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ARGUS Software: ARGUS Developer Calculations Manual

The contents of this document are considered proprietary by ARGUS Software, the information
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Copyright © 2008 ARGUS Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

ARGUS Software™ is a trademark of ARGUS Software. All other trademarks and registered
trademarks are property of their respective companies and should be treated as such.

ARGUS Developer was formerly known as CircleDeveloper.

ARGUS Development Budget was formerly known as CircleBudget.

This manual has been prepared for use by ARGUS Software personnel, licensees and customers.
ARGUS Software reserves the right to make changes without notice at any time to this document, and
shall not be held legally responsible for any typographical, arithmetic and listing errors.

Build date: 10 July 2008 12:00 pm USA/CAN

Version: 4.05 Doc. Version: 1.0 Rev. Date: 10/7/08 ARGUS Developer Calculations Manual

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Valuation Rent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Rent Escalation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
% Rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hotel Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Capitalization Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Gross Development Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Purchaser’s Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Net Realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 2
Land Transfer Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Cumulative Bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Non-Cumulative Bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chapter 3
Cash Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Inflation and Rent Escalation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chapter 4
Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Basic Finance (Interest Sets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Interest Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Breakdown of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Structured Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Mortgage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chapter 5
Performance Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Profit on Cost%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Profit on GDV%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Development Yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Cost per gross sq ft/sq m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cost per net sq ft/sq m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Plot Ratio (Floor Area Ratio) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cap Rent per net sq ft/sq m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual


Return on Equity (ROE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Pre Finance IRR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Equity IRR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Chapter 6
Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
S Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Weighted Curve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Chapter 7
Contact details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 1: Valuation 1


Valuation is the process of calculating the worth of an asset.

The value of a property investment generally relates to the income-generating capability of the
property or completed development, i.e. its value to the investor is based on the annual rental
income from tenants of the property.

The capital value of an investment property is calculated by capitalizing the net rental income
stream from the property.
The yield, used to capitalize the rental income, reflects the return required by investors in the open
market for a type of investment. In simple terms, the yield is the income from an investment
expressed as a proportion of the investment’s Capital Value, or Capitalized Rent (CR).

Net rental income

Yield (%) = ------------------------------------------- × 100
Capital value

From this simple formula we can calculate the capital value of a property when the rent and yield
are known.
An example valuation is displayed in the Project Proforma screen of ARGUS Developer as

For more complex valuations in which you may wish to take account of, for example, future
changes in income, the formula may be expanded.

Valuation Rent
To value a property investment, any non-recoverable costs must be deducted from the gross annual
rent to calculate the actual net rental income receivable by the investor, or the Net Operating
Income. Such costs might include non-recoverable outgoings such as vacancy costs and non-
recoverable service charge or insurance. The net rent is then capitalized to calculate the value of the

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

2 Chapter 1: Valuation

In ARGUS Developer, the net operating income is identified as the Valuation Rent, displayed in
Capitalized Rent as follows:

The Valuation Rent, or net rent, in this example is therefore $449,000 per annum.
Valuation Rent = 500000 - 51000 = 449000

Rent Escalation
If rent escalation is applied from the project start date, then the initial Valuation Rent will include
escalation at the specified rate for the period from the project start date. Fixed deductions are not
The formula to calculate rent escalation is as follows:
 -----
 i 12 

R ×   1 + --------- 
 100 
 
R = Current annual rent, to be inflated
i = Annual rate of escalation, as a percentage
n = Escalation period in months

The valuation rent is then calculated as follows:

Valuation Rent = (Annual Gross Rent x Rent Escalation) - (Total Non Recov Costs)
where Total Non Recov. Costs (when specified as a % rent) are calculated on the escalated rent.
Example: A freehold property let at a gross rent of $500,000 pa. There are non-recoverable
outgoings of $1,000 pa and 10% rent passing.
Assuming that the building is let and sold 24 months after the project start date and that escalation
of 3% per annum is applied from the project start date, the screenshot below displays the resultant
Valuation Rent.
The inflated Annual Gross Rent is the rent at which the building is assumed to let, taking into
account escalation (in this example at 3% pa) from the project start date to the letting date. It is

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 1: Valuation 3

important to note that deductions are calculated on the inflated Annual Gross Rent, so that the
calculation of the Valuation Rent in the above example is as follows:
 ------
 3 12
Inflated Annual Gross Rent = 500000 ×  1 + --------
-  = 530450
 100 
 
Deductions from the inflated annual gross rent are then calculated as follows:

Total Non Recov Cost = ( 10% × 530450 ) + 1000 = 54045

Valuation Rent = 530450-54045 = 476405

Rounding to the nearest whole number gives a Valuation Rent of $476,405 per annum.

