists of a single clause with the form:

for <name> in <expression>:


A for statement is executed by the following procedure:

1. Evaluate the header &lt;expression&gt; , which must yield an iterable value.

2. For each element value in that sequence, in order:
i. Bind &lt;name&gt; to that value in the local environment.
ii. Execute the &lt;suite&gt; .

Step 1 refers to an iterable value. Sequences are iterable, and their elements are considered
in their sequential order. Python does include other iterable types, but we will focus on
sequences for now; the general definition of the term "iterable" appears in the section on
iterators in Chapter 4.

2.3 Sequences 82
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An important consequence of this evaluation procedure is that &lt;name&gt; will be bound

to the last element of the sequence after the for statement is executed. The for loop
introduces yet another way in which the local environment can be updated by a statement.

Sequence unpacking. A common pattern in programs is to have a sequence of elements

that are themselves sequences, but all of a fixed length. For statements may include
multiple names in their header to "unpack" each element sequence into its respective
elements. For example, we may have a sequence of pairs (that is, two-element tuples),

>>> pairs = ((1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 3), (4, 4))

and wish to find the number of pairs that have the same first and second element.

>>> same_count = 0

The following for statement with two names in its header will bind each name x and y
to the first and second elements in each pair, respectively.

>>> for x, y in pairs:

if x == y:
same_count = same_count + 1

>>> same_count

This pattern of binding multiple names to multiple values in a fixed-length sequence is called
sequence unpacking; it is the same pattern that we see in assignment statements that bind
multiple names to multiple values.

Ranges. A range is another built-in type of sequence in Python, which represents a range
of integers. Ranges are created with the range function, which takes two integer
arguments: the first number and one beyond the last number in the desired range.

>>> range(1, 10) # Includes 1, but not 10

range(1, 10)

Calling the tuple constructor on a range will create a tuple with the same elements as the
range, so that the elements can be easily inspected.

>>> tuple(range(5, 8))

(5, 6, 7)

2.3 Sequences 83
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If only one argument is given, it is interpreted as one beyond the last value for a range that
starts at 0.

>>> tuple(range(4))
(0, 1, 2, 3)

Ranges commonly appear as the expression in a for header to specify the number of
times that the suite should be executed:

>>> total = 0
>>> for k in range(5, 8):
total = total + k

>>> total

A common convention is to use a single underscore character for the name in the for
header if the name is unused in the suite:

>>> for _ in range(3):

print('Go Bears!')

Go Bears!
Go Bears!
Go Bears!

Note that an underscore is just another name in the environment as far as the interpreter is
concerned, but has a conventional meaning among programmers that indicates the name
will not appear in any expressions.

2.3.5 Sequence Abstraction

We have now introduced two types of native data types that implement the sequence
abstraction: tuples and ranges. Both satisfy the conditions with which we began this section:
length and element selection. Python includes two more behaviors of sequence types that
extend the sequence abstraction.

Membership. A value can be tested for membership in a sequence. Python has two
operators in and not in that evaluate to True or False depending on whether an
element appears in a sequence.

2.3 Sequences 84
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>>> digits
(1, 8, 2, 8)
>>> 2 in digits
>>> 1828 not in digits

All sequences also have methods called index and count , which return the index of (or
count of) a value in a sequence.

Slicing. Sequences contain smaller sequences within them. We observed this property
when developing our nested pairs implementation, which decomposed a sequence into its
first element and the rest. A slice of a sequence is any span of the original sequence,
designated by a pair of integers. As with the range constructor, the first integer indicates
the starting index of the slice and the second indicates one beyond the ending index.

In Python, sequence slicing is expressed similarly to element selection, using square

brackets. A colon separates the starting and ending indices. Any bound that is omitted is
assumed to be an extreme value: 0 for the starting index, and the length of the sequence for
the ending index.

>>> digits[0:2]
(1, 8)
>>> digits[1:]
(8, 2, 8)

Enumerating these additional behaviors of the Python sequence abstraction gives us an

opportunity to reflect upon what constitutes a useful data abstraction in general. The
richness of an abstraction (that is, how many behaviors it includes) has consequences. For
users of an abstraction, additional behaviors can be helpful. On the other hand, satisfying
the requirements of a rich abstraction with a new data type can be challenging. To ensure
that our implementation of recursive lists supported these additional behaviors would require
some work. Another negative consequence of rich abstractions is that they take longer for
users to learn.

Sequences have a rich abstraction because they are so ubiquitous in computing that
learning a few complex behaviors is justified. In general, most user-defined abstractions
should be kept as simple as possible.

Further reading. Slice notation admits a variety of special cases, such as negative starting
values, ending values, and step sizes. A complete description appears in the subsection
called slicing a list in Dive Into Python 3. In this chapter, we will only use the basic features
described above.

2.3.6 Strings

2.3 Sequences 85
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Text values are perhaps more fundamental to computer science than even numbers. As a
case in point, Python programs are written and stored as text. The native data type for text in
Python is called a string, and corresponds to the constructor str .

There are many details of how strings are represented, expressed, and manipulated in
Python. Strings are another example of a rich abstraction, one which requires a substantial
commitment on the part of the programmer to master. This section serves as a condensed
introduction to essential string behaviors.

String literals can express arbitrary text, surrounded by either single or double quotation

>>> 'I am string!'

'I am string!'
>>> "I've got an apostrophe"
"I've got an apostrophe"
>>> '您好'

We have seen strings already in our code, as docstrings, in calls to print , and as error
messages in assert statements.

Strings satisfy the two basic conditions of a sequence that we introduced at the beginning of
this section: they have a length and they support element selection.

>>> city = 'Berkeley'

>>> len(city)
>>> city[3]

The elements of a string are themselves strings that have only a single character. A
character is any single letter of the alphabet, punctuation mark, or other symbol. Unlike
many other programming languages, Python does not have a separate character type; any
text is a string, and strings that represent single characters have a length of 1.

Like tuples, strings can also be combined via addition and multiplication.

>>> 'Berkeley' + ', CA'

'Berkeley, CA'
>>> 'Shabu ' * 2
'Shabu Shabu '

Membership. The behavior of strings diverges from other sequence types in Python. The
string abstraction does not conform to the full sequence abstraction that we described for
tuples and ranges. In particular, the membership operator in applies to strings, but has an
entirely different behavior than when it is applied to sequences. It matches substrings rather
than elements.

2.3 Sequences 86
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>>> 'here' in "Where's Waldo?"


Likewise, the count and index methods on strings take substrings as arguments, rather
than single-character elements. The behavior of count is particularly nuanced; it counts the
number of non-overlapping occurrences of a substring in a string.

>>> 'Mississippi'.count('i')
>>> 'Mississippi'.count('issi')

Multiline Literals. Strings aren't limited to a single line. Triple quotes delimit string literals
that span multiple lines. We have used this triple quoting extensively already for docstrings.

>>> """The Zen of Python

claims, Readability counts.
Read more: import this."""
'The Zen of Python\nclaims, "Readability counts."\nRead more: import this.'

In the printed result above, the \n (pronounced "backslash en") is a single element that
represents a new line. Although it appears as two characters (backslash and "n"), it is
considered a single character for the purposes of length and element selection.

String Coercion. A string can be created from any object in Python by calling the str
constructor function with an object value as its argument. This feature of strings is useful for
constructing descriptive strings from objects of various types.

>>> str(2) + ' is an element of ' + str(digits)

'2 is an element of (1, 8, 2, 8)'

The mechanism by which a single str function can apply to any type of argument and
return an appropriate value is the subject of the later section on generic functions.

Methods. The behavior of strings in Python is extremely productive because of a rich set of
methods for returning string variants and searching for contents. A few of these methods are
introduced below by example.

>>> '1234'.isnumeric()
>>> 'rOBERT dE nIRO'.swapcase()
'Robert De Niro'
>>> 'snakeyes'.upper().endswith('YES')

2.3 Sequences 87
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Further reading. Encoding text in computers is a complex topic. In this chapter, we will
abstract away the details of how strings are represented. However, for many applications,
the particular details of how strings are encoded by computers is essential knowledge.
Sections 4.1-4.3 of Dive Into Python 3 provides a description of character encodings and

2.3.7 Conventional Interfaces

In working with compound data, we've stressed how data abstraction permits us to design
programs without becoming enmeshed in the details of data representations, and how
abstraction preserves for us the flexibility to experiment with alternative representations. In
this section, we introduce another powerful design principle for working with data structures -
-- the use of conventional interfaces.

A conventional interface is a data format that is shared across many modular components,
which can be mixed and matched to perform data processing. For example, if we have
several functions that all take a sequence as an argument and return a sequence as a value,
then we can apply each to the output of the next in any order we choose. In this way, we can
create a complex process by chaining together a pipeline of functions, each of which is
simple and focused.

This section has a dual purpose: to introduce the idea of organizing a program around a
conventional interface, and to demonstrate examples of modular sequence processing.

Consider these two problems, which appear at first to be related only in their use of

1. Sum the even members of the first n Fibonacci numbers.

2. List the letters in the acronym for a name, which includes the first letter of each
capitalized word.

These problems are related because they can be decomposed into simple operations that
take sequences as input and yield sequences as output. Moreover, those operations are
instances of general methods of computation over sequences. Let's consider the first
problem. It can be decomposed into the following steps:

enumerate map filter accumulate

----------- --- ------ ----------
naturals(n) fib iseven sum

The fib function below computes Fibonacci numbers (now updated from the definition in
Chapter 1 with a for statement),

2.3 Sequences 88
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>>> def fib(k):

"""Compute the kth Fibonacci number."""
prev, curr = 1, 0 # curr is the first Fibonacci number.
for _ in range(k - 1):
prev, curr = curr, prev + curr
return curr

and a predicate iseven can be defined using the integer remainder operator, % .

>>> def iseven(n):

return n % 2 == 0

The functions map and filter are operations on sequences. We have already
encountered map , which applies a function to each element in a sequence and collects the
results. The filter function takes a sequence and returns those elements of a sequence
for which a predicate is true. Both of these functions return intermediate objects, map and
filter objects, which are iterable objects that can be converted into tuples or summed.

>>> nums = (5, 6, -7, -8, 9)

>>> tuple(filter(iseven, nums))
(6, -8)
>>> sum(map(abs, nums))

Now we can implement even_fib , the solution to our first problem, in terms of map ,
filter , and sum .

>>> def sum_even_fibs(n):

"""Sum the first n even Fibonacci numbers."""
return sum(filter(iseven, map(fib, range(1, n+1))))

>>> sum_even_fibs(20)

Now, let's consider the second problem. It can also be decomposed as a pipeline of
sequence operations that include map and filter :

enumerate filter map accumulate

--------- ------ ----- ----------
words iscap first tuple

The words in a string can be enumerated via the split method of a string object, which by
default splits on spaces.

>>> tuple('Spaces between words'.split())

('Spaces', 'between', 'words')

2.3 Sequences 89
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The first letter of a word can be retrieved using the selection operator, and a predicate that
determines if a word is capitalized can be defined using the built-in predicate isupper .

>>> def first(s):

return s[0]

>>> def iscap(s):

return len(s) > 0 and s[0].isupper()

At this point, our acronym function can be defined via map and filter .

>>> def acronym(name):

"""Return a tuple of the letters that form the acronym for name."""
return tuple(map(first, filter(iscap, name.split())))

>>> acronym('University of California Berkeley Undergraduate Graphics Group')

('U', 'C', 'B', 'U', 'G', 'G')

These similar solutions to rather different problems show how to combine general
components that operate on the conventional interface of a sequence using the general
computational patterns of mapping, filtering, and accumulation. The sequence abstraction
allows us to specify these solutions concisely.

Expressing programs as sequence operations helps us design programs that are modular.
That is, our designs are constructed by combining relatively independent pieces, each of
which transforms a sequence. In general, we can encourage modular design by providing a
library of standard components together with a conventional interface for connecting the
components in flexible ways.

Generator expressions. The Python language includes a second approach to processing

sequences, called generator expressions. which provide similar functionality to map and
filter , but may require fewer function definitions.

Generator expressions combine the ideas of filtering and mapping together into a single
expression type with the following form:

<map expression> for <name> in <sequence expression> if <filter expression>

To evaluate a generator expression, Python evaluates the &lt;sequence expression&gt; ,

which must return an iterable value. Then, for each element in order, the element value is
bound to &lt;name&gt; , the filter expression is evaluated, and if it yields a true value, the
map expression is evaluated.

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The result value of evaluating a generator expression is itself an iterable value.

Accumulation functions like tuple , sum , max , and min can take this returned object as
an argument.

>>> def acronym(name):

return tuple(w[0] for w in name.split() if iscap(w))

>>> def sum_even_fibs(n):

return sum(fib(k) for k in range(1, n+1) if fib(k) % 2 == 0)

Generator expressions are specialized syntax that utilizes the conventional interface of
iterable values, such as sequences. These expressions subsume most of the functionality of
map and filter , but avoid actually creating the function values that are applied (or,

incidentally, creating the environment frames required to apply those functions).

Reduce. In our examples we used specific functions to accumulate results, either tuple or
sum . Functional programming languages (including Python) include general higher-order

accumulators that go by various names. Python includes reduce in the functools module,
which applies a two-argument function cumulatively to the elements of a sequence from left
to right, to reduce a sequence to a value. The following expression computes 5 factorial.

>>> from operator import mul

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> reduce(mul, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

Using this more general form of accumulation, we can also compute the product of even
Fibonacci numbers, in addition to the sum, using sequences as a conventional interface.

>>> def product_even_fibs(n):

"""Return the product of the first n even Fibonacci numbers, except 0."""
return reduce(mul, filter(iseven, map(fib, range(2, n+1))))

>>> product_even_fibs(20)

The combination of higher order procedures corresponding to map , filter , and reduce
will appear again in Chapter 4, when we consider methods for distributing computation
across multiple computers.

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2.4 Mutable Data

We have seen how abstraction is vital in helping us to cope with the complexity of large
systems. Effective program synthesis also requires organizational principles that can guide
us in formulating the overall design of a program. In particular, we need strategies to help us
structure large systems so that they will be modular, that is, so that they can be divided
"naturally" into coherent parts that can be separately developed and maintained.

One powerful technique for creating modular programs is to introduce new kinds of data that
may change state over time. In this way, a single data object can represent something that
evolves independently of the rest of the program. The behavior of a changing object may be
influenced by its history, just like an entity in the world. Adding state to data is an essential
ingredient of our final destination in this chapter: object-oriented programming.

The native data types we have introduced so far --- numbers, Booleans, tuples, ranges, and
strings --- are all types of immutable objects. While names may change bindings to different
values in the environment during the course of execution, the values themselves do not
change. In this section, we will introduce a collection of mutable data types. Mutable objects
can change throughout the execution of a program.

2.4.1 Local State

Our first example of a mutable object will be a function that has local state. That state will
change during the course of execution of a program.

To illustrate what we mean by having a function with local state, let us model the situation of
withdrawing money from a bank account. We will do so by creating a function called
withdraw , which takes as its argument an amount to be withdrawn. If there is enough

money in the account to accommodate the withdrawal, then withdraw should return the
balance remaining after the withdrawal. Otherwise, withdraw should return the message
'Insufficient funds' . For example, if we begin with $100 in the account, we would like to

obtain the following sequence of return values by calling withdraw:

>>> withdraw(25)
>>> withdraw(25)
>>> withdraw(60)
'Insufficient funds'
>>> withdraw(15)

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Observe that the expression withdraw(25) , evaluated twice, yields different values. This is a
new kind of behavior for a user-defined function: it is non-pure. Calling the function not only
returns a value, but also has the side effect of changing the function in some way, so that the
next call with the same argument will return a different result. All of our user-defined
functions so far have been pure functions, unless they called a non-pure built-in function.
They have remained pure because they have not been allowed to make any changes
outside of their local environment frame!

For withdraw to make sense, it must be created with an initial account balance. The
function make_withdraw is a higher-order function that takes a starting balance as an
argument. The function withdraw is its return value.

>>> withdraw = make_withdraw(100)

An implementation of make_withdraw requires a new kind of statement: a nonlocal

statement. When we call make_withdraw , we bind the name balance to the initial amount.
We then define and return a local function, withdraw , which updates and returns the value
of balance when called.

>>> def make_withdraw(balance):

"""Return a withdraw function that draws down balance with each call."""
def withdraw(amount):
nonlocal balance # Declare the name "balance" nonlocal
if amount > balance:
return 'Insufficient funds'
balance = balance - amount # Re-bind the existing balance name
return balance
return withdraw

The novel part of this implementation is the nonlocal statement, which mandates that
whenever we change the binding of the name balance , the binding is changed in the first
frame in which balance is already bound. Recall that without the nonlocal statement, an
assignment statement would always bind a name in the first frame of the environment. The
nonlocal statement indicates that the name appears somewhere in the environment other

than the first (local) frame or the last (global) frame.

We can visualize these changes with environment diagrams. The following environment
diagrams illustrate the effects of each call, starting with the definition above. We abbreviate
away code in the function values and expression trees that isn't central to our discussion.

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Our definition statement has the usual effect: it creates a new user-defined function and
binds the name make_withdraw to that function in the global frame.

Next, we call make_withdraw with an initial balance argument of 20 .

>>> wd = make_withdraw(20)

This assignment statement binds the name wd to the returned function in the global frame.

The returned function, (intrinsically) called withdraw, is associated with the local environment
for the make_withdraw invocation in which it was defined. The name balance is bound in
this local environment. Crucially, there will only be this single binding for the name balance
throughout the rest of this example.

Next, we evaluate an expression that calls withdraw on an amount 5 .

>>> wd(5)

The name wd is bound to the withdraw function, so the body of withdraw is evaluated in a
new environment that extends the environment in which withdraw was defined. Tracing the
effect of evaluating withdraw illustrates the effect of a nonlocal statement in Python.

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The assignment statement in withdraw would normally create a new binding for balance in
withdraw's local frame. Instead, because of the nonlocal statement, the assignment finds
the first frame in which balance was already defined, and it rebinds the name in that frame.
If balance had not previously been bound to a value, then the nonlocal statement would
have given an error.

By virtue of changing the binding for balance , we have changed the withdraw function as
well. The next time withdraw is called, the name balance will evaluate to 15 instead of
20 .

When we call wd a second time,

>>> wd(3)

we see that the changes to the value bound to the name balance are cumulative across the
two calls.

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Here, the second call to withdraw did create a second local frame, as usual. However, both
withdraw frames extend the environment for make_withdraw, which contains the binding for
balance . Hence, they share that particular name binding. Calling withdraw has the side

effect of altering the environment that will be extended by future calls to withdraw.

Practical guidance. By introducing nonlocal statements, we have created a dual role for
assignment statements. Either they change local bindings, or they change nonlocal bindings.
In fact, assignment statements already had a dual role: they either created new bindings or
re-bound existing names. The many roles of Python assignment can obscure the effects of
executing an assignment statement. It is up to you as a programmer to document your code
clearly so that the effects of assignment can be understood by others.

2.4.2 The Benefits of Non-Local Assignment

Non-local assignment is an important step on our path to viewing a program as a collection
of independent and autonomous objects, which interact with each other but each manage
their own internal state.

In particular, non-local assignment has given us the ability to maintain some state that is
local to a function, but evolves over successive calls to that function. The balance
associated with a particular withdraw function is shared among all calls to that function.
However, the binding for balance associated with an instance of withdraw is inaccessible to

2.4 Mutable Data 96

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the rest of the program. Only withdraw is associated with the frame for make_withdraw in
which it was defined. If make_withdraw is called again, then it will create a separate frame
with a separate binding for balance .

We can continue our example to illustrate this point. A second call to make_withdraw returns
a second withdraw function that is associated with yet another environment.

>>> wd2 = make_withdraw(7)

This second withdraw function is bound to the name wd2 in the global frame. We've
abbreviated the line that represents this binding with an asterisk. Now, we see that there are
in fact two bindings for the name balance . The name wd is still bound to a withdraw
function with a balance of 12 , while wd2 is bound to a new withdraw function with a
balance of 7 .

Finally, we call the second withdraw bound to wd2 :

>>> wd2(6)

This call changes the binding of its nonlocal balance name, but does not affect the first
withdraw bound to the name wd in the global frame.

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In this way, each instance of withdraw is maintaining its own balance state, but that state is
inaccessible to any other function in the program. Viewing this situation at a higher level, we
have created an abstraction of a bank account that manages its own internals but behaves
in a way that models accounts in the world: it changes over time based on its own history of
withdrawal requests.

2.4.3 The Cost of Non-Local Assignment

Our environment model of computation cleanly extends to explain the effects of non-local
assignment. However, non-local assignment introduces some important nuances in the way
we think about names and values.

Previously, our values did not change; only our names and bindings changed. When two
names a and b were both bound to the value 4 , it did not matter whether they were
bound to the same 4 or different 4 's. As far as we could tell, there was only one 4
object that never changed.

However, functions with state do not behave this way. When two names wd and wd2 are
both bound to a withdraw function, it does matter whether they are bound to the same
function or different instances of that function. Consider the following example, which
contrasts the one we just analyzed.

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>>> wd = make_withdraw(12)
>>> wd2 = wd
>>> wd2(1)
>>> wd(1)

In this case, calling the function named by wd2 did change the value of the function named
by wd , because both names refer to the same function. The environment diagram after
these statements are executed shows this fact.

It is not unusual for two names to co-refer to the same value in the world, and so it is in our
programs. But, as values change over time, we must be very careful to understand the effect
of a change on other names that might refer to those values.

The key to correctly analyzing code with non-local assignment is to remember that only
function calls can introduce new frames. Assignment statements always change bindings in
existing frames. In this case, unless make_withdraw is called twice, there can be only one
binding for balance .

Sameness and change. These subtleties arise because, by introducing non-pure functions
that change the non-local environment, we have changed the nature of expressions. An
expression that contains only pure function calls is referentially transparent; its value does
not change if we substitute one of its subexpression with the value of that subexpression.

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Re-binding operations violate the conditions of referential transparency because they do

more than return a value; they change the environment. When we introduce arbitrary re-
binding, we encounter a thorny epistemological issue: what it means for two values to be the
same. In our environment model of computation, two separately defined functions are not
the same, because changes to one may not be reflected in the other.

In general, so long as we never modify data objects, we can regard a compound data object
to be precisely the totality of its pieces. For example, a rational number is determined by
giving its numerator and its denominator. But this view is no longer valid in the presence of
change, where a compound data object has an "identity" that is something different from the
pieces of which it is composed. A bank account is still "the same" bank account even if we
change the balance by making a withdrawal; conversely, we could have two bank accounts
that happen to have the same balance, but are different objects.

Despite the complications it introduces, non-local assignment is a powerful tool for creating
modular programs. Different parts of a program, which correspond to different environment
frames, can evolve separately throughout program execution. Moreover, using functions with
local state, we are able to implement mutable data types. In the remainder of this section,
we introduce some of the most useful built-in data types in Python, along with methods for
implementing those data types using functions with non-local assignment.

2.4.4 Lists
The list is Python's most useful and flexible sequence type. A list is similar to a tuple, but
it is mutable. Method calls and assignment statements can change the contents of a list.

We can introduce many list editing operations through an example that illustrates the history
of playing cards (drastically simplified). Comments in the examples describe the effect of
each method invocation.

Playing cards were invented in China, perhaps around the 9th century. An early deck had
three suits, which corresponded to denominations of money.

>>> chinese_suits = ['coin', 'string', 'myriad'] # A list literal

>>> suits = chinese_suits # Two names refer to the same list

As cards migrated to Europe (perhaps through Egypt), only the suit of coins remained in
Spanish decks (oro).

>>> suits.pop() # Removes and returns the final element

>>> suits.remove('string') # Removes the first element that equals the argument

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Three more suits were added (they evolved in name and design over time),

>>> suits.append('cup') # Add an element to the end

>>> suits.extend(['sword', 'club']) # Add all elements of a list to the end

and Italians called swords spades.

>>> suits[2] = 'spade' # Replace an element

giving the suits of a traditional Italian deck of cards.

>>> suits
['coin', 'cup', 'spade', 'club']

The French variant that we use today in the U.S. changes the first two:

>>> suits[0:2] = ['heart', 'diamond'] # Replace a slice

>>> suits
['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

Methods also exist for inserting, sorting, and reversing lists. All of these mutation operations
change the value of the list; they do not create new list objects.

Sharing and Identity. Because we have been changing a single list rather than creating
new lists, the object bound to the name chinese_suits has also changed, because it is the
same list object that was bound to suits .

>>> chinese_suits # This name co-refers with "suits" to the same list
['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

Lists can be copied using the list constructor function. Changes to one list do not affect
another, unless they share structure.

>>> nest = list(suits) # Bind "nest" to a second list with the same elements
>>> nest[0] = suits # Create a nested list

After this final assignment, we are left with the following environment, where lists are
represented using box-and-pointer notation.

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According to this environment, changing the list referenced by suits will affect the nested
list that is the first element of nest , but not the other elements.

>>> suits.insert(2, 'Joker') # Insert an element at index 2, shifting the rest

>>> nest
[['heart', 'diamond', 'Joker', 'spade', 'club'], 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

And likewise, undoing this change in the first element of nest will change suit as well.

>>> nest[0].pop(2)
>>> suits
['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

As a result of this last invocation of the pop method, we return to the environment depicted

Because two lists may have the same contents but in fact be different lists, we require a
means to test whether two objects are the same. Python includes two comparison operators,
called is and is not , that test whether two expressions in fact evaluate to the identical
object. Two objects are identical if they are equal in their current value, and any change to
one will always be reflected in the other. Identity is a stronger condition than equality.

>>> suits is nest[0]

>>> suits is ['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']
>>> suits == ['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

The final two comparisons illustrate the difference between is and == . The former checks
for identity, while the latter checks for the equality of contents.

List comprehensions. A list comprehension uses an extended syntax for creating lists,
analogous to the syntax of generator expressions.

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For example, the unicodedata module tracks the official names of every character in the
Unicode alphabet. We can look up the characters corresponding to names, including those
for card suits.

>>> from unicodedata import lookup

>>> [lookup('WHITE ' + s.upper() + ' SUIT') for s in suits]
['♡', '♢', '♤', '♧']

List comprehensions reinforce the paradigm of data processing using the conventional
interface of sequences, as list is a sequence data type.

Further reading. Dive Into Python 3 has a chapter on comprehensions that includes
examples of how to navigate a computer's file system using Python. The chapter introduces
the os module, which for instance can list the contents of directories. This material is not
part of the course, but recommended for anyone who wants to increase his or her Python

Implementation. Lists are sequences, like tuples. The Python language does not give us
access to the implementation of lists, only to the sequence abstraction and the mutation
methods we have introduced in this section. To overcome this language-enforced
abstraction barrier, we can develop a functional implementation of lists, again using a
recursive representation. This section also has a second purpose: to further our
understanding of dispatch functions.

We will implement a list as a function that has a recursive list as its local state. Lists need to
have an identity, like any mutable value. In particular, we cannot use None to represent an
empty mutable list, because two empty lists are not identical values (e.g., appending to one
does not append to the other), but None is None . On the other hand, two different functions
that each have empty_rlist as their local state will suffice to distinguish two empty lists.

Our mutable list is a dispatch function, just as our functional implementation of a pair was a
dispatch function. It checks the input "message" against known messages and takes an
appropriate action for each different input. Our mutable list responds to five different
messages. The first two implement the behaviors of the sequence abstraction. The next two
add or remove the first element of the list. The final message returns a string representation
of the whole list contents.

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>>> def make_mutable_rlist():

"""Return a functional implementation of a mutable recursive list."""
contents = empty_rlist
def dispatch(message, value=None):
nonlocal contents
if message == 'len':
return len_rlist(contents)
elif message == 'getitem':
return getitem_rlist(contents, value)
elif message == 'push_first':
contents = make_rlist(value, contents)
elif message == 'pop_first':
f = first(contents)
contents = rest(contents)
return f
elif message == 'str':
return str(contents)
return dispatch

We can also add a convenience function to construct a functionally implemented recursive

list from any built-in sequence, simply by adding each element in reverse order.

>>> def to_mutable_rlist(source):

"""Return a functional list with the same contents as source."""
s = make_mutable_rlist()
for element in reversed(source):
s('push_first', element)
return s

In the definition above, the function reversed takes and returns an iterable value; it is
another example of a function that uses the conventional interface of sequences.

At this point, we can construct a functionally implemented lists. Note that the list itself is a

>>> s = to_mutable_rlist(suits)
>>> type(s)
<class 'function'>
>>> s('str')
"('heart', ('diamond', ('spade', ('club', None))))"

In addition, we can pass messages to the list s that change its contents, for instance
removing the first element.

>>> s('pop_first')
>>> s('str')
"('diamond', ('spade', ('club', None)))"

In principle, the operations push_first and pop_first suffice to make arbitrary changes to
a list. We can always empty out the list entirely and then replace its old contents with the
desired result.

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Message passing. Given some time, we could implement the many useful mutation
operations of Python lists, such as extend and insert . We would have a choice: we could
implement them all as functions, which use the existing messages pop_first and
push_first to make all changes. Alternatively, we could add additional elif clauses to the

body of dispatch , each checking for a message (e.g., 'extend' ) and applying the
appropriate change to contents directly.

This second approach, which encapsulates the logic for all operations on a data value within
one function that responds to different messages, is called message passing. A program that
uses message passing defines dispatch functions, each of which may have local state, and
organizes computation by passing "messages" as the first argument to those functions. The
messages are strings that correspond to particular behaviors.

One could imagine that enumerating all of these messages by name in the body of
dispatch would become tedious and prone to error. Python dictionaries, introduced in the

next section, provide a data type that will help us manage the mapping between messages
and operations.

2.4.5 Dictionaries
Dictionaries are Python's built-in data type for storing and manipulating correspondence
relationships. A dictionary contains key-value pairs, where both the keys and values are
objects. The purpose of a dictionary is to provide an abstraction for storing and retrieving
values that are indexed not by consecutive integers, but by descriptive keys.

Strings commonly serve as keys, because strings are our conventional representation for
names of things. This dictionary literal gives the values of various Roman numerals.

>>> numerals = {'I': 1.0, 'V': 5, 'X': 10}

Looking up values by their keys uses the element selection operator that we previously
applied to sequences.

>>> numerals['X']

A dictionary can have at most one value for each key. Adding new key-value pairs and
changing the existing value for a key can both be achieved with assignment statements.

>>> numerals['I'] = 1
>>> numerals['L'] = 50
>>> numerals
{'I': 1, 'X': 10, 'L': 50, 'V': 5}

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Notice that 'L' was not added to the end of the output above. Dictionaries are unordered
collections of key-value pairs. When we print a dictionary, the keys and values are rendered
in some order, but as users of the language we cannot predict what that order will be.

The dictionary abstraction also supports various methods of iterating of the contents of the
dictionary as a whole. The methods keys , values , and items all return iterable values.

>>> sum(numerals.values())

A list of key-value pairs can be converted into a dictionary by calling the dict constructor

>>> dict([(3, 9), (4, 16), (5, 25)])

{3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 25}

Dictionaries do have some restrictions:

A key of a dictionary cannot be an object of a mutable built-in type.

There can be at most one value for a given key.

This first restriction is tied to the underlying implementation of dictionaries in Python. The
details of this implementation are not a topic of this course. Intuitively, consider that the key
tells Python where to find that key-value pair in memory; if the key changes, the location of
the pair may be lost.

The second restriction is a consequence of the dictionary abstraction, which is designed to

store and retrieve values for keys. We can only retrieve the value for a key if at most one
such value exists in the dictionary.

A useful method implemented by dictionaries is get , which returns either the value for a
key, if the key is present, or a default value. The arguments to get are the key and the
default value.

