Torque Converter
Torque Converter
Torque Converter
A fluid drive uses hydrokinetic energy as a means 4.1 Hydrokinetic fluid couplings
of transferring power from the engine to the trans- (Figs 4.1 and 4.2)
mission in such a way as to automatically match The hydrokinetic coupling, sometimes referred to
the vehicle's speed, load and acceleration require- as a fluid flywheel, consists of two saucer-shaped
ment characteristics. These drives may be of a discs, an input impeller (pump) and an output
simple two element type which takes up the drive turbine (runner) which are cast with a number of
smoothly without providing increased torque or flat radial vanes (blades) for directing the flow path
they may be of a three or more element unit of the fluid (Fig. 4.1).
which not only conveys the power as required Owing to the inherent principle of the hydro-
from the engine to the transmission, but also multi- kinetic coupling, there must be relative slip between
plies the output torque in the process. the input and output member cells exposed to each
other, and the vortex flow path created by pairs of The two half-members are put together so that
adjacent cells will be continuously aligned and the fluid can rotate as a vortex. Originally it was
misaligned with different cells. common practice to insert at the centre of rotation a
With equal numbers of cells in the two half hollow core or guide ring (sometimes referred to as
members, the relative cell alignment of all the cells the torus) within both half-members to assist in
occurs together. Consequently, this would cause a establishing fluid circulation at the earliest moment
jerky transfer of torque from the input to the output of relative rotation of the members. These couplings
drive. By having differing numbers of cells within had the disadvantage that they produced consider-
the impeller and turbine, the alignment of each pair able drag torque whilst idling, this being due mainly
of cells at any one instant will be slightly different to the effectiveness of the core guide in circulating
so that the impingement of fluid from one member fluid at low speeds. As coupling development pro-
to the other will take place in various stages of gressed, it was found that turbine drag was reduced
circulation, with the result that the coupling torque at low speeds by using only a core guide on the
transfer will be progressive and relatively smooth. impeller member (Fig. 4.2). With the latest design
these cores are eliminated altogether as this also by the impeller around its axis and secondly it
reduces fluid interference in the higher speed range circulates round the cells in a vortex motion.
and consequently reduces the degree of slip for a This circulation of fluid only continues as long as
given amount of transmitted torque (Fig. 4.6). there is a difference in the angular speeds of the
impeller and turbine, because only then is the cen-
4.1.1 Hydrokinetic fluid coupling principle of trifugal force experienced by the fluid in the faster
operation (Figs 4.1 and 4.3) moving impeller greater than the counter centri-
When the engine is started, the rotation of the fugal force acting on the fluid in the slower moving
impeller (pump) causes the working fluid trapped turbine member. The velocity of the fluid around
in its cells to rotate with it. Accordingly, the fluid is the couplings' axis of rotation increases while it
subjected to centrifugal force and is pressurized so flows radially outwards in the impeller cells due to
that it flows radially outwards. the increased distance it has moved from the centre
To understand the principle of the hydrokinetic of rotation. Conversely, the fluid velocity decreases
coupling it is best to consider a small particle of when it flows inwards in the turbine cells. It there-
fluid circulating between one set of impeller and fore follows that the fluid is given kinetic energy by
turbine vanes at various points A, B, C and D as the impeller and gives up its kinetic energy to the
shown in Figs 4.1 and 4.3. turbine. Hence there is a transference of energy
Initially a particle of fluid at point A, when the from the input impeller to the output turbine, but
engine is started and the impeller is rotated, will there is no torque multiplication in the process.
experience a centrifugal force due to its mass and
radius of rotation, r. It will also have acquired some 4.1.2 Hydrokinetic fluid coupling velocity
kinetic energy. This particle of fluid will be forced diagrams (Fig. 4.3)
to move outwards to point B, and in the process The resultant magnitude of direction of the fluid
of increasing its radius of rotation from r to R, will leaving the impeller vane cells, VR, is dependent
now be subjected to considerably more centrifugal upon the exit velocity, VE, this being a measure of
force and it will also possess a greater amount of the vortex circulation flow rate and the relative
kinetic energy. The magnitude of the kinetic energy linear velocity between the impeller and turbine, VL.
at this outermost position forces it to be ejected The working principle of the fluid coupling
from the mouth of the impeller cell, its flow path may be explained for various operating conditions
making it enter one of the outer turbine cells at assuming a constant circulation flow rate by means
point C. In doing so it reacts against one side of the of velocity vector diagrams (Fig. 4.3).
turbine vanes and so imparts some of its kinetic When the vehicle is about to pull away, the engine
energy to the turbine wheel. The repetition of fluid drives the impeller with the turbine held stationary.