% Rents
Percentage, or %, rents are calculated based on Sales Volume or turnover.
Details of the anticipated Sales Volume per annum must be entered. A multiplier is then applied to
the Sales Volume to calculate the Turnover (or %) Rent.
The Sales Volume may be defined as a fixed annual amount throughout the cash flow. Alternatively
the user can apply escalation to the Sales Volume by applying a Rent Escalation Set, and specify
whether the Sales Volume grows during the income period or for the whole cash flow period.
There are three “Breakpoint Type” options available for the calculation of % rents:
• zero breakpoint
• natural breakpoint
• arbitrary breakpoint

Zero Breakpoint
When zero breakpoint is selected, the % Turnover multiplier is applied to the entire Sales Volume
p.a. to calculate the rent payable. The rent payable will therefore rise and fall depending on
% rent pa = Sale Volume pa × % Turnover

Example: Assuming an Annual Sales Volume of $1,000,000 and % Turnover set at 7%, the % rent
is calculated as follows:
% rent pa = 1000000 × 0.07 = 70000

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

4 Chapter 1: Valuation

Natural Breakpoint
This is used when the total rent payable comprises a core, or base, rent together with an additional
% rent. In this case the rent payable will never fall below the base rent. For example, a lease may
guarantee the landlord a percentage of total sales subject to a minimum core rent.
In order to calculate the “Natural Breakpoint” the core rent is calculated as an equivalent value in
terms of Sales Volume, by dividing the rent by the % Turnover. This equivalent value is the Natural

Base Rent
Natural Breakpoint = ----------------------------
% Turnover
Only Sales Volume in excess of this Natural Breakpoint is used for the calculation of % Rent. So
the % Rent is calculated as follows:

% Rent pa = ( Sales Volume - Natural Breakpoint ) × % Turnover

The total rent payable is then calculated:

Total rent payable pa = Base Rent + % Rent

Example: Assuming Sales Volume pa of $1,000,000, Base rent of $10,000 pa and % Turnover of
8%, the calculation is:

Natural Breakpoint = --------------- = 125000

% Rent pa = ( 1000000 - 125000 ) × 0.08 = 70000

Total rent payable pa = 10000 + 70000 = 80000

Arbitrary Breakpoint
The Arbitrary Breakpoint may be entered as an amount per month per unit area (in sq ft or sq m) or
as a total annual amount. Only Sales Volume in excess of the Arbitrary Breakpoint is used to
calculate the Percentage Rent. So:

% Rent pa = ( Sales Volume - Arbitrary Breakpoint ) × % Turnover

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Chapter 1: Valuation 5

Example: Assuming a Sales Volume pa of $1,000,000, Rent $100,000 pa, Arbitrary Breakpoint set
at $200,000 and % Turnover of 8%, the rent payable is calculated as follows:

% Rent pa = ( 1000000 - 200000 ) × 0.08 = 64000

Total rent payable pa = 100000 + 64000 = 164000
Upon sale of a leased unit, any Percentage Rent is annualized and capitalized as an addition to the
capital value of the unit.

Hotel Valuation
In ARGUS Developer hotels may be valued by selecting the Use Type “Hotel” in the Capitalized
Rent form.
Typically hotel valuation is based on room and occupancy rates, rather than floor area. Occupancy
rates may vary throughout the year, with varying room rates applied, and the valuation should
reflect this. A typical hotel valuation cannot, therefore, be undertaken using the straightforward
“Area * Rent Rate * Yield” model as for other types of valuation. Hotel valuation requires several
steps to be completed before capitalization can take place.
To establish the rental value of a hotel, occupancy profiles must be defined for different room
types within the hotel, specifying the average occupancy rate (as a percentage) for each month of
the year. These occupancy rates are then multiplied by the room rate to calculate the total annual
rental value for each room type. This is then multiplied by the total number of rooms to give a total
MRV (Market Rental Value) for the hotel.
The formula is as follows:
MRV pa = [ Daily room rate × Occupancy rate × No. days ] × Total no. rooms
The total MRV for the hotel is then capitalized in the usual way (see “Valuation” on page 1).
Example: To use a simple example for illustrative purposes: a hotel with 15 double rooms, all of
which are available at a room rate of $50 per night. Assuming average occupancy throughout the
year of 80%, the MRV may be calculated as follows:
MRV pa per room = Room Rate × Occupancy Rate × No. days
MRV pa per room = 50 × 0.8 × 365 = 14600
Therefore, the hotel gross rent is calculated:
Total MRV pa = MRV pa per room × Total no. rooms
Total MRV pa = 14600 × 15 = 219000
This total gross rent per annum of $219,000 is then capitalized to produce a capital value for the
hotel (see “Valuation” on page 1).

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6 Chapter 1: Valuation

The above example would be entered in the Capitalized Rent form in ARGUS Developer as

Occupancy Profiles
More complex occupancy profiles can be created, specifying different average occupancy rates for
each month of the year.

The annual gross rent, or MRV, is calculated by multiplying each month’s occupancy rate by the
number of days in that month and totalling these for the whole year. The room rate is multiplied by
the resultant figure.

This can be represented as follows:

MRV pa per room = Room rate × [ ( OR 1 × D 1 ) + ( OR 2 × D 2 ) + ( ... ) + ( OR 12 × D 12 ) ]

OR1 = Occupancy rate in month 1
D1 = Number of days in month 1

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 1: Valuation 7

Capitalization Method
A valuation is undertaken for each tenant/unit in the Capitalized Rent form in Argus Developer,
provided a cap rate is entered.
There are three capitalization options available for the valuation. These methods can be selected
from the Capitalization Method drop-down in the Receipts tab of the Assumptions for Calculation
The options are:
• Hardcore;
• Capitalize Sale Date NOI;
• Capitalize 12 month NOI. See “Capitalize 12 month NOI” on page 9.
These methods of calculation are outlined below.

Capitalize Sale Date NOI

The Capitalize Sale Date NOI valuation method capitalizes the net rent at the sale date into
perpetuity, as outlined in the Valuation section at the start of this chapter. The basic formula is:
CR = NI v Years Purchase into perpetuity
CR = NI X 1/i
CR = Gross capital value, or capitalized rent.
NI = Net current rent per annum (net of any deductions and ground rent) i.e. Net Rent.
I = Capitalization rate.
Please note that if the rent is zero at the sale date (for example, if there is a rent free period in
effect), then zero rent will be capitalized.

