Richard H. Osman
Principal Product Engineer
Siemens LD-A
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ralph O. Dickau
Senior Engineering Specialist
Enbridge Pipelines
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
and failures in pumps and associated systems that are not caused (nonrotating) coordinate system. The corresponding definition of
by resonance are generally not VFD related and are therefore the unbalance force F in US units and SI units is given in Equations
not discussed. (3) and (4), respectively.
The paper gives an overview of medium-voltage VFD
technology as well as the main categories of resonance conditions
of concern with regard to mechanical vibrations of pump/motor
sets. The analytical and experimental identification of resonances
related to lateral rotor, torsional rotor, structural, and acoustic
dynamics are discussed in detail. The applicable set of analyses
and, if necessary, the corresponding appropriate corrective
measures, are designed to help ensure operation free of harmful
resonance conditions and problems caused by excessive
mechanical vibrations.
Continuous operation under resonance conditions may result in
excessive equipment vibrations, reduced in-between maintenance
intervals, and premature equipment failure. Resonance conditions
with centrifugal pump applications can be divided into the four
categories of lateral rotordynamics, torsional rotordynamics, structural
dynamics, and acoustic resonance. Each of these categories requires
its own specific set of analyses and checks allowing up-front
identification of resonance conditions and corresponding corrective Geometric deviations between the individual impeller
action. Resonances may then be avoided, moved (to operating channels create a nonuniform pressure distribution at the
points where the resulting mechanical vibrations are acceptable), impeller outlet, which also rotates with rotor speed (1×). The
or be detuned altogether. These analyses can also help eliminate the resulting radial hydraulic force has much the same effect as
need for expensive factory string tests aimed at investigating mechanical unbalance and is therefore referred to as hydraulic
vibration performance. unbalance. Hydraulic unbalance increases with increasing
A basic understanding of the most commonly applied and flow-rate and usually exceeds mechanical unbalance by factors.
available variable frequency drive (VFD) technology and its rapid Unbalance affects lateral rotor and structural vibrations but not
development over the last few decades is helpful in the assessment torsional rotor vibrations.
of VFD-related vibration problems and the selection of the optimal
Self-Excited Vibration
set of analyses and checks.
The case studies presented in this paper give a detailed Self-excited vibration, also known as rotor instability, is most
illustration of the analysis procedures and methods that can be commonly associated with radial journal bearings, annular
employed in order to successfully identify resonance conditions seals, and hydraulic impeller-casing interaction. Self-excited
of concern with VFD applications. The same methods and tools vibration caused by lightly loaded cylindrical journal
can also be used to study the effect of design modifications bearings/guide bearings in vertical pump application are the
aimed at detuning resonances. The actual analysis work should most common cause of instability in centrifugal pumps. The
be carried out by individuals specifically trained for the task. On corresponding vibration frequency typically lies between 0.40
a broader level, the paper indicates the type of analyses and and 0.50 times running speed (subsynchronous vibration),
checks considered necessary as well as standard analyses that indicating a tangential mean fluid velocity cu inside the tight
may be omitted. The information presented may therefore be bearing clearance per Equation (5). The parameter R denotes the
used as an end-user guideline for selecting/purchasing of rotor radius at bearing location and is the angular shaft speed.
analysis support from the original equipment manufacturer
(OEM) or engineering consultants.
The rotordynamic software tools used for the case studies are
pump OEM in-house developments. Commercially available
rotordynamic software may be used instead. All structural analyses Pumps with excessively worn annular seals can show the same
were performed applying a general purpose finite element phenomenon with vibration frequencies in the 0.7 to 0.9 times
analysis software. running speed range (also above 1× running speed in case of
tangential fluid entry velocities > R).
EXCITATION SOURCES AND AMPLIFIERS Instabilities are caused by the nonsymmetrical pressure distribution
This section describes the relevant excitation mechanisms and of the vibrating shaft, which creates a force component acting in
amplifiers of mechanical vibrations. the direction of the shaft orbit. This force feeds energy to the rotor
and thus the shaft orbital movement is accelerated. Instability
Mechanical and Hydraulic Unbalance occurs in case the energy put into the rotor exceeds the direct
Mechanical unbalance occurs when the mass centerline of a damping opposing the same vibration.
rotating component does not coincide with the shaft centerline. A Many vertical pump applications show a vibration component at
certain level of dissymmetry of the weight distribution is unavoidable or near 0.5× running speed in their amplitude spectrum (also
in rotating equipment. For the case of two-plane balancing, the referred to as oil whirl or bearing whirl). Instability usually only
unbalance measured in US customary units is defined in Equation occurs in case a structural or lateral rotor natural frequency is at or
(1). The factor K is a balance constant, W is the mass per balance near this 0.5× running speed frequency, changing the oil whirl into
plane (or journal), and N is the rotor speed. The SI unit equivalent an oil whip condition with potentially destructive vibration levels.
definition is shown in Equation (2) with the ISO Balance Quality In case the operating speed is increased after the onset of instability,
Grade G, rotor-mass m, and the angular speed of rotation . The the vibration frequency will typically remain nearly constant,
unbalance force rotates with rotor speed (1×) and is therefore locked into the natural frequency of the structure or rotor as
a sinusoidal function of time when viewed in a stationary indicated in Figure 1.
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The main factors influencing the pressure pulsation magnitude
are the radial gap between the impeller outer diameter and the
volute/diffuser cutwater (B-gap), the percent of best efficient point
(BEP) operation, and the impeller outlet velocity u2.
The radial distance between the impeller vane trailing edge
and the volute cutwater or diffuser vane leading edge (B-gap)
heavily influences the pressure pulsation amplitudes. According to
investigations published in (Guelich and Bolleter, 1992), pressure
pulsation amplitudes decrease on average with a power of (⫺0.77)
on the relative radial gap as illustrated in Equation (7). For example,
a 2 percent B-gap will produce pressure pulsation amplitudes three
times higher than a 9 percent B-gap on an otherwise identical pump.
Vibration levels usually become excessive when amplified by
resonance. A resonance condition occurs when an excitation
frequency is within a few percent of a relevant natural frequency. In
that condition, the excitation force is acting again once the vibrating
component has come full cycle after the last “impact” by the force.
The excitation force and the vibration are synchronized, and the
vibration amplitude increases until limited by nonlinear effects.
With regard to mechanical vibrations in VFD operated centrifugal
pumps, resonance conditions can be divided into four categories:
structural resonance and torsional rotor resonance are typically
lowly damped and are likely to result in high levels of mechanical
vibration when properly excited. Lateral rotor resonances are in
some cases highly damped and operation on or near such a condition
(“critical speed”) may be perfectly acceptable. Acoustic resonance
conditions, amplifying mechanical vibrations via amplified pressure Figure 4. Lateral Mode Shapes and Mechanical Model.
pulsations, are usually only lowly damped. The various resonance
categories are discussed in detail in the following sections. The evaluation of the lateral rotordynamic behavior can either be
done by solving the homogeneous equation of motion (eigenvalue
LATERAL ROTORDYNAMICS calculation) or by specifying a set of excitation forces and subsequent
solution of the nonhomogeneous equation of motion (forced
General response analysis).
The damped lateral rotordynamic behavior of a centrifugal The eigenvalue approach and evaluation of results applying a
pump rotor is determined by the rotor geometry, the rotor mass and combined frequency-versus-damping-ratio criterion is further
inertia, and the interaction forces occurring between the rotor and discussed in this paper. This approach is less ambiguous compared
journal bearings, annular seals, and casing. Impeller wear rings, to a forced response analysis because it avoids the subjective
close-clearance bushings, and balance pistons are typical examples process of determining and applying excitation forces (typically a
of annular seals. Casing interaction occurs at impeller location, combination of mechanical and hydraulic unbalance loads).
between the wear rings in case of a closed impeller design, and is The results of a damped lateral rotordynamic analysis are best
generally destabilizing. These interaction forces are nonlinear but presented in the form of a Campbell diagram as illustrated in
may be linearized around a particular static rotor equilibrium Figure 5, plotting the natural frequencies and modal damping
position. Interaction forces vary with operating speed, pumpage factors versus pump operating speed. The intersection between
specific gravity and viscosity, load, state of wear, etc. Solving the a speed-dependent natural frequency line and the synchronous
linearized homogeneous Equation of Motion (13) results in a set speed excitation line is called a critical speed and represents a
of eigenvalues. resonance condition.