>>> numerals.get('A', 0)
>>> numerals.get('V', 0)

Dictionaries also have a comprehension syntax analogous to those of lists and generator
expressions. Evaluating a dictionary comprehension yields a new dictionary object.

>>> {x: x*x for x in range(3,6)}

{3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 25}

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Implementation. We can implement an abstract data type that conforms to the dictionary
abstraction as a list of records, each of which is a two-element list consisting of a key and
the associated value.

>>> def make_dict():

"""Return a functional implementation of a dictionary."""
records = []
def getitem(key):
for k, v in records:
if k == key:
return v
def setitem(key, value):
for item in records:
if item[0] == key:
item[1] = value
records.append([key, value])
def dispatch(message, key=None, value=None):
if message == 'getitem':
return getitem(key)
elif message == 'setitem':
setitem(key, value)
elif message == 'keys':
return tuple(k for k, _ in records)
elif message == 'values':
return tuple(v for _, v in records)
return dispatch

Again, we use the message passing method to organize our implementation. We have
supported four messages: getitem , setitem , keys , and values . To look up a value for a
key, we iterate through the records to find a matching key. To insert a value for a key, we
iterate through the records to see if there is already a record with that key. If not, we form a
new record. If there already is a record with this key, we set the value of the record to the
designated new value.

We can now use our implementation to store and retrieve values.

>>> d = make_dict()
>>> d('setitem', 3, 9)
>>> d('setitem', 4, 16)
>>> d('getitem', 3)
>>> d('getitem', 4)
>>> d('keys')
(3, 4)
>>> d('values')
(9, 16)

This implementation of a dictionary is not optimized for fast record lookup, because each
response to the message 'getitem' must iterate through the entire list of records . The
built-in dictionary type is considerably more efficient.

2.4.6 Example: Propagating Constraints

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Mutable data allows us to simulate systems with change, but also allows us to build new
kinds of abstractions. In this extended example, we combine nonlocal assignment, lists, and
dictionaries to build a constraint-based system that supports computation in multiple
directions. Expressing programs as constraints is a type of declarative programming, in
which a programmer declares the structure of a problem to be solved, but abstracts away
the details of exactly how the solution to the problem is computed.

Computer programs are traditionally organized as one-directional computations, which

perform operations on pre-specified arguments to produce desired outputs. On the other
hand, we often want to model systems in terms of relations among quantities. For example,
we previously considered the ideal gas law, which relates the pressure ( p ), volume ( v ),
quantity ( n ), and temperature ( t ) of an ideal gas via Boltzmann's constant ( k ):

p * v = n * k * t

Such an equation is not one-directional. Given any four of the quantities, we can use this
equation to compute the fifth. Yet translating the equation into a traditional computer
language would force us to choose one of the quantities to be computed in terms of the
other four. Thus, a function for computing the pressure could not be used to compute the
temperature, even though the computations of both quantities arise from the same equation.

In this section, we sketch the design of a general model of linear relationships. We define
primitive constraints that hold between quantities, such as an adder(a, b, c) constraint
that enforces the mathematical relationship a + b = c .

We also define a means of combination, so that primitive constraints can be combined to

express more complex relations. In this way, our program resembles a programming
language. We combine constraints by constructing a network in which constraints are joined
by connectors. A connector is an object that "holds" a value and may participate in one or
more constraints.

For example, we know that the relationship between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures

9 * c = 5 * (f - 32)

This equation is a complex constraint between c and f . Such a constraint can be thought
of as a network consisting of primitive adder , multiplier , and constant constraints.

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In this figure, we see on the left a multiplier box with three terminals, labeled a , b , and
c . These connect the multiplier to the rest of the network as follows: The a terminal is

linked to a connector celsius , which will hold the Celsius temperature. The b terminal is
linked to a connector w , which is also linked to a constant box that holds 9 . The c
terminal, which the multiplier box constrains to be the product of a and b , is linked to the
c terminal of another multiplier box, whose b is connected to a constant 5 and whose

a is connected to one of the terms in the sum constraint.

Computation by such a network proceeds as follows: When a connector is given a value (by
the user or by a constraint box to which it is linked), it awakens all of its associated
constraints (except for the constraint that just awakened it) to inform them that it has a value.
Each awakened constraint box then polls its connectors to see if there is enough information
to determine a value for a connector. If so, the box sets that connector, which then awakens
all of its associated constraints, and so on. For instance, in conversion between Celsius and
Fahrenheit, w , x , and y are immediately set by the constant boxes to 9 , 5 , and 32 ,
respectively. The connectors awaken the multipliers and the adder, which determine that
there is not enough information to proceed. If the user (or some other part of the network)
sets the celsius connector to a value (say 25 ), the leftmost multiplier will be awakened,
and it will set u to 25 * 9 = 225 . Then u awakens the second multiplier, which sets v
to 45 , and v awakens the adder, which sets the fahrenheit connector to 77 .

Using the Constraint System. To use the constraint system to carry out the temperature
computation outlined above, we first create two named connectors, celsius and
fahrenheit , by calling the make_connector constructor.

>>> celsius = make_connector('Celsius')

>>> fahrenheit = make_connector('Fahrenheit')

Then, we link these connectors into a network that mirrors the figure above. The function
make_converter assembles the various connectors and constraints in the network.

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>>> def make_converter(c, f):

"""Connect c to f with constraints to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit."""
u, v, w, x, y = [make_connector() for _ in range(5)]
multiplier(c, w, u)
multiplier(v, x, u)
adder(v, y, f)
constant(w, 9)
constant(x, 5)
constant(y, 32)

>>> make_converter(celsius, fahrenheit)

We will use a message passing system to coordinate constraints and connectors. Instead of
using functions to answer messages, we will use dictionaries. A dispatch dictionary will have
string-valued keys that denote the messages it accepts. The values associated with those
keys will be the responses to those messages.

Constraints are dictionaries that do not hold local states themselves. Their responses to
messages are non-pure functions that change the connectors that they constrain.

Connectors are dictionaries that hold a current value and respond to messages that
manipulate that value. Constraints will not change the value of connectors directly, but
instead will do so by sending messages, so that the connector can notify other constraints in
response to the change. In this way, a connector represents a number, but also
encapsulates connector behavior.

One message we can send to a connector is to set its value. Here, we (the 'user' ) set the
value of celsius to 25 .

>>> celsius['set_val']('user', 25)

Celsius = 25
Fahrenheit = 77.0

Not only does the value of celsius change to 25 , but its value propagates through the
network, and so the value of fahrenheit is changed as well. These changes are printed
because we named these two connectors when we constructed them.

Now we can try to set fahrenheit to a new value, say 212 .

>>> fahrenheit['set_val']('user', 212)

Contradiction detected: 77.0 vs 212

The connector complains that it has sensed a contradiction: Its value is 77.0 , and someone
is trying to set it to 212 . If we really want to reuse the network with new values, we can tell
celsius to forget its old value:

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>>> celsius['forget']('user')
Celsius is forgotten
Fahrenheit is forgotten

The connector celsius finds that the user , who set its value originally, is now retracting
that value, so celsius agrees to lose its value, and it informs the rest of the network of this
fact. This information eventually propagates to fahrenheit , which now finds that it has no
reason for continuing to believe that its own value is 77 . Thus, it also gives up its value.

Now that fahrenheit has no value, we are free to set it to 212 :

>>> fahrenheit['set_val']('user', 212)

Fahrenheit = 212
Celsius = 100.0

This new value, when propagated through the network, forces celsius to have a value of
100 . We have used the very same network to compute celsius given fahrenheit and to

compute fahrenheit given celsius . This non-directionality of computation is the

distinguishing feature of constraint-based systems.

Implementing the Constraint System. As we have seen, connectors are dictionaries that
map message names to function and data values. We will implement connectors that
respond to the following messages:

connector['set_val'](source, value) indicates that the source is requesting the

connector to set its current value to value .

connector['has_val']() returns whether the connector already has a value.

connector['val'] is the current value of the connector.

connector['forget'](source) tells the connector that the source is requesting it to

forget its value.

connector['connect'](source) tells the connector to participate in a new constraint, the

source .

Constraints are also dictionaries, which receive information from connectors by means of
two messages:

constraint['new_val']() indicates that some connector that is connected to the

constraint has a new value.

constraint['forget']() indicates that some connector that is connected to the

constraint has forgotten its value.

When constraints receive these messages, they propagate them appropriately to other

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The adder function constructs an adder constraint over three connectors, where the first
two must add to the third: a + b = c . To support multidirectional constraint propagation, the
adder must also specify that it subtracts a from c to get b and likewise subtracts b
from c to get a .

>>> from operator import add, sub

>>> def adder(a, b, c):
"""The constraint that a + b = c."""
return make_ternary_constraint(a, b, c, add, sub, sub)

We would like to implement a generic ternary (three-way) constraint, which uses the three
connectors and three functions from adder to create a constraint that accepts new_val and
forget messages. The response to messages are local functions, which are placed in a

dictionary called constraint .

>>> def make_ternary_constraint(a, b, c, ab, ca, cb):

"""The constraint that ab(a,b)=c and ca(c,a)=b and cb(c,b) = a."""
def new_value():
av, bv, cv = [connector['has_val']() for connector in (a, b, c)]
if av and bv:
c['set_val'](constraint, ab(a['val'], b['val']))
elif av and cv:
b['set_val'](constraint, ca(c['val'], a['val']))
elif bv and cv:
a['set_val'](constraint, cb(c['val'], b['val']))
def forget_value():
for connector in (a, b, c):
constraint = {'new_val': new_value, 'forget': forget_value}
for connector in (a, b, c):
return constraint

The dictionary called constraint is a dispatch dictionary, but also the constraint object
itself. It responds to the two messages that constraints receive, but is also passed as the
source argument in calls to its connectors.

The constraint's local function new_value is called whenever the constraint is informed that
one of its connectors has a value. This function first checks to see if both a and b have
values. If so, it tells c to set its value to the return value of function ab , which is add in
the case of an adder . The constraint passes itself ( constraint ) as the source argument
of the connector, which is the adder object. If a and b do not both have values, then the
constraint checks a and c , and so on.

If the constraint is informed that one of its connectors has forgotten its value, it requests that
all of its connectors now forget their values. (Only those values that were set by this
constraint are actually lost.)

A multiplier is very similar to an adder .

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>>> from operator import mul, truediv

>>> def multiplier(a, b, c):
"""The constraint that a * b = c."""
return make_ternary_constraint(a, b, c, mul, truediv, truediv)

A constant is a constraint as well, but one that is never sent any messages, because it
involves only a single connector that it sets on construction.

>>> def constant(connector, value):

"""The constraint that connector = value."""
constraint = {}
connector['set_val'](constraint, value)
return constraint

These three constraints are sufficient to implement our temperature conversion network.

Representing connectors. A connector is represented as a dictionary that contains a value,

but also has response functions with local state. The connector must track the informant
that gave it its current value, and a list of constraints in which it participates.

The constructor make_connector has local functions for setting and forgetting values, which
are the responses to messages from constraints.

>>> def make_connector(name=None):

"""A connector between constraints."""
informant = None
constraints = []
def set_value(source, value):
nonlocal informant
val = connector['val']
if val is None:
informant, connector['val'] = source, value
if name is not None:
print(name, '=', value)
inform_all_except(source, 'new_val', constraints)
if val != value:
print('Contradiction detected:', val, 'vs', value)
def forget_value(source):
nonlocal informant
if informant == source:
informant, connector['val'] = None, None
if name is not None:
print(name, 'is forgotten')
inform_all_except(source, 'forget', constraints)
connector = {'val': None,
'set_val': set_value,
'forget': forget_value,
'has_val': lambda: connector['val'] is not None,
'connect': lambda source: constraints.append(source)}
return connector

A connector is again a dispatch dictionary for the five messages used by constraints to
communicate with connectors. Four responses are functions, and the final response is the
value itself.

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The local function set_value is called when there is a request to set the connector's value.
If the connector does not currently have a value, it will set its value and remember as
informant the source constraint that requested the value to be set. Then the connector will

notify all of its participating constraints except the constraint that requested the value to be
set. This is accomplished using the following iterative function.

>>> def inform_all_except(source, message, constraints):

"""Inform all constraints of the message, except source."""
for c in constraints:
if c != source:

If a connector is asked to forget its value, it calls the local function forget-value , which first
checks to make sure that the request is coming from the same constraint that set the value
originally. If so, the connector informs its associated constraints about the loss of the value.

The response to the message has_val indicates whether the connector has a value. The
response to the message connect adds the source constraint to the list of constraints.

The constraint program we have designed introduces many ideas that will appear again in
object-oriented programming. Constraints and connectors are both abstractions that are
manipulated through messages. When the value of a connector is changed, it is changed via
a message that not only changes the value, but validates it (checking the source) and
propagates its effects (informing other constraints). In fact, we will use a similar architecture
of dictionaries with string-valued keys and functional values to implement an object-oriented
system later in this chapter.

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2.5 Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a method for organizing programs that brings
together many of the ideas introduced in this chapter. Like abstract data types, objects
create an abstraction barrier between the use and implementation of data. Like dispatch
dictionaries in message passing, objects respond to behavioral requests. Like mutable data
structures, objects have local state that is not directly accessible from the global
environment. The Python object system provides new syntax to ease the task of
implementing all of these useful techniques for organizing programs.

But the object system offers more than just convenience; it enables a new metaphor for
designing programs in which several independent agents interact within the computer. Each
object bundles together local state and behavior in a way that hides the complexity of both
behind a data abstraction. Our example of a constraint program began to develop this
metaphor by passing messages between constraints and connectors. The Python object
system extends this metaphor with new ways to express how different parts of a program
relate to and communicate with each other. Not only do objects pass messages, they also
share behavior among other objects of the same type and inherit characteristics from related

The paradigm of object-oriented programming has its own vocabulary that reinforces the
object metaphor. We have seen that an object is a data value that has methods and
attributes, accessible via dot notation. Every object also has a type, called a class. New
classes can be defined in Python, just as new functions can be defined.

2.5.1 Objects and Classes

A class serves as a template for all objects whose type is that class. Every object is an
instance of some particular class. The objects we have used so far all have built-in classes,
but new classes can be defined similarly to how new functions can be defined. A class
definition specifies the attributes and methods shared among objects of that class. We will
introduce the class statement by revisiting the example of a bank account.

When introducing local state, we saw that bank accounts are naturally modeled as mutable
values that have a balance . A bank account object should have a withdraw method that
updates the account balance and returns the requested amount, if it is available. We would
like additional behavior to complete the account abstraction: a bank account should be able
to return its current balance, return the name of the account holder, and accept deposits.

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An Account class allows us to create multiple instances of bank accounts. The act of
creating a new object instance is known as instantiating the class. The syntax in Python for
instantiating a class is identical to the syntax of calling a function. In this case, we call
Account with the argument 'Jim' , the account holder's name.

>>> a = Account('Jim')

An attribute of an object is a name-value pair associated with the object, which is accessible
via dot notation. The attributes specific to a particular object, as opposed to all objects of a
class, are called instance attributes. Each Account has its own balance and account holder
name, which are examples of instance attributes. In the broader programming community,
instance attributes may also be called fields, properties, or instance variables.

>>> a.holder
>>> a.balance

Functions that operate on the object or perform object-specific computations are called
methods. The side effects and return value of a method can depend upon, and change,
other attributes of the object. For example, deposit is a method of our Account object a .
It takes one argument, the amount to deposit, changes the balance attribute of the object,
and returns the resulting balance.

>>> a.deposit(15)

In OOP, we say that methods are invoked on a particular object. As a result of invoking the
withdraw method, either the withdrawal is approved and the amount is deducted and

returned, or the request is declined and the account prints an error message.

>>> a.withdraw(10) # The withdraw method returns the balance after withdrawal
>>> a.balance # The balance attribute has changed
>>> a.withdraw(10)
'Insufficient funds'

As illustrated above, the behavior of a method can depend upon the changing attributes of
the object. Two calls to withdraw with the same argument return different results.

2.5.2 Defining Classes

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User-defined classes are created by class statements, which consist of a single clause. A
class statement defines the class name and a base class (discussed in the section on
Inheritance), then includes a suite of statements to define the attributes of the class:

class <name>(<base class>):


When a class statement is executed, a new class is created and bound to &lt;name&gt; in
the first frame of the current environment. The suite is then executed. Any names bound
within the &lt;suite&gt; of a class statement, through def or assignment statements,
create or modify attributes of the class.

Classes are typically organized around manipulating instance attributes, which are the
name-value pairs associated not with the class itself, but with each object of that class. The
class specifies the instance attributes of its objects by defining a method for initializing new
objects. For instance, part of initializing an object of the Account class is to assign it a
starting balance of 0.

The &lt;suite&gt; of a class statement contains def statements that define new
methods for objects of that class. The method that initializes objects has a special name in
Python, __init__ (two underscores on each side of "init"), and is called the constructor for
the class.

>>> class Account(object):

def __init__(self, account_holder):
self.balance = 0
self.holder = account_holder

The __init__ method for Account has two formal parameters. The first one, self , is
bound to the newly created Account object. The second parameter, account_holder , is
bound to the argument passed to the class when it is called to be instantiated.

The constructor binds the instance attribute name balance to 0 . It also binds the attribute
name holder to the value of the name account_holder . The formal parameter
account_holder is a local name to the __init__ method. On the other hand, the name

holder that is bound via the final assignment statement persists, because it is stored as an

attribute of self using dot notation.

Having defined the Account class, we can instantiate it.

>>> a = Account('Jim')

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This "call" to the Account class creates a new object that is an instance of Account , then
calls the constructor function __init__ with two arguments: the newly created object and
the string 'Jim' . By convention, we use the parameter name self for the first argument of
a constructor, because it is bound to the object being instantiated. This convention is
adopted in virtually all Python code.

Now, we can access the object's balance and holder using dot notation.

>>> a.balance
>>> a.holder

Identity. Each new account instance has its own balance attribute, the value of which is
independent of other objects of the same class.

>>> b = Account('Jack')
>>> b.balance = 200
>>> [acc.balance for acc in (a, b)]
[0, 200]

To enforce this separation, every object that is an instance of a user-defined class has a
unique identity. Object identity is compared using the is and is not operators.

>>> a is a
>>> a is not b

Despite being constructed from identical calls, the objects bound to a and b are not the
same. As usual, binding an object to a new name using assignment does not create a new

>>> c = a
>>> c is a

New objects that have user-defined classes are only created when a class (such as
Account ) is instantiated with call expression syntax.

Methods. Object methods are also defined by a def statement in the suite of a class
statement. Below, deposit and withdraw are both defined as methods on objects of the
Account class.

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>>> class Account(object):

def __init__(self, account_holder):
self.balance = 0
self.holder = account_holder
def deposit(self, amount):
self.balance = self.balance + amount
return self.balance
def withdraw(self, amount):
if amount > self.balance:
return 'Insufficient funds'
self.balance = self.balance - amount
return self.balance

While method definitions do not differ from function definitions in how they are declared,
method definitions do have a different effect. The function value that is created by a def
statement within a class statement is bound to the declared name, but bound locally within
the class as an attribute. That value is invoked as a method using dot notation from an
instance of the class.

Each method definition again includes a special first parameter self , which is bound to the
object on which the method is invoked. For example, let us say that deposit is invoked on
a particular Account object and passed a single argument value: the amount deposited.
The object itself is bound to self , while the argument is bound to amount . All invoked
methods have access to the object via the self parameter, and so they can all access and
manipulate the object's state.

To invoke these methods, we again use dot notation, as illustrated below.

>>> tom_account = Account('Tom')

>>> tom_account.deposit(100)
>>> tom_account.withdraw(90)
>>> tom_account.withdraw(90)
'Insufficient funds'
>>> tom_account.holder

When a method is invoked via dot notation, the object itself (bound to tom_account , in this
case) plays a dual role. First, it determines what the name withdraw means; withdraw is
not a name in the environment, but instead a name that is local to the Account class.
Second, it is bound to the first parameter self when the withdraw method is invoked. The
details of the procedure for evaluating dot notation follow in the next section.

2.5.3 Message Passing and Dot Expressions

Methods, which are defined in classes, and instance attributes, which are typically assigned
in constructors, are the fundamental elements of object-oriented programming. These two
concepts replicate much of the behavior of a dispatch dictionary in a message passing

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implementation of a data value. Objects take messages using dot notation, but instead of
those messages being arbitrary string-valued keys, they are names local to a class. Objects
also have named local state values (the instance attributes), but that state can be accessed
and manipulated using dot notation, without having to employ nonlocal statements in the

The central idea in message passing was that data values should have behavior by
responding to messages that are relevant to the abstract type they represent. Dot notation is
a syntactic feature of Python that formalizes the message passing metaphor. The advantage
of using a language with a built-in object system is that message passing can interact
seamlessly with other language features, such as assignment statements. We do not require
different messages to "get" or "set" the value associated with a local attribute name; the
language syntax allows us to use the message name directly.

Dot expressions. The code fragment tom_account.deposit is called a dot expression. A dot
expression consists of an expression, a dot, and a name:

<expression> . <name>

The &lt;expression&gt; can be any valid Python expression, but the &lt;name&gt; must
be a simple name (not an expression that evaluates to a name). A dot expression evaluates
to the value of the attribute with the given &lt;name&gt; , for the object that is the value of
the &lt;expression&gt; .

The built-in function getattr also returns an attribute for an object by name. It is the
function equivalent of dot notation. Using getattr , we can look up an attribute using a
string, just as we did with a dispatch dictionary.

>>> getattr(tom_account, 'balance')


We can also test whether an object has a named attribute with hasattr .

>>> hasattr(tom_account, 'deposit')


The attributes of an object include all of its instance attributes, along with all of the attributes
(including methods) defined in its class. Methods are attributes of the class that require
special handling.

Method and functions. When a method is invoked on an object, that object is implicitly
passed as the first argument to the method. That is, the object that is the value of the
&lt;expression&gt; to the left of the dot is passed automatically as the first argument to the

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method named on the right side of the dot expression. As a result, the object is bound to the
parameter self .

To achieve automatic self binding, Python distinguishes between functions, which we

have been creating since the beginning of the course, and bound methods, which couple
together a function and the object on which that method will be invoked. A bound method
value is already associated with its first argument, the instance on which it was invoked,
which will be named self when the method is called.

We can see the difference in the interactive interpreter by calling type on the returned
values of dot expressions. As an attribute of a class, a method is just a function, but as an
attribute of an instance, it is a bound method:

>>> type(Account.deposit)
<class 'function'>
>>> type(tom_account.deposit)
<class 'method'>

These two results differ only in the fact that the first is a standard two-argument function with
parameters self and amount . The second is a one-argument method, where the name
self will be bound to the object named tom_account automatically when the method is

called, while the parameter amount will be bound to the argument passed to the method.
Both of these values, whether function values or bound method values, are associated with
the same deposit function body.

We can call deposit in two ways: as a function and as a bound method. In the former case,
we must supply an argument for the self parameter explicitly. In the latter case, the self
parameter is bound automatically.

>>> Account.deposit(tom_account, 1001) # The deposit function requires 2 arguments

>>> tom_account.deposit(1000) # The deposit method takes 1 argument

The function getattr behaves exactly like dot notation: if its first argument is an object but
the name is a method defined in the class, then getattr returns a bound method value. On
the other hand, if the first argument is a class, then getattr returns the attribute value
directly, which is a plain function.

Practical guidance: naming conventions. Class names are conventionally written using
the CapWords convention (also called CamelCase because the capital letters in the middle
of a name are like humps). Method names follow the standard convention of naming
functions using lowercased words separated by underscores.

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In some cases, there are instance variables and methods that are related to the
maintenance and consistency of an object that we don't want users of the object to see or
use. They are not part of the abstraction defined by a class, but instead part of the
implementation. Python's convention dictates that if an attribute name starts with an
underscore, it should only be accessed within methods of the class itself, rather than by
users of the class.

2.5.4 Class Attributes

Some attribute values are shared across all objects of a given class. Such attributes are
associated with the class itself, rather than any individual instance of the class. For instance,
let us say that a bank pays interest on the balance of accounts at a fixed interest rate. That
interest rate may change, but it is a single value shared across all accounts.

Class attributes are created by assignment statements in the suite of a class statement,
outside of any method definition. In the broader developer community, class attributes may
also be called class variables or static variables. The following class statement creates a
class attribute for Account with the name interest .

>>> class Account(object):

interest = 0.02 # A class attribute
def __init__(self, account_holder):
self.balance = 0
self.holder = account_holder
# Additional methods would be defined here

This attribute can still be accessed from any instance of the class.

>>> tom_account = Account('Tom')

>>> jim_account = Account('Jim')
>>> tom_account.interest
>>> jim_account.interest

However, a single assignment statement to a class attribute changes the value of the
attribute for all instances of the class.

>>> Account.interest = 0.04

>>> tom_account.interest
>>> jim_account.interest

Attribute names. We have introduced enough complexity into our object system that we
have to specify how names are resolved to particular attributes. After all, we could easily
have a class attribute and an instance attribute with the same name.

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As we have seen, a dot expressions consist of an expression, a dot, and a name:

<expression> . <name>

To evaluate a dot expression:

1. Evaluate the &lt;expression&gt; to the left of the dot, which yields the object of the dot
2. &lt;name&gt; is matched against the instance attributes of that object; if an attribute

with that name exists, its value is returned.

3. If &lt;name&gt; does not appear among instance attributes, then &lt;name&gt; is
looked up in the class, which yields a class attribute value.
4. That value is returned unless it is a function, in which case a bound method is returned

In this evaluation procedure, instance attributes are found before class attributes, just as
local names have priority over global in an environment. Methods defined within the class
are bound to the object of the dot expression during the third step of this evaluation
procedure. The procedure for looking up a name in a class has additional nuances that will
arise shortly, once we introduce class inheritance.

Assignment. All assignment statements that contain a dot expression on their left-hand side
affect attributes for the object of that dot expression. If the object is an instance, then
assignment sets an instance attribute. If the object is a class, then assignment sets a class
attribute. As a consequence of this rule, assignment to an attribute of an object cannot affect
the attributes of its class. The examples below illustrate this distinction.

If we assign to the named attribute interest of an account instance, we create a new

instance attribute that has the same name as the existing class attribute.

>>> jim_account.interest = 0.08

and that attribute value will be returned from a dot expression.

>>> jim_account.interest

However, the class attribute interest still retains its original value, which is returned for all
other accounts.

>>> tom_account.interest

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Changes to the class attribute interest will affect tom_account , but the instance attribute
for jim_account will be unaffected.

>>> Account.interest = 0.05 # changing the class attribute

>>> tom_account.interest # changes instances without like-named instance attributes
>>> jim_account.interest # but the existing instance attribute is unaffected

2.5.5 Inheritance
When working in the OOP paradigm, we often find that different abstract data types are
related. In particular, we find that similar classes differ in their amount of specialization. Two
classes may have similar attributes, but one represents a special case of the other.

For example, we may want to implement a checking account, which is different from a
standard account. A checking account charges an extra $1 for each withdrawal and has a
lower interest rate. Here, we demonstrate the desired behavior.

>>> ch = CheckingAccount('Tom')
>>> ch.interest # Lower interest rate for checking accounts
>>> ch.deposit(20) # Deposits are the same
>>> ch.withdraw(5) # withdrawals decrease balance by an extra charge

A CheckingAccount is a specialization of an Account . In OOP terminology, the generic

account will serve as the base class of CheckingAccount , while CheckingAccount will be a
subclass of Account . (The terms parent class and superclass are also used for the base
class, while child class is also used for the subclass.)

A subclass inherits the attributes of its base class, but may override certain attributes,
including certain methods. With inheritance, we only specify what is different between the
subclass and the base class. Anything that we leave unspecified in the subclass is
automatically assumed to behave just as it would for the base class.

Inheritance also has a role in our object metaphor, in addition to being a useful
organizational feature. Inheritance is meant to represent is-a relationships between classes,
which contrast with has-a relationships. A checking account is-a specific type of account, so
having a CheckingAccount inherit from Account is an appropriate use of inheritance. On the
other hand, a bank has-a list of bank accounts that it manages, so neither should inherit
from the other. Instead, a list of account objects would be naturally expressed as an instance
attribute of a bank object.

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2.5.6 Using Inheritance

We specify inheritance by putting the base class in parentheses after the class name. First,
we give a full implementation of the Account class, which includes docstrings for the class
and its methods.

>>> class Account(object):

"""A bank account that has a non-negative balance."""
interest = 0.02
def __init__(self, account_holder):
self.balance = 0
self.holder = account_holder
def deposit(self, amount):
"""Increase the account balance by amount and return the new balance."""
self.balance = self.balance + amount
return self.balance
def withdraw(self, amount):
"""Decrease the account balance by amount and return the new balance."""
if amount > self.balance:
return 'Insufficient funds'
self.balance = self.balance - amount
return self.balance

A full implementation of CheckingAccount appears below.

>>> class CheckingAccount(Account):

"""A bank account that charges for withdrawals."""
withdraw_charge = 1
interest = 0.01
def withdraw(self, amount):
return Account.withdraw(self, amount + self.withdraw_charge)

Here, we introduce a class attribute withdraw_charge that is specific to the CheckingAccount

class. We assign a lower value to the interest attribute. We also define a new withdraw
method to override the behavior defined in the Account class. With no further statements in
the class suite, all other behavior is inherited from the base class Account .

>>> checking = CheckingAccount('Sam')

>>> checking.deposit(10)
>>> checking.withdraw(5)
>>> checking.interest

The expression checking.deposit evaluates to a bound method for making deposits, which
was defined in the Account class. When Python resolves a name in a dot expression that is
not an attribute of the instance, it looks up the name in the class. In fact, the act of "looking
up" a name in a class tries to find that name in every base class in the inheritance chain for
the original object's class. We can define this procedure recursively. To look up a name in a

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1. If it names an attribute in the class, return the attribute value.

2. Otherwise, look up the name in the base class, if there is one.

In the case of deposit , Python would have looked for the name first on the instance, and
then in the CheckingAccount class. Finally, it would look in the Account class, where
deposit is defined. According to our evaluation rule for dot expressions, since deposit is

a function looked up in the class for the checking instance, the dot expression evaluates to
a bound method value. That method is invoked with the argument 10 , which calls the
deposit method with self bound to the checking object and amount bound to 10 .

The class of an object stays constant throughout. Even though the deposit method was
found in the Account class, deposit is called with self bound to an instance of
CheckingAccount , not of Account .

Calling ancestors. Attributes that have been overridden are still accessible via class
objects. For instance, we implemented the withdraw method of CheckingAccount by calling
the withdraw method of Account with an argument that included the withdraw_charge .

Notice that we called self.withdraw_charge rather than the equivalent

CheckingAccount.withdraw_charge . The benefit of the former over the latter is that a class

that inherits from CheckingAccount might override the withdrawal charge. If that is the case,
we would like our implementation of withdraw to find that new value instead of the old one.

2.5.7 Multiple Inheritance

Python supports the concept of a subclass inheriting attributes from multiple base classes, a
language feature called multiple inheritance.

Suppose that we have a SavingsAccount that inherits from Account , but charges customers
a small fee every time they make a deposit.

>>> class SavingsAccount(Account):

deposit_charge = 2
def deposit(self, amount):
return Account.deposit(self, amount - self.deposit_charge)

Then, a clever executive conceives of an AsSeenOnTVAccount account with the best features
of both CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount : withdrawal fees, deposit fees, and a low
interest rate. It's both a checking and a savings account in one! "If we build it," the executive
reasons, "someone will sign up and pay all those fees. We'll even give them a dollar."

>>> class AsSeenOnTVAccount(CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount):

def __init__(self, account_holder):
self.holder = account_holder
self.balance = 1 # A free dollar!

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In fact, this implementation is complete. Both withdrawal and deposits will generate fees,
using the function definitions in CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount respectively.