particles being flung across the junction between the Because the stalled turbine has no motion, the rela-
impeller and turbine cells will force the first fluid tive forward (linear) velocity VL between the two
particle in the slower moving turbine member members will be large and consequently so will the
(having reduced centrifugal force) to move inwards resultant entry velocity VR. The direction of fluid
to point D. Hence in the process of moving inwards flow from the impeller exit to turbine entrance will
from R to r, the fluid particle gives up most of its make a small angle 1 , relative to the forward direc-
kinetic energy to the turbine wheel and subsequently tion of motion, which therefore produces consider-
this is converted into propelling effort and motion. able drive thrust to the turbine vanes.
The creation and conversion of the kinetic As the turbine begins to rotate and catch up to
energy of fluid into driving torque can be visualized the impeller speed the relative linear speed is
in the following manner: when the vehicle is at rest reduced. This changes the resultant fluid flow
the turbine is stationary and there is no centrifugal direction to 2 and decreases its velocity. The net
force acting on the fluid in its cells. However, when output thrust, and hence torque carrying capacity,
the engine rotates the impeller, the working fluid will be less, but with the vehicle gaining speed there
in its cells flows radially outwards and enters the is a rapid decline in driving torque requirements.
turbine at the outer edges of its cells. It therefore At high turbine speeds, that is, when the output
causes a displacement of fluid from the inner edges to input speed ratio is approaching unity, there will
of the turbine cells into the inner edges of the be only a small relative linear velocity and resultant
impeller cells, thus a circulation of the fluid will entrance velocity, but the angle 3 will be large.
be established between the two half cell members. This implies that the magnitude of the fluid thrust
The fluid has two motions; firstly it is circulated will be very small and its direction ineffective in
Fig. 4.4 Relationship of torque capacity efficiency and
speed ratio for fluid couplings
rotating the turbine. Thus the output member will in impeller speed, considerably raises the coupling
slip until sufficient circulating fluid flow imparts torque carrying capacity. A further controlling fac-
enough energy to the turbine again. tor which affects the torque transmitted is the
It can be seen that at high rotational speeds the quantity of fluid circulating between the impeller
cycle of events is a continuous process of output and turbine. Raising or lowering the fluid level in
speed almost, but never quite, catching up to input the coupling increases or decreases the torque
speed, the exception being when the drive changes which can be transmitted to the turbine (Fig. 4.4).
from engine driven to overrun transmission driven
when the operating conditions will be reversed.
4.3 Fluid friction coupling (Figs 4.6 and 4.7)
A fluid coupling has the take-up characteristics
4.2 Hydrokinetic fluid coupling efficiency and
which particularly suit the motor vehicle but it
torque capacity (Figs 4.4 and 4.5) suffers from two handicaps that are inherent in
Coupling efficiency is the ratio of the power avail-
the system. Firstly, idling drag tends to make the
able at the turbine to the amount of power supplied
vehicle creep forwards unless the parking brake is
to the impeller. The difference between input and fully applied, and secondly there is always a small
output power, besides the power lost by fluid shock,
amount of slip which is only slight under part load
friction and heat, is due mainly to the relative slip
(less than 2%) but becomes greater when transmit-
between the two members (Fig. 4.4). A more useful
ting anything near full torque.
term is the percentage slip, which is defined as the
These limitations have been overcome for large
ratio of the difference in input and output speeds
truck applications by combining a shoe and drum
divided by the input speed and multiplied by 100.
centrifugally operated clutch to provide a positive
N n lock-up at higher output speeds with a smaller
i:e: % slip 100 coreless fluid coupling than would be necessary if
the drive was only to be through a fluid coupling.
The percentage slip will be greatly influenced by The reduced size and volume of fluid circulation in
the engine speed and output turbine load conditions the coupling thereby eliminate residual idling drag
(Fig. 4.5). A percentage of slip must always exist to (Fig. 4.6).
create a sufficient rate of vortex circulation which is With this construction there is a shoe carrier
essential to impart energy from the impeller to the between the impeller and flywheel attached to the
turbine. The coupling efficiency is at best about 98% output shaft. Mounted on this carrier are four brake
under light load high rotational speed conditions, shoes with friction material facings. They are each
but this will be considerably reduced as turbine output pivoted (hinged) to the carrier member at one end
load is increased or impeller speed is lowered. If the and a garter spring (coil springs shown on front view
output torque demand increases, more slip will occur to illustrate action) holds the shoes in their retrac-
and this will increase the vortex circulation velocity tion position when the output shaft is at rest.