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the modal-damping-versus-frequency-separation acceptance
criterion illustrated in Figure 6 as binding. With a few exceptions
not discussed in this paper, rotor designs in violation should be
modified to meet this acceptance criterion. Design modifications
aimed at improving lateral rotordynamic stability can be divided in
two categories. A first category aims at increasing the frequency
separation margin between lateral modes and synchronous excitation
speed by means of increasing the rotor stiffness (Kxx) or reducing
the rotor mass (M). A second category of modifications intends to
increase modal damping.
Design modifications aimed at increasing lateral rotor
natural frequencies:
• Decreasing coupling overhung length and/or coupling weight in
case of overhung dominated modes (Kxx, M)
• Changing of impeller material from steel to aluminum (M)
Figure 5. Campbell Diagram.
• Increasing shaft size (Kxx)
A widely used eigenvalue acceptance criterion is defined in • Decreasing between-bearing span (Kxx)
Annex I of the API 610 standard (Eighth Edition, 1995; Ninth
Edition, 2003; Tenth Edition, 2004) and the ISO 13709 standard
• Tightening or restoring annular seal clearances (Kxx)
(2003), respectively. The combined frequency-versus-damping • Eliminating stator-side serrations applied to reduce leakage (Kxx)
criterion, depicted in Figure 6, is applied to each of the calculated • Applying stator-side circumferential grooves in balance pistons
lateral modes, limiting the evaluation to modes within a natural and center and throttle bushings. This reduces the adverse effect of
frequency range of zero to 2.2 times running speed. This frequency piston tilting onto the direct radial annular seal stiffness (Kxx).
range covers the most typical and significant rotor lateral excitation
forces including subsynchronous excitation, mechanical and • Changing from inline to back-to-back configuration, which
hydraulic unbalance and misalignment: reduces bearing spans and also adds damping at the center of the
pump (Kxx)
• Subsynchronous excitation (journal bearings): 0.4… 0.5× running
speed (typical) Design modifications aimed at increasing modal damping:
• Subsynchronous excitation (annular seals): 0.7… 0.9× running • Applying stator-side swirl breaks at the entrance of
speed (typical) impeller eye wear rings. This reduces the circumferential inlet
swirl, which in turn reduces destabilizing annular seal
• Rubbing: multiples of 0.5× cross-coupled stiffness.
• Mechanical unbalance: 1× running speed • Optimizing the journal bearing design. Journal bearings with
• Hydraulic unbalance: 1× running speed length-over-diameter ratios above one should be avoided. The
• Misalignment: 1× and 2× running speed destabilizing effect of cross-coupled journal bearing stiffness can
be reduced or eliminated by switching from cylindrical bearings to
multilobe or tilting-pad designs.
• Loading of vertical pump line-shaft bearings by means of
applying intentional misalignment between bearings and rotor
• Applying rough annular seal stator surface finish, stator-side
honeycomb or hole patterns, smooth rotor surface finish
Figure 8 shows the first three structural modes of the pump and
motor structure as a result of a modal structural FE analysis. The
modes occur at 2.6 Hz (156 cpm, first column mode), 14.2 Hz (852
cpm, first aboveground mode), and 20.5 Hz (1230 cpm, second
column mode), respectively. The dynamic bearing support stiffnesses
required for the lateral rotordynamic analysis are calculated in a
series of forced harmonic response analyses. Each of these
analyses applied a dynamic unit-load at a single bearing location
and varied the frequency of this harmonic load within a specified
frequency-range. Figure 9 illustrates the dynamic displacement
response at the upper motor bearing due to harmonic excitation
(unit force in lateral direction acting at the same location). The
response indicates an amplitude response peak at approximately 15
Hz, which corresponds to the second structural mode showing large
modal displacement in the aboveground portion of the machine.
and the shaft, as well as structural modification of the pump • Some literature mentions 1× running speed as a torsional excitation
support structure. The successful retest did not show any significant frequency. However, shaft trains without gearboxes usually exhibit
bushing wear and the bearing whirl frequency remained constant only negligible 1× torque harmonics.
throughout the test.
• Shaft trains with a gearbox have additional steady-state torsional
Conclusions excitation sources that occur at 1× running speed (pitch cycle
runout), gear-mesh frequency (based on the number of gear teeth),
Horizontal Pumps and pinion-mesh frequency (based on the number of pinion teeth).
When converting a fixed speed application to VFD operation,
the original lateral rotordynamic analysis may already sufficiently The applicability of the above described excitation sources with
cover the new application. However, a careful review of the results regard to VFD operated shaft trains is further discussed.
of the original analysis and the new operating conditions is Similar to the recommended procedure for lateral rotordynamic
required on a case-by-case basis. The speed range above the analyses, the torsional rotordynamic behavior of a shaft train is
original fixed operating speed requires special attention because of best analyzed by means of a natural frequency analysis, subsequent
the increased power absorption and the increased likelihood of evaluation of resonance conditions, and, if necessary, performing of
encountering critical speeds, for example critical speeds with transient and/or steady-state forced response analyses. The standard
coupling overhung dominated modes. The primary excitation torsional natural frequency analysis is an undamped analysis. An
mechanism of concern is synchronous speed excitation due to undamped natural frequency analysis applies because virtually all
mechanical and hydraulic unbalance. API 610 Eighth through shaft trains only provide low levels of torsional damping. The
Tenth Editions (1995, 2003, 2004), Annex I, defines a reasonable damped and the corresponding undamped natural frequency do not
lateral rotordynamic acceptance criterion. significantly differ in case of low modal damping. Equation (18)
explains the relationship between the damped and undamped natural
Vertical Pumps frequency of a single degree of freedom system. In the example of
a 50.0 Hz undamped natural frequency and a 3 percent critical
A significant coupling between the dynamic behavior of the damping ratio, the damped natural frequency drops to only 49.98 Hz.
structure and lateral rotordynamics is often the case. The frequency
of lateral modes can coincide with structural natural frequencies,
resulting in amplified shaft vibrations. The correct assessment of a
vertical pump lateral rotordynamic behavior requires a combined
lateral-structural analysis covering the entire continuous VFD The results of a torsional natural frequency analysis are again
operating speed range. Significant structural natural frequencies best presented in the form of a Campbell diagram, plotting the
at 1× and 0.5× running speed should be avoided. The primary speed-independent natural frequency lines together with potential
excitation mechanisms of concern are synchronous speed excitation excitation frequencies. Forced response analyses apply forcing
(unbalance) and subsynchronous speed excitation around 50 functions at their corresponding load-induction locations. Startup
percent of running speed (bearing whirl). and short circuit excitation, for example, induce their load at the
In case a resonance condition cannot be detuned, it is also motor core. The outcome of a forced response analysis may be a
possible to lock out/program out a specific operating speed range plot of torsional stress along the entire shaft at a set constant
from continuous operation. operating speed. The forced response analysis can also be used to
TORSIONAL ROTORDYNAMICS calculate the torsional stress at a specific shaft location of interest,
varying the operating speed (frequency-sweep). In any case, the
General stress results can be further used in fatigue analyses in order to
evaluate the acceptability of the investigated resonance
Torsional vibration problems usually involve resonance conditions.
Torsional resonance occurs when a train torsional natural
frequency coincides with or is close to an applicable excitation Case Study—Standard Torsional
frequency. Due to the substantial torsional stiffness of both rigid
Rotordynamic Analysis Procedure
and flexible disc type couplings, the entire shaft train needs to
be analyzed. The torsional rotordynamic analysis procedure is demonstrated on
Shaft trains driven by electric motors are subject to transient and the example of an axially-split, horizontal, multistage barrel-type
steady-state excitation. There are two transient excitation sources pump in crude oil transfer service. The 10×10×13.5 CP 10 stage pump
of concern, which are startup and short-circuit fault condition. is VFD operated with a continuous operating speed range of 2000 to
Startup occurs at line frequency and short circuit excitation 3755 rpm. Figure 15 shows an isometric view of the pump assembly.
functions include one- and two-times line frequency components.
Potential steady-state excitation sources are:
• The 2× running speed excitation represents an interaction
between lateral and torsional vibration. In case of an elliptical,
i.e., noncircular, shaft orbit (1× lateral shaft vibration), the
forces necessary to keep the shaft on its orbit result in an
alternating moment acting on the shaft. This moment changes its
amplitude twice per revolution, and therefore represents a
dynamic torsional excitation source acting at 2× running
speed frequency.
• Vane-pass frequency excitation is another potential mechanism
but it was found to be significant only in case of impellers with a
low number of vanes and relatively thick vanes as applied in
sewage pumps.
• VFD operated pump trains are subject to VFD torque harmonics,
often occurring at multiples of 6× feed-frequency. Figure 15. Isometric View of Pump Assembly.
