Britannia P&I Risk-Watch 2017 - 04 PDF
Britannia P&I Risk-Watch 2017 - 04 PDF
Britannia P&I Risk-Watch 2017 - 04 PDF
April 2017
and seamanship
1 Charts: the importance of keeping
charts up to date
2 Port of Chittagong: risk of collisions
3 Piracy update
In recent years, the port of Chittagong has Approaches to the anchorages: Members should remind masters:
developed into a very busy port, currently From Kutubdia to Alpha anchorage is • To manoeuvre with great care while
handling more than 220 ships per month. approximately 4 hours steaming. Most embarking/disembarking pilots
Inevitably, vessel traffic at the anchorages has incidents occur when ships are navigating • That the usual dragging line is 160 deg (T)
also increased. from Charlie to the busier Alpha and Bravo and 340 deg (T) and therefore not to attempt
anchorages. Ships with limited under keel to cross the bow of adjacent ships in close
Anchorages: clearance are more prone to lateral drifting, proximity or underway to avoid possible
The Port of Chittagong is situated in the lower with increased risk of losing steering control collision/contact
estuarial section of the Karnaphuli River, which when performing manoeuvres in close • To anchor at a safe distance from other
meets the Bay of Bengal near its north eastern proximity to other ships. ships bearing in mind the swinging circle
corner. Chittagong is a tidal port. The tides in of anchored ships at the change of the tide
the Bay of Bengal are semi-diurnal and the Weather and sea conditions • If possible, to approach the anchorage
tidal range is between 1.5 and 6 metres. The weather in Bangladesh is governed by during slack water when the tide is almost
the monsoon. The wind direction is from neutral
On arrival, deep draft ships (those with drafts south to south east during the months of • To avoid anchoring near the river entrance
in excess of 10 metres) usually drop anchor at April to September. Winds then turn to a • To use a sufficient length of cable when
Kutubdia open sea anchorage, south of north and north easterly direction from anchoring
Chittagong outer anchorage, and discharge November to January and to a westerly • To take extra care if the ship’s under keel
part of their cargo before shifting to the outer direction during February and March. In May, clearance is less than 2 metres because of
anchorage. Pilotage from Kutubdia to the October and November cyclones often occur the strong underwater current
outer anchorage is not compulsory but the with wind velocity in excess of 30 knots. • To have the main engine ready for
appointment of a pilot is recommended. immediate use in case of dragging anchor,
Conditions at the anchorages especially during spring tides
The Chittagong outer anchorage area is • Tidal streams during spring tides are very • To maintain strict anchor watch and, if
divided into three sections as follows: strong, between 6 and 8 knots and the ebb required, the anchor should be heaved up
tide is stronger than the flood tide. Heavy and dropped into a new location
rainfall may cause the flood tide to increase. • To monitor the weather closely so as to
• The height of tide between low water and enable a prompt response to any sudden
high water usually varies from 0.4 to 1.5 change
metres (low) and 2.4 to 4.6 metres (high) • To cast off lighter ships alongside if dragging
during the year. of the anchor is suspected
• During high winds and long swells, • To avoid heaving up the anchor during
conditions can be even more difficult low tides, especially if the ship's draft is over
Bravo particularly during the southwest monsoon. 10 metres or the under keel clearance is less
• Due to the strong underwater current, there than 10% of her length overall.
is a significant risk of anchor dragging for
relatively deep water draft ships (drafts in
Charlie excess of 10 metres) but this risk decreases Summary
for ships with drafts of less than 10 metres. Members are recommended to pay special
• The sea bed at Alpha and Bravo anchorages attention to the prevailing conditions and
is soft mud with holding ground described circumstances in order to assess the risk of
as ‘moderate’. collision and dragging of anchor at
Alpha: for ships with a draft of more than Chittagong. The navigating officers should
10 meters. Lightering operations remain vigilant and, if there is any sign of
Lightering of cargo at Chittagong outer dragging, they should have the engines
Bravo: for ships scheduled to enter the anchorage becomes more challenging with made ready for immediate use, any
Karnaphuli river within 24 hours. the onset of the south west monsoon during lightering ships should be cast off and the
the period from May to October. Rough seas officers should be prepared to heave the
Charlie: for lightering ships and others not and bad weather are common during the anchor up promptly.
scheduled to enter the port within 24 hours. monsoon and the weather conditions often
Lightering is necessary to ensure that ships deteriorate rapidly. Lightering ships made fast
comply with the port’s maximum draft, which alongside a mother ship usually experience
ranges between 8.50 and 9.50 metres. heavy rolling and pitching which may cause
hard scraping, bending and indentations to
the mother ship.