>>> such_a_deal = AsSeenOnTVAccount("John")

>>> such_a_deal.balance
>>> such_a_deal.deposit(20) # $2 fee from SavingsAccount.deposit
>>> such_a_deal.withdraw(5) # $1 fee from CheckingAccount.withdraw

Non-ambiguous references are resolved correctly as expected:

>>> such_a_deal.deposit_charge
>>> such_a_deal.withdraw_charge

But what about when the reference is ambiguous, such as the reference to the withdraw
method that is defined in both Account and CheckingAccount ? The figure below depicts an
inheritance graph for the AsSeenOnTVAccount class. Each arrow points from a subclass to a
base class.

For a simple "diamond" shape like this, Python resolves names from left to right, then
upwards. In this example, Python checks for an attribute name in the following classes, in
order, until an attribute with that name is found:

AsSeenOnTVAccount, CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount, Account, object

There is no correct solution to the inheritance ordering problem, as there are cases in which
we might prefer to give precedence to certain inherited classes over others. However, any
programming language that supports multiple inheritance must select some ordering in a
consistent way, so that users of the language can predict the behavior of their programs.

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Further reading. Python resolves this name using a recursive algorithm called the C3
Method Resolution Ordering. The method resolution order of any class can be queried using
the mro method on all classes.

>>> [c.__name__ for c in AsSeenOnTVAccount.mro()]

['AsSeenOnTVAccount', 'CheckingAccount', 'SavingsAccount', 'Account', 'object']

The precise algorithm for finding method resolution orderings is not a topic for this course,
but is described by Python's primary author with a reference to the original paper.

2.5.8 The Role of Objects

The Python object system is designed to make data abstraction and message passing both
convenient and flexible. The specialized syntax of classes, methods, inheritance, and dot
expressions all enable us to formalize the object metaphor in our programs, which improves
our ability to organize large programs.

In particular, we would like our object system to promote a separation of concerns among
the different aspects of the program. Each object in a program encapsulates and manages
some part of the program's state, and each class statement defines the functions that
implement some part of the program's overall logic. Abstraction barriers enforce the
boundaries between different aspects of a large program.

Object-oriented programming is particularly well-suited to programs that model systems that

have separate but interacting parts. For instance, different users interact in a social network,
different characters interact in a game, and different shapes interact in a physical simulation.
When representing such systems, the objects in a program often map naturally onto objects
in the system being modeled, and classes represent their types and relationships.

On the other hand, classes may not provide the best mechanism for implementing certain
abstractions. Functional abstractions provide a more natural metaphor for representing
relationships between inputs and outputs. One should not feel compelled to fit every bit of
logic in a program within a class, especially when defining independent functions for
manipulating data is more natural. Functions can also enforce a separation of concerns.

Multi-paradigm languages like Python allow programmers to match organizational

paradigms to appropriate problems. Learning to identify when to introduce a new class, as
opposed to a new function, in order to simplify or modularize a program, is an important
design skill in software engineering that deserves careful attention.

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2.6 Implementing Classes and Objects

When working in the object-oriented programming paradigm, we use the object metaphor to
guide the organization of our programs. Most logic about how to represent and manipulate
data is expressed within class declarations. In this section, we see that classes and objects
can themselves be represented using just functions and dictionaries. The purpose of
implementing an object system in this way is to illustrate that using the object metaphor does
not require a special programming language. Programs can be object-oriented, even in
programming languages that do not have a built-in object system.

In order to implement objects, we will abandon dot notation (which does require built-in
language support), but create dispatch dictionaries that behave in much the same way as
the elements of the built-in object system. We have already seen how to implement
message-passing behavior through dispatch dictionaries. To implement an object system in
full, we send messages between instances, classes, and base classes, all of which are
dictionaries that contain attributes.

We will not implement the entire Python object system, which includes features that we have
not covered in this text (e.g., meta-classes and static methods). We will focus instead on
user-defined classes without multiple inheritance and without introspective behavior (such as
returning the class of an instance). Our implementation is not meant to follow the precise
specification of the Python type system. Instead, it is designed to implement the core
functionality that enables the object metaphor.

2.6.1 Instances
We begin with instances. An instance has named attributes, such as the balance of an
account, which can be set and retrieved. We implement an instance using a dispatch
dictionary that responds to messages that "get" and "set" attribute values. Attributes
themselves are stored in a local dictionary called attributes .

As we have seen previously in this chapter, dictionaries themselves are abstract data types.
We implemented dictionaries with lists, we implemented lists with pairs, and we
implemented pairs with functions. As we implement an object system in terms of
dictionaries, keep in mind that we could just as well be implementing objects using functions

To begin our implementation, we assume that we have a class implementation that can look
up any names that are not part of the instance. We pass in a class to make_instance as the
parameter cls .

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>>> def make_instance(cls):

"""Return a new object instance, which is a dispatch dictionary."""
def get_value(name):
if name in attributes:
return attributes[name]
value = cls['get'](name)
return bind_method(value, instance)
def set_value(name, value):
attributes[name] = value
attributes = {}
instance = {'get': get_value, 'set': set_value}
return instance

The instance is a dispatch dictionary that responds to the messages get and set . The
set message corresponds to attribute assignment in Python's object system: all assigned

attributes are stored directly within the object's local attribute dictionary. In get , if name
does not appear in the local attributes dictionary, then it is looked up in the class. If the
value returned by cls is a function, it must be bound to the instance.

Bound method values. The get_value function in make_instance finds a named attribute
in its class with get , then calls bind_method . Binding a method only applies to function
values, and it creates a bound method value from a function value by inserting the instance
as the first argument:

>>> def bind_method(value, instance):

"""Return a bound method if value is callable, or value otherwise."""
if callable(value):
def method(*args):
return value(instance, *args)
return method
return value

When a method is called, the first parameter self will be bound to the value of instance
by this definition.

2.6.2 Classes
A class is also an object, both in Python's object system and the system we are
implementing here. For simplicity, we say that classes do not themselves have a class. (In
Python, classes do have classes; almost all classes share the same class, called type .) A
class can respond to get and set messages, as well as the new message:

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>>> def make_class(attributes, base_class=None):

"""Return a new class, which is a dispatch dictionary."""
def get_value(name):
if name in attributes:
return attributes[name]
elif base_class is not None:
return base_class['get'](name)
def set_value(name, value):
attributes[name] = value
def new(*args):
return init_instance(cls, *args)
cls = {'get': get_value, 'set': set_value, 'new': new}
return cls

Unlike an instance, the get function for classes does not query its class when an attribute
is not found, but instead queries its base_class . No method binding is required for classes.

Initialization. The new function in make_class calls init_instance , which first makes a
new instance, then invokes a method called __init__ .

>>> def init_instance(cls, *args):

"""Return a new object with type cls, initialized with args."""
instance = make_instance(cls)
init = cls['get']('__init__')
if init:
init(instance, *args)
return instance

This final function completes our object system. We now have instances, which set locally
but fall back to their classes on get . After an instance looks up a name in its class, it binds
itself to function values to create methods. Finally, classes can create new instances, and
they apply their __init__ constructor function immediately after instance creation.

In this object system, the only function that should be called by the user is create_class . All
other functionality is enabled through message passing. Similarly, Python's object system is
invoked via the class statement, and all of its other functionality is enabled through dot
expressions and calls to classes.

2.6.3 Using Implemented Objects

We now return to use the bank account example from the previous section. Using our
implemented object system, we will create an Account class, a CheckingAccount subclass,
and an instance of each.

The Account class is created through a create_account_class function, which has structure
similar to a class statement in Python, but concludes with a call to make_class .

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>>> def make_account_class():

"""Return the Account class, which has deposit and withdraw methods."""
def __init__(self, account_holder):
self['set']('holder', account_holder)
self['set']('balance', 0)
def deposit(self, amount):
"""Increase the account balance by amount and return the new balance."""
new_balance = self['get']('balance') + amount
self['set']('balance', new_balance)
return self['get']('balance')
def withdraw(self, amount):
"""Decrease the account balance by amount and return the new balance."""
balance = self['get']('balance')
if amount > balance:
return 'Insufficient funds'
self['set']('balance', balance - amount)
return self['get']('balance')
return make_class({'__init__': __init__,
'deposit': deposit,
'withdraw': withdraw,
'interest': 0.02})

In this function, the names of attributes are set at the end. Unlike Python class statements,
which enforce consistency between intrinsic function names and attribute names, here we
must specify the correspondence between attribute names and values manually.

The Account class is finally instantiated via assignment.

>>> Account = make_account_class()

Then, an account instance is created via the new message, which requires a name to go
with the newly created account.

>>> jim_acct = Account['new']('Jim')

Then, get messages passed to jim_acct retrieve properties and methods. Methods can
be called to update the balance of the account.

>>> jim_acct['get']('holder')
>>> jim_acct['get']('interest')
>>> jim_acct['get']('deposit')(20)
>>> jim_acct['get']('withdraw')(5)

As with the Python object system, setting an attribute of an instance does not change the
corresponding attribute of its class.

>>> jim_acct['set']('interest', 0.04)

>>> Account['get']('interest')

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Inheritance. We can create a subclass CheckingAccount by overloading a subset of the

class attributes. In this case, we change the withdraw method to impose a fee, and we
reduce the interest rate.

>>> def make_checking_account_class():

"""Return the CheckingAccount class, which imposes a $1 withdrawal fee."""
def withdraw(self, amount):
return Account['get']('withdraw')(self, amount + 1)
return make_class({'withdraw': withdraw, 'interest': 0.01}, Account)

In this implementation, we call the withdraw function of the base class Account from the
withdraw function of the subclass, as we would in Python's built-in object system. We can

create the subclass itself and an instance, as before.

>>> CheckingAccount = make_checking_account_class()

>>> jack_acct = CheckingAccount['new']('Jack')

Deposits behave identically, as does the constructor function. withdrawals impose the $1 fee
from the specialized withdraw method, and interest has the new lower value from
CheckingAccount .

>>> jack_acct['get']('interest')
>>> jack_acct['get']('deposit')(20)
>>> jack_acct['get']('withdraw')(5)

Our object system built upon dictionaries is quite similar in implementation to the built-in
object system in Python. In Python, an instance of any user-defined class has a special
attribute __dict__ that stores the local instance attributes for that object in a dictionary,
much like our attributes dictionary. Python differs because it distinguishes certain special
methods that interact with built-in functions to ensure that those functions behave correctly
for arguments of many different types. Functions that operate on different types are the
subject of the next section.

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2.7 Generic Operations

In this chapter, we introduced compound data values, along with the technique of data
abstraction using constructors and selectors. Using message passing, we endowed our
abstract data types with behavior directly. Using the object metaphor, we bundled together
the representation of data and the methods used to manipulate that data to modularize data-
driven programs with local state.

However, we have yet to show that our object system allows us to combine together different
types of objects flexibly in a large program. Message passing via dot expressions is only one
way of building combined expressions with multiple objects. In this section, we explore
alternate methods for combining and manipulating objects of different types.

2.7.1 String Conversion

We stated in the beginning of this chapter that an object value should behave like the kind of
data it is meant to represent, including producing a string representation of itself. String
representations of data values are especially important in an interactive language like
Python, where the read-eval-print loop requires every value to have some sort of string

String values provide a fundamental medium for communicating information among humans.
Sequences of characters can be rendered on a screen, printed to paper, read aloud,
converted to braille, or broadcast as Morse code. Strings are also fundamental to
programming because they can represent Python expressions. For an object, we may want
to generate a string that, when interpreted as a Python expression, evaluates to an
equivalent object.

Python stipulates that all objects should produce two different string representations: one
that is human-interpretable text and one that is a Python-interpretable expression. The
constructor function for strings, str , returns a human-readable string. Where possible, the
repr function returns a Python expression that evaluates to an equal object. The docstring

for repr explains this property:

repr(object) -> string

Return the canonical string representation of the object.

For most object types, eval(repr(object)) == object.

The result of calling repr on the value of an expression is what Python prints in an
interactive session.

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>>> 12e12
>>> print(repr(12e12))

In cases where no representation exists that evaluates to the original value, Python
produces a proxy.

>>> repr(min)
'<built-in function min>'

The str constructor often coincides with repr , but provides a more interpretable text
representation in some cases. For instance, we see a difference between str and repr
with dates.

>>> from datetime import date

>>> today = date(2011, 9, 12)
>>> repr(today)
', 9, 12)'
>>> str(today)

Defining the repr function presents a new challenge: we would like it to apply correctly to
all data types, even those that did not exist when repr was implemented. We would like it
to be a polymorphic function, one that can be applied to many (poly) different forms (morph)
of data.

Message passing provides an elegant solution in this case: the repr function invokes a
method called __repr__ on its argument.

>>> today.__repr__()
', 9, 12)'

By implementing this same method in user-defined classes, we can extend the applicability
of repr to any class we create in the future. This example highlights another benefit of
message passing in general, that it provides a mechanism for extending the domain of
existing functions to new object types.

The str constructor is implemented in a similar manner: it invokes a method called

__str__ on its argument.

>>> today.__str__()

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These polymorphic functions are examples of a more general principle: certain functions
should apply to multiple data types. The message passing approach exemplified here is only
one of a family of techniques for implementing polymorphic functions. The remainder of this
section explores some alternatives.

2.7.2 Multiple Representations

Data abstraction, using objects or functions, is a powerful tool for managing complexity.
Abstract data types allow us to construct an abstraction barrier between the underlying
representation of data and the functions or messages used to manipulate it. However, in
large programs, it may not always make sense to speak of "the underlying representation"
for a data type in a program. For one thing, there might be more than one useful
representation for a data object, and we might like to design systems that can deal with
multiple representations.

To take a simple example, complex numbers may be represented in two almost equivalent
ways: in rectangular form (real and imaginary parts) and in polar form (magnitude and
angle). Sometimes the rectangular form is more appropriate and sometimes the polar form is
more appropriate. Indeed, it is perfectly plausible to imagine a system in which complex
numbers are represented in both ways, and in which the functions for manipulating complex
numbers work with either representation.

More importantly, large software systems are often designed by many people working over
extended periods of time, subject to requirements that change over time. In such an
environment, it is simply not possible for everyone to agree in advance on choices of data
representation. In addition to the data-abstraction barriers that isolate representation from
use, we need abstraction barriers that isolate different design choices from each other and
permit different choices to coexist in a single program. Furthermore, since large programs
are often created by combining pre-existing modules that were designed in isolation, we
need conventions that permit programmers to incorporate modules into larger systems
additively, that is, without having to redesign or re-implement these modules.

We begin with the simple complex-number example. We will see how message passing
enables us to design separate rectangular and polar representations for complex numbers
while maintaining the notion of an abstract "complex-number" object. We will accomplish this
by defining arithmetic functions for complex numbers ( add_complex , mul_complex ) in terms
of generic selectors that access parts of a complex number independent of how the number
is represented. The resulting complex-number system contains two different kinds of
abstraction barriers. They isolate higher-level operations from lower-level representations. In
addition, there is a vertical barrier that gives us the ability to separately design alternative

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As a side note, we are developing a system that performs arithmetic operations on complex
numbers as a simple but unrealistic example of a program that uses generic operations. A
complex number type is actually built into Python, but for this example we will implement our

Like rational numbers, complex numbers are naturally represented as pairs. The set of
complex numbers can be thought of as a two-dimensional space with two orthogonal axes,
the real axis and the imaginary axis. From this point of view, the complex number
z = x + y * i (where i*i = -1 ) can be thought of as the point in the plane whose real

coordinate is x and whose imaginary coordinate is y . Adding complex numbers involves

adding their respective x and y coordinates.

When multiplying complex numbers, it is more natural to think in terms of representing a

complex number in polar form, as a magnitude and an angle. The product of two complex
numbers is the vector obtained by stretching one complex number by a factor of the length
of the other, and then rotating it through the angle of the other.

Thus, there are two different representations for complex numbers, which are appropriate for
different operations. Yet, from the viewpoint of someone writing a program that uses
complex numbers, the principle of data abstraction suggests that all the operations for
manipulating complex numbers should be available regardless of which representation is
used by the computer.

Interfaces. Message passing not only provides a method for coupling behavior and data, it
allows different data types to respond to the same message in different ways. A shared
message that elicits similar behavior from different object classes is a powerful method of

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As we have seen, an abstract data type is defined by constructors, selectors, and additional
behavior conditions. A closely related concept is an interface, which is a set of shared
messages, along with a specification of what they mean. Objects that respond to the special
__repr__ and __str__ methods all implement a common interface of types that can be

represented as strings.

In the case of complex numbers, the interface needed to implement arithmetic consists of
four messages: real , imag , magnitude , and angle . We can implement addition and
multiplication in terms of these messages.

We can have two different abstract data types for complex numbers that differ in their

ComplexRI constructs a complex number from real and imaginary parts.

ComplexMA constructs a complex number from a magnitude and angle.

With these messages and constructors, we can implement complex arithmetic.

>>> def add_complex(z1, z2):

return ComplexRI(z1.real + z2.real, z1.imag + z2.imag)

>>> def mul_complex(z1, z2):

return ComplexMA(z1.magnitude * z2.magnitude, z1.angle + z2.angle)

The relationship between the terms "abstract data type" (ADT) and "interface" is subtle. An
ADT includes ways of building complex data types, manipulating them as units, and
selecting for their components. In an object-oriented system, an ADT corresponds to a class,
although we have seen that an object system is not needed to implement an ADT. An
interface is a set of messages that have associated meanings, and which may or may not
include selectors. Conceptually, an ADT describes a full representational abstraction of
some kind of thing, whereas an interface specifies a set of behaviors that may be shared
across many things.

Properties. We would like to use both types of complex numbers interchangeably, but it
would be wasteful to store redundant information about each number. We would like to store
either the real-imaginary representation or the magnitude-angle representation.

Python has a simple feature for computing attributes on the fly from zero-argument
functions. The @property decorator allows functions to be called without the standard call
expression syntax. An implementation of complex numbers in terms of real and imaginary
parts illustrates this point.

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>>> from math import atan2

>>> class ComplexRI(object):
def __init__(self, real, imag):
self.real = real
self.imag = imag
def magnitude(self):
return (self.real ** 2 + self.imag ** 2) ** 0.5
def angle(self):
return atan2(self.imag, self.real)
def __repr__(self):
return 'ComplexRI({0}, {1})'.format(self.real, self.imag)

A second implementation using magnitude and angle provides the same interface because it
responds to the same set of messages.

>>> from math import sin, cos

>>> class ComplexMA(object):
def __init__(self, magnitude, angle):
self.magnitude = magnitude
self.angle = angle
def real(self):
return self.magnitude * cos(self.angle)
def imag(self):
return self.magnitude * sin(self.angle)
def __repr__(self):
return 'ComplexMA({0}, {1})'.format(self.magnitude, self.angle)

In fact, our implementations of add_complex and mul_complex are now complete; either
class of complex number can be used for either argument in either complex arithmetic
function. It is worth noting that the object system does not explicitly connect the two complex
types in any way (e.g., through inheritance). We have implemented the complex number
abstraction by sharing a common set of messages, an interface, across the two classes.

>>> from math import pi

>>> add_complex(ComplexRI(1, 2), ComplexMA(2, pi/2))
ComplexRI(1.0000000000000002, 4.0)
>>> mul_complex(ComplexRI(0, 1), ComplexRI(0, 1))
ComplexMA(1.0, 3.141592653589793)

The interface approach to encoding multiple representations has appealing properties. The
class for each representation can be developed separately; they must only agree on the
names of the attributes they share. The interface is also additive. If another programmer
wanted to add a third representation of complex numbers to the same program, they would
only have to create another class with the same attributes.

Special methods. The built-in mathematical operators can be extended in much the same
way as repr ; there are special method names corresponding to Python operators for
arithmetic, logical, and sequence operations.

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To make our code more legible, we would perhaps like to use the + and * operators
directly when adding and multiplying complex numbers. Adding the following methods to
both of our complex number classes will enable these operators to be used, as well as the
add and mul functions in the operator module:

>>> ComplexRI.__add__ = lambda self, other: add_complex(self, other)

>>> ComplexMA.__add__ = lambda self, other: add_complex(self, other)
>>> ComplexRI.__mul__ = lambda self, other: mul_complex(self, other)
>>> ComplexMA.__mul__ = lambda self, other: mul_complex(self, other)

Now, we can use infix notation with our user-defined classes.

>>> ComplexRI(1, 2) + ComplexMA(2, 0)

ComplexRI(3.0, 2.0)
>>> ComplexRI(0, 1) * ComplexRI(0, 1)
ComplexMA(1.0, 3.141592653589793)

Further reading. To evaluate expressions that contain the + operator, Python checks for
special methods on both the left and right operands of the expression. First, Python checks
for an __add__ method on the value of the left operand, then checks for an __radd__
method on the value of the right operand. If either is found, that method is invoked with the
value of the other operand as its argument.

Similar protocols exist for evaluating expressions that contain any kind of operator in Python,
including slice notation and Boolean operators. The Python docs list the exhaustive set of
method names for operators. Dive into Python 3 has a chapter on special method names
that describes many details of their use in the Python interpreter.

2.7.3 Generic Functions

Our implementation of complex numbers has made two data types interchangeable as
arguments to the add_complex and mul_complex functions. Now we will see how to use this
same idea not only to define operations that are generic over different representations but
also to define operations that are generic over different kinds of arguments that do not share
a common interface.

The operations we have defined so far treat the different data types as being completely
independent. Thus, there are separate packages for adding, say, two rational numbers, or
two complex numbers. What we have not yet considered is the fact that it is meaningful to
define operations that cross the type boundaries, such as the addition of a complex number
to a rational number. We have gone to great pains to introduce barriers between parts of our
programs so that they can be developed and understood separately.

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We would like to introduce the cross-type operations in some carefully controlled way, so
that we can support them without seriously violating our abstraction boundaries. There is a
tension between the outcomes we desire: we would like to be able to add a complex number
to a rational number, and we would like to do so using a generic add function that does the
right thing with all numeric types. At the same time, we would like to separate the concerns
of complex numbers and rational numbers whenever possible, in order to maintain a
modular program.

Let us revise our implementation of rational numbers to use Python's built-in object system.
As before, we will store a rational number as a numerator and denominator in lowest terms.

>>> from fractions import gcd

>>> class Rational(object):
def __init__(self, numer, denom):
g = gcd(numer, denom)
self.numer = numer // g
self.denom = denom // g
def __repr__(self):
return 'Rational({0}, {1})'.format(self.numer, self.denom)

Adding and multiplying rational numbers in this new implementation is similar to before.

>>> def add_rational(x, y):

nx, dx = x.numer, x.denom
ny, dy = y.numer, y.denom
return Rational(nx * dy + ny * dx, dx * dy)

>>> def mul_rational(x, y):

return Rational(x.numer * y.numer, x.denom * y.denom)

Type dispatching. One way to handle cross-type operations is to design a different function
for each possible combination of types for which the operation is valid. For example, we
could extend our complex number implementation so that it provides a function for adding
complex numbers to rational numbers. We can provide this functionality generically using a
technique called dispatching on type.

The idea of type dispatching is to write functions that first inspect the type of argument they
have received, and then execute code that is appropriate for the type. In Python, the type of
an object can be inspected with the built-in type function.

>>> def iscomplex(z):

return type(z) in (ComplexRI, ComplexMA)

>>> def isrational(z):

return type(z) == Rational

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In this case, we are relying on the fact that each object knows its type, and we can look up
that type using the Python type function. Even if the type function were not available, we
could imagine implementing iscomplex and isrational in terms of a shared class attribute
for Rational , ComplexRI , and ComplexMA .

Now consider the following implementation of add , which explicitly checks the type of both
arguments. We will not use Python's special methods (i.e., __add__ ) in this example.

>>> def add_complex_and_rational(z, r):

return ComplexRI(z.real + r.numer/r.denom, z.imag)

>>> def add(z1, z2):

"""Add z1 and z2, which may be complex or rational."""
if iscomplex(z1) and iscomplex(z2):
return add_complex(z1, z2)
elif iscomplex(z1) and isrational(z2):
return add_complex_and_rational(z1, z2)
elif isrational(z1) and iscomplex(z2):
return add_complex_and_rational(z2, z1)
return add_rational(z1, z2)

This simplistic approach to type dispatching, which uses a large conditional statement, is not
additive. If another numeric type were included in the program, we would have to re-
implement add with new clauses.

We can create a more flexible implementation of add by implementing type dispatch

through a dictionary. The first step in extending the flexibility of add will be to create a tag
set for our classes that abstracts away from the two implementations of complex numbers.

>>> def type_tag(x):

return type_tag.tags[type(x)]

>>> type_tag.tags = {ComplexRI: 'com', ComplexMA: 'com', Rational: 'rat'}

Next, we use these type tags to index a dictionary that stores the different ways of adding
numbers. The keys of the dictionary are tuples of type tags, and the values are type-specific
addition functions.

>>> def add(z1, z2):

types = (type_tag(z1), type_tag(z2))
return add.implementations[types](z1, z2)

This definition of add does not have any functionality itself; it relies entirely on a dictionary
called add.implementations to implement addition. We can populate that dictionary as

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>>> add.implementations = {}
>>> add.implementations[('com', 'com')] = add_complex
>>> add.implementations[('com', 'rat')] = add_complex_and_rational
>>> add.implementations[('rat', 'com')] = lambda x, y: add_complex_and_rational(y, x)
>>> add.implementations[('rat', 'rat')] = add_rational

This dictionary-based approach to dispatching is additive, because add.implementations

and type_tag.tags can always be extended. Any new numeric type can "install" itself into
the existing system by adding new entries to these dictionaries.

While we have introduced some complexity to the system, we now have a generic,
extensible add function that handles mixed types.

>>> add(ComplexRI(1.5, 0), Rational(3, 2))

ComplexRI(3.0, 0)
>>> add(Rational(5, 3), Rational(1, 2))
Rational(13, 6)

Data-directed programming. Our dictionary-based implementation of add is not addition-

specific at all; it does not contain any direct addition logic. It only implements addition
because we happen to have populated its implementations dictionary with functions that
perform addition.

A more general version of generic arithmetic would apply arbitrary operators to arbitrary
types and use a dictionary to store implementations of various combinations. This fully
generic approach to implementing methods is called data-directed programming. In our
case, we can implement both generic addition and multiplication without redundant logic.

>>> def apply(operator_name, x, y):

tags = (type_tag(x), type_tag(y))
key = (operator_name, tags)
return apply.implementations[key](x, y)

In this generic apply function, a key is constructed from the operator name (e.g., 'add' )
and a tuple of type tags for the arguments. Implementations are also populated using these
tags. We enable support for multiplication on complex and rational numbers below.

>>> def mul_complex_and_rational(z, r):

return ComplexMA(z.magnitude * r.numer / r.denom, z.angle)

>>> mul_rational_and_complex = lambda r, z: mul_complex_and_rational(z, r)

>>> apply.implementations = {('mul', ('com', 'com')): mul_complex,
('mul', ('com', 'rat')): mul_complex_and_rational,
('mul', ('rat', 'com')): mul_rational_and_complex,
('mul', ('rat', 'rat')): mul_rational}

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We can also include the addition implementations from add to apply , using the dictionary
update method.

>>> adders = add.implementations.items()

>>> apply.implementations.update({('add', tags):fn for (tags, fn) in adders})

Now that apply supports 8 different implementations in a single table, we can use it to
manipulate rational and complex numbers quite generically.

>>> apply('add', ComplexRI(1.5, 0), Rational(3, 2))

ComplexRI(3.0, 0)
>>> apply('mul', Rational(1, 2), ComplexMA(10, 1))
ComplexMA(5.0, 1)

This data-directed approach does manage the complexity of cross-type operators, but it is
cumbersome. With such a system, the cost of introducing a new type is not just writing
methods for that type, but also the construction and installation of the functions that
implement the cross-type operations. This burden can easily require much more code than
is needed to define the operations on the type itself.

While the techniques of dispatching on type and data-directed programming do create

additive implementations of generic functions, they do not effectively separate
implementation concerns; implementors of the individual numeric types need to take account
of other types when writing cross-type operations. Combining rational numbers and complex
numbers isn't strictly the domain of either type. Formulating coherent policies on the division
of responsibility among types can be an overwhelming task in designing systems with many
types and cross-type operations.

Coercion. In the general situation of completely unrelated operations acting on completely

unrelated types, implementing explicit cross-type operations, cumbersome though it may be,
is the best that one can hope for. Fortunately, we can sometimes do better by taking
advantage of additional structure that may be latent in our type system. Often the different
data types are not completely independent, and there may be ways by which objects of one
type may be viewed as being of another type. This process is called coercion. For example,
if we are asked to arithmetically combine a rational number with a complex number, we can
view the rational number as a complex number whose imaginary part is zero. By doing so,
we transform the problem to that of combining two complex numbers, which can be handled
in the ordinary way by add_complex and mul_complex .

In general, we can implement this idea by designing coercion functions that transform an
object of one type into an equivalent object of another type. Here is a typical coercion
function, which transforms a rational number to a complex number with zero imaginary part:

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>>> def rational_to_complex(x):

return ComplexRI(x.numer/x.denom, 0)

Now, we can define a dictionary of coercion functions. This dictionary could be extended as
more numeric types are introduced.

>>> coercions = {('rat', 'com'): rational_to_complex}

It is not generally possible to coerce an arbitrary data object of each type into all other types.
For example, there is no way to coerce an arbitrary complex number to a rational number, so
there will be no such conversion implementation in the coercions dictionary.

Using the coercions dictionary, we can write a function called coerce_apply , which
attempts to coerce arguments into values of the same type, and only then applies an
operator. The implementations dictionary of coerce_apply does not include any cross-type
operator implementations.

>>> def coerce_apply(operator_name, x, y):

tx, ty = type_tag(x), type_tag(y)
if tx != ty:
if (tx, ty) in coercions:
tx, x = ty, coercions[(tx, ty)](x)
elif (ty, tx) in coercions:
ty, y = tx, coercions[(ty, tx)](y)
return 'No coercion possible.'
key = (operator_name, tx)
return coerce_apply.implementations[key](x, y)

The implementations of coerce_apply require only one type tag, because they assume that
both values share the same type tag. Hence, we require only four implementations to
support generic arithmetic over complex and rational numbers.

>>> coerce_apply.implementations = {('mul', 'com'): mul_complex,

('mul', 'rat'): mul_rational,
('add', 'com'): add_complex,
('add', 'rat'): add_rational}

With these implementations in place, coerce_apply can replace apply .

>>> coerce_apply('add', ComplexRI(1.5, 0), Rational(3, 2))

ComplexRI(3.0, 0)
>>> coerce_apply('mul', Rational(1, 2), ComplexMA(10, 1))
ComplexMA(5.0, 1.0)

This coercion scheme has some advantages over the method of defining explicit cross-type
operations. Although we still need to write coercion functions to relate the types, we need to
write only one function for each pair of types rather than a different functions for each

2.7 Generic Operations 145

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collection of types and each generic operation. What we are counting on here is the fact that
the appropriate transformation between types depends only on the types themselves, not on
the particular operation to be applied.

Further advantages come from extending coercion. Some more sophisticated coercion
schemes do not just try to coerce one type into another, but instead may try to coerce two
different types each into a third common type. Consider a rhombus and a rectangle: neither
is a special case of the other, but both can be viewed as quadrilaterals. Another extension to
coercion is iterative coercion, in which one data type is coerced into another via intermediate
types. Consider that an integer can be converted into a real number by first converting it into
a rational number, then converting that rational number into a real number. Chaining
coercion in this way can reduce the total number of coercion functions that are required by a

Despite its advantages, coercion does have potential drawbacks. For one, coercion
functions can lose information when they are applied. In our example, rational numbers are
exact representations, but become approximations when they are converted to complex

Some programming languages have automatic coercion systems built in. In fact, early
versions of Python had a __coerce__ special method on objects. In the end, the complexity
of the built-in coercion system did not justify its use, and so it was removed. Instead,
particular operators apply coercion to their arguments as needed. Operators are
implemented as method calls on user defined types using special methods like __add__
and __mul__ . It is left up to you, the user, to decide whether to employ type dispatching,
data-directed programming, message passing, or coercion in order to implement generic
functions in your programs.