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The results of the natural frequency analysis are presented in the mode. The calculated maximum torsional stress is approximately 4.5
Campbell diagram displayed in Figure 16. Mode shapes and the psi (0.03 MPa). Stress responses as low as these are normal for torque
mechanical model are shown in Figure 17. The Campbell diagram harmonic excitation from modern, state-of-the-art VFDs.
includes 2× running speed excitation and the first three VFD
torque harmonic excitations at 6×, 12×, and 18× running speed.
harmonic torque ripple and so on. Of course the amplitude of the percentages of the corresponding static torque. The readings indicate
torque ripple is proportional to the amplitude of the current that the 1×, 2×, and 7× (vane-pass) dynamic torque values are mostly
harmonics. The poorest performing VFD in this respect is the less than 1 percent of static torque. In case of a 1 percent, one-times
load commutated inverter (LCI). This VFD creates a smooth direct dynamic torque applied at the first torsional natural frequency, the
current (DC) link current and switches it into the stator windings in calculated shaft stress at pump coupling hub location is only 116 psi
a prescribed sequence. The quasi-square wave current causes the (0.8 MPa). Conservatively only 1 percent of modal damping was
stator MMF to advance in steps of 60 degrees electrical at each applied in this steady-state forced response analysis. The same
commutation (a commutation is the transfer of current from one dynamic torque measurements did not indicate any significant peaks
power switch to the next one in sequence). An LCI with two parallel at 6× VFD torque harmonic frequency and multiples thereof.
circuits operating into a dual winding motor (12-pulse output) creates
3 to 8 percent torque ripple. Another popular circuit, the neutral point
clamped (NPC) circuit has five voltage levels from line-to-line and
uses pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques. Depending on the
frequency of switching, the current is less distorted and the torque
ripple decreases into the vicinity of 1 percent to 3 percent. A third
architecture, the multilevel series-cell circuits, can further reduce the
current distortion such that the torque ripple decreases to 1 percent
of motor base rating. Multilevel series-cell circuits also apply PWM
technology. Figure 19 displays voltage waveforms produced by
LCI, NPC, and multilevel series-cell (PWM) VFD architectures. For
the LCI drive system, it is usual practice to perform a torsional
rotordynamic analysis of the drive train, investigating critical speeds
with LCI-VFD torque harmonics.
In contrast to direct-online (DOL) operation, VFDs always
incorporate current regulation and limiting functions. During
starting, the VFD output frequency starts at a very low value and
slowly increases, while the current is controlled to one PU or less.
Figure 19. Voltage Waveforms Generated by Different VFD The starting sequence assures that the machine flux is nearly
Architectures. nominal as torque is generated. Therefore the slip is always a small
value as the machine accelerates. This means that the torque is
The main technique to reduce torque ripple is to decrease the much smoother compared to direct-online starting. On the other
harmonic content of the output current. That is generally done by hand, when an induction machine is directly connected to the
increasing the PWM switching frequency, or adding additional utility (no VFD), there is a large inrush current, on the order of 5
voltage levels to the output voltage, or both. For the cases where this PU. Initially, the rotor flux is zero, but the stator flux assumes its
is not possible, application of filters is an alternative option. It is normal amplitude and angular velocity as the utility voltage is
common practice to equip VFDs with an L-C (inductor-capacitor) applied. So, due to the large currents, there are very large torque
filter on the output to attenuate some harmonic currents in order to pulsations as the rotor flux slips by the stator flux until equilibrium
reduce motor torque ripples. This technique is used for LCI and is attained. The key difference in the VFD operation is that it can
NPC VFDs. The disadvantage is that the filter causes extra expense, adjust both frequency and voltage simultaneously, thus allowing the
increased size, and poorer efficiency. For drive systems with high current and the slip to be carefully controlled during all situations.
sensitivity to torque ripple, the multilevel series cell designs offer It is worthwhile to note that thyristor-based solid-state starters can
an advantage. control current during starting but not frequency, so they are not
able to produce nearly as smooth a start as a VFD.
One-Times Running Speed
and Vane-Pass Frequency Excitation Bus Transfer
Dynamic torque measurements taken at the coupling spacer of the A particularly bad event for transient torques is bus transfer. In
previously described barrel-type transfer pump are presented some applications, the motor is switched rapidly from one utility
in Figure 20. The dynamic torque amplitude data are shown as source to another. During the open interval, the motor flux does not
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decay much, but the rotor position begins to fall behind where the STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS
stator flux will be when reconnected. If reconnection occurs at the
wrong time, the inrush currents react with already present flux to General
create a very, very large torque transient. This must be avoided. If The correct use of analytical and experimental techniques is
a VFD is present, it will trip when the utility voltage goes to zero, essential to identifying and solving structural resonance
then smoothly restart when the voltage is restored. problems. Most centrifugal pumps and their supporting system
are too complex to be analyzed with simplified hand-calculation
Short-Circuit methods. These simple techniques are not discussed in this paper.
One feature common to all VFDs (both medium voltage [MV] The presented case studies apply finite element analysis (FEA),
and low voltage [LV]) is a means of limiting short-circuit current the most popular analytical method in use. When choosing the
at the output. This is included to prevent a short-circuit in the motor appropriate modeling technique and combined with the
or its cables from damaging the VFD. There are a number of ways necessary level of detail, including application of the correct
to accomplish this. In the current-fed circuits (LCI and symmetrical boundary conditions, FEA can be highly accurate and useful in
gate controlled thyristor [SGCT] based), the direct current link identifying and resolving resonance conditions. This section also
filter is an inductor that filters the DC link current. If an external discusses modal analysis as an experimental technique used to
short-circuit occurs, the fault current is strictly limited by the identify structural natural frequencies, mode shapes, and
inductor in the short-term, allowing time to phase back the line-side recording of operational deflection shapes (ODS). The most
converter and thus extinguish the current. The voltage-fed drives accurate and useful results are often obtained when combining
have a more difficult problem, as the DC link capacitor will try to analytical and experimental methods.
discharge through the output devices and into the short circuit. In Horizontal pump structural vibration problems primarily occur
the case of those VFDs using insulated gate biploar transistors at 1× rotational frequency and at vane-pass frequency. Vibration
(IGBTs) the devices are fast enough to turn off when the overcurrent problems at rotational speed frequency typically involve support
is detected, before any damage is done. Modern IGBTs are structure (baseplate, etc.) modes combined with rigid-body motion
inherently current limited to about 3 to 4 PU current, and thus will of the pump casing. The second problem set, with vibrations
limit the current even if an overcurrent function does not occur. occurring at vane pass frequency, usually involves bearing
The voltage-fed drives using IGCTs have a fast detector to initiate housings and sometimes auxiliary piping. Vertical pump structural
a turn-off of the devices if the current gets too high. There is also vibration issues typically occur at running speed frequency or at
a small inductor to limit the rate of rise of current to give the subsynchronous frequencies, often around 50 percent of rotational
detector time to function. In all cases, the response time is short, speed. In most cases structural vibrations do not become excessive
from tens to a hundred microseconds. Accidental short circuits unless amplified by resonance. Structural resonance occurs
in the motor terminal box are so common that VFDs must have when the natural frequency of a structure coincides with an
short-circuit protection. From the motor point of view, if something applicable excitation frequency like bearing whirl/instability
fails in the VFD, such as a shorted device, the universal response (0.5×), mechanical and hydraulic unbalance (1×), or pressure
of all VFDs is to turn off all the switching devices, disconnecting pulsations at vane-pass frequency.
the motor so it does not see a short circuit on its terminals. A single Structural modes are only lowly damped. Resonance conditions
shorted device can be prevented from causing large fault currents are therefore likely to result in excessive structural vibration
since the other devices can successfully interrupt the circuit. levels if properly excited. In case of VFD applications with wide
operating speed ranges, chances for resonance conditions to be
Conclusions present are high. It is recommended to predict resonance conditions
Drive protection and slow-start characteristics of VFDs effectively by means of FEA or modal testing before the pump is installed in
and reliably prevent high torsional stress situations in case of short the field. Identified resonance conditions should be detuned or
circuit fault conditions and motor startup. These worst case torsional avoided. A first case study explains the process of
excitation mechanisms are therefore eliminated when applying identifying and resolving a horizontal pump baseplate structural
a VFD. With the exception of LCI-type VFDs, the steady-state resonance problem.
torque harmonic excitation levels induced by state-of-the-art VFD
Baseplate Vibration Problems
technology results in low and acceptable torsional shaft stresses.