Hardcore Method
When the Hardcore method of valuation is used, ARGUS Developer takes the Net rent at the sale
date and the market rental value (MRV) at that date, if different, and applies the appropriate
capitalization yield to calculate the capital value.
The Hardcore method values rental income in layers. The “core” net rental income is valued into
perpetuity at the yield or “hardcore rate”, as outlined in the Valuation section above.
If the property is reversionary, i.e. the market rental value is higher than the current rent, then the
future uplift in income or “reversion” is also capitalized. This future increase in rental income is
valued at the same yield and discounted to a present value.
This can be illustrated as follows:



The basic formula for valuation by the hardcore method is as follows:

CR = [ NI × Years Purchase into perpetuity ] + [ ( NR-NI ) × Years Purchase into perp. × Present Value ]

1 1 -n
CR = NI × --- + ( N R-NI ) × --- × ( 1 + i )
i i

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8 Chapter 1: Valuation

CR = Gross capital value, or Capitalized Rent
NI = Net current rent per annum (net of any deductions and ground rent) i.e. Valuation Rent
NR = Net open market rental value (MRV) per annum (net of any deductions and ground rent)
i = Hardcore rate (yield)
n = Number of years from the valuation date to the reversion to market rent
Details of rents and yields are entered in ARGUS Developer in the Capitalized Rent form. Years
Purchase and Present Value multipliers may be sourced from valuation tables.
Example: For a freehold property let at a net rent of $100,000 per annum, with a reversion to
market rental value (MRV) of $115,000 per annum at the next rent review in four years’ time, and
adopting a hardcore rate (yield) of 8.00% (annually in arrears), the valuation is calculated as

1 1 -4
CR = 100000 × ---------- + 15000 × ---------- × ( 1 + 0.08 )
0.08 0.08

CR = 1250000 + 137818 = 1387818

So the gross capital value of the property is $1,387,818.
This example valuation is displayed in the Project Proforma screen of ARGUS Developer as

Vacancies and Rent Free Periods

You may specify vacancy and rent free periods in the Capitalized Rent form in ARGUS Developer.
Rent free periods may be applied at the start of the lease and on a renewal lease. A vacancy
period may be entered on lease expiry (or break) prior to reletting. In these cases, the valuation
should reflect the lack of rental income during these periods.
The following formula is used to value rental income, allowing for a vacancy and/or rent free
period on lease expiry/break, followed by a reversion to market rent, using the hardcore method of

CR = [ NI × YP into perp ]- [ NI × YP d × Present Value ] + [ ( NR-NI ) × YP into perp. × Present Value ]

1 1- ( 1 + i ) -n 1 -( n + d )
CR = NI × --- - NI × --------------------------- × ( 1 + i ) + ( N R-NI ) × --- × ( 1 + i )
i i i

CR = Gross capital value, or Capitalized Rent
NI = Net current rent per annum (net of any deductions and ground rent) i.e. Valuation Rent
NR = Net open market rental value (MRV) per annum (net of any deductions and ground rent)

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Chapter 1: Valuation 9

YPd = YP (single rate) for d years

i = Hardcore rate (yield)
n = Number of years from the valuation date to the start of the vacancy or rent free period
d = Total duration of the vacancy and/or rent free period in years
Example: Assuming a property let at $100,000 pa on a lease expiring in four years’ time. On lease
expiry it is estimated that there will be a 6 month vacancy, before the property is relet at the market
rent of $115,000 per annum with an initial 3 month rent free period. There will, therefore, be a total
period of 9 months during which the property will be non income-producing. Adopting a yield of
8%, the valuation is as follows:

1 1- ( 1 + 0.08 ) -4 1 -4.75
CR = 100000 × ---------- - 100000 × ------------------------------------------- × ( 1 + 0.08 ) + 15000 × ---------- × ( 1 + 0.08 )
0.08 0.08 0.08


CR = 1250000-51532 + 130088 = 1328557

The gross capital value of the property is therefore $1,328,557.
This example valuation is displayed in the Project Proforma screen of ARGUS Developer as

Capitalize 12 month NOI

The “Capitalize 12 month NOI” option uses the following calculation methodology:
1. Base Rental Income - includes the following:
• Base Rent from current term at the time of sale and continuing as per the actual term of the
lease (such as escalations or steps if any).
• If the current term ends during the 12 month period, market rental value during any vacant and/
or free rent periods.
• Renewal rent for any subsequent term(s) that fall within the 12 month period.
All of these are subject to any vacancy percentage or fixed amount that was applied at the point of
sale (in other words, under the Capitalization section of the Area form). The aggregate of these is
the basis of capitalization for the base income component. No further adjustment is made where
there is rental loss due to vacancy or free rent.
2. % Rent - if there is any percentage rent calculated, it would only apply for the remainder of the
term in effect at the time of sale (maximum of 12 months), plus any renewal (only where there