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Chapter 3: The Structure and Interpretation of

Computer Programs

3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Programming Languages
3.2 Functions and the Processes They Generate
3.2.1 Recursive Functions
3.2.2 The Anatomy of Recursive Functions
3.2.3 Tree Recursion
3.2.4 Example: Counting Change
3.2.5 Orders of Growth
3.2.6 Example: Exponentiation
3.3 Recursive Data Structures
3.3.1 Processing Recursive Lists
3.3.2 Hierarchical Structures
3.3.3 Sets
3.4 Exceptions
3.4.1 Exception Objects
3.5 Interpreters for Languages with Combination
3.5.1 Calculator
3.5.2 Parsing
3.6 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction
3.6.1 The Scheme Language
3.6.2 The Logo Language
3.6.3 Structure
3.6.4 Environments
3.6.5 Data as Programs

Chapter 3: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 147

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3.1 Introduction
Chapters 1 and 2 describe the close connection between two fundamental elements of
programming: functions and data. We saw how functions can be manipulated as data using
higher-order functions. We also saw how data can be endowed with behavior using
message passing and an object system. We have also studied techniques for organizing
large programs, such as functional abstraction, data abstraction, class inheritance, and
generic functions. These core concepts constitute a strong foundation upon which to build
modular, maintainable, and extensible programs.

This chapter focuses on the third fundamental element of programming: programs

themselves. A Python program is just a collection of text. Only through the process of
interpretation do we perform any meaningful computation based on that text. A programming
language like Python is useful because we can define an interpreter, a program that carries
out Python's evaluation and execution procedures. It is no exaggeration to regard this as the
most fundamental idea in programming, that an interpreter, which determines the meaning of
expressions in a programming language, is just another program.

To appreciate this point is to change our images of ourselves as programmers. We come to

see ourselves as designers of languages, rather than only users of languages designed by

3.1.1 Programming Languages

In fact, we can regard many programs as interpreters for some language. For example, the
constraint propagator from the previous chapter has its own primitives and means of
combination. The constraint language was quite specialized: it provided a declarative
method for describing a certain class of mathematical relations, not a fully general language
for describing computation. While we have been designing languages of a sort already, the
material of this chapter will greatly expand the range of languages we can interpret.

Programming languages vary widely in their syntactic structures, features, and domain of
application. Among general purpose programming languages, the constructs of function
definition and function application are pervasive. On the other hand, powerful languages
exist that do not include an object system, higher-order functions, or even control constructs
like while and for statements. To illustrate just how different languages can be, we will
introduce Logo as an example of a powerful and expressive programming language that
includes very few advanced features.

3.1 Introduction 148

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In this chapter, we study the design of interpreters and the computational processes that
they create when executing programs. The prospect of designing an interpreter for a general
programming language may seem daunting. After all, interpreters are programs that can
carry out any possible computation, depending on their input. However, typical interpreters
have an elegant common structure: two mutually recursive functions. The first evaluates
expressions in environments; the second applies functions to arguments.

These functions are recursive in that they are defined in terms of each other: applying a
function requires evaluating the expressions in its body, while evaluating an expression may
involve applying one or more functions. The next two sections of this chapter focus on
recursive functions and data structures, which will prove essential to understanding the
design of an interpreter. The end of the chapter focuses on two new languages and the task
of implementing interpreters for them.

3.1 Introduction 149

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3.2 Functions and the Processes They

A function is a pattern for the local evolution of a computational process. It specifies how
each stage of the process is built upon the previous stage. We would like to be able to make
statements about the overall behavior of a process whose local evolution has been specified
by one or more functions. This analysis is very difficult to do in general, but we can at least
try to describe some typical patterns of process evolution.

In this section we will examine some common "shapes" for processes generated by simple
functions. We will also investigate the rates at which these processes consume the
important computational resources of time and space.

3.2.1 Recursive Functions

A function is called recursive if the body of that function calls the function itself, either directly
or indirectly. That is, the process of executing the body of a recursive function may in turn
require applying that function again. Recursive functions do not require any special syntax in
Python, but they do require some care to define correctly.

As an introduction to recursive functions, we begin with the task of converting an English

word into its Pig Latin equivalent. Pig Latin is a secret language: one that applies a simple,
deterministic transformation to each word that veils the meaning of the word. Thomas
Jefferson was supposedly an early adopter. The Pig Latin equivalent of an English word
moves the initial consonant cluster (which may be empty) from the beginning of the word to
the end and follows it by the "-ay" vowel. Hence, the word "pun" becomes "unpay", "stout"
becomes "outstay", and "all" becomes "allay".

>>> def pig_latin(w):

"""Return the Pig Latin equivalent of English word w."""
if starts_with_a_vowel(w):
return w + 'ay'
return pig_latin(w[1:] + w[0])

>>> def starts_with_a_vowel(w):

"""Return whether w begins with a vowel."""
return w[0].lower() in 'aeiou'

The idea behind this definition is that the Pig Latin variant of a string that starts with a
consonant is the same as the Pig Latin variant of another string: that which is created by
moving the first letter to the end. Hence, the Pig Latin word for "sending" is the same as for

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"endings" (endingsay), and the Pig Latin word for "smother" is the same as the Pig Latin
word for "mothers" (othersmay). Moreover, moving one consonant from the beginning of the
word to the end results in a simpler problem with fewer initial consonants. In the case of
"sending", moving the "s" to the end gives a word that starts with a vowel, and so our work is

This definition of pig_latin is both complete and correct, even though the pig_latin
function is called within its own body.

>>> pig_latin('pun')

The idea of being able to define a function in terms of itself may be disturbing; it may seem
unclear how such a "circular" definition could make sense at all, much less specify a well-
defined process to be carried out by a computer. We can, however, understand precisely
how this recursive function applies successfully using our environment model of
computation. The environment diagram and expression tree that depict the evaluation of
pig_latin('pun') appear below.

The steps of the Python evaluation procedures that produce this result are:

1. The def statement for pig_latin is executed, which

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> 1. Creates a new pig_latin function object with the stated body, and > 2. Binds the name
pig_latin to that function in the current (global) frame

1. The def statement for starts_with_a_vowel is executed similarly

2. The call expression pig_latin('pun') is evaluated by

> 1. Evaluating the operator and operand sub-expressions by > > > 1. Looking up the name
pig_latin that is bound to the pig_latin function > > 2. Evaluating the operand string literal

to the string object 'pun' > > 1. Applying the function pig_latin to the argument 'pun' by >
> > 1. Adding a local frame that extends the global frame > > 2. Binding the formal
parameter w to the argument 'pun' in that frame > > 3. Executing the body of pig_latin in
the environment that starts with that frame: > > > > > 1. The initial conditional statement has
no effect, because the header expression evaluates to False . > > > 2. The final return
expression pig_latin(w[1:] + w[0]) is evaluated by > > > > > > > 1. Looking up the name
pig_latin that is bound to the pig_latin function > > > > 2. Evaluating the operand

expression to the string object 'unp' > > > > 3. Applying pig_latin to the argument 'unp' ,
which returns the desired result from the suite of the conditional statement in the body of

As this example illustrates, a recursive function applies correctly, despite its circular
character. The pig_latin function is applied twice, but with a different argument each time.
Although the second call comes from the body of pig_latin itself, looking up that function by
name succeeds because the name pig_latin is bound in the environment before its body
is executed.

This example also illustrates how Python's recursive evaluation procedure can interact with
a recursive function to evolve a complex computational process with many nested steps,
even though the function definition may itself contain very few lines of code.

3.2.2 The Anatomy of Recursive Functions

A common pattern can be found in the body of many recursive functions. The body begins
with a base case, a conditional statement that defines the behavior of the function for the
inputs that are simplest to process. In the case of pig_latin , the base case occurs for any
argument that starts with a vowel. In this case, there is no work left to be done but return the
argument with "ay" added to the end. Some recursive functions will have multiple base

The base cases are then followed by one or more recursive calls. Recursive calls require a
certain character: they must simplify the original problem. In the case of pig_latin , the
more initial consonants in w , the more work there is left to do. In the recursive call,

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pig_latin(w[1:] + w[0]) , we call pig_latin on a word that has one fewer initial consonant

-- a simpler problem. Each successive call to pig_latin will be simpler still until the base
case is reached: a word with no initial consonants.

Recursive functions express computation by simplifying problems incrementally. They often

operate on problems in a different way than the iterative approaches that we have used in
the past. Consider a function fact to compute n factorial, where for example fact(4)
computes (4! = 4 \cdot 3 \cdot 2 \cdot 1 = 24).

A natural implementation using a while statement accumulates the total by multiplying

together each positive integer up to n .

>>> def fact_iter(n):

total, k = 1, 1
while k <= n:
total, k = total * k, k + 1
return total

>>> fact_iter(4)

On the other hand, a recursive implementation of factorial can express fact(n) in terms of
fact(n-1) , a simpler problem. The base case of the recursion is the simplest form of the

problem: fact(1) is 1 .

>>> def fact(n):

if n == 1:
return 1
return n * fact(n-1)

>>> fact(4)

The correctness of this function is easy to verify from the standard definition of the
mathematical function for factorial:

[\begin{array}{l l} (n-1)! &= (n-1) \cdot (n-2) \cdot \dots \cdot 1 \ n! &= n \cdot (n-1) \cdot (n-2)
\cdot \dots \cdot 1 \ n! &= n \cdot (n-1)! \end{array}]

These two factorial functions differ conceptually. The iterative function constructs the result
from the base case of 1 to the final total by successively multiplying in each term. The
recursive function, on the other hand, constructs the result directly from the final term, n ,
and the result of the simpler problem, fact(n-1) .

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As the recursion "unwinds" through successive applications of the fact function to simpler
and simpler problem instances, the result is eventually built starting from the base case. The
diagram below shows how the recursion ends by passing the argument 1 to fact , and
how the result of each call depends on the next until the base case is reached.

While we can unwind the recursion using our model of computation, it is often clearer to
think about recursive calls as functional abstractions. That is, we should not care about how
fact(n-1) is implemented in the body of fact ; we should simply trust that it computes the

factorial of n-1 . Treating a recursive call as a functional abstraction has been called a
recursive leap of faith. We define a function in terms of itself, but simply trust that the simpler
cases will work correctly when verifying the correctness of the function. In this example, we
trust that fact(n-1) will correctly compute (n-1)! ; we must only check that n! is
computed correctly if this assumption holds. In this way, verifying the correctness of a
recursive function is a form of proof by induction.

The functions fact_iter and fact also differ because the former must introduce two additional
names, total and k , that are not required in the recursive implementation. In general,
iterative functions must maintain some local state that changes throughout the course of
computation. At any point in the iteration, that state characterizes the result of completed
work and the amount of work remaining. For example, when k is 3 and total is 2 , there
are still two terms remaining to be processed, 3 and 4 . On the other hand, fact is

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characterized by its single argument n . The state of the computation is entirely contained
within the structure of the expression tree, which has return values that take the role of
total , and binds n to different values in different frames rather than explicitly tracking k .

Recursive functions can rely more heavily on the interpreter itself, by storing the state of the
computation as part of the expression tree and environment, rather than explicitly using
names in the local frame. For this reason, recursive functions are often easier to define,
because we do not need to try to determine the local state that must be maintained across
iterations. On the other hand, learning to recognize the computational processes evolved by
recursive functions can require some practice.

3.2.3 Tree Recursion

Another common pattern of computation is called tree recursion. As an example, consider
computing the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, in which each number is the sum of the
preceding two.

>>> def fib(n):

if n == 1:
return 0
if n == 2:
return 1
return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

>>> fib(6)

This recursive definition is tremendously appealing relative to our previous attempts: it

exactly mirrors the familiar definition of Fibonacci numbers. Consider the pattern of
computation that results from evaluating fib(6) , shown below. To compute fib(6) , we
compute fib(5) and fib(4) . To compute fib(5) , we compute fib(4) and fib(3) . In
general, the evolved process looks like a tree (the diagram below is not a full expression
tree, but instead a simplified depiction of the process; a full expression tree would have the
same general structure). Each blue dot indicates a completed computation of a Fibonacci
number in the traversal of this tree.

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Functions that call themselves multiple times in this way are said to be tree recursive. This
function is instructive as a prototypical tree recursion, but it is a terrible way to compute
Fibonacci numbers because it does so much redundant computation. Notice that the entire
computation of fib(4) -- almost half the work -- is duplicated. In fact, it is not hard to show
that the number of times the function will compute fib(1) or fib(2) (the number of leaves
in the tree, in general) is precisely fib(n+1) . To get an idea of how bad this is, one can
show that the value of fib(n) grows exponentially with n . Thus, the process uses a
number of steps that grows exponentially with the input.

We have already seen an iterative implementation of Fibonacci numbers, repeated here for

>>> def fib_iter(n):

prev, curr = 1, 0 # curr is the first Fibonacci number.
for _ in range(n-1):
prev, curr = curr, prev + curr
return curr

The state that we must maintain in this case consists of the current and previous Fibonacci
numbers. Implicitly the for statement also keeps track of the iteration count. This definition
does not reflect the standard mathematical definition of Fibonacci numbers as clearly as the
recursive approach. However, the amount of computation required in the iterative
implementation is only linear in n , rather than exponential. Even for small values of n ,
this difference can be enormous.

One should not conclude from this difference that tree-recursive processes are useless.
When we consider processes that operate on hierarchically structured data rather than
numbers, we will find that tree recursion is a natural and powerful tool. Furthermore, tree-

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recursive processes can often be made more efficient.

Memoization. A powerful technique for increasing the efficiency of recursive functions that
repeat computation is called memoization. A memoized function will store the return value
for any arguments it has previously received. A second call to fib(4) would not evolve the
same complex process as the first, but instead would immediately return the stored result
computed by the first call.

Memoization can be expressed naturally as a higher-order function, which can also be used
as a decorator. The definition below creates a cache of previously computed results, indexed
by the arguments from which they were computed. The use of a dictionary will require that
the argument to the memoized function be immutable in this implementation.

>>> def memo(f):

"""Return a memoized version of single-argument function f."""
cache = {}
def memoized(n):
if n not in cache:
cache[n] = f(n)
return cache[n]
return memoized

>>> fib = memo(fib)

>>> fib(40)

The amount of computation time saved by memoization in this case is substantial. The
memoized, recursive fib function and the iterative fib_iter function both require an amount of
time to compute that is only a linear function of their input n . To compute fib(40) , the
body of fib is executed 40 times, rather than 102,334,155 times in the unmemoized
recursive case.

Space. To understand the space requirements of a function, we must specify generally how
memory is used, preserved, and reclaimed in our environment model of computation. In
evaluating an expression, we must preserve all active environments and all values and
frames referenced by those environments. An environment is active if it provides the
evaluation context for some expression in the current branch of the expression tree.

For example, when evaluating fib , the interpreter proceeds to compute each value in the
order shown previously, traversing the structure of the tree. To do so, it only needs to keep
track of those nodes that are above the current node in the tree at any point in the
computation. The memory used to evaluate the rest of the branches can be reclaimed
because it cannot affect future computation. In general, the space required for tree-recursive
functions will be proportional to the maximum depth of the tree.

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The diagram below depicts the environment and expression tree generated by evaluating
fib(3) . In the process of evaluating the return expression for the initial application of fib ,

the expression fib(n-2) is evaluated, yielding a value of 0 . Once this value is computed,
the corresponding environment frame (grayed out) is no longer needed: it is not part of an
active environment. Thus, a well-designed interpreter can reclaim the memory that was used
to store this frame. On the other hand, if the interpreter is currently evaluating fib(n-1) ,
then the environment created by this application of fib (in which n is 2 ) is active. In
turn, the environment originally created to apply fib to 3 is active because its value has
not yet been successfully computed.

In the case of memo , the environment associated with the function it returns (which contains
cache ) must be preserved as long as some name is bound to that function in an active

environment. The number of entries in the cache dictionary grows linearly with the number
of unique arguments passed to fib , which scales linearly with the input. On the other
hand, the iterative implementation requires only two numbers to be tracked during
computation: prev and curr , giving it a constant size.

Memoization exemplifies a common pattern in programming that computation time can often
be decreased at the expense of increased use of space, or vis versa.

3.2.4 Example: Counting Change

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Consider the following problem: How many different ways can we make change of $1.00,
given half-dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies? More generally, can we write a
function to compute the number of ways to change any given amount of money using any
set of currency denominations?

This problem has a simple solution as a recursive function. Suppose we think of the types of
coins available as arranged in some order, say from most to least valuable.

The number of ways to change an amount a using n kinds of coins equals

1. the number of ways to change a using all but the first kind of coin, plus
2. the number of ways to change the smaller amount a - d using all n kinds of coins,
where d is the denomination of the first kind of coin.

To see why this is true, observe that the ways to make change can be divided into two
groups: those that do not use any of the first kind of coin, and those that do. Therefore, the
total number of ways to make change for some amount is equal to the number of ways to
make change for the amount without using any of the first kind of coin, plus the number of
ways to make change assuming that we do use the first kind of coin at least once. But the
latter number is equal to the number of ways to make change for the amount that remains
after using a coin of the first kind.

Thus, we can recursively reduce the problem of changing a given amount to the problem of
changing smaller amounts using fewer kinds of coins. Consider this reduction rule carefully
and convince yourself that we can use it to describe an algorithm if we specify the following
base cases:

1. If a is exactly 0 , we should count that as 1 way to make change.

2. If a is less than 0 , we should count that as 0 ways to make change.
3. If n is 0 , we should count that as 0 ways to make change.

We can easily translate this description into a recursive function:

>>> def count_change(a, kinds=(50, 25, 10, 5, 1)):

"""Return the number of ways to change amount a using coin kinds."""
if a == 0:
return 1
if a < 0 or len(kinds) == 0:
return 0
d = kinds[0]
return count_change(a, kinds[1:]) + count_change(a - d, kinds)

>>> count_change(100)

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The count_change function generates a tree-recursive process with redundancies similar to

those in our first implementation of fib . It will take quite a while for that 292 to be
computed, unless we memoize the function. On the other hand, it is not obvious how to
design an iterative algorithm for computing the result, and we leave this problem as a

3.2.5 Orders of Growth

The previous examples illustrate that processes can differ considerably in the rates at which
they consume the computational resources of space and time. One convenient way to
describe this difference is to use the notion of order of growth to obtain a coarse measure of
the resources required by a process as the inputs become larger.

Let (n) be a parameter that measures the size of the problem, and let (R(n)) be the amount
of resources the process requires for a problem of size (n). In our previous examples we
took (n) to be the number for which a given function is to be computed, but there are other
possibilities. For instance, if our goal is to compute an approximation to the square root of a
number, we might take (n) to be the number of digits of accuracy required. In general there
are a number of properties of the problem with respect to which it will be desirable to
analyze a given process. Similarly, (R(n)) might measure the amount of memory used, the
number of elementary machine operations performed, and so on. In computers that do only
a fixed number of operations at a time, the time required to evaluate an expression will be
proportional to the number of elementary machine operations performed in the process of

We say that (R(n)) has order of growth (\Theta(f(n))), written (R(n) = \Theta(f(n)))
(pronounced "theta of (f(n))"), if there are positive constants (k_1) and (k_2) independent of
(n) such that

[k_1 \cdot f(n) \leq R(n) \leq k_2 \cdot f(n)]

for any sufficiently large value of (n). In other words, for large (n), the value (R(n)) is
sandwiched between two values that both scale with (f(n)):

A lower bound (k_1 \cdot f(n)) and

An upper bound (k_2 \cdot f(n))

For instance, the number of steps to compute (n!) grows proportionally to the input (n). Thus,
the steps required for this process grows as (\Theta(n)). We also saw that the space
required for the recursive implementation fact grows as (\Theta(n)). By contrast, the
iterative implementation fact_iter takes a similar number of steps, but the space it
requires stays constant. In this case, we say that the space grows as (\Theta(1)).

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The number of steps in our tree-recursive Fibonacci computation fib grows exponentially
in its input (n). In particular, one can show that the nth Fibonacci number is the closest
integer to


where (\phi) is the golden ratio:

[\phi = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2} \approx 1.6180]

We also stated that the number of steps scales with the resulting value, and so the tree-
recursive process requires (\Theta(\phi^n)) steps, a function that grows exponentially with

Orders of growth provide only a crude description of the behavior of a process. For example,
a process requiring (n^2) steps and a process requiring (1000 \cdot n^2) steps and a
process requiring (3 \cdot n^2 + 10 \cdot n + 17) steps all have (\Theta(n^2)) order of growth.
There are certainly cases in which an order of growth analysis is too coarse a method for
deciding between two possible implementations of a function.

However, order of growth provides a useful indication of how we may expect the behavior of
the process to change as we change the size of the problem. For a (\Theta(n)) (linear)
process, doubling the size will roughly double the amount of resources used. For an
exponential process, each increment in problem size will multiply the resource utilization by
a constant factor. The next example examines an algorithm whose order of growth is
logarithmic, so that doubling the problem size increases the resource requirement by only a
constant amount.

3.2.6 Example: Exponentiation

Consider the problem of computing the exponential of a given number. We would like a
function that takes as arguments a base b and a positive integer exponent n and
computes (b^n). One way to do this is via the recursive definition

[\begin{array}{l l} b^n &= b \cdot b^{n-1} \ b^0 &= 1 \end{array}]

which translates readily into the recursive function

>>> def exp(b, n):

if n == 0:
return 1
return b * exp(b, n-1)

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This is a linear recursive process that requires (\Theta(n)) steps and (\Theta(n)) space. Just
as with factorial, we can readily formulate an equivalent linear iteration that requires a similar
number of steps but constant space.

>>> def exp_iter(b, n):

result = 1
for _ in range(n):
result = result * b
return result

We can compute exponentials in fewer steps by using successive squaring. For instance,
rather than computing (b^8) as

[b \cdot (b \cdot (b \cdot (b \cdot (b \cdot (b \cdot (b \cdot b))))))]

we can compute it using three multiplications:

[\begin{array}{l l} b^2 &= b \cdot b \ b^4 &= b^2 \cdot b^2 \ b^8 &= b^4 \cdot b^4 \end{array}]

This method works fine for exponents that are powers of 2 . We can also take advantage of
successive squaring in computing exponentials in general if we use the recursive rule

[b^n = \left{\begin{array}{l l} (b^{\frac{1}{2} n})^2 & \mbox{if $n$ is even} \ b \cdot b^{n-1} &
\mbox{if $n$ is odd} \end{array} \right.]

We can express this method as a recursive function as well:

>>> def square(x):

return x*x

>>> def fast_exp(b, n):

if n == 0:
return 1
if n % 2 == 0:
return square(fast_exp(b, n//2))
return b * fast_exp(b, n-1)

>>> fast_exp(2, 100)


The process evolved by fast_exp grows logarithmically with n in both space and number
of steps. To see this, observe that computing (b^{2n}) using fast_exp requires only one
more multiplication than computing (b^n). The size of the exponent we can compute
therefore doubles (approximately) with every new multiplication we are allowed. Thus, the
number of multiplications required for an exponent of n grows about as fast as the

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logarithm of n base 2 . The process has (\Theta(\log n)) growth. The difference between
(\Theta(\log n)) growth and (\Theta(n)) growth becomes striking as (n) becomes large. For
example, fast_exp for n of 1000 requires only 14 multiplications instead of 1000 .

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3.3 Recursive Data Structures

In Chapter 2, we introduced the notion of a pair as a primitive mechanism for glueing
together two objects into one. We showed that a pair can be implemented using a built-in
tuple. The closure property of pairs indicated that either element of a pair could itself be a

This closure property allowed us to implement the recursive list data abstraction, which
served as our first type of sequence. Recursive lists are most naturally manipulated using
recursive functions, as their name and structure would suggest. In this section, we discuss
functions for creating and manipulating recursive lists and other recursive data structures.

3.3.1 Processing Recursive Lists

Recall that the recursive list abstract data type represented a list as a first element and the
rest of the list. We previously implemented recursive lists using functions, but at this point we
can re-implement them using a class. Below, the length ( __len__ ) and element selection
( __getitem__ ) functions are written recursively to demonstrate typical patterns for
processing recursive lists.

>>> class Rlist(object):

"""A recursive list consisting of a first element and the rest."""
class EmptyList(object):
def __len__(self):
return 0
empty = EmptyList()
def __init__(self, first, rest=empty):
self.first = first = rest
def __repr__(self):
args = repr(self.first)
if is not Rlist.empty:
args += ', {0}'.format(repr(
return 'Rlist({0})'.format(args)
def __len__(self):
return 1 + len(
def __getitem__(self, i):
if i == 0:
return self.first

The definitions of __len__ and __getitem__ are in fact recursive, although not explicitly so.
The built-in Python function len looks for a method called __len__ when applied to a
user-defined object argument. Likewise, the subscript operator looks for a method called
__getitem__ . Thus, these definitions will end up calling themselves. Recursive calls on the

rest of the list are a ubiquitous pattern in recursive list processing. This class definition of a
recursive list interacts properly with Python's built-in sequence and printing operations.

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>>> s = Rlist(1, Rlist(2, Rlist(3)))

Rlist(2, Rlist(3))
>>> len(s)
>>> s[1]

Operations that create new lists are particularly straightforward to express using recursion.
For example, we can define a function extend_rlist , which takes two recursive lists as
arguments and combines the elements of both into a new list.

>>> def extend_rlist(s1, s2):

if s1 is Rlist.empty:
return s2
return Rlist(s1.first, extend_rlist(, s2))

>>> extend_rlist(, s)
Rlist(2, Rlist(3, Rlist(1, Rlist(2, Rlist(3)))))

Likewise, mapping a function over a recursive list exhibits a similar pattern.

>>> def map_rlist(s, fn):

if s is Rlist.empty:
return s
return Rlist(fn(s.first), map_rlist(, fn))

>>> map_rlist(s, square)

Rlist(1, Rlist(4, Rlist(9)))

Filtering includes an additional conditional statement, but otherwise has a similar recursive

>>> def filter_rlist(s, fn):

if s is Rlist.empty:
return s
rest = filter_rlist(, fn)
if fn(s.first):
return Rlist(s.first, rest)
return rest

>>> filter_rlist(s, lambda x: x % 2 == 1)

Rlist(1, Rlist(3))

Recursive implementations of list operations do not, in general, require local assignment or

while statements. Instead, recursive lists are taken apart and constructed incrementally as

a consequence of function application. As a result, they have linear orders of growth in both
the number of steps and space required.

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3.3.2 Hierarchical Structures

Hierarchical structures result from the closure property of data, which asserts for example
that tuples can contain other tuples. For instance, consider this nested representation of the
numbers 1 through 4.

>>> ((1, 2), 3, 4)

((1, 2), 3, 4)

This tuple is a length-three sequence, of which the first element is itself a tuple. A box-and-
pointer diagram of this nested structure shows that it can also be thought of as a tree with
four leaves, each of which is a number.

In a tree, each subtree is itself a tree. As a base condition, any bare element that is not a
tuple is itself a simple tree, one with no branches. That is, the numbers are all trees, as is
the pair (1, 2) and the structure as a whole.

Recursion is a natural tool for dealing with tree structures, since we can often reduce
operations on trees to operations on their branches, which reduce in turn to operations on
the branches of the branches, and so on, until we reach the leaves of the tree. As an
example, we can implement a count_leaves function, which returns the total number of
leaves of a tree.

>>> def count_leaves(tree):

if type(tree) != tuple:
return 1
return sum(map(count_leaves, tree))

>>> t = ((1, 2), 3, 4)

>>> count_leaves(t)
>>> big_tree = ((t, t), 5)
>>> big_tree
((((1, 2), 3, 4), ((1, 2), 3, 4)), 5)
>>> count_leaves(big_tree)

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Just as map is a powerful tool for dealing with sequences, mapping and recursion together
provide a powerful general form of computation for manipulating trees. For instance, we can
square all leaves of a tree using a higher-order recursive function map_tree that is
structured quite similarly to count_leaves .

>>> def map_tree(tree, fn):

if type(tree) != tuple:
return fn(tree)
return tuple(map_tree(branch, fn) for branch in tree)

>>> map_tree(big_tree, square)

((((1, 4), 9, 16), ((1, 4), 9, 16)), 25)

Internal values. The trees described above have values only at the leaves. Another
common representation of tree-structured data has values for the internal nodes of the tree
as well. We can represent such trees using a class.

>>> class Tree(object):

def __init__(self, entry, left=None, right=None):
self.entry = entry
self.left = left
self.right = right
def __repr__(self):
args = repr(self.entry)
if self.left or self.right:
args += ', {0}, {1}'.format(repr(self.left), repr(self.right))
return 'Tree({0})'.format(args)

The Tree class can represent, for instance, the values computed in an expression tree for
the recursive implementation of fib , the function for computing Fibonacci numbers. The
function fib_tree(n) below returns a Tree that has the nth Fibonacci number as its
entry and a trace of all previously computed Fibonacci numbers within its branches.

>>> def fib_tree(n):

"""Return a Tree that represents a recursive Fibonacci calculation."""
if n == 1:
return Tree(0)
if n == 2:
return Tree(1)
left = fib_tree(n-2)
right = fib_tree(n-1)
return Tree(left.entry + right.entry, left, right)

>>> fib_tree(5)
Tree(3, Tree(1, Tree(0), Tree(1)), Tree(2, Tree(1), Tree(1, Tree(0), Tree(1))))

This example shows that expression trees can be represented programmatically using tree-
structured data. This connection between nested expressions and tree-structured data type
plays a central role in our discussion of designing interpreters later in this chapter.

3.3 Recursive Data Structures 167

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3.3.3 Sets
In addition to the list, tuple, and dictionary, Python has a fourth built-in container type called
a set . Set literals follow the mathematical notation of elements enclosed in braces.
Duplicate elements are removed upon construction. Sets are unordered collections, and so
the printed ordering may differ from the element ordering in the set literal.

>>> s = {3, 2, 1, 4, 4}
>>> s
{1, 2, 3, 4}

Python sets support a variety of operations, including membership tests, length computation,
and the standard set operations of union and intersection

>>> 3 in s
>>> len(s)
>>> s.union({1, 5})
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
>>> s.intersection({6, 5, 4, 3})
{3, 4}

In addition to union and intersection , Python sets support several other methods. The
predicates isdisjoint , issubset , and issuperset provide set comparison. Sets are
mutable, and can be changed one element at a time using add , remove , discard , and
pop . Additional methods provide multi-element mutations, such as clear and update .

The Python documentation for sets should be sufficiently intelligible at this point of the
course to fill in the details.

Implementing sets. Abstractly, a set is a collection of distinct objects that supports

membership testing, union, intersection, and adjunction. Adjoining an element and a set
returns a new set that contains all of the original set's elements along with the new element,
if it is distinct. Union and intersection return the set of elements that appear in either or both
sets, respectively. As with any data abstraction, we are free to implement any functions over
any representation of sets that provides this collection of behaviors.

In the remainder of this section, we consider three different methods of implementing sets
that vary in their representation. We will characterize the efficiency of these different
representations by analyzing the order of growth of set operations. We will use our Rlist
and Tree classes from earlier in this section, which allow for simple and elegant recursive
solutions for elementary set operations.

Sets as unordered sequences. One way to represent a set is as a sequence in which no

element appears more than once. The empty set is represented by the empty sequence.
Membership testing walks recursively through the list.