Other potential torsional excitation mechanisms such as 1× and 2× A multistage, barrel-type 6×8×10.5 CP 13 stage pump
running speed and vane-pass frequency excitation also generally operating at 3580 rpm (59.7 cpm) fixed speed in boiler feed-water
result in acceptably low torsional stresses. service, exhibited excessive horizontal bearing housing and
It is therefore suggested to consider shaft trains supplied with casing vibrations. Unfiltered peak vibration levels in the
state-of-the-art VFD technology as torsionally safe and to omit horizontal direction of 1.80 in/sec on the inboard and 1.38 in/sec
torsional rotordynamic analysis on such shaft trains. on the outboard bearing housing were measured. The corresponding
The only exceptions from this rule are LCI-type VFDs where a peak vibration levels filtered to 1× rotational frequency were
steady-state torsional analysis investigating the effect of VFD torque 1.60 in/sec and 1.13 in/sec, respectively. Pump vibrations in the
harmonics is recommended and, possibly, shaft trains including vertical direction as well as all motor structural vibrations were
gearboxes. A standard torsional rotordynamic acceptance criterion acceptably low. A modal finite element analysis simulating a
requires a minimum of 10 percent frequency separation margin grouted baseplate and rigid pump-casing was performed. Figure
between torsional modes and applicable excitation frequencies. In case 21 presents a plot of a calculated baseplate mode shape with a
of violation of this criterion, detuning of the natural frequency of 62.2 Hz natural frequency. The pump-side is structurally entirely
concern is an option for fixed speed applications only. There, the most decoupled from the motor-side because of the grouted condition
commonly applied detuning method implements changes to the of the baseplate. The mode shape characterized by inboard and
coupling torsional stiffness, designed at providing the desired 10 outboard pedestals moving in phase with each other was
percent separation margin. In case of VFD applications with wide confirmed by modal testing. An impact test performed on
continuous operating speed ranges, critical speed situations are both bearing housings revealed amplitude peaks at 62.5 Hz,
virtually unavoidable, and it is recommended to prove the acceptability confirming structural resonance as the root cause of the
of the rotor design by means of forced response analysis investigating vibration problem. The result of an impact test performed on the
the resonance conditions of concern. Chances are high that the inboard bearing housing in the horizontal direction is presented
steady-state resonance conditions produce acceptably low stresses. in Figure 22.
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Experimental Testing
Two experimental testing methods are shortly discussed. Modal
testing allows identification of structural natural frequencies and
Figure 22. Bearing Housing Impact Test. mode shapes. This type of testing is performed on the standstill
machine. The only forces acting are the ones induced by an
The resonance problem could have been resolved by means instrumented hammer or by a shaker. A hammer impact excites the
of reducing the excitation forces or by detuning the structural structure over a wide frequency range. This allows measurement of
resonance. The first approach was not recommended in this natural frequencies within a desired frequency range. A shaker will
case because of the acceptably low vibration levels measured in excite the structure at a single, specified frequency and is typically
the vertical direction. In case of a structural resonance with a applied in a frequency-sweep mode, scanning the structure for
supersynchronous natural frequency, detuning is best done by structural resonances. The other experimental testing method,
increasing the stiffness and therefore increasing the structural operational deflection shape, records structural motion forced by
natural frequency. Various detuning options were analyzed and operating loads. ODS measurements illustrate and quantify the
optimized with FEA. The following is a list of implemented parts of the structure that are really moving at a particular
design modifications, depicted in Figure 23: frequency due to effectively present excitation. Refer to
• Extended the existing C 6 inch × 8.2 lb channels down to the Richardson (1997) for further information on ODS.
deckplate and added further support in the axial direction by welding Impact testing is a popular, easy to perform modal testing
on a triangular shaped gusset plate. The two existing C-channels method that allows measuring of structural natural frequencies.
connect the individual pedestals in the horizontal direction. It can be done quickly and rather inexpensively applying an
instrumented hammer, a dual-channel fast Fourier transform
• Reinforced each pedestal with two short-height outside (FFT) analyzer with postprocessing software, and an accelerometer
structural rips probe. Structural resonances may be identified by means of a
• Added additional side-rail gusset plates single-channel impact test measuring the response of structure
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to a nearby impact. However, the positive identification of a Bearing Housing Vibration Problems
resonance condition requires the use of a dual-channel FFT Horizontal pump bearing housing natural frequencies are
analyzer. One channel is used to record the impact force and the typically well above synchronous speed and are therefore not
second channel records the response, typically measured by an excitable by 1× unbalance excitation. Bearing housing vibration
accelerometer probe mounted to the structure under investigation. problems often occur at vane pass frequency or multiples thereof.
The three individual diagrams in Figure 22 represent amplitude As usual with resonance problems, resolution can be achieved by
response, cross-channel phase, and cross-channel coherence reducing the excitation source or by detuning the resonance
plots. A resonance condition is not just defined by a peak in the condition. Practical means of reducing the excitation source are
amplitude response spectrum but also by a phase shift. For a described in the previous section excitation sources and amplifiers.
single degree of freedom system, the resonance frequency This section focuses on the identification of bearing housing
(natural frequency of the system) is accompanied by a 180 natural frequencies and applicable detuning methods. It is possible
degree phase shift. In case of real structures with multiple to calculate bearing housing natural frequencies using FEA but the
modes, the phase shift will be less than 180 degrees but still process is cumbersome and time-intensive. The casing stiffness
identifiable. Coherence is a measure of how much of the and the rotor mass acting on the bearing both influence bearing
response energy originates from the impact. Valid impact tests housing dynamics. These influencing factors and the need of an
have coherence levels close to 100 percent at the resonance accurate 3D computer aided design (CAD) model of the housing
frequency. A peak in the amplitude spectrum could be caused itself make the upfront calculation of bearing housing natural
by other nearby operating equipment. In such a case, the frequencies rather expensive and unpractical.
amplitude peak does not represent a resonance, the phase Bearing housing natural frequencies do not significantly change
spectrum is likely to show no significant phase change, and between test and field installation. Bearing housing impact tests on
the coherence would be significantly less than one at the a test-stand need to be performed on the fully assembled pump,
corresponding frequency. For further details on modal testing, securely mounted onto test pedestals or the actual job baseplate. It
refer to Ewins (1986). is recommended to impact test bearing housings on a test-stand
Baseplates Mounted Onto Flexible Support Structures and avoid resonance situations that could potentially be excited by
pressure pulsations at vane-pass frequency. However, there is no
Special attention needs to be given to baseplates mounted onto direct correlation between a measured bearing housing natural
flexible skids or offshore platforms. The flexible substructure acts frequency and the corresponding bearing housing vibrations that
as an additional spring in series with the baseplate stiffness and occur when operating the equipment at the resonant frequency.
therefore influences the baseplate natural frequencies. The case of In case a pump runs at or near best efficiency point and sufficient
a 14×14×18.5D MSDD two stage pump mounted on a flexible skid B-gap was applied, the resulting pressure pulsation levels may not
demonstrates the influence of the flexible support structure. The cause a vibration issue even when operating at resonance conditions.
VFD operated pump is in crude oil service with a continuous In order to avoid potential bearing housing vibration problems it
operating speed range of 2500 to 3960 rpm, which corresponds to is recommended to detune identified bearing housing resonances.
a 1× synchronous speed excitation range of 37.5 and 72.6 Hz. The The following detuning methods have been successfully applied:
finite element analysis was used to optimize the baseplate and skid
design in order to keep the VFD operating speed range free from • Reducing of the stiffness of the bearing housing to bearing
bracket joint by means of relocating the lower pair of housing bolts
structural resonance conditions that could be excited by unbalance
as close to the upper pair as possible. Applied to outboard bearing
(1×). Figure 24 illustrates the solid model of the baseplate and
housings, this very effective modification often drops the vertical
flexible skid. The first six structural natural frequencies are listed
bearing housing natural frequency by 100 to 150 Hz.
in Table 1. The middle column lists the natural frequencies for the
case of a rigid skid and the column to the right states the same data • Alternatively, a stiffness reduction may also be achieved by
for the case of a flexible substructure. means of slotting of bearing brackets aimed at reducing the contact
area between housing and bracket.
• Changing from a 180 to a 360 degree bearing housing attachment
• Adding weight to the housing (bolted-on or cast-in)
• Providing additional structural support (bracing)
In many cases it is perfectly acceptable to not fully detune a
resonance condition but to move it to lower frequencies, excitable
at lower operating speeds. Equation (11) indicates that pressure
pulsation levels are proportional to the square of the speed.