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

10 Chapter 1: Valuation

is no vacancy or free rent between terms) that falls within the 12 month period. No adjustment
would be made for “market” percentage rent or any renewals where there has been a vacancy or
free period.
3. Rent Additions and Costs - only those that are capitalized are included. Rent Additions and
Costs are calculated during periods of free rent, so only the treatment of Rent Additions and
Costs during vacancy need to be considered. Since Base Rent is being calculated during periods
of Vacancy, Rent Additions and Costs are included also to simulate having a lease in place.
Therefore, Rent Additions and Costs are included during the entire 12 month period, with no
need to do separate calculations for each base term/vacant/renewal segment that could be
included in the 12 months. These are not subject to vacancy at this time.
4. TIs and Lease Commissions - it is possible to have TIs and/or Commission costs payable in
respect of a new or renewal lease that would commence during the 12 month projection.
On the Receipts tab in the “Capitalization” area, if the Deduct Post-Sale TI Costs and Lease
Commissions from Capital Value check box is checked on, this reduces the proceeds of sale
when this Capitalization method is active.
Escalation and Inflation
During the 12 month run off period, it is assumed that escalation will continue on rent, turnover
(percentage) rent and Additional Rent revenues. Inflation will continue on TI costs and Additional
Rent costs.
Historic Data Files
Existing files are defaulted to calculate according to the current calculation methodology, in respect
of capitalization (in other words, “off”) so values will not change on existing files.

Gross Development Value

The Gross Development Value is the sum of the following:
• Capitalized Rent: the capitalization of net rental income before deduction of purchaser’s costs,
if defined, (from the Capitalized Rent form in ARGUS Developer);
• Gross sales receipts (from the Unit Sales form in ARGUS Developer).

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 1: Valuation 11

Net Development Value

The Net Development Value is calculated as the Gross Development Value less Purchaser’s Costs (if defined).

NDV = Net Development Value
GDV = Gross Development Value
A = Acquisition costs (also referred to as purchaser’s costs - see below)
Note: The data entry field for Purchaser’s costs is hidden unless Show Purchaser’s Costs has
been checked on the Country tab of System Configuration, under Administration in the File

Purchaser’s Costs
Purchaser’s costs, or acquisition costs, are calculated on the price paid for an investment, i.e. on
Capitalized Rent. These are generally not deducted from gross sales receipts (Unit Sales), although
the user may select this option (Apply to Direct Sales) in the Expenditure tab of the Assumptions
for Calculation form.
Note: The data entry field for Purchaser’s Costs is hidden unless Show Purchaser’s Costs has
been checked on the Country tab of System Configuration, under Administration in the File
Purchaser’s costs comprise agents and legal fees, and other acquisition costs, totalled to give a
single percentage figure.
Costs are generally residualised on the total Capitalized Rent and are calculated by the following

A = CR-  -----------------
 ( 1 + a )

CR = Capitalized Rent
a = Purchaser’s costs, expressed as a percentage
A = Purchaser’s costs, expressed as an amount
In ARGUS Developer, in the Expenditure tab of Assumptions for Calculation, users may specify
whether Purchaser’s Costs are calculated on the Gross Development Value (i.e Capitalized Rent
before deduction of purchaser’s costs) or Net Development Value.
The above formula assumes Purchaser’s Costs are calculated on the Net Development Value. If the
Gross Development Value is selected for calculation, the formula for calculating Purchaser’s Costs
on the Capitalized Rent is as follows:
A = CR × a

In the Expenditure tab of Assumptions for Calculation in ARGUS Developer, the user may also
select whether Purchaser’s Costs are to be deducted from revenue or added to costs.

Net Realization
Net Realization is the Net Development Value plus any rental income received from tenants during
the project or phase where tenants’ income stream has been enabled.

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12 Chapter 1: Valuation

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 2: Land Transfer Tax 13

Land Transfer Tax

Land Transfer Tax is the tax payable by the purchaser when acquiring land or property, generally
calculated as a % of the purchase price. In ARGUS Developer this is calculated on the Land
Acquisition Price.

Land Transfer Tax can be entered as a single % rate or amount in the Land Transfer field in
Definition or, when the tax is calculated at different %s based on stepped thresholds, a tax profile
can be created using the Land Transfer Tax Schemes form in File|Administration.

Bands are defined by specifying lower and upper band limits and the % tax rate applicable to each
band. The calculation of tax may also be as cumulative or non-cumulative, and fixed amounts can
be manually specified for each band if required.

Cumulative Bands
In some countries, land transfer tax is calculated as a continual accumulation from one band to the
next (as opposed to a single percentage applied to the total value). In this case the tax bands are
cumulative, with differing rates applied to different tranches of the purchase price. These are
totalled to calculate the total tax payment.

For example, purchase tax on a $1,000,000 acquisition, based on the Land Transfer Tax Scheme set
out below, would be calculated as follows:

Cumulative Land Transfer Tax Scheme:

Lower Limit Upper Limit Percentage
$0 $55,000 0.50%
$55,001 $250,000 1.00%
$250,001 (No limit) 1.50%

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

14 Chapter 2: Land Transfer Tax

Tax calculation:
$55,000 @ 0.5% $275.00
$195,000 @ 1.0% $1,950.00
$750,000 @ 1.5% $11,250.00
$1,000,000 $13,475.00

So the Purchase Tax payable would be $13,475.