3.3 Recursive Data Structures 168

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>>> def empty(s):

return s is Rlist.empty

>>> def set_contains(s, v):

"""Return True if and only if set s contains v."""
if empty(s):
return False
elif s.first == v:
return True
return set_contains(, v)

>>> s = Rlist(1, Rlist(2, Rlist(3)))

>>> set_contains(s, 2)
>>> set_contains(s, 5)

This implementation of set_contains requires (\Theta(n)) time to test membership of an

element, where (n) is the size of the set s . Using this linear-time function for membership,
we can adjoin an element to a set, also in linear time.

>>> def adjoin_set(s, v):

"""Return a set containing all elements of s and element v."""
if set_contains(s, v):
return s
return Rlist(v, s)

>>> t = adjoin_set(s, 4)
>>> t
Rlist(4, Rlist(1, Rlist(2, Rlist(3))))

In designing a representation, one of the issues with which we should be concerned is

efficiency. Intersecting two sets set1 and set2 also requires membership testing, but this
time each element of set1 must be tested for membership in set2 , leading to a quadratic
order of growth in the number of steps, (\Theta(n^2)), for two sets of size (n).

>>> def intersect_set(set1, set2):

"""Return a set containing all elements common to set1 and set2."""
return filter_rlist(set1, lambda v: set_contains(set2, v))

>>> intersect_set(t, map_rlist(s, square))

Rlist(4, Rlist(1))

When computing the union of two sets, we must be careful not to include any element twice.
The union_set function also requires a linear number of membership tests, creating a
process that also includes (\Theta(n^2)) steps.

3.3 Recursive Data Structures 169

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>>> def union_set(set1, set2):

"""Return a set containing all elements either in set1 or set2."""
set1_not_set2 = filter_rlist(set1, lambda v: not set_contains(set2, v))
return extend_rlist(set1_not_set2, set2)

>>> union_set(t, s)
Rlist(4, Rlist(1, Rlist(2, Rlist(3))))

Sets as ordered tuples. One way to speed up our set operations is to change the
representation so that the set elements are listed in increasing order. To do this, we need
some way to compare two objects so that we can say which is bigger. In Python, many
different types of objects can be compared using &lt; and &gt; operators, but we will
concentrate on numbers in this example. We will represent a set of numbers by listing its
elements in increasing order.

One advantage of ordering shows up in set_contains : In checking for the presence of an

object, we no longer have to scan the entire set. If we reach a set element that is larger than
the item we are looking for, then we know that the item is not in the set:

>>> def set_contains(s, v):

if empty(s) or s.first > v:
return False
elif s.first == v:
return True
return set_contains(, v)

>>> set_contains(s, 0)

How many steps does this save? In the worst case, the item we are looking for may be the
largest one in the set, so the number of steps is the same as for the unordered
representation. On the other hand, if we search for items of many different sizes we can
expect that sometimes we will be able to stop searching at a point near the beginning of the
list and that other times we will still need to examine most of the list. On average we should
expect to have to examine about half of the items in the set. Thus, the average number of
steps required will be about (\frac{n}{2}). This is still (\Theta(n)) growth, but it does save us,
on average, a factor of 2 in the number of steps over the previous implementation.

We can obtain a more impressive speedup by re-implementing intersect_set . In the

unordered representation, this operation required (\Theta(n^2)) steps because we performed
a complete scan of set2 for each element of set1 . But with the ordered representation,
we can use a more clever method. We iterate through both sets simultaneously, tracking an
element e1 in set1 and e2 in set2 . When e1 and e2 are equal, we include that
element in the intersection.

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Suppose, however, that e1 is less than e2 . Since e2 is smaller than the remaining
elements of set2 , we can immediately conclude that e1 cannot appear anywhere in the
remainder of set2 and hence is not in the intersection. Thus, we no longer need to
consider e1 ; we discard it and proceed to the next element of set1 . Similar logic
advances through the elements of set2 when e2 &lt; e1 . Here is the function:

>>> def intersect_set(set1, set2):

if empty(set1) or empty(set2):
return Rlist.empty
e1, e2 = set1.first, set2.first
if e1 == e2:
return Rlist(e1, intersect_set(,
elif e1 < e2:
return intersect_set(, set2)
elif e2 < e1:
return intersect_set(set1,

>>> intersect_set(s,

Rlist(2, Rlist(3))

To estimate the number of steps required by this process, observe that in each step we
shrink the size of at least one of the sets. Thus, the number of steps required is at most the
sum of the sizes of set1 and set2 , rather than the product of the sizes, as with the
unordered representation. This is (\Theta(n)) growth rather than (\Theta(n^2)) -- a
considerable speedup, even for sets of moderate size. For example, the intersection of two
sets of size 100 will take around 200 steps, rather than 10,000 for the unordered

Adjunction and union for sets represented as ordered sequences can also be computed in
linear time. These implementations are left as an exercise.

Sets as binary trees. We can do better than the ordered-list representation by arranging the
set elements in the form of a tree. We use the Tree class introduced previously. The
entry of the root of the tree holds one element of the set. The entries within the left

branch include all elements smaller than the one at the root. Entries in the right branch
include all elements greater than the one at the root. The figure below shows some trees
that represent the set {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11} . The same set may be represented by a tree in
a number of different ways. The only thing we require for a valid representation is that all
elements in the left subtree be smaller than the tree entry and that all elements in the
right subtree be larger.

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The advantage of the tree representation is this: Suppose we want to check whether a value
v is contained in a set. We begin by comparing v with entry . If v is less than this, we

know that we need only search the left subtree; if v is greater, we need only search the
right subtree. Now, if the tree is "balanced," each of these subtrees will be about half the

size of the original. Thus, in one step we have reduced the problem of searching a tree of
size (n) to searching a tree of size (\frac{n}{2}). Since the size of the tree is halved at each
step, we should expect that the number of steps needed to search a tree grows as
(\Theta(\log n)). For large sets, this will be a significant speedup over the previous
representations. This set_contains function exploits the ordering structure of the tree-
structured set.

>>> def set_contains(s, v):

if s is None:
return False
elif s.entry == v:
return True
elif s.entry < v:
return set_contains(s.right, v)
elif s.entry > v:
return set_contains(s.left, v)

Adjoining an item to a set is implemented similarly and also requires (\Theta(\log n)) steps.
To adjoin a value v , we compare v with entry to determine whether v should be
added to the right or to the left branch, and having adjoined v to the appropriate
branch we piece this newly constructed branch together with the original entry and the
other branch. If v is equal to the entry , we just return the node. If we are asked to adjoin
v to an empty tree, we generate a Tree that has v as the entry and empty right and

left branches. Here is the function:

>>> def adjoin_set(s, v):

if s is None:
return Tree(v)
if s.entry == v:
return s
if s.entry < v:
return Tree(s.entry, s.left, adjoin_set(s.right, v))
if s.entry > v:
return Tree(s.entry, adjoin_set(s.left, v), s.right)

3.3 Recursive Data Structures 172

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>>> adjoin_set(adjoin_set(adjoin_set(None, 2), 3), 1)

Tree(2, Tree(1), Tree(3))

Our claim that searching the tree can be performed in a logarithmic number of steps rests on
the assumption that the tree is "balanced," i.e., that the left and the right subtree of every
tree have approximately the same number of elements, so that each subtree contains about
half the elements of its parent. But how can we be certain that the trees we construct will be
balanced? Even if we start with a balanced tree, adding elements with adjoin_set may
produce an unbalanced result. Since the position of a newly adjoined element depends on
how the element compares with the items already in the set, we can expect that if we add
elements "randomly" the tree will tend to be balanced on the average.

But this is not a guarantee. For example, if we start with an empty set and adjoin the
numbers 1 through 7 in sequence we end up with a highly unbalanced tree in which all the
left subtrees are empty, so it has no advantage over a simple ordered list. One way to solve
this problem is to define an operation that transforms an arbitrary tree into a balanced tree
with the same elements. We can perform this transformation after every few adjoin_set
operations to keep our set in balance.

Intersection and union operations can be performed on tree-structured sets in linear time by
converting them to ordered lists and back. The details are left as an exercise.

Python set implementation. The set type that is built into Python does not use any of
these representations internally. Instead, Python uses a representation that gives constant-
time membership tests and adjoin operations based on a technique called hashing, which is
a topic for another course. Built-in Python sets cannot contain mutable data types, such as
lists, dictionaries, or other sets. To allow for nested sets, Python also includes a built-in
immutable frozenset class that shares methods with the set class but excludes mutation
methods and operators.

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3.4 Exceptions
Programmers must be always mindful of possible errors that may arise in their programs.
Examples abound: a function may not receive arguments that it is designed to accept, a
necessary resource may be missing, or a connection across a network may be lost. When
designing a program, one must anticipate the exceptional circumstances that may arise and
take appropriate measures to handle them.

There is no single correct approach to handling errors in a program. Programs designed to

provide some persistent service like a web server should be robust to errors, logging them
for later consideration but continuing to service new requests as long as possible. On the
other hand, the Python interpreter handles errors by terminating immediately and printing an
error message, so that programmers can address issues as soon as they arise. In any case,
programmers must make conscious choices about how their programs should react to
exceptional conditions.

Exceptions, the topic of this section, provides a general mechanism for adding error-
handling logic to programs. Raising an exception is a technique for interrupting the normal
flow of execution in a program, signaling that some exceptional circumstance has arisen,
and returning directly to an enclosing part of the program that was designated to react to that
circumstance. The Python interpreter raises an exception each time it detects an error in an
expression or statement. Users can also raise exceptions with raise and assert

Raising exceptions. An exception is a object instance with a class that inherits, either
directly or indirectly, from the BaseException class. The assert statement introduced in
Chapter 1 raises an exception with the class AssertionError . In general, any exception
instance can be raised with the raise statement. The general form of raise statements are
described in the Python docs. The most common use of raise constructs an exception
instance and raises it.

>>> raise Exception('An error occurred')

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
Exception: an error occurred

When an exception is raised, no further statements in the current block of code are
executed. Unless the exception is handled (described below), the interpreter will return
directly to the interactive read-eval-print loop, or terminate entirely if Python was started with
a file argument. In addition, the interpreter will print a stack backtrace, which is a structured
block of text that describes the nested set of active function calls in the branch of execution

3.4 Exceptions 174

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in which the exception was raised. In the example above, the file name &lt;stdin&gt;
indicates that the exception was raised by the user in an interactive session, rather than
from code in a file.

Handling exceptions. An exception can be handled by an enclosing try statement. A

try statement consists of multiple clauses; the first begins with try and the rest begin

with except :

<try suite>
except <exception class> as <name>:
<except suite>

The &lt;try suite&gt; is always executed immediately when the try statement is
executed. Suites of the except clauses are only executed when an exception is raised
during the course of executing the &lt;try suite&gt; . Each except clause specifies the
particular class of exception to handle. For instance, if the &lt;exception class&gt; is
AssertionError , then any instance of a class inheriting from AssertionError that is raised

during the course of executing the &lt;try suite&gt; will be handled by the following
&lt;except suite&gt; . Within the &lt;except suite&gt; , the identifier &lt;name&gt; is

bound to the exception object that was raised, but this binding does not persist beyond the
&lt;except suite&gt; .

For example, we can handle a ZeroDivisionError exception using a try statement that
binds the name x to 0 when the exception is raised.

>>> try:
x = 1/0
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
print('handling a', type(e))
x = 0
handling a <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>
>>> x

A try statement will handle exceptions that occur within the body of a function that is
applied (either directly or indirectly) within the &lt;try suite&gt; . When an exception is
raised, control jumps directly to the body of the &lt;except suite&gt; of the most recent
try statement that handles that type of exception.

>>> def invert(x):

result = 1/x # Raises a ZeroDivisionError if x is 0
print('Never printed if x is 0')
return result

3.4 Exceptions 175

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>>> def invert_safe(x):

return invert(x)
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
return str(e)

>>> invert_safe(2)
Never printed if x is 0
>>> invert_safe(0)
'division by zero'

This example illustrates that the print expression in invert is never evaluated, and
instead control is transferred to the suite of the except clause in handler . Coercing the
ZeroDivisionError e to a string gives the human-interpretable string returned by

handler : 'division by zero' .

3.4.1 Exception Objects

Exception objects themselves carry attributes, such as the error message stated in an
assert statement and information about where in the course of execution the exception

was raised. User-defined exception classes can carry additional attributes.

In Chapter 1, we implemented Newton's method to find the zeroes of arbitrary functions. The
following example defines an exception class that returns the best guess discovered in the
course of iterative improvement whenever a ValueError occurs. A math domain error (a
type of ValueError ) is raised when sqrt is applied to a negative number. This exception is
handled by raising an IterImproveError that stores the most recent guess from Newton's
method as an attribute.

First, we define a new class that inherits from Exception .

>>> class IterImproveError(Exception):

def __init__(self, last_guess):
self.last_guess = last_guess

Next, we define a version of IterImprove , our generic iterative improvement algorithm. This
version handles any ValueError by raising an IterImproveError that stores the most
recent guess. As before, iter_improve takes as arguments two functions, each of which
takes a single numerical argument. The update function returns new guesses, while the
done function returns a boolean indicating that improvement has converged to a correct


3.4 Exceptions 176

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>>> def iter_improve(update, done, guess=1, max_updates=1000):

k = 0
while not done(guess) and k < max_updates:
guess = update(guess)
k = k + 1
return guess
except ValueError:
raise IterImproveError(guess)

Finally, we define find_root , which returns the result of iter_improve applied to a Newton
update function returned by newton_update , which is defined in Chapter 1 and requires no
changes for this example. This version of find_root handles an IterImproveError by
returning its last guess.

>>> def find_root(f, guess=1):

def done(x):
return f(x) == 0
return iter_improve(newton_update(f), done, guess)
except IterImproveError as e:
return e.last_guess

Consider applying find_root to find the zero of the function (2x^2 + \sqrt{x}). This function
has a zero at 0 , but evaluating it on any negative number will raise a ValueError . Our
Chapter 1 implementation of Newton's Method would raise that error and fail to return any
guess of the zero. Our revised implementation returns the last guess found before the error.

>>> from math import sqrt

>>> find_root(lambda x: 2*x*x + sqrt(x))

While this approximation is still far from the correct answer of 0 , some applications would
prefer this coarse approximation to a ValueError .

Exceptions are another technique that help us as programs to separate the concerns of our
program into modular parts. In this example, Python's exception mechanism allowed us to
separate the logic for iterative improvement, which appears unchanged in the suite of the
try clause, from the logic for handling errors, which appears in except clauses. We will

also find that exceptions are a very useful feature when implementing interpreters in Python.

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3.5 Interpreters for Languages with

The software running on any modern computer is written in a variety of programming
languages. There are physical languages, such as the machine languages for particular
computers. These languages are concerned with the representation of data and control in
terms of individual bits of storage and primitive machine instructions. The machine-language
programmer is concerned with using the given hardware to erect systems and utilities for the
efficient implementation of resource-limited computations. High-level languages, erected on
a machine-language substrate, hide concerns about the representation of data as collections
of bits and the representation of programs as sequences of primitive instructions. These
languages have means of combination and abstraction, such as procedure definition, that
are appropriate to the larger-scale organization of software systems.

Metalinguistic abstraction -- establishing new languages -- plays an important role in all

branches of engineering design. It is particularly important to computer programming,
because in programming not only can we formulate new languages but we can also
implement these languages by constructing interpreters. An interpreter for a programming
language is a function that, when applied to an expression of the language, performs the
actions required to evaluate that expression.

We now embark on a tour of the technology by which languages are established in terms of
other languages. We will first define an interpreter for a limited language called Calculator
that shares the syntax of Python call expressions. We will then develop a sketch interpreters
for the Scheme and Logo languages, which is are dialects of Lisp, the second oldest
language still in widespread use today. The interpreter we create will be complete in the
sense that it will allow us to write fully general programs in Logo. To do so, it will implement
the environment model of evaluation that we have developed over the course of this text.

3.5.1 Calculator
Our first new language is Calculator, an expression language for the arithmetic operations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Calculator shares Python's call expression
syntax, but its operators are more flexible in the number of arguments they accept. For
instance, the Calculator operators add and mul take an arbitrary number of arguments:

calc> add(1, 2, 3, 4)
calc> mul()

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The sub operator has two behaviors. With one argument, it negates the argument. With at
least two arguments, it subtracts all but the first from the first. The div operator has the
semantics of Python's operator.truediv function and takes exactly two arguments:

calc> sub(10, 1, 2, 3)
calc> sub(3)
calc> div(15, 12)

As in Python, call expression nesting provides a means of combination in the Calculator

language. To condense notation, the names of operators can also be replaced by their
standard symbols:

calc> sub(100, mul(7, add(8, div(-12, -3))))

calc> -(100, *(7, +(8, /(-12, -3))))

We will implement an interpreter for Calculator in Python. That is, we will write a Python
program that takes a string as input and either returns the result of evaluating that string if it
is a well-formed Calculator expression or raises an appropriate exception if it is not. The
core of the interpreter for the Calculator language is a recursive function called calc_eval
that evaluates a tree-structured expression object.

Expression trees. Until this point in the course, expression trees have been conceptual
entities to which we have referred in describing the process of evaluation; we have never
before explicitly represented expression trees as data in our programs. In order to write an
interpreter, we must operate on expressions as data. In the course of this chapter, many of
the concepts introduced in previous chapters will finally by realized in code.

A primitive expression is just a number in Calculator, either an int or float type. All
combined expressions are call expressions. A call expression is represented as a class
Exp that has two attribute instances. The operator in Calculator is always a string: an

arithmetic operator name or symbol. The operands are either primitive expressions or
themselves instances of Exp .

>>> class Exp(object):

"""A call expression in Calculator."""
def __init__(self, operator, operands):
self.operator = operator
self.operands = operands
def __repr__(self):
return 'Exp({0}, {1})'.format(repr(self.operator), repr(self.operands))
def __str__(self):
operand_strs = ', '.join(map(str, self.operands))
return '{0}({1})'.format(self.operator, operand_strs)

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An Exp instance defines two string methods. The __repr__ method returns Python
expression, while the __str__ method returns a Calculator expression.

>>> Exp('add', [1, 2])

Exp('add', [1, 2])
>>> str(Exp('add', [1, 2]))
'add(1, 2)'
>>> Exp('add', [1, Exp('mul', [2, 3, 4])])
Exp('add', [1, Exp('mul', [2, 3, 4])])
>>> str(Exp('add', [1, Exp('mul', [2, 3, 4])]))
'add(1, mul(2, 3, 4))'

This final example demonstrates how the Exp class represents the hierarchical structure in
expression trees by including instances of Exp as elements of operands .

Evaluation. The calc_eval function itself takes an expression as an argument and returns
its value. It classifies the expression by its form and directs its evaluation. For Calculator, the
only two syntactic forms of expressions are numbers and call expressions, which are Exp
instances. Numbers are self-evaluating; they can be returned directly from calc_eval . Call
expressions require function application.

>>> def calc_eval(exp):

"""Evaluate a Calculator expression."""
if type(exp) in (int, float):
return exp
elif type(exp) == Exp:
arguments = list(map(calc_eval, exp.operands))
return calc_apply(exp.operator, arguments)

Call expressions are evaluated by first recursively mapping the calc_eval function to the
list of operands to compute a list of arguments . Then, the operator is applied to those
arguments in a second function, calc_apply .

The Calculator language is simple enough that we can easily express the logic of applying
each operator in the body of a single function. In calc_apply , each conditional clause
corresponds to applying one operator.

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>>> from operator import mul

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> def calc_apply(operator, args):
"""Apply the named operator to a list of args."""
if operator in ('add', '+'):
return sum(args)
if operator in ('sub', '-'):
if len(args) == 0:
raise TypeError(operator + ' requires at least 1 argument')
if len(args) == 1:
return -args[0]
return sum(args[:1] + [-arg for arg in args[1:]])
if operator in ('mul', '*'):
return reduce(mul, args, 1)
if operator in ('div', '/'):
if len(args) != 2:
raise TypeError(operator + ' requires exactly 2 arguments')
numer, denom = args
return numer/denom

Above, each suite computes the result of a different operator, or raises an appropriate
TypeError when the wrong number of arguments is given. The calc_apply function can be

applied directly, but it must be passed a list of values as arguments rather than a list of
operand expressions.

>>> calc_apply('+', [1, 2, 3])

>>> calc_apply('-', [10, 1, 2, 3])
>>> calc_apply('*', [])
>>> calc_apply('/', [40, 5])

The role of calc_eval is to make proper calls to calc_apply by first computing the value of
operand sub-expressions before passing them as arguments to calc_apply . Thus,
calc_eval can accept a nested expression.

>>> e = Exp('add', [2, Exp('mul', [4, 6])])

>>> str(e)
'add(2, mul(4, 6))'
>>> calc_eval(e)

The structure of calc_eval is an example of dispatching on type: the form of the

expression. The first form of expression is a number, which requires no additional evaluation
step. In general, primitive expressions that do not require an additional evaluation step are
called self-evaluating. The only self-evaluating expressions in our Calculator language are
numbers, but a general programming language might also include strings, boolean values,

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Read-eval-print loops. A typical approach to interacting with an interpreter is through a

read-eval-print loop, or REPL, which is a mode of interaction that reads an expression,
evaluates it, and prints the result for the user. The Python interactive session is an example
of such a loop.

An implementation of a REPL can be largely independent of the interpreter it uses. The

function read_eval_print_loop below takes as input a line of text from the user with the
built-in input function. It constructs an expression tree using the language-specific
calc_parse function, defined in the following section on parsing. Finally, it prints the result of

applying calc_eval to the expression tree returned by calc_parse .

>>> def read_eval_print_loop():

"""Run a read-eval-print loop for calculator."""
while True:
expression_tree = calc_parse(input('calc> '))

This version of read_eval_print_loop contains all of the essential components of an

interactive interface. An example session would look like:

calc> mul(1, 2, 3)
calc> add()
calc> add(2, div(4, 8))

This loop implementation has no mechanism for termination or error handling. We can
improve the interface by reporting errors to the user. We can also allow the user to exit the
loop by signalling a keyboard interrupt ( Control-C on UNIX) or end-of-file exception
( Control-D on UNIX). To enable these improvements, we place the original suite of the
while statement within a try statement. The first except clause handles SyntaxError

exceptions raised by calc_parse as well as TypeError and ZeroDivisionError exceptions

raised by calc_eval .

>>> def read_eval_print_loop():

"""Run a read-eval-print loop for calculator."""
while True:
expression_tree = calc_parse(input('calc> '))
except (SyntaxError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError) as err:
print(type(err).__name__ + ':', err)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): # <Control>-D, etc.
print('Calculation completed.')

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This loop implementation reports errors without exiting the loop. Rather than exiting the
program on an error, restarting the loop after an error message lets users revise their
expressions. Upon importing the readline module, users can even recall their previous
inputs using the up arrow or Control-P . The final result provides an informative error
reporting interface:

calc> add
SyntaxError: expected ( after add
calc> div(5)
TypeError: div requires exactly 2 arguments
calc> div(1, 0)
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
calc> ^DCalculation completed.

As we generalize our interpreter to new languages other than Calculator, we will see that the
read_eval_print_loop is parameterized by a parse function, an evaluation function, and the

exception types handled by the try statement. Beyond these changes, all REPLs can be
implemented using the same structure.

3.5.2 Parsing
Parsing is the process of generating expression trees from raw text input. It is the job of the
evaluation function to interpret those expression trees, but the parser must supply well-
formed expression trees to the evaluator. A parser is in fact a composition of two
components: a lexical analyzer and a syntactic analyzer. First, the lexical analyzer partitions
the input string into tokens, which are the minimal syntactic units of the language, such as
names and symbols. Second, the syntactic analyzer constructs an expression tree from this
sequence of tokens.

>>> def calc_parse(line):

"""Parse a line of calculator input and return an expression tree."""
tokens = tokenize(line)
expression_tree = analyze(tokens)
if len(tokens) > 0:
raise SyntaxError('Extra token(s): ' + ' '.join(tokens))
return expression_tree

The sequence of tokens produced by the lexical analyzer, called tokenize , is consumed by
the syntactic analyzer, called analyze . In this case, we define calc_parse to expect only
one well-formed Calculator expression. Parsers for some languages are designed to accept
multiple expressions delimited by new line characters, semicolons, or even spaces. We
defer this additional complexity until we introduce the Logo language below.

Lexical analysis. The component that interprets a string as a token sequence is called a
tokenizer or lexical analyzer. In our implementation, the tokenizer is a function called
tokenize . The Calculator language consists of symbols that include numbers, operator

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names, and operator symbols, such as + . These symbols are always separated by two
types of delimiters: commas and parentheses. Each symbol is its own token, as is each
comma and parenthesis. Tokens can be separated by adding spaces to the input string and
then splitting the string at each space.

>>> def tokenize(line):

"""Convert a string into a list of tokens."""
spaced = line.replace('(',' ( ').replace(')',' ) ').replace(',', ' , ')
return spaced.split()

Tokenizing a well-formed Calculator expression keeps names intact, but separates all
symbols and delimiters.

>>> tokenize('add(2, mul(4, 6))')

['add', '(', '2', ',', 'mul', '(', '4', ',', '6', ')', ')']

Languages with a more complicated syntax may require a more sophisticated tokenizer. In
particular, many tokenizers resolve the syntactic type of each token returned. For example,
the type of a token in Calculator may be an operator, a name, a number, or a delimiter. This
classification can simplify the process of parsing the token sequence.

Syntactic analysis. The component that interprets a token sequence as an expression tree
is called a syntactic analyzer. In our implementation, syntactic analysis is performed by a
recursive function called analyze . It is recursive because analyzing a sequence of tokens
often involves analyzing a subsequence of those tokens into an expression tree, which itself
serves as a branch (i.e., operand) of a larger expression tree. Recursion generates the
hierarchical structures consumed by the evaluator.

The analyze function expects a list of tokens that begins with a well-formed expression. It
analyzes the first token, coercing strings that represent numbers into numeric values. It then
must consider the two legal expression types in the Calculator language. Numeric tokens
are themselves complete, primitive expression trees. Combined expressions begin with an
operator and follow with a list of operand expressions delimited by parentheses. Operands
are analyzed by the analyze_operands function, which recursively calls analyze on each
operand expression. We begin with an implementation that does not check for syntax errors.

>>> def analyze(tokens):

"""Create a tree of nested lists from a sequence of tokens."""
token = analyze_token(tokens.pop(0))
if type(token) in (int, float):
return token
tokens.pop(0) # Remove (
return Exp(token, analyze_operands(tokens))

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>>> def analyze_operands(tokens):

"""Read a list of comma-separated operands."""
operands = []
while tokens[0] != ')':
if operands:
tokens.pop(0) # Remove ,
tokens.pop(0) # Remove )
return operands

Finally, we need to implement analyze_token . The analyze_token function that converts

number literals into numbers. Rather than implementing this logic ourselves, we rely on built-
in Python type coercion, using the int and float constructors to convert tokens to those

>>> def analyze_token(token):

"""Return the value of token if it can be analyzed as a number, or token."""
return int(token)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return float(token)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return token

Our implementation of analyze is complete; it correctly parses well-formed Calculator

expressions into expression trees. These trees can be converted back into Calculator
expressions by the str function.

>>> expression = 'add(2, mul(4, 6))'

>>> analyze(tokenize(expression))
Exp('add', [2, Exp('mul', [4, 6])])
>>> str(analyze(tokenize(expression)))
'add(2, mul(4, 6))'

The analyze function is meant to return only well-formed expression trees, and so it must
detect errors in the syntax of its input. In particular, it must detect that expressions are
complete, correctly delimited, and use only known operators. The following revisions ensure
that each step of the syntactic analysis finds the token it expects.

>>> known_operators = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', '+', '-', '*', '/']

3.5 Interpreters for Languages with Combination 185

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>>> def analyze(tokens):

"""Create a tree of nested lists from a sequence of tokens."""
token = analyze_token(tokens.pop(0))
if type(token) in (int, float):
return token
if token in known_operators:
if len(tokens) == 0 or tokens.pop(0) != '(':
raise SyntaxError('expected ( after ' + token)
return Exp(token, analyze_operands(tokens))
raise SyntaxError('unexpected ' + token)

>>> def analyze_operands(tokens):

"""Analyze a sequence of comma-separated operands."""
operands = []
while tokens[0] != ')':
if operands and tokens.pop(0) != ',':
raise SyntaxError('expected ,')
tokens.pop(0) # Remove )
return elements

>>> def assert_non_empty(tokens):

"""Raise an exception if tokens is empty."""
if len(tokens) == 0:
raise SyntaxError('unexpected end of line')

Informative syntax errors improve the usability of an interpreter substantially. Above, the
SyntaxError exceptions that are raised include a description of the problem encountered.

These error strings also serve to document the definitions of these analysis functions.

This definition completes our Calculator interpreter. A single Python 3 source file is
available for your experimentation. Our interpreter is robust to errors, in the sense that every
input that a user enters at the calc&gt; prompt will either be evaluated to a number or raise
an appropriate error that describes why the input is not a well-formed Calculator expression.

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3.6 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction

The Calculator language provides a means of combination through nested call expressions.
However, there is no way to define new operators, give names to values, or express general
methods of computation. In summary, Calculator does not support abstraction in any way.
As a result, it is not a particularly powerful or general programming language. We now turn
to the task of defining a general programming language that supports abstraction by binding
names to values and defining new operations.

Rather than extend our simple Calculator language further, we will begin anew and develop
an interpreter for the Logo language. Logo is not a language invented for this course, but
instead a classic instructional language with dozens of interpreter implementations and its
own developer community.

Unlike the previous section, which presented a complete interpreter as Python source code,
this section takes a descriptive approach. The companion project asks you to implement the
ideas presented here by building a fully functional Logo interpreter.

3.6.1 The Scheme Language

Scheme is a dialect of Lisp, the second-oldest programming language that is still widely
used today (after Fortran). Scheme was first described in 1975 by Gerald Sussman and Guy
Steele. From the introduction to the
Revised(4) Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme _,

> Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by
removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features appear necessary.
Scheme demonstrates that a very small number of rules for forming expressions, with no
restrictions on how they are composed, suffice to form a practical and efficient programming
language that is flexible enough to support most of the major programming paradigms in use

We refer you to this Report for full details of the Scheme language. We'll touch on highlights
here. We've used examples from the Report in the descriptions below..

Despite its simplicity, Scheme is a real programming language and in many ways is similar
to Python, but with a minimum of "syntactic sugar"[1]. Basically, all operations take the form
of function calls. Here, we will describe a representative subset of the full Scheme language
described in the report.

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| [1] | Regrettably, this has become less true in more recent revisions of the Scheme
language, such as the Revised(6) Report, so here, we'll stick with previous versions. |

There are several implementations of Scheme available, which add on various additional
procedures. At Berkeley, we've used a modified version of the Stk interpreter, which is also
available as stk on our instructional servers. Unfortunately, it is not particularly conformant
to the official specification, but it will do for our purposes.

Using the Interpreter. As with the Python interpreter[#], expressions typed to the Stk
interpreter are evaluated and printed by what is known as a read-eval-print loop:

>>> 3
>>> (- (/ (* (+ 3 7 10) (- 1000 8)) 992) 17)
>>> (define (fib n) (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))
>>> '(1 (7 19))
(1 (7 19))

| [2] | In our examples, we use the same notation as for Python: &gt;&gt;&gt; and ... to
indicate lines input to the interpreter and unprefixed lines to indicate output. In reality,
Scheme interpreters use different prompts. STk, for example, prompts with STk&gt; and
does not prompt for continuation lines. The Python conventions, however, make it clearer
what is input and what is output. |

Values in Scheme. Values in Scheme generally have their counterparts in Python.