Piracy update
In January 2017 the International Maritime Bureau (IMB), a specialised division of the International Chamber
of Commerce (ICC), published its 2016 annual report on Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships.
From January to December 2016 the IMB In Guinea, three ships were boarded by In the Philippines, there have been 10 attacks
recorded 191 actual or attempted attacks on armed pirates while at anchor off Conakry. with the most violent attacks occurring on
ships worldwide, a reduction from 246 the In each case the pirates stole cash and ships underway. Crew have been taken
previous year and the lowest annual figure personal belongings and also harmed or hostage and kidnapped, with pirates
since 1998. However, the number of crew threatened the crew. targeting both personal property and cargo.
kidnappings was the highest in ten years.
A total of 151 crew members were taken In Nigeria, 17 ships were boarded and one In Indonesia, there were 49 attacks reported
hostage and 62 kidnapped from their ships. hijacked. Of these, 14 ships were attacked and of these, 45 ships were boarded, one ship
while underway and four ships were berthed. was hijacked and three attacks failed. Most
Somalia/Gulf of Aden Attacks while underway typically involve attacks occurred while at anchor and
There were two new attacks recorded by armed pirates approaching ships between involved the theft of ship stores. Typically the
the IMB, neither of which were successful. 30 and 110 nm off the coast of Nigeria. attackers escaped once the alarm was raised.
A typical incident involves high speed skiffs Nevertheless in one example armed pirates
carrying armed pirates which target ships In Benin, a refrigerated cargo ship was boarded a product tanker 26 nm from the
near the pirates’ base close to the coast of hijacked by armed pirates while anchored in coast and took the crew hostage.
Somalia or which come from mother ships in Cotonou Outer Anchorage. The Nigerian Navy
the Gulf of Aden. The pirates will attempt to dispatched two warships to locate and In Malaysia, there have been several attacks
board the ship, bring it to a stop and capture intercept the ship. As the warship approached by heavily armed pirates. The attackers often
the crew, even when the ships are high sided the cargo ship, 15 pirates escaped with three approach ships in small boats and take the
and moving at high speed. kidnapped crew members. crew hostage before targeting equipment,
personal property and cargo.
While the presence of naval ships in the region In Ivory Coast, a product tanker was hijacked
and the adoption of Best Management Practice by 18 armed pirates approximately 77 nm While the number of attacks recorded by the
4 (BMP4) have contributed to a significant from Abidjan and the crew were taken IMB has fallen in 2016, piracy still represents
reduction in pirate activity, Somali pirates hostage. The pirates repainted the tanker’s a significant threat to merchant shipping.
remain capable of launching further attacks. name and provided false information to the It is important that shipowners and crew
The IMB believes that a single successful Togo Navy. After the true identity of the ship members are aware of the risk of piracy,
hijacking will result in more attacks by pirates. was established, a Nigerian warship remain vigilant in areas where piracy is
Shipowners and masters are therefore urged intercepted her and after an exchange of reported and continue to take action to
to remain vigilant and avoid complacency. gun fire, recovered the ship and crew. minimise these dangers in accordance
with BMP4.
Guinea/Nigeria/Benin/Ivory Coast Indonesia/Malaysia/Philippines
There has been a reduction in the number of In the Sulu Sea, South West of the Philippines, Members are referred to the Piracy focus
reported attacks in Guinea, Benin and Ivory armed pirates linked with a militant group, page on the Britannia website:
Coast, while attacks in Nigeria have increased Abu Sayyaf, have attacked several ships using
from 14 in 2015, to 36 in 2016. Attacks are high speed boats in order to kidnap the crew
often connected with the movement of oil, and hold them for ransom. These attacks
particularly bunkering and STS operations represent a change in tactics, which
within territorial waters. previously focused on slow moving targets
such as tugs and barges, and now represents
a threat to all merchant shipping.
4 Britannia RISK WATCH Volume 24: Number 2: April 2017
There are three types of cockroach Prevention The Code provides some useful guidance on
commonly found as domestic pests; Other pests, such as the destructive Asian how to prevent pests such as cockroaches
German, Oriental and American. Of these, Gypsy Moth, have been targeted by carrying coming on board and then how to deal with
the German cockroach is the type most out inspections in high risk areas during the them if they get on board. CTU doors must be
commonly found on board ships. This is flight season and these measures can prove kept closed and the seals should be kept
due to a number of factors: successful in preventing the pests getting on intact. There is guidance on the use of sticky
board. However, these are specific measures traps, light traps, chemical and biological
• They are present on all continents and all for specific pests which originate in specific controls as well as advice on using pesticides
major islands geographic locations. Their aim is to prevent in various formulations such as dusts, granular
• They have a faster reproductive cycle than the pests from being carried to another formations, microcapsules, wettable powder
the other species location. and in suspension applications. The Code
• They produce a large number of off-spring explains where fumigation should be used to
• They have adapted and developed Cockroaches are a very different type of pest suffocate or poison the pests and how this
immunity to a number of chemical as they are present in all continents. Given the should be done safely. The full text of the
pesticides. number of container movements and the Code is available on the IMO website:
variety of cargoes that are carried they can
The German cockroach is smaller than the only be contained through the use of a
other species (around 1.6 cm) and prefers to variety of preventative strategies described
hide in confined spaces, which means it can below.