Non-Cumulative Bands
When bands are non-cumulative, tax is calculated on the whole purchase price at the single % rate
applicable to the band within which the total purchase price falls.
For example, purchase tax on a $450,000 acquisition, based on the Land Transfer Tax Scheme set
out below, would be calculated as follows:
Non-Cumulative Land Transfer Tax Scheme:
Lower Limit Upper Limit Percentage
$0 $59,999 0.00%
$60,000 $249,999 1.00%
$250,000 $499,999 2.50%
$500,000 (No limit) 4.00%

Tax is calculated on the whole purchase price at 2.5%, since the property purchase price of
$450,000 falls within the band $250,000-$499,999.
So the Purchase Tax payable is:
$450,000 * 2.50% = $11,250

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 3: Cash Flow 15

Cash Flow

Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the discount rate which, when applied to each positive and
negative amount in the cash flow, results in a figure (called the Net Present Value or NPV) equal to
zero. The IRR represents the return to an investor of the performance of his money, in terms of
expenditure on purchase, construction costs and fees, rental income and the sales receipt at the end
of the project.
The cash flow in ARGUS Developer follows the standard formulae for computation of the Internal
Rate of Return and Net Present Value. Basically, this is the sum of discounted successive positive
and negative amounts.
The standard formula applied in the mathematics is:

R x1 R +V
 R x2   R x ( n-1 )   xn xn
V 0 =  ------------ +  ----------------------- + ... +  ---------------------------------- +  --------------------------
 1 + a   ( 1 + a ) x ( n-1 )  ( 1 + a ) xn 
( 1 + a ) x2

V0 = Initial value, or Acquisition Price, as a manual figure or residual through iteration
a = Discount rate
n = Number of periods
x = Measure standard for the period (i.e. monthly)
R = Net Income after operating costs and ground rent
Vxn = Valuation net of associated costs
The Cash Flow works through for each period resulting in the accumulation by:

Ri V xn
V0 =
∑ ------------------
(1 + a) (1 + a)
- + -----------------------
i xn
Ri = Recurring periodic net revenue
The practical effects of x and n are illustrated below.
The standard principles for discounting are applied so that the NET PRESENT VALUE is ZERO.
The program finds the IRR by iterating (produces multiple calculated guess rates) over the time
based series of costs and revenues in the cash flow spreadsheet until the difference between the sum
of the discounted receipts and the sum of the discounted costs is zero.
An Initial IRR guess rate must be entered in the Calculation tab of Assumptions for Calculation.

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

16 Chapter 3: Cash Flow

Monthly Discounting
ARGUS Developer calculates the IRR based on monthly discounting where all future figures are
assumed to be timed at the start of each month. The aggregate figure for each month is discounted
from the first of the month. Therefore, total expenditure in, say, month 4 of the cash flow is
discounted from the 1st day of the 4th month back to the project start date.
Total expenditure in month 4 of $100,000 discounted at 12% (PV of $1 for 4 months).
To be precise, it is discounted by the number of days from the first of the (4th) month back to the
project start date.
The formula used is as follows:
(1 + i)
where i = IRR and n is the fractional number of days (122 / 365)=0.3342
( 1 + 0.12 ) = 1.03860
So the calculation is:
$100,000 divided by 1.03860
= $96,283

Manual Discount Rate for Present Value

In ARGUS Developer the user may specify a manual discount rate for the calculation of the Present
Value of the project.
This is entered in the Calculation tab of Assumptions for Calculation. ARGUS Developer will then
calculate the Present Value based on this manually entered discount rate. If this option is selected,
the Present Value and discount rate are displayed in the Performance Measures section of the
Project Proforma report.

Interest and Finance Fees in IRR Calculations

When finance is applied to a project the user may specify whether the calculation of the IRR takes
account of interest payments. This option is set in the Finance tab of Assumptions for Calculation.
If the “Include Interest and Finance Fees in IRR Calculations” option is checked on, then the cost
of interest and finance fees are included in the IRR calculations as accrued, on a monthly basis. If
this option is checked off, then the cost of interest is not charged as a cost to the project until there
is revenue to repay the loan.
The exception to this is the Pre Finance IRR (see “Pre Finance IRR” on page 25) which is always
calculated on the project cashflow excluding interest and fees.

Inflation and Rent Escalation

Inflation and rent escalation are calculated period by period from the start of the project or phase,
and can be applied in advance or in arrears (starting from the first or second month of the project),
by selecting the required setting in the Inflation/Escalation tab of Assumptions for Calculation.
The formula for applying growth (rent escalation and cost inflation) to an amount is:

 -----
 i 12
C× 1+ --------
- 
 100 
 

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 3: Cash Flow 17

C = Amount to be inflated
i = Annual rate of escalation/inflation
n = Escalation period in months from phase start
For example, assume a cost of $1,000,000 payable monthly from the project start over a period of 4
months, with inflation at 3% per annum. The inflated cost is calculated as follows:

Total cost 1,000,000 Inflation 3.00%

Dist. mths 4

In Arrears In Advance
Month Cost Inflation Inflated Inflation Inflated
factor cost factor cost
1 250,000 1.0000 250,000 1.0025 250,617
2 250,000 1.0025 250,617 1.0049 251,235
3 250,000 1.0049 251,235 1.0074 251,854
4 250,000 1.0074 251,854 1.0099 252,475

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

18 Chapter 3: Cash Flow

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 4: Finance 19


There are two financing methods available in ARGUS Developer:

• Basic (interest sets)
• Structured Finance
The financing method is selected in the Finance tab of Assumptions for Calculation.

Basic Finance (Interest Sets)

When the Basic (Interest Sets) financing method is selected, interest is calculated on the net total
amount in each period, which is detailed in the Period Total for Interest row of the Finance Cash
Flow (see graphic below). The monthly interest amounts calculated are shown in the Total Interest
Where the net period total is negative, i.e. an outflow, then the debit rate is applied; where the net
period total is positive (an inflow) the credit rate is applied.

