Tally Accouting GST PDF

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GST IN Tally.

(Release 6.0.3)

This help document is specifically developed by CA Punit Mehta & Hiral

Soni for the purpose of educating audience of “Chamber Of Tax
Consultant” for implementation of GST in Tally.ERP9
Download full version Of Release 6.0.3 from

Click on Download for Later

Run the downloaded setup as administrator and click on Install.
When user will open his Release 5 data in Release 6, the above message will
appear. Click on yes to migrate the data
Give the File Path for Backup and Accept.
To applicable GST in your Company
Go to Gateway of Tally -> F11 -> Statutory and Taxation -> Set alter GST
details to “Yes”

The below screen will appear. Select your State -> enter your GST number ->
set applicable from as 1-jul-2017 -> If You have to set tax rate on company
wise ( i.e. you have same tax rate on all products ) then set/alter GST rate details
as yes
The below screen will appear.
Set Description of your company -> Set HSN number -> Set Taxability as
“Taxable” -> Set your Tax Rate in front of Integrated Tax -> Central Tax and
State Tax will automatically get calculated.
Updating Party GSTIN/UIN

Quickly update the GSTIN/UIN details for your parties group-wise from the Update Party GSTIN/UIN
report. You can also provide this at the individual party ledger level. Use the Import Party GSTIN tool to
import GSTINs for several parties in one shot.
To update party GSTIN or UIN
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > GST > Update Party
2. Select the group and ledger for which you want to update the GSTIN/UIN.
3. In the Update Party GSTIN/UIN screen, enter the GSTIN/UIN number for each party.
Click F5 to toggle between Show All and Show Pending.
Show All: Lists all the parties.
Show Pending: Lists the parties with missing details, such as country, state, registration type, or
Once you have updated the GSTIN/UIN for your parties, you can print the GSTIN details in your invoices
for filing returns.
Import Party GSTIN
The Import Party GSTIN add-on helps you update GSTIN details of all parties at once from Microsoft
Excel. It is very useful if you have the GSTIN information of all parties outside Tally.ERP 9 and want to
import the information to update the party ledgers in Tally.ERP 9.

Note: You need to export existing party information to MS Excel using Update Party GSTIN, and
use this MS Excel file to fill in the GSTINs that you want to import.

To install the Import Party GSTIN add-on

Download the Import Party GSTIN add-on from the Add-ons section
2. In Tally.ERP 9, click F12: Configure > Product & Features > F4: Manage Local TDLs.
3. In the TDL Configuration screen, set the option Load TDL files on startup to Yes.
4. Specify the name of the add-on with the folder path containing the add-on in the field List of TDL files to
preload on startup.

5. Press Enter to save.

Import Party GSTIN appears under GST Reports.

To import party GSTIN details

1. Go to Display > Statutory Reports > GST > Update Party GSTIN.
2. Select All Items in the Name of Group and Name of Ledger fields in Select Group screen
and press Enter. The Update Party GSTIN/UIN screen lists all parties without a GSTIN.
3. Click Export to export the information in excel format.
4. Open the exported file, specify GSTIN details for the parties, and save the file.
5. In Tally.ERP 9, go to Display > Statutory Reports > GST > Import Party GSTIN.
6. Specify the name of the MS Excel file to be imported with the path in the field Name of the file to be
imported (Excel).
7. Specify the name of the sheet containing information in MS Excel file in the field Sheet name.
8. Press Enter to import.
When the import is completed, the MS Excel file opens and displays the message Data imported

Note: Ensure the party names are not altered in the MS Excel file exported from Tally.ERP 9. Also, the
name of Country, State and Registration Type specified in the MS Excel file must
match the spellings given in Tally.ERP 9.
To correct errors in the imported data

1. Open the MS Excel file and check for a sheet called Errors. If this sheet is there, it means that
some data was incorrect for some parties and has not been imported into Tally.ERP 9.
2. Check and make necessary corrections in the Errors sheet. Save the file.
3. Import the file again, and specify the sheet name as Errors. The corrected information is
imported this time.
Ledger Creation Screen of CGST

Ledger Creation Screen of SGST

Ledger Creation Screen of IGST

If your some products have 18% tax rate and some products have 12 % tax rate
then set rate in stock group level.
E.g.:- Company Abc & Co is an electronics manufacturer. Abc & Co Company
sells High Value appliances as well as Low Value appliances. Tax Rate on High
Value appliances is 18% and on Low Value Appliances is 12%.
Create a stock group “High Value appliances” -> set alter GST details as yes
Set your tax rate in Integrated Tax Field.

Similarly create a stock group of “Low Value appliances “-> set alter GST
details as yes
Set your tax rate in Integrated Tax Field. Central Tax and State Tax will
automatically get calculated.

Now create Stock Item under High Value Appliances Group as following.
Set GST Applicable as “Applicable” and select Type of supply.
Similarly Create a Stock Item under Low Value appliances Group as following.
Set GST Applicable as “Applicable” and select Type of supply.
Multi GST Sales Transaction

CGST and SGST will be calculated as per Tax rate defined in Stock Group.
Tax Invoice
Company Abc & Co sells Bata shoes .If Rate of Bata shoe is below 500 then tax
rate will be 18 % and if Rate of Bata shoe if above 500 then tax rate will be
Create a Stock Item Bata shoe -> Set GST details as “yes”
Set Calculation type as “On Item Rate”. The Below Screen will appear. Set your
tax rate accordingly.
CGST and SGST will be calculated as per tax rate defined in Item Master.
Tax Invoice
Receipt Entry for Advance payment.

Click On Advance Receipt Button or Press Alt+V for the Title.

Select Stock Item. In case it’s a ledger you can press Alt+L for Show ledgers.

Entry for Increase of Tax Liability – On Account of Advance Receipts

[Tax on advance is grouped under current assets]
Actual Sale transaction in which advance receipt will be adjusted on bill wise
adjustment screen
Sales invoice in which advance is adjusted.
Journal for Decrease of Tax Liability – sales against advance receipts
Purchase Entry from URD
Journal for Increase of Tax Liability – for purchase from URD
Payment of CGST and SGST being a recipient liability
Journal for Increase of Input Tax Credit – Purchase from URD
Record a Transaction with Opening VAT / Cenvat Credit Entry

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