be difficult to detect. The cockroach is light
tan in colour and has two easily identifiable Before loading cargo
stripes behind the head. Cockroaches can come on board a ship in
many ways. They can arrive in the cardboard
Identification on board packing of ship’s stores and with personal
Frequent inspections and early identification items carried by the crew – all of which can
of sites of infestation may eliminate breeding easily be inspected before they come on
sources. German cockroaches normally feed board. However, inspecting cargo is a different
at night, therefore seeing them during the and more complex matter.
day is usually a sign that there is a large
number of them on board. The presence of For containerised cargo, the IMO/ILO/UNECE
immature and adult cockroaches together Code (Code) for the Packing of Cargo
indicates that the cockroaches are well- Transport Units (CTU) does contain some
established on board. Cockroaches like warm, practical advice in Annex 6, although it must
confined spaces such as: steam lines, cable be remembered that the Code is mainly
bundles, behind false bulkheads, lagging and written for shore side movement of cargo. It
torn pipe insulation, ovens and oven hoods should also be noted that the Code is not
and the housing of motors such as reefer mandatory unless made so by a national
motors. body and is not intended to conflict with any
national legislation.
Gas carriers: make sure that the crew have appropriate training
With recent design and technology advances, a new generation of gas carrier is being built that is capable of
carrying segregated cargoes of gases which may each require different cooling specifications.
Training in these cargo handling systems is freed all cargo tanks to breathable air for The investigation identified two distinct
essential to ensure that crews, even very visual inspection, purged all the cargo tanks points where the physical segregation was
competent ones, are fully familiar with their and the cargo system with nitrogen and then not complete, with one point identified by
operation and procedures for maintaining gassed up and cooled with the ethylene the ship and the other only discovered by a
full segregation and avoiding cross heel from the deck tank. At this point, the ship professional investigation team.
contamination of cargo, including the had made common the refrigeration and
cargo heels. compressor systems across all tanks. A full During the investigation the Member
cargo of ethylene was then loaded for the identified various problems and issues on
A recent case handled by the Club involved third voyage. board which, although not exclusively the
various parcels of cargo carried over three root cause of this loss, can be shared to
voyages. The first voyage was a full cargo of Samples taken immediately prior to discharge provide guidance to others:
ethylene, which was loaded and discharged of this ethylene cargo showed it to be
without incident. The second voyage was an contaminated with hydrocarbons and further 1) There was no fixed procedure for
LPG mix of butane and propane which were testing and investigation confirmed that the operations such as changing grades
carried separately and were also loaded and contaminants were butane and propane in of cargo.
discharged without incident. A heel of the same proportions as the mix of cargo
ethylene, taken from the first cargo, had from the second voyage. This contamination 2) There were also no valve checklists
been retained in a deck tank for the purposes was also confirmed to exist in the deck tank. available on board explaining what valves,
of gassing up and cooling the tanks prior spool pieces, blanks and spectacle blinds
to loading a cargo of ethylene for the Two possible causes of contamination were should be in place for various operations,
third voyage. suggested: especially when loading or operating with
• Either the LPG had not been properly segregated cargoes.
On the second voyage, the LPG cargo was purged from the system during the change of
loaded into tanks which already contained grade process; or 3) None of the valves in the cargo systems
ethylene vapour as the voyage orders • The coolant parcel in the deck tank was were numbered or labelled, which made
contemplated that the tanks would not contaminated with LPG during the time it was identifications and checking individual
require further conditioning for this LPG carried on board. valves more complicated. (The ship had
cargo. However, the ethylene heel in the deck actually been delivered from the yard with
tank had to be segregated. Several simulations were planned and then no identification name plates on any of the
carried out on board. The conclusion was that cargo system valves).