Figure 24. Solid Model of Baseplate and Skid. The process of vertical pump structural analysis is described in
the “LATERAL ROTORDYNAMICS” section. Structural modes
Table 1. Calculated Structural Natural Frequencies. are lowly damped and resonance situations with 1× and 0.5×
synchronous speed should be avoided. Both types of resonance
can result in excessive structural vibrations. Detuning options
include adding mass, applying seismic supports, and stiffening of
driver-stands, columns, mounting plates, or sole plates, etc.
Structural resonance situations with 1× running speed frequency
and vane-pass frequency should be avoided in case of horizontal
The case demonstrates the significant influence of the flexible pump applications. With vertical pumps, excitations of concern
support structure and the usefulness of FEA in the design process. are at 0.5× and 1× running speed frequency. Structural natural
Table of Contents
Figure 27. Secant and Tangential Fluid Bulk Modulus. Figure 28. Acoustic Resonance Diagram (7×).
The stiffness of the pipe or channel structure also influences the The AR diagram shows resonance conditions associated with the
fluid speed of sound. For a cylindrical channel of diameter D, wall three products. The diesel and kerosene resonances occur close to
thickness t, and made out of a material with Young’s modulus of 3560 rpm operating speed, at approximately 3625 rpm and 3495
elasticity E and density , the effective speed of sound c1 is defined rpm, respectively. This explains the high vane-pass vibration levels
in Equation (25). when pumping these two products.
A first corrective measure applying a 30 degree angle cut-back
to both long crossover/crossunder volute lips, resulted in a scissoring
effect between the impeller vane twist angle and the volute
cutwater. This measure has a tendency to “smear-out” the pressure
pulse and also increases the B-gap between impeller and volute. As
a result, the rms vane-pass vibration levels dropped from 0.66
Table 2 states approximate speed of sound values for some in/sec to 0.45 in/sec for diesel pumped at comparable operating
commonly pumped fluids. The values for diesel, kerosene, and gasoline conditions. This drop in vibration level, achieved by means of
can vary, mainly because of differences in chemical composition. reducing the excitation forces, was not sufficient and the acoustic
resonance condition needed to be detuned. The AR diagram for the
Table 2. Approximate Fluid Speed of Sound Values. case of a five-vane impeller installed at the long crossover entry
stage is presented in Figure 29. The reduced excitation frequency
resolved the resonance condition for all products and over the
entire continuous VFD operating speed range.
• Rearranging the destaging arrangement in case of destaged Despite the diversity of power circuits, there are two common
pump. Destaging the impeller at long crossover exit increases the properties of these drives:
hydraulic passage length.
• All of them accept commonly available AC input power of fixed
• Locking out of speed ranges from continuous operation voltage and frequency and, through switching power conversion,
create an output of suitable characteristics to operate a particular
In case of large continuous operating speed ranges, a resonance type of electric machine, which means that they are machine
condition near maximum speed may be eliminated at the price specific. The authors will limit their discussion to those suitable for
of creating a new resonance at the lower end of the speed range. induction and synchronous motors.
This approach may be perfectly acceptable because pressure
pulsation levels are proportional to the square of the speed (refer to • All of them are based on solid-state switching devices. The
development of new devices is the most important driver of
Equation [11]). VFD technology.
If detuning is not feasible, the applicable excitation levels can be
reduced by means of implementing the measures listed below. These Figure 30 shows the basic structure of most common AC drives.
modifications do not eliminate the resonance condition and some There is an input conversion circuit that converts the utility power
vane pass vibrations may still exceed the maximum allowable levels. into DC, and then an output inversion stage that changes the DC
These corrective measures only apply to the impeller feeding the long back into variable AC.
crossover because it is the driver of long crossover acoustic resonance.
• Cutting back of the crossover and crossunder volute lips in a 30
degree to 45 degree angle, resulting in a “scissoring” effect with
impeller vane twist angle. This, together with increasing the B-gap,
is the most effective measure reducing excitation levels.
• Minimizing the long crossover volute cutwater thicknesses,
providing a “bullet-nose” type profile
• Minimizing the impeller vane outlet thicknesses of the long
crossover entry stage impeller by means of overfiling
• Reduction of the shroud thickness at the impeller periphery by
means of chamfering
Figure 30. General Structure of a VFD.
• Providing the long crossover entry stage impeller with extra trim
(increasing the B-gap) Applying VFDs offers a variety of benefits:
• Operation close to BEP/avoiding of part-flow operation • Energy savings where variable flow control is required; variable
Conclusions speed operation replaces wasteful throttling controls
Acoustic resonance in pumps can cause high bearing housing • Optimization of rotating equipment performance
vibrations and also adversely affect casings and baseplates. These • Elimination of gears or other power transmission devices by
amplified structural vibrations can result in auxiliary piping, matching the base speed of the motor to the driven load
instrumentation, and bolting fatigue failures. Acoustic resonance is
also a source of excessive structureborne noise. The likelihood of • Automation of process control by using the VFD as the final
control element, leading to more efficient part-load operation
encountering acoustic resonance is greatly increased when opening
up the continuous operating speed range by applying a VFD. • Reduction of the rating and cost of the electrical distribution
Chances of encountering resonance conditions are further system by eliminating motor starting inrush
increased when pumping multiple products with different speeds
of sound. Upfront identification of potential acoustic resonance • Extension of motor, bearing, and seal life
condition is recommended and fairly easy when applying an AR • Reduction of noise and environmental impact. Electric drives are
diagram. The main difficulties are the identification of the correct clean, nonpolluting, quiet, efficient, and relatively easy to repair.
hydraulic passage length and the applicable fluid speed of sound
value. If necessary, the pump OEM can provide the passage length. Development of Semiconductor Switching Devices
In case of a multistage opposed-impeller centrifugal pump, the VFDs became practical after the invention of the thyristor in
applicable hydraulic passage length is well defined and the 1957. Table 3 shows a comparison of the properties of devices
acoustic resonance check can be performed in the tendering or commonly in use today.
design stage of an order. The channel length in suction and
discharge piping may be less clearly defined and special care is Table 3. Semiconductor Switching Devices.
required when calculating lengths.
It is recommended to perform a long crossover acoustic resonance
check in all cases of VFD operated multistage opposed-impeller
centrifugal pumps applying an AR diagram. Resonance conditions
should be detuned if at all possible.
General The thyristor (silicon controlled rectifier type, SCR) is a
This section presents technical background on commercially four-layer (one thin disc of silicon with four layers of different
available VFDs suitable for operating an induction or synchronous, properties) semiconductor device that has many of the properties
standard polyphase alternating current (AC) motor at medium of an ideal switch. It has low leakage current in the off-state, a
voltage (2300 V to 13.8 kV). small voltage drop in the on-state, and takes only a small signal to
Table of Contents
initiate conduction (power gains of over one million are common). currently in use. While the type of semiconductor device should
When applied properly, the thyristor will last indefinitely. After its not be the most important issue to a user, in general the newer
introduction, the current and voltage ratings increased rapidly. devices provide better drive performance.
Today it has substantially higher power capability than any other
solid-state device but no longer dominates power conversion in Drive Control Technology
the medium and higher power ranges. The major drawback of the Parallel to the development of power switching devices, there
thyristor is that it cannot be turned off by a gate signal, but the have been very significant advances in hardware and software
main current must be interrupted in order for it to regain the for controlling VFDs. These controls are a mixture of analog
blocking state. The inconvenience of having to commutate (turn and digital signal processing. The advent of integrated circuit
off) the thyristor in its main circuit at a very high energy level operational amplifiers and integrated circuit logic families made
has encouraged the development of other related devices as dramatic reductions in size and cost of the drive control
power switches. possible, while permitting more sophisticated and complex
Transistors predate thyristors, but their use as high-power control algorithms without a reliability penalty. These developments
switches was relatively restricted (compared with thyristors) until occurred during the 1965 to 1975 period. Further consolidation
the ratings reached 50 A and 1000 V in the same device, during the of the control circuits occurred after that as large-scale integrated
early 1980s. These devices are three-layer semiconductors that circuits (LSI) became available. In fact, the pulse-width modulation
exhibit linear behavior but are used only in saturation (fully turned control technique was not practical until the appearance of LSI
on) or totally off. In order to reduce the base drive requirements, circuits because of the immense amount of combinatorial logic
most transistors used in VFDs are Darlington types (a tandem required. Clearly, the most significant advance in drive control has
arrangement in which there are two transistors, the first one been the introduction of microprocessors into drive control
feeding the base input of the second). Even so, they have higher circuits. The introduction of cheap and powerful microprocessors
conduction losses and greater drive power requirements than continues to expand the capability of drive controls. A modern
thyristors. Nevertheless, because they can be turned on or off drive should have most of these features. The performance
quickly via base signals, transistors quickly displaced thyristors in enhancements include:
lower drive ratings, and were once widely used in pulse-width
modulated inverters. They in turn were displaced by insulated gate • More elaborate and detailed diagnostics owing to the ability to
store data relating to drive internal variables, such as current,
bipolar transistors in the late 1980s. The IGBT is a combination speed, firing angle, etc. The ability to signal to the user if a
of a power bipolar transistor and a metal-oxide semiconductor component has failed.
field-effect transistor (MOSFET) that combines the best properties
of both devices. A most attractive feature is the very high control • The ability to communicate both ways over industry standard
input impedance that permits them to be driven directly from lower protocols with the user’s central computers about drive status.
power logic sources. Their power handling capability has increased • The ability to make drive tuning adjustments via keypads with
dramatically and they are now viable alternatives to thyristors and parameters such as loop gains, ramp rates, and current limits stored
integrated gate controlled thyristors in the largest drive ratings. in memory rather than potentiometer settings.