which will correspondingly impart more kinetic When the engine is accelerated the fluid coupling
energy to the output turbine member, thus raising automatically takes up the drive with maximum
the torque capacity of the coupling. An additional smoothness. Towards maximum engine torque
feature of such couplings is that if the engine should speed the friction clutch shoes are thrown outwards
tend to stall due to overloading when the vehicle by the centrifugal effect until they come into con-
is accelerated from rest, the vortex circulation will tact with the flywheel drum. The frictional grip will
immediately slow down, preventing further torque now lock the input and output drives together.
transfer until the engine's speed has recovered. Subsequently the fluid vortex circulation stops
Fluid coupling torque transmitting capacity for a and the fluid coupling ceases to function (Fig. 4.7).
given slip varies as the fifth power of the impeller Relative slip between input and output member in
internal diameter and as the square of its speed. low gear is considerably reduced, due to the auto-
i:e: T / D5 N 2 matic friction clutch engagement, and engine brak-
ing is effectively retained down to idling speeds.
where D impeller diameter
N impeller speed (rev/min) 4.4 Hydrokinetic three element torque converter
(Figs 4.8 and 4.9)
Thus it can be seen that only a very small A three element torque converter coupling is com-
increase in impeller diameter, or a slight increase prised of an input impeller casing enclosing the
Fig. 4.6 Fluid friction coupling
Fig. 4.9 Three element torque converter
providing a smooth engine to transmission take-up to the impeller, the pressure generated in the impel-
and in producing torque multiplication if a third ler will be far greater than in the turbine. Subse-
fixed stator member is included. quently the fluid particle in the turbine curved
An appreciation of the principle of the converter passage will be forced inwards to the exit point D
can be obtained by following the movement and and in doing so will give up more of its kinetic
events of a fluid particle as it circulates the vortex energy to the turbine wheel.
passage (Fig. 4.8). The fluid particle, still possessing kinetic energy
Consider a fluid particle initially at the small at the turbine exit, now moves to the stator blade's
diameter entrance point A in the impeller. As the entrance side to point E. Here it is guided by the
impeller is rotated by the engine, centrifugal force curvature of the blades to the exit point F.
will push the fluid particle outwards to the impeller's From the fixed stator (reactor) blades the fluid
largest exit diameter, point B. Since the particle's path is again directed to the impeller entrance point
circumferential distance moved every revolution A where it imparts its hydrokinetic energy to the
will be increased, its linear velocity will be greater impeller, this being quite separate to the kinetic
and hence it will have gained kinetic energy. energy produced by the engine rotating the impeller.
Pressure caused by successive particles arriving Note that with the fluid coupling, the transfer of
at the impeller outermost cell exit will compel the fluid from the turbine exit to the impeller entrance
particle to be flung across the impeller±turbine is direct. Thus the kinetic energy gained by the
junction where it acts against the side of cell vane input impeller is that lost by the output turbine
it has entered at point C and thereby transfers some and there is no additional gain in output turning
of its kinetic energy to the turbine wheel. Because effort, as is the case when a fixed intermediate
the turbine wheel rotates at a lower speed relative stator is incorporated.
4.4.2 Hydrokinetic three element torque When the turbine is in the stalled condition and
converter velocity diagrams (Figs 4.9 and 4.10) the impeller is being driven by the engine, the direction
The direction of fluid leaving the turbine to enter of the fluid leaving the impeller will be determined
the stator blades is influenced by the tangential exit entirely by the curvature and shape of the turbine
velocity which is itself determined by the vortex vanes. Under these conditions, the fluid's direction
circulating speed and the linear velocity due to the of motion, 1 , will make it move deep into the con-
rotating turbine member (Fig. 4.10). cave side of the stator blades where it reacts and is
made to flow towards the entrance of the impeller in zero. Above this speed the stator is freewheeled.
a direction which provides the maximum thrust. This offers less resistance to the circulating fluid
Once the turbine begins to rotate, the fluid will and therefore produces an improvement in coup-
acquire a linear velocity so that the resultant ling efficiency (Figs 4.11 and 4.12).
effective fluid velocity direction will now be 2 . This description of the operating conditions of the
A reduced backward reaction to the stator will be converter coupling shows that if the transmission
produced so that the direction of the fluid's is suddenly loaded the output turbine speed will
momentum will not be so effective. automatically drop, causing an increase in fluid
As the turbine speed of rotation rises, the fluid's circulation and correspondingly a rise in torque
linear forward velocity will also increase and, multiplication, but conversely a lowering of efficiency
assuming that the turbine's tangential exit velocity due to the increased slip between input and output
does not alter, the resultant direction of the fluid members. When the output conditions have changed
will have changed to 3 where it now acts on the and a reduction in load or an increase in turbine speed
convex (back) side of the stator blades. follows the reverse happens; the efficiency increases
Above the critical speed, when the fluid's thrust and the output to input torque ratio is reduced.