> Booleans > > The values true and false, denoted #t and #f . In Scheme, the only false
value (in the Python sense) is #f . > > Numbers > > These include integers of arbitrary
precision, rational numbers, complex numbers, and "inexact" (generally floating-point)
numbers. Integers may be denoted either in standard decimal notation or in other radixes by
prefixing a numeral with #o (octal), #x (hexadecimal), or #b (binary). > > Symbols > >
Symbols are a kind of string, but are denoted without quotation marks. The valid characters
include letters, digits, and: > > &gt; ! $ % & * / : &lt; = &gt; ? ^ _ ~ + - . @ &gt; &gt; >
> When input by the read function, which reads Scheme expressions (and which the
interpreter uses to input program text), upper and lower case characters in symbols are not
distinguished (in the STk implementation, converted to lower case). Two symbols with the
same denotation denote the same object (not just two objects that happen to have the same
contents). > > Pairs and Lists > > A pair is an object containing two components (of any
types), called its car and cdr . A pair whose car is A and whose cdr is B is denoted
(A . B) . Pairs (like tuples in Python) can represent lists, trees, and arbitrary hierarchical

structures. > > A standard Scheme list consists either of the special empty list value
(denoted ()), or of a pair that contains the first item of the list as its car and the rest of the
list as its cdr . Thus, the list consisting of the integers 1, 2, and 3 would be represented: > >

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&gt; (1 . (2 . (3 . ()))) &gt; &gt; > > Lists are so pervasive that Scheme allows one to

abbreviate (a . ()) as (a) , and allows one to abbreviate (a . (b ...)) as (a b ...) .

Thus, the list above is usually written: > > &gt; (1 2 3) &gt; &gt; > > Procedures
(functions) > > As in Python, a procedure (or function) value represents some computation
that can be invoked by a function call supplying argument values. Procedures may either be
primitives, supplied by the Scheme runtime system, or they may be constructed out of
Scheme expression(s) and an environment (exactly as in Python). There is no direct
denotation for function values, although there are predefined identifiers that are bound to
primitive functions and there are Scheme expressions that, when evaluated, produce new
procedure values. > > Other Types > > Scheme also supports characters and strings (like
Python strings, except that Scheme distinguishes characters from strings), and vectors (like
Python lists).

Program Denotations As with other versions of Lisp, Scheme's data values double as
representations of programs. For example, the Scheme list:

(+ x (* 10 y))

can, depending on how it is used, represent either a 3-item list (whose last item is also a 3-
item list), or it can represent a Scheme expression for computing (x+10y). To interpret a
Scheme value as a program, we consider the type of value, and evaluate as follows:

> Integers, booleans, characters, strings, and vectors evaluate to themselves. Thus, the
expression 5 evaluates to 5. > Bare symbols serve as variables. Their values are
determined by the current environment in which they are being evaluated, just as in Python.
> Non-empty lists are interpreted in two different ways, depending on their first component: >
If the first component is one of the symbols denoting a special form, described below, the
evaluation proceeds by the rules for that special form. > In all other cases (called
combinations), the items in the list are evaluated (recursively) in some unspecified order.
The value of the first item must be a function value. That value is called, with the values of
the remaining items in the list supplying the arguments. > Other Scheme values (in
particular, pairs that are not lists) are erroneous as programs.

For example:

>>> 5 ; A literal.
>>> (define x 3) ; A special form that creates a binding for symbol
x ; x.
>>> (+ 3 (* 10 x)) ; A combination. Symbol + is bound to the primitive
33 ; add function and * to primitive multiply.

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Primitive Special Forms. The special forms denote things such as control structures,
function definitions, or class definitions in Python: constructs in which the operands are not
simply evaluated immediately, as they are in calls.

First, a couple of common constructs used in the forms:

> EXPR-SEQ > > Simply a sequence of expressions, such as: > >
&gt; (+ 3 2) x (* y z) &gt; &gt; > > When this appears in the definitions below, it refers to

a sequence of expressions that are evaluated from left to right, with the value of the
sequence (if needed) being the value of the last expression. > > BODY > > Several
constructs have "bodies", which are EXPR-SEQ_s, as above, optionally preceded by one or
more Definitions. Their value is that of their _EXPR-SEQ. See the section on Internal
Definitions for the interpretation of these definitions.

Here is a representative subset of the special forms:

> Definitions > > Definitions may appear either at the top level of a program (that is, not
enclosed in another construct). > > > (define SYM EXPR) > > > > This evaluates EXPR and
binds its value to the symbol SYM in the current environment. > > > > (define (SYM
ARGUMENTS) BODY) > > > > This is equivalent to > > > > > (define SYM (lambda
(ARGUMENTS) BODY)) > > (lambda (ARGUMENTS) BODY) > > This evaluates to a
function. ARGUMENTS is usually a list (possibly empty) of distinct symbols that gives
names to the arguments of the function, and indicates their number. It is also possible for
ARGUMENTS to have the form: > > &gt; (sym1 sym2 ... symn . symr) &gt; &gt; > > (that
is, instead of ending in the empty list like a normal list, the last cdr is a symbol). In this
case, symr will be bound to the list of trailing argument values (argument n+1 onward). > >
When the resulting function is called, ARGUMENTS are bound to the argument values in a
fresh environment frame that extends the environment in which the lambda expression was
evaluated (just like Python). Then the BODY is evaluated and its value returned as the value
of the call. > > (if COND-EXPR TRUE-EXPR OPTIONAL-FALSE-EXPR) > > Evaluates
COND-EXPR, and if its value is not #f , then evaluates TRUE-EXPR, and the result is the
value of the if . If COND-EXPR evaluates to #f and OPTIONAL-FALSE-EXPR is
present, it is evaluated and its result is the value of the if . If it is absent, the value of the
if is unspecified. > > (set! SYMBOL EXPR) > > Evaluates EXPR and replaces the binding

of SYMBOL with the resulting value. SYMBOL must be bound, or there is an error. In
contrast to Python's default, this replaces the binding of SYMBOL in the first enclosing
environment frame that defines it, which is not always the innermost frame. > > (quote
EXPR) or 'EXPR > > One problem with using Scheme data structures as program
representations is that one needs a way to indicate when a particular symbol or list
represents literal data to be manipulated by a program, and when it is program text that is
intended to be evaluated. The quote form evaluates to EXPR itself, without further

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evaluating EXPR. (The alternative form, with leading apostrophe, gets converted to the first
form by Scheme's expression reader.) For example: > >
&gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (+ 1 2) &gt; 3 &gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; '(+ 1 2) &gt; (+ 1 2) &gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (define x 3)

Derived Special Forms

A derived construct is one that can be translated into primitive constructs. Their purpose is to
make programs more concise or clear for the reader. In Scheme, we have

> (begin EXPR-SEQ) > > Simply evaluates and yields the value of the EXPR-SEQ. This
construct is simply a way to execute a sequence of expressions in a context (such as an
if ) that requires a single expression. > > (and EXPR1 EXPR2 ...) > > Each EXPR is

evaluated from left to right until one returns #f or the EXPR_s are exhausted. The value is
that of the last _EXPR evaluated, or #t if the list of EXPR_s is empty. For example: > >
&gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (and (= 2 2) (&gt; 2 1)) &gt; #t &gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (and (&lt; 2 2) (&gt; 2 1)) &gt; #

> > (or _EXPR1 EXPR2 ...) > > Each EXPR is evaluated from left to right until one returns a
value other than #f or the EXPR_s are exhausted. The value is that of the last _EXPR
evaluated, or #f if the list of EXPR_s is empty: For example: > >
&gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (or (= 2 2) (&gt; 2 3)) &gt; #t &gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (or (= 2 2) '(a b)) &gt; #t &gt; &g

> > (cond _CLAUSE1 CLAUSE2 ...) > > Each CLAUSEi is processed in turn until one
succeeds, and its value becomes the value of the cond . If no clause succeeds, the value is
unspecified. Each clause has one of three possible forms. The form > > > (TEST-EXPR
EXPR-SEQ) > > succeeds if TEST-EXPR evaluates to a value other than #f . In that case,
it evaluates EXPR-SEQ and yields its value. The EXPR-SEQ may be omitted, in which case
the value is that of TEST-EXPR itself. > > The last clause may have the form > > > (else
EXPR-SEQ) > > which is equivalent to > > > (#t EXPR-SEQ) > > Finally, the form > > >
(TEST_EXPR => EXPR) > > succeeds if TEST_EXPR evaluates to a value other than #f ,
call it V. If it succeeds, the value of the cond construct is that returned by (EXPR V). That
is, EXPR must evaluate to a one-argument function, which is applied to the value of
TEST_EXPR. > > For example: > >
&gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (cond ((&gt; 3 2) 'greater) &gt; ... ((&lt; 3 2) 'less))) &gt; greater &gt; &gt;&gt;&

> > (case KEY-EXPR CLAUSE1 CLAUSE2 ...) > > Evaluates KEY-EXPR to produce a
value, K. Then matches K against each CLAUSE1 in turn until one succeeds, and returns
the value of that clause. If no clause succeeds, the value is unspecified. Each clause has the
form > > > ((DATUM1 DATUM2 ...) EXPR-SEQ) > > The DATUM_s are Scheme values
(they are _not evaluated). The clause succeeds if K matches one of the DATUM values (as
determined by the eqv? function described below.) If the clause succeeds, its EXPR-SEQ
is evaluated and its value becomes the value of the case . The last clause may have the
form > > > (else EXPR-SEQ) > > which always succeeds. For example: > >
&gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (case (* 2 3) &gt; ... ((2 3 5 7) 'prime) &gt; ... ((1 4 6 8 9) 'composite)) &gt; com

> > (let BINDINGS BODY) > > BINDINGS is a list of pairs of the form > > > ( (VAR1 INIT1)
(VAR2 INIT2) ...) > > where the VAR_s are (distinct) symbols and the _INIT_s are
expressions. This first evaluates the _INIT expressions, then creates a new frame that binds

3.6 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction 191

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those values to the VAR_s, and then evaluates the _BODY in that new environment,
returning its value. In other words, this is equivalent to the call > > > ((lambda (VAR1 VAR2
...) BODY)INIT1 INIT2 ...) > > Thus, any references to the VAR_s in the _INIT expressions
refers to the definitions (if any) of those symbols outside of the let construct. For example:
> >
&gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (let ((x 2) (y 3)) &gt; ... (* x y)) &gt; 6 &gt; &gt;&gt;&gt; (let ((x 2) (y 3)) &gt;

> > (let BINDINGS BODY) > > The syntax of BINDINGS is the same as for let . This is
equivalent to > > > (let ((VAR1 INIT1))...(let ((VARn INITn))BODY)) > > In other words, it is
like let except that the new binding of VAR1 is visible in subsequent INIT_s as well as in
the _BODY, and similarly for VAR2. For example: > > ``` > >>> (define x 3) > x > >>> (define
y 4) > y > >>> (let ((x 5) (y (+ x 1))) y) > 4 > >>> (let ((x 5) (y (+ x 1))) y) > 6 > >
&gt; &gt; (letrec _BINDINGS_ _BODY_) &gt; &gt; Again, the syntax is as for `let`. In this case, the new

> (letrec ((even? > (lambda (n) > (if (zero? n) > #t > (odd? (- n 1))))) > (odd? > (lambda (n) >
(if (zero? n) > #f > (even? (- n 1)))))) > (even? 88)) > > ```

Internal Definitions. When a BODY begins with a sequence of define constructs, they are
known as "internal definitions" and are interpreted a little differently from top-level definitions.
Specifically, they work like letrec does.

> First, bindings are created for all the names defined by the define statements, initially
bound to undefined values. > Then the values are filled in by the defines.

As a result, a sequence of internal function definitions can be mutually recursive, just as

def statements in Python that are nested inside a function can be:

>>> (define (hard-even? x) ;; An outer-level definition

... (define (even? n) ;; Inner definition
... (if (zero? n)
... #t
... (odd? (- n 1))))
... (define (odd? n) ;; Inner definition
... (if (zero? n)
... #f
... (even? (- n 1))))
... (even? x))
>>> (hard-even? 22)

Predefined Functions. There is a large collection of predefined functions, all bound to

names in the global environment, and we'll simply illustrate a few here; the rest are
catalogued in the Revised(4) Scheme Report. Function calls are not "special" in that they all
use the same completely uniform evaluation rule: recursively evaluate all items (including
the operator), and then apply the operator's value (which must be a function) to the
operands' values.

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> Arithmetic: Scheme provides the standard arithmetic operators, many with familiar
denotations, although the operators uniformly appear before the operands: >
> ``` > >>> ; Semicolons introduce one-line comments. > >>> ; Compute (3+7+10)(1000-8) //
992 - 17 > >>> (- (quotient ( (+ 3 7 10) (- 1000 8))) 17) > 3 > >>> (remainder 27 4) > 3 > >>>
(- 17) > -17 >
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Similarly, there are the usual numeric comparison operators, extended to allow more

> > >>> (< 0 5) > > #t > > >>> (>= 100 10 10 0) > > #t > > >>> (= 21 ( 7 3) (+ 19 2)) > > #t >
> >>> (not (= 15 14)) > > #t > > >>> (zero? (- 7 7)) > > #t > > > >
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; `not`, by the way, is a function, not a special form like `and` or `or`, because it

> >>> (cons 'a 'b) > (a . b) > >>> (list 'a 'b) > (a b) > >>> (cons 'a (cons 'b '())) > (a b) > >>>
(car (cons 'a 'b)) > a > >>> (cdr (cons 'a 'b)) > b > >>> (cdr (list a b)) > (b) > >>> (cadr '(a b))
; An abbreviation for (car (cdr '(a b))) > b > >>> (cddr '(a b)) ; Similarly, an abbreviation for
(cdr (cdr '(a b))) > () > >>> (list-tail '(a b c) 0) > (a b c) > >>> (list-tail '(a b c) 1) > (b c) > >>>
(list-ref '(a b c) 0) > a > >>> (list-ref '(a b c) 2) > c > >>> (append '(a b) '(c d) '() '(e)) > (a b c
d e) > >>> ; All but the last list is copied. The last is shared, so: > >>> (define L1 (list 'a 'b 'c))
> >>> (define L2 (list 'd)) > >>> (define L3 (append L1 L2)) > >>> (set-car! L1 1) > >>> (set-
car! L2 2) > >>> L3 > (a b c 2) > >>> (null? '()) > #t > >>> (list? '()) > #t > >>> (list? '(a b)) >
#t > >>> (list? '(a . b)) > #f >
&gt; &gt; &gt; * **Equivalence:** The `=` operation is for numbers. For general equality of values, Sch

> >>> (eqv? 'a 'a) > #t > >>> (eqv? 'a 'b) > #f > >>> (eqv? 100 (+ 50 50)) > #t > >>> (eqv?
(list 'a 'b) (list 'a 'b)) > #f > >>> (equal? (list 'a 'b) (list 'a 'b)) > #t >
&gt; &gt; &gt; * **Types:** Each type of value satisfies exactly one of the basic type predicates: &gt;

> >>> (boolean? #f) > #t > >>> (integer? 3) > #t > >>> (pair? '(a b)) > #t > >>> (null? '()) > #t
> >>> (symbol? 'a) > #t > >>> (procedure? +) > #t >
&gt; &gt; &gt; * **Input and Output:** Scheme interpreters typically run a read-eval-print loop, but on

> >>> (begin (display 'a) (display 'b) (newline)) > ab >
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Thus, `(display x)` is somewhat akin to Python's &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; `print(st

> >>> (read) > >>> (a b c) > (a b c) >

&gt; &gt; &gt; * **Evaluation:** The `apply` function provides direct access to the function-calling op

> > >>> (apply cons '(1 2)) > > (1 . 2) > > >>> ;; Apply the function f to the arguments in L
after g is > > >>> ;; applied to each of them > > >>> (define (compose-list f g L) > > ... (apply
f (map g L))) > > >>> (compose-list + (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3)) > > 14 > > > >
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; An extension allows for some "fixed" arguments at the beginning: &gt; &gt;

> > >>> (apply + 1 2 '(3 4 5)) > > 15 > > > >

3.6 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction 193

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&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; The following function is not in [Revised(4) Scheme](

> >>> (eval '(+ 1 2)) > 3 >

&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; That is, `eval` evaluates a piece of Scheme data that represents a correct Scheme e

> > >>> (define (incr n) (lambda (x) (+ n x))) > > >>> (define add5 (incr 5)) > > >>> (add5
13) > > 18 > > >>> (eval 'n (procedure-environment add5)) > > 5 > > > > ```

3.6.2 The Logo Language

Logo is another dialect of Lisp. It was designed for educational use, and so many design
decisions in Logo are meant to make the language more comfortable for a beginner. For
example, most Logo procedures are invoked in prefix form (first the procedure name, then
the arguments), but the common arithmetic operators are also provided in the customary
infix form. The brilliance of Logo is that its simple, approachable syntax still provides
amazing expressivity for advanced programmers.

The central idea in Logo that accounts for its expressivity is that its built-in container type,
the Logo sentence (also called a list ), can easily store Logo source code! Logo
programs can write and interpret Logo expressions as part of their evaluation process. Many
dynamic languages support code generation, including Python, but no language makes code
generation quite as fun and accessible as Logo.

You may want to download a fully implemented Logo interpreter at this point to experiment
with the language. The standard implementation is Berkeley Logo (also known as
UCBLogo), developed by Brian Harvey and his Berkeley students. For macintosh uses,
ACSLogo is compatible with the latest version of Mac OSX and comes with a user guide that
introduces many features of the Logo language.

Fundamentals. Logo is designed to be conversational. The prompt of its read-eval loop is a

question mark ( ? ), evoking the question, "what shall I do next?" A natural starting point is
to ask Logo to print a number:

? print 5

The Logo language employs an unusual call expression syntax that has no delimiting
punctuation at all. Above, the argument 5 is passed to print , which prints out its
argument. The terminology used to describe the programming constructs of Logo differs
somewhat from that of Python. Logo has procedures rather than the equivalent "functions" in
Python, and procedures output values rather than "returning" them. The print procedure

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always outputs None , but prints a string representation of its argument as a side effect.
(Procedure arguments are typically called inputs in Logo, but we will continue to call them
arguments in this text for the sake of clarity.)

The most common data type in Logo is a word, a string without spaces. Words serve as
general-purpose values that can represent numbers, names, and boolean values. Tokens
that can be interpreted as numbers or boolean values, such as 5 , evaluate to words
directly. On the other hand, names such as five are interpreted as procedure calls:

? 5
You do not say what to do with 5.
? five
I do not know how to five.

While 5 and five are interpreted differently, the Logo read-eval loop complains either
way. The issue with the first case is that Logo complains whenever a top-level expression it
evaluates does not evaluate to None . Here, we see the first structural difference between
the interpreters for Logo and Calculator; the interface to the former is a read-eval loop that
expects the user to print results. The latter employed a more typical read-eval-print loop that
printed return values automatically. Python takes a hybrid approach: only non- None values
are coerced to strings using repr and then printed automatically.

A line of Logo can contain multiple expressions in sequence. The interpreter will evaluate
each one in turn. It will complain if any top-level expression in a line does not evaluate to
None . Once an error occurs, the rest of the line is ignored:

? print 1 print 2
? 3 print 4
You do not say what to do with 3.

Logo call expressions can be nested. In the version of Logo we will implement, each
procedure takes a fixed number of arguments. Therefore, the Logo interpreter is able to
determine uniquely when the operands of a nested call expression are complete. Consider,
for instance, two procedures sum and difference that output the sum and difference of
their two arguments, respectively:

? print sum 10 difference 7 3


We can see from this nesting example that the parentheses and commas that delimit call
expressions are not strictly necessary. In the Calculator interpreter, punctuation allowed us
to build expression trees as a purely syntactic operation; without ever consulting the

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meaning of the operator names. In Logo, we must use our knowledge of how many
arguments each procedure takes in order to discover the correct structure of a nested
expression. This issue is addressed in further detail in the next section.

Logo also supports infix operators, such as + and * . The precedence of these operators
is resolved according to the standard rules of algebra; multiplication and division take
precedence over addition and subtraction:

? 2 + 3 * 4

The details of how to implement operator precedence and infix operators to form correct
expression trees is left as an exercise. For the following discussion, we will concentrate on
call expressions using prefix syntax.

Quotation. A bare name is interpreted as the beginning of a call expression, but we would
also like to reference words as data. A token that begins with a double quote is interpreted
as a word literal. Note that word literals do not have a trailing quotation mark in Logo:

? print "hello

In dialects of Lisp (and Logo is such a dialect), any expression that is not evaluated is said to
be quoted. This notion of quotation is derived from a classic philosophical distinction
between a thing, such as a dog, which runs around and barks, and the word "dog" that is a
linguistic construct for designating such things. When we use "dog" in quotation marks, we
do not refer to some dog in particular but instead to a word. In language, quotation allow us
to talk about language itself, and so it is in Logo. We can refer to the procedure for sum by
name without actually applying it by quoting it:

? print "sum

In addition to words, Logo includes the sentence type, interchangeably called a list.
Sentences are enclosed in square brackets. The print procedure does not show brackets
to preserve the conversational style of Logo, but the square brackets can be printed in the
output by using the show procedure:

? print [hello world]

hello world
? show [hello world]
[hello world]

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Sentences can be constructed using three different two-argument procedures. The

sentence procedure combines its arguments into a sentence. It is polymorphic; it places its

arguments into a new sentence if they are words or concatenates its arguments if they are
sentences. The result is always a sentence:

? show sentence 1 2
[1 2]
? show sentence 1 [2 3]
[1 2 3]
? show sentence [1 2] 3
[1 2 3]
? show sentence [1 2] [3 4]
[1 2 3 4]

The list procedure creates a sentence from two elements, which allows the user to create
hierarchical data structures:

? show list 1 2
[1 2]
? show list 1 [2 3]
[1 [2 3]]
? show list [1 2] 3
[[1 2] 3]
? show list [1 2] [3 4]
[[1 2] [3 4]]

Finally, the fput procedure creates a list from a first element and the rest of the list, as did
the Rlist Python constructor from earlier in the chapter:

? show fput 1 [2 3]
[1 2 3]
? show fput [1 2] [3 4]
[[1 2] 3 4]

Collectively, we can call sentence , list , and fput the sentence constructors in Logo.
Deconstructing a sentence into its first , last , and rest (called butfirst ) in Logo is
straightforward as well. Hence, we also have a set of selector procedures for sentences:

? print first [1 2 3]
? print last [1 2 3]
? print butfirst [1 2 3]
[2 3]

Expressions as Data. The contents of a sentence is also quoted in the sense that it is not
evaluated. Hence, we can print Logo expressions without evaluating them:

? show [print sum 1 2]

[print sum 1 2]

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The purpose of representing Logo expressions as sentences is typically not to print them
out, but instead to evaluate them using the run procedure:

? run [print sum 1 2]


Combining quotation, sentence constructors, and the run procedure, we arrive at a very
general means of combination that builds Logo expressions on the fly and then evaluates

? run sentence "print [sum 1 2]

? print run sentence "sum sentence 10 run [difference 7 3]

The point of this last example is to show that while the procedures sum and difference
are not first-class constructs in Logo (they cannot be placed in a sentence, for instance),
their quoted names are first-class, and the run procedure can resolve those names to the
procedures to which they refer.

The ability to represent code as data and later interpret it as part of the program is a defining
feature of Lisp-style languages. The idea that a program can rewrite itself as it executes is a
powerful one, and served as the foundation for early research in artificial intelligence (AI).
Lisp was the preferred language of AI researchers for decades. The Lisp language was
invented by John McCarthy, who coined the term "artificial intelligence" and played a critical
role in defining the field. This code-as-data property of Lisp dialects, along with their
simplicity and elegance, continues to attract new Lisp programmers today.

Turtle graphics. No implementation of Logo is complete without graphical output based on

the Logo turtle. This turtle begins in the center of a canvas, moves and turns based on
procedures, and draws lines behind it as it moves. While the turtle was invented to engage
children in the act of programming, it remains an entertaining graphical tool for even
advanced programmers.

At any moment during the course of executing a Logo program, the Logo turtle has a
position and heading on the canvas. Single-argument procedures such as forward and
right change the position and heading of the turtle. Common procedures have

abbreviations: forward can also be called as fd , etc. The nested expression below draws
a star with a smaller star at each vertex:

? repeat 5 [fd 100 repeat 5 [fd 20 rt 144] rt 144]

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The full repertoire of Turtle procedures is also built into Python as the turtle library module. A
limited subset of these functions are exposed as Logo procedures in the companion project
to this chapter.

Assignment. Logo supports binding names to values. As in Python, a Logo environment

consists of a sequence of frames, and each frame can have at most one value bound to a
given name. In Logo, names are bound with the make procedure, which takes as
arguments a name and a value:

? make "x 2

The first argument is the name x , rather than the output of applying the procedure x , and
so it must be quoted. The values bound to names are retrieved by evaluating expressions
that begin with a colon:

? print :x

Any word that begins with a colon, such as :x , is called a variable. A variable evaluates to
the value to which the name of the variable is bound in the current environment.

The make procedure does not have the same effect as an assignment statement in Python.
The name passed to make is either already bound to a value or is currently unbound.

1. If the name is already bound, make re-binds that name in the first frame in which it is
2. If the name is not bound, make binds the name in the global frame.

This behavior contrasts sharply with the semantics of the Python assignment statement,
which always binds a name to a value in the first frame of the current environment. The first
assignment rule above is similar to Python assignment following a nonlocal statement. The
second is similar to Python assignment following a global statement.

Procedures. Logo supports user-defined procedures using definitions that begin with the
to keyword. Definitions are the final type of expression in Logo, along with call

expressions, primitive expressions, and quoted expressions. The first line of a definition
gives the name of the new procedure, followed by the formal parameters as variables. The

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lines that follow constitute the body of the procedure, which can span multiple lines and must
end with a line that contains only the token end . The Logo read-eval loop prompts the user
for procedure bodies with a &gt; continuation symbol. Values are output from a user-
defined procedure using the output procedure:

? to double :x
> output sum :x :x
> end
? print double 4

Logo's application process for a user-defined procedure is similar to the process in Python.
Applying a procedure to a sequence of arguments begins by extending an environment with
a new frame, binding the formal parameters of the procedure to the argument values, and
then evaluating the lines of the body of the procedure in the environment that starts with that
new frame.

A call to output has the same role in Logo as a return statement in Python: it halts the
execution of the body of a procedure and returns a value. A Logo procedure can return no
value at all by calling stop :

? to count
> print 1
> print 2
> stop
> print 3
> end
? count

Scope. Logo is a dynamically scoped language. A lexically scoped language such as Python
does not allow the local names of one function to affect the evaluation of another function
unless the second function was explicitly defined within the first. The formal parameters of
two top-level functions are completely isolated. In a dynamically scoped language, there is
no such isolation. When one function calls another function, the names bound in the local
frame for the first are accessible in the body of the second:

? to print_last_x
> print :x
> end
? to print_x :x
> print_last_x
> end
? print_x 5

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While the name x is not bound in the global frame, it is bound in the local frame for
print_x , the function that is called first. Logo's dynamic scoping rules allow the function

print_last_x to refer to x , which was bound as the formal parameter of print_x .

Dynamic scoping is implemented by a single change to the environment model of

computation. The frame that is created by calling a user-defined function always extends the
current environment. For example, the call to print_x above introduces a new frame that
extends the current environment, which consists solely of the global frame. Within the body
of print_x , the call to print_last_x introduces another frame that extends the current
environment, which includes both the local frame for print_x and the global frame. As a
result, looking up the name x in the body of print_last_x finds that name bound to 5 in
the local frame for print_x . Alternatively, under the lexical scoping rules of Python, the
frame for print_last_x would have extended only the global frame and not the local frame
for print_x .

A dynamically scoped language has the advantage that its procedures may not need to take
as many arguments. For instance, the print_last_x procedure above takes no arguments,
and yet its behavior can be parameterized by an enclosing scope.

General programming. Our tour of Logo is complete, and yet we have not introduced any
advanced features, such as an object system, higher-order procedures, or even statements.
Learning to program effectively in Logo requires piecing together the simple features of the
language into effective combinations.

There is no conditional expression type in Logo; the procedures if and ifelse are
applied using call expression evaluation rules. The first argument of if is a boolean word,
either True or False . The second argument is not an output value, but instead a sentence
that contains the line of Logo code to be evaluated if the first argument is True . An
important consequence of this design is that the contents of the second argument is not
evaluated at all unless it will be used:

? 1/0
div raised a ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
? to reciprocal :x
> if not :x = 0 [output 1 / :x]
> output "infinity
> end
? print reciprocal 2
? print reciprocal 0

Not only does the Logo conditional expression not require a special syntax, but it can in fact
be implemented in terms of word and run . The primitive procedure ifelse takes three
arguments: a boolean word, a sentence to be evaluated if that word is True , and a

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sentence to be evaluated if that word is False . By clever naming of the formal parameters,
we can implement a user-defined procedure ifelse2 with the same behavior:

? to ifelse2 :predicate :True :False

> output run run word ": :predicate
> end
? print ifelse2 emptyp [] ["empty] ["full]

Recursive procedures do not require any special syntax, and they can be used with run ,
sentence , first , and butfirst to define general sequence operations on sentences. For

instance, we can apply a procedure to an argument by building a two-element sentence and

running it. The argument must be quoted if it is a word:

? to apply_fn :fn :arg

> output run list :fn ifelse word? :arg [word "" :arg] [:arg]
> end

Next, we can define a procedure for mapping a procedure :fn over the words in a
sentence :s incrementally:

? to map_fn :fn :s
> if emptyp :s [output []]
> output fput apply_fn :fn first :s map_fn :fn butfirst :s
> end
? show map "double [1 2 3]
[2 4 6]

The second line of the body of map_fn can also be written with parentheses to indicate the
nested structure of the call expression. However, parentheses show where call expressions
begin and end, rather than surrounding only the operands and not the operator:

> (output (fput (apply_fn :fn (first :s)) (map_fn :fn (butfirst :s))))

Parentheses are not necessary in Logo, but they often assist programmers in documenting
the structure of nested expressions. Most dialects of Lisp require parentheses and therefore
have a syntax with explicit nesting.

As a final example, Logo can express recursive drawings using its turtle graphics in a
remarkably compact form. Sierpinski's triangle is a fractal that draws each triangle as three
neighboring triangles that have vertexes at the midpoints of the legs of the triangle that
contains them. It can be drawn to a finite recursive depth by this Logo program:

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? to triangle :exp
> repeat 3 [run :exp lt 120]
> end

? to sierpinski :d :k
> triangle [ifelse :k = 1 [fd :d] [leg :d :k]]
> end

? to leg :d :k
> sierpinski :d / 2 :k - 1
> penup fd :d pendown
> end

The triangle procedure is a general method for repeating a drawing procedure three times
with a left turn following each repetition. The sierpinski procedure takes a length and a
recursive depth. It draws a plain triangle if the depth is 1 , and otherwise draws a triangle
made up of calls to leg . The leg procedure draws a single leg of a recursive Sierpinski
triangle by a recursive call to sierpinski that fills the first half of the length of the leg, then
by moving the turtle to the next vertex. The procedures up and down stop the turtle from
drawing as it moves by lifting its pen up and the placing it down again. The mutual recursion
between sierpinski and leg yields this result:

? sierpinski 400 6

3.6.3 Structure
This section describes the general structure of a Logo interpreter. While this chapter is self-
contained, it does reference the companion project. Completing that project will produce a
working implementation of the interpreter sketch described here.

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An interpreter for Logo can share much of the same structure as the Calculator interpreter. A
parser produces an expression data structure that is interpreted by an evaluator. The
evaluation function inspects the form of an expression, and for call expressions it calls a
function to apply a procedure to some arguments. However, there are structural differences
that accommodate Logo's unusual syntax.