To view all the total interest rows as shown in the picture above, right-click on the rows at the
bottom of the Cash Flow grid and select the Show Full Interest Detail menu option:

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

20 Chapter 4: Finance

Interest Rates
The interest rate(s) to be used in ARGUS Developer are defined in the Interest/PR Sets tab of
Assumptions for Calculation.
The debit rate is the rate of interest charged by the lender on the loan amount and represents an
outflow from the cash flow. The credit rate is the rate at which interest is earned when the finance
arrangement is in credit. It represents an inflow of money to the cash flow.
Basic Finance is calculated on a monthly basis on the Period Total for Interest row in the Finance
Cash flow in ARGUS Developer.

Breakdown of Interest
The breakdown of interest is provided for information purposes only and is only available when the
basic financing method has been selected. It is not used when calculating the total interest charge.
The breakdown is approximate only due to the way in which additional revenues and other income
are used to offset the Building Interest charges. Interest is reported as follows:

Land Interest
This is the total amount of interest attributable to the land costs from the start of the phase to the
beginning of the Letting Vacancy period.

Building Interest
This is the total amount of interest attributable to everything other than land costs. This includes
any income from Additional Revenues and Capitalization. The interest is accrued from the
beginning of the phase to the start of the Letting Vacancy period.

Vacancy Interest
This is the interest attributable to all costs from the start of the Letting Vacancy to the end of the
Letting Vacancy period.

Other Interest
This is the interest attributable to all costs from the end of the Letting Vacancy period to the end of
the phase. Interest is shown in several circumstances:
• If a phase is part of a linked multi-phased scheme and does not realise a profit - interest accrues
on outstanding costs if the phase length is shorter than the project length.
• If a phase is part of a linked multi-phased scheme and realises a profit - interest accrues on the
profit amount if the phase length is shorter than the project length. A Credit Interest rate must
be entered for this to happen.

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 4: Finance 21

• If a phase has a duration entered for the stage after the Letting Vacancy. If the phase realises a
profit and a Credit Interest rate has been entered, interest is earned on the profit amount.

Structured Finance
When Structured Finance is selected, users can set up multiple equity partners, interim loans during
construction (as debt sources of finance) and mortgages to look at financing scenarios for projects.

For further information on setting up, and options for, Structured Finance please see the ARGUS
Developer Reference Manual.

A mortgage loan can be applied when Structured Debt and Equity is used to calculate the financing
of a project appraisal. ARGUS Developer calculates interest and principal (capital repayments),
amortising down to zero for the specified amortization period.
The total monthly payment (DS) to the mortgage lender (principal plus interest) is calculated as
1 + f ) × -f
( 1 + f ) -1
L Loan amount
N Mortgage loan term, or amortization period, in months
f interest factor, calculated from the formula below:
i n
f =  1 + --- -1
i interest rate
n Compounding period (see table below)
p Dividing factor for each compounding period option (see table below)
For example:

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

22 Chapter 4: Finance

Compound Period Dividing Factor

(months) (n) (p)
Monthly 1 12
Quarterly 3 4
Six Monthly 6 2
Annually 12 1

This total monthly mortgage payment amount (DS) comprises principal and interest.
The interest payment each period is calculated as follows:
Outstanding loan balance ×f
where f is the interest factor, calculated as set out above.
The principal may then be calculated as the total mortgage payment less this interest payment.

Debt Service Ratio

The ratio of net operating income to annual mortgage repayment.

Net Operating Income -

Annual mortgage repayment

A ratio of 1.0 indicates a break even situation where the net operating income is just enough to
cover mortgage payments. A higher ratio indicates that the income from the project is more than
sufficient to service the debt.

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 5: Performance Measures 23

Performance Measures

Performance measures are used to assess the return from a project, to analyse the degree of risk
associated with a project and to compare returns from different projects. These measures are
displayed in the Project Proforma screen in ARGUS Developer, and can also be viewed in the
Results Panel. Additional performance measures are calculated in the Finance DCF when
Structured Debt and Equity is applied to a project.
The performance measures calculated in ARGUS Developer are summarised below, with the
exception of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) which is detailed in Chapter 3 ‘Internal Rate of
Return and Net Present Value’ on page 15.

Profit on Cost%
For a project to be financially viable and attractive to a developer, the developer will seek a margin
for risk and profit. This will vary according to the scheme proposed and the state of the market. A
developer’s target profit margin is generally expressed as a yield calculated in terms of either total
costs or total capital value, as shown below.
Profit on Cost is the Profit expressed as a percentage of Total Costs (including interest).

Total Costs

Profit on GDV%
The Profit expressed as a percentage of the Gross Development Value. The Gross Development
Value is the sum of Unit Sales and Capitalized Rent.

Gross Development Value

Development Yield
The Development Yield reflects the investment yield plus the annual return to cover risk and profit,
and is used to assess a scheme’s viability.
Users may specify on the Calculation tab in Assumptions for Calculation whether the Development
Yield is calculated using the Rent or MRV at the Sale Date.
The Development Yield is then calculated as the exit Rent or MRV per annum, inclusive of rental
growth if applied, expressed as a percentage of Total Costs (including interest).