changes from the concave to the convex side of the
blades, the stator reaction torque will now act in the
opposite sense and redirect the fluid. Thus its result- 4.5 Torque converter performance terminology
ant direction towards the impeller entry passages will (Figs 4.11 and 4.12)
hinder instead of assist the impeller motion. The result To understand the performance characteristics of
of this would be in effect to cancel out some of the a fluid drive (both coupling and converter), it is
engine's input torque with further speed increases. essential to identify and relate the following terms
The inherent speed limitation of a hydrokinetic used in describing various relationshipsand conditions.
converter is overcome by building into the stator
hub a one way clutch (freewheel) device (Fig. 4.9). 4.5.1 Fluid drive efficiency (Figs 4.11 and 4.12)
Therefore, when the direction of fluid flow changes A very convenient method of expressing the energy
sufficiently to impinge onto the back of the blades, losses, due mainly to fluid circulation within a fluid
the stator hub is released, allowing it to spin freely drive at some given output speed or speed ratio, is
between the input and output members. The free-
wheeling of the stator causes very little fluid inter-
ference, thus the three element converter now
becomes a two element coupling. This condition
prevents the decrease in torque for high output
speeds and produces a sharp rise in efficiency at
output speeds above the coupling point.
impeller to turbine speed variation, with the result
that the vortex fluid circulation and correspond-
ingly torque conversion are at a maximum, conver-
sely converter efficiency is zero. Whilst these stall
conditions prevail, torque conversion loading drags
the engine speed down to something like 60±70% of
the engine's maximum torque speed, i.e. 1500±2500
rev/min. A converter should only be held in the
stall condition for the minimum of time to prevent
the fluid being overworked.
4.6.2 Overrun clutch with triple diameter rollers If conditions change and the outer member
(Fig. 4.14) overruns the inner member, the rollers will be
This is a modification of the single roller clutch in compelled to revolve in the opposite direction to
which the output outer member forms an internal when the drive was established towards the diver-
cylindrical ring, whereas the input inner member ging end of the tracks. It thus releases the outer
has three identical external inclined plane profiles member and creates the freewheel phase.
(see Fig. 4.14). Situated between the inner and
outer tracks are groups of three different sized 4.6.3 Sprag overrun clutch (Fig. 4.15)
rollers. An anchor block and energizing shoe is A very reliable, compact and large torque-carrying
arranged, between each group of rollers; the blocks capacity overrun clutch is the sprag type clutch.
are screwed to the inner member while the shoes This dispenses with the wedge ramps or inclined
(with the assistance of the springs) push the rollers plane formed on the inner member which is
together and against their converging contact essential with roller type clutches (see Fig. 4.15).
tracks. The inclined plane profile required to The sprag clutch consists of a pair of inner and
match the different diameter rollers provides a outer ring members which have cylindrical external
variable wedge angle for each size of roller. It is and internal track surfaces respectively. Interlinking
claimed that the take-up load of each roller will the input and output members are circular rows of
be progressive and spread more evenly than short struts known as sprags. Both ends of the
would be the case if all the rollers were of the sprags are semicircular with their radius of curva-
same diameter. ture being offset to each other so that the sprags
When the input inner ring takes up the drive, the appear lopsided. In addition a tapered waste is
rollers revolve until they are wedged between the formed in their mid-region. Double cages are incor-
inclined plane on the inner ring and the cylindrical porated between inner and outer members. These
internal track of the outer member. Consequently cages have rectangular slots formed to equally
the compressive load and the frictional force thus space and locate the sprags around the inner and
created between the rollers and tracks locks solid outer tracks. During clutch engagement there will
the inner and outer members enabling them to be a slight shift between relative positions of the
transmit torque. two cages as the springs tilt, but the spacing will be
Fig. 4.14 Overrun freewheel triple diameter roller type clutch
accurately kept. This ensures that each sprag turbine and stator members within the converter,
equally contributes its share of wedge action so that there are more stages of conversion
under all operating conditions. In between the (Fig. 4.16).
cages is a ribbon type spring which twists the sprags Consider the three stage torque converter. As shown
into light contact with their respective track when in Fig. 4.17, it is comprised of one impeller, three
the clutch is in the overrun position. interlinked output turbines and two fixed stator
When the inner ring member is rotated clockwise members.