Lines. The Logo parser does not read a single expression, but instead reads a full line of
code that may contain multiple expressions in sequence. Rather than returning an
expression tree, it returns a Logo sentence.

The parser actually does very little syntactic analysis. In particular, parsing does not
differentiate the operator and operand subexpressions of call expressions into different
branches of a tree. Instead, the components of a call expression are listed in sequence, and
nested call expressions are represented as a flat sequence of tokens. Finally, parsing does
not determine the type of even primitive expressions such as numbers because Logo does
not have a rich type system; instead, every element is a word or a sentence.

>>> parse_line('print sum 10 difference 7 3')

['print', 'sum', '10', 'difference', '7', '3']

The parser performs so little analysis because the dynamic character of Logo requires that
the evaluator resolve the structure of nested expressions.

The parser does identify the nested structure of sentences. Sentences within sentences are
represented as nested Python lists.

>>> parse_line('print sentence "this [is a [deep] list]')

['print', 'sentence', '"this', ['is', 'a', ['deep'], 'list']]

A complete implementation of parse_line appears in the companion projects as .

Evaluation. Logo is evaluated one line at a time. A skeleton implementation of the evaluator
is defined in of the companion project. The sentence returned from parse_line is
passed to the eval_line function, which evaluates each expression in the line. The
eval_line function repeatedly calls logo_eval , which evaluates the next full expression in

the line until the line has been evaluated completely, then returns the last value. The
logo_eval function evaluates a single expression.

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The logo_eval function evaluates the different forms of expressions that we introduced in
the last section: primitives, variables, definitions, quoted expressions, and call expressions.
The form of a multi-element expression in Logo can be determined by inspecting its first
element. Each form of expression as its own evaluation rule.

1. A primitive expression (a word that can be interpreted as a number, True , or False )

evaluates to itself.
2. A variable is looked up in the environment. Environments are discussed in detail in the
next section.
3. A definition is handled as a special case. User-defined procedures are also discussed in
the next section.
4. A quoted expression evaluates to the text of the quotation, which is a string without the
preceding quote. Sentences (represented as Python lists) are also considered to be
quoted; they evaluate to themselves.
5. A call expression looks up the operator name in the current environment and applies the
procedure that is bound to that name.

A simplified implementation of logo_apply appears below. Some error checking has been
removed in order to focus our discussion. A more robust implementation appears in the
companion project.

>>> def logo_eval(line, env):

"""Evaluate the first expression in a line."""
token = line.pop()
if isprimitive(token):
return token
elif isvariable(token):
return env.lookup_variable(variable_name(token))
elif isdefinition(token):
return eval_definition(line, env)
elif isquoted(token):
return text_of_quotation(token)
procedure = env.procedures.get(token, None)
return apply_procedure(procedure, line, env)

The final case above invokes a second process, procedure application, that is expressed by
a function apply_procedure . To apply a procedure named by an operator token, that
operator is looked up in the current environment. In the definition above, env is an instance
of the Environment class described in the next section. The attribute env.procedures is a
dictionary that stores the mapping between operator names and procedures. In Logo, an
environment has a single such mapping; there are no locally defined procedures. Moreover,
Logo maintains separate mappings, called separate namespaces, for the the names of
procedures and the names of variables. A procedure and an unrelated variable can have the
same name in Logo. However, reusing names in this way is not recommended.

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Procedure application. Procedure application begins by calling the apply_procedure

function, which is passed the procedure looked up by logo_apply , along with the remainder
of the current line of code and the current environment. The procedure application process
in Logo is considerably more general than the calc_apply function in Calculator. In
particular, apply_procedure must inspect the procedure it is meant to apply in order to
determine its argument count n, before evaluating n operand expressions. It is here that we
see why the Logo parser was unable to build an expression tree by syntactic analysis alone;
the structure of the tree is determined by the procedure.

The apply_procedure function calls a function collect_args that must repeatedly call
logo_eval to evaluate the next n expressions on the line. Then, having computed the

arguments to the procedure, apply_procedure calls logo_apply , the function that actually
applies procedures to arguments. The call graph below illustrates the process.

The final function logo_apply applies two kinds of arguments: primitive procedures and
user-defined procedures, both of which are instances of the Procedure class. A Procedure
is a Python object that has instance attributes for the name, argument count, body, and
formal parameters of a procedure. The type of the body attribute varies. A primitive
procedure is implemented in Python, and so its body is a Python function. A user-defined
(non-primitive) procedure is defined in Logo, and so its body is a list of lines of Logo code.
A Procedure also has two boolean-valued attributes, one to indicated whether it is primitive
and another to indicate whether it needs access to the current environment.

>>> class Procedure():

def __init__(self, name, arg_count, body, isprimitive=False,
needs_env=False, formal_params=None): = name
self.arg_count = arg_count
self.body = body
self.isprimitive = isprimitive
self.needs_env = needs_env
self.formal_params = formal_params

A primitive procedure is applied by calling its body on the argument list and returning its
return value as the output of the procedure.

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>>> def logo_apply(proc, args):

"""Apply a Logo procedure to a list of arguments."""
if proc.isprimitive:
return proc.body(*args)
"""Apply a user-defined procedure"""

The body of a user-defined procedure is a list of lines, each of which is a Logo sentence. To
apply the procedure to a list of arguments, we evaluate the lines of the body in a new
environment. To construct this environment, a new frame is added to the environment in
which the formal parameters of the procedure are bound to the arguments. The important
structural aspect of this process is that evaluating a line of the body of a user-defined
procedure requires a recursive call to eval_line .

Eval/apply recursion. The functions that implement the evaluation process, eval_line and
logo_eval , and the functions that implement the function application process,

apply_procedure , collect_args , and logo_apply , are mutually recursive. Evaluation

requires application whenever a call expression is found. Application uses evaluation to

evaluate operand expressions into arguments, as well as to evaluate the body of user-
defined procedures. The general structure of this mutually recursive process appears in
interpreters quite generally: evaluation is defined in terms of application and application is
defined in terms of evaluation.

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This recursive cycle ends with language primitives. Evaluation has a base case that is
evaluating a primitive expression, variable, quoted expression, or definition. Function
application has a base case that is applying a primitive procedure. This mutually recursive
structure, between an eval function that processes expression forms and an apply function
that processes functions and their arguments, constitutes the essence of the evaluation

3.6.4 Environments
Now that we have described the structure of our Logo interpreter, we turn to implementing
the Environment class so that it correctly supports assignment, procedure definition, and
variable lookup with dynamic scope. An Environment instance represents the collective set
of name bindings that are accessible at some point in the course of program execution.
Bindings are organized into frames, and frames are implemented as Python dictionaries.
Frames contain name bindings for variables, but not procedures; the bindings between
operator names and Procedure instances are stored separately in Logo. In the project
implementation, frames that contain variable name bindings are stored as a list of
dictionaries in the _frames attribute of an Environment , while procedure name bindings are
stored in the dictionary-valued procedures attribute.

Frames are not accessed directly, but instead through two Environment methods:
lookup_variable and set_variable_value . The first implements a process identical to the

look-up procedure that we introduced in the environment model of computation in Chapter 1.

A name is matched against the bindings of the first (most recently added) frame of the
current environment. If it is found, the value to which it is bound is returned. If it is not found,
look-up proceeds to the frame that was extended by the current frame.

The set_variable_value method also searches for a binding that matches a variable name.
If one is found, it is updated with a new value. If none is found, then a new binding is created
in the global frame. The implementations of these methods are left as an exercise in the
companion project.

The lookup_variable method is invoked from logo_eval when evaluating a variable name.
The set_variable_value method is invoked by the logo_make function, which serves as the
body of the primitive make procedure in Logo.

>>> def logo_make(symbol, val, env):

"""Apply the Logo make primitive, which binds a name to a value."""
env.set_variable_value(symbol, val)

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With the addition of variables and the make primitive, our interpreter supports its first means
of abstraction: binding names to values. In Logo, we can now replicate our first abstraction
steps in Python from Chapter 1:

? make "radius 10
? print 2 * :radius

Assignment is only a limited form of abstraction. We have seen from the beginning of this
course that user-defined functions are a critical tool in managing the complexity of even
moderately sized programs. Two enhancements will enable user-defined procedures in
Logo. First, we must describe the implementation of eval_definition , the Python function
called from logo_eval when the current line is a definition. Second, we will complete our
description of the process in logo_apply that applies a user-defined procedure to some
arguments. Both of these changes leverage the Procedure class defined in the previous

A definition is evaluated by creating a new Procedure instance that represents the user-
defined procedure. Consider the following Logo procedure definition:

? to factorial :n
> output ifelse :n = 1 [1] [:n * factorial :n - 1]
> end
? print fact 5

The first line of the definition supplies the name factorial and formal parameter n of the
procedure. The line that follows constitute the body of the procedure. This line is not
evaluated immediately, but instead stored for future application. That is, the line is read and
parsed by eval_definition , but not passed to eval_line . Lines of the body are read from
the user until a line containing only end is encountered. In Logo, end is not a procedure to
be evaluated, nor is it part of the procedure body; it is a syntactic marker of the end of a
procedure definition.

The Procedure instance created from this procedure name, formal parameter list, and body,
is registered in the procedures dictionary attribute of the environment. In Logo, unlike
Python, once a procedure is bound to a name, no other definition can use that name again.

The logo_apply function applies a Procedure instance to some arguments, which are Logo
values represented as strings (for words) and lists (for sentences). For a user-defined
procedure, logo_apply creates a new frame, a dictionary object in which the the keys are
the formal parameters of the procedure and the values are the arguments. In a dynamically
scoped language such as Logo, this new frame always extends the current environment in
which the procedure was called. Therefore, we append the newly created frame onto the

3.6 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction 209

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current environment. Then, each line of the body is passed to eval_line in turn. Finally, we
can remove the newly created frame from the environment after evaluating its body.
Because Logo does not support higher-order or first-class procedures, we never need to
track more than one environment at a time throughout the course of execution of a program.

The following example illustrates the list of frames and dynamic scoping rules that result
from applying these two user-defined Logo procedures:

? to f :x
> make "z sum :x :y
> end
? to g :x :y
> f sum :x :x
> end
? g 3 7
? print :z

The environment created from the evaluation of these expressions is divided between
procedures and frames, which are maintained in separate name spaces. The order of
frames is determined by the order of calls.

3.6.5 Data as Programs

In thinking about a program that evaluates Logo expressions, an analogy might be helpful.
One operational view of the meaning of a program is that a program is a description of an
abstract machine. For example, consider again this procedure to compute factorials:

? to factorial :n
> output ifelse :n = 1 [1] [:n * factorial :n - 1]
> end

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We could express an equivalent program in Python as well, using a conditional expression.

>>> def factorial(n):

return 1 if n == 1 else n * factorial(n - 1)

We may regard this program as the description of a machine containing parts that
decrement, multiply, and test for equality, together with a two-position switch and another
factorial machine. (The factorial machine is infinite because it contains another factorial
machine within it.) The figure below is a flow diagram for the factorial machine, showing how
the parts are wired together.

In a similar way, we can regard the Logo interpreter as a very special machine that takes as
input a description of a machine. Given this input, the interpreter configures itself to emulate
the machine described. For example, if we feed our evaluator the definition of factorial the
evaluator will be able to compute factorials.

From this perspective, our Logo interpreter is seen to be a universal machine. It mimics
other machines when these are described as Logo programs. It acts as a bridge between
the data objects that are manipulated by our programming language and the programming
language itself. Image that a user types a Logo expression into our running Logo interpreter.
From the perspective of the user, an input expression such as sum 2 2 is an expression in

3.6 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction 211

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the programming language, which the interpreter should evaluate. From the perspective of
the Logo interpreter, however, the expression is simply a sentence of words that is to be
manipulated according to a well-defined set of rules.

That the user's programs are the interpreter's data need not be a source of confusion. In
fact, it is sometimes convenient to ignore this distinction, and to give the user the ability to
explicitly evaluate a data object as an expression. In Logo, we use this facility whenever
employing the run procedure. Similar functions exist in Python: the eval function will
evaluate a Python expression and the exec function will execute a Python statement. Thus,

>>> eval('2+2')


>>> 2+2

both return the same result. Evaluating expressions that are constructed as a part of
execution is a common and powerful feature in dynamic programming languages. In few
languages is this practice as common as in Logo, but the ability to construct and evaluate
expressions during the course of execution of a program can prove to be a valuable tool for
any programmer.

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Chapter 4: Distributed and Parallel Computing


4.1 Introduction
4.2 Distributed Computing
4.2.1 Client/Server Systems
4.2.2 Peer-to-peer Systems
4.2.3 Modularity
4.2.4 Message Passing
4.2.5 Messages on the World Wide Web
4.3 Parallel Computing
4.3.1 The Problem with Shared State
4.3.2 Correctness in Parallel Computation
4.3.3 Protecting Shared State: Locks and Semaphores
4.3.4 Staying Synchronized: Condition variables
4.3.5 Deadlock

Chapter 4: Distributed and Parallel Computing 213

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4.1 Introduction
So far, we have focused on how to create, interpret, and execute programs. In Chapter 1, we
learned to use functions as a means for combination and abstraction. Chapter 2 showed us
how to represent data and manipulate it with data structures and objects, and introduced us
to the concept of data abstraction. In Chapter 3, we learned how computer programs are
interpreted and executed. The result is that we understand how to design programs for a
single processor to run.

In this chapter, we turn to the problem of coordinating multiple computers and processors.
First, we will look at distributed systems. These are interconnected groups of independent
computers that need to communicate with each other to get a job done. They may need to
coordinate to provide a service, share data, or even store data sets that are too large to fit
on a single machine. We will look at different roles computers can play in distributed
systems and learn about the kinds of information that computers need to exchange in order
to work together.

Next, we will consider concurrent computation, also known as parallel computation.

Concurrent computation is when a single program is executed by multiple processors with a
shared memory, all working together in parallel in order to get work done faster. Concurrency
introduces new challenges, and so we will develop new techniques to manage the
complexity of concurrent programs.

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4.2 Distributed Computing

A distributed system is a network of autonomous computers that communicate with each
other in order to achieve a goal. The computers in a distributed system are independent and
do not physically share memory or processors. They communicate with each other using
messages, pieces of information transferred from one computer to another over a network.
Messages can communicate many things: computers can tell other computers to execute a
procedures with particular arguments, they can send and receive packets of data, or send
signals that tell other computers to behave a certain way.

Computers in a distributed system can have different roles. A computer's role depends on
the goal of the system and the computer's own hardware and software properties. There are
two predominant ways of organizing computers in a distributed system. The first is the client-
server architecture, and the second is the peer-to-peer architecture.

4.2.1 Client/Server Systems

The client-server architecture is a way to dispense a service from a central source. There is
a single server that provides a service, and multiple clients that communicate with the server
to consume its products. In this architecture, clients and servers have different jobs. The
server's job is to respond to service requests from clients, while a client's job is to use the
data provided in response in order to perform some task.

The client-server model of communication can be traced back to the introduction of UNIX in
the 1970's, but perhaps the most influential use of the model is the modern World Wide
Web. An example of a client-server interaction is reading the New York Times online. When
the web server at is contacted by a web browsing client (like Firefox), its

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job is to send back the HTML of the New York Times main page. This could involve
calculating personalized content based on user account information sent by the client, and
fetching appropriate advertisements. The job of the web browsing client is to render the
HTML code sent by the server. This means displaying the images, arranging the content
visually, showing different colors, fonts, and shapes and allowing users to interact with the
rendered web page.

The concepts of client and server are powerful functional abstractions. A server is simply a
unit that provides a service, possibly to multiple clients simultaneously, and a client is a unit
that consumes the service. The clients do not need to know the details of how the service is
provided, or how the data they are receiving is stored or calculated, and the server does not
need to know how the data is going to be used.

On the web, we think of clients and servers as being on different machines, but even
systems on a single machine can have client/server architectures. For example, signals from
input devices on a computer need to be generally available to programs running on the
computer. The programs are clients, consuming mouse and keyboard input data. The
operating system's device drivers are the servers, taking in physical signals and serving
them up as usable input.

A drawback of client-server systems is that the server is a single point of failure. It is the only
component with the ability to dispense the service. There can be any number of clients,
which are interchangeable and can come and go as necessary. If the server goes down,
however, the system stops working. Thus, the functional abstraction created by the client-
server architecture also makes it vulnerable to failure.

Another drawback of client-server systems is that resources become scarce if there are too
many clients. Clients increase the demand on the system without contributing any computing
resources. Client-server systems cannot shrink and grow with changing demand.

4.2.2 Peer-to-peer Systems

The client-server model is appropriate for service-oriented situations. However, there are
other computational goals for which a more equal division of labor is a better choice. The
term peer-to-peer is used to describe distributed systems in which labor is divided among all
the components of the system. All the computers send and receive data, and they all
contribute some processing power and memory. As a distributed system increases in size,
its capacity of computational resources increases. In a peer-to-peer system, all components
of the system contribute some processing power and memory to a distributed computation.

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Division of labor among all participants is the identifying characteristic of a peer-to-peer

system. This means that peers need to be able to communicate with each other reliably. In
order to make sure that messages reach their intended destinations, peer-to-peer systems
need to have an organized network structure. The components in these systems cooperate
to maintain enough information about the locations of other components to send messages
to intended destinations.

In some peer-to-peer systems, the job of maintaining the health of the network is taken on
by a set of specialized components. Such systems are not pure peer-to-peer systems,
because they have different types of components that serve different functions. The
components that support a peer-to-peer network act like scaffolding: they help the network
stay connected, they maintain information about the locations of different computers, and
they help newcomers take their place within their neighborhood.

The most common applications of peer-to-peer systems are data transfer and data storage.
For data transfer, each computer in the system contributes to send data over the network. If
the destination computer is in a particular computer's neighborhood, that computer helps
send data along. For data storage, the data set may be too large to fit on any single
computer, or too valuable to store on just a single computer. Each computer stores a small
portion of the data, and there may be multiple copies of the same data spread over different
computers. When a computer fails, the data that was on it can be restored from other copies
and put back when a replacement arrives.

Skype, the voice- and video-chat service, is an example of a data transfer application with a
peer-to-peer architecture. When two people on different computers are having a Skype
conversation, their communications are broken up into packets of 1s and 0s and transmitted
through a peer-to-peer network. This network is composed of other people whose computers
are signed into Skype. Each computer knows the location of a few other computers in its
neighborhood. A computer helps send a packet to its destination by passing it on a neighbor,
which passes it on to some other neighbor, and so on, until the packet reaches its intended
destination. Skype is not a pure peer-to-peer system. A scaffolding network of supernodes is
responsible for logging-in and logging-out users, maintaining information about the locations
of their computers, and modifying the network structure to deal with users entering and

4.2.3 Modularity
The two architectures we have just considered -- peer-to-peer and client-server -- are
designed to enforce modularity. Modularity is the idea that the components of a system
should be black boxes with respect to each other. It should not matter how a component

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implements its behavior, as long as it upholds an interface: a specification for what outputs
will result from inputs.

In chapter 2, we encountered interfaces in the context of dispatch functions and object-

oriented programming. There, interfaces took the form of specifying the messages that
objects should take, and how they should behave in response to them. For example, in order
to uphold the "representable as strings" interface, an object must be able to respond to the
__repr__ and __str__ messages, and output appropriate strings in response. How the

generation of those strings is implemented is not part of the interface.

In distributed systems, we must consider program design that involves multiple computers,
and so we extend this notion of an interface from objects and messages to full programs. An
interface specifies the inputs that should be accepted and the outputs that should be
returned in response to inputs. Interfaces are everywhere in the real world, and we often
take them for granted. A familiar example is TV remotes. You can buy many different brands
of remote for a modern TV, and they will all work. The only commonality between them is the
"TV remote" interface. A piece of electronics obeys the "TV remote" interface as long as it
sends the correct signals to your TV (the output) in response to when you press the power,
volume, channel, or whatever other buttons (the input).

Modularity gives a system many advantages, and is a property of thoughtful system design.
First, a modular system is easy to understand. This makes it easier to change and expand.
Second, if something goes wrong with the system, only the defective components need to
be replaced. Third, bugs or malfunctions are easy to localize. If the output of a component
doesn't match the specifications of its interface, even though the inputs are correct, then that
component is the source of the malfunction.

4.2.4 Message Passing

In distributed systems, components communicate with each other using message passing. A
message has three essential parts: the sender, the recipient, and the content. The sender
needs to be specified so that the recipient knows which component sent the message, and
where to send replies. The recipient needs to be specified so that any computers who are
helping send the message know where to direct it. The content of the message is the most
variable. Depending on the function of the overall system, the content can be a piece of
data, a signal, or instructions for the remote computer to evaluate a function with some

This notion of message passing is closely related to the message passing technique from
Chapter 2, in which dispatch functions or dictionaries responded to string-valued messages.
Within a program, the sender and receiver are identified by the rules of evaluation. In a
distributed system however, the sender and receiver must be explicitly encoded in the

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message. Within a program, it is convenient to use strings to control the behavior of the
dispatch function. In a distributed system, messages may need to be sent over a network,
and may need to hold many different kinds of signals as 'data', so they are not always
encoded as strings. In both cases, however, messages serve the same function. Different
components (dispatch functions or computers) exchange them in order to achieve a goal
that requires coordinating multiple modular components.

At a high level, message contents can be complex data structures, but at a low level,
messages are simply streams of 1s and 0s sent over a network. In order to be usable, all
messages sent over a network must be formatted according to a consistent message

A message protocol is a set of rules for encoding and decoding messages. Many message
protocols specify that a message conform to a particular format, in which certain bits have a
consistent meaning. A fixed format implies fixed encoding and decoding rules to generate
and read that format. All the components in the distributed system must understand the
protocol in order to communicate with each other. That way, they know which part of the
message corresponds to which information.

Message protocols are not particular programs or software libraries. Instead, they are rules
that can be applied by a variety of programs, even written in different programming
languages. As a result, computers with vastly different software systems can participate in
the same distributed system, simply by conforming to the message protocols that govern the

4.2.5 Messages on the World Wide Web

HTTP (short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the message protocol that supports the world
wide web. It specifies the format of messages exchanged between a web browser and a
web server. All web browsers use the HTTP format to request pages from a web server, and
all web servers use the HTTP format to send back their responses.

When you type in a URL into your web browser, say , you are in fact telling your browser that it must
request the page "wiki/UC_Berkeley" from the server called "" using the
"http" protocol. The sender of the message is your computer, the recipient is, and the format of the message content is:

GET /wiki/UC_Berkeley HTTP/1.1

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The first word is the type of the request, the next word is the resource that is requested, and
after that is the name of the protocol (HTTP) and the version (1.1). (There are another types
of requests, such as PUT, POST, and HEAD, that web browsers can also use).

The server sends back a reply. This time, the sender is, the recipient is your
computer, and the format of the message content is a header, followed by data:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 22:38:34 GMT
Server: Apache/ (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux)
Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2011 23:11:55 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

... web page content ...

On the first line, the words "200 OK" mean that there were no errors. The subsequent lines
of the header give information about the server, the date, and the type of content being sent
back. The header is separated from the actual content of the web page by a blank line.

If you have typed in a wrong web address, or clicked on a broken link, you may have seen a
message like this error:

404 Error File Not Found

It means that the server sent back an HTTP header that started like this:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

A fixed set of response codes is a common feature of a message protocol. Designers of

protocols attempt to anticipate common messages that will be sent via the protocol and
assign fixed codes to reduce transmission size and establish a common message
semantics. In the HTTP protocol, the 200 response code indicates success, while 404
indicates an error that a resource was not found. A variety of other response codes exist in
the HTTP 1.1 standard as well.

HTTP is a fixed format for communication, but it allows arbitrary web pages to be
transmitted. Other protocols like this on the internet are XMPP, a popular protocol for instant
messages, and FTP, a protocol for downloading and uploading files between client and

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4.3 Parallel Computing

Computers get faster and faster every year. In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore made a
prediction about how much faster computers would get with time. Based on only five data
points, he extrapolated that the number of transistors that could inexpensively be fit onto a
chip would double every two years. Almost 50 years later, his prediction, now called Moore's
law, remains startlingly accurate.

Despite this explosion in speed, computers aren't able to keep up with the scale of data
becoming available. By some estimates, advances in gene sequencing technology will make
gene-sequence data available more quickly than processors are getting faster. In other
words, for genetic data, computers are become less and less able to cope with the scale of
processing problems each year, even though the computers themselves are getting faster.

To circumvent physical and mechanical constraints on individual processor speed,

manufacturers are turning to another solution: multiple processors. If two, or three, or more
processors are available, then many programs can be executed more quickly. While one
processor is doing one aspect of some computation, others can work on another. All of them
can share the same data, but the work will proceed in parallel.

In order to be able to work together, multiple processors need to be able to share information
with each other. This is accomplished using a shared-memory environment. The variables,
objects, and data structures in that environment are accessible to all the processes.The role
of a processor in computation is to carry out the evaluation and execution rules of a
programming language. In a shared memory model, different processes may execute
different statements, but any statement can affect the shared environment.

4.3.1 The Problem with Shared State

Sharing state between multiple processes creates problems that a single-process
environments do not have. To understand why, let us look the following simple calculation:

x = 5
x = square(x)
x = x + 1

The value of x is time-dependent. At first, it is 5, then, some time later, it is 25, and then
finally, it is 26. In a single-process environment, this time-dependence is is not a problem.
The value of x at the end is always 26. The same cannot be said, however, if multiple
processes exist. Suppose we executed the last 2 lines of above code in parallel: one

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processor executes x = square(x) and the other executes x = x+1 . Each of these
assignment statements involves looking up the value currently bound to x , then updating
that binding with a new value. Let us assume that since x is shared, only a single process
will read or write it at a time. Even so, the order of the reads and writes may vary. For
instance, the example below shows a series of steps for each of two processes, P1 and
P2 . Each step is a part of the evaluation process described briefly, and time proceeds from

top to bottom:

P1 P2
read x: 5
read x: 5
calculate 5*5: 25 calculate 5+1: 6
write 25 -> x
write x-> 6

In this order, the final value of x is 6. If we do not coordinate the two processes, we could
have another order with a different result:

P1 P2
read x: 5
read x: 5 calculate 5+1: 6
calculate 5*5: 25 write x->6
write 25 -> x

In this ordering, x would be 25. In fact, there are multiple possibilities depending on the
order in which the processes execute their lines. The final value of x could end up being 5,
25, or the intended value, 26.

The preceding example is trivial. square(x) and x = x + 1 are simple calculations that are
fast. We don't lose much time by forcing one to go after the other. But what about situations
in which parallelization is essential? An example of such a situation is banking. At any given
time, there may be thousands of people wanting to make transactions with their bank
accounts: they may want to swipe their cards at shops, deposit checks, transfer money, or
pay bills. Even a single account may have multiple transactions active at the same time.

Let us look at how the make_withdraw function from Chapter 2, modified below to print the
balance after updating it rather than return it. We are interested in how this function will
perform in a concurrent situation.

>>> def make_withdraw(balance):

def withdraw(amount):
nonlocal balance
if amount > balance:
print('Insufficient funds')
balance = balance - amount
return withdraw

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Now imagine that we create an account with $10 in it. Let us think about what happens if we
withdraw too much money from the account. If we do these transactions in order, we receive
an insufficient funds message.

>>> w = make_withdraw(10)
>>> w(8)
>>> w(7)
'Insufficient funds'

In parallel, however, there can be many different outcomes. One possibility appears below:

P1: w(8) P2: w(7)

read balance: 10
read amount: 8 read balance: 10
8 > 10: False read amount: 7
if False 7 > 10: False
10 - 8: 2 if False
write balance -> 2 10 - 7: 3
read balance: 2 write balance -> 3
print 2 read balance: 3
print 3

This particular example gives an incorrect outcome of 3. It is as if the w(8) transaction

never happened! Other possible outcomes are 2, and 'Insufficient funds' . The source of
the problems are the following: if P2 reads balance before P1 has written to balance (or
vice versa), P2 's state is inconsistent. The value of balance that P2 has read is obsolete,
and P1 is going to change it. P2 doesn't know that and will overwrite it with an
inconsistent value.

These example shows that parallelizing code is not as easy as dividing up the lines between
multiple processors and having them be executed. The order in which variables are read
and written matters.

A tempting way to enforce correctness is to stipulate that no two programs that modify
shared data can run at the same time. For banking, unfortunately, this would mean that only
one transaction could proceed at a time, since all transactions modify shared data.
Intuitively, we understand that there should be no problem allowing 2 different people to
perform transactions on completely separate accounts simultaneously. Somehow, those two
operations do not interfere with each other the same way that simultaneous operations on
the same account interfere with each other. Moreover, there is no harm in letting processes
run concurrently when they are not reading or writing.

4.3.2 Correctness in Parallel Computation

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There are two criteria for correctness in parallel computation environments. The first is that
the outcome should always be the same. The second is that the outcome should be the
same as if the code was executed in serial.

The first condition says that we must avoid the variability shown in the previous section, in
which interleaving the reads and writes in different ways produces different results. In the
example in which we withdrew w(8) and w(7) from a $10 account, this condition says that
we must always return the same answer independent of the order in which P1 's and P2 's
instructions are executed. Somehow, we must write our programs in such a way that, no
matter how they are interleaved with each other, they should always produce the same

The second condition pins down which of the many possible outcomes is correct. In the
example in which we evaluated w(7) and w(8) from a $10 account, this condition says
that the result must always come out to be Insufficient funds , and not 2 or 3.

Problems arise in parallel computation when one process influences another during critical
sections of a program. These are sections of code that need to be executed as if they were
a single instruction, but are actually made up of smaller statements. A program's execution
is conducted as a series of atomic hardware instructions, which are instructions that cannot
be broken in to smaller units or interrupted because of the design of the processor. In order
to behave correctly in concurrent situations, the critical sections in a programs code need to
be have atomicity -- a guarantee that they will not be interrupted by any other code.

To enforce the atomicity of critical sections in a program's code under concurrency , there
need to be ways to force processes to either serialize or synchronize with each other at
important times. Serialization means that only one process runs at a time -- that they
temporarily act as if they were being executed in serial. Synchronization takes two forms.
The first is mutual exclusion, processes taking turns to access a variable, and the second
is conditional synchronization, processes waiting until a condition is satisfied (such as
other processes having finished their task) before continuing. This way, when one program
is about to enter a critical section, the other processes can wait until it finishes, and then
proceed safely.

4.3.3 Protecting Shared State: Locks and

All the methods for synchronization and serialization that we will discuss in this section use
the same underlying idea. They use variables in shared state as signals that all the
processes understand and respect. This is the same philosophy that allows computers in a

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distributed system to work together -- they coordinate with each other by passing messages
according to a protocol that every participant understands and respects.

These mechanisms are not physical barriers that come down to protect shared state.
Instead they are based on mutual understanding. It is the same sort of mutual understanding
that allows traffic going in multiple directions to safely use an intersection. There are no
physical walls that stop cars from crashing into each other, just respect for rules that say red
means "stop", and green means "go". Similarly, there is really nothing protecting those
shared variables except that the processes are programmed only to access them when a
particular signal indicates that it is their turn.

Locks. Locks, also known as mutexes (short for mutual exclusions), are shared objects that
are commonly used to signal that shared state is being read or modified. Different
programming languages implement locks in different ways, but in Python, a process can try
to acquire "ownership" of a lock using the acquire() method, and then release() it some
time later when it is done using the shared variables. While a lock is acquired by a process,
any other process that tries to perform the acquire() action will automatically be made to
wait until the lock becomes free. This way, only one process can acquire a lock at a time.