Rent or MRV
Total Costs

In ARGUS Developer the user may also specify whether the calculation of the Development Yield
is to be net of non recoverable costs, ground rent and rent additions/costs, in the Calculation tab of

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

24 Chapter 5: Performance Measures

the Assumptions for Calculation form. The user may also select whether to include tenants with no
capital value.
It should be noted that the development yield will be distorted where there is residential
accommodation, for example, which is to be sold to owner occupiers which will not, therefore, be
income-producing. This accommodation contributes to total costs but not rental value. A possible
solution to this problem would be to create separate phases for the part of the development which is
to be sold to owner occupiers and the part which is to be let and income-producing and to apportion
the land cost between these two phases.

Cost per gross sq ft/sq m

The total project or phase cost (including interest) expressed as an amount per gross floor area, in
sq ft or sq m. This may be displayed in the Results Panel.
Total Costs
Gross floor area

Cost per net sq ft/sq m

The total project or phase cost (including interest) expressed as an amount per net floor area, in sq
ft or sq m. This may be displayed in the Results Panel.
Total Costs -
Net floor area

Plot Ratio (Floor Area Ratio)

This is a measure of the density of development on the site and is calculated by the total gross floor
area expressed as a proportion of the total site area. This may be displayed in the Results Panel.
Total Gross Floor Area
Total site area

Cap Rent per net sq ft/sq m

The Capital Value, or capitalised rent, expressed as an amount per net floor area, in sq ft or sq m.
This may be displayed in the Results Bar.

Capital Value
Net floor area

Return on Equity (ROE)

This is a measure of the return on capital invested in a project to an individual partner, when
Structured Debt and Equity is applied.
Partner profit share
Partner Total contribution + Interest paid
Please note that if the Include Interest and Finance Fees in IRR Calculations switch in Assumptions
for Calculation, Finance tab is not checked then interest is excluded from this calculation.

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 5: Performance Measures 25

Pre Finance IRR

This is the Internal Rate of Return calculated on the project cashflow before finance i.e. excluding
interest and finance fees.
For further information on the IRR calculation please see Chapter 3 ‘Internal Rate of Return and
Net Present Value’ on page 15.

Equity IRR
This is the overall Internal Rate of Return for all equity funding sources in a project, when
Structured Finance is applied. This is calulated from the combined net cashflow for all Equity
funding sources.
For further information on the IRR calculation please see “Internal Rate of Return and Net Present
Value” on page 15.

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

26 Chapter 5: Performance Measures

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 6: Distribution 27


ARGUS Developer provides pre-defined curve types for distributing cost and revenue items in the
cash flow over the timescale of the project. The S Curve and Weighted Curve types are detailed

S Curve
S Curve distribution is typically used to spread construction and associated costs over a project
contract period. The curve imitates the actual spend pattern in a typical building contract.

The S Curve shows a slow initial spend rate, rising to a peak after the mid point of the construction
period and then falling in the period to completion. The resultant cumulative spend curve broadly
follows an “S” shape, hence the name of this distribution type.

The formula for the standard construction distribution curve, the “S Curve”, is as follows:

Starting with:

Old Val = 0

Then loop through each period with the following equations:

Period Number
CM = ---------------------------------------------
Number of Periods

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

28 Chapter 6: Distribution

 6CM 3 - 9CM 2 + 3CM

2 
NewVal = Total Value × CM + ( 0.15 × CM ) - ( 0.15 × CM ) - -----------------------------------------------------------

Period Val = New Val - Old Val

Old Val = Period Val
This can be illustrated by the following example, assuming a total cost of $100,000 to be
distributed using the S curve over 10 months:

Total Cost 100,000

NumPeriods 10

Period CM Factor Cumulative Period Value

1 0.1 2,966 2,966
2 0.2 10,021 7,055
3 0.3 20,218 10,197
4 0.4 32,611 12,392
5 0.5 46,250 13,639
6 0.6 60,189 13,939
7 0.7 73,482 13,292
8 0.8 85,179 11,697
9 0.9 94,334 9,155
10 1 100,000 5,666

Total S-Curved amount 100,000

These values can be displayed graphically as follows:







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cumulative Periodic

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 6: Distribution 29

Weighted Curve
Weighted curve distribution apportions the total item cost over a period based upon the %
weighting specified.
Weighting at 50% distributes the cost item in even amounts across the specified period. Weighting
of greater than 50% produces a “front weighted” distribution where the spend rate falls as the
project progresses, whereas weighting of less than 50% produces an “end loaded” distribution with
the spend rate increasing during the project.

The formula for the weighted curve is as follows:

Weighting × Total Cost
BaseValue = -------------------------------------------------------- × 0.02
Number of Periods
100 - ( Weighting × 2 ) Total Cost
Increment = --------------------------------------------------- × [ --------------------------------------------- × 0.02 ]
Number of Periods - 1 Number of Periods
Starting with:
Period = 0
Then loop through each period with the following equations:
Period Value = Base Value + Period × Increment
Period = Period + 1

This can be illustrated by the following example, assuming a total cost of $100,000 to be
distributed over 10 periods:

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

30 Chapter 6: Distribution

Period Period Value Cumulative

Total Cost 100,000 1 11,000 11,000
NumPeriods 10 2 10,778 21,778
Weighting (%) 55 3 10,556 32,333
4 10,333 42,667
Base Value 11,000 5 10,111 52,778
PeriodIncrement -222.2222 6 9,889 62,667
7 9,667 72,333
8 9,444 81,778
9 9,222 91,000
10 9,000 100,000

Total Weighted Curve Amount 100,000

These values can be displayed graphically as follows:

Weighted Curve







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Cumulative Periodic

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

Chapter 7: Contact details 31

Contact details

Find us on the Web: or

UK contact details:
ARGUS Software (UK) Tel : +44 (0)20 8906 4059 or 0845 6440 400
Fax: +44 (0)020 8959 6079
Support Tel : +44 (0)20 8238 8345
Support email: [email protected]
Info email: [email protected]

US contact details:
ARGUS Software Tel : +1 713-621-4343
Houston, TX Fax: +1 713-621-2787
Support Tel: +1 888-472-1005
Support email: [email protected]
Info email: [email protected]

ARGUS Software Tel : +1 469-791-1000

Plano, TX Fax: +1 469-791-1810
Support Tel: +1 888-472-1005
Support email: [email protected]
Info email: [email protected]

ARGUS Software Tel : +1 856-874-4449

Cherry Hill, NJ Fax: +1 856-874-9179
Support Tel: +1 888-472-1005
Support email: [email protected]
Info email: [email protected]

Canada contact details:

ARGUS Software Toll-free: 1-888-472-1005
Coquitlam, BC Tel : +1 604-472-1001
CANADA Fax: +1 604-472-1002

Support email: [email protected]

Info email: [email protected]

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

32 Chapter 7: Contact details

Australia and Asia Pacific region contact details:

ARGUS Software Tel : +61 2 9262 1332
Sydney NSW
Fax: +61 2 9262 1350
Support email: [email protected]
Info email: [email protected]

Malaysia and East Asia region contact details:

ARGUS Software Tel : +603 6203 2876
Kuala Lumpur
Fax: +603 6203 1802
Support email: [email protected]
Info email: [email protected]

Singapore region contact details:

ARGUS Software Tel : +65 6332-9778
Fax: +65 6338-7959
Support email: [email protected]
Info email: [email protected]

Japan region contact details:

ARGUS Software Tel : +81 467-39-1187
Fax: +81 467-39-1186
Support email: [email protected]
Info email: [email protected]

South Africa region contact details:

ABO Software Toll-free: 080 226 7638
Cape Town
Tel : +27 (0)21 447 9592
Fax: +27 (0)21 426 2708
Info email: [email protected]

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual


Symbols H

% Rents 3 Hotel Valuation 5

Arbitrary Breakpoint 4 Occupancy Profiles 5, 6
Natural Breakpoint 4 Occupancy rates 5
Zero Breakpoint 3 Room rate 5


Inflation 16
Acquisition costs 11
ARGUS Software web address 31
Breakdown of Interest 20
Building Interest 20
C Debt and Credit Rates 20
Interest & finance fees in IRR 16
Interest Rate Type 20
Cap Rent per net sq ft/sq m 24 Land Interest 20
Capital value 1 Other Interest 20
Capitalized Rent 1, 8, 10 Period Total for Interest 19
Cash Flow 15 Vacancy Interest 20
Inflation 16 Internal Rate of Return 15
Interest & finance fees in IRR 16 Equity IRR 25
Internal Rate of Return 15 Interest & finance fees in IRR 16
Manual Discount Rate for Present Value 16 Pre Finance IRR 16, 25
Monthly Discounting 16
Net Present Value 15 L
Rent Escalation 16
Cost per gross sq ft/sq m 24
Land Transfer Tax 13
Cost per net sq ft/sq m 24
Cumulative Bands 13
Non-Cumulative Bands 14
Debt Service Ratio 22
Development Yield 23 Manual Discount Rate 16
Distribution 27 Mortgage 21
S Curve 27 Debt Service Ratio 22
Weighted Curve 29

Net Development Value 11
Escalation 2 Net Operating Income 1
Net Present Value 15
Manual Discount Rate 16
F Net Realization 11

Finance 19 O
Basic Finance (Interest Sets) 19
Breakdown of Interest 20
Debt Service Ratio 22 Occupancy Profiles 6
Occupancy Rates 5
Development Finance 19
Finance Fees 21
Interest Rates 20 P
Mortgage 21
Structured Finance 21
Performance Measures 23
Floor Area Ratio 24 Cap Rent per net sq ft/sq m 24
Cost per gross sq ft/sq m 24
G Cost per net sq ft/sq m 24
Development Yield 23
Equity IRR 25
Gross Development Value 10 Floor Area Ratio 24
Growth/escalation 16 Plot Ratio 24

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual


Pre Finance IRR 25

Profit on Cost% 23
Profit on GDV% 23
Return on Equity (ROE) 24
Plot Ratio 24
Profit on Cost% 23
Profit on GDV% 23
Purchaser’s Costs 11

% Rents 3
Net Operating Income 1
Rent deductions 1
Valuation Rent 1
Rent Escalation 2
Rent free periods
Valuation 8
Return on Equity (ROE) 24

S Curve 27
Structured Finance 21

Tax - Property Purchase 13

Turnover Rents 3

Vacancy Interest 20
Valuation 8
Valuation 1
% Rents 3
Capital value 1
Capitalized Rent 1, 8
Core rental income 7
Hardcore Method 7
Hardcore rate 7
Hotel Valuation 5
Net Operating Income 1
Rent Escalation 2
Reversion 7
Turnover Rent 3
Valuation Rent 1
Voids and Rent Free Periods 8

Weighted Curve 29

Capitalization yield 1
Development yield 23
Hardcore rate 7

ARGUS Developer version 4.05 Calculations Manual

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