It has long been possible to modify thyristors to permit them to
be turned off by a negative gate signal. These devices are four-layer • Self-tuning and self-commissioning drive controls.
types and are called gate-turn-off thyristors, or simply GTOs. • More adept techniques to overcome power circuit nonlinearities.
These devices have been around since at least 1965, but only in
the mid 1980s did their ratings increase to high power levels. AC Variable Frequency Drives
Present-day GTOs have about the same forward drop as a The effect of new solid-state switching devices was very significant
Darlington transistor (twice that of a conventional thyristor). GTOs on AC variable speed drives, and it shows no sign of stopping. AC
require a much more powerful gate drive, particularly for turn-off, drives are machine specific and more complex than DC drives,
but the lack of external commutation circuit requirements gives mostly because of the simplicity of the AC machine. Solid-state
them an advantage over thyristors. GTOs are available at much VFDs have been developed and marketed for wound-rotor
higher voltage and current ratings than power transistors. Unlike induction motors (WRIMs), cage-type induction motors (IM), and
transistors, once a GTO has been turned on or off with a gate pulse, synchronous motors.
it is not necessary to continue the gate signal because of the Historically, WRIM-based VFDs were in common use long
internal positive feedback mechanism inherent in four-layer before solid-state electronics. These drives operate on the
devices. Unfortunately, high cost and very large switching losses principle of deliberately creating high-slip conditions in the
restricted the use of GTOs to only those applications in which machine and then disposing of the large rotor power that results.
space and weight were at a premium. In 1997 the IGCT was This is done by varying the effective resistance seen by the rotor
introduced. This is very similar in construction to the GTO, but a windings. The WRIM is the most expensive AC machine. This
new method of turn-off and special metallurgy has resulted in a has made WRIM-based variable speed drives noncompetitive as
device considerably better than the GTO in forward drop and compared with cage induction motor drives or load commutated
switching losses. It has a sibling, the symmetrical gate controlled inverters using synchronous machines. The slip (s) is defined as
thyristor (SGCT), which has similar properties but can also block the ratio of the difference between the stator flux angular
reverse voltage, which the IGCT cannot. Voltage-fed circuits use velocity and the rotor angular velocity, to the stator flux
IGCTs while current-fed circuits need SGCTs. angular velocity.
Today the thyristor, IGBT, SGCT, and IGCT form the technological
base on which the solid-state variable speed drive industry rests.
There are other device technologies and enhancements in various
stages of development that may or may not become significant
depending on their cost and availability in large current ratings (> Thus when a machine is operating at a speed less than that of the
50 A and a voltage rating of at least 1000 V). These include: trench stator flux (determined by the stator voltage frequency and the pole
gate construction for IGBTs, silicon carbide semiconductors, number), it is slipping. That is not necessarily bad, but of the total
variants of the four layer switch such as the MTO (MOS turn-off power flowing across the air-gap into the rotor, the fraction s is lost
thyristor), and MCT (MOS controlled thyristor). New switches are as heat in the rotor, and (1-s) comes out of the shaft as useful
expected to come along and significantly improve on the devices mechanical power.
Table of Contents
Induction Motor Variable Speed Drives 120 degrees square pulses of current separated by 60 degree
Because the squirrel cage induction motor is the least expensive, intervals of zero current. But, since there must be a capacitor bank
least complex, and most rugged electric machine, great effort has at the output, the motor current has improved waveform due to the
gone into drive development to exploit the machine’s superior capacitors absorbing some of the harmonics. Furthermore, this
qualities. Owing to its very simplicity, it is the least amenable to type of drive generally also uses a form of pulse-width-modulation.
The 120 degree output current pulses are subdivided into several
variable speed operation. Since it has only one electrical input
narrower width pulses interspersed with short intervals of zero
port, the drive must control both flux and torque simultaneously
current. This technique suppresses the lowest-order (current)
through this single input. As there is no access to the rotor, the
harmonics (five, seven, etc.) Since every switching causes an
power dissipation there raises its temperature and therefore very
energy loss in the output devices, fast switches are needed in order
low-slip operation is essential. Induction motor VFDs in the
to support a high switching frequency without excessive losses in
past have had the greatest diversity of power circuits. Today, for
the output switches. Due to the output capacitor filter, acoustic
induction motor MV drives rated 2300 V and up, there are
noise in the motor is not an issue.
essentially only two main choices:
• The IGBT/IGCT voltage-fed pulse-width modulated drive. In this Current-Fed Versus Voltage Fed Circuits—
type of voltage source inverter both the frequency and amplitude The Two Basic Topologies
are controlled by the output switches alone. A representative circuit
The terms voltage-fed and current-fed refer to the two basic
based on IGBTs is displayed in Figure 31. This shows the
VFD strategies of applying power to the motor. In Europe, these
conceptual design, but as indicated is used for VFDs operating at
are called voltage-impressed and current-impressed, which is a
less than 1000 V. The input converter is a diode bridge so that the
clearer description.
DC link operates at a fixed unregulated voltage. The diode front
In voltage-fed circuits, the output of the inverter is a voltage,
end gives close to unity power factor, independent of load and
usually the DC link voltage. The motor and its load determine the
speed. This type of drive is called pulse-width-modulated because current that flows. The inverter does not care what the current is
the output voltage waveform is synthesized from constant (within limits). Usually, these drives have diode rectifiers on the
amplitude, variable-width pulses at a modest (200 to 1200 Hz) input. The main DC link filter is a capacitor.
frequency so that a sinusoidal output is simulated. The lower In current-fed circuits, the output of the inverter is a current,
(voltage) harmonics (five, seven, 11, 13, 17, 19, etc.) are not usually the DC link current. The motor and its load determine the
present in modern PWM drives. One advantage is smooth torque, voltage. The inverter does not care what the voltage is. Usually
low output harmonic currents, and no cogging (cogging is visible these VFDs have a thyristor converter input stage, and the DC link
jerky rotation at low speed caused by large harmonic currents). element is an inductor.
Although this approach eliminates the phase control requirements Table 4 states a summary comparison of the properties of the
of the thyristor converter, it requires fast output switches. Since two types of VFDs.
every switching event causes an energy loss in the output devices,
fast switches are needed in order to support a high switching
Table 4. Comparison of Current-Fed and Voltage-Fed Drives.
frequency without excessive losses in the output switches.
Occasionally, high-frequency switching may cause objectionable
acoustic noise in the motor, but that has been overcome with
special modulation techniques and higher switching frequencies
(3000 Hz and up). There are IGBT PWM VFDs on the market
today in the range of 1 kW to 1 MW at 460, 600, and 690 VAC
rated input. As with all voltage source inverters fed by diode
rectifiers, regeneration of power to the line is not possible. The
voltage-fed PWM MV drive is available in two subtypes: The
neutral-point clamped circuit, and the series cell multilevel circuit.
The Current-Fed SGCT Inverter Figure 34 illustrates such a circuit, the neutral-point-clamped
inverter. There have been many VFDs of this type applied at 3300
Another medium-voltage bridge inverter circuit is displayed V output with 4.5 kV GTOs, but the circuit has only recently been
in Figure 33. Here the output devices are SGCTs (two or three extended to 4 kV probably due to the improved properties of the
6.5 kV units per leg will be required) that can be turned off (as IGCT. In the newer versions of this drive, the GTOs are replaced
well as on) via the gate. There must be a capacitor filter on the with IGCTs. These devices are similar in construction to a GTO,
output rated about 0.3 PU kVAR. Since the motor appears to be but are turned off quickly (one microsecond) by drawing all the
a voltage source behind the leakage reactance, it is not possible anode current out through the gate, so that the turn off gain is unity.
to commutate the current between motor phases without a This requires a higher current gate driver, but lower average
voltage to change the current in the leakage inductance. When power requirements since the turn-off time is so short. The main
an SGCT turns off, there must still be a path for the current improvement is that the IGCT can operate with a very small or no
trapped in the motor leakage inductance, which is provided by a snubber (resistor-capacitor [RC] electrical circuit suppressing
capacitor bank. The capacitors resonate with the motor leakage electrical voltage transients).
Table of Contents
• Rated motor power is attained at its rated voltage and 7. Is there a requirement for input protection instruments?
frequency. If the load reaches rated motor torque at less than rated Typically, VFDs have built in overcurrent protection on both
speed, then rated power will not be delivered as the motor and VFD line-side and machine-side, as well as undervoltage protection, but
will have reached rated current, before rated voltage is attained. some users may want more functions.
This can be a difficulty with pumping systems where the head is
not exactly known. If the full torque is not attained until somewhat 8. Are there large utility power factor correction capacitors nearby?
above rated frequency, then the VFD and motor can deliver rated
power by operating in the constant power range. • The drive may trip when they are switched on, due to the
disturbance caused by connecting uncharged capacitors to the
2. What is the required tolerance on voltage and frequency? utility supply.
• This especially applies to power systems that are fed by a • For drives with significant input harmonics, the capacitors
generator, and may have more significant fluctuations. may resonate with the source inductance at a harmonic frequency.
This creates large (undesirable) voltages at the harmonic
• Typically, a VFD will be able to provide rated output within frequency, and sometimes requires adding detuning reactors in
the range of 95 percent to 110 percent of nominal input voltage, series with the capacitors.
with a plus or minus 5 percent tolerance on frequency.
• Drive manufacturers always assume that there will be no
• Some VFDs can produce less than rated output at power factor correction capacitors on the motor, as they may
significantly less than rated input voltage. VFD performance needs interfere with the drive operation. PF correction capacitors shall
to be coordinated with the user’s requirements. not be put on the output of a VFD!
Table of Contents
• It is permissible to put surge capacitors on an MV motor • Large VFDs are frequently water-cooled with a deionized
fed by a VFD, but it is not necessary. water loop inside. In that case, there is a water-to-water heat exchanger
to user cooling water, or a water-to-air heat exchanger located outside.
9. Is there a dedicated stepdown transformer feeding the VFD input?
This is called a drive isolation transformer, or DIT. If so, the effect 9. Is the installation in a seismic zone that requires certification? If
of the VFD input harmonics on the transformer must be considered. so which standards apply? Usually, as a minimum, foundation bolts
must be designed to prevent the drive enclosure from toppling over
• If there is a transformer integral to the VFD, or a DIT feeding due to the effect of lateral acceleration forces.
the VFD, one should check to make sure that the user’s utility can
withstand the inrush of the transformer when it is energized.
Saturation inrush events can be as large a 10 to 12 PU current. 10. Are there shock and vibration requirements? Some VFDs are
designed to withstand shock and vibration, but not all.
Environmental and Physical Issues
11. Is this a marine application aboard ship? If so, which standards
1. Is there adequate space for the VFD or is space limited? If so, how?
apply? Some but not all VFDs are designed to marine standards,
Medium-voltage VFDs are big due to the need for clearances inside.
such as ABS and Lloyds.
2. What is the requirement for protection class of the VFD
12. Is there a customer requirement for acoustic noise?
enclosure (e.g., IP22, NEMA 12, etc.)?
• The most common protection classes for VFDs are NEMA 13. What is the customer’s requirement for efficiency?
1/IP22 (finger-proof and drip-proof), and NEMA 12/IP54, which
is finger-proof, drip-proof, and dust-tight. These protection classes • In evaluating efficiency, all the equipment associated with the
VFD installation must be included. This includes power electronics,
are not intended for outdoor applications, but must be placed in an
input transformer, input filters, output filters, and auxiliaries.
indoor electrical room.
• For application requiring an outdoor location of the VFD, a • The difference in efficiency among modern VFDs is very
small compared to the energy savings to be attained by eliminating
special weatherproof enclosure is usually available in which the
valves and dampers as a flow control method.
VFD is located and is equipped with ambient control.
3. What is the user’s requirement for maximum ambient temperature 14. Is the VFD location a hazardous or potentially hazardous
and humidity? area (classified area per NEC)? VFD enclosures are almost never
• The industrial standard for maximum ambient is 104⬚F
(40⬚C) and 95 percent relative humidity, noncondensing. 15. Does the VFD go into a mine, nuclear power plant or other
• Higher ambient temperatures can sometimes be accommodated strictly regulated location? There may be special standards and
by derating the current output of the VFD, if it is directly air-cooled. regulations that apply, which rule out standard VFD designs.
4. What is the altitude of the installation? High altitudes require 16. Is third-party certification required (like UL, CE, or CSA)? In
thermal derating and there is also a concern for the reduced some applications, local codes require such a certification for the VFD.
dielectric strength of the air.
Machine-Side Issues
•A rule of thumb is to derate air-cooled equipment by 1
1. What is the rated motor power, voltage, full-load current,
percent per every 328 ft (100 m) above 3281 ft (1000 m) altitude.
and frequency?
5. Are there corrosive gases present (like hydrogen sulfide, • The VFD has to have a current rating at least as large as the
chlorine, ozone, etc.)? These are common in water-treatment plants, motor full-load amps.
and all electronic equipment can be damaged by concentrations
above a few parts per billion (ppb). • The motor has to be chosen for the required maximum
torque, not power. Motor power is nominally defined at the base
frequency and drops with speed.
6. Is there conductive dust in the environment (e.g., coal dust)?
Conductive dust will encroach on the creep spacing between 2. Is extended speed operation required; what is the maximum
live parts, and it must be kept out of the VFD and any frequency (extended speed is an operating regime above rated
electrical equipment. frequency where the voltage is held constant, but the frequency is
increased)? This is an application issue for the motor, as they are
7. Is the application at a seacoast environment? That location not usually guaranteed to operate satisfactorily above rated speed,
aggravates the humidity and corrosive gas conditions. but they can be designed for such duty.
8. How will the drive losses be dissipated into the local environment? 3. What are the motor parameters? Synchronous, induction, or
Modern VFDs are very efficient, and the larger the VFD, the wound rotor? The VFD manufacturer should be able to obtain the
more efficient. parameters to check for VFD motor compatibility.
• Typical efficiencies for VFDs above 1 MW are above 96
percent including the transformer (efficiency should not be a 4. Is the VFD going to be used with a motor that is smaller or larger
significant factor in choosing among different VFDs). than the VFD power rating? In some drives this creates a component
sizing issue and the VFD manufacturer should be advised.
• Transformer losses must be considered in case of an indoor
installation. Often, VFD manufacturers state efficiency without
5. Is this a retrofit VFD onto an existing motor? Is the VFD
the transformer.
compatible with an existing motor?
• Is there adequate cooling-air or air-conditioning for an • Is the insulation system capable of handling the peak voltages?
air-cooled unit? The building has to be able to absorb the losses
continuously, or draw in fresh air from outside and exhaust heated air. • Is the insulation system capable of handling the dv/dt?
Table of Contents
• Is the insulation system capable of handling common-mode • In general, one should avoid opening contactors to operating
voltage, i.e., voltage on the windings with respect to earth? power electronics so that current interruption transients are minimized.
6. In case of a synchronous motor application 14. Is there a requirement for motor/cable insulation system
monitoring equipment? These systems may not work on VFDs. The
• In a synchronous motor, an excitation source is necessary for partial discharge detection devices may not work either, due to
the motor field. This has to be considered in the design of the VFD.
the high frequency content of the VFD output.
• What kind of excitation is necessary?
• Brush-type, brushless with DC stator exciter (common 15. Is there a requirement for motor protection instruments? Some
on motors for direct-on-line applications), or brushless with AC commercially available motor protection instruments do not work
stator exciter except at 50 or 60 Hz.
• Who is to supply the excitation power supply?
16. Is the motor location a hazardous or potentially hazardous area
• What is the voltage and frequency of the auxiliary power (classified area)?
supply that will feed the exciter power supply?