The LPG cargoes had to be mixed on board there had been insufficient segregation
prior to discharge. During the voyage to the between the compressor and refrigeration Summary
discharge port for this LPG voyage, the port systems used for the deck tank and the There must be a thorough risk
and starboard cargo and refrigeration systems used for the LPG cargo. Analysis of assessment when different grades and
compressors were segregated from each system data identified crossover readings on types of cargo are carried. All crew
other. The starboard system was set to run to the condensate return lines between the two should receive the necessary training
cool and reduce pressure in the deck tank systems which were supposed to be and must be familiar with the ship’s
and the port cargo compressor system was physically segregated. This indicated that the systems, especially if the ship is a new
used to condition the cargo of LPG. two systems were not completely segregated design. Even if the crew are experienced
as they should have been, although the in the trade, they may not be familiar
After discharge of the LPG cargo, and on responsible officers had believed that the with the individual ship’s cargo
passage to the third load port, the ship gas- system was sufficiently segregated by design. carrying system.
6 Britannia RISK WATCH Volume 24: Number 2: April 2017
Regulatory update
Personal injury
An oiler and an engine cadet were holding According to the master’s analysis, the root
the plates against the railings in the engine cause was a failure to comply with the safe
room, while another oiler (positioned in the practices on board which included the
middle) was trying to secure the plates to the following issues:
railings using a piece of rope. The ship rolled
unexpectedly due to the large swell and the • Crew negligence
plates moved. They fell on top of the oiler, • Lack of concentration
partially crushing him as he tried to escape. • Lack of materials and resources
The oiler was extremely fortunate that the • Lack of procedure and control
other crew members were there to help • Failure to follow procedures and instructions
remove the plates but he did suffer very • Lack of knowledge and experience
serious leg, arm and internal injuries. • Improper lifting, handling and storage
• Improper position for task
The ship was diverted so that the oiler could
receive emergency medical treatment. He In order to prevent such incidents in
spent six weeks in hospital before his future the following actions are
condition stabilised sufficiently to allow his recommended:
repatriation home to continue his medical
treatment. • The risk assessment should be fit for
purpose and should be clear to everyone
A risk assessment and tool box talk was involved
carried out but were found not to have been • During a tool box talk the risks and
done properly. During the risk assessment actions must be discussed thoroughly
process, the risk of personal injury was with the people involved
identified as highly likely. Therefore the task • The crew should be encouraged to
should not have been carried out without challenge and contribute during risk
proper consideration of the lifting assessment and tool box talks
arrangements. In this case the lifting should • Whenever possible the correct lifting
have been carried out using chain blocks or equipment (such as chain blocks and
other specialised equipment, not just with a cranes) should be used
piece of rope. Also, the lifting arrangements • The crew must be encouraged to use the
should have been checked by a responsible ‘stop and think’ approach if things do not
officer which did not happen in this case. go according to plan
The tool box talk was a tick box exercise only; • If the procedures are not effective they
the risks were not discussed and the job should be reviewed and changed
was not adequately supervised as per the • Lesson learned should be shared with
work plan. the fleet
8 Britannia RISK WATCH Tindall Riley (Britannia) Limited RISK WATCH is published by The Britannia Steam Ship
Regis House Insurance Association Limited, and can be found at
45 King William Street
London EC4R 9AN
The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association
Tel +44 (0)20 7407 3588 Limited is happy for any of the material in Risk Watch
Fax +44 (0)20 7403 3942 to be reproduced but would ask that written permission is obtained in advance from the Editor.
Loss prevention
In the scenario shown in the poster, we can AIS relies on a ship to transmit the ECDIS screen or not, may be one of those
see that the ship is in an area of high traffic appropriate signal and therefore the ship means but should not be the only means.
density. The master has just arrived on the keeping look-out has no control over the The ARPA radar will provide course and speed
bridge and is asking the officer of the watch accuracy of the information received. For this and closest point of approach of the target
(OOW) what the container ship is doing. The reason, the COLREGs do not specifically ship, based on a series of ranges and bearings,
flustered junior OOW has not actually seen recognise AIS as an aid to collision avoidance. and is more reliable than the AIS feed which
the ship, even though it is clearly visible. The Information obtained from AIS does not may be incorrect.
container ship is not transmitting AIS and become more reliable or accurate merely
therefore is not being displayed on the ECDIS. because it is displayed on an ECDIS screen. The Club’s loss prevention team believe
Rule 7(c) states that assumptions shall not be that many navigational errors and
The radar, which is clearly not being made on the basis of ‘scanty information’. resulting incidents stem from over-reliance
monitored, shows the target quite clearly. on the data as presented on the ECDIS
If the ECDIS had a radar overlay installed, Rule 5 requires ships to use all available screen and a simple visual observation is
then the ship would show up on the screen means to make a full appraisal of the often forgotten.
but without any AIS data. situation. AIS, whether displayed on an
Editor’s message We are always looking for ways to maintain and increase the usefulness, relevance and general interest of the articles
within Risk Watch. Please forward any comments to: [email protected]