and the outer ring member is held stationary or is Tracing the conversion vortex circuit starting
rotated anticlockwise, the spring tension lightly from the input rotating member (Fig. 4.18), fluid
presses the sprags against their track. This makes is pumped from the impeller P by centrifugal force
the inner and outer members move in opposite to the two velocity components Vt and Vr, making
directions. The sprags are thus forced to tilt anti- up the resultant velocity Vp which enters between
clockwise, consequently wedging their inclined the first turbine blades T1 and so imparts some of
planes hard against the tracks and thereby locking its hydrokinetic energy to the output. Fluid then
the two drive and driven members together. passes with a velocity VT1 to the first fixed stator,
As conditions change from drive to overrun and S1, where it is guided and redirected with a result-
the outer member rotates faster than the inner one, ant velocity VS1 , made up from the radial and
the sprags will rotate clockwise and so release the tangential velocities Vr and Vt to the second set of
outer member: a freewheel condition is therefore turbine blades T2, so that momentum is given to
established. this member. Fluid is now transferred from the exit
of the second turbine T2 to the entrance of the
second stator S2. Here the reaction of the curved
4.7 Three stage hydrokinetic torque converter blades deflects the fluid towards the third turbine
(Figs 4.16, 4.17 and 4.18) blades T3 which also absorb the fluid's thrust.
A disadvantage with the popular three element Finally the fluid completes its circulation cycle by
torque converter is that its stall torque ratio is again entering the impeller passages.
only in the region of 2:1, which is insufficient The limitation of a multistage converter is that
for some applications, but this torque multiplica- there are an increased number of entry and exit
tion can be doubled by increasing the number of junctions between various members which raise
Fig. 4.15 (a and b) Overrun freewheel sprag type clutch
approach unity. It is this direction of fluid entering spin in the same direction as the input and output
between the stator blades which in phases releases elements. The two remaining fixed stators now
the various stator members. form the optimum blade curvatures for high
Initial phase
Under stall speed conditions, the fluid flow from Third phase
the turbine to the stator is such as to be directed With higher vehicle and turbine speeds, the fluid's
onto the concave (rear) side of all three sections of resultant direction of entry to the two remaining
the divided stator blades, thus producing optimum held stators changes sufficiently to push from the
stator reaction for maximum torque multiplication rear of the second set of stator blades S2. This section
conditions. will now be released automatically to enable the
third set of stator blades to operate with optimum
Second phase efficiency.
As the turbine begins to rotate and the vehicle is
propelled forwards, the fluid changes its resultant Coupling phase
direction of entry to the stator blades so that it Towards unity speed ratio when the turbine speed
impinges against the rear convex side of the first has almost caught up with the impeller, the fluid
stator blades S1. The reaction on this member is entering the third stator blades S3 will have altered
now reversed so that it is released and is able to its direction to such an extent that it releases this
Fig. 4.18 Principle of the three stage torque converter
last fixed set of blades. Since there is no more The disadvantage of the early fall in efficiency
reaction torque, conversion ceases and the input with rising speed may be overcome by incorporating
and output elements act solely as a fluid coupling. a friction disc type clutch between the flywheel and
converter which is hydraulically actuated by means
of a servo piston (Fig. 4.21). This lock-up clutch is
4.9 Torque converter with lock-up and gear designed to couple the flywheel and impeller
change friction clutches (Figs 4.21 and 4.22) assembly directly to the output turbine shaft either
The two major inherent limitations with the torque manually, at some output speed decided by the
converter drive are as follows: driver which would depend upon the vehicle load
Firstly, the rapid efficiency decline once the and the road conditions or automatically, at a defi-
relative impeller to turbine speed goes beyond nite input to output speed ratio normally in the
the design point, which implies higher input speeds region of the design point here where efficiency is
for a given output speed and increased fuel con- highest (Fig. 4.22).
sumption. Secondly, the degree of fluid drag at idle To overcome the problem of fluid drag between
speed which would prevent gear changing with the input and output members of the torque con-
constant mesh and synchromesh gearboxes. verter when working in conjunction with either
Fig. 4.19 Principle of a polystage torque converter
Fig. 4.22 Characteristic performance curves of a three
element converter with lock-up clutch
Fig. 4.20 Relationship of speed ratio, torque ratio and
efficiency for a polyphase stator torque converter
Fig. 4.21 Torque converter with lock-up and gear change function clutches
constant mesh or synchromesh gearboxes, a its disengaged position, the gearbox input primary
conventional foot operated friction clutch can be shaft and the output main shaft may be unified,
utilized between the converter and the gearbox. thereby enabling the gear ratio selected to be
When the pedal is depressed and the clutch is in engaged both smoothly and silently.