17. Bearing currents have been an issue in some LV motors and
• Is this an LCI retrofit? In some cases load commutated
drives. The most conservative practice for MV VFD applications is
inverters have become too old to be effectively supported, and may be
replaced with a more modern drive without need to change the motor. to use an insulated bearing on the nondrive end, and apply a shaft
grounding device on the drive end.
7. Is synchronous transfer required (In synchronous transfer, the Load Issues
VFD brings the motor up to the speed corresponding to the utility
frequency, and phase synchronizes the motor voltages to the utility. 1. What is the speed-torque curve of the application? Is it a
Then there is a contactor that closes to connect the motor to the centrifugal load or constant torque, or something else? What is the
utility, after which the VFD contactor opens.)? If so, one needs to normal operating speed range?
make sure that there is a supplier for the switch-gear and the master • This is important for the proper coordination of VFD, motor,
programmable logic controller (PLC) to coordinate the transfer. and load. Motors are frequently self-cooled by means of an internal
fan, and therefore cooling is less efficient at lower operating speeds.
8. What is the customer requirement for torque pulsations, if any?
Some applications are very sensitive to torque pulsations as they • Centrifugal loads, in which the torque is proportional to the
may excite a shaft-train torsional natural frequency. In these cases, square of the speed, almost never require special cooling provisions
a special VFD may be necessary. The VFD manufacturer can in the motor.
describe the frequency and amplitude of torque pulsations for use • Constant torque loads, where the torque is a constant
in a torsional rotordynamic analysis. independent of speed, will need special cooling provisions at
operating speeds less than 1 PU.
9. Is this a single motor or multiple motor application? If different
motors are to be used on a single drive (as in a test stand), the range • The VFD is generally force-cooled by air or water, so it
does not matter what kind of load is applied.
of power and voltage needs to be specified. It can be difficult to
tune a VFD for a wide range of motors.
2. How much starting torque is required?
10. Is there a stepup transformer on the output of the VFD? This • All motors and rotating loads with sleeve bearings have a
presents special difficulties for the VFD and for the transformer. breakaway torque, which is the torque required to overcome the
bearing friction when there is no oil film.
• It is not a recommended configuration.
• What amount of starting torque is required? This is a key • Some applications require very large starting torque, such
as SAG mills and conveyors. In these cases, extra current may be
variable in designing the transformer.
needed from the VFD to get the torque.
11. Is this a long cable (over 3281 ft [1000 m]) application? Does • Starting torque is a complicated issue because the drive
the customer have a requirement for voltage distortion, dv/dt, and controls do not work as well at zero speed. It needs to be considered
peak voltage at the motor? If so, what are the cable parameters that PU torque from the motor cannot be greater than the PU
and length? current supplying it. Of course it is always possible to get less if the
control is incorrectly tuned.
12. Is there a customer requirement for distortion at the motor?
3. Are there overloads applied? What is the peak overload torque, and
• The motor leakage inductance filters the voltage such
the speed at which it is applied? How often does the overload occur?
that significantly less high-frequency current flows into the
motor. Because of this there is more voltage distortion than • There are two kinds of overload ratings in the VFD world:
current distortion. 150 percent for one minute and 110 percent for one minute. The
latter is used for easy to start loads (centrifugal), and the former for
• It is the distortion of the current that is important to the hard to start applications.
motor performance.
• The power electronic devices have to be sized to handle the
13. Is there a requirement for switch-gear between the VFD and the peak value of current, as well as the average power losses.
motor? It is important to assure that it is properly specified and that Therefore, a power electronics apparatus does not have the
it is interlocked with the VFD. overload capacity of an electric machine or transformer.
• An output contactor should close before the VFD run 4. Is there a gearbox in the drive train? The effect of pulsating
request is issued. torque may cause the gears to wear prematurely. In this case,
• An output contactor should not open before the VFD has one needs to be extra careful about torque pulsations and
stopped passing current to the motor. possible resonances.
Table of Contents
5. Is the application a rapid pulsating load, such as a reciprocating 1. Excessive lateral shaft vibrations can cause mechanical seal
compressor? If so, what is the torque versus crank angle curve? failures, damage to journal bearing, touching/rubbing/wear in
This may have an effect on VFD tuning and sizing. annular seals, high bearing housing vibrations (vibration transferred
from shaft to journal bearing), noise, etc.
6. Does this application require regeneration (regeneration is when
the motor acts like a generator and continuously returns electrical 2. In case a fixed speed horizontal pump is converted to VFD
energy to the VFD, taking it from the kinetic energy of the load. operation, the existing fixed-speed lateral analysis may sufficiently
The energy is then returned to the utility source)? If so how much cover the continuous VFD operating speed range. This needs to be
and for how long? carefully assessed on a case-by-case basis.
• Most voltage-source VFDs cannot regenerate energy to 3. Baseplate resonance can cause excessive bearing housing and
the utility.
casing vibration. This could result in fatigue failures of piping,
• Some current-fed VFDs like LCIs can continuously regenerate. bolts, etc., as well as coupling failures.
7. Does this application require dynamic, occasional, or emergency 4. Not all amplitude peaks revealed by impact testing represent
braking? If so, how much and for how long (Dynamic braking is excitable structural modes and the vane-pass excitation levels may
when the motor acts like a generator and continuously returns be low, not resulting in excessive vibration levels (e.g., large B-gap,
electrical energy to the VFD, taking it from the kinetic energy of operation close to BEP, operation at low power levels).
the load. The energy is then dissipated in a resistor, and not
returned to the utility.)? NOMENCLATURE
• Some voltage-source VFDs can be equipped with a A = Area; ampere
dynamic braking package that permits this kind of application. c, c1 = Speed of sound
cu = Circumferential fluid velocity
8. Is this a cyclic load? What are the peak torques and duty cycles? D = Critical damping ratio (--)
DA, DB = Pipe diameter
• Make sure that the rms current rating of the motor and VFD Da = Annular seal diameter
are not exceeded. D3 = Volute lip diameter
D2 = Impeller outer diameter
9. Does the customer require a special factory test regime, or a dv/dt = Rate of rise of applied voltage
back-to-back test? These tests are time-consuming and expensive. di/dt = Rate of rise of applied current
CONCLUSIONS E = Young’s modulus of elasticity
F = Unbalance force ([lbf] or [N])
The application of VFDs in pumping applications provides the user f = Frequency (Hz)
with a number of benefits. However, large continuous VFD operating G = ISO balance quality grade (mm/sec)
speed ranges greatly increase the risk of encountering resonance K = Balance constant
conditions of some kind. While centrifugal pump operating problems Kxx = Stiffness
and failures can be caused by a variety of sources, only Resonance KS = Adiabatic (isentropic) bulk modulus
problems are directly related to VFD operation. The four resonance M, m = Mass (kg)
categories of concern are associated with lateral rotordynamics, N = Rotor speed (rpm)
torsional rotordynamics, structural dynamics, and acoustic resonance. n = Integer (--)
Each of these categories has its own recommended analyses and ∆P = Pressure differential ([psi] or [Pa])
checks (to identify resonances), detuning methods, and risks if ∆P* = Dimensionless pressure differential (--)
not acted upon. Operation at lowly damped resonance conditions q* = Normalized flow (--)
can result in excessive mechanical vibration and related failures. R = Radius
Table 6 summarizes the main phenomena, analysis methods and s = Slip
recommended corrective action in case of resonance. The preceding rms = Root mean square
text should be consulted for more detailed and complete information. t = Wall thickness; time (sec)
The appropriate set of analyses and checks can reliably replace a U = Unbalance ([oz in] or [kg m])
factory string-test aimed at identifying resonance conditions/ensuring Uxx = Displacement
acceptable vibration performance. u2 = Fluid velocity at impeller outlet ([ft/sec] or [m/sec])
V = Volt
Table 6. Summary of Resonance Issues, Analyses, and Corrective Action. W = Mass (lbm)
Z = Acoustic impedance
z2 = Impeller vane count (--)
Q = Flow rate ([gpm] or [m3/sec])
␣x = Eigenvalue real-part
λ = Eigenvalue (–); wavelength ([m] or [in])
= Density ([lb/ft3] or ([kg/m3])
= Phase (rad)
= Angular speed of rotation (rad/sec)
R = Rotor angular velocity (rad/sec)
S = Stator flux angular velocity (rad/sec)
x = Angular natural frequency (rad/sec)
List of Acronyms
AC = Alternating current
DC = Direct current
DIT = Drive isolation transformer
Table of Contents
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Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Pumps Inc. and Siemens Energy & Automation Inc. for permission
pp. 23-28. to publish this paper.