For a lock to protect a particular set of variables, all the processes need to be programmed
to follow a rule: no process will access any of the shared variables unless it owns that
particular lock. In effect, all the processes need to "wrap" their manipulation of the shared
variables in acquire() and release() statements for that lock.

We can apply this concept to the bank balance example. The critical section in that example
was the set of operations starting when balance was read to when balance was written.
We saw that problems occurred if more than one process was in this section at the same
time. To protect the critical section, we will use a lock. We will call this lock balance_lock
(although we could call it anything we liked). In order for the lock to actually protect the
section, we must make sure to acquire() the lock before trying to entering the section, and
release() the lock afterwards, so that others can have their turn.

>>> from threading import Lock

>>> def make_withdraw(balance):
balance_lock = Lock()
def withdraw(amount):
nonlocal balance
# try to acquire the lock
# once successful, enter the critical section
if amount > balance:
print("Insufficient funds")
balance = balance - amount
# upon exiting the critical section, release the lock

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If we set up the same situation as before:

w = make_withdraw(10)

And now execute w(8) and w(7) in parallel:

P1 P2
acquire balance_lock: ok
read balance: 10 acquire balance_lock: wait
read amount: 8 wait
8 > 10: False wait
if False wait
10 - 8: 2 wait
write balance -> 2 wait
read balance: 2 wait
print 2 wait
release balance_lock wait
acquire balance_lock:ok
read balance: 2
read amount: 7
7 > 2: True
if True
print 'Insufficient funds'
release balance_lock

We see that it is impossible for two processes to be in the critical section at the same time.
The instant one process acquires balancelock, the other one has to wait until that processes
_finishes its critical section before it can even start.

Note that the program will not terminate unless P1 releases balance_lock . If it does not
release balance_lock , P2 will never be able to acquire it and will be stuck waiting forever.
Forgetting to release acquired locks is a common error in parallel programming.

Semaphores. Semaphores are signals used to protect access to limited resources. They
are similar to locks, except that they can be acquired multiple times up to a limit. They are
like elevators that can only carry a certain number of people. Once the limit has been
reached, a process must wait to use the resource until another process releases the
semaphore and it can acquire it.

For example, suppose there are many processes that need to read data from a central
database server. The server may crash if too many processes access it at once, so it is a
good idea to limit the number of connections. If the database can only support N=2
connections at once, we can set up a semaphore with value N=2.

>>> from threading import Semaphore

>>> db_semaphore = Semaphore(2) # set up the semaphore
>>> database = []
>>> def insert(data):
db_semaphore.acquire() # try to acquire the semaphore
database.append(data) # if successful, proceed
db_semaphore.release() # release the semaphore

4.3 Parallel Computing 226

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>>> insert(7)
>>> insert(8)
>>> insert(9)

The semaphore will work as intended if all the processes are programmed to only access
the database if they can acquire the semaphore. Once N=2 processes have acquired the
semaphore, any other processes will wait until one of them has released the semaphore,
and then try to acquire it before accessing the database:

P1 P2 P3
acquire db_semaphore: ok acquire db_semaphore: wait acquire db_semaphore: ok
read data: 7 wait read data: 9
append 7 to database wait append 9 to database
release db_semaphore: ok acquire db_semaphore: ok release db_semaphore: ok
read data: 8
append 8 to database
release db_semaphore: ok

A semaphore with value 1 behaves like a lock.

4.3.4 Staying Synchronized: Condition variables

Condition variables are useful when a parallel computation is composed of a series of steps.
A process can use a condition variable to signal it has finished its particular step. Then, the
other processes that were waiting for the signal can start their work. An example of a
computation that needs to proceed in steps a sequence of large-scale vector computations.
In computational biology, web-scale computations, and image processing and graphics, it is
common to have very large (million-element) vectors and matrices. Imagine the following

We may choose to parallelize each step by breaking up the matrices and vectors into range
of rows, and assigning each range to a separate thread. As an example of the above
computation, imagine the following simple values:

4.3 Parallel Computing 227

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We will assign first half (in this case the first row) to one thread, and the second half (second
row) to another thread:

In pseudocode, the computation is:

def do_step_1(index):
A[index] = B[index] + C[index]

def do_step_2(index):
V[index] = M[index] . A

Process 1 does:


And process 2 does:


If allowed to proceed without synchronization, the following inconsistencies could result:

4.3 Parallel Computing 228

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P1 P2
read B1: 2
read C1: 0
calculate 2+0: 2
write 2 -> A1 read B2: 0
read M1: (1 2) read C2: 5
read A: (2 0) calculate 5+0: 5
calculate (1 2).(2 0): 2 write 5 -> A2
write 2 -> V1 read M2: (1 2)
read A: (2 5)
calculate (1 2).(2 5):12
write 12 -> V2

The problem is that V should not be computed until all the elements of A have been
computed. However, P1 finishes A = B+C and moves on to V = MA before all the elements
of A have been computed. It therefore uses an inconsistent value of A when multiplying by

We can use a condition variable to solve this problem.

Condition variables are objects that act as signals that a condition has been satisfied. They
are commonly used to coordinate processes that need to wait for something to happen
before continuing. Processes that need the condition to be satisfied can make themselves
wait on a condition variable until some other process modifies it to tell them to proceed.

In Python, any number of processes can signal that they are waiting for a condition using the
condition.wait() method. After calling this method, they automatically wait until some other

process calls the condition.notify() or condition.notifyAll() function. The notify()

method wakes up just one process, and leaves the others waiting. The notifyAll() method
wakes up all the waiting processes. Each of these is useful in different situations.

Since condition variables are usually associated with shared variables that determine
whether or not the condition is true, they are offer acquire() and release() methods.
These methods should be used when modifying variables that could change the status of
the condition. Any process wishing to signal a change in the condition must first get access
to it using acquire() .

In our example, the condition that must be met before advancing to the second step is that
both processes must have finished the first step. We can keep track of the number of
processes that have finished a step, and whether or not the condition has been met, by
introducing the following 2 variables:

step1_finished = 0
start_step2 = Condition()

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We will insert a start_step_2().wait() at the beginning of do_step_2 . Each process will

increment step1_finished when it finishes Step 1, but we will only signal the condition when
step_1_finished = 2 . The following pseudocode illustrates this:

step1_finished = 0
start_step2 = Condition()

def do_step_1(index):
A[index] = B[index] + C[index]
# access the shared state that determines the condition status
step1_finished += 1
if(step1_finished == 2): # if the condition is met
start_step2.notifyAll() # send the signal
#release access to shared state

def do_step_2(index):
# wait for the condition
V[index] = M[index] . A

With the introduction of this condition, both processes enter Step 2 together as follows::

P1 P2
read B1: 2
read C1: 0
calculate 2+0: 2
write 2 -> A1 read B2: 0
acquire start_step2: ok read C2: 5
write 1 -> step1_finished calculate 5+0: 5
step1_finished == 2: false write 5-> A2
release start_step2: ok acquire start_step2: ok
start_step2: wait write 2-> step1_finished
wait step1_finished == 2: true
wait notifyAll start_step_2: ok
start_step2: ok start_step2:ok
read M1: (1 2) read M2: (1 2)
read A:(2 5)
calculate (1 2). (2 5): 12 read A:(2 5)
write 12->V1 calculate (1 2). (2 5): 12
write 12->V2

Upon entering do_step_2 , P1 has to wait on start_step_2 until P2 increments

step1_finished , finds that it equals 2, and signals the condition.

4.3.5 Deadlock
While synchronization methods are effective for protecting shared state, they come with a
catch. Because they cause processes to wait on each other, they are vulnerable to
deadlock, a situation in which two or more processes are stuck, waiting for each other to
finish. We have already mentioned how forgetting to release a lock can cause a process to
get stuck indefinitely. But even if there are the correct number of acquire() and release()
calls, programs can still reach deadlock.

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The source of deadlock is a circular wait, illustrated below. No process can continue
because it is waiting for other processes that are waiting for it to complete.

As an example, we will set up a deadlock with two processes. Suppose there are two locks,
x_lock and y_lock , and they are used as follows:

>>> x_lock = Lock()

>>> y_lock = Lock()
>>> x = 1
>>> y = 0
>>> def compute():
y = x + y
x = x * x

>>> def anti_compute():

y = y - x
x = sqrt(x)

If compute() and anti_compute() are executed in parallel, and happen to interleave with
each other as follows:

P1 P2
acquire x_lock: ok acquire y_lock: ok
acquire y_lock: wait acquire x_lock: wait
wait wait
wait wait
wait wait
... ...

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the resulting situation is a deadlock. P1 and P2 are each holding on to one lock, but they
need both in order to proceed. P1 is waiting for P2 to release y_lock , and P2 is waiting
for P1 to release x_lock . As a result, neither can proceed.

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Chapter 5: Sequences and Coroutines


5.1 Introduction
5.2 Implicit Sequences
5.2.1 Python Iterators
5.2.2 For Statements
5.2.3 Generators and Yield Statements
5.2.4 Iterables
5.2.5 Streams
5.3 Coroutines
5.3.1 Python Coroutines
5.3.2 Produce, Filter, and Consume
5.3.3 Multitasking

Chapter 5: Sequences and Coroutines 233

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5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we continue our discussion of real-world applications by developing new
tools to process sequential data. In Chapter 2, we introduced a sequence interface,
implemented in Python by built-in data types such as tuple and list . Sequences
supported two operations: querying their length and accessing an element by index. In
Chapter 3, we developed a user-defined implementations of the sequence interface, the
Rlist class for representing recursive lists. These sequence types proved effective for

representing and accessing a wide variety of sequential datasets.

However, representing sequential data using the sequence abstraction has two important
limitations. The first is that a sequence of length n typically takes up an amount of memory
proportional to n. Therefore, the longer a sequence is, the more memory it takes to
represent it.

The second limitation of sequences is that sequences can only represent datasets of known,
finite length. Many sequential collections that we may want to represent do not have a well-
defined length, and some are even infinite. Two mathematical examples of infinite
sequences are the positive integers and the Fibonacci numbers. Sequential data sets of
unbounded length also appear in other computational domains. For instance, the sequence
of all Twitter posts grows longer with every second and therefore does not have a fixed
length. Likewise, the sequence of telephone calls sent through a cell tower, the sequence of
mouse movements made by a computer user, and the sequence of acceleration
measurements from sensors on an aircraft all extend without bound as the world evolves.

In this chapter, we introduce new constructs for working with sequential data that are
designed to accommodate collections of unknown or unbounded length, while using limited
memory. We also discuss how these tools can be used with a programming construct called
a coroutine to create efficient, modular data processing pipelines.

5.1 Introduction 234

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5.2 Implicit Sequences

The central observation that will lead us to efficient processing of sequential data is that a
sequence can be represented using programming constructs without each element being
stored explicitly in the memory of the computer. To put this idea into practice, we will
construct objects that provides access to all of the elements of some sequential dataset that
an application may desire, but without computing all of those elements in advance and
storing them.

A simple example of this idea arises in the range sequence type introduced in Chapter 2. A
range represents a consecutive, bounded sequence of integers. However, it is not the case

that each element of that sequence is represented explicitly in memory. Instead, when an
element is requested from a range , it is computed. Hence, we can represent very large
ranges of integers without using large blocks of memory. Only the end points of the range
are stored as part of the range object, and elements are computed on the fly.

>>> r = range(10000, 1000000000)

>>> r[45006230]

In this example, not all 999,990,000 integers in this range are stored when the range
instance is constructed. Instead, the range object adds the first element 10,000 to the index
45,006,230 to produce the element 45,016,230. Computing values on demand, rather than
retrieving them from an existing representation, is an example of lazy computation.
Computer science is a discipline that celebrates laziness as an important computational tool.

An iterator is an object that provides sequential access to an underlying sequential dataset.

Iterators are built-in objects in many programming languages, including Python. The iterator
abstraction has two components: a mechanism for retrieving the next element in some
underlying series of elements and a mechanism for signaling that the end of the series has
been reached and no further elements remain. In programming languages with built-in object
systems, this abstraction typically corresponds to a particular interface that can be
implemented by classes. The Python interface for iterators is described in the next section.

The usefulness of iterators is derived from the fact that the underlying series of data for an
iterator may not be represented explicitly in memory. An iterator provides a mechanism for
considering each of a series of values in turn, but all of those elements do not need to be
stored simultaneously. Instead, when the next element is requested from an iterator, that
element may be computed on demand instead of being retrieved from an existing memory

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Ranges are able to compute the elements of a sequence lazily because the sequence
represented is uniform, and any element is easy to compute from the starting and ending
bounds of the range. Iterators allow for lazy generation of a much broader class of
underlying sequential datasets, because they do not need to provide access to arbitrary
elements of the underlying series. Instead, they must only compute the next element of the
series, in order, each time another element is requested. While not as flexible as accessing
arbitrary elements of a sequence (called random access), sequential access to sequential
data series is often sufficient for data processing applications.

5.2.1 Python Iterators

The Python iterator interface includes two messages. The __next__ message queries the
iterator for the next element of the underlying series that it represents. In response to
invoking __next__ as a method, an iterator can perform arbitrary computation in order to
either retrieve or compute the next element in an underlying series. Calls to __next__ make
a mutating change to the iterator: they advance the position of the iterator. Hence, multiple
calls to __next__ will return sequential elements of an underlying series. Python signals that
the end of an underlying series has been reached by raising a StopIteration exception
during a call to __next__ .

The Letters class below iterates over an underlying series of letters from a to d . The
member variable current stores the current letter in the series, and the __next__ method
returns this letter and uses it to compute a new value for current .

>>> class Letters(object):

def __init__(self):
self.current = 'a'
def __next__(self):
if self.current > 'd':
raise StopIteration
result = self.current
self.current = chr(ord(result)+1)
return result
def __iter__(self):
return self

The __iter__ message is the second required message of the Python iterator interface. It
simply returns the iterator; it is useful for providing a common interface to iterators and
sequences, as described in the next section.

Using this class, we can access letters in sequence.

5.2 Implicit Sequences 236

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>>> letters = Letters()

>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 12, in next

A Letters instance can only be iterated through once. Once its __next__() method raises
a StopIteration exception, it continues to do so from then on. There is no way to reset it;
one must create a new instance.

Iterators also allow us to represent infinite series by implementing a __next__ method that
never raises a StopIteration exception. For example, the Positives class below iterates
over the infinite series of positive integers.

>>> class Positives(object):

def __init__(self):
self.current = 0;
def __next__(self):
result = self.current
self.current += 1
return result
def __iter__(self):
return self

5.2.2 For Statements

In Python, sequences can expose themselves to iteration by implementing the __iter__
message. If an object represents sequential data, it can serve as an iterable object in a for
statement by returning an iterator object in response to the __iter__ message. This iterator
is meant to have a __next__() method that returns each element of the sequence in turn,
eventually raising a StopIteration exception when the end of the sequence is reached.

>>> counts = [1, 2, 3]

>>> for item in counts:

In the above example, the counts list returns an iterator in response to a call to its
__iter__() method. The for statement then calls that iterator's __next__() method

repeatedly, and assigns the returned value to item each time. This process continues until

5.2 Implicit Sequences 237

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the iterator raises a StopIteration exception, at which point the for statement concludes.

With our knowledge of iterators, we can implement the evaluation rule of a for statement
in terms of while , assignment, and try statements.

>>> i = counts.__iter__()
>>> try:
while True:
item = i.__next__()
except StopIteration:

Above, the iterator returned by invoking the __iter__ method of counts is bound to a
name i so that it can be queried for each element in turn. The handling clause for the
StopIteration exception does nothing, but handling the exception provides a control

mechanism for exiting the while loop.

5.2.3 Generators and Yield Statements

The Letters and Positives objects above require us to introduce a new field
self.current into our object to keep track of progress through the sequence. With simple

sequences like those shown above, this can be done easily. With complex sequences,
however, it can be quite difficult for the __next__() function to save its place in the
calculation. Generators allow us to define more complicated iterations by leveraging the
features of the Python interpreter.

A generator is an iterator returned by a special class of function called a generator function.

Generator functions are distinguished from regular functions in that rather than containing
return statements in their body, they use yield statement to return elements of a series.

Generators do not use attributes of an object to track their progress through a series.
Instead, they control the execution of the generator function, which runs until the next
yield statement is executed each time the generator's __next__ method is invoked. The

Letters iterator can be implemented much more compactly using a generator function.

>>> def letters_generator():

current = 'a'
while current <= 'd':
yield current
current = chr(ord(current)+1)

5.2 Implicit Sequences 238

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>>> for letter in letters_generator():


Even though we never explicitly defined __iter__() or __next__() methods, Python

understands that when we use the yield statement, we are defining a generator function.
When called, a generator function doesn't return a particular yielded value, but instead a
generator (which is a type of iterator) that itself can return the yielded values. A generator

object has __iter__ and __next__ methods, and each call to __next__ continues
execution of the generator function from wherever it left off previously until another yield
statement is executed.

The first time __next__ is called, the program executes statements from the body of the
letters_generator function until it encounters the yield statement. Then, it pauses and

returns the value of current . yield statements do not destroy the newly created
environment, they preserve it for later. When __next__ is called again, execution resumes
where it left off. The values of current and of any other bound names in the scope of
letters_generator are preserved across subsequent calls to __next__ .

We can walk through the generator by manually calling ____next__() :

>>> letters = letters_generator()

>>> type(letters)
<class 'generator'>
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

The generator does not start executing any of the body statements of its generator function
until the first time __next__() is called.

5.2.4 Iterables
In Python, iterators only make a single pass over the elements of an underlying series. After
that pass, the iterator will continue to raise a StopIteration exception when __next__() is
called. Many applications require iteration over elements multiple times. For example, we
have to iterate over a list many times in order to enumerate all pairs of elements.

5.2 Implicit Sequences 239

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>>> def all_pairs(s):

for item1 in s:
for item2 in s:
yield (item1, item2)

>>> list(all_pairs([1, 2, 3]))

[(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)]

Sequences are not themselves iterators, but instead iterable objects. The iterable interface
in Python consists of a single message, __iter__ , that returns an iterator. The built-in
sequence types in Python return new instances of iterators when their __iter__ methods
are invoked. If an iterable object returns a fresh instance of an iterator each time __iter__
is called, then it can be iterated over multiple times.

New iterable classes can be defined by implementing the iterable interface. For example, the
iterable LetterIterable class below returns a new iterator over letters each time __iter__
is invoked.

>>> class LetterIterable(object):

def __iter__(self):
current = 'a'
while current <= 'd':
yield current
current = chr(ord(current)+1)

The __iter__ method is a generator function; it returns a generator object that yields the
letters 'a' through 'd' .

A Letters iterator object gets "used up" after a single iteration, whereas the
LetterIterable object can be iterated over multiple times. As a result, a LetterIterable

instance can serve as an argument to all_pairs .

>>> letters = LetterIterable()

>>> all_pairs(letters).__next__()
('a', 'a')

5.2.5 Streams
Streams offer a final way to represent sequential data implicity. A stream is a lazily computed
recursive list. Like the Rlist class from Chapter 3, a Stream instance responds to
requests for its first element and the rest of the stream. Like an Rlist , the rest of a
Stream is itself a Stream . Unlike an Rlist , the rest of a stream is only computed when

it is looked up, rather than being stored in advance. That is, the rest of a stream is
computed lazily.

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To achieve this lazy evaluation, a stream stores a function that computes the rest of the
stream. Whenever this function is called, its returned value is cached as part of the stream in
an attribute called _rest , named with an underscore to indicate that it should not be
accessed directly. The accessible attribute rest is a property method that returns the rest
of the stream, computing it if necessary. With this design, a stream stores how to compute
the rest of the stream, rather than always storing it explicitly.

>>> class Stream(object):

"""A lazily computed recursive list."""
def __init__(self, first, compute_rest, empty=False):
self.first = first
self._compute_rest = compute_rest
self.empty = empty
self._rest = None
self._computed = False
def rest(self):
"""Return the rest of the stream, computing it if necessary."""
assert not self.empty, 'Empty streams have no rest.'
if not self._computed:
self._rest = self._compute_rest()
self._computed = True
return self._rest
def __repr__(self):
if self.empty:
return '<empty stream>'
return 'Stream({0}, <compute_rest>)'.format(repr(self.first))

>>> Stream.empty = Stream(None, None, True)

A recursive list is defined using a nested expression. For example, we can create an Rlist
that represents the elements 1 then 5 as follows:

>>> r = Rlist(1, Rlist(2+3, Rlist.empty))

Likewise, we can create a Stream representing the same series. The Stream does not
actually compute the second element 5 until the rest of the stream is requested.

>>> s = Stream(1, lambda: Stream(2+3, lambda: Stream.empty))

Here, 1 is the first element of the stream, and the lambda expression that follows returns a
function for computing the rest of the stream. The second element of the computed stream is
a function that returns an empty stream.

Accessing the elements of recursive list r and stream s proceed similarly. However,
while 5 is stored within r , it is computed on demand for s via addition the first time that
it is requested.

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>>> r.first
>>> s.first
Stream(5, <compute_rest>)

While the rest of r is a one-element recursive list, the rest of s includes a function to
compute the rest; the fact that it will return the empty stream may not yet have been

When a Stream instance is constructed, the field self._computed is False , signifying that
the _rest of the Stream has not yet been computed. When the rest attribute is
requested via a dot expression, the rest method is invoked, which triggers computation
with self._rest = self.compute_rest . Because of the caching mechanism within a Stream ,
the compute_rest function is only ever called once.

The essential properties of a compute_rest function are that it takes no arguments, and it
returns a Stream .

Lazy evaluation gives us the ability to represent infinite sequential datasets using streams.
For example, we can represent increasing integers, starting at any first value.

>>> def make_integer_stream(first=1):

def compute_rest():
return make_integer_stream(first+1)
return Stream(first, compute_rest)

>>> ints = make_integer_stream()

>>> ints
Stream(1, <compute_rest>)
>>> ints.first

When make_integer_stream is called for the first time, it returns a stream whose first is
the first integer in the sequence ( 1 by default). However, make_integer_stream is actually
recursive because this stream's compute_rest calls make_integer_stream again, with an
incremented argument. This makes make_integer_stream recursive, but also lazy.

>>> ints.first
Stream(3, <compute_rest>)

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Recursive calls are only made to make_integer_stream whenever the rest of an integer
stream is requested.

The same higher-order functions that manipulate sequences -- map and filter -- also
apply to streams, although their implementations must change to apply their argument
functions lazily. The function map_stream maps a function over a stream, which produces a
new stream. The locally defined compute_rest function ensures that the function will be
mapped onto the rest of the stream whenever the rest is computed.

>>> def map_stream(fn, s):

if s.empty:
return s
def compute_rest():
return map_stream(fn,
return Stream(fn(s.first), compute_rest)

A stream can be filtered by defining a compute_rest function that applies the filter function to
the rest of the stream. If the filter function rejects the first element of the stream, the rest is
computed immediately. Because filter_stream is recursive, the rest may be computed
multiple times until a valid first element is found.

>>> def filter_stream(fn, s):

if s.empty:
return s
def compute_rest():
return filter_stream(fn,
if fn(s.first):
return Stream(s.first, compute_rest)
return compute_rest()

The map_stream and filter_stream functions exhibit a common pattern in stream

processing: a locally defined compute_rest function recursively applies a processing
function to the rest of the stream whenever the rest is computed.

To inspect the contents of a stream, we can truncate it to finite length and convert it to a
Python list .

>>> def truncate_stream(s, k):

if s.empty or k == 0:
return Stream.empty
def compute_rest():
return truncate_stream(, k-1)
return Stream(s.first, compute_rest)

>>> def stream_to_list(s):

r = []
while not s.empty:
s =
return r

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These convenience functions allow us to verify our map_stream implementation with a

simple example that squares the integers from 3 to 7 .

>>> s = make_integer_stream(3)
>>> s
Stream(3, <compute_rest>)
>>> m = map_stream(lambda x: x*x, s)
>>> m
Stream(9, <compute_rest>)
>>> stream_to_list(truncate_stream(m, 5))
[9, 16, 25, 36, 49]

We can use our filter_stream function to define a stream of prime numbers using the
sieve of Eratosthenes, which filters a stream of integers to remove all numbers that are
multiples of its first element. By successively filtering with each prime, all composite
numbers are removed from the stream.

>>> def primes(pos_stream):

def not_divible(x):
return x % pos_stream.first != 0
def compute_rest():
return primes(filter_stream(not_divible,
return Stream(pos_stream.first, compute_rest)

By truncating the primes stream, we can enumerate any prefix of the prime numbers.

>>> p1 = primes(make_integer_stream(2))
>>> stream_to_list(truncate_stream(p1, 7))
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17]

Streams contrast with iterators in that they can be passed to pure functions multiple times
and yield the same result each time. The primes stream is not "used up" by converting it to a
list. That is, the first element of p1 is still 2 after converting the prefix of the stream to
a list.

>>> p1.first

Just as recursive lists provide a simple implementation of the sequence abstraction, streams
provide a simple, functional, recursive data structure that implements lazy evaluation
through the use of higher-order functions.

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5.3 Coroutines
Much of this text has focused on techniques for decomposing complex programs into small,
modular components. When the logic for a function with complex behavior is divided into
several self-contained steps that are themselves functions, these functions are called helper
functions or subroutines. Subroutines are called by a main function that is responsible for
coordinating the use of several subroutines.

In this section, we introduce a different way of decomposing complex computations using

coroutines, an approach that is particularly applicable to the task of processing sequential
data. Like a subroutine, a coroutine computes a single step of a complex computation.
However, when using coroutines, there is no main function to coordinate results. Instead
coroutines themselves link together to form a pipeline. There may be a coroutine for
consuming the incoming data and sending it to other coroutines. There may be coroutines
that each do simple processing steps on data sent to them, and there may finally be another
coroutine that outputs a final result.

5.3 Coroutines 245

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The difference between coroutines and subroutines is conceptual: subroutines slot into an
overarching function to which they are subordinate, whereas coroutines are all colleagues,
they cooperate to form a pipeline without any supervising function responsible for calling
them in a particular order.

In this section, we will learn how Python supports building coroutines with the yield and
send() statements. Then, we will look at different roles that coroutines can play in a

pipeline, and how coroutines can support multitasking.

5.3.1 Python Coroutines

In the previous section, we introduced generator functions, which use yield to return
values. Python generator functions can also consume values using a (yield) statement. In
addition two new methods on generator objects, send() and close() , create a framework
for objects that consume and produce values. Generator functions that define these objects
are coroutines.

Coroutines consume values using a (yield) statement as follows:

value = (yield)

With this syntax, execution pauses at this statement until the object's send method is
invoked with an argument:


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Then, execution resumes, with value being assigned to the value of data . To signal the
end of a computation, we shut down a coroutine using the close() method. This raises a
GeneratorExit exception inside the coroutine, which we can catch with a try/except


The example below illustrates these concepts. It is a coroutine that prints strings that match
a provided pattern.

>>> def match(pattern):

print('Looking for ' + pattern)
while True:
s = (yield)
if pattern in s:
except GeneratorExit:
print("=== Done ===")

We initialize it with a pattern, and call __next__() to start execution:

>>> m = match("Jabberwock")
>>> m.__next__()
Looking for Jabberwock

The call to __next__() causes the body of the function to be executed, so the line "Looking
for jabberwock" gets printed out. Execution continues until the statement line = (yield) is
encountered. Then, execution pauses, and waits for a value to be sent to m . We can send
values to it using send .

>>> m.send("the Jabberwock with eyes of flame")

the Jabberwock with eyes of flame
>>> m.send("came whiffling through the tulgey wood")
>>> m.send("and burbled as it came")
>>> m.close()
=== Done ===

When we call m.send with a value, evaluation resumes inside the coroutine m at the
statement line = (yield) , where the sent value is assigned to the variable line .
Evaluation continues inside m , printing out the line if it matches, going through the loop
until it encounters line = (yield) again. Then, evaluation pauses inside m and resumes
where m.send was called.

We can chain functions that send() and functions that yield together achieve complex
behaviors. For example, the function below splits a string named text into words and
sends each word to another coroutine.

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>>> def read(text, next_coroutine):

for line in text.split():

Each word is sent to the coroutine bound to next_coroutine , causing next_coroutine to

start executing, and this function to pause and wait. It waits until next_coroutine pauses, at
which point the function resumes by sending the next word or completing.

If we chain this function together with match defined above, we can create a program that
prints out only the words that match a particular word.

>>> text = 'Commending spending is offending to people pending lending!'

>>> matcher = match('ending')
>>> matcher.__next__()
Looking for ending
>>> read(text, matcher)
=== Done ===

The read function sends each word to the coroutine matcher , which prints out any input
that matches its pattern . Within the matcher coroutine, the line s = (yield) waits for
each sent word, and it transfers control back to read when it is reached.

5.3.2 Produce, Filter, and Consume

Coroutines can have different roles depending on how they use yield and send() :

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A Producer creates items in a series and uses send(), but not (yield)
A Filter uses (yield) to consume items and send() to send result to a next step.
A Consumer uses (yield) to consume items, but does not send.

The function read above is an example of a producer. It does not use (yield) , but uses
send to produce data items. The function match is an example of a consumer. It does not

send anything, but consumes data with (yield) .We can break up match into a filter and

a consumer. The filter would be a coroutine that only sends on strings that match its pattern.

>>> def match_filter(pattern, next_coroutine):

print('Looking for ' + pattern)
while True:
s = (yield)
if pattern in s:
except GeneratorExit:

And the consumer would be a function that printed out lines sent to it.

>>> def print_consumer():

print('Preparing to print')
while True:
line = (yield)
except GeneratorExit:
print("=== Done ===")

When a filter or consumer is constructed, its __next__ method must be invoked to start its

>>> printer = print_consumer()

>>> printer.__next__()
Preparing to print
>>> matcher = match_filter('pend', printer)
>>> matcher.__next__()
Looking for pend
>>> read(text, matcher)
=== Done ===

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Even though the name filter implies removing items, filters can transform items as well. The
function below is an example of a filter that transforms items. It consumes strings and sends
along a dictionary of the number of times different letters occur in the string.

>>> def count_letters(next_coroutine):

while True:
s = (yield)
counts = {letter:s.count(letter) for letter in set(s)}
except GeneratorExit as e:

We can use it to count the most frequently-used letters in text using a consumer that adds
up dictionaries and finds the most frequent key.

>>> def sum_dictionaries():

total = {}
while True:
counts = (yield)
for letter, count in counts.items():
total[letter] = count + total.get(letter, 0)
except GeneratorExit:
max_letter = max(total.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])[0]
print("Most frequent letter: " + max_letter)

To run this pipeline on a file, we must first read the lines of a file one-by-one. Then, we send
the results through count_letters and finally to sum_dictionaries . We can re-use the
read coroutine to read the lines of a file.

>>> s = sum_dictionaries()
>>> s.__next__()
>>> c = count_letters(s)
>>> c.__next__()
>>> read(text, c)
Most frequent letter: n

5.3.3 Multitasking
A producer or filter does not have to be restricted to just one next step. It can have multiple
coroutines downstream of it, and send() data to all of them. For example, here is a version
of read that sends the words in a string to multiple next steps.

>>> def read_to_many(text, coroutines):

for word in text.split():
for coroutine in coroutines:
for coroutine in coroutines:

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We can use it to examine the same text for multiple words:

>>> m = match("mend")
>>> m.__next__()
Looking for mend
>>> p = match("pe")
>>> p.__next__()
Looking for pe
>>> read_to_many(text, [m, p])
=== Done ===
=== Done ===

First, read_to_many calls send(word) on m . The coroutine, which is waiting at

text = (yield) runs through its loop, prints out a match if found, and resumes waiting for

the next send . Execution then returns to read_to_many , which proceeds to send the same
line to p . Thus, the words of text are printed